Out of Order

by Some Leech

First published

Principal Celestia hears of some rather questionable bathroom activities and decides to investigate...

It's not uncommon for Principal Celestia to hear all manner of wild and unfounded rumors about the student body, but it's exceptionally rare for her sister to spin a tall tale. Apparently, according to her sibling, there's a particular restroom where people can go to relieve some stress. With her curiosity piqued, the Principal heads off to investigate the suspicious activity itself...

Kinks Include: Futa on ??? (CYOA), Oral, Anal, Glory Holes, Mysterious Horse Wiener, Anonymous Sex, Secretive Sexual Shenanigans, and a Few Spent Loads
NOTE: All characters are 18+ and totally legal

Artwork by ManiacPaint
Edit by Evan555alpha

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Daily Maintenance

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As the final bell rang out through the classrooms and corridors of Canterlot High School, Principal Celestia pushed herself away from her desk. Retrieving her purse and keys, she got up and moved towards the exit of her office. With the week nearly finished, having only one last day of classes, she was more than ready for her weekend.

It wasn’t like she hated her job or anything, but it could definitely be draining at times - especially towards the end and beginning of each semester. Outside of the occasional incident of students acting out or goofing off a little too much, the start and finish of every term was a trial. It took time for the teenagers to settle in, having grown used to spending all their free time doing as they pleased, and they always became overly energetic before the Christmas and summer breaks.

There was only a few weeks until the spring semester was finished, as fate would have it, and the student body seemed hellbent to get on her last nerve. Nobody had done anything particularly egregious, so far, but there were weekly reports of parties, practical jokes, or salacious rumors floating about. All things considered, she found herself fortunate that things weren’t worse.

Lingering in her office, giving the students time to flee from the building, she idly checked her phone. She sighed, realizing that her personal email and the dating app she’d been testing out were lacking any new messages. Though she hadn’t had much hope of finding a romantic partner, she’d expected someone to make a pass at her.

Only in her thirties, having a decently paying job, and good looking for her age, she was a damn good catch - at least, she thought she was. Tall, reasonably well built, a respectable C cup bust, and a well sculpted rump should have gotten her a few flirtatious messages by now, if nothing else, yet nobody had so much as asked her out to a meal!

Switching apps, she browsed through her rather expansive gallery of selfies. While there were a few of her at school functions or social gatherings, the overwhelming majority of her photos were of her posing naked, masturbating, or both - yes, although she hadn’t had much luck with dating, she had accrued a fair number of followers through her raunch and clandestine online activities.

Posting images of herself to various online forums or message boards, showing off her body and reading the lustful responses of users had become quite the thrilling pastime for her. After a bottle of brandy and some self-validation of her looks, she’d uploaded a few nude photos and drunkenly waited for a reply. Board members responded immediately, begging her for more and lavishing her with praise.

As depraved as it was, fueled by alcohol and the approval of doubtlessly teenage viewers, she kept the pictures flowing. Shot after shot, pose after pose, she’d sent increasingly revealing shots - that was, until she’d fully removed her pants. Maybe it was because she’d been caught in the moment, or perhaps it was due to the intoxication, but she’d ended up unveiling something she shouldn’t have. A lone question shook her from her stupor and immediately sobered her to a degree - ‘Oh my god, she has a dick!

Askance, desperately typing away on her phone to play it off as a joke, the reaction was swift and caught her completely by surprise. Much to her shock, the users were positively elated to see her big, fat, vascular horse cock. Showered with promises and immoral wishes, she’d furiously gotten off and passed out in bed, leaving the forum to masturbate to her lewds.

Celestia had never gotten any legitimate explanation as to why she had a dick, but she knew her sister Luna was similarly equipped - albeit slightly less endowed. They’d been raised normally, had an ordinary childhood, acquired degrees at university, and even had a number of attempted romantic affairs with potential lovers; all throughout, nobody had offered an answer for why either of them were literally hung like horses. Her closest guess was that it may have had something to with growing up next to the abandoned chemical treatment plant-turned nuclear waste storage facility where people theorized the government had an extraterrestrial research laboratory, but that was crazy talk.

