Ready for Another Pony Ride?

by doomie-22

First published

Rainbow Dash and Applejack see which one of them can take a cock up the ass the best.

Takes place during "Fall Weather Friends."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are pretty confident of themselves when it comes to competition, so much so that they dare each other in a series of challenges. Since Rainbow Dash won the strength test, it's her turn to pick a challenge for her and Applejack to take part in, but the challenge she comes up with is more than a little unusual — a challenge to see which one of them can take a cock up the ass the best. Spike seems to be all for it. Who will win?

WARNING: This story contains ass worship, rimming, anal sex, and foalcon.

The Bronco Fuck

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Rainbow Dash was confident. Strike that. She was more than a little confident. She was certain that she would slay Applejack in this latest competition. She stood with her back to the object of the challenge: the strength test. She reared back her back legs and struck the target. As was expected, the puck shot up the length of the tower and struck the bell. Floating upwards, she gave herself a congratulatory cheer while the ponies below showered her with flowers. Grinning smugly, she flew over to Applejack, who sat reclined against a tree, chewing on a bit of straw with her hat over her eyes and her legs crossed over one another.

Lifting the brim of her hat over her eyes, she looked up at Rainbow Dash and said, “Mighty respectable.” She spat out the bit of straw she’d been chewing on, then, getting to her hooves, proceeded to do a bit of stretching before walking over to the strength test as she said, “But let me show you how it’s really done.” She mimicked Rainbow’s stance, turning her back to the test before lifting a single leg and striking the puck with a grunt. The puck struck the bell with such force that it snapped the bell clean off the tower, sending it hurtling through the air. To her amusement, Rainbow Dash was left stunned, speechless, her jaw slack and her eyes wide as she was left with no other options than to fall back on her haunches. Wearing a smug grin of her own, she walked over to the pegasus, telling her, “Years of applebucking,” before striking the tree with a single leg, resulting in several apples falling from their branches and colliding with Rainbow Dash’s head. The pegasus didn’t seem to notice while, a few feet away, Fluttershy was busy adding Applejack’s score to the scoreboard, resulting in the two of them being tied one for one.

It was now Rainbow’s turn to come up with a challenge for them. She gave it some careful thought. Then, she looked over and noticed Spike, and a lewd idea began to form in her head. She turned her head to look at Applejack, who was merrily talking with the others while she guzzled down a mug of cider. Smiling, she walked over to the apple farmer and whispered in her ear. Whatever she said must’ve gotten Applejack’s attention because her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped open as she dropped her mug on the ground.

“Ah . . . Ah don’t know about that, Rainbow,” she said.

Wearing a smug grin, Rainbiow replied, “What’s the matter, Applejack? Afraid you’ll lose?”

“Hey, Ah ain’t afraid of nothin’!” Applejack retorted, getting in Rainbow’s face and sneering at her. “But Ah'm not about to . . . do what it is you just suggested!”

“Why? What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Applejack shook her head. “Nothin’, Twilight. Let’s just forget about it, okay, Rainbow?”

“You just don’t wanna do it ’cause you know you’ll lose,” Rainbow said, crossing her hooves over her chest and wearing a confident smirk.

“No, that’s not it,” Applejack said.

“What’s not it?” Twilight asked.

“Nothin’, Twilight.”

“Just tell me!”

Applejack sighed in defeat. “Alright, fine, but you ain’t gonna like it. Rainbow here suggested that for the next challenge we, uh . . . hmm, how should I put this? She suggests that we . . . we, uh . . . Oh, boy . . ." Her cheeks started turning red.

"Applejack, spit it out!" Twilight snapped.

"She suggests letting Spike have his way with us,” Applejack said, her whole face completely red.

This got everypony’s attention but none more so than Spike himself, who stood rigid, his pupils the size of pinpricks. It took a while for him to find his voice. “W-what?” he asked.

“Honestly, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said, glaring, “what in the wide, wide world of Equestria has gotten into you!?”

“I agree,” Twilight said, nodding her head and sneering at Rainbow Dash. “What in Celestia’s name are you thinking?”

“What?” Rainbow asked. She pointed a hoof at Rarity and said, “He’s been infatuated with you since the day he got here.”

“That’s different and you know it is,” Rarity said. “That’s nothing more than a schoolyard crush. I would never degrade myself as to have sex with a minor.”

