Trixie's Punishment

by Davis Collus

First published

Filly Trixie was playing with her toys alone in the house and accidentally set off her firework spell. Her Father will not be happy when he gets home. And it's all the worse when he comes home and is already in a bad mood.

Trixie is a young filly living in Las Pegasus. She's struggled to find her place with her father being a great magician and she herself still unable to control her magic correctly. However, her father is coming home soon and the unicorn filly has left the house in a terrible state after a firework spell wrecked a picture of her mother on the shelf. Jack Pot comes home and sees the destruction and he decides that he's had enough of his daughter and that she needs to be disciplined properly.

WARNING: Foalcon, Spanking, Belting, Bondage, Rape, Creampie, M/F.

Actions and Consequences

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“You’ll never get away from me! Behold my power!” The blue filly shouted confidently as she jumped onto the coffee table. She lit up her horn and levitated the largest object she could and brought it down on the intruder's head. She laughed in triumph.

“Once again, Trixie has vanquished the greatest threat ever and saved all of pony-kind! Hurray!” The filly then shot off a firework spell from her horn in celebration. It sore across the small living room and then exploded against the wall, hitting a picture on the shelf which caused it to fall and shatter against the floor. Trixie instantly stopped her revelry and looked over to it.

“Oh no!” She quickly jumped down from the table, stepping on the pillow she’d just used to smother her Ursa Minor toy and ran to the picture frame. The glass was broken and the picture inside was burnt a little from the firework's impact. Trixie felt a pang of pain in her heart as she realised what picture she'd hit.

It was one of her mom, smiling up from the picture. Trixie always believed that that smile was to reassure her that everything would be alright, that nothing bad would happen. However, she was gone now. The unicorn filly lived alone in a small apartment with her father just outside Las Pegasus where he worked as a famous stage magician. Trixie wanted to be just like him, but she always struggled with controlling her magic. Her father was always disappointed in her and would always bring it up every chance he could, but she kept on trying every day. She wanted her daddy to be proud of her, to tell her she did well. Her momma would. She was always proud of Trixie, saying she’ll be great and powerful one day. The blue filly loved to hear her mother say that, but it was years since then and she still couldn’t do anything to impress her father.

Trixie levitated the picture back onto the shelf and then wiped her eyes, turned around and headed to her father's room. She knew she wasn’t allowed in there but he wouldn’t be home for a long time, he usually stayed out till late with his new assistant, Spot Light. Trixie didn’t like the mare, nor the way she pawed after her father. Trixie saw them once from her bedroom kissing on the sofa while she moaned loudly, bouncing on his lap. Trixie knew that kissing like that was one of those things that only mommies and daddies should do, and she hated the mare for it, thinking she was trying to replace her mom. The mare even made eye contact with Trixie during this and gave her a nasty smile before bouncing harder than before on her father, causing him to moan louder.

Once Trixie reached her father's room, the filly reached under his bed and pulled out a small unmarked box. She opened it up and inside contained a long purple cape with pretty blue stars across it. Underneath that, a flattened hat which easily popped up into a wizard hat of the same design. Trixie put both of them on and then hopped up onto a stool, looking at herself in the nightstand mirror. The hat was clearly too big for her and the cape dragged low on the floor, but these belonged to her mother and was something the mare had promised for her daughter when she grew up, but her father wouldn't let her have them until she proved she was worthy enough to fill her mother's horseshoes. When Trixie wore them, she felt closer to her mother and more empowered, like the mare was right beside her. Her mother's words echoed in her mind.

"You're my great and powerful, Trixie." It was from long ago and part of a faded memory that she couldn't place, yet she'd hear it anytime she saw the clothes.

Trixie felt her confidence rise. She would be great and powerful. She’d prove it to her mother one day, and her father!


The sound of the front door unlocking. Her father was home early! Trixie panicked and jumped from the stall, tripping on the cape and hitting the floor in the process. She scrambled to her hooves as the sounds of the front door opened and closed a moment later.

“What in Celestia’s name happened in here!” Jack Pot screamed from the living room which was still a mess from the filly’s playing. Trixie, panicking, tossed the cape and hat into the box and kicked it under the bed. She ran out of the bedroom and into the living room where her father was stood looking at the mess. Pillows were flung about, toys over the floor, she always tidied it up after she finished playing, but she usually had more time.

“H-hi Daddy! Wha… You’re home early tonight!” She said, her heart beating so fast she felt it in her throat. She knew she was in so much trouble. He turned to face her and spoke slowly.

