Murder I Wrote

by Shadowflash

First published

A teenager is murdered, and is sent to Equestria. For better, or worse.

Ever have a best friend? Probably the greatest friend, really. I had quite a few, some live a few hours away, others just live nearby. Unfortunately, it's not fun when your friend stabs you in the chest. Almost literally.

I really miss everything. My old life. But, perhaps I can make it work, here... In Equestria.


Decided to write a HiE, hopefully following all of All American's rules. Trust me, it'll be better than most, with the help of Gunsmith.


Rules for writing HiEs:

1. Self-inserts. Just don't do it. Trust me. (x)
2. A manticore is so over used, I feel insulted whenever one makes an appearance. Bonus anger if one shows up in the first fuckin' chapter.
3. Try to skim over the awkward meet n' greet scene that all these stories have. No one wants to hear about how bad our world is for 7 paragraphs.
4. Don't have a mane 6 instantly fall for your character or if you do, give them a fucking reason.
5. "Is that grass?" Fuck. No.
6. Cell phone. Again, fuck no.
7. "I am going to save the world!" bonus anger if the MC has magical powers that he pulls out of his ass.
8. "I instantly love this world and would never hurt a fly in it." This makes me want to cough up blood.
10. A mary sue. There is a special place in Hell for authors that make these.
11. Spelling. You don't want to sound like an idiot to your readers.
12. Grammar. Refer to rule 11.
13. Format your story properly.
14. No. more. FUCKING. pilots.
15. Don't give your character a small arsenal right in the beginning.
16. Don't make your character an incompetent tit. I have no sympathy for tools.
17. Human turns pony upon arrival for no good reason. Bonus points for somehow immediately adopting to walking on four legs and manages to not look so awkward while stumbling upon Ponyville. Extreme anger if your OC is a MOTHERFUCKING ALICORN.
18. Adding "fanon" ponies into the story, especially Lyra, Bon-bon, and Derpy. Bonus points for turning Lyra into a socially-awkward pony who craves everything human related and some more.
19. Falling into unconsciousness for stupid and arbitrary reasons (i.e., Applejack/Rainbow Dash bucking the protagonist, hitting head into a tree root, etc.)
20. Extremely wangsty teenager who hates their life, family, society, and everything else. Bonus points if the teenager either: a) falls in love with Fluttershy, b) wants to live in Equestria forever and disregards planet Earth for good, c) wangst how Earth is a shitty planet full of war, chaos, economic disparity, etc., d) all of the above.
21. Don't kill off canon characters. This is a good way to end up on the business end of an angry mob.
22. Pace your story. DETAILS BITCH. USE THEM!
23. Don't make the reason your human is in Equestria a fucking portal. Can you try and ring some originality out of your skull or do I have to beat it out of you?
24. No more fucking car crash entries. Refer to rule 23.
25. Amnesia. Don't do it you lazy bastard. Give your character a face, name, and backstory or else he is just another douche off of the street that we could careless about if he ends up in a dumpster or with a bullet in his head.
26. Brony in Equestria. 'Nuff said. (x)
27. Quit ripping off My Little Dashie. I will find you and I will kill you.

Things with a '(x)' are rules I broke.

The Night I Die

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Murder I Wrote

Chapter 1

The Night I Die

My alarm starts buzzing as my eyes are shut, and my ears ring from the sound waves bouncing around in their canals. I lay on my right side, on a feather-and-springboard bed. My head rests on two large feather pillows, stacked atop one another. They're soft and relaxing, but as time proves, the wear and tear of the casing causes the feathers to poke through and scratch my face.

I erect my body, my eyes shooting open; I can literally feel the bags sag from beneath them. I look around my room; dim sunlight shoots through the windows and wooden shutters behind me, just above my baseboard. It's warm, which is alright, but it's a nuisance as it beams onto my eyes, making me turn my head away.

I look around the room, as the alarm still blares its annoying tone, and I glare at it on my desk. It sits just on the corner of my oak desk, which has seen better days. The clock is black in color, and holds a picture of a brunette woman holding her legs to her chest, as if in the fetal position. The numbers on the clock read '5:30 AM', which means it's time to get up, get dressed, and get ready for a boring day of school.

I quickly slide off my bed, onto my feet, and click a button on the alarm, shutting it up. I sigh as I look at my ratty desk, and eye the many carvings I put into it in my adolescence. Most of them are just lines from digging my pens in the oak. Others are from knives and read curse words on it.

Along with all those carvings, I have my blue binder filled to the brim with papers already, which sits on the farther side of the desk. Above that there are shelves with various pens, books, and my favourite plushie of Knuckles the Echidna. How I love Sonic, still, even at my age.

So-forth, I walk over to my dresser, which lays just in front of my bed, but against the wall. On it lays a Blu-Ray/DVD player and a thirty-two inch plasma-screen TV. I'm not one to like televisions, really. I just use mine for gaming, anyways; which eventually burns images into the screen. The dresser is also made of oak, and has five drawers on it. I open the top drawer, pulling out a fresh pair of boxer-briefs, moving onto the third drawer down, pulling out khaki pants and a white golf shirt, with the symbol of a lance on the left breast.

Yeah, I go to a school with uniforms. It's no biggy, since they’re comfortable and I do enjoy wearing them. I slide off my boxers I wore beforehand, immediately sliding on my new ones. Eventually, I put on my uniform pants that are a bit too tight for me, and throw on my shirt. I nod in satisfaction as I button up my shirt, and open the door that lays directly in front of my bed.

My door leads out to a normal hallway with two rooms to my left, my brother sleeping in the one at my immediate left and my parents sleeping in the one just about three meters away. A closet sits between the rooms, and my bathroom is straight down the corridor. To my right is a staircase, and a large, green chest that looks like it's from the 1940's, with its older design and hand-crafted wood. The hallway is padded down with carpet, and all the carpet in each room is the same, except for in my parents' room.

Heading to my bathroom, I go over my morning routine: brush, shave, deodorize. I never shower in the mornings unless I really have to. I leave showering for the night before, so no one is woken up by the sound of a sputtering showerhead shooting against plastic.

My bathroom is small and plain. It has vinyl flooring, meant to look like mahogany wood, with a diamond-shape texture to it. The bathtub sits to the right of the door, bearing a blue shower curtain and a plastic film that stops the water from escaping. The sink sits to my left, just a little out of the doorway's path. It has a decent sized mirror, about one by one-and-a-half meters in dimension. The sink is a plain marble sink, with a hook-like faucet; an assortment of razors, toothbrushes and toothpastes lay upon it.

"Better get ready." I yawn as I walk to the sink, turning on the tap water and beginning my daily routine.


After about thirty minutes, I finish shaving -- with no cuts, thank God --, brushing my teeth, and making myself smell good. I head down the stairs, which make a light creak as I step on each of them, and arrive at the foot of the staircase. I walk to the kitchen, which is at the immediate foot, just through another hallway, and go straight to the fridge.

The fridge is a big, white, double-door fridge. Underneath it lays a drawer-freezer that holds all our meats and boxed foods. The fridge sits just left of the entrance to the kitchen, in which a countertop to the right of it holds a sink, and a stove, as it corners around its small area. The kitchen is fairly small, only holding small sinks, cupboards above the sinks, a small electrical stove, a small dining table near the right of the entrance -- the glaze of which is shimmering within the morning sunlight -- and a teak-wood China cabinet to the immediate right.

I open the fridge, looking upon my bagged lunch. The bag looks like a giant mini-cooler, but it does keep my food fresh and protected. It's basically a rectangle about twenty centimeters in height, and thirty centimeters wide. It has a zipper lid, and on the lip is a black handle that allows the user to hold it. But, on the handle is a note, labelled:

Carl, don't forget to take your pill. Sorry I can't drive you to the stop this morning. Was called in earlier. Love you! xoxox

"Typical Mom." I smile as I take the lunch out of the fridge, closing the fridge doors.

I take the note off and toss it onto the dining table. I walk out of the kitchen, and head to my immediate left, where my two-by-three meter foyer sits. I grab my shoes from the rack that sits on my left, and then I open the closet that sits on my right. I pull out a black Reebok bookbag, and stuff my lunch 'box' into it.

"Ah, shit...forgot my binder and glasses. Oh, and my pill...” I run upstairs back to my room as I quietly talk to myself.

I grab my binder from the desk, and my glasses as well, which were hiding behind the binder. They're a dark shade of blue with square lenses. I think it increases my attraction level by about twenty percent. Boosts my self-confidence, maybe. I put my glasses on, being able to see twenty-twenty again, and run back downstairs.

I head back into the kitchen, and grab a pill bottle that lays on the counter. It's labelled with my name, Carl, and the drug type: 'Cipralex'. It's an anti-depressent, and I have to take it daily; I pop it open and grab two pills from the bottle. I toss them in my mouth, swallowing and gagging on the horrible taste the pills have, then closing the bottle up.

I put the bottle back, head to the small foyer, sling my bookbag onto my back, and pick up my binder. I open the large, white, oak door, and walk outside. The sun is just shimmering above the tree line, making it easy to see now.

"Time for school." I sigh a bit, and start heading off.


The good part is, I'm out of school. Bad part is, my parents are home. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents to death. But, sometimes, I like my privacy. I walk into my house and kick off my shoes. My mother appears from the kitchen at my right. She has short, slightly curly, brunette hair, and green eyes. She's about six-foot-two, at least, and she has an alright body for a woman who's about forty-eight.

"Hey, bud, how was school?" she asks, smiling as she crosses her arms.

" 'Boring'! " my dad yells from the living room, which is just down the hallway I'm now standing in.

"It was good. Was done with all my work before anyone else in each class, so I was pretty bored most of the day." I drop my bookbag on the ground in the hallway, and make my way to the living room.

The living room has two couches, both about four meters in length and made out of a red, leather-like material, but which almost has a cotton feel to it. One couch sits near the entrance of the hallway, and the other sits just left of it, against the wall where pictures of our family hang. There is a large oak cabinet sitting just near the sliding doors that lead to the patio. To my left sits a fake fireplace, crafted out of sturdy oak, and a seventy-inch plasma-screen. Just under the TV lies our stereo system, DVR, and DVD player.

"Going to your dungeon, now?" my dad asks jokingly.

"Yeah, gotta slay the dragons," I retort; he just shakes his head, laughing.

I turn to my left and open a door. It takes a bit of force to open, but it opens up to reveal a staircase with red, cotton carpet. I walk down the stairs that creak just like the other staircase, and am greeted by my beautiful computer sitting on a large, marble-and-oak table. To the left of me sits a giant assortment of over five-hundred DVD's, and somewhere around one hundred games for various consoles.

I walk in a bit further, aiming for my computer. My brother’s guitars are all on display down here, along with his three amps that sit near my computer. He has acoustic and electric guitars, mostly, all paid for by himself. There's a 'living space' to my far left, with an adjustable couch that can turn into a bed or a recliner, three lamps surrounding the sixty-four-inch television, and a record player that sits next to the TV.

I sigh, shaking my head at my brother’s things, thinking about how much he annoys me with them. I go to my computer -- which is an OMNI-120 HP model! -- and turn it on. In about ten seconds flat, I'm greeted by humanized Pinkie Pie as my background.