“Whoever said he was a minor?” Rainbow asked. “We don’t really know how old he is. It’s not like it’s illegal or anything.”

“It’s still sick,” Twilight growled. “What in the world of Equestria would possess you to even think of something like that!?”

Fluttershy nodded her head. “I have to agree with Twilight and Rarity.”

Rainbow Dash snorted in indignation. “Like you have any room to talk, Flutters. You were all over him when you first met. Don’t you remember? You told me so yourself. You practically went gaga for the guy.”

Hearing this made Fluttershy blush in embarrassment and hide behind her mane.

“I like kids as much as the next pony,” Pinkie spoke up, “but not enough to actually have sex with ’em! Blech!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine, go get Big Mac. We can use him!”

Applejack looked like she wouldn’t like anything better than to smack Rainbow Dash upside the head right then and there. Only trouble was that Rainbow was hovering several feet in the air, clear out of Applejack’s reach. Even so, her face was red as she shouted, “Ah am not about to have sex with my brother, you sick, twisted pervert! How in Celestia’s name is this even a challenge anyway?”

“What, Applejack, have you never taken a cock before?” Rainbow asked, grinning.

“That-that’s beside the point,” Applejack replied, though her blush gave her away. “The point is that this so-called challenge is sick and wrong!” She turned her back on Rainbow, folding her hooves across her chest, and sticking her nose up in the air. “And Ah ain’t about to do something that Twilight’s against, let alone something that’s clearly illegal!”

As Rainbow Dash spoke, Applejack turned her head, if only to glare at her. “It’s a challenge because we’ll be doing it in the butt, not the pussy.” She smirked as she saw that this clearly got Spike’s attention, as his member was slowly but surely making its presence known.

Applejack and Twilight both opened their mouths to speak up, but a voice beat them to it, a voice that had been silent since the heated argument had taken place, a voice that caused all six ponies to look at its speaker. This voice only uttered a single word: “Okay.” This voice belonged to none other than Spike, who had remained relatively quiet throughout this whole ordeal. It seemed that it was only after Rainbow Dash had made the clarification that they would be doing this challenge via anal sex that he had been snapped out of his stupor, if only to utter a single word. Now he stood, with six pairs of eyes all staring at him. Some ponies wore expressions of surprise, shock, or, in Rainbow’s case, glee. He seemed oblivious to the fact that he was currently sporting a raging hard-on at the mention that Rainbow Dash suggested that he plow their rumps rather than their marehoods.

Nopony was more shocked and surprised than Twilight herself, who, with her mouth hanging open, stepped forward, then, bending down and giving Spike a serious look, she lifted Spike’s chin so that the two of them were looking at each other square in the eye. She shook her head. “I don’t know about this, Spike. You’re still young and growing up. You’re not ready for this kind of thing.”

“Let him do what he wants,” Rainbow piped up. “He’s older enough to ––”

Shut your mouth,” Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight all screamed at her, each one glaring.

Twilight turned back to Spike, giving him a concerned look. “Spike . . . if you really want to do this, I suppose I can’t stop you. Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?”

“Mm-hmm,” Spike replied, nodding his head.

Sighing in defeat, Twilight said, “Okay.” She stepped away.

Meanwhile, both Applejack and Rainbow stepped forward, the former with a nervous expression on her face, whereas the latter had a smile that seemed to be too big for her face.

“So who goes first?” Applejack asked.

“Well, seeing as how this is your first time,” Rainbow Dash said, “why don’t you go first? I can wait my turn.”

Swallowing hard, Applejack nodded her head. “Alright, then.” Sweating bullets, she approached Spike. For the longest moment, the two of them stared at one another. Spike looked just as nervous as Applejack, but there was a telltale sign that he was excited as well, and it wasn’t just apparent below the waist either, the dragon sporting an elated expression at the events currently taking place Suddenly, Applejack turned around and hiked her tail in the air, lowering her upper body to the ground. Spike blinked in confusion at this. “Wha-what are you doing?” he asked.

Looking over her shoulder at him, Applejack replied, “Ah ain’t havin’ you goin’ in dry, sugarcube.” She shook her ass in his face. “You’re gonna have to get me prepped.” She moved backwards until her butt was practically an inch away from Spike’s face. “Eat my ass!”

