The Ursa That Ate Manehattan

by Macro Zecora

First published

Trixie Lulamoon has recently starred in a movie, casting her as the dreaded Ursa that ate Manehattan. All seems normal during the movie premier, when the cast is suddenly sucked into the movie itself!

Trixie Lulamoon has recently starred in a movie, casting her as the dreaded Ursa that ate Manehattan. All seems normal during the movie premier, when the cast is suddenly sucked into the movie itself! Will they be able to escape the movie? Or will they be swept up in the chaos of Trixie's lust-fueled rampage?

Kinks: Macro, Growth, Absorption, Rampaging, Soft Vore, Soft Crushing, Insertion, Massive lactation/cumshots. Sex with buildings, Ascension to godhood, Terra macro

Chapter 1: The Premiere

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Scores of ponies lined the streets as the world-famous actors walked down the red carpet to a premier theater for the opening night of the big new monster movie The Ursa That Ate Manehattan, starring Trixie Lulamoon as well as a large supporting cast of side characters aside from the main mare who played the monstrous lead.

Of all the actors in the movie, Trixie was looking forward to seeing it the most, as it was her favorite role she had ever acted in, as it played into her fetish as a macrophile. It didn't hurt that she had been naked for most of the movie production, covered only in the illusionary CGI that made up her bear-like form. She waved to the reporters and turned to her fellow actors. "You all looking forward to seeing this movie as much as I am?" She turned to Oranos, playfully giving the brown pegasus a kiss on the cheek.

Oranos looked at his watch, seemingly distracted at the sudden question. "Huh? Oh. Well of course I am." The well-built pegasus nodded. "But I'm not sure if we should be out here for so long… These flashes are a bit annoying. As nice as the attention from the press is, it does get a little old after a while." He blushed, before leaning close to Trixie and gritting his teeth. "C’mon… Not in front of the press..." Deep inside his dress pants, his member stirred a bit from the kiss. He knew he would need to keep himself under control during the movie, as he did have quite the thing for the sensual blue mare.

Behind Oranos, Lily and Daisy both seemed excited as they cheered loudly towards the waving crowd. Daisy was blowing kisses and seemed to be basking in the attention, while Lily seemed to be behind her, nervously waving and scanning the crowd.

Their final co-star, Nuculidae, also known as Doctor K, was already at the main doors, ready to see the film with intense excitement. He was absolutely in love with his role and was completely devoted to it. To the point where he had even changed his name to match his role.

"I just hope the movie isn't too scary..." Lily tapped her fingers together. "I'm a little nervous." She blushed.

"Nervous?" Daisy laughed. "Really? You know how it ends. Heck, you even know your character survives!"

"Ye-Yeah... I know." She sheepishly gave one last wave to the reporters and fans outside before stepping into the theater. "But still... Trixie is gonna squish people... Like poor Oranos..."

"Pffft." Trixie laughed. "You and I both know he was super turned on during that scene. I had to pull him aside and give him a handjob just to get his penis to calm down." She said shamelessly.

"Trixie! Shut up..." Oranos was quick to bring his index finger to his lips in an effort to get his fellow actors to keep their voice down low due to the amount of media reporters standing in close proximity. "We don't want unnecessary media articles about that… And for the record… I have no recollection of the event in question." He glanced around nervously, trying to save face.

Daisy continued to laugh at the entire situation. "Pffft. Better than Trixie when she was recording footage for the stomping scenes. She had to take a break every fifteen minutes, she kept getting so aroused. I think she very much enjoyed squishing everypony."

Lily twitched at the sudden outburst. "S-She liked it?" Her ears drooped. "How could anyone l-like doing t-that? That’s the last role I’d imagine anyone being… Turned on by…"She spoke in a hushed tone.

"Are you guys ready yet!?" Yelled Doctor K from the door, rubbing his hands together. "The reveal of my wonderful creation awaits! Mwahahaha! C’mon hurry up!"

"Okay, okay." Oranos chuckled. "Hold your horses." He smirked and took Trixie’s hand.

Daisy rolled her eyes a little. "Oh, that's K for you. He's one of those method actors. He gets way, way too into the characters he plays."

Lily nodded. "Oh, I agree. He was kind of a jerk while we were filming. Always acting like his stupid mad scientist character off-set, referring to the interns as minions. They all pretty much despised him. Still... I'll give it to him. He really sold the part." She sighed. "But we probably don't want to bring any attention to it... There's too many media ponies around as it is." She looked around nervously.

"Pffft. You all worry too much about what the little ponies think." Trixie smirked. "Not me, I’m out and proud with it. Hell yeah, I loved this role." Trixie laughed. "And I've told the media as much as well. What they don't know is that K loved me in that role as well. He actually started worshiping me off-set one time, and I saw he had collected a shrine of concept art some of the CGI boys gave him." She entered the theater which was jam-packed full of ponies on the edge of their seats.

"Really?" Daisy looked over at K, who was already sitting down, a huge grin across his face as he looked up at the blank screen. "What a creep."

"That’s… Pretty weird..." Oranos gave a flat look.

"Hey, I thought it was cute." Trixie walked over to K and sat down next to him. "After all, a goddess needs worshipers, does she not?" She rubbed the underside of his chin.

Daisy entered the theater full of life and with a bag of popcorn in hand and sat down. "This should be really fun to watch! Its like a culmination of months worth of hard work!"

Lily made sure to sit as far away from Trixie and K as possible, snuggling up between Daisy and Oranos. "Do you think that Trixie was… Joking about how much she enjoyed squishing ponies?" She asked Oranos. "I mean… Because it’s not real, right?"

"Well. It’s her first starring role… So maybe it's just special to her. And it’s harmless enough if it is. After all, it’s not like she’s actually a giant monster." Oranos reached for some of Daisy's popcorn, but the only thing he got was a smack on the wrist. "Oww! Daisy..."

"Get your own!" Daisy snipped.

"Ugh… Fine." Oranos snorted. "I’ll just go without. There’s no way I’m missing the opening of this."

K just sat on the end, a massive grin across his face as the lights dimmed all around them. The opening credits started playing, showing all the names of the main cast as dramatic music swelled. As they watched the starring role of Trixie Lulamoon go across the screen with a flurry of explosions and blue mist, the music swelled and the crowd broke into applause.

"Hahaha! Thank you, thank you!" Trixie smiled as the crowd cheered, drawing her dirty looks from her coworkers, save K.

"Will you shut up!?" Daisy snorted and pulled Trixie down. "This film is more than just a tribute to your narcissism!"

"Jeeze. Fine..." Trixie snorted. "Don't get a stick up your ass..." She sat down as the credits ended, the swelling orchestral score quieting down to the sound of boring elevator music, setting a calm mood for the scene up ahead as the blue mist started to fill the theater, enveloping the front row of seats.

"She's right though." Oranos nodded. "The movie really does look Amazing. Look at that sweeping shot of Manehattan. It feels like we're all but actually there." He smiled, feeling as if he were standing in an elevator, with all his friends save for Trixie standing next to him as the elevator rose through hundreds and hundreds of levels.

Daisy was the first to notice something was off, sure this new 3D technology was supposed to be revolutionary, but not to such an extent. It felt like they were literally in the movie. She continued to eat more of the popcorn as the scene switched over to a busy downtown Manehattan and then she turned to see not only had Trixie disappeared, but so had the popcorn she was eating. "What the!? Hey Where did Trixie go? Where'd the theater go!? What’s going on!?"

Oranos looked over towards Trixie’s direction and realized that not only was she gone, but the entire theater seemed to have disappeared as well. "Huh. What the hell!?"

"What’s this! Are we… Actually in the elevator?" Lily looked around, the scent of popcorn slowly fading from her nostrils.

"Yeah... This doesn't make any sense..." Daisy put her hand up to the glass window. "It's like we're literally in the movie itself."

"I know this part." Said Doctor K. "This is the opening scene. The part where we meet up with Filthy Rich and discuss how..." He paused and grinned. "About how Trixie has escaped. Ooooh. And then there's that flashback scene on the boat after this one... I love that scene! That's when she gets bigger!"

"Wait..." Daisy looked around. "We know what the plot of the movie is going to be... But then why does it seem like we're actually in the roles we just played? What kind of nonsense is this? This wasn't in any contract I signed!"

"This can’t be real right? I mean....This is some sort of prank..." Oranos said before pinching himself. "Ow! Well… rule out the not real part…"

"It doesn’t work if you do it to yourself." Daisy pinched him, making Oranos yelp.

"Hnngh. Hey! Stop it!" Oranos grunted, pulling away from her in a huff.

"Was just making sure." Daisy nodded. "But yeah… This isn't good…" Daisy looked at the clear elevator window. "I gotta admit that the view is fantastic, but if this is really gonna play out like the movie… It won't be so fantastic by the end of the day..." She glanced down. "Lily you okay?"

Lily was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees, telling herself that this wasn't real. "This is a dream...This is a dream… This is just a- Eeeep!" She jumped when the elevator doors opened to reveal a magnificent, well-lit penthouse.

Filthy Rich was looking over Manehattan from the window. His tower overshadowed every single building in the city and was a testament to just how much wealth a single pony could accumulate. Filthy took another sip from his glass of wine and turned around as the elevator door opened. "Ah, hello everypony, so glad you could join us." He snapped for his butler to bring them more wine.

"Like we had a choice..." Daisy growled, still feeling this was just some sort of elaborate prank, but she decided to play at least partially along.

Filthy gestured towards his seating area. "Please, have a seat. I'll have my butler fetch us some drinks. And trust me, we're going to need them. The news we're going to discuss might not be pleasant." He took a sip of wine.

"Yeah… A drink sounds nice right about now..." Oranos muttered as he sat down on one of the leather couches. Lily followed close behind him with a worried look on her face since she realized just what was to come. Doctor K was the complete opposite of her, he walked out of the elevator with glee.

"What is this all about, Rich?" Oranos said suddenly trying to act out his part as best he could. "Don't tell me your in some more… legal trouble?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think it has anything to do with that Oranos… I have a feeling this has something to do with… Doctor K's...creation..." Daisy mentioned before Filthy Rich could speak, waiting for the wine to come in.

"Wait... How did you know about that?" Filthy looked towards Daisy. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'm guessing he told you, despite his NDA. Typical blabbermouth." He rolled his eyes. "But the good doctor is right. It's about the genetic weapons testing division. As I'm sure you know, such science is against the law in Equestria, so I set up a floating lab in the middle of international waters in order to avoid such legal problems."

"Wait... Trixie is in trouble?" Lily gasped.

"No... She's not in trouble... She is the trouble. See for yourself." Filthy pulled up a video of Trixie and two gray ponies in lab coats experimenting of a vial on strange blue fluid, making K cackle with glee as he watched.

"Oooh. I love this part! That's the stuff I created! She's gonna get bigger!" Doctor K giggled as he gazed on the screen, watching Trixie looking around in confusion.

Oranos looked over at Doctor K with a bewildered look on his face. It was one thing to be aroused by the giant blue mare when she was just an actor filling out a role, but how could he be into it now? He paused and leaned over to Daisy. "Do you think that’s the real Trixie?" He pointed at the visible confusion on Trixie’s face. "And that she’s aware of the fact we’re in the movie?"

"I'm not sure. But if she is, then she can stop all this before she gets big… She’ll know to avoid the mutagen that transforms her in the film." Daisy whispered back.

"G-g-guys..." Lily gulped, shaking slightly at the footage. "If that is the real Trixie… What makes you think she won’t be worse than the monster in the movie? You know how much she got into her role."

"That's true..." Daisy gulped. "But if she knows she's in the film like we are, then maybe she wont do anything too bad…" She looked up as the ponies in footage started speaking.

"How’s the Ursa Major gene-splicing going, Beaker?" Asked one of the scientists. "This whole experiment is gonna be a waste of time if we can't get the kinks worked out of it."

"At this point, we’ve had more kinks than successes.." The head scientist looked over a notebook. "It’s maddening! The animal tests have all ended with unexplained erratic behavior. But I can’t find any cause for it."

"What have they been doing?" Asked Trixie, still blinking in confusion, wiggling her fingers around in front of her eyes as if she was having trouble telling they were really hers.

"Well, they've been... literally eating each other. One of the rats will consume the others, and in the process, end up the size of a small dog. All of them have had to be exterminated through lethal injection, but they're overwhelmingly strong and tough for their size." Said the scientist. "The enhanced size and strength is great. But the craving to consume their own species is quite concerning. There’s no way we’ll be able to market this to the military, let alone get permits to make it on the mainland."

A huge grin came over Trixie's face as she stared at the bottle of blue liquid before her. "Oh really?"

"Maybe the higher-ups sent us some defective lab rats." The lab assistant frowned. "They’ve screwed up like this before. What are we going to do? If we don’t get positive results back by tomorrow, Filthy will pull our grant money!"

"Oh. I don't think you'll have to worry about that!" Trixie grabbed the blue liquid and held it in her hand.

Oranos couldn't believe his eyes and ears as he watched and listened to the conversation on the display. "What is she doing? She knows what will happen if she gets that on her!" He whispered over to Daisy who had the same expression.

"Don't tell me she's actually gonna go through with this!" Daisy whispered back.

Doctor K couldn't stop grinning as he continued to watch. "Yessssss. Use my elixir, sweetie... Become the beast you were always meant to be..."

"M-maybe th-this isn't her as an actor, and this is h-her playing out her role in the film...?" Lily shivered, trying to come up with some sort of reason for why Trixie would be doing what she was doing.

"Nope." Said Doctor K. "She's got more cleavage showing in this version that she does in the actual film. I've studied this scene many times, and this version is much more revealing, like originally she wanted, but the director told her it would be too lewd." He said proudly.

"You sick freak! Do you seriously take your roles this serious or are you just a disgusting perv?" Daisy growled to Doctor K.

"Trixie! No!" Beaker yelled on the film. "You can't! That's not safe to be consumed by ponies!" He dove towards his fellow scientist.

But it was too late. Trixie drank the solution, and instantly, her skin turned translucent blue and she started to take on much more ursine features, including a thicker nuzzle ending with a cute black nose, a pair of rounded ears, and a set of sharp fangs. In addition, her eyes started to glow an ominous yellow. "Yessssssss…!" She moaned, her bra snapping in half with an audible rip. Her breasts, once merely large were now enormous and spilled out of her lab coat. The button of her pants popped off, and the seams around her legs and arms were torn apart. The last of her clothing to give way was her panties, which were riding up between her thick ass cheeks until the elastic gave out, as the mare finished doubling in size. Blue magic filled her arteries, causing her body to radiate with a sensual glow. Her head hit the ceiling, but she barely noticed, and merely crouched down in front of the scientists.

The scientists screamed when they saw what had become of Trixie. She was huge, her tattered clothes falling off her body, revealing her ursine features beneath. "Lulamoon… This is crazy..." Beaker stammered. "What do you think you’re… AHHHH!" He screamed as Trixie pounced on him and placed his head between her watermelon-sized breasts, which only seemed to grow larger as her malleable star-filled body absorbed him. He gasped and pushed against Trixie’s body, groping and squirming against those gigantic blue boobs as he pushed against them.

"Ooooh. Beaker. I’ve had guys who have been into my boobs before, but you seem to be really, really into them!" Trixie laughed, moaning and groping her rear with one hand, all while she pushed her co-worker into herself with the other, turning him into a flurry of stars inside her body.

Lily began to cry after seeing Trixie casually absorbing her fellow scientists, her heart sinking as she realized that this was in fact the real Trixie in control. "T-This is just… a… bad dream… just a nightmare..."

"Can you keep her contained, Filthy?" Asked Daisy. "Or at least do something to keep her away from the mainland?"

"Well, that's the thing." Said Filthy. "Ever since the disaster at the floating lab, we haven't seen her at all." He looked at the film, which showed footage of Trixie pouncing on more scientists. "Plus, there's the fact that she’s gotten too big to contain even if we did know where she was. Look!" He pointed towards the screen, showing Trixie approaching the engines, crawling through the narrow passages of the ship, which warped around her curvy body. With a casual bear hug, she absorbed the engineer, before licking her lips at the engine seductively. With a simple punch, she ripped into the magical turbines, letting the energy flow into her. She gasped and moaned, moving a hand down to grope at her growing breasts as she grew at least five feet taller, then the camera cut out.

"Magical energy makes her grow..." Oranos muttered. "Just like in the film..."

"So… As you can see. We have a problem. A big problem." Filthy sighed. "There is no known cure for her... condition. So, the reason I called you all up here is so that we can deny anything to do with her creation. I want all of you to destroy any materials relating to Doctor K's elixir and Trixie Lulamoon. We're not going to be held liable for anything she may do, assuming she's still alive. As far as we're concerned, she came out of the pits of hell herself, understood?"

"What!? You’re doing this for legal reasons!?" Daisy clenched her fist.

"Is she even still alive?" Asked K, sounding a little concerned.

"Who knows, who cares?" Said Filthy. "That's not my problem… I just don’t want to be held liable for this mess." He shook his head. "I want this covered up. Jeeze... This would be so much easier if I were still the president of Equestria..." He rolled his neck.

Daisy paused and looked to her fellow actors. "Wait... You mean, you're not the President?" She bit her lip, knowing that he was the president in the original script.

"Don’t you read the papers?" Filthy scowled. "No, I’m not President. That other asshole is... But still... My failure to get a second term was a minor setback. I can still buy any political favor I want." He chuckled.

"I’m surprised you didn’t just rig the election." Daisy sneered.

"I did. But the other guy rigged it more." Filthy said sheepishly. "This Discord character, he was always one step ahead of me; as if he knew what I was going to do before I did it. I’m honestly amazed he won. He just showed up out of nowhere. Like one day he didn't exist, and then he just did! But I guess that actually helped him out. He didn’t have the decades of scandal behind him that I did."

"Discord!?" They all gasped and looked at each other.

"That explains it..." Daisy scowled. "We must be in... In some sort of pocket dimension playing out the plot of the film! Grrrr... I knew we were being fucked with!"

"What’s he been doing ever since he took office?" Asked Oranos. "I mean, he must have wanted to be in that office for a reason, right?"

"Erm... He’s mostly just been pissing money away on some secret project he’s working on. No idea what it is. But he’s cut the budget for pretty much everything in order to make it. Welfare, infrastructure, military..." Filthy shrugged.

"Military!?" Lily gasped. "B-but... That means the army will be even weaker now than it is in the original script!"

Filthy once more gave a confused look. "Heh. Well, you don't have to worry about that, Lily." Said Filthy. "Because during my presidency, I fully modernized the military. No more of these obsolete slug-throwers, lead-slingers and boomsticks. No sir. Now we have weapons of the modern age. Magic missiles, disintegrators, arcane blasters. All top of the line shit. If Trixie does decide to square off against the Equestrian military, it will be her funeral."

Doctor K grinned maniacally. "Oooh. All of those are magical weapons..."

The rest of the cast all gasped. "That’s right..." Daisy blinked. "They are… And that means..."

"It means we’ve got to stop the army from shooting at her..." Oranos gulped.

Chapter 2: The Floating Lab

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A title card showed up in front of the audience still in the real world, saying '24 hours ago in the middle of the Marecific.'

It was an ordinary day in the middle of the Ocean. The weather was nice, the seagulls were fighting, the waves were churning. But despite the calmness of the sea, an alarm klaxon was going off aboard the floating lab, prompting fear and panic among the crew.

"All hands, abandon ship! code red! Code Red! Proceed to the nearest lifeboat for evacuation. This is not a drill!" The alarm sounded as Operator Spearmint spoke over the PA system. Red lights flashed through the ship’s tight corridors. Sailors both young and old ran for their lives, dashing to the escape boats, only to find them torn to shreds with deep claw marks torn in them.

"Holy shit!" Gasped a young sailor named Brine Wave. "What the hell caused this!?"

"What's going on?! What could have done this!?" Another sailor gasped at the sight of the mangled lifeboats. "We’ve lost power, sonar, communication and our navigational systems! And to make matters worse, now we find the lifeboats are fucked as well. Where is Captain Swiftwater!?"

"He's probably still on the bridge. I'm gonna go check on him. I need to make sure he's okay!" Brine broke off from the main group to head to the bridge. He had to make sure his hero, Captain Swiftwater was okay. The Captain was a bit of an odd sort. He fancied himself a master sailor, like the brave ponies of yesteryear, and acted a lot like them as well. He wore a uniform that looked straight out of the last century, smoked a pipe and even sported an eye patch despite both of them working properly. Of late, he had always talked about wanting to go down with his ship, but Brine wasn’t going to let that happen if he could help it.

"Captain, the lab is under attack and the lifeboats have been torn apart! We need to find some way to escape!" Brine entered the bridge and looked around, seeing papers and navigational charts strewn all over the place, almost as if he had been trying to chart a course with his archaic instruments before he was rudely interrupted.

"I'm afraid the captain is no longer with us." Brine spun around to see a massive, ten-foot tall mare standing in front of the door, smoking a pipe and holding a shredded colonial-style coat in her hand. "But I'll admit, he was delicious." Trixie patted her gut. "Of all the crew members I've devoured so far, he was by far the most well-done." She chuckled. "A very eccentric horse. Very stuck in the olden ways." She said as casually as one might compliment the quality of a steak.

"Holy shit!" Brine gasped as he saw Trixie looming over him, the sheer size of her and the fact that he recognized the coat in her hand made his stomach sink. "What did you do with him...?" He shook with fear, though the churning in Trixie's gut already answered his question. He timidly and slowly backed up against the ship's controls.

"Isn't it obvious, little one?" Trixie chuckled. "I ate him. And now... I'm going to do the same to you, and everypony else on board." She smirked greedily.

Then there was a crackling noise and the intercom sprang to life. "Hey! Captain! Good news, I got the security system back onl- Holy shit! Brine! Get out of there!" Spearmint yelled into the intercom, prompting the terrified sailor to look down at the control panel.

"S-s-pear... Help me... She's..." Brine gulped. "I..." As he glanced down, he saw a magical firearm laying there. He dove for it and fired it at Trixie, hitting her right in the left nipple three times. But much to his horror, it didn't seem to do any damage to her. In fact, her tit seemed to grow slightly fatter with each shot. Brine gasped and dropped the gun in disbelief.

"Mmm. Thank you." Trixie smirked and walked towards Brine. "But I won't be satisfied with just appetizers. I want the whole meal!" She licked her lips and pounced towards him.

"Ahhhh!" Brine gasped and ducked at the last moment, ducking beneath Trixie and sliding between her legs as the massive mare slammed into the equipment. She was still clearly getting used to her larger form, and the young stallion was more than willing to take advantage of that. He slammed the thick metal door shut behind him and locked it, but if Trixie had been the one to tear through the life boats, he knew it wouldn't hold her for long.

From the other side of the door, Trixie knocked, pressing her face against the glass. "Oh, cabin boy." She held the laser gun up to her mouth and licked it, before firing it, making her muzzle slightly larger as she literally ate the laser blast.

"Oh my goddess..." Brine shook in utter shock at the situation at hand. Not only had the Captain been devoured, but magical weapons that comprised the majority of the ship’s armory seemed to have no effect whatsoever, in fact, they seemed to make her even larger.

"May as well just submit to the Great and Powerful Trixie right now. There’s only so far you can run." Trixie moved the laser pistol down to her crotch, inserted it, and fired multiple times, clearly not taking the catching of her prey seriously as she took a moment to self-pleasure herself with the deadly weapon. "Mmmm…" She moaned.

Brine pulled out his radio. "Spearmint! What do I do!?" He wailed helplessly. "She's destroyed the lifeboats, she's taken control of the bridge. And from the looks of things the main power generator is down as well. Our attempts to send out an SOS will be difficult at best..."

