Right Up the Butt!

by TheWraithWriter

First published

Luna gets her head stuck up Cadence's butt. Things escalate from there.

Luna and Celestia are visiting Cadence, and the Princess of Love is ready for a very particular kind of love. The kind that involves butt stuff.

It's just that Celestia is in the mood for advanced butt stuff.

Contains Legal Incest (Adopted Niece/Aunt), Analingus/Rimming, Lesbians, and Anal Vore

Commission for Anonymous

Also, this wasn't planned for Vore Day, but things worked out to me posting it now. Happy 8/8!

Like, All the Way Up There

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“Candles, food, cider,” Cadence counted off her list as she busied herself around the room, touching each item in turn.

She had been preparing for nearly two weeks and this was the third room triple check of the day. She wondered, in the moments she wasn’t worrying and double-checking, if she picked up a few habits from Twilight. It was possible, she even made a proper ink and scroll list this time, but when it came to royal matters, a little bit of over-preparedness was necessary.

Cadence was to be hosting her Aunts for some sort of trade deal they were to be negotiating on. She honestly couldn’t quite remember what trade deal, crystals possibly, but that didn’t really matter. The deal was being worked on by more economically inclined ponies and the collective alicorns were more or less there for appearances’ sake.

The trio of alicorns had long learned to make the best of the situation. Twilight, whenever she was able to find time to participate in these things, always buried herself in the inner workings of the deal. She probably wouldn’t have found the other three’s ‘princess activities’ very enjoyable. Or princess-y.

Cadence was adjusting the sheets on the bed for the fourth time when she heard a knock at the door accompanied by a familiar voice.

“Cadenza, it is your aunt.”

Cadence squeaked and did a rush job of making herself presentable. Once most of her mane was in place and her fur more or less smoothed out, she approached the door and opened it.

“Hello, Luna,” Cadence said with a genuine smile. “It’s great to see yoo-mmph!”

Cadence was cut off mid-word by Luna’s lips connecting with hers. She let out a muffled yelp followed by a low moan as she leaned deeper into the kiss. Luna’s initial forwardness dipped and her lips remained firmly closed as the two mares pressed against each other. Cadence was tempted to try worming her tongue inside her aunt’s mouth, but decided to hold off for the moment. They had a whole weekend to themselves, after all.

When they pulled away from each other, there was only a single thin strand of saliva connecting their lips. It soon broke and vanished, leaving the two blushing alicorns to regard each other with lustful gazes.

“It’s great to see you,” Cadence finished, panting slightly.

“‘Tis good to see you as well, dear Cadenza,” Luna nodded. “Forgive my forwardness, but I must admit I have been wanting for your lips on mine for quite some time.”

“It has been a while, hasn’t it?” Cadence chuckled. “Well, no sense in staying out in the hall here. Come in, please.”

Cadence backed up and allowed Luna to enter the room, quickly closing the door behind her. She turned and watched Luna look over the room, feeling oddly nervous. She hoped the room was up to royal standards, considering who she was hosting.

While it wasn’t the room she shared with Shining, it was every bit as classy and plush. The bed was significantly bigger though. Enough to sleep eight ponies comfortably. It could hold a dozen if they didn’t mind getting extremely intimate. The sheets were silk and light and the pillows so soft you could swear they were made from clouds. Which they were. Everything was pink, aqua marine, and lavender, and Cadence was only then worrying that those colors might not be to Luna’s tastes.

Before Cadence could worry any more about her color choices, Luna spoke.

“Pray tell, Cadenza, which of your staff put this room together?”

“Uh, did it myself,” Cadence smiled nervously and ran a hoof through her mane. “If you want to go somewhere else, we-”

“Somewhere else? Perish the thought!” Luna laughed, hopping gracefully onto the bed and testing its plushness with her hooves. “Tis a bit… ‘Celestia’ in color, but I find it most pleasant!” She flopped down and rested her head on one of the pillows, sighing happily.

Cadence let out a relieved breath. “Good to know if this whole princess thing doesn’t work out, I can go into interior decorating.”

