"Ma'am, This Is a Wendy's...?"

by shortskirtsandexplosions

First published

Chastity White, a lonely young woman working a late night shift at Wendy's, gets a visit from a certain fiery-hair'd vixen who may or may not be her lesbian high school crush.

It's the graveyard shift at Wendy's, and Chastity White is bored out of her mind. Business is slow, and there isn't much for the eighteen-year-old to do but text her best friend and wait for her interminable stint at work to end.

What a terrible time for a horny stranger to come rolling up the drive thru, hitting on her via the speaker system. The only thing that would turn this night around is if the patron turns out to be Sunset Shimmer, Chastity's lesbian wet dream for months and months on end...

Oh. Well, shit.

Tags: Aggressive Flirting, Sex In the Workplace, Lesbian Boinking, Cunninglingus, Weyland-Yutani PTSD Flashbacks, Men Writing Women Subreddit

Special Thanks to shallow15 for the writing prompt and for proofreading. Additional thanks to Syntakitty for also proofreading.

Cover Art by Valentine

Do What Tastes Right

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The only thing worse than working at Wendy's was working the graveyard shift at Wendy's. Either way, Chastity White wasn't too terribly happy that night.

The petite eighteen-year-old sighed, dumping a fresh packet of fries into the greaser before reaching up to adjust the headpiece fitted around her neatly-pinned silver hair. It had been at least twenty minutes since a customer last rolled up to the drive thru. In many ways, the shifts with little business were even less bearable than the daylight hours when it was hoppin' mad stressful by the minute. The more time wore on with little to nothing to do, Chastity could only mill about between stations, squirming uncomfortably in her stiffly-worn uniform, her soft gray skin plastered with the impermeable scents of grease, preservatives, and other agonizing oils.

Chastity White adjusted her name tag for nothing and nobody in particular. Bloodshot blue eyes looked at the clock. It was thirty minutes past midnight. The dining area had been closed to public walk-ins for over two hours by now, and still the overhead speakers were playing the same network broadcast of three-decade-old pop hits. Chastity swore that corporate was trying to murder her before she could survive to the next election period. It was maddening enough that she had to work the graveyard shift alone. Business had been low in her company's district, and the allotment of payable hours even lower. She'd be doing far fewer nocturnal shifts that week—but her head manager was being borrowed for another store so...

It was up to Chastity alone to hold the fort from all angles. It was a manageable task, all things considered, and she had about two years of experience at that job. Such was the typical life for a Canterlot High School student trying to accumulate savings for the arduous leap into college. She had aspirations for majoring in history and language studies with hopes of becoming a teacher. In truth, Chastity hadn't put too much thought in what she'd be doing with a degree in social studies, but...

Okay. History majors meant bumping into the cutest nerds, and nothing turned Chastity on more than a nerdy girl with a dark side. Like a tall buxom redhead with whom she could reenact some of the more ravaging details of the Mongol Invasion. Perhaps a saucy brunette who had her own ways of analyzing the Spanish Inquisition—heavy emphasis on the anal part of analyzing. Even a blonde who couldn't stop giving lectures on the American Civil War. Fuck it. Chastity had a cherished smut bookmarked on the Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository entitled “Appomattox Cunthouse.”

Chastity blinked blearily, snapping herself out of the humid trance before she could tip over and fall into the flesh-burning frier. She whimpered inwardly, stretching her lithe figure in the scratchy clothes and apron. It was too damned hot behind the counter at Wendy's. Damnably hot and lonely. She could feel herself sweating straight through her bra. It was a good thing customers weren't permitted to walk inside at that point. The poor girl was gaining pitted stains through the least flattering parts of her uniform, and letting her mind wander to the carnal freedoms she hoped to enjoy in college certainly wasn't helping things.

True to her name, Chastity grew up in a very conservative household. Most meals with the family consisted of thirty-percent grace and sixty-percent actual eating. The remaining ten percent was desperately phasing her brain out so as not to hear the evangelical ramblings of her mother and father at every other bite. They expected so much from her: an abstinent lifestyle, a stern pursuit of education, and absolutely positively no interactions with boys.

The lattermost expectation didn't bother her even remotely—probably because boys were gross. And hairy. Hairy and gross. Also, Chastity was a lesbian. She was quite certain about this. Her twentieth viewing in a row of Mad Max Fury Road more or less convinced her, along with the hours of four-fingered bed mattress watering to follow. No doubt—among all of the other stereotypical expectations—her parents desired a grandchild from her. Chastity planned to be very... very far away when she finally locked genitalia with someone. College would afford her that luxury. Lots and lots of jet fuel would too, no doubt. It's why she was looking into attending a university near Dublin. That—and there were bound to be redheads there. (Yus.)

The only thing Chastity regretted about the upcoming new phase in her life—for butch or for wankery—was that she'd be leaving Canterlot High School behind. Canterlot High... and all its hotties. Dear sweet fucking Christ, the hotties. She had only transferred there in her junior year—a seemingly agonizing situation to be in—only it was an ecstatic thing. Ecstatic for her pussy, agonizing for her panties—with every dayum aphrodite imaginable sashaying up and down the halls with a virtually criminal dress code that allowed for skirts shorter than a Confederate Legislature. Chastity swore to God: it was like the high school was completely bodied by the extras to a Californian porno, and the menu of feminine selection was enough for a fat princess to gorge on, and she didn't even own a PSP.

If Chastity's parents ever showed up for a Parent-Teacher Meeting (something they could never afford to do—a consequence of their stupidly busy jobs, not that Chastity was complaining), they would likely burn to ashes inside their turtlenecks and khakis. For the first week Chastity was in attendance there, she had to sit on her folded hoodie so as not to stain the desk seats in home room. She resorted to stuffing tea bags into the cups of her brassiere so the universe wouldn't see her nipples turning to diamonds. It was difficult to breathe without drooling; just seeing that smokey-haired cellist at band practice was enough to make her clitoris impersonate a cosmonaut suffering decompression. What school actually has hot students at band practice? That's against the rules...

Thankfully, there was at least one soul who bore witness to Chastity's palpitating plight. One gracious individual lent her sweaty palm a hand, led her through the hallways with a smile, and gave her a shoulder to lean on while exhaling all of her frustrations and troubles—especially of the heated kind. No, Chastity didn't win herself a gay femboi friend; Canterlot High wasn't that perfect, but she did win the trust of the next best thing.

Her name was Pinkie Pie, and she was a bottle rocket of joy and mirth incarnate. With cotton candy hair that was fluffy as Hell and a disposition that was even fluffier, Pinkie Pie helped Chastity feel right at home at CHS. She gave her all the keen gossip—yet while somehow keeping it from getting too cringey, so as not to give Chastity a nasty aftertaste in her mouth. Pinkie made Chastity laugh, which was sorely missing in her life—both at work and especially at home. And... most of all—and this is something Chastity felt more than a little bit guilty about—Pinkie Pie was connected... strongly connected with all the best most buxom babes on campus. And it's not that Chastity disliked Pinkie Pie. The girl was very... “clownish,” and Chastity never really found clowns all that sexy, plus she was mostly drawn to less giddy and more reserved personalities. Pinkie Pie was simply a nice, pure, kind, invigorating best bestie kind of a friend, and Chastity would never ever fantasize about eating her out to a shrieking orgasm. Okay, maybe just a little bit... after a dessert of warheads to offset the sugariness of that undoubtedly powder-pink snatch.

Per the usual, Chastity's mind was wandering somewhere between the political repercussions of the Treaty of Versailles and Nicole Kidman trying on a corset in Moulin Rouge when her cell phone piiiiing'd with a fresh midnight text. It was against Wendy's policy to have personal phones operating on the shift, but—fuck it. The whole country was going to be underwater in half a century.

