Hi I'm Sunset

by Morbidly depressed Brony

First published

This is a "fan" perspective on events taking place after Equestria Girls I. Narrated by Sunset Shimmer herself.

Hello, My name is Sunset Shimmer and for the first time in my life I've been dethroned by my worst enemy ever. But now that she's going back home, I guess I don't have to worry about her. But what will I do now? Do I continue my demonic ways or will I turn to the bright side and apologize for the dominant-you know what-I was? Read on.

Moving on Up

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It was precisely 9pm at Canterlot High, I was patching up the schools entrance that I had manhandled with the beams of magic that were controlling me. (I'm not proud of it, okay?) Minutes ago I watched Twilight walk through the portal leading back to Equestria just before it closed. I honestly was sad to see her go. The Five girls who she befriended seemed really proud to have her reunite them. It made me want to go throw myself back in the hole I crawled out of when I felt a strong feeling of regret after everything I've ever done since being here. Those five girls that rightfully shoved me into the ground with the rainbow of harmony had left just Two minutes ago, but for me, it felt like a whole hour. After I watched them leave, Vice Principal Luna let me off the hook. I was scared to leave but after a while it was just Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna so I couldn't stay. I just wanted to cry more because I couldn't go home to Equestria and would be stuck here with no place to go. But then a voice made me jump.

"Are you heading home Sunset? I've got to get going." Principal Celestia said.

I didn't say a word.

"What you've done tonight shall not go unpunished," Said Vice Principal Luna, "You are being suspended for a while, young lady!"

"Luna, Can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Whispered Princess er- Principal Celestia.

After they disappeared, I felt so lonely that I had began tearing up. I couldn't go home, couldn't stay here. I decided the only thing to do was beg for forgiveness. So when they came out I fell on my knees.

"Okay fine, Do what you have to. But please don't make me leave now. Please," I cried, "If I go I'll be all alone. I'm not ready to be alone."

Principal Celestia looked down at me, wiped away my tears and hugged me gently which made me cry harder. Seeing as how getting a hug from her made me think of Princess Celestia and the fact that I couldn't go back to Equestria.

"I can understand how you're feeling Sunset," she said, "Perhaps we can work something out."

"For the record I'm totally against this." Said Vice Principal Luna.

"I can understand that," I said "I just know I deserve whatever punishment you give me, you can't make me feel any worse after what I did so please just lay it on me."

"We are suspending you for four weeks." Said Vice Principal Luna sternly.

"I thought we agreed two weeks." Said Principal Celestia

"You also said I could be bad cop." Yelled Vice Principal Luna, which chased me right off with Principal Celestia following me.

"Sunset, Wait," She called back. "Listen, I know this is probably very difficult for you right now, So, here's what we're going to do. We'll suspend you for two weeks."

I nodded to confirm I understood.

"But," Principal Celestia continued, "You can come stay with me and my niece, Cadence if you would like. If you ever need me to come home I could have Vice Principal Luna take over the school, provided she doesn't do anything reckless. Is that okay?"

"Yes," I sighed, meaning it. Then she took my hand and we drove to her place.

It was just a few miles from school. It made me feel comfortable.

"There, now you just stay here and I'll fix up the sofa bed for You." She said.

So she walked into the living room. I had a pretty rough night, I really needed some sleep. I began to grab some of the cups she had and start stacking them and then I took the stack down. Then I took a straw and tried to flip it into one of the cups. Just then Principal Celestia called me into the living room, I looked down at the Sofa that was folded out and transformed into a bed. It looked very comfy but I just knew there had to be a catch. Why would Principal Celestia be so nice to me? What I did was terrible and awful and immature and there was no way, no way I could've deserved this.

"Thank you so much Principal Celestia," I said, "But why are you being so nice to me?"

"When you crawled out of that hole, I realized you were truly sorry and remorseful," She said, "It wouldn't be right If I had left you so alone like that. After all, most of the other students were giving you glares of hatred."

"Rightly so." I muttered

"Sunset Shimmer," She said, scaring me a little, "I will not stand here anymore and listen to you talk bad about yourself. You are beautiful, if they don't believe you are truly sorry then that's their problem. Now get some rest child, you've had a long night, but I promise tomorrow will be better." She came over to me and hugged me. When she did, I couldn't help but smile a little through my tears. Then she went to the kitchen.

I stripped down to my underwear, given the fact that I had only owned one set of clothes. My arms and legs were covered with Goosebumps. So I got into the sofa bed and adjusted myself to make myself comfortable. The sofa bed was working just fine. Then Principal Celestia walked in with some crackers and a bottle of water. She put them on the side table and asked if there was anything else I needed.

"No, please, no thanks," I said to Principal Celestia, "You've already done enough for me and I thank you for that."

"You're very welcome Sunset."
she said walking out of the room, I then turned off the bedside lamp and lied down. I was still pretty sore from the impact of the rainbow, but it didn't affect me heavily. After that, I went to sleep. Where Nightmares would soon await.

