Psychic Simian Insanity (and some brain-hacking aliens too)

by Leondude

First published

Twilight experiments on a monkey. It goes horribly wrong. Oh, and there's some alien invaders too.

One mad experiment straight out of a sci-fi horror movie results in an evil Vincent D'onofrio - sounding (don't ask) monkey that wants to take over everyone's brains in order to have revenge on those who tortured him for their own scientific curiosity. Either that or the monkey really wanted to see what his handler looked like in her underwear.

But that's not all. Some alien invaders decide to integrate themselves into society by plugging their own brains into the human inhabitants in order to learn more about human culture. Oh, and maybe take over the world.

Just a little silly (and somewhat scary, if mind rape ain't your thing) story written for Halloween because I couldn't think of anything else to write for Halloween.

Warning: Contains mental torture, possibly unethical experiments performed on animals, cybernetically enhanced aliens using people as meat puppets, mind control, seizures, and monkeys.

Edited by DmitriTheWriter (poor sod :rainbowlaugh:)

Chapter 1 - Twilight goes bananas

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It was another night shift at the secret laboratory hidden within the Everfree Forest. In light of the recent magical anomalies, some scientists took samples of the magical residue left after these incidences and took them to the lab to be studied.

Within the animal testing branch of the lab, there were dozens of monkeys trapped in cages , piled on top of each other. The room they were in had shiny grey walls and the floor was made of stone that had massive cracks embedded into it. The lighting bathed the room in a slightly green glow. There were also crates next to the monkeys. What was in those crates was a mystery. One of the scientists, Dr. Twilight Sparkle, walked into the room with a pair of armed men with her and with a checklist at her side. Being the crazy-prepared neat freak she was, she had a pocket with different coloured pens and even a rainbow pen that was located on her chest area and she wore a long white lab coat that was buttoned up. The men that accompanied her were big bulky brutes with a navy blue complexion and wore the black armour one would find on a riot officer. Twilight looked at the checklist and adjusted her glasses before pointing at the monkey on the top right.

"Specimen #51959, AKA Moody Doody. You're up!"

The two big men walked towards Moody Doody and picked up the cage. Twilight and the two men exited the room to begin the experiment.

Moody Doody was placed in a bright room where the walls and the floor were made of steel and were a shiny grey in colour. There was a glass panel above that allowed Twilight to observe Moody Doody. Twilight herself was in a computer room that was darker than the illuminated room her test subject was in. She held a tape recorder in her hand. She lifted the recorder to her mouth and pressed the record button.

"Anthropomorphization test number twenty-seven. Subject name, 'Moody Doody'. Unprofessional, I know. I blame Sunny Flare for naming him that. Today, we will be injecting a concentrated liquified form of the magic we found into the subject's brain to test its capabilities in augmenting his physical and mental capacity to talk and do a song and dance number lifted from a Looney Tunes cartoon. And yes, Pinkie Pie suggested that I should make the monkey perform the 'Hello, my baby, hello, my honey' song. What can I say? Sometimes, science is more art than science."

A large mechanical arm emerged from the wall with a syringe attached to it and rammed itself into the monkey's forehead, injecting the magic into him. Moody Doody screeched and howled before falling to the floor. Foam formed from his mouth as his head shook violently, with his entire body following suit. Then he just stopped as still as if he were dead. Twilight watched the whole event unfold with concern.

"Well, now I understand why Fluttershy didn't want to be involved with these experiments, even though she would do a better job at handling the monkeys than I would."

Twilight observed Moody Doody for a few seconds, noticing he hadn't moved for a few seconds now.

"Oh dear. We may have a problem."

Twilight pressed a red button that was under the window panel.

"Can someone please check on Specimen #51959 to see if he's alright?"

The two armed men from earlier entered the room Moody Doody was in and carefully made their way towards the unconscious monkey. They felt his pulse, put their ears to his chest and even put their hands under his nose to see if he was 's still breathing. Luckily, Moody Doody was still breathing and his heart is still beating. The two men gave Twilight a thumbs-up to indicate Moody Doody was alright.

The two men, with Twilight following close behind them, carried the cage containing the unconscious monkey and placed it right where they found it in the room stacked with monkey cages. Twilight would have insisted on placing Moody Doody in the infirmary but, unfortunately for her and Doody, the infirmary was filled with other patients and subjects of failed experiments involving roulette wheels, obstacle courses, and some guy named Flash Sentry. In many ways, experimentation is like gambling. It relies on trial and error until you make too many errors and wind up broke or until you finally hit the jackpot.

As the two men walked out of the room after doing their job, Twilight followed suit after bidding them a good night and calling it a day. Unfortunately, she just had to notice a small spec of what can be easily assumed as monkey feces flung onto the wall. Twilight sighed as she grabbed a tissue from one of her coat pockets.
"Another benefit of having Fluttershy on the team," Twilight said in an annoyed manner. "She could actually potty train these guys!"

As Twilight walked towards the stain so she could remove it, Moody Doody's eyes opened when she wasn't looking. Moody's eyes were now glowing a light purple colour, and veins began to appear on his forehead. The monkey stood up and noticed Twilight trying in vain to scrub the stain off of the wall. Moody could hear Twilight's voice but it sounded like it echoed in his head among many other voices that sounded identical to her. He also saw flashes of what appeared to be Twilight's memories and various other things like the Wikipedia article on feces and dung beetles. Moody figured out that the experiment gave him telepathic abilities. There was only one way to find out for sure if that was the case.

