Twilight Sparkle, My Mentor and More

by Ruxify

First published

Dinky Doo accidently damages Twilight Sparkle's library home with her magic. Intrigued, Twilight takes her in as her student... but Dinky gets more attention than she initially expected.

This story takes place near the beginning of season 1.

After a magic related accident caused damage to the Golden Oak Library, Dinky Doo befriends Twilight Sparkle, a new unicorn that just moved to Ponyville a few weeks ago, and becomes her student learning to improve her magical abilities. Ultimately though, Dinky ends up receiving more attention than she expected.

Contains: Wholesome Consensual Foal/Adult Romance :twilightsmile:

This is an entry to Scout Feather's Foalcon Writing Contest! Good luck to all those who enter!

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Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Encounter

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Twilight Sparkle, My Mentor and More

By: Ruxify

This story takes place just after Twilight Sparkle moves to Ponyville in season one.

This story was written as part of Scout Feather’s Foalcon Writing Contest.

I’m not a perfect filly by any means, and they say every pony makes mistakes right? Well this time I was in quite a bit of trouble on this fine early autumn day. A small, periwinkle blank-flank unicorn filly with a bright yellow mane with eyes to match like me, Dinky Doo, shouldn’t have been able to do nearly this much damage with magic, but here we are.

“Oh Celestia! What have you done, Dinky!?” exclaimed one of my pegasus friends, Ruffle Feathers. “You’re gonna be in a whole lotta’ trouble now!” Her fine silver hair stood on end and her sky blue pupils shrunk down to the size of grapes, as her body trembled in fear of the consequences that were sure to come should she get caught here in this situation with me. Our pupils simultaneously shot back and forth between the large branch now sitting on the ground between us, nearly missing us upon its fall, and the huge gouging hole in the library of Ponyville.

“I… I… didn’t mean to do… THAT!” I exclaimed in retort, tears welling from my eyes.

“Well, ya did, and I ain’t takin’ any blame for this. You’re in big, big, BIG, trouble, Dinky! I’m outta here!” At that, Ruffle took off in an instant. Some friend she is, leaving me to deal with this mess alone.

“Ah, horse feathers,” I swore to myself as I searched around for my own escape route.

Upon seeing them, I started to gallop at full speed towards some bushes next to a nearby house to take cover in. Unfortunately, my escape plans were immediately ruined the second a small click followed by the loud screech of an old creaky door hinge entered my ears. I immediately froze like a deer in headlights and braced myself for the consequences that were sure to be dealt upon me.

“Uh… what in Equestria happened here!” exclaimed a luscious, feminine voice.

I gulped hard and reluctantly turned to face the owner of the damaged building. Standing before me was an adult mare unicorn, of a darker shade of purple compared to myself. Her mane was a deep navy blue, somewhat nearing purple, with a couple shades of pink lining through it from head to tail, and was somewhat square-ish in shape. Her cutie mark consisted of a big pink star surrounded by a few other white ones and was quite pretty as it glimmered a tad in the sunlight.

“Hey, you! Do you happen to know exactly why an entire branch is missing from the library!” she asked me with a frown.

“I... I’m s-so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that, Ms… uh?”

“Twilight Sparkle,” she answered flatly. At this point I couldn’t help myself, but to shed a few tears as I stammered my apology.

“Right, I was just playing and messing around with my friend Ruffle Feathers and I guess we got a taaaaad too crazy when I accidently cast a spell that just tore off that branch. Sometimes I lose control of my magic and I just always cause trouble for others,” I finished looking down at my jittering hooves.

A few moments passed where neither of us said a word. I was too scared to observe Twilight’s facial expressions, most likely contorted in anger while pending my punishment. Oh horse feathers. Buildings cost lots and lots of bits. I probably caused thousands of bits worth of damage in just that one branch alone, as the library of Ponyville, known as the Golden Oak Library, is one of the oldest buildings in the village. I learned that from my teacher, Ms. Cheerilee, in school one day as we were having a history lesson on Ponyville.

Twilight Sparkle turned towards the branch without saying a word and spent a moment observing the damage. Suddenly without warning her horn loudly sprung to life with a snap and beautiful glow that caught my attention through my peripheral vision. I quickly turned my head up at the unicorn as she, before my own eyes, pulled off an impressive feat without too much struggle. I gasped as she lifted the heavy piece of wood, levitated it back towards the gouge in the building and with a swish of her horn sealed the chunk back in place. Twilight’s soft, velvety coat glistened with sweat and she gasped for air, visibly fatigued. The fear that kindled in my heart then disappeared and I trotted up to Twilight in amazement.

“Woah… how did you do that!?”

“Oh, it was just a simple levitation spell followed by a moderately-sorta-complex binding spell, no biggie,” she replied with a modest smile, despite her not-so-modest display.

“That was amazing, Twilight Sparkle! Could you maybe, possibly, perhaps, kinda maaaaybee teach me how to use such incredible magic?” I asked her with puppy dog eyes. Twilight put a hoof up to her chin and thought for a moment.

“Well, if such a small unicorn filly like you could cause so much damage then perhaps I could teach you a thing or two. By the way, what’s your name and how old are you?”

“My name is Dinky Doo, and I am ten years old!”

“I see… I’m quite impressed a ten year old like you could pull off such a thing. It kind of reminds me of myself when I was a filly,” said Twilight smiling down at me. I beamed for a moment, taking in the unexpected praise before I remembered one small, important detail. I frowned and sat down on my haunches before bringing up my concern.

“The thing about that though, Twilight is… well, other ponies don’t seem to be as accepting of my magic as you are.”

“Really? Why is that?” Twilight questioned with a worried expression.

“Sometimes my magic just goes out of control and it causes all sorts of problems for other ponies around me. I can hardly keep any friends because of it.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Did your magic ever cause you problems like that when you were a filly Twilight?” She sat down next to me and placed a hoof around my shoulder for comfort.