“You speak in jest, Cadenza,” Luna smirked, “But, do not be surprised if you find yourself spirited away to Canterlot to redo both mine and Celestia’s chambers.”

“Speaking of Celestia,” Cadence said as she approached the bed. “Where is she?”

“Emptying your food stores, I imagine,” Luna chuckled. “We can wait for her, if you are so inclined.”

“Not in the slightest,” Cadence giggled, bending her legs before pouncing onto her aunt.

Luna let out a delightful squeal as she was subjected to a lips-based assault by the Crystal Princess. No quarter given as Luna’s defences were smashed and her vulnerable ticklish spots were overrun by a flurry of kisses and nibbles. Cadence started at Luna’s chest, dipped lower to her belly, then zipped back up to nibble at Luna’s collar bone. All the while, Luna’s wings flapped wildly and she made a few ineffectual flails of her hooves. Cadence slid down Luna’s body, still nibbling and kissing, before she came to a slow stop just a few inches above the Moon Princess’s pussy.

Luna was left panting, lightly squeezing her thighs around Cadence’s neck as the pink alicorn rested her cheek on her aunt’s belly.

“Getting a little soft down here, Aunty,” Cadence teased, used to Luna having a rather firm abdomen.

“Take care with your tongue, Cadenza,” Luna replied. “Lest you find it leading you into places you are unprepared to handle.”

Cadence giggled. “Unless you’ve grown some extra teeth down there again, I think I’m more than prepared.”

Luna let out an amused snort and squeezed her legs a little tighter, trapping Cadence’s head.

“Cadenza, you are always so eager to taste me. Do you not enjoy your husband’s flavor?”

Cadence just raised an eyebrow as she tried to squirm out of the grip of Luna’s thighs, admittedly excited to get at the prize that lay between them.

“It’s not that I don’t like Shining’s, uh, flavor,” Cadence said with a huff as she tried and failed to escape her aunt’s powerful legs. “It’s just that, enff, I can have him anytime I want.” She stopped struggling and met Luna’s gaze. “I only get to taste you on special occasions.”

Cadence shot Luna her most disarming smile, reportedly capable of melting ice and sparking love affairs to rival the works of Shakes Spear. It might as well have been a fly bouncing off a brick wall for all it did to sway to Luna.

“And you are so busy tasting me,” Luna said with an almost apologetic smile. “That I hardly have a chance to appreciate you, my dear niece. I feel selfish, allowing you to lavish all your attention on me while not returning the favor.”

“Oh, Luna…” Cadence blushed like a school filly getting her first compliment. “That’s sweet.” She swallowed thickly. “Also, I think you’re starting to choke me.”

Luna’s smile turned devious in a flash. “Pardons, Cadenza. I was under the impression you enjoyed such things.”

The pressure around Cadence’s neck lessened and she took a deep breath, inhaling no small amount of Luna’s musk. Dark and earthy, with just the hint of sweetness buried deep. It took a not inconsiderable amount of Cadence’s willpower to not dive in and tongue her aunt’s cunt like her life depended on it.

“Turn around please, Cadenza,” Luna said, making a circle gesture with her hoof. “Allow me to see that world famous rump of yours.”

“World famous?” Cadence asked with a blush as she did as she was instructed.

“Oh yes. Tia has banned any… less than dignified depictions of herself or I from the guard barracks and the like. So, in turn, images you now grace their walls,” Luna giggled. “Couple that with the fact one of their own is now your husband, and recruitment is up these past few years.”

An odd feeling of pride welled up in Cadence’s chest. She knew she shouldn’t be so vain, but the thought of so many ponies staring lustfully at pictures of her excited her. Maybe she would start putting those up around the Empire too.

Luna grabbed Cadence’s butt with both hooves, smushing her cheeks together and giggling lustfully. She did it again and again, making Cadence’s whole butt jiggle.

"Tis like the jello Tia so enjoys," Luna giggled.

“Having fun?” Cadence asked, unable to keep a little moan from escaping her lips.

“I am indeed having fun,” Luna replied, her hooves suddenly falling away from Cadence’s ass.

