Cupcakes: Jason Lives.

by Adamverse

First published

The crystal lake killer has found his way to Canterlot, The Rainbooms must stop this killer before he slashes their city off the map.

He wears a hockey mask, he carries a machete & he's on his way. Adam and the Rainbooms are in college now, they decided to take a trip to the woods. But what happens when Pinkie finds an old locket...

….a locket that belonged to.... Pamila Voorhees.

He's back.

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The boy wandered through the forest, the storm was blowing the trees in the hard wind & the graveyard was getting closer.

"I don't know how you talked me into this man, if Olessia found out she flip her wig." Rory said. Adam led the two of them to the old cemetery out in the forest, the final resting place of Jason Voorhees. "You didn't have to come Rory, this is between me and Jason." Adam was carrying shovels and Rory was carrying a container filled with flammable oil, "Jason belongs in hell, I'm gonna make sure he gets there."

The two of them arrived a the graveyard, one would assume, it was filled with grave stones. Some of these stones dated back to the 1920's, some even further back. Adam wandered amongst the graves, looking for the one he was looking for. Rory stated, "This is a bad idea, I mean, Jason's dead. You killed that guy yourself, what more proof do you need?"

Adam explained his reasons, "You saw what he could do; guns, swords, even grenades couldn't stop this guy. Killing Jason won't make me sure, but destroying his body will." Adam believes the only way to make sure Jason stays dead is to cremate his body, that way Jason can't come back.

The boys finally found it, the grave stone of the Crystal Lake Killer. Rory said, "Okay, there's his grave, lets go." Adam handed one of the shovels to Rory, "I got to be shore." Adam stated. The boy started digging into the dirt, creating a pile of earth next to the grave.

He dug for about twenty minutes, until an old, rusty, beaten-up coffin was revealed. "Okay, there's your proof. There's his coffin." Rory tried so hard to get Adam to leave with him, but Adam had to do this. "Hand me the crowbar." Adam said while reaching his hand out. Rory was confused and asked, "Your not gonna open that thing are you?" But the boy just grabbed the bar and dug it into the gap in the coffin.

Using his spider-strength, Adam pushed the crowbar down, breaking the locks. When the lid was lifted off, a rotting corpse was revealed. Jason's dead body was covered in cobwebs, maggots and worms; Rory nearly threw up.

The nearly sick boy asked, "Okay, there he is, dead as can be. You happy now?" But Adam wasn't listening, he was deep in his thoughts; thinking of the days when Jason was alive. Adam began to think, 'Call him Jason, call him the Crystal Lake Killer. I just know him as the bastard who killed everyone in my group when I went to Crystal Lake eleven years ago.' This happened before Adam was bitten by the spider and got his powers, so he could do nothing to stop Jason from taking all those lives. Until he swung Jason's own machete into the killer's eye, Jason was dead on the spot.

But all Adam could do was stare at the body. Rory handed him the container, Adam was about to poor it onto the body, until....

Jason's eyes shot open, the corpse sprung to life. Adam dropped the liquid onto Jason and leaped out of the dug-out, Rory back away from the hole. Adam watched the newly risen killer crawl out of his grave, all the maggots and worms dropped to the floor. The boy saw he had the flammable oil on him, so Adam got his matches and lit one. Unfortunately, the rain extinguished the flame; Adam just stood in front of a walking corpse.

Rory decided to play the hero, he ran at Jason with one of the shovels, bashing him on the back of the head. However; Rory paid the price when the shovel broke on Jason's skull, Jason turned to Rory and punched him through the chest; holding Rory's heart in his palm. "Rory!" Adam cried as blood fell from the fallen boys mouth. Jason let go of the dead boy and he fell into he grave pit. He fell into the coffin and it closed on him.

Jason turned back to Adam, he just watched his friend murdered before his eyes. The killer walked close to Adam, reaching out to grab his neck. All Adam could do was mutter, "No, no, no. Someone help! No!....."


"No!" Adam cried as he woke up in bed. He looked around the room, it was just him, and Fluttershy sleeping next to him. That is until the scream from Adam woke he up, "What's wrong Adam?" the girl aske as she rubbed he eyes.

Adam turned to the girls he loved and said, "Nothing Flutters, just a nightmare." Fluttershy sat up and cuddle closer to him. She looked into his eyes, she rarely saw Adam with his glasses; she thought his eyes were beautiful. Adam saw the same sparkle in her eyes, they had been together for two years; they would leave college next year, that's when Adam would ask the special question.

She passionately kissed him, he kissed her right back. Fluttershy was no longer the scared girls she was back in school, because with Adam by her side, he promised nothing would hurt her. They both lied back down, her head still pressed against his chest, "Well, now that were both awake." she muttered.

Fluttershy crawled on top of Adam, the boy wasn't shore; but, he gave up fighting with her wishes long ago. They both locked lips and 'played' together for the night, Adam forgot all about his nightmare.

For now....

To camp.

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The next day, Fluttershy and Adam were packing their bags; they were going to Camp Everfree with the rest of the Rainbooms. This year, the girls were going to be part-time councillors at the camp. Adam had decided to let the police handle any super-villain problems while he was away. While Adam stood in his bed room looking into his cupboard, he was thinking about taking his suit or not.

"Heads up." Fluttershy said as she threw a apple at Adam, it unluckily hit him in the face. She gasped at the impact, and then started laughing, "I'm sorry, I thought you could sense that with your.... your Adam-tingle."

The boy sighed at his girlfriend, "Please do not start calling it my 'Adam-tingle'." Fluttershy then asked him, "So; you can dodge bullets, but not apples." Adam sighed again and sat down on the bed, "I just really need this vacation. I really need a break." Fluttershy sat next to him and stroked his back. She said to him, "I want you to enjoy yourself this summer, you really need a break." The girl got up and walked back into the living room, but she was gone; she said, "You know, you should pack your suit, just in case. I have a tingle about it."

Fluttershy left the bedroom and Adam said, "Please stop saying 'tingle' Flutters." Adam looked into his cupboard again, the thought of him needing his suit was ping-ponging back and fourth in his head. Until he finally came to a conclusion, "Nope." he said closing the cupboard door. "Nope, not this summer." He finished packing and left the room with his suitcase.