Chastity finished checking off the hourly numbers and brushed her way into the cubbyhole set beside the drive thru window. Her tired eyes glazed over the small screen of her mobile, and instantly she enjoyed the barest twinkle of joy.

It was Pinkie:

-┌( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿
-this is a stick-up!!!
-gimme all the smiles you got in those sexy drawers of yours

Chastity may have been far too deeply marinated in the malaise of fast food retail to summon a real-life grin, but she did feel an inescapable toastiness sprinkle over her heart. She threw a glance at the flat-screen security feed situated above her station. Aside from a wandering raccoon or two, the cameras revealed a barren drive thru lane. Once she was satisfied that the coast was clear, Chastity swung her thumbs across her phone screen, drumming up a reply.

-Im sorry, ma'am
-but the smile box has a ten minute timerr on it
-and the registers are maxxed out at five simpers each

A series of dancing ellipses filled Pinkie's half of the chat app. Soon enough—much to Chastity's casual elation—her friend had a comeback.

-(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
-Strudles eaten cold!!!
-I'd make more cash pole-dancing at an emu farm!!

Chastity replied.

-Then perhaps you should catch a flight to Australia ma'am.

She waited, hunched over the phone like the beautifully bad employee she was.

Soon enough, Pinkie ping'd back:

-It's no good!!
-Emus can't get turned on enough to toss bills my way

Chastity poked the bear.

-Why iss that ma'am?

This next bit from Pinkie took a half-minute...

-Don't you get it?
-It's August
-That's winter in Australia
-All the emus are
-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ⌐■-■
-Cold down under

Chastity experienced a lengthy combination of a sigh and a groan. Whatever it turned out to be, it was nonetheless filtered through the faintest of smiles. Pinkie Pie had won. Chastity's muscles relaxed and her heart carried on a calm cadence. She was still trapped at work, still wearing a stuffy shirt, still baptized by oil and grease.

But for the first time in hours, she felt chill.

Her fingers worked the phone.

-How are you tonight Pinkie?

Pinkie blipped back:

-Made of mostly water and carbon
-But the center of all that is filled with glazed vanilla cream!!
-Today at Sugarcube Corner I helped Mrs. Cake bake cream-filled powdery donuts
-We had some to spare after the initial baker's dozen was paid for!!
-Made for some great dessert for after studies!
-But enough about me
-S'up'itcha, grill grill???

A melodic sigh escaped Chastity's nostrils as she slowly plinked words into the reply field.

-Wishing I was in a magical world of desserts too right about now

-(҂◡_◡) ᕤ
-Dr. Pinkie Pie has a prescription for that

-Oh yeah
-Do tell

-Forty years!
-To the Land of Milk and Honey!

Chastity chuckled. Her damnable brain leapt forward with spectral pocket protectors, reminding the collective subconscious of humanity that it was the wilderness that the children of Israel were forced to live in for forty years, while the Land of Milk and Honey was their lofty destination.

But Pinkie wasn't finished texting:

-And Pinkie knows Chastity's most preferred level of milk percentage!!!11

-Whats that

- ( . Y . )

-and what about the honey?


-One does not simply walk into Mordor

-Not unless they've got the Mouth of Sauron!
-The tongue helps too
-Or so I'm told
-Pinkie's not much of a cunning linguist
-She's more of a cream licker

This brought a chuckle out of Chastity. She brushed a loose strand of silver hair back, smiling at the phone screen, vaguely catching her own ghostly reflection.

There was a time when she feared that she was somehow corrupting Pinkie Pie with her teenage heated-hormones and the obsession thereof. Truth is, despite her cutesy exterior, that party planning purveyor of puss possessed an enormous scope for all things laughably lewd. She took Chastity's deepest confidence and drove off a fucking cliff with it, giggling all the way down. While she may not have known when and how to tone down the teasing reminders of Chastity's orientation, it brought the young woman a great deal relief to have someone—anyone—with whom she could indulge, much less confide. It was a very welcome contrast to the stiff-necked heteromoronics of her parents' home, and Chastity couldn't be happier for it.

Plus... let's face it... Pinkie Pie was closely in touch with babes. Like... practically elbow-to-Fallopian-tubes with honest-to-goddess-daaaamn baaaaaaaabes. It was something Chastity was always jealous of. And Pinkie knew it. Which was fine, because Pinkie was keen to fill Chastity in. Repeatedly. With relish.

Speaking of which:

-It's Saph'o'clock!
-Do you know where your Pinkie Gaze is?

Instantly, Chastity's heart skipped a beat.

She gripped the phone like a loose grenade that needed its pin kept in.

-for the love of jodie foster
-fill me inn

Chastity serenaded the drive-thru cashier booth with dainty sing-songy wheezes from her dainty flaring nostrils as she waited... waited... waited...

Finally, her friend replied:

-your Pinkie Gaze spotted with her little eye

Chastity's heart skipped a beat.

Pinkie continued:

-A bra strap on Fluttershy!
-Someone just happened to be walking behind and above her as she was sitting at the library
-Stretching during studies
-Pinkie gaze remembers the lacy purple lingerie Rarity got her over the holidays!!
-And Pinkie Gaze knows that Fluttershy never ever dresses sexily underneath
-Unlessssss she's studying with Rainbow Dash
-Pinkie Gaze sees that blushing look of longing on Fluttershy whenever Rainbow isn't looking
-One of these days she's going to pounce on Rainbow Dash
-Alone in a bedroom somewhere
-Make her see Rarity's gift in full
-Then absolutely positively destroy her in bed

Chastity briefly closed her eyes. She knew Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Not in person—but her subconscious had firmly scanned the curvature of their bodies in the school hallways. Rainbow Dash and her petite slim and deliciously athletic figure. Fluttershy and her prim and proper height struggling desperately not to explode with all her hidden buxom boobaliciousness. The first was a cheeky little cunt, the second a stealthy assassin love goddess. The very idea of Fluttershy dragging the smarmy Rainbow Dash into a corner and completely overwhelming her until she came weeping was a delicious vision indeed.

But it wasn't the dream that she was hoping for.

Chastity's fingers flittered over the cell phone.

-Uh huh
-Anything else?

-Your Pinkie Gaze also happened to spot
-with her little earsssss
-the name of Rosette Nebula!
-from a certain bookworm's mouth!
-over and over and over again
-from the bathroom stall next to Pinkie!

Chastity had to think a bit about this one. There was a new teacher in the science wing that year. Someone who excelled in astronomy, from what she recalled. Tall, straight-laced, yet very femininely beautiful with smooth skin, a tight bosom, and—most striking of all—bright green eyes that peered behind sexy, sexy glasses.

Yes, Chastity could understand how this woman might very easily become a precocious lesbian's first-ever wet dream. If only she taught the history of the Roman Empire, then Chastity might claim her as her own.

But... imagining the very fact that Twilight Sparkle fingered herself at the thought of her—and with such horny desperation that she couldn't wait to get home but had to find relief in the school bathroom—was somehow simultaneously lewd and adorable. Twilight wasn't on the top of Chastity's holy goddess hotties list, but she saw a lot of herself in the studious young woman, and the idea of her having such intense needs and then finding that bliss made her own heart feel warm and toasty. Plus—now, thanks to Pinkie Pie, Chastity had all the mental fuel for imagining Rosette Nebula and Twilight Sparkle getting stuck in an elevator, confessing to one another, and hours later being discovered sweating and panting in an all-out naked scissoring duel.

But even this was still not the dream that she was hoping for.

With a flighty sigh, Chastity reopened her eyes and plinked at the chat app.

-I see
-Good for Twilight
-But... did Pinkie Gaze notice anything else?

To this, there was no response. At least not at first. Chastity found herself squirming. Half of her was afraid that that was the last she had to hear from Pinkie Pie that evening. The other half hoped against all odds that she had something else to deliver... something that Chastity wanted to read... something that she needed to read. There was a pain of fright in her spine... as well as a nervous stirring in her holiest of holies. The two sensations slowly oozed together to fill the space of Pinkie's silence.