She has gentle curves, and slightly meaty legs. On her outer thighs, almost hips, lays her cutie mark. Once can see that she is laying on a bed, on top of her tail and hair, which are curled and are a bright pink colour. Her eyes are a large, anime-style squared-circle, and a light blue colour; her right hand is just laying above her left breast, as the side of her arm pokes into her right breast. Her other hand is just laying upwards against the bed. I love this background so much.

"Ten outta ten, would fuck," I murmur with a chuckle as I open up my Google Chrome browser.

"Time for ponies," I say, clicking on a tab and typing in a hyperlink.


Time flies while having fun. Or ponies. Or both! It is basically was ten o'clock, so I have to shut off my computer, taking one last look at the wondrous Pinkie Pie that lays on the bed in its background. I head all the way upstairs, finally taking off my uniform and tossing it across my small room.

I sprawl myself across my bed in the darkness, only my alarm illuminating the shadows. I immediately close my eyes, waiting for the Sandman to put me to sleep. I sigh lightly, as I think of all the fun I have with enjoying My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its fanbase. It really cheers me up.

I turn over and rest my head on my pillow. After about thirty minutes, I fall asleep, my mind drifting off to dreamland.


All I feel is a sharp pain ripping through my chest, over and over.For a moment I was still sleeping, breathing, alive. And then I wake up. Not anywhere in my body. I am floating aside it. As I look up, I see someone. Someone familiar. Someone who I thought was my friend. It is a bit dark to see, but I can barely make out the details. He has short, brown hair. His skin has a slight tan to it, and he is fairly tall -- probably about six feet -- hanging over me; blood covers both his hands, mostly his right, in which a kitchen knife is held.

This person, I thought was a friend, is Myles. I can't believe did he get here...? How did he get in? I wonder if my parents are okay... As much as I want to check, something else has a different plan for me. I feel a rippling sensation in my chest, and then a pull.

Everything passes by so quickly. I am eventually torn from the Earth, flying out and away from my house, into the sky, into space, and then outside of the universe itself. It is an endless darkness; that's all it is.

"This is our afterlife...?" I question to no one, my voice having an echo to it.

I sigh, as I just, 'float' there. It seems all the stories of our afterlife is were just phonies. There is no Hell... not even a Purgatory! Just...darkness! All those years believing...and I end up withering away in the shadows...

"You are wrong. There is an afterlife, for you, my child." A voice booms throughout the darkness.

Everything begins shaking. Whether it is natural, or supernatural, I can’t tell. I hear things falling. The space I am in feels as if it is crushing me. But instead, it seems to be opening something. I see a shimmering light through a crack. It keeps splitting and splitting, pulling me towards it as if it were a black hole!

As I near it, I feel my body begin break. I don't know how a 'ghost' can feel, but somehow, it hurt. I scream in agony. I don’t know what to do, other than take in the everlasting pain.

But after only a minute...everything is changed.


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Murder I wrote

Chapter 2


I feel an odd pain as I awake from my slumber. I sincerely hope it was only a bad dream, and that one of my best friends didn't actually murder me. Too bad that's not what happened. I was murdered, and then brought somewhere else. Somewhere unexpected. It was queer, feeling my own body crack and reform into something else entirely as I was taken out of that dark place.

My eyes remain closed. I feel a light beaming down on my eyelids. I am lying down in an odd position, on what feels like either grass or dirt. Maybe the coarse feel of the ground makes it seem like grass, I don't know; there is too much on my mind already. I finally decide to open my eyes.

I am greeted by the sun shining onto me, through the cracks of trees that hang above me. The trees seem to be large oaks, and I appear to be laying down in some sort of park. There is a fountain directly in front of me. Around the fountain is an assortment of benches that are made out fairly plain wood, and shaped for something different from a human. Besides the benches, mostly trees that surround it, along with myself, and a yellow pathway that most likely continues on past the fountain.

I sigh, unsure of where I am. I take a moment to stand up on my legs. I slowly push my hoof onto the ground t--

"Wait...what the hell?!" I exclaim as I take a look at a light grey hoof, right where my hand should be.

I start to panic, wondering if this is a nightmare. I stare at my left hoof, seeing it isn't a hand, either. I turn my head to see that my body is no longer that of a homosapien, but that of an equine. I stand up on my four hooves, trying to walk forward, and immediately stumbling. I faceplant onto the ground, my mouth taking in some dirt.

Spitting out the dirt, I try again, this time moving slowly. I lift my right forearm first, bending my cannon and pastern, moving my limbs forward and landing my hoof on the ground. I lift my back-left, gaskin, cannon and pastern, bending it in a similar fashion as my right forelimb, and moving the limbs forward, making contact with the ground with my hoof. I can feel my hock on my left-back limb push into my bending limb, which feels odd, but then again, walking with four legs feels odd, too.

I keep repeating the process, carefully making my way to the fountain. I find that it is easier to move the back leg first, and then move the opposite foreleg second. It feels natural as I do this, finding that it is like crawling as a human, only more limbs are bent to propel myself along.

As I get closer to the fountain, I can see it is made up of a marble material, looking similar to a Lavabo, only much more detailed. Around the base are small carvings of equines running around it, and miniature pillars to separate each equine. The middle piece is a large pillar, which has a bowl within the middle of it; small pipes hang off the circumference, in which water gently springs out from. Within the bowl, there is another pillar, which rounds upwards into a pyramid that has another set of pipes that gently pours water into the bowl of the bottom pillar.

It really is a remarkable fountain, but there are more pressing matters. I move my body slowly to the base of it, and look at the water. It's an odd blue colour, pastel, like cartoon water, almost. That water kind of freaks me out...but then again, I'm apparently a horse, now. I look into the water, and am greeted by the face of a unicorn. A black and white mane flows down the back of my neck, along with smooth ears that gently peak at the middle of each. My face is the same colour as the rest of my body; my eyes are red, and my horn is slightly rounded at the tip.

I lift my right hoof, slowly, and bring it to my horn, touching it. It feels weird, and makes my spine tingle. I guess the unicorn horn is sensitive. I continue touching it, softly poking it. I sigh as I look back at the water, and stop poking my unicorn horn. I set my rump onto the ground, looking away from the water and up at the sky.

Unfortunately, the bright green leaves of the oaks around me are blocking the view, so I can only get a glimpse of a bit of blue and white here and there. The environment here is very calm, and I can feel a gentle breeze push against my fur, mostly on my back, loin, and croup, along with my mane.

Suddenly, I hear a crack; my ear twists towards the noise. I turn my head and see another equine standing there. The equine is fairly tall and is a matte black colour, with a dark shade of blue for eyes, something like a steel blue, or maybe yale blue. It’s hard to tell the difference. The equine is a Pegasus, as I can see his wings resting firmly against his sides. His mane is a bit wild, much like that of Rainbow Dash's, and gently frizzes upwards from his forehead. At least, I think it's a 'he'.

"What're you doing?" His voice is deep, and he walks closer to me, in a somewhat menacing stance.

I'm not sure how to answer; instead, I stand up, turning around. His voice made it seem as if he was authority, because he sounded a lot older than I was. Being so, I answer politely, a small smile growing on my equine face.

"Uhm...looking around?" My voice still sounds normal, like before. A bit deep, and has a sort of a rasp to it; nothing noticeable.

"Oh, really?" he responds in question, raising an eyebrow, "Why are you walking so funny?"

Uh-oh...must've seen my awkward walking. I probably looked like a newborn foal. C'mon, Carl, think!

"I’m, uh, tired." I reply calmly and loosely.

Good one, Carl. He just stares at me, narrowing his eyes. I give a nervous smile. After a moment, he just starts laughing.

"Well, I know that feeling! We all get tired every now and then. Anyways, my name’s Ferrum. What about you, what’s your name?" 'Ferrum' holds out a hoof, and I just start to think of something that sounds reasonable.

"Sha-..." Uhm...I guess it could work? I stumble on my name for a moment, as I hold out my hoof to his, and attempt to shake, as I wrap my pastern and heel around his.

"Shadowflash." I smile, trying to stifle the nervous embarrassment coming to my face.

"Nice to meet you. So, why’re you here?" Ferrum asks me, and I just shrug.

"Don't know. Where am I, exactly? Kind of, uhm, got lost,” I say to him, giving myself praise for keeping my cool.

"Ottipaw, this is one of the national parks. Beautiful, isn’t it? I think it’s called...Stone’s Edge Park. I'm assuming you're on vacation, too?"

I nod, giving a smile to him. At least I know where I am. I guess I can say I'm vacationing...would make sense, at this point. This Ferrum, though...I wonder...

"Say...may I ask you something?" I ask, face-hoofing in my mind.

"You just did, but, go for it," Ferrum replies with a chuckle.

"Do you know a ‘Rainbow Dash’? Light blue Pegasus, rainbow-coloured mane?" I feel silly for asking, but to my surprise, he nods, grinning.

"Well, I ought to! I’m married to her. Didn't think ponies this far out would know about her, but I guess word travels pretty fast. Then again, so does she,” he adds with a laugh. “Do you come from Ponyville?" I shake my head at his question, but I'm surprised to find that this is the Ferrum I know from before.

"Where do you come from, then?" Ferrum seems to be sitting on his rump, now, so I do the same, answering his question.

"I come from, uh..." I stall for a moment, thinking of a reasonable place a unicorn would come from. I just say what comes to mind first. "Canterlot."

"Canterlot, huh? You don't look very high-class. Unless you're one of those rare Canterlot ponies who isn't stuck up." Ferrum chuckles to himself, and I join in.

"Ha, no, I tend to try not to be an ass in front of peop--ponies," I say, smirking a bit.

"Say, do you want to come over to our room at the hotel? Maybe I can introduce you to Rainbow Dash? You seem like somepony she’d want to meet." My mind is jumping for joy, the brony inside me wanting to explode out of my horse body.

Instead, I speak calmly, letting a smile creep onto my face and widen with happiness, "Sure, why not?"

"Well, follow me, then!" Ferrum stands up, and starts walking around the fountain.

I quickly follow behind him, trying my best not to let him see my awkward walking style. I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I want you, want you! The song plays in my head as I bob my head up and down from the joy I feel at the very idea of getting to see the Rainbow Dash. Okay, gotta’ stay calm! Oh, man, this is going to be so awesome!

Rainbow Dash

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Murder I wrote

Chapter 3

Rainbow Dash

The walk was excruciating; the sights I saw were great, though. I saw Ottipaw's parliament building, some cool looking courthouses, and what-not. But, I was more focused on not looking like an idiot when walking, and on seeing Rainbow Dash for the first time. I assume it was about a three hour walk, because the sun is now setting as we reach the hotel that Ferrum is staying at.

"This is the Bluddison Hotel." Ferrum lifts his hoof, pointing upwards to it.

My eyes gaze upon the structure. The building is mostly made of a red-brick material, with many windows surrounding the sides symmetrically. Each window juts out of the building and is surrounded by white bricks, along with a nice pyramid at the top of each vertical set.