There was a long pause from the other side of the radio, and then a loud shrieking noise from inside the bridge, like metal being torn apart. Brine got up and timidly looked in through the plexiglass window, and saw that a massive hole had been torn in the floor, allowing Trixie access to the lower decks, and the prey that was no doubt within them.

"Oh no..." Brine gulped. "Spearmint! Spearmint! Where is she!?" He held up his radio. "Please! Come in!"

"Oh Goddess…" Spearmint's voice crackled from the other side of the radio. "She's... unstoppable..." Spearmint had to take his eyes off the viewscreen when he saw Trixie casually tearing through the crew. He muted the screen as well as he heard the screams coming from the sailors attempting to run for their lives. "There's only one thing on this ship that’s powerful enough to take her out now."

"The self-destruct." Brine said grimly, as he was reminded of the arcane bomb deep within the ship's hold. "In case the worst should happen..." He paused. "Th-the entire base would be vaporized... No. It can't be that bad. There must be some other way to stop her!"

"I know the consequences of what activating that bomb will bring, but....the way things are going, we might not have any other choice." Spearmint looked over the viewscreens, seeing more images of Trixie casually absorbing the crew. "We have to do something!"

"You might be right, Spearmint... If she keeps absorbing ponies like this... Celestia. I can't imagine how bad it will be if she makes it to the mainland... We'll head down to the hold so we can set up the self-destruct. The last thing we need is her getting any bigger." Brine walked through the bowels of the lab, seeing the lights flickering all around him. As he walked past the experimental weapons lab, he noticed an ice flamethrower prototype sitting on one of the tables. He thought it would be nice to have some sort of weapon that he could defend himself with and walked into the lab, just as the power cut out.

There was a soft moaning and creaking around the ship as Brine steadied his weapon, softly illuminating the hallway with the glowing blue crystal at the end of the barrel. He saw nothing, and used this as an opportunity to reach towards his radio, only to hear heavy breathing in front of him, making him jump and drop it. "Spearmint? You there? Do you read m..." He paused, seeing a glowing fifteen-foot blue mare standing at the end of the hall. "Oh Celestia..." He screamed, lifting the ice-thrower back up.

"Okay Brine…" Spearmint spoke into his radio. "I think I managed to regain enough signal to access the international database and transfer some footage of the incident over to headquarters in the city. I'll make my way to the bomb now… Try to stay safe." Spearmint said before clicking a few more keys and making sure the file had been sent properly. He then cautiously opened the steel doors and made his way below deck, empty sets of clothing appearing to be scattered everywhere on the floor, making him shiver with fear. It then occurred to him that he hadn't heard in from Brine for a while, and he held up his radio. "Brine! Brine are you there? What's happening?"

A loud scream echoed through the ship, and the sound of the ice-thrower could be heard going off in the background. There was a roar and a loud crunch and then a moment of long silence, before a mare's voice picked up on the radio. "You'll have to excuse Brine. He's a bit busy at the moment." Trixie laughed. "Quite a lot of spunk in him. Froze my leg to the floor. Will probably take me a few minutes to figure out how to get free. But he was tasty to be sure. I love it when they fight back!"

Spearmint’s heart dropped to the floor when he heard her speak, the fear deep within him swelling to the heights of an enormous tidal wave. "Just what the hell are you?" He made his way down the stairs to the hold with the self-destruct bomb. He was hoping to keep the monster distracted long enough for him to arm it.

"I am Trixie..." The ursine mare smiled. "Trixie Lulamoon. And soon, I'm going to be the most powerful being in all of Equestria!" She ripped her leg from the ground, her foot shattering into chunks of ice, but instead of spurting out blood or meat, a strange arcane blue fluid leaked out of her stump. She imagined what her foot used to look like, and in mere moments, stars and blue energy coalesced into a solid foot, effectively undoing the damage. "Assuming I'm not already." She chuckled darkly.

"T-Trixie...? Wait… I know that name. Oh Celestia! You were part of the research team! That means you took the experimental… Oh fuck!" Spearmint picked up a pipe wrench and jammed it into the mechanism of the bulkhead behind him, making his radio with Trixie drop slightly in audio quality.

"That's correct. I was a member of the genetics program. And in my little… ‘accident I was able to effectively merge my DNA with that of an ursa major. One of the most powerful beings in Equestria. But I have all the sentience and desires of a thinking pony, making me much, much more dangerous!" Trixie started to walk down the hall, leaving nothing but footprints and empty pairs of clothes in her wake

"And… W-w-what is it you want?" Spearmint gulped, frantically arming the bomb.

"It’s simple really. I want to be powerful. I want to be big. And I want all of Equestria to worship me as the goddess I am!" Trixie smirked, and the door behind Spearmint started to creak as the door turned, the pipe wrench blocking the mechanism twisting apart like taffy.

Spearmint gulped and looked back, expecting to see Trixie, only to see... Brine standing there? But something was off about him. He was... too tall and thin... He slowly sank into the blob of flesh that he seemed to be imprinted on, only to reveal that Trixie was merely wearing his visage like a suit.

"Holy shit! You... You sick fuck! You're not a goddess! You’re insane that's what you are!" Spearmint yelled and backed up in horror. "You’re a fucking monster… You’ve… You’ve eaten your fellow ponies just to make yourself more powerful! Something is seriously fucked up with you! Nopony is ever going to worship a fucking monster like you!" He yelled.

"Tsk tsk... You've deluded yourself into thinking that any of this is real. That you matter. Well guess what? You don’t matter. And do you know why?" Trixie chuckled. "It's because you're not real. You're just an extra, cast to be fodder for a lovely mare like me, for the amusement of thousands of ponies. And I'm gonna give it to them. Something shocking. Something they'd never expect..." She walked over to Spearmint and loomed over him. "I'm going to defy every expectation they'll have for this film..."

Spearmint screamed and backed himself up against the wall. "W-What are you talking about..? N-n-not real?" He shook as Trixie casually stomped towards him. N-n-no! Wait! Please! Y-you said… you wanted to be… worshiped, right....? G-Goddess.…" He gulped.

"I sure do." Trixie purred. "But not by a mere speck, such as you. I'm gonna need a lot of mass if I'm gonna grow big enough to be considered a proper goddess. That means absorbing a whole lot of you tasty little ponies!" She moved him in close and kissed him, squeezing his body between her naked breasts.

"Trixie! No! Don’t… Hmmmph" Spearmint grunted as he was lifted into the air. He felt something crack as he was squeezed between her huge chest hills, but he couldn't scream in pain since her chest was completely engulfing his face. The sound of beeping behind him signaled the bomb was ready for the timer to be set. He desperately tried to escape her in an effort to press the last buttons to initiate the self-destruct. "Please… I'll worship you… Don't hurt me…"

Trixie looked at the magical bomb behind him and could easily tell what Spearmint was planning. But she decided to play along, to tease him for a while before moving in to crush and absorb the smaller stallion. She tossed him on the floor next to the bomb with a loud clang, the stallion groaning as he massaged his cracked ribs. "Very well..." She gave an amused look and put a foot down on his crotch, gently massaging it with her massive fluffy toes. "Go ahead and worship me..."

Spearmint was beginning to taste blood in his mouth from his partially melted tongue. Trixie’s bear hug had done quite the number on his body. He looked at the self-destruct button and tried to sit up, but her foot was too heavy to move. He knew what he had to do, he twisted his body in a manner which dislocated his thigh from the sudden burst and quickly typed in the last code. A thirty-second timer suddenly popped up and began counting down. "I may not live… But I'm taking you with me, you crazy bitch!"

"Heheheh. You little fool." Trixie only grinned and took her foot off Spearmint, before massaging her crotch and sliding an object out of it. "You just don't get it. What my true power is." She revealed the object to be a tiny laser pistol and swirled it around in the air. "I don't just resist your weapons because I'm too tough. No..." She aimed the weapon right at her chin. "It's because I'm absorbing the magic in it!" She fired, only for her to not only be completely unharmed, but slightly curvier as well. "And you just activated a buffet of magic right in front of me." She hugged and licked the metal surface of warming arcane bomb.

Spearmint was shocked at the terrifying revelation, and he just realized what a grave mistake he had made. He tried to crawl towards the bomb in an effort to disarm it, but Trixie was quick to pin him down under her paw. "It’s too late. The machine is in motion." She taunted. "And soon all the power of this bomb will be mine!"

"No… No… No! Fuck! You damned monster!" Spearmint writhed helplessly, looking up at the bomb, seeing it irreversibly countdown.

"Don't worry, Spearmint..." Trixie picked the sailor up by the throat and gently scratched his chin. "I won't let you burn in the explosion you've just set up. No... I'm going to make you a part of me. I'm going to absorb you, and let your sad little soul live deep inside my subconscious. So you can review your mistakes over and over again and watch as I take over the entire world! Besides…" She patted her chubby belly. "It’s common for one to have a nice mint after a big meal!" She shoved Spearmint into her chest and messily devoured him, before turning around to the bomb and spreading her arms wide. "Mmm... Yes. Take me... Give me all that magic!" She purred to the beeping explosive.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *BeepBeepBeepBeepBeep*

The floating lab exploded, but not with magical energy, but with a burst of blue flesh as Trixie absorbed the magical energy. Girders twisted and whined, magical blue smoke wafted up from the collapsing bridge, a pair of fat breasts tore through the stern of the ship, seawater scattered everywhere in a fantastic spray as the thick hull buckled and ripped in two, revealing the massive predatory mare hidden inside, who roared with ursine rage as the two halves of the eviscerated boat began to sink into the ocean beside her hips. Trixie Lulamoon was gone, and the Ursa grinned, looking over the metallic ‘eggshells’ of the ship that had birthed her with a diabolical grin.

But Trixie would need to hide her presence. She didn’t want to be discovered too quickly. Trixie stopped swimming, and quickly sank underwater from her increased mass, but her gargantuan lungs could now hold enough air to keep her alive underwater for days, so when the scout ships came by to survey the wreckage, they found no trace of her, just tons and tons of twisted metal and flotsam. She was written off as dead. Just another casualty of the explosion. But in the coming months, the world would be proven wrong. Oh so very wrong.

Chapter 3: Stirring Seas

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A few days later, the newspapers were reporting on the disaster of the floating lab. Due to the cover-up, no mention was made of Trixie’s transformation or rampage, and the paper simply said that all hands were lost, much to the depression of Doctor K. "No... It can't be..." He skimmed over the paper. "She’s gotta have made it out okay..."

Lily was in a generally somber mood. Not only because Trixie was presumed dead, but so were all the crew of the floating lab as well. "Yeah… But… I don’t think she did."

"Oh, stop it, Lily!" Daisy rolled her eyes. "And you too, K! You saw what she did in the footage filthy showed up. It may have been for the best that she blew up."

"I know... B-but Trixie was our friend..." Lily gulped. "And we still don't know for sure that was really her in those pictures. M-maybe it was her film version? Or maybe..." She sighed. "I don't know."

"It was really her. I’m sure of it." Said Doctor K.

"The audio and the footage doesn't lie. You heard her speech and you saw her actions. She's not the Trixie we once knew…" Oranos spoke to the group as she looked out the window, the city spread before her from Filthy's headquarters.

"It's probably for the best." Said Daisy. "In the original film she was a wild beast who destroyed Manehattan. But it's been a week and we still haven't seen her. We can probably assume she's dead at this point. Sad as that may be."

"But it's boring..." Doctor K complained. "And besides, we're still stuck in this film world, and there hasn't even been a giant monster yet! Why are we even still here if there's not going to be a monster!?"

"Your right, K. Something is still off about all this… Why are we still here? And more importantly, who's the one behind all this? We know it’s most likely Discord, but… Why?" Oranos rubbed his mane a bit, trying to piece together his twirling thoughts and figure out just what was happening.

Doctor K kicked at the carpeting as he walked over to the window. "Look at this city… It could be having such a wild adventure right now… But no..."

Daisy and Oranos exchanged glances as they stared at Doctor K. "Just what the hell is wrong with you?" Daisy blinked. "It’s kind of a good thing that the city isn’t being destroyed."

"I signed up to play a mad scientist in a monster movie! And that's what I'm gonna do!" Doctor K frowned. "Is it so wrong to want to see a big beautiful monster destroy this city!? That's what the audience wants to see. That's what we acted out! Why is it only a problem when we're actually in the city?"

"This was all science fiction! We're not supposed to be here and nopony is supposed to get hurt, how do we know that these aren't real people?!" Daisy exclaimed, walking up directly in front of Doctor K and raising her fist.

"Easy Daisy..." Oranos nodded. "We need to cool down and find a way out of here… Besides, it’s moot, because Trixie doesn’t seem to be showing up. Whoever is behind this could have more plans for us, and I personally don't wanna keep playing his little game."

The salty sea spray splashed across Drake's face as he inhaled the thick morning fog. It was a slow lazy morning on the mage-oil shipping lane, and he was somewhat bored, twiddling his thumbs as he looked over the edge of the Ineffable, spotting bits of debris floating in the water below. With a groan, he walked into the bridge and addressed his captain. "Scuze me, Captain Ugin. But you know we're heading right for the Rich Lab wreckage site?" The foot-tall dragon asked his superior, who towered over him at almost ten times his size. "You know a lot of ships go down around here... R-right...?"

"Yes, I know that, Drake. And that’s part of why we’re here!" The white dragon nodded to his first and only crewman. "This is an opportunity for us to salvage some junk. I’ve got a few nets trawling the water, and given how loaded Filthy was, we're sure to find something worth selling from this wreckage. They were probably working on all sorts of awesome tech before the place went up."

"Um... You sure, sir?" Drake stammered. "I mean, illegally trawling trash isn't exactly a prestigious bit of work, but... I've heard stories... About, you know. The beast..." He looked over the edge of the boat and felt a sick pit in his stomach as the water churned against the tanker. "S-something feels wrong. We really shouldn't be here Captain... Please tell me you'll reconsider..."

"Oh c’mon, Drake! You seriously believe those monster stories? That’s obviously just a cover-up spread by Rich and his cronies to try to keep entrepreneurs like me from finding something we shouldn't!" The captain walked onto the deck of the vessel and chuckled. "You’re just sounding like one of those paranoid old salts who’s been on the sea too long. There’s nothing to worry about, I tell ya. And if we do manage to snag something good, we could retire a few centuries early. And you want this chance to pass us by like a-" Just then the boat seemed to shake before coming to a complete halt.

"S-s-sir… What was that?" Drake shivered.

"Hmmm. We must have caught onto something big. Check the lines, let’s see if we’ve caught something worth the effort." Ugin grunted.

Drake just stood dumbfounded, looking out over the ship’s bow, seeing luminescent blue bubbles coming up from the deep, before a mighty splash of flesh that glowed with the same color. "Sweet Tiamat..." Drake gawked.

"What’re ye gawking at, boy?" Ugin snorted. "Aren’t you supposed to be gettin’ the lines?" He stormed up to Drake.

"I-it’s the m-monster, Captain!" Drake pointed over the edge of the ship. "Look!"

Ugin turned to see a massive ursine creature stretching in front of the ship. And she was huge! Easily at least five-hundred feet tall. The Seventy-five foot long transport ship looked like a mere foals toy compared to her massive size. Her massive body was dripping with a small pond worth of water, which seemed to be glowing with magical fallout. The two dragons couldn’t help but stare as she stood up and stretched, letting the liquid from her shoulders waterfall over her shapely breasts.

Ugin was left speechless the moment he saw the massive entity standing before them. His jaw shivered as he held onto a rail, attempting to keep himself upright.

"M-maybe she doesn’t see us…" Drake whispered, holding onto Ugin’s pant leg. "Because of the fog…" He gulped, praying that the fog would be enough to conceal them.

Trixie sniffed the air and smiled, smelling a new source of magic. The giantess looked down at the tiny transport ship. "Well, well, well looks like somepony else ‘barged’ into my territory." She reached for the vessel with a colossal hand.

"Quickly, Captain! Gun the engines! Full pow-Waugh!" Drake gasped.

The ship shook as Trixie's massive hand pulled the tiny vessel out of the water and held it hundreds of feet above the ocean. An eyeball twenty times the size of a dragons on deck scoured the ship. Ugin and Drake hid behind some crates. "Oh gods... What have we gotten ourselves into...?" Drake shivered, hearing the enormous fingers denting the frame of the ship. "Never should have come here..."

"Shh. We gotta stay calm..." Ugin gulped. "Maybe she’ll just put the ship down if she thinks there’s no one aboard..." The normally composed and collected captain had become a nervous wreck, sweat beginning to run down his face as he watched the massive yellow eyeball scan the boat.

"Let’s see what they brought me to eat this time." Trixie plucked up a shipping container and plopped it into her open mouth. Her powerful teeth chewed through the steel containers as if they were a candy bars, allowing her access to the mage-oil within.

"S-s-she’s eating our cargo!?" Ugin blinked in awe, seeing the lapiz oil drip down Trixie’s lips.

"Maybe it’ll kill her…" Drake hoped. "I mean… It’s pretty toxic..."

Trixie swallowed and licked her lips, slurping up the last of the oil. "MMMmmm! Now that’s good. I haven’t had a meal like this before!" She picked up another barrel of mage-oil and sniffed it. "Heh. Fuel, huh? Well, it’s just as good for a goddess as it is for a car!" She grabbed another fistful of containers and shoved them into her hungry maw, enjoying the power that the magical waste oil gave her. She even cracked open a few barrels and let them drain all over her tits, their curves inching outwards as she rubbed it into her chest.

"Fuck!" Drake cursed as he watched the giantess growing bigger as she slurped down the toxic sludge. "Are you kidding me!?" He whimpered. "That shit causes her to grow!?" The oil slowly disappearing into her body as if she was some sort of magical sponge.

Finally, the giantess had eaten every single shipping crate that wasn’t bolted to the ship’s deck. She licked her lips happily as she savored every drop of the radioactive waste.

"M-maybe she’s full?" Drake whimpered. "Maybe she'll let us go now...?"

There was a horrific screeching noise as Trixie brought her teeth down on the front of the ship, completely tearing the bow off. Her massive molars crushed the metal into tiny, easy-to-swallow particles, oil from the ship’s hull dripping down her cleavage as she ate.

"Next time, just keep yer big mouth shut." Ugin whispered as the front of the Ineffable vanished down Trixie's maw. "We… We… may need to abandon ship soon." He grunted as the ship was tipped at a forty-five degree angle, the giantess messily gulping down every drop of oil that she could fit down her gullet. All that happened to drip down to her breasts was just a bonus.

"I don’t think we’re going to have a ship left to abandon in a minute, sir..." Drake gasped as a shadow fell over the ship.

Another massive bite tore through the ship, just missing the bridge that housed Drake and Ugin. Trixie looked into the ship’s hull and frowned. "Phooey. No more magic juice." She pouted, opening up her mouth to swallow the back half of the ship. "What a shame." She drooled.

"Wait!" Drake darted out into the open, waving his arms around in front of Trixie’s face. "D-don't eat us..." He shouted.

"No! Drake you Idiot!" Ugin reached out, trying to stop the smaller dragon, but he was far too slow.

"Ah. There you are." Trixie smiled. "I was wondering if this ship had any crew." She chuckled. "And why wouldn’t I do that?" She licked her oil-slick lips. "You look tasty."

"Because, I can tell you where to get more magic juice." Drake gulped. "You like magic juice, don’tcha?"

"Yes. I do. And I can get it from a magical power plant, duh." Trixie rolled her eyes. "I’m not just some dumb sea monster. I’ve thought this out."

"T-then why are you all the way out here?" Asked Drake. "And not in a city of some sort? You could get a lot bigger with just one of those than by picking off ships."

"Because in the real film, I was too small to succeed in my efforts to take over the world. This time is gonna be different. I've been slowly growing bigger and bigger over time. And now thanks to little boats like yours, I'm twice as big as I was last time I attempted to destroy Manehattan!" Trixie smirked.

"Manehattan? Destroy? Film?" Captain Ugin gave the giantess an odd look as he held onto the rails of the ship. "L-look...Y-You’ve had your oil… And most of our ship… You can just let us go… There’s no point in eating us too..."

"Aw... You want me to let you go? That's cute. But no. You dragons have a lot of magical energy in you, and besides, if I just leave you out here on your own you'll drown. Not many ships come this way anymore. And for good reason." She chuckled, giving her breasts a squeeze. "It would be a much better fate for you to become a part of my glorious body."

"A-aren’t you big enough as it is!?" Drake pleaded. "How much more mass could you possibly need!?"

"I am pretty big already. Course, I could always afford to be slightly bigger. I didn't get to the size I am by sparing every sailor with a sob-story claiming they have a wife back home." She gave him a cold look.

"But Drake be so young!" Said Ugin. "He’s barely an adult by dragon standards! Certainly you can spare him!?"

"Oh really?" Trixie purred. "Hmmm. Well, don't worry... Whether you're telling the truth or lying, and to a future goddess might I add, I'll make sure little Drake doesn’t die a virgin." She picked the tiny dragon up with her fingertips up and placed him between her boobs. "Well, absorption isn't exactly the same thing as dying, but you know what I mean."

"Captain!" Drake wailed and squirmed as Trixie placed him on her right breast.

"Drake! No…!" Ugin fell to his knees in despair.

Trixie held the half-eaten ship up to her face and smirked. "Now… A captain always goes down with his ship. And you wouldn't want to set a bad example to your apprentice now would you?" Trixie opened her mouth and swallowed the remaining ship and Ugin whole, Drake able to see the mass sinking into her body through her semi-transparent skin where it sank down into her gut and vanished, becoming a part of her ever-increasing mass. "Mmm... And what a meal he was. If a bit salty." She chuckled.

Drake could only stare in horror as he watched the Ineffable vanish into Trixie’s body. His tiny heart started beating like a hummingbird, an easy contrast to the calm yet powerful booming of Trixie’s. "P-Please… I beg you… Don’t eat me… " Drake said as he struggled to breathe between Trixie’s massive chest hills.

"I just told you that's not an option, little one. You'll die if you don't have me here to keep you safe from the sea." Trixie cooed. "Besides... I want you to die happy. Well, again, it's not exactly dying, but eh… It’s close enough." She slowly removed his pants and smirked. "Oooh... It's bigger than I expected from someone so small." She started to gently massage his crotch. "Mmm... Bet you’ve never had someone do this to you before, have ya? And if they did, they probably weren’t half the mare I am. Heheh."

"I erm… W-w-well..." Drake shivered. "N-n-no… I haven’t..." He moaned softly.

"Mmmm. I bet not..." Trixie leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss. "You know, you’ve got quite the cute little body. Shame I have need of it. But I’m sure your essence will enjoy being a part of my beauty."

"I… Well, you’re very beautiful… But..." Drake stammered, moaning as Trixie pressed harder into his groin.

"Mmm... It's a little ironic. There are two great blue masses here one could be swallowed up by. You could always choose to go down to Davy Jone’s locker, but you know better, don't you, Drake?" She moved her hand down to her crotch and smirked. "You'd much rather go inside my pussy, wouldn't you?"

Drake couldn't help but feel aroused at her gigantic, yet delicate touch. He thought at first she would rip his cock right off, but was quite surprised to see how gentle she could be. His mind was screaming in horror at his prospects, but his hyper-aroused body was shivering with delight, feeling the effects of a week at sea catching up with him. His eyes were slowly dimming from the sensation of Trixie’s stroking. "Ooooh… Yes… Please put me inside of you…" He moaned mindlessly.

"Hmmm. Just because I'm a power hungry monster bent on world domination doesn't mean I'm completely heartless." Trixie smirked and gently pressed Drake against her pussy lips, slowly and gently pushing the horny sailor inside in a very delicate manner. "Mmmm..." She closed her eyes and hummed. "That's nice, Drake. I want you to cum inside me. More than you ever have in your life. And when you do..." She shuddered, loving the feeling of the dragon inside of her, despite how small he was. "I’m going to make you part of the glorious body you love so much..."