Chastity's heart skipped a beat. For—at last—her friend provided new text on the far end of the app:

-Now that you mention it
-Pinkie Gaze happened to have spotted something
-In the girl's locker after P.E.

A breath was sucked out of the Wendy's employee's tender chest.

There was only one close friend whom Pinkie Pie shared P.E. class with. Just one. If this was going where Chastity thought it was going...

Her fingers slipped across the screen

-ofh yeahh?
-Whad did she seee?

=Pinkie's Gaze spotted
=With her little eye
=Something that rhymes with 'thunder groove'


-As well as rhymes with 'hide rube'


-Aww heck with it
-Something that rives with 'cull uncle'


-Now, Auntie Pinkie Pie is a good friend
-But she can't help having Pinkie Gaze!
-She just has a good memory!
-And it's not like her friend at P.E. meant to flash her
-It just happened!
-They spilled out, master
-Master forgive me but they had to come all out
-Just this once
-She didn't pack an athletic bra today, you see
-Or so that was the excuse
-Pinkie Gaze knows it was just to fluster Trixie during jogging practice
-In revenge for that stunt Trixie pulled on Rarity in Homeroom the other day

Chastity felt her blood pumping through her fingers. Nevertheless, she fought the trembles to type in response:

-Were they likee
-Pleese telk mee




-Piinkie Pye plzzzz

-Imagine late afternoon
-Right after the storm
-When the clouds have cleared and there's still rain and moisture in the air
-And the sun sets as this large round orb
-So bright and warm that you can almost feel the heartbeat in it just by looking
-And you just know
-You just know that it smells like lilac perfume beneath all that sweat
-And the gloss of the workout gives that smooth globe a shine
-With a hint of freckles beneath the glaze
-Imagine two of those
-Tender teardrops of teenage titillation
-Jiggling a little as they slip out of one shirt and into another
-But they pause at the very last second
-The nipples just grazing the hem
-As she spots you staring and rolls her eyes and says
-“Y'know, I'd charge most people for that, Pinkie”
-And then you realize the floor is stained red cuz Trixie just had a nosebleed beside you
-Something like that
-I dunno
-Something something r/menwritingwomen

Chastity White felt a pitiable cry rising in the base of her throat. Tennis shoes scuffled across the floor beneath her, forming a tight intersection. She was crossing her legs—her thighs squeezing together so hard they nearly created sparks. It was the only way to dam the Yangtze River while on the clock.

Sunset Shimmer...

Openly flashing other girls in the locker room... ...

Perhaps Pinkie Pie was exaggerating. The whole situation bordered on the mythological: girls never did porn-y things to one another at P.E. Never in real life. At least... not when Chastity was attending... goddess damn it. But...

...to think that Sunset Shimmer could be so brazenly lewd.

... ...so mercilessly teasing.

... … ...so ridiculously the very embodiment of a lesbian's soaking, sopping, Splooshapalooza Wet Dream.

A sigh escaped Chastity White's lips as she bowed her head before the cell phone lying in her trembling girl-fingers. Like she was offering a chalice of broken dreams up to the celestial womb of Wendy's. In want of a rapturous relief.

Pinkie Gaze aside, some scenarios simply weren't birthed into reality in order to get chiseled upon the breast bone of history.

In many cases, this manner of thinking would burrow a bleak rabbit hole for Chastity's mind to plunge into, dragging her deep into the depths of hopelessness and ennui. But this particular moment was different. Perhaps it was Pinkie's enthusiasm that egged her on, or the sheer thickness of the boredom that plagued her all shift, but suddenly Chastity couldn't bring herself to feel anything but enraptured... like a lonely Princess in her tower, holding a scented letter to her sighing bosom, all the while gazing down into a valley of flaming lava below. Like her hair.

Sunset Shimmer...

Sunset Shimmer... …

In adolescence, there were crushes. In teenagedom, there were infatuations. In Chastity White's panties, there were Niagra Falls, and all of it—all of it—owed itself to the beauty... the majesty... the orgasmitry that was the estrogenical goddess known as Sunset Shimmer.

Being a student of Canterlot High School—regardless of gender—and having a crush on Sunset Shimmer wasn't a particularly unique scenario. In fact, it more or less ran hand-in-hand with the experience of attending the campus, or in Chastity's case: hand in pants. There was a reason the school janitor had to mop the hallway floors twice a week. Everyone drenched themselves at the sight of that scarlet-hair'd fountain of femininity. Everyone swooned at her accomplishments. Everyone whimpered joyfully at the sound of her voice.

Chastity was among them—tragically late, but nonetheless grateful to the whims of fate to even be there. Had she transferred to CHS just a year later, she would have missed the cosmic conflagration of strength, courage, sass, and sexiness that distilled such a deified dame like Sunset Shimmer into being:

Immaculate skin—glazed with gold like she was excavated from the ruins of a previous world's afterlife, a world burnt to a crisp by a single smolder issued from her searing gaze.

Turquoise eyes—the color of rare gems, polished with so much confidence and power that Chastity's skin felt sliced to ribbons whenever the goddess so much as glanced her way—what Chastity wouldn't give for a perfect zigurat to roll her sacrificed body down in the aftermath of each blissful passing.

Red hair—(godfuckingdammitwhydidshehavetohaveredhair)—wavy in all the right places, swirling in all the rest, streaked with the same gold as her skin that danced in that scarlet blaze, burning a permanent etching of beauty into the eyes of all those lucky to see her, but unlucky enough to go home alone without.

And Chastity went home alone a lot. And she locked her door a lot. And she turned out the lights and threw herself onto the bed and wriggled out of her clothes and plunged her fingers into her fragile virgin snatch a lot—suckling that womanly etching which had been burned into her mind, nuzzling it, worshiping it, crying at the feet of it and hoping that one of these days... one of these many sad and lonesome days of waiting... that such a goddess would scoop her up and kiss those tears away—perhaps lick them and delight in them, delight in Chastity's hot and heated and helpless depravity... hoping... longing... begging for Sunset to so much as notice her one day. That one magical day when Chastity might have the bliss of hearing her name pronounced with Sunset's perfectly woman-y voice—through those luscious lips—and she'd be able to add that eternally ecstatic sensation to the mental etching itself, christmas trimmings that sparkled with each orgasmic throe of imagining herself at the receiving end of Sunset's loving, adoring, yet brutally invasive fingers, hearing her purr into her ear—biting each ear lobe and giggling at Chastity's pained cries... chiding and teasing her whenever Chastity pleaded, begged, mewled for “more more more!”

Chastity White had heard that Sunset Shimmer was once a bully, a trouble-maker, and a heart-breaker. Of course Sunset Shimmer was a bad girl. Fuck Chastity with a chainsaw, Sunset Shimmer actually had an honest-to-Gordot bad side—and Chastity naturally had to show up at CHS long after it was ever a thing. She cried about that a few times, just like she cried after finding out that Sunset Shimmer had a male partner once—some worthless masculine strip of a thing that had tragically cemented Sunset's orientation into something far, far from Chastity's snow-tinged shores, with no blissful chance of ever melting. Yes, Pinkie once told Chastity that Sunset was bi, but there wasn't a snowflake's chance in SoCal that this was true. Or—at least—that's what Chastity told herself, if only to stay the salt trickling into her wound from the inevitable truth that she would never ever amount to more than a dust mite within the twinkling of those polished turquoise eyes.

So Chastity had no recourse but to sail those windy straits, navigating the tempestuous narrows of Canterlot High School hallways, with waves made choppy by an unattainable Aphrodite gliding through, nearly crashing Chastity against the shoals with her eyes, her buxom body, that mature laugh that faded into an orchestral sigh, laced with spices and a touch of lilac, accompanied by a smolder that unwittingly ruined Chastity's underwear on a daily basis.

