Doki Doki Displaced in Equestria

by HeartfireFirebrand

First published

A group of four friends are on their way to Anime Convention dressed up as the Doki Doki Literature Club, after a chance encounter with a certain photographer they end up in Equestria during the reign of the Two Pony Sisters.

A group of four friends dressed as Monika, Yuri, Natsuki and Sayori arrive the Anime convention but the pair dressed as Natsuki and Sayori are missing the pink hair. A man with a camera provided them with the missing pieces as well as a few other gifts in exchange for a photo. Soon they are sent into a world very different from their own.

Chapter 1: Displaced Beginnings

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Four girls sitting on a bus were wearing warm gray blazers over a brown sweater vest with a white collared shirt underneath, a red ribbon neatly tied around their neck. They were also wearing a dark blue skirt, white knew high socks and blue tipped white uwabaki slippers. The shortest of group complained as she rubbed her brown hair “I couldn’t my hands on some pink dye or a wig to complete the look.”

Another of the girls smiled excitedly “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can find some at the anime convention Windy!”

A girl with purple wig over her black hair rolled her eyes before whispered to the final girl of the group “I told you Star was a perfect fit for Sayori, you wouldn't believe me when I told you.”

The final girl of the group whose hair was in a long brown ponytail rolled her eyes “Okay, I was wrong about that June but please stop pestering me about that please. Now the first thing we do is get hair dye for Windy and Star, then we can wander around on our to where we want to go.”

Windy smiled “That sound like a plan Autumn, we are not far from the convention.” They got off the bus alongside several other people. It was a huge structure with several people in various costumes walking in and out.

They were about to walk in where a man with a camera ran over to them carrying a pair of pink wigs, a book and a bunch of sheets. He smiled “I heard from some of the people that you four were looking for a pair of wigs and I’m even willing to throw in a book of the Portrait for Markov and a copy of the character files for everyone in exchange for a photo.”

Autumn was suspicious of the man but gave into the pleading looks of Star and Windy, June held he book under her arm as Star and Windy put on their wigs. Autumn held the character sheet and they all smiled for the photographer. Autumn felt a surge of energy as thee photo was taken and code started to appear in her vision as she lost consciousness.

Autumn groaned as awoke in what appeared to be forest, she saw three girls lying on the ground. Her eyes widened as she recognised them “Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri but they are fictional and…” she saw a puddle. She walked over to it and gasped as she saw her face had changed “I’m Monika… but how?”

The other three stirred groaning ‘Sayori’ stood up “The last thing I remember is we at the convention and… why are we in a forest?”

It clicked for Autumn, these were not the characters from the game. These were her friends who had been turned into those characters. Autumn walked over to ‘Sayori’ “Star, do you know what has happened?”

Star gasped “Monika!”

Autumn smiled “It’s me Autumn, Natsuki is Windy and Yuri is June.” She then shook her head “It’s not safe to be in the forest for very long, I believe that we explain this ponce we get the other two up and running.” They woke up Windy and June, Autumn explained the same thing to the others.

Windy looked up to Autumn “Wait if you’re Monika now can you do what she can do?”

Autumn focused her mind, it was not long before she saw character files pop up next to her friends with several different statistics. She then could see the statistics of the trees and plants around her, she brought up her own character sheet and began messing with some factors. She then turned around delivering a solid kick to the tree, all four of them blinked as a tree sized hole in reality was left behind.

June shuddered “You may wish to tone down the power and…”

A pack of strange wooden wolves surrounded them, their eyes widened “Timberwolves but this means we are in Equestria!” Star then smirked “I told you that watching all of MLP was a good idea!”June however was shaking, something within her manifested as she grinned. Autumn eyes widened as she saw what had happened to June in her code.

Third Eye Activation

Turns one into a killing machine with a thirst for blood, it also increases strength and speed astronomically.

June hit one of the Timberwolves so hard that it detonated from the sheer force, the other Timberwolves fled and she was about to give chase when Autumn put a powerful suppression seal on June causing her thirst for blood to vanish. Windy frowned “Judging from the peace of the forest this is before the battle between Nightmare Moon and Celestia.”

Star cheered “That means we need to find the Everfree City and the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters!”

Autumn sighed as they followed their excited friend “I never thought I’d be glad my friend loved watching a show about magical talking ponies” she then turned to June “Are you okay?”

June slumped “I lost control, what if I kill someone? What if I lose control?”

Autumn hugged her “That won’t happen, we are with you all the way. Now come on, we need to catch up with the others.” The group of four headed through the vibrant trees of the Everfree Forest, it was not long before they found themselves at a grand medieval city with grand stone structures standing either side of the cobblestone roads.

All four of them looked in awe as they entered the city, Windy gasped “This is amazing” she then looked around seeing both bipedal and quadrupedal ponies going about their business.” June noticed that the ponies who saw them were trembling in fear.

Several pony guards in golden armour approached pointing spears towards them “Pray pardon me yourselves, strange creatures 'r else we has't to useth excessive f'rce”

Autumn frowned “We just arrived in the forest and we were looking for civilisation. I’m sure you can understand that there are dangerous creatures in the Everfree Forest but I promise you that we mean no harm.”

The leader of the guards frowned “The princesses shall decideth yond, followeth us and those ladies shall decideth thy fate” Autumn and June were concerned while Windy shrugged as Star cheered excitedly about meeting the Princesses. The guards kept a solid grimace as they escorted the girls towards the grand stone castle, the head guard nodded to the guards at the door.

He escorted the girls in, A white bipedal Alicorn with a pink mane and a dark blue bipedal Alicorn with a dark scowled at them. The white Alicorn turned to the guard “Leaveth us, we shall dealeth with these creatures.” Autumn rolled her eyes as three magical artifacts surrounded each Alicorn, she made a few minute changes to the code of herself and her friends as the rainbow laser flew towards them.

Chapter 2: Shock and Awe

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June was looking around in confusion as were Star and Windy who had no idea why they were not statues. The two Alicorns were equally stunned, Autumn rolled her eyes “Listen to me, Princesses Luna and Celestia I have the ability to more or less rewrite reality. I am not even sure how far it goes but it allowed me to simply make the four of us immune to the Elements of Harmony.”

Both Alicorns gasped, this power was far beyond even Discord’s. Autumn frowned “I have no interest in causing you or your ponies any problems. Still being threatened with being a garden statue is hardly a warm welcome for guests new to Equestria. Believe it or not we came from another world were your kind don’t exist. We are not even sure how we got here.”

Luna frowned “Those ladies speaketh the sooth sist'r, mine own element tells me so. We has't did act hastily and without bethought, we wilt off'r those folk recompense.”

Celestia turned to the four of them “What couldst I possibly doth to aid thee four in thy endeavours?”

The four girls huddled together, Autumn whispered with a smile “I do have a few ideas, until we find a way home I suggest we do as the people who we are would. We should open an Equestrian branch of the Doki Doki Literature Club, we should also find ourselves place of residence.”

Star smiled as she whispered “I’m up for that.”

Windy smirked “I wouldn’t mind reading books and making some friends. This might just a fun place to be in, after all we might have a thousand years of villains arriving.”

June rolled her eyes “Of course you would say that” she then nodded “I would like to read with you four and any others who may join our little club.”

The group soon separated, Autumn smiled “We wish to be granted a place of residence and be granted a building to open a Literature Club.”

Luna nodded “We can has't yond done by tomm'row, we can assureth thee yond 'twill beest eft f'r thee. In the meantime we shall alloweth thee stayeth in the castle, isn't yond right sist'r.”

Celestia nodded with a smile “Forsooth, anon I asketh if 't be true thee couldst joineth us f'r lunch?”

Star jumped up and down excitedly “We would love to! We haven't’ eaten since we got here!”

Windy nodded with a smirk “What my excitablefriend here meant to say was that we would love to join you. She just get a bit too excited sometimes.”

Luna laughed “Th're is nothing wrong with getting excit'd” she then frowned “We nev'r hath asked thy names. May thee prithee introduceth yourselves?”

Autumn frowned “We have two names technically and we need to think about which one we are going with. I mean the chanced of us returning to our home world is unlikely to, besides it’s always been the four of us against the world. Grew up in the same orphanage.”

Celestia blinked in shock “Thy from anoth'r w'rld… but how! yond kind of pow'r is rare coequal 'mongst the greatest of charm us'rs!”

June frowned “That is not important right now, we have no idea of how we got here. We just had our photo taken, regardless we should introduce ourselves. I’d say we take our new names rather than our old ones.”

Autumn smiled “I agree, a new start and a new life. I’m Monika.”

Star bounced excitedly “I’m Sayori, Natsuki is the short one and the eldest of us is Yuri!”

Natsuki growled her face glowing red “I’m not that short!”

Celestia smiled “Thee seemeth liketh such valorous cater-cousins, nev'r loseth yond. Thee has't the rest of thy liveth to leadeth.”

Monika smiled “Well we’ll be around as long as you, I’m confident I could make the four of us immortal. It would be as simple as coding it in, something I have gained a natural knack for since coming here.”

Luna’s eyes widened in shock “Thee can maketh others immortal!”

Yuri rubbed her head as she looked at the golden soundproofing barrier “Thank goodness, I don’t want to be assailed by ponies who wish for us to make them immortal. Seriously some ponies will cause you a lot of trouble if you gave them that much time.”

Monika frowned “I agree that would be bad” she then shook her head “Let’s go and get some food.”

The two Alicorns nodded sending the elements away, the four exited the throne room. The guards outside growled “Princesses, wherefore haven’t thee done about these monst'rs!”

Luna growled “First off, their not monst'rs!” She then took a deep breath “Those gents w're able to maketh themselves immune to the pow'r of the Elements of Harmony. Those ladies did explain how those ladies w're able to stand ho the elements from affecting those folk and the Element of Honesty disc'rn'd those ladies w're telling the sooth. Those ladies cullionly us nay harmeth.”

The Guard that lead the squad earlier frowned at Celestia “Princess, if 't be true those ladies couldst stand ho the elements then haply those ladies can dissemble those folk too? Thee can und'rstand mine own conc'rn.”

Luna muttered as Celestia frowned “If 't be true those ladies hadst ill intentions then is nothing we couldst doth, those ladies has't pow'rs yond wouldst maketh Discord behold liketh a clown. Those gents couldst wipeth our nation off the visage of the w'rld if 't be true those gents so chooseth and th're is nothing yond anypony couldst doth to stand ho those folk.”

Monika’s eyes narrowed as she saw the look in Luna’s eyes, a slight bit of hurt lingered in the. She whispered “I think we can see the start of Nightmare Moon, this timeline is already vastly different from the show. Maybe we can prevent some of disasters to come.” They turned to see the guard had stepped aside, they followed the Princesses through the stone halls covered with the banners of both Princesses.

Yuri whispered “Are you sure that could even happen, what if we make a mistake and screw something up?”

Natsuki whispered “We are going to help her, we aren’t going to do anything rash. Maybe even just be a supporting voice.”

They soon arrived in a massive room decorated with fine cloths and silk, Sayori gasped “This place is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life! A grand circular table was covered in a stunning silk table cloth.”

Celestia smiled “Well that’s valorous, t means we has't done our job well. T wouldn’t beest valorous if 't be true the cubiculo to dine with f'reign dignitaries wasn’t opulent, we has't to gib'r to our guests.”

Yuri frowned “Does that mean you will provide meat, our species are omnivores. I hope that doesn’t offend you too much.”

Celestia winced slightly but Luna roared in excitement “Rejoiceth, somepony yond I can enjoyeth meat with! ponies receiveth so squeamish at which hour me and mine own night guardeth dine on gudgeon, yet high-lone being able to consume oth'r types o meat!”

Celestia frowned as she saw the day guards trembling around the room “Thy scaring the ponies 'round thee sist'r. Can thee prithee tone down thy joy of … eating meat.”

Natsuki growled “Celestia, don’t you realise howbigoted it is to deny the rights of meat eaters. If you ever wish to get to a point with the Dragons, Griffons and Minotaurs diplomatically than you must to get used to them eating in meat in your presence and your ponies need to get used to it as well.”

Celestia's eyes narrowed “I don’t liketh the idea of letting predat'rs walketh amongst our ponies. What if 't be true those gents decideth to taketh a biteth out of somepony walking by those folk on the street? T sounds liketh a t'rrible idea.”

Monika grimaced “You live in a world with those who eat meat, you should not consider yourself better than those. There is a difference between not eating meat and looking down on those who do, there are too many of the later in the world I came from.”

Luna hit her sister on the back of the head “Has't thee f'rgotten all dec'rum, sist'r! These art our guests and thou art treating those folk way too harshly! So prithee f'r once in thy life hark to something yond I am declaring! It’s lacking valor enow yond I has't to beest up at this ungodly hour, I has't night patrols and dreameth duties lat'r!”

Celestia rolled her eyes “It’s not liketh thee dram night excursions art yond imp'rtant. Th're art many m're things yond needeth prop'r attention, liketh the running of our nation and a most wondrous'r grasp of politics.”

The four human’s eyes widened as Luna snarled “Sist'r, thee knoweth what I’m going to receiveth some rest. I don’t needeth knoweth aught about thy no more brain than stone politics, i has't to doth the not imp'rtant things liketh holp protecteth our ponies from the creatures yond wend jowl in the night.” Luna stormed out of the room as the four girls glared at the Solar Princess for her foolhardy actions.

Chapter 3: New Home

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Much to the surprise of Monika, Natsuki, Yuri and Sayori their home was constructed and furnished before night fell. It has a simple kitchen with a functioning wood stove as well as a magical fridge, there were four bedrooms upstairs. In each was vanity, wardrobe, bed and a bedside table. There was a large relaxation room full of books and a simple dining room.

They settled in as sun fell reading books, Monika chuckled as she pulled a book that read on the Indiana Pones: The Crystal Chalice “Ponies seem to love their puns.”

Yuri smiled “Equestria is so much better than Earth, yeah ponies may fear us but it is quite peaceful here. I guess that’s benefit of having two eternal goddesses protecting you from the monsters that go bump in the night.”

Sayori smiled “I’m sure that will changed if we keep being friendly.”

The group quickly settled in for the night, after a few hours of reading they began hearing a commotion in the streets. Natsuki frowned as she put down a book titled Arcanohazard: the AT Virus “What is going on out there?”

Monika put down her own book and her eyes widened as she saw Princess Luna and her wounded Night guards having rock thrown at them as Ponies threw insults at them. She forced open the door and programmed a powerful dome shaped barrier to defend them, Sayori stepped out as both of her eyes turned a haunting blue as her sclera turned black.

As the injured night guard approached, the shield dissipated only for Sayori catch any rocks throw in a field of glowing blue light. Luna smiled at them “Grant you mercy f'r granting us shelt'r f'r night.”

Natsuki looked at the injured guards “What happened to everyone?”

Luna grimaced “A large Mantic're packeth wast too closeth to the city, we combated those folk off but sev'ral of mine own loyal night guardeth w're badly did injure.”

Monika glowed as she began channelling powerful magic, the injured Thestrals, as well as two other types of Night Ponies glowed with white light. She smiled as she released the spell all of their wound healing in an instant. Luna blinked in shock “What kind of healing charm is yond! I has't nev'r seen aught liketh yond bef're!”

Monika frowned “It’s called Curaja. Still I must admit I know about Thestrals but what about the other two types.”

Luna nodded “I can pray pardon me their abilities f'r thee. Spectres art liketh Unic'rns but those gents focus m're on shadow charm and can coequal becometh completely inc'rp'real. Then thee has't Night Shades, those gents art immune to all f'rms of poison and can coequal breath out such potent poisons yond those gents coequal knap out an Eld'r Dragon.”

A Night Shade stepped forward with a smile, she bowed “I wilt thanketh thee all f'r saving the liveth of the stallions and mares und'r mine own hest. I wast w'rri'd many of us wouldn’t maketh t home to our families.”

Sayori smiled “All of us are willing to assist you and the Princess of the Night” she then growled “Of course some ponies don’t respect you for all the hard work that you do. It truly a terrible thing.”

Luna sighed “Yond is true but as Captain Toxic Salve hath said we art truly grateful f'r thy assistance. T hast becoming hard'r and hard'r of late as most ponies wanteth us dead. Those gents bethink mine own night guards art monst'rs and yond I existeth to stealeth their precious travelling lamp.”

Yuri frowned “I think you should all return to the Castle, the four of us need to get some rest.”

Monika smiled “I’ll teleport them back to the Castle.” One quick teleport later and soon the four humans got ready for bed before descending into slumber. The next morning Monika stood up and stumbled into her bathroom, she took off her pyjamas and stepped into the shower. She turned on the to water,she began humming to herself as she cleaned her body.

She then stepped out and after drying herself with a towel, she then put on a copy of the clothes she wore the previous day. She exited her room only to see Yuri, Natsuki and Sayori also exiting their rooms. Sayori smiled “I’m going to make us some breakfast?”

Yuri frowned “We don’t have any food in the fridge, we just moved in yesterday. You can make breakfast tomorrow.”

Natsuki nodded “We should go and get something to eat from nearby.”

The group headed out to a local Restaurant, it was a pretty plain cafe. The four sat down on four wooden stools around a plain wooden table, a tall dark blue Minotaur walked over with a smile “What can I do for you ladies?”

Monika smiled “Well I would like four plates of bacon and eggs, one for me and one for each of my friends.”

The Minotaur smiled “Will do, your food will be ready shortly.”

Natsuki looked around to see Pegasi and a few Thestrals dining. A massive deep green quadrupedal Pegasi mare that could have been mistaken for an Earth Pony with wingsslowly flew over and took a seat at the table with her food “Thou art strange, wh're didst thee cometh from?”

Yuri frowned “You are rather blunt, coming up to total strangers and asking where they came from.”

The mare laughed “Hurricane at each moment didst bid me I wast extraordinary blunt, I’m Private Pansy, one of the toughest pegasi to ev'r liveth!”

Sayori’s eyes widened “Does that mean you are immortal?”

Pansy grimaced “The princesses seemeth to bethink so, it’s been quite a while since Discord and Starswirl's disappearance. I’m about four hundr'd years fusty with nay signs of ageing, Hurricane struggles to flyeth. Coequal with me being m're earth pony than pegasus, I shouldst beest showing signs of advanc'd ageing by anon.”

Monika looked over her, her body was made immortal by magic. It was strange, chaotic yet stilted but incredibly powerful flowed within her. Monika frowned “I’m not a hundred percent sure but I can see something if I look closely, it seems to be chaotic yet not. As if it’s stilted by something, this is most likely Harmony magic.”

Pansy’s eyes widened “How can I has't harmony charm! Yond charm is did suppose only beest did hold in the Elements of Harmony!”

Monika frowned “It isn’t that much, it has just stopped your ageing. The Harmony magic you have is but a drop in the puddle compared to the Elements of Harmony.”

Natsuki shook her head “Enough of this serious talk, I want to eat and our food is almost here.”

After their food was delivered the group silently ate, after the meal was finished Sayori smiled at Pansy “Do you wish to join us to speak to the Princesses? We were hoping to check on how the construction of Literature Club building was going.”

Pansy rubbed the back of her head “I guesseth couldst joineth thee, I don’t very much has't much to doth lately. I visiteth Hurricane once in a while but he’s usually fell at me f'r being so healthy while he’s bedridden. The oth'rs aren’t 'round anym're.”

Yuri frowned “My apologies for the loss of your friends.”

Pansy shook her head “Nay needeth to apologise, Discord putteth a most wondrous dealeth strain on all of those folk. We all hadst to rally ponies so those gents couldst stayeth stout during the chaos years.”

Monika’s eyes narrowed, as dark power surrounded her “If Discord returns to cause anything even remotely similar to that I will make him regret that. The Elements of Harmony can’t affect us and neither can he.” Pansy was stunned by this, she and the group headed on in silence towards the castle. The guards let them in and they soon arrived at the throne room.

Celestia smiled “I hath heard what thee hadst done f'r mine own sist'r last night of all, I am grateful yond thee assist'd h'r during h'r nightly duties.”

Natsuki growled “Well then maybe you should do something about your sister’s wellbeing, your precious day loving ponies treat her as an outcast. They were throwing rocks at her and her Night Guard, who had already sustained numerous injuries to protect them and many would have died without our help!”

Celestia froze before giving a concerned look towards Pansy “Is't very much yond lacking valor? Doth ponies treateth mine own sist'r and h'r guards yond badly”

Pansy grimaced “Yond those gents doth, some wisheth to removeth h'r from the equation. I has't been preventing any attempts thus far but one day those gents shall striketh at h'r, I has't struggl'd to 'rganise a meeting with thee on the topic due to the nobles being acknown of mine own presence.”

Celestia's coat burst into flames as she roared “I shall speaketh with ev'rypony, I shall maketh t cleareth yond mine own sist'r is to beest did treat with same respect as I am!” She then took a deep calming breath “I assume thou art h're to checketh on the construction of the club building? I'll sendeth some guards to showeth wh're the building is being hath built.” The four girls smiled, ready to see the construction of the first Equestrian Doki Doki Literature Club building.

Chapter 4: Club Construction

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Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, Sayori and Private Pansy were following a group of guards down the streets of Everfree City. They soon arrived at a site of a building being built, several ponies both bipedal and quadrupedal were carrying around wood and stone.

The foundation was set up and multiple ponies were already building the framework of the building. Monika frowned “This is going faster than I had anticipated, on Earth it woulds take months to get a building like this set up and at least a few months for a foundation.”

Pansy smiled“Construction ponies in Equestria receiveth hath paid a lump sum f'r a job aft'r it’s done depending on contribution. Failure to giveth c'rrect payment with this shall has't the p'rpetrat'r putteth bef're the court immediately. The festinate'r a job is done, the m're those gents receiveth hath paid.”

Yuri frowned “Humans are not a morally centred as ponies are. Humans are much more in it for themselves, smart and innovative sure but many are too concerned with themselves to help others.”

Pansy grimaced “I don’t ev'r wanteth to wend to thy w'rld, t soundeth liketh a cruel and harsh lodging to liveth.”

Sayori smiled “It wasn’t bad, there was lots of fun things to do as well. We watched anime and played video games, our bodies changed to characters from a video game. It’s where the concepts for the powers that Monika, Yuri and I have. We are not sure what Natsuki’s powers are yet but she must have some too.”

Pansy frowned “What pow'rs doth thee has't concluded, be it? None of thee seemeth yond tough from looking at thee.”

Natsuki frowned “Well Sayori has soul manipulation abilities which she can use to levitate a living being many times her size and throw them around, I also suspect she teleport and summon dangerous weapons to attack her enemies.”

Monika nodded “As for Yuri she has the Third Eye which makes her faster and stronger but she turns into a killing machine with a lust for blood. As for me I have a complete mastery of reality, it allowed me to suppress Yuri’s Third Eye and make the four of us immune to the power of the Elements of Harmony. I am not sure about the full extent of my powers.”

Pansy’s eyes widened in shock “Thee madeth yourself immune to the Elements of Harmony, the most pow'rful objects in the hist'ry of the w'rld!”

Monika rolled her eyes “The Elements of Harmony have limitations, as far as I can tell the only limitation on me is what I want to do. At then end of the day I am quite dangerous because I can do whatever I want and that is dangerous thing. The only thing that can stop me is myself, I need good friends by my side to keep me sane.”

Pansy frowned “The princesses has't hadst similar fears, yond nopony couldst stand ho those folk if 't be true those ladies hath lost controleth 'r hath decided to ruleth with an iron fist.”

Sayori's sclera darkened as her eyes glowed blue “If that happens we will stop them, don’t worry about that.”