The entrance seems very inviting, as well. It has two gold-coloured doors with the name in giant letters above it: 'Bluddison Hotel'. I can't help but smile at the grandeur of the hotel; I notice Ferrum is opening the golden doors to what appears to be a magnificent paradise. I walk in behind him, only to be over encumbered by a fascinating golden stairwell that spirals around directly inside. Alongside that, four marble pillars are in each corner of the room, most likely the main support for it.

I look around a bit more and notice that there are greeter desks on the left and right walls; a greeter stands behind one, wearing a crimson suit jacket with golden buttons traveling down the middle. He has a brown, spiky mane that is slicked back, and a stark-white coat. On his flank, I see his cutie mark: a happy face with a speech bubble.

"Ah, hello, Ferrum. How was your day?" the greeter asks pleasantly.

"Perfect. Just going to head up to my room with my friend here." Ferrum bounces his head over towards me, and the greeter nods.

Ferrum begins the walk to the stairs, going up them at a steady pace. I nearly stumble eight times while trying to keep up. I just hope he doesn't stay at the top floor! I think as we continue to go up, and up, and up.

"Oh, boy..." I sigh.


After going up to the very top floor, we finally make it to Ferrum and Dash's room. The door is labelled 308, and seems to be made of a fine mahogany. Ferrum opens the door and lets me walk in first. As I walk in, I notice it's mostly just open space; the room has cream-coloured walls, four couches in the centre surrounding a small table, a bathroom that is clearly not meant for private showering, and a large, king-sized bed.

On the bed lies a cyan blue Pegasus pony. The wings on the pony are spread outwards, and the blankets are in a complete clusterfuck. The pony sprawls out on the bed, its rainbow-coloured tail wrapping around the right leg. As I look at the mane and face of the pony, who seems to be asleep, recognition comes to me.

"Rainbow Dash...?" I quietly question to myself, both surprised and confused.

"One second, I'll wake her up..." Ferrum walks over to her, and pokes Rainbow Dash's flank lightly.

"Mrrmmm...Ferrum...right there..." My eyes widen, and I can see Ferrum blush a little.

He gently shakes her instead, and the eyes of Dash open up slowly, revealing bright, magenta irises. Her head turns, as she looks at Ferrum, with a questionable brow.

"Hey, Ferrum..." I see Rainbow Dash rub her eyes with her hooves quickly, and she speaks again. "...who's that?" She points over at me, and I decide to introduce myself.

"I'm, uhm, Shadowflash." I smile a little, as Rainbow Dash looks at Ferrum.

"I thought I said no threesomes?" I start to laugh, and Ferrum's face turns a beet-red colour.

"What? No, no, he wanted to meet you, and I thought he'd be a pretty cool pony for you to talk to!" Ferrum smiles nervously at me, dark face showing red with embarrassment.

I continue laughing, calming down as I see Rainbow Dash getting up. She trots over to me, and smiles as I hold out a hoof to her. We shake our hooves, and I can't help but smile with her, as well.

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Rainbow Dash, best flyer in Equestria!" She exclaims and I just grin even more.

"So, let's go eat something. Ferrum, your turn to buy." Rainbow Dash winks over to him, and I can see her flank shake a bit towards him.

I snort in a amusement, and his face goes red once more. He just nods, going over to the bed, lifting it up a bit, and pulling out a bag of bits. I watch him tuck the bits away before looking over at me.

"Don't worry, we've got you covered." Ferrum smiles as he walks over to Dash and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

I can't help but smile at the relationship. I’ve always loved seeing when two people (or ponies, in this case) are happy together, as if they were a perfect match. It makes me wonder, do the other five have colt-friends? I shrug off the question, deciding I’ll might find out later, and follow them out the door.


We're walking in near darkness, but the city is well illuminated by the many street lamps. It reminds me of my home, how everything was so bright at night, mostly because I lived in town. I sigh softly, knowing that my parents must be devastated. As much of a dream this must be, I still miss them. I just can't believe Myles did that to me...

I look up, and see Ferrum and Rainbow Dash snuggling their heads against each other, which puts a small smile on my face. But then, a frown creeps up from my mind, as I start thinking about my relationship back home. My girlfriend must be sobbing so hard right now...oh, God, why? Why me...?

I soon start to get the images of my pills in my mind, as well. How they made me feel better. Happy. Joyous. They were my longevity to survival, along with my girlfriend. Without those, I can't see the point of living. This is happening so fast...

I feel something clog my snout, where my nose is. I soon feel a tear leave my eye, and slide down my snout to my mouth. I lick it off, tasting its salty mixture, and just continue to sob. I soon realize that I haven't been keeping up, and that Ferrum and Rainbow Dash are looking at me.

"Hey, Shadowflash, is something wrong?" Ferrum asks. I can tell he’s worried; the tone in his voice is sincere.

"Yeah...I just...I miss my family..." I let out a sigh, and run my hoof across my nose, sniffing as I wipe it quickly.

"Well, you'll see them soon, won't you? You're only on vacation." Ferrum gives a hearty smile, and I shake my head.

"No, I...I lied. I just said that because I had no clue where I was, and what I was doing. I...just...nevermind...I don’t want to talk about it." I look up, and Ferrum nods.

"It’s alright. Maybe you can explain after we have some dinner." Ferrum and Dash walk next to me, and help me up.

Back on my hooves, I start walking between them. They seem to understand what it feels like to be alone, so they're putting me between them...nice of them...

"So, Shadowflash, why don’t you tell me about yourself?" Rainbow Dash asks, and I just smile.

"I will at the restaurant. I'm a bit parched and famished." I say, and Dash just nods.

"A-okay with me! I’m starving!" She laughs, and I join in, Ferrum soon following suit, as well.

Dinner With A Couple

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Chapter 4

Dinner With A Couple

After a bit of a treacherous walk through the cobblestone streets of Ottipaw, we make it to the restaurant Ferrum and Rainbow Dash have been raving about for the past ten minutes. When we arrive, Rainbow Dash points to it, a grin of excitement spreading on her face.

"There it is," she says with her raspy tone. "Hay Fire Delight."

"Interesting name for a restaurant," I say, chuckling a bit.

It stands on the corner of a street, and has two large pillars that extend at least two stories up, making this restaurant about three stories tall -- if you include the entrance floor. The pillars seem to be of a marble texture, which is astonishing given the difficulty that would be involved in making such large pillars out of a material like marble, and the walls of the restaurant are a red brick. Windows surround the two upper floors, and the lower floors have giant signs that seem to display specials. From what I can read, one says 'Hay-Flower special, two bits'. Seems like an intriguing deal, but the economy here seems a lot different from real life, my past life, I suppose..

We move in on the entrance, a simplistic double-door entry way. Ferrum quickens his pace towards the door, holding it open for Rainbow Dash. I walk in afterwards as he continues to hold the door, saying a quick thank-you to him.

The inside is much different from what I was expecting. The flooring is all carpet, a deep crimson color, and the way my hooves are sliding across it lead me to believe it is some sort of velvet, meaning this restaurant is definitely not low-class. The walls are neatly organized with pictures of scenic outlooks of forests and parks, and have a few ponies. I think one of them is of Princess Celestia, but I’m ushered away by Ferrum to come sit at a table before I could get a good look.

The tables are covered with white tablecloths that drape down the sides neatly, ending in little triangles. On top of the table are potted flowers at each seat, and in the middle is a bowl that holds oranges and kiwis stacked in a pyramid. I take a moment to look around the restaurant before sitting down, and take note of the chandeliers that hang from the ceiling. They are gilded candelabras, all of which hold candles, hence the name, and are low enough to keep the ceiling from burning.

"Beautiful restaurant. Almost makes you want to sit down, huh, 'Flashy?" Rainbow Dash smirks to me, and I realize I'm not sitting. I can feel my cheeks burn a little, and I sit down on the small, velvet bench that is near Ferrum and Dash.

"Sorry. Was...admiring the...uhm...structure," I say, smiling nervously.

"Don't worry, when I met Ferrum, he always did that." Dash winks over at Ferrum and he just shrugs his shoulders, smiling back.

"So, anyways, Shadowflash, you were going to tell us about yourself? Y'know, we were kind of confused on what you meant, earlier," Ferrum says. I sigh inwardly, pushing the thoughts I need to work with forward.

"Well, as I said, I'm not from here." I take a deep breath, continuing. "I'm from...somewhere else. I'd love to explain where it is, but, I don't think I'm ready to do that until I figure out what's going on with myself." I can see them nod, to show they're listening, so I move on.

"I mostly just woke up today, in the park. Ferrum, you saw how I walk, so you have to know I look like an idiot, or a foal, even." I see Ferrum nod, glancing up in memory.

"Yeah, you did look a bit silly. Dash also mentioned how you seem to have no cutie mark, as well." Dash agrees with a nod, and I look back to my flank, seeing it's blank.

"Yeah...guess that'd make me sorta’ out-of-place, wouldn't it?" They laugh quietly, and I smile; in an attempt to make sure everyone is still relaxed.

"So, really, that's all I'm comfortable with telling...and how I miss my family and friends." I feel a bit of heat rising under my eyes, but they just smile.

"Don't worry about it, 'Flashy. Oooh, hey, server is here." I follow Rainbow Dash's gaze to a large, red pony with a jet black mane that is slicked back, much like mine.

From what I can see, he is definitely male -- literally, it’s hanging out. Kind of grosses me out -- and he wears a black vest that wraps tightly around his chest and a bit of his neck. The buttons traveling along it are all embroidered with gold and have a onyx-like appearance. Other than that, his eyes are a bright blue, and his irises are a bit small, probably because of the light.

"Hello, my name is Clementine, I'll be your server tonight. What may I get you three?" His voice sounds similar to Prince Blueblood's from the show, and it leads me to assume he's a bit of a...well, a high-strung asshole.

"I'll take the Hay-Flower special," Ferrum starts to speak for all of us, for what it seems. "She'll take a Hay Fire Delight, and our friend here..." I see his hoof point over to me. "...will take a...Flowerized Apple." The server nods to each of the orders, then simply bows his head, walking away.

"What's a 'Flowerized Apple'?" I ask; Rainbow Dash giggles softly as Ferrum speaks.

"You'll love it, trust me," Ferrum replies with a smirk.

I hope so. I decide to lean forward at the flower in front of me and try to eat it. I see that Ferrum and Dash ate theirs, so I assume it's time to see what a flower tastes like to a pony. I open my mouth and feel the petals brush against my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Closing my teeth around it and chomping off the stem of the flower, as well, I begin chewing the plant.. As I mow down the flower, my tastebuds are greeted to a honey-like taste, and I can't help but enjoy it.

So, flowers taste like honey to a horse? I'll enjoy this. I continue to chew and chew, finally swallowing reluctantly, as I want to enjoy the taste of the flower, much like one would enjoy a nice steak and a Caesar salad.

"Well, 'Flashy, you staying with me and Ferrum?" I shudder at Rainbow Dash's grammar for a second, and then look at them with a bit of confusion.

"Well...if that’s alright with you guys, I guess I can. Unless you want me sleeping out in the cold." I give a faint smile, and Ferrum smiles in return.