Regardless of the massive package she was rocking, her clandestine and salacious online activity was kept far departed from the rest of her life. She was actively looking for romance, although she had no desire to woo a potential lover with pornographic material of herself - being a showoff was fun, but it was only for fun. If and when she found a paramour, through legitimate means, she would broach the subject of her stallionhood in a safe, calm, relaxed…

“Holy shit,” Luna huffed, stumbling into the office and catching her sister wholly off guard.

Glaring at the younger woman, shaken from her amorous reverie, Celestia scowled - at least she did, until she got a good look at her sibling. Luna looked like she’d either been in a fight, fallen down a flight of stairs, or possibly both at the same time. Her hair was a mess, her clothes were sullied and slickened with something, and she was moving unsteadily.

“Please,” Celestia began, pinching the bridge of her nose, “please tell me that’s frosting and not what I think it is…” Upon the front of her sister’s pants and spackled along one leg was a trail of suspiciously white and viscous fluid.

“Shoot, I thought I got it all,” Luna groused, reaching over and retrieving a tissue from the tabletop. Mopping the liquid from her slacks, leaving a rather prominent stain, she knit her brow.

With a heavy sigh, Celestia walked over and rested a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Luna, dearest sister, please explain why the vice principal is in my office with cum stains on her pants…”

Standing straight, Luna brushed off her shirt and cleared her throat. “I’m not telling you.”

Taken aback, Celestia’s eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

“You’ll ruin it, if I tell you, and I will not lose something this delicious,” Luna huffed, defiantly crossing her arms and looking away.

The principal leered over at her insubordinate subordinate, squinting in consternation. Though the impertinence was vexing, it stroked her curiosity. “You know, I could always fire you…”

“You’d do nothing of the sort,” the young sister scoffed, deflecting the halfhearted threat. “Besides, if you did that, you’d never find out my little secret.”

Celestia paused, shrewdly rubbing her chin. “Well, considering where your spunk was, I’m left to assume you got some action from somebody,” she mused, peeking up to her sister’s face. Luna fidgeted uncomfortably, though she kept her mouth shut, cementing her suspicions. With her intuition telling her she was onto something, she pressed her inquisition. “Unless one of the staff is walking funny, you must have done it with a student…”

“Honestly,” Luna murmured, trying and utterly failing to look inconspicuous, “I don’t know if I did…”

“Explain,” Celestia inquired, her interest piqued.

“Ok, fine, but you have to promise not to do anything about it,” Luna tutted, leveling a finger at her sibling.

Cocking her hip and bearing a stern expression, the elder sister’s eyes narrowed. “That depends entirely on what it is.”

“In the boys’ room, just outside the gymnasium, there’s a stall with a glory hole,” Luna explained. “Every day, just before the final bell, somebody waits in there and - Ahem - services someone in the adjoined compartment.”

“And you just helped yourself to some anonymous action?” Celestia pressed.

“I didn’t believe it was a real thing. I swear, I was only going to investigate a rumor but, well, I couldn’t help myself,” the young woman muttered, her cheeks darkening.

“Luna, if it was a student, you actually could get fired for this!” the Principal scolded, shaking her head in disbelief.

“Sister, that’s just it, it’s completely incognito! Neither participant knows who the other is!” Luna asserted.

Giving herself a moment, processing what she’d heard, Celestia tapped a foot. As intriguing as the information was, there was one question which leapt to her mind. “And they were able to handle all of you?”

Luna’s pained and embarrassed expression, paired with the way she gnawed her lip, silently answered the question. To think that someone, be it student or not, was capable of fellating a cock of Luna’s caliber was nearly unbelievable. Only those with the highest degree of sexual experience could handle even a fraction of her sister’s titanic length, so far as she knew, leaving her to wonder about her own colossal unit. Contrary to popular belief, wielding a horse dick was both a blessing and a curse.

