Slutset Shimmer

by Third Wheel

First published

Still pissed after all Sunset put her through, Twilight decides she's going to take her back to Equestria in her human form and keep her as a fuckpet. Sunset isn't too happy about it, but it's nothing a little bimbofication magic can't fix.

Not even seeing Sunset cry and beg for forgiveness would be enough for Twilight. Fucking nothing would be enough. Not after the bitch had dragged her into a world without magic, tried to ruin her life there, then almost killed her with magic powers she clearly didn't deserve to be anywhere near to.

She was a damned fucking Princess, and she'd make sure Sunset would pay the right price for what she'd done. No one would miss her in that other world anyway. And if Sunset was against the idea of spending the rest of her life as a fucktoy, well, magic could always fix both her mind and her body.

Contains: sex, futa, futa on female, creampie, pony on human, technically human in Equestria but it's EQG and magic shenanigans not a regular Earth human, bimbofication, breast expansion, ass expansion, clothes modification, lip expansion, body modifications of other various kinds, shredding through clothes, dumbing down, femsub, femdom, futadom, slutification, some spanking, rough sex, magically enhanced sensitivity, forced consent and mentions of rape

Written as a request / present for one of my more active patrons, after they both beat Covid-19 and also gave me way more money that I probably ever deserved to get.

Cover art cropped from image number 798750 on Derpibooru, drawn by ReiDuran.

Ever wonder how a human pussy feels around a futa horsecock?

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From the moment she'd been blasted in the face by a rainbow and had lost her demonic form, her magic powers, and her wings (she was pretty pissed about that last bit in particular), things had been a blur for Sunset. Nothing but a sequence of being pulled this way and that and magical flashes and sparkly spells, at the end of which she found herself resting on her knees.

When she finally got a chance to breathe and take in her surroundings, in this case a library that appeared to have been carved out of a tree, a number of questions popped up in her mind. How was she still a human, when she was clearly in Equestria? What was gonna happen to her now? Why was there a huge, throbbing horsecock originating between Twilight's legs?

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions right now," Twilight snapped, as if reading her mind, drawing Sunset's attention back to her face and away from her leaking member. "First off, yeah, you're still a human. I fiddled with the polarity reverser of the portal to make sure you'd stay that way, because there's no fucking chance I was gonna let you use your magic after all the shit you did." The alicorn paused for a moment, just to bask in Sunset's confusion at the impressive magical feat she'd so easily achieved.

"Anyway, there's also another reason. I will admit, the world on the other side of that portal is pretty fucking lame, but I'd be lying if I said those human bodies don't look hot. I never knew how much I wanted to slap a pair of tits until I saw them. So ever since I saw what a human is like, I've been wondering how one would feel while I rail her with my cock." She tapped the side of her massive phallus for emphasis, smirking towards Sunset.

"And that is where you come in. Now, really, you should be fucking thankful I'm going so light on you. After all the shit you did you'd deserve to be turned to stone at minimum. But I am a magnanimous ruler, and you've got a nice ass, so instead your punishment will be being kept as my personal human cocksleeve. That ain't so bad, you know? There are mares out there who would pay to get fucked by a princess. Stallions too."

Sunset took a step back, getting up to her feet. That put her eyes a fair bit higher than Twilight's, which the alicorn clearly did not appreciate, but at least now the massive horsecock was hidden by the pony's torso. She began to walk backwards, looking around for a way to escape the alicorn who was clearly every bit as power drunk as she herself had been just a few minutes before. "Okay, okay, I know I did some wrong stuff, and I know I was a bit of a massive cunt back there, but I'm sorry, I swear!" Her back hit the wall. "I... You can't just fuck people like that against their will! You can't just-"

Twilight's horn lit, and Sunset began to choke as glowing purple energy wrapped around her throat. Then a nod from Twilight, and the girl was slammed down onto her knees. "As a matter of fact, I can do that. I'm Princess Twilight, I can literally make my own fucking laws. Not like you give a shit about laws, you little whore, seeing how you stole my crown and then treated me like trash." She stepped forward, and spat in Sunset's face.