“Uh… not really. When I was a filly, I didn’t really have many friends. I thought it was more important to work on improving my magical abilities and I stayed inside reading books all day. In fact, I was sent here by my mentor, Princess Celestia just for the sole purpose of making some friends!”

Just then, a small, timid reptile-like creature, dragon I think, creeped out of the library door. He was about the same height and overall size as me and his shiny, purple, scaly complexion was accented by long, green fins down the back of his head. He was wearing a simple pink apron with a large heart on the front.

“Is everything okay Twilight? There are no monsters out there are there?” Twilight giggled to herself for a moment before waving down the dragon.

“Everything is okay out here Spike. It seems like this little filly lost control of her magic and snapped a branch off the library.” I perked up when she mentioned me.

“My name is Dinky Doo! Nice to meet you Spike!” I said, introducing myself to the dragon in my usual chipper tone.

“Well, the pleasure is all mine!” replied Spike in an overly formal fashion, earning a giggle from me.

“Why don’t we go inside and we can talk more about your magical abilities, Dinky?” said Twilight, gesturing her hoof towards the door and beginning a light trot towards it with me following right beside her.

Once we entered the library’s main area, I got to take a look around at the many thousands of books neatly stored in their shelving which lined the walls from corner to corner. Despite the vast quantity of literature the room was spacious and well kept; it was the perfect place to dive into a good book. Before sitting down, Twilight sent Spike to the kitchen to fetch us some tea.

“So… I take it that you live here?” I ask Twilight.

“Yeah, I do. I can’t say I can complain about living around all my favorite literature, that’s for sure!”

“How long have you lived in Ponyville? You said Princess Celestia is your mentor, so does that mean you came from Canterlot?”

“Why yes, I did come from Canterlot, born and raised. I’ve only lived here for a couple weeks. As I said before, I was sent here by the princess to ‘make friends’ or something…”

“Woah…” was all I could say. This Twilight pony sure was something! I couldn’t wait to receive magic lessons from her.

“Make friends you say? Hey, I’ll be your friend!” I offered excitedly.

“Wonderful! I would like to be your friend too. I definitely think there’s some magical talent in you, Dinky Doo!” Once again, Twilight grinned sheepishly while putting a hoof around my shoulder.

I smiled back at her and accepted her embrace. She made me feel all warm inside and I felt like she would be a great friend, despite her somewhat antisocial past. I felt like I had finally found some pony I could relate to, and share my problems with. Not like all those other “friends” that hardly ever interacted with me and got scared off whenever I had some magical mishap. After a moment, I decided to wrap my hooves around Twilight in a full on hug to display my appreciation and welcoming her as my friend.

“Oh, my…” Twilight was at first surprised by my action, but quickly returned the gesture. Her coat was so soft, cozy and warm and she smelled of just the slightest bit of lavender. I felt safe. I felt like I belonged. I felt something that I had never felt before. Something that seemed so right, but I couldn’t quite place my hoof on it. Suddenly, Twilight backed off from the hug and flashed me a smile.

“So, what about you Dinky? Were you born here in Ponyville?”

“Yep, born and raised!” I said, mimicking her own words from earlier. This made her chuckle and I glowed from her approval. Just then Spike emerged from the kitchen carrying a couple of tea cups and a kettle. He gently placed the cups in front of us and poured us each some tea.

“Why thank you, Spike,” said Twilight gratefully to her assistant.

“Yes, thank you so much!” I added.

“Once again, the pleasure is all mine! You girls have fun with your magic lesson. I still have some chores I got to take care of.” At that, Spike walked over to the next room, giving a playful wave in my direction before disappearing. I carefully picked up my cup, gently blew the steam away to cool it and took a sip, making sure not to drink it too quickly so as to not burn my tongue. The warm liquid had a slightly bitter taste to it, but the warmth felt nice as it traveled down into my stomach.

“So what are some other things I should know about you? I’m curious. We did technically just meet and all…” asked Twilight.

“Well, like I said before, I am ten years old and I was born and raised here in Ponyville.”

“Yes, go on,” urged Twilight.

“I live with my step mom, Derpy Hooves and have an older step sister, Amethyst Star who lives on her own, and uh,” I scratched my chin, trying to come up with something else.

“I’m apparently gifted with magic, and uh, oh yeah I love to goof off and just go crazy around town with other ponies, like playing pranks and what not… assuming they can tolerate me at least. I usually end up going too far and my stupid magic hurts some pony or breaks something expensive. My mom has had to cover for me to cover the damages more times than I can count! I always end up losing my short term friendships because of it,” I finished on a somber note dropping my head down towards my hooves.

“Well maybe with my help, we can get your magic under control and you can start making some more… permanent friends!”

“Yeah!” I exclaim, jumping up and clapping her hoof. But then suddenly an intrusive thought made its ugly way into my mind and I got all gloomy again.

“But… what if I mess up again? What if I accidently destroy your entire library, Twilight? What if… what if… I end up destroying all of Ponyville?!” For the third time that afternoon, Twilight pulled me into an embrace making me smile softly.

“Don’t worry, Dinky. With me by your side, I won’t let that happen! I DO know a lot about magic, ya know!”

“Alright, Twilight. I trust you.”

“Okay, Dinky, are you ready for your first lesson?” I bounced up and down excitedly.

“Oh yes, Twilight, I’m ready!”

Twilight’s horn lit up in her usual purple aurora and she levitated over a small wooden statue of a horse and placed it right in front of me.

“Let’s start with the basics. I want you to levitate this statue for ten seconds and then gently place it back on the ground.”

Taking a moment to take a deep breath, I focused on the wooden object before me, clearing my mind of all other thoughts and worries. All that existed then and there was the statue, Twilight and I. Once I reached a level of concentration I deemed acceptable despite my lack of experience, I made a swift swish of my horn and fired my magical energy.