Over the years, on the scant few sexual encounters that hadn’t ended with outright rejection, she’d routinely failed to receive adequate servicing. While she’d gotten nearly half of her shaft into a partner once, nobody had ever hilted her entirely. The thought alone that someone in the school could possibly manage everything she had to offer sent an excited shiver up her spine.

“I’ll investigate it myself,” she breathed, adjusting her purse strap and walking towards the door.

“Wait,” Luna blurted, catching her sister’s shoulder, “you’re not going to put a stop to it, are you?”

Shrugging off her sibling, Celestia continued undeterred. “If they are somehow able to fellate even a third of what I have, I’ll consider not looking too deeply into it,” she groaned, seeing herself out and proceeding towards the staff parking lot.

Her drive home, while brief, was consumed by thoughts of the wanton revelation. The remainder of her afternoon was relatively standard; she made a modest meal, showered, watched a bit of television, then curled up and fell asleep. Normally, she would have cranked one out before hitting the sack, although the prospect of depositing an extra thick load down someone’s throat stayed her hand.

After a restful and uneventful slumber, her Friday began like any other. After arriving back at school, she busied herself with reviewing lesson plans from teachers and purchase orders from the cafeteria. Neither task was terribly taxing, leaving her mind to wander for most of the day. Truth be told, she was just trying to kill time until the mystical hour of the supposed bathroom succubus.

Ultimately, after what felt like a small eternity of waiting, the final period was upon her. Straightening her desk, she strode from her office and towards the suspect restroom. Through the vacant corridors, passing the packed classrooms, she wondered who would be waiting for her - that is, if anyone was waiting at all. If it was a student pulling such an act, they were violating several rules; however, if it was a teacher or staff member, she could easily dismiss them. Either way, should she find their efforts lacking, they’d be punished severely.

Smoothly entering the designated boys’ room, walking through the door-less entryway, she inspected the interior. A series of four urinals sat along one side, next to a set of three stalls and opposite of several sinks. The walls and flooring were all tiled, allowing easy cleanup from any messes which may occur. All told, it was a standard student lavatory and a wholly unremarkable, albeit a dimly lit one.

Glancing to the toilet compartments, noticing that the third and final booth was closed, she silently made her approach. The first stall was empty, though she slowed to a halt at the second stall. There, in the partition leading to the alcove in the corner, was a neatly bored hole. Drawing nearer, she inspected the mysterious portal.

Whoever had crafted the glory hole had done so with plenty of forethought. Roughly four inches wide, its sides were thoughtfully lined with a protective coating of duct tape. It was easily large enough for someone to slip an arm through, so even her prodigious equipment would fit with ease. Staving off the temptation to peek through the opening, lest she ruin the surprise, she closed the door behind herself and unclasped her belt.

Opening the front of her pants, she leaned forward and drew the garment down her thighs. As the article passed over her crotch, revealing an absolutely monstrous bulge within her panties, she grinned. Her undergarments were some of the only specialty items she owned, custom tailored to house her equipment. Releasing her slacks, letting them fall to the floor, she hooked her thumbs over her underwear.

Tugging the panties downward, her package was revealed. Covered in mottled pink flesh, with a darkened sheath, it flopped free in the cool air. Even flaccid, it was exceptionally impressive. From blunted crown to girthy root, her length had the slightest taper to it. Replete with a pair of weighty nuts, which dangled just beneath her shaft, her picturesque stallionhood was a sight to behold.

Smiling down at her crotch, she flexed her pelvis and sent blood surging into the limb. Throbbing slightly, her tool swelled and grew marginally larger. She saw no reason to work herself up, before presenting herself through the glory hole. The sight of a horse cock would be jarring enough for many, let alone one at full mast, so she thought it only fair to start things off slowly.