"Oh goddess..." Drake moaned, speaking to both Trixie and his dragon deity at the same time. Drake couldn't believe what his body was making him say. The malleable flesh around him was warm and moist, but also cool and relaxing between his scales. It was as if he had been dumped into a vat of heated massage gel. A vat of sentient goo that tugged and massaged his manhood with the utmost dexterity. All of Drake’s buttons were being pushed. A tendril of the malleable slime rubbed against his tight anus, making his toes curl in pleasure. It was as if Trixie knew exactly what would turn him on. Make him happy. From the way she poked his pucker, to the gentle massaging of his dick, to the musky smell that filled his lungs.

A thick spurt of draconic cum erupted from Drake’s cock, and with that, Trixie's pussy clenched and contracted, absorbing the tiny dragon in an instant, his last moment of separation from the ursine giantess being one of purr bliss.

Trixie gave the dragon no time to panic. The moment after he came and was bathing in the afterglow she took him. Trixie purred happily as she absorbed her meals. She patted her belly and sighed happily. "Ahhh… That was most lovely. Drake was right though. I have been gone an awful long time. The whole worlds probably forgotten all about mean ol’ Trixie at this point. They probably think I'm dead, and I wouldn't want them to get too complacent." She stretched. "Still, Manehattan is so far away, it’ll probably take me all morning to get there. Guess I’d better get going." She dove under the water and started swimming for the massive city, creating a massive waves in her wake.

Chapter 4: Landfall

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The ocean began shaking violently, indicating something big was approaching. Dozens of Equestria’s finest tanks lined the shores of Manehattan, much to the anger of the tourists who were being evacuated from the beach. "What is going on?" A rich tourist complained. "I demand an explanation!"

A dim-witted private stepped up to address the tourist’s complaints. He read slowly off of a notecard. "President Discord has issued an executive order that citizens of Manehattan evacuate, or find a safe place underground to hide until the all clear is issued. P.S. If the civilian is panicked attempt to calm them by speaking in a calm, reassuring voice. Oh, umm... I don’t think I was supposed to read that last part." He blushed. "Erm… Regardless, you still need to leave, ma’am."

A red sports car pulled up to the beach parking lot. Daisy and Oranos jumped out of the front seats, and Lily and Doctor K were close behind them.

Doctor K just grinned. "Oooh... Look at them. They have no idea what's coming..." He quivered with anticipation as the waves got higher and higher.

Oranos spread his wings and flew towards the beach, landing next to the belligerent mare and the clueless private. "Look, ma'am... What’s coming out of that water is more than just a storm! You need to get out of here now! Your vacation can wait, your life can't."

"Oooh… Why do we have to be here?" Lily whimpered. "Shouldn’t we be on the complete opposite side of the city!?"

"No, we’ve got to be here for Trixie." Said Daisy. "To let her know that we’re in the film with her. That might get her to stop. That and we need to warn these jarheads not to shoot at her."

"But you saw what she did at the lab. What makes you think she’ll listen now?" Lily gulped.

"Yeah… But she might not know we’re in the film too. We’re just going to have to hope Trixie will listen to reason once she finds out her friends are here with her." Said Daisy, looking up at Oranos.

"They sure brought a lot of military personnel… I've never seen so many tanks and soldiers in one place." Oranos rolled his shoulders. "President Discord is clearly taking this seriously. It’s almost as if he knew Trixie was coming." He sighed. “Regardless, I guess we should head on down and tell them to hold their fire.” He walked towards the beach.

In the middle of the commotion was a disgruntled-looking pegasus Sergeant, cursing out every other soldier that came into earshot. “Those paper-shuffling jackasses! How the hell do they expect us to set up a perimeter if they keep short-changing us on supplies!? You there, get those rockets set up! You, get G company their bazookas! You, get that fucking jeep out of the way, and you...” He pointed towards Oranos. “A civilian!? How the hell did a civilian get back onto this beach!? I’ll have somepony’s ass for dinner!” He roared.

“Sir… I have to warn you, you can’t use your magical weapons on...” Oranos started, but the Sergeant was having none of it.

“Get this fucking civie off the beach! God-damnit! There is an evacuation in effect, numb-nuts! Don’t you have any idea what’s coming!?” The pony bellowed.

“Yes. More than you know. And if you shoot at her, you’re just going to make her more powerful!” Oranos grunted as a pair of soldiers grabbed his arms and started escorting him off the beach. “Please! You’re making a mistake! You can’t fight what’s coming! You’re being sent to your doom!” He shouted as the soldiers tossed him into the parking lot outside the perimeter.

"Any luck with telling them not to shoot at her?" Doctor K asked sarcastically.

"Grrrr… None." Oranos shook his head. "All the soldiers seem dead-set on clearing the beach and shooting up whatever comes out of the bay."

“That’s soldiers for you.” Said K. “They’re pretty much cannon-fodder in these types of scenarios. They only know how to do two things. Point. And shoot.”

Suddenly, there was a soft rumble, causing ripples of water to pulse throughout the bay. There was a great deal of commotion among the soldiers, who began shouting and getting into position. Helicopters took to the sky, trying to track the source of the disturbance.

“Move! Move! Move!” The Sergeant yelled. “All units! Man your battle stations!” He ordered his men up to the forward artillery. But then, much to his shock, he saw the waves were growing more intense, and flooding out the forward positions, causing the soldiers manning them to fall back. Palm trees and umbrellas were quickly swept up by the oncoming wave, and a low rumble filled the entire beach.

"Yessssss… I feel the tremors of her approach… My beautiful creation.." Doctor K said with an excited shiver as he felt the shaking becoming stronger and stronger.

"Oh my god! What is that thing!?" A soldier yelled, pointing out towards the bay as the water began to bubble and splash in a massive waterspout, a field of blue, water-soaked fur rising out of the depths.

The massive blue bear-mare rose out of the Manehattan Bay, capsizing dozens of tiny boats as her gigantic body displaced the water. As she rose out of the water, her mouth opened wide and she snapped one of the helicopters up in her mouth, chewing it like a tasty morsel and swallowing it, pilots and all. Screams increased through the city, both from the soldiers and the civilian population as they realized the sheer scale of the monster that was now taking residence in their bay. There was a long pause, and the screams slowly died down as the panicking ponies started to take in what they were seeing.

A smirk came across the creature’s face. And then “RROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!” she bellowed, her titanic shout audible across the whole city, eliciting dread into the hearts of those who heard it.

"Open fire!" The soldiers opened up with a volley of magical energy weapons. Machine gun fire, artillery, mortars, they all started slamming into Trixie’s gigantic blue body.

A look of sadistic glee filled Trixie’s face as she looked over the mobs of terrified citizens fleeing into the city, the stoic determination of the Equestrian army being the only thing that separated her from them. "Ha Ha Ha! Fear me worms!" Trixie laughed. "Bow down before your future goddess!"

"Well… That’s a greeting that just yells ‘please shoot me...’" Daisy groaned, rubbing her temples with her fingers. “Ugh… And it shows she’s completely sentient too.”

"I think she was more subtle when she was feral in the original." Said Oranos. “She seems too have gone totally power-mad.”

"Ooooh." Doctor K smirked. "Did you notice that she’s bigger this time around too!? She’s easily six to seven hundred feet tall! While in the original script she was only half that size! What do you think she’s going to do now!?"

"Eep!" Lily whimpered. "Fuck this! I’m not sticking around! You all talk some sense into her, I’m not going to get stomped on!" She ran to the car in a panic.

“Lily! I… Ugh… Fine!” Daisy folded her arms as she watched the terrified mare jump in the car and speed off down the road with the rest of the evacuating city.

A low moan filled the area, and the trio of remaining cast members turned to see Trixie being completely soaked with weapons fire.

"She's perfect!" Doctor K’s eyes lit up as he stared upon his creation, a slight tinge of disappointment coming over him as the smoke from the magical weaponry obscured Trixie’s form.

Trixie smirked as the soldiers kept shooting her. While normally this would have provoked the giant mindless monster into attacking, instead Trixie just stood there, ignoring both her friends and the tiny soldiers shooting at her as she literally soaked up gunfire, the magical energy being absorbed into her body. She purred as the artillery blasts covered her in smoke, her moans intensifying as the army fired more and more magic into her. "Mmm... Yeah. That's it boys. Keep firing for me..." She said softly and began to massage her breasts, much to the joy of many soldiers on the beach.

"Keep up the assault!" Yelled Captain Soarin. "Don't quit shooting till the barrels melts!" He grit his teeth, encouraged by the moans of what he assumed were agony inside the cloud of smoke. The moans the giant ursine was making got louder and louder, culminating in a loud scream that was so tremendous, it cracked windows for blocks around the shore.

"Oooh… That doesn’t sound good." Daisy gulped, her ears drooping in worry.

"It’s a sound I’m quite familiar with..." Said Oranos. "But it’s never scared me before." He bit his lip.

“Cease fire!” Soarin ordered. “I think we got her!” He whooped.

The entire beach erupted with cheers of victory, and the soldiers began celebrating and hugging.

“Oh Celestia...” Oranos gasped. “They have no idea what they’ve done...”

“They’re celebrating their doom!” Daisy covered her mouth. “Those damn fools! We tried to warn them!”

“They have no idea what’s coming...” Doctor K grinned.

The smoke cleared and the sounds of soldiers hooting and cheering their victory slowly faded away as they gazed upon the colossal figure looming above them, around fifty feet taller than she was before they had so foolishly fired upon her.

"Aww… How thoughtful of you.” Trixie’s voice boomed. "While I appreciate the welcome committee, I must say, your weapons were less than effective." She raised a foot over the beach and set it down in the parking lot Lily was in mere moments ago. She crouched down, letting the army see her leaking pussy. "Still… That was a wonderful orgasm you gave me, boys. Wanna see if you can coax another one out?" She smirked.

Some of the soldiers instinctively began firing at Trixie’s pussy, much to the horror of their officers and more intelligent cohorts, who were just now realizing their mistake. "Cease fire! Cease fire!" They called out. “It’s only making her bigger!”

"This is crazy...” Oranos muttered. “Doesn’t she know what she looks like from down here!?”

“We need to get her attention..." Daisy looked around and saw a supply jeep in front of her, the soldier who was supposed to be guarding it running away in a mad panic as he realized he was no match for the giantess in the bay. Daisy pulled a flare gun and bullhorn out of the back of the jeep just as most of the firing died down. "Trixie!" She yelled into the bullhorn, before firing a flare into the air.

"Hmmm?" Trixie paused at the sound of her name and looked down towards the flare, rubbing her sex in lust now that her army toys had stopped firing. "Ah, hello Daisy, Oranos. Doctor K. Nice to see you again. Like the new look?" She loomed over them with an amused smirk.

"Oooooh Yesssssss..." Doctor K Moaned. "I love it…" He bit his lip and began sweating.

"It certainly is something..." Said Oranos. "You’re much fuller around the waist than the CGI guys made you...” He grunted, trying to hide his arousal.

"Ooooh. Thank you." Trixie grinned. "I'm loving all the power that comes with this body. It's amazing." She hugged her boobs. "You guys have no idea what this is like. I’m actually the Ursa that ate Manehattan! This is a dream come true for me!"

Oranos gulped. "T-Trixie… Erm… I’m happy for you, and I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself so much. But we need to… figure this out… We need to get you back to normal… We need to get out of this crazy film world..." The pegasus said slowly, feeling his fear increase with every one of Trixie’s sensual moans.

"Go back to normal!?" Trixie laughed. "Why would I possibly want to do that?" She gently suckled her own boob. “This is my ultimate fantasy!”

"This didn’t just happen by itself.” Said Oranos. “It’s Discord! He’s the one pulling the strings! He’s the one who made this movie universe and allowed you to grow! We don’t know why he’s doing it, but… well, you don’t want to play his game, do you?"

"Look, I don’t care why this is happening!” Trixie rolled her eyes. “This is my fantasy, Oranos. Do you not understand that!? I'm huge! An entire army is standing between my legs, looking up at my perfect pussy." She winked to the soldiers beneath her, watching with glee as a dozen of them dove out of the way of a drop of her arousal. "This was my dream role! I loved playing this out, and back then I was just wearing a CGI suit and stomping on model cars. This is real, you guys! I've actually become a gigantic monster capable of demolishing an entire city by myself!" She flexed her arms.

Daisy was not amused with the situation, and unlike Oranos, was not willing to put up with her co-worker’s nonsense. "Trixie! Just what the hell is wrong with you?! You could have easily crushed somepony, including us! You don't exactly have a small foot! We don't know what Discord’s plan is, but it seems probable that he wants you to behave this way! So why don’t you just calm down and let us try to help you?"

"Heh" Trixie chuckled. "That’s easy. To put it in the most simple terms I can, I like power, and I like to be big. Is that so wrong?" She smirked sweetly. "Now… If you’ll excuse me." Trixie licked her lips. "I have a city to consume!"

Daisy and Oranos could only stare up in shock as Trixie announced her plan to destroy Manehattan. "I think this is the part were we run..." Daisy whispered.

Oranos gulped and nodded. "Right... Umm well… We'll leave you to it Trixie… Don't mind us… We'll just be on our way..." He said, slowly walking backwards away from Trixie's towering form..

"Yeah... You're not going anywhere." Trixie licked her lips. "Ever since we were working together, I always wondered what it would be like to actually crush and eat you. What you tasted like. And now... I'm going to find out!" She leaned towards her old friends, when suddenly, the army began their renewed assault, firing a massive amount of obsolete lead ordinance at her, much of it hitting her squarely in the crotch, making her pause to moan orgasmically. "Oooogggh..." She groaned. "Hey… What are you using that old junk for?" She pouted. "Bring back the magical ammo!"

"Run for your lives!" Oranos and his friends turned to run, taking full advantage of the distraction as they darted towards the city.

Trixie glanced over, seeing them running. She knew she could have caught them with minimal effort, but she was okay with letting them go for now. "Fine. Go on and run, my little ponies." She turned back to the army. "I’ll catch up with you later..." She licked her lips, a drop of glowing drool landing in the middle of an army formation.

The soldiers screamed and broke into a panic. Some of them ran for the city, others started firing at the giantess again with whatever they had on hand, whether it was harmless lead bullets or detrimental magical rounds. And a few even dove into the ocean, hoping to swim away from the massive mare-bear.

Trixie in the meantime had gone totally sexual. She started picking up soldiers and shoving them into her aching vagina, the soldiers frantically firing off their weapons inside of her, which only served to make her even more aroused. "Oooh. You boys spoil me. I'm gonna cum in no time at this rate."

The soldiers didn't know what to do. This was well beyond anything they had seen in any sort of training. The possibility of a giant mare using their comrades as sex toys was something they had never prepared for. They started dropping their weapons and deserting in a massive rout, their morale and command structure completely demolished as the giant mare raked her fingers through their ranks, stuffing them into her crotch by the hundreds.

“How… How does she have so much room in her crotch!?” Oranos looked back as Trixie stuffed entire battalions into her pussy. “I mean… I know it’s deep, but it’s not THAT deep!” He panted.

“They’re not staying inside of her.” Explained Doctor K. “They’re becoming a part of her! She’s absorbing them with her pussy!” He looked back and smiled.

"Ooooh… You should have fled when you had the chance!" Trixie moaned at the soldiers cowering beneath her. "Now, face the wrath of my pussy juices!" With one last mighty stroke, her massive cunt unleashed a torrential deluge of fem-juices, which exploded out of her crotch towards the beach like a barrage of artillery fire.

The surge of marecum slammed into the beach, sending the tiny soldiers flying everywhere. "Get down, private!" Commander Soarin pulled one of his troops behind the tank as thousands of gallons of heavy cum plummeted onto their position. A car-sized droplet landed right in front of the tank they were using for cover with such impact that the weapon flipped and just missed crushing them.

"Haha! Suffer my juices, insects! Hnnnfhfff! Just my orgasm is enough to destroy the greatest army the world could possibly throw at me! What could possibly stop me now!?" Trixie laughed maniacally as she finished her orgasm. Almost all of the troops on the beach were now stuck in her fluids, and those lucky enough to have avoided it were fleeing into the city.

Trixie walked onto the beach and through the battalion of trapped soldiers, smushing them under her paws and absorbing them. She picked up one of the abandoned tanks and inspected it like a toy. “A mighty weapon… A testament of Equestrian wartime technology… To me… just a bit of rubbish.” She casually peeled the vehicle open, revealing the terrified crew inside. “Hmmm. Yes. This mighty feat of pony engineering is nothing to me but a candy wrapper.” She casually stuffed the screaming tank crew into her erect nipple and tossed the crumbled tank hull into the sea.

The soldiers still on the beach just gulped and whimpered as they saw Trixie crouch over them, her attention focused on the few thousand who had survived her onslaught.

"Aren’t you a buncha cute lil’ soldiers?” Trixie smirked. “Some of Equestria’s finest, I’m sure. Stand at attention and salute your new goddess." She ordered.

The ponies on the beach looked up at her in confusion, the delay irritating Trixie a great deal.

“Now would be nice.” Trixie casually brought her finger down on a pair of soldiers as casually as one might crush a pair of ants. She held up the index finger to the remaining marines, letting them watch as their brothers-in-arms dissolved into more mass for the power-hungry mare.

The soldiers had little choice but to do as she commanded. They all stood up and saluted the kaiju mare, though many of them wore looks of hatred or despair beneath it.

"Good." Trixie smirked, loving the power she held over the mob of soldiers. "Now... Why don’t we get you handsome lil’ guys out of those dirty uniforms?"

"Seriously?" A soldier mumbled.

“She’s pretty clearly getting off to this...” Soarin mumbled. “Just do what she says...” He sighed and slowly started to remove his attire.

"Oh, yeah. Get those cute, lil’ pony dicks out. Show em’ off nice for the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie chuckled and the army prepared their equipment for inspection. She casually rubbed at her pussy as she watched the soldiers strip, until each and every one of them were naked. "And do a bit of test firing as well. Just to make sure they work." She grinned.

“What a perverted freak...” The soldier next to Soarin mumbled. “Does this oversized whore really think ponies are going to worship her?”

“They will if they don’t want to become a part of her...” Soarin whispered, wiggling his hips back and forth. “Now start rubbing...”

"There we are...” Trixie cooed. “That's a good bunch of little soldiers, you keep this up and I might consider using you as worshipers rather than toys." She massaged her pussy. “The Great and Powerful Trixie does enjoy a good audience. And I do love to perform. Why don’t you put all that pent-up testosterone and adrenaline to good use? Go ahead and masturbate to the sight of me. I demand it.”

All throughout the beach, the soldiers took hold of their penises and began to stroke them. Some of the stallions were already erect, while others had to give their members some prodding in order to get them to stand. A few ponies simply stood there with their arms crossed, but most abandoned that idea after Trixie absorbed a few ponies who defied her orders.

“Ooooh… Yes… That’s it boys. Rub for me… Rub them good...” Trixie beamed as she started to hear moans and gasps coming from the beach as the soldiers started to orgasm. They were putting out some highly potent loads, but all their semen combined couldn’t have even come close to the small lake Trixie’s cunt could produce with every orgasm. “Ahhhh…” Trixie came once more, her massive pussy dumping a massive load of cum into the bay, making the combined orgasms of the thousands of soldiers look pathetic in comparison.

Soarin looked down at his cock and panted. As much as he hated to admit it, he had cum, and the tip of his penis was leaking a large load into the sand. He had wanted to hold back, to not give this monster of a mare the satisfaction of having broken his will. But between the scent of her arousal filling the whole beach and the sight of her enormous breasts, he couldn’t help himself.

“Thank you for the entertainment, boys.” Trixie chuckled. “You really showed me a good time. But I grow bored of watching Equestria's finest humiliating themselves. I'm gonna go hunt down my old friends, and that asshole Filthy Rich." She stood up and moaned. “Oh, and if you’re smart, you wont try to stop me. You gave me a good show, you may as well enjoy the one I’m going to give to you.” She smirked and stomped into the city, absorbing a few dozen soldiers in the process.

The troops who were left were in no condition to fight off such an enormous beast. Many of them were fatigued, and their orgasms had helped sap their motivation. The sight of their comrades being wiped out so easily under simple footsteps further caused many of them to want to raise the white flag. But a few brave souls persisted, including Captain Soarin, who stepped forward in front of the demoralized troopers. “Are we just going to sit here and let her demolish our city!? Or are we going to stop her!?” He stood on top of an overturned tank, trying desperately to sound inspirational.

Only for his question to be shot down with a simple, yet stinging retort: "How?” Asked a soldier.

The pegasus blinked and rubbed his mane. “Well… I didn’t exactly plan that far ahead. But we’ve got to do something! We can’t just leave our citizens to be stomped on by that monster!”

Chapter 5: The Hunt

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Scores of ponies screamed and ran for their lives as Trixie’s massive footfalls came down on them, the giant mare having little to no regard for what she stomped on as she trampled through the packed city streets.

The tiny actors were among those caught up in the mob of terrified tinies, and looked back in fear as they heard the booming of feet and screams of civilians as Trixie started to make her way through the city. “Hnnngh… I’m glad they had us take lessons from those personal trainers during the movie shoot...” Daisy panted as she sprinted. “This is quite the workout...”

“Ooooh. Lucky you… My character never had any stunt scenes.” Doctor K stopped to catch his breath. But a loud boom was more than enough to give him another shot of adrenaline.

"What are we going to do now!?” Oranos looked back in fear. “Lily was right! Trixie has gone power-mad! Where can we possibly run in this city that will be safe!?"

"We need to get to Rich tower!” Daisy glanced back at the pegasus. “I have a plan… In early drafts of the film, Trixie was vulnerable to frost magic! The only weapon we know might work on her is the freeze ray, and Rich Tower happens to have a weapons division with such a device! If we hit Trixie with it, well, hopefully we can keep her inside an ice cube until we figure out some way to get her back to normal!

"That’s assuming we can get to Rich Tower! Look!" Oranos bit his lip, seeing the streets beginning to fill up not only with evacuating civilians, but also scrambling military personnel. "Great... It'll take us forever to get there like this…" He shook her head. "I hope your right about this freeze ray. Trixie is only going to get bigger the more ponies she absorbs, and we must look like the tastiest grapes in the buffet from down here. We better hurry.."

"I favor this idea as well.” Doctor K smirked. “We’ll have a much better view of her rampage from the tower." He chuckled, which got a glare from both of his coworkers.

Daisy gasped as a huge crowd of ponies started to stampede towards them in a desperate effort not to end up under Trixie's feet, though given their unbridled terror, they were just as likely to trample somepony as Trixie was. "Shit! Run!" Daisy bellowed as the building at the end of the street exploded into dust and glowing blue flesh.

Doctor K looked up at Trixie in awe before turning to run. "Oh my goddess... She's incredible..."

“Oh Celestia...” Oranos rubbed his eyes in disbelief. "She's caught up to us already..."

“I don’t think she’s after us!” Said Daisy. “I think she’s just chasing the biggest crowd in the area! Stay near the sides of the buildings! And just pray you don’t get stepped on!”

Doctor K gaped in awe. “Look at the size of her… Those toes are like small houses…" He spoke with a tone that wavered between admiration and fear.

"And if you don't keep running, you’re gonna be a little red dot under them!” Daisy growled. “Now keep your legs moving! We’re only a few blocks away from Rich Tower!”

“Well, actually, you’re not going to be crushed by her paws, per se. You see, she’s...” Doctor K started, only for the ground to shake beneath him.

There was another rumble, and Trixie began moving forward, every one of her steps moving her at least one-hundred feet forward, and spelling doom for dozens of ponies who found themselves under those massive paws.

“Oh shit...” Oranos stared upwards in awe, watching are cars and crowds were kicked up by Trixie's feet.

