Making Waves

by Eddy13

First published

Lyra and Bon Bon engage in some nighttime ocean fun.

While staying at an ocean-side resort, Lyra and Bon Bon decide to partake of some nighttime swimming...without their swimsuits.

My first Lyra x Bon Bon story, and my entry for Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest.

Cover pic by Riouku

Instant Nude Beach

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The shore alongside the Seapony Resort was nice and calm as the waves gently washed across the beach. The wind blew softly, creating a pleasant breeze that wasn't at all chilly. The full moon shone high in the night sky, not a cloud could be seen for miles, illuminating the beach in a lovely blue light.

Inside the resort, walking through the halls clad in bathrobes to the door leading to the beach was Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon.

"I still can't believe it!" Lyra was gushing to the girl walking beside her "How did you fix it so that we were the only ones on the beach, Bonnie?"

"It wasn't too hard" Bon Bon explained. "Since Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are the only other people here, Rainbow Dash and I made a bet over a card game with the winner and her "friend" getting the beach all to themselves tonight."

"You beat Rainbow Dash in a card game?" Lyra said in surprise "That's amazing! The only person who's been able to beat Rainbow Dash at cards is Pinkie Pie! Luck must've been on your side tonight!"

"Yeah, you might say that" Bon Bon replied as she displayed a sly look that her fiance didn't see as they approached the door "Well, here we are, ready to take the plunge?"

"I already did that when I proposed," Lyra commented.

Bon Bon smirked "I'm pretty sure I did it first, but let's not get into that again" with that she opened the door "Come on, we don't want to keep the beach waiting".

Stepping outside onto the beach patio, Lyra and Bon Bon took in the evening sight before them. The crisp night air blew over the pair, causing a delightful tingle to climb up their spines.

"Oh, that feels so good" Bon Bon sighed heavenly "And it's so lovely out here".

"Yeah" Lyra nodded "And it's all ours".

Turning to close the patio door, Bon Bon spoke "Do you have our room key, Lyra?"

"Got it right in my pocket" Lyra confirmed with a nod before pulling out said object and showing it to her better half.

"Good" Bon Bon said after the door was closed "Without that key, we'd be forced to sleep out here tonight".

"Hmm" Lyra said thoughtfully "That doesn't sound like a bad idea".

Bon Bon froze for a moment before taking the key from Lyra "On second thought, maybe I better hold onto it. I'm the more responsible one".

"Alright, alright" Lyra said defensively as Bon Bon pocketed the key "Whatever makes you happy".

Bon Bon smirked as she pulled her girl close "Right now, what will make me really happy is you" she said before placing a kiss on the mint green girl's lips.

After keeping their lips together for half a minute, Bon Bon pulled back, a goofy, smitten look left on Lyra's face. Before the green girl could even say anything, Bon Bon undid the sash of her robe and let it pool at her feet onto the deck, allowing Lyra to see what she had underneath.

Or rather, what she didn't.

"Ooh, did I leave my bikini back in our room?" Bon Bon said teasingly as she gave Lyra an unobstructed view of herself.

"You naughty girl" Lyra said with a grin, right before undoing her own robe and tossing it to the side, revealing her own bare body.

"You're one to talk" Bon Bon chuckled as she panned up and down Lyra's birthday suit.

"I know" Lyra said with a wink before racing off the patio "Last one in is the one that has to change their name!"

"Oh, no chance of that!" Bon Bon retorted as she took off after her wife-to-be.

The pair of streakers dashed across the beach, enjoying the feeling of the sand between their toes. After a head-to-head race, Bon Bon reached the surf first before jumping into the water in a perfect dive. Lyra settled for leaping into the air and performing a cannonball.

Upon surfacing, Bon Bon shook her head back and forth to get rid of the excess water in her hair before looking around for her lover.

"Lyra?" she called out as she looked in all directions "Where are you? Lyra?"

Floating in the water, Bon Bon was unaware of something coming up underneath her. Suddenly, something grabbed a hold of her leg and pulled her under with a shock.

A second later, Bon Bon resurfaced, gasping rapidly, while Lyra, having emerged beside her, laughed.

"Got ya, didn't I?" she snickered.