“Spot Light quit on me tonight. The skank was just using me to get ahead and better connections. She was offered another job in Manehatten which that gold-digging bitch accepted in a heartbeat.” He was trying to control his anger but was slowly losing it the more he spoke. “The show was ruined without her since I didn't have time to change the act, and it bombed so hard it almost cost me my job! Then I decided to come back home early and what do I find? My home is a mess, toys are flung about everywhere, the washing up in the sink hasn't been done and I can tell that you’ve been TRYING to use magic again, it reeks of failure in here! Anything else I should know about?”

Trixie was cowering down low, staring wide-eyed at her father. She’d seen him mad before but this was far beyond anything she’d ever seen from him. The filly was shaking and involuntarily looked over to the pictures before looking back to her father. He turned from her and headed to the picture frames on the shelf. Most of them were out of place or lying flat, but the one of her mother that was now burned and broken stood out the most. He looked at the picture and stood still as he stared at it.

“I’m sorry Daddy. It was an accident.” He didn’t respond at first but then spoke in a flat monotone voice.

“Go to your room.”

Trixie didn’t dare say another word back to him. Head hung low, she headed to her room and sat on the bed. She heard the sound of a familiar cupboard door slamming shut. Her daddy’s drinking cabinet. He only drank from there when he was sad. She had made him sad. She then cried silently into her pillow in the dark. She just wished she could be better.


The bedroom door banged open and the blue filly looked up from her pillow. She'd fallen asleep but now her father was storming into her room with the box full of her mother's stuff, floating in his magic.

“You’ve been in my room, haven’t you?!” He shouted. She’d then realised she had not placed it all back properly in her rush to get out of his room.

“I-I-I…” Trixie stuttered repeatedly, too panicked to say anything more than that. He then tossed the box against the wall in a rage. The items inside, family photos, her mother's hat and cape, other tiny keepsakes. It was all strewn around on the floor. Trixie reached out for it all, a deep desire to protect the only things left to her by her mother, but her father pushed her back onto the bed. The small unicorn stared up at him and saw a furious look in his eyes.

“Don’t you move anywhere you worthless foal! You ungrateful spoiled little brat!” Jack Pot was clearly in a rage, probably brought on by the alcohol that Trixie could smell on him. This was a side of him she'd never seen before. “After everything I've done for you, you just can’t keep your useless hooves to yourself, can you? You wanna know why your mother isn’t here anymore? ...It’s because of you!“ Trixie felt her heart break. “You’re an embarrassment to the family! You can’t do any real magic, your attempts at stage magic are a joke, and you couldn’t even pass a stupid simple entrance exam at the magic school!“

“Daddy, I-”

“Shut up! I’ve had it with your constant back talking! All you ever do is talk talk TALK!” He shouted in frustration and then smacked a lamp off of her side table with a hoof, making it shatter against the wall. The blue stallion looked at the pieces of it, realising when he'd just done. He then took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. When he spoke again, it was with a much calmer tone. “It’s most probably been my fault. I've always been too lenient with you."

“Daddy, I-I’m sorry. I’ll be a good filly from now on. I promise.” Trixie stood up shakily as her father sat down on the bed. She took a single slow step towards him. "I'll study more! I'll learn to do magic like you and mom, okay?" She got no response for a moment, then she reached out to her father with a hoof hoping to hug him, make him feel better. “Daddy? Daddy plea-AHH!”

Jack Pot suddenly grabbed his daughter's hoof and then pulled her over his lap. Trixie didn’t have time to register what was happening before she felt a sudden pain as her father brought his hoof down on her flanks. He was spanking her. Trixie shrieked out after the impact that left a stinging sensation on her rump.

“I’ve been lenient with you for too long. It's time you were punished for your behaviour!" He brought his hoof down across her rump, again and again, Trixie screamed at each one and begged him to stop.

"Please, Daddy! OW! I'll be- AHH! I'll be good- AHHH!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! OW! STOP! AHHHHH!" She wailed as each hit repeatedly connected with her bare flank. This continued for a while until her behind was red and sore. Trixie continued to cry as she remained across her father's lap. No longer struggling, just sobbing relentlessly. Jack Pot looked at his daughter. Crying, not moving, hurt, Pathetic.. He thought bitterly before he grabbed her by her mane. She screamed as he pulled her towards the end of the bed. Using his magic he summoned two ropes from thin air and they snaked around the bedposts into a tight knot. The ropes then magically tied themselves around both of her forehooves as he made her bend over the back of the bed. She screamed for her dad to stop but he summoned a white cloth and stuffed it into her mouth to silence her and then tied it around the back of her head. Her cries was now muffled as her father stood behind her and looks at her red flanks. He'd hurt her, but she was still being disobedient. He'd have to do more.

