The Tutor

by CrackedInkWell

First published

As tradition within the Hippogriff Kingdom, Terramar has turned 18, and is about to be assigned a Tutor. One who is about to teach him they ways of sex and romance. Especially for the art of M/M love.

Warning: The following story you are about to read is currently unedited, as well it contains M/M. All characters within this story are at least 18 years of age. And the following story contains explicit, graphic descriptions of sex which include: An 18-year-old having sex with a 28-year-old. Loss of virginity. A sexual and romantic education. 69-ing. Oral. Anal. Knotting. A handjob. Some bukake. Reassurance. And some after-sex cuddling.

Viewer Discretion is strongly advised.

The Hippogriffs have one cultural tradition that is truly unique among the world – as well as a philosophy that has sprung forth the tradition of “Tutors.” To the Hippogriffs, they accept the idea that as they don’t fully know what they want out of a marriage, or a partner, or even during sex; as well as to assist those who are not married to give them an outlet for being pant up and nowhere to go.

Thus, an institution was created.

The Tutor, in Hippogriff culture, has an important role to play. When a Hippogriff turns eighteen, the age that the society considers them as an adult, they are helped by the reigning monarch to assign them to a Tutor who would not only give them sexual satisfaction – but do much more than most sex-workers in the rest of the world. Their job is to not only help their students with their sexual needs; but to teach them bedroom etiquette; how to explore their sexuality safely; have a better understanding of how to court a lover they may encounter; as well as to teach them how to get along with their future spouse through a mix of philosophy and psychology. In recent decades since being reintroduced to the outside world, Queen Novo has opened up Tutors to the Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals in the kingdom.

It's also important to note that to become a Tutor is considered a huge honor among the Hippogriffs and is considered as a respectable career. Similar to how one would train to become a doctor or a lawyer, qualifications for being a Tutor require many hours of learning skills, pass the basic requirements of being physically fit, and have a understanding of the psychology of sexuality, a medical understanding of the anatomy of both sexes, know the mechanics of relationships, and help their students gain a better understanding of who they are and what they want.

For Terramar, who has turned 18, he has a particular request from his aunt, Queen Novo about the Tutor he would get to be taught by.

Love and Sex 101

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Dear Terramar,

Your presence is required at the Palace of Seaquestria. Queen Novo wishes to discuss something important for the future generations of the Hippogriff Kingdom.

- Novo

To Terramar, it wasn’t usual that his aunt, the Queen of the Hippogriffs and Seaquestria to summon him or his family to come to see her. Every other week when Novo wasn’t busy, she would simply ask them to come to her for lunch to catch up on what’s going on in their everyday lives. If anything, the young Hippogriff was looking forward to seeing his aunt again.

Deep down, he knew exactly why he was being called on in such a way. For many Hippogriffs who have turned eighteen, this is perhaps the most exciting part of their lives. This is something that would make any hormonal teenager as anxious, nervous and excited as a pony foal before Hearth’s Warming Day. It was the kind that would make any hippogriff who hit puberty to wish that they had just turned eighteen.

However, for Terramar, this moment of his life leaves him with dread.

He swam beneath the waves, hurrying as fast as he could towards a specific underwater cavern where Seaquestria laid. Maneuvered through the tunnels and around the lantern-like homes towards the great palace. Once he got to the main entrance and through the opening of the coral throne room, he was greeted by the guards and quickly noticed that his Aunt wasn’t on the throne.

“I was asked to come here.” Terramar showed the guards his invitation. They nodded and escorted him through the maze of rooms towards the Queen’s study. After showing his invitation to Jamal, the palace Butler, he was let in.

There inside a room of tablets and scrolls of seaweed, laying on a couch with a pen in her fin was Novo with her reading glasses. She looked up and smiled. “Terramar, come right in honey.” Nervously, he swam in and the Queen asked to close the door of her study so that they would be left alone. She smiled at him, “This must be really exciting for you, isn’t it?”

“Y-Yeah…” Terramar rubbed his arm.

“Would you like to have something?” Novo asked, getting out from her couch, over to her nephew. “I know how incredibly nervous this must be to you. To be honest, you’re not the only one whenever I call up new adults for this sort of thing.”

He blushed. “That’s an understatement.”

“Look, I know- oh come on, sit down.” She guided him over to the couch. “Look Terramar, I get how scary this can be. Why, when I was hoofed over my first Tutor, Goddess, I was so nerve-wrecked that I couldn’t go through with it for months!”