For a moment the statue started glowing green, the color of my magic, and it slowly started wobbling back and forth. Clearly, more focus was needed, but I had to make sure I didn’t overdo it… which is unfortunately what happened. I finally had it levitating about two inches above the ground before a sudden surge of magic blast out my horn out of nowhere, sending the poor wooden statue flying at a high speed straight out of the library… or at least it would have flown out if Twilight didn’t quickly step in and catch the projectile with her magic.

“Uh… yeah that does seem to be a little tiny bit of a problem you have there, Dinky,” remarked Twilight giving a sympathetic chuckle. “It seems we definitely have a bit of work to do.”

“With you at my side, I won’t fail!” I exclaimed excitedly.

And thus, my training with Twilight Sparkle the unicorn had begun. I had just met the most amazing, talented, wonderful, kind unicorn ever and I was going to get good, no, GREAT at magic so I didn’t scare any more ponies away from me! Leaving me all alone…

Twilight’s company was certainly a sign of a new chapter of my life though, if I could have told myself then and there what was about to happen after a few weeks’ worth of training with her, I wouldn’t have believed me.

Chapter 2 - Sweet Times Together

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It had been about two months since we had started our magical training sessions, and the weather had already become pretty cold. The leaves of the trees shifted into their usual autumn forms and littered the streets of Ponyville with multiple shades of orange, red, yellow and brown. During this time, Twilight and I had become quite close friends and we always had so much fun together. My magic was actually starting to improve too, though I still, on multiple occasions, ended up breaking something or other. It was okay though, because Twilight understood me. She didn’t abandon me and leave me in the dust, and she never got mad whenever something was blown to bits.

I was gleefully strolling down the road with my step mom, Derpy Hooves, towards Twilight’s library. She was a gray pegasus mare with a yellow mane similar to mine and had a condition that made her eyes go all screwy-louie. Her cutie mark resembled several bubbles in a vertical pattern that quite matched her klutzy personality. Despite that, I still loved her very much.

It was a special day because I had actually managed to finally gain control over my levitation abilities the previous day, and was able to lift and gently set down any object that Twilight challenged me with. As a reward I was going to go over to Twilight’s for a sleep over, with my mom’s permission of course.

We walked up to her door and my mom gave it a loud knock. A few moments passed before the door opened revealing the chirpy purple unicorn.

“Why hello there, Derpy! Hi, Dinky!” Twilight smiled warmly towards me and I giggled a bit in excitement.

“I can’t thank you enough, Twilight Sparkle! I haven’t seen my Dinky this happy in forever! And what with my mail delivering duties, I can’t spend as much time with her as I would like…”

“Yes, it’s no problem at all, Derpy. Your daughter truly has a wonderful talent with magic… she just needed some guidance, that’s all.”

“And now I can levitate stuff without making it explode or launch like a rocket!” I added. Both Twilight and my mom chuckled at my boasting as I casually let myself into the library and stood behind Twilight to bid farewell to her.

“Now you be a good filly, Dinky! Don’t cause Twilight here any trouble, ya hear?”

“I’m sure she won’t be any problem at all, Derpy,” said Twilight assuredly. After waving goodbye for a moment, Twilight used her magic to close the door behind her as we made our way to the main room of the library where we always had our training sessions.

“So what are we going to do first, Twilight?” I asked her excitedly, bouncing around her in a circle so as to expend any excess energy that tickled my insides. Twilight smiled back at me softly before revealing her plan. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw just the slightest tint of red emanating from her cheeks, though I didn’t really think anything of it.

“Well, considering this is an occasion for celebration. I was thinking we could first go out for a treat! How does Sugar Cube Corner sound?” Twilight asked with a chipper tone. I stopped my hyper behavior for a moment to let out a gasp.

“That… sounds… DELICIOUS!” I exclaimed, already salivating from the thought of a tall chocolate milkshake and some carrot cake.

“Well we better get a move on then. I heard from my friend Rainbow Dash that there is supposed to be a fall rainstorm happening very soon, and we don’t want to get ourselves caught up in all that, right?” I scrunched my muzzle at Twilight.

“But I love the rain, and I love jumping and splashing in puddles!”

“Now now, Dinky, I can’t have you tracking mud and grime throughout the library, so you’re just going to have to stay the cute little squeaky clean filly you are tonight,” said Twilight affectionately ruffling up my mane. I suppose I was fine with that. I didn’t want to be a nuisance to Twilight after all she’s done for me.

Twilight called out informing Spike, who was in another room, that she and I were about to leave and would be back later. Upon receiving his response, we both left and headed towards the bakery that would be sure to satisfy my sweet tooth.

As we made our way over, I challenged Twilight to a competition seeing who could walk on just their hind hooves the furthest, at which I obviously dominated of course. I had a lot of practice with this, doing it for fun from time to time when I was alone and bored. She looked so silly hobbling down the road for just a few steps before she lost her balance and collapsed onto her belly. I had managed to go almost twice as far, expertly shifting my balance between my two rear hooves. We laughed together as I went back to help her up onto her hooves, like a good sport would.

“Good try, Twi, but I TOTALLY destroyed you,” I bragged to her playfully.

“Yeah well, I’m not sure how, but I’m sure you were cheating somehow. What pony knows how to walk on their hind legs?” She picked me up with her magic and tickled me with her hooves. Laughing uncontrollably, I begged for mercy.

“S-stop it! No! That tickles! Hey!” Finally she relented and placed me back down on the road, and I made a sigh of relief.

“Okay, ya silly filly. We better get a move on! I’m really craving some cake!” beamed Twilight as we resumed our normal course towards our sugary reward.

When we finally arrived, a bright pink pony with blue eyes and a poofy, cotton candy like mane greeted us. Her flank was adorned with three balloons with long curly strings.

“Hey there, Pinkie Pie, what’s up?” asked Twilight to her friend.