When the bus arrived to take them to Camp Everfree, the rest of the Rainbooms were already on board. The girls were al cornered in the back of the bus, Sunset Shimmer was the first to notice Adam and Fluttershy arriving. "Fluttershy." she greeted. The couple sat in their seats and the bus started moving again, next stop, Camp Everfree.

While Adam was looking out the window, the bus came to a stop at some traffic lights. When Adam looked by a tree, he jumped in fear; Jason was standing by the tree, holding a bloody axe.

Adam turned to the Rainbooms to warn them, "Girls look, look!" The band looked out the window, but by the time they did, Jason was gone. "What are we lookin' at, partner?" Applejack asked in her country tone. Rarity then stated, "There's no one out there, darling." But Adam's head was spinning, was it just an after shock from his nightmare last night. The continued on it's path, the journey would take all day.


As the bus went on, the left the city; meaning no more stops, just a long drive to the campsite.

The gang were all doing different things; Sunset and Twilight were reading, Applejack was asleep, Rarity was doing her nails, Rainbow Dash was listening to music through her head phones, Pinkie Pie was eating the marshmallows & Fluttershy and Adam were talking.

Suddenly, the bus came to a stop. The driver looked out the window to see a old man raising his hands, like he was surrendering. "Turn back, turn back. He's coming." The driver didn't have time for this, so he cried, "Look crazy, get out of the road!" But the man didn't move, he just stood there repeating the same thing. "Go back, he's coming." Sunset had had enough, she got of the bus to chase off the man.

"Look buddy, were busy, just clear off." she ordered. The old man turned to her and said, "Your going to Camp Everfree." Sunset nodded, "Yeah, we have summer jobs there."

"No." the man said. "They were fools to open it this summer. I tried to warn them, but they thought I was just some crazy old man."

"You? No." Sunset muttered.

The man continued as the rest of the Rainbooms (& Adam) got of the bus, "Mark my words; the killer will return, Jason... will return." Pinkie Pie screamed when the man finished. The others looked at her confused, the pink girl said, "What? Someone had to do it." The group got back on the bus, and they drove off past the crazy man. He screamed, "You fools." while throwing a stone at the bus.

Adam tried to process what just happened, how did that guy know about Jason. Fluttershy noticed her boyfriend looking scared, "What's wrong Spidey." That was her nickname for him, she tried not to say it too loud in case she gave it away. Adam responded, "That Jason guy, that crazy old man was talking about. I know who he is, I've met him." Fluttershy gasped, she asked, "Was he really a killer."

"He was, yeah."

She asked, "What do you mean, 'was'?" Adam didn't want to tell her, but he didn't like keeping things from her. When Adam revealed his identity to her, he promised to next keep secrets from her, unless it was important.

"Jason's dead. I killed him."

"What?" the girl gasped. Adam explained, "I was young. It was before I got my powers, he was killing people in my camp when I was nine. He dropped his machete and I grabbed it, that's when I had a choice. Kill him and save the survivors, or let him continue to kill people. I chose to save the people."

Fluttershy didn't know why, but she understood; she knew that what ever Adam (or Spiderman) did was for a good reason. The rest of the trip was quiet, nothing else happened on their trip.

Walk in the forest.

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The bus arrived at Camp Everfree, councillors were already pulling up in there buses.

The Rainbooms noticed Timber Spruce under the gazebo, giving the 'welcome announcement'. "Well councillors, the kids aren't arriving until next week. So that means we have a week of camp to are selves." the camp boy announced. While the girls got their bags, Adam was staring into the forest, it looked creepy.

"We got a lot of good memories here, I mean, we got are powers here." Applejack stated. Rainbow Dash agreed by saying, "The day we became super-heroes." That's when Twilight face palmed. She said, "Rainbow, for the thousandth time. We're not super-heroes." That just made Rainbow Dash sigh. Fluttershy saw Adam staring at the woods, she approached him, but was stopped by someone.

"Hello beautiful." Blue Blood said. Fluttershy asked, "Your a councillor here too?" The boy replied with a simple nod, he bent down on his knee and kissed Fluttershy's hand. "Why do you fight destiny, we belong together." he stated. But the girl just snatched her hand back and replied, "I have a boyfriend, never gonna happen." Fluttershy walked away, he glared at Adam still standing by the forest. "We'll see."

Rarity and Applejack were by the lake, they spoke about somethings, "Rarity, how do you tell if somebody likes somebody?"

"What do you mean, Applejack?"

The farm girl then pointed at a boy who was staring at Pinkie Pie, he was sighing in a pleased way at her sight. "Who is that?" Rarity asked. Applejack replied, "His names Cheese Sandwich, he goes to our college, he was staring at Pinkie for the entire bus trip." The fashion girl was in awe, the thought that someone had a crush on Pinkie was sweet.

Apart from the Rainbooms, Cheese Sandwich & Blue Blood; there were other councillors at camp this year. Such as, Tick Tock, Fizz Wig, Daisy Flower, Speed Boost & Twirl. They had come from colleges all over the city, all to help Camp Everfree this summer.


The Rainbooms decided to go for a walk through the forest, they had some time to kill. "Guys, check this out." Rainbow said as she started climbing a tree. The rest of the group were watching, all except Pinkie Pie, who saw something in the dirt. The party girl brushed away the dirt, revealing a gold locket.

"Hey guys, check it out." Pinkie said as she showed them the piece. The group admired the find, the locket could be opened, so Pinkie saw the picture inside. It was a woman, no one knew who she was, but Pinkie decided to keep it. She put the neckless around her neck, it looked good on her. Rarity stated, "I must say darling, that piece looks fantastic on you." that made Pinkie blush a little.

The group made their way back to the campsite, but Adam's spider-sense was tingling a little, as if something was watching them. He decided to ignore it and go back to camp with the others.


That night, Fizz Wig was walking around the camp grounds, he was learning his way around. He came to a stop when a snapped twig was heard, he turned to see where the noise came from. "Hello, anyone there?" he asked, but he got no reply.

So he continued to walk. However, as he walked, he then started to hear footsteps. They sounded like hard rocks bashing on the ground after every step, so Fizz Wig walked even faster. As he moved, the steps only got louder, that's when he walked into a figure in the dark. The boy fell to the ground, he looked up at the strange man. "Hi." he said.

