Everypony Hurts You

by CaringSlash

First published

Everypony hurts you when they do something with you.

Being the only human in Equestria is good. You bonded with everypony and became good friends with them. But then one day, you would be in a world of hurt. Everypony can get things right. But you will keep getting hurt. You hear apology after apology. You see the same hospital room over and over again. When will it end?

This is a series of short stories where you get hurt by everypony.

More chapters will be inputted in overtime. Enjoy! Follow me for story updates.

Twilight Makes You Sick

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Twilight has been asking you to be her test subject for her spells. Sometimes she turns you into a animal, do something to your body, make your grow wings or a horn, give you some temporary powers, or change you into something completely unexpected. Every spell turns out great and you are amazed at the spells that Twilight casts on you and she has asked you to be her test subject once again. A big smile forms on your face as you walk through the halls of Twilight's castle. What will she cast on you this time? Let's see.

"I'm here Twilight!" You say to her as you enter her library.

"Great! Are you ready for today's spell?" She asks.

"Sure. What do we have in store today?" You ask her.

She opens the spell book up. She has been doing spells from a book in Princess Celestia and Luna's private library in Canterlot. "It says here that it will make you have the ability to adjust how hot or cold you want to be." She reads.

"Cool. Whenever your ready Twilight." You say getting ready.

"Ok. Here it goes." She begins to cast the spell on you. In a matter of seconds, it's done.

You shiver. "Want me to try it?"

She nods. "Go ahead."

You try to do so and nothing feels different. "Hm. I don't think it's working yet. Do we have to wait or will it happen instantly?" You ask.

She thinks. "I got it. You stay here for the night and tomorrow we will try and see if you can do it. Maybe you can try again in a few hours?" She suggests. "I'll check on you every now and then."

"Ok. I'll head for the spare bedroom." You say and head up there. A few hours later, you try it again and still nothing is working. But you have been feeling very tired lately and you've been coughing like something stuck in your throat. Maybe after a nice nap you can try again. You lay down and get yourself comfortable in bed and take a nap. You then wake up in a hospital room with Twilight by your side. You look outside and see it is the next day. You still feel weak and tired but also confused. You then try to see if you have the ability of the spell Twilight cast on you but still nothing. You had a mask over your face and you started to cough real hard. What happened to you? You speak to Twilight in a hoarse voice. "Twilight, w-what happened to me?" You ask.

She looks at you. "Well, remember that spell I cast on you yesterday?" She asks nervously.

A nurse comes in. "Your finally awake. What I am about to tell you is not good." The nurse says holding her clipboard.

"What is it?" You ask becoming very worried.

"You have pneumonia." She says. "You will need to be monitored and have weekly x-ray checkups to see how your getting better. You'll be sick for a month or two." She explains.

Your eyes widen at what you are hearing.

"You also might drowsy very quickly later in the day." That happened a little after the spell was cast on you causing you to take a nap.

The nurse is called out and she leaves. Twilight looks at you. "I'm sorry. I messed up on the spell. I found out after you were napping." She says looking down from you.

"It's fine Twilight. We will be more cautious next time." You say.

"I'll take care of you while you are sick." Twilight says.

"Thank you Twilight." You say with a bit of a smile.

"Anything for a friend." Twilight says.

A few hours later, you just finished eating your dinner in the hospital. You feel yourself becoming drowsy very quickly. You see the nurse come in and give you your medicine before you fall asleep from the sickness. Now, you start the long recovery to getting better. A month felt like an eternity. After this event, you make sure Twilight has got the spell down before testing it on a real creature. No more of these mistakes.

Rainbow Dash Drops You

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You've always had a fear of heights and a fear of flying. You remember riding in a airplane in the human world and passing out once you saw high you are. But ever since you've been in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash has been helping you get better at not being afraid of heights and flying. So once a week, Rainbow flies up into sky and holding you tight. It's not safe but their are no planes in Ponyville and the dragons aren't so nice so Rainbow is your only option. So the first few times, you pass out almost instantly once you looked down but you eventually stop passing out instantly and eventually not passing out at all. Rainbow wants to fly up into the sky one last time to make sure you conquered your fear and you are ready this time. You head to the location where you two meet up.