“Hey there Twilight,” said Pinky before giving a gasp in my direction. “Is this that filly you’ve always been talking to us about? The one you’re giving magic lessons to?” Twilight nodded in response.

“Twilight and I are having a sleep over because I finally managed to get my levitation spell right!” I boasted proudly.

“Well congratulations!” exclaimed Pinkie grabbing my hoof and shaking it so hard and fast it made me dizzy. “Surely some filly who worked so super hard deserves some super sweet sugary reward, hmm?” Shaking the dizziness away, I beamed back at her with eagerness. In the blink of an eye, Pinkie Pie disappeared into Sugar Cube Corner’s kitchen as Twilight and I took a seat at a random table in the corner of the room. There were only a few other ponies in there, already enjoying their delectable looking treats from cakes and pies to shakes and root beer floats. It wasn’t much longer before the pink party pony returned.

“Here you are! A neat and tidy carrot cake for Twilight and a big, creamy, luscious, most wonderful chocolate shake for you, Dinky!” After thanking her, Twilight and I began to dig into our treats. Twilight, who is usually a tidy eater, seemed to hesitate for a moment before digging in. She looked me in the eyes briefly before devouring it in the messiest way possible, covering her muzzle in frosting. I giggled in response and mimicked her with my shake, digging my nose into the whipped cream, lapping up the thick creamy substance with my eager tongue. With how silly we looked, we couldn’t help but laugh out loud!

“Boy, Twilight, you two sure seem close! I can understand why you’re always talking about her when you hang out with us and the others!” commented Pinkie Pie, watching our exchange.

“Really, Twilight, you talk about me to your friends that much?” I asked feeling honored.

“Yeah, she’s always going on about how wonderful of a student you are to her and always updates us on your progress. You two seem to really get along well!”

“Do I really talk about her that much?” blushed Twilight putting a hoof behind her head.

“Yeah, ya do!” chirped Pinkie before giggling like mad.

I smiled at Twilight and she smiled back at me for a moment before Pinkie Pie left us alone to finish our treats.

“Hey Twilight, this is just the beginning right? Now, that I’ve mastered my levitation spell, it won’t be long until I can teleport around like you do all the time, right?” I asked my mentor enthusiastically. Twilight just giggled and shook her head.

“Maybe one day, when you learn to have much, much more discipline with your magical flow rate. But don’t you dare go attempting that now; you might spontaneously combust!” said Twilight, munching on one of the side cookies that came with her cake. Disappointed by her answer, I dug my muzzle deep into the tall glass to lick up the remaining whipped cream. Satisfied with what sugary sweetness I could find, I turned to look at Twilight who, upon seeing my face, could hardly stop herself from snickering.

“Dinky… your… your…” was all she could muster before bursting out into laughter.

I went all cross-eyed just to see that my muzzle was absolutely covered in the chocolate syrup, cookie crumbs and whipped cream. Looking around the table, I managed to find a napkin and wiped off my face with it.

“Did I get it all?” I asked the now calming down unicorn. Upon observing my face once more, Twilight suddenly went all silent. She briefly looked around her to see if any pony was watching and without warning she got up all close to my face and licked my cheek, where a small bit of remaining whipped cream was. She gulped it all down her throat eagerly.

“Yep, all clean!” she beamed, with a tad of red scorching her cheeks. I felt this move was a tad odd at first, but mostly silly. Searching her face, I noticed a small cookie crumb stuck to her cheek and without thinking I made a rebound move! Swiftly, I moved in on Twilight’s cheek, licked the piece of cookie right off of it and gobbled it down.

“Hey! That was mine!” protested Twilight, before attacking me with tickles again, giggling as gleefully as her friend Pinkie Pie would.

Finally we had finished up and decided it was time to head home… only to find that the weather outside had already drastically changed. The pouring rain pitter pattered the roads leaving them soaked and muddy and the air was frigid enough for us to see our breath. Feeling myself begin to shiver, I clung myself to Twilight to absorb her warmth. Once again, I could have sworn I saw my mentor blush at my sudden action and I could feel her heartbeat race a mile a minute.

“How are we going to get back to the library, Twilight?” I asked her. Twilight shook her head to escape the daze I put her in and put a hoof up to her chin.

“Uh, I suppose I could just teleport us there or put up a shield spell to use as an umbrella, but I think I have a better, more fun idea,” said Twilight just as a large stallion unicorn pulling a carriage appeared around the corner. Twilight raised her hoof at him flagging him down, causing him to pull up near us.

“Where to, young ladies?” he asked in a friendly tone, opening the carriage with his magic.

“To the Golden Oak Library please,” requested Twilight levitating over a few bits to pay our fare.

“Ya, got it ma’am,” he replied as Twilight and I climbed into the privacy of the carriage together. Once secured inside, I felt a lurch as the stallion began his transportation duty.

Twilight sat to the right of me and together we peered out the window of the carriage and watched the soaked architecture and populace of the village whir by in a blur. The street lamps left a soft orange glow that radiated warmly through the blackness of the storm. Suddenly, I felt a hoof wrap around my shoulder and I let myself once again get pulled into Twilight’s warm purple coat.

“So, was that shake delicious or what?” asked Twilight, breaking the silence.

“Oh yes, it was so good!” I replied warmly, pressing my face into her side.

“Glad to hear it.” A few more moments passed, and I sensed my mentor was certainly starting to get warm, maybe a little too warm. Her heart beat thundered and vibrated through to my ear in a way that was hard to ignore. I pulled out of the embrace and faced her with a tad of concern on my face.

“Are you okay, Twi? You seem a bit, flustered?” Twilight jumped slightly at my outright declaration of her appearance.

“I-I-I am fine!”


“Yes, I’m perfectly fine… It’s just that…” stammered Twilight before turning to look down at her hooves.

“Go on,” I encouraged her. This earned me a sigh before she turned back at me with an obvious red glow on her cheeks.