Pansy smiled “Thanketh thee, it’s valorous to knoweth th're art those who is't wouldst standeth up to the princesses shouldst those ladies falleth to darkness.”

Sayori raised an eyebrow “I’m curious but is do you receive many visitor from any others kingdoms nearby.”

Pansy nodded “Mainly from the Crystal Empire, wherefore? Art thee int'rest'd in doing some travelling?”

Sayori walked over to Monika and whispered “I suggest you head there and find Sombra, he is a talented dark mage who takes over they Crystal Empire. We make things better for both him and everyone else here.”

Yuri meanwhile smiled “I would like to see a city of Crystals.”

Monika smiled as well joining Yuri “I’d like to visit them with her, I’m sure our friends can hold down the fort while we’re away.”

Pansy nodded “T is about four hour trippeth th're and backeth. Doth thee has't enow bits to receiveth tickets?” The four of them looked at each other Pansy tossed them a couple of small bags of bits “I has't m're wage then i knoweth what to doth with, wisheth thy luck on thy trippeth.”

Natsuki smiled “Thank you for the bits.”

Pansy smiled “Thy welcometh. I’ll maketh sure yond Celestia gets some bits f'r thee until thee maketh some f'r yourself.”

Monika and Yuri headed to the train station, after purchasing their tickets and boarding the train Monika whispered to Yuri “Don’t tell anyone but we are going to find Sombra, maybe prevent the Empire from being banished.”

Yuri frowned “So where do we begin?”

Monika whispered with a grimace “We need to convince the Princess Amore that we can take Sombra from the Empire and teach him the finer points of dark magic. Otherwise he is just a dark magic time bomb waiting to go off.”

Yuri nodded and the pair calmly sat there in the train. Ponies watched the two human cautiously as they both boarded and exited the train, the bipedal ones ducking under the door as they did so. When they arrived at the Empire, the Crystal Ponies looked at them in similar way to the ponies of the Everfree City.

Yuri followed Monika as they headed to the crystal castle in the distance, Yuri was looking around the sight while Monika was focused on the castle itself. It did take long before several ponies in shining crystal armour surrounded them “What art thee strange creatures doing approaching the castle?”

Monika frowned “I wish to speak to your Princess, I’d rather not cause a diplomatic incident over this little misunderstanding.”

One of the guards rushed forward swinging his spear “Thee shall stayeth hence from our princess, thee has't n'r right to beest h're thee strange creature!” Monika face palmed as the lance shattered on impact with her chest, the stallion gasped “How didst mine own partisan break… what kind of monst'r art thee?"

Before he could speak a unicorn with a brilliant raspberry mane and a very pale vermilion coat trotted past “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna has't hath sent me a lett'r about thee, I wilt admiteth I wasn’t expecting f'r any of thee to visiteth so lief.”

The guards bowed “Princess Amore!”

Yuri smiled “I wanted to see the sights of the Empire” she then frowned “Monika came here for other reasonsand she wants to have a proper conversation with you.”

Monika nodded “I believe we should take care of this in the castle, can I trust that your ponies will treat Yuri with respect as she explores the city?”

Amore nodded with a soft smile “I’m sure those gents shall treateth h'r fairly, any feareth is simply from the fact the lady is a creature those gents has't nev'r seen bef're. Yond feareth shall wane in timeth, I assureth thee.”

Monika grimaced as they walked away “I hope your right about this” she then frowned as she created a soundproof bubble around them “Now I’m going to the heart of the mater, a colt known as Sombra. What do you know about him?”

Amore’s eyes narrowed at the question “Wherefore art thee asking about the colt, doth thee planeth something sinist'r!”

Monika grimaced “He has a talent for dark magic which likely isn’t very conducive to a place where you spread great amounts of pure love magic once a year. I fear if he found out about it he will grow resentful, the Crystal Empire is not the best place for him.”

Amore sighed “Sombra hast m're than a talent f'r dark charm, that gent is a being of dark charm hath called an Umbrum. The only one not seal'd hence and I w'rry about what wouldst befall if 't be true that gent finds out the sooth.”

Monika shook her head “I believe it would better if he s farther away from the heart, in a place where he can learn about his magic and what he is. A place where he learn to master the darkness within, I’d be happy to take him to Equestria to be away from the heart.”

Amore frowned “Art thee sure about this?”

Monika nodded with the Princesses help, what I do know is that it is better than an alternative future where he destroys you and becomes the Tyrant Emperor that rules the Crystal Empire through enslaving the entire nation. Then when the Princesses defeat him, he seals the entire Empire away for one thousand years.”

Amore’s eyes widened “That gent couldst doth yond?”

Monika nodded “He could but I will prevent it from happening. I will teach him discipline and respect but before anything else he will have to know the truth about himself.”

Amore sighed “V'ry well”

Monika frowned “Then I must speak to him, he must learn to trust me.” Amore nodded to Monika the two entered the castle.

Chapter 5: The Empire and the Truth

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Yuri was walking around the empire, crystal spires shimmered in the light of the sun. She walked over to a fruit store. The green earth pony mare was little freaked at first but Yuri just smiled as she pointed at a bunch of shining berries “I was just hoping to buy some of those berries.”

The mare smiled back “Valorous choice, those art our famous crystal b'rries. T is ten bits a container if 't be true thee wanteth some.”

Yuri put ten bits on the table “I’ll gladly have some, thank you.”

The mare smiled “I wast a dram w'rri'd a first but thou art a valorous s'rt. I shall did spread the w'rd about thee, thou art a valorous p'rson.” Yuri smiled walking around looking at the crystalline nature of the empire, she beamed as the sweet juices of the berries run down her face.

The Crystal Empire was a great place in her mind so far but she was about to learn that brighter a place shines, the darker it’s shadows become. She stopped as she heard a scream, she ran in the direction to see a quadrupedal Griffon hen being beaten down by three mares, two bipedal and one quadrupedal in an alleyway. Yuri closed her eyes for a second “Forgive me, Monika.”

She feel the lust for blood burning through her veins, she rushed forward sending one of the mares hurtling into the wall. She stood still her muscles shaking violently as she grit her teeth, one of the mare growled “Doth thee bethink thou art some kind of h'ro! Thee wisheth to saveth this meat eating monst'r, these creatures englut flesh! How sick is yond!”

Yuri snarled bearing her teeth “Bigots, treating someone differently because of what they must do to survive! You have no respect for nature or it’s ways, you live with the rain and wind under your control. Back where I come from the storms are controlled by no-one, a world of wild weather that can happen at any time! A world where the toughest and smartest survive, where the weak perish!”

The two mares screamed as they grabbed the unconscious third, Yuri picked up the bleeding griffon. The griffon smiled weakly “Who are you?”

Yuri smiled restraining her bloodlust “I’m Yuri, now let’s get you some proper medical attention.”

The Griffon smiled weakly “I’m Galeforce, I left Griffonstone in order to find my place in the world. It’s a lot rougher there and I wasn’t cut out for that life, I have been travelling across Equestria trying to find a place to call home” she then sighed “but ponies aren’t the most welcoming of predators.”

Yuri walked out of the alleyway, the crystal ponies watched them cautiously. Yuri walked through the city to the only pony who may listen to her, she walked over to the mare running the stall she visited earlier “I need some help?”

The Earth Pony mare looked at her “Wherefore art thee trembling?”

Yuri grimaced “I’m restraining myself, now please I need you to help me. I found some mares attacking Galeforce here and I scared them off, can you help me get some medical attention for her.”

The Earth Pony smiled “I can doth yond, mine own nameth is Berry Grow by the way.”

Meanwhile, Monika and Amore were moving through the crystal hallways of the castle. The guards watching closely as they did so, Amore frowned “Sombra is an 'rphan and is cater-cousins with a fellow 'rphan Radiant Hope. I bringeth those fillies to the castle and teachest those folk charm.”

Monika frowned “I will tell him the truth and take both of them off your hooves, they deserve a proper home with a family who cares for them.”

Amore smiled “I desire thee can taketh careth of those folk, I'll s'rt out the pap'rw'rk f'r thee. I can speedeth up the processeth f'r thee if 't be true thee wouldst liketh.”

Monika smiled as they entered the room “Thanks Amore.” She saw the quadrupedal gray colt with a black mane that she assumed was Sombra and the quadrapedal purple unicorn filly with a light arctic blue mane that she assumed was Radiant Hope.

Sombra looked fearfully at Monika, his horn sparking “Who is't art thee?”

Monika smiled “I’m Monika and I intend to give you both a home with my friends. Now I would like to speak to the two of you in private.”

Amore smiled “Thee two can trusteth h'r, I truly believeth the lady wanteth the most wondrous f'r thee. I’ll leaveth the three of thee to receiveth acquaint'd.”

Monika created a sound proof bubble before looking at Sombra “The truth is you are not a normal pony but a creature known as an Umbrum. A creature of dark magic and that is why the Crystal Heart hurts you so.”

Radiant Hope looked at Monika “Doest the pricness knoweth about this?”

Monika nodded gravely “Amore did know about this but I can protect Sombra from it’s effects. Still the reason I want to take you two from here is so that Sombra can learn how to control the darker arts. Dark magic is dangerous if the user can’t control their own power but if they learn how to control it then there is nothing to fear.”

Sombra growled as dark purple trails flowed from his green eyes “You mean the Pricness new about my suffering and refused to do anything about it! She let me suffer under the influence of the heart!”

Monika pulled him into a hug even as black crystals tore into her body “Sombra, don’t let anger and hatred consume you! I promise I will make things better for the both of you, I will make sure you two both have a family and a roof over you heads even if I have tear the world apart to do it!”

Sombra calmed down in her grasp and then his eyes widened as he saw the bleeding wounds in Monika’s body “I’m so s'rry.”

Monika chuckled as she clicked her fingers, the crystal dissolving as her wounds healed “There is no need to apologise, it takes more than that to do any permanent damage to me. I will be fine.”

Radiant Hope blinked in shock at the two of them “How didst thee doth yond! Can I learneth how to doth yond!”

Monika shook her head “My powers are not magical in nature and Sombra’s are very dangerous. It would be unwise to teach you the darker arts at such a young age, maybe when your an adult you can learn but even then you must be careful. Such magic could easily destroy you.”

Radiant Hope shuddered in fear “O-okay.”

Monika smiled “Don’t worry, everything will be fine with the four of us taking care of you.”

Sombra bounced excitedly “Yond means we can beest hence from the meanies at the 'rphanage! I don’t knoweth how this couldst receiveth any bett'r!” Monika smiled at the bouncing colt, Sayori had the right idea about coming here.

Chapter 6: Return to Everfree

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Yuri smiled as Grow tended to Galeforce’s wounds “I’m truly grateful for your help.”

Grow smiled “It’s nay problem, some ponies prescribeth to the pony sup'ri'rity yond Celestia believes in while oth'rs followeth Luna who is't believes yond all shouldst standeth togeth'r in peace and harmony. I fiteth into the second categ'ry as doth many ponies of the empire.”

Galeforce looked at Yuri who was starting to shake again “What is causing you to shake so violently.”

Yuri grimaced “Don’t tell anypony else about this and I will share it with you.”

Grow smiled “We gage not to a soul, we gage t on our liveth.” Galeforce nodded alongside this.

Yuri sighed “I have this trait known as the Third Eye, it makes me stronger and faster but comes with a steep price. It makes me what to kill so bad, like a powerful itch that I can’t scratch and take so much willpower just to restrain it.”

Grow was stunned, Galeforce placed a claw on her “You have a good heart, Yuri. Even against those horrid ponies that attacked me, you did little more than knock one away. I’ll head back to the rest of Equestria with you.”

Yuri smiled “Thanks Galeforce, I appreciate that.”

Grow shook herself out of her stupor “Well if ever need any help, or just want to come to the Empire to relax I’ll be running my shop as usual.” Yuri and Galeforce leave the crystalline farmhouse, fields of various fruit including the famed Crystal Berries surrounded the farm house.

The pair headed back to the central part of the city state, Yuri smiled as saw Monika standing beside a filly and a colt as well as Pricness Amore. Monika smiled at Yuri “These two foals are Sombra and Radiant Hope, their coming back with us. We are going to take care of them, Pricness Amore has already passed the paperwork.”

Yuri frowned “I used it to save Galeforce here, can you suppress it again for me.”

Monika nodded “Sure” she then smiled as she turned off Yuri’s Third Eye “you have a lot of willpower to have keep it restrained this long.”

Sombra meanwhile poked the hen with hoof “I’ve nev'r seen a Griffon bef're, is't true yond thee talons can rend stone?”

Galeforce chuckled “That is quite true actually, Griffons are mighty strong. We won’t match up to an Earth Pony who has done hard work their whole life but we are a close second.”

Radiant Hope shouted as she smacked Sombra across the back of his head “Sombra, thee can’t treateth anoth'r pony liketh yond! It’s po'r mann'rs to poketh anoth'r pony and I’d assume it’s the same with Griffons!”

Monika sighed as she looked at Sombra “You going to be the trouble maker aren’t you” she then turned to Radiant Hope “Should me or one of my friends not be around for some reason, you have permission to reign him in.”

Radiant Hope smiled “I shall doth mine own most wondrous to keepeth that gent in line, thee has't mine own w'rd.”

Yuri sighed “Thank goodness, we don’t need him running around school without someone to be the voice of reason.”

Monika nudged her “Relax, we will make sure that he is properly disciplined. Just having an extra set of eyes on him while we aren't around wouldn’t be a bad thing.”

The group got their tickets and just before they boarded the train Amore waved goodbye to the two ponies, two humans and griffon “Wisheth thee luck in thy endeavours, may thee returneth to the empire one day.”

Monika waved goodbye as the group boarded the train, Sombra was bouncing excitedly as they took their seats “What is Equestria liketh!”

Yuri chided the colt “You’ll find out when you get there. Be patient, is is unwise to rush into things without thinking first. To find peace within yourself, close your eyes and clear your mind.” Monika smiled as Radiant Hope talk a seat on her lap, watching their friends meditating.

They soon returned to Equestria, they disembarked the train. Sayori ran over to the two young ponieswith a smile on her face “You must be Sombra and Radiant Hope.”

Natsuki frowned “The Princesses aren’t exactly pleased with your actions, you may wish to speak with them. Apparently adopted two ponies from another nation shortly after you arrive draw a great amount of attention.”

Monika frowned “I will be back at our place” she then turned to the pair “Yuri will make sure you are settled, I’ll sort out some rooms for you two when I return okay.”

Radiant Hope smiled “Shall doth, thanketh thee.”

Monika smiled as she clicked her fingersmaterialising in the Throne Room of the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters the two Princesses and her being the only current occupants. She turned to Celestia and Luna with a frown “I heard you two have a problem with my decision. One of them is a being of dark magic and I wish for you to help me teach him it’s proper use, I would not separate the pair of them.”

Luna nodded “I und'rstand as a practition'r of dark charm myself, I knoweth how sore t can beest to controleth without prop'r training. I und'rstand wherefore thee didst what thee didst but i doth wanteth to knoweth how thee kneweth about this at which hour thee just did get h're?”

Monika frowned as she put a sound proof barrier around the room “Simply put, in my world you are character from a fictional show for little girls. In that story Sombra grew up to be dreadful tyrant who you defeated but not before he sealed the Crystal Empire away only for him and the Crystal Empire to return one thousand years later. However that doesn't have to happen here, nor do other certain events.”

Celestia and Luna’s eyes widened in shock “If 't be true what thou art declaring is true, then doesn’t yond maketh ev'rything we doth meaningless!”

Monika shook her head “No, that is only one possible future and it doesn't have to happen. I am omniscient however and the potential changes could limit how much that knowledge could help me. Still I will do my best to help you however I can.”

Celestia smiled “Well yond is all we can asketh of thee” she then frowned “young dark mages art quite dang'rous and thee needeth to beest careful.”

Luna smiled as well “Bring Sombra over tonight for magic training, tonight will give me a good idea of how powerful he is

Monika nodded to both of them “I will, I promise you that.”

She dispelled the soundproofing around the room and teleported away, Sayori was busy playing tag with Sombra and Radiant Hope in the living room. Yuri was reading a book on the sofa, while Natsuki lounged around. Monika clicked her fingers and two new rooms were created on the second floor with proper supports.

Monika then walked over to the two young ponies of them “Sombra, tonight you will meet Pricness Luna who is well practised in the art of dark magic. I expect you will treat her with respect, also both of you will attend school.”

Sombra beamed “Very much, I receiveth to learneth from the princess.”

Radiant Hope looked down sadly, Monika messed with her mane “I’ll see if Celestia will take you under her wing. I’m confident that you have a great amount of talent.” Monika grateful for the opportunity smiled as Radiant Hope beamed, she then turned to Sayori the smile still on her face. Sayori returned the smile in kind.

Chapter 7: Magic Training and the Club Begins

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Sayori and Monika alongside Sombra headed out to the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters to meet with Luna. The Guard looked over the two of them, they frowned looking over the list before nodding “Thee three doth has't p'rmission to ent'r the castle, proce'd”

Monika smiled “I’m glad the guard takes their job seriously, keep up the good work.” The guards nodded as the group headed into the castle, they met up with Luna in a stone room full of books on magic.

Luna smiled “It’s a pleasure to meeteth thee, young Sombra. I has't not hadst the opp'rtunity to teachest anoth'r the dark'r arts in a longeth timeth, sadly v'ry few wisheth to learneth them in this day and age.”

Sombra bounced excitedly “So what doth we starteth with!”

Luna’s eyes glowed green as purple trails flowed from them “Tryeth to doth this, feeleth f'r thy charm and draweth t out. Most don’t receiveth t the first timeth, dark charm is quaint advanc'd charm in gen'ral.”

Sombra closed his eyes and focused, he felt something dark and angry within him. He shook violently as he opened his eyes, glowing green as fierce purple trails flowed away from his eyes. He screamed “It’s fighting me, what doth I doth Princess!”

Luna growled “Square t with all thy might, maketh t boweth to thy dominion! Don’t submit to t 'r 'twill ev'r holdeth thee in his grasp!”Sombra roared as his glowed greener, the trials growing fiercer as his began to glow red for a second. The green glow began to calm as the purple trails reduced in size, Luna smiled “V'ry impressive, young Sombra. T tooketh me years to mast'r dark charm up to this pointeth, still f'r anon we shouldst receiveth thee some rest. Dark charm is v'ry straining and thee may causeth yourself p'rmanent harmeth if 't be true thee ov'rdo t.”

Sombra stopped the flow of his magic and took a deep breath “Yond wast hard'r than I bethought t wouldst beest.”

Monika smiled “You are doing well Sombra” she then turned to Luna “I hope you can speak to your sister. Radiant Hope feels left behind and I’m hoping Celestia may take up teaching her as well.”

Luna frowned “I shall seeth what I can doth but I shall maketh nay promises, mine own sist'r is a busy pony and is not as lib'ral as I am eith'r. Too many years of being did stick in politics and not enow action.”

Monika nodded “I’ll see you tommorow night after we have the first Club meeting tommorow. It will be our first proper meeting. Also I will need to find a school for both Sombra and Radiant Hope, so that they can get a proper elementary education.”

Luna nodded as she summoned a piece of paper and wrote a quick note “Taketh the two of those folk to the EverfreeElementary Academy, this shall beest a valorous lodging f'r those folk to tryeth and maketh cater-cousins.”

Monika smiled “Will do, come on Sombra. We’ll return here tommorow night.”

Sombra nodded with a smiled as he waved goodbye to Luna before following Monika, Sombra nervously tapped his hooves “Um, if 't be true is not too much ado couldst I calleth thee mum?”

Monika rubbed his mane with a warm smile “Only if your sister can as well, we are a family after all.”

Monika smiled as Sombra bounced excitedly, they soon entered their home. Monika smiled as she looked Radiant Hope “I think it’s time for my son and daughter to see their newest rooms, after that I’m sure Auntie Sayori would love to play with you two.”

Natsuki rolled her eyes as Yuri smiled, Sayori beamed excitedly. Monika took them to Sombra’s room first, the door was a deep blue. The room itself had a large bed and a beside table, as well as large trunk at the end of the bed and a closet built into the wall. Sombra looked around in awe “I receiveth mine own owneth cubiculo” he then turned to Monika as tears filled his eyes “thanketh thee, thanketh thee, thanketh thee!”

Monika simply held him tightly gesturing for Radiant Hope to join them, after Sombra has finished crying. They ventured to Radiant Hope’s room, there was a large bed and beside table like Sombra’s room. The similarities ended there, there was a huge closet, a bookshelf and a vanity as well. Radiant Hope began to sob, Sombra and Monika joined her in another hugging pile.

After that they all turned in for the night. The next morning, Monika had a quick shower and got herself dressed. She then began making pancakes for everyone, Radiant Hope was beaming as she dragged a sleepy but clean Sombra down the stairs. Monika smiled “Are you two ready for your first day at school?”

Sombra grumbled as he face planted on the table, while Radiant Hope chirped “Our first day at school, this is so exciting!”

Sombra grumbled as he sat up food put in front of his face, the two young ponies began devouring their food. Natsuki took a seat and sighed “I am still curious what my powers could be, Sayori has powers like that Undertale skeleton and you two have your own powers.”

They heard knocking on the door, Monika opened it with a click and Galeforce walked in “so when does you little reading club start.”

Sayori bounced down the stairs with Yuri calmly reading a book behind her. The pair sat down and began eating their breakfast, Sayori smiled “We will start today, the building is finished and the books have been supplied.”

Yuri frowned “It won’t start until Monika and I return from sorting out Radiant Hope and Sombra’s enrolment in their school.”

Monika nodded as she ate her food, after they finished eating Monika and Yuri left with the two foals. Most ponies didn’t acknowledge the two humans, they soon approached a large building with foal of all ages waiting outside. They enter to see a pony all too familiar, the dark green mare’s crooked smile doesn’t give them much confidence. They both take a seat, the mare smiles “I seeth thy two wisheth to enrol thy foals into this prestigious school. I am Calculus Cinch, headmast'r of this school.”

Monika frowned as she gave Cinch the note from Luna “Yes we do and should I even get the slightest hint of any harm come to either of my foals at your hooves.” Any ominous shadow cast over her as her head began to spasm, sending a shiver of fear down Cinch’s spine “It will not end well for you.”

Cinch nodded fervently “I promise that your foals will be in good hooves, you have my word.”

Monika smiled “Good.” Monika and Yuri then took the two foals to their first class, Monika crouched “Please both of you take care of yourselves.”

Radiant Hope shivered “Mum don’t doth whatev'r yond wast again prithee, t wast t'rrifying.”

When Sombra nodded in agreement, Monika hugged both of them “I will never do that in your presence again, I promise. If ever have to do it again I will make sure you can’t see me.”

Yuri then joined the hug “Take care, and treat your teachers with respect.”

Monika was shaking slightly as they left heading to the where the club was “What if the other foal treat them badly, what if…”

Yuri slapped her “Monika, I understand your worries but they’ll be fine trust me. I know it’s scary leaving them on their own for their first day of school but they can handle it.”

Monika smiled weakly as she and Yuri headed towards the completed Doki Doki Literature Club building. It was large yet quaint building made of wood with a wooden sign painted bright colours that read ‘Doki Doki Literature Club.’ They entered the building to find it was one large open room with several couches, chairs and tables. Sayori, Natsuki and Galeforce were reading a book passing it between the three of them.

Monika and Yuri took a seat, Galeforce passed the book titled Hunter’s Gale to Monika. Monika smiled as she read the paragraph.

Winter Arrowheld her bow at a ready, a doe ran past. She released the bowstring, the arrows piecing through the head of the doe. The mare pulled out her hunting dagger as she trotted towards the fallen beast, she rubbed the beast’s hid “Rest well, thy flesh shall feedeth many and thy fur shall saveth many from the bitter cold.”