“But this isn’t about me. This is about you.” She smiled, holding his fins in hers. “This is huge for you as I’m sure. First your sister and now it’s your turn. Well, what might be going through your head and you know what? It’s alright. All the available Tutors are itching to have the honor of having you as their student.”


“Yes, honey?”

He took in a deep breath. “B-Before you uh… show me the options-”

“And I got ‘em all right here!” She patted a pile of tablets.

“Well… I think that before we do anything, I think there’s something you should probably know… something that my family doesn’t know yet.”

She sat down next to him, putting a comforting fin on his back. “What’s the matter? You don’t want to go through with it? No one is forcing you to-”

“No,” he shook his head, “I think… I think I feel ready to have a Tutor just… Auntie… can I ask you a personal question?”

“You know you can ask me anything.”

He took in a deep breath. “How do you feel about uh… males that are… gay?”

She shrugged. “You wanna know something? I have changed my mind on the subject over the years.”

“You have?”

“Mm-hm, back when I was younger, I thought that the whole homosexuality thing was degenerate and disgusting. This was during a time where I didn’t know anygriff that was gay. However, once I was given a Tutor and was taught how to love, then I started to understand them better. I mean, asides from the intimacy, but once I found out that there were very trustworthy members of my court that are gay, slowly but surely, my attitude had softened to the point that I think that as long as they are not harming anyone, I shouldn’t be enraged by it. Now, why do you ask?”

“I…” He took in another breath. “Auntie… for my Tutor, can we pick someone that’s… male?”

Terramar found himself to be wrapped up in his aunt’s arms. “Oh sweetheart, of course, you can. I’m so sorry that you had to think that you had to hide this from us. Don’t you worry, our tradition is adaptable to this sort of situation, and you will have a fine education before you find a handsome, strapping male to settle with.”

He breathed out a sigh of relief. “But uh… can we just keep this between us for now.”

“Why not?”

“I just… I’m not ready to come out to my family yet. Sometime later, perhaps, but I just wanted to have you to know first.”

She patted him on the back. “Very well. So, now that you’ve brought that up, we can switch over to some other options… Now, where did I put that pile…?”

“I hope that coming out to you wouldn’t complicate things… would it?”

“On the contrary,” she said as she got up and sawn between pile to pile, “I know for a fact there’s a pile of male Tutors that are willing to teach male students... somewhere. There’s not a large list, unfortunately, but don’t you worry, they too had undergone through the necessary training. After all, I only choose the best for my kingdom.”

“If you say so.”

The Queen muttered as she searched her office. “I could have sworn that I had a list that – wait! Here they are.” Off from a bookshelf, she brought over a few tablets. Fifteen in all. Each one reading like a file and has a drawing of the Tutor within the claw it was written on. “Now, before we start,” she said, picking up a black scroll made of seaweed and a pen, “as tradition, I do have to ask you a few questions for confirmation. Even though I know for a fact that you qualify for it, I do have to write it down and sign it to make it official.”


“Now then, just to confirm before I assign you to a Tutor, you are eighteen years of age?”

“My birthday was last month, so yeah.”

“Are you currently in a relationship with anygriff – romantic or sexual?”

“No… I still don’t know where to find anyone that’s… you know.”

Novo nodded as she jotted down. "Have you a desire to marry someday?"

"I... maybe? Perhaps when I'm older and have found some griff that I could settle down with."

"Do you or have you caught any diseases that may be contagious?"


“And finally, what night of the week are you free?”


“Well, these lessons work best if the Tutor has all night with their student. So which night are you free?”

“Friday night.”

Good, good.” She nodded. “Now, we get to the fun part – the choosing!” She pulled up the tablets and put them between them. "If I were you, look for the body type first, see what attracts you."

For Terramar, this was easy as he narrowed them down to five. And then, out of those five, there was one that caught his eye. The drawing on the clay tablet showed a male, who was by no means large a bodybuilder, but the word “Fit” comes to mind. Healthy looking, and a face that in his eye was as if carved from marble with not one blemish on him. Next to the picture was a short description. His name is Eros. Age twenty-eight. Ten years older than he was, but the resume listed showed ranged from taken courses in Pleasing Your Stallion 101 to passing every therapy course with flying colors.

“Auntie Novo,” Terramar lifted the tablet, “what about this one?”

The Queen took it into her hooves and smiled. “Ah, Eros! Now I have heard good things from this one. I think that this one makes the most sense. Besides being really good in bed, he’s patient, takes care of each student he’s with, and insightful. I believe we found a winner.”