Rainbow notices you. "You ready to conquer your fear of heights?" She asks and flies over to you.

"Yeah. I think this my moment." You say.

"Okay. Get ready." She says and flies above you.

You raise your arms up and she holds your hands and slowly begins to lift you up. You are very light so she picks you up with ease. You look down and see the ground leaving you. You take a deep breath and look around. You see all of Ponyville in front of you. Rainbow keeps going higher and higher then eventually she reaches the height she wants and begins to fly around. You look around down below you enjoying the sight you have. "Ponyville looks so much smaller from up here. This is so amazing." You say.

"I know. Ponyville looks small from here but....." She stretches her hooves out as she flies. ".....on the ground it is so much bigger."

"Uh Rainbow?" You say as your eyes widen. She let go of you.

"Yeah?" She asks you. You start to fall back to the ground very fast. You scream for help as you plummet back to the ground. But as soon as Rainbow reached you, you crashed right into the roof of a house. You pass out. Rainbow panic's.

You eventually wake up in the hospital room all wrapped up. Your arms and legs are in casts. Your big question was: "H-how am I still alive? I fell from a big height and crash hard into a house. I should be dead." You say. Then Rainbow enters your hospital room and walks up to you. "Rainbow, am I dreaming? I survived that fall?" You ask her.

"You survived that fall." She says and looks down and away from you. "I'm sorry for dropping you. I didn't know I let go of you until you said something."

"It's fine Rainbow. Accidents happen. But I can't get over how I survived this." You say. Your arms and legs must've broke your fall.

"But I will make it up to you. The doctor told me that you will have to have some help getting around. I'll take care of you." She says.

"Aww. Thank you Rainbow but you don't have to do this." You say.

"You almost died. The least I can do is help you out after I made a big mistake. I am helping you." Rainbow says.

"Fine. But one thing Rainbow." You say.

"Yeah?" She says.

"No more flying me around for awhile. I got over my fear of flying and heights but after that, I don't want to fly for awhile." You say.

"Ok. Got it. I need to go practice with the Wonderbolts. I'll check on you later." She says and heads out the door.

"Ok. Bye Rainbow." You say.

She waves and leaves. What are you going to do now while your body recovers. I guess nothing. I'm sure you will find something to do at some point.

Applejack Hears Everything

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You recently got a job working with Applejack and her family doing farm work such as plowing, stacking hay, getting apples out of the trees since you can't kick or buck them hard enough, selling the apples or make apple pies and apple cider. You work 5 days a week and get the big holidays off but not the minor holidays. You enjoy working there but the majority of the food you eat or drink their is apple based. Your starting to get tired of having the same thing and rarely getting anything different. You can barely take it anymore. You are about to crack.

Today, Applejack wants you to pick the apples out of the trees so they can make apple pies for desert tonight. You keep a straight face when you are told what to do but inside you are about scream in anger knowing it is apple related food again. You head out to field to start picking apples. You make sure nopony is around before you say something. "Apples....always apples. Nothing but apples. I got to eat apples again. I'm going to dislike apples if I eat anything apple related." You sigh and keep picking apples. "Let's hope I don't throw up tonight. I need to think of a way to get out of eating dinner with them."

A few hours later, Applejack approaches you while you are working. "Lunch break." She says. You nod and then stop what you are doing and you head over to the barn and take a breather. It was a hot day so you were working up a sweat very fast. You wipe the sweat off your head and drink some water before heading back out to the field. Several hours later, you finish for the day right as the sun starts to sets. You take all the apples you collected up into the house. They begin to make the apple pies. Then Applejack says something to you. "Why don't ya stay for dinner tonight?" She asks you.