That was his last word, when the figure picked him up by the neck and started straggling him. Fizz Wig tried to fight back, but his kicking a hitting did nothing, all he could do was struggle as the life started to leave his body. Once the deed was done, all that remained was a lifeless body, the figure took the corpse with him as he wandered off into the night.

For this, was only the beginning....

Party crasher.

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The next day, the councillors were doing their jobs, fixing up and cleaning the campsite.

Adam, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer were cleaning the picnic tables. Twilight, Rarity and Applejack were setting up all the games for the kids, such as rock climbing, archery & obstacle course. Pinkie, Cheese Sandwich, Blue Blood and the others were picking up trash and cleaning the windows.

Adam was having a headache from his spider-sense all morning, he couldn't figure out what was causing it to go so crazy. Fluttershy looked at him, concerned, she had never seen him like this. But they just got on with their work, decided to just carry on.

Twilight noticed something different, "Has anyone seen Fizz Wig?" she asked, but everyone else just shook their heads. It was strange, he left no message, no reason, everyone just assumed he left the camp; maybe the work was to much for him. Sunset looked over at the woods, it kind of scared her. Adam looked into the woods too, still trying to figure out what made his spider-sense go off yesterday.

Timber Spruce walked outside his cabin and announced, "Councillors, tonight is the welcome party to all the workers all Camp Everfree. I would love it if you all turned up to show your support." Everyone then spoke among-st themselves, it sounded like a good idea.

When everyone was talking, Cheese Sandwich saw the perfect moment to go talk to Pinkie. He approached the girl, she was looking over at the party tent for tonight. "Hello." he muttered. Pinkie Pie turned to him and replied, "Hello, your Cheese Sandwich, right?" The nervous boy nodded. The pink girl looked at him confused, then Cheese decide to ask her, "Would you wanna take a stroll in the woods with me?" Pinkie nodded and they both strolled off together.

Blue Blood looked at the two of them and said, "Hey! Where are you two going, we need to pick up this trash." But they just ignored him, they walked deep into the forest.


Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie wandered through the trees, they stayed silent for a while. Until Cheese decide to say something, "Pinkie, there's something i need to tell you." The party girl turned to the boy and listened to what he had to say.

"I really, really like... cake." Pinkie smiled a little, she liked cake too. The two of them just kept walking through the woods, all was quiet again, until....

"Pinkie, I really like that neckless you have." Pinkie looked around her neck, remembering the trinket she found in this forest. She replied, "Thanks, it's pretty isn't it?" Cheese Sandwich nodded.

"Oh Cheese."

"Oh Pinkie."

Cheese Sandwich went in to kiss her, but she fell to her knees. "I think I'm gonna be sick." The boy realized she fell and lowered himself to help her. "Are you okay Pinkie?" he asked. The girl replied, "Yeah, I just feel really weird all of a sudden." Cheese Sandwich helped her up, she started walking back to the cabins, "I'm just going to go back to my tent and lie down for a while." Pinkie explained.

The boy watched his crush wander of into the forest, back towards the tent area. But when she couldn't hear him anymore, he said, "I think she likes me." The confident boy followed her back to the tents.


That night, the 'Welcome Party' was taking place in the party tent set up this morning. The Rainbooms and all the councilors were there; Rainbow Dash and Applejack were getting drinks, Twilight and Sunset were sitting at a table, Rarity was talking to the other councilors & Fluttershy and Adam were sharing a milkshake.

Blue Blood was watching them from across the room, still trying to figure out why she would go for Adam and not him. Timber Spruce was standing by the entrance, welcoming all the councilors into the tent. Cheese Sandwich walked in, under his breath he muttered, "Good thing I wore a tie." he said while straightening his tie.

He was noticed by Rarity and Applejack, "Hey Cheese. Where's Pinkie?" the farm girl asked. Cheese explained what happened, "She got sick all of a sudden, but she it wasn't because of the thought of me, just natural." Rarity commented, "Not surprised really, with all that junk food she eats."

All was going well, until the lights in the tent started to flicker, they suddenly went dark. The councilors were confused, Timber Spruce tried to clam the situation, "Sorry everyone. I'm saw it's just a minor glitch with one of are generators."

A light was flicked back on, it illuminated the tent wall, showing a shadow of something starting outside. "What the... heck is that?!" Timber asked scared-ly. The figure outside was holding a large blade in his right hand, he used it to cut through the tent, creating himself an entrance. Once the figure stepped inside, all the councilors screamed, he was horrifying.

Adam muttered, "No, it can't be." Jason Voorhees had returned, he wore his hockey mask and held his large, sharp machete. The councilors all ran for their lives, some left the tent and some hid in under the tables.

Adam, Fluttershy and Cheese Sandwich were hiding under a table, Adam was saying, "That guy can't be real, can he?" Fluttershy said, "I don't know, but I'm not getting closer to find out." They were soon discovered when Jason flipped the table over, Adam used a chair's leg to fight back. However, he was stopped, Jason caught the leg and threw Adam across the room. Fluttershy and Cheese Sandwich ran for it, but Jason managed to land a strike on Fluttershy, giving her a cut on her arm.

Sunset ran to Adam, who was on the floor rubbing his head, "What are you gonna do?" she asked. Adam replied, "I left my suit at home."


"Because I'm on vacation. Everyone's gonna see my face, just get them out of here."

Sunset got everyone outside, Adam his web-shooters in his pocket, so put them on his wrists. The boy fired a web-shot at the masked killer, but it did nothing to him. Adam then tied Jason up in webs, but Jason just pulled it apart like it was nothing. Adam commented, "He's go more power than the Juggernaut."

Jason punched Adam out of the tent, it then collapsed to the ground. When that happened, Jason was gone.


Later that night, two of the councilors were leaving the camp. Tick Tock and Twirl got in a car and drove off, Timber Spruce ran after the car until it got onto the road.

The Rainbooms were sitting in Timber's office, Adam walked in with news, "I checked the whole area, he's defiantly gone." He sat next to Fluttershy, he noticed the injury on her arm, "Are you okay?" he asked. The girls nodded and cuddled close to Adam.

"Adam, what aren't you telling us?" Twilight asked. "Because when you saw that guy, you said 'It can't be'."