Nodding in approval as she pulled up a seaweed scroll to finished up the last bit of her paperwork. After she finished writing and giving it a seal of approval, she turned to her nephew to read aloud: “Terramar, by the authority as Queen of the Hippogriffs and Seaponies, I hereby assign you the Tutor, Eros, to teach you the art and science of love and sex. You shall meet this Tutor, inside my royal residence on Mt. Aris between sunset and sunrise.”

“Your royal residence?”

“Well, why not? I figured that since you’re technically in the closet you would want to have your lessons be taught someplace private. And thanks to some good old fashion nepotism, I’m going to have it be taught in luxury.” She cleared her throat and continued reading. “Before you have these lessons, you shall be washed thoroughly by my servants and reside in my bed chambers of the palace.

“Why your room.”

“Most secure and private, I already mentioned why. Now, where was I…?” She scanned through before picking up from where she left off. “You shall meet this Tutor every Friday night unless there you are ill or away. This Tutor will assist you for you, and only be released until the day you marry. So shall it be. Signed and approved, Queen Novo.” She handed the document over to him and hugged her nephew, “Trust me, this will be good for you.”

The old palace has taken years to be restored to its formal glory. Through Harmonizing Heights were at the very top, the palace lay inside the massive head of the giant statue that makes up the island. Looking out from the right eye of the titanic statue’s head, Terramar can look out over everything. The Harmonizing Heights, the village of the Hippogriffs, the seaside town, the railroad, and bits of Seaquestria.

He can also see the setting sun.

Of course, he was very nervous. Not just from the… through bath that the servants had given him. For over an hour, he was scrubbed clean from head to talons. From the inside of his beak which it was brushed. To the wings were groomed and preened. Even his insides were clean and sterilized for what may come. He stood there at the window as clean as the day he was hatched. Still, he waited anxiously.

The bedroom – was once Novo’s from long ago. Of course, all of the things that used to belong to his aunt have been moved to Seaquestria. What remained was still a large room that was about as big as a house. Not only did it have a large, round bed that was covered in black silk sheets (a tradition for the first time with a Tutor to show… evidence of their work); but also, it was big enough to have a small kitchenette and a walk-in bathroom that had a tub. There were beautifully crafted lanterns and works of the finest of Hippogriff art that has been painstakingly restored. Besides the bed, there were two uniquely shaped nightstands with drawers stuffed with supplies for his… lessons.

Still, even in this royal apartment, Terramar’s sense of dread increased as he watched the sunset beyond the sea.

He was startled by a knock on the door, and instantly, he knew exactly who this was. Of course, as nervous as he was, there was a part of him that knew that this was something he had to face. Terramar had to remind himself that the Hippogriff behind the door isn’t a date, isn’t a future husband of an arranged marriage. This is someone who is going to teach him about love…

“D-Door is open.”

Although he had heard the door behind him being open and shut, Terramar didn’t turn around at first.

“You are Terramar I take it?”

He nodded, his head turning at the sound of that voice with the tone of gold. It was not a booming, commanding voice that would easily fit for a general leading an army. Nor was it the effeminate, high pitch lisp that would become grading in a millisecond. No. The sound that made him look at him was confident but warm, mature but soft. There behind him, the hippogriff bowed to him. He was sunset yellow with a polished copper mane and eyes as blue as the deep ocean. Seeing his Tutor there was as if a statue crafted from the Ancient Pegasi was given life.

“Yes… I’m Terramar. Are you Eros?”

“I am.” He looked at him, up and down, circling around. “You know, I can tell that you’re overly nervous.”

Terramar rubbed his arm. “Is it that obvious?”

“Your body language gives you away. The fidgeting talons, the shaky voice, and not to mention the posture – stiff as a tree.” The young Hippogriff froze when suddenly Eros was right in front of him. “Listen, I have been informed that this will be your first lesson, so naturally you would be scared.”

“S-Scared?” He grinned a little too wide. “Why would I be?” He “Eep!” when he felt those strong talons on his shoulders and his Tutor looking at him in the eye.

“Believe it or not, I get it. It wasn’t long ago when I was in your position. I remember how terrified I was, how afraid that I might be disappointing to my Tutor. When I was eighteen, I was self-conscious about my own body, of how awkward I was when I first bedded my Tutor. So, before anything at all happens, I want you to know that at no time during our lessons do you have to impress me.”

“But-” A single talon hushed his beak.

“This isn’t the Romantic Olympics, nor a Sexual Circus where you have to impress everyone.” He told him, firm but gentle. “What I’m here for, is to teach you to become the best lover you’re capable of. Understand? While I’m not by any means your boyfriend, I am, however, here to give you some idea of what may be expected out of you. However, even with all of that, I do have to acknowledge something important.”