You politely say no and make up an excuse to get out of there. "No thanks Aj. I have things to do at home. But thank you for giving me the offer." You say.

Granny Smith then speaks up. "Aw come on. You deserve it after all yer hard work."

You then smile and say. "Ok. I'll stay for dinner." But on the inside your building up with more rage. You and Applebloom help set the table and Big Mac brings out the utensils. After some time, you smell the pies. The smell makes you sick to your stomach. You've ate apple pie so many times that it feels like you are being tortured to smell it. You want to get out of there but you don't know how to get out of it without making it look like you want to get away. You can't take it anymore and head to the bathroom just to get away from the smell. "The apple smell is driving me nuts. Make it stop." You say quietly. Unaware to you, Applejack was about to enter to the bathroom when you said. "Apples are disgusting. They make me sick. It makes me want to throw up."

Applejack gasps and opens the door with an angry look on her face. "What in tarnation did you just say about apples!?" You see Applejack and you turn white with fear. She must've heard everything you said. You look around for a way out. You see a small window and try to get out. She tries to pull you back into the house. "Get back here!" She grabs your leg and tries to pull you back. You managed to get out of the window and make a run for it. You make a run for the exit. Your about to be free. Suddenly, A rope wraps around one of your legs and yanks your leg causing you to fall onto ground. Your head hit the ground so hard that it knocks you out.

You wake up to hearing the heart rate monitor beep. You see you are in the hospital. What did they do to you? Did they beat you up? Did someone rescue you? What did they do? Well, it was the first option. You had a black eye, broken nose, one of your legs is broken, and a few broken ribs. You see a letter on the little table next to you. You grab it and read it. "Due to recent events, you are no longer welcome at Sweet Apple Acres. You will not be getting paid and you are banned from Sweet Apple Acres. Don't ever come back again." You put the note down and sigh. Well, your free from apples but you don't have a job anymore. Hope you have enough to pay your hospital bills.

Fluttershy Has No Control Over Her Animals

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Your a lover of animals and you love to take care of animals. Before you appeared in Equestria, you had a few animals at home. Since there's no way back home, you've gotten comfortable in Equestria. You get to share your love of animals with another pony named Fluttershy. You've become close friends with her and she invites you over to chat and come see the animals. Fluttershy has a animal sanctuary where she cares for the animals and you love to feed the animals and Fluttershy communicates with them so they can understand what you are saying. Fluttershy has invited you over once again and you can't wait to see the animals again.

You head up to the sanctuary. You see Fluttershy tending to the animals. You walk instead of running there so you don't disturb the animals. "Hey Fluttershy." You say.

Fluttershy looks at you. "Oh. Hello."

You walk up to her feeding one of the ducks. "How have the animals been doing today?" You ask her.

Fluttershy grins. "They're doing great. They get really hungry in the morning so I got here early just to feed them. It will take care of them for a few hours. Ain't these ducks so cute? The baby ducks are so cute." She says.

"Yes they are." You smile. "May I help?" You ask.

"Sure." She gives you some food and you feed the ducks and the ducks happily quack.

You and Fluttershy finish and puts the food up. "This is something you always wanted?" You say.

"Yep. I was always a pony who loved animals and I wanted a place where I can have all the animals together. I can take care of them and they can live in perfect harmony." She says.

"I see. Must be hard to keep the animals satisfied or together." You say watching the animals.

"Oh. Very hard. One of the animals can be blamed for something they didn't do and it cause an argument and a fight is even worse or they could get eaten." She says.

"Well, it's a good thing your here to solve the problem." You say.

"Yeah. I always find a way to solve the problem. It might take some time but I find a way to resolve the situation." She smiles. It's now later into the evening. You and Fluttershy have been tending to the animals and help solving problems whenever their is something wrong. All the animals are resting now. Fluttershy comes up to you. "If it isn't too much to ask, can you watch the animals for me for just a little bit? I need to go feed Angel." She says.