Stepping out of her slacks and panties, Celestia grabbed the base of her dick and turned towards the partition. Fortunately, the hole was located at nearly the perfect height, allowing her to insert her shaft with relative ease. Slipping the tip of her length through the opening, shuffling towards the wall, she listened intently for any sign of shock or surprise.

A second of silence passed, then a third and fourth, while she stood motionless. Without having peeked under the wall, she had no way of knowing if anyone was even in the final stall. The principal shifted in place, wondering if she should call it quits, before a warm breath wafted across the sensitive flesh of her stallionhood. Though it was faint, the sound of someone breathing through their nose drifted to her ears.

While she’d never thought much about it, the few sexual partners Celestia had experience with had all reported that her scent was intoxicating. To her, her natural aroma was barely noticeable - still, for others, it was apparently quite the bouquet. Listening to the stranger sniffing her length, feeling what had to be their nose bump against her shaft, they slowly moved towards her battering ram-like head.

Suddenly, as quickly as it had begun, the sounds stopped entirely. Wondering if something had gone awry, the most sublime warmth wrapped around the tip of her cock. Obscured by the wall, she was left to envision a pair of pouting, luscious lips around her glans. Reflexively bucking her hips, she impatiently jammed another inch or two into her partner’s maw.

Despite the impulsive thrust and imposing size of her dick, her lover didn’t gag or shy away - no, if anything, they worked even harder to please her. A hand clutched the base of her length, gently stroking it as best they could, while they slurped and hungrily fellated the log of flesh. A sharp inhale was all the warning Celestia had, as she felt her tool slip into the snug confines of a throat.

As astounding as the sensations were, she wasn’t used to the salacious setup. One of her hands held tightly to a coat hook, while the other fumbled with her blouse. Standing pressed against a bathroom partition wasn’t exactly the most comfortable thing, so she did what she could to elevate the experience. Undoing the top three buttons of her shirt, she tugged at her bra.

Whoever was choking themselves on her dick, she had to admit, she was damn impressed. They drew breath when they could, lovingly stroked her, and worked the underside of her shaft with their tongue. Regardless of whether it was a student, faculty member, a boy, or a girl, they sure as hell knew what they were doing.

Withdrawing, feeling their lips drag up her length, a subtle wet Pop signaled their retreat. Shuffling backward and peering down at her stallionhood, something curious caught her eye. Streaks of bright red lipstick smeared over nearly half of her shaft. As hot as the sight was, or perhaps because of it, she knit her brow.

At that point, having been brought to a full erection, yet she hadn’t come close to reaching her limit - sure, she’d been steadily growing closer to the finish line, embracing the wondrously hedonistic sensations coursing through her, but she still had some distance to cover. Wondering what had happened and why the exquisite service had stopped, she noticed movement through the portal.

Something large, warm, and soft pressed against her cock, causing her to take a small step back. Leaning over slightly, gazing through the opening, her eyes went wide. Gone was any trace of a mouth or a face, replaced by the winking, slickened pucker of a backdoor. The sight gave her a moment for pause, realizing that she’d come to a crossroad.

Luna hadn’t mentioned anything about actually fucking someone through the wall, yet she found it extraordinarily difficult to turn down such a scrumptious offer. Being worked up and ready to blow a load was bad enough, but it was compounded by the fact that she’d been suffering through quite a lengthy dry-spell. Clutching her length, milking a few glistening drops of pre-cum through her shaft, she licked her lips and got into position.

Even if she was caught, she outranked everyone in the school and she highly doubted that anyone would believe some debauched tale about the Principal plowing people in the bathroom. If it came to it, were she actually about to rut one of the students, she could always blame it on a case of mistaken identity. With plausible deniability on her side, and the winds of lust driving her onward, she readied herself.