Adam replied, "His names Jason Voorhees, he's a cereal killer. He's supposed to be dead." The girls were concerned, then the boy continued. "What makes even less sense it that, even if he was alive, he's supposed to be on Earth 1. How'd he get here." When Adam finished, Pinkie Pie walked in, "What's going on girls?" Sunset explained what happened during Pinkie's absence.

When everyone was up to date, Timber Spruce waked back in. "The councilor's sure think this is serious. Look at this..." he said hold up the leaving councilor's badges. "Not even day one and two of them cancelled their memberships. If someone doesn't figure out whats going on, it's gonna be a very short summer, for all of us." He explained. The group couldn't afford to lose these jobs, so they had to stop whatever was happening.

They decided to start with that man they saw on the way up here, Light Keeper, the owner of the lighthouse on the edge of the cliffs.

The story.

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The Rainbooms took one of the camp's RV's to the lighthouse, Adam stayed behind to look after the camp, in case Jason came back.

"How do you like that?" Sunset said as she stopped the truck. "Are first suspect happens to be the owner of a creep, old lighthouse." The girls left the truck and knocked on the door.

Someone answered the door, "Who's there?" he muttered. Twilight replied, "Were the kids you met on the road to Camp Everfree." Light Keeper opened the door more and let them in. The wandered to his kitchen and sat around his table, he poured some coffee and told them what he knew.

"So, you tell me you seen him? You've seen Jason Voorhees?" The girls each nodded. Light Keeper told them, "I've never actually seen him, I just use the legend to make a quick buck."

"What do you mean?" Applejack asked. He replied, "Well, I tell people the story. They pay for a history lesson." Sunset asked, "Can you tell us the story of Jason Voorhees?" Light Keeper nodded and leaned against his wall, he began the story....

"It all goes back, to the late 1950's. A woman called Pamila Voorhees worked as a cook at a camp called, Camp Crystal Lake. One summer, she took her son to this camp, her son's name was Jason. Jason suffered from a horrible case of deformity, so his mother was very protective of him. One day, Jason was being chased around by the other campers, they were calling him 'freak show' and pulling a sack over his head. The chased him to the lake, Jason slipped and fell in; because of his deformity, his mother kept him in doors, so he never learnt to swim.

Jason sank, and drowned. The councilors weren't watching the situation, they were going off, doing watch teenagers do. When Pamila heard what had happened to Jason, she blamed the councilors for her son's death. One by one, she murdered them, until only one remained. That one survived, she fought back and decapitated Mrs Voorhees." The girls gasped when they heard that last bit. Light Keeper continued.

"The strangest thing is, they say Jason wasn't dead, and he watched his mother's death. From that day, Jason vowed to kill anyone he sees, he will not stop until there's no one left in the world." Once the girls had heard the story, Pinkie Pie realized something. She looked at the neckless she had, she looked at the picture inside it. "Is this Pamila Voorhees?" she asked while showing him the picture.

Light Keeper nodded, "That's her, alright." he said. "No doubt about it." The Rainbooms got all the information they needed, Twilight had written notes about the situation, so they headed back to Everfree. Light Keeper waved at the girls as they drove off, he went back inside his lighthouse.

Light Keeper walked back into his kitchen, when turned the light on, someone was standing in the corner. When he saw the figure, he muttered, "Oh my gosh." Jason moved closer to Light Keeper, while picking up an empty mug.

Jason smashed the mug against the wall, now he was holding a sharp fragment. The killer stabbed the shard in Light Keepers throat, he gasped as blood was dripping from his mouth. The poor man fell to the ground and died. Jason just left the house and made his way back to the forest, he had a lot of work to do.

The suspects.

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When the girls got back to camp, Adam was waiting for them by the entrance. He greeted Fluttershy with a hug and him & the Rainbooms followed him into the camp's cafe, they told him what they found out. All Adam could say was, "That still doesn't explain how he got to this Earth and how the people even know about him."

Twilight responded with, "Maybe, it's the Jason from our Earth, not yours."

"That could be. But wouldn't he be where my doppelganger is?"

No one knew what to do, so they went their cabins for the night. Adam and Fluttershy went to their's, the other were roommates; Twilight and Sunset, Rarity and Applejack & Rainbow and Pinkie. While they were in their cabin, Adam had to ask Fluttershy something.

"Flutters, should I go back to my Earth?" Fluttershy gasped when he asked her that. "Why would you ever think I would want that?"

"Because, no matter where I go, my past always follows me. The Sinister Six, the Meta-humans, and now Jason; I can't stay with out putting you and all your friends in danger all the time." The boy sat on the bed, his face dropped into his hands. Fluttershy put her hands on his shoulders and started rubbing them, "I want you to know, your the best thing that ever happened to me. If you left, I wouldn't be able to bare it." Adam turned to her, "You know I can't resist you when you do this." he said while enjoying the back rub.

They decided to leave this situation until the morning, they cover themselves in blanket, kissed each other goodnight and fell asleep. But as Adam slept, he continued to have nightmares, nightmares about Jason.


"Let go of her Jason!" Adam cried.

Camp Everfree was up in flames, Jason was holding Fluttershy by her neck, with his machete under her chin. The killer didn't respond, Fluttershy was scared, he could kill her at any minute.

Adam was going to attack, but before he could, Jason did it. He slit Fluttershy's throat and let he fall to the floor, the creature then disappeared into the flames, Adam ran to his girlfriend.

"Fluttershy, Fluttershy look at me!" he cried. But the life was leaving her body, she died in his arms. All Adam could do was cry, the camp continued to burn and the boy cried, "NOOO!!!"

He noticed a support beam falling, he didn't bother moving, he just the beam fall on him. He figure if he died, he be with her.

But before the beam hit him, the boy woke up.

He breathed heavily, until he saw the beautiful girl lying next to him. He loved her more than life, if anything happened to her, he would take his own life just to be with her.


The next day, Adam was sweeping leaves off the entrance to Timber Spruce's office. He was joined by Rarity and Rainbow Dash, they had come to help him. "Hey Adam." Rainbow greeted. The boy waved back at them, they all started sweeping.

After about twenty minutes of sweeping; Twilight, Sunset and Pinkie Pie ran towards them. "Guys, you are not going to believe what we found." the three of them dropped their brooms and wen with the others.

