The New Lunar Republic, How it all began

by skywishes

First published

The Reveloution has begun

When Luna saves a Pony from certain death at her sisters hoof, she learns the truth about how equestia was keep in check, and that some secrets, should say secret.


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The New Lunar Republic (Prelude)

The horror gripped her, as she stared through a crack in the wall. “Please stop!” The black Pegasus pony on the table pleaded. The milky white Alicorn only stared. “Tell me what I want to know and you are free to go.” She said in a flat tone, obviously agitated at his lack of answers. “I don't know anything, please, you must believe me.” He cried. “Stop lying! I know you know the pony responsible for the outburst in Fhillydelphia, so tell me their name, and your free to go.” She raised the blade and placed it on his flank, causing a small amount of blood to leak from the fresh cut. Skyview grunted from the pain before bursting into tears again. “I swear, I do not know them.” He cried. Celestia only shook her head. “I know you know them, and its only a matter of time before you break.” She sighed. “Very well then, I will leave you and try again in the morning.” As Celestia left, Luna teleported into the room. “Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you.” She said with a look of worry upon her face. Skyviews face showed shocked, and he was speechless. “L-Luna.” He managed to stammer. Luna shushed him. “Its alright, I’m going to get you out” She said, a small smile creeping on her lips. “Y-Your sister, S-She must be St-Stopped” Sky managed to say. “You M-Must go to Fillydalphia. T-There is a building on Ma-Main street. Its a abandoned w-warehouse. The code to enter is f-four s-seven, three, z-zero.” He managed to say before passing out from the blood loss.


The building she stood in front of was like any other warehouse in Fillydalphia, old and rusted, yet still strong in a sense. She lowered the Pegasus on the ground before heading to the door. She checked over her shoulder wearily before proceeding to enter the code in the number pad. “Four, Seven, Three, Zero.” She repeated to herself as she entered the numbers, and giggled when she hears a satisfying click. As the door slowly opens, two unicorns rush out and take the wounded Pegasus inside.

As Luna entered the warehouse, She is greeted by a larger black earth pony. “Thank you for saving him Luna, I don't know what I would have done if I had lost him.” Luna was puzzled. “Oh, is he important to you?” She asked, tilting her head quizzically. “Yes, but that's not important now, whats important is that we have your support in our cause.” He said turning around indicating her to follow him. “Wait a minute, what cause?” Luna asked him, not moving from her initial spot. Stardust sighed. “I take it your sister has lied to you about what she has been doing over the past thousand years.” He turned his head to meet his eyes with hers as She gives him another puzzled look. “Figures.” He sighed

“About 50 years after you were banished, Celestia started to rule Equestia with an iron hoof. We are not talking about just controlling the media, we are talking about controlling everypony and everything.” Luna gave him a look of shock and disgust before speaking “That's not like her, to want to have Absolute control.” She said with a hint of anger in her voice. Stardust merely continued “That's what I wanted to believe after I was told about my ancestors and what they were trying to do. It took me some convincing, but after they told me of what had happened to my father and mother at her hooves, I was outraged and shocked, and wanted revenge. I even went as far to try and talk to her, almost leading to my own demise.” he turned to his left side, showing a scar along his cutie mark. Luna gasped at the sight “Tia, she did that to you?” He turned back to face The Princess “Yes, she told me to never try and defy her again. But that's a story for another time. I know how hard it is to accept the fact that our princess, your sister, could do this to some pony, none the less a few thousand”

Luna took a few steps back “It’s not possible, You’re Lying!” She spoke With anger in her voice, tears glazing her eyes. Stardust approached her to try and comfort her “I wish I was, but the truth is sometimes hard to accept.” Luna took a few more steps back. “it’s, it’s not possible, she would never do that, she...” Her words trailed off as she continued muttering to herself. When she finally regained her composure, Stardust had not moved from where he was last standing “I need some time to think about this, I shall be back shortly with my decision” She said. “Of course, take as long as you need” and with those words, She teleported out of the room, leaving a shower of shimmering stars where she once stood. A few ponys were standing behind Stardust, shock on their faces. He turned around “Well, what are you all standing there for, Report!”

To Be Continued

What do I do?