The massive feet started to stomp closer and closer to them, leaving them with nowhere to run. "Quick! Let's duck inside this candy shop!" Daisy yelled ran to the side of the building, jiggling the door, only to find it locked. “Damn it!” She cursed.

“Move!” Oranos picked up a newspaper stand and tossed it through the window of the shop. “Everypony inside!” He yelled as the trio dove into the building.

They stayed on the floor of the candy shop for what seemed like hours, even though it was only a few tense seconds as they waited for Trixie to stomp by. Ponies ran in terror as Trixie's feet crushed cars into hubcaps. It didn’t look like she was aiming to step on anything in particular, but she also didn’t seem to care about what found itself under her soles. She headed straight for Rich Tower, the entire candy shop shaking as her hips brushed past the upper levels of the skyscraper.

“Oh Celestia...” Oranos gulped.

“Shhh...” Daisy shushed him.

One of Trixie's gigantic blue feet stomped down outside the candy store, crushing a crowd of ponies into goo, which her sole eagerly absorbed. She paused and knelt down, making the actors inside the building curl up in fear. Except for Doctor K, who was looking out the window in wonder.

“K… Get down...” Daisy said in a pleading voice, desperately hoping he wouldn’t give their position away.

“Ah. There you are!” They heard Trixie’s voice outside, making them whimper in fear as her hand came down right outside the window. They could hear the bricks on the side of the wall scraping and cracking as Trixie seemed to reach into the alleyway outside the building. But much to their relief, she picked up a bus full of ponies and pulled it up out of sight. “Oh yes… Trixie is going to have some fun with you...” There was a moan, followed by a lewd squelch, and a trickle of sexual fluids dripped down in front of the store, before those massive feet turned and continued their march to Rich Tower.

There was a tense pause, followed by silence, which Oranos was the first to break. "Whew..." The pegasus gave a sigh of relief. "That was way too close… S-s-she’s moved past us now...” He panted rapidly, trying to get his lungs to work normally again. “It’s a miracle. I fully expected her to hunt us down and eat the whole shop...”

"We’re not out of this yet.” Said Daisy. “What do we do… if… she destroys Rich Tower....?" She whispered as she slowly sat up.

"Give ourselves up to her?" Doctor K smirked.

"No you Freak! We try to get as far away from her as possible." Oranos growled.

“I was only having a chuckle.” Doctor K frowned. “And if it makes you feel any better, she’s not going to destroy Rich Tower. That thing is not only huge, but made from some of the toughest materials known to Ponykind. It’ll be fine.”

“But it’s all moot if we can’t get to it. Trixie is heading there now, and I’d rather not be anywhere around her if I can help it.” Daisy looked at the massive blue feet beginning to walk away from their area as they headed towards the tower. "Well it looks like that freeze ray is out of the question... What do we do now..?"

Oranos walked outside and into a foot-deep crater, where dozens of ponies had been so casually crushed. He was very thankful Trixie absorbed the bodies of her victims, as he was sure it would have been a very grisly sight otherwise. "Well… It looks like we only have one option at this point. We need to find someone who’s willing to fight this. We need to find Captain Spitfire..."

"Are you even sure she exists in this film world?” Asked Daisy. “She wasn't at the theater for the movie premier. So she probably isn't-" Daisy began

“Filthy Rich exists, and he wasn’t at the theater.” Oranos countered. “She might not be a real pony, but if the Spitfire here is even half as brave as the one in real life is, we’ll have ourselves a powerful ally. If I recall correctly, she showed up during the battle on Stirrup Street in the original plotline. We should head there.”

"Maybe… But how is just one remaining commander going to be able to help us?" Asked K. "You've seen what the goddess can do even against a full force. One battalion would get destroyed in an instant."

“Well, this is Trixie we’re talking about. She may be really big and really powerful. But she’s got a major weakness. Her arrogance. She thinks she’s above it all, but we can use that against her… or at least I hope so." Oranos said, trying to seem reassuring. "We better go while she's distracted with Filthy Rich, it’ll be only a matter of time until she realizes she can’t destroy his tower... And K, stop calling her Goddess."

"Okay... Fine." Doctor K pouted. "But... she kinda is…"

“Ahahaha! Run worms! Run before the might of Goddess Trixie!” The Ursa laughed as she stomped around the city, ponies fleeing in a mad panic before her. Trixie scowled as she looked around the city. Much to her annoyance, many of the buildings in the downtown were taller than her, which made her snort. “Hmmphh. This place is quite the maze isn’t it? What’s the point of being a giant monster if everything is taller than me? This sucks. I need more size. Which means… I need more power.” She crouched down over a crowd of fleeing ponies. “Maybe one of them can give me directions.” She waggled her fingers over the mass of ponies.

As Trixie moved her eyes over the crowd, she spotted a taxi that still had a driver in it. “Yes. He will do.” She leaned forward and daintily picked up the yellow car. The driver curled up into a ball, whimpering in terror. “You there, taxi pony. I have need of your services.” She commanded.

“Uh… I don’t think you’ll fit in my cab…” The shaking gray pony driver replied, hoping a bit of humor would help him remain calm.

“Cute.” Trixie smirked. “But I need directions, not a ride. Besides, traffic is a little backed up right now.” She brought her foot down on half a dozen honking cars. “Now… Which way to the power plant?”

“Power plant? Oh! You mean Marenobyl! Erm… You’re gonna want to go down Stirrup Street and follow that to the industrial district. Once you find that, the cooling towers are a dead giveaway.” The stallion said sheepishly. “Should be simple enough... You can let me go now...”

“Well I’m from out of town.” Trixie said cutely. “I don’t know where any of those places are. I guess you’ll have to give me directions.” She then placed the taxi between her two breasts, jiggling them until she was confident the car was going to stay snugly. “Now where do I need to go?”

“Y-you need to take a left at the intersection ahead, the one with the Equestrian Bank. And then go straight for three blocks.” The driver gulped.

Trixie followed his directions, crushing hundreds of vehicles and thousands of ponies as she trundled down the crowded streets. As she walked, she came across a billboard with Filthy Rich’s smiling face on it. “Oh man! I hate that guy!” She snarled, and promptly kicked the billboard over. “He was a total jackass to work with on set! Dude has an even bigger ego than I do, and I was the one playing the giant monster!”

“Oh, well then you're not gonna like what’s at the end of the block.” The taxi driver said.

Trixie looked up and saw a massive structure that towered over the city skyline. ‘Rich Tower’ read a plaque at near the entranceway, below it was a scrolling lightboard at the base of the tower reading: ‘Mr. Rich is in the house.’

“Seriously?” Trixie rolled her eyes. “He feels the need to announce when he’s home? Jeeze… This guy is a bigger douche than I thought.” She delivered a massive kick to the side of the building, but it barely dented the facade.

“Aaaaa! Careful!” The pony within her cleavage gasped as the cab jiggled about in her swaying breasts.

“We gotta get in here.” Trixie growled. “I want Rich’s head on a platter! No! I want him alive! I want him groveling in my hand! I want him melting inside my clit!” She slammed her entire body into the building. “Come down from your ivory tower and face the monster you’ve created, Rich!”

The driver did his best to keep oriented as Trixie’s breasts slammed into the tower. “Gah! Don’t!” He frantically honked his horn to get Trixie’s attention. “That won’t work! Rich has hired the best architects Equestria has to offer. Plus, he’s got tons of enchantments up there to keep him safe. I don’t think you’ll even be able to get to him, let alone hurt him!”

Trixie glared down at the cab between her breasts. “Don’t tell me what I can’t do, insect. I’ll get into that tower, one way or another. But you’ll not be there to see it.” She put a finger between her boobs and literally pushed the vehicle inside of them, where it was slowly absorbed.

“NOOO!!!!” The driver screamed as he was absorbed into Trixie’s body, his vehicle becoming another white dot inside her gargantuan form.

“Hmmm...” Trixie sighed contently. “You see that, Rich!? You know I get bigger every time that happens! And I’ve been doing it a lot! If you’re smart, you’ll talk to me right now!”

There was a pause, and then a view-screen on the side of the tower windows lit up, showing Rich’s smug face on it. “Well less… Trixie Lulamoon, how nice it is to see you.”

“Wish I could say the same for you, Rich.” Trixie grinned back. “Did you miss me during my vacation?”

"Truth to be told, I hoped you’d gone down to see Ol’ Davy Jones.” Rich took a glass of wine from his shaking butler and casually sipped at it.

“Life’s full of disappointments. Isn’t it?” Trixie smirked. “Or at least, it is for you. Me, I’m loving this new body!”

“I do see you’ve gained quite a lot of weight since the last time we met.” Rich chuckled. “Have you considered dieting?” He took a sip of his wine.

“That depends. How many carbs does your fat ass have in it?” Trixie grinned and kicked the tower once more, hoping the shockwave of her kick would cause Filthy to spill his wine. But much to her disappointment, he didn’t even flinch. "Uggggh… I don't get it... I've been able to crush everything else I've encountered. Yeah, This building is four times my size. But I should at least be able to collapse it..." She sneered and put her hand up to the tower. "There's no magical enchantments keeping your tower stable. Why hasn't it just fallen over like all the others!?" She kicked over an apartment building in frustration and blinked. "Wait... Don't tell me you had it reinforced with Adamantium... There's no way you're that rich..."

"Oh there's a lot you don't know about me, my little pony. You may be a massive half-ursa freak of nature, but anypony who’s read any bat-stallion comics knows one thing, no super power is better than wealth. So why don't you run along and go back into the sea or something? I have no time to spare for self-important science fair projects." Rich said with a smirk as he waved his fingers dismissively.

"Fine..." Trixie huffed. "You win this round, Rich. But I'll be back for you..." She glared up at the penthouse and stomped down the road, right towards Stirrup Street.

Daisy, Oranos and Doctor K started jogging towards Stirrup Street. Though the roads were still full of various survivors, they knew there was little they could do for them and ran past them. But while the frantic ponies were easy enough to ignore, the massive footprints left behind by Trixie proved a little more difficult, as they made it very difficult to maneuver due to the extremely damaged roads.

Yet despite knowing that the ponies all around them weren’t technically real, it was still enough to make Oranos’ stomach twist. “Are you sure there’s nothing we can do to help these poor people?” He sighed.

“They’re not real, Oranos. They’re just enchantments means to mimic pony behavior. Just keep moving! Stopping Trixie is our highest priority.” Said Daisy. "That's probably how we're gonna escape this crazy world."

“Yeah. Pretty much.” Doctor K agreed. “All these poor saps are just monster food.” He commented.

“Yeah…” Oranos shook his head. “It’s just upsetting to me that we can’t do anything to… Oh Damn! Guys! Stop!" Oranos pointed to a familiar red car which was half-crushed and teetering on the edge of one of Trixie’s footprints.

“That was the car Lily was in!” Daisy gasped. “Lily! Lily!” She yelled.

Lily slowly crawled out from beneath an abandoned cab that was next to the crushed car. “I...Is she gone…?”

"Lily!" Oranos ran over to her and helped her trembling form up, holding her in his arms. "Are you okay?"

"She'd better be..." Daisy glared at her, turning her anger away from Doctor K. "What the hell were you doing!? You left us all for dead!"

"I-I'm sorry… I wasn't thinking… I was just so...scared..." Lily muttered and hung her head. “Trixie was so big and intimidating… I thought she was going to eat us...”

“Yeah… Well, you weren’t wrong about that.” Daisy groaned. “We barely managed to escape from her. I guess you were the smart one… Even still, you could have waited just a minute...”

Suddenly, the ground started shaking and the ponies turned around to see Trixie was coming back right towards them!

“Oh shit… Forget about that now! We need to get away from here! Quickly! The army remnant should be this way!" Oranos yelled and ran towards Stirrup Street where a small battalion was being prepared by Captain Spitfire.

"Ahh!" Lily whimpered. "She's after us again!"

“Look!” Oranos pointed at a subway marker as they quickly took off at full speed. “A subway! If we can make it there, then we might have a chance!”

Daisy gritted her teeth. “Let’s hope Spitfire will be able to stop her! But if not... Well, at least she’ll be able to cover our escape..."

“Oh come here, my little ponies.” Trixie cooed as she spotted her co-workers once more. “It’s time for the big bad bear to eat.” She giggled.

Oranos glanced back. He knew full well Trixie was toying with them, and could have easily captured them if she wanted, but if it gave them a chance to escape then he would gladly take it. They turned the corner onto Stirrup Street right in front of a battalion of ponies who had their weapons aimed up towards the incoming giantess.

“Commander Spitfire! Thank Celestia! We need he-Whoa!” Lily ran forward and fell to the ground, sliding forward on what seemed to be a sheet of black ice that covered the entire intersection. The whole group fell forward, coming up just short of the barricade the army ponies were using.

"Ooogh..." They groaned and rubbed their heads, running their hands across the icy streets when they spotted the source of the slickness. The army had soldiers out near the fringes of the road, coating the rest of the street with icethrowers. Captain Spitfire stood at the front of a few dozen missile launchers and waved them over.

"Civies! Get over here!” The yellow pegasus yelled. “She’s gonna be coming for us any second now!" She yelled, hearing the booming of Trixie’s stomps getting closer and closer.

The actors immediately nodded and took off behind the remaining soldiers. The sound of the thunderous footsteps getting more intense. They panted and looked around at the brave soldiers, hoping their weapons would be enough.

“Well, at least they’re using ice weapons, and not the standard arcane stuff they blasted her with on the beach.” Said Oranos.

"Yeah… but, what are we going to do if this... doesn't work?" Lily whimpered.

"It'll work, civie." Spitfire grinned. "Not only are these bad boys frost cannons, but they’re also supercharged to be twice as powerful as the ones we were using on the beach. Only this time, they’ll actually do something. If these don't bring her down, nothing will. But just as a precaution..." She handed them some magical rifles. "I take it you know how to use these? Just sort of point and shoot. She's a big enough of a target that it doesn't really matter where you aim all that much..."

"Umm... Well..." Doctor K stammered, but he didn’t have a chance to finish as the entire street shook with Trixie’s arrival.

“Awww. How cute...” Trixie laughed as she turned the corner. “Another group of toy soldiers for me to play w…" She looked down too late to see the entire intersection had been covered with a slick sheet of half-melted ice, and had entirely rested her weight on that foot. "Shit!" She gasped as she lost her balance on the slick ice and crashed into the side of a health insurance office, demolishing the entire structure and kicking up a huge cloud of dust into the air.

"She's down! She’s down!" Spitfire yelled. "This is it! Light her up, boys!"

The entire battalion exploded in a frenzy of powerful blue lights that crashed right on Trixie. The surrounding buildings were quickly obliterated from the powerful magical weapons and even Doctor K seemed a bit uneasy at the prospect that Trixie might be injured for once.

The temperature in the area dropped by at least fifty degrees. Breathing stared to become visible, fur stood on end, and an icy mist began to mix with the plume of dust billowing from the collapsed building.

Daisy cheered on as the entire area around Trixie was reduced to frost and mist in the aftermath of the blasts, even Lily seemed a bit more encouraged at the prospect of ending Trixie's torment for good, a pensive smile coming across her face.

“No! You won’t defeat me so easily!” Trixie attempted to stand up, but missile after missile slammed into her, pushing her down until she wasn’t even visible within the massive cloud of fog. The soldiers fired all matter of magical frost attacks. Ice arrows from the unicorns, freeze blasts from bazookas, even the pegasi who were skilled in weather-crafting were throwing hailstorms into the cacophony of cold. Each attack contributed a different flavor to the orchestra of icy pain that was going on inside the veil of frost.

And then it stopped. Despite the fact the attack had ended in the mere span of 65 seconds, it seemed like it had gone on for hours.

Doctor K frowned as he stared into the localized blizzard in front of him. "D-do you think you got her...?" He gulped with worry.

"Probably aint’ going be able to find anything left of her but a big ol’ slab of frozen meat." A soldier chuckled. “Naw, man. We got her. We got her good!” He wiped his brow in relief.

"I’m not so sure...” Oranos said nervously. “Don't you think this was… too easy?" He asked his fellow actors.

"W-What..? N-no… That was horrifying!" Lily shivered. "I've never been so scared in my life!"

Doctor K fell to his knees as he looked on at the huge plume of frost, fearing his creation may have very well met her end. “I hate to say it, but… It looks like she may have actually bit it. I suppose it was always going to come to this. It is a monster movie after all...”

“Not easy as in… effortless. But… sort of… Anti-climatic. Narratively unsatisfying.” Oranos gulped. “I mean… Every other horror movie has that scene where you think the monster is dead, and then…” He snapped his fingers. “They’re back for more!”

"There’s no way she survived that. We got her." Said Spitfire. “Right…?” She raised her hand for silence and the soldiers halted their revelry. “Right!?” She repeated, more concerned now.

"One can never be too sure, Commander." Oranos replied and stepped forward towards the cloud of frost. Now that things were quieter, the ponies could hear a soft breathing inside the fog.

There was silence at first, like the kind of calmness one would have right before a major storm appears. Only the sound of the faint breathing and occasional bit of falling rubble could be heard inside the mist. But the breathing was getting louder, and the clattering more intense.

Daisy gasped. "No... It can't be... Something is wrong..." She backed up in fear.

The ground started shaking beneath them, and the expressions on the soldier's faces went from incredible joy to complete dread at the prospect of Trixie having survived. They froze up, not from the cold, but out of fear.

“Maybe. it’s just the ice settling…?” A soldier suggested, though his uneven tone of voice suggested that he doubted his own suggestion.

The breathing got more and more feverish, and there was a soft rumble coming from inside the fog, the sound of ice cracking.

"That noise..." Doctor K squinted his eyes. "It’s her breathing. I hear her... But I don't see anything..."

"We can't face her!" Daisy cried, her tears chilling as they ran down her cheeks. "You saw what she just survived!"

"We must try!" Spitfire gritted her teeth and raised her magical rifle, loading another magazine into it. There was a tense feeling in the air as the chilling fog swept over them. A cold still swept through the area. "Steady." Spitfire ordered as the ground rumbled more and more under their feet. "Steady..."

Lily screamed and started making a mad dash for the subway, and a few soldiers quickly followed her.

"No!" Spitfire gasped and looked back at the fleeing ponies. “Hold your positions!”

"Incoming!" A soldier pointed up and yelled as a massive yellow truck smashed into the row of missile launchers, shattering them into spare parts and flattening many soldiers. There were large tremors from within the dust cloud and ponies could see a large figure moving within it.

"No way…" Oranos gasped and took a few steps back. "Trixie..."

"That’s not possible." Daisy gasped, as Trixie’s massive form slowly stepped out of the ice storm. Her hide had been torn to shreds by some of the ice beams and blue 'blood' streamed out of dozens of holes that had been ripped in her flesh, and yet somehow she was alive, and she was mad.

"This isn't happening...This isn't happening..." One of the soldiers kept repeating to himself, trying to pretend that there wasn't an enormous giantess on the verge of crushing anyone who had a hand in the attack.

"There's no way we could ever outrun her now..." Oranos muttered as he dropped the magical rifle and started walking backwards as he saw her erupting from the wall of ice, as if she had been a sleeping Goddess from hundreds of years ago who had finally awoken to exact her revenge on any who dared defy her. He spread his wings and got ready to fly, but he knew he’d still have little chance of escaping.

"Lily! Get to the subway! Hurry!” Daisy ran up to her and grabbed her. “We don't have much time… Maybe we can hide from her for now..."

“But… O-o-oranos...” Lily gasped.

“There’s nothing we can do for him. We have to worry about ourselves! Now come on!” Daisy pulled her towards the subway.

Trixie's nude, tattered body stepped out of the cloud of dust and into the intersection, showing she was slowly regenerating. "That does it...” She roared a massive screech that shattered windows for thousands of feet. “I am officially DONE WITH THIS!!! I am snuffing you annoying bags of warm goo out right now!" She raised her foot over the front of the army and brought it down on dozens of soldiers.

The remaining soldiers broke into an awkward panic, unable to take their eyes off the behemoth standing before them.

"Run!" Spitfire yelled. "Retreat! Retreat into the subway!” She waved her arms in a desperate attempt to rally her fleeing troops, but within seconds Trixie was upon them. Her massive feet crushed the missile launchers into tin foil. Many of the soldiers didn’t make it, and were also crushed into nothingness, their essence adding more stars to Trixie’s massive feet.

“Hahahaha! Trixie laughed. "You fools! No weapon can stop me!" Spitfire and the rest of the tiny soldiers braced for the end as Trixie raised her foot above them, when she felt a sting against her foot she didn’t expect.

“Trixie!” Oranos yelled.

Trixie gazed down and smirked. “Oranos...”

Oranos froze. The moment she turned to look at him with those massive eyes, his body seemed like it was going to collapse from fear, but he mustered every bit of willpower possible to keep his composure. "Trixie… What are you doing? This isn't who you are… What happened to that sweet mare I knew on set?”

“She’s no longer here, Oranos.” Trixie chuckled. “The ursa is all that remains.”

“That’s not true, and you know it.” Said Oranos. “You still refer to yourself as Trixie, just in the context of a goddess.” He shook his head. “Look… I can understand wanting to be big and powerful. Heck, I’ve had some pretty wild dreams about being a god myself. But you’re not a tyrant, Trixie. You were the mare who would bring me lunch. Who told me your kinks. Who I made love to...” He said as he dropped the weapon.

"Oranos..." Trixie knelt down and carefully picked him up, not caring that the soldiers were escaping into the subway. They were just infinitely disposable pawns. But Oranos was a stallion she had a deep and personal connection with. "I do love you. You're a very sexy stallion, and I know you felt the same about me. I loved working with you. But... this was my dream role. To play the big rampaging monster is what turns me on more than anything, and you know that. I don't know where we are. But as far as I can tell, we were sucked into the movie and none of this is real..." She gently stroked his mane with just one finger. "I don't want to really hurt you... I just want to have you inside of me again…" She ran her finger across his body, slowly absorbing his clothes as if her finger was a giant pencil eraser that could melt reality into it.

“But… We don't know that Trixie...” Oranos gulped. “We don't know exactly where we are… Or why we’re here. Look. Trixie. Let me ask you a question. If we were in the real world for certain, would you be okay with all of your actions so far? If you knew you would never ever be able to take them back, would you still do them?" He blinked, hoping desperately that he’d be able to break through to her.

“Yes.” Trixie said simply. “Yes I would.”

“What!?” Oranos gasped, blushing as his clothes finished melting and Trixie began massaging his substantial pink member, making him bite his lip in shock.

Trixie moved Oranos up to her maw and smiled. "Oh, Oranos." She smirked. "You just don't get it. I love being this powerful. And I’ll do whatever it takes to gain more power. But I don't blame you." She purred. "You see, I couldn’t care less about this film's original ending. Having a scrappy band of heroes defeat the big bad monster is such a cliché. No… I’m changing the ending to one I envision.”

“And… What is that ending?” Oranos grunted.

“Simple. I become an omnipotent, all-powerful goddess, who absorbs enough magic to become reality itself and all the souls I've absorbed get to live inside of me, their thoughts and desires dictated by their new ruler! And I am going to make that ending come true. But don't worry, little one. I promise I'll be a benevolent goddess to you." Trixie cooed and gently sucked Oranos into her mouth.

Oranos was in shock, Trixie had gone totally power-mad and she was completely engulfed in her delusions of divinity. He kicked and flailed, but there was nothing he could do to stop her as he was slipped past her massive lips. "T-Trixie… No! Don't do this! Don’t eat me! Remember all those wonderful nights we had together!?” He banged on her enormous teeth.

Trixie simply grinned, letting a sliver of light enter her mouth before she opened it up and spat him into her hand. “You know what? You’re right, Oranos. It wouldn’t seem right to just eat you like any common fodder.” She licked her lips and teased his penis with her thumb. “No. If I’m going to have you inside of me, it should be in a way that’s more… nostalgic.” She lowered the pegasus down to her pussy lips.