“H-how do you feel about m-me?” This question took me by surprise. I put a hoof up to my chin and pondered her question a bit before answering. Looking back at her, I noticed she was staring at me deeply, with those shiny, brilliant purple eyes. That level of intimate eye contact alone was enough to make me blush myself!

“H-how do I feel about you? That’s kind of an odd question to ask…”

“You like me right?” I tilted my head at her second question.

“Well, yeah of course I like you. You’re like my most favorite pony ever, not including my family. Why are you asking this now?” Twilight made a sigh of relief, closed her eyes and smiled to herself. I was only now beginning to comprehend the weight of the situation and suddenly my own heart rate began to rise. There was no way that she… my mentor, no. I reminisced back to last few weeks of our interactions together, including tonight, where I could have sworn she had been acting a tad differently than usual, and it all started to click together.

“Twilight, are you asking me that because…” I started before having my lips abruptly shushed by her hoof. She then slowly and carefully dragged it down to my chest and gently pushed me over onto my back laying upon the seat of the carriage. Slowly and cautiously, Twilight moved her body over me and aligned her pupils with mine. We stared at each other for a moment, eyes glimmering from what little light made its way into the carriage.

It was at this moment that time really seemed to slow down. I observed in surprise as her warm, enticing lips translated down towards mine. We closed our eyes together and without a hitch our lips connected. Her lavender fragrance permeated my senses, and her heated build pressed down onto mine like a big warm blanket. My little heart beat faster and faster and I could feel excitement and bewilderment brew to intoxicating levels within my mind. I didn’t know how to react in that moment exactly, so I just followed my instincts and did my best to return the kiss. A few moments later, it was over and Twilight slowly raised her head a tad to take a good look at my heated cheeks and moistened lips. A long string of saliva trailed between our muzzles for a moment before snapping in half releasing us from its sticky bond. Her eyes shimmered with delight, and our hearts beat excitedly together as one.

“It’s just that… I can’t get enough of you, Dinky Doo. I’ve never felt like this about any other pony before. To say ‘like’ would be an understatement or ‘adore’, ‘cherish’, ‘revere’, whatever.”

“I… I… don’t know what to say!” I exclaim in response, with my mind flooding with many emotions old and new.

“But, do you hate it?” she asks me with a nervous tremor in her voice.

“Not particularly…” I respond. I must admit, despite the oddities regarding this situation I found myself in, I couldn’t possibly say I disliked it. Her bold action made my heart flutter and my stomach do somersaults.

“So it’s okay then? You don’t mind it, right?” Before I could answer, the carriage came to a sudden stop and the door opened by itself with the magic of our driver. In an instant, Twilight lifted herself off of me and stood up an all four hooves in the middle of the carriage floor. Bringing a hoof up to her muzzle to wipe off her lips, and taking a moment to defrazzle her mane, she exited the carriage with me swiftly following behind her.

“Thanks for the lift!” chirped Twilight, giving the driver a few more bits as a tip. Together we entered the library again to take shelter from the storm. The first thing we saw once we entered the main room of the library was the faithful assistant of Twilight himself, Spike. He seemed to be in the middle of reading some scientific book about gemstones from what I could tell.

“Oh welcome back, you t-,” he started before pausing upon viewing our appearance.

“Why are you two all sweaty?”

“Uh, what? I don’t know what you’re talking about, we’re not ‘all sweaty’!” retorted Twilight.

“Yeah you are, and your manes are a mess too!”

“Really Spike, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now don’t you have some chores you should be doing? You really shouldn’t be slacking around reading books about gems all day!” scolded Twilight swiftly pushing Spike out of the room.

“But I-“ started Spike, but he didn’t get a chance to finish as Twilight practically threw him out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Excitedly, Twilight turned back to me, threw her hooves around me and picked me up into a strong embrace that made it hard to breathe.

“Woah there, Twi, *gasp* I can’t *gasp* breathe!” I manage to stammer thus causing her to quickly set me back down and apologize.

“Oh, whoops sorry about that,” she said putting a hoof behind her head with a sheepish smile.

“You’re starting to remind me a bit of your friend Pinkie Pie back there! Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask her with a bit of concern for her excessive enthusiasm.

“Of course I’m okay! It’s just that, we just had our first kiss and, oh-!” She caught herself before she could go on and on about it.

“That is… if you’re okay with it,” she finished gracefully, turning back at me with a superficial seriousness in her eyes.

“I… I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it before. It did kind of feel good though…”

“Oh, Dinky…” cooed Twilight. She brought her face down close to mine, which made my stomach do a backflip. Before we went further though, there was just one thing I wanted to ask her.

“Twilight, I do have something to ask you about this.” She paused in her approach and moved back up onto her haunches with a look of concern in her eyes.


“So you… love me Twilight, right?” Her expression softened into a soft yet still very sheepish smile. Twilight paused to think for a moment before responding confidently.

“Yeah. I love you a whole lot.” Well, I couldn’t help but blush at that…

“But… why and since when?” Twilight twitched a bit with nervousness at my flat delivery of that simple question. Sure, I’ve come to care a lot about my mentor through our time together, but this seemed a bit much. It wasn’t long though, before I got a response.

“I think I started to feel this way about you… I would say a couple weeks ago,” she started while reminiscing “… and well it’s just that… I feel like I can get along with you really well. I’ve never personally met or become friends with a pony with such a level of magical ability that rivals even mine when I was filly. I just see a lot of myself in you, and I guess that’s what attracts me to you. Plus you’re like, super adorable!” finished Twilight ruffling up my mane. I was touched upon receiving this enlightenment, but there was still one thing bothering me.

“But, you’re like so much older than me! Isn’t that bad?” This question really made Twilight jump in surprise. Her ears drooped down, and she looked down at her hooves giving a deep sigh.

“That isn’t something even I know the answer to, whether or not it is good or bad. Truth is I’m a bit conflicted about it all…” She turned around and trotted over towards the pile of books Spike left behind and started neatly storing them in their shelving with her magic.