"I don't know what the fuck Celestia was thinking when she took you on, but it's clear you don't know how to respect royalty. Well, guess fucking what, I'm here to show you how that's done, and make sure you never forget about it." Her horn's light grew brighter, as magical energy shimmered over Sunset's body. "You bitches always say the same shit. Can't fuck me this and it's rape that and all that bullshit. Thankfully, I know how to fix that." Twilight smiled. "Oh, I really wonder what this looks like on a human."

Sunset was about to speak up again, now that her throat was no longer held in Twilight's grasp, when suddenly she felt an odd tingle coursing through her skin. Like prickles of electricity all over her body. Then, a moment later, they began to sink in, further inside her, slowly dissipating into her limbs. A strange heat came over her, leaving her sweating and panting, as if she'd suddenly been dropped inside a sauna. Her head went foggy for a moment, her mouth strangely dry, and her vision swam from side to side before settling again.

Sunset shook her head, now seemingly able to think clearly again. What was she doing? She was in a library, and Twilight had cast some sort of spell she didn't recognise on her (which was pretty fucking scary given how much dark magic of her own Sunset had studied before Celestia had kicked her ass out of the castle), and now- Oh bother, why did her clothes feel so stiff? It was downright distracting. Was it a problem with the portal? Sunset looked down at herself, but what she saw made her gasp.

Her chest was expanding, pushing against the confines of her clothes, the fabric stretching and threatening to rip apart. She definitely wasn't that busty before. Right? Oh what the fuck was she thinking, her boobs were clearly growing before her eyes, of course they weren't that big before. And it felt... Weirdly hot? Sunset began to pant, as the pressure around her chest increased. Her bra had already snapped, and the first tears began to show up in her T-shirt.

Finally, with one last push outwards and a moan from the girl, her breasts tore her clothing in half, leaving her massive mammaries completely exposed to the air, each one bigger than her head. Her nipples stood stiff, heat thrumming through them, and once she moved her hands to try to cover them a yelp of pleasure escaped her throat. It had felt like a spark of electricity had travelled through them, the feeling unbelievably intense, their tips impossibly sensitive. Her whole chest felt hot, her boobs heavy and pulsing with unfamiliar pleasure.

She didn't have much time to dwell on her inflated chest though, as immediately the same feeling that had enveloped it just a few moments before reappeared on her rear. Craning her neck to get a look behind her, she confirmed that her ass was indeed expanding too, alongside her hips. It didn't take long for her skirt to rip, and while her underwear initially clung to her sex and slipped between her round, firm buttocks, it too eventually snapped, leaving her crotch completely bare.

Sunset was left on her knees, wearing only her boots and her jacket. Her huge tits swayed lightly from side to side as she panted, her eyes glazed over. Her pussy twitched, leaking down her thick thighs, a sticky trail still connecting it to her broken panties. Her large, well defined ass stood out from her back, looking almost like a mirror of her breasts, framed by her wide hips. She sunk her fingers into its flesh, and immediately another burst of electric pleasure shot up her spine and made her head spin and an aching cry fly from her lips.

Just when she thought it was all over, her breath caught in her chest, as she felt her body changing once more in yet different ways. Her waist shrunk, becoming ridiculously thin and giving her silhouette a distinct hourglass frame. Both her arms and legs became more lean and slimmer, like all the muscle she'd built up over the years just disappeared completely, and her legs became slightly longer, too. Her entire body in general felt much weaker, although her skin was now far smoother and almost shiny.

Meanwhile, her nails took on a fiercely bright pink colour, and lengthened into well polished, absolutely impractical pieces of eye candy that even Rarity would have found excessive. She felt a pulling sensation on her scalp, and the weight on her neck and shoulders confirmed that her hair had grown longer as well. A tingle of electricity inside her lips accompanied a burst of pressure as they grew thicker, pumped up and obscene. Somehow, she knew the lipstick suddenly coating them was pink too, just like the make-up that weighed down heavy on her face.

Her last few remaining clothes weren't spared the magic changes. Her formerly mostly black boots took on the pink-purple tonality of their front in full, and extended up her legs, enveloping them up to halfway through her thighs. They felt tighter around her, sinking into her flesh, especially on the now far more pointy tip. They were almost like stockings in the way they clung to her. The formerly rather wide base quickly turned into something far different, growing slimmer and curving while thin, long heels grew on the back.