"Sure Fluttershy. I can watch the animals for you." You say.

"Ok. I'll be right back." Fluttershy leaves. You watch the animals. All the animals are resting and quiet.

You grin and go check to make sure she locked the storage room up where she stores the animals food. She locked it up. You head back to keep an eye on all the animals when suddenly a snake hisses at you. It makes you jump. "Ah!" You scream and it wakes up some other animals. You hope your scream didn't cause any trouble. All the animals look at up. Wondering what's wrong. You check on every animal. Every animal is in their usual spot. But the bear is missing. You look around for the bear and you can't find it. You head back to the main area of the sanctuary. Hopefully the bear didn't escape. Right before you can think ahead, something slashes your back and you fall to the ground. You scream in pain. The bear continues to cut into and before you know it, you pass out. You wake up in the hospital. Hearing that heart beat monitor beep. You find that you've been clawed on your face, chest, and back. That bear must've hated you for waking him up. You find. You see Angel on the table with a note in his paws looking rather worried and upset. "H-hey Angel." You say. Angel hands you the letter. The letter is from Fluttershy.

The letter reads. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know the bear would be so angry from you waking him up. I'll make sure he gets a good talking to for what he has done. I'll check on you later. Angel should be there for you if you need comfort. -Sincerely Fluttershy."

You grin and put the letter down and pet Angel. He grins. The good thing is that you are still alive after the attack but the bad news is that you will never want to be near another bear again. Well, not forever. Just for a little while. Fluttershy is probably using her stare on the bear. But hopefully all the other animals will still like you after this. Well at least Angel likes you.

Rarity Gets Payback

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You are not the fashion type of person. You dress when you want to or when it is needed. Not for every single thing. But one pony loves dressing up too much and that pony is Rarity. Even though you are friends with her, her business is suffering because somepony or someone has written bad reviews about her and her boutique. Rarity doesn't know who is doing this but she is trying to find out who could've done it. She still gets some customers but not much. Every time you visit her, she is either working on a dress or thinking of who ruined her business with bad reviews. She has gone to everypony to see if they were the one who did it but she has no luck. But she has completely forgotten about you. She doesn't think you are the one. Does she? She is about out of ponies and other creatures who done it. You may be next.

You enter Rarity's boutique just to say hi. "Hello Rarity."

She is cleary busy to find out who could've caused her bad reviews. "What is it darling? I'm busy trying to find out the culprit." She says.

"I just came in to say hi and see how you are doing." You say and watch her.

"I'm afraid I have no time to talk darling. I'm running out of culprits to choose from. Come back at another time." She says to you.

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow." You leave.

While you are walking through town, you see Rarity questioning pony after pony but no luck. Later that night, Rarity is losing her mind. She has gone to everypony she thinks that is the culprit but no luck. Someone has to be lying. She heads to bed in hopes that she can reduce her stress. She sleeps. But then, one thing comes to mind. It's you. She hasn't gone to you about it.

You head to Rarity's Boutique around noon the next day. The minute you step in, you are questioned by Rarity. "Why did you do it?" She asks you.

"Huh?" You say confused.

"Why did you destroy my business?" Rarity says.

"I didn't des-" You are interrupted by Rarity.

"Don't you lie to me! Your the only one left I haven't asked! You destroyed my career! Tell me the truth!" Rarity yells at you.

You try to make an excuse up to get out of there. You start to cry.

Rarity backs down when she notices you crying.

"Why would you blame me for this?" You say sobbing. But you're faking it.

Rarity feels bad for what she did and apologizes. "I'm sorry darling. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm just so angry that I can find them." She notices you are still clearly hurt by her. She pushes you towards the door and opens it for you. "Go darling. I'm sorry for what I did. I'll make it up to you." Rarity says. You nod and leave. Rarity goes back to the drawing board to find out who is lying. But has no luck. She is only making ponies angry. She is never going to find out who did it. She went from her worst enemies to her closet friends but nothing. Rarity romes the streets of Ponyville. She sighs. "I'll never find out who did it. My business is ruined..." She drops her head. Then she hears a familar voice. Your voice. She listens in on the conversation.