Rainbow Dash broke out in a huge grin. “Alright, Applejack! Way to go!”

“Sh-shut up, Dash,” Applejack barked, glowering.

Rarity cleared her throat and whispered to Twilight, “Twilight, darling, are you sure we should be here? Perhaps it’d be best if we took our leave, gave these three some privacy.” To her surprise, Twilight shook her head.

“No,” the purple unicorn replied. “I have to be here. How else would I know who won?”

Blushing, Rarity replied, “Well, alright, if you’re sure, darling.”

Meanwhile, Applejack once again shook her rear end in Spike’s face. “Well, go on, sugarcube.” Her tail trailed behind his head. She curled it around his neck, pushing him forward. She felt the tip of his nose brush up against her puckered asshole. Moaning, she rested her head against her hooves, pushing her hips back.

Nodding, Spike raised his hands to grasp her rear end before leaning forward, his tongue darting out to give Applejack’s ass a tentative lick. Hearing her gasp, he immediately pulled back and asked, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, yeah, just fine, sugarcube,” Applejack replied, nodding her head. She gave her rump a wiggle. “Keep goin’!”

“Okay.” He inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. He saw Applejack’s tail flick as his breath tickled her perineum. Leaning forward once again, he was a little more daring this time, his tongue circling around the circumference of her asshole, allowing her to get used to the feel of his tongue. He ran a few more laps around the rim of her anus before his tongue suddenly darted to the center of her pucker and he slowly but surely dug his tongue inside. Applejack suddenly arched her back and cried out, rearing back her head, and he suddenly tightly gripped her rear, his claws digging into the flesh of her ass. Grinning to himself, he leaned further still, driving his tongue further and further inside her rear end until he had his tongue about halfway inside. He pulled back some, only to suddenly dart forward, driving his tongue back inside her hole. Squeezing his eyes shut, digging his claws even deeper into the flesh of her rump, he drove his tongue as deep as he could into her pucker until the entirety of his tongue was inside. Once again, he pulled out, only to drive his tongue back again almost instantaneously.

“Ah!” Applejack cried. “That’s it, sugarcube!” She pushed her hips back to take in more of that tongue. “Just-just keep doin’ that, ya hear!?”

Spike nodded his head, his chin rubbing up against her pussy. He moved his hands from her ass to wrap around her waist, gripping her hips tightly. It seemed that whatever it was he was doing was having the desired effect, because he felt a damp moistness drip down his chin and drip onto the ground. Gasping, he pulled his face away from her rear end, only to immediately dive forward again, ramming his tongue as deep into her as he possibly could. He moaned, his lips vibrating against her asshole, leading to her moaning and arching her back in response. He broke out in a big grin and began bobbing his head back and forth, driving his tongue in and out of her ass while his claws dug into her hips. He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting the tip of his tongue to her asshole. Grinning, he reared back a hand and gave her a hard smack on the ass.

She chuckled and shook her ass. “That’s it, sugarcube! Spank it!” He fulfilled her request immediately, spanking her even harder this time. She moaned. “Mm, yeah! Keep doin’ that! And get that tongue back in my ass this instant!”

He didn’t need to be told twice. He moved his hands back to her ass, using one to spank her and the other to dig his claws into the flesh of her buttocks while he kept bobbing his head back and forth, repeatedly driving his tongue in and out of her pucker. He moaned. Along with his spittle, her own juices dripped down the length of his face and chin, collecting in a puddle down below. He was so hard at this point that it was almost painful. The hand he was using to caress and squeeze her ass was moved down below his waist to tend to his own needs, his claws wrapping around his hard-on and beginning to stroke it, the dragon feeling desperate for some relief.

Applejack suddenly stood up, prompting him to pull away from her. Bending her legs, she suddenly sprung backward, shoving her ass directly in his face, knocking the dragon backward, resulting in him falling onto his back. Without giving him a chance to recover, she began bouncing her ass against his face, rearing back her head and letting out loud moans, feeling his muzzle penetrating her tight asshole. He quickly recovered, however, his claws tightly gripping her ass while he moaned into her asshole while he drove his tongue in and out. Occasionally, he would slap her on the ass, for which he received a pleasurable moan for his troubles, followed by her pressing her ass down in his face and giving her rear end a little shake. He gave her ponut a loving kiss before digging his tongue back inside to resume ravaging her ass.