Sunset Shimmer was all Chastity could think about when she wasn't supposed to be thinking about anything. When she walked between classes at school. When she put her socks on in the morning. The euphoric minutes between clocking out at work and walking to her car. Strolling the yogurt aisle at the grocery store. The second trailer before a movie in a dimly-lit theatre. And—most damnably of all—late at night in bed as passing cars swept the roof of her room with cold headlights, she saw Sunset's face, how far away that devilish smolder burned in the pale gasp of all things, and how someday... with many tears that will never be licked up... Chastity would have to migrate to a college far away, thereby obliterating the constant presence of such beauty in her life forevermore.

And so it came to pass—as it always did—that Chastity concluded her obsessive sungazing with a sad sigh, resolving herself to an undeniable destiny: Sunset would forever only be a paragon of beauty but nothing more, a feminine facsimile of all that Chastity wanted but could never afford—not now, at least. Maybe someday, there would be a Second Sun, a dawn light instead of an evening apocalypse. She'd have to settle for whoever or whatever she'd find, but there would always be the first Sunset in her mind, and damned if Chastity wouldn't let it shimmer until it alone fought the heat death of the universe that will claim life in all its futile entirety.

A pinging noise alerted Chastity to the waking moment.

Wendy's. It existed. And Chastity stood dry, depressed, and barren inside its fast food fallopian tubes.

Her delicate eyelids fluttered open. She realized that Pinkie Pie had sent her a message after so much detestable silence. She held the mobile up to her blue pupils, squinting at the screen as it came into focus.

And the words along with it:

-Don't look now
-( •_•)
-(•_• )
-But something wanky this way comes!

Chastity's face scrunched—or at least as well as her immaculate features could afford the confuzzled expression. She was a true blue fan of Pinkie Gaze, but Pinkie Sense took her a great deal more time to figure out. And usually when she did, she was far too slow on the draw—


Within milliseconds, the real world echoed Pinkie's text.

Namely—a tiny chime had issued out of crackled speakers. Empty-headed, Chastity looked all around... until she remembered where she was. Her eyes flew to the security camera feed, revealing that a black sports car had rolled up to the drive thru speaker.

“Oh pop tarts!” Chastity cussed, sliding the cell phone to a respectable distance across the counter from her as her hands flew to her headpiece. She then adjusted her boom mic so that it hung directly before her pretty lips. “Ahem.” She stood tall, straight, and proper, positioning herself before the computer terminal and beginning a new transaction with the touch-screen interface. “Hello and welcome to Wendy's. May I please take your order?”

Usually, a customer would take some time to come up with a selection. This was especially true this late at night when only stoners and depressed middle-aged souls wrought with existential dread comprised the majority of diners.

But Chastity had barely finished issuing her complimentary greeting when her headphones echoed with a response—one belonging to a voice that was somehow sexy, sassy, and stupidly sultry all at once:

Scrkkk! No, but you can take my udders!”

“... … ...” Chastity blinked. Her brain tried to register those last few words. Did they just say what she thought they said? Who in the Hell says the word “udders” these days, anyways? It was a meteor's streak from the Farm Belt, after all.

The tender teenager looked all around the interior of the fast-food joint. Everything was where it should have been. The lighting was normal. Gravity wasn't off-kilter.

So, no. She wasn't dreaming. Probably. She had just spent the last five minutes texting with her best friend and her senses were in disarray. That was all.

Thankfully, only a few seconds had passed during this mental conniption. Chastity swam back to the surface on a tiny cough, then spat out something burned into memory in order to anchor the moment:

“Uhm... c-can I interest you in our chicken salad?”

Scrkkk! Let's skip straight to dessert, shall we?” the customer in the drive-thru immediately shot back. It was a woman's voice. Holy Hell, was it a woman's voice, dripping with estrogen and something else. Something confident, purring, and more than a little bit thirsty. “Do you have anything clean, smooth, vanilla-flavored... but could totally use a heapin' mountain of spiciness poured all over?”

Chastity blinked. Again. “Uhm...”

“Something creamy. Just melts at the touch. Tingles against the tongue.”

“Would you like... our Vanilla Frosty?”

“Depends. Does she come in a b-cup?”


Scrkkkk! Or maybe she comes el natural. Maybe she comes by the spoonful. Then again, maybe she just comes... over and over and over again... like a mare taken to the stables.”

Chastity's mind was tripping on a few metaphors too late. “Stables?”

Goddess, I miss having a mare all to myself. Her flushed muzzle, her flushed haunches, her flushed everything... the heat of it all sprinkled with a kiss of morning dew as the Princess raises the sun on our glistening sweat, exposing us both to the delicious sins we committed overnight.”

“Uhhhh...” Chastity arched an eyebrow so high it could pierce the heavens. “Ma'am, this is a Wendy's...?”

Scrkkk! But this is a lonnnnng way from home. But that's fine. I've got my eyes set on a new mare. She may not walk on all fours, but she's adorable enough that it'll do. I want to rub her cute nose and tell her that she's a good girl. But—believe you me—it won't be an apple I feed her. Odds are she'd scream for something else to munch on instead.”

Chastity face-palmed.

Good grief.

All the bats are out tonight.

Figures that the only thing to break the shift's monotony would be a total freakazoid rambling sociopathic obscenities through the drive thru speaker system.

Last time this happened, Chastity sent word to the police department—and nobody arrived until two hours later.

God did she hate doing these graveyard shifts alone.

Ma'am.” Chastity threw on her authoritative voice. It made her sound like her own Mom, which she hated. But she hated being flirted with by sociopathic strangers even worse. Just a bit. “Do you wish to order a meal or not—?”

“Scrkkkt! The only reason I pranked Trixie was that she's a coward. She likes to talk smack, but when the fruit finally do fall from the tree, she's too limp in the knees to bother picking them up.”

Chastity's heart clammed up in her meager chest. Her eyes darted towards the cell phone lying dormant on the counter, then back at the dark thick of night lingering outside the drive thru window.

“... … ...h-huh?”

But the vixen on the other end of the line only purred further into the teenager's ears: “The only woman I want is someone with a deep grasp of history. Someone snow-white and pure on the surface... but with so... sooooo much dirtiness boiling deep inside, needing to burst across the pages of time. Or perhaps just my face.” A pause. A dreamy sigh. “Awwwwww yessss... she'd be a keeper.”

“... … …???” Chastity's eyes flicked towards the security feed. The image was faint, ghostly, and framed by hard lines as a consequence of the same location being permanently burned into the monitor after so many years. And yet, through all of that, she could scarcely detect—or at least thought she could make out—a flicker of fiery red hair peeking through the passenger's side window. Like the evening sky after a storm, and just as deliciously ominous. “... … …!!!”

“But that's okay.” The voice breathed hotly through her headsets, punctuated by the throbbing of Chastity's own pulse, increasing in volume with each velvety vowel. “We can lick it off together.”

The next few words mewled out of Chastity's voice, like a frightened elf peering into a dungeon full of empty brazers, just about to be lit with a tornadic fire spell.

“S-Sunset Shimmer...?” Her voice rang with the tone of fractured bells. “...is that you?”

“SCRKKK! Eleven twenty-two?! For such a hearty meal?! Wowers, what a deal! Sold!

An engine revved.

“No!” Chastity flailed, gasping her headset in a flash of gay panic. “W-wait!”

More revving. “I'm rolling up to the window now! Zoop!

Even gayer panic. Chastity clasped her hands together like a blushing bride. She pivoted towards the closed window...