After licking the fingers of her right hand, she reached down to test the neatly presented orifice. A single digit slid in effortlessly, spurring her to insert a second and third. As she’d suspected, her clandestine partner had definitely done some prep work. Slickened with lubricant and astonishingly pliable, they’d clearly come prepared for such a possible engagement.

She wasn’t sure if they’d been playing with their ass while fellating her, but it mattered little. Having cramming her pinkie and thumb inside of them, all but fisting them, she withdrew her hand. Even if they couldn’t manage her entire length, she had little doubt that they could handle her breadth.

Leveling her cock at their entrance, she gave the pucker a prod. A delighted, effeminate groan emanated from the stall, wordlessly urging her to continue. Pressing her hips forward, the ass yielded to her stallionhood. With an all but audible Pop, she worked into their rump. Warm, velvety, and delectably taut, she savored their interior.

Delving deeper, relishing every second, she watched her shaft disappear. It was like some wanton magic act, with their seemingly bottomless bottom swallowing inch after inch. Thrusting, driving herself into them, her bust pressed against the partition. If she hadn’t been hindered by the infernal wall, she would have been nearly hilted - still, she was more than pleased with just how accommodating they were.

She felt them shift, clamping down and rocking forward, before slamming their rump back against the divider. Celestia snorted, amazed with their initiative. Eager to please, taking a second to get the timing down, she rammed her waist forward. A barely stifled, throaty groan cut through the air, as their movements synchronized.

Save for the rhythmic hammering of two bodies against the flimsy barrier, a series of grunts and groans reverberated throughout the room. Though the noises were faint, anyone in the relatively confined area would likely notice that something was amiss. Thankfully, given the hour and their location, the chances of being happened upon were perilously slim, leaving the two to sate themselves in peace.

Celestia grit her teeth, doing her damnedest not to vocalize. If she were to speak even a single word, whoever she was plowing would likely figure out who she was. It was a precarious situation, exacerbated by the fact that she really, really wanted to pull out all the stops. The curious mixture of arousal, pleasure, and frustration drove her to thrust harder with every passing second.

Her partner, whoever the hell they were, gave as good as they got. Clenching on the backstrokes, meeting her every move, and occasionally altering the angle of their movements, they worked her cock like a well seasoned whore. Snorting, she fruitlessly fought to jam every inch of her shaft through the opening and into her mate.

Steadily increasing in speed, hammering into her clandestine lover, Celestia welcomed the growing sensations of her impending release. Her heart thundered in her chest, her stallionhood throbbed, and her nuts snuggled up to her groin. The finish line was within her grasp, leaving her to make the final, desperate rush to push herself over the edge. Just as the telltale signs of climax were upon her, the unthinkable happened.

The ass she was ravaging crashed into the partition, nearly hilting her length, while her lover savagely clamped around her. Caught unawares, already beginning to flare, the vehement move was her undoing. Clenching her jaw, a torrent of seed surged through her madly throbbing shaft. Awash in bliss, overwhelmed by the sensation of actually unloading into someone, her reverie was cut woefully short.

At the drop of a hat, her paramour hastily unsheathed from her stallionhood. Before she even realized what had happened, struggling to comprehend how anyone could have withdrawn from her fully-flared tool, the scampering of footfalls graced her ears. With the cold, uninviting air upon her slick and turgid shaft, she numbly looked towards the exit. Her bid to catch whoever had been confidentially servicing students and faculty members had backfired spectacularly.

She spent the remainder of the afternoon, as well as the evening thereafter, in a haze. It was odd; on one hand, she was enamored by the fact that someone was willing and able to please her in such a thrilling fashion - on the other, she was royally displeased that she hadn’t uncovered whoever was behind it. That night, as she curled up in her bed, she vowed to discover whom the culprit was - even if it meant making multiple investigative trips to the restroom.