Before the Princess of Love could ask why she stopped, Luna’s hoof came down on her ass with lightning speed, producing an appropriately thunderous crack. Cadence squealed at the sharp pain that quickly mellowed out to a hot and pleasurable dull ache. Luna cackled, giving Cadence a few more, thankfully gentler, slapps on the ass.

The slaps were soon replaced with more gropes, Luna’s oddly cool lips and tongue joining her hooves in appreciating Cadence’s bubble butt. Every kiss and lick sent a little spark of pleasure up Cadence’s spine, and the nibbles that followed excited her even more. She could feel her excitement starting to drip down her thighs and it became harder and harder to resist forcing her aunt’s face between her legs. But, Luna had wanted to take this at her own pace, and Cadence would oblige her. For a little while longer at least.

“You have a wonderful derriere, Cadenza,” Luna commented, her voice muffled by said derriere. She pulled away with a wet ‘mwah’. “It rivals my own, which I have been told is quite lovely.”

Cadence snickered. “Thank you, Luna. That’s quite a compliment, especially from you.”

“How do you do it?” Luna asked, prodding Cadence’s left cheek with her hoof. “I suspect your technique is different from my own.”

“Uh…” Cadence blushed. “I guess I ate a lot of food. Especially when I was pregnant with Flurry.” She coughed. “How did you do it?”

Luna chuckled evilly. “Oh, it’s rather simple. Whenever I see a pony with a nice behind, especially with one nicer than my own, I get them alone,” Luna dropped her voice low. “And I eat them.”

Luna punctuated her statement with a playful bite of Cadence’s right ass cheek, eliciting a sharp squeak from the pink alicorn.


“Mmm, I am sorry, sweet Cadenza, but I simply cannot help myself,” Luna said before raising her voice to a declarative shout. “I am going to eat your ass!”

Cadence would have groaned at the rather cheesy line if Luna hadn’t spread her cheeks and dove in with the same gusto Shining had for corn dogs, bringing forth a wanton moan instead. The Moon Princess’s tongue was practically another limb, seeming to be impossibly long and dexterous enough to tie a cherry stem in a knot. It felt like it was everywhere at once, on Cadence’s thighs, her ass, her dripping, winking cunt.

Cadence’s forelegs gave out on her and she collapsed face first onto the bed. Her hindlegs remained sturdy, although she suspected that had more to do with Luna’s firm grip on her butt than her own muscles. She covered her face, her blush hot enough to cook bacon on.

“You have a wonderful flavor, Cadenza,” Luna commented casually between wet slurps. “Mmm, how your husband pulls himself away from you long enough to do anything else I do not know. Perhaps he does not taste you as I do. Tis a shame.”

“Sh-Shiny is v-very att-ttentive!” Cadence replied, having difficulty getting the words out as anything but moans.

“Is he? Tis good to hear,” Luna suddenly pulled her wonderful tongue away, noisily licking her chops before adding, “But, does he attend to your every hole?”

Cadence’s ears perked up, all too aware of where this was going.

“Y-you don’t mean-”

The words caught in Cadence’s throat as Luna dragged her tongue all the way from Cadence’s fat clit, across her sodden lips, over her taint before circling her plump ponut. The contact, the wet texture of her aunt’s tongue, sent an electric bolt up Cadence’s spine. Shining was an attentive husband, and they had done anal things in the past, even on him. But he had never actually eaten her ass before. ‘Tossed her salad’ as Twilight had explained was the popular slang.

She was absolutely going to make him do it next time they fucked.

Luna moaned as she slathered saliva over Cadence’s back entrance. The alicorn counted it as a point of pride how clean she was, inside and out. She shivered as she felt Luna’s hot breath on her nethers, felt her aunt’s lips literally kiss her ass as her tongue wormed its way inside her.

Cadence couldn’t help herself, her body reacting to the new and exciting sensations. She came, not with a shout but certainly with a squirt, staining the sheets below. And with her orgasm went her legs, her muscles finally giving out. Unfortunately, it seemed Luna wasn’t giving her ass as much physical support as she had thought.