They were led into a security room, it was filled with video monitors. Twilight sat at the main desk, she began using the computer to show the others what she found. On the screen, she pulled up a video file, it was the attack on the party tent.

"When does this place have security cameras?" Rainbow asked. Twilight explained, "After the last time we were here, Timber wasn't going to take any chances. He had cameras set up all over the camp." Sunset said, "Show them what else you found." Twilight pulled up another video, it was in the forest where wood is chopped. The video showed Jason, and someone else.

"Looks like Jason isn't working alone." Rainbow said. The new figure in the video was covered in a black cloak, they turned towards the camera and Adam said, "Whoa, freeze it." So that's what Twilight did. "If you zoom in here, we can see who's inside that cloak." the boy explained. Twilight zoomed in towards the figure, the video was just about to come into focus, when....

The computer suddenly sparked, the video was gone. Rarity asked, "I say, what the hay caused that." Pinkie looked down and said, "Sorry guys, I spilled my milkshake on the hard-drive." she looked down in shame, but the others weren't mad.

"Don't worry Pinkie, will find out what's going on around here." Sunset explained while placing her hand on her friends shoulder. Adam began to think, that's when it hit him, "Costumes."

Rarity said, "What about them?" Then Adam explained what he meant, "I have seen stuff like this before. It's not monsters, just people dressing up like them to scare people away." Twilight thought about his theory, he could be onto something. The science girl questioned, "If Jason is just a guy in a costume, then who could be dressing up as him?" That part, Adam didn't know.

Sunset thought of people who would want to shut down the camp, "Timber Spruce, he wants to live in the city, but I don't know if he would kill to get there.

Rarity suggested, "What about Blue Blood? He seems like the kind of guy who would do something like this to get what he wants. Remember what he did to Micro Chips?"

Adam then suggested, "Maybe Fizz Wig, no ones seen him for two days now."

Each of them had some kind of idea who was behind this, Rainbow suggested someone, but no one liked it, "This might sound crazy, but what about Cheese Sandwich." Pinkie was the first to say, "No, it's not him." Adam then explained, "Sorry Pinkie, but at this point, we have to suspect everyone." The group decided to break for the rest of the day, they'd continue investigating tonight.


Last night....

Tick Tock and Twirl were driving through the forest, they were getting as far away from that 'thing' as possible. As they drove, Twirl turned to the boy sitting next to her. "Tick Tock, you know, we are alone now." Then he stopped the car, "I thought you'd never ask." he says before kissing her.

The two of them starting crawling into the back seat of the car, neither other heard the footsteps outside. Twirl heard something stab through metal, smoke was coming for the engine.

"Twirly, it was getting good." Tick Tock said. He then saw the smoke floating up from beneath the hood of the car, "Hey my car!" he cried. The angry boy got out of the car and looked at the damage, someone had impaled his engine with a metal pipe.

When the boy turned around, out of no where, he was stabbed by a machete. Jason was standing there, hold the machete's handle. Twirl witnessed the murder, she gasped when the boy fell to the floor and died. Jason walked closer and ripped the car door open, Twirl screamed for help, but no one heard. Jason pulled her by the leg and dragged her out of the car, he was pulled her towards a nearby cliff.

The whole time, Twirl was screaming, "Please, don't! Please!" Before she could say anything else, Jason threw her off the edge, she fell to a brutal death.

Once Jason's work was done, he made his way to the lighthouse, where another victim was waiting for him.

Backstabber (literaly)

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Over the next few days, no had seen, heard, or even thought about Jason. Fluttershy was looking for Adam, she found Cheese Sandwich sitting at a table, He was writing something on a napkin.

"Mr and Mrs Pie, or, Mr and Mrs Sandwich."

"Cheese, have you seen..."

Fluttershy was about to ask him something, Cheese realised she was there, and quickly stuffed the napkin in is mouth. After he swallowed it, he said, "Doctor says I need more, ink and paper in my diet." Fluttershy shook off that weird moment and asked again, "Have you seen Adam?"

Cheese responded before sipping on his water, "He's out on the archery course with Daisy." Fluttershy grew concerned before replying, "Is he now."

It was as Cheese Sandwich said, Adam was showing Daisy how to shoot an arrow. When she released it, the arrow hit the centre instantly, Daisy was so happy she wrapped her arms around Adam. Adam hugged her back, as a friend, he was surprised when she kissed him on the cheek. The girl ran off and Adam made his way over to Fluttershy, "Hey Flutters." he greeted.

His girlfriend turned away from in a huff, Adam was confused, "What?" They were soon joined by the rest of the group, Rarity had found something.

"This fabric was lying on the ground, near where the security cameras caught those two brutes talking." The rest of the team was confused, Sunset asked, "What does this tell us Rarity?" That's when the fashion girl explained, "I know fabrics like Pinkie knows pies, this was made in Canterlot, the old fashion studio on Vanhoover street." The others started to put together what she was saying.

"Maybe we'll find some clues at the old studio." Twilight said while holding spike on her knees. Adam thought, "Where have I seen this before, somewhere on TV?"


That night, Cheese Sandwich was in the kitchen, making sandwiches. His work was interrupted when he caught a smell of something, it smelled like cake. "Wow, that smells amazing." He knew that it could only be Pinkie Pie, so he followed the sent to finally get some alone time with her.

Meanwhile, on the tennis courts, Fluttershy was playing a game; she was with Blue Blood, and she saw Adam walking past. The boy watched them play their match, the tennis ball came towards Fluttershy, she yelled, "Mine." with that, she swung her racket and scored the winning point. Blue Blood cheered as rapped her arms around him, Adam watched the whole thing, he wasn't happy.

Fluttershy left the court and walked up to Adam, "Hey Adam." she greeted. All Adam could say was, "I didn't know you liked Blue Blood." The Fluttershy explained, "Well, we both like tennis, so we decided to hang and play a few games." They were both cut off when the heard a scream from not far away.

"Come on." Adam said as they both ran to where the screaming came from.

Five minutes earlier.

Cheese Sandwich was looking for Pinkie around the campsite, he looked around his area, but found no trace of her. Until, he saw someone just out in front off him, he called out, "Pinkie? Is that you?" But when the figure turns around, it wasn't Pinkie. Jason turns face to face with Cheese, he screams and runs for his life.

Jason stops what he's doing and goes after him.