"Oh, Lyra!" Bon Bon growled before swinging her arm forward, sending a big splash of water at the minty green girl.

"Is that the best you can do?" Lyra mocked while swimming further out "Catch me if you can!"

"Can, and will!" Bon Bon shouted as she swam after the other girl.

The duo swam a good ten feet out to sea before Bon Bon was finally close enough to lunge forward and catch Lyra.

"Ha! Got you!" she said triumphantly, making sure her hands were on her favorite parts of Lyra.

The green girl just smirked "How do you know I didn't let you catch me?"

Turning Lyra around to face her, Bon Bon prepared to claim her prize for winning the game by pulling the girl forward, while closing her eyes and puckering up in preparation.

In an instant, she felt a spray of salt water on her mouth, causing her to spit and see Lyra laughing sneakily. Apparently, while Bon Bon wasn't looking, her lover had taken in a big gulp of seawater and spat it in her face.

"Oh, you!" Bon Bon yelled before dunking Lyra under.

As Bon Bon stood smirking, Lyra came back up, spitting out water and shaking her head.

"Oh, yeah?" Lyra asked before raising both hands over her head and bringing them down "Take that!"

Striking the water, Lyra sent a big wave of water at Bon Bon, soaking her head.

"Oh, that's it!" Bon Bon yelled as she prepared to leap forward.

"Wait! Wait!" Lyra stopped her with raised hands while laughing "Truce?"

Bon Bon lowered herself, a hidden devious smirk on her face that Lyra didn't see "Alright. Truce".

Sighing in relief that the water fight was over before she got it, Lyra lowered her guard. She was about to ask Bon Bon what she wanted to do when she heard a "YAAAH!" and turned to see Bon Bon leaping at her, knocking headlong into her and sending them both under the water.

Rising back up, the pair of girls giggled while cuddling, letting their hands roam over each other's nude forms as they bobbed up and down with the waves in the middle of the ocean. The giggling soon turned into quiet moans as they began to feel each other.

Hands began to wander over sensitive parts and soon Lyra and Bon Bon's tongue's were in a sensuous dance. The girls took turns gently pulling on each other's tongues before finding their way into each other's mouths where they twirled and smacked together.

Eventually, the girls pulled apart, a line of saliva connecting their tongues.

"Hmm, are we really going to do this here?" Bon Bon giggled, a light blush on her cheeks

"Why not?" Lyra asked, her cheeks equally red and a grin on her face "We're all alone, and we're going to be wife and wife soon, and this situation is making me exceptionally horny".

"Me too" Bon Bon nodded as she placed her hands on Lyra's face "Guess there's only one way to resolve that". In a flash, she pulled Lyra towards her in a kiss so close their lips were practically glued together.

Spinning in the water, the girls' hands began to move from each other's shoulders downward, Bon Bon's hand moving down the smalls on Lyra's back while Lyra's hand ran over the front of Bon Bon's body. Bon Bon's hand gently brushed alongside Lyra's spine, sending a pleasant tingle up her as Lyra's hand tickled Bon Bon's rib-cage, causing her to lightly giggle into Lyra's mouth.

As Bon Bon's hand came down to rest on Lyra's hip, the green girl's hand instantly raced down ahead of hers and under the water, where it found its way into a particular soft spot, eliciting a shocked and lustful "Oh!" from her lover before it began to move around within her regions.

"No fair!" Bon Bon gasped as she writhed at the sensation Lyra was putting her through "I wanted to go first!"

"You know what they say, Bonnie," Lyra said as she enjoyed seeing her future bride squirming about "First come, first serve".

Without removing her left hand from its position between Bon Bon's legs, Lyra turned the girl around so that she was facing away. Lyra then began to lick and nibble at Bon Bon's neck while her free right hand reached around Bon Bon's body and grasped one of her globes of flesh. The feeling of an eraser-sized point pressing into the center of her hand, Lyra gave the orb a firm yet gently squeeze as she ran her palm all over it.

The combination of the sensations she was feeling on her neck, chest, and between her legs resulted in Bon Bon chewing on her bottom lip as she started to softly 'mewl'. Enticed by the reaction, Lyra began to bite down hard on Bon Bon's shoulder while her left hand wiggled and shoved about in Bon Bon's area more aggressively, to the point that the water began to froth.