Terramar blinked. “And what’s that?”

“If this is to work,” Eros said, walking over to the sink of the bathroom area of the room. “Is that among all the rules that have been drilled in my head, is that I cannot, I repeat, cannot force you to anything. I cannot force you to listen to my lessons, nor can I force you to have sex.” He looked over his shoulder, “That, obviously, is a huge no-no.” He then processed to turn on the sink and wash his claws.

“But how do you expect me to learn anything?” Terramar asked, and, all the while, his eyes drifted over to the hindquarters of his Tutor. While his Tutor continued to talk, he admired just how… perfect this body was. Every muscle of every inch, it seemed, was carved out just right. Especially to how balanced Eros’s… hindquarters were; in that, it was toned and soft in just the right ways.

“Well,” Eros answered, not noticing what Terramar was doing, “I suppose that the first thing you need to know is that your lover will not be a mind-reader. If anything, I guarantee you that they will be terrible at it. As such, you will have to speak up what exactly you want. If you… let’s say… wanted to be held for hours while letting you know that you are appreciated – I can do so. Or that maybe you wanted to have me pleasure you with some specific toys – a little off the path than what I’m used to but I’m not against it. Or…” He turned off the sink and looked over in time to catch what his student was looking at. He smiled and wiggled his rear, “Ah, found something you like?”

Ah-huh…!” His Tutor chuckled as his student was caught and flustered while he dried his claws.

“This is exactly what I was talking about,” Eros told him after placing the washrag aside and walking towards him with a sway. “The truth is unless you are willing to speak up what’s on your mind, then nothing will come from nothing. So, Terramar,” the older Hippogriff was almost chest to chest with him who was looking up, “what do you have in mind for tonight?”

I-I…” Terramar said, his voice trembling. For a while, he didn’t speak. How could he as anxiety was choking him? A claw lifted his chin before he could look away from those patient eyes. These pair of deep blue were not judging him for being afraid.

“It’s alright.” Eros told him, “Breathe, take the time to prepare your words, then speak.”

Something was calming at that moment that the young Hippogriff spent a good few minutes breathing, to let the dread ebb out and forge what he has on his mind.

“I… never done this before.” Eros nodded. While even Terramar knew perfectly well that it’s a tradition to give one’s virginity up to these Tutors, there was a need in him to address that fact. “Up until now… I don’t know anygriff who is like me. While I have some idea of gay sex from uh… certain comics.” Eros smirked but said nothing. “I’ve always… wanted to know. What it’s like. Maybe what I’ve read is unrealistic but… I do want to feel… it.”

“Understandable.” Eros said, “Although, since I am here, is there something you want to ask of me? Is there anything I can help you with?”

Terramar gulped. “Uh… Eros…?”


“C-Can you… Will you…” He nervously trailed off.

“Use your words. Will I… what?”

He breathed in, telling himself that he can do it. This Tutor isn’t going to judge or laugh at him for having the audacity of asking. “Will you have… s-sex… with me?”

Eros patted him on the cheek. “There we are! That wasn’t so bad. And also,” he stepped back and bowed, “it would be an honor. So,” he chirped, “you have been thoroughly cleaned, I hope.”

“Unfortunately, yes…”

“Don’t say that,” Eros told him while he checked the draws of the nightstands, taking note of their contents. “Cleanliness is expected before the act of sex. Not just to purge out any filth but gives your lover the freedom to explore without catching an illness. If anything, being thoroughly clean is a desired trait to maintain.” Nodding at what was in the nightstands, he flops onto the bed. “Now, I assume that you don’t want me to lecture on all night, so…” with a grin and crooking his talon to have his student to come to him, he said seductively, “let me see what I’m dealing with.”

Taking in a deep breath, Terramar approached the bed, climbing up onto the silken sheets. “So, uh… What do I do?”

“Well, first thing’s first; do you know what sex means?”

He blinked. “I… don’t know what you’re saying.”

“To put it simply, while the rest of the world sees sex as a means of reproduction or as an expression of love, we Hippogriffs have a different view of it. So, do you know what sex means to us?” Terramar shook his head. “Trust. Having sex is the ultimate sign of trust. To be exact, it’s the trust that you are willingly allowing someone else full access to your body and that they will not harm you in the process. So, the question you should always ask your lover before you engage is: Do you trust me?”

Terramar nodded, “I… If you know what you’re doing, I trust you. And, do you trust me too?”

Eros nodded. “Yes. Now, with that out of the way, how do you want to do this?”