While Cheese Sandwich is running, he runs into Fluttershy and Adam, "Cheese, what's wrong?" Cheese at first acts calm, but he couldn't hold it, "It's that guy in the hockey mask, he's after me!" The three of them see Jason walking towards them, Adam had had enough, he took Fluttershy racket and threw it at Jason, knocking him to the ground.

Adam wrestled Jason to the ground, making him lose his machete. The boy cries, "Come on, help me with this mask."

Fluttershy and Cheese help him; Cheese grabs Jason's feet and Fluttershy tries to put the mask off. It didn't seem to work, "Adam, I don't think this thing is a mask." she said while pulling something off. The three of them fell back and Fluttershy had Jason's hockey mask in her hand. The three looked at the unmasked Jason, his face was like rotting flesh, his left eye was missing, and his jaw was hanging off from where the girl was pulling.

She threw the mask back at him, no doubt about it, this Jason was real.

Cheese said, "He's really got the jump on us." Then Adam commented, "Well, he can't jump in two directions. Split up." Adam and Fluttershy ran left, Cheese ran right. Jason took his pick and ran after Cheese Sandwich.

Cheese was running faster and faster, Jason was somehow keeping up with him. The scared boy muttered, "Why did you have to pick me?" As usual, Jason didn't answer, he just kept chasing him. The chase led all the way up to the lake, Cheese quickly hid in the boats and covered himself in the tarp.

When Jason walked in, he couldn't find the boy; so the killer gave up and left. Cheese came out from his hiding place, and sighed in relief that he was safe. Something on the floor caught his eye, it was a neckless, like the one Pinkie found. He opened it, like the other, there was a picture inside. The picture was of a deformed boy, "Is that....Jason?"


Adam and Fluttershy were hiding by the camp's RV's, Adam was questioning the situation, "This can't be happening, Jason can be here, and he can't be alive."

Fluttershy responded, "Tell that to the rotting corpse chasing us."

Adam decided to get something off his chest, "So, you gonna tell why you were playing tennis with Blue Blood?" But before she could answer, Jason walked into the room, with a axe he got from the wood area. Adam defended them by grabbing a bow and arrow from the back of an RV.

He loaded an arrow and fired at the killer, Jason stumbled back at the blow sank in. However, it didn't stop him, he pulled the arrow out and broke it in half.

Adam and Fluttershy decided to run for it, the ran back towards Timber Spruces office. Jason wasted no time chasing after them.

But when Jason reached the office, the two kids were gone. "Jason! What are you doing?!" said a figure walking up behind him. It was the figure in the black cloak, Adam and Fluttershy looked up from the bushes they were hiding behind and watched their conversation. "Your supposed to be searching." the figure explained. "With all this chasing around, we'll have to stop early. Return to your hut!" Jason followed his orders and wandered back into the forest.

When they were both gone, Adam stood up, "Okay, they're gone." Him and Fluttershy went to find Cheese Sandwich, then go tell the others what they've learnt.

The date.

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The next day, Adam and Fluttershy sat down with Cheese Sandwich and the rest of the Rainbooms, Adam explained, "So, we think Jason is real and someone's using him to look for something on the camp grounds." Twilight thought for a minute, then suggested, "We need to get to that fashion studio, there has to be some clues to tell us who's using Jason to kill people." But Cheese was concerned, Sunset said, "Okay, tonight, we go to that studio." But then Cheese said something.

"No. I'm not doing anything until I do what I've been trying to do since we first got here." The cheese boy turned to Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie, will you go on a date with me?" The party girl surprised, but also flattered that he wanted to go out with her. Pinkie looked into his eyes and replied, "Yes, I will go on a date with you."

The boy couldn't contain his excitement, he finally got what he wanted. "Great, I'll pick you up tonight." he said while strolling off, skipping in his walk. Adam was happy for him, the girls all huddled around Pinkie, hugging her and giving her advice about dating.


That night, the girls were ready to go, Adam was quickly speaking with Cheese; giving him some last minute advice. "You have to be honest with her, but not too honest. Cause then she'll no your weaknesses." Cheese stopped listening when he saw Pinkie Pie in her yellow dress, she looked beautiful. "Evening Cheese, you look handsome." Cheese Sandwich was trying so hard not to say this to loud, "Marry me." he whispered.

The crew went to the fashion studio and Cheese took Pinkie to a restaurant in the city.

Adam and the Rainbooms arrived at the studio, like it was said, the place was completely deserted. When they walked to the door, Adam said, "Ladies first." But none of them went in, "Fine." he opened the door and led the group inside. Little did they know, someone was following them.

Once inside, the group split up into pairs, and one three. Rarity and Applejack looked upstairs, Rainbow and Sunset looked around the ground floor & Twilight, Fluttershy and Adam looked in the basement. Adam led the two girls into a boiler room, on the table was a bunch of newspapers. "Guys look at this." Twilight said.

The three searched the papers, until Fluttershy found a strange one. "Crystal Lake Killer, finally dead." she read the headline. Twilight said, "Look at the picture, it's Pamila Voorhees." she thought for a sec. "That's right, Light Keeper said that Jason's mother was the original killer." Twilight explained. Adam read another one out, "'The killing has started again'. This is dated the day I killed Jason." But when Twilight read the last headline, everyone got a shock. "The last Voorhees, now living in London." Adam asked, "You mean there's another Voorhees?"

"This says Jason had a sister." Twilight explained. "That's means there could still be a Voorhees that can control Jason." Adam then stated, "Maybe this person is using Jason to get revenge for her families death."

Suddenly, the door behind them slammed shut, Adam tried to open it. "Were locked in." The boy looked out the window on the door, he saw Jason standing by a wheel in the wall. The killer started turning the wheel, the gas pressure in the boiler room, until the pipe broke open. Gas was now leaking into the room, Adam and the girls were running out of time. Jason left the building and Adam was trying to break the door down, "Adam, do something, were gonna choke to death." Fluttershy stated.

Adam then replied, "I know, why don't we call Blue Blood, get him to get us out."

"I knew it, your jealous."

"Darn right, I am."

Twilight just watched the couple argue, "Good that was the point!" Fluttershy said. Adam stopped what he was doing and said, "You were trying to make me jealous?!"

"Yes, I was trying to get you back for playing archery with Daisy!"