"Doesn't matter to me, I wouldn't mind. As long as you’re a heavy sleeper or are okay with ignoring any loud noises. Dash and I get a bit...wild, every now and then." I see Rainbow Dash playfully hit Ferrum on the shoulder with a sly grin, and I nod with a laugh, knowing exactly what he means..

If not sex, then they're really hardcore Monopoly players. I laugh in the back of my mind at my own joke and decide to take in the rest of the evening as a delight, rather than a disappointment, It'll be a good night, don't worry, Carl. Just enjoy it the best you can. Worry later, not now. I repeat that a few times over to myself as our food finally arrives.

A Night And A New Day

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Murder I Wrote

Chapter 5

A Night And A New Day

A/N: Sorry for the wait. I should really write on Saturdays instead of Sundays, so my editor can edit. :x

After the most luxurious, and spicy, dinner I've ever had, the three of us laugh and slightly regurgitate our lives to each other. Back and forth, we tell more and more about the activities that have burdened, or helped, us through our daily trials. Dash tells me how she's tried out for the Wonderbolts over thirty-eight times and misses the cut every time by two other pegasi. She also informs me how she has been missing her friends a lot lately, and wants to see them again, soon.

Ferrum, on the other hand, tells me about different blades and horseshoes he crafts at a smithy in Ponyville. He talks about how the bending of metal can be a nuisance, and that using alloys can sometimes help. He also mentioned that if you mix the wrong metals together, it could become a very explosive compound. -- from memory, I recall using potassium, a soft metal, with iron, a hard metal, has some nasty results. Then again, it's been about a day since I've been here. I don't recollect very easily with certain sciences.

I decide to talk about myself. I tell them how I like to do art, and how I enjoy writing of various sorts. I share what music I like -- that is relevant to ponies, at least -- and how I enjoy just sitting outside and relaxing in the sun. I look over to Dash and ask her about the flight patterns she does. After going through a small list, I tell her that the aerodynamic feats she does are impressive, and how much I'd love to soar through the sky myself.

It seems we're almost there, but, as time passes, Ferrum opens his mouth and decides to inquire me on something.

"Shadow, you said you like ‘writing of various sorts’. Do you like to write, read, what?" Ferrum asks, looking over at me, and I nod before answering.

"I enjoy writing in general, books and such. But my favourite kind is poetry. I know, it seems lame, but I enjoy it." Ferrum smiles and I can see Rainbow Dash raise a brow.

"Poetry? Well, the only poetry I’ve heard is pretty lame. Let's hear yours." I feel heat rush to my face at her request.

"I - uh...I'm not that good. Heh..." I bring a hoof behind my neck for a second, scratching the back of my mane in a nervous manner.

"Oh, c'mon. Let's hear some." I see Ferrum nodding in agreement.

"I - ...uhm, I guess..." I sigh, coming to a halt. They sit on their rumps as I prepare to speak, clearing my throat multiple times and trying to think of the most poetic thing I've written in my life...

"If you ever gaze upon the Earth, a ball of water and dirt, you'd realize how luxurious it is from afar. You look at a phoenix, and glare down its flaming feathers. You dawn your eyes to the sword of a warrior, and feel the fighting soul within his heart. You peer down a mountain, and wonder how high you are, not how far down the drop is..."

I take a deep breath, and then sigh once more. "When I look at you, I only feel the most emotional attachment known to our minds. The way you breathe, the way you walk, and the way you talk, makes me feel like a peasant before a queen. If I could only be your knight, I'd serve you, as a subject of your kingdom would. I'd make you feel the wonders of the world beyond my spirits -- my strengths... I can only sum this up in three words, though." I stop, looking at them to see they're still listening intently.

"I love you." I sigh, folding my ears down. I feel like a tool, or something. Love poetry is what I enjoy. I can't help it.

"Wow...that was...different." Ferrum said. I didn't look at his expression. All I could think of was him snickering, or something.

"Well, if you ever need a date, that'll sure work. I'm impressed," I hear Dash's scratchy voice say, and I perk up, ears returning forward unconsciously.

"Really...? A lot of pe--...ponies have told me my love poetry is lame, and that I should learn some real literature..." I feel my heart sink. It's true, back home a lot of people told me that poetry is lame.

I loved to learn it, and Shakespeare was my speciality in English classes. I still remember my monologue from the Merchant of Venice that I did in Drama.

"Well, don't listen to them. That was impressive." Ferrum says, smiling warmly..

"Yeah, maybe your talent’s in poetry! Or maybe you're a jack-of-all-trades?" Dash asks rhetorically with a laugh; I chuckle softly.

"Maybe, but...I'm tired. Let's go upstairs." I suggest, receiving two nods in reply.


After a long evening, I'm finally resting in a bed. Apparently when I was here before, I missed a few doors on first glance. There is a back room to the left of the entrance that was blocked by a white door. When I entered, it was a typical, small, guest room. No windows, just one light, one 'single' bed and a dresser.

Why is there a dress--...nevermind. I push my thought away and lay on the bed, wrapping the sheets around me tightly.

The bed is amazingly soft, made of some sort of foamy-cotton substance. The pillow is the same way, and I feel totally relaxed, even a bit happy. Unfortunately, I begin to hear a conversation through the walls. Due to my slightly nosy nature, I decide to listen in.

"... he's a bit odd, but, I like a friend." I listen to Dash's scratchy voice, first.

"Yeah, he's pretty cool. Did you actually like his poetry? I didn’t think that was your cup of tea," Ferrum questions; I feel my heart sink a bit.

"It was something...I think Twilight would enjoy it more than me, but I liked it more than the other 'poems' I've heard." Dash says, and Ferrum just chuckles.

"Yeah, Twilight would enjoy it. I liked it a lot. I think it'd easily capture the heart of a mare, maybe even somepony we know. It’s a shame most of them are taken. We could really set him up with somepony." Dash chuckles, and Ferrum does as well.

"Well, Pinkie is still single, but... I'm not sure if he would be too...fond of her. I mean...she's a great friend, but she’s really...I dunno’, crazy. I think ponies just like being her friend. Not much more." I shake my head to myself. Even though she's crazy, I bet I could handle Pinkie Pie if given the chance. Maybe.

"Maybe. But, I was you want to have a bit of...'fun', tonight?" Ferrum asks in an odd tone. Dash giggles, in a...lustful manner.

"Oh, you know I do, Ferrum..." What happens in the minutes following is a lot of muffled moaning and Dash trying to hold in her screaming.

"Oh, Celestia, yes, Ferrum!" I hear that and can't help but let out a chuckle.

"Ferrum, you dog..." I whisper, as I hear Ferrum let out a gasping groan, as if he was being hurt from having sex too hard.

"Surprised she's not knocked up by now, if they screw like that..." I whisper again, feeling something pop up in the blankets.

I lift the blanket a little to be greeted by a large, grey, erection. It's larger than a human one, for sure, but I can't bare to look at my own penis since it's so...different. But, the sounds continue to press on and turn me on further. I think I even feel a little ’pre' come out every now and then...

What? I'm a teenager. It's something I've yet to handle. I'd masturbate, or something, but I've yet to figure out how with hooves...I say to myself in the back of my mind. So, instead, I just decide to try and sleep...hopefully my erection will die down by the morning...

The Mane Six

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Murder I Wrote

Chapter 6

The Mane Six

A/N: Yeah, decided to post in the week. Who knew? Anyways, thanks for reading this. Tell everybrony 'bout it! =]

About two weeks have passed since I’ve been here. We – Dash, Ferrum and I – have been going through a lot of regular routines. We start showering in the morning, which was fairly awkward at first, as I had to shower in the open – I’m fairly reclusive to showering naked, really. Then, we lead off to breakfast, usually Green Grass Apple Slices: grass that’s as green as an emerald, with green apples within them, and some orange juice on the side. Afterwards, we go to this gym-like thing, where many Pegasus and earth ponies go to work out. I tried to work out, but just ended up running on a treadmill, instead.

After all of it, we’d head off for lunch, which was usually hay fries and soda, and then sight-see about the city, looking around at the landmarks and attractions of Ottipaw. Afterwards, we just came home and ate there, mostly taking it upon ourselves to cook whatever (I was surprised to find a kitchen in the damn place).

But, as every day starts, it comes to an end. The nights were a bit different, as I drifted off to sleep, I started to see…weird things. I saw my home, its red brick walls that were surrounded by a shade of green and blue from the grass and sky, and seeing no doors or windows upon it. My parents would stand outside the front of the house, and I would move closer.

As I got closer, I noticed that they were not my parents. I could tell this as my parents faces would start to bleed, and tear away. At that moment, I would wake up to my own scream, every night, finding myself in a cold sweat.

I head outside after waking up on this morning, going near the window. I notice there is actually a balcony at the large window that spans the wall before me, and quietly open the door. It makes a quiet screech, and I trot a few steps outside, looking over the city.

I gaze at the large buildings of Victorian and colonial design and smile, thinking how much it looks like home. I look down to see many ponies still trotting about, happy with their lives. I sigh to myself; as I think of everyone at home, I glance up at the bright, round moon, hanging high in the sky.

The moon emits a faint blue ring around it, within it many light grey splotches upon its perfect, pearl-like surface. Around it are many stars, flaring brightly in the cerulean-blue night sky, making me smile once more.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” I hear a scratchy voice; my ear twitches to aim behind me, and I nod.

“Mmm-hmm,” I respond, knowing it’s Dash.

"I usually come out to look at it, and think about my friends. They’re coming here tomorrow; I think you’ll like them.” I smile, still not looking over at her.

I can feel her eyes pounding against my face. Either a woman thing, or just Dash being Dash, I can tell she was a bit frustrated – along with a grunt elicited from her.

“Something wrong, Flashy?” she asks me, and I nod wordlessly.

“Well, you going to tell me? I’d like to help.” I sigh as she asks, but feel a bit of her sentiment.

“I miss everyon--everypony I know. I wish I knew where they are, and wish I could be with them…but I’m stuck here, and can’t do jack about it…” I look over and see she’s still interested, so I press on. “I’m alone here, Dash. Only ones I have are you and Ferrum…but it’s not enough. Not enough to fill the void I feel.” I rear back a bit, on my hind legs, and place my hooves upon the railing of the balcony, looking outwards.

“Well, what would fill the void, ‘Flashy?” I step down as she asks, and turn to her.

This isn’t a good idea, Carl. You have morals. She’s a goddamn horse. Don’t kiss. Don’t kiss. Don—I feel my lips press against Dash’s, and slowly I kiss her as every fibre in my body yells and screams not to do this.

She pushes away and looks at me with confusion, embarrassment, and anger. Congratulations, Carl, you’re a fucking idiot. Told you not to do it. She starts to speak in a bit of a frustrated, but still sentimental tone.

“’Flashy, I’m in love with Ferrum. I can’t cheat on him…I love him so much, he’s my husband. ‘Flashy, you’re great, for the week I’ve seen you, at least. But, you have to understand, I’m not one to be…disloyal. It’s who I am.” She stops, and I nod solemnly.

“Element of Loyalty… mhm… sorry, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that…too many emotions flowing through my head and…it’s hard to handle… I use to take medication for this thing. I’m sorry, Dash.” I turn away, as I see her brow lift in confusion. Probably at me knowing her element, or my meds.