There was a yelp, a squelch, and then a squeal as Cadence came again as she felt something quite large suddenly spreading her ass.

Cadence bolted upright, her heavy ass resting on Luna’s shoulders as something big had found its way up her butt. She trembled, unable to keep her hoof from going right to her pussy and rubbing like she was trying to start a fire. More little squirts of feminie lust stained the bed, Cadence working on pleasure-addled auto-pilot. It was only Luna’s flailing hooves hitting her legs and belly that managed to bring Cadence out of her stupor. She stopped jilling herself and became aware that whatever was up her butt was making a noise that sounded a lot like shouting. And that the vibrations it caused were quite pleasant.

It took Cadence an embarrassing amount of seconds to put two and two together.

“A-Aunty Luna… is your head up my…?”

Obviously, with her head literally up Cadence’s ass, Luna was difficult to hear. But between her shouts and violent hoof gestures, Cadence managed to parse a ‘yes’.

“O-okay, we should- ooh,”

Cadence didn’t like to admit it, but she loved it when Shining fucked her ass. It wasn’t just because of how dominant it was, or how dirty it was. It honestly felt good. Maybe it had something to do with her being the Princess of Love and all, but any and every kind of touch and sensation brought her pleasure.

Even her butthole.

Especially her butthole.

The way Luna was moving, the girth of her head, her horn poking at Cadence’s insides, it all just set Cadence off. Before she was even aware of what she was doing, she was hoofing her cunt again, grinding her ass against Luna’s pinned body. Luna, understandably, didn’t take too kindly to that. She flailed her entire body wildly, wings creating big gusts of air while her back legs knocked pillows off the bed. Her forehooves were mostly pinned beneath Cadence and so offered little resistance aside from the occasional hit against her niece's underside.

Suddenly, amidst her grinding, Cadence felt Luna’s shoulders pop inside her butt. They forced her body to stretch a little more, making her feel even better. Somewhere, in the back of her endorphin drunk brain, Cadence realized she was on the fast track to a heart attack. That would be embarrassing, dying of orgasm-overdose and being found with a fellow princess’s head up her ass.

It was this realization, coupled with the sound of the door suddenly opening, that forced clarity on Cadence.

“Cadence?” came the voice of her other aunt, Celestia. “Uh, so someone ate all your cake. And all your apples. Separately. You might need to get… more…”

Cadence froze, feeling Celestia’s presence behind her, the eldest alicorn’s eyes taking in the scene. The pillows on the floor, the femcum-stained sheets, and the rather compromising position of Cadence with Luna’s head and shoulders firmly up her ass.

“A-Aunty Celest-t-tia!” Cadence laboriously turned her head to look over her shoulder at the Sun Princess. “I can… explain?” Cadence said, not believing her own words.

To her surprise, Celestia didn’t react with horror or disgust. She didn’t even seem to be all that surprised. Instead, she merely held a hoof to her chin and laughed.

“If I had known what you two were going to get up to, I wouldn’t have stopped by the kitchen.”

Cadence blinked and even Luna stopped struggling, apparently able to hear what Celestia was saying.

“Wha-?” was all Cadence managed to say before Celestia continued.

“I had no idea you were so naughty, Lulu,” Celestia giggled, kicking the door closed and audibly locking it. “And Cadence, I suppose I could have guessed you were a butt slut, but not this much of one.”

Celestia began to walk forward and Cadence suddenly felt heat bloom inside her bowels. Based on the familiar tingle, Luna had fired off a spell. Luckily, tingle was all the magic made her do. That, and force a squeak from her throat and a little squirt of fluid from her cunt.

“I must say, Cadence, you have a lovely ass,” Celestia snickered “You’ve only got to her shoulders. First time?” Celestia smirked as she came up alongside the bed. “Here, let me help.”

Cadence wasn’t quite sure what Celestia meant by ‘help’, but Luna apparently did, giving one last defiant thash before her sister’s magic enveloped her. Cadence felt it on herself as well, though only her shoulders, holding her steady. She felt Luna’s body wiggle around a little, but all at once like she was a solid object. Maybe Celestia was going to pull her out.