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Chapter 2

He has to be lying, He just has to! I know my sister would never do something like that! But what about his scar? That cannot be from just an accident. She could not have done that to him, its just not like her! But what about the pony on the table? She WAS hurting him. What if he isn't lying. Maybe 1000 years has changed her. What if she never lets me rule the night again?

A gentle knock alerts her as she jolts her head to face the door. "Yes?", she says to the pony behind the closed door "May I come in Luna?", Celestia asks through the closed door. “Yes Tia.” she says with a heavy sigh. As Celestia enters the room, Luna speaks up, "Tia, would you ever hurt a pony?" Celestia gave her sister a blank stare before answering "of course not, why would you think that?" Luna sighs, "1000 years can change a pony, especially one who is alone for that period of time." She's lying! To me! Of all ponies she's lying to her sister! "Would you ever lie to me Tia?" Luna asks firmly. Celestia takes a few steps back “Luna, sister, of course not, I would NEVER lie to you. What would make you even ask that?” Luna turns her head “The same reason I asked you that same question 1000 years ago, and even then I believe you lied to me about your answer” Celestia frowns “I take it you want me to leave then?” Luna nods, “I have some things I need to get done.” Celestia turns and starts to leave before speaking up one last time “If you ever want to know something, don't be afraid to ask.” Luna nods “I will ask if I need to”


“You WHAT!?” Stardust asked, violently slamming his hoof on the table, cracking it down the middle. “I'm sorry, but the guards, it was as if they knew where we were going to strike next.” The bright orange earth pony backed up before speaking up, “Sir, with all due respect, If it is alight with you, I wish to perform an investigation to find out if we have a “rat” in our platoon” Star turns his head to face Silver Spirits teal eyes “I suppose if we do have a “rat”, a investigation will single him out, but you are to leave my brothers out of the investigation” Commander spirit nods in agreement “Now commander, unless you have any other bad news to report, you are dismissed until further orders”.

As Spirit leaves, a unicorn with a black coat and near black mane comes in and waits until the door is closed before speaking, “How did our brother get caught?” Stardust turns to face Starfire “We believe there is a “rat” in one of our platoons that tipped the royal guard off” Starfire closes his eyes as a bright blue flame engulfs his horn before extinguishing itself almost instantly “I will find this traitor and make him wish he had never been born” Stardust places a hoof on his brothers shoulder “Be calm brother, I have already started planning a trap for our traitor”.

A light knock on the door attracts stardust's attention as a grey Pegasus with a deep green mane walks in just as Starfire extinguishes. “Sir, the princess is here to see you” Starfires horn reignites. “Which princess?” Stardust asks, signalling Starfire to calm down. “Princess Luna” Starfires horn decreases in strength. “Its alright Starfire, She's not a threat. let her in” Starfire re-extinguishes his horn.

As Luna enters, both Starfire and stardust remain standing “I take it you have made a decision Luna?” Luna nods in acknowledgement “I believe I have Stardust, but may I ask who is standing beside you?” Stardust chuckles “I almost forgot, Luna, This is my other brother, Starfire” Luna gives a look of slight confusion. “Triplets? and of all three races? I've heard of them, but.” She turns her head to the side “I have never believed them to be anything more than rumours.” Stardust chuckles “Our parents had the same reaction when we were born, or so, that's what we were told” Starfire chuckles “It's still a mystery how it managed to happen, but we gave up on questioning a long time ago” He says. “Well, I would have loved to meet your parents, how is your other brother...Star...” “Skyview” Stardust corrects “Yes, Skyview, how is he?” Luna asks with a small hint of concern in her voice. “He's recovering, and quite quickly at that, would you like to see him? He has yet to thank you for saving his life” Stardust says. “I would like that very much” Luna says, a hint of joy in her voice. “Then lets go, Starfire, if you would be so kind as to take the princess to the Healing room.” Stardust asks. “Are you not coming?” Luna asks. “I will, I just have some other work to attend to” Stardust says as he starts heading to his desk. “Let us be off” Stare says. “Are you sure the Princess will be able to do what we need her to do?” Starfire whispers into Stardusts ear as he passes him “Yes, I am positive, we just need to give her some time, that is all, when the preparations are ready, she will not have a choice” Luna waits patiently at the door. “Well then princess, if you will follow me” Starfire says, gesturing Luna to follow her with a slight tilt of his head. “With pleasure”