For the following week, Celestia devoted herself to being a detective in everything but name. Furtively observing which students and staff members were in classes, while the appointed magical hour was held, she made quick work of shortening her list. She checked in on the bathroom activities, for research purposes, but only to ensure the lustful activities were still occurring. Unfortunately, despite her best efforts, she eventually ran into a problem.

Simply put, it was impossible to have eyes and ears everywhere. Even with her surveillance, she couldn’t keep constant tabs on everyone in the school. On the following Friday, having realized that her endeavor was impossible, she sulked back to the chosen restroom. If nothing else, at least she’d be able to sate herself with the covert paramour.

Resignedly stepping out of her pants and underwear, she slipped her semi-flaccid length through the glory hole. Unlike with her first time, a gleeful hum greeted her. As the warm, plump lips kissed and worshiped her mighty stallionhood, a shuddering breath escaped her. In a matter of moments, having licked and fondled her to a fully rigid length, they set upon her.

In an unforeseen change of pace, there was next to no oral - sure, there’d been a little bit of lip service, but it was painfully short lived. The sounds of scuffling shoes and ruffling garments, though subtle, told her everything she needed to know. Apparently eager to have their backdoor obliterated, they enthusiastically pressed their rump to the opening. While it hadn’t been what Celestia was expecting, it did give her an idea.

Guiding herself to their opening and forcibly plugging into their depths, she skillfully enacted her plan. Shoving her medial ring into their pucker, hearing them whimper, she steadily started fucking. If she could make them cum hard enough, she might just buy enough time to catch them before they recover. Biting her lip, doing everything in her power to restrain herself, she sought purely to rut her covert concubine into submission.

Taking her time, the speed and force of her strokes gradually increased. Though the sensations her lover afforded were wondrous, hearing their muffled, throaty groans of bliss prompted her to continue. If and when she brought them to a cataclysmic climax, she could always have her way with them - after she’d uncovered who they were, of course. As the minutes ticked by, feeling them erratically bucking back against her, she realized her tactic was working.

Though she couldn’t see them, she felt her lover tremble uncontrollably. Their movements became irregular, while their backdoor spasmed and seized fitfully around her length. As their orgasmic whimpers pushed her onward, the mysterious stranger abruptly unsheathed themselves from her length. She had to assume they had collapsed, given the way her tool had been momentarily dragged downward, but she couldn’t be sure.

The cold, uninviting air of the room, contrasted against what had been her lover’s hot and comfortable interior was jarring. Glowering angrily at the vacant opening, her lip curled in annoyance. The way she saw it, she had two options: she could either depart, abandoning the succulent mouth and ass which had so admirably pleasured her, or she could give in, walk into their stall, and have her way with them - naturally, she chose the latter.

Boy's Room

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Throwing the door of her compartment open, Celestia marched to the corner enclosure. Grabbing the handle of the locked stall, she wrenched flimsy wood from its hinges and stared inside. Much to her shock, sitting on the floor was a young, male student. Though she couldn’t remember his name, she recognized him from around the school.

Svelte and effeminate, with shoulder length hair, he could have passed for a girl with relative ease, were it not for the tiny manhood on his crotch. Naked from the waist down, with his jeans resting in the corner, her suspicions were confirmed; beside his pants sat a bottle of lubricant and a number of condoms. Though there was no earthly way the prophylactics would fit someone of her endowment, she applauded him for having some forethought about safety.

If she was correct about who he was, he was one of the seniors who’d be graduating in the very near future. Drunkenly looking up at her, he hungrily licked his lips. His gaze only lingered on her face for a moment, before wandering down her open blouse, past her exposed bosoms, and to the towering stallionhood twitching angrily at her groin.

Slowly, as if in a trance, he began to crawl in her direction - all the while, his eyes never fled from her package. With his pants around his ankles, and his softening prick leaking cum, he squatted down before her and opened his mouth. Shooting her a pleading look, kissing the tip of her length, he rested his hands on her hips.