Celestia didn’t do that. Instead, with a single powerful shove and a wet schlorp, Celestia forced Luna’s entire body right up Cadence's butt. Cadence came, not with a scream but a strangled nnng, giving the nice silk sheets another coating of mare-nectar. Her body happily stretched to accommodate Luna, bulging obscenely as the Moon Princess and her not inconsiderable ass moved through her guts. Cadence shivered and collapsed, only to realize a few heartbeats later she wasn’t lying on the fluid soaked sheets. Not entirely at least.

She touched her belly, finding it stretched out even more than when she had been pregnant. Although, just like that time, there was an alicorn inside her. She felt Luna squirming around, although not very well. Cadence’s stomach was squeezing tightly down on its sudden guest, forcing Luna to curl up into a fetal position. Cadence continued to poke and rub the pony shaped lump, her brain struggling to process all the sensations.

“Better?” Celestia whispered in Cadence's ear, making her flinch.

Ah! Uh…” Cadence trailed off dumbly, her face red. “Yes?”

“Good to hear, my dear Cadence.” Celestia poked her niece's stretched gut. “How are you doing in there, Lulu?”

Cadence felt Luna’s shouts more than she could understand them, but she got the gist of how her aunt was feeling.

“I don’t recall hearing you complain when it’s you with a belly full of pony, Lulu.” Celestia giggled. “Mmm, I hope my sweet little sister wasn’t too filling, Cadence.”

Cadence glanced up at Celestia fearfully. She couldn’t possibly be thinking about shoving herself up Cadence’s ass too, could she? Luna was roughly the same size as Cadence and the Love Princess was stunned that her body had managed to take Luna without exploding. She felt Celestia’s magic surround her again and turn her around. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened her mouth to plead for mercy, but Celestia spoke before she could.

“Because you’ve got my own cake to eat,” Celestia said with a giggle, prompting Cadence to open her eyes again.

She found herself face to cheeks with Celestia’s royal rump. Fattened by cake, and some even speculated increased more by magic, Celestia’s ass filled Cadence’s vision. The Sun Princess’s hips were wide enough to make a broodmare jealous, the Sun emblazoned almost the size of dinner plates. It was an ass that had been rendered by artists for centuries, worshiped by horny creatures of every race, creed, and gender. Many would kill to have the view Cadence had now, much less the opportunity to touch.

In spite of the alicorn still struggling in her gut, Cadence found herself entranced by her aunt’s butt. It helped that she was expected to worship it and not try to consume it as well. At least, that’s what Cadence assumed Celestia had meant.

Cadence reached out to touch the ass before her, her hooves sinking into the warm flesh. She kneaded those cheeks, smushing them together and bouncing them a little. A grin wormed its way onto her face and she settled on top of her swollen gut, adjusting her hooves and pushing Celestia’s cheeks apart to reveal the prize they hid.

For most mares, having a huge cunt might have been embarrassing. For Celestia, it was a matter of fact. Her sheer size meant that she had a pussy to match, and as Cadence stared into the fleshy abyss, she wondered if there existed a male large enough to please such a pussy.

A certain Being of Chaos, maybe.

But, as tasty a treat as royal pussy was, Celestia has asked for something different. Cadence’s gaze shifted higher until she was staring down the barrel of her aunt’s ponut. And what a ponut it was! With a bit of sugary glaze and maybe a few sprinkles, it could have passed for a genuine pastry.

Cadence chittered softly to herself as she pulled lightly on Celestia’s rump, the Sun Princess getting the idea and backing up another half step or so as Cadence scooted forward. Cadence leaned in, pressing her muzzle between Celestia’s cheeks and inhaling. Celestia’s naturally sweet perfume mixed with the smell of the day’s sweat, becoming a heady aroma that would have roused even the most prudish of ponies.

Slowly, Cadence extended her tongue, unable to keep herself from dipping into her aunt’s sweet honeypot, if only just a little. She dragged her tongue over Celestia’s fat pussy lips, lapping up the tangy nectar drooling out. She licked Celestia from clit to anus, smearing a healthy amount of her saliva over the solar princess’s ponut while she was at it.