“What matters, I think, is how you feel about it Dinky. Do you want this to stop? Because if you do, as hard as it will be for me, I will stop,” she finished, putting the last book into its shelf.

I honestly didn’t know how to answer her, at least on an intellectual level. This was all so new to me after all. However, thinking back to our first kiss, I couldn’t help but smile and feel butterflies flutter throughout my stomach.

“It did feel good when we… uh kissed, but I still don’t know.” Finished with her cleanup job, Twilight walked back over to me and sat by my side and gently set a hoof on my shoulder like she always did.

“Maybe… instead of deciding with your mind, you should decide with your heart?” she suggested. I took a moment to ponder her suggestion before smiling and giving her a big hug.

“You’re right, Twilight. I was going on about all this the wrong way.” Twilight chuckled at this and pulled me in even tighter with her hooves.

“So I suppose that means you’re okay with it?”

“Mmmhmm,” I mumbled into her comforting chest.

“Then… why don’t you say we go explore our love some more?” suggested Twilight, pulling me back and looking down at me.

“You mean we s-s-should k-k-kiss again?” I asked feeling an unusual amount of excitement brewing in my chest.

“Yes… but I also had something even better on my mind…” she said before slowly trotting towards her sleeping quarters, gesturing me to follow her with her hoof. Oh my. I didn’t know what she meant by that, but I knew I was in for something. Gulping, I followed her intently with my heart beating a mile a minute and hooves shaking like mad.

Chapter 3 - Warmth on a Cold Autumn Night

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“Come on in,” invited Twilight. I have already been in her room a few times before, but in this new context, everything felt almost new and uncertain. It was separated into two vertical sections: a simple reading and living area on the bottom half, and her actual bed and sleeping area on the top. I followed behind Twilight up the stairs to the second section and watched as she casually rolled onto her sun and moon covered bed spread. There was a large window to the outside right next to it which fogged up and allowed in filtered, dim rays of light from the street lamps below, that casted in orange onto the anticipating unicorn before me. For a moment, we watched each other apprehensively in silence except for the soft dribbling of the raindrops hitting her window filling in the ambience. Finally, Twilight spoke up.

“Why… don’t you join me here in bed? This is a sleepover after all…” she suggested with a soft smile, lightly patting a small area she left in her bed which figuratively had my name on it.

Nervously, I tip hoofed over to the designated location, climbed up into the bed causing the springs to creak out in protest to the added weight, and settled myself in lying on my side and facing her. She was so close now. I could smell and feel her hot, sweet, cake-scented breath rebounding off my cheeks and mixing with her usual calming lavender scent that brought a sense of ease and relaxation to quell my nerves. I could feel her body heat radiating and combining with mine, which brought an immense physical comfort to the otherwise chilly atmosphere of this wet autumn night. Her eyes glimmered like purple jewels and I could tangibly feel the affection beaming from her heart straight into mine.

“You’re so warm and cozy, Twi,” I complimented her with a whisper.

“And you’re just so adorable. I’ve never felt so… happy before,” she cooed back in response.

“Are we going to sleep together tonight?” I asked nervously, heart pounding in my chest.

“If it’s alright with you, then yeah,” she replied back before wrapping a hoof around me and pulling me as close as possible to her body. “…and maybe we can make each other feel super good together, too…”

“What do you mean?” I looked back up into her eyes curiously.

“Perhaps… there are more things that I can teach you than just magic.”

“Like what?”

“Something wonderful, Dinky. If you allow me that is… Do you trust me, with every inch of your heart?” I thought for a moment, trying to come up with some sort of idea as to what exactly she was talking about. Of course, I came up with nothing. However, I certainly did trust her, and I decided that no matter what, I would give her a chance. After all, if whatever this thing she was suggesting was truly that super good feeling, I couldn’t lose right?

“Twilight, of course,” I reassured her.

Gingerly, she rolled over top of me and I turned to face her again, this time on my back before she locked me within her caring hooves.

“I love you, Dinky…” she whispered and she once again looked into my eyes, this time for permission to proceed.

“I… I love you too, Twilight,” I cooed back, now ready to receive her affection. At that, Twilight lowered her head once more like she did on the carriage and collided her lips with mine, but this time there were multiple kisses, each impacting more and more fiercely than the last. She tasted strongly of the sugary delights she had consumed not too long ago. Periodically she let up to allow us a moment to breathe, but that was the exclusive amount of pausing she allowed for before she resumed her onslaught of affection. Our breathing intensified as I felt her hoof gently stroke up and down the front of my body. I still didn’t know what to expect overall, but I didn’t care as my mind fell more and more into her trap of passion. Suddenly, on one particularly forceful kiss, I could feel something invade my mouth and interlock with my tongue. Her tongue swirled around attempting to explore every last crevice of its new discovery, but it mostly sought to intermingle with my own. Finally after what felt like an eternity of new found bliss, Twilight pulled herself back, stringing along another sticky reminder of our love making before it broke in two, almost vanishing as quickly as it appeared.

“Woah, Twi, that was intense,” was all I could muster gasping for air. She raised a hoof to her mouth and made a hushing noise.

“Just you wait Dinky, the best is yet to come,” she cooed before rolling over to her side right next to me. My entire mind went blank and my body heaved with anticipation as Twilight ran her hoof up and down along my sensitive young belly, getting closer and closer to a certain… place, that was beginning to naturally moisten in arousal. The intensity of the tingly sensation increased the closer it got, so I just knew that it had to be Twilight’s target.

“May I?” Twilight whispered directly into my ear sensually. Her warm breath moistened the outer rim of my ear and her tone sent a shiver down my spine. Without even needing to be told outright what she meant, I nodded and bit my left hoof, bracing for impact. My budding special place contracted and lurched ready to receive stimulation for the first time. For a moment, Twilight brought the stroking hoof up to her mouth and moistened it with her saliva before continuing.