It was becoming too much for Bon Bon, and her mouth opened as wide as it could as animalistic yells and moans emanated from her larynx.

Lyra smirked. "Just the reaction I was hoping to hear from my sweet Bonnie drops".

Driving her fingers in and out, Lyra made the girl in her arms writhe and jiggly like jelly, Bon Bon screaming high-pitched like a banshee as her chest bounced up and down while the point poking into Lyra's hand grew hard, leading to her playfully pinching it; all the while the green girl kissed up and down Bon Bon's neck and shoulder.

After going on for a few more moments, Lyra decided her fiance had enough as she retracted her hand from Bon Bon's legs while removing her other hand from her chest. As Bon Bon's breathing slowed down and became less erratic, she turned around to face Lyra, who was inspecting her soaked fingers.

"My, you're really slutty, Bonnie" Lyra teased before slowly sliding her finger in and out of her mouth to remove the juices, the mixture of Bon Bon's essence and saltwater causing her to shudder with pleasure. At that moment, a hand plunged down into the water with a splash and made contact with her own soft spot, causing her eyes to widen as she felt fingers generate a pleasant sensation between her legs.

"Hmm, turnabout's fair play, Lyra" Bon Bon said wickedly as the mint girl panted and yelled.

While her fingers worked their (non-Equestria) magic, Bon Bon lowered her head down to the right side of Lyra's chest, before placing her mouth fully on it before vigorously running her mouth and tongue over it. As Bon Bon practically devoured half her bosom while turning her naughty parts into a sopping mess, Lyra squealed and yelled with gusto, refusing to keep the pleasure her lover was dispensing on her hidden.

Aggressively making Lyra's globe ripple and shake, Bon Bon capped off her administration by biting down hard on the stiff part of Lyra's forbidden fruit and chewing on it for a few moments before eventually releasing, much to Lyra's inner reluctance to see the fun stop.

Fortunately for Lyra, there was still more to come.

Moving on to the left side, this time Bon Bon's actions were more affectionate and loving, as she gently licked around the rim of Lyra's nub, causing the girl to close her eyes and let out a loud "Ooooohhhhhhhhhh!".

After spinning her tongue around Lyra's bud a few times, both clockwise and counterclockwise, Bon Bon then placed her mouth on it and gently sucked like a baby on a bottle. Upon letting it slip past her lips, Bon Bon capped it off by lovingly kissing it while finally extracting her hand that had been busy the whole time, allowing Lyra to regain her bearings as she looked to her lover with half-open eyes.

Without saying anything, Bon Bon, a mischievous grin on her face, held her gunk-covered hand up for Lyra to see before she teasingly ran her tongue over her fingers, licking them one by one, causing Lyra's eyes to widen to their fullest as she felt every nerve inside her being set on fire by the arousing display,

"Hmm, so good" Bon Bon cooed before holding her hand out in front of Lyra's mouth "Want to taste yourself?"

"Yeah." Lyra nodded as she placed her arms around Bon Bon's back "But I want to know how I taste like mixed with you!"

Latching back onto Bon Bon's mouth, Lyra pulled the girl towards her to the point their bodies were molding together. Bon Bon, in turn, wrapped her own arms around Lyra's back and began kissing her back just as passionately, the flavor of each other on their tongues making an erotic cocktail.

Lyra then surprised her fiance when she started pulling downward. The pair bobbed above the water as Bon Bon tried to keep them surfaced until Lyra won out and they disappeared under the water while still kissing.

A few moments later, a rather large wave gently crashed into the shore. When it ebbed away, there on the surf, still in a passionate embrace and sharing oxygen, were Lyra and Bon Bon.

With Lyra on top, the two girls moaned into each other's mouths, until Lyra eventually broke the kiss and began trailing her lips down Bon Bon's body, much to the creamy yellow girl's delight. From her neck and shoulders, to her chest and belly, to her thigh and knee, Lyra made sure to cover every inch of Bon Bon. Lifting her lover's left leg up, Lyra proceeded to kiss it from her ankle all the way up to her toes, with her sucking on each one, despite Bon Bon playfully squirming in an attempt to get loose.