You were talking to Rainbow. "I am the one who destroyed Rarity's business. All those reviews were mine." You say to Rainbow.

Rarity gasps.

"What!?" Rainbow yells.

He instantly covers her mouth. "You must promise me not to tell her. I'm doing this-" Rarity tries to get closer to hear better but steps on a trashcan lid causing her to jump and make a lot of noise. You notice that. "I must go." You run home. Hoping that wasn't her. You head to bed. The next day, you head over to Rarity's and enter. Her lights were off. She was nowhere to be found. "Hello Rarity." You don't see her working on dresses or thinking of a pony to blame. You fully enter her boutique and the door closes behind you. The lights turn on and behind you is Rarity, Coco Pommel, and Sassy Saddles. "Whoa. What is going on here?" You ask.

"Don't act all innocent. I heard everything." She says.

"What are you talking about?" You ask.

"You ruined by business and my career! I heard everything you said! Now your going to pay!" She yells at you.

You know there is nowhere to go now. Your done for. So you come out and say it. "Yes! I did it Rarity! I did it! Good job solving the case!" Suddenly, Rarity thrashes your head with a baseball bat and it knocks you unconscious. You wake up in the hospital hearing the heart rate monitor. You have a black eye, a broken nose, some broken ribs, and some broken toes. You see a newspaper next to your table. You grab it and read the headline. The title says: "Rarity Finds Out The Truth! Everypony Hates The Human In Equestria." You sigh. Rarity must've told everypony what you did. You lost all of your friends. You didn't really feel bad about it until now. You've caused all your friends stress and you were the one who did it and didn't speak up and say why you did it. So they have a reason to not be friends with you anymore. Rarity's business was damaged because of your bad reviews. Once you finish reading the newspaper, a small piece of paper falls out of the newspaper. It was folded up but you can see that it in big black letters it says "Eviction Notice".

Pinkie Pies Big Party

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Your birthday is coming up. You were wanting to just stay at home with a few of your ponies friends and celebrate it but Pinkie gets the great idea to make the party even bigger by inviting everything in Ponyville. But you don't want a huge birthday party. Your not hitting a certain age or going anywhere. You appreciate Pinkie Pie for doing it but she insists on having a big party. You can't really stop her. Your friends with Pinkie Pie but there's one big freaky thing about her. She knows everything about everything. That's how she knows your birthday. Let's see if a big party is worth it.

It's a few hours until you start the party. You, Pinkie, and her friends are their to help prepare the party. You are about nearly done. Your missing the cake and cupcakes which Pinkie is making, you bought the drinks and other snacks for the party, you got your DJ, and Pinkie's friends have got the decorations up and ready. You bring Pinkie and her friends together. "Thank you guys so much for helping me and Pinkie get this party set up." They smile. "Pinkie, go get the cupcakes please." You say.

"On it." She says and leaves to get the cupcakes. Her friends do some finish touchings before everyone comes in. The party starts off great. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Ponies, griffons, and hippogriffs come up to and say happy birthday. Your close friends brought some presents and some other ponies brought you presents. The birthday party is going great so far. After everyone arrives, Pinkie makes an announcement. "Everyone, let's sing Happy Birthday to our birthday buddy!" You grin and her friends bring out the cake. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow fly in and hold the cake up to you. Everyone starts singing Happy Birthday and you blow out your candles. Everyone cheers when suddenly Rainbow shoves the cake into your face causing most to gasp and some to laugh.

"Rainbow! What was that for!?" Twilight says.

Rainbow snickers.

"Don't worry everypony! I have another cake made up in case something happened! I'll get it!" Pinkie says.