I rest my head upon the railing and sigh, looking over the scenery once more. I smile lightly, but it fades quickly as I hear the scratchy voice pump into my ears once more.

“I know somepony who might help you, though. She’s really great, I think you’d like her. She’s the best-i-est friend I’ve ever had, and she’s wild--the fun kind of wild. She’s coming tomorrow, and she’s single. Maybe you two could get along.” I can’t help but chuckle, knowing she means Pinkie Pie.

“Maybe…I’d like to know her first, and see if she’s…well, a good fit for me. I have standards, you know.” Not for horses, though, God dammit, I speak in my mind upon finishing my sentence.

“I get it. You’ll love her, and she’ll love you, I know it! But, I’m tired. Want to head to bed, now?” I chuckle and she just giggles.

I nod as we both turn, me letting her in the door first before I follow suit. I close the door quietly behind me and head back to the guest room. I lay down on the mattress, thinking about what I did, and about Pinkie Pie.

“I’ll need to re-assess my morals a bit, but…maybe I could kiss a pony…I suppose I’ve already done that, though. But this is a new life, I guess. Maybe.” I quietly turn over in my bed, and smile as I feel my senses shut down for sleep.


I wake up to loud noises in the next room. I shoot up and glare at a clock that is hammered into the wall, directing my eyes to the little hand and the big hand.

Twelve forty-six.

I slide out of bed, realizing I’ve slept a lot later than normal, and open the door. I’m greeted by a large group of ponies giggling and talking to Ferrum and Dash. There is an orange one, a white one, a yellow one, a lavender one, and a pink one.

The orange one has a blonde mane and tail that are tied at each end, and wears a Stetson hat upon her head. The white one has a purple, curling mane and tail that fall finely behind her body. The yellow one has a curved, pink mane and tail that fall to the sides of her body. The lavender one has a streak of red and pink within her mane and tail, which falls in a slight arc, mostly. Finally, the pink one has a bouncy – poofy and curly – mane and tail, and is jumping up and down excitedly as she was grins at Ferrum and Dash.

They all bear cutie marks on their flanks, but it is already too obvious that these are the remaining ‘Mane Six’ – five if you exclude Dash, since I’ve already met her – of the show I know and love. I can see they haven’t noticed me yet, so I just stand and listen.

“So, how’s your trip so far, Dashie?” Pinkie Pie asks, still bouncing up and down.

“Perfect. Me and Ferrum are having a blast!” Dash hugs Ferrum tightly, and he just chuckles.

“Oh, my, Dash. Have you and Ferrum had any trouble from ponies around here? I heard Ottipaw was a bit…uhm…dangerous,” Fluttershy says meekly, and I hold in a laugh.

“Nah. Dash and I had no trouble. Besides, I’d protect her.” Ferrum chuckles and a chorus of giggles resonates in the room.

I see Applejack’s head turn to look around the room and her eyes fall onto me. She walks over to me, and I can’t help but back up and hit the door, thinking she’s going to beat me up, or something.

“Well, Ah’ll be. Ya’ll met somepony new, huh?” she calls back to Ferrum and Dash, and I just smile, nervously.

“Howdy there, pardner. Ah’m Applejack.” She nods her Stetson at me. “You?”

“Shadowflash,” I say after a quick cough to clear my throat. “I’m Shadowflash. It’s nice to meet you, Applejack.” I continue to smile, and see that the group is now enclosed around me; I hear Pinkie’s infamous gasp.

“Oh! You met somepony new?! I gotta’ throw a paaaaaaa-arrrrr-tay!” I see her jumping up and down and I can’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, he’s pretty cool. Ferrum brought him over, and we let him stay a bit. Why not introduce yourselves, girls?” Dash offers and everypony starts to speak up.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“Rarity, it’s a pleasure.”

“Pinkie Pie: party thrower extraordinaire!”

“Fluttershy…uhm…n-nice to meet you…”

I smile and shake their hooves, although it feels like I’m pushing a palm on a wall, to be honest. Rarity compliments me on being ‘such a gentlecolt’, and I can’t help but smile. I knew Fluttershy was shy from the start, but she clearly knows how to warm up to a new friend.

After the quick meet ‘n’ greet, we decide to sit down and talk about things. I mostly listen and offere my opinion on things every now and then. Most of the things I withhold on, such as Princess Celestia and the like. Letting them know I knew about her would be odd, and out of place, so I make sure to keep my mouth shut.

It turns out to be a great afternoon. As the group is deciding to ready for some ‘dinner/lunch’ kind of thing, Dash pulls me off to the side. Her hoof points over at Pinkie Pie, who seems remarkably calm at the moment, and smiles to me.

“Well, tonight, I’ll set it up so you two could talk alone, if you’d like.” I feel heat rise to my face, and I laugh nervously.

“Dash-...I-I mean…I’d like to get to know her and your friends first before I make a move…I know you like it fast, but I like things a little more slow…y’know?” I see her nod, and she laughs lightly.

“I’m just joking around. Holler at me if you want me to, though.” I nod and sigh to myself as she walks away.

If there really is a God…thanks for putting me here, I think…I guess it’ll be alright…maybe.

Magic and Bonding

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Murder I Wrote

Chapter 7

Magic and Bonding

Well, I think it’s been about…two weeks since I arrived here. Or is it two and a half? I’ve been with Ferrum and Dash for a little bit, and I’ve been enjoying their company thoroughly. Mostly, Dash is just like she is portrayed in the show: very bold and rash, but also very loyal and enjoyable to be around. She and Pinkie have been out and about in Ottipaw – since the other ‘Mane Five’ arrived – pulling innocent pranks on ponies.

Ferrum, on the other hand, is just how my friend made him to be. Very relaxed, pretty outgoing, but gets embarrassed too easily, which makes it fun for me. Of course, I try to be mature for everybody here, but I have to have a bit of fun once in awhile.

Since the other five arrived, I’ve been getting to know them a lot better. They’re all just like the show made them out to be, and I found out they all have ‘colt-friends’. Twilight is apparently dating some pony named Dusk Star, who loves to read and study, Rarity is dating a ‘gentlecolt’ named Uniquess, who’s into fashion and design as much as Rarity is, Fluttershy is dating a pony named Quiver Beat – he’s apparently very quiet and enjoys making music as a ‘mysterious artist’ – and finally, Applejack is dating somepony named ‘Le Pomme’: a farm pony into apples, of course.

Mostly, all these matches seem way too similar. At least, on Earth, if someone is too similar to the other person, they’re an awful pairing. Still, I’ve been enjoying learning a lot more about everypony. But, Twilight being Twilight has to ask me about magic…I’m so screwed…

“So, what sort of magic do you practice?” Twilight asks me as she sits on a velvet pillow, slowly drinking tea from her porcelain cup.

I can’t help but spit a bit of my water from my mouth, spilling around the sides of the straw I’m using. God dammit. I shouldn’t have drank from a straw… That’s all I can process before I hear her repeat the question. Her purple gaze locks onto my eyes and I just smile.

“Uhm...nothing special...the basics.” I say calmly, patting myself on the back in my mind.

“’Basics’? I don’t find, well, any magic ‘basic’…” she replies.

Oh God, I pissed her off.

“It is to me, I guess. Heh…” I feel heat rise to my face, as I see her cup settle down to the glass, bowl-like plate, making a chime as it contacts.

“Alright, show me, then.” My eyes shoot open as she requests this, and I just shrug.

“Uhm…alright, one second, then. Gotta focus, y’know?” She nods; her eyes narrow a little, hopefully not in suspicion.

I look around the room, noticing all the walls have mostly pictures of Ferrum and Dash, and try to figure out how the hell I’m going to perform an advanced spell. I feel beads of sweat pour down my skin and coat on my forehead, and start to shake a little in my forelegs. God…fuck it, I can’t do anything.

I sigh, and look around; making sure it was just me and her there. It was, considering the fact that everypony was busy, and wanted me to stay with Twilight for a bit. I feel my ears fold down and I look at her, opening my mouth to speak.

“I don’t know how to do magic…” I feel like a total asshole, now that I’ve lied, and expect her to laugh or something. Instead…

“You don’t? But every unicorn in Equestria knows how to use magic!” I see her recoil back a bit in shock, instead of her mocking me.

“Well, you know, I never figured it out. So, yeah…sorry for being an ass.” I look away, feeling my heart sink to my stomach. The feeling I get when I feel like a loser or unimportant.

“Well, for one, I don’t see how you were being a donkey. And, two, I can teach you if you’d like. It comes easy, and it gets easier with practice. I learned from the best teacher in Equestria!” I see her smile from the corner of my eye, and look back at her.

“ long as you don’t mock me, I guess it could be okay for you to try and teach me.” I smile a little, trying to push that negative feeling out of my system.

“Great! So, let’s begin. Basic telekinesis: lifting a small object with only the power of your horn.” I see her push her cup to me, which is empty, and smile as she begins to speak.

“Step one: close your eyes, since you’re a beginner.” I do so, and I hear her voice speak again.

“Step two: think of nothing but the cup. Imagine its colour, and how it’s shaped, and the only thing around it is air.” I start to think of it, picturing the shape of the porcelain cup.

I imagine the white colour – shade in this case – and how the cup has a round bottom, rather than the usual flat bottom. The round bottom is made to be held by magic and sat down on a bowl-like plate. I think of the handle, which is made for Earth Ponies and how one could easily slide a hoof into it.

Oddly enough, I see glowing red lines around my image. It doesn’t feel normal, so I wait for Twilight to instruct me further, but continue concentrating on the image.

“Wow, you’re doing great. Next step: think of the object, the cup in this case, flying by your will. Just imagine it and feel the Ley Lines around it.” I keep focus, but question one thing.

“Ley Lines?” I struggle to get that out, and she responds.

“The magic borders of almost every object in Equestria. We have Ley Line borders around Equestria, too, where Magic isn’t present.” I nod, and start to do as step three instructed.

I imagine the red lines helping me move the cup upwards, and soon, the picture I see actually moves the cup upwards. All there is in my mind is that cup surrounded only by red lines, floating in black space. I feel it pulling closer to me, and soon start to smell minty tea near my nose. I can’t help but open my eyes to be met by a porcelain tea cup with a glowing red aura surrounding it. I feel my horn buzzing, and slowly, I can push the cup onto the table gently once more.

“Wow, perfect! I didn’t even have to tell you to try and open your eyes for the last step. That was remarkable, Shadowflash.” I see Twilight clop her hooves together and I smile.

“Thanks…uhm…How do I do it with my eyes open?” She smiles, explaining eagerly.

“Well, all you have to do is daydream, instead. Try it.” I do so, and repeat the steps, only with my eyes open.

It works perfectly as I move it up, towards me, and back down. I smile and receive some applause from Twilight.

“I can give you a book to help you learn everything from the basic to the advanced. Maybe you’ll be able to cast spells like me, one day?” She smirks as I see a hint of pride in her eyes.

“Maybe…” At that moment, I see Dash and Pinkie at the corner of my eye.

“Hey, ‘Flashy!” At first, I thought it was Dash.

But, it is actually Pinkie Pie jumping on me and bringing her forelimbs around my neck, hugging me tightly.