...just as a massive black shape cruised up and coasted to a stop. Flickering electric light glinted off its polished onyx chassis, like a stallion having trotted straight out of a summer monsoon, hot and fuming. The tinted driver's side window was only half up, masking the vague ghost of a curvy shape seated within. Twin traces of purpose peered at the Wendy's employee through the haze of night and glass, waiting, yearning—yet confident and patient with a decidedly turquoise authority.


Chastity's panties were instantly swimming the Strait of Magellan.

Sunset Shimmer...

THE Sunset Shimmer...

The current title holder of Chastity's internal doctrine of pussy succession, and solitary impetus behind her last twenty-five consecutive clam-caressing sessions.

She and she alone was rolling up to Chastity's window, after talking dirty to her through the speaker system, after purring into her headphones, after flirting...


The All-Mighty Aphrodite—FLIRTING—with Chastity White?! The physical manifestation of stale white bread?!

That'd be like Carrie Fisher resurrecting as her 1977 self and flirting with Daisy Ridley in the car she drove from The Blues Brothers.

Chastity breathed.

It was okay. She could deal with this. Maybe... maybe it wasn't Sunset Shimmer? Maybe it was just another female soul on Planet Earth who had the same voice, sassiness, and panache as the one-of-a-kind-goddess whom Chastity soaked herself over(GODDESS DAMMIT)

Chastity breathed.

She just had to sober herself up and pacify this moment before it pussified itself. Chastity was a professional. She was a scholar. She came from a very orderly home and she had a very orderly schedule and she had a very orderly future and none of it even remotely involved being hit on by the resident valkyrie of Canterlot High School and oh goddess what if she's wearing that hot leather jacket number she's usually squeezed into on Fridays(THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING)

Chastity breathed.

This called for calm and collected thoughts. Maybe Sunset Shimmer wasn't her normal self. Maybe she was high on something. Maybe it was simply some... crazy enchantment. Not a single soul attended Canterlot High who wasn't aware of the crazy-ass metaphysical nonsense that took place both on-and-off campus, almost always involving Sunset Shimmer and her closest friends. Pinkie Pie had filled Chastity in on enough details to fill the cracks in between. Something bad must have happened to Sunset—a horribad mood-altering spell or something. Chastity would be a terrible person if she took advantage of Sunset's undeniably lewd fugue state and(AH JEEZ WHAT IF FLIRTING BACK WITH SUNSET WOULD BE THE ONLY ”CURE” GODDESS DAMMIT ARRRRRGHGLKDLKJASLKJDJFKASSDFKLJSDRANDOMKEYBOARDNOISES)

Chastity breathed.



She had to deal with this by not dealing with this.

She had to calmly and quietly ask the guest to leave—declare that there would be no service, no handouts, and most certainly no inappropriate dialogue between clientele and employees.

And if that didn't work...

...it'd just take a simple call to the local police department, and alerting the suspect that she had done so.

There was protocol for this eventuality. Chastity simply had to follow it. She had to follow the rules. She had to be a good girl. She had to be a good girl.

She gnawed on her bottom lip. Her breasts shook with pulsating heartbeats. She saw her hand move—but was powerless to stop it.


Her hand... which was gliding like a paper plane towards the sliding panel of the drive thru window, gripping the lip, pulling... tugging... yanking—

(No no no no... you desperate horny idiot DON'T!)


—until it opened with a rush of humid air. Chastity White stood, pupils wide as saucers, gazing into the buzzing electric space between her and the occupant of the black sports car outside.

The figure in the passenger seat—vague and nebulous—remained perfectly still. Cool, collected, and completely in power. At any moment, Chastity expected the window to roll down and she'd see some sexy pimp of a specimen, emitting an alligator hiss through a smug smile like out of an Aphex Twin music video. Instead, nothing passed between the two of them—save for consistent echoes from the buzzing lights that otherwise consecrated that tense moment in the dead thick of butt-fuck-off night.

This lingered on for far too long, with Chastity craning her neck from the drive-thru window, like a sniper in search of more color. But the fiery hair hid itself—elusive and dangerous—beyond the black tint of the nearly-closed window frame. A deep pit formed in Chastity's stomach, hardening with the cold cold realization that maybe—just maybe—this wasn't the teenage goddess of her dreams after all.

The pit weighed deeper into her gut, plunging down and stretching her lungs to their thinnest, so that the inevitable escape of air produced a tiny whimper of a begging noise: “C-can I help you?”

“Knock knock,” a voice from beyond the black glass and aluminum purred.

“... … …?” Chastity's face was a pale sheen of shut-the-front-door. “Huh?”

Knock. Knock.” The voice burned louder, laced with a certain weight of authority that tingled the waistband of Chastity's panties.

“Uhm...” Chastity trembled. White knuckles clung to the bottom of the window frame as she stammered: “Who's there?”

“Alexander the Great.”

“... … ...A-Alexander the Great who?”

“—when he saw there was nothing left to conquer—gave up the ghost. But if you were alive back then, he would have settled for nothing short of the fucking moon.” Chastity swore she saw sunglasses lowering in the depth of night between them. Something twinkled, accompanied by a smolder she could barely see. “S'upitcha, grill-grill? Burning the midnight oil?” Licked lips. “Or maybe there's a flood advisory in effect?”

Chastity felt her thighs clenching together before the person had finished speaking. She cleared her delicate throat and peeped like a church mouse on Sunday: “Ma'am, unless y-you have something you w-wish to order, I'm afraid we mustn't—”

“Oh right! Payment! What a smart cookie you are! Brains and beauty!” Something shifted inside the vehicle. “Let me take care of that...”

There was a mechanical whirring noise. Something triggered deep in Chastity's head—memories of late Saturday night antics accompanied by scented candles, no doubt. By the time she blinked to the reality of the moment, she realized that the sound belonged to the automatic driver's side window that was currently rolling down. Her confused eyes brightened to an orange sheen—reflecting twin sunrises. She gasped—positively squeaked—like the virgin she was, and even did an adorably tiny jump backwards with two hands clasped over her mouth.

“Hahahaha!” the woman beyond the orbit of those globes laughed merrily, and yet—beneath all the sass—there was a delightful touch of friendliness to her chuckles, no doubt owing itself to the warmth in her voice and the similarly burning glint in her thin-eyed gaze as she leaned back in her seat while running a hand through those fiery, fiery locks. “Yeah. That was my first reaction too—albeit stretched out over several months since I first came through the portal. Lemme tell ya—gravity is a real bitch when they're on the front of ya instead of down below. Not that I expect you to get it, but... mmmmmm... I kind of prefer it that way.”

Chastity remained frozen in her station, hands clasped over her sweat-stained face. Her pulse was roaring so heavily into her eardrums that it was difficult to make out the woman's words.

(Oh goddddddddessssss...)

(It's really her!)

(It's really Sunset Shimmer... and her boobs... in the car outside my window!)

(Sunset! And boobs!)

Not that Sunset's breasts could handle the wheel. But if she leaned any more forward, they just might have to. The seatbelt's demarcation only helped to frame the twin C-cup teardrops of golden bounty as they glistened in the sweatlights. Chastity imagined it must have been unbelievably uncomfortable to drive topless, but the undeniably diamond-hard status of the nipples—burned into her dazzled retinae—only suggested a firm resolve to that mischievous huff-puff in time.

“Well, y'know how it is,” Sunset Shimmer's voice sang through the quivering night, vibrating through her areolas. “It's hot as hell this time of year, and sometimes you gotta air out the puppies or else they'll keep you awake all night!” She brushed her fiery mane back and ran a hand down her shapely bosom—keeping slow and steady so as to collect the anchors of Chastity's pulsating gaze. “Speaking of keeping awake all night...”

Chastity's hands remained cupped around her flushed face. She had sweated so much that her palms nearly collected enough moisture to drown herself.

(Why is she doing this?)

(Am I having a lucid wet dream?)

(Is this the Matrix?)