Around the pair, their group of friends watched with rapt attention, in particularly Rainbow Dash, who seemed rather impressed with Applejack’s methods. Despite having never done this before, the farm girl was a pony who clearly knew what she wanted and how to get it. She seemed to know exactly what she was doing and, despite having previously been confident in the security of her victory, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but feel a bit unsure as to whether or not she would win or not.

Applejack, it seemed, was completely unaware of the results of the show that she and Spike were putting on, completely and utterly lost in the pleasure that she was receiving via Spike’s tongue. It seemed as if the drake was lost in a sea of pleasure himself, as he was relentlessly eating her out and delivering constant smacks to her ass, and each smack was harder than the last. She rubbed her ass in Spike’s face, driving it down further still to drive that magnificent tongue of his deeper and deeper into the depths of her ass. This usually resulted in him giving her rear end a hard squeeze, which she appreciated just as much as him spanking her.

She leaned forward, draping her body across the length of Spike’s, pushing her hips back to make sure that his tongue remained lodged in her ass. In doing so, she quickly became aware of Spike’s impressive length, which, like her pussy, was leaking its own juices. She grinned. It seemed that the dragon was more than ready for the real fun to begin. She once again sat up, shaking her rump and pressing it down into Spike’s face. Looking over her shoulder at him, she asked, “You ready to fuck my ass, Spike?”

He nodded, albeit reluctantly, as he was absolutely loving what they were currently doing, so much so that he couldn't mentally process how it could possibly get any better than this. Unbeknownst to him, he was about to find out.

With a shake of her ass, Applejack got off Spike’s face and moved down south, looking over her shoulder to make sure her asshole was perfectly lined up with the head of his cock. He aided her by grabbing her hips and positioning her where she needed to be. Once she was, they gave each other a nod before she dropped her hips, taking the entirety of his cock in one go. Both cried out in both shock and pleasure, Spike continuing to hold onto her hips, the drake’s eyes bugging out of his head and his mouth dropping open. Meanwhile, she sat rigid, the full length of Spike’s dick shoved up her ass. There was definitely a great deal of pain, but also a great deal of pleasure as well. Why hadn’t she been smart and taken it easy? Her eagerness had gotten the better of her and now she was paying the price for it. Thankfully, it wasn’t all bad, as the pleasure was definitely noticeable in addition to the pain, even if the latter was greatly outweighing the former.

For once since the show had started, Rainbow Dash gave the apple farmer a look of concern as she said, “Applejack, are you alright?”

Rarity nodded. “Yes, darling, it seems ––” She groaned in discomfort. “It seems as though you’re in pain. Are you okay?”

Inhaling through her nose and biting her lip, Applejack nodded her head. “Mm-hmm,” she replied. “Ah’m just fine. Just . . . just takes some getting used to, that’s all.” Breathing deeply, she slowly eased herself off Spike’s length until just the tip was inside her, waited a few seconds, and then slowly eased herself back down until the medial ring of Spike’s penis brushed up against her anus, at which point she raised up again. She continued this process, all while Spike continued to cling to her hips. Every time she would raise up off his dick, he would give her a swift, hard smack on the ass. She looked over her shoulder to give him an appreciative look and a nod of approval. She eased herself back down his length, this time taking the entire length back inside her. She inhaled sharply through her gritted teeth. She took off her hat and bit down on its brim. There was still a noticeable feeling of pain here, but it was much less severe than it had been before, allowing the pleasure to take over. Rapidly breathing through her nose, she put her Stetson back on and gently pulled off before plunging back down again.