Yuri smiled as she took the book “Well done, it’s my turn now.”

Just then she was interrupted by the howl of a fearsome beast, she hefted the body of the doe onto her back and galloped through the snow. She cursed “Just mine own luck, wolves w're eke hunting this one. Still I shall not loseth mine own killeth to these less'r beasts.

Yuri passed the book to Natsuki, the group continued to read until it was time for Monika and Yuri to pick up the foals.

Chapter 8: School (Normal)

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Sombra entered the classroom, he yawned as he looked around the plain walks and singular chalkboard “This place looks boring, why do we have to come here again?”

Radiant Hope smacked him on the back of the head “Sombra, we are here to learn how to be functional members of pony society! Is that so hard to understand!”

Sombra groaned as he rubbed his head “Will you please stop doing that, it’s not nice to keep hitting me on the back of the head.”

Radiant Hope rolled her eyes “Well maybe if you actually took some of this stuff more seriously, I wouldn’t have to smack you so often. Study is very important and you will have to do a lot of under Luna as well.”

Sombra groaned “Really but that sounds like a lot of work.”

Radiant Hope smacked him harder “Sombra, remember what you did to Monika because you could control your powers! What if you do to somepony else! Can you live with killing another because you can’t control yourself!”

Sombra’s eyes widened “I could kill somepony” he then nodded with determination in his eyes “I will take my studies under Luna very seriously. I can’t let that happen.”

Radiant Hope nodded, only to see the other students file in alongside their teacher who both gave them notebooks, textbooks and pens as well as pair of school saddlebags. The Teacher smiled “I’m Frost Signal and it looks why we have two students from the Crystal Empire, come forward and introduce yourselves.”

Radiant Hope and Sombra trotted forward, Sombra bounced excitedly “Hi everypony, I’m Sombra.”

Radiant Hope smacked him again and the bowed “Forgive my brother, my name is Radiant Hope. It’s pleasure to meet all of you.”

The other foals began whispering to one another, one foals asked “Are you Crystal Ponies actually made of crystals?”

Radiant Hope frowned “No, Crystal Ponies are technically made of gemstones. We are not sure why that isbut evidence point to it being something that Discord did during the Chaos Years for his own amusement.”

Sombra frowned “I am not a Crystal Pony, I am something called an Umbrum. A creature of dark magic and it’s why I came down here, the Crystal Heart hurt me because of what I am. Light magic and dark magic don’t really mix.”

The foals looked at him with awe, dark magic was rare requiring quite a lot of skill to master. Signal coughed “Well you two should take your seats and we’ll begin the lesson proper.”

As Signal began the lesson as he wrote on the board, he then turned to the class “I understand that many of you consider that Algebra is incredibly complicated but at the end of the days the letters are place holders for numbers. For example if Bananas cost two dollars then B equals two.”

Sombra tried to listen only for some foals to throw wads of paper at the back of his head, he took a deep breath as he felt rage well up in him. He needed to control that rage, to not harm those around him. He forced himself to listen as the teacher explained the mathematical theories behind magic and various other topics, he took a few notes on what was being said.

The class was soon over much to his joy, he was the first out of the room. Radiant Hope trotted over to him “Did something happen in class?”

One of the older Earth Pony colts pushed her over with a snide grin “So your those weird ponies form the Crystal Empire huh. Your really should return there you know, this is a place for normal ponies. Crystal head should take the shadow freak back home.”

Radiant Hope began to sob, Sombra’s eyes glowed green as purple trails flowed from his eyes. He held his rage inside himself, quiet and cold as his voice spoke with menace “Be silent fools and cowards.” He formed black crystals in the air around him “You insult somepony for no other reason then you own prejudice, you are not worth the air you breath. I could silence you without a word but I will not waste energy on you.”

Sombra helped Radiant Hope close and the two trotted away from the angry colt. One colt and one filly blocked Sombra's’ path, he drew himself and Radiant Hope into the shadows. He then stepped out from behind the two colts, his desire to protect his sister combined with his cold fury materialised a dome shield of dark crystals that protected the pair from other’s eyes.

Radiant Hope looked up as her tears began to fade at Sombra in confusion “What is this?”

Sombra calmly smiled at her, hiding his rage behind a carefully crafted mask “This is a shield made to protect us from prying eyes.” He then grimaced as he facade began to crack “I am furious at those colts, beyond words. This is there for their safety as much as mine, to keep my fury contained until I can release it somewhere else.”

Radiant Hope rubbed up against him “Thank you brother for protecting me.”

Sombra nodded “I may be foolish and silly sometimes but we are family. No matter how many times you smack me on the head, that will never change.”

The two foals entered the Cafeteria as Sombra shut down his shield and took seats at a simple white table, a bipedal pegasus filly with a golden coat and a rainbow mane took a seat near them “Sup, my name is Prism Hurricane.”

Sombra turned to the filly with his green eyes “Who are you and why did you care about us anyway?”

Prism grinned “Are you kidding me, those things you did in the hallways were awesome! You showed those bullies the what for!”

Radiant Hope was quietly eating, Sombra frowned “Bullies like them are weaklings pretending to be strong. When you show them real power they fold like a deck of cards. I am not weak anymore and I will not allow anypony to hurt my sister without getting payback.”

Prism smiled “That just makes it even more awesome.”

Sombra smiled slightly “I suppose, are you doing anything after this?”

Prism sighed “I have to go home, my mother has me under a very strict schedule and if she found out that I was anywhere else I would be in big trouble.”

Sombra smiled “How about I ask my mum and our parents can talk about it? I would like to have a few friends and you seem cool.” Sombra laughed as the filly’s excitement, Radiant Hope smiled as she was glad that their first day at the new school was going well.

Chapter 8: School (Old Speech)

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Sombra entered the classroom, he yawned as he looked around the plain walks and singular chalkboard “This lodging looks b'ring, wherefore doth we has't to cometh h're again?”

Radiant Hope smacked him on the back of the head “Sombra, we art h're to learneth how to beest functional memb'rs of pony society! Is yond so hard to und'rstand!”

Sombra groaned as he rubbed his head “Shall thee prithee stand ho doing yond, it’s not nice to keepeth hitting me on the backeth of the headeth.”

Radiant Hope rolled her eyes “Well haply if 't be true thee actually tooketh some of this stuffeth m're s'riously, I wouldn’t has't to smack thee so oft. Studyeth is v'ry imp'rtant and thee shall has't to doth a lot of und'r Luna as well.”

Sombra groaned “Very much but yond sounds liketh a lot of w'rk.”

Radiant Hope smacked him harder “Sombra, rememb'r what thee didst to Monika because thee couldst controleth thy pow'rs! What if 't be true thee doth to somepony else! Can thee liveth with killing anoth'r because thee can’t controleth yourself!”

Sombra’s eyes widened “I couldst killeth somepony” he then nodded with determination in his eyes “I shall taketh mine own studies und'r Luna v'ry s'riously. I can’t alloweth yond befall.”

Radiant Hope nodded, only to see the other students file in alongside their teacher who both gave them notebooks, textbooks and pens as well as pair of school saddlebags. The Teacher smiled “I’m Frost Signal and t looks wherefore we has't two students from the Crystal Empire, cometh f'rward and introduceth yourselves.”

Radiant Hope and Sombra trotted forward, Sombra bounced excitedly “Good morrow ev'rypony, I'mSombra”

Radiant Hope smacked him again and the bowed “F'rgive mine own broth'r, mine own nameth is Radiant Hope. It’s pleasure to meeteth all of thee.”

The other foals began whispering to one another, one foals asked “Art thee Crystal Ponies actually madeth of crystals?”

Radiant Hope frowned “Nay, Crystal Ponies art technically madeth of gemstones. We art not sure wherefore yond is but evidence pointeth to t being something yond Discord didst during the Chaos Years f'r his owneth amusement.”

Sombra frowned “I am not a Crystal Pony, I am something hath called an Umbrum. A creature of dark charm and it’s wherefore I cameth down h're, the Crystal Heart did hurt me because of what I am. Light charm and dark charm don’t very much card.”

The foals looked at him with awe, dark magic was rare requiring quite a lot of skill to master. Signal coughed “Well thee two shouldst taketh thy seats and we’ll beginneth the lesson prop'r.”

As Signal began the lesson as he wrote on the board, he then turned to the class “I und'rstand yond many of thee consid'r yond Algebra is incredibly complicat'd but at the endeth of the days the lett'rs art lodging holdeth'rs f'r numb'rs. F'r example if 't be true Bananas did cost two dollars then B equals two.”

Sombra tried to listen only for some foals to throw wads of paper at the back of his head, he took a deep breath as he felt rage well up in him. He needed to control that rage, to not harm those around him. He forced himself to listen as the teacher explained the mathematical theories behind magic and various other topics, he took a few notes on what was being said.

The class was soon over much to his joy, he was the first out of the room. Radiant Hope trotted over to him “Didst something befall in class?”

One of the older Earth Pony colts pushed her over with a snide grin “So thy those weird ponies from the Crystal Empire I understand you not. Thy very much shouldst returneth th're thee knoweth, this is a lodging f'r n'rmal ponies. Crystal head shouldst taketh the shadow freak backeth home.”

Radiant Hope began to sob, Sombra’s eyes glowed green as purple trails flowed from his eyes. He held his rage inside himself, quiet and cold as his voice spoke with menace “Beest silent daws and cowards” He formed black crystals in the air around him “You insult somepony for no other reason then you own prejudice, you are not worth the air you breath. I could silence you without a word but I will not waste energy on you.”

Sombra helped Radiant Hope close and the two trotted away from the angry colt. One colt and one filly blocked Sombra's’ path, he drew himself and Radiant Hope into the shadows. He then stepped out from behind the two colts, his desire to protect his sister combined with his cold fury materialised a dome shield of dark crystals that protected the pair from other’s eyes.

Radiant Hope looked up as her tears began to fade at Sombra in confusion “What is this?”

Sombra calmly smiled at her, hiding his rage behind a carefully crafted mask “This is a buckler madeth to protecteth us from prying eyes.” He then grimaced as he facade began to crack “I am furious at those colts, beyond w'rds. This is th're f'r their safety as much as mineth, to keepeth mine own fury did contain until I can releaseth t somewh're else”

Radiant Hope rubbed up against him “Thanketh thee broth'r f'r protecting me.”

Sombra nodded “I may beest foolish and fartuous oft but we art family. Nay matt'r how many times thee smack me on the headeth, yond shall nev'r changeth.”

The two foals entered the Cafeteria as Sombra shut down his shield and took seats at a simple white table, a bipedal pegasus filly with a golden coat and a rainbow mane took a seat near them “Sup, mine own nameth is Prism Hurricane.”

Sombra turned to the filly with his green eyes “Who is't art thee and wherefore didst thee careth about us concluded, be it?”

Prism grinned “Art thee kidding me, those things thee didst in the hallways w're most wondrous! Thee hath shown those bullies the what f'r!”

Radiant Hope was quietly eating, Sombra frowned “Bullies liketh those folk art weaklings pretending to beest stout. At which hour thee showeth those folk real pow'r those gents foldeth liketh a deck of cards. I am not weak anym're and I shall not alloweth anypony to did hurt mine own sist'r without getting payback.”

Prism smiled “Yond just maketh t coequal m're most wondrous.”

Sombra smiled slightly “I supposeth, art thee doing aught aft'r this?”

Prism sighed “I has't to wend home, mine own moth'r hast me und'r a v'ry strict scheduleth and if 't be true the lady hath found out yond I wast anywh're else I wouldst beest in big troubleth.”

Sombra smiled “How about I asketh mine own mum and our parents can speak of t? I wouldst liketh to has't a few cater-cousins and thee seemeth merit.” Sombra laughed as the filly’s excitement, Radiant Hope smiled as she was glad that their first day at the new school was going well.

Chapter 9: Friends and the Suggestion (Normal)

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Monika and Sayori were walking towards the school, they smiled as they saw Sombra chasing after a pegasus while Radiant Hope hummed smiling. Monika smiled “So who is your friend, Sombra?”

Sombra smiled “This is Prism Hurricane, she came over to us during our first break.”

Sayori smiled “So how was your first day, anyway?”

Radiant Hope looked down “Some bullies wanted to mess with us, their words hurt me.”

Sombra growled “I was so angry, I wanted to hurt them so bad! I didn’t though, it would go against everything you and Luna are trying to teach me.”

Monika hugged them both “Radiant Hope, bullies are hard to deal with but in the end their words mean nothing. Never forget this.” She then turned to Sombra “You did a good thing today, you held your ground without causing them any real harm.”

A bipedal dark blue unicorn mare with a rainbow mane stormed over “Prism, we are going home! You have no reason to spend time with these horrid creatures! The fact that they allowed to run free is a disgrace to our nation!”

Several parents looked in disgust at the mare, Monika was glaring hatefully at the mare as was Sombra. Monika stepped forward with a calm but cold tone “You are one of those bigots who look at another species as if they are scum. You are the king of pony that will bring down an enemy that will leave pony kind as nothing but a small stain on history.”

The mare fumed “Don’t you know who I am! I am Winter Flash, the leader of the House of Guiding Light and I will not be insulted by some monster! Prism come to my side!”

Prism snarled in fury “Why should I, you treat me like dirt because I am a filthy rain maker! You have treated me like I was lesser simply because I don’ t have a horn sticking out of my head, why should I go wi…”

Winter smacked Prism with her hoof, she was about to grab her when her arm was grabbed by Monika. Monika snarled “You have no right to treat him like that, your a pony who has shown that they have no care for the Harmony that Equestria was built on! Now get out of my sight before you do something truly foolish!”

Monika let go of the mare’s arm and watched as the Winter stormed off, one of the other parents trotted over “Thank goodness somepony spoke up to her, she come along here spouting that nonsense every day.”

Sayori frowned as she looked closely at Prism's wings, she growled as she saw what appeared to be scars along the wings “Look at those, can't you see those scars along her wings!” Sayori then crouched down and looked over the wings “Did your mother cause this?”

Prism nodded solemnly then Sombra, master of tact that he was, asked “Can I see them?”

Radiant Hope smacked across the back of the head “That was highly inappropriate, don’t you understand that is now is not the time or place to ask such questions. In fact such questions are just rude in general.”

Monika frowned “Stop pressuring the filly, Sayori. We’ll take her home where she can have some fun with Sombra and Radiant Hope. Tonight I’ll take her to Princess Luna and maybe she can help us come up with a solution.”

A familiar voice filled the air “I don’t think that will be necessary, I have been watching. In truth I came to give Radiant Hope some private lessons but this will have to be addressed.” Celestia landed with a frown as she saw the scars on Prism's wings “You have my permission to take care of the filly until I can speak to her mother.”

Radiant Hope looked up at Princess Celestia “Does this mean you’ll teach me?”

Celestia nodded with a smile “Monika, as her mother are you willing to let me teach her in the castle for a couple of hours?”

Monika’s eyes narrowed “On the condition that you can keep her safe, if anyone even lays a finger on her there will be consequences. Am I making myself clear?”

Celestia nodded “Crystal.”

Celestia gulped internally as Monika nodded “Very well” she then crouched down in front of Radiant Hope “Behave for the Princess and try to stay out of trouble.”

Radiant Hope smiled “I promise mum.” Monika, Sayori, Prism and Sombra waved goodbye as Celestia and Radiant Hope left.

Prism looked up at them “Does this mean I get to stay with you tonight?”

Sayori smiled “Of course, do you think we let you back to thatsituation. You would have to be nuts.”

The family took their guest back to their home, Natsuki raised an eyebrow “Adopt another foal Monika, and where is Radiant Hope.”

Monika frowned “This is Prism Hurricane and her mother is the worst pony I’ve ever met. We are going to take care of her until Celestia can speak with her mother, as for Radiant Hope she is being taught by Celestia right now and bad things will happen if even a hair is harmed on her head.”

Yuri grimaced “You didn't just threaten Pricness Celestia in public did you?” The look on Monika’s face gave her the answer. Yuri sighed “You can’t just do that because you want to, she commands a lot of respect. The nobles are gong to be complaining about our attitude towards her you know.”

Sombra meanwhile shouted as he chased around Prism “I’ll catch you this time!”

Prism shouted back “Yeah, that’s never going to happen! I’m just faster than you!”

Monika simply grabbed a book while carefully watching the two and took a seat, Sayori soon did the same. Later once the sun had fallen below the horizon, they heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Celestia standing there with Radiant Hope. Radiant Hope cheered excitedly as reentered her home “It was great, Celestia taught me so many things.” She then pulled out a book of magic form the saddlebags the school provided “She even gave me a book on magic so that I could practice at home.”

Monika hugged the filly with a warm smile “That’s great, I expect you too keep up with your studies.”

Radiant Hope smiled and nodded “I will.”

Just as she was about to join her brother, Monika lowered her head “Thank you Celestia for taking care of my daughter. Still I have to meet up with Luna for Sombra's’ magic practice tonight.”

Sombra trotted over to Monika and she clicked her fingers teleporting the two of them into Luna’s study. Luna blinked as they arrived “Well that was unexpected.” She then shook her head before turning to Sombra with a smile “I’m going to teach you some basic dark magic spells such as the dark shadow and dark teleportation spells.”

Luna turned into a puff of dark blue shadows and Sombra copied the technique turning into a puff of black shadows. Luna smiled “Impressive but let’s see if you can copy this.” Luna dissapeared in a puff of dark blue and returned in a similar puff.

Sombra focused funnelling the negative emotions from earlier that day into the spell. He dissapeared in a puff of black smoke only to reappear on Luna’s back with same smoke surrounded him. Sombra then decided to show off as he created as shield of dark crystals. Luna laughed “Mighty impressive young Sombra, creating a dark crystal shield is very difficult for most dark mages to do. You have more potential than I thought.”

Monika smiled “I have an idea to stop ponies from fearing your nights or rather use that fear to your advantage. One night a year we hold a holiday called Nightmare Night where ponies of all ages dress up as horrifying monsters of the night and parents take their kids around to other ponies houses to ask for candy. Thus bringing joy using that fear to your advantage.”

Luna frowned “I haven’t had much chance to improve my image, are you sure this will work?”

Monika nodded with a smile, Sombra bounced around excitedly “That like so much fun and we get free candy!” Monika giggled as she knew this event would be a lot of fun for everypony.

Chapter 9: Friends and the Suggestion (Old Speech)

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Monika and Sayori were walking towards the school, they smiled as they saw Sombra chasing after a pegasus while Radiant Hope hummed smiling. Monika smiled “So who is your friend, Sombra?”

Sombra smiled “This is Prism Hurricane, the lady cameth ov'r to us during our first breaketh.”

Sayori smiled “So how was your first day, anyway?”

Radiant Hope looked down “Some bullies did want to mess with us, their w'rds did hurt me.”

Sombra growled “I wast so fell, I did want to did hurt those folk so lacking valor! I didn’t though, t wouldst wend 'gainst ev'rything thee and Luna art trying to teachest me”

Monika hugged them both “Radiant Hope, bullies are hard to deal with but in the end their words mean nothing. Never forget this.” She then turned to Sombra “You did a good thing today, you held your ground without causing them any real harm.”

A bipedal dark blue unicorn mare with a rainbow mane stormed over “Prism, we art going home! Thee has't nay reasoneth to spendeth timeth with these h'rrid creatures! The fact yond those creatures did allow to runneth free is a disgrace to our nation!”

Several parents looked in disgust at the mare, Monika was glaring hatefully at the mare as was Sombra. Monika stepped forward with a calm but cold tone “You are one of those bigots who look at another species as if they are scum. You are the king of pony that will bring down an enemy that will leave pony kind as nothing but a small stain on history.”

The mare fumed “Don’t thee knoweth who is't I am! I am WinterFlash, the leadeth'r of the House of Guiding Light and I shall not beest did insult by some monst'r! Prism cometh to mine own side!”

Prism snarled in fury “Wherefore shouldst I, thee treateth me liketh dirt because I am a filthy raineth mak'r! Thee has't did treat me liketh I wast less'r simply because I don’ t has't a h'rn sticking out of mine own headeth, wherefore shouldst I wend wi…”

Winter smacked Prism with her hoof, she was about to grab her when her arm was grabbed by Monika. Monika snarled “You have no right to treat him like that, your a pony who has shown that they have no care for the Harmony that Equestria was built on! Now get out of my sight before you do something truly foolish!”

Monika let go of the mare’s arm and watched as the Winter stormed off, one of the other parents trotted over “Thanketh marry somepony spake up to h'r, the lady cometh 'long h're spouting yond tush tush ev'ry day.”

Sayori frowned as she looked closely at Prism's wings, she growled as she saw what appeared to be scars along the wings “Look at those, can't you see those scars along her wings!” Sayori then crouched down and looked over the wings “Did your mother cause this?”

Prism nodded solemnly then Sombra, master of tact that he was, asked “Can I seeth those?”

Radiant Hope smacked across the back of the head “Yond wast highly inappropriate, don’t thee und'rstand yond is anon is not the timeth 'r lodging to asketh such questions. In fact such questions art just malapert in gen'ral.”

Monika frowned “Stop pressuring the filly, Sayori. We’ll take her home where she can have some fun with Sombra and Radiant Hope. Tonight I’ll take her to Princess Luna and maybe she can help us come up with a solution.”

A familiar voice filled the air “I don’t bethink yond shall beest behoveful, I has't been watching. In sooth I cameth to giveth Radiant Hope some private lessons but this shall has't to beest did address” Celestia landed with a frown as she saw the scars on Prism's wings “Thee has't mine own p'rmission to taketh careth of the filly until I can speaketh to h'r moth'r.”

Radiant Hope looked up at Princess Celestia “Doest this cullionly you’ll teachest me?”

Celestia nodded with a smile “Monika, as h'r moth'r art thee willing to alloweth me teachest h'r in the castle f'r a couple of hours?”

Monika’s eyes narrowed “On the condition that you can keep her safe, if anyone even lays a finger on her there will be consequences. Am I making myself clear?”

Celestia nodded “Crystal.”

Celestia gulped internally as Monika nodded “Very well” she then crouched down in front of Radiant Hope “Behave for the Princess and try to stay out of trouble.”

Radiant Hope smiled “I promiseth mum.” Monika, Sayori, Prism and Sombra waved goodbye as Celestia and Radiant Hope left.

Prism looked up at them “Doest this cullionly I receiveth to stayeth with thee tonight?”

Sayori smiled “Of course, do you think we let you back to thatsituation. You would have to be nuts.”

The family took their guest back to their home, Natsuki raised an eyebrow “Adopt another foal Monika, and where is Radiant Hope.”

Monika frowned “This is Prism Hurricane and her mother is the worst pony I’ve ever met. We are going to take care of her until Celestia can speak with her mother, as for Radiant Hope she is being taught by Celestia right now and bad things will happen if even a hair is harmed on her head.”

Yuri grimaced “You didn't just threaten Pricness Celestia in public did you?” The look on Monika’s face gave her the answer. Yuri sighed “You can’t just do that because you want to, she commands a lot of respect. The nobles are gong to be complaining about our attitude towards her you know.”

Sombra meanwhile shouted as he chased around Prism “I’ll catcheth thee this timeth!”

Prism shouted back “Yeah, that’s nev'r going to befall! I’m just festinate'r than thee!”

Monika simply grabbed a book while carefully watching the two and took a seat, Sayori soon did the same. Later once the sun had fallen below the horizon, they heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Celestia standing there with Radiant Hope. Radiant Hope cheered excitedly as reentered her home “T wast most wondrous, Celestia did teach me so many things.” She then pulled out a book of magic form the saddlebags the school provided “The lady coequal gaveth me a booketh on charm so yond I couldst practiceth at home.”