“Erg…h-hey-…Pinkie…” I manage as she finally lets go.

“You should’ve been with us! We went around pranking ponies and started a massive food fight in the middle of Ottipaw! Greatest prank of all time!” She bounces off of and around me as she speaks.

I chuckle as she bounces around me. “Well…” I see Dash looking at me, nudging her head towards Pinkie. I roll my eyes and stand up.

“Pinkie, mind if I talk to you?” I smile a bit, feeling heat rise to my face.

“Well, you are, silly!” She stops bouncing and I can feel her eyes lock onto mine.

“I meant in private, if I may.” She nods happily and bounces out of the room.

I sigh and quickly follow, closing the door behind me. I see her looking over the balcony and can’t help but get a …more-than-clear-view of her marehood. I feel a major flush of heat to my face, and look away, hoping to God I don’t get an erection right now.

“Ahem, uh-uh… Pinkie, I was wondering if—“

“Oh, oh,” she quickly jolts over to me, “I still have to throw you a party! I gotta get streamers, gifts, party balloons, drinks, hot sauce, streamers…wait, I said streamers...maybe more streamers... no, no, less… no, more! N-” I put my hoof to her mouth, interrupting her in return.

“Pinkie! Please, calm down, okay?” I see her nod, and I remove my hoof.

“Pinkie, I was wondering if you’d like to, y’know, hang out a bit. Alone. I kind of want to get to know you. I got to know everypony else pretty well, so, I wanted to know you a bit more, now. So, maybe we can head for a walk, or something?” I smile softly, and she nods slowly.

Pinkie Pie? Nod slowly? This had better not be a changeling Pinkie...

“I wouldn’t mind at all, ‘Flashy. We can go now, if you want.” I smile and nod.

“Sure, why not? Let’s go.” I say, watching her turn around and walk down the stairs.

God, please…let her be calm for longer than thirty seconds…


After a bit of a treacherous walk of stairs and a stroll through the main streets of Ottipaw – in which I saw a riot of pie throwers along the way -- we make our way to the park I first arrived in. All the leaves have fallen from the trees, and it makes for a blissful setting.

The fountain that I found my new face and body at has a thin layer of orange, red and yellow leaves across the water, and is no longer bubbling life from its jets. The benches all around have beds of leaves across them, and look pretty comfortable to sit on. The trees all around let sunlight beam through all the branches, and it looks like a beautiful stain glass window reflecting a rainbow onto the ground.

Reminds me of a church: calm and peaceful. Just perfect.

I see Pinkie jump over onto a bench, and I follow, sitting beside her. I see that she sits just like I would’ve back on Earth, and it makes me think of the fandom-made ‘Lyra pose’. I smile and then see she’s looking up at me.

“So, whatchya’ wanna’ know, ‘Flashy?” I feel my breath come out shaky and cold as she asks this.

I focus on her, trying not to look away, and make her know I’m interested in her right now. Just like everyone woman should feel.

“Well, Dash told me you run a bakery--” Well she didn’t. Don’t tell her that, “—so, I know what you do for a living. But, I wanna know more about, maybe, how you were as a kid, or maybe general things about yourself.” She nods softly and starts to speak in a very calm tone.

“Well, I help run a bakery, yeah, but I’m a party thrower extraordinaire!” I see her giggle a little. “I mostly like to hang out with my friends, because they’re awesome and I like meeting new ponies and making them smile. That’s pretty much it about me. When I was a filly—“ She stops a moment, and taps a hoof to her chin.

“—I was mostly a quiet filly, really. I helped my parents on a rock farm and it was boring, and I felt really lonely. I used to be called ‘Pinkamena’ back then, but this one day, I saw these rainbows shoot out of the sky, and I was so happy I felt like I would explode! So I threw a party for my family, and earned my cutie mark in party-throwing!” I see her smile and jump up a bit in excitement, and I just chuckle.

“Hey, I just noticed, where’s your cutie mark?” I look at my blank flank and shrug.

“I don’t have one, I guess. I’m a…‘different’ pony. I arrived here a bit ago and really only remember my family, but not where they are…” I know where they are, obviously, but I had to tell a lie.

“Well, how do you know your special talent, then?” she asks.

“I don’t. Just a jack-of-all-trades until I find my special talent, I guess.” I smile and get a giggle from her.

I feel the wind pick up, and watch a barrage of leaves rush by us, just in front of the fountain, before blowing off into the distance. The wind is cold, despite having all this fur, and I can feel my entire equine body shiver. Pinkie shivers too, and I feel her forelimbs wrap around me. Her head presses against my chest, and I’m met with a bit of pink, cotton-candy-smelling mane to my muzzle.


“I’m cold, ‘Flashy. Hold me, so we can warm up!” I hear her giggle, and can’t help but oblige.

My right forelimb wraps around her shoulders and my left wraps just under her chin. I pull her body up on my chest, and feel the warmth of her body against mine. I try to hold back the urge to have an erection, because I’m never usually this close with a girl.

“Your heart sounds funny…” she says.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I try to listen to my own heart, and it sounds fine to me.

“It goes: ba-bump-ba. Ba-bump-ba. Ba-bump-ba. Mines goes: ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump.” She re-enacts my heartbeat, and I start to worry; after a moment I realize that my heart is just beating faster.

“It’s just beating faster; trying to get more blood to my core, instead of the extremities.” I feel her head nod and a warm nuzzle to my chest.

“This feels nice, ‘Flashy.” She giggles.

“Yeah.” Would be better if you could suck my dick.

Whoa, hang on, what the fuck ?! No, no, no, bud, I have morals! Goodness, don’t think of that. It went horrible with Dash, and even then, that was stupid! Humans don’t have sex with horses!

But, you’re a horse. Having sex with a horse.

God damn your logic! Uhg! I hate having battles in my head. Whatever, try to ignore it, I guess…call me crazy, but this happens all too often.

“’Flashy, you okay?” I see Pinkie’s eyes looking up at me, almost bedroom-like.

“Yeah, why?” She giggles a little.

“Well, you seem a bit too comfortable for where I am.” I see that Pinkie is motioning to my ‘stallion-hood’ and I can’t help but let out a nervous chuckle.

“Whoa-ho, well, y’know… I didn’t even notice!” I laugh nervously, but she joins in.

“It’s okay. I’m surprised you’re this comfortable.” She goes back to resting her head on my chest, and I question one last thing.

“Pinkie, why are you so calm? Dash told me you’re a bit...‘wild’. She proved me right when you first arrived here. Is something wrong?” I feel something wet hit my chest where she lays, and I hear a bit of a slurred speech come from her.

“I’m just… lonely…” I hear her sniff after she says that.

“Want to talk about it? I’m a great listener.” I smile, even though she can’t see, and I feel her head nod.

“All the girls have colt-friends. I want one…one that listens to me, who enjoys my company and doesn’t think I’m just crazy ol’ Pinkie, who wants to just have alone time and wants to have fun. I don’t want a boring one like Twilight’s, or Rarity’s, or a shy one like Fluttershy’s…I want one that just, y’know, has a good time.” I feel more wetness come to my chest, and I assume it’s Pinkie crying.

I feel like offering myself, but it seems a little too early for that. I mean, I just met her about a few days ago.

“Is there anything I can do to help out?” I ask calmly, gently rubbing her shoulder with the bottom of my hoof, much like I would if I had a palm.

“C-could you… maybe… be with me for a while? Like… hang out with me a lot? Just us?” I sigh inwardly, knowing that she’s just being logical.

“Yeah, sure, anything.” I smile, and she looks up to me, tears in her eyes pouring gently down her face.

“Promise you’re doing that because you want to?” She sniffs.

“I promise.” I keep my smile on my face.

“Do you Pinkie Promise?” I see her cross her heart and poke her eye with her hoof.

“I Pinkie Promise.” I repeat the action, but not the words.

She smiles, and hugs me tightly. I hug her back, and the warmth of our bodies completely negates the cold wind that is still blowing leaves away in minor gusts. I sigh lightly out of contentment, and just hold her.

Well...I guess I’ll see where this goes. I couldn’t bear this place without some form of together-ness, I suppose.


Thanks guys so much for those who read this. I mean, it doesn’t have many views so far, but, I’m glad people do enjoy it. If you guys want, tell others about this story. I hope you keep enjoying it. =]
Also, those who are into Soul Eater, I have a Soul Eater fic you can all go and read. I’m going to update that ASAP, hopefully. Enjoy! <3<3

Tiring Antics and Cheating Games

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Murder I Wrote

Chapter 8

Tiring Antics and Cheating Games

Recently, I've been getting around to practicing magic. I've been avoiding practicing in front of Twilight or the other ponies, because I don't enjoy looking like a dumbass in front of everyone. It's just how I am; it’s how any sensible person is, I suppose. Anyways, the book Twilight gave me was jam-packed beyond belief with information.

It starts off with the basic levitation Twilight taught me. I've practiced further and further with that, mostly, and have gotten used to lifting some decently-weighted items. As of recently I've delved into more ‘apprentice-level’ magic. It mainly seems to focus on ‘alteration’; literally altering the states of objects around you. To me, that seems a lot more advanced than anything else, but to ponies, I guess it's fairly simple.
I've been attempting to morph a teacup into a teaspoon. So far, no luck. But, this is all in the past, really. I've spent a week doing this. To move on into the present, I'm sitting in the living space with everypony, Pinkie Pie sitting next to me. I'm still a bit uncomfortable sitting near her, due to the fact about a week ago she basically asked me out. God, it's a bit more awful than I thought.

"So, 'Flashy, what've you been up to in your small room lately? All I hear is you cussing in there," Dash's scratchy voice trails over to me.

"Mmm," I respond. I don't like sharing things too much. Especially when I haven't taken my pills for about a month, at this point.

I let out a soft sigh, hoping nopony in the room hears. Dash just huffs and I see Ferrum whispering in her ear. I squint over at them and observe their minor argument. Hope I didn't cause that...God, I'm such an idiot.

Ferrum sighs and looks at me. "Shadowflash, what've you been doing in there? We're all friends here, you can share it with us. We’re just a little worried, that’s all." He gives a kind smile and I shrug.

"Stuff." I close my eyes, leaning back on the sofa as I would've as a human, hind legs dangling over the edge and my forelimbs behind my head.

I see Dash's brows furrow deeply, and then everyone begins to stir. Rarity starts to scold me how I'm being ‘overly secretive’ and that what I'm doing in their residence needs to be shared. Twilight says something to Dash that I can't comprehend. Pinkie Pie is poking my forehead, annoyingly, uttering about candy or something. Applejack joins in with Rarity, bringing up being honest with them.

As I continue to remain silent, they continue to pester me more and more; Pinkie’s incessant poking doesn’t help. I want some goddamn privacy! It's time to smack some bitches back in their place, for Christ's sake!

"Would everyone kindly shut the fuck up?!" I yell at the top of my lungs, expelling out a breath of distaste afterwards in the silence that falls over the room.

"Pinkie Pie, for the love of all the holy gods in the universes, stop poking me!" I smack her hoof away from my forehead and then glare at everyone else in the room.