Little by little, her pace began to speed up. It probably helped that Spike aided in this by bucking his hips into her tight ass, his claws squeezing her hips, one claw only being relieved of this duty just long enough to deliver a smack across Applejack’s buttocks, which usually resulted in a loud moan from her. As she increased her speed, his moans gradually joined hers as well, the pair quickly picking up in pitch and volume with the more this activity carried on. Applejack’s juices were flowing from her pussy and forming a puddle on Spike’s tail that quickly ran off into the ground below. Both dragon and pony had their heads reared back, their eyes squeezed shut, all while the lewd sounds of their mating mixed with the smacking of Applejack’s buttocks against Spike’s hips and Spike constantly spanking her every time she raised herself up off his cock. By this point, her rump was as red as the apples on her flank, and it seemed that she only craved for him to spank her even more and more over time. Oftentimes, she would order him to spank her harder, and he would spank her as hard as he could, all while she continued to ride him like the cowgirl she really was, harshly slamming her rear end against his hips. He was just as aggressive, his claws savagely digging into her hips while his own hips relentlessly bucked, shoving his cock into her hole harder and harder each time. This usually resulted in her rearing back her head and moaning his name, begging him to pound her harder.

He suddenly sat up, pressing a hand against the back of her head. “Get down there!” he ordered, shoving her forward, resulting in her face being shoved into the dirt. With her ass raised in the air, he clambered on top of her, the claws of his feet digging into her hips as he mounted her. He didn’t give her any reprieve as he savagely shoved his cock into her ass, rearing back a hand to give her a harsh slap across the ass. It seemed this wasn’t enough to satisfy him, however, as he suddenly reached down and tightly gripped the ponytail of her mane. Tightly clutching it, he gave it a harsh pull, jerking Applejack’s head off the ground.

“Ah!” Applejack yelled. “Just like that, Spike! Keep doin’t that, sugarcube! Keep ––” Whatever she was going to say next was immediately silenced by him diving down and tightly pressing his lips against hers. She moaned into his mouth, reaching up with a hoof to wrap around his head, gasping out as he forced his tongue into her mouth. She responded in kind by darting her own tongue into his mouth, and soon the two of them were eagerly wrestling for dominance with each other’s tongues, all while he continued to savagely hump and spank her ass, his other hand maintaining a tight hold on her ponytail. He suddenly let go of her mane, shoving her face back into the ground by pressing his hands against the back of her head.

Panting and trying to keep the dirt out of her mouth, Applejack lifted her head. He grinned as he heard Applejack moan when he pulled on her mane. She flinched, feeling Spike’s balls bumping against her clit. He pulled out, only to deliver another powerful swat to Applejack’s backside, then immediately rammed himself back in.

A push back from Applejack quickly brought Spike back to the task at hand, and he immediately got back into the rhythm of things, his legs tightly hugging her ass. He shuddered, once more driving his cock as deep into her as possible. He leaned forward, gently wrapping his arms around her neck, tightly hugging her. This position allowed him to inhale the scent of her mane, the scent of which left him feeling dazed. Grinning, he snuggled into her mane, his face being completely entangled in her hair. Lifting his head, he whispered in her ear, “You smell wonderful, AJ.” He leaned back and once again smacked her behind, getting another moan out of her.


He gasped, Applejack suddenly rearing back on her hooves and leaning back, leading to the dragon being pushed onto the ground, falling flat on his back with Applejack on top of him. She looked over her shoulder and grinned at him, savagely ramming her ass against his hips, taking the entirety of his cock in her butt while he held onto her hips, grinning up at her while she continued to ride him. She looked back at him over her shoulder, wiggling her ass on his cock, followed by reaching back and giving herself a harsh spank on the ass. She asked, “How’s my ass feel, Spike?”

He groaned, lovingly reaching down to give her rear end a tight squeeze. “Oh, sweet Celestia, it feels amazing!”

She smiled at that compliment, yet again squirming her rump as it met the base of Spike’s penis. “Likewise,” she said. “Your cock feels fucking amazing! And you’re so big too! I guess it’s true what they say: big things come in small packages.”

Blushing, Spike replied, “Can’t be any bigger than Big Mac.”

She nodded. “I suppose that’s true." She reared back her head and let out a sigh of content.

Spike dug his claws into her hips, using them as a means of jackhammering into her ass. She reared back her head and screamed her pleasure to the heavens, begging Spike to fill her ass with his seed as much as he could. He didn’t disappoint. Within seconds, the dragon tightly squeezed Applejack’s ass as he felt his dick pulse, and soon her rear end was being filled up with gush after gush of his cum, the little dragon crying out in shock and pleasure as he, experienced his first orgasm for the first time ever.

Both Applejack and Spike mewled happily, Spike reaching down to rub her belly, her abdomen letting out a series of happy gurgles as the cum within her churned. She turned her head just enough to give him a peck on the cheek. “So, Spike, how was your first time, sugarcube?”