Separation Anxiety & Breakfast Scramble

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I woke up frightened from the nightmare I just had. I don't quite remember what happened in it, but I decided to just lay down to slowly fall back to sleep. But then, out of the blue, a woman with pink hair and pink skin walked by. I took a wild guess in thinking that it was the Cadence from this world. I didn't say anything until she suddenly started folding the sofa bed with me in it. I could feel my life flashing before my eyes. I was sure I was dead but when I opened my eyes I noticed my head was sticking out of the couch. There had been a gap in the sofa and I thought to myself, "What the heck, how is this possible.", then I started calling for help, "Help! I'm stuck in here."

"Sunset Shimmer!" yelled Principal Celestia silently. I went back to the outside of the couch when Principal Celestia freed me, "What happened?", she asked, "Are you okay?".

"Your nutty niece folded me up in this thing.", I groaned gasping for breath

"Oh yeah," Said Principal Celestia, "Cadence has a Sleep walking disorder. So she'll do things like this all the time. You know this is a Sofa bed that was used in a TV Show."

"Which one," I asked her.

"Sam and Cat," She said, "There was a trick to the sofa for when the two girls were-",

"Folded up and stuffed behind the couch?", I asked finishing her sentence.

"Exactly," answered Principal Celestia. She then got into the bed with me, there were enough pillows for both of us and I just used two plus another one for my legs.

"Umm, what are you doing?", I asked uncomfortably

"Oh," said Principal Celestia getting up, "I thought I'd sit next to you in case you get scared, but if you're not comfortable with that, I couldn't possibly-",

"No, no, it's okay.", I stuttered, "Y-you can sit here I-if you like. I-I'm in my underwear because-", 'Twas a sentence I could not finish before I started crying... AGAIN!

"What's wrong, Sunset?", asked Principal Celestia, "Are you still upset about what happened...", she looked at the time on her phone, It reads 2:27 am, she put down her phone and continued, "Last night?"

I used the blanket to dry my tears. "No," I choked, lying under my evil breath, still crying uncontrollably.

"Honey, I know this moment is really hard for you," Principal Celestia said, "But I want you to know that I'll always be here for you when you feel sad, alone or frustrated."

"Why?", I asked her, "I just don't feel like I deserve your forgiveness. I controlled your school. I could've really hurt someone, I did too much damage, I ru-", Before I could finish crying, Principal Celestia put her finger over my lip.

"Sunset," she whispered "It's okay."

"And?", I asked, tears still falling and voice still cracked.

"No, that's pretty much it," She said, "Go to sleep okay, it's late."

"Please stay.", I begged as she got up.

"Okay," she said, "Maybe just for a few minutes."

"That's all I need.", I said as I laid back down. I was still crying. But the hand I felt on my back calmed me down a little bit. As well as the calming music from her phone. I fell asleep to it rather suddenly.

The next morning I woke up in a really weird mood. After the events of yesterday which included Sabotaging, stealing a crown, enslaving an army, shooting lasers and who knows what else? I really didn't know what to feel. Realizing I was still in my underwear I covered myself up and grabbed my single set of clothes. Then I got dressed and proceeded toward the kitchen. I planned to just make breakfast for myself AGAIN, when the smell of six different breakfasts caught my nose. I thought I'd faint from the Scents, then Principal Celestia walked in the door.

"Good morning Sunset," yawned Principal Celestia, "I've made you breakfast."

"W-what is all this?", I ask her.

"Well," said Principal Celestia walking over to the dishes scattered around the plate, "Over here I've made pancakes, here's some Oatmeal, These are Eggs, some waffles can be seen here, those are various muffins and right here we have my personal favorite, a fat stack of French Toast with a choice of honey, whipped cream or a rich Chocolate mousse."

"Wow," I sighed feeling more tears well up in my eyes, "Thank you so much Principal Celestia."

"You're very welcome Sunset," she whispered leaning over to hug me. I didn't shy away from it.

"But wait," I said with my voice slightly out of sync, "Why would you make me six different breakfasts?"

"Cause I didn't know what you like.", she responded.

"Then why don't you just ask me what I like?", I ask.

Principal Celestia slapped her forehead, then we sat down to eat. I went for the various muffins while Principal Celestia chose pancakes, when we finished I asked to be excused from the table and Principal Celestia reminded me that I did not need to ask her and I could just let her know when I'll leave.

"Thank you again Principal Celestia," I said, "I don't remember anyone doing something this nice for me in so long. And I honestly never thought anyone would do something like this ever again for what I did yesterday."

"Sunset," said Principal Celestia putting a hand behind my face, "I'm going to let you in on a really big secret. I was not ready to take care of my own child. But until I met the real you for the first time, I knew you really needed some help so I thought if I let you come live with me for a while I could see if you truly were sorry and it looks to me like you have changed. I am so proud of you."

"I know.", I said wiping the tears from my eyes. I wanted to say something else but I could think of nothing.