Cadence circled the opening a few times with her tongue tip before teasingly pushing ever so slightly inside. Celestia was clearly no anal virgin, not that Cadence had ever suspected her to be, and the oldest of the alicorn’s ass pulled needily at the invader. Cadence was happy to comply, pressing her lips to Celestia’s ass in an obscene facsimile of a kiss and forcing her tongue deeper. The flesh around her tongue flexed and squeezed, almost like it was trying to suck the oral muscle deeper. Cadence moaned softly, not really noticing the extra pressure on the back of her head until it was too late.

A gentle but firm shove forced Cadence’s face harder against Celestia’s ass, so much so that the front of her muzzle slipped inside said ass, the solar princess’s ponut helpfully stretching to accommodate. Cadence widened her eyes and snorted in alarm, she dug her hooves into the bed and Celestia’s rump and tried to pull herself out to no avail. Her forehooves slipped off, allowing Celestia’s heavy ass cheeks to clap around her head.

The blow was enough to knock a heavyweight boxer to the ground and left Cadence’s bell ringing. The world was dark and hot, as what felt like a few hundred pounds of fat, sweaty flesh settled around her face. Dazed by the ass that slapped back, Cadence wasn’t able to put up even a token resistance as Celestia’s hungry ponut sucked her entire head in.

It was even hotter inside Celestia, stiffing even. The elder alicorn’s anal mucles bore down on Cadence with such frightening strength that for a moment she feared she would be crushed. It took her a few moments to realize they weren’t trying to squish her, only pull her deeper. Whatever qualms Cadence had about that were rather moot, since she wasn’t exactly in a position to resist.

"Oh Candy, oh fuck yes!" Celestia said, loud enough for Cadence to hear her. "Oh you sweet little whore. I should have done this sooner!"

Celestia’s ass flexed around Cadence, sucking her up to her shoulders. She grunted and squirmed as she felt Celestia’s body quiver around her. She suddenly understood how Luna must have felt just a little while ago, when she was in much the same position.

Cadence’s musings were cut short as she felt something probe her rear. Two something, actually. They were warm and left a slightly tingly sensation as they passed over her flesh. She had no sooner deduced they were magical, Celestia’s most likely, then they lined themselves up with her holes and unceremoniously violated her.

A deep, warbling moan forced its way up Cadence’s throat and out her mouth as she was doubly penetrated. Suddenly she didn’t care that she was neck deep in her aunt’s ass, or that her other aunt was stewing away in her belly. All she cared about was the two big, hot magical cocks fucking her with the uncaring brutality Shining needed coaching and encouragement for. Her muscles went slack and she surrendered to Celestia’s whims, moaning and groaning as her shoulders were claimed.

"Louder, Candy, louder!" Celestia said, making Cadence dance on her magical cocks. "You have no idea how good that feels! Oh, maybe you do," Celestia added with a giggle.

Cadence felt Celestia’s body quake around her, heard the muffled yet still audible moans of pleasure from the eldest alicorn. It occurred to the six or so brain cells in Cadence’s head not focused on getting railed that as Celestia was fucking her, she was in turn fucking her aunt. Her entire body had effectively become a big, pink dildo for Celestia to ram up her butt. Those half dozen brain cells made a note to try that with Shining later.

Cadence lost track of time, of space, barely able to keep count of the orgasms that ripped through her body. She barely registered being fed through Celestia’s guts, or how her own bloated one was squashed against the rest of her and gobbled up too. Luna seemed particularly displeased about that.

"S-so close," Celestia groaned, only barely discernible through layers of fat, fur, and muscle.

Once her swollen belly was claimed, the rest of Cadence followed easily. She groaned in disappointment as the magical cocks stopped fucking her, noticing the magic switch to gripping her legs and ass instead. She heard Celestia grunt with effort and suddenly found herself shoved the rest of the way up her aunt’s ass with the same tender care she treated her dildos. Which is to say, none at all.