It was then that Lyra was about to fit her legs between her lover's when she was stopped by Bon Bon suddenly sitting up.

"Not yet, you don't" the yellow girl giggled as she grasped Lyra by the shoulders and started pushing her backwards "There's something I've been wanting to do for some time. Lay down".

Not knowing what her lover had in mind but intrigued, Lyra obeyed and laid flat on the ground.

"My skin's going to feel like sandpaper when this is over" she giggled.

"So will mine, but we'll deal with it" Bon Bon said as she stood over the green girl's head before lowering onto her completely so that her face was in between Lyra's legs while Lyra got an unobstructed view of her squishy parts "Hmm, now I'm getting your taste directly from the source" Bon Bon smirked before greedily starting to lick Lyra's private area.

Lyra was initially caught off guard by the action, gasping in shock, but as the pleasure began to fill her body, her gasps became moans of delight. Seeing the girl above her waving her backside in her face, Lyra took the hint and began copying her lover's movements.

"Oh!" Bon Bon squealed in pleasure, momentarily stopping her own administrations "That's wonderful, Lyra!"

"Don't you stop, either!" Lyra begged, disappointed that her sweet drop wasn't returning the favor.

Obediently, Bon Bon bent back down and plunged her tongue back into Lyra, eliciting a squeal of delight from her.

"You're so pink down here, Lyra" Bon Bon said as she chewed on Lyra.

"You're beautiful as well," Lyra replied as she inspected and prodded at Bon Bon.

"Hmm, faster!"

Lyra did pick up her pace, to Bon Bon's joy, who returned the favor by speeding up her own actions.

Both girls were now quivering and shaking, to the point they looked like a jiggling pile of flesh.

"You're so delicious. Lyra!" Bon Bon moaned in delight as she lapped up Lyra's nectar.

"So are you, Bonnie" Lyra cried in bliss as she tasted her lover's ambrosia "You're just like candy after all!"

As the two girls continued their oral pleasure, another wave gently cascaded over them, leaving their skin glistening with water droplets in the moonlight, which seemed to make them glow.

Upon getting her fill, Bon Bon gave Lyra's bit one last affectionate kiss before lifting her head up to look at her lover's face between her legs.

"Bon Bon?" Lyra asked, having finished her own pleasure dispensing.

"Ready for the main event?" Bon Bon asked, a grin on her face and anticipation in her voice.

"You bet I am" Lyra replied, completely turned on "Come to me".

Positioning themselves so that they were both sitting up on the ground, the pair spread their legs apart and slid them towards each other, closing the gap between them so that their now frazzled bits came into direct contact with each other. The sensation of their parts meeting was a balm to their senses as they gasped in pleasure. Staying in their scissor-like position, the pair began to rub themselves against each other, expressions of delight and happiness on their faces as gasp and moans of pleasure emanated from their throats, both of them arched backwards as they used their hands to brace themselves upwards.

Some would think that somehow, likely due to the magic that surrounded Sunset Shimmer and her friends, the pair was genuinely able to do the deed as if one of them was a man.

"Oh, that feels great, Bonnie!" Lyra gasped, her voice high pitched.

"I know! I almost can't stand it!" Bon Bon concurred, a smile of pure bliss on her lips.

As they continued brushing each other, the pair was soon overcome with the desire to be even closer. Leaning in, the pair wrapped their arms around each other and began to kiss passionately, their chests rubbing against each other as they moaned passionately into each other's mouth.

"Oh, Lyra!" Bon Bon gasped, feeling like she was in paradise "I love you so much!"

"Hmm, I love you too, my little Bonnie!" Lyra replied in ecstasy.

Their tongues doing an open mouth dance and their bodies remaining pressed together as they bounced up and down, Lyra and Bon Bon picked up the speed of their rubbing each other, their breathing becoming shallow and fast as they gasped and moaned in perfect harmony.

"Hmm, Bonnie!" Lyra said as she traded tongue slaps with her lover. "I'm just about to..."

"I know" Bon Bon replied through her own moans, "I'm close to my limit as well".