“Oh, horse feathers, Twi!” I swore as her hoof made finally made contact with my fillyhood, sending a shockwave of pleasure up my spine and into my brain. It was so swollen, sensitive and wet by now, I couldn’t help but exclaim!

“Do you know what this area is called Dinky?” asked Twilight seductively as she ran her hoof up and down my small inexperienced hole. My mind was exploding with various shades of emotion and I could hardly answer.

“Uh, m-my pee-pee?” Twilight giggled at my childish and naïve response.

“Yes, but there are better names for it,” she explained, “such as pussy or cunny…”

“Pussy… cunny…” I mimicked as her stroking intensified causing my vocal cords to tremor with lust. Twilight took the opportunity to reward my naughty reiteration with another sloppy kiss and she intensified her hoof work, this time focusing her attention to the little nub of skin at the top. The sudden explosion of pleasure from between my legs made me cry out, only for said cry to escape into my lover’s own mouth. She moaned deeply in response and refused to cease her pleasurable attack on my fillyhood. She got faster and faster and the pleasure got more and more intense.

I felt like I wanted to cry with happiness. My mind was unable to think clearly and it entered a state ruled almost exclusively by instinct. My swollen cunny leaked more and more juices all over Twilight’s hoof and her bed sheets below and I began to feel something big build up from inside of me down there. Twilight released me from her kiss and pulled her hoof away from my fillyhood for a moment. She brought it up to her mouth and I watched her intently as she licked away my juices.

“Oh Celestia, please Twilight!” I begged. “Please don’t stop doing whatever you’re doing! It feels so… so good!”

“Don’t stop doing what, exactly?” Twilight teased.

“That thing you were doing, please keep g-going!” Trace amount of tears trailed from my eyes as my pussy ached, begging for continuance.

“You need to be more specific. What do you want me to do?” I took a deep breath before I uttered probably the naughtiest words I have ever said in my young filly life.

“I- I want you t-to keep rubbing me d-down there. My cunny! My pussy! My pee-pee! Please don’t stop! It feels so wonderfully, unbelievably good!” Finally satisfied with my response, Twilight giggled mischievously and restarted her stimulation. Almost immediately, the pressure that had been building up between my legs intensified violently and before I knew it, the sensation that had been building itself up since we started reached its destination.

My fillyhood exploded, tears dribbled down my cheeks from pure and strong emotion, and my small, high pitched filly voice echoed with lewd vigor around the otherwise dark and silent bedroom. Shockwave after shockwave of intense pleasure, none that I had ever experienced before, zapped its way up my spine from my crotch, and branching off into my limbs. Twilight’s hoof became absolutely soaked with my fluids and I couldn’t say her sheets fared any better. Finally a good ten seconds later, those sensations faded away and left a warm afterglow that tingled in my little filly mind.

“My my…” commented Twilight, “you certainly look like you enjoyed yourself. Was that your first time cumming?”

“Cumming?” I asked innocently, letting the filthy word violate my lips.

“What you just felt there. That’s officially called an orgasm, but you can just say you came,” she explained lewdly taking another taste of my secretions.

“I… I came?” I repeated.

“Exactly. It was so… cute... watching you squirm with pleasure!” moaned Twilight.

“I came… I came… wow, Twilight, I wanna cum again!” I exclaimed excitedly after finally catching my breath.

“In due time, Dinky… but I think it’s my turn to cum, if you don’t mind?” said Twilight abruptly using her magic to pick me up and realign our bodies so that she was now lying on her back and I sat up on my haunches in front of her now splayed hind legs. I gulped with nervousness as I, for the first time, experienced in full view my adult mentor’s special place. Her… pussy.

It was shiny, soft and swollen and glistening with her own erotic juices that smelled strongly of her lavender musk. I moved my muzzle closer to her hole and took a deep breath inhaling the intoxicating aroma that made my own filly hood twitch in response.

“Uh… what should I do, Twilight?” I asked the horny unicorn politely.

“I want you to lick me, Dinky. I want you to lick me all around, inside and out!”

“Uh… okay…” I replied, unsure of myself. I took a moment to prepare, took a deep breath, closed my eyes and stuck out my small velvety tongue. I started by gingerly placing it at the bottom of her mound and licked a trail of saliva up to the very top where her nub was. My tongue got covered in her juices and bracing myself I swallowed them entirely. The secretion tasted a tad salty with a hint of skin flavor mixed with her lavender scent. It wasn’t like anything I had ever tasted before, and the dirtiness of it all made me shiver with desire.

“Uh, that was a good first try Dinky, but you really need to- oh!!!” moaned Twilight as I truly began to dig in, ramming my underage muzzle deep into her folds. I licked and I slurped and I vibrated her mound with my vocal cords with periodic moans of ecstasy. I stuck my tongue as deep as I could into her hole and swirled it around simultaneously covering her insides with saliva and lapping up her fluids forming a mixture of each substance that invaded both of our bodies. I happily lapped up this mixture and sent it on its way to my stomach, almost in the same way I devoured that chocolate shake earlier this evening.

I looked up at my mentor, and watched her face contort with pleasure. Clearly, I was doing something right, and I let that knowledge encourage me to get more and more vigorous with my work. It seemed that Twilight was really quite sensitive down here, as it wasn’t long before I felt her internal walls clamping my tongue. She gasped loudly and her hole excreted extra lubrication that splattered all over my rosy cheeks and into my mouth where I let it soak to absorb its flavor.

Twilight moaned and groaned as she used her magic to shove my face even harder into her love hole as she rode out her orgasm. I giggled a bit at the silly face she was making, the vibrations of which contributed to my effort, and it made me very happy. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest from excitement!