"Plus," she added, "Princess Twilight told me about how you were from that other world. So I was worried about where you were staying and I can't let you live alone, especially now."

"So your concern for me is just an order from the Princess.", I clarified.

Celestia looked a little fidgety trying to find a way to say the words.

"I knew it," I cried, "You aren't really concerned, you are just doing what the Princess said."

"Sunset, Wait," she called back.

Go the Distance

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After breakfast, I went back to the sofa bed which I planned to fold back up but I had no strength due to the soreness of the rainbow that shoved me into the ground. I really wanted to change, didn't want to be a monster anymore but I was afraid nobody would believe I truly feel remorseful for what I did to everybody. I just lie down about to cry but I saved myself from doing so by choking back tears, then Principal Celestia walked in the room.

"Well," she sighed, "I've got a lot to do today at the school and I'd hate to leave you alone. I could make a suspension acception and take you with me. But if you don't think you can go back I could stay home and look after you."

"Could you make sure nobody there sees me?", I cried with a tight voice, "I'm not ready to face them yet."

"Sunset," Principal Celestia said with a concerned tone, "Are you okay?"

"Do I sound okay?", I said trying to hold back tears.

"Sunset," said Principal Celestia with a hand on my back, "don't hold back the pain, just let it out."

I hugged Celestia and began crying. She began rubbing my back.

"It's okay." She whispered, "I'm here, let it out."

"I don't know what to do," I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"We're gonna get you some help later this week," said Principal Celestia, "Okay?"

"I think I need some," I said refusing to let go of Principal Celestia.

We sat down as I continued to let my feelings out.

After a while however, I couldn't resist starting a conversation.

"So..." I asked wiping a tear from my eye, "If you don't mind me asking, what were you and Vice Principal Luna talking about last night?

"Well..." She said.

I took her into the hallway and she said, 'Why have you stopped me, This girl needs to be disciplined'

'Haven't you heard from the Princess?' I asked her 'She has nowhere to live here, she's probably been alone for years.'

But then she had to go. "Do you still want to come to school with me?" She asked

"I can't do that," I whimpered, "Nobody wants me there."

"Sunset." Principal Celestia Said.

"I can't stand it." I said wiping the Tears from my eyes.

"Everything's okay." She said to me before letting go, "I'll go to the school you stay here."

"I'm sorry." I sobbed

"Don't worry about it." Principal Celestia said.

She then left the apartment, got into her car and drove away. I was alone again, but I felt like I deserved to be. I tried to tell myself that I would be okay but after an hour I needed to face the fact that I wasn't wanted. All I've done for the past few years is make everyone's life worse. Now I couldn't go back to school for two weeks and everybody would hate me when I got back. I looked toward the door and decided to go back to my house not home. I took a letter.

"Dear Principal Celestia,
Thanks for your help but I can't stay here anymore. I'm going to drop out of school when I get back and restart my life. I can't face the people I hurt. This is completely my fault, I wanted power but I took it too far and now I have to pay the consequences. So I'm going home forever. Well not home but I will go over my resume and maybe find a job. But I bet nobody will hire me after all I've done. I'm going to go see the other girls who befriended Princess Twilight and maybe ask for some help.

Yours Truly, Sunset Shimmer. Aka She Demon."

I put the writing utensil down folded up the letter and started walking towards the door. I grabbed my bag and walked out that's when thoughts started going through my head.

"I don't know what to do."

"They're not going to want me there."

"What if they don't believe I've changed."

"Do I continue being evil?"

"That's a cool sofa bed."

As the thoughts raced through my mind, I came to Sweet Apple Acres. I thought about knocking on the door hoping it was Applejack but I walked away like the big coward I knew I was. Suddenly I was hit in the head with an Apple. I winced in extreme pain and collapsed onto the ground. I knew I deserved it, but as soon as I spotted the little girl running away I spotted a hand reaching out to mine.

"Sunset, Are y'all alright?" Applejack asked as she pulled me up.

"I guess." I moaned. "I think I was standing here and some hooligan chucked an apple at my head. Can't say I blame her though."

"I'll go get ya some ice." She said as she went back inside.

I lay on the grass that was poking at my skin, disoriented and in pain. Waiting for my emotional pain to go away, when Applejack came by carrying an ice pack.

"Thanks, Applejack." I said to her.

"No Problem." She said nicely, "That's what friends are for."

The sound of that made me wonder if she meant it.

"Applejack." I pleaded

"Yeah?" She said

"Will you help me become a nicer person?" I asked.

"Of course I will." She said, "We can work on it in school on Monday."

"I've actually been suspended for Two weeks." I told her. "Can we do it after school hours?"

"I'd be delighted to." She said.

I then said goodbye to her and left the Farm. Guessing that I basically promised Applejack that I'd be a nicer person made me feel weird inside but I moved past it. Another dose of tears started streaming down from my eyes but this time they were tears of joy. I started a long distance back to my place where another day was sure to come