Monika hugged the filly with a warm smile “That’s great, I expect you too keep up with your studies.”

Radiant Hope smiled and nodded “I shall.”

Just as she was about to join her brother, Monika lowered her head “Thank you Celestia for taking care of my daughter. Still I have to meet up with Luna for Sombra's’ magic practice tonight.”

Sombra trotted over to Monika and she clicked her fingers teleporting the two of them into Luna’s study. Luna blinked as they arrived “Well yond wast unexpect'd.” She then shook her head before turning to Sombra with a smile “I’m going to teachest thee some basic dark charm spells such as the dark shadow and dark telep'rtation spells”

Luna turned into a puff of dark blue shadows and Sombra copied the technique turning into a puff of black shadows. Luna smiled “Impressive but let’s seeth if 't be true thee can copyeth this.” Luna dissapeared in a puff of dark blue and returned in a similar puff.

Sombra focused funnelling the negative emotions from earlier that day into the spell. He dissapeared in a puff of black smoke only to reappear on Luna’s back with same smoke surrounded him. Sombra then decided to show off as he created as shield of dark crystals. Luna laughed “Palmy impressive young Sombra, creating a dark crystal buckler is v'ry sore f'r most dark mages to doth. Thee has't m're potential than I bethought.”

Monika smiled “I have an idea to stop ponies from fearing your nights or rather use that fear to your advantage. One night a year we hold a holiday called Nightmare Night where ponies of all ages dress up as horrifying monsters of the night and parents take their kids around to other ponies houses to ask for candy. Thus bringing joy using that fear to your advantage.”

Luna frowned “I haven’t hadst much chance to improveth mine own image, art thee sure this shall w'rk?”

Monika nodded with a smile, Sombra bounced around excitedly “Yond liketh so much excit'ment and we receiveth free marchpane!” Monika giggled as she knew this event would be a lot of fun for everypony.

Chapter 10: Discussing Parenting (Normal)

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After the magic lessons that night, and Monika had returned home with Sombra everyone had went to bed as Prism Hurricane shared Radiant Hope's bed for the night. The next morning after their usual morning routine, Monika heard knocking at the door.

She walked over and opened it to see Princess Celestia frowning “It’s time for us to discuss things with Winter Flash. We’ll need to bring Prism with us.”

Monika frowned as she turned to Sayori “I’m trusting you to take Sombra and Radiant Hope to school. I have to deal with Prism’s mother.” She then crouched in front of Prism who was visibly shaken at having to see his mother again “I promise that she won’t be allowed to harm you, you have my word.”

Prism gave her a weak smile “Thank you.”

Monika picked up the young filly and carried Prism in her arms as they left. Celestia smiled “You are quite a good mother, I have met mothers who even after years aren’t as good as you are.”

Monika sighed “When I was nine it was discovered that I could never have a child of my own, it was something that I was born with. I always wanted to be a mother as I had no parents of my own and maybe I could have one with this new body” she then smiled “but I already have two lovely foals as my own and if this one needs a better parent I’ll happily take a third.”

Celestia sighed “You have a kind heart, one that is purer than mine. I have heard about your idea for a holiday and the fact that it took you someone who has only seen my sister a few times to help her when I could not. I have been truly blind.”

Monika frowned “Then it’s time for a change, your sister should take over the military in it’s entirety. She is the warrior and you are the diplomat, let her handle those duties while you handle all the politics.”

Celestia frowned “That is true but we had an agreement to keep the military split between the two of us.”

Monika rubbed her forehead “How often do you inspect the military?”

Celestia paused as she thought about it “Maybe once a decade at most, and that’s if I don’t have some important diplomatic matter to attend to.”

Monika facepalmed “You are barely involved with them, if you pass them onto Luna she will keep the military combat ready even in times of peace. You understand my reasoning don’t you?”

Celestia frowned “I’ll discuss it with my sister tonight but for now let’s deal with the more pressing concern.” Monika nodded as they entered the castle, they soon arrived in the throne room to see Winter Flash was awaiting them alongside several other nobles and their retainers all carrying weapons.

Monika frowned “I thought she was meant to come alone.”

Celestia nodded “She was” she then growled at Winter Flash “What is the meaning of this! I asked you to come alone!”

Winter Flash smirked “Princess, you have sided with the filthy Rain Makers and the dirty Earth Diggers for two long. Equestria is ours to rule and we are going to reclaim it for the pride of all Unicorns.”

Prism Hurricane who had been silent all this time was visibly shaking, Monika hugged the filly “I promised I wouldn’t let them hurt you and that will not change.” She then handed Prism to Celestia “Protect her with a shield while I deal with these ponies.”

Before Celestia could respond Monika vanished from sight and appeared in front of one of the armed ponies shattered through the bipedal mares armour with her fist. She pulled it out leaving a hole where the mare’s heart should have been, the mare collapsed to the ground.

The armed ponies rushed at her as the nobles watched with smirks on their faces. Those smirks quickly faded as the weapons simply shattered on Monika’s flesh, they all turned to Celestia who created a golden barrier around the pair and covered Prism’s eyes with her hand. Prism cheered anyway “Get her!”

Monika clicked her fingers and the attacking ponies exploded into bloody piles. Monika clicked her fingers once more teleporting her and the nobles into the depths of the Everfree Forest, she clicked her fingers summoning Human Zombies to devour all the nobles save Winter. Monika then created multiple balls of fire, incinerating all of shambling beasts and their prey.

Winter looked at her in absolute horror “What are you going to do to me!”

Monika looked at her with a malicious smirk “Something special and I’m going to enjoy it, but you absolutely will not.” Monika summoned a golden bunny suit, she then picked the mare up by the neck and stuffed into the suit. She then grinned “This suit is designed to hold a bipedal creature, allowing them to entertain children but the major flaw is that springlocks with enough sweat or force the springlocks will snap shut on the victim inside.”

Winter panicked as she desperately tried to get out of the suit only to be force back in by Monika. Who then belted the suit again and again, after the second swing the springlocks snapped the metal parts of the suit crushed the mare’s body. The mare screamed in agony as her flesh was torn and her bones shattered in an instant.

Monika grinned clicking her fingers, preventing the mare from dying “There are punishments far worse than death and the punishment for abusing a child or foal simply because they were born a different race. Well…” She ripped the bunny animatronic’s head off with the mare’s head still inside, the mare screamed in agony as her head was separated from the rest of her body.

Monika then obliterated the rest of the Animatronic, she then looked at the mare as she created a dimensional shelf for knick knacks and put the mare’s animatronic head on the shelf “This is where you will live forever. Never to see the light of day again.”

The mare screamed “No, don’t do…”

Monika closed it and then shut the doorway to the dimension, she then teleported to the castle. Monika smiled “They have all been dealt with.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed “What did you do to them, nothing permanent I hope?”

Monika rolled her eyes “You are so naive if you think they can get away with what amounts to High Treason without proper punishment. As for what I did to them, you don’t want to know. You will never sleep again if you knew what I did.” She then smiled as she took Prism from Celestia “Do you mind if I take Prism into my care?”

Celestia looked between her and the smiling filly, before sighing “Fine, you seem to care more for her well-being than Winter did. Besides you seem to be doing well with Sombra and Radiant Hope.” Monika smiled as she added another member to the family.

Chapter 10: Discussing Parenting (Old Speech)

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After the magic lessons that night, and Monika had returned home with Sombra everyone had went to bed as Prism Hurricane shared Radiant Hope's bed for the night. The next morning after their usual morning routine, Monika heard knocking at the door.

She walked over and opened it to see Princess Celestia frowning “It’s timeth f'r us to break with things with Winter Flash. We’ll needeth to bringeth Prism with us.”

Monika frowned as she turned to Sayori “I’m trusting you to take Sombra and Radiant Hope to school. I have to deal with Prism’s mother.” She then crouched in front of Prism who was visibly shaken at having to see his mother again “I promise that she won’t be allowed to harm you, you have my word.”

Prism gave her a weak smile “Thanketh thee.”

Monika picked up the young filly and carried Prism in her arms s they left. Celestia smiled “Thou art quite a valorous moth'r, I has't hath met moth'rs who is't coequal aft'r years aren’t as valorous as thou art.”

Monika sighed “When I was nine it was discovered that I could never have a child of my own, it was something that I was born with. I always wanted to be a mother as I had no parents of my own and maybe I could have one with this new body” she then smiled “but I already have two lovely foals as my own and if this one needs a better parent I’ll happily take a third.”

Celestia sighed “Thee has't a kind heart, one yond is pur'r than mineth. I has't hath heard about thy idea f'r a festival and the fact yond t tooketh thee someone who is't hast only seen mine own sist'r a few times to holp h'r at which hour I couldst not. I has't been truly blindeth”

Monika frowned “Then it’s time for a change, your sister should take over the military in it’s entirety. She is the warrior and you are the diplomat, let her handle those duties while you handle all the politics.”

Celestia frowned “Yond is true but we hadst an agreement to keepeth the military did split between the two of us.”

Monika rubbed her forehead “How often do you inspect the military?”

Celestia paused as she thought about it “Haply once a decade at most, and that’s if 't be true I don’t has't some imp'rtant diplomatic matt'r to attendeth to”

Monika facepalmed “You are barely involved with them, if you pass them onto Luna she will keep the military combat ready even in times of peace. You understand my reasoning don’t you?”

Celestia frowned “I’ll break with t with mine own sist'r tonight but f'r anon let’s dealeth with the m're pressing conc'rn.” Monika nodded as they entered the castle, they soon arrived in the throne roomto see Winter Flash was awaiting them alongside several other nobles and their retainers all carrying weapons.

Monika frowned “I thought she was meant to come alone.”

Celestia nodded “The lady wast” she then growled at Winter Flash “What is the meaning of this! I hath asked thee to cometh high-lone!”

Winter Flash smirked “Princess, thee has't sid'd with the filthy Rain Mak'rs and the filthy Earth Digg'rs f'r two longeth. Equestria is ours to ruleth and we art going to reclaim t f'r the pride of all Unic'rns”

Prism Hurricane who had been silent all this time was visibly shaking, Monika hugged the filly “I promised I wouldn’t let them hurt you and that will not change.” She then handed Prism to Celestia “Protect her with a shield while I deal with these ponies.”

Before Celestia could respond Monika vanished from sight and appeared in front of one of the armed ponies shattered through the bipedal mares armour with her fist. She pulled it out leaving a hole where the mare’s heart should have been, the mare collapsed to the ground.

The armed ponies rushed at her as the nobles watched with smirks on their faces. Those smirks quickly faded as the weapons simply shattered on Monika’s flesh, they all turned to Celestia who created a golden barrier around the pair and covered Prism’s eyes with her hand. Prism cheered anyway “Receiveth h'r!”

Monika clicked her fingers and the attacking ponies exploded into bloody piles. Monika clicked her fingers once more teleporting her and the nobles into the depths of the Everfree Forest, she clicked her fingers summoning Human Zombies to devour all the nobles save Winter. Monika then created multiple balls of fire, incinerating all of shambling beasts and their prey.

Winter looked at her in absolute horror “What art thee going to doth to me!”

Monika looked at her with a malicious smirk “Something special and I’m going to enjoy it, but you absolutely will not.” Monika summoned a golden bunny suit, she then picked the mare up by the neck and stuffed into the suit. She then grinned “This suit is designed to hold a bipedal creature, allowing them to entertain children but the major flaw is that springlocks with enough sweat or force the springlocks will snap shut on the victim inside.”

Winter panicked as she desperately tried to get out of the suit only to be force back in by Monika. Who then belted the suit again and again, after the second swing the springlocks snapped the metal parts of the suit crushed the mare’s body. The mare screamed in agony as her flesh was torn and her bones shattered in an instant.

Monika grinned clicking her fingers, preventing the mare from dying “There are punishments far worse than death and the punishment for abusing a child or foal simply because they were born a different race. Well…” She ripped the bunny animatronic’s head off with the mare’s head still inside, the mare screamed in agony as her head was separated from the rest of her body.

Monika then obliterated the rest of the Animatronic, she then looked at the mare as she created a dimensional shelf for knick knacks and put the mare’s animatronic head on the shelf “This is where you will live forever. Never to see the light of day again.”

The mare screamed “Nay, don’t do…”

Monika closed it and then shut the doorway to the dimension, she then teleported to the castle. Monika smiled “They have all been dealt with.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed “What didst thee doth to those folk, nothing p'rmanent I desire?”

Monika rolled her eyes “You are so naive if you think they can get away with what amounts to High Treason without proper punishment. As for what I did to them, you don’t want to know. You will never sleep again if you knew what I did.” She then smiled as she took Prism from Celestia “Do you mind if I take Prism into my care?”

Celestia looked between her and the smiling filly, before sighing “Fine, thee seemeth to careth m're f'r h'r well-being than Winter didst. Besides thee seemeth to beest doing well with Sombra and Radiant Hope.” Monika smiled as she added another member to the family.

Chapter 11: Nightmare Night (Normal)

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It had been a couple of months since Monika had taken in Prism Hurricane. Radiant Hope and Sombra got along with her really well. Tonight was the first Nightmare Night in Equestria’s history, Sombra was dressed up in a black suit of armour that covered his body from head to to hoof with his glowing green eyes the only things seen. Radiant Hope was using a powerful illusion that she learned from Celestia to make her coat a darker green with hideous snakes sticking out of her mane.

Prism was wearing material enchanted to look like rotting flesh with blood ripping off, Monika’s group assisted by Monika’s powers had very unique transformations. Monika was a huge withered brown bear, Yuri was a huge blue withered bunny, Sayori was a yellow withered chicken and Natsuki was withered red fox with a hook. All of them had razor sharp teeth and claws, looking like foul apparitions found in a Nightmare.

They would be scary if it wasn’t for foals and adult ponies wearing horrifying costumes of their very own. Monika clapped her metal claws with glee, glad she was able to keep their voices the same “Are you all ready to go?”

Sombra and Prism bounced excitedly “Of course we are, we even have our baskets!” Both had large baskets for collecting candy.

Radiant Hope was much more nervous “I don’t feel comfortable doing this, what if they try to attack us? We don’t even know these ponies.”

Sayori hugged her with a smile “That’s why we are going out with you, it is irresponsible to let foals your age to wander around at alone at night without supervision. I promise should anything happen we will protect you.”

Natsuki chuckled “If they do I will certainly make use of my hook, they won’t know what hit them.”

Yuri frowned “We will not be killing anyone okay, Luna needs us to act responsibly. This is a big moment for her, to get some recognition rather than having ponies attacking her during the night.”

Monika smiled at the three foals “But that doesn't mean we can’t have some fun, there are going to be plenty of games. It will be a really fun night.” The Doki Doki family as they had been called by many a pony wandered around the streets with smiles on their faces.

There were a bunch of ponies dressed up as skeletons dancing with a group of Thestrals. There was game where they dunked ponies in pools of water, a pony cheered as Luna dunked them only for the Night Princess to get dunked herself a minute later. The Night was about get properly scary, several Manticores ran into the town. Luna and her Night Guard sprung into action, Luna leapt in front of a filly cornered by three Manticores.

Luna blasted one away with her horn, before slamming the second with her fist. She caught the third as it leapt at her and slammed it into the ground before obliterating it. She then obliterated the other two with ease, the other four Manticores were slain by her Night Guard. The mother of the filly galloped over with a smile “Thank you Princess for saving my daughter, how can I repay you?”

Luna laughed “Relax, party on and be merry. My Night Guard and I are ready to defend you during the darkest nights, it is our duty.”

Sombra knocked on a door with Radiant Hope and Prism Hurricane behind him, two ponies were at the door. One was a young bipedal grey unicorn mare and the other was a young quadrupedal bright yellow Pegasus stallion. The mare put a generous amount of candy in each basket, she smiled “This Nightmare Night celebration was a great idea, allowing us to see more of the foals living in the area. I’m Light Star and my husband here is Shining Storm.”

Sombra boasted “I’m Sombra, one of the most skilled Dark Mages in Equestria.”

Radiant Hope smacked him on the back of his head “Mum could probably count the number of dark mages in Equestria on one hand so it’s not much of an accomplishment.”

Prism laughed “You two are a real blast, you know that right.”

Sombra groaned “I’m glad you delight in my misfortune Prism.”

Shining Storm chuckled “Well you three better join your family, there are plenty more houses in the streets. Wouldn’t want to miss out on more candy would you?”

The three foals rushed back to their family with grins on their faces as the coupled laughed heading back inside. Radiant Hope’s eyes glistened at all the candy “I have never seen this much candy in my life.”

Sayori giggled “Well there’s more where that came from, come on before all the other fillies and colts get all of it.”

Sombra burst into a gallop excitedly shouting “Last pony there is a rotten egg.”

Prism shouted running after Sombra “I’m going to get there first!”

Radiant Hope burst into a gallop “Wait for me, I can’t gallop as fast as you two. Slow down!”

Monika frowned running over picking her up and joined the three of them “You know it’s not really fair leaving Radiant Hope behind when you compete, she is not as fast as you two.”

Sombra and Prism stopped, Sombra gave Radiant Hope a hug “I’m sorry sis. I should be more careful with you, I promise not to do this again.”

Radiant Hope smiled “It’s okay to be excited but please understand that I can’t always keep up with your excitement all the time.” She then smirked “Also your manners do leave something to be desired.”

Prism laughed as she joined in the hug “This is why I love hanging around you two, you’re so full of life.”

Soon the foals went to another house, Monika frowned as she created a soundproof bubble “I hope things stay this way. You know how it was back home.”

Yuri grimaced “Yes, it was just the four of us against the world back then. We have done some truly horrid things haven’t we.”

Natsuki frowned “That man deserved just what he got, he burnt the orphanage to the ground and raped countless children. He deserved what he got.”

Sayori frowned “His daughter didn’t deserve what we did to her. I’m sure you remember her screams don’t you.”

Monika nodded as she remembered the blond child’s face, her screams as she cooked alive in the oven. She remembered the man’s face as they took turns feeding him the body of his charred daughter while he cried. There was a special place in Hell for all of them should any of them ever leave this world. Monika frowned “What we did back home is past, we can’t change it now. We have a family to support here and we will not allow them to go down the same path we did.”

The group of four nodded silently as Monika removed the sound proof barrier, they knew what they had to do now more than ever.

Chapter 11: Nightmare Night (Old Speech)

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It had been a couple of months since Monika had taken in Prism Hurricane. Radiant Hope and Sombra got along with her really well. Tonight was the first Nightmare Night in Equestria’s history, Sombra was dressed up in a black suit of armour that covered his body from head to to hoof with his glowing green eyes the only things seen. Radiant Hope was using a powerful illusion that she learned from Celestia to make her coat a darker green with hideous snakes sticking out of her mane.

Prism was wearing material enchanted to look like rotting flesh with blood ripping off, Monika’s group assisted by Monika’s powers had very unique transformations. Monika was a huge withered brown bear, Yuri was a huge blue withered bunny, Sayori was a yellow withered chicken and Natsuki was withered red fox with a hook. All of them had razor sharp teeth and claws, looking like foul apparitions found in a Nightmare.

They would be scary if it wasn’t for foals and adult ponies wearing horrifying costumes of their very own. Monika clapped her metal claws with glee, glad she was able to keep their voices the same “Are you all ready to go?”

Sombra and Prism bounced excitedly “Of course we art, we coequal has't our baskets!” Both had large baskets for collecting candy.

Radiant Hope was much more nervous “I don’t feeleth comf'rtable doing this, what if 't be true those gents tryeth to attacketh us? We don’t coequal knoweth these ponies”

Sayori hugged her with a smile “That’s why we are going out with you, it is irresponsible to let foals your age to wander around at alone at night without supervision. I promise should anything happen we will protect you.”

Natsuki chuckled “If they do I will certainly make use of my hook, they won’t know what hit them.”

Yuri frowned “We will not be killing anyone okay, Luna needs us to act responsibly. This is a big moment for her, to get some recognition rather than having ponies attacking her during the night.”

Monika smiled at the three foals “But that doesn't mean we can’t have some fun, there are going to be plenty of games. It will be a really fun night.” The Doki Doki family as they had been called by many a pony wandered around the streets with smiles on their faces.

There were a bunch of ponies dressed up as skeletons dancing with a group of Thestrals. There was game where they dunked ponies in pools of water, a pony cheered as Luna dunked them only for the Night Princess to get dunked herself a minute later. The Night was about get properly scary, several Manticores ran into the town. Luna and her Night Guard sprung into action, Luna leapt in front of a filly cornered by three Manticores.

Luna blasted one away with her horn, before slamming the second with her fist. She caught the third as it leapt at her and slammed it into the ground before obliterating it. She then obliterated the other two with ease, the other four Manticores were slain by her Night Guard. The mother of the filly galloped over with a smile “Thanketh thee princess f'r saving mine own daught'r, how can I repay thee?”

Luna laughed “Relaxeth, party on and beest m'rry. Mine own Night Guard and I art eft to defend thee during the dunnest nights, t is our duty”

Sombra knocked on a door with Radiant Hope and Prism Hurricane behind him, two ponies were at the door. One was a young bipedal grey unicorn mare and the other was a young quadrupedal bright yellow pegasus stallion. The mare put a generous amount of candy in each basket, she smiled “This Nightmare Night celebration wast a most wondrous idea, allowing us to seeth m're of the foals living in the area. I’m Light Star and mine own husband h're is Shining Storm”

Sombra boasted “I’m Sombra, one of the most artful dark mages in Equestria.”

Radiant Hope smacked him on the back of his head “Mum couldst belike counteth the numb'r of dark mages in Equestria on one hand so it’s not much of an accomplishment”

Prism laughed “Thee two art a real fie, thee knoweth yond right”

Sombra groaned “I’m fain thee delighteth in mine own misf'rtune Prism.”

Shining Storm chuckled “Well thee three bett'r joineth thy family, th're art plenty m're houses in the streets. Wouldn’t wanteth to misseth out on m're marchpane wouldst thee?”

The three foals rushed back to their family with grins on their faces as the coupled laughed heading back inside. Radiant Hope’s eyes glistened at all the candy “I has't nev'r seen this much marchpane in mine own life.”

Sayori giggled “Well there’s more where that came from, come on before all the other fillies and colts get all of it.”

Sombra burst into a gallop excitedly shouting “Lasteth pony th're is a rotten egg”

Prism shouted running after Sombra “I’m going to receiveth th're first!”

Radiant Hope burst into a gallop “Waiteth f'r me, I can’t gallop as festinate as thee two. Sloweth down!”

Monika frowned running over picking her up and joined the three of them “You know it’s not really fair leaving Radiant Hope behind when you compete, she is not as fast as you two.”

Sombra and Prism stopped, Sombra gave Radiant Hope a hug “I’m s'rry sis. I shouldst beest m're careful with thee, I promiseth not to doth this again.”

Radiant Hope smiled “It’s well enow to beest excit'd but prithee und'rstand yond I can’t at each moment keepeth up with thy excitement all the timeth.” She then smirked “Eke thy mann'rs doth leaveth something to beest did desire.”

Prism laughed as she joined in the hug “This is wherefore I loveth hanging 'round thee two, you’re so full of life”

Soon the foals went to another house, Monika frowned as she created a soundproof bubble “I hope things stay this way. You know how it was back home.”

Yuri grimaced “Yes, it was just the four of us against the world back then. We have done some truly horrid things haven’t we.”

Natsuki frowned “That man deserved just what he got, he burnt the orphanage to the ground and raped countless children. He deserved what he got.”

Sayori frowned “His daughter didn’t deserve what we did to her. I’m sure you remember her screams don’t you.”