“I dunno, bae.” A turquoise wink. A smile that could crumble empires. “Do you wanna be my 'Trinity?'”

Coincidentally enough, this calmed Chastity down slightly. She lowered her hands, pursing her lips as she squinted quizzically at the car.

(Wait a second...)

(Is she actually reading my thoughts?)

“That depends.” Sunset Shimmer undid her seatbelt and leaned playfully out the window of her car, her bosom doing a Kilroy impression within the glossy frame. She propped her chin up against one palm, gazing at Chastity with a drunken smile—like a schoolgirl might look upon her third grade crush. “Is there anything in there worth looking at?” Her eyebrows arched tantalizingly. “Like what would you absolutely love to see me in?”

Chastity opened her mouth—but immediately clammed up, gnawing on her bottom lip.

“Mmmmmm... a nurse's outfit...” A golden pinkie finger swam up to Sunset's lips, and she bit on it with a smile. “...with matching white stockings...” A breathy giggle, and her eyes poured themselves warmly into the entirety of Chastity's gaze. “...ooooh... I like the naughty-spanking bit in the examination room. But I promise that it won't be like those punishment sessions you had as a kid. Unless... of course... you want to call me 'Mommy.'”

“Guh!” Chastity spasm'd wildly in place. Her whole person felt like imploding, with the infinitesimal anomaly at her very center growing wetter by the millisecond. She hunched over slightly to hide the undeniable stain in the crotch of her pants, all the while clutching her head. The motion unpinned her hair, so that the cascading snow-white threads fell all around her.

“Awwww yeah...” Sunset purred, and she may or may not have been running a finger around her own nipple. “There's the mane I've been wanting to see tossed for forever...”


Chastity trembled in place, short on breath, even shorter on wits.

(...Sunset Shimmer has actually noticed me??)

“Uhm... duh...” Sunset waved a hand. “You think I'm rolling up to the pharmacy window of a CVS? Tartarus, no! I'm here for you, girl!” A wink. “Besides—you're one hell of a drug.”

Whimpering, Chastity tilted her head up. Lips quivered... and her eyes began watering. “Please...” A desperate breath mewled on a fragile path between the merging mountains of fear and horniness. “...don't m-mess with me.”

Just then, Chastity's entire body caught aflame. She hadn't the strength to gasp; she barely had the strength to register what had taken place. But when her eyes fell—the first of many things—she discovered that Sunset had reached through the window to grasp her wrist. Somehow, that staid the implosion. Chastity still felt anxious, scared, and confused—but she had an anchor.

This moment was real. And the only thing more true were the words that came out of Sunset next, traveling the length of her well-toned arm to caress her.

“The last thing I ever want to do is pull your leg.” For the briefest of beats, those turquoise eyes took on a desperate, fractious glint. “I've thought about you for a long time, Chastity. And I know you've thought about me.” A smile issued between them—the smile of a friendly girl next door... … …just seconds before all remaining pretense would burn away and then she'd straddle the fuck out of her prey. “Why keep waiting for a dream to come true when it's right here in front of you?” A slight blush, almost humbling in its stupidity. “Wet as hell, I might add.”

“What... k-kind of a wet dream are we t-talking about?” Chastity asked—more like wheezed.

“Wellll...” Sunset leaned in even further, just a heated heave away at this point. “What kind of a wet dream do you want?

Chastity's eyes twitched.

Just then...

...the lights turned out.

“Aaaackies!” Chastity flinched in place, looking all around. The world had gone pitch-black, save for the flicker of storefronts and traffic lights across the street. The electric buzzing was gone. The car was gone.

...and Sunset Shimmer was gone.

All that remained of her was a tingling sensation in the spot on Chastity's dainty wrist where the vixen had touched her.

Chastity panted and panted.

(A power outage?)

(Now of all times?)

(And where did my hot nurse—I-I mean Sunset go???)

A shudder of panic ran through the teenager. In a flash, she slammed the glass window of the drive thru shut.

Now she was entombed in darkness.

It was silent as a sepulcher. She could hear her own insides gurgling in primal fear. And a little bit of something else—just a sprinkling of something exciting. Whatever it was, it hardened her nipples and sent goosebumps up and down her—



“GAH!” Chastity jumped away from a flashing white rectangle floating in black space before her. “F-FUCK!”

It was her cell phone.

A message was incoming.

A message from Pinkie Pie.

Chastity glided desperately towards it, banging her knees against nebulous counterspace and filling the air with the echoing spillage of napkins.

“Unngh... goddess dammit!”

Nevertheless, she finally managed to sweep the phone up, cradling it in sweaty, sweaty hands that could barely produce solid sentences.

-Piinkk Pii????

-Top? Mid? Or Jungle?

-Pinkie im in trubble
-Theres a power outtttagge at workk
-And I thiik Sunset wants too fuck me
-Also she can read minds
-Also she want to fuk me

-Is this a Cinemax kind of a fuck or the Lifetime kind?

-Whats that gott too do with anything?

-Well, a 'non-con' tag for one!

-I'm serious!
-Im really freeking out here!

-Well, first off, let's calm down, Cha-Cha
-Do you see any sign of the boobinator?

Chastity's grip of the phone shook. She nervously bit her lip, hovering in the dark.

Just then...

Bang bang bang!

“Hey! Gorgeous!”

Chastity's blue eyes darted nervously towards the far end of the dining area.

At first, she saw nothing but the black sheen of nocturnal nothingness. Then—a semi truck cruised by on the adjacent road. Its sweeping headlights oozed like slow motion lightning, outlining the curvaceous figure of a fiery-haired vixen pressing her face and boobs up against the glass while desperately hammering on the frame with a passionate fist.

“You can eat great!” Sunset's pretty lips fogged the glass, and Chastity's eyes fell to the silver dollars her nipples were forming against the transparent sheet. “Even late!”

By the next blink, the light had finished its sweep. Gone was Sunset Shimmer—along with her breasts, leaving Chastity suckled once again by darkness, feeling more than a little bit lonesome without the two supple companions.

-Cha Cha?
-You thereski?

Chastity gulped and typed into the phone while peering into the ominous darkness.

-This bird has flown.

Frantic ellipses heralded the reply of Chastity's fluffy-hair'd friend.

-No need to burn the Norwegian Wood in panic!
-Auntie Pinkie Pie has just the app for this situation!

-What app??

-Do you wanna tremble blindly in the dark all night?!

-I guess not...?

-Then download this app, girl!
-I'm sending the link!

Chastity's fingers flew over the icon. The phone in her hand switched screens. A lavish icon flickered to life, dazzling with colored bands ranging from fuchsia to pink to white to peach to orange. Chastity blanched as she read the app's name.

-Gaydar 3.0?!?!

-Yep yep yep!
-Unlike the first two versions, this one doesn't require a canister of radioactive isotope flying into your eyes, blinding you, and simultaneously giving birth to the Ninja Turtles!

-I dunno...

-Download it, girl!

-Maybe I shuuld just find a way to switch the powerrr back on

- ( `皿´)。ミ/

-Alrirght alright!!!!11

Huffing and puffing...

...Chastity slapped her thumb over the download icon. Fitful little pants echoed across the jet black empty eatery as her tiny self huddled and waited, sweat pouring down her fair brow. She watched with twitching eyes as Gaydar(™)'s installation ticked up and up...





Chastity frowned, contemplating sending an angry response to Pinkie's pop-up text.

But then...

Rustling noises.

“!!!” Chastity's pale face peered over at the restaurant's locked entrance.

Rattling sounds.

“!!!!!!” She jerked her face towards the onyx rows of empty booths and tables.

The petite employee slumped down to the floor with her back to a dormant frier. A dainty wrist was used to wipe her brow as she felt the thunder of her own heartbeat.