The first thing Cadence noticed was that the space she was in was significantly roomier. And it was a lot more humid. Her bloated body soon filled it, but it helpfully stretched to accommodate her as she curled up in the hot, wet sack, forced into a fetal position with her hooves clutching her belly. She felt Luna shift around inside as she came to realize that she was in Celestia’s stomach.

“Ah, that hits the spot,” Cadence heard Celestia say, as clearly as if the two were standing beside one another.

“C-Celestia?” Cadence said, eyes searching the red-tinged darkness.

“The one and only. Oof,” Cadence was jostled around as Celestia moved, assuming she was making use of the bed. “Mmm,” Celestia moaned softly and Cadence felt hooves rubbing her through Celestia’s flesh. “I cannot recall the last time I’ve done this. It’s been far too long.”

“Well, it was pretty fun. Heh, I wouldn’t mind doing it again after you let me out.” Cadence chuckled nervously. “Um… Celestia? You’re going to let me out, right?”

Celestia let out a quiet grunt and groan, one that Cadence understood all too well. Seemed Celestia was using that dick magic on herself.

“Of course. After a fashion,” she added with a quiet chuckle.

Nervousness began oozing like cold molasses down Cadence’s spine as Celestia’s stomach squeezed her a bit tighter. The fluids seeping in seemed to be coming faster now, making Cadence’s skin tingle as they dribbled over her and pooled under her ass.

“L-Luna?” Cadence stuttered, prodding the lump of flesh in her belly.

When Luna didn’t so much as twitch right away Cadence's mind began to race wildely. Had she unwittingly digested one of Equestria’s princesses and was now in turn going to be digested by the other? It certainly seemed like this was far from the first time Celestia had done something like this. Maybe that ass of hers wasn’t grown on cake alone, bolstered instead with the tender flesh of ponies-!

“Nnnng, yes?” came Luna’s rather strained voice, just as clear as Celestia’s was.

“I…” Cadence tried to whisper, even though the magic allowing them to talk meant that whispering was pointless. “I think Celestia is going to digest me.”

“What else do you do with meat?” came Celestia’s amused laugh, along with a playful swat on Cadence’s flank through her flesh.

“She has a point, Cadenza,” Luna said with a soft huff. “Fear not, it shall not hurt.”

Cadence’s ears perked up a little, detecting a familiar pattern in Luna’s voice. “Luna, are you-?”

“Jilling herself and trying to pretend she isn’t?” Celestia cut it. “Lulu always has been embarrassed about how much of a gut slut she is.”

“Shaddup,” Luna growled, her normally refined speech overridden by embarrassment.

“But, I don’t want to be digested!” Cadence whined. It was never how she had envisioned herself shuffling off the immortal coil. She always assumed she’d die of a heart attack after a three day fuck-a-thon with Shining and eight or nine of his closest friends.

“You’re talking like you’re going to die, Candy,” Celestia chuckled, followed by a quiet ‘ah’.

Celestia cleared her throat, which quickly turned into a belch that shook Cadence and made her aunt’s stomach tighten further. “Urp, ‘scuse me,” Celestia giggled. “Now, Candy sweetie, digestion won’t be the end of you. At least, not in my belly. You’ll fall asleep sooner or later and wake up fresh as a daisy like it never happened.” There was a brief pause before Celestia added, “Well, there may be a bit more jiggle in your step thanks to Luna.”

“I do hope you, ah, ap-ppriciate it, Cadenza,” Luna commented, sounding flustered.

“That’s good to know,” Cadence breathed a sigh of relief, wiggling her butt and trying to imagine how much bigger it would be after Luna.

“Now that that’s settled, is it fair to say you’ve enjoyed yourself, Candy? Perhaps enough to add this to our list of ‘Princess Activities’?”

Cadence only thought about it for a few moments, her rather tender asshole weighing in considerably.

“Can… Can I eat you next time?”

Celestia laughed. “Always the greedy whore, Candy. You might want to train a bit but, I don’t see why not.” Celestia let out a contented sigh. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to relax for a while. I hope you don’t go to my hips too much.”