"Look, I was raised in a democracy. My privacy is allowed and is my right. Mess with that, and I can take this to some court or other bullshit. Otherwise, would you all kindly piss off for a while? Jesus Christ almighty!" I stand up, walking to the door at my far left, twisting the handle with my magic, opening the door, and slamming it shut as hard as I can.

"Fucking Christ...!" I utter under my breath and decide to head down the three flights of stairs.

After a good while, I made my way to the foyer of the large hotel, opened the golden doors, and stormed out into the streets of Ottipaw. I glare up at the night sky, gazing over its hazy-blue coating, the distant white and red specs that gather around the open space.

"I need another place to stay...this is insane..." I decide to walk off to the left, towards where Ferrum, Dash and I went for dinner.

My hooves make sharp a clip-clop as they come down on the cobblestone roads. The sound is annoying, but it brings an odd feeling of release. Now it seems stupid for me to have just stormed out for something as little as that. At the same time, having to deal with an invasion of privacy on top of being in a body that isn’t mine, having virtually nowhere to go and having to rely on others to stay alive, and not having my pills...well, those seem like really good reasons to be pissed off.

I sigh as I continue my journey to nowhere in the deepening night. I feel a slight chill run up my spine, likely from wind that is starting to pick up. I glance upwards at the sky and see many pegasi pushing dark clouds around in the beautiful night. I squint to see what they’re doing, and watch them start kicking the clouds. Some of the clouds above me start to drip water down on my coat.

I turn my head to see a small, dark-grey patch now. More water starts to drip, and soon, it's a full downpour. Thunder starts to boom as I look ahead, seeing many ponies heading indoors. Many ponies are accompanied by companions, and it starts to make my heart sink.

I hate being alone...I feel so worthless... I sink to the ground, laying on the freezing cobblestone. I feel my hooves start to freeze, and my core grow hotter. Interesting that this equine body would do such a thing. I guess all mammals are the same, I muse offhandedly.

I curl up, feeling numb and dead inside. I start to cry, placing my cold hooves against my freezing muzzle. The thunder cracks louder, as if some supernatural force wants no one to hear me...or maybe it's just because I'm tired and angry....and alone.

I lift my head and look back. The rain is blurring my vision, and all the lights have went out. I look up above, letting the rain drip into my eyes, mixing with my salty tears. Maybe I should just shrivel up and I'm of use here. Clearly wasn't of use back on Earth, was I?

I continue to sulk, keeping my eyes closed. Eventually, I feel a heavy weight upon them, as if I had small sandbags pulling on them. I feel my crying cease, and the noise from the rain stop. I must be...falling asleep...


All I can hear is the sound of giggling, as well as my own thoughts. I feel as if I can't open my eyes, and everything is still cold. Am I still in the streets? Does anyone even care? I feel so stupid right now...whining to myself. Never got me anywhere. Instead, I decide to open my eyes.

I am greeted by Pinkie Pie staring down at me with a bright smile on her face. I look at her in confusion, and see her pull away from me. I sit up, finding myself tightly wrapped by a blanket. It doesn't stop me, though.

"Nice to see you're awake!" Pinkie giggles, and I shake my head dazedly.

We're in a room; my room, it seems. The small environment is lit up by the light that I usually keep off. Pinkie Pie is sitting on a small stool, glaring at me. Her grin seems to disappear as I raise a brow and she starts frowning. I look around the room a bit more, seeing nothing has changed, and start to speak.

"Uhm...hi...?" I say, still fairly bewildered.

Was that all a dream?

"I decided to wake you up this morning! You've been waking up at crazy times, so I wanted to wake you up early...! Why're you looking at me like that?" She grins as she speaks, but it soon fades into a frown of question.

"Uh, what happened last night?" I ask her in a confused tone.

"Well, you were holed up in your room--" Yeah, I remember that. Practicing magic... "-- and then we all gathered to have a little talk together. You were mostly just staring at your hooves, and then Dashie asked what you've been doing in your room. You didn't answer, and then Ferrum asked the same thing, you just said 'stuff', and th--" I stop her, raising a hoof.

"I stormed out. I remember. Why am I here?" Why would they let me come back?

"Well, everypony was calling you mean names, but I decided to follow you because I knew you were just frustrated." She frowns deeply, and I see a little bit of her mane fall down and flatten out. "Sorry for poking you, by the way." I nod and let her continue. She frowns further in distaste.

"I saw you lying in the street when it started raining. I got closer, after you turned your head a second time, and I heard you crying. I didn't know we upset you that much, 'Flashy. I'm sorry. I really am." Now her mane has gone all straight. I see a tear drip out the side of her eye and I sigh.

"You don't understand, Pinkie. I don't think you will. I'm ...different, okay? I really am. I just want you to know that it isn't your fault. I'm just...really stressed. I can't vent on anything. All I have is my privacy, and I don't want it invaded." She's still crying as I say this, and I slide over in the bed, patting the spot next to me.

"Come here, I want to tell you something." She sniffs and hops on the bed, laying next to me.

"Mind if I tell you a story, Pinkie?" I watch her nod, and I can't help but smile, "Close your eyes for me, then." I turn my head to see her eyes closed, and I place a hoof on her chest.

“There once was a King. A very fair King; one who earned his right to be said King. He fought through many battles, defended small towns, villages, and even cities. He was anonymous for a while, until he was called to the throne by the many villagers and chieftains he saved. The King rightfully lead the kingdom in prosperity, sending the vile to his dungeons and keeping them locked in there to protect his villagers and his family.

“One night, after walking through the streets and talking to his subjects, a Dark Warrior infiltrated the guard's barracks, and forced the gates open. He ran inside, placed an explosive near a prison wall and released all the thousands of prisoners from their cells. He ran away, in glory to have caused such mischief. Unfortunately for all the subjects, they were targeted. Monsters attacked them, left and right, until they were all gone, and eventually, eliminated the King's wife and child.

“The king ran as far as he could, until he had to sacrifice himself; jumping off a large cliff-face, only to survive in a gush of water. He had to visit the city the next day; to watch it crumble, to watch it fall, and to watch himself sit in torment as he lost everything. All he worked for. Just to lose it in a night.”

Pinkie sniffs quietly. "What's it supposed to mean?" she asks.

"It means you can rise through hardship, and no matter how much you succeed, there'll always be something to stop you from being successful," I answer truthfully.

Her eyes open, and she turned her head to me, "what's it have to do with you, 'Flashy?" Pinkie sniffed again.

"I want to be successful, Pinkie. It's a lot different here than where I come from, which you'll probably never understand. But, Pinkie, it doesn't mean you have to blame yourself. The King never blamed himself. It was an accident that could've happened to anyone. Many kingdoms fell to the Dark Warrior, I promise you that." I smirk lightly, but it fades quickly.

"But...if the Dark Warrior kept doing it, what did the kings do?" I smiled.

"They formed a new kingdom. Together. Bonded as one. They all lost their kingdoms, Pinkie, and formed one so mighty, that it became an Empire. The Empire expanded into the deserts, the winter-lands, then outbacks, the forests. It was so big, that the Dark Warrior couldn't overcome it all. He succumbed to the massive change, and they eventually ended him." Pinkie stops sniffling as I finish.

I can see the redness in her eyes from wanting to cry, but she’s holding it back. "'Flashy, am I holding you back from succeeding?" she asks, and I shake my head immediately.

"No, Pinkie Pie. None of you girls are. If anything, I’m probably holding you all back, freeloading off you and all. But, what am I going to do? Live on the streets? I have to start small. Soon, I'll be my own King. But, it's a big goal. I need support. All the Kings had support. The villagers, townsfolk, et cetera." I take in a breath, sighing.

"I need support from all of you girls, and Ferrum, even if it means you don't know everything about me. Pinkie, what I'm tr--" she puts a hoof to my lips and wraps her forelimbs around me. It surprises me quite a bit, and I just pat her shoulder lightly.

She softly pushed away, looking at me again, "I understand, 'Flashy...I’m still sorry that I didn't help...I can be so stupid at times. It's what made me nearly lose all my friends, ‘cause I rush to conclusions, and that I can't handle being emotional and I'm always happy, an--" I stop her this time.

"At least you're happy, Pinkie. It's what makes you unique; being happy at the worst of times. I bet your friends are your friends just because of that, because that’s who you are. But, I don't know them too well--" Which is true. I’m not a brony about to Google everything about all the ponies on the show. "--and you do." I sigh softly, and I feeling her head move to my chest.

I gently stroke her straight mane, knowing she's still upset. I hear more sniffling, and am aware of a wet splotch appearing from where she is. I keep my forelimbs around her, to show I am here for her.

Reminds me of my girlfriend back home. Gets upset really easily, but always wants me to keep her happy.

"Pinkie?" I raise question to her, unexpectedly.

"Y-yes?" she stutters softly. It’s kind of cute.

"You understand that I'm different, right? How I was raised differently, and how I'm not from here, right?" I hear her muffle a cry in my chest, and then speak.

"Y-yeah...I-I understand." She lets out another sniff, and I stop talking.

After a couple more minutes of this, she stops sniffling and crying, but I can still see her body expand and retract from heavy breathing. I gaze down her sides, eliciting her curves and flank. I can also see something that one shouldn't be able to see. Well, good ol' Carl findin' more candy, eh? I can't help but stifle a laugh at this, and just look back at Pinkie.

"'Flashy; where are you from? And why don't you have a cutie mark?" Pinkie asks so softly, I can barely hear her.

"'ll take a bit to explain. But, if you want me to tell you, I will. have to try and believe everything I say, okay?" I see her nod, and tighten her forelimbs around me.

Looks like I have yet another story to tell...God damn it.

How I'm Here, Pinkie

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Murder I Wrote

Chapter 9

How I'm Here, Pinkie

"Pinkie, I don't know if you'll understand what I'm about to tell you, but... just bear with me, okay?" This is stupid, I tell myself as I speak slowly to Pinkie, who's considerably cheered up in the past five minutes.

"It's okay. I won't judge you, 'Flashy." Pinkie gives me the cutest smile, and I can't help but smile in return. Breaking my heart with that smile, Pinks.

"Alright... so... let me start from who I really am..."

Let me start off with my real name; it's ‘Carl’. I find it a nice name, and the meaning behind it makes me happy: a man with limited ambition, but he always seems to land on his feet. Has a great sense of humour but an overbearing personality. Seems outwardly happy with life but is internally depressed at all times. Never grows up but can hold a mature conversation.
Loves life but hates people and their messed up ways. I thought it all a bit too much when I found that out, but honestly, it describes who I am well... or who I was.

Anyways, I use to be something called a 'human'. A bipedal, kind of like a monkey. I lived on a planet called 'Earth', inhabited by many exotic animals, humans, and other species of beings. The animals couldn't talk like they do here, and generally, everything was quiet. Nothing big happening for me, anyways.

I had a family; not kids or anything, but... a mom, a dad... two brothers... I stop, letting out a sniff as I remove a hoof from her side and rub my eyes. Sorry, getting choked up over something silly... anyways, I had an all around great family. Sure, we had problems, fighting and arguing occasionally, things like that, but all families do. But, in the end, we still loved each other. I also had a great pile of friends that were usually at my side when things got gloomy. Like you do, Pinkie.