Her eyes flew back to the phone. Gaydar(™) was fully downloaded.

Pinkie texted:

-Updates, girl!!

Chastity's nostrils flared as she type-type-typed.

-Ive got et downloadded
-I thnk

-Boot it up!

-But Pinkiee


Stifling a girlish squeak, Chastity switched to the newly-installed app. The screen immediately conjured up a white semi-circular grid against an ink black background. Squinting, Chastity pivoted the phone until it was in landscape mode—which felt more appropriate.

Pinkie Pie texted:

-What do you see?

Chastity squinted. Slowly, she stood on trembling sneakers, holding the phone up and about.


Chastity switched to the text app.

-Just a white grid

She switched back to Gaydar...

...just in time for a tiny ivory splotch to blip in and out of existence along the furthest extent of the grid.


Chastity blinked.

All was still...

...but then.


The splotch reappeared and disappeared—closer this time.

-What's happening, Cha-Cha?

Chastity slowly paced about, inching across the floor and out from behind the counter.



Chastity gulped, plinking away at the phone between apps.

-Something's here...

-Something? Or someone?

-I dunno

The grid bleeped more and more constantly, with the ivory splotch swimming towards the focal center of the converging white lines.




Chastity came close to hyperventilating.

-I dunno what to doo
-The noise is increasing in pitchh

-It's getting closer!!!!1
-Closer and gayer!





Chastity seethed.



And then...


Chastity's everything locked up. She stood now in the center of the dining area, clutching her phone and shivering. Her twitching eyes slowly raised from the phone and lifted towards the ceiling—


One panel above blew open as if primed with pyrotechnics.

Something fell down in a crimson streak.

“Aaaa-aaa-aaaa!” Chastity flinched, standing on one foot like a flamingo and covering her silver head with bent arms.

But nothing happened...

...save for a satin soft strip of fabric draping over her ear and shoulder. A warm piece of fabric. Slightly moist too.

“... … …?” Chastity slowly deflated back into a calm standing position. She reached up with nimble fingers and peeled the damp artifact from her flushed cranium. Holding it to the light of the phone, she realized it was a lace thong. Red satin, black trim, and embellished with a very familiar symbol of an eclipsed sunset burning in the holiest-of-holies, front and center.

“Oh...” A similar redness spread from ear to ear across the coquettish eighteen-year-old's face. She was so entranced by the panties that she scarcely noticed the lithe shadow dropping down behind her. “...they're so... w-wet...!”

An orange finger tapped her shoulder.

Stupidly, Chastity turned around. She had to tilt her chin up to stare into a smokey set of turquoise eyes.

“All because of you,” purred a thoroughly buxom, thoroughly intimidating, thoroughly naked Sunset Shimmer. “Care to take a dive?”

Chastity instantly went pigeon-toed, nearly dropping both the phone and the thong. “Mmmmmm...” A whimpering, mewling sound. “...Mommy?”

Sunset smirked. “Close enough.” Woooosh! In a scarlet blur, she locked mouths with Chasity White. As passionate as the initial pounce was, the resulting contact proved to be the actual spark, and Sunset's nude body burned to an even higher plateau of passion, slithering her arms over and under Chastity's shirt and then through her silver-silk hair—like a child high on birthday cake might go about destroying a long-wrapped present.

And poor Chastity—swirling there in the whirlpool of it all—could scarcely summon a murmur against Sunset's tongue. The moment was surprisingly brutal, but—in melting through the hot wet panic of the moment—it bore a wide hole through which all of Chastity's months-upon-months of pent-up fantasizing over this undeniable goddess of a valkyrie came pouring through, and there yeeted any and all resolve that she could possibly have mustered to resist it.

But before she could even think of fully giving-in, Sunset's leap turned into a glide. Anchored to the lover's tongue, Chastity felt herself being swept across the floor of the eatery on greased lightning. She would have glided out of earth's orbit—hadn't a table slapped up against her butt, ending any and all momentum. She was thrown into a dip, falling into Sunset's cradling grasp as the young woman—huffing and puffing—looked down at her meal with thickening eyelids.

“Please say 'yes,'” Sunset hummed.

“Y-Yes...?” Chastity tried and tried—but couldn't rip her desperate beady eyes from Sunset's sweat-kissed bosom. “...yes to wh-what?”

“I want to shove my face between your legs and tongue-fuck you until you see God.”

“... … …” Chastity gulped. “Yes, ma'am.” Suddenly, her eyes bulged. “Ohhhhhhh YES, maaaa'aaaaam!!!” She arched her chest towards the darkened ceiling and whimpered. “Yes, ma'am, PLEASE!

The reason for this may or may not have been due to Sunset's fingers doing origami strokes firmly down the seams in Chastity's fly. The cries from the Wendy's employee as her crush fondled her were laughably pronounced, to say the least. One might think she was mimicking actresses her young self had witnessed in lesbian porn films in order to consecrate the moment. One might also be an idiot. Chastity was horny as all-fuck, and Sunset was about to do something about it—as well as get the both of them banned in a dozen African countries.

First, Sunset—with surprising strength—hoisted Chastity up until her top half laid atop the dining table, peeling the employee's apron off like a gossamer wedding veil. Next, she dropped like a halo jumper, undoing the other woman's belt and introducing her work pants to the floor. Chastity momentarily caught her breath, cursing the fact that she put on the dumbest, plainest, whitest briefs that afternoon. But then—the moans continued—for Sunset had wasted no time in lunging forward and clamping her hot mouth squarely over the scant cotton shield between her hungry breaths and the treasure that lay within.

In all the nights Chastity dreamed of this moment coming into fruition, she foolishly thought she could somehow witness her lover's mouthwork—as if she'd be equipped with a magical third eye that she'd be able to train on the action. As it turned out, all she could see was stars. Dazzling lights manifested across the black fathoms of the restaurant, issuing from each suckling motion of Sunset's lips, punctuated occasionally by a playful tongue that only burst brighter explosions. More shameless cries flew from Chastity's mouth... which embarrassed her... but then turned her on for being so embarrassed... but then embarrassed her for being so turned on for being so embarrassed—and just as her spasming thighs closed around the tickling bangs of Sunset's head nuzzling harder and hotter into her center, she felt the vixen's fingers reaching in, pulling the crotch of the undies away, and then her mouth devouring what lay tender and timid underneath.

Chastity screamed. It may have been a forbidden word. It may have been a random jingle from a commercial she saw as a child. It may have been the name of a color that never existed before and would make the brains of most mortals explode upon perceiving it. Nevertheless, Chastity hollered it—hot and heavy and heaving into that blacker-than-black abyss—but the abyss said nothing back. How could it? The two ladies' chorus was enough to pierce the false vacuum and flood a hundred billion universes.

Sunset had first pulled into the drive-thru around fifteen minutes ago... and now she was finally eating out.

The woman did things with her tongue that Chastity didn't even know was possible. The laws of conservation of mass were being rewritten with each lick. Through the fog and lightning, Chastity felt that hot predatory tongue lashing against her clit and then dipping into her wetness within moaning milliseconds of each movement. There'd be a shift, a stab, and then a sweet suckling sensation that made Chastity's insides feel like they would invert at a moment's shriek. It was like Sunset Shimmer was a fourth dimensional being, picking Chastity up from a gridded sheet of paper that Carl Sagan had mapped out, only to reverse every atom of her quivering body and place her back on the primordial plane, followed by a luscious massage. There'd be a lapse in movement—the blood in Chastity's being would slosh into her center and back into the extremities—and once her nerves had realigned, Sunset's tongue would slither back to run serpentine circles around her little hood before dribbling endlessly on the engorged peak.

And not stopping.

And. Not. Stopping.