With the cat out of the bag, Celestia saw no reason not to finish the job. Each knew who the other was, they’d been fucking in a school bathroom, and he seemed more than eager to finish what he’d started. Reaching down, combing her fingers through his hair, she clutched his head and drove herself into his maw.

Past his luscious lips and into his throat, her length plunged into his awaiting gullet. A contented sigh of relief escaped her, as she took a second to appreciate the all too lovely confines she’d grown accustomed to. Tightening her grip, without waiting another moment, she began ferociously plowing his face. He’d cum already and, by the heavens, she was going to pump a load directly into his stomach.

Bucking into his face, while pulling his head to her crotch, Celestia had her way with him. Though he gagged slightly, likely unused to being treated so harshly, he didn’t seem too bothered - no, if anything, he was getting off to being used. Craning her neck to the side, spying him cranking himself off, she grinned savagely.

The additional freedom of movement, paired with how close she’d been minutes prior, left her teetering on the brink. The tip of her shaft flared, adding resistance to her efforts, yet she was indomitable. Snorting like a stud in rut, her nuts slapped against his chin. She hoped he was ready, because she was about to completely overshadow her sister’s performance.

With one final, herculean thrust, she triumphantly hilted. Leaving his nose buried in her groin, just above her musky, unwashed sheath, she watched his eyes roll to the back of his head; the sight was the perfect complement to her crescendo. A tidal wave of bliss overtook her, just as a veritable tsunami of her spunk coursed through her shaft. Closing her eyes, fitfully bucking into his face, she savored the well-deserved rapture.

Throbbing madly, sending what had to be pints of thick, virile seed down his neck, her stallionhood stayed firmly in place. While his throat was markedly bulged, each disgorged shot caused it to swell noticeably larger. Masturbating furiously, he spontaneously climaxed over the floor. Though he’d probably been face-fucked a fair number of times, he’d certainly never been used in such a divinely ruthless fashion.

As her climax subsided, leaving her in a blissful stupor, Celestia relented. Releasing his head, she dragged her still pulsing length from his gullet. The final shots of her jizz spattered over his chest, shoulders, face, and hair, marking him with her essence. Smiling down at him, after working the last drops of spunk from her shaft, she neatly fixed her blouse, stowed her equipment into her panties, and pulled up her pants.

“It should go without saying that, if you want to graduate, this didn’t happen,” she coolly tutted, crossing her arms over her chest. Sternly peering down at him, seeing him languidly nod up at her, she tapped a foot; she wasn’t finished yet, not by a long shot. “After you’re done cleaning up this mess,” she continued, pointing to their mingled cum cooling on the tile, “you are dismissed for today.”

The boy went to protest, holding up a finger, yet all he could manage was a weak cough. She’d really done a number on him and, even if he could talk, he was in desperate need of a change. Although she wasn’t one to let students cut classes, she thought it only fair that he get a bit of extra time to recuperate. Her expression softened slightly, hoping to calm him, as she leaned forward and stroked his cheek.

“My office, first thing tomorrow morning,” she whispered, angling his face towards herself. Before he could reply, she pressed a finger to his lips. “Don’t worry,” she cooed, shooting him a wink, “there’s plenty of head room under my desk…”

Girl's Room

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Throwing the door of her compartment open, Celestia marched to the corner enclosure. Grabbing the handle of the locked stall, she wrenched flimsy wood from its hinges and stared inside. Much to her shock, sitting on the floor, was a young, female student. Though she couldn’t remember her name, she recognized her from around the school.

Svelte and buxom, with shoulder length hair, she was definitely easy on the eyes - especially considering her state of undress. Naked from the waist down, with her jeans resting in the corner, Celestia’s suspicions were confirmed; beside her discarded pants sat a bottle of lubricant and a number of condoms. Though there was no earthly way the prophylactics would fit someone of her endowment, she applauded the girl for having some forethought about safety.