Spike groaned, wrapping his arms more tightly around her waist and burying his face in her neck. “Oh, Applejack,” he moaned, “that was incredible!”

Chuckling, Applejack replied, “Took the words right out of my mouth, honey.”

A shadow suddenly loomed over the two, and they both looked up to see Rainbow Dash standing over them with a smirk on her face. She dropped down to her belly so that she and Spike were eye-level with each other. Leaning forward, she pecked him on the forehead and asked, “So, ready for another pony ride?”

Spike nodded. “You bet! But, just give me a moment to recover, all right?”

Rising back up to her full height, Rainbow shrugged her shoulders and said, “Okay.” With a hoof, she rolled Applejack off of Spike so that she was lying beside him, then she immediately stepped forward and lowered her haunches over Spike’s face. “But while you’re doing that, you can help me get prepared.” She shook her ass in Spike’s face. “I want you to eat my ass, just like you did with Applejack.”

Spike licked his lips. “Yes, ma’am!” He grabbed Rainbow’s hips and pulled her down until her entire ass was covering his face. Gasping, he opened his mouth and went to work, trailing his tongue from her clit all the way to her asshole.

She let out a tiny moan and wiggled her ass. “That’s it, dragon boy. Get me nice and wet.”

Rainbow's ass tasted just as good as Applejack’s. Whereas Applejack’s ass had tasted of sugary apples, likely as a result of her diet, Rainbow’s derriere tasted much more like a handful of candies of various different flavors; again, this was likely due to her diet of sweets. Though the pegasus was an athlete, she, like Pinkie Pie and Spike himself, had a real sweet tooth. Thus, it was no wonder the two of them were good friends and why Rainbow Dash was always hanging out at Sugarcube Corner. This explained why she had so much energy.

His claws lightly squeezed and caressed that blue ass, and he could hear Rainbow letting out a series of coos and moans as he did so. He squeezed harder, this time getting a gasp for his troubles. Pulling his face away from her rear end, he gave it a few playful swats, followed by a couple of loving pats. “Your ass tastes wonderful, Rainbow Dash.”

She chuckled. “Oh, you think so, huh?” She shook her behind in his face. “You just can’t get enough of my ass, can you?”

“Mm-hmm,” Spike agreed, burying his face in her derriere. “I could eat your butt all day long.”

She laughed. “As much as I’d like that, squirt — and believe me, I would — I think there’s something else you’d rather be doing, isn’t there?”

“Huh?” Unbeknownst to him, he’d gotten hard without even realizing it since he’d been so busy devouring Dashie’s rump. He whined as she suddenly got off his face and moved down to his cock. Rather than stick it up her ass like he’d been expecting her to, she instead turned around and dropped down to her belly, putting the dick in her hooves and began to stroke it.

She smirked at him. “I’d like to give you some pleasure too. I’m not selfish like Applejack.”

“Hey!” Applejack yelled across from them. “I heard that!”

Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself while she continued to play with Spike’s dick. “Now get ready,” she said, “’cause I’m about to blow your mind.” Before Spike could ask what she meant by that, she dove down, engulfing the entirety of Spike’s cock in her mouth, all the way down to the base. She breathed through her nose, staying in this position for some time, allowing her tongue to do the work, trailing it in circles around the shaft shoved in her mouth, before pulling up until just the tip was inside before going back down again, closing her eyes and inhaling through her nose.

“Want some help?”

Rainbow Dash gasped as Spike shot a bit of pre into her mouth just as this voice made its presence known, resulting in her popping Spike’s cock out of her mouth, sitting up and turning her head to see Applejack smiling at her. Before she could swallow the pre in her mouth, Applejack cupped her chin in her hoof and then, slowly turning her head, leaned forward and locked lips with Rainbow Dash. The pegasus caressed the back of Applejack’s head as the kiss became much more passionate and aggressive, letting out a gasp as her eyes widened while Applejack forced her tongue into her mouth, using it to scoop up the bit of pre in Dash’s mouth. For the longest time, the two of them happily swapped the pre between their mouths with their tongues until there was a decent amount, then swallowed.