“Well I was hoping…” he answered, feeling the silk in his claws. “That maybe… you could uh… take the lead?”

“Oh, very well,” he placed a gentle claw underneath his chin. “So, I take it that you’ve never kissed before either?”

Terramar shook his head and a moment later, he felt that strong claw behind it. He watched Eros closed his eyes and guided his face so that his beak was touching his. There was a gasp from how sudden it was but then, the young Hippogriff started to melt within the kiss. Never would he imagine that someone with the body of a god would do this. Moment by moment surrendering to the mouth of a divinity, allowing the other’s tongue to explore. Tasting the sweet breaths of spearmint and lemons. When they parted, Terramar looked at Eros, breathless. “Wow…”

“Come here,” Eros said, rolling onto Terramar and deepening the kiss. This time the younger hippogriff kissed back, wrapping his arms around him while Eros did the same. “It’s alright,” his Tutor added between kisses, “you’re free to feel anywhere you want to.”

Taking up the advice, Terramar allowed his claws to feel the tone of muscles while he continued to kiss. He mirrored his Tutor’s movements with one claw on his back while the other on the fluff of his withers and stomach. But even so, he was free and encouraged to go lower than that. Arms and claws rubbed and groped further down the romps and legs of the other – bringing the two of them closer together. While they did so, Terramar felt the heavy orbs and sheath of Eros up against his, being rubbed over. Then he felt something that poked against him.

Hm?” Terramar had to stop so he could look down at what was rubbing up against him. He had to break the kiss to see what it was, and his eyes went wide. There growing out from Eros’s sheath was a pinkish-red, thick spear of flesh that he could easily see that it was bigger than his own by several inches; considering that he’s not fully hard!

“This is of your doing,” his Tutor smiled at him, but then noticed that he was the only one getting erect. “But I see that you’re having some trouble down there.”

“S-Sorry,” Terramar said, embarrassed. “I don’t know why I’m not getting hard.”

Eros waved a claw. “Don’t be shamed by this. Believe it or not, this is completely normal, especially for males. Sometimes, when we feel somewhat intimidated or nervous, the penis would tend to get soft. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen it happen. However,” he got up off of him to open one of the drawers, “as it so happens, I know a simple way to help out. Now, where- Ah! Here it is!” He held out in triumph a thick piece of plastic, but a small ring that was black. “Do you know what this is?” Terramar shook his head. “An innovation from the outside world. This is a beak sheathe. It helps those who have beaks, such as us, to give oral pleasure without fear of uh… scratching, unintentionally.” He then had the plastic wrapped around his beak. Terramar almost laughed because it looked like Eros was wearing thick lipstick. “Yeah, I know that it looks ridiculous, but it’s intended use isn’t something to laugh about. In fact, here,” he pulled out another sheathe from the drawer and tossed it over to him, “how about I teach you the basics of doing some oral stimulation.”

Eros gave him some quick pointers from how to keep the member warm and wet. Not to go have too much suction if he takes it in his mouth or he’ll cramp your jaw. To remind him that the testicles are sensitive so go gentle. As well as to start slowly so he may gain a feel for it. Then pick up the pace as he goes.

Terramar lay still while his Tutor lays down next to him, his crotch in his face while Eros liked the plastic lips, staring at the sheath of his student. The younger watched the older drew near and stuck his tongue out to begin to make circular motions just outside of the opening of the sheath. Terramar gasped and his hind leg twitched at the unexpectedly warm tongue tries to coax out his hidden head. However, as much as he was starting to enjoy this, his Tutor’s erection needed attention. So, he turned his attention to focus on that, carefully grabbing the warm, thick flesh. He gave it some strokes and noticed the very tip was leaking out a clear fluid that his curiosity wanted to taste.

“It’s okay,” Eros told him between licks. “Just remember to go slow.”

Obeying this advice, Terramar stuck his tongue out and within a few inches away from it, he mentally prepared himself, ‘This is it…’ and started to lick at the base. Giving long strokes, tasting the very malehood of a god in his eyes. At first, there wasn’t much taste until he got to the leaky top where he tasted the salt of seminal fluid. And from Eros, he gently moaned. “Am I doing it right?” Terramar asked.

“Keep going,” he said, “just remember to pace yourself.”

Licking the plastic on his beak, Terramar returned to that sensitive spot and decided that maybe he should go one step further. Opening his beak, a little wider, he circled his tonged around the tip a few times before lowering himself down a few inches. This got a relived groan out of his Tutor, and so urged him to start gently suck on it like how one would a popsicle. For the students, the mix of the taste of salt, the warmness in his mouth and the moans of Eros were turning him on. So much so, that he was caught off guard when he felt the tongue of his Tutor licking his peaking head from his sheath.