“Trixie! No! You can’t just...!” “Oranos started, but Trixie just pushed him upwards and inserted him into her pussy.

“Oranos!” Lily screamed.

"Mmm. I've always loved having you inside of me, Oranos." Trixie patted her pussy. "But I never imagined you would be this pleasing at this size..." She moaned, feeling quite aroused. “Ooooh… I can taste your soul joining with mine...” She gasped and spasmed. "Ooooh… Maybe once I'm goddess, I can have some more fun with you. But for now..." She turned her attention to the subway. "I have some unfinished business to deal with." She grinned.

Lily just stared from the entrance of the subway as soldiers started to pour past her. She couldn’t believe what just happened. "H-he's gone... I can't believe he's gone..." She wailed. "T-trixie just... ate him alive with her pussy..."

“Lily! K! We need to move!” Daisy grabbed Lily and Doctor K by the elbow and started rushing them towards the tunnels, tears in her eyes. As they streamed into the tunnel with the soldiers, they saw the train had been partially crushed from all of the tremors coming from above and was well beyond repair.

A massive blue finger poked into the subway station, absorbing three soldiers in the process. Spitfire, the soldiers and the remaining actors all backed away from the entrance as the voracious finger flailed around like a blind snake, looking for prey.

Daisy started crying and leaned against Lily for comfort. “That… That does it. Trixie has gone too far. I'll never forgive her for this." She clenched her fist and raised her gun, firing several cold blasts at Trixie’s finger, which was enough to drive it out of the tunnel.

“This is the end… We’re all doomed...” Lily sobbed.

"Maybe we should… Just make it easy on ourselves and offer ourselves up to her?" Doctor K suggested.

"What?" Daisy growled. "Why would we possibly do that!?"

Doctor K turned around. "Because there’s honestly nothing we can do to stop her! You heard what she told Oranos! She's well on her way to becoming a literal goddess! And I'm not surprised! Already she's reached the peak of her power in the film... Who knows just how much more powerful she might become in the future? Part of me wants to know...” He began licking his lips. “I can only imagine what it’s like inside of her. That collective of souls, all serving a higher purpose in the form of their magnificent godde...”

With a loud crack, Daisy punched Doctor K right in the jaw, sending him onto the floor in a heap. Her sadness had turned to rage and she pointed her gun at him. "I never thought you would stoop so low you... You goddamn asshole!” Daisy shook with anger. “Oranos is dead… And all you can think about is what it’s going to be like to become a part of the bitch who killed him!" She trembled, her finger wavering on the trigger.

“Daisy...” Lily whimpered.

“I should pull the trigger. Deny you the opportunity to become a part of her… Maybe even test if we’re capable of dying in this insane world...” Daisy grit her teeth in rage. "After all... You seem to view it as just a testing ground for the freak your character created..."

Spitfire and several of the other soldiers raised their weapons towards Daisy. “Civilian… I know you’re upset, but put the gun down, now!” She ordered.

“Daisy… Please don’t...” Lily sniffled. “We’ve… We’ve already lost one of our friends...”

Daisy spat. “We’re done… You hear me? I'm tired of always saving your ass from Trixie, when you’d probably be just as happy being stomped by her. And you worshiping her... even after she ate Oranos? You make me sick! from this point on, your on your own! Cmon, Lily lets go." She started towards the tunnel.

"Gyuh…" Doctor K sat up and glared at the two mares as several soldiers started to pass him. "Is that how it's going to be then...?" He held his bloody nose. "Fine! You two go your own way. I'll go worship my goddess..." He turned around to head back, when he noticed an inch of a white fluid lapping against his feet. “Huh…? What is that?” He heard a wet squelching noise outside.

“Mmmmm...” Trixie’s moan echoed through the subway, causing dust to fall from the ceiling. “You little mites think you’re clever, huh? Hiding underground like rats!? Such defiance of your goddess will not be… Hnnngh… Tolerated...” She started rubbing her thumb against her clit, coaxing more and more marecum out of her insatiably lustful pussy. “But I understand… You all must be missing Oranos...” She bit her lip and stared at the brightly-glowing dot inside her clitoris. “Let me allow you to see him again!” She gasped as her pussy contracted.

“What’s going on out there?” Asked Lily. “What did she mean by that…?”

“She's... she's gonna cum into the tunnel!" Doctor K said in a mix of awe and fear. He took a few steps back away from the flood, before his survival instincts kicked in and he started sprinting down the tunnel.

“Shit! Everypony onto the tracks! Double time!” Spitfire ordered and spread her wings, flying down the tunnel as quickly as she could. The actors and troopers weren’t far behind her. But the soldiers were moving quite a bit slower, as they had dozens of pounds of heavy gear to carry. To make matters worse, it was difficult to see in the subway, and many of them tripped over various bits of rubble that now littered the tracks.

A loud moaning echoed through the tunnel, and with it, came a musky smell and splashing sound behind them. At first the cum was only a knee-deep mire of thin precum, but when the moaning reached its climax, the entire subway shook, and a massive tidal way that took up the entire tunnel threatened to engulf the fleeing ponies.

The soldiers who had lagged behind had no chance, and were swallowed up by the oncoming wave. Another group screamed, knowing they would be next.

Spitfire bounced her legs off a wall and turned around.

“Where are you going!?” Daisy screamed.

“I’m saving my men!” Spitfire activated a pair of beeping blue grenades and tossed them into the wave of cum. They exploded in a burst of cold, freezing the feminine juices solid and chilling the air of the subway.

All the ponies began breathing heavily. Especially the soldiers who were nearly engulfed.

"Oh Celestia..." Lily cried as she saw the blurry outlines of some of the soldiers trapped inside the frozen cum. “D-do you s-suppose any of them are okay?"

"I don't know…" Daisy panted. "I doubt it… I don’t think…" Suddenly, a crack appeared in the frozen dam, and a fire-hose spurt of Trixie’s juices splattered all over the group. Dozens of ponies became coated in the sticky mess and started flailing around, completely covered in the thick sexual fluid.

Daisy gasped and ran forward to help the ponies in need. She grabbed one of the ponies and started ripping the cum off their face. "Gah! Are you okay?! Stop squirming! I need to take it out of your nose and mouth so you can breathe!" Daisy commanded.

The figure stopped moving so Daisy could clear his muzzle of cum, or at least enough that he would be able to breathe. A desperate voice spoke, revealing that it was in fact, Doctor K. "Th-thank you..." He sputtered and wiped the cum from his face. "Y-you just saved my life..."

"You!” Daisy snorted. “Out of all the brave soldiers risking their lives for the sake of others and your the one that I end up saving!?" Daisy growled before flicking her hands free of cum and punching Doctor K in the gut.

“Save your anger, civilian.” Spitfire glowered, ripping the last coating of cum off her soldiers’ face. “We need to focus on staying alive.”

“Alright… Fine. But You listen to me your worthless waste of oxygen.” Daisy growled. “If you slow us down even an inch or if you even whisper that bitch’s name in anything that even closely resembles a positive fashion, I'll make sure you never see the sunlight again!"

"D-don't worry..." Doctor K panted. "I... I've sort of learned my lesson. S-she almost killed me with that… That orgasm… As majes… erm… terror-inspiring as she is, this is becoming far too real. She needs to be stopped..." He took his lab coat off to help get the mare juices off of him.

"Hhmph" Daisy grunted and turned her back on him.

"Well… I… We could use all the help we can get..." Lily said nervously.

"The only help he can provide for us is some sort of distraction." Daisy remarked as she continued slogging through the subway. “Maybe Trixie will eat him instead of somepony who actually matters!”

"Please... I can help you...” Doctor K stammered. “I... I know how we might be able to defeat Trixie. She has a weakness besides frost… " He coughed. "I know where she's going to be heading next." He blinked. "And... I'm sorry about Oranos..."

"You do?!" Lily said, seemingly bright all of the sudden now that there was a flicker of hope. "So we have a chance then? What do we need to do?”

Daisy was not as enthusiastic. As a matter of fact, her anger had returned. She grabbed Doctor K by the collar and kneed him in the balls. "You despicable piece of shit!" She bellowed.

"Daisy!" Lily was a bit shocked by the sudden outburst.

"How long have you fucking known about this weakness!? Don't tell me you just discovered this!? We could have saved everyone! We could have saved Oranos!” She punched him again and aimed her gun at him.

"Gyah!" Doctor K gasped. "Hnnngh… Well, S-since before we came here..." He bit his lip. "And I’m sorry… I just wanted to see a rampage… I didn’t know it would be like...”

"Look at the destruction all around us!" Daisy shook. “What did you think it was going to be like!?”

“I… I don’t know. The CGI team made it look like a fun adventure. It was rated PG-13 for goodness sake!” Doctor K argued. “Look… I'm a method actor, I don't just play my characters, I try to become them! I was playing the mad scientist obsessed with his creation, and I didn’t take this seriously since I knew the world we were in wasn’t real!" He looked up at Daisy. "You want to stop Trixie from destroying the rest of this made-up world!? Fine, but you'll need me. You'll never stop Trixie if you shoot me."

Daisy growled and moved her finger inches from the trigger. She wanted to do it, but she was able to calm herself and removed the gun from his face. She began walking back over to Lily. "You have until we make it to the surface to explain your plan..." She muttered as she grabbed lily and began walking.

"You think I'm stupid?" Asked Doctor K. "The moment I tell you my plan, you'll shoot me." He shook his head. "No... You give me the gun, and then I'll talk."

Daisy rolled her eyes. “May as well… Since these things are useless against Trixie anyway.” She grabbed the gun and removed the power cell from it, and tossed it over to him. "There's the gun, now neither of us can use it. So talk. And just for the record… I don't need a gun to kill you."

"All the more reason for me to keep quiet. But I'll give you some bread crumbs for the time being..." Doctor K huffed. "I'm sure you've noticed Trixie has been getting bigger and bigger since she started rampaging." The ground above them rumbled. "I assume you remember why that is?"

"Magic causes her to grow. Which is why she ate all of the ponies back at the labs." Daisy responded. "She's harvesting their magical energy. Sort of like a centaur."

"Correct. Which is why the army's magical weapons have had little effect on her. In fact, they've been doing more harm than good. Well, you know where she's gonna head next then, right?” Doctor K grunted.

“Somewhere with a lot of magic?” Lily answered tentatively.

“Marenobyl. The magical power plant.” Doctor K nodded. “There’s enough magical energy there to power this entire city, and then some! And if she absorbs all that..."

"Then she’d become so massive that there would be nowhere in the world we could run..." Daisy whispered, the fear slowly beginning to creep over her again. "Okay so...what do we do then? How do we stop her."

"Well… It’s simple really. So simple, the filmmakers focused more on the ice weakness than the most obvious answer.” Doctor K chuckled. “Look, an ursa is basically a big living spell membrane. They are literally made of magic! So, if we want to stop her, all we need is a bit of... anti-magic..."

"Anti-Magic?” Daisy raised her eyebrow. “How do we get something like that? Do we have time to build something like that? Would it work?”

“Oh, yes… Yes. A magic-draining circle is so simple that even a foal could create one powerful enough to be felt for miles if they were determined enough. Or at least in theory...” Doctor K chuckled. “But… they would require lots of power to operate. And there's only one place in the whole city that would have access to that much energy... Marenobyl…”

"It seems like we're in a race against the impossible… There's no way we can outrun Trixie at her size." Lily muttered. “But hey… At least she thinks we’re dead, so that’s a plus...”

"We're not to far from Rich's Tower according to this subway map.” Said Spitfire. “But who's to say the power plant will still be standing once we have everything arranged?"

"We need some way to distract her... To give her something to chase instead of immediately going to the power plant to destroy it..." Said Lily.

"I think I might be able to help with that…" Spitfire smirked and spread her wings, flicking the fem-juices off of her bright yellow feathers. "I may not be able to stop her, but I can sure as hell annoy her.”

"If you can get her attention and keep her distracted and away from the power plant, it could give us the time we need to get the weapon ready." Daisy rubbed her chin.

"You think your idea will work!?" Spitfire nodded.

"Yes." Said Doctor K. "If it functions properly, it should disrupt the magic that holds her together, and cause her to lose her physical form. But we'll need time to set it up."

“And I’ll be sure to buy you that time!” Spitfire nodded. “We’re on our own now, I’m afraid. This is the make it or break it point. Nopony is going to bail us out.”

Chapter 6: Bear and Pony Chase

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"Unnngh..." Oranos grunted, feeling light-headed and weak. "Where am I...?" He rubbed his forehead, only to see his hand was a shade of translucent blue. "Huh!?" He gasped and looked around, seeing a snake-like dragon sitting behind a desk with the presidential seal in front of it.

President Discord sat in his Office with an amused look on his face. He was playing with his collection of desk toys. From clacker balls to perching birds, it seemed like the multi-billionaire leader of the free world seemed completely unable to focus if there weren’t a dozen distractions going on in the background. "Hello, Oranos." He grunted, cricking his neck and straightening his tie. "About time one of you bit it. I was afraid none of you were going to be the first to die."

"Wait... Die...?" Oranos gave a confused look. "What do you mean? I'm not dead! What are you...!"

Discord put up a hand and started dialing. "Hold that thought there, Casper. I've got to make a call." He plopped into his chair and picked up his phone, where his secretary picked up. "Heya there, sugartits." He said in a sultry tone. "Listen, I'm a busy reality-warping demigod, and my time is valuable. Is my kaiju-killer mecha suit operational yet?"

The secretary just rolled her eyes, used to her boss’s eccentric nature. "Yes sir… We had it cleaned yesterday. It’s up and running at full capacity." Her voice came out of the tinny speaker phone.

"Good!" Discord beamed. "I want my mech suit to be in tip top shape when I get to have my big Pacific Rim fight with that oversized bear bitch!” He hung up the phone and giggled with glee. “Oh man, I’ve wanted to do this for ages! And I’m so glad the actress was willing to play the role!" He squealed.

"Actress? Willing? What are you talking about!?" Asked Oranos. "Are you telling me this little pocket world of yours is all just so you can... Live out a fantasy from some kirin cartoon!?"

"Oooooh... It's much more complicated than that..." Discord said menacingly. "But... Yeah. That's pretty much it." He rubbed his neck.

"But then... Why bring us into it?" Asked Oranos. "Why not just use a bunch of ponies like...?"

The door opened up, and Discord's secretary walked into the office. "Hello, Mr. President..." She said in a monotone voice, tossing some reports onto his cluttered desk, literally walking through Oranos on her way there.

"Like her?" Oranos finished.

"Because those ponies are all ones I created." Said Discord, earning him a confused look from the secretary, who just saw him talking to empty space. "They lack that spontaneity. That spark of unpredictable excitement! I mean, it's not as much fun when you just play with yourself. That's why I decided to pull you all in here!" He turned to his secretary. "Anyway, can you bring me some coffee, sugartits? I don't wanna go into combat without having my nerves stimulated. Remember, one milk and two salt packets, just how I like it."

"Yes sir." His secretary blinked. "I'll be right back. Oh, and we just got that special salt brand you requested as well. The pink kind."

"Good lass!" Discord snapped his fingers and stroked his beard. "That’s why you get paid the big bucks! If only the monster I was planning on fighting was so punctual! I swear… A whole week late. Rude! I was so bored I was contemplating starting a war just for shits and giggles. It's so hard to find good monsters these days." He sighed and swooned over his desk, knocking several of his desk toys to the ground.

“It must be so hard being you..." Oranos snorted sarcastically.

"Oh, it is." Discord snapped his fingers and dismissed Oranos' spirit. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a kaiju to fight!"

Trixie lay in the streets, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. She felt amazing. Her powerful body was already ready for more action, but she felt herself to be in no hurry. At this point, she was already indestructible. All of her enemies were routed or a part of her, and she was well on her way to becoming a true goddess. She closed her eyes and idly stroked her clitoris, which had a massive bright star glowing in the middle of it. “Oooooh… I don’t know what higher power put me into this position, but whoever they are, thank you sooooo much… This is beyond anything I ever imagined...” She moaned, her pussy fluttering with each stroke of her massive fingers.

Her clit winked and pulsated, making the giantess smile. “Awww. Don’t be like that, Oranos.” Trixie addressed the star inside her clitoris. “I know you’re enjoying this just as much as I am.” She patted the sensitive nub. “You’ll learn to love your goddess eventually. Spearmint and Brine have.” She addressed a pair of glowing lights in her chubby tummy. “So have Ugin and Drake.” She gently fingered herself to rouse Oranos’ neighbors. “As has every other lost soul I’ve absorbed. Poor little mortals, looking for some sort of greater purpose.” She looked over the thousands of stars swirling around inside of her. “I am that purpose! And soon, all will sing in my symphony of glory! All will know the might of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She spread her arms wide, plowing through a gas station and the line of power lines behind it, which sparked and sizzled as their wires crackled with energy.

“Hmmm?” Trixie smirked as she felt the energy surging into her arm. She shifted her weight and examined the sparking line with a look of glee. “Heh. Well, I was going to acquire my full strength at Marenobyl.” She casually stroked one of her boobs. “But… I suppose there’s no harm with having a little sample.” She stuck the hair-like power line in her mouth and gently suckled it.

“Oooooh.” Trixie shook, her mouth and tongue glowing a bright blue as she sucked the magic out of the power grid. “Such energy… The power of thousands of years of arcane magic and research, and it’s being squandered on allowing ponies to drive their cars and run their lights. How… Pathetic.” She gave another slurp, causing her boobs to tingle and expand a few inches. “I will not waste such incredible magic like the mortal ponies have. I will put it towards a purpose worthy of a goddess!”

Trixie continued to suckle the power line, keeping her right hand on her breast. As she did so she could feel her chest mountains slowly expanding. All around the city, TVs flickered and died, utilities began failing, traffic lights stopped operating, causing mass chaos, even in areas of the city that hadn’t been ravaged by the literally power-hungry ursine.

As Trixie drank, she closed her eyes and started purring, her body expanding through the half-smashed buildings next to her. A few ponies ran out of the collapsing ruins, putting them directly in Trixie’s reach, but she paid them little mind. There would always be more prey for her to chase. Letting a few of them scatter away to hide would only be delaying the inevitable.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot, and access to Trixie’s ‘energy drink’ was cut off. Trixie opened her eyes and looked up to see Spitfire flying above her, her frost rifle having frozen and shattered the power line Trixie was drinking from. “You again?” Trixie scoffed. “Didn’t I kill you already? You were supposed to drown in my love juices.” She gave an annoyed look.

“It’s going to take more than just a big orgasm to kill me.” Spitfire smirked.

“True… I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You are one of the best soldiers Equestria has to offer.” Trixie lazily swiped at Spitfire, which the pegasus effortlessly dodged. “Course, there’s practically nothing you can do to stop me, so at best, you’re a pathetic little fly, buzzing around for attention.” She stood up and stretched, showing off her full gargantuan size to the tiny pony. “But go ahead… Please shoot me… Trixie wants to feel the attempt...”

Spitfire just stared in awe at the beast before her. She knew there was nothing she could do, so she wasn’t going to give Trixie the satisfaction of feeling her attempts to fight back.

“No?” Trixie laughed. “What’s wrong, Captain? You realize that your weapons are futile and you have no chance of defeating me!?” She took a quick swing at Spitfire, which Spitfire barely moved out of the way in time for. Trixie followed it up with three more quick swipes, but her massive blows were highly telegraphed and easily dodged by the nimble Wonderbolt.

Trixie snorted. “Heh. Fine… You won't surrender, and you won't be caught. But you can’t stop me. So… listen up, fly-girl.” She cooed. “I am going to head to Marenobyl. I am going to absorb all the energy there. And then once I am big enough to turn this entire city into scrap in seconds, then maybe you’ll change your mind about annoying me so much.” She stamped down the road towards the power station.

“No!” Spitfire gasped. She fired a few quick blasts at Trixie in an attempt to stop her, but Trixie didn’t even feel them as she continued to saunter down the streets.

The actors and Spitfire’s few remaining soldiers ran towards Rich Tower as fast as they could. Thankfully, while the streets were littered with paw-prints and abandoned vehicles, there were very few ponies around, as most had either fled or been absorbed at this point. “We’re almost there!” Daisy pointed. “Just a few more blocks and...”

Spitfire swooped down in front of her. “We have a problem!” She said frantically.

“What is it?” Lily gulped.

“Trixie isn’t… She’s not interested in chasing me.” Spitfire panted. “I can annoy her, yeah. But that’s not enough for her to stop and chase me. At this point, the only thing that could get her attention long enough for us to get into position is either anger or desire."

“Hmmm...” Daisy exclaimed, seeing Trixie walking further away in the distance. "Yeah… I don't think weapons are gonna get her attention anymore… At least not for more than a few seconds."

"Does anypony have any better ideas for a distraction?" Lily whimpered.

"I don't know. We'd need to offer her something she wants..." Daisy pondered. "Something like... The potential of getting to eat a main character..." She sighed, her ears falling flat. "I think one of us will need to offer ourselves as bait… And I'm the one that's going to do it…"

Lily and Doctor K gasped.

“You can’t!” Lily grabbed Daisy’s arm.

“Look!” Daisy said suddenly. "I'm not gonna let her grow any bigger! If I have to sacrifice myself to do it, then so be it!”

"You're a brave mare..." Spitfire nodded. "You'll need a fast vehicle to avoid her. Thankfully for you, the power plant isn't near any major highway exits, so traffic should be fairly clear."

"I can get one at Rich Tower’s parking garage. He's loaded beyond belief. Should be plenty of fast cars in there.” Daisy nodded. “And please keep an eye on him.” She gestured towards Doctor K. "He may be playing nice now, but I still don't trust him..."

"I Will...” Spitfire saluted. “He seems a bit... out there. But he's kind of our only hope. If this anti-magic weapon doesn't work, then we're all doomed. Nothing we have can even put a dent in her at this point." She sighed. "And... Good luck, Daisy…"

"Thanks… This is gonna be our only chance, we can't afford to waste it." With that Daisy took off running down the street.

Trixie stepped out of the sea of skyscrapers that made up the downtown and walked into the industrial district. The buildings here were much shorter than the monolithic skyscrapers of the business district, the factories barely came up to the titanic bear-pony's knees. Trixie was moving at a plodding pace. The dozens of holes that had been ripped in her by the ice beams seemed to be taking their toll. Despite them slowly healing up, Trixie was realizing she was more hurt than she realized. She clutched her abdomen in pain. “Hnnngh… Mayhaps Trixie is not quite as indestructible as she thought…” She crouched down towards a power-line and jammed it into her chest, letting herself soak up some of that soothing magical energy. “Ahhh… No matter. Soon even the chill of the Crystal Empire will be but an ice cube compared to my magnificence.” She started casually rubbing herself, aroused by the prospect of just how powerful she would become in the future.

“She’s hurt!" Daisy perked up as she drove her sports car towards the giantess. "I might have more of a chance than I thought." She licked her dry lips in determination.

The impact of Trixie sitting down caused the very ground to shake, even making a few buildings collapse. The noise reached nearly deafening levels. The sound of crunching metal filled the streets. Craters were pressed into the tarmac as Trixie's massive rear flattened an entire intersection. And yet Daisy kept driving, determined to catch up to her rampaging co-star. "Trixie!” She yelled and leaned on the horn.

“Hmmm?” Trixie’s ears perked up at the sound of a horn so close to her. She couldn’t imagine any survivors in the area would want to draw attention to themselves and glanced over at the red sports car. "Who dares!?"

Daisy wasn't by any means a professional driver, but she was still doing a fantastic job at dodging the debris scattered through the damaged streets. She managed to get a fair distance in front of Trixie and quickly performed a handbrake turn. “Trixie!” She yelled once more, before firing her frost pistol at the giantess.