Applejack directed the kiss downward so that she and Rainbow were making out over the tip of Spike’s cock, both staring and smiling at each other warmly throughout the whole thing. They moved downward further still until they were each lovingly licking up either side of Spike’s dick.

Spike watched all of this unfold before him, his cock feeling so hard that he felt as if he might explode from an overload of horniness. Was there such a thing as being too horny? It didn’t seem there was, as Rainbow Dash and Applejack trailed kisses up the length of his cock, their lips finally meeting each other yet again just as another shot of pre fired out of the tip of his dick, collecting in a puddle on their chins below. The puddle quickly formed a string between the two chins and eventually broke apart as the two separated, only to immediately come together once again, if only to tend to the mess on the other’s chin amid a fit of giggles, coos, and moans. When he reached down and pushed against the back of their heads together, thus forcing their lips together again, they let out a startled gasp before quickly going back to moaning in each other’s mouths as they resumed making out with each other.

The little dragon couldn’t help but chuckle in response to this as he said, “You’re telling me!” He gasped, rearing back his head. “Oh, sweet Celestia! You girls are making me so horny! Don’t stop! Oh, please don’t – oh! Oh, shit!” Glancing down, he noticed that Rainbow had stopped licking and kissing his cock to instead pay attention to his balls, which, despite his small size, were impressively large. He was impressed to find that Applejack was able to get both of them inside her mouth. She was very careful to watch the teeth, which he was grateful for, as a sharp bite to the testicles would no doubt be extremely painful.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash resumed giving his shaft kisses and licks. Opening her eyes and noticing that Twilight had moved, she took the opportunity to resume her blowjob before Twilight had joined them.

Rainbow Dash who was busy stroking her clit, glanced down at Spike and said, “What say we get this show on the road, Spike?”

“Yes!” Spike yelled.

Rainbow Dash didn’t waste another second. She immediately squatted down over Spike’s cock and dropped her hips, taking the entire length of his dick up her rump in one go. A shudder tore through her body, and she took a moment to get used to the impressive length of the appendage that was currently tearing her butt apart. She gasped and moaned.

Rainbow Dash leaned back so that she was lying on top of Spike, the dragon wrapping his arms around her waist while she spread her legs wide.

Rainbow gasped. “Jeez, Spike, you’re good at this! Ho-how are you so good at this!?”

“He’s been with me,” Applejack called,

Blushing, Rainbow Dash reached back to rub at her head in embarrassment. “Oh, right,” she said with a sheepish grin. “Well, don’t stop, little guy. Fuck me as hard as you can.”

“Well, alright, then,” Spike replied. “You asked for it!” Hugging her butt, he sped up his pace, slamming his cock into her ass as hard as he could, causing the pegasus’ body to jolt every single time he rammed it in.

“Aw, yeah, that’s it,” Rainbow Dash moaned. “Just like that.”

Spike gasped, feeling another shot of pre escape him. He tightly squeezed Rainbow Dash’s butt.

Rainbow Dash reached down and began to stroke her clit. As dhe finally reached her peak, it started a chain reaction, as it seemed that this was just the thing that Spike needed before he reached his own climax, the little dragon, wrapping all four limbs around Rainbow’s body and squeezing for all he was worth while he screamed at the top of his lungs while he fired his load into the depths of Rainbow Dash’s butt.

For the longest time, no one spoke. Finally, after ten minutes had passed, Applejack went to fetch refreshments for them.

“So who won?” Rainbow Dash asked Twilight.

“Rainbow Dash wins the Bronco Fuck,” Twilight declared.

Applejack grinned at Rainbow Dash and gave her a friendly punch in the side. “Well done, pony girl. You’ve earned it.” She took a swig of her cider.

“So what’s next?” Rainbow Dash asked. “It’s your turn to pick.”

“Let’s see how you do with a lasso,” Applejack said. So saying, she grabbed a lasso, twirled it in her mouth, and chucked it, resulting in all four of Spike’s limbs getting tied together.

“How do I get roped into these things?” the dragon groaned. Hearing a groan of frustration, he turned his head, only to snicker to himself upon seeing that Rainbow Dash had somehow managed to get all four of her hooves tied up in a tree.

“Does this count?” the pegasus asked with a hopeful grin.

Applejack let out a chuckle and, after untying Spike, went over to help Rainbow.