"Together, then?"

"Yes. Together!"

The pressure inside the two of them at its peak, Lyra and Bon Bon rubbed, moaned, gasped and kissed faster and faster, knowing it would happen any second. At the same time, a rather large wave of water was building up behind them and coming towards the surf. Paying no attention to the coming wall of water, Lyra and Bon Bon kept going until the dam broke in both of them. Leaning back while still cuddling, their faces aimed towards the night sky, the pair rode the wave of completion together as they sent a loud, simultaneous "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" into the heavens, while the huge wave came down over them as they finished.

When the water swept back out, Lyra and Bon Bon were still there, in their scissored position and their arms still around each other as they looked each other in the face, their eyes sparkling, their cheeks blushing, and loving grins on their lips before they brought their mouths together for a long, sweet kiss.

"So, is everyday going to be like this after the wedding?" Lyra asked hopefully as they pressed their foreheads together,

Bon Bon just smirked "What do you think?" she gave Lyra a kiss on the nose before rising to her feet, taking her lover up with her "Come on, let's go in. Our skin is starting to prune".

"Aww, can't we stay out here longer?" Lyra begged as they walked up to the patio.

"Lyra," Bon Bon said flatly "it's getting late. We need sleep".

"Fine" Lyra submitted "Can we at least cuddle when we get into bed?"

Bon Bon smirked "Lyra! You're an animal!"

"What?" Lyra asked mischievously as they walked up the deck "You can't tell me you're too drained to have another round, are you?"

Shaking her head playfully, Bon Bon reached for the door while Lyra bent down to collect their discarded clothes.

Unfortunately, when the yellow girl pulled, she found the door wouldn't budge.

"Hey!" Bon Bon cried "The door's locked!"

"And our robes are missing!" Lyra shrieked.

"WHAT?!" Bon Bon cried as she whirled to see that, sure enough, there was no sign of their robes on the patio "Where could they've gone?!"

"Some employee must've thought they were dirty and took them in!" Lyra suggested in panic.

"This is bad!" Bon Bon said as she frantically scanned over the patio "Our room key was in my robe's pocket! Without it, we can't get inside, let alone our room!"

"WHAT?!" Lyra screeched before running up to the door and starting to beat on the glass. "Hey!" she shouted, trying to get someone's attention "Somebody in there open up! We can't get in!" her pounding was cut short by Bon Bon who pulled her away from the door.

"Are you crazy?!" Bon Bon shrieked as she held Lyra in front of her, trying to cover both their modesty "We can't let anybody see us like this! We need to hide before we get caught!"

Racing off the patio, the pair of girls dashed across the sand, feeling vulnerable as they desperately tried to hide their shame.

"I can't believe you got us into this mess!" Lyra yelled as she had her hands over her naughty bits.

"How is this my fault?! You enjoyed being out here!" Bon Bon yelled back, her hands covering her chest.

"You were the one who lost the key! After saying you were the more reliable one!"

"Lyra, both our robes were taken! It doesn't matter who had it! Even still, it's your fault this happened!"

"What do you mean?!"

"How could you not see somebody stealing our clothes?!"

"My face was between your legs!" Lyra cried defensively.

"You couldn't have done something better with your face?!"

"You weren't complaining about it at the time!"

"Shut up and find us some palm fronds!" Bon Bon screeched.

"Do you think maybe that was a bit harsh to do, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked while looking out the window at Lyra and Bon Bon's predicament.

"Eh, I say those two deserved it" Rainbow Dash retorted, a pair of robes and a room key laying behind the pair "There's no way Bon Bon was as skilled as Pinkie Pie in that card game".

"Yes, but it still seemed like a dirty thing to do" Fluttershy said as she watched the pair of girls running across the beach in search of cover.

"What are you talking about, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash said, a mixture of awe and confusion in her voice "It was your idea".

Fluttershy nodded shamefully "And part of me regrets it, feeling I went too far. Pranks and payback are something I rarely partake in. Still," Flutteshy's eyes narrowed in a familiar manner as she looked outside at her victims, her voice gaining a bit of steel "nobody cheats us out of a moonlight swim".