Trixie looked over to see Daisy in the car, impotently shooting at her. She chuckled, amused by the fact that a lethal weapon for a smaller person was barely an attention-getter for her. But that was just how powerful she had become, even in a state of slight injury. "Well well... Daisy. Fancy seeing you here. I assumed you had died in those tunnels in my love juices. I mean… Spitfire, I can see escaping, but you? She must have really bailed you out."

Daisy growled at her remarks. “You know, Trixie… You’re a real sick slut, you know that? Only you would be such a whore as to consider using your orgasm as a weapon!” She spat.

“Oooh… Daisy. Such scathing words from such a little mare. But your attempts to anger me before I eat you are amusing at best. I felt the need to let my juices flow because having Oranos inside me was just... Mmmm. So good." She massaged her glowing clitoris. "He's a wonderful stallion. Both when we were equals, and now that he’s my lovely little clit star...” She cooed, rubbing the glowing nub.

“Yeah… He is a wonderful stallion, isn’t he?” Daisy chuckled. “Shame he didn’t feel the same way about you...” She smirked.

Trixie paused. “I’m sorry… What!?”

“You weren’t the only one who had a thing going with him. And ‘wonderful mare’ isn’t exactly something that came up in the bedroom when we were talking about you...” Daisy chuckled. “Come to think of it… He didn’t really have much good to say about you. He was always ranting about how much of a smug prick you were. Yelling at crew members, getting into fights with the extras, being late to set, messing up scenes! He said you were a nightmare to work with! Come to think of it, the only thing he had nice to say about you was how good a rider you were.” Daisy chuckled. “Honestly… I'm not surprised. You always were a mare with no substance. As ephemeral as the illusions you used to cojure up. It didn’t surprise me in the slightest that Oranos just saw you as a fuck-hole!"

"What!? N-no... That's not true..." Trixie glowered. "You're lying! I have Oranos' spirit inside of me, and I know he would never..." Trixie gasped and looked down between her legs, a shocked look coming across her face. "He did say that... I was a vapid, self-absorbed bitch, and the only reason we hooked up was because I was hot..." She slammed her fist into a gas station. "That bastard! He couldn't even be straightforward with me!"

Daisy jumped at the sound of the exploding gas station, but she kept calm and maintained her composure. "Awww… is somepony upset?” She mocked. “Face it, Trixie! You’re not as talented as you thought you were! You're just a power-hungry, stupid bimbo! The directors just wanted a pretty face to play the part of the monster in order to boost ticket sales. Now, in my opinion they should have brought someone in with more class. Maybe somepony who can actually act. But when all you have to do is stomp around a city and roar a lot, I can see why they’d hire somepony who’d barely cut it on the set of a bad porno.”

“Shut the fuck up, Daisy!” Trixie roared. “I don’t have to take this from you! I don’t have to take this from anypony!” She tensed up, the stars within her flaring with agony and rage.

“Face the truth, Trixie! You're nothing more but an insecure bitch." Daisy said with a smirk.

Trixie frowned, but then she looked up at Daisy and got ready to pounce. "You know what... Maybe you're right. Maybe I always was an insecure bitch with delusions of grandeur who adopted a macrophillia fetish because they wanted to be more powerful than they actually were." She shook her head. "But now... Now I actually am big, Daisy. I'm the goddess I've always wanted to be. And you'll see firsthand just how full of myself I can be when I make you a part of me!"

Daisy quickly jumped back into the sports car, which was still running, and sped off as fast as she could. "Ha! If you think I'm going to just let you catch me, then you have another thing coming, you overgrown bitch!" She flipped Trixie off and swerved down the street away from the power plant.

"You think I'm going to give you a chance!?" Trixie chased after her, demolishing whatever got in her way. "That's cute, Daisy! I'm a fucking goddess! I can do whatever I wish to you, or anypony else for that matter! And when I catch you, you're going straight up my big hairy asshole!"

While Trixie chased Daisy around the city, Lily, Doctor K and Spitfire were in Rich Tower’s labs, working on the anti-magic cannon. "You a hundred-percent sure this'll work?" Asked Spitfire, looking up at Doctor K.

"No..." Said Doctor K. "In fact, I’d say there's only around a twenty percent chance it will. But it's better than nothing. We've got to try something before she gets even bigger..."

"Only twenty percent!?” Spitfire gasped. “We sent that brave civilian out there as bait over a twenty percent chance!?” Spitfire yelled in protest, gripping her fist. “I swear to Celestia… If this doesn’t work, I’m tossing you off the roof...” She muttered.

"Look... It's the best hope we've got at stopping Trixie." Doctor K grit his teeth. "Every weapon you threw at her just made her bigger... And if we don't take her down, you won't have to toss me off the roof, Trixie will kill us all. Or whatever happens when she absorbs people!” He rubbed his chin in curiosity.

"Okay whatever! Just make sure you work fast.” Spitfire scowled. “At Trixie's current size, it won't be too long before she catches up with Daisy and I'd rather be able to thank her in person for her bravery rather than posthumously."

“Yeah… Yeah… I’m working...” Doctor K mumbled and began looking through several cabinets filled with various experimental weapons, before pulling out a massive eight-foot-long cannon which slightly glowed with red energy. “Aha! Here we are!”

"How is that supposed to work? That doesn’t even look like a magical weapon." Asked Spitfire. "Everypony knows arcane magic has a blue tint to it. What's the red stuff?"

"This... this is Anti-magic. It's not used often, as it's much easier to just kill an enemy than it is to take away their access to magic. Even the police are more favorable to yellow 'stunner' bolts." Doctor K patted the weapon. "But this will destroy magic, and given that Trixie's body seems to be made of pure magic... Well, If anything is capable of taking her out, it will be this."

“It’s not really that portable. But it should be super simple to hit the bitch with it. She’s not exactly a small target.” Said Spitfire. “Let’s get this up to the roof and blast her!”

"Well, here's the thing. In order to fire the weapon with enough power to take out a living enchantment as powerful as Trixie we'll need tons of power, and that means Marenobyl. And even then, there’s a very good chance we’ll burn the weapon out. It is a prototype, after all, and we're asking it to fire a beam that's powerful enough to take out an absolutely massive Ursa Major." Doctor K picked up the weapon and headed towards towards the car garage.

"So we really only do have one shot at this..." Spitfire said with a sigh. "Well there's no use complaining about it. We'd better hurry and get to Marenobyl, that’s were Trixie was gonna head to next anyways… Let's just hope Daisy can somehow make it out alive." She followed Doctor K and Lily down towards the car garage and stepped into a large truck.

"Fuck… I'm gonna run out of road soon!" Daisy cursed as she spotted the coastline. Despite some impressive driving maneuvers, Trixie’s size was far too much for her to overcome and the massive mare pounced over the sports car. “Aaaah!” She gasped, putting the car into reverse and pressing the pedal to the metal, hoping to pick up enough speed for her to escape, but it was quite difficult for her to gain much traction on the sandy beach.

Trixie got down on all fours like a predator and began purring lewdly. "It's over Daisy..." She smirked. "You may have been a slight annoyance, but it was all for naught. No weapon can stop me. Not you, not the army, and certainly not your little friends who I'm going to eat next." She reached towards the car and picked it up.

"Oh no..." Daisy gasped and began muttering to herself. "If Trixie absorbs me, she'll know we have a plan in place to stop her!" Daisy pulled out the pistol, ready to sacrifice herself before her secrets were revealed, but she wasn’t going to shoot herself just yet. Not when she could further delay Trixie. She rolled down the window of her car and tossed herself out of it, plummeting down into the sea below.

Trixie laughed as she saw Daisy bail out into the ocean. She casually tossed her car aside and smirked as it slammed into a bait shop and exploded. "Still clinging on to life outside of me, huh Daisy?" Trixie brought her foot down on a nearby pier and demolished it in a single stomp. "So desperate to keep yourself away from me when you know you're only delaying the inevitable. What reason could you have for such fervor?" She sifted around in the sea for Daisy. "You must have memories you're desperate to keep me from reading! What’s wrong? Don’t want me to go through your dirty laundry!?” She laughed, and then paused. “Or...” She said with a bit more concern. "You have a plan to stop me, don't you?"

Daisy hid in the wreckage of the shattered pier, hiding herself under several boards and using a drinking straw from a tiki bar in order to allow herself to breathe without having to poke her head above the surface.

Trixie kept searching through the sea, nearly finding Daisy on multiple occasions, but she always managed to literally slip through her fingers. Meanwhile, Trixie was becoming more and more frustrated. "Grrrr! Fine! I can't afford to wait any longer chasing an ant like you, Daisy! I don't know what you and your little friends are planning, but it’s obvious you want me distracted! I’m going to go to Marenobyl right now and...” She paused once more, trying to think how a desperate tiny would think. “Come to think of it… That might be your plan…” She rubbed her chin. “I mean… That’s obviously the first place I would head after eating you… Damn it, Daisy! Get your ass out here!” She bellowed into the ocean.

But Trixie got no answer. Just the gurgling of water and her own glowering reflection.

"Okay. That does it…" Trixie growled. "You’re gonna play games like that? Keeping little secrets from me? Fine. Have it your way." Trixie stood up and started marching away from the power station, pushing through several knee-high buildings on her march.

Doctor K, Spitfire and Lily gave a look of confusion as they watched Trixie stomping away. Spitfire did a double-take as she watched Trixie march away from the city, heading further inland. "She’s retreating?"

"No way. Really?" Lily asked. “That doesn’t sound like Trixie.”

"Yeah, she’s heading northwest." Spitfire smiled slightly. “That doesn’t make any sense. Why would she head there?”

"D-do you think she figured out our plan and knows to stay away from Marenobyl?" Asked Lily.

"No... I Don't think so.” Spitfire scratched her head. “Doctor, how long is the range on that weapon?”

“The beam has a very, very long range and she's a massive target." Doctor K nodded. “Hitting her at an extreme distance should not be difficult considering her generous size.” He said with a smug look on his face.

"Seriously... What is she doing?” Spitfire grit her teeth. “Why would she retreat?”

"She’s not retreating." Doctor K looked over at Spitfire with a mix of curiosity and dread. "She's hunting…" He pointed to the packed highways leading out of the city.

Trixie pushed through an office building as she stomped towards the crowded highway, which was packed with ponies evacuating the war-zone Manehattan had become. They thought they would be safe from the giant rampaging monster once they had left the city, but now they were fleeing for their lives in the packed highway. But unfortunately for them, traffic was woefully slow. Manehattan’s traffic was always a nightmare even on good days, so now that the entire population was trying to escape all at once, it was in a state of complete standstill, with cars barely getting to move a few hundred feet every fifteen minutes.

Trixie grinned wildly to see them. The highway looked like a conveyor belt full of brightly-colored candies. Perfect for a growing goddess. “Awww. Look at this gridlock.” Trixie crouched down over one of the highway exits and cooed, her pussy continuously leaking a thick, musky goo onto the cars below. “All you little ponies, trying to get away from the big bad bear. But there's no escaping the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She slammed her paw onto the highway and started dragging it through the crowded road, absorbing thousands of ponies into her hand in mere moments.

It was complete pandemonium. Cars drove off the road, or into other cars in a mad bid to try to escape Trixie’s crushing paws. Others abandoned their vehicles altogether and tried to make it on foot. But it made very little difference, and after only a few minutes, an entire mile of jam-packed traffic had been absorbed by her ursine feet. Tens of thousands of stars swirled around in Trixie’s soles, many of them floating upwards to give her a more uniform distribution of flickering lights.

Trixie chuckled as she saw dozens of news helicopters floating around in the distance. All of them were staying well away from her massive form, which was easily able to be seen in all its mighty glory now that she was no longer being obscured by the gigantic buildings of Manehattan. She licked her lips and gave a sultry purr, knowing that each of those news stations were being watched by potentially tens of millions of ponies, and the showmare in her was just eager to show off her power. “I know many of you little ponies think yourselves to be safe.” She chuckled at the news choppers. “That I am of a static size, and there’s only so much destruction I can cause before I grow bored or am stopped by a power greater than myself.” She crouched down over the highway, her knee absorbing dozens of cars unlucky enough to be under it. Trixie then reached down, and scooped up a massive pileup of vehicles, the tiny cars looking like fragile ball bearings to her.

“Well you are wrong. The more I rampage, the more powerful I become!” Trixie held her hand out to a news crew and purred, showing the cars being sucked into her paw, causing hundreds of new stars to appear in her enormous body as the ponies’ souls became one with her. “There is no hope for your continued existence as a separate entity. Very soon, you will all exist within the divine body of the Great and Powerful Trixie! By this point, there is no power in existence that can stop me!” She laughed maniacally.

“Erm… Excuse us…?” Trixie heard a tiny voice near her right ear and turned to see a news chopper brazenly hovering a few hundred feet from her. “We were… erm… wondering if we could perhaps get an interview… Goddess?” The reporter asked. “You know… For all the souls that are still… separate...”

“Ah. A newspony who knows their place.” Trixie smiled. “Yes, you may absolutely have an interview, on the condition that it be given totally uncensored.” She ran her hands across her boobs. "I don't want my body to be hidden from those who will soon be one with it."

“Thank you… G-g-goddess.” Said the reporter. “Erm… So… We were wondering… First off, why are you rampaging? And… Killing...” She gulped. “So many ponies.”

“First off, I am not killing them. They’re alive and well in their goddess. They just have given up their bodies and free will to a higher power.” Trixie cooed, her internal stars lighting up with excitement. “Secondly, I rampage because it’s fun and it turns me on. Not that a goddess needs to justify any of her actions, of course.”

“I see… And this will be the fate of all those who are separate from you?” The reporter asked.

“Heh. Pretty much.” Trixie smirked and crouched down over the highway, eliciting screams of terror and pleas for mercy from those trapped on the motorway. Thousands of vehicles had already been trampled under her massive feet, but Trixie was tired of absorbing ponies through her soles. She wanted to feel what it was like to eat orally again. She waggled her massive fingers over the sea of vehicles before she picked out a bus packed with terrified ponies. "Yes. This will do nicely." She ripped the bus open and sprinkled the occupants out onto her tongue. “Mmmm...” Trixie purred and licked her lips. “At this point, you all pretty much exist for my pleasure. But don’t despair, little ones. Once you are a part of the Great and Powerful Trixie, you’ll be able to partake in my pleasurable power-trip with me!” Trixie then sat down, creating a pair of huge craters as her twin buttocks crashed into the road.

“And by pleasure, you mean…?” The reporter gulped.

“I’m sure you know what I mean.” Trixie purred lewdly. “But for those of you viewing at home, I will show you. And please, do not be ashamed of being turned on by it. I encourage those sorts of thoughts. To anypony watching, drop your pants, gaze upon my form, and stroke whatever set of genitals you have in reverence of my magnificence. You will be rewarded once you join the heaven that is my body for doing so.” Trixie pressed her feet together, trapping a large portion of the highway in between her paws. But instead of simply crushing them, she absorbed them into her soles, spreading her legs apart and wiggling her toes around erotically for the news. If there was one thing Trixie knew from her macro fetish, it was that a lot of them loved feet, so she was sure that literally eating ponies with her soles was bound to trigger a few orgasms. She moaned and rubbed her tender soles, shivering as the crowds of screaming ponies melted into her flesh.

“Oh Celestia...” The news reporter gasped. “Th-thank you for the interview, goddess… We’ll just be going now...”

“Mmmm.” Trixie purred. “Not unless you want me to eat you right now, you wont.” She closed her eyes and cooed as the ponies in her feet melted into stars. “You can serve your goddess by broadcasting her form to those unfortunate enough to not be a part of her yet, or you can tickle my anus with your tiny little blades. I can guess you don’t want that much of an inside scoop?” She gave a lewd smirk.

“N-n-no goddess… Right away…” The reporter hung her head in defeat. “Keep filming...” She turned to her camera-stallion.

“Good.” Trixie cooed and scooped up a row of cars, flicking her fingers through them to toss out a few she deemed to be ugly. “Hmmmm… You know, Trixie has been in a few pornos before. But she was never really excited for any of them. They were just paychecks to her. But then again, none of them catered to my fetish quite like this… This feeling of ultimate power… This is what turns Trixie on more than anything!” She laughed and slammed the mob of ponies against her pussy. Many of them didn’t make it inside and were absorbed by her vaginal lips, but a few hundred hit the mark, and were sent directly into her slimy love tunnel.

The reporter and the rest of the chopper crew just stared on in horror as Trixie proceeded to pleasure herself. A large mass of stars appeared in her crotch as she rubbed the screaming mob further and further into her sex. Her moans of pleasure quickly overtook that of the shouts and honks down below, and a passionate coo escaped her lips

Whining softly, Trixie moved her hips over the highway. Her rhythmic strokes were growing more and more fevered with each passing moment. Her massive feet curled and stretched, terrifying the survivors down below.

Trixie’s crotch was simply glowing with blue light. She began wiggling her rump side to side, gasping as she felt a faint little tickle under her anus as a few trapped vehicles were absorbed into her pucker. It added another layer to the sweet pleasure of the ponies squirming around inside her pussy. Tilting her head back, she released a massive roar into the sky. She was so enthralled in her blind lust, she didn’t even realize she had cum until she felt the sticky wetness against her fingers.

The ponies on the highway were less fortunate, and found themselves knee deep in a sticky white swamp. And much to their dismay, Trixie just kept going. Each roar indicating another few thousand gallons worth of ursine jizz crashing down on them. Trixie’s cum rained down on them like a raging volcano of lust. The heavy orgasms streamed out of her in great bursts and completely coated the tiny ponies down below. Most were absolutely disgusted by the layer of musky white goo that now bathed them, but a few found it oddly erotic to be covered in the goddess’ seed and bowed down to her, seeing no point in denying the inevitable.

Trixie raised her rear off the ground and started gasping as she reached her twelfth orgasm in the last minute. She was beyond amazed at her new body. Being made out of pure energy had not only given her the size to appreciate her fetish, but the stamina necessary to be truly aroused by it. Stream after stream gushed out of her pussy, washing through the highways and the adjacent woods, flooding them out and miring thousands of ponies who assumed themselves to be safe and hidden in a quagmire of her juices. After one last moan, Trixie found herself satisfied. She looked up at the helicopter and shook her rear a little, before looking at the small lake of cum she had produced. “Do you… See that?” She panted. “That is… Your future… That is what the Great and Powerful Trixie is capable of! All will kneel before me and my might… And there isn’t a damn thing on this planet that can stop me!”

Chapter 7: Things That Can Stop an Ursa

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Spitfire and Doctor K quickly moved the anti-magic cannon onto the roof of the Marenobyl power plant, a long cable connecting the exotic weapon to the gigantic spell matrix that produced power for the entire region. The station’s chief engineer, a unicorn stallion named Control Rod looked on nervously. “Thank goodness you’re here.” He gulped as he looked on in the distance, seeing Trixie having her way with the hapless ponies on the highway. "We were afraid she was going to come for us. I can only imagine what would happen if she were to absorb the core spell matrix into herself.”

“I don’t get it...” Lily glanced up from watching Doctor K work to address the chief engineer. “Why don’t you just shut the entire station down and deny Trixie that energy?”

Control Rod shook his head. “It doesn’t work like that. A spell matrix of this magnitude contains literally millions of individual spells, all kept in balance so they produce more energy than they consume. Trying to shut it down is like playing the world’s most dangerous game of Jenga. Remove one spell too early, and the entire matrix could go up in smoke, flooding the air with supercharged magical particles.”

“Well, can’t we drain the matrix into the anti-magic cannon?” Lily asked.

“Not if you don’t want it to explode, we don’t.” Doctor K adjusted the cannon’s sight to account for the several dozen miles of distance. “A shot from this thing is only going to use up a small fraction of the reactor's energy.” He looked through the scope just in time to see Trixie orgasm, her moans of pleasure audible to them even at such an extreme distance. Doctor K couldn’t help but become slightly aroused at the sight of Trixie toying with the helpless ponies.

"Okay... it’s aimed right for her! Is it ready to fire?" Spitfire said with a sense of urgency. “You’ve made all the adjustments, right!? We need to blast her before she absorbs anypony else!”

"Oh! Yes… Just… Almost... There…" Doctor K grit his teeth as the weapon charged up, glowing with a dark red energy. “Done. It’s all yours, captain.”

Spitfire took a hold of of the cannon and got ready to aim, though Trixie was so massive she imagined even Lily's shaking hands would be able to hit Trixie with no difficulty. “Steady… Steady...” She sweated, her finger squeezing on the trigger, releasing a massive burst of red energy from the cannon.

But as the beam streaked towards Trixie, a shadow fell over the ruined industrial district outskirts, and the sound of rockets could be heard.

Trixie looked up from her post-orgasm bliss to see a robot the same size as herself land between her and the city. “What the fuck…?” She muttered as she took in the mech’s appearance. To say the thing was obscenely designed would be an understatement. Its entire left arm was a massive minigun, which had several smaller miniguns for barrels. Its right arm clutched a massive laser sword which read ‘Suck it, Skywalker’ on the hilt. It also sported a pair of massive missile ‘breasts’ on its chest, each of which had ‘big booms’ written in crude graffiti on the warhead. Another feature was its crotch-mounted artillery piece which could be adjusted in both length and trajectory, and to top in all off, it featured a pair of cosmetic wrecking balls below it.

"En garde, Kaiju-kun!" President Discord said from the cockpit in a horrible mix of faux French and Japanese accents. "I came here to kick ass and fight kaiju! And I'm all out of ass, except for yours, which I'm going to ki-" The anti-magic beam slammed into the back of the mech, shorting out a huge amount of the power and systems, including the laser sword, which fizzled out like a flashlight dropped in a swimming pool.

“Oh no!” Lily screamed as she watched the mech stumbling around.

“What the hell is that thing!?” Doctor K gasped.

“I… I don’t know…” Lily whimpered. “It wasn’t in the original script anywhere!”

“It’s Discord...” Spitfire clenched her fist.

Trixie stared at the hodge-podge of over-designed robot before her and wondered if she was hallucinating. "What the hell is this!?" She scoffed. “You’re ruining the Great and Powerful Trixie’s power fantasy!”

“Hnnngh!” Discord grunted as he tried to get his mecha under control. “Your fantasy? This is my fantasy! I brought you here so I could fight a big rampaging monster in an oversized robot! Just like you see in those Kirin cartoons that have become so popular among the youth.” He chuckled and slapped at his controls. “Come on, you stupid machine! Work!”

"Main systems offline..." His suit said quietly in a monotone voice, and his crotch-mounted cannon deactivated and went limp. "Reverting all power to critical functions..."

"Oh..." Discord groaned and looked down as the mecha’s ‘penis’ went flaccid. "Oh my... Well, this is embarrassing. Show up for my first kaiju fight and look at what happens. It's not usually like this, I swear...”

Trixie laughed and stood up. “So… Who are you, exactly?”

"I’m President Discord! And I’m the one who’s gonna kick your ursine kaiju ass!" Discord said as his mech did a roundhouse kick straight into Trixie’s belly, sending her flying into the woods behind the highway. “Woot! Looks like I won initiative!” He pressed a button on his control panel, and his suit started playing the ‘Gundam’ theme song. "And for those of you wondering, yes. That music is considered a critical feature."

Trixie groaned and stood up, she pounced at the massive mecha, but even with its power critically drained, Discord was able to sidestep her with uncanny speed, he then delivered a punch to the side of her face, followed by another powerful kick that sent her slamming into the industrial district.

Trixie moaned and leaned up against a massive skyscraper. She looked up, only for the facade of the building to slide off and crash onto her head."Unghh..." She grunted in pain, and she was sure at least one of her ribs was broken as she slowly pulled the rubble off of herself, only to be greeted with Discord’s swirling minigun, which she saw was loaded with lead bullets, as opposed to the standard magical rounds.