"That was different!"

"How the hay was that different?!"

Adam thought for a sec, "I don't know, it just was!"

Fluttershy had had enough, "That's it Adam, if I'm gonna die. I don't want to die dating a jerk!" That's when Adam started to use his strength and began beating the door again.

"We are not gonna die. Because this...."

Adam strongly elbowed the door.

" not..."

He hit it again.

" Spiderman's..."

And again.

"....lights go out!"

With one final bash, the door went crashing down, the three of them ran upstairs. "You see that, I saved us." Adam commented. But Fluttershy turned to him and said, "That's great, but we, are broken up." Adam's smiled started to disappear, "Okay."


Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich arrived at the restaurant, the place was quite empty, not even a lot of waiters. The host showed them to their table, Cheese pulled out a chair for Pinkie, "Thank you." she said.

The host the wandered of to get the menus, Cheese stated, "Looks like we got the whole place to ourselves." During the time they were there, they started talking about things; Cheese's dream was to open a theme-park and Pinkie Pie had always wanted to be a full-time party planner.

The waiter returned from the kitchen with a cart full of cheeses and cakes, he asked, "Would you like me to carve them for you?" Cheese Sandwich nodded as the waiter pulled out a large knife. The site of the knife made Pinkie fall off her chair in fear, the boy ran out of his seat to her aid.

"Pinkie, are you alright?" Cheese asked. The girl got up and replied, "I'm fine, I'm...." before she could finish, something fell out of Cheese's pocket and it caught her eye. "Is that what I think it is?"

Cheese Sandwich looked at the ground, seeing the neckless he picked up the other night. "Yeah, that's the neckless that Jason dropped. It's just the one you've got, I was going to give it to you when I walked you back to your cabin." he explained. Pinkie picked up the neckless and looked at it, she then excused herself by walking out the door.

"Pinkie?" Cheese asked as his date left.

Mystery solved.

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The gang all met up back at camp, all except Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Sunset & Pinkie; they all went back to their cabins. Twilight checked the phone book for any Voorhees's in this dimension, "Voorhays, Sunhees, there's no Voorhees."

Fluttershy and Adam weren't talking with each other, Cheese was thinking about how Pinkie just left him in the restaurant. "Was it my breath that drove her off?" he asked. Spike was sitting on Twilight's lap while she read, he noticed a page about the lighthouse that Light Keeper owned.

"Hey Twilight, look." the dog moved the book closer to the mirror. "You remember the lighthouse, it was called Seehroov. Well if you spell Seehroov backwards, you get Voorhees." Everyone else noticed that, Twilight stated, "I think we need to go back to the lighthouse, Light Keeper has some more explaining to do." The gang grabbed their jackets and headed for the RVs, they drove up to the lighthouse.


On the road, Adam was driving, Fluttershy was in the passenger seat, while Twilight, Spike and Cheese Sandwich were in the back. During the drive, the two at the front said nothing to each other, they're relationship had really broken apart. The three at the back was sensing the tension within the vehicle, until Twilight said, "Alright, enough. You two need to mend your relationship, I thought you loved each other."

Adam stated, "Loved, Twilight. 'Love-d', past tense."

All Fluttershy did was nod at his statement.

The gang finally arrived at the lighthouse, one light was on, they could see a shadow in the window. "Okay gang, there he is." Adam stated. The group rushed inside to face the villain, he was sitting in an arm chair looking at the two necklaces' he was wearing. The gang broke through the door, the villain reacted by running away through the house. All the group could do was chase after them.

They all sprinted all over the house, but the villain could always give them the slip, as if they had super-speed. Adam and Twilight chased them up to the light room, but once at the top, the figure was gone. "Where'd he go?" Twilight asked. Suddenly, the figure jumped out from behind the light, holding a kitchen knife. "Get out!" he cried. The two teenagers were now being chased back down the tower, all the way to the front door.

No time to open it, Adam used his strength and crashed through the wooden entrance. Adam turned back to the figure and webbed their feet together with his web-shooters, then the boy pushed them back inside.

Once the figure was on the floor, Adam held them down, he was joined by the rest of the gang who were helping him hold the cloaked figure down. "Time to unmask the person behind all this." Adam said, then Twilight pulled back the hood. When they saw the face of the culprit, they all gasped.

Twilight said, "It's you?"

Adam muttered, "What?"

Finally, Cheese Sandwich said, "It can't be."

It was Pinkie Pie, but something was different about her. Her hair wasn't pink, but light brown; and she was wearing a grey turtle neck sweater under the cloak. "Pinkie?" Fluttershy muttered. But the party replied in a voice that wasn't her own, "Oh you fools, I'm not Pinkie." she then leaped up and cut the web with the knife. She knocked Twilight behind the couch, she fell unconscious, the she turned to Adam.

"I don't want to hurt you, Pinkie" the boy stated.

"Oh, but I do want to hurt you, pretty boy." Pinkie then punched Adam in the jaw, knocking him out cold. Cheese Sandwich and Fluttershy held each other as the maniacal girl came closer, "Why are you doing this Pinkie? Our date wasn't that bad was it?" Cheese asked.

Pinkie replied, "Why, to make them pay. To make them all pay for what they did to my Jason." Suddenly, the two necklaces' began to glow. There was a flash of light and all was dark.


"Ow. My head." Adam moaned as he came around. The rest of the gang began to wake up, still remembering what caused them to go under. "That solves that mystery, it was Pinkie." Twilight states. Cheese Sandwich asks, "But why? I mean, she's not evil." Adam then remembered what Pinkie said to Fluttershy and Cheese before he went unconscious, "I think, Pinkie Pie, has been possessed by the ghost of Pamila Voorhees." he explained. "Because she said 'my Jason'. An the only one Jason listens to is his mother."

Twilight said, "Lets review the clues."

Fluttershy said, "The spirit must have first taken hold of her when we found that necklace in the forest."

Spike stated, "That would explain why her hair wasn't pink, and she was wearing a turtle neck."

Adam finally said, "And I bet she intentionally spilled her drink on the security cameras, because she knew we'd see her face under the cloak."

"So, it's been Pinkie the entire time. What do you think she's going to do now?" Twilight asked. Adam replied, "I fear, was Pamila seeks, is the revenge for the mistreatment of her son." Cheese Sandwich waved his hands and said, "Who cares about what she wants, we've got to save Pinkie. Where would she have gone?"