Monika nodded as she remembered the blond child’s face, her screams as she cooked alive in the oven. She remembered the man’s face as they took turns feeding him the body of his charred daughter while he cried. There was a special place in Hell for all of them should any of them ever leave this world. Monika frowned “What we did back home is past, we can’t change it now. We have a family to support here and we will not allow them to go down the same path we did.”

The group of four nodded silently as Monika removed the sound proof barrier, they knew what they had to do now more than ever.

Chapter 12: Natsuki's Rage (Normal)

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The day after Nightmare Night, Natsuki was walking through the streets. The club was having a day off and for her that meant going for a walk, she liked reading but she needed the fresh air like anyone else. The city of Everfree like any other city was not devoid of it’s criminal elements, someone hit on the back of the head.

She blacked out instantly from the impact, the stallions stuffed her into a bag, one of them chuckled “This one is lighter than I thought.” They carried her into a basement and dropped her onto a chair, binding her to it with rope.

A few hours later, Natsuki awoke in the room. It was single metal room with a metal locked door, five ponies carrying flintlocks were sitting in the corners. She growled angrily “Where am I!”

One of the ponies smirked “Right where we want you to be, we have been running this little business all sneaky like. We have been capturing ponies and selling them to the right buyer for a lot of cash. You are a once in a lifetime haul and unlike your friends, you are weak and powerless.”

Natsuki growled as tried to break the rope, the dark blue bipedal mare in the corner chuckled “It would take an Earth Pony raised on a farm to break through those ropes.” The mare taunted her “Face it, you’re destined to be a slave far from Equestria.”

Natsuki roared as something within her filled her body, a powerful burst of purple energy exploded outwards from her body. She looked in awe as the energy settled into a purple aura around her body, she grinned as she turned to the dark blue mare and fired a purple ball of energy reducing her to nothing.

The other four fired their flintlocks, the black balls bounced off her. She looked at them “Come and get me.”

The twp bipedal pegasi rushed her first with the two quadrupedal pegasi following behind. She dodged the punch of one before punching him so hard he flew backward hit the other bipedal pegasus sending them both flying into the wall. The other two pegasi stopped in their tracks, with two quick punches they crashed into the other tow leaving them in a pile on the floor.

Natsuki roared as she charged purple energy into a ball between her hands “Galick Gun!” Natsuki fired the purple blast obliterating the four Pegasi and sending a powerful beam tearing through the underground of the Everfree City. Natsuki winces “Oops.”

A second later Monika appeared behind, Monika clicked her fingers undoing the damage of the Galick Gun. Monika deadpanned “Congratulations, you have the powers of Vegeta. Now let’s get you out of here, I already rounded up the idiots upstairs. I was tracking you all the way”

Natsuki growled “Then why didn’t you get me out earlier!”

Monika rolled her eyes “So that you may get a chance to unlock your own abilities, I figured it was something like that. If it went bad I would have jumped in instantly and destroyed them.”

Natsuki smirked “This makes me the second strongest of the four of us, do you mind being my training partner? I would like to be able to use my abilities more.”

Monika frowned “I’d rather you spar with Luna, she would love to get a good fight whenever she gets the chance. If she’s busy then I will free up some time for you, that is all I can say.”

Natsuki smiled “That suits me fine, I need to go and speak to Luna.” Monika sighed as her friend rushed out of the building at rapid speed, she really didn’t want to clean up another mess.

Natsuki barrelled into the castle “Where’s Luna!”

One of the guards frowned “She is currently inspecting the armyat the barracks, if you wish to find she should be there. Still she might be rather busy so don’t…”

Natsuki burst out of the castle running towards the barracks. Luna frowned as she saw Natsuki running “Young Natsuki, why are you running around so fast?”

Natsuki grinned “I just unlocked my own abilities and was looking for a sparring partner. Monika suggested you and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

Luna let out a chuckle “You are quite smug but since you are so eager I will put you in your place. Of course here is a poor place for such a fight.” Luna’s horn glowed and the two teleported to frozen tundra far past the Crystal Empire, both were hovering far above the ground.

Natsuki powered up her purple aura flaring outward, she rushed forward at incredible speed slamming her elbow into Luna’s gut sending her flying into a nearby mountain.Natsuki roared out “How did you like that!”

Luna teleported in front of her without a scratch, Luna smirked “Impressive speed but you are lacking in the power department!” Luna punched Natsuki in the gut followed by a double handed blow sending her hurtling towards the ground.

Natsuki roared angrily as she charged purple energy between her hands “I’m not going to lose to you! Galick Gun!”

Luna rolled her eyes as the purple blast came towards her, she then knocked the blast away with one hand. Luna frowned “Is that the best you got? I am sorely disappointed.”

Natsuki’s anger began to bubble inside her, even with her power unleashed it was not enough. Something within began to burn, the snow around her began to melt and bubble. Her hair began to flash gold for brief moments at a time, she then let a tremendous roar as her aura flared outwards. A huge crater forming from her power. Her aura was now a bright gold as was her hair, a golden tail stuck out of her back.

Luna teleported front of her, only for her punch to be caught by Natsuki. Natsuki delivered a powerful punch to Luna’s gut, before kneeing her in the face. Natsuki smirked “Super Saiyan, I must admit I was not expecting that.”

Luna grimaced as she stood up “That attack actually hurt but I still have the power advantage.”

Luna rushed forward delivering a barrage of punches and kicks, Natsuki dodged them with ease. She smirked as knocked Luna away “Power means little if you can’t hit me.” She then frowned “Still I’m curious have you ever handled any diplomacy with any other nations.”

Luna had taken some damage from the punch, she turned invisible using magic and punched Natsuki in the back of the head “Officially no but in secret yes, the Changelings, Sirens and even the Undead Lord just to name a few. I have an agreement with Grogar to keep them out of Equestria and the surrounding territories, in exchange for leaving him to his own devices.”

Natsuki frowned as she stood up “Why don’t you tell your sister about any of this?”

Luna shook her head “My sister has little respect for the darkness, but I have made agreements. The Changelings need love, Grogar and the Sirens want to be left alone. The Mist Walkers have their own bay and I have had it marked as a place of danger on any Seas Chart. I even resolved their conflict with the Sirens.”

Natsuki frowned “How many undead does Grogar command?”

Luna shook her head “He is not that bad, he just runs a nation of undead. Skeletons and Ghouls live amongst Necromancers of various kinds. From what he has told me it is illegal to enslave undead there and the punishment he doles out is very severe for breaking that law within his kingdom. While I can’t give you an exact number but the last time I visited it numbered in the millions.”

Natsuki frowned “Well I suppose Undead don’t really need to eat so their population can grow much larger than a living population.”

Luna frowned “Enough talk, let’s get back to fighting.” Natsuki grinned, both rushed at each other ready to finish their confrontation.

Chapter 12: Natsuki's Rage (Old Speech)

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The day after Nightmare Night, Natsuki was walking through the streets. The club was having a day off and for her that meant going for a walk, she liked reading but she needed the fresh air like anyone else. The city of Everfree like any other city was not devoid of it’s criminal elements, someone hit on the back of the head.

She blacked out instantly from the impact, the stallions stuffed her into a bag, one of them chuckled “This one is lighteth'r than I bethought” They carried her into a basement and dropped her onto a chair, binding her to it with rope.

A few hours later, Natsuki awoke in the room. It was single metal room with a metal locked door, five ponies carrying flintlocks were sitting in the corners. She growled angrily “Where am I!”

One of the ponies smirked “Right wh're we wanteth thee to beest, we has't been running this dram business all sneaky liketh. We has't been capturing ponies and selling those folk to the right buyeth'r f'r a lot of chinks. Thou art a once in a lifetime haul and unlike thy cater-cousins, thou art weak and pow'rless.”

Natsuki growled as tried to break the rope, the dark blue bipedal mare in the corner chuckled “T wouldst taketh an Earth Pony hath raised on a farm to breaketh through those ropes.” The mare taunted her “Visage t, you’re destin'd to beest a slave far from Equestria.”

Natsuki roared as something within her filled her body, a powerful burst of purple energy exploded outwards from her body. She looked in awe as the energy settled into a purple aura around her body, she grinned as she turned to the dark blue mare and fired a purple ball of energy reducing her to nothing.

The other four fired their flintlocks, the black balls bounced off her. She looked at them “Come and get me.”

The twp bipedal pegasi rushed her first with the two quadrupedal pegasi following behind. She dodged the punch of one before punching him so hard he flew backward hit the other bipedal pegasus sending them both flying into the wall. The other two pegasi stopped in their tracks, with two quick punches they crashed into the other tow leaving them in a pile on the floor.

Natsuki roared as she charged purple energy into a ball between her hands “Galick Gun!” Natsuki fired the purple blast obliterating the four Pegasi and sending a powerful beam tearing through the underground of the Everfree City. Natsuki winces “Oops.”

A second later Monika appeared behind, Monika clicked her fingers undoing the damage of the Galick Gun. Monika deadpanned “Congratulations, you have the powers of Vegeta. Now let’s get you out of here, I already rounded up the idiots upstairs. I was tracking you all the way”

Natsuki growled “Then why didn’t you get me out earlier!”

Monika rolled her eyes “So that you may get a chance to unlock your own abilities, I figured it was something like that. If it went bad I would have jumped in instantly and destroyed them.”

Natsuki smirked “This makes me the second strongest of the four of us, do you mind being my training partner? I would like to be able to use my abilities more.”

Monika frowned “I’d rather you spar with Luna, she would love to get a good fight whenever she gets the chance. If she’s busy then I will free up some time for you, that is all I can say.”

Natsuki smiled “That suits me fine, I need to go and speak to Luna.” Monika sighed as her friend rushed out of the building at rapid speed, she really didn’t want to clean up another mess.

Natsuki barrelled into the castle “Where’s Luna!”

One of the guards frowned “The lady is currently inspecting the army at the barracks, if 't be true thee wisheth to findeth the lady shouldst beest th're. Still the lady might beest rath'r busy so don’t…”

Natsuki burst out of the castle running towards the barracks. Luna frowned as she saw Natsuki running “Young Natsuki, wherefore art thee running 'round so festinate?”

Natsuki grinned “I just unlocked my own abilities and was looking for a sparring partner. Monika suggested you and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

Luna let out a chuckle “Thou art quite smug but since thou art so eag'r I shall putteth thee in thy lodging. Of course h're is a po'r lodging f'r such a square.” Luna’s horn glowed and the two teleported to frozen tundra far past the Crystal Empire, both were hovering far above the ground.

Natsuki powered up her purple aura flaring outward, she rushed forward at incredible speed slamming her elbow into Luna’s gut sending her flying into a nearby mountain.Natsuki roared out “How did you like that!”

Luna teleported in front of her without a scratch, Luna smirked “Impressive speedeth but thou art lacking in the pow'r department!” Luna punched Natsuki in the gut followed by a double handed blow sending her hurtling towards the ground.

Natsuki roared angrily as she charged purple energy between her hands “I’m not going to lose to you! Galick Gun!”

Luna rolled her eyes as the purple blast came towards her, she then knocked the blast away with one hand. Luna frowned “Is yond the most wondrous thee did get? I am s'rely disappoint'd”

Natsuki’s anger began to bubble inside her, even with her power unleashed it was not enough. Something within began to burn, the snow around her began to melt and bubble. Her hair began to flash gold for brief moments at a time, she then let a tremendous roar as her aura flared outwards. A huge crater forming from her power. Her aura was now a bright gold as was her hair, a golden tail stuck out of her back.

Luna teleported front of her, only for her punch to be caught by Natsuki. Natsuki delivered a powerful punch to Luna’s gut, before kneeing her in the face. Natsuki smirked “Super Saiyan, I must admit I was not expecting that.”

Luna grimaced as she stood up “Yond attacketh actually did hurt but I still has't the pow'r advantage”

Luna rushed forward delivering a barrage of punches and kicks, Natsuki dodged them with ease. She smirked as knocked Luna away “Power means little if you can’t hit me.” She then frowned “Still I’m curious have you ever handled any diplomacy with any other nations.”

Luna had taken some damage from the punch, she turned invisible using magic and punched Natsuki in the back of the head “Officially nay but in secret aye, the Changelings, Sirens and coequal the Undead Lord just to nameth a few. I has't an agreement with Grogar to keepeth those folk out of Equestria and the surrounding t'rrit'ries, in exchange f'r leaving that gent to his owneth devices.”

Natsuki frowned as she stood up “Why don’t you tell your sister about any of this?”

Luna shook her head “Mine own sist'r hast dram respect f'r the darkness, but I has't madeth agreements. The Changelings needeth loveth, grog and the Sirens wanteth to beest hath left high-lone. The MistWalkers has't their owneth bay and I has't hadst t did mark as a lodging of dang'r on any flotes charteth. I coequal did resolve their conflict with the Sirens.”

Natsuki frowned “How many undead does Grogar command?”

Luna shook her head “That gent is not yond lacking valor, that gent just runs a nation of undead. Skeletons and Ghouls liveth amongst Necromancers of various kinds. From what that gent hast toldeth me t is illegal to enslave undead th're and the punishment that gent doles out is v'ry sev're f'r breaking yond law within his kingdom. While I can’t giveth thee an exact numb'r but the lasteth timeth I visit'd t numb'r'd in the millions”

Natsuki frowned “Well I suppose Undead don’t really need to eat so their population can grow much larger than a living population.”

Luna frowned “Enough talk, let’s get back to fighting.” Natsuki grinned, both rushed at each other ready to finish their confrontation.

Chapter 13: Revelations

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It had been centuries since the Doki Doki Literature Club had formed and everypony knew of it. It had a branch in every city, the four immortals who were founded of the massive organisation were know throughout Equestria.

Monika was having to make sure that the budget was kept in order, this was not what she had signed up for when she started the club all those centuries ago. She leaned back as she finished the last piece of paper in the large stack, a dark green bipedal unicorn mare with a black mane carried a mug of tea into the room. Monika smiled “Swift Scroll, thank you. You have been quite helpful over the last couple of decades, organising all of this paperwork would be impossible on my own.”

Swift Scrolls bowed “Thank you for the kind words, Lady Monika.”Monika stood up and turned around to the enchanted board behind her, the names and memories of secretary who served her over the centuries was marked. It was at that moment there was knocking at the door.

Yuri entered a book in her hands and a pair of glasses on her nose “Celestia wants us to visit her, apparently she has taken a new student ad she wants us to meet her.”

Monika stood up “It would be poor form to deny her, thankfully I have got all the paperwork I needed to get done completed today. Are the others going to turn up?” Yuri nodded with a smile, they go on the elevator and watched as they looked over the upgraded City of the Everfree. Magical streetlights generated enough light to keep the streets safe, officers of the law wandered the streets eager to catch any criminals.

Dragons, Griffons and Minotaurs were walking the streets freely amongst ponies. Monika smiled as she saw Griffon and an Earth Pony playing with their own hybrid foal “Equestria has changed for the better since we got here.”

Yuri smiled as she saw a Dragon and a Unicorn sharing bottle of cider after work “I do agree, to think that we once a bunch of go lucky girls going to a convention. I think we should thank that photographer guy if we do see him again.”

Sayori bounced out of their home, she smiled with joy on her face “It’s so good to be spending time together again. You’re all so busy that we barely spend any time to do anything fun.”

Monika smiled “I’ll try to organise a day off for all of us soonish but for now I would like to see what Celestia wishes to speak to us about.” As they approached the castle they saw the Training Grounds, Sombra, Radiant Hope and Prism Hurricane watching from the balcony. Luna’s Shadow Sage Corps lead by Sombra was competing with Celestia’s Luminous Light Corps lead by Radiant Hope and finally the independent Thunderstorm Corps lead by Prism Hurricane.

Monika waved to them and they smiled momentarily waving back before turning back to their forces sternly. Next to that was a huge training field surrounded with a powerful transparent spherical barrier, Natsuki was fighting a copy of herself. Their long golden hair and eyebrow-less faces were clear indicators of the Super Saiyan 3 transformation that Natsuki has mastered over the centuries.

Both clones fused into one and she powered down, her hair changing back to it’s natural pink colour. Natsuki ran over to them with a smile “You are finally here, Celestia has somepony she wants us to meet.”

Yuri frowned “Well let’s not keep her waiting, besides I’m curious about who she wants us to meet.”

The guards carrying advanced magical firearms and magical blades nodded to them as they entered. Celestia smiled as she saw the group approaching “I have somepony who you should meet” an orange quadrupedal filly with red and yellow mane, a yin-yang sun marked her flank “this is my newest personal student Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset Shimmer’s eyes widened “Wait, you four are the head of the Doki Doki Literature Club. The greatest and most profitable business in Equestria.”

Monika chuckled “We aren’t in it for the profit, we reinvest all of our profits back into expansion and innovation. We have several course that are solely for the training of individuals seeking degrees but can’t afford the tutelage.”

Yuri smiled “I provide lectures all over Equestria, providing all races with knowledge.” All four of them noticed how Celestia frowned slightly but none of them mentioned it as a clash with the Solar Alicorn would leave a massive mess.

Sayori smiled as she activated what had been called her combat mode “I tend to spend most of the time taking care of our home but I’m more than capable of holding my own.”

Natsuki smiled “I’m the greatest martial artist alive today and I could teach if you’re interested.”

Sunset’s eyes lit up “Really.” She then gave Celestia a pleading look “Can I Princess, can I?”

Celestia sighed “Fine but I still expect you to take your studies seriously.”

Natsuki nodded “That is true, martial arts in all about discipline. I do expect you to put you best effort into your studies, physical and mental acuity go hand and hand. I am going to push quite hard.”

Sunset grinned “I can handle it, I know I can.”

Monika frowned “Don’t be overconfident, that could get you seriously hurt. Talent is something to be honed and no matter how good you are there is always someone better.”

Yuri frowned “Also form your own opinions on everything, what we are giving you ultimately is advice. You could disregard everything we have said and we won’t judge you, if you need any help from any of us just ask.”

Celestia turned to Sunset with a smile “I wish to speak with these four in private, I’m sure my sister would enjoy speaking with you.” As Sunset galloped out of the room, Celestia created a powerful soundproofing barrier around the room. Her eyes narrowed “What do you think you are doing?”

Sayori grimaced “We are well aware you are uncomfortable with the path Equestria has taken. You created it to be paradise for ponies only and yet Luna has pushed for all species to live in Equestria.”

Monika frowned “We are making sure your student keeps an open mind. The most recent of those pushes bothers you a lot.”

Celestia growled “The Changelings should not be allowed to roam around unchecked, they could destroy our entire way of life.”

Natsuki rolled her eyes “Celestia, do you really want to be enemies with shapeshifters. How can you defeat an enemy that could be anyone?”

Yuri shook her head “You fail to grow and adapt to the world around you Celestia. Harmony is more that just Order, it’s about creating stable growth. Manifesting Chaos, guiding with the careful hand of a softer Order.”

Celestia's eyes narrowed “And if I don’t.”

Monika frowned “We came from a world where events that could have happened in this one were recorded as fiction, likely from some form of dimensional bleeding. Regardless in that timeline the Crystal Empire vanished because Amore refused to tell Sombra the truth. When he found you were able to defeat him but as you did he sealed the Empire away for one thousand years.”

Sayori nodded “Also remember how your sister was feeling unloved prior to the founding of Nightmare Night.”

Celestia nodded with a frown “Where are you going with this?”

Natsuki grimaced “Well in an alternate timeline that feeling festered, causing her to grow cold and hateful of your benevolent sun as was forced to live in your shadow. Eventually she refused to lower the moon, becoming Nightmare Moon and you were forced to use the elements to stop her.”

Celestia growled “My sister would never do that to me!”

Luna’s voice reverberated through the chamber “Actually I would have, in truth I had been considering doing that very thing during those years. I have been listening in since Sunset told me about leaving you five alone, I cast a discrete dark magic spell allowing me to hear everything.”

Monika saw Sombra, Radiant Hope and Prism Hurricane enter the room. Monika had a worried look in her eyes, Sombra gave her a smile “Don’t worry mum. You showed us great care, whatever your original reason was we are family.”

Monika let out a sigh of relief, Celestia growled in fury “You would have turned on me!”

Luna’s eyes narrowed “Sister, you have little respect for my nights even now. Our subjects love the both of us and that is enough for me. Is that enough for you sister?”

A huge black crystal surrounded emerged, white glowing light surrounding it. Sombra frowned “Equestria has entered a golden age, through the great power of the sun’s shining light and fearsome power hidden within the darkness of the night. We will not squander with petty hatred will we?”

Luna took a deep breath “You are right Sombra, whatever has happened between my sister and I back then should be a memory forgotten. We have a nation to lead, so dear sister let’s bury the hatchet and move forward as the equals we were always meant to be.”

Celestia turned away “I need some time alone.”

Monika frowned as Celestia left the room “I’m starting to think we may be having another problem.”

Natsuki sighed “We may have a Daybreaker incident at this rate.”

Luna frowned “What is this Daybreaker you are speaking of exactly?”

Yuri frowned “Daybreaker to your sister is what Nightmare Moon is to you. You can surely understand the issues that this could cause.”

A look of concern passed over Luna’s face “So how do we solve this issue exactly?”

Monika sighed “Luna, this is something that may not be solvable. Celestia’s ideals for Equestria have been constantly ignored as Equestria has accepted the other species of this world. Still we will aid you as best we can to solve this peacefully.”

Luna took a deep breath “Thank you for everything, hopefully this all works out.” The four women sighed as they watched the Princess of the Night leave the room, their actions to make things better may have had unintended consequences.

Chapter 14: Displaced

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Sayori was walking through the streets of the Everfree City, she frowned as she saw a strange looking speaker glowing in an alleyway. As soon as she picked it up she heard a strange voice she didn’t recognise “I am the Ultimate protector. If you wish harm upon the innocent, you will feel the wrath of my power. Only those who give thanklessly and with compassion are my allies. Those who only take? Will have everything taken from them.

Sayori clicked her fingers, Monika frowned as Sayori arrived in her office with a pop “Did something urgent happen?”

Sayori frowned “I found this strange object, it delivered a recorded message. I’m not sure what it even is?”

Monika took the speaker and frowned as she examined the object “Strange dimensional energy is coming from this object. We should activate whatever function it had deep in the Everfree Forest, don’t want to destroy the city.”

Sayori grimaced “I’ll bring the girl’s here first, we should all be present for this.”

A few moments later Sayori teleported back in with Yuri and Natsuki, Yuri frowned “If dimensional energy is indeed present we should be ready for conflict.”

Natsuki's hair pink hair turned gold as she drew on the power of Super Saiyan “I’m all set, let’s get going.” Monika teleported them back to the Everfree Forest and tapped the speaker, they all watched cautiously as a huge portal opened in the air next to them. A sleeping bag with someone inside feel out of it, the person sits up and looks at them.

He greeted them with a wave “Oh. Hi?”

Monika stepped forward with a frown, Natsuki, Yuri and Sayori watching cautiously “Who are you?”

The person replies as he phased out of his sleeping bag “I’m Seth.”

Yuri pointed to the speaker on the ground “Can you explain to us what that is?”

Seth picked up the speaker “My token.” He the looked at the girls “Huh. You must be Displaced.”

Natsuki rolled her eyes “Well yeah, we have been here a really long time. We arrived here centuries ago, almost a millennia in fact.”

Seth looked at the group “Huh. Am I to assume I’m the first other ‘human’ you’ve met in your time here?” Seth using air quotes for the word human.

Sayori smiled “Well, you are the first Displaced we have met. We should introduce you to Sombra, Radiant Hope and Prism Hurricane! They would love to meet our new guest!”