"You brought this on yourself, you know," He said as he summoned another object with his magic. A belt! "You just couldn't be a good girl, could you? You had to be a useless, talentless, disobedient wretch of a filly. Another disgrace I've had to endure."

Trixie cried out into the gag, saying she was sorry, that she'd be a good filly from now on, but it was too muffled and Jack Pot didn't understand her; nor would he care even if he could. He wrapped the belt over itself to make it shorter, quicker. Then with a whip and a crack, the belt connected with the filly's hindquarters and she let out a high pitched muffled shriek. Her head tilted back so far that she was looking directly up at the ceiling. Tears flowed from her eyes as the pain coursed through her. It felt like he'd stripped the fur from her flanks with how hard he'd hit her! She brought her tail down over the mark where she'd been struck and instantly felt it being tugged up, lifting her off the bed so only her head and barrel were on the bed, her forehooves pulled to the sides. Her weight being lifted by her tail was making it feel like it was being ripped out! Then the belt scruck her again, as painful as before only on the other side of her butt. She shrieked just as loudly and tried to struggle to get away, but her father belted her each time she kicked.

"You're pathetic." Jack Pot scolded, "You're fighting me and yet you haven't even tried to use your magic to escape those bonds once!"

Trixie's eyes lit up. Instantly she tried to use her telekinesis to undo the knots around her hooves, she was in so much pain but she tried to fight past it. looking at the ropes through her blurred vision from her tears, she strained and pushed her magic harder, focusing only on the knot, focusing on loosening the rope, on getting free. He struck her with the belt again! Her magic breaking from the loss of concentration.

She tried again but each time she was able to wrap her magic around the rope, he'd strike her, telling her to be faster, not to lose her concentration. Then she realised that he wasn't encouraging her. He was mocking her! She grit her teeth and tried with all her might. Should could do this! She'd prove to her daddy that she was good at magic and he would be proud and stop hurting her! But her father was hitting her relentlessly, not caring about how much it hurt the poor filly, or the permanent damage he was doing to her, both physically and mentally. Trixie couldn't understand why her father would do this to her. He'd never been this violent before!

Her magic was no longer able to manifest itself, she couldn't focus it through the increasing pain. After the realisation that her magic had petered out, she tried to cry out through the gag again, pleading with her father to stop! but he wasn't listening and she could do nothing as each smack of the belt brought a fresh wave of pain, she dropped her head down, letting her tears soak the bed as she cried, giving up. Jack Pot stopped striking her as he saw this and then let go of the telekinetic grip he had on her tail. She fell down to the bed and would have fallen off of it, but the ropes tying her to the bedposts preventing her from falling to the floor. She cried, struggling to catch her breath as she breathed in and out heavily through her nose. Her flank was stripped red all over with one or two minor lacerations where Jack Pot was too forceful.

"Pathetic... Useless... and a quitter." He said with disgust. "You're nothing. You'll grow up to be nothing but a whorse, standing on street corners and only good for one thing!" He then looked at her reddened rump, slowly his eyes drifted lower and he saw her tiny little pussy was on display, without a moment's hesitation, he reached forward and touched it. Trixie's eyes opened wide and her body went stiff. She'd never been touched there before and her mother told her to never let any pony touch her there ever! Yet her father was doing it now, rubbing backwards and forwards against her kitty. He continued to fondle her genitals and smiled as she started to moan and whine through the gag, she wasn't telling him to stop exactly but clearly she was confused as to why he was doing this to her.

"Well, since you're going to be nothing but a walking cumdumpster, we might as well get started with your training, what do you say?"

Trixie was unsure what he was talking about but she was still tied up and in pain. She just wanted this all to stop.

"Or maybe we should just start selling your body tonight? I know a few stallions who wouldn't say no to filly pussy." He said in the devious slimy way that made Trixie's skin crawl. Was he talking about having strange stallions touch her? "You could finally be of use to me. I mean, you have nothing else to offer." Her father then reached below himself, grabbing his half-erect cock and started stroking it, trying to get himself ready as he continued to fondle her.