Your still shocked that Rainbow shoved your birthday cake but you come back to reality and laugh it off so you don't get mad at your party. Pinkie brings in the extra cake and Pinkie gives you the first slice. You eat the cake on your face before wiping the rest off and eating the cake you've been given. It was very good. You get yourself another slice later. While you are eating some of the cake and having some of the snacks and drinks you bought, the DJ starts playing music and ponies go over to listen and dance.

After you finish eating, you head over there. Pinkie notices you and goes over to the DJ and whispers something to the DJ and before you know it, the DJ was playing your favorite songs. You smile and creatures dance and sing. You were dancing and singing along to the music. When suddenly, a pony knocks you to the ground, it was Bulk Biceps. You try to get back up but then he steps on you forcing you back onto the ground. You try to yell at him but you can't even here your own voice because the music is so loud. He presses harder onto you and you hear your some bones breaking. You scream louder. Some notice and try to help but it wasn't working. The pain was so much that you passed out.

You wake up in the hospital. You had a few broken bones. You look over at the table and see balloons. Some saying happy birthday and some saying get well soon. That brings a light grin to your face.

Then Pinkie appears from out of nowhere. Her sudden appearance makes you jump. She walks up to you. "I'm so sorry about last night. I didn't think that anyone would've got hurt at the party." She looks down.

"It's fine Pinkie. I didn't know either. But I'm still here." You say.

She grins. "But don't worry. I will bring you some cupcakes from the bakery while you are here to make up for it." She says.

"Wow. Thank you Pinkie. Thank you very much." You say.

"No problem. Get well soon." She leaves. You look around your hospital room. You begin to wonder if you will ever get a apology from Bulk Biceps. Because he ruined your night. What sucks is that you missed what could've been a fun birthday. Well, maybe next year things won't be so crazy for your birthday.

Trixie Cuts You Up

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Trixie is within minutes of being onstage to perform some magic tricks for her audience. This is your first time seeing Trixie perform onstage. You've heard that her performances are one to remember. After spending so much time in the hospital, you haven't had enough time to see any of her performances. But tonight is the night you see her perform.

The room gets dark and the stage lights shine on the curtain. "Fillies and Gentlecolts! Behold, The Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie emerged out from the curtains and everypony cheered along with you. "Whose ready for a night of magic?" Trixie asks and ponies cheer again. "Trixie will make this a night you won't forget!" The show went without a hitch.

For her last act of the performance, she wanted to the box and sword trick. She called for a volunteer. Everypony raised their hooves. You raised your hand as well. Since you were taller then all the other ponies, you popped out like a sore thumb. Trixie notices you. "A human...." She grins. "Trixie is interested. Human, come up." You were shocked that she told you to come up. You go up onstage and Trixie's assistants roll out the box. It barely fits you. Trixie orders you to get in and you do so. She closes the box. "Now, Trixie will dig the sword into the box and the human will be unharmed." She pulls out the sword with her magic. Ponies love this trick but it is very dangerous and accidents can happen even though they haven't happened yet.

You take a deep breath and Trixie starts to jab into the box. Missing you every time so far. But then you felt you had to itch your leg. You lift your leg up a little to itch it when suddenly the sword cuts into your hand and fingers along with a bit of your leg causing you to bleed and scream. Trixie hears your screams and sees the blood on her sword. You were in immense pain and were bleeding out of your hand, fingers and leg.

"Everypony remain calm. Trixie will try to fix the situation." Trixie tried to resolve the situation as the curtains closed so nopony could see it anymore but that was the last you saw as you passed out.

You once again woke up in the hospital. This time with a messed up hand and cut open leg. Not to minor but you might have some trouble with your hand and fingers for awhile but your leg should be fine. The damage on your hands and fingers will leave you with some scars. You wonder where Trixie is. Is she apologetic or scared to show her face? Looks like you are going to have to sue. Maybe the money will be worth it.