“Ah, there we go,” Eros said before he dove right onto Terramar’s growing erection. This, in turn, made the younger Hippogriff moan out as he went deeper on that shaft. He noticed, all the while, that out from his Tutor’s sheath that it gave way to his knot. Bulbous rounds of flesh that even just by looking at it that even if he were to swallow most of it, there was no way he could get all of it in his mouth without dislocating his jaw.

He felt a claw on his chest, giving him the hint to push away. Terramar, who was a little confused, pulled away while his Tutor increased his suction and deepthroated him until he felt his knot popping out. Eros moved away.

“There we go.” He said, wiping the saliva from his beak. “Sorry about that, I was already close, and I didn’t want you to have me finish already. But now, I can see that you’re all up.”

Terramar blushed heavily, he can plainly see and instantly compare his size with his Tutor’s. “Yeah… I know I’m not that big.”

Eros laughed, “Are you kidding? It’s perfect.”

His student blinked. “It is? But I’m not as uh…” he glanced over his Tutor’s erection, “well hung. As you.”

“Terramar,” Eros said sternly, “flattery aside, your size doesn’t make any difference to me – or, I guarantee, to anyone else that has the pleasure to be with you.”


“None of that. What you have here is perfect for me,” he said, giving his student a few massaging rubs of his member, “you’re long enough to go past my prostate, and frankly, your knot would drive any guy wild.”

“You… You actually mean that?”

“I should know, my Tutor was half the size of you, and he was able to get me to climax. Hard. And multiple times, in fact. Sometimes bigger isn’t always better, you just need to know how to use this gift you have here. In the meantime,” he smirked, “do you want to keep doing this shall we get to the main event?”

A shot of pleasure shocked Terramar. “You mean…?”

“Oral is personally intimate, but judging how you were eyeing my plot, I figured that you have something else in mind?”

“Wait! You mean that you want me to-”

“To put it elegantly, rut me? I’d be honored. Here, I have a feeling you wouldn’t need that beak sheathe at this point. I’ll get ready for us.” After taking the piece of plastic out of their beaks and handing them to Eros, the older Hippogriff quickly got out two things: a few rags from the bathroom area of the room; and a bottle of personal lubricant.

“Do you want me to help?”

“At a certain part, yes, but for now.” Eros pop opens the lube and pouring some on his claws. “Spread your legs for me, I’m going to take care of you first.” Terramar nodded and spread his hindlegs, allowing his Tutor to not just cover his hot flesh in cooling lube, but for Eros give to gently tighten his grip a little, letting out a whimper here and a moan there. “Just so you know, those moans tend to be a turn-on for most males. So, by all means,” he smiled up at him, “there’s no need to be silent.”

Of course, there were points where Eros did have to apply more to make sure that everything from the leaky tip to the underside of the knot was coated and slick. Satisfied, he dried his claws with the rag and, turning around as well as laying down, he spread his legs for his student. “Now it’s your turn.” He said, “Squirt some of the lube on your claws and start applying it to the inside of my cheeks. Oh, and you may wanna lube up a finger and try to coat the inside of my hole somewhat to make it easier on us.”

As Terramar started to do the same, he asked, “Why on the inside of your cheeks?”

“From personal experience, it helps prevent chafing.” He laid down on the bed, relaxed. “There’re other ways to do this, but for now, we’ll start with the simplest for tonight.”

Nodding, Terramar started to coat and grope his Tutor’s flank. Never in his wet dreams did he imagine that he would not only feel up the plot that might as well belong to a god, but he was lubing it up for what was about to come. At first, he got the cheeks as slick as his own member, rubbing from underneath the dock to the taint. Yet, he saved what he savored for the last. Coating a finger in the lubricant, he felt around the outside of the hole, getting a satisfying moan out from Eros. Gently as he could, he pushed his finger through and felt the inside of that warm, elastic-like but still tightening rectum. He even felt his erection slap against his belly at the very sensation of it.

“I think that should do it,” Eros told him. “But before you do so, do keep in mind of something: your future lover will expect you to be a little bit creative at this stage. So if you want to change positions, just say what you want to do and we’ll see what happens.”

“O-Okay…” Terramar grabs hold of his shaft, guiding it to his prize. “I’m about to push in so… You ready?”

Eros smiled up at him. “Let’s help pop that cherry of yours.”