Trixie couldn't understand this feeling that he was giving her. After all the punishment that she's been given, she was glad that he was no longer hurting her but the feeling of his hoof on her little petals felt strange. It gave her a funny feeling that ran up between her legs and into her belly. As he kept rubbing, she could hear the noises it was making, it sounded like nothing at first, just normal petting, but it started to sound and feel slicker, Trixie wondered if that was pee he was making come out? Was she peeing on her daddy's hoof? She was going to get in so much trouble for it and it wasn't her fault! Her body started to tremble from the fear of another belting. She couldn't take another one, she begged her father to stop through the gag, but he wasn't listening to her, she looked back and saw him with a hoof under himself, stroking his own penis. She'd never seen one of those before, at least not like that! it was always tiny and inside a stallions sheath, hidden away. Trixie's eyes grew wide as she saw him adjust himself, lining up his cock with her tiny pussy. What was he doing? Was he going to put it in her? It would never fit! These thoughts ran through her mind as she struggled against her bonds again, kicking with her back legs and fighting against him! Her father grabbed her legs in his magic and spread them wide apart.

"Stop struggling! You're a whorse now. You know, I could probably sell your virginity for a ton of bits... but I want your first to be me. After all, it's what you owe me for being a bad filly!" He then pushed forward against her honey pot, the head of his cock parting her filly lips, spreading and making them begin to wrap around his girth. She was so tight, he almost couldn't get inside her, but he kept rubbing the head of his penis up and down her folds, his pre-cum acting as a lubricant against her slit.

The filly pulled against the ropes harder, trying desperately to break free from this, constantly screaming for help, but it was useless. Before long, the pain escalated as she was stretched wider and then the head of his cock popped inside her pussy. The scream died in her throat as she silently gasped out from the intense pain of the rod penetrating her. Her throat was already sore from the screaming of tonight's events, but this was worse than the belt. She felt like he was trying to split her in half! She was seeing spots in her vision and felt nothing but pain. She wondered if this is what dying felt like.

Her father didn't stop to give her time to adjust either. He pulled back a little before he thrust forward again, getting an extra inch inside her underage pussy. Again and again, he thrust into her, pushing her harder against the bed causing it to creak each time. Her tight cunny felt amazing to him and he scolded himself for not thinking about doing this sooner. He pulled back and saw the blood on his cock from her busted hymen and smiled. He'd taken his own daughters cherry. Such a prize would have banked him a fortune if he'd held back. Then he fantasized that maybe she'd be able to bear him another child when she's older. Though they would probably be a useless foal like this filly was, so he didn't really care which random stallion it would be. He'd keep selling his daughter's body to strangers until another useless filly popped out and was ready to fuck, then he'd get rid of his used up daughter and start the cycle again with the new one.

All these thoughts drove Jack Pot wild, he began thrusting into her again. Harder than before, each time making her squeal into the gag. She wasn't moving anymore or fighting. He hated that she'd given in so easy. He brought a hoof down and smacked her across her flanks causing her to scream out. He continued to pound into her, as her warm tight walls hugged him so snugly. He was up to his medial ring in her and couldn't go any deeper; he was hitting the back wall of her cunt and she couldn't take any more of him, not without him completely breaking her. If he did that then she'd be no good for anything at all. He thrust into her at a faster pace, as she was now much slicker with her own juices mixed with blood and him looking down at the side of her head. Trixie's eyes were screwed up from the pain, biting hard into the gag, tears streaming down her face. She'd get used to this eventually, he figured. Doesn't matter if not. Then after tonight, he would teach her how to suck cock, and then soon after, take anal. The clients he'd get could do anything to her, so long as they left no marks on her face. She could wear clothes to cover up anything else; if he ever let her leave the room again. And why would she need to? She's nothing but a sex toy now. That thought drove him closer to the edge.

Trixie felt his cock so deep inside her. Every inch of him, every vein. It was tearing her apart from the inside. She thought she was dying, and after everything that had happened, she hoped that she would, if it meant that this was over. She wanted it all to just end, to leave her weak body. She wanted to feel no more. Each thrust of him, in and out, over and over, it stretched her beyond normal limits for a filly her age and it hurt so much! His cock was breaking her, her daddy was betraying her! She closed her eyes and willed herself away as she heard her father grunt loudly, thrusting extra hard, more erratic than before as she felt the head of his cock swelling inside her, depositing thick loads of cum, squirt after squirt into her unwilling body.