Chastity found herself doing something she promised herself she'd never do after countless hours spent groaning about cringey Tik-Tok videos on Discord. She started humping another living being's face. There was simply no preventing it. The need to cum was greater than her desire to breathe, which was a remarkably selfish thing because the girl was almost certain she had orgasmed thrice already. Nevertheless—with Sunset lovingly torturing her with a full fucking ninety seconds of inhuman tongue-flicks—Chastity White had no choice but to oblige such an eager diner with the hottest and juiciest of meals, and if it trickled down Sunset's chin a little, she'd be sorry.

Or maybe not.

She hadn't realized she was crying until the moment had passed. Chastity floated back down from the zenith, damp and heaving, her nipples slicing ribbons into her workshirt from underneath.

Slowly—deliciously—Sunset Shimmer crawled up the once-virgin's body, wiping her chin dry with a lithe arm and winking. She then dipped in and kissed Chastity on the lips.

“Hi,” she said. “I'm God.”

“Fuck. Fuck.” Chastity panted and sniffled, close to tears. “How the f-fuck?!?

“Heeheehee...” Sunset giggled into her face, kissing each cheek and winking. “Do you always cry out Joan of Arc's name when you cum?”

“Mrmmff!” Chastity slapped two sweaty palms over her beet-red face. “Mrmmmmmfffffngh!” she groaned.

“Hey... heyyyyyyy...” Sunset pulled her hands down and kissed the woman's wet face once again. “How 'bout a history lesson, gorgeous?”

“Please... yes... yes...” Chastity's eyes were already rolling back as she writhed under Sunset's enveloping sexiness. “...any day... any hour...!”

“Mmmmmmm...” Sunset's hands slid up her chest, peeling Chastity's work shirt up to her collar, exposing her damp-damp bra. “I'm a little rusty on my lessons...” She kissed her down Chastity's chin and onto her exposed, goosepimpled chest. “...care to correct me?”

“Absolutely...” Chastity huffed and sweated and puffed. “...erect... you... fuck... sherbet...”

Sunset exhaled hotly into the petite girl's subtle cleavage. “When did civilization used think that the world was Flat?”

“Mmmmm—undeterminnnned...” Chastity crossed one arm over her face and panted, writhing under Sunset's weight. “...the Flat Earth m-myth was... mmmmm... largely p-perpetuated by Nineteenth Century westerners l-like Washington Irving and—OHHHH!!!—John William Draperrrrrr...!”

Sunset had slipped one of Chastity's breasts out from a bra cup and was lavishing it with her mouth and tongue. She lifted up, giving one nipple a lasting tongue-flick before winking up at her prey. “When was the first documented event of a slice of lemmings leaping off a cliff?” She wasted no time in sliding the other half of the bra down and assaulting the second breast.

“Ohhhh-OHHHH!” Chastity arched her chest into Sunset's face. “Mmmmm—the... the falsehood of lemmings b-being suicidal h-herd creatures owes itself—Auuuuugh! FUCK!—to... t-to the 1958 Walt Disney nature documentary White Wilderness where several filmed animals were hurled v-violently to their deaths while b-being captured on filmmmmmmm! Uuuuuugawwwwwwwd~!”

“Mmmm-mmmm...” Sunset Shimmer slowly stood up and slid Chastity until she was lying completely horizontal on the table. “Tell me, sweet cheeks.” She mounted her—straddling the girl's thighs and leaning down to kiss and kiss and kiss her flushed face repeatedly “What started the American Civil War?”

“Guhhhhhh...” Chastity gurgled for words between each delicious brush of the fiery woman's lips. “The forces of—mmmm—Brigadier General P. G. T. Beauregard fired—mmmm—an artillery barrage on—mmmm—the US soldiers of Fort Sumter at Charleston Harbor, South Carolina—mmmm—forcing Major Robert Anderson t-to surrenderrrrrr...”

“Mmmhmmmm...” Sunset smiled mischievously, nibbling Chastity's neck as she slid two fingers down and played with the entrance to the poor teenager's soaking pussy. “And wasn't the Civil War fought over states' rights?

“Unnnnnngh—a state's rights to what?!?” Chastity undulated and writhed into Sunset's invasive touch. “A state's rights to whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!” She clenched her eyes shut, beaming with a stupid smile, teetering on drunken giggles and howling orgasm. “Ohhhhhhhh whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!”

The stars aligned, each going super nova—one after another—starting in Chastity's crotch and thundering up her brain stem to reach the outer limits of the universe...

...and that was when the buzzing sound of the drive-thru lights throbbed back into being.

Chastity White's eyes flew wide open. Her panting face was covered in a cold... cold sheen. Her every limb trembled—including her arm, which felt hot at the contact of Sunset's arm. She was fully clothed and standing at the window the whole time.

“Wh... wh-what...?”

The topless woman in the car smirked. Chastity watched as she removed her hand from Chastity's arm—and the entire vision was severed.

Chastity teetered a bit. One hand braced herself against the window frame. The other ran up to her forehead as she came down... down the crest of the intense experience.

“What...” Chastity gulped dryly. “...was that?”

“A preview,” Sunset Shimmer purred. A wink issued between them. “Of things to come... provided you're up for it.”

“Up for...” Chastity still teetered in a daze. “...up for what?

“Well, a date, for starters.” Sunset's cheeks went rosy, as if she totally wasn't a sex-hungry half-naked woman rolling up to a drive-thru. “I've been wanting to ask you out for a long time now. Ever since your adorable self transferred in from another school, but...” Her eyes darted aside in a curious shade of coquettishness. “I just didn't think you'd be interested. At least, until...”

Chastity finally caught her breath. A knowing squint. “Pinkie Pie.”

Both women nodded.

“So... what do you say...?” That sultry turquoise returned, albeit with a hint of need. Sunset's fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “...would... you like to make both of our dreams come true?”

“... … ...” Chastity rubbed her neck. Her skin tingled from all the intimacy they had... that they didn't have... but that they could. History in the making. Only now, she possibly knew the victors whom it belonged to. “Definitely,” she wheezed through pursed lips.

Sunset brightened like a happy puppy. “Dinner and a movie?”

“Pffffffft...” Chastity slumped like melted ice cream against the window frame. “Yeah.” An even more melted smile. “Dinner and a movie.”

“Squee!” Sunset uttered, something like a happy horse might exhale. “It's a date!” She slipped her shades back on, shot a finger gun—"M'lady"—and rolled her window up. The sports car oozed off like slick oil under moonlight.

The Wendy's employee was alone with her hot and heavy breaths.


Chastity's gaze swiveled to the glowing phone on the counter. She tried picking it up—but it slipped twice from her sweaty grip. Stifling a curse, she finally raised Pinkie's text to her curious eyes.

- (・3・)
-How'd it goooooooooooooo?

Chastity felt like face-palming, but it would have risked dropping the phone. She plinked away at the app, replying.

-Looks like we've got a first date!
-You werre in on this the whole timee
-Werent you?

It didn't take very long for Pinkie to respond.

-Well duhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
-Who do you think blocked the drive thru lane entrance with her mini-coup to keep others from entering so it would buy you two some time?

Chastity looked to the security monitor for the first time in ages, just in time to see Pinkie's unmistakable car performing a scene out of Austin Powers. The employee's nostrils flared, her face red... and growing redder.

She typed.

-You still there?

-Uh huh

-Could you stay there?
-I need too
-Go to the employee washroom
-For like
-Twenty minutess

The phone vibrated eagerly.

-holla holla
-go get dolla, gyrrrrrl!

-Thanks Pinkie
-Ur the besttt

- ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
-Don't I know it!!!

Chastity slapped the phone onto the counter.

She turned around...

...and ran towards the back of the Wendy's, almost tripping once or twice.

Once there, she slammed the washroom tightly shut behind her in a huff... followed by even more huffing from beyond the sealed doorframe.

"Ah..." Deep. Musky. Cathartic. “~There's the beef~"