“It’s over, Kaiju scum!” Discord grinned and brought a foot down on Trixie’s stomach in triumph. “Any last words!?”

Trixie sighed and slumped down. "Just make it fast." She closed her eyes.

“Huh!?” Discord blinked and spun his mini-gun down. "What was that?” He stuck a finger in his ear and cleaned a comical amount of wax out of it. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I look right now!" He waved to nowhere in particular, as if there were a camera watching him. "Well that, and my mini-gun. Mostly the gun. Seriously. It's very, very loud."

"Do it already!" Trixie growled. “It’s pretty obvious that you’re the one behind this whole crazy scenario, Discord! And I’m letting you know you won, okay! So just end me! Put me out of my misery! I know when I’ve been beat…"

"What!?" Discord wailed. "No, No, No! This was too easy. You were supposed to be super dangerous! Like… taking five episodes to defeat levels of dangerous! You shouldn't have gone down in one hit! Computer, what’s my chance of victory?"

"Calculating… Please wait." The mech’s computer replied. A rotating graphic of the presidential seal showed up on screen.

"C’mon… Really? Load times!?" Discord groaned. “I spent 80 trillion dollars worth of taxpayer money for this!?" He tapped his foot.

Meanwhile, back at Marenobyl, Spitfire and the others stared in awe as they saw Discord’s mech effortlessly defeat Trixie. “Holy crap… And that’s after we hit it with the cannon…” She muttered.

“Huh...” Doctor K stared in a mix of sorrow and relief as he watched his ‘goddess’ fall.

"Did you guys see that!?" Lily cheered. "That robot is kicking her ass! This is perfect! We may not need the cannon after all!"

“Y-y-yeah...” Doctor K sighed. “Once Trixie is defeated, the movie will be over and… Well, I guess we can all go home...”

“What are you doing!?” Spitfire clenched her fist as she watched the mech’s miniguns spin down. "Don't give her an inch! End her! This is your chance!" She yelled up to the robot. “Guh! Why is he stalling!? It’s like he’s trying to give her an opportunity to fight back!"

Discord tapped his fingers and rolled his eyes. He had half-expected Trixie to have a second wind and give him some more epic kaiju action. But much to his disappointment, she seemed content to just sit there while his computer calculated his odds of winning. At last, the computer beeped and gave out its combat analysis. "99.93% chance of victory. Success is all but assured, sir."

"What!? Aw, come on!" Discord yelled. "What’s the point of having an epic kaiju fight if it’s just gonna be a one-sided curb stomp!? I didn’t create a pocket dimension based on a popular movie and rig an election just for this! What a fucking disappointment!" He stomped his mech’s foot in anger.

“Wait… Pocket dimension?” Trixie groaned. "So you mean to tell me that your responsible for all this!? What the heck is going on?!"

"That's right. I'm the one responsible for all this. I sucked you and your little friends into this fantasy land so I could fight the awesome giant monster I saw on the poster!" Discord chuckled.

"So you mean all the ponies I've absorbed...?" Trixie looked at the stars glowing all over her body.

"They're all 'fake', as it were. I made them. Quite lifelike, aren't they?" Discord said proudly, stroking his beard. “The only real pony inside of you is Oranos, and I will be giving him back his old studly body once I’ve had my fun.”

“So… That’s why he feels so much more… real than the others...” Trixie panted, feeling the warm buzzing in her crotch, trying to imagine it spread out over her entire form.

"That's right.” Said Discord. “This whole thing was set up to be MY kaiju fight fantasy from the start! But it seems like I put the game on 'easy mode' when I wanted a real challenge." He gave a discontent sigh and extended a hand to Trixie. "So here's the deal. Why don’t you take a few weeks off to recover, champ?”

"What!? You’re letting me go? Even after all I’ve done?" Trixie looked up at him incredulously. "I… I demolished Manehattan!"

"Pfft. I don’t care if you break my universe. Besides, it'll be a good sequel hook for me to avenge Manehattan." Discord shrugged. "I came here because I wanted to fight a kaiju in a giant obscene robot built using other people’s money. So go ahead, eat a bunch more ponies. Get bigger, destroy some more cities. Whatever you feel like. Then you and I meet back in say… Baltimare or something, and then we have a real kaiju fight, whaddaya say? We could call it the Bear-bitch of Baltimare!"

“You traitor!” Spitfire stood at the edge of Marenobyl, all but frothing from the mouth. “That utter fucking traitor!”

"W-well... he did sort of create you..." Lily said nervously. “And… I mean, I guess it’s a good thing, since it means Trixie hasn’t actually been… You know… eating people...”

“It was real to me!” Spitfire panted, her mind raging at the fact that her entire world was simply created for the pleasure and amusement of an uncaring chaos god. “This is such fucking bullshit… I can’t believe I voted for that guy...”

Control Rod looked more nervous than the others. “We’ve… We’ve got to move. If President Discord truly plans on letting her go, then this is the first place she’ll come… and when she does…”

“He has no idea the kind of incredible power he’ll unleash...” Doctor K gaped as he saw Trixie getting up in the distance.

“So… What is it you expect of me?” Asked Trixie, doing her best to keep her eyes off of Marenobyl.

"I’m going to go back to the hive of scum and villainy that is the capital, and you’re going to rampage.” Said Discord. “Eat some more ponies or do whatever it is you do to make yourself bigger. We’ll meet back up in say… a month or so, and then we’ll have our big city-destroying fight. And try to make it a challenge next time, will ya? I expect you to be at least twice as big as you are now, got it!?" He waggled his finger at her. "And don't hold back, I want you to push me to the limit!"

Trixie glanced at Marenobyl and smirked. "Oh, don’t you worry. I’m sure I'll be more than a match for you..." She got up and sauntered towards the power plant.

Lily was already running towards the exit with Spitfire and Control Rod, but much to her surprise, Doctor K was standing on the edge of the observation platform, watching with a mix of glee and defeat as Trixie stomped into the parking lot. “K!” She screamed.

“Just leave me be… There’s nothing we can do at this point. I just want to witness this.” Doctor K shook his head and looked up in awe as Trixie entered the magical power plant, and in less than ten seconds, she destroyed the cooling towers and severed all the water pipes that supplied water to the cooling turbines.

"Leave him!" Spitfire yelled and pulled Lily towards the exit. "There's nothing we can do for him!"

"There's nothing we can do for anypony now! There's going to be a meltdown!” Control Rod gasped as Trixie tore open the operating room, making quick snacks out of the ponies still inside.

The trio of ponies barely managed to make it out to the streets before Trixie’s paw crashed down on the area they were standing on mere moments ago. "Don't look back! Just keep running!" Spitfire yelled.

"We're not going to make it!" Control Rod panted through his sprinting. "It’s an atomic blast! It’ll level the whole city! We’re just delaying the inevitable!" He looked back at the unstable power plant.

"There’s one spot we can go!" Said Spitfire. "Rich Tower. It’s definitely built to survive a blast like this. We’ll be safe in there… If we can make it..."

Trixie crouched down over the observation platform, her eyes drawn to the tiny pony standing on the platform. A smug grin came over her face as the looked over the tiny gnat of a pony before her. “Hello, K.” She purred.

“Hello, goddess…” Doctor K sighed and hung his head. “I’m… Sorry for trying to stop your ascendance. I want you to know that...”

“That they basically forced you into helping them?” Trixie smiled. "I know, K... I know." She leaned forward and kissed him. "And that's why I'm going to absorb you however you want. Don't worry. It won't hurt. You'll become a part of me, and if Discord is to be believed, you’ll be returned to the real world shortly afterwards...”

Doctor K smiled and began sweating, both from heat and arousal. Alarms started blaring throughout the power plant as the spell matrix reactor’s heat and pressure reached critical mass, over one-thousand times safe levels. Trixie basked in the warm glow of the leaking magical radiation. Her body started to slowly repair itself. Her cracked ribs knitted together, and her cuts began to heal up, making K lick his lips in arousal as he saw her slowly growing more powerful. Trixie knew it wouldn’t be safe for K to exist outside of her for more than a few seconds, so she moved her house-sized finger up to him and absorbed him into it.

Doctor K sighed, in a state of pure bliss and content. “Thank you, my goddess...” He moaned as he felt Trixie stimulating his sensations, causing him to feel happy and aroused. “I never meant to hurt you...”

"That's a good little one..." Trixie purred. "I can tell you're partly lying... you did want to take me out because I nearly drowned you. But don't worry. I'm a merciful goddess. I won't hold it against you." She put her finger in her mouth and sucked K out of it, where she started rolling him around inside her mouth.

"T-Thank you my Goddess" Doctor K closed his eyes and cooed. Out of the thousands of victims that had ended up inside Trixie’s maw, he was the only one that didn't scream as he was absorbed into her magnificent body.

“We’re going to make it!” Control Rod panted as they started to near Rich Tower, just a few blocks away from them. “It’s so close… All we have to do is hope the reactor doesn’t...”


The entire city shook violently, sending the ponies sprawling off their feet and causing dozens of lesser skyscrapers to collapse into themselves. The unimaginable had happened. The extreme heat started to destroy the magical cores. The power station’s magical reactors all detonated simultaneously. Calling it an explosion was an imprecise term, it was like a volcanic eruption. The force blew the facility into trillions of tiny pieces and created a shockwave that flattened what was left of the industrial district. Hundreds of tons of highly radioactive magical fuel burst into the sky.

Lily opened her eyes, amazed to see herself still alive. "That... that wasn’t so bad..."

"That was just the shockwave." Said Control Rod. "Any second now, the wave of heat will vaporize us!" He covered his head and waited for death to overtake them. "It's over! It's fucking over!"

But several more seconds passed, and there was no heat wave. Lily and Spitfire hugged each other, waiting for the end to come, but it never did. More seconds passed, then half a minute. And at last Lily was to pull herself off of Spitfire and look up at the blinding red glow of magical fire in the distance. “I… I don’t think it’s going to kill us...”

"I don’t understand..." Control Rod said is disbelief. "It defies the laws of physics! Where’s the heat wave?"

"I don’t know..." Spitfire replied. "It's like all the magical energy went somewhere else..."

"That’s what I’m afraid of…" Lily gulped.

The three stared at the cloud of radioactive flame. They could see movement inside of it. And worse, they could hear laughter.

Chapter 8: The Ursa That Ate Manehattan

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Hearts trembled with fear at the sound of the deep chuckling. “Oh Celestia…” Lily whimpered. “I was right… The heatwave did go somewhere else...”

Spitfire tried to find the words to calm her down, but her mind came out blank. "Right now....I wish that heatwave had taken us out…" She turned towards Discord’s mech and impotently screamed at it. "You fucking idiot! Do you realize what you've done!? You’ve doomed us all!”

A truly massive blue foot came crashing down on what was left of the industrial district, turning the ruined buildings into a fine dust. The factories that once stood up to Trixie's knees were casually crushed underfoot like moss. Trixie had grown nearly five times her previous size, and now stood at a height of just under two miles.

"We’re the size of fleas to her!" Control Rod screamed. "All that energy she’s absorbed… There’s no possible way we can kill her now! Equestria is doomed! Damn you, Discord! Damn you to Tartarus. You could have prevented this!" He fell to the street in despair.

“Filthy Rich!” Trixie's massive voice rang out. It was so powerful it could have been heard for dozens of miles around. "I know you’re home, Filthy! You probably think your tower is the safest place in the city, don’t you? I know you did half an hour ago, when you were talking all that good shit.” A massive foot smashed into the downtown area across from Rich's tower as Trixie positioned herself so she was standing directly above the tower. Even as the tallest tower in Manehattan, the pinnacle of Equestrian architecture, it only stood up to Trixie's knees. She crouched down over it and gave a seductive purr. “You know, Mr. Rich, you’re kind of a scumbag. You’re well-known for exploiting ponies in the worst possible ways! Well... now you’re going to get to know what it feels like to be exploited yourself!” She spread her pussy lips over the top of the building.

“Oh god..." Spitfire gasped. "Lily... We need to get away from the tower…”

But Spitfire’s commands were all for naught, as Lily was already sprinting away as quickly as her legs would carry her.

Filthy Rich stood on his balcony as he watched Trixie straddle his tower. His body was like an ice sculpture, his fear levels too immense to allow him to move even one inch. Trixie had gone from a walking natural disaster to something that could only be described as a goddess. He gulped and mumbled. "T-T-Trixie… P-please… I'm s-sorry about what I said earlier… I-I'll do… anything you want… J-just please… Don't do this… I made you into this… Please… I'll bow down to you… Just… don't kill me… " He quaked with fear.

Spitfire flew after Lily, only managing to catch up to her because of how much faster flying was than running. The two looked back up at the mighty tower one last time before it was fully engulfed in bear flesh, leaving Filthy Rich and his staff trapped inside Trixie's enormous vagina. “Oh Celestia...” Spitfire watched in horror as rivers of feminine juices started to pour down the sides of Manehattan’s greatest skyscraper.

"Ungh.... It's a bit late for that, Filthy... All the shit you've done over the years is catching up to you. And now you're going to die inside the cunt of the monster you created!" Trixie lowered her hips all the way down, moaning as she felt the gigantic building impacting her cervix. She had seen Filthy Rich on his balcony right before she lowered herself down and wondered if he was still out there. She liked to imagine he was. Trixie slowly moved her body upward, only to slam back down onto it with the force of an earthquake. It was like she was riding the tower like a gigantic dildo. Tremor after tremor shook the city as her enormous ass cheeks slammed into the ground with each repetition.

Filthy Rich screamed and ran through the hallways as the outer glass walls became covered in a wave of blue flesh, casting the building into the darkness. Rich ran to his office and pressed a button on his desk that launched hundreds of mini rockets into Trixie’s deadly love cave, but it seemed to be doing more harm then good, as Trixie simply absorbed the magical energy. A few employees tried to escape, but were only crushed into paste and smeared against the side of the building, where their remains were absorbed by Trixie.

Trixie moaned with pleasure. But it was more than just the feeling of the upwelling sexual pressure that made her the happiest mare on Equestria. It was the knowledge that Filthy Rich was going to be crushed by the pussy of the monster he had created. Ponies inside kept shooting her, but that only served to make her more and more horny. "That’s it, Filthy! All those years you used me! The massive empire you built up! It all comes crumbling down!" Trixie started laughing between her moans as the tempo of her repetitions got faster.

"We've got to go!" Spitfire yelled. "You saw how much cum she made on the highway! The amount she could make now would be the worst flood Manehattan has ever seen!"

Trixie screamed as she started to near her climax. "Unf! That’s right. Die, Filthy. Die! Die! Ung, DIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!" In the blink of an eye, the tower capable of surviving a nuclear blast was crushed into a mass of scrap metal, killing everyone inside, their souls being absorbed by Trixie's hungry cunt to become one with her now arguably-divine body. The river of feminine juices that had flowed from the tower’s sides exploded into a tsunami. The bottom floors of Rich Tower were flooded out by the massive wave. Any ponies still alive on the lower floors would surely drown in the seemingly infinite torrent.

The wave of feminine juices rushed through the streets, heading right towards Spitfire and Lily. "We’re dead..." Lily whimpered.

"Not yet we’re not!" Spitfire grabbed the trembling mare and flew her up to the roof of a skyscraper. She looked down to see a tsunami of feminine juices wash through the streets like a rapid, devastating the area where they had been standing not too long ago.

The flood of cum swept through the streets below Lily and Spitfire, sweeping up cars, newspaper stands, and anything else that lacked a solid foundation, churning it all together in the frothy, sweet-smelling fluid. "Wh-whew... W-we did it... We're safe..." Lily gave a sigh of relief.

"Is that so!?" Trixie’s voice boomed out and she fell forward in delight, demolishing a huge swath of the downtown as she did, an eye the size of a city block looked down at Lily and Spitfire with perverse delight. "Heheh... You’re all ants compared to me! This city is all mine! And now there’s nothing to stop me from taking over the whole world!" She raised a finger above them. "I am invincible!"

“That’s where you’re wrong, kaiju!” Discord landed his mech right behind the apartment Lily and Spitfire were taking shelter on. “I’ll admit, it didn’t take you nearly as long to gain some mass as I expected, but trust me, I am loving those results!” He held his hands up to measure the girth of her breasts and purred. "Oh yeah... In all the right places..."

“Are you fucking insane!?” Lily screamed frantically. “She’s several miles tall! Your mech is barely the size of an action figure to her! Discord! This has to end now! You’re picking a fight you can't win!”

"That’s where you’re wrong!" Discord scoffed. "Besides, it wouldn’t be a big climatic finisher without the odds being a little stacked against the hero! Computer, scan for the bitch for weaknesses!" He pressed a button on his consol.

His computer beeped. “Oh jeeze... Um... W-well. You could try shooting it, sir.”

"I spent 80 Trillion dollars of taxpayer money on you, and your advice is to shoot at it!?" Discord slammed his fist on the control panel. “Honestly! What am I paying those stupid engineers for!?”

"Erm... Try aiming for the head to inflict critical damage, sir?" The computer beeped, as if it were completely out of ideas. "Look for glowing areas, as they might be a weak point?"

"Her whole body is glowing, you despicable dunce-bucket!" Discord rubbed his temples in frustration as his computer continued to condescend him. "Look! I... Ugh… What’s our chance of victory now?"

"Calculating, please wait..." His computer beeped again. "0.007% Chance of victory. In other words: You’re fucked, sir."

"Pfft... You call that loss!?" Discord laughed "I’ve crapped bigger losses than that! Operation Rooster Boosters!" His mech arched its hips upwards and fired thousands of missiles loaded with liquid nitrogen out from his ‘robo-penis’! Only for the attack to harmlessly bounce off Trixie’s left nipple.

Trixie giggled. "Is that all you've got there?"

Discord looked down and blushed. "Ohhh… Crap…"

Trixie reached up and grabbed Discord’s mech with a single hand. "Cute toy you got there."

"Oh… Erm… Th-thanks..." Discord blushed. "Are y-you talking about my mech or my dimension?"

“Your mech… Although...” Trixie rubbed her chin. “I must say… Your ability to warp reality itself is quite… delicious...” She licked her lips and continued to squeeze the crippled mech suit, causing sparks to fly from it.

“Warning. Catastrophic damage detected… Locomotive systems offline...” Beeped the mech’s computer.

"You may think this gives you a tactical advantage..." Discord said with a large amount of confidence. "But you still don’t have anything close to the mighty prowess of my mecha su-"

Trixie ripped off his crotch-mounted artillery piece off his mech suit and started mockingly picking her teeth with it. “Ohh.” Discord grabbed his own crotch, just to make sure it was still there. “Now that’s a low fucking blow, let me tell you...” He wrestled with the controls.

Trixie laughed at the futile struggling of Discord’s mech suit. "I’m gonna take you apart." She slowly ripped all of the limbs off and held the dismembered machine in front of her face. "What’re you going to do now, fearless leader?"

"Time for my secret weapons! Titty missiles away!" The two massive warheads flew out of the mech’s chest and slammed into the giantess’ face with a massive explosion.

Trixie winced her eyes, but was otherwise completely unfazed by the blast.

"Oh shit..." Discord said flatly. "Well, I’m out of ideas... Hey, computer? You got any ideas!?" He yelled as Trixie dangled the mangled mech in the air.

“Well, sir… We have a 0.0001% Probability that we win this fight based on my abilities alone. Perhaps it is time that you use your powers as the Lord of Chaos.” Beeped the mech’s AI.

“Hnnngh… Okay, fine... I think you've made your point. There's no way we're gonna be able to take this bitch out with just my Gundam. I wanted to see if I could play the big damn hero against all the odds, but at this point, I think we're fucked… Very well" Discord closed his eyes and snapped his fingers, but only sparks flew out. "Huh... That's strange. My magic doesn't seem to be working.” He snapped his fingers several more times in frustration. “Grrr… What’s wrong with it!? It’s almost as if..." His eyes widened in horror. "It's being absorbed..." He looked up at Trixie’s smug face.

"It's what?!" Trixie smirked knowingly. “Go ahead. Return us to reality. Summon some sort of jet to fly you away. Turn me into a jellyfish.” She said with increasing confidence. “What’s the matter, Discord? You’re usually waaaaay more creative than that.” She purred.

Discord kept snapping his fingers, trying to warp reality to his whim, but it didn't seem to be working at all. Trixie was absorbing every attempt he made to remove himself from his terrible situation. “Hnnnngh! C’mon… C’mon… Work damn it!” He kept trying to warp reality to his whims, but all he was able to do was summon butterflies and lollipops.

Trixie tore the head off what was left of the mech and held it in between her fingers. "You know, Discord... you're a real piece of work. And that's saying a lot coming from me...” She casually tossed the rest of the suit into the ocean. “You create a whole dimension full of disposable ponies, kidnap me and my friends, and then put us all in dangerous situations, just for the purpose of having a bit of entertainment. Pathetic!"

“Well… It was nothing personal...” Discord giggled nervously, holding up his hands in surrender. "But I think I may have bitten off a bit more than I could chew, but there’s no reason we can’t just let bygones be bygones and...”

Trixie shook the mech’s head and snorted. “You know… You’re kind of a real asshole, Discord.” She spread her legs wide, revealing the black hole of an anus housed in between her buttocks. Sure, it wasn’t all that different from absorbing ponies with any other part of her body, but it was more the thought that counted. "But don't worry... Once I absorb you, I promise to put your powers to better use than you ever did..." She gave her pulsating anus a wink as she moved the mech's head towards her asshole.

"W-what!?" Discord gasped and curled up into a ball as Trixie’s ass filled his entire field of view. "No! Please no! I'm the lord of chaos! You can't just do this to me! We can make a deal! I'll give you anything you want! Just please don't…"


Trixie’s anus yielded to her touch with absolutely no resistance. Inside, Discord tried firing a few emergency boosters to free himself from Trixie’s gooey innards, but her tight pucker was unwilling to part with its meal, and slowly quivered with glee as the nigh-omnipotent draconequus was assimilated into her body. Trixie’s eyes began glowing yellow with power, and the stars in her body started glowing a hundred times brighter.

“Oooooh Yessss… Now this… This is fuckin power!” Trixie laughed as she felt the universe around her becoming clearer and more comprehensive. As if she could not only see the building blocks of the universe, but manipulate them to her will. She was so enraptured in her own power, that she barely noticed when she felt Spitfire and Lily’s presence below. “Oh yes… I do believe I had some unfinished business, didn’t I?”

Lily immediately got down on her knees, realizing the situation was hopeless. “T-T-Trixie… I realize that resistance is futile… Please don’t kill me… I’ll do anything you say...”

Spitfire looked at her in disgust. “You’re pathetic civilian… The situation may be beyond hopeless, but it is better to die with honor than live as a...”

Trixie was eager to try out her powers, and with a snap of her fingers, she imagined Spitfire bound and gagged. And sure enough, there she was, angrily squirming in a sturdy rope binding her body and mouth.

"That's right, Lily... You can't challenge me. But you never really could when I was a mortal either. Not really. You were always weak, and folded anytime me or another alpha mare told you what to do. My divinity just makes it all the more unfair." Trixie picked up Spitfire and unceremoniously tossed her into her open mouth and swallowed her whole. "Mmm... Honestly. That mare had more bravery in a single hair than you did in your whole body! And she wasn’t even real! It's only by luck and my desire to toy with my prey that allowed you to get this far. Part of me wonders if I should even bother eating you. Adding your essence to my divine mass might be more of a hindrance than a help."

“Th-that’s right…” Lily gulped, hoping she would be too pathetic for Trixie to eat. “I’m a weak, whiny mare. You wouldn’t want me inside of you...” She sobbed.

“True...” Trixie cooed. “But then again, I could always just shunt your whiny ass to the back of my subconscious. And it seems an awful shame to leave a delectable little mortal like you just laying around. So...” She picked Lily up and dangled her in the air above her maw.