Jack Pot was exhausted. He couldn't remember the last time he came so hard. As he pulled out of his daughter's cunny, his cock now flaccid, cum leaked out of her abused foal hole and was dripping out over the edge of the bed. He looked down and saw tinges of pink where her blood mixed in with his own fluids. Her rump, still red and lashed looked so bad he considered maybe using a few things from his first aid kit in the kitchen. Or maybe not.

The stallion smiled as he walked over to the door.

"Stay right where you are, you little whorse. Daddy is going to wash up while you think about your new life."

If this was the end of her life, then that was fine. At least there would be no more pain. Trixie closed her eyes and slipped into the darkness as it consumed her.


"You can do it, Trixie! I believe in you."

"I'm trying mommy, but it's hard." Trixie scrunched up her face and held her breath, trying to force magic from her horn, turning red in the face.

"No, no, not like that. Look, watch me."

Trixie watched as her mother's horn lit up. The mare used her magic to place her hat on Trixie's head and then stood back. She then tipped her head back and from her horn, shot a single firework into the sky which burst brightly. The tiny filly lifted her mother's hat off of her head just enough to watch as the colours fell from the sky before fading.

"You just need to clear your mind, focus on what you want to happen and will it to happen; not just demand it."

"You think I can, mommy?"

"Of course I do! I know it. Now, try again."

Trixie scrunched up her nose and focused on what she wanted. She wanted her mom to cheer for her, for ponies to see wonderful fireworks just like her mom's. She saw it in her head. A cascade of fireworks blasting into the sky. The neighbours would look out their windows and wonder who was putting on such a show. They'd see Trixie Lulamoon. Equestria greatest ever magician. There was a tingling. Trixie's horn glowed and then a single bright spark burst from the tip of Trixie's horn, shooting upwards and then lighting up the sky. Trixie looked up amazed and then ran to her mom cheering.

"I did it mommy! I did it!"

The mare picked her daughter up in a big hug and squeezed her tight.

"Yes! Yes, I saw! I knew you could! You're my great and powerful, Trixie."

"Great and powerful, Trixie!" The filly shouted after.

They shared a laugh together before running inside to tell their father about her first-ever spell!


She didn't wanna be a whorse. She wanted to do magic. She wanted to be Trixie, the great and powerful! The filly opened her eyes and saw her mother's magician attire on the floor. She wanted to be just like her mother! The young unicorn, tired though she was, tried again with the ropes. Without the belt hitting her, it was so much easier to focus. Wisps of her magic floated around and intertwined with the knots of the ropes. Her magic was weak but her determination was strong; stronger than ever. With a single slip, the knot came undone and let her loose causing Trixie to fall off the bed and down to the floor. She landed on her flanks and yelled out from the pain. Thankfully she was still gagged and so she remained unheard. Quickly rolling over off of her flanks with one foreleg free, she reached behind her head and removed the gag in her mouth. Trixie moistened her lips and rubbed her jaw a few times before focusing on the other rope tied to the post. The filly focused her magic again and, just as easily, undid the other rope.

Limping from the pain she had suffered but with determination in her heart, she went right for her drawers and grabbed her saddlebags. She then began loading them with all the things that she'd need. Trixie couldn't stay here, she was going to run away! Far away from her father. Trixie then turned and saw her mother's hat and cape. She'd take them too. No way would she leave them behind with this monster. He didn't love mom as much as she did.

Trixie placed the hat on her head and then the cape over her back. It stung a lot as it folded over her flanks but she'd bare it. Poking her head out into the hallway, she could see the bathroom door was ajar and her father, (no, the monster) was inside showering, clearly not worried about being walked in on. He never expected her to escape after all. But she did! And he'd never see her again. Trixie moved quick to the kitchen and grabbed some food from the cupboards, anything she could and wouldn't need to be cooked. She then headed for the front door but stopped just short of it. turning around and rushing to the picture of her mother, she grabbed it and placed it in her saddlebags. Yes, it was damaged, but that didn't matter. The shower stopped. She was out of time. She went to open the front door, opened it and then ran. She ran and ran as fast as she could.

Trixie wouldn't become a whorse for him. No! Trixie was a magician! She knew it in her heart and she'd prove it. No matter what her father thought, she'd prove that monster wrong! That night, the weak little filly Lulamoon died in that home.

Trixie, however, made her escape.

Trixie was free to create her own destiny.

Trixie was great and powerful.