A Shadow’s Collection

by Silver Shadows

First published

Just a bunch of random stories that don’t belong anywhere.

So I have parts of stories that I create that I disregard. However, it could still stand as a small piece, so all of that will go here. Author’s notes will be at the top giving some sort of summary. Honestly, this is mainly for my purposes.

Also, some of my friends are going to give me random prompts in which I’ll write something extremely random that is mlp related. They usually won’t exceed 1k words to stand as it’s own so it’ll also be located here.

So yeah, this is basically my random story holder.

Warnings (if any) will be in author’s notes as well. I am labeling this as teen in case some of them contain more teen topics.

How History’s Made [E]

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“Sister, what are you doing?” Celestia caught up to her sister. They were both quite young, having only a few centuries of ruling. They expected to rule forever, together.

Well, one of them did at least.

The dark alicorn’s eyes narrowed, “Sister, what are you doing? That is the better question.”

“I asked you first.”

“Very well… sister. Follow me and you shall find out.”

The other gave a grudging nod. They both trotted along, the alicorn of the day trailing slightly behind as she wasn’t sure where her sister was leading her. They approached the throne room. The guards parted and the doors creaked open slowly.

Suddenly, Luna stopped. Celestia did as well, opening her mouth to question Luna about something. However, Luna put a calming hoof on Celestia’s chest to almost order her to halt.

Luna demanded, “Commander Hitler, deploy your troops now.”


“I will be the sole ruler of Equestria. No longer will you take all the glory for what I have done.”


“You know what you’ve done, sister. Now, begone.”

Luna closed her eyes to prepare a spell to teleport Celestia in a more convenient spot, only to feel a warm glow cutting her off. She snapped her eyes open and glanced at her horn. They were going to be at a stalemate. The magic Luna was calling open must be added slowly in order to work properly. In order to override Celestia’s power, it must be added quickly and rapidly, then to almost overblow the energy. It would be easy to override a simple unicorn’s magic, but an alicorn’s was much more difficult.

Luna made brief eye contact with her commander who was calmly waiting. The other guards during that time were on her side and the others were dispatched. She had sent a sleeping spell to them prior to leading Celestia to the throne room.

Her commander sent a spell at Celestia, a weak stunning spell. It wasn’t enough to fully affect an alicorn but it was enough to distract one. An irresistible itch, one might say.

Luna quickly finished the spell and a giant black hole opened from underneath Celestia. The princess of the night laughed at the mercy of her sister as Celestia tried flapping her giant white wings and even teleporting to get out, only to sink slowly deeper and deeper into there until it was sealed off.

Princess Luna shouted something that would resonate throughout the nation, “Hail, Hitler!

Celestia crashed into the crystal caves, headfirst. After a few moments, she managed to recollect her senses. She looked around the caves and groaned, the crystals were entirely magic proof.

However, it also provided remarkable strength to add spells. She closed her eyes and decided to summon something that would surely make everypony hate her sister. It was called a Nightmare, a being that would surely turn the purest pony into one who would be self driven and greedy and jealous. It would surely make Luna seem as evil as Tartarus itself.

As for that unicorn, Hitler, Celestia swore under her breath to make all the history books turn against him.

She stood up, a wicked smile forming across her face, one nopony would expect from a benevolent ruler.

Candy is Important in War [T]

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Genghis Khan studied the mirror carefully. According to his soldiers, they were able to stick their hands in it. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into it. A sudden whirl storm surrounded him and he appeared on the other side. He tried to stand but fell almost immediately. He studied his hands, only to see hooves, almost like the ones he rode, but they seemed to be yellow.

He stared at the mirror and found a yellow pony staring back at him. He gaped at himself. Before he could go back through the mirror to hopefully the right world, something pulled him away. He could see a thin, yellow aura around his body and it turned him around and he saw a frowning… pony with wings and a horn that was glowing.

“Who are you and why are you close to this artifact?” She asked with warning.

Genghis wasn’t one to be intimidated, “I am Genghis Khan, ruler of the Mongols! You stupid pony. Let me go before my army terrorizes you.” He stood threateningly. The only pony seemed to look amused instead of terrorized.

“You’re not from here?” He could almost see her laughter threatening to pour over.

Genghis rolled his eyes, “No, duh. My army will murder you and take over this territory!”

The other pony actually laughed, “I can’t believe that the mirror… Here, follow me, we should talk.” Genghis was going to refuse when a burst of light teleported them to a different room. He shook his head and blinked in shock.

“You don’t fight fair,” he said, scowling at the other pony, “Give me a bow and arrow and a horse and then we can call it fair. My army stands behind me, let me go retrieve them.”

“We’re not fighting... yet. We’re having a civil conversation. Let’s start again, I’m Princess Celestia and my sister is P-I mean, no longer here. It is nice meeting you. Would you like a lollipop?” She motioned to the candy basket in the middle of the table and levitated one towards him. It was red and labeled, ‘cherry flavored’.

Genghis scowled, “They’re poisoned. No rightful enemy would offer food.”

“Suit yourself,” Celestia ate the lollipop instead. She was content with eating it slowly, watching Genghis’ actions.

“Now, I will kill you.” He began running forwards on his two hind legs but promptly fell on his rear. If Celestia didn’t have her years of practice in holding her laughter back, she would’ve been undignified in front of the guards at the door.

The guard standing at the door pointed and threw a spear towards the unmoving pony who was cursing his head off, “This is a murder plot to the princess!” Genghis promptly died, blood spewing everywhere.

And this is how China was truly saved from Genghis Khan.