But, after a boring day at school... I think it was boring... I went to sleep, to relax. During my sleep, I was killed... by my own friends. Somehow... just, somehow, I was brought here. It happened so fast, I couldn't tell what was going on. That's why I'm here... how I'm here... and, to be honest... I miss home. I miss my entire family, and I want to be with them more than anything.

Equestria is a great place, Pinkie. But, as much as I want to stay... I want to leave. I want to be in the place that was normal... now I'm out of my comfort zone. I... for heaven's sake, I take pills just to be happy! I want them back... I'm so stressed here. Especially yesterday. That ... I held it in too long. I just... I just want to let it out...

I'm crying now. Tears... I feel them streaming down the sides of my cheeks. Pinkie is just looking at me and smiling. Her forelimbs wrap around my, what I think is, large neck, pushing me into her. I feel a warm, fuzzy, feeling in my stomach and chest as she embraces me. It makes me smile, but I continue to cry. I want to be with my family... I miss them so much...

"'Fla--... C-Carl... you don't need to cry. Pinkie is here to make you smile!" I can't help but chuckle and sniff to keep my nose from running.

"Just call me Shadowflash, I don't mind..." is all I say, and I hear her softly hum something into my ear.

Come on everypony
Smile, smile, smile...
Fill my heart up with sunshine,
All I really need's a smile, smile, smile...
From these happy friends of mine...!

I quietly laugh as she sings this into my ear. I decide to join in, even though I'm terrible at singing.

Come on everypony
Smile, smile, smile...
Fill my heart up with sunshine,
All I really need's a smile, smile, smile...
From these happy friends of mine...!
Yes the perfect gift for me!
Is a smile as wide as a mile!
To make me happy as can be....

She pushes me away from her, and I'm now looking her in light cerulean eyes, smiling. Her hoof presses against my right cheek, and I feel my tears being wiped away. Pinkie does the same to my left cheek and then she places her hooves on my shoulders.

"'Flashy... uhm... I know this is too soon, but... I've... been thinking... do... uhm..." She seems flustered, but remains smiling; it makes the most adorable blush I've ever seen. Her cheeks are flushed a bright red and she wears a set of 'bedroom' eyes on her face.

"Would you mind if I... kissed you?" She gives me a little puppy-pout and I can't help but smile.

Unfortunately, that thought of horses kissing me makes its way my mind.

She's a horse... it's wrong...

C'mon, man, when are you going to get a piece of ass for once in your life?

Just fuck her.

Kiss her. You deserve it. She's sentient and has above-average intelligence.

Don't do it; it's a crime against nature. Haven't you ever watched the news?

Bro, that ass is waiting for you, take it.

Do the unthinkable. Dive into her... let her feel you.

Don't listen to them. They're wrong. They're all wrong. You know what is right. You have the intelligence for it.

I shake my head to Pinkie, smiling to her. "Not at all, Pinkie. I'd like that very much." Her face shines with joy, and she tentatively moves closer to me; I feel her lips press against mine.

They're soft, smooth, and I can tell she's a virgin in terms of kissing. I know a little bit about it, but, I just let it happen. Her lips feel like a baby's bottom, for lack of a better metaphor. I start to kiss in return, letting our lips collide and gently brush against each other. It takes a minute to get the right rhythm going, but, it feels natural as we continue along. I don't know how much time passed, but it builds a euphoric egg in my mind... I honestly can’t control myself.

"'Flashy... is that...?" is all I hear her ask, then she pulls away.

My eyes dart open, and I feel my cheeks heat up. I look down quickly, taking a glance, then look back up in panic. "Uhh... I... err... s-sorry... I get... uhm... wha-what's the word? Ex... ermm.." She stops me, placing her hoof on my lips, giggling.

"It's fine, Flashy. But, you should learn a bit of self control." She winks and I feel a hoof push against my nethers, then pull away. The feeling was great, even if it lasted for a second.

"Aww, jeez, not going to continue? Not the best way to end it." I joke and she just giggles.

"I asked for a kiss, not for that." I smile as she says this. It was true.

"Well... I think I'm ready to apologize to the others. I was a jerk to them. I hope they'll forgive me." I sigh and Pinkie just nods.

"They will, don't worry about it. You don't know them like I do!" Pinkie bounces up and opens the door.

"See you out here!" I nod as she trots out.

Got a lot of explaining to do. Fuck me sideways.

Apologies and Truths

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Murder I Wrote

Chapter 10

Apologies and Truths

Edited by -- Guy_Incognito

I make my way out of the confines of the bed, sliding out of it and nearly falling on my ass. I stand up, groggily and sigh as I see a crack of light through the door. I have a lot to explain to them... I sigh, moving my hooves forward. I stop myself as I'm about to open the door, and start to think about what I'm going to say.

What if they don't believe me...? Wait, that's stupid. They should believe me; they believe Pinkie Pie, for God's sake. My confidence returns, and I start to push the door a little. I hear talking as I'm about to open it, and stop to listen.

"Pinkie... I think he's... rubbing some of his misconceptions off on you...." I heard the exquisite, and bitchy, voice of Rarity reach my ears, listening to her insult.

"He is not! I believe him! Besides, has he ever told you anything about him? His family and stuff?" I heard Rarity say ‘no’, and Pinkie go on, defending me. As much as I enjoy having someone stick up for me, I believe it's time for me to step in.

I push open the door, trotting my grey self forward. I'm greeted by Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Ferrum. I assume Twi, AJ and Fluttershy left somewhere, or something. They all stare at me once I enter the room... like I’m a stick in the mud, or something. I feel my lips move, and I can't help but smile to them. However, I get a much different response.

"So, going to lie to us again, Shadowflash? Or is that even your real name?" Rarity questioned, and I couldn't help but place my hoof to my face, face-hoofing.

"No... I was going to tell you all, but I see Pinkie already has." I look to Pinkie, who gives me an apologetic smile. "However, I'll also tell you what I've been doing in that room. Just to justify myself." I move forward, glaring at Rarity in her saucer-like eyes. I'm not too pleased by this pony, but I've calmed down enough to reason with this bitch.

"I've been practicing magic. Yes, that's right, magic. I actually have never learned to use magic, ever since I've arrived in Equestria. I'm sure Pinkie's explanation of me would've made it obvious." I sigh, shaking my head. "I just don't enjoy being bothered, which is why I confined the practice to behind that door. If I made it that obvious, then I would have been 'figured out'..." I look at Rarity, then glance over to Rainbow Dash and Ferrum.

"But, I have to apologize to you two, mainly. You've given me so much hospitality, that I've felt like a complete and total jerk. I pay nothing to stay here, I don't help out, and I don't even have a goddamned cutie mark. I feel useless..." Those butterflies of regret start to flutter in my stomach once more... God, I hate those...

"And I'm sorry to you," I point at Rarity, "for bursting on you. You're right, I do do nothing here. I barely help out. That's why I'm letting Rainbow Dash and Ferrum decide whether I stay or go. It's their residence; I'll oblige to what they want." I look back over to them. Rainbow Dash's magenta eyes look over to Ferrum's steel-blues.

I can see out of the corner of my eye that Rarity has a flabbergasted look upon her face. Hope she realizes that I can make a damn apology. I chortle in the back of my head, but let the grim wash back over me as I see Rainbow start to speak.

"I don't see why you can't stay. Just 'cause you haven't helped with anything, doesn't mean you can't now. We have plenty of things to keep you occupied. Hey, you might even find your cutie mark!" I see her grin, and Ferrum steps forward, looking slightly down at me.

"Look, Shadowflash, I think you're too hard on yourself sometimes. You seem pretty cool, and my wife thinks so; and being thought of as cool by Rainbow is not something to be taken lightly. I don't mind you staying, honestly. And, Rarity," Ferrum moved his gaze over to her, "what you did was wrong. He's my guest, and if I had a problem with it, I would've handled it." Rarity blushed lightly at Ferrum's remark.

"I... may have overreacted... Besides, you are certainly a gentlecolt for apologizing. Even if it is my fault... So, I apologize as well." Rarity smiles to me, but I can't get the image of her being a heartless prep out of my mind.

Ferrum looks back to me, his steely gaze (ba-dum-tss!) falling upon me. "Shadowflash, I have plenty of things you can do. You're a unicorn, for Celestia's sake. You're very useful. How about tomorrow, you help me out. For now, I want you to tell us a lot more about yourself. I feel it's best to get this all off of your chest." Did he really just rhyme... ? I nod, and move over to one of the cushions in the living space.

I take a seat on my rump, moving around to get comfy, and I am soon joined by Pinkie Pie... who sits relatively close to me. I see the others take a seat, and just as I open my mouth, the door opens to greet the three missing guests: Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy.

They all look at me apprehensively, and then gaze over to Ferrum. I see Ferrum give them a smile, and gesture for them to sit down. "Hey ladies, come join us. Shadowflash was just about to tell him more about himself. He already apologized, so no worries." Cue a collective ‘sigh’ of relief as they all trotted to the couch, sitting on it and looking at me.

"Well... Where to begin?" I look at them, and my brain starts to overlook my life's tale.

"Just tell us from the beginning." I hear Rainbow Dash's voice, and I nod. I guess I better just sum it up.

I'll just recap for Twi and them, about what Pinkie told you. Basically, I'm human. Bi-pideal, hairless, ape. That's what we're classified as. The place I was from was called 'Earth'. Just like here, only filled with humans and non-sentient beings. Horses, rabits, deer, elephants, you name it. I'll skip all the boring crap, I don't think you want to hear about my social life.

I had a family, until I came here. Mom, dad, two older brothers. I even had a girlfriend, but, that's not important. Point is how I got here. My own... friend murdered me. Don't ask how I saw it, but,... It's something I can't comprehend. I was somehow sent here, instead of the 'afterlife' as I'll call it. But, enough about that... Just boring stuff, mostly.

I think the most important part is actually about me. My real name is 'Carl', and I was named after my uncle. I lived in the 'country' called Canada, much like what you call it here, just spelled different. Ontario is the province that I lived in. I found it a great place to live, nice people, too. Really, there's not much I can go about... I'm terrible at telling peop--... err, ponies about myself... Even if I did give a big speech to Pinkie Pie... I just, I don't know... can't muster the words for it. Sorry.

I basically ended it there, unsure where to drag the conversation. I saw Twilight smile, and then everypony else just seemed to smile. Not sure what for, but it was kind of creepy. What is this? Children of the Corn? I let out a low chuckle, and hear Ferrum speak up.

"Well, it’s not the best story, but, I understand a bit more. Maybe Twilight will experiment on you, like usual." I hear everypony laugh and Twilight glow the deepest shades of red.

"H-hey! Just because he's from an extinct race, doesn't mean I can't learn about him and his culture! Besides, I was curious why you didn't know magic..." I just shrug and smile to her last comment.

"Anyways, what do we do now?" I ask, to nopony in particular.

"Well, we could always go out for some brunch? It's only afternoon," Rainbow Dash suggested, and everypony nodded in agreement.

"Sounds pretty good to me!" Pinkie Pie proclaimed. I couldn't help but jump at that, though, as she basically yelled it in my ear.

Gah... fucking hell... Well, this'll be fun.