Seth raised an eyebrow “Sombra?”

Monika frowned “Sombra is my son and Radiant Hope as well as Prism Hurricane are my daughters. How do you know the name Sombra anyway?”

Seth frowned “I watched some of the…” he looked around the area quickly before turning back to the girl “...I watched the show.”

Sayori smiled “I convinced my fellow club members to watch with me. It really came in handy here, oh, we haven’t introduced ourselves.” She then pointed to each of member of the group “I’m Sayori, our leader with the brown hair is Monika , Yuri is the one with purple hair and our resident Saiyan is Natsuki.”

Seth smiled "Well it's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Seth Trian. Former human and newly crowned god of destruction."

Monika frowned as her eyes glowed for the briefest of moments “I just had to do a complete scan of your abilities, I have adjusted the framework of this reality to compensate for your powers and made all four of us immune to your more powerful abilities. There was a minor obstruction but it was easy to work around.”

Seth blinked Obstruction? Oh, my absorption. Right. And you made yourself immune to my powers? How?"

Yuri frowned “Monika can adjust the parameters of everything and sees the programming of everything. She can alter it in any way she chooses and make whatever she pleases on a whim.”

Seth’s eyes widen "Wow. Another one.” He then smiled” Well, it is very nice to meet you all. Shall we go to Ponyville?"

The girls burst into laughter, Monika smirked “Ponyville is not the nearest settlement. Nightmare Moon didn’t happen here so the Castle of the Two sisters and the Everfree City built around it is very much intact.”

Seth looked surprised for a moment before realising something "Oh. I'm guessing you had a hand in that? Nice."

Natsuki frowned “The Crystal Empire is still around but unfortunately in this world Celestia is a bigoted asshole who doesn’t want non-ponies in Equestria while Luna is pushing for equality for all creatures. We have been supporting Luna but Celestia has become increasingly angry about all of it. We may have a Daybreaker incident soon enough.”

Seth frowned “Oh I see what you mean. That could be bad.” The jewel around his neck started glowing insistently, he frowned “Oh, Screwy must have noticed I’m gone again. Gimme a sec.” H focused on the crystal for a second. The glow was much calmer, he smiled "Screwy, I'm fine. I think I just got summoned. I'll be back home before you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."The Jewel then pulses rapidly, Seth smiled as he turned back to the girls "Sorry about that, marefriend was just a little worried about me."

Monika giggled “That’s fair.” she then got serious “We should take you to the city. Just be warned that the city is a lot more technologically advanced than what your Equestria is.”

Seth smiled "That's fine. I'm actually curious what it's like. Lead the way."

The four girls lead me to the city, the gates were powered by massive magical machines being operated by several Unicorns, Earth Ponies and Pegasi as well as Dragons, Griffons and Minotaurs. The gates opened revealing the massive towering skyscrapers surrounded by smaller buildings. Officers of the law were carrying magical powered firearms and blades, while wearing enchanted armour to protect from similar weapons. Sayori shouted “What do you think!”

Seth shouted back of the hustling and bustling of the city “Cool! And big!”

Monika took a deep breath before pointing to one of the massive skyscrapers which had the glowing pink letters “Doki Doki Literature Club” on the top of the building. Monika smiled “That’s what the Doki Doki literature club became, one thousand years ago it was just the four of us.”

Seth looked at the building in awe "Wow. I'm guessing that's not the only building?"

Yuri smiled “We run branches in every city, we also provide free education while still making enough profit for the business to be viable. I even do lectures for ponies in the city and abroad.”

Seth smiled "Really? Wow! Good for you-ARGH!"Seth yelled out in pain, the four girls stood around him in a defensive formation looking around for any signs of what was causing this. Seth yelled out “Arggh.” His pain started to lessen “Oww. That hurt!”

Monika scanned him once more before sighing “It seems some planets in this universe need to be destroyed. We’ll wait here while you go and do your job.”

Seth exclaims "What?" He then remembers what being a God of Destruction "Oooh. I get it. Ow!" His head was still throbbing. "Ugh. Sorry about this. I'll be back before you know it."Seth with a single hop escaped the planet’s orbit, Monika creating barrier around the area to prevent his energy output from damaging anything.

Due the commotion Sombra, Radiant Hope and Prism Hurricane arrived. Sombra looked around “Mum did something happen here?”

Monika smiled “Don’t worry son, just our interdimensional guest needed to handle some empty planets. I’ll introduce you when he returns.” They soon felt him returning only to see Celestia soaring the through the air firing a blast towards his location.

Monika turned to Natsuki who nodded “I’ll stop this madness.” She took off ending up flying towards the location of Seth, getting between the two. Natsuki held out her hand at Celestia with a fearsome scowl “Do you wish to engage me for real Celestia because I will not hesitate to break you!”

Celestia reels in surprise before flaring her wings as she shouted "Why are you defending that thing?! It's obviously dangerous!"

Seth frowned "Hey! I'm a he, not a thing, thank you very much! Also! Natsuki." He then turned to her, flying up to be at eye level. "Sorry if I scared you guys. I just needed to do a little work but I'm all good now."

Natsuki laughed “It’s fine Seth, it was just a few barren rocks that nobody will miss.”

A flash of dark blue light disturbed both of them, Luna frowned “Don’t act so hastily sister, we are trying to promote peace, remember?”

Celestia snarled “That’s what you want sister, what about I want to happen! We should not be letting all these other races invade our nation, you are even going to push for those bugs to live in our nation!”

Seth frowned "Hey! Changelings are NOT inherently evil! They just need some help! Hey, wait. Have you reformed them, or allied with them?" He stressed the word reformed.

Celestia scowled “Why should we reform those bugs, th…”

Natsuki’s golden aura flared out, her golden hair longer than her body “Shut your mouth you fucking cocky piece of shit, what right do you have to discriminate against another because of what they are!”

Seth flinched slightly from Natsuki’s language before frowning at Celestia "She's right, Celestia. Just because something is different doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. Life has little meaning when everything is exactly the same, day in and day out. A little bit of- GAH?!"

Celestia cuts him off with an intense magic shot to the chest…

…Straight into Screwy's jewel. Seth hears the loud *CRACK!* and looks down only to his most prized possession split in two.He cried out words that were impossible to understand to all of their ears. Celestia, Luna and Natsuki look at him with fear as his left eye glows green. Seth shoots off into the sky, a malignant blood red trail, cutting through the cloud like nothing. Blood red energy burst from his body like a supernova.

Natsuki flies up as she drops from the sky unconscious. She catches him and flies down to the planet landing next to Monika “Celestia is a real moron, can you fix the jewel around his neck?”

Monika shook her head “It’s fixing itself slowly but let’s get him to a bed.” She then clicked her fingers and the Club alongside Sombra, Radiant Hope and Prism Hurricane were teleported into Sayori’s room.

Sayori grimaced “Celestia is a moron.”

Natsuki laid Seth on the dark blue bed, she looked around the room the light pink walls contrasted fire red bedside table and light green wardrobe not to mention the cedar vanity “This room is a lot more colourful than mine.”

A few hours later Seth groaned, hurting for overexpending his energy "Urrgh. Who tried to screw a girder into me? Oow." He reaches for Screwball’s jewel that had repaired itself "PHEW! It's o-” He then turned to Natsukiwith a very serious look in his eyes “where is she?"

Monika stepped forward “Calm yourself Seth, Celestia may be a moron but I won’t have you go on a violent rampage over our world seeking vengeance.” Reality bent slightly around her hand as she spoke “I’d rather not have to tamper with your mind.”

Seth frowned "I wouldn't do that. I just want to… punch her in the face. That's all. I swear."

Radiant Hope frowned “As her former personal student, I know for a fact that she will escalate the issue. She will not back down from a confrontation and will probably try to destroy you in any means necessary.”

Seth grumbled “Urg. Drat." He then sighed “Fine. As much as I want to, I won't attack her. I promise." He flexed his fingers “Man, I used up a lot. I still have more but, it’ll take me an hour before my destructive energy is back to full.” He then asked “So, what did I miss?”

Sombra smiled “Not much. I’m Sombra, head of Luna’s Shadow Sage Corps and greatest Dark Mage in all of Equestria.”

Radiant Hope smacked him on the back of the head “Forgive my brother’s arrogance, I’m Radiant Hope, leader of Celestia's Luminous Light Corps. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Prism laughed at her two siblings “You two are always such a hoot. My name is Prism Hurricane and I lead the independent super elite Pegasi squadron, the Thunderstorm Corps.”

Seth smiled "Well it's nice to meet you all, I'm…" He suddenly noticed something, his hip pouch is not there “Where is my Grimoire.”

Radiant Hope explained “Your what!”

Seth explained "My Grimoire. I had it in a pouch attached to my waist. It's dark blue and has a five leaf clover on the front."

Sombra perks up "Oh that! I have that. It was emitting a lot of really weird magic. I was going to study it."

Seth asked "Oh thank goodness. I thought I lost it. Can I have it back?"

Sombra pouted “But I want to study it…”

Radiant Hope frowned sternly "Sombra… give it back."

Sombra sighed “Okay…” His horn glowed, causing Seth’s pouch to appear with a flash. He gives it to Seth.

Seth smiled “Thanks.”

Sombra asked "If I may? Why does it have that weird magic inside it?"

Seth responded "I got it from a Void dweller. It gave me the ability to use a special kind of magic called Word Soul magic. Look." Seth turned to the vanity in the room He focused on a hand held mirror on the vanity “Come here.” It dissapeared from the vanity and reappeared in his hand.

All three ponies look at it in shock and awe, Prism blinked “How’d did you do that?”

Seth explained "Word Soul magic makes that almost anything I say happens. I say "come here", the thing I'm focusing on appears in front of me. I say Go back." The mirror then returned to the vanity, he continued to explain "It returns. And I can even make things appear. Like…" Seth stopped and thought for a moment before lifting up his finger "…Candle flame." A small flame appeared on the tip "See? I say it, it happens." He then pinched the flame out.

Yuri frowned “That is a unique magical phenomenon but is too dangerous for many people to have. Hold onto that book tightly.”

Seth nodded "That's kinda what the pouch is for. Besides, I'm the only one who can use it. Plus." He tossed the pouch towards the door while holding up the pouch in midair. The Grimoire glows in midair and curved back into his other hand “It’s bound to me.” He refastens the pouch to his hip as he stands up.

Natsuki flexed “So what do you think of my Super Saiyan 3 anyway, I’ve completely mastered this form. I don’t even need to revert back, I only do it because I like the pink hair.”

Seth smiles smugly "Super Saiyan 3? Nice. I wonder how you would go against Beerus though? And before you say anything, yes, I do mean Beerus from dragon ball. I'm friends with him."

Natsuki grinned “That is really cool! I could give Beerus a good fight but I can’t get the god energy to work, I have been trying to tap into Super Saiyan 4 though. I haven’t got it to work yet.”

Seth blinked for a second before realising what she meant "God energy? Oh! Super Saiyan god. Right. And I'm guessing you don't have five other Saiyans at your call. Well… it is theorised that Vegeta didn't go through the ritual and he got SS blue on his own but I don't think it was confirmed… oh well. Keep trying and do your best. That's all I can say." I

Natsuki grinned putting her hand on his shoulder “Yes but Super Saiyan 4 comes first. Now join me as I try to attempt it.” She putstwo fingers to her forehead and attempted to teleport the pair to the badlands. She blinked in confusion as she arrived “Why isn’t he here?”

Meanwhile back with the others, Seth sighed “Right. Forgot about that. My absorption makes me difficult to teleport.”

Monika put a hand on Seth’s shoulder “I’ll take us there, I can work around your absorption.” Monika successfully teleported the pair to Natsuki.”

Seth apologised "Sorry about that. My passive absorption cancels a lot of stuff out. Sorry.” He then frowned “Now, how are we going to do SS4?"

Natsuki shouted as she fired a ball of energy into the air “Like this! Burst open and mix!” Her body began to grow as it absorbed the Blutz waves from the artificial moon, pink fur began to cover her body that turned gold as she grew. Upon reaching full size she let out a massive roar.

Seth shouted "Hooolllyyy kaltenecker."

Monika and Seth barely dodge the huge fist of Natsuki, Monika called out "Natsuki! You can do this! It’s me Monika!”

Seth called out to encourage her "She's right!. We're right here with you!"

Natsuki’s huge form paused “Mon...ika …” Her huge form began to shrink, her form returning to her normal form. Long wild pink hair flowed down her back and much of her upper body was covered by pink fur. She was wearing a black pair of pants and a black shirt, she looked over herself “Looks good!”

Seth looked over her "Yeah. You look great. Bit surprised by the pink though."

Monika laughed “I must admit today has been quite exciting, much more entertaining then sitting in my office doing paperwork all day.”

Seth shouted "Ha. You bet. Hey! I have an idea!"

Natsuki frowned "What is it?"

Seth shouted again "Test run!"

Both girls raised their eyebrows "Test run?"

Seth nodded Yeah. Super Saiyan 4… against my magic." He smirked "Give you something unpredictable and unknown to face off against." He stood there confidently "What do ya say?"

Natsuki grinned “Sure, I’m in for a full fight!”Monika clicked her fingers creating an enclosed arena space.

Seth asked "Alright. Let's keep this simple. First to have their nape touch the ground loses. That good with you?"

Natsuki grinned “Sure!” Her aura sparked as the universe began shaking from her power.

Seth began speaking words of power “Huh.Be crushed." Seth speak, pressing Natsuki's body into the ground. "Smashed." Again her body is pressed into the ground, even harder this time. "Broken." A gross *Crack!* sounds as she falls to her knees. "And pummelled." A series of impacts struck all over her body.

I watch as Natsuki’s hands glowed with energy and slammed them together creating a field of silence nullifying all sound. She stood up and rushed towards me charging up a blast, she roared as she charged up a huge purple beam of energy. She roared as she fired the beam “Gallic Gun!”

Seth’s magical power cut through the silence “Vanish.” The Gallic Gun vanished into thin air.Natsuki moved at incredible speed and wrapped her arm around his neck tightly enough to silence his voice. He backhanded her in the face, she let go in shock.

Seth leapt to the other side of the field "If you're gonna try that, how about we kick it up a few notches?" He the pulls out his Grimoire out, it glow dark blue and flips to a certain page "Word Soul magic: ש๏เςєร ๏Ŧ ɭՇђ." Multiple mouths formed on his body, their voices overlapping as they spoke "Did you really think that would work?”


"You'll have to try harder than that."

"Now, the battle really begins."

"Are you ready?"

Natsuki roared in fury “You are not going to mock me!” Reality began to warp as her pink hair grew wilder, red energy began to simmer on the edge of her entire body. With a single wave of her hand the entire environment exploded around Seth.

Seth’s body is cut in several places and his laying is on the floor. With a single command "Return" his hand comes back to his arm. With another command "Heal" his hand is reattached. He then gives another command "Transfer "all the cuts over my body disappear and appear over Natsuki's body. With one final command "Intensify" all the cuts now widen into lashes.

Natsuki looks over her injured body with a scowl, she moves rapidly above and delivers trillions of punches in less then a billionth of a second pummelling Seth into the ground at incredible speed without stopping. Seth gives multiple command in succession "Heal. Iron spikes. Flame arrows. Lightning spears. Icicle rain."

All of Seth’s injuries are dissapeared and from every direction, midnight blue portals appear, each delivering an elemental attack. Natsuki roared as the attacks pierced into her body, as her body was nearing her limits she felt something within herself. Seth blinked as her eyes glowed silver and she began dodging every attack with ease. She grabbed Seth by the head and pressed every part of his body into the ground.

A mouth on Seth’s back commanded "Get back." Seth then smiled as he opened another portal "You've grown. Let me invite some friends to celebrate. Word Soul magic: Ŧɭ๏๏๔ ๏Ŧ ɭยรՇ, ๓๏ยՇђร ๏Ŧ ɭՇՇ๏ภץ, ђคภ๔ร ๏Ŧ гєє."From the portal spews a flood of shifting, dark blue magic, large tentacles with sharp toothed mouths at the tips and black hand-like monsters.

Natsuki moved rapidly destroying all of the monsters before Seth could even see it. She reappeared for a less than a second before moving behind Seth and delivering a powerful chop knocking him out. She then collapsed to the ground from her wounds.

Monika gets rid of the arena and heals Natsuki first. Her form remanded save her eyes were no longer silver, Natsuki groaned as she stood up. She then proceeded to heal Seth, Seth opened his and groaned as he saw Natsuki standing over him while Monika healing him “Thanks.”

Natsuki frowned “Those abilities of you are nuts, to think you caused me to ascend beyond a Super Saiyan Four and use Ultra Instinct Omen in the same fight.”

Seth stood up "Ultra Instinct Omen? I've heard of Ultra Instinct before but what's Omen?"

Natsuki frowned “It’s known by a few names amongst the fans, Ultra Instinct Omen, Ultra Instinct Sign and Incomplete Ultra Instinct. It’s the one before his hair turns white.”

Seth nodded "Oh. I knew it as the Incomplete one. Anyway, congratulations." He moaned "Aaah. Thank you regeneration."

Natsuki frowned "Wait, you have regeneration?"

Seth nodded "Yeah, just turned it back on. See?" He ripped one arm off and watching it reattach itself, clothes and all. "Plant based regeneration if you wanna be exact. Derived from the powers of a Methanosian.”

Natsuki nodded “So you are an Osmosian I assume? I watched all of Ben 10, only one of our group who did.”

Seth pressed his hair down and leaned forward to show his four horns "Yeah, why do you think I have these horns?"

Natsuki grimaced “Your horns were hidden by your hair and I was a little busy fighting you to notice.”

Seth smiled widely "I guess that's fair. I miss things all the time. Wow, that was fun though. Got in a lot of practice with my magic. Thanks."

Natsuki grinned “I unlocked Super Saiyan Five and even got a taste of the power of Ultra Instinct! I’m so much stronger now! Thank you Seth!”

She then lunges at Seth, he catches her by the face "No thank you on getting glomped, I have had stuff like that happen enough."

Monika tackled Seth, she grinned “If you're not getting hugged, you're getting dogpiled!"Natsuki jumped on him as well.

He phased through the ground and comes upnext to girls with a smile “Very funny.”

Monika giggled “You should know by now. This is Equestria, it’s all about hugs and being happy. Loosen up a little.”

Seth countered “Tell that to Celestia.” Both girls laughed, he looked down in concern as the jewel began to lose it’s glow. "Oh no. I've been away for too long. Screwy is starting to miss me. Girls… I…"

Monika put a hand on Seth’s shoulder “Return home and give your marefriend the attention she deserves. I expect you to bring her with you one day or maybe… Give me one second with the club and I’ll be back.” She teleported away with Natsuki.

Monika then created a period of super slowed down time around all seven of the people and ponies in Sayori’s room. Monika frowned “We are going to create a token so Seth could summon us, what should the item be?”

Yuri smiled as she handed Monika the Book of Markov “This should work.”

Sayori smiled “I have an idea for the creed. If you are ever tired or stressed, join us the Doki Literature Club for a quiet read or a chat. This is a neutral space and conflicts must be handled elsewhere.”

Monika smiled as the book glowed “I’d say that worked, I’ll be back soon.”She returned with a book of the Portrait of Markov. She tapped it and a copy was placed in his hands “Our token if you wish to summon us.”

Seth smiled "Wow. Thank you. Now how do you send me home?"

Monika giggled “I got this” she taps the token and then opens up a portal to the exact location that Seth left from “Go home and show your mare some love.”

Seth smiled "Thanks. This was fun. I'll see you again." Monika nodded with her own smile as Seth returned home through the portal, she hoped to see Seth again some day soon. She teleported away to hang with her friends and family for the day.

Chapter 15: Failed Assassination

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Celestia was sitting in a secret chamber, she had arranged a meeting with several ponies to be held in private. Celestia was frowning as her guests arrived, all dark blue bipedal unicorns carrying high tech stealth gear. The largest of the group Captain Shadow Strike saluted “Princess, we are Solar Team: the Assassination and Retrieval Service is at your command!”

Celestia frowned “That is lengthy, how about we shorten it to an acronym, S.T.A.R.S.”

Shadow bowed “Very well Princess, what is the action you want us to undertake first?”

Celestia smiled “Simple, miss Monika is your first target. She wormed her way into too many affairs and I wish to have her removed from the equation.”

Shadow nodded “We will carry out your orders immediately. You know what to do.”

Meanwhile Monika wearing a lab coat was deep in a lab underneath the Canterlot branch of the Literature Club, a retired member of the Equestrian Defences Forces was missing three legs, an eye and both wings. A serum was being injected into his body, his legs, wings and eye regrew rapidly as his flesh grew in size and his coat turned grey. He awoke and looked at his regrown limbs.”

Monika smiled “Fall Star, the serum did it’s job.” She grabbed a black trench coat and a black fedora “If you don’t mind I would like to hire you on as a bodyguard. I could use someone of you talents in security.”

Fall Star smiled “You fixed my body and offered me a job. What more can I say?”

Monika handed him the black trench coat and fedora “The trench coat will protect from all but the most powerful of weapons and spells. Also your new code name when your on the job is Mr X.”

Mr X laughed “Well I’ll return tommorow for work.”

Monika smiled as pointed to a few of the other guards “Escort Fall Star to the exit, I don’t want him getting lost in the labs.” Mr X bowed as he left with the guards.

Monika then left walking through the white halls, she entered another lab with several scientists working on a single test subject. It was similar serum to the other one but another vial containing a strange wriggling parasite was also nearby, a unicornmare was chained to the table struggling “What are you going to do to me?”

Monika growled “Your murdered countless innocents for your sick pleasure, your apartment was found with twenty dead rotting corpses of foals! You deserve far worse than I am going to do to you!” She then looked at the scientists “Perform the procedure!”

The parasite and virus were injected simultaneously, the mare screamed as the two entered her body. Her body mutated growing larger and stronger, Monika grinned as the mare’s body turned into a huge monstrous equine shattered it’s restraints. She rubbed the creature’s face with a smile “Welcome to the world, Nemesis. Now let’s get you properly outfitted.”

Monika exited the room with Nemesis, she frowned as bullet bounced off her cheek. She turned around to see five dark blue bipedal unicorns materialise out of thin air. Monika raised an eyebrow “Who are you anyway?”

Shadow aimed his gun at her “We are the Solar Team: the Assassination and Retrieval Service. S.T.A.R.S”

Monika burst into joyful laughter “This is perfect! Nemesis, your first objective destroy S.T.A.R.S!”

Nemesis roared “S.T.A.R.S!” Nemesis rushed forward grabbing the mare out front by the head, the mare let out one final scream as Nemesis crushed her skull.

Shadow shouted “Shit they got Scope, we need to retreat!”

Monika pulled out a remote and pressed a button causing the entire area to be locked down instantly “I am not some cliche villain who let’s their enemy get away. The only way out is through Nemesis.”

Nemesis lashed out with tendrils piercing straight through the two closet stallions, the remaining mare held onto Shadow’s side “What do we do, Shadow?”

Shadow closed his eyes “Pray to Harmony that after all we have done, she will be merciful and allows to rest in the Fields of Elysium.” He then put his gun to her head and pulled the trigger the mare’s body quietly fell to the ground,

He then put his own gun to his head as he looked upon the hopeful face of the mare he just shot “I’m sorry that it ended this way, rest in peace Night Clock.” He pulled the trigger, his brains being blown across the metallic door.

Monika raised a hand “Good job Nemesis, S.T.A.R.S is destroyed. Mission complete.” Nemesis nodded as clicked her fingers teleporting herself to a secret location and created several graves placing them in. After covering them she created a single grave stone marked S.T.A.R.S.