If Celestia was correct about who she was, she was one of the seniors who’d be graduating in the very near future. Drunkenly looking up at her, she hungrily licked her lips. The lass’ gaze only lingered on her face for a moment, before wandering down her open blouse, past her exposed bosoms, and to the towering stallionhood twitching angrily at her groin.

Slowly, as if in a trance, she began to crawl in the woman’s direction - all the while, her eyes never fled from the horse cock before her. With her pants around their ankles, and her snatch drooling down her leg, she squatted down before Celestia and opened her mouth. Shooting her a pleading look, kissing the tip of her length, she rested her hands on the administrator’s hips.

With the cat out of the bag, Celestia saw no reason not to finish the job. Each knew who the other was, they’d been fucking in a school bathroom, and the girl seemed more than eager to finish what she’d started. Reaching down, combing her fingers through her hair, she clutched her head and drove herself into the lass’ maw.

Past her luscious lips and into the girl’s throat, her length plunged down into the awaiting gullet. A contented sigh of relief escaped her, as she took a second to appreciate the all too lovely confines she’d briefly departed. Tightening her grip, without waiting another moment, she began ferociously plowing her face. Whoever she was, she’d cum already and, by the heavens, Celestia was going to pump a load directly into her stomach.

Bucking into the girl’s face, while pulling her head to her crotch, Celestia had her way with her. Though she gagged slightly, likely unused to being treated so harshly, she didn’t seem too bothered - no, if anything, she was getting off to being used. Craning her neck to the side, spying vehemently rubbing her snatch, she grinned savagely.

The additional freedom of movement, paired with how close Celestia had been minutes prior, left her teetering on the brink. The tip of her shaft flared, adding resistance to her efforts, yet she was indomitable. Snorting like a stud in rut, her nuts slapped against the girl’s chin. She hoped her mate was ready, because she was about to completely overshadow her sister’s performance.

With one final, herculean thrust, she triumphantly hilted. Leaving the lass’ nose buried in her groin, just above her musky, unwashed sheath, Celestia watched her eyes roll to the back of her head; the sight was the perfect complement to her crescendo. A tidal wave of bliss overtook her, just as a veritable tsunami of her spunk coursed through her shaft. Closing her eyes, fitfully bucking into her face, she savored the well-deserved rapture.

Throbbing madly, sending what had to be pints of thick, virile seed down her neck, the principal’s stallionhood stayed firmly in place. While the girl’s throat was markedly bulged, each disgorged shot caused it to swell noticeably larger. Masturbating furiously, she spontaneously climaxed over the floor. Though she’d likely been face-fucked a fair number of times, she’d certainly likely never been used in such a divinely ruthless fashion.

As her climax subsided, leaving her in a blissful stupor, Celestia relented. Releasing her head, she dragged her still pulsing length from the student’s gullet. The final shots of her jizz spattered over her chest, shoulders, face, and hair, marking the teenager with her essence. Smiling downward, after working the last drops of spunk from her shaft, she neatly fixed her blouse, stowed her equipment into her panties, and pulled up her pants.

“It should go without saying that, if you want to graduate, this didn’t happen,” Celestia cooly tutted, crossing her arms over her chest. Sternly peering down at her, seeing her languidly nod, she tapped a foot; she wasn’t finished yet, not by a long shot. “After you’re done cleaning up this mess,” she continued, pointing to their mingled cum cooling on the tile, “you are dismissed for today.”

The girl went to protest, holding up a finger, yet all she could manage was a weak cough. Celestia really done a number on her and, even if she could talk, she was in desperate need of a change. Although she wasn’t one to let students cut classes, she thought it only fair that the girl get a bit of extra time to recuperate. Her expression softened slightly, hoping to calm her, as she leaned forward and stroked her cheek.

“My office, first thing tomorrow morning,” she whispered, angling her face towards herself. Before the student could reply, she pressed a finger to her lips. “Don’t worry,” she cooed, shooting her a wink, “there’s plenty of head room under my desk…”