Finally a good ten seconds later, Twilight relaxed and released her magical grip on me. Smiling with my tongue hanging out and dripping with her sticky juice, I let her watch as I slurped it all up and gulp it down deep into my core. Still gasping for breath, Twilight eagerly dragged me up her body with her magic so that we were face to face, leaving a trail of our love mixture absorbing into the skin of our bellies. I aggressively pressed my lips into hers, this time taking lead of the action as the one on top, and we sloppily exchanged our saliva directly from my mouth, to hers and back. Finally each having our fair share, we both swallowed the liquid, savoring its dirty yet exciting flavor, accentuated with the remnant chocolatey and frosting filled sweetness of our celebratory snack.

“That… was amazing, Dinky. You did a great job! I came soooo hard!” praised Twilight. I smiled at her in response.

“Really? I’m glad I was able to make you feel good, Twi. I felt super-duper good too,” I cooed, resting my now sleepy head on her chest. Twilight wrapped her hooves around me and rolled over so we were side by side again. We were sticky, wet and probably smelled a bit, but I didn’t care. All that mattered in that moment was Twilight and I. A lover and her filly. A filly unicorn and her caring mentor. A flash of light briefly shone through the window and illuminated the room before a muffled roar of thunder in the distance broke the silence.

“Twilight?” I asked breathily, feeling myself start to fall into slumber.

“Yeah?” she replied, just as subtly.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Dinky Doo…”

At that remark, I smiled to myself and let my consciousness slip away from me as I began my journey into the dream realm.

Epilogue - Just the Beginning

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“Almost got it,” I grunted, focusing my spell on the large boulder, carefully levitating it towards the spot my mentor designated to me with a large red X painted into the dirt. With a swish of my horn, I released my spell and the boulder solidly smashed into the ground with a big thud, right on target.

“Great job, Dinky!” praised Twilight, clapping her hooves together. She walked over to me, gently turned my muzzle towards hers and gave me a satisfying peck on my lips. I smiled back at her in reward for her caring gesture.

“You’ve already reached such an amazing level of focus and dexterity with your magical ability and I’ve only been your teacher for a few months!” she exclaimed excitedly.

The frigidness and wetness of autumn and winter had already passed and the presence of spring was already well under way making our days longer and brighter. Twilight and I had now already been in a secret relationship for more time than not, and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve even been able to start making some good friends with fillies and colts my own age at school as I had now successfully gotten my once bothersome magical abilities under control; and it was all thanks to a certain wonderful unicorn mare that I just so happened, purely by chance, to meet.

I gave my mentor a big hug.

“Thank you so much for taking so much time out of your busy life to help me, Twi! What with all the reading you do and adventures you go on with your friends. Really, I mean it! I don’t know where I’d be now if I hadn’t met you!” Twilight squeezed me tightly back and smiled.

“My pleasure,” she cooed, “I’m just glad to have met such an amazing filly.”

“I really wish we didn’t have to keep our relationship a secret though,” I yearned with a sigh.

“I know… I know… but you fully understand why that is right?” questioned my mentor solemnly.

“Yeah, I know. Foals and adults aren’t supposed to be doing such things together, and I’d probably never see you again if word of us got out.”

“It is a sad truth… but maybe one day, deep in the future when you’re all grown up, my sweet, little, kind, crazy, adorable, powerful magically filly friend, you Dinky Doo, that can all change.”

“Oh my Celestia, I can’t even imagine what I’d do if you were taken away from me, Twi!” I exclaimed into my filly friend’s chest, tears welling up in my eyes.

“Neither could I, Dinky.” Twilight gingerly ran a hoof through my mane in comfort. It really felt good and relaxing, and my head tingled with a mild ecstasy. Suddenly an all too familiar voice echoed upon us from the skies.

“You two done with your training today?” called out Derpy Hooves, landing before us just as we separated from our embrace with me wiping the tears from my eyes. My mom, who was just smiling in her usual, cheerful way, quickly changed her expression to one of concern.

“Oh my, is my Dinky okay?” she asked worriedly.

“She’s perfectly fine, Ms. Hooves. She was just rejoicing with me over all the progress she’s made. She managed to levitate this enormous rock with her magic all on her own. I am so very proud of her,” reassured Twilight smiling at the relieved gray pegasus.

“Oh Celestia, that thing is HUGE!” she exclaimed, craning her neck to properly size the massive object before her. Smiling I gave my mom a huge hug.

“I’m so proud of you, Dinky!”

“Anyway, I’m pooped and really want to grab some grub. Want to come with us Twi? We were gonna go out for some hay burgers,” I asked my mentor, hopefully.

“Hmmm, I would love to, but I did already promise my other friends I’d hang out with them today. Besides, you should really spend some more time with your mom,” she said apologizing with a sad, knowing smile. “Don’t worry though. For your next lesson, I have something extra special planned…” Twilight gave me a hard wink and I giggled knowing full well what she meant.

“Oh well. I hope you have fun with your friends. See you next time Twi!” I said while climbing onto my mom’s back so we could fly to the diner. It was a bit of a rocky lift off, but I made sure to hold onto her tightly so I wouldn’t fall.

“See ya later, Dinky! Have a good dinner!” Twilight called out to us as she disappeared behind some buildings.

“Yeah… see you later Twi,” I whispered to myself.

“You sure really love hanging out with her don’t you?” observed Derpy.

“Oh yes, I really, really do!” I replied enthusiastically, now finding our destination coming into view. My stomach rumbled and mouth salivated as I imagined those hay burgers entering my mouth.

Celestia’s sun glowed on the horizon as the evening grew older and wiser. Though it was the end of another day, it was almost the beginning of another night, with a moon so bright, gorgeous and illustrious. With images of the future permeating throughout my little filly mind, I thought of Twilight Sparkle on that warm spring afternoon, as I dug into yet another amazing hay burger, as I watched the sun disappear behind the distant mountains, and as I was tucked into bed by my hard working mother that night. Whether it was for magic training, getting down and dirty or something else just as amazing, I could not wait to see what that future held for us. For my mentor and I. For Twilight Sparkle and Dinky Doo.