Monika teleported back to the lab and took Nemesis back to the room, she picked up a large rocket launcher with four barrels “Infinite rocket launcher with instant aim function allowing for rapid fire. An ideal weapons for a large combatant such as yourself.”

Nemesis nodded as it bowed to her, she smiled “For now I wish for you to guard these halls and only use the rocket launcher if there is no other option. I have a lot of paperwork to do.” Nemesis nodded as it picked up the rocket launcher, it quietly patrolled the halls as she clicked her fingers removing any trace of the conflict.

She then teleported to her office and sat down over the paperwork. Monika sighed as lifted up a piece of paperwork, the first one was from the Manehattan Branch

We require extra extension cords, despite our best efforts they keep disappearing.

Monika ticked off on the request, she picked up another request. She began handling another piece of paperwork. She frowned as approved and disproved several request she would have to inform her friends of the assassination attempt regardless of how pointless it was. She had made her group of friends immune to all forms of discrete assassination.

Later that day Monika was sitting with her friends “I suspect Celestia ordered a group of ponies to assassinate me. They were called S.T.A.R.S oddly enough, with the S.T standing for Solar Team.”

Natsuki frowned “Ironic that you were working on your Nemesis project got assaulted by S.T.A.R.S.”

Monika frowned “Well Nemesis worked and faced S.T.A.R.S as test run. They were incapable of overcoming my improved version of Nemesis, the Mr X project has also proved to be an astounding success. Replicating the effects with magical serums seems to remove all of the issues that came with the viral version.”

Yuri nodded “We should keep this all a secret, we don’t want to trouble Luna with the fact her sisters is planning to assassinate us.”

Sayori grimaced “Me and Yuri should stick together, our powers aren’t as strong as yours are and we will be in more danger.” Monika nodded, they had to keep up the illusion that Equestria was united in these trying times.

Chapter 16: The Queen Arrives

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Luna was standing with her armed escort outside the castle. A creature with a pitch black chitinous exoskeleton landed, her dark cerulean web-like mane and buglike wings were indicative of her species. Her larger size made it clear she was the Queen of the Hives, Luna nodded “Queen Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis nodded with a frown “Pricness Luna, why did you invite me of all the Queens here? I have been your firmest opposition to the idea of integration.”

Luna smiled “Well if I can convince you then the others will slowly fall like dominoes, you are the strongest opposition and if you are convinced then most of those who still oppose our alliance will falter.”

Chrysalis nodded as her guards took formation around the two of them, Luna’s guards making room for them. Chrysalis looked around the city, a dragon and pony were standing close the dragon carrying a hybrid dragon pony “I must admit I didn’t think such a thing was possible?”

Luna smiled “Ponies are incredibly good at crossbreeding with other species, from we can tell the harmonic magic within our bodies stabilises the hybridisation.”

Chrysalis frowned “I see, speaking of which where is your sister exactly? Are you two having some trouble or something?”

Luna grimaced “My sister is doesn’t approve of all the other species living in Equestria. She doesn’t seem to understand what I am trying to do for not just our nation but all nations.”

Chrysalis gave her a small smile “You are really dead set on this. Many have met your sister and most of us know of her fury, she tried to purge our species long ago. The first mother gave her life to save all of us from your sister’s flames.”

Luna closed her eyes “My apologies, my sister has all been rash to anger and quick to judge. I have not, I have lived in the night for so long now that those that go bump in the dark of the night are well acquainted with me. I have good relations with the Moonwolves and Nightbloods.”

Chrysalis grumbled “I’ve had a few diplomatic meetings with them, they are quite difficult to negotiate with. The Moonwolves often prefer physical shows of strength while Nightbloods often prefer cold calculating logic. There are some clans who are the opposite as well.”

Luna grinned “I am quite with familiar both and know what each type is like. You show them you can play the game and you earn their respect.” She then frowned “They probably distrust you because both their ways while very different are also both very direct.Changelings are not and that causes issues, hiding things makes them very angry.”

Chrysalis sighed “That explains why they treat us badly, I’ll spread that information around and we’ll leave them alone as long as they stay out of our territory. Thanks for giving us the information, I’d rather not have kind destroyed because we don’t understand a certain race or species.”

Luna smiled as they entered the castle,Griffons were helping ponies of both stances clean the floors while two Dragons and three Minotaurs patrolled the halls. A group of Griffons were patrolling the air above them. Luna waved her hand to the changeling “What do you think so far?”

Chrysalis looked “It’s certainly interesting, your words are truthful but your sister still concerns me greatly. I can’t risk my own kind as long as she is able to harm us.”

Luna grimaced “I understand Chrysalis, I guess that means that nothing I show you here really matters.”

Chrysalis smiled “I’m considering it Luna, that is more than when we started.” She then sighed “Your sister is a worry for all of us and many of the opposition fear her greatly. Until you resolve this the peace between us will always be shaky.”

Meanwhile outside of the castle, Sunset was sitting next to Natsuki. Both were calmly sitting on the ground, their eyes closed as they focused within themselves. Natsuki's aura was flowing around her body, almost still. Sunset meanwhile had flickers of energy forming around her body, they slowly began to dance around each other. They soon danced into a fiery red and orange aura that flowed around her body.

Sunset smiled as she opened her eyes her power dancing around her, Natsuki's aura turned red as did her hair. Natsuki stood up with a smile “I finally got it.” She then turned to Sunset with a smile “Your aura is much calmer than mine.”

Sunset’s aura danced around her “It’s similar to my magic, a reliable friend in a time of need. I request it’s assistance and it will aid me.”

Natsuki smiled “Now I think we should take a bit of break, there is no rushing this kind of thing. It also will give you some time to get accustomed to the feeling of your aura, it will always be there protecting you even if your not using it.”

Sunset nodded “I should return to the castle, Celestia should be awaiting me.”

Natsuki nodded as they headed to the castle “Be careful of what you mentor says, she is not fond of the non-pony species. I don’t want her to colour your opinions so easily, your mentor is not always right.”

Sunset rolled her eyes “I know that all too well, I do feel like sometime she doesn’t tell me everything and is holding me back. Still I will put my faith in my mentor.”

The pair entered the castle, the sound of a loud explosion echoed. Luna and Chrysalis were hurtling out of wall, ‘Celestia’ flew through her mane burning with fire with orange slitted eyes as she roared “I will burn apart that bug and then sister, you will listen to me!”

Natsuki growled “Celestia, what are you doing!”

‘Celestia’ laughed “I’m not Celestia anymore, I’m Daybreaker and this nation is my mine to rule. I will not allow monsters to live amongst us.”

Sunset teleported behind eyes glowing with cold fury her aura a blaze as she smashed Daybreaker into the ground. She spoke with cold fury in her voice “Daybreaker, you always told me that I should not be so proud of my power! Now look at yourself consumed by arrogance!”

Daybreaker snarled “This has nothing to do with you!”

Sunset’s horn glowed and an illusion dispersed as powerful dragon wings unfolded from her back, her slitted teal eyes meeting Daybreaker’s orange ones “I am the so much more than you ever realised! All your words about how other creatures were monsters! I am sick of your poisonous words!”

Daybreaker rushed towards her “So your a filthy hybrid, I’ll be rid of you!”

Sunset blocked the fist with her foreleg before delivering a mighty blow to the flaming Alicorn’s gut. Sunset then proceeded to wrap her hooves around Daybreaker’s neck, the Alicorn frantically struggled as her body began to shut down from lack of air. Sunset dropped the Alicorn once she lost consciousness.

Natsuki caught Daybreaker, Monika teleported in “Sorry I was distracted” she then looked around “What happened here?”

Natsuki grimaced “Daybreaker happened, you can guess from the rest I assume.” Monika rubbed her head, this was going to be a long day especially with the two godly being that she could sense entering the world.

Chapter 17: Meeting Gods

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Monika frowned as she felt the godly powers approaching “Girls we are going to meet some powerful entities, even I know that I could not match them in a fight so we need to keep the peace. We are not here to start a conflict.”

She was doing to keep her composure in face of the power, Monika’s speech had made them all cautious. They watched as a strange orange bipedal Changeling Queen dressed in a dress and black leather jacket. The pink Alicorn wore a white shirt with a balloon pattern on it, she also wore a light blue skirt with a similar pattern on either side.

Monika stepped forward with a frown as she introduced her group “I’m Monika, the purple haired girl is Yuri. The pink haired girl with the tail is Natsuki and the other pink haired girl is Sayori. You are the Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie of another world I assume?”

The Changeling Queen nodded with a frown “To avoid confusion I’m Ava and my girlfriend here is Yulo.”

Monika shook her head “Look now is not the best time, follow us and we will take care any issues you have later. We would rather keep the panic to a minimum.”

They all could hear the sound of Yulo bouncing behind them, she exclaimed excitedly “So what has been happening in this Equestria! Anything exciting!”

None of the girls responded, they needed to revolve this issue and quickly. Monika was not keen on their guests interrupting what was seriously important. They soon descended into the dungeons, the place had not been used in some time. Luna was standing in front of the cell. Ava frowned “What happened here?”

Natsuki's blood was boiling, she growled “Celestia went full Daybreaker and went mad attacking her sister as well as a foreign diplomat.”

Luna frowned as she walked away from the cell “She won’t listen to me, I’m going to leave her locked down there for now while we address the public.” She then bowed her head slightly to the strange pair, she was not really concerned with their presence at the present moment “I’m sorry for ignoring you but all of this take serious precedence.”

Yulo nodded “We are running our own nation and that is colossal headache in itself. We have left a few trusted individuals in charge while we were away.”

Monika frowned as the Alicorn and Changeling Queen followed Luna out silently (What could these two goddesses possibly want with this place? Are they here to destroy us, or maybe something much more sinister?)

They arrived at the balcony, Yuri frowned (How will they react to Luna’s speech, does she know how to handle everyone out there? Will they demand Celestia’s release?)

Luna frowned as she looked over the crowd “Me and my sister have had a falling out, she has never been happy to allow non-ponies into our nation. As many of you can see how that would affected all of us, how many of you are in cross-species relationships that my sister would annul.”

Sayori smiled (Keep it up, Luna.)

Some of the nobles looked nervous, Luna frowned “I will be taking over all of my sister’s duties. Now as much as I would like to, for my sister’s sake I will leave the noble cast alone but I will institute a council of the citizenry that are elected to represent them. Nobles can’t be part of this group and small towns will also elect an official.”

Natsuki thought to herself (I wish she just go rid of them to be honest, most of them do nothing.)

The crowd cheered while the nobles let out a breath of relief, a partial loss of power was much preferred to what Luna could have done. Luna entered, Monika smiled as she was glad this was handled well “It sounds like things will get better from here.”

Luna nodded with a sigh as she looked at their two guests “I’ll head off, I don’t know who those two are but I have my share of stress to deal with. I’ll leave them to you.”

Sayori turned to Ava hoping to understand their intentions “So anyway what are you two here for?”

Ava smiled “We have been hoping to expand our little group of universe, I can sense you have already met Seth. His energy is here already, I was the one who made him a God of Destruction. We were hoping to add this universe in as well.”

Monika frowned as she realised they were hoping to expand their influence, something that was not strange for gods. There wasn’t any reason to refuse them, especially if they gifted them power in return “That shouldn’t be a problem, still who do you think should be who?”

Yulo frowned “You should be the Supreme Kai and Natsuki is already showing quite a bit of god power so she would be Destruction. Would you accept these roles.”

Monika rolled her eyes as Natsuki grinned “Sure, I get my own planet?!”

Ava turned to Monika “You will have to ask your Supreme Kai if she accepts.”

Monika frowned “I could but it will take some time, I am a busy person and this will make me even busier.” She then sighed as the god’s attention moved away from her (Natsuki could be such a child sometimes.)

Yuri pushed Sayori forward “I think she should be their Angel, she will keep then in line.”

Sayori frowned at Yuri (Don’t push me forward for things without my permission.) She then nodded. Ava smiled “It will be done.” All three surged with power for a brief moment.

Natsuki grinned as her hair glowed red her Super Saiyan God form emerging (This power is awesome!)

A glowing staff fell into Sayori’s hands, an orb with a ring floating above it, Sayori felt for the wight of the staff (Decently hefty, must have some special powers)

Monika frowned “I assume we will need to attend some sort of introductory meeting, the other gods will need to meet us I assume.”

Yulo nodded “Indeed they will, still you should never forget your friend back here. Friends are a very important thing to have and you will miss them if you don’t have them.”

Yuri looked at her three now godly friends “I expect you to visit me every now and then. I will be really upset if I don’t see you for a decade or so.”

Sayori smiled “Don’t worry, Natsuki and I will return often.”

Monika laughed “I’ll be staying here, I have to oversee the company’s paperwork even if it is incredibly boring. You’ll never be alone that I promise you.” The four girls hugged each other tightly.

Ava and Yulo smiled “We’ll send you a message when we wish for you all to come to the meeting.” They waved as they teleported away, Monika frowned wondering who the other gods were.

Chapter 18: Sirens

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Luna was busy hashing out some of the details, the recent introduction of Changelings was going to require a large amount of political reform. A dark blue equine creature with fins, a red gem embedded into her neck burst into the room. She landed as several guards followed behind her, Luna raised her hoof “Guards, relax she is one of the Sirens and judging from the urgency she had something important to discuss.”

The Siren looked at Luna “I am Seasong, we have been looking for our wayward Princess for centuries and the last lead we have brought us here. We have discovered she left with a golden siren.”

Luna frowned “The three sirens that came to Equestria were banished by Starswirl to another dimension. There is only one way there and it may not be open currently, still I will do my best to locate them.”

Sombra entered the room with a frown “Princess, if I may interrupt it may be possible for Monika to open up a portal and bring them back here directly. Would that be an acceptable solution?”

Luna frowned “It would but Monika is quite busy and may not wish to be disturbed.”

Sombra bowed “How about I ask her, I’m sure she would help us.”

Luna nodded “Very well, speak to your mother. I’m sure you can get her to assist us.”

Sombra headed towards the Doki Doki Literature Club branch for the Everfree City, Monika was actually outside talking to her bodyguard who he had come to know as Mr X. Monika raised an eyebrow “Sombra, did something happen?”

Sombra rubbed the back of his head “Well, we have a Siren turn up because they were looking for their princess. Turns out she was banished to another dimension and…”

Monika laughed “I believe I know what happened, let’s get this sorted out.” She clicked her fingers and the two dissapeared into thin air.”

Luna blinked as the duo appeared, Monika turned to Seasong “What is the name of the Princess?”

Seasong frowned “Aria Blaze, tenth in line to the throne. An incredible capable warrior, is that important.”

Monika muttered under her breath “Figures.” She closed her eyes and felt for the dimension they must have been sent to, Monika opened a portal only to see a three humans with red gems around their necks. One was purple with darker purple pigtails that had teal streaks, another was gold with over the top orange hair tied into a ponytail, the final one was blue with a much more tame ponytail of a mix of light and dark blue streaks.”

The golden one smirked “I’m Adagio, the purple one is Aria and the blue one is Sonata. Now who are you?”

Monika frowned “I’m the one giving you three a one way ticket home, now come on.”

Aria stormed past Adagio “Anything is better than here, let’s go.” Adagio smirked amused as Sonata’s had a simple smile on it both jumping through the portal. Aria was now in similar equine form to Seasong but maintaining her clouds and mane style. Adagio and Sonata were also in similar forms. Aria’s eyes widened as she saw Princess Luna, Adagio was looking for an exit.

Luna smiled “I am not going to hurt you, I’m going to send you back home to your own kind.”

Adagio growled “I put too much effort into escaping that place, I will not go…”

Sonata her on the back of the head “I have wanted to do that for a really long time, keeping up the stupid act for over one thousand years is a pain. I mean I’ve always been a bit happy go lucky but keeping up that level ofstupid was very difficult.”

Aria blinked “What that stupid behaviour was all an act?”

Sonata smirked “Well basically yeah, I was your secret bodyguard. Not that you need much body guarding, you were always capable of winning a fight. Feigning incompetence allowed me to say close to you.”

Seasong’s eyes widened “Wait you're the Duskblade, you were the greatest warrior who ever lived. There are fifty legends written about you.”

Aria’s eyes widened “Wait your a secret Badass, how the fuck!”

Sonata smirked “Well I am probably one of the oldest sirens alive. I am about twenty thousand years old. I was defending our nation as long as it has been around. Now let’s going, I’m sure you mother wants to meet with you sooner rather than later.”

Seasong smiled “Thank you Princess Luna.” Luna smiled as Seasong as the there Siren’s gems glowed as they took to the air. Aria at the front with Seasong behind her Sonata at the back carrying Adagio.

Monika smiled “Well I’d say that was quite interesting. Sill I have to go, pop into the house one evening and tell me about your day. It’s quite lonely without Sayori and Natsuki there.”

Sombra smiled “I’ll be there mother, maybe I convince Radiant Hope to turn up as well for an evening. Maybe she won’t be too busy doing paperwork.”

As Monika teleported away, Luna smiled “I am really grateful for all your help, all this political nonsense is difficult. Sometimes I wonder how my sister handled all of it so well.”

Sombra frowned “I have no idea, I am mage not a politician. Still I will do my best to protect this nation as best I can.”

Sunset entered the room with a sigh, she trotted over to Luna and slumped “Do you have any idea what I should be doing now?

Luna smiled “Young Sunset, you are incredibly gifted mage with incredible talents. I don’t know what my sister planned for you but it must have been something truly grand. For now I suggest you go and make some friends.”

Sunset grimaced “That is what my mentor said.”

Luna frowned “The City of the Everfree isn’t really a good place for that but I believe you will do well in Ponyville. It’s not too far from here, it’s a rural village next to the Everfree Forest. I’m sure it will be a good place to get away from all the nobles.” She then smiled “If you ever wish to return we are only a short train ride away but please give it a go.”

Sunset sighed “I’ll try but if I don’t like it I will come back.” Luna smiled as Sunset left the room, Sombra nodded to her before taking his own leave. Luna returned to her paperwork.

Chapter 19: Ponyville

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Sunset hummed to herself on the train, it was not long before she arrived in Ponyville. The small town was very different from the hustle and bustle of the big city, she had brought enough bits to buy a small local house for herself. That was when she saw a crying orange quadrupedal Earth Pony filly wearing a stetson way too big for her head galloping away from what appeared to be a local farm.

Sunset burst into a gallop towards the farm, an Earth pony stallion with light yellowish coat and brilliant red mane was standing in front a very pale mustard yellow Earth pony mare with a mane that was a vivid orange. They were surrounded by wolves of wood. Sunset knew what she had to do, she leapt forward her body shifted into a massive orange dragon.

The wolves of wood turned around only for Sunset to crush all of them under her massive claws, She frowned as they reformed into a massive wolf, she opened her jaw and torched the hug wooden wolf leaving nothing but ash. The two ponies looked fearfully at her, she smiled as she reverted back to normal “Sorry about that but it was the best solution, I came from the Everfree City in the hopes of making some friends.”

The stallion smiled “Well you’ve found friends here, I’m Bright Macintosh but you can call me Bright Mac.”

The mare smiled “I’m his wife, Pear Butter. Come on and have lunch with us.”

Sunset shook her head “I can’t, I need to buy myself a place to stay. I’m sure you can understand my feelings on the matter, I’m pretty I will be staying here for a long while.”

Bright Mac smiled “Well come over tommorow for Lunch then, we owe you a lot.”

Sunset frowned “Also you may want to comfort your Daughter, I saw her galloping into town crying.”

Pear Butter frowned “I’ll go find her, you go and find the place where you wish to stay.”

Sunset nodded as she left the farm, she looked around the small houses. She frowned “Maybe I should go and find the Town Hall. Maybe they know where I can buy myself a nice place to stay.” Sunset trotted towards the centre of town, a large building with two stories sat in the middle of town that must have been the town hall.

Sunset knocked on the door, a light brownish bipedal Earth Pony mare with a pink mane smiled “I’m Mayor Mare, what can I do to help you today?”

Sunset smiled “Well I was thinking of maintaining an extended stay, it’s quite lonely in the Everfree City. Not the easiest place to make friends, too many nobles.”

Mayor Mare laughed “I can understand that, there is a small house not too far from here actually. I’ll take you there, today has been a pretty light day for me.”

Sunset smiled “Thank you, Mayor Mare.” The two ponies headed to a building that was not too far from the town hall, it was a small quaint wooden two story building. The front area was a pretty plain wooden structure with a simple balcony.

Mayor Mare sighed “Not many ponies like to live in such a plain building.”

Sunset smiled “Well then let’s see inside.” When they entered the room was a large and made of fine wood. A nice cosy fireplace was surrounded by a small couch, a kitchen and dining area were visiblein the massive room. Sunset raised an eyebrow “Seems the original owners didn’t like walls very much.”

Mayor Mare frowned “That is part of why it has stayed unoccupied for so long.”

Sunset shrugged “It doesn’t bother me” she then pulled out a bag of bits out of her saddlebags “I’ll take it.”

Mayor Mare blinked “Um, the house is only three hundred bits.” She then sighed “With how often accidents happen here housing is really cheap.”

Sunset levitated the bits out of the massive bag, and put them in a smaller bag she had in her saddlebags “that should cover it.”

Mayor Mare nodded as she gave her the key, taking the bits “Wish you a good day Miss…”

Sunset smiled as she put the bits and key in her saddlebags “Sunset Shimmer, please call me Sunset. If I wanted formality I would have stayed the capital. Still today is too nice a day to be cooped up in one’s home.”

Mayor Mare smiled “I would love to stay and chat but duty calls. If you ever need any help don’t hesitate to visit me.”

Sunset was about to reply when her stomach growled angrily, Sunset grumbled “Honestly I’m surprised that didn’t happen earlier. Dragon form makes me hungry.”

Mayor Mare blinked “Dragon Form?” Her eyes widened “Wait you can transform into a massive fully grown dragon!”

Sunset frowned “Is that a problem?”

Mayor Mare frowned “Depends if you are going to use that form often?”

Sunset laughed “If I use that form you would be in a situation where you would want me to use it, I used against some Timberwolves who attacked the local orchard.” She then shook her head “I won’t use it unless the town needs me to protect it.”

Mayor Mare smiled “That will help, now if you want something to eat Sugarcube Corner is probably the best place for you to go. It looks like it’s made out of sweets, you can’t miss it.”

The two ponies exited the building, Sunset locking the door as she left. Sunset noticed that there were very few bipedal ponies, most were quadrapedal. It did make sense in her mind, bucking trees and pulling ploughs was much easier on a body with a lower centre or gravity. Sunset smiled as she trotted in a different direction from the Mayor.

Sunset entered the sweet like building, a young mare and stallion were standing there. Sunset smiled “I’m Sunset Shimmer, do you mind if I order a strawberry cupcake?”

The blue mare smiled “Sure, dear. I’m Chiffon Swirl and this is my fiance Carrot Cake.”

Sunset smiled a she put some bits on the counter “It’s a pleasure to meet you two.” Sunset took a seat, staying in this town was going to be very different from how she lived before.

Chapter 20: Time Travellers

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Sunset smiled as woke with the shine of the sun, she yawned as she trotted out of a small bedroom and entered the small bathroom. She had a quick shower and grabbed an apple from the fridge before exited her new home. She smiled “Maybe I can go over to the Apple Farm.”

She trotted towards the farm waving at the local ponies with a smile, this town was so much more inviting then the Everfree City. Sunset past the farm only to see a large red Earth Pony colt and the orange earth pony filly that she saw yesterday approach her, the colt smiled “You're the pony who saved our parents yesterday, Ah’m Big Mac and this is my sister Applejack.”

Sunset smiled “I’m Sunset Shimmer, may I ask where your parents are?”