While her boots grew, her jacket shrunk. Not that it could give her any modesty either way given how big her tits were, but if she pulled really hard she could have at least covered some of her nipples before. Now though, the lower corners of it were barely halfway down her bust, and the sleeves covered almost nothing past her shoulders. But the lost leather and metal didn't simply disappear, as Sunset immediately noticed a sudden increase in pressure around her throat when a thick black collar with a metallic ring on the front wrapped around it.

She remained there on her knees, shivering, suddenly aware of how hypersensitive her entire body had become. The tingle of air over her skin, the feeling of her long hair brushing her naked back, the weight alone of her ass and tits and lips, the way her boots dug into her thighs, everything sent tiny sparks of electricity into her mind that made it hard to concentrate, it all felt so impossibly good. And the feeling of her naked ass and pussy and nipples being tingled by the cold of the room around her was simply unbearable. She was leaking like a fountain, and she so desperately wanted to touch herself.

But she couldn't. Even as she kept panting, even as her hips swayed back and forth outside of her control, she couldn't afford to masturbate there. Heavens, it would break her. It would feel too good, simply too good, she wouldn't be able to take it. And it would be so easy, too. Just a touch, just a moment of slipping her fingers into her sopping wet cunt as her palm ground against her clit and- No! She had to stay focused, she had to fight off what Twilight had done to her. She couldn't allow herself to enjoy what she was being put through against her will.

Looking back up at the pony, Sunset grit her teeth, biting down against the inside of her cheeks and digging her sharp, pointy nails into both of her palms to have something to distract her from the shivers of pleasure assaulting her mind. "You bitch!" she managed to spit out. "Turn me back right the fuck now!" There was anger in her voice, rather justified, overtaking the fear she'd felt before. "You won't get away with this shit. Princess Celestia is gonna find out! She'll turn me back, and then you'll get your ass kicked out of Equestria!"

Twilight just gave a disappointed shake of her head. "Oh, please. Like Tartarus I'm gonna tell Celestia anytime soon, that bitch's gonna wanna keep you as her slut if I don't fuck some addiction to my cock in that head of yours first. Speaking of which..." Her horn lit up again, and Sunset drew back, once more afraid. "Too bad it has to come to this. I honestly hoped you'd break from the transformation and just accept that living as a fucktoy is better for you, but it seems your mind needs some remodelling as well. Oh well." A bolt of magic shot towards Sunset.

The girl only had time to yell in surprise before the blast hit her. Her vision went all white for a moment, sparks exploding behind her eyes, then the world slowly came back into focus. "What the fuck have you done, you... You..." What was she meaning to say? Oh, goodness, why was it so hard to focus all of a sudden? Why was it so hard to think? And her pussy was just killing her, why the fuck had she left that unattended? A hand sunk to her lower lips and began to pump in and out of her cunt, while the other pushed against her inflated lips.

"What was I- Ah! Like, whaaaa- what was I saying and- Ah! And stuff?" she asked between heavy pants, looking around with a dazed expression as the hand that had been on her lips absent-mindedly moved to pinch one of her nipples and the other kept sliding in and out of her leaking sex, the palm grinding against her clit. Her breath was constantly shaking, her whole body twitching without her control, and her eyes looked halfway empty. It was just so hard for her to think about anything, she felt so good and, like, why would she need to think about stuff that wasn't feeling good and stuff?

A smile curled Twilight's lips, as what now amounted to a breathing sextoy in terms of body (and not to much more in terms of intelligence) looked everywhere around the room, even at her, but didn't seem to register her presence. Poor thing. She was probably too dumb to remember what she was looking for. Or maybe she wasn't even seeing whatever she was looking at, too busy masturbating. There wasn't much room in that empty head of hers for things other than pleasure, after all. "Hey!" she called out towards the human.

Sunset didn't seem to notice her. "Hey! You braindead piece of rapemeat, over here!" This time, her words were accompanied by a burst of magic that slapped Sunset on the cheek hard enough to leave a red mark. It did at least get her attention, and Twilight smiled to herself. "Perhaps you were looking for this?" she asked, shifting her hips and legs slightly to better expose her massive cock and giving it a jerk with one of her hooves. "You're a fucktoy, after all, no? Why don't you come here and get fucked, then?"