Adam explained, "Well, the only thing I can think of is the old shack, where Jason built the shrine to his mother." Fluttershy suddenly remember something from one her nature walks, "There's a deserted old shack just a few feet from the nature trail." Twilight stated, "Then that's where we go."

The gang ran out to the RV, on the way back to camp, Cheese muttered, "Hang on Pinkie, were coming."

The confession.

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The gang arrived at the old shack that Fluttershy identified, Adam led the group towards the window, the looked inside and saw Pinkie (Pamila Voorhees) sitting in a rocking chair. The gang hid themselves, Cheese noticed Jason walk in through the shack door, the old crone noticed her son walk in.

"Jason. My special, special boy. You've done well Jason." the girl began stroking under Jason's hockey mask, he showed no resistance. "But we're not done yet. We'll make them pay, make them all pay for what they did to you, my boy."

"Jason's going to attack everyone in town, we have to stop him, here and now." Cheese turned to Adam, and said, "Um Adam, I know this is usually your thing, but..."

"If you've got a plan Cheese, go for it." Adam interrupted.

The scared boy entered the shack without being noticed, he then stood in a huff and said, "Pinkie Pie, you stop that this instant." The possessed girl turned to the fresh meat standing before her, "I told you. Pinkie doesn't live here anymore."

Adam heard what the now scared boy said, "That was your big idea?!" he cried. Pamila turned to her murderous son, "Jason, change of plans, get them." she ordered. The killer began marching after the gang, they all ran for it; except for Cheese Sandwich, who hid behind the shack and waited for Jason to leave. Once the killer was gone, chasing after his friends, Cheese went back to confront Pinkie.

The boy saw her facing the wall, he tried to grab her shoulder, but she turned around and slashed a knife at him. The blade just missed him, so he back away, "Come on Pinkie, I know you can hear me." But the girl tried to stab him again, but the blade got stuck in the wall during the stab. "Okay, maybe you can't."


While Pinkie and Cheese were facing each other, Jason was chasing the rest of the gang through the forest. Twilight stated, "This is not how I thought it would end. I always thought I'd die in a lab accident." the gang ignore her comment and continued to run.

Jason wasn't running, yet he was still able to catch up with them. During the chase, Spike got separated from the group, he ran left while they ran right.

Jason chose to keep chasing the humans, because his mother taught him not to hurt animals. However, he could kill teenagers all he wanted, which was what he was trying to do. Twilight, Fluttershy & Adam continued to run for their lives.


Cheese Sandwich was still trying to get through to Pinkie, get her out of the trance. "Come on Pinkie, your stronger than this thing inside you." But Pinkie wasn't listening, just pointing the kitchen knife at her prey.

"I think you funnier, your sweeter, and your cuter."

"I am?" She suddenly responded. Cheese replied, "Yeah Pinkie, I think everything about you is cute. They way you always want to make people laugh, the way you can throw a party at the most weirdest moments. That's why I really like you Pinkie, that's why I asked you out."

"Now I don't know if it was you who said yes to the date, or if it was just this old witch trying to keep up the act. But you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I love you, Pinkie Pie."

"You do?" Pinkie muttered. "You love me?"

Cheese saw that he was getting through to her, he had to keep it up. "Listen to me Pinkie, you got to fight this old witch, she's not you. You're you." Pinkie was starting to fight Pamila's possession, breaking free from her ghostly grip.


Adam and the girls came to a dead end, in a cave, "That does it, were trapped." Twilight stated. Since there was no way out, Fluttershy turned to Adam. "Adam, I'm so sorry, I should never have tried to make you jealous." Adam found warmth in her words and replied, "I'm sorry too, I was acting like a jerk."

Twilight turned to the reforming couple and said, "Just kiss and make up already." With those words, Fluttershy and Adam quickly shared a passionate kiss, only to be interrupted by a man in a hockey mask. Jason walked into the cave, hold his machete, getting ready to strike.

Adam moved closer to Jason, the boy stared at him and said, "You remember me, don't you? You didn't get me eleven years ago, you won't get me now." Jason swung the machete at Adam, but the boy caught the blade with his right hand. The two girls looked, Adam's hand wasn't bleeding, "" Fluttershy asked. Then Adam explained, "Oh right, forgot to tell you. I lost my real right arm years ago, this arms bionic." the boy lifted Jason's machete away and delivered a strong punch to his face.


"GET OUT OF ME, PAMILA VOORHEES!" Pinkie cried as she ripped the necklaces' off her neck and threw them to the ground.

Cheese was re-leaved when he thought it was over, until Pinkie began to shake rapidly. The shaking stopped when the ghost of Jason's mother floated out of her body. "Nothing can stop me now." the ghost muttered. She extended her arm and the two necklaces' started to float towards her ghostly hand.

Before she could grab them, Spike came running past and grabbed the lockets with his mouth. "Thank you." he said when he nabbed the relics. Pamila cried, "What?! No!" Spike then stood there and said, "Say goodbye, wicked witch." the dog then smashed the necklaces against a rock that was lodged in the floor, they both shattered.

Pamila was furious, her plan hand failed, "No! Nooo!! Revenge was in my grasp. And, I would've gotten away with it, if wasn't for you meddling kids and your rotten dog!" Cheese smiled and Spike giggled a little. Pamila's ghost started to glow brighter and brighter until she vanished in a flash of light.

Jason was just about to murder the three teenagers, but before he could swing the final blow, his hand started to feel weird. The three teens watched as the killer began to turn to dust, he was melting into sand, until all that remained was his mask. Adam muttered, "Cheese did it."

Cheese helped Pinkie up, her hair had turned pink again, all trace of Pamila Voorhees was gone. The rest of the group joined them in the shack, Spike ran into Twilight's arm and began explaining how he 'saved the day'.

Adam watch Cheese and Pinkie, they were just looking into each others eyes, "Just kiss, you morons!" Adam shouted. They both wasted no more time, they locked lips and enjoyed every minute of it. Fluttershy watched them in awe, Adam sensibly saluted them. When the couple broke apart, they couldn't help but laugh.

The gang wandered back to the RV, as they walked, the sun was coming up. Back in the cave, something was left behind.

The end......