With one claw on the cheek of his Tutor’s flank and the other on his shaft, he brought it closer to that inviting hole. Shuttering at the warmth that was just kissing the tip, an open invitation to go deeper. This was it. Out of instinct, his hips gradually pushed forward, adding on the pressure to slip through. However, there were a few times that he did slip, sometimes run up to Eros’s dock or would slide down to his balls. Yet, he persevered and got a better hold at his target, found the elastic hole he was searching for and before he knew it what had happened, he slipped in.

“It’s…” Terramar looked down to make sure. “Holy Hell, I’m inside someone!”

“We’re not through yet,” Eros said with a groan, “keep going. And if I say stop, do it.”

“Are… Ohh…” he felt the tight ring clenching his head, hugging it firmly. “You okay?”

“First, thank you for asking. And secondly, yes, I am. But don’t stop now, try to put as much as you could in for now unless I say otherwise. Best to thrust your hips.”

So Terramar did, moving his hips, he was able to slip in a little deeper. One inch after another, back and forth, he felt the tightness of the rectal ring, the warmth and texture of its walls, and the satisfied whimpers and moans of Eros. Then, about halfway he heard his Tutor gasped. He stopped.

“What’s wrong? Am I hurting you?”

“No,” Eros laughed, “you’ve actually hit my sensitive spot – my prostate. I can feel you rubbing up against it. And no, it doesn’t hurt it… Ah… feels wonderful. But you’re not all the way in, are you?”

“About halfway.”

“Keep going.” He there, his head on his crossed arms.

Terramar continued to trust further in, deeper and deeper until he hilted up against his knot. He sighed deeply. Not in all the times that he masturbated at night, nor the mouth of his Tutor felt anywhere near as mind-numbingly incredible to his senses. Although he wasn’t fully in, being inside the slick walls, where it felt soft and yet firm in the right places, the way the rectum ring pulsed, how it tightened and relaxed but still held onto him was an experience that he never conceived of in all those pornographic comics that portrayed it.

“How is it?” Eros asked.

“I… wow…”

Eros smirked, “I know, right? Now all I can say is just go at your own pace. Let your instincts guide you, and remember, don’t be afraid to get creative.”

For the moment, the student drew back, savoring the sensation of that tight, warm flesh as he slowly pulled out while it tried to pull him back in. Further and further he went until stopping with only an inch or so remained. He took in a deep breath and pushed it back in, letting out a deep moan of those walls that welcomed him back in. As soon as he was in, he pulled out, and when he was nearly out, he moved back inside. He couldn’t hold himself upright, he lowered himself on to Eros’s back while he continued to make those slow, calculated thrusts.

Of course, there were moments where the sensation nearly overwhelmed him, where he had to stop for a second before he could continue to move his hips. But while doing so, he got an idea and grabbed one of Eros’s hindlegs. “Move this up,” he told him.

With a knowing smile for what his student has in mind, the older Hippogriff shifted onto his side while lifting a hindleg up as far as he could stretch it towards the ceiling. Grabbing hold his leg as leverage, Terramar decided to pick up the pace. At this point, his thoughts being fogged in the sweet sensation, the Hippogriff moaned and grunted while his hips humped desperately with animalistic enthusiasm.

The one thing that was on Terramar’s mind was that he wanted to get himself all in – as deep as he could go. Knot and all. He slammed his hips harder, provoking deep groans out from his Tutor. Yet, despite his efforts of trying to go deeper, the hole was too tight to give way any further, and his legs and back started to ache.

He was panting, his thrusts becoming irregular to the point that Eros put a claw up to stop him. “I take it you’re feeling tired?”

Terramar nodded. “Yeah… I’m almost there but… I can’t get it all in.”

“Here, pull out for a second. Just lay down and I’ll take care of that for you.”

Despite how briefly disappointed he was to have to withdraw from that warmth and out in the open air, Terramar was relieved that at least he was given a break. Eros got up and crawled on top of him. He got in the position that using a free claw he held onto Terramar’s shaft and pointed up at his hole, to which he impelled himself on; lowering down to the knot. He winked at Terramar before he raised himself up and brought himself back down again. With Eros in complete control watched how his Tutor bounced himself and up and down, getting quicker with every stroke. All the while, he eyed Eros’s own member flopping and swinging about, but still leaking profusely. He tried to reach out, but Eros pinned his claws down onto the bed.

“Don’t worry about me,” he told him, “let… ah… worry about you.” He bounced faster and his hole stretched a little further onto his student’s knot. “Are you c-close?”

Terramar nodded.

“Hang on,” he told him, putting more weight on his downward thrusts, “I’m almost there.”