Sunset turned after Twilight slapped her, but she almost didn't hear her words. Her eyes began to twinkle as they set on the massive piece of meat standing proud between the alicorn's legs, and her mouth immediately began to leak out like a faucet. Babbling some incoherent sounds of agreement, she dropped forward and began to push herself towards Twilight with her knees and one hand, the other still buried in her cunt. That was, like, the one other thing worth thinking of. Big fat cocks that could, like, fuck her slut holes and make her feel even better.

Twilight rolled her eyes at the slow and pathetic display in front of her. "I don't have all day, slut." Her telekinesis grabbed Sunset by the hair, and roughly yanked her forward, throwing the girl off balance and dragging her face and tits over the wooden floor and she was forcefully pulled towards Twilight. "There we go," the pony said, pulling Sunset's face up to hers. The girl didn't appear to mind the rough treatment. In fact, going by her expression, she'd probably enjoyed being on the ground. Good. That meant she knew her place.

Sunset almost went cross-eyed as she stared at the pony who'd pulled her there. Her nipples were on fire after being roughly dragged against the ground, forced down by the weight of her massive tits. And having the same done to her face had been almost as exciting. It was, like, hot to be handled like that and stuff, no? Only problem was, she couldn't quite remember why she'd been pulled there. She tried to think about it, but all she could really think about was how good it felt to have her hand inside her pussy.

She was, like, so fucking wet. Her whole hand was slipping in and out of her cunt, yet she still felt like she wanted more. A rare flash of mild intelligence lit her scarcely illuminated brain, and she remembered what she was there for. "Cock," she whispered, pushing as much drool out of her mouth as she did air. Wobbling, she bent down below Twilight, and got a good look at the alicorn's massive, precum-leaking horsecock. Goodness, it was so fucking big. And she was still in her human body. It would be a tighter fit in her pussy compared to a pony's.

She just couldn't fucking wait. As quickly as her dolled-up proportions (and her insistence on masturbating with at least one hand) allowed, she turned around, still on her knees, and presented her large, round behind to the alicorn, her fat tits mashed against the wooden floor as she bent forward. "Could you, like, fuck my cunt and stuff?" she asked, looking back at Twilight and giggling to herself. Then a thought crossed her mind, or at least as close to one as her dumbed down brain could produce. "Wait, like, what's my name and stuff, anyway?"

Twilight took a few steps forward, planting her hooves on either side of Sunset's body. With an amused if slightly annoyed grin, she used her telekinesis to remove the girl's hand from her genitals, and pinned it to the ground beside her head. "Well, you used to be called Sunset Shimmer," she explained, rubbing the tip of her cock against the entrance to Sunset's cunt. "But that's a unicorn's name, and you're clearly not a unicorn. You're a fucktoy. A dumb piece of meat that's only good for taking cock in your holes. So how about we call you slutset instead?"

"slutset?" The girl pondered the name for a second. "Yeah, that sounds like, like, a good name for a dumb fucking slut hole and st- Aaahhhhh!" A wild howl of pleasure left her mouth, as Twilight simply rammed her massive shaft forward and speared herself inside her cunt. Stars exploded in the human's mind, and her sex began to twitch and spasm around Twilight's dick. It was like nothing she'd ever felt. Regular masturbation didn't even come close to the pleasure of being rutted by her owner.

"Then that's what we'll use, slutset. A new name for you, now that you're reborn as my cocksleeve." Twilight smiled. "Well?" she asked, "Enjoying yourself, you slut? How does it feel to finally have some purpose in this world?" With a mocking sneer, she angled her hips just a little differently, so that with every thrusts she forced the other's body to bounce up and down. The strength and speed of her movements was enough to leave red marks on slutset's thighs, as the dumb bimbo's fat ass rippled and jiggled and her skin stretched around the bulge in her belly from Twilight's cock.

"Feelsh amashing," slutset slurred out, forcing the words through a torrent of drool. And it really did. Every time the top of Twilight shaft reached and kissed the entrance to her womb, and the alicorn's hips slammed violently against hers, a lightning of pleasure stronger than any one of her old, regular, boring orgasms shot through her spine, and her vagina leaked out yet more arousal. The way her nipples were roughly dragged back and forth against the floor with each motion only added to her pleasure, and soon she was chaining orgasm after orgasm as Twilight kept thrusting into her.