Applejack smiled “Their out in the orchard bucking Apples, they started out in the West Orchard if you wish to speak with them.”

Sunset smiled “I’ll head out there then, maybe I’ll even join you for lunch later.” Sunset trotted through the farm with a smile on her muzzle, huge trees covered in apples towered over her. She smiled as she saw Bright Mac and Pear Butter bucking trees, Sunset waved “Do you need any help?”

Pear Butter smiled “If you think you can but be careful. You have control your strength in order to do this, you don’t want to damage the trees.”

Sunset nodded as she closed her eyes and delivered a solid kick to the tree, several apples dropping into a basket. Bright Mac smiled “Pretty good for a first try.”

Sunset shrugged “Power is not an issue, my father was a dragon and quite powerful. I have learned how to control that strength over the years, else I would be breaking everything I touched.”

Pear Butter blinked “Oh, dragons are citizens now. It’s often forgotten out here, they rarely come by here.”

Bright Mac smiled “I would love to see some of them come out this way, it would make things much more lively around here.”

Sunset frowned as she slammed her hooves into the tree again “You two just got attacked by Timberwolves, I doubt either you is lacking in the excitement department.”

Pear Butter frowned as she bucked another tree “Exactly, we could have died if you didn’t turn up. I’ve had enough excitement for one lifetime.”

Sunset nodded “Indeed, I can agree with that living the simple life out here would a nice change of pace and…” Sunset frowned as she felt a powerful surge of magic, her horn glowed as she dropped her illusion revealing her half dragon form “I’m sorry but a surge of magic that powerful is rare. I must investigate.”

Sunset took off heading towards the magical source at rapid speed, her eyes widened as he flew over Cloudsdale only to see a light purple quadrapedal unicorn fighting a purple quadrapedal Alicorn and was pushing the Alicorn back. Sunset flew in between the and shouted “What is going on!”

The Alicorn eyes widened “Sunset how are you here, the…”

Sunset’s eyes narrowed “How do you know me?” Her horn glowed with a quick scanning spell, she rubbed her muzzle as she felt the temporal magic around her “Who though it was a good idea to mess with time magic? That is just stupid.”

The light purple Unicorn growled “I did, because she and her band of fools ruined the town I was building.’

The Alicorn snapped “You tried to steal our Cutie Marks from us, we didn’t have enough evidence to cause any issues before that! Sure the equal marks were weird but we didn’t have to do anything before you stole our special talents!”

Sunset noticed the Alicorn’s Cutie Mark, her eye’s widened “Are you the bearer of the Element of Magic?”

The Alicorn nodded “Yes and my friends are the other Elements Bearers.”

The Unicorn shouted “What does that even mean!”

Sunset frowned “Um.. I didn’t catch your name.”

The Unicorn took a deep breath “I’m Starlight Glimmer and that pony over there is Twilight Sparkle.”

Sunset frowned “Well Starlight allow me to explain, the Elements of Harmony are powerful artefacts that dwarf even the power of the Alicorns. The chaos lord Discord was sealed by their might where even the combined powers of the Alicorns could not. The Equestria greatest defence only wielded by a chosen few and keeps the creatures that could be called gods from tearing apart our nation.”

Starlight cautiously questioned “So I’d take stopping the bearers from getting their special talents would be a bad idea?”

Sunset nodded “It would be yes.”

Twilight sighed “Well my castle is powered by the Elements of Harmony and it sent all of us to your village to stop what you were doing.”

Starlight sagged in the air “Harmony didn’t approve of my village, I guess everything I worked for was for nothing.”

Twilight smiled “Don’t worry, maybe you find a new purpose in my castle. You made some mistakes but everyone deserves a second chance.”

Sunset frowned as the two dissapeared through a strange magical portal that just opened, before she could leave she knocked backwards by a huge rainbow shockwave that filled the sky. She blinked as she landed reapplying her disguise “What was that?” She then heard whimpering, a yellow bipedalpegasus filly with a pink mane was sitting on the ground sobbing.

Sunset approached quietly and whispered “Are you alright?”

The filly turned around “I fell from a cloud and some butterflies carried me here. I’m a pretty poor flier and I can’t get back home, what should I do?”

Sunset picked her up with her levitation and placed her on her back “I’ll take care of you and I’ll try to get in contact with Cloudsdale about a missing filly. For now I’ll take are of you.”

The filly whispered “Thank you, I’m Fluttershy.”

Sunset smiled back “I’m Sunset Shimmer, you can stay with me for a bit.” Sunset trotted along with the filly on her back, things were looking up.

Chapter 21: Expanding Outwards

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Natsuki was sitting on planet far in space, she was meditating in her SS5 form as the red godly aura surrounded it. Her aura turned blue for a moment before reverting back, she stood up with a frown “Combining blue with SS5 is difficult and…” A letter appeared in front of her,she frowned as she read it

To Natsuki

The meeting will be a couple of hours in your time, the co-ordinates are 50 degrees Elwost, 30 degrees Nowhol and 20 degrees Farolo. I am aware they don’t make much sense but if you input them into Sayori’s staff you will be able to teleport you to the meeting.

From Sunset/Ava and Pinkie/Yulo

Sayori walked over holding her staff “What is that letter about?”

Natsuki frowned “The meeting with the other gods. We need to return to Equestria to meet up with Monika.” Natsuki touched Sayori's arm and teleported to Monika’s energy signature.

Monika frowned as she looked up, unfazed “Did something happen?”

Natsuki frowned “The meeting is happening in two hours.”

Monika grimaced “Right, I’ll clear my schedule and then we will leave at the time.” Two hours later Sayori used her staff and they were teleported to another location.

They step out of a strange portal only to see, a bunch of unfamiliar faces as well as the familiar faces of Ava, Yulo, Seth, Screwball and a version of Chrysalis. Natsuki grinned as she took a seat, Monika calmly taking a seat beside herwith Sayori standing behind them both calmly holding onto her staff.

Champa groaned “Oh great. More of them.”

Natsuki looked like she was about to jump on him, Monika’s eyes narrowed “Maybe a God of Destruction who looks like he ate half his universe’s weight in food should not judge others before fixing his own flaws?” Seth snickered at her remark, holding his hands in front of his mouth.

Kusu smiled “As entertaining as this all is, we have other things to discuss do we not. I believe we should get down to business.”

Seth nodded Seth nodded "They're right. Shall we get down to the brass tacks?" Many of the other Gods blinked in confusion. "Right, you don't know what that means. Shall we begin?"

Ava frowned as she did multiple quick scans, she frowned “Right now the first point on the agenda is Mortal Levels.” Seth raised an eyebrow, clearly not knowing what that means.

Yulo explained “Mortal Levels are the average power of a mortal in your universe. Now that it has been established, first Universe 1 has a Mortal Level of 12, Universe 12 has a Mortal Level of 11.5, Universe 5 has a Mortal Level of 10, Universe 8 has a Mortal Level of 9. For those of you unaware these are the four universes whose Mortal Levels were high enough to avoid participating in the Universal Erasure Tournament that our son held before we regained our powers and memories.”

Seth frowned "Universal ERASURE Tournament? Do I even wanna know?"

Ava frowned “Our youngest son was in charge, while we were gone and I have no idea why his older brother thought that was a good idea. Regardless that’s in the past, as for the other universes with exception of the new ones we will be going over increases. Universe 11’s Mortal Level has passed 7 going from 6.8 to 7.2, Universe 2’s Mortal Level increased from 6.1 to 6.6, Universe 3 has gone from 5.8 to 6.4, Universe 10 went up from 5.5 to 6.4. Universe 4 went down again from 3.3 to 2.5, Universe 6 went up from 3.2 to 3.8, Universe 7 has shown tremendous improvement going from 3.3 to 9 putting it above 7. Universe 9 doubled going from 2.5 to 5.”

Champa shouted "Wait… Universe 7… Beerus?!" "How did your Universe go so high?! 3 to 9?! That's impossible!" He continued to shout loudly.

Beerus’ silver eyes bored into his brother “Champa, I have been taking my job much more seriously and my Grand Supreme Kai is working with me. I’ve destroyed thousands of dead worlds as thousands more have been made ready to spawn life and several have already shown great promise.”

Seth smiled at his friend, proud of how he has changed. Champa noticed this "Why are you smiling, human? What did you do?"

Seth pointed to his horns "First, I'm not human." " Second, well… to be honest… I beat some sense into him. Literally."

Beerus chuckled "You did more than beat it into me. That was the most painful experience of my life."

Seth frowned “Well I was pretty angry.”

Beerus grimaced pointing at Screwball "Understandable, I punched a hole through her."

Yulo frowned “As for the two new Universes, Universe 13 has a Mortal Level of 7.5 and Universe 14 has a Mortal Level of 8. Both have been doing good work so far.”

Seth blinked, surprised “"Wait what?" He looked at Monika. "You have a higher Level than me. Drat." The trio from Universe 14 grinned.

Monika smirked “You are pointing to the wrong person, I am the Supreme Kai here. Natsuki is the God of Destruction here.”

Natsuki grinned “Do you really think I am the creating type?”

Seth shook his head "No, but Monika is the one closest to me. Also, I see you nailed four?"

Natsuki giggled “SS5 actually and I’ve combined the God form with it, so SSG5. I haven’t quite gotten blue to work with it yet.”

Seth’s eyes widened at her words "NICE! Very good for you!" Seth looked around in to see most of the other Gods confused faces “Oh. Allow me to clarify. SS stands for Super Saiyan." At this, many of the other Gods cried out in outrage. Yulo silenced them.

Beerus frowned “She is definitely at a bare minimum the second strongest of us Gods of Destruction. The Saiyans used the Blue form in my tournament with Champa and this form while not quite having blue power only the previous form is at the fifth level of it. I’m not sure whether she is stronger than Seth at full power.

Champa shouted at Beerus "Are you insinuating that this mortal is the strongest?!

Beerus glared at his brother, fire burning in his eyes "He beat me. BEFORE he became a God. I'm not insinuating it. I'm stating it. He is the strongest God of Destruction at this table." All the other gods begin shouting again, refusing to believe that a newcomer was stronger.

Monika calmly raised a hand, reality began warping and twisting around them. Reality began ripping apart around them before reforming “You will all quiet down.”

Silence filled the room, Ava smiled “Thank you for settling them down.”

Seth frowned "If you all doubt us so much, let me repeat what I said earlier. I assure you, I'm no weakling. If you require, I can show you what I can do?"

Ava shook her head “None of that, he honestly could beat everyone here except me, Yulo, Monika, his Angel, Chrysalis and Sayori, Natsuki’s Angel.”

Seth raised an eyebrow as he looked at his friends “Are all of them really that strong? I mean, you and Yulo, definitely but it's actually surprising.”

Ava frowned “Well your Angel has to be stronger than you and your Supreme Kai, it’s part of the position. Monika’s reality warping is insane, out of all those in this room only Yulo and I as well as Sayori can exceed it as she has to be stronger than her because she is her Angel.”

Yulo frowned “So does anyone have anything else to discuss at this meeting that doesn’t involve our new gods?”

Champa frowned “What about the changes with my brother?”

Ava frowned “As long as the Mortal Level of his Universe grows it is of little concern. That does bring up another point” she turned to Quitela “You’re dropping Mortal Level is concerning, if you keep this up we may need to pick a replacement.”

Seth raised an eyebrow "I'm actually curious as to why it's falling."

Champa snapped "You don't have a say in the matter. Your have nowhere near enough experience to deal with this kind of problem."

Seth retorted "I'm just asking a question. What's so wrong with that?"

Beerus frowned “Nothing, as for Quitela well simply he was like me before I got my act together but even lazier. I did my job sometimes even if I was very haphazard about it when I did. Quitela never does his job, it’s simply the fact of the matter.”

Seth frowned "Ouch. That's definitely bad. Although I might have an idea." Seth then stands up... while Seth was sitting in his chair explained his idea "I think a helping hand might do the trick. This is one of my clones. He's not as strong as me but most things I can do, he can too. Perhaps if Quitela has someone to show him how to do what he needs to, he'll do his job better."

Quitela shouted "I am centuries old! I do not need some mortal telling me what to do!"

Seth’s clone frowned "First, I won't be telling you what to do. I'm not your Angel. I'm just going to help you pick up the slack. Also, if you're so old, why aren't you doing your job?" Quitela looked outraged but didn’t reply. The clone then moved to stand beside his Angel.

Quitela then burst toward Seth only for Kusu to appear in front of him and slammed his head into the table “Forgive my Queens but he needed to be put in his place. He was getting on my nerves.”

Yulo nodded “I understand that Kusu, you seem different from all the other Angels. I can feel something different about you.”

Kusu smiled “Well I was always a little more emotional than the others, I guess it comes with time. I am the oldest of our family save father.”

Sunset blinked as she looked over the twelve original angels that were in the room before her eyes widened “We have grandchildren!”

Seth spoke with hesitation "Uuuh…? Ok?

Yulo frowned “It seems we may need to call this meeting to an early closure, we have a son who needs to give us an explanation on why he didn’t tell us we had twelve grandkids.”

Seth’s eyes widened as he realised what she meant "Oh! I get it. Yeah, That's probably a good idea."

Sunset and Yulo frowned “I trust you can find your own way home from here.” The two teleported out of the room.

Monika smiled “Seth come visit sometime soon, it’s always good to have some extra company around. Celestia won’t cause any more trouble, she did kind of go Daybreaker though.”

Seth blinked “Really?” He then shook his head “Why am I surprised.” He then turned to Natsuki Well, tell you what. Natsuki? If you can reach or surpass blue, summon me. Ok?”

Natsuki smiled “Okay, will do. One day I will surpass you, I have all of eternity to do that.”

Seth nodded "I look forward to our rematch. Next time…" Seth stood up and walked over to Natsuki "… no holding back." He held out his hand to her.

Natsuki gripped it firmly “Will do.”

Seth smiled as she turned to Screwball and Chrysalis “Well this was fun. Let’s go girls.” He then shouted as he jumps through the portal.

Sayori giggled “He is a fun guy but we have to return home as well.” The trio hopped through their portal ready to return to their own tasks.

Chapter 22: Facing Vision

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Monika was busy filling out paperwork when she felt energy starting to pull on her. She clicked her fingers, Sayori, Yuri and Natsuki. They can hear Screwball’s shouting as they pulled into a strange portal “Monika, we need your help! Someone is attacking us and he did something to Chrysalis! Come quickly, please!”

They a strange voice “Oh? And who are these lovely women?”

Seth calls out to them "Girls, I'm glad to see you but we'll have to cut the reunion short. This guy's dangerous."

Monika blinked “Seth, what happened to you?”

Seth raised an eyebrow “Nothing. Why… Oh right, you four don't know about-” Vision cuts him with a blast to face leaving him disorientated “Gah! Oh you did not just interrupt me!” He rolls into a ball and charges at a strange red and green figure, a yellow gem embedded in his forehead.

The figure frowns “Please stop this, I only wish to help you all of you.”He then turns intangible, Seth passing through his body.

Seth shouted “We are perfectly fine!” He then unrolls and charges at him with his wings spread turning intangible himself. As the figure tries to go intangible but Seth shouted “Intangible cancels intangible.” He then uppercuts him into the air.

Monika frowned as she noticed this world’s Chrysalis getting up but her eyes were yellow. Chrysalis calmly spoke as she extended her arm blades and formed flame whips on her arms “Oh, hello Monika. It is good to see you again.”

Monika rolled her eyes “This must be some kind of sick joke.” She then entraps Chrysalis in an indestructible ten dimensional prison.

Natsuki explodes with power, activating SSG5 as Sayori’s sclera darkened, both eyes glowing blue. Sayori growled at the strange figure “I don’t know who you are but you are going to get dunked on!” The figure’s soul glows blue and he slammed into the ground.

The figure appeared to be intrigued “Soul Power? Interesting.” He phases through the ground.

Sayori frowned as she looked around “Where did he…” The figure comes out of the ground, pulling her closer as he put a hand on her chest.

The figure speaks slowly “Open... your eyes.” Yellow energy enters her chest, Natsuki then blasts him away.

Screwball and Natsuki shouted “SAYORI!”

Sayori’s eyes glow yellow “Girls? What’s wrong? Why are we… oh. Oh wow.” Sayori trails off as she looks toward the sky.

Screwy shouted “Sayori! Oh no, he got her too!”

Monika rolled her eyes as her finger glowed golden “Sayori will be fine, she it’s fighting it’s influence. Truly such a thing will only last for a couple of seconds, it’s only one stone.” She then grinned “Someone wants that Infinity Stone.” She opened a large glowing golden portal, a large purple armoured figure carrying a golden gauntlet with five coloured stones in it.

Seth exclaims, surprised at unexpected arrival “Whoa, hello.”

Everyone noticed as Vision appeared before him and touched his chest below Screwball's jewel “Open...your eyes.” Everyone turned to Screwball as she screamed.

Monika's eyes darkened to deep pits of darkness “I have had enough.” Reality began to crumble as she snatched the figure in her will. Her hatred poured down her arms and funnelled into his eyes, she smirked as the figure scream in agony. She was enjoying this.

Seth fired a ball of destruction at her arm, her hatred wrapped around it consuming it. Seth commented as he fired a bigger blast “Come now Monika. That is very rude.” Her hatred consumed the blast as easily as it did the last one, she laughed manically as his breathing ceased. She then pulled the stone out of the figure's forehead.

His body crumbed to dust now that the stone could not protect the figure from her hatred, Seth Sayori, Chrysalis who had slid out of her prison and Screwball leapt at Monika. Monika used the stone to nullify the figure’s control and tossed it to Thanos, hatred dripping from her mouth with each word “Make better use of it then this pile of scrap.” She opened a portal, Thanos, now with sis stone in hand, returned to his universe in silence.

Seth, Sayori, Screwball and Chrysalis all fell to the ground unconscious. Monika’s hatred receded back into her body and she saw the cracks in reality. After quickly sealing them the last thing she heard was Natsuki petulantly whine to Yuri “I didn’t even get to fight, this stinks.”

Yuri sighed “Look just get them into the Library, it will give them some time to rest.”

Natsuki nodded “Your right, get them in there.” Screwball and Seth were put in Twilight’s bed while Monika and Sayori were sleeping on a transfigured bed in the living room. Chrysalis was placed on the couch.

Hours later Natsuki and Yuri are standing in the living room. Monika is snuggled up to Sayori while Chrysalis lays there peacefully on the couch. Yuri frowned “I better check on the others, you stay here.”

Yuri walks into Twilight’s room to see Seth and Screwball were awake. Seth was looking in her direction, Yuri frowned “You two have been out for hours. Monika and Sayori are still resting on a transfigured bed, Chrysalis is sleeping on the couch.”

Seth blinked for a second “Why is Monika…” he then sighed “Oh. Right. Remind me to apologise to her. I need to say sorry for the things I did.”

Yuri shrugged “I doubt you could have hurt her in that state, you can’t destroy hatred like that. Hatred is capable of consuming anything with hostile intent behind it, it’s what makes it so dangerous.”

Seth continued "Still. I attacked her. Even if I didn't mean to, I was still the one who attacked her. So- GAH! Seth gripped his head while Screwball mimicked his action.

Yuri shook her head “If you did anything that would have deserved an apology she would have obliterated you in an instant. She didn’t see you as anything more than an ant, now go and destroy what needs to be destroyed.”

Seth got up, stumbling slightly as he did so before sanding upright waving off the concerns of Screwball and Yuri “Alright. I should be back in less than a day. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He the phased through the roof.

Meanwhile downstairs, Monika and Sayori groaned as they awoke. Sayori grumbled “Stupid mind control!”

Monika clicked her fingers “There we should be immune to all form of mind control now. I need to learn how to control hatred, great.”

Yuri walked down the stairs, Yuri frowned “Screwball is still resting while Seth is doing his job, he will be back today sometime.”

Monika frowned “Where is Twilight anyway? She should be here.”

Sayori frowned “Probably keeping the local ponies calm at the town hall, it’s my best guess at least.” Monika shrugged pulling out a deck of shuffled poker cards out of the ether, they all sat down on the floor and started playing poker.

Bits were traded around the group, eventually Seth entered the building. Yuri, Sayori, and Monika are sitting on the floor. Natsuki is screaming at them as she stomps on the floor “Someone is cheating!”

Seth call out “Hey girls!”

The girls turn to him for a moment, Monika waved to him “You’re back Seth, I…”

Natsuki interrupts as she charges up a ball of energy in her hands “Tell which one of you is cheating! TELL ME!”

Seth joked “Ok. What I have walked into and should I be running.”

Natsuki let’s out a huge roar as she transforms into her SSG5 state, her eyes glowing pure red at Seth “YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?! YOU THINK YOU CAN MOCK ME! I WILL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!”

Monika sighed as her eyes turn black and she teleports in front of Natsuki. She then taps her on the head, Natsuki collapses to floor unconscious. Monika frowns “Don’t ever joke like that in front of her, she is quick to anger when she feels insulted or mocked.”

Seth frowned "Ya know. I just realised, a bunch of the friends I have are way overpowered. No offense to you but wow." Seth then raised an eyebrow “Anyway, I miss anything?”

Monika frowned “No but I should explain how hate works. It’s an incredibly powerful amplifier of one’s own abilities, multiplying by thousands to millions of times but requires a lot of practice to control. It’s why you were incapable of doing anything to me when I fought that guy.”

Seth nodded "That makes sense. My Hakai shouldn't have been that easy to stop. But with you basically Kaio-ken-ing yourself that many times over, I would need to pull out all the stops if I wanted to win."

Monika grimaced “Even that might not have stopped me, hatred is incredibly destructive. All it would have taken was getting a little bit of it on you and it would start cannibalising your power at a rapid rate adding it to my own then amplifying it as well.”

Seth winced “Ouch. All the different things in the universe, what can’t happen.”

Discord’s voice echoed in his head “You said it!”

Seth looked around “Discord?”

Discord responded “Yep!”

He frowned “Why are you in my head? Wait better question, where were you when Vision showed up?”

Discord explained “Do you honestly think I would willingly go near a reality hacker?! Well, you're more delusional than I am!”

Seth frowned “Okay, I can give you that.”

Yuri looked at him confused “Uhh.. who are you talking to?”

Seth responded “Discord. He doesn't was to be near Monika so he’s talking in my head.”

Discord yelled “Don’t tell them I’m here!”

Seth shrugged “Too late.” He then frowned “… Discord.” Seth said “He’s gone.”

Monika rolled her eyes “I knew he was there the entire time, his mental presence is not subtle. It is practically screaming to give him attention.”

Seth nodded “Yes. He does that a lot.” He then bowed “Anyway. I should thank you for your help with Vision. I don’t want to know what would have happened if you didn’t show up.”

Monika shrugged “Ava and Yulo would have stopped would have stopped him, he can’t control them because their true selves exist in a realm above the concept of the mind.”

Seth nodded “Yeah, that’s believable. To feel him, in my head.” Seth shivered “Never again. The only people allowed in my head are Screwy and Beerus. That’s it.”

Natsuki awoke and frowned “Beerus?”

Seth raised an eyebrow “You don’t know?”

Natsuki frowned “No but as much as I would love to hear the story I have a lot of work to do, so we should be going.”

Seth nodded “Right, I shouldn’t keep you.” He then shouted “Screwy!”

She appeared behind him “Here.”

Seth smiled “Four tickets, instant voyage please.” Screwy points her staff and makes a void portal.”
Seth finishes “Thanks for your time.”

The Literature Club founders waved as they stepped into the portal “Stay out of trouble.”

Seth waved back “We’ll try but you never know with people like us.” As soon as four girls returned, all of them headed back to what they were doing beforehand.