“No! Trixie no!” Lily screamed and squirmed in her massive fingers. “Don’t eat me! Please! I...”

“Trixie!” Daisy called from down below, punctuating her name with a burst of rifle fire.

“Ah... Daisy...” Trixie looked down and smirked. “How nice of the alpha bitch to join us. You always were a massive fucking cunt…" She crossed her massive arms and grinned. “Well, you're kind of small now. But still..." She chuckled. "I'm surprised you were able to tolerate putting up with Lily in this universe. She was always so sensitive, and you always had such a short fuse. I’m honestly amazed you don’t think I'm doing the world a favor by eating her.”

Lily screamed, her face full of fear and tears ran down her face. "D-daisy... Don't aggravate her..." She sniffled.

"You're pathetic, Daisy.” Trixie snorted. “Almost as pathetic as Lily. All you do is belittle and insult people. Don’t pretend to care about Lily all of the sudden. You never cared. Well, not until I became much more powerful than anyone else!” She stomped her foot down.

“I...” Daisy recoiled backwards from the shockwave. “I was just frustrated! I just wanted to...”

“You wanted someone to take out your anger on. Well don't worry… I understand." Trixie smirked. "I'll be sure to keep Lily away from you once you’re both inside of me!” She dropped Lily into her mouth and allowed her body to swell once more, causing the entire island of Manehattan to shake.

Daisy scrambled away from Trixie’s expanding toes and began looking for something she could do to improve her situation, but the city was in ruins and Trixie was now nigh-omnipotent. She could only imagine all the things Trixie would do with her new powers now that she had them. The very thought of it made her shiver.

Trixie patted her soft, squishy belly, letting out a belch as she felt Daisy’s star become a part of her. She looked down and contemplated how she should dispose of her tiny ex-coworker, casually inching her toes forward in order to give the appearance that chasing Daisy required any effort on her part. Each of her toes were nearly the size of an office building alone, and it was all Daisy could do to keep ahead of the latent growth in Trixie’s divine body. Right before Trixie’s toes overtook Daisy, she raised them up into the air and wiggled them around, before she brought her toe down on a cute little inch-tall office building. The flimsy structure didn’t stand a chance and collapsed into a massive field of rubble which blocked Daisy’s path.

“Gyah!” Daisy screamed and covered her ears as another building was demolished, collapsing behind her, leaving a half-standing building with its innards now exposed. “Fuck! Trixie!” She yelled. “Stop! Just… Stop! You've already won everything! There's no need for more needless destruction!” She looked up as the cruel goddess continued to lazily drag her toes through the city.

“Hmmm… No. I won’t stop, Daisy. You have no idea how this feels... I feel like I've achieved a state of nirvana. Reality itself bends to my will. I can see the number of atoms inside of everything, and count them." Trixie waved her hand over Daisy and disintegrated her, only to wave it back and restore her atoms to their original positions. "This is beyond my wildest dreams... In the film... The first time we filmed it, I was only playing a kaiju... A dumb brute of a monster. But now, I've become a motherfucking goddess!" She laughed, creating dozens of sparkling worlds in her hands, which she casually crushed into magma.

Daisy didn't know what to do. There was nowhere she could hide. Not a single place in this universe or the next was safe from Trixie, and resisting her was all but futile. There was no running. No fighting. Heck, even separate from Trixie, she practically already belonged to her. Her stomach quivered and she vomited into the gutter as she felt her insides twist up.

Unknown to Daisy, Trixie had done a lot more than just trap her in a field of rubble. She dragged her toe through the city with a tremendous screech, spelling out the word ‘Cunt’ with an arrow pointing towards Daisy’s diminutive form. But she didn’t need to know. Trixie’s size alone was enough to strike terror into her heart. She leaned forward, picking up a building and biting into it like a bit of taffy, suckling all the insides out of it. There were a few ponies who thought to hide inside of it, rewarding the ursine goddess with a few more stars. She then tossed her meal away and loomed over Daisy, her massive red eyes glowing in the dark night sky.

Daisy gave a pitiful squeal as she looked over the gigantic nude goddess that Trixie had become. Her greedy, lustful eyes gazed into Daisy’s very soul as the buildings began to buckle and crack around her massive form. “Trixie… Please no...” Daisy pulled out her gun and pointed it and her own temple, whimpering and then pulling the trigger. But much to her horror, instead of a bullet, ghostly blue flowers came out of the gun.

Trixie smirked. “Sorry, Daisy, but it’s no use. I know what you're thinking. You want to die now. You don't want to give me the satisfaction of eating you. But even if you were to kill yourself, there's nothing stopping me from bringing you back from the dead. Face it, I've won in every sense of the word. I have unlimited power! And you have nothing!” She looked down, hearing the screams of tiny ponies all around her. Most of them weren’t coming from the evacuated city, but from the highways and towns behind her. It was a sound that made her lips curl upwards, even though she knew they were not real ponies. They could still serve as an appetizer for her inevitable meeting with the real world. She would have to make a mental note to see if they were comparable. But Trixie was through toying. She had played with Manehattan for long enough. She was no longer the mere kaiju in the movie. She was a goddess! And she was going to live up to the title of the film she was reenacting! The ground shook with power, and the evacuating highways were crumpled underneath her mighty sweat-soaked heels.

"Please! Trixie! This isn't you!" Daisy wailed. “You’ve proved your point already! I’m nothing to you!” Tears streamed down her cheeks. "But there are good ponies who wouldn't want this from you! What about Oranos!? What about your friends back home!? They wouldn't want this of you!"

"Those were the friends of the Great and Powerful Trixie, not the Goddess she has become! The old Trixie is no more! Goddess Trixie is beholden to nothing but her own sexual desires!” She laughed, swinging her boobs against a pair of buildings and causing them to collapse into a field of rubble. “And nothing will stop her from taking whatever she wishes from any universe she desires! Reality is mine to do with as I please! And all of it only exists to bring me sexual pleasure!” She cackled as her mind went mad with power.

Daisy screamed and curled up into a ball as she watched Trixie continue to grow larger and larger. The entire island shook and shuddered as Trixie sunk her hand into the ground, only for her fingers to burst out of the earth all around her, her terror-inducing fingers dripping with mud. A massive eye gazed upon the city, grinning at the miniature city in her hand, followed by an ominous chuckle. "Heheh." Trixie held the city in her hand and smiled. "Sorry, Daisy. But the name of the film was 'The Ursa that Ate Manehattan.' And we wouldn't want to disappoint the audience, now would we?" She looked directly into fourth wall and smirked at the audience who all began to clap and cheer. "Aww... That's so cute... You all think this is part of the film, don't you? Well, don't worry. I'll be sure to come and pay you all a visit once I finish the movie. After all, I know you'd miss me.”

Trixie could see the Pony of Liberty, the footprint of the Marepire State Building and the ruins of Wall Street. All destroyed because of her. Her thick blue fluff stood on end as she reveled in her power, seeing clouds swoosh by her head as she continued to grow in size. She casually brought her finger down in the middle of Central Park, turning it into a crater of dirt beneath her mighty claw. Her senses had increased to the point where she could feel the footsteps of tiny ponies scrambling around in the metro systems. This was true power. No longer could mortals hide from her. She was now capable of finding needles in a haystack with the utmost of ease, every atom in the pile of mud, concrete and broken steel was known to her, and her mind came to the conclusion they were all equally worthless.

“And now… For the grand finale!” Trixie exhaled softly, opening her miles-wide mouth and bringing the city inside, nibbling off a ten-block section as if the city were a mere cracker. She grinned as she felt entire skyscrapers exploding against her gigantic teeth, coating them in a layer of dust before they were wiped clean by a wave of saliva. “Ooooh.” She gave a grunt of satisfaction as she felt the chunk of city wash across her taste buds. The flavor was quite bland, but it was more about the power of being able to eat an entire city that mattered. Trixie groped the bottom of her massive blue boobs as she looked at the city in her hand, the few standing buildings shaking like they were experiencing an earthquake.

Trixie could see Daisy in the middle of the ruins, standing in total awe of her majesty. A small part of her wanted to keep the mare separate from her, so she could be forced to gaze upon her magnificence forever. But such thoughts were quashed by her undying desire for further power. She would not be satisfied until she had all the marbles. Including those who she despised in her previous life as a mere mortal. But Trixie was not a mortal any longer. She was a force of nature, and the forces of nature did not discriminate in their victims!

Trixie opened her mouth and sat down, her plush rear cracking apart a massive portion of the fictional Equestria behind her. Dozens of cities vanished under her ass and hundreds more were subjected to terrible earthquakes, which Trixie would have no doubt been very proud of if she were fully aware of just how powerful she was becoming, but for now, she would satisfy herself with the city of Manehattan. She moved the city forward into her mouth, feeling the muddy texture against her tongue as the city’s bedrock melted into her tongue. Lakes of saliva dripped down from the ceiling onto the city, shattering entire city blocks instantly. The grand stadium of Manehattan’s buckball team quickly filled up with her saliva. The few hundred pegasi still in the city tried to fly away, but there was nowhere they could go, they were fully trapped inside the mighty usra goddess’ maw and those who dared press against the roof of her translucent mouth were absorbed into her body. Then with one last gulp, a bulge appeared in Trixie's throat, and the city of Manehattan was no more.

“Ooooohhh...” Trixie’s eyes rolled back in her head and her legs went weak. She had done it. She had gained everything should could have ever wanted and more. But she wasn’t done. There were no doubt millions of little fictional ponies watching her overtake their pocket dimension. In fact, Trixie knew their were. She could feel their gaze. Hear their screams. Taste their fear. And she wanted all of it. She wanted them inside of her. And a goddess’ whims were always soon to become reality.

Trixie knelt down and scooped up another city with her hands, moaning as she rubbed it into her breasts, feeling the thousands of motes of magic become one with her boobs. “Ooooh… Yessssss...” Trixie purred, stomping onto the mainland, feeling several smaller cities vanish into her paws. “The power… The pure raw strength… And it’s mine! All mine!” She crouched down and scooped up another hapless city, crushing it into chunks of rubble against her aching feminine sex, which her translucent skin greedily absorbed. “Ahhhh… There’s nothing… Absolutely nothing, in this world or the next that can stop me!” She panted, lake-sized droplets of arousal leaking out of her cunt onto the land below.

“Hmmm. It seems that’s not going to stop you little bugs though.” Little sparkles of energy lit up around her feet as what was left of Equestria’s military launched a last ditch effort assault at her ankles, firing every type of magical armament they had at her, hoping that at least one might be the one to stop her. Fireballs, acid arrows, magic missiles, necromatic bursts. But they all failed, and their energy was absorbed into Trixie’s ever-expanding body. “But I appreciate the effort, regardless. After all, you mites must be desperate...” She panted, showing her pussy off to the army, allowing them to fire upon it until they drowned in the flood of arousal she was endlessly producing.

Unsatisfied with the Army’s efforts, Trixie brought her pussy down on top of Equestria and began rubbing it against the surface, her aching clitoris licking whole population centers off the world. “Ooooh… I can feel you all becoming one with Trixie...” She cooed. “Ahhhh… You all feel so fucking good...” She shivered, feeling more little pinpricks against her skin as missiles and cities exploded against her gargantuan body.

For the poor citizens of the pocket dimension, their world had turned into a hell. They thought Trixie was huge before, but what they witnessed now was incomprehensible. This mere ursa was now growing without limit, thousands of feet every second, all while she fucked their nation into oblivion. Her hands and boobs demolished the west coast, her mountainous toes and knees destroyed the east, and Canterlot and Equestria’s heartland was crushed into Trixie’s clit, the large population center being absorbed sending a shockwave of orgasmic pleasure through her millions of stars.

“Unnnghh… More… Give it to me! It all belongs to me! It all belongs to Goddess Trixie!” The ursine goddess panted as her body absorbed forests, hills, mountains, cities and rivers. Nothing was left in the wake of Trixie’s body but canyons and wastelands. As her toes dipped into the ocean, she began to absorb that as well, slowly causing the world’s water level to decrease inch by inch.

The tectonic plates of the planet began to shift, causing dozens of cities to slide into a lake of magma. Trixie could see millions of tiny motes floating up from the crack, the essence of the fictional ponies who had perished in the apocalyptic disaster.

Trixie smiled. She wasn’t quite sure if these ponies had souls exactly. But she wasn’t just going to let the magic that made up their bodies go to waste. She brought her nose up to the fault line and inhaled deeply, snorting them up like a line of cocaine. “Hmmm… Not even death is an escape from me now!” She boomed to the nation under her crotch as she expanded to 2,000 miles tall. “All will serve the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She bellowed to the entire world, her pussy erupting a whole sea worth of feminine juices over the desecrated graveyard Equestria had become.

Trixie’s massive paws raked across Yakistan and the Crystal Empire, shattering the ancient mountain range in between them and absorbing their populations in seconds. Her claws were so deep that Eques bled copious amounts of magma up from her depths, which Trixie’s feet were quick to absorb. The entire planet rocked as Trixie stood up, putting her head outside the atmosphere. Trixie then stamped down on the dragonlands, turning the entire region into a compressed sheet of diamond, which she eagerly absorbed. Trixie’s feet were positively glowing with light as they processed all the matter she was converting into mass, which she made sure to focus into her already substantial hips and bust.

Trixie wandered into the ocean, which barely came up to her ankles as it was, and only got lower as she started to absorb the liquid into herself. By the time she arrived in Saddle Arabia, she was big enough to fit the entire nation under her foot, but decided to tease them first by pressing the gray patches of city into the sands with her toes first. Once she had finished popping all the cities and transforming their citizens into stars, then she stomped down and split the nation in two under her weight.

Dozens of nations and millions of artificial ponies were stomped into her massive feet, causing every step the goddess took to become bigger and bigger. Trixie smiled mischievously as she crushed a mountain into dust beneath her foot. She knew full well she was capable of growing under her own power at this point, but she just got such a rush out of feeling things becoming a part of her. She saw destroying Discord’s pocket universe as sort of her coronation into divinity.

Trixie giggled as she came across the massive plains of the zebra lands. Or at least they would have been massive if she would have still been a mere kaiju. But now, they were about the size of a sandwich to her. She knelt down and ripped up the two-hundred miles of plains, chuckling darkly as she heard the zebra screaming and begging for mercy. Many of them were star worshipers and believed Trixie to be their avatar, she would have to correct them once they were inside of her, but for now, she was quite content with stuffing them into her greedy gullet. Huge chunks fell off her haphazard meal as she ate, but most of the debris landed on her considerable boobs and were absorbed nonetheless.

“Mmmm… You zebra really hit the spot. Such a lovely flavor on you.” Trixie patted her chubby belly. “And now it’s the Kirins’ turn.” Trixie got down on all fours and pounced down in front of the Peaks of Peril, the impact of which created craters fifty miles deep, creating a crack that wrapped nearly halfway around the world.

Hundreds of cities vanished into the cracking earth, causing a torrent of psudo-souls to flow into Trixie’s pussy. Meanwhile, the giantess laid down, pressing the Peaks of Peril two miles into the earth under her enormous chest mountains. “Hnnngh...” Trixie moaned, her pussy now causing the drained ocean to return in a deluge of sticky mare fluids. Now coastal towns had their oceans back, and were in fact at risk of being washed away in a flood of divine cum.

Trixie moaned, the now ten-thousand mile tall goddess was able to see the curvature of the planet. Heck, she could feel it beneath her, slowly sinking into her body as she added its mass to her own.

She leaned back as she felt her brightest star yet ignite inside of her. She could feel entire continents crumbling under her back, billions of stars igniting inside her as the microscopic artificial life joined with her form. Trixie moved her paws forward onto the moon and began to moan as she rubbed herself, looking at the flurry of shimmering stars inside her that were once the population of an entire planet. Trixie roared and grew massively in size, growing from 10,000 miles to 100,000 in the blink of an eye. “Hmmmm… Bigger… Bigger… Bigger… BIGGER!!!” She moaned, her body quivering with energy as the entire world found itself crushed between her buttocks, and then… She felt the borders of rapture take her.

Chapter 8: The Grand Finale

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Inside the theater, ponies stared at the screen in awe, as if hypnotized by what they were seeing. For the last two-and-a-half hours, the projectionists had tried everything they could do to stop the film, but nothing they did seemed to make a difference. Not only would their projector not stop, but even covering it or removing it from the projection room had no bearing on the screen, which seemed to play on regardless of what they did.

The audience was staring on at the lewdness onscreen in shock. Most of them were appalled by what they were seeing, but others were obviously aroused, several of them whipping their members out and shamelessly pleasuring themselves, as if all their inhibitions had been wiped away.

The local authorities had been contacted, and a team of Spell-breaker specialists entered the theater wearing magical helmets to protect them from any mind-affecting abilities.

“So what are we dealing with?” Asked one of the officers. “A porno in the place of a monster movie, and a room full of comatose vegetables?” He waved his hand in front of a mare’s face, the pony only moving her head so she could get a better view of the film.

“That and a kidnapping. All the main actors for the film have vanished, and there’s no evidence on any of the surveillance of them leaving the theater.” Said another. “It’s most likely connected to this, but it’s something the intelligence ponies can deal with instead of us.” He pulled out a pair of lead-lined sunglasses and placed them on the nose of a stallion, who blinked in confusion as the allure of the film lost its effect on him. “Are you all right?” Asked the officer. "You were under the effect of a magical compulsion."

“I… I… Oh Celestia...” The stallion looked at the officers in horror. “We have to get out of here! She’s going to be coming for us in a moment!”

“She?” The officer. “Who is she?” He asked in confusion. “The one who bewitched you?”

“Her!” He pointed at the screen, showing Trixie laying on top of a barren world, teasing her vagina. “She’s running out of things to eat, and we’re next! She told me so!” He grabbed the officer and shook him frantically. "And there's nothing we can do to stop her!"

The officer pushed him back, but tried to be patient with the obviously bewitched civilian. “Sir, I’m afraid you’re still suffering the after-effects of a particularly powerful enchantment. You see, the monster in the movie isn’t real. There’s nothing she can do to hurt you.”

“Ohhhohohoh...” A diabolical laughter filled the theater. “Is that what you think?” Trixie’s smirking face appeared on the screen, munching on an apple-sized moon.

“What the fuck…?” One of the officers muttered. “This… This can’t be real.” He felt around the top of his head, checking to make sure her mind-guard helmet was still there. “We’re immune to mind-altering abilities!”

“Oh, I assure you, I am very real.” Trixie cooed. “And I must say, this was probably my greatest performance yet.” She licked her lips and turned to the crowd. “I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I did...” She winked.

Wild applause broke out through the theater, whether the ponies watching actually enjoyed the film or not, their minds prisoners in their own bodies. The only ones who were not clapping were the officers and the stallion wearing the lead-lined glasses.

"Wow!" A mare laughed. "That was one hell of a ride. Could get a bit cheesy in parts, and it was a bit lewd for my tastes. But I liked the meta humor, and I loved the use of special effects to make it look like you were actually in the film.”

Trixie grinned and gave a little bow. "Thank you, thank you. I'm glad you're all very pleased with my performance. I hope it will be the first of many in my reign as Equestria's new goddess." She reached towards the screen with her claws and started rubbing them against the fourth wall. "Mmmmm… Any questions from my loving fans and future worshipers?"

One of the officers walked up to the screen, planning on humoring the strange being inside the film. “So what are your plans for the future? What about your fellow actors, what happened to them?”

“They’ve become one with their goddess...” Trixie pressed her boobs against the screen, a trickle of blue milk leaking out into the theater. “And don’t worry about the future. Soon all of you will be joining Trixie as well.” Trixie’s chest swelled and she burst into the crowded theater, her boobs smothering and absorbing the forward officer and several of her fawning fans.

The officers seemed to be confused at first, but assumed Trixie was just some overly complex magical artificial intelligence. But the moment she burst from the screen, they took a few steps back before beginning to panic and run towards the exit, worried that they would suffer the same fate as the ponies in the film.

“Awww. Where are you all going?” Trixie began grabbing ponies and shoving them into her tits. “Aren’t you going to stay for the post-credit scene!?” She laughed, stomping forward and absorbing more and more ponies into her mass.

The building shook and the streets outside began to crack, making ponies gasp and scream as the theater started to resemble a cracking egg. There were several news crews outside, initially to cover the movie premier, and now for the unfolding hostage situation inside. The newsponies gasped as they felt the building shake, worried that it signaled an explosion going off inside. But then they heard moaning and heaving inside the structure, and a titanic foot burst out the front lobby, flipping over a pair of police cruisers.

A roar of satisfaction and lust filled the air, and the theater groaned and shattered, no match for Trixie’s powerful growing muscles. The concrete and steel didn’t stand a chance. Another foot burst through the side wall and into the street, several cars slamming into it. Tiles and mortar rained down into the streets as Trixie’s immense boobs exploded from the roof.

“Gyah!” The reporters gasped as they found themselves being doused in a wave of ursine cum. They looked up at the spasming, monstrous cunt above them, spurting out a waterfall of sheer cum. It was the perfect visage of power and femininity. “What the hell is that!?” They screamed.

“Hnnnghh…” Trixie panted, her breasts heaving up and down as she obliterated the area around her, laughing at the scale of the world decreasing before her very eyes. She groaned in sheer joy, her house-sized tits leaking with a translucent milky substance. She reached up and gave one of her tits a mighty squeeze, before pulling it up to her mouth and licking her own juices off of it. “Hey… I actually taste pretty good...” She panted, reaching a hand down to her pony-sized clitoris to lovingly massage it. “But then again… One would expect nothing less from a… Mmmm… Goddess...” She began moaning even more as a torrent of sweet mare nectar burst out of her pussy, coating several of the news crews down below.

“Erm… G-g-goddess?” One of the reporters stepped forward, wiping the cum off her face and microphone.

Trixie lazily glanced down, her bus-sized boobs swaying above them. “Oooh. A mare who knows the proper way to address the Great and Powerful Trixie.” She sashayed her house-sized hips, clearly showing off for the cameras. “You must be looking for a question, huh? All the good reporters are!” She giggled. Twirling her body around to show off every inch of her massive erotic body.

“Well… Um… We were just wondering what exactly you had planned for us...” The reporter shivered nervously. “Since it’s pretty obvious you’re in charge now...” She tapped her fingers together.

“Hmmm… Plans?” Trixie gave a mighty booming laugh that filled the entire city as she completely exorcised her last bit of mortal empathy. “Now that I think about it, I don’t need to plan anything! Or rationalize it! Justify it! Or even understand it! I just have to like it… Because this is my reality now. And nothing… I repeat… Nothing! Matters more than my pleasure!” She pulled her cum-soaked fingers from out of her marehood and grabbed the reporter, pressing her into her meaty bosom and moaning as she melted down into another star for the nympho-maniacal goddess.

The remaining reporters tried to flee, but Trixie easily scooped them up and cupped them into her breasts, feeling an orgasm of pleasure erupt in her loins for every soul she claimed. Her intuition was correct, real souls were much more pleasurable than those of the artificial ponies. She had to have more. And there were at least a million of them waiting for her on just this island alone!

Trixie’s scent filled the entire city in seconds as she went on her merry little rampage, absorbing thousands of souls every minute, and having just as many orgasms. The streets of Manehattan ran white with cum, and the city erupted into pure chaos. Hundreds of thousands of ponies were stuffed into every single part of her erotic body. Her boobs, feet, hips, maw, even her armpits. There was no part of herself that did not get the sexual stimulation it so righteously deserved.

A shadow fell over Equestria, as well as a deluge of musky fluids from Trixie’s endlessly-cumming cunt. “Good morning, Equestria!” Trixie laughed, looking back to see it was actually two hours until dawn, but a quick snap of her fingers changed that as she effortlessly wrestled control of the sun away from a certain wanna-be goddess somewhere in central Equestria. “There’s going to be some changes around here!”