Twilight just kept on smiling at that. "As it should," she commented. "What good would a fucktoy like you be otherwise?" Pulling back one of her hooves, she delivered a slap to the human's ass so powerful it left a bruise mark. All that got out of slutset was a scream and an orgasm, the walls of her insides tightening around Twilight's shaft. "That's everything you are now," Twiligtht said, her tone suddenly growing deeper, more breathy. "Just a dumb, stupid, worthless set of holes for me to fuck."

The pleasure of crushing and twisting Sunset, after everything the girl had done to her, the thrill of imposing herself over Celestia's former student, the rush of excitement at finally being allowed to fully take advantage of her position and enlighten someone else on just how utterly beneath her their place was supposed to be, it was all driving her wild. Never mind the fucktoy's enhanced canal sucking on her cock like a vacuum and practically milking her. She could feel her orgasm approaching faster and faster.

"I'm gonna cum," she said, half a whisper. Then louder, almost growling, she repeated, "I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum, and you're gonna take it, you fucking slut." Her hooves moved to press slutset's head down hard against the floor, while her hips lost any semblance of rhythm and just started to repeatedly slam into slutset's, harder and harder, trying to reach deeper inside her. "Take it!" Twilight yelled, unable to stop her climax any further. "Take it, you fucking slut! You dumb, braindead bimbo whore! Take it!"

When slutset first heard Twilight mention she was about to cum, her sex immediately tensed up, and goosebumps raced over her skin. She was desperately excited at the prospect of receiving her new owner's cum. Just the thought of it was making her cum harder, and she wanted to beg and plead for it. Of course, once Twilight pressed her face against the floor, all she could actually do was babble incoherently. But she didn't mind. Being treated like that was, like, her purpose and stuff, no?

Gritting her teeth, Twilight hilted one last time inside slutset's sex, lifting the girl's knees off the ground, then finally her throbbing, steel hard cock began to shoot out rope after rope of cum inside the human's womb and sex. Most of it bloated the girl's belly, some leaking out to fall on the floor. Every shot felt like fire as it travelled through Twilight's cock, the alicorn's mind blanking out as she howled in pleasure, both from her orgasm and from her conquest and revenge over the other.

As soon as the first drop of cum touched her insides, slutset completely lost herself to a whole new level of pleasure. Her brain was overloaded with sensations and chemicals, and she practically passed out, while her body began to leak like a fountain from both of her sets of lips. Her eyes completely blank and rolled back, she was only distantly aware of the world around her, but filled by a strange, peaceful calm, the knowledge that she had done what she was supposed to. That, and an unbearable amount of pleasure, of course.

When she came back to some degree of awareness, as much as her dumb and sex-crazed brain allowed at least, she did feel a bit empty in her canal, though the fullness and warmth in her womb from Twilight's cum was rather satisfying. Turning around she noticed the alicorn, her dick now at half mast, standing there panting, covered in sweat. Sunset moved towards her, but first paused to lick some stray drops of semen from the floor. Her mind blanked out for a moment as she did, a jet of arousal shooting from her sex as she came again.

Twilight watched as slutset first crawled towards her and then bent down to reach her cock, beginning to suckle on it like a newborn foal on their mother's nipple. Still a bit short on breath after her violent orgasm, she simply patted the girl on her back, enjoying the feeling of her soft, inflated lips around her shaft. The light sound of moaning and the smell of slutset's arousal gushing from her nethers were a very enjoyable treat as she came down from her climax, as was imagining the other's rolled back eyes as she drank the last drops of her cum and kept herself in a state of orgasm from it alone.

Finally, Twilight's dick had no more cum to give, and slutset pulled back her head. Her lips left the tip of the shaft with a loud, echoing pop, and she licked them, delighted, while one of her hands moved back to her pussy and started to pump in and out of it. She just, like, didn't feel right if she didn't have something thrusting inside her down there. Though her hand couldn't compare to a horsecock like Twilight's. She was so lucky that Equestria was filled with cocks like that, and that her owner was so willing to use her holes. She really couldn't think of a better life than the one waiting for her as Twilight's bimbo fucktoy.