The further he went down, the more that the student can feel that familiar pressure that was building up in him. He was almost at his limit, and the thrusts of his teacher only brought to him closer and closer. Terramar wished that this could go on just a little longer – but his body told him otherwise.

E-Eros!” He cried, “I’m going to-”


At first, Terramar gasped in shock that he was now in. Fully inside. His knot had been swallowed up inside that heavenly hole in all its tightness and heat. This was the tipping point where he no longer felt control as his body surrendered to the wave upon wave, pulse upon pulse, and releasing rope upon rope of his white seed into his Tutor who looked relieved and relaxed to finally receive it. The young Hippogriff let out something between a scream and a moan as he rode out that climax and as gently lowered back down to panting tranquility.

Above him, his Tutor smiled down at him and applauded.

“Magnifico!” He told him, “Now that is how you finish, bravo!”

Terramar chuckled. “Glad that earned an applause but…” He looked down at his Tutor’s erection. “What about you? You haven’t… finished yet.”

Eros, warmly smiling, cup his cheek with his claw. “Now there’s a quality I see in you that would make you an excellent lover – selflessness. Most of my students tend to just finish without giving the other a second thought. But for you, that mindfulness is going to help open doors in the future. And as of now…” He took hold of his student’s claws and put it talons onto his pulsing shaft. “Would you help getting me off this way? I would ask you to use your mouth, but I figured you’re not flexible to do so.”

His student nodded. Griping that sensitive flesh in both claws, he rubs it up and down; letting his talons feel every vain and nerve. “Maybe for the next lesson we could switch,” Terramar suggested.

“Would you…” Eros grunted, “want to? It’s pretty intense, and I… ah… I think I might be a bit l-large for you.”

“Then again, you could help me loosen up a little.” He suggested when a wicked little idea popped in his head. Since they were still connected by his knot, Terramar started to move his hips, tugging and wiggling his hips, to evoke groans out from his Tutor. “I suppose we could start with toys and stuff, but a-at the end, can you imagine do – oh! – doing this to me?”

“Easily,” Eros smirked. “It may take a while. Hmm… But it can be done…” He shut his eyes and asked his student to go a little faster. “You’re a natural at this… I don’t think I’m gonna last long.”

“Yeah?” Terramar asked, suddenly thrusting upward.

“Ah! When I get there, close your eyes. I- Aie! I don’t want you t-to get my s-seed in your eye. A-And when I say, grab my k-knot as hard as you can.”

Nodding, the young Hippogriff jerked his Tutor a little faster and tugged at his hole as much as he could without dislodging from it. There was something gratifying to see and hear someone with the body of god to slip into ecstasy, to let out a series of grunts, moans, and screams. It was symphonic in Terramar’s hears and amusing to him as well that he was the one that was doing this.

About a few minutes later, while Eros’s member was leaking and drizzling his pre-seminal fluid over his stomach and withers that suddenly, he felt a strong throb in his claws.

Terramar!” Eros cried. “Do it, now!

So, the student slipped his claws down to his Tutor’s knot, squeeze it, and shut his eyes. The hole, where his knot was still locked on, felt it pulsed, tightening and releasing. Above him, Eros moaned deeply while his shaft throbbed hard. Then he felt and heard heavy liquid ropes being sprayed. Some landed next to his head and onto the sheets. Others hit him right underneath his beak while the rest landed on his chest. By the time it ceased, Terramar opened his eyes to where Eros was in his face.

“Thank you.” He said before kissing him deeply.

Not that Terramar mind.

After Eros pulled away, his student asked him what they do now. “Well, first we got to wait until your knot softens up enough for me to pull out. But after that? It is considered a tradition in these circumstances to hold your Love in one another’s arms.”

It took a good ten or fifteen minutes for Terramar’s knot to deflate enough for his Tutor to pull out, letting out a gush of seed onto the sheets. He lay next to Terramar, allowing him to get close to him. Wrapping one another in a hug in their post-sex euphoria. For a long time, neither of them said a word but sharing the warmth between them. They knew, of course, that they will have to clean up. That Eros would have to give his overvaluation of not only Terramar’s performance but what he needs to work on. And that the student would express gratitude for doing this for him.

But for now, just being next to one another was all that mattered.

Soon, Eros noticed that his student was falling asleep in his arms and smiled. Despite knowing that Terramar wouldn’t be his boyfriend anytime soon, he was flattered for having him overcome his nervousness and taken the first steps of being a fantastic lover to someone else. Besides, while he did see that he needed work, he did enjoy his time.

Goddesses,’ Eros thought, ‘I love my job.