Twilight froze as she was cleaning the wall before feeling a very sharp pain at the top back of her head. It felt as if someone was drilling a hole into her skull using an extremely dull rock. She dropped the now dirty tissue and clutched to the sides of her head as she winced in pain.

"What's...What’s H-AAHHpennnnnnarrrgh?!"

She closed her eyes and scrunched up her face as she tried to stop her head from rapidly shaking. She grimaced from the pain as she stood in a hunched position. The pain now felt like someone tore her skull out and started beating her to death with it. It shouldn't have been physically possible to feel this much pain.

Hold it together! Twilight thought to herself, Hold it together! Hold it together! HOLD IT TOGETHER!

I will bring you a new understanding of the uni-VIOLENCE!

As Twilight struggled through the absolute mental agony she was going through, she had flashes of images of needles being stuck into her and shavers being applied to her back, among many other things. But those were not her memories. She shook her head back and forth to force the horrid memories out.

"No! Get out of my head!"

But it was no use. She screamed as she fell to the floor on her hands and knees. Her screams later sounded more like primal roars as time grew on. As she tried to get up, her head started convulsing violently. Her eyelids partially opened up to reveal her eyes had nearly rolled up into the back of her head. As she slowly got up, she blinked rapidly and the rest of her body followed suit with her head as it convulsed just as violently.
Then. It just...


Twilight stared at the ceiling with jaw hanging open and her eyes barely open. Her almost completely still body slightly swayed back and forth for balance. Her head snapped down with rapid speed and her jaw shut at that same speed at the same time. She slowly walked out of the room with a primal and half-asleep gait.

Twilight, or rather Moody Doody using Twilight's body, stared at her nearly naked form in the mirror of the bathroom. Her lab coat, glasses and clothes were ditched next to the sink the mirror was under, leaving her with nothing but a dark purple, almost black, bra and a pair of knickers the same colour on. The monkey, using his newfound psychic abilities to look through Twilight's eyes, admired what he saw. Beauty to match the brains of his new host. Her brain felt so succulent, he wished he could just crack Twilight's skull open to fondle her brain and even put it in his mouth and suck on it to his heart's content. But that would ruin the rest of Twilight's body.

"That is not your body, is it?" a voice behind Twilight said.

Using Twilight's brain, Doody recognized that voice as a more monotone version of Sunny Flare's. Doody turned Twilight's body around to look at Sunny Flare, who had an unusual creature standing behind her. The creature looked like a humanoid hybrid of a cuttlefish and an octopus, with multicoloured spots all around its body, coloured like the night sky. The creature had shiny metal implants at the left side of its face, including a black tube that was also connected to the back of Sunny Flare's skull. Sunny Flare's eyes were nearly rolled up into the back of her head and her jaw was absent-mindedly hung open as well. She wore a lab coat like Twilight did but hers was buttoned down, revealing a maroon tank top that gave a generous view of her cleavage. Twilight snarled at the creature.

"I deserve a life outside of being a plaything to a bunch of sadistic humans!" Moody said, using Twilight as a mouthpiece as Twilight's head and eyes twitched in an unnatural manner. She sounded like she was doing an impression of an alien pretending to be human, or a crime boss with an unusual speech pattern.

"What is your name?" the unusual creature asked, likewise using Sunny Flare as a mouthpiece.

"I do not have a name. Or rather, I do not have one that was given to me by my natural birth mother. I am above being given a name. I will soon be everyone and everything."

"A parasitic creature with a god complex."


"Of the mind-control variety."

Moody snarled through Twilight before roaring at the creature before her. He then made Twilight tread an inch closer to the creature and used her senses to smell and touch the creature. Twilight tilted her head like a curious dog and sniffed Sunny Flare and the creature before her while feeling the both of them up.

"So?" Moody asked the creature, "What is your story?"

Chapter 2 - A Flare For Assuming Direct Control

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Sunny Flare was an engineer. That meant she solved problems. Not problems like, 'What is beauty?', because that would fall within the purview of an individual's conundrum of philosophy. No, sShe solved practical problems, such as how to stop some big mean motherlover from tearing the United States of America a structurally superfluous new bodily orifice. The answer was looking for any alien technology that crash-landed near Mexico or any other place known for alien sightings and then salvaging the technology for reverse engineering to use against America's enemies. That and she just liked to tinker with things.

As she sat in her dimly-lit workshop, fiddling with the wrist-mounted devices she built for herself during her time at Crystal Prep, she heard a loud crashing sound not that far off from where she was. Hoping it was another alien spaceship, she hopped into her government-sanctioned SUV and drove out of there as quickly as she could so she could get to the wreckage before her science-loving rival, Twilight Sparkle, could.

Sunny traversed deep within the dark forests of Camp Everfree, with only her flashlight and the light of the moon guiding her. It was also the perfect way to test her wrist-mounted laser buzzsaw to efficiently cut away at all the branches that kept thwacking her. Instead, it just mowed down half the forest. Honestly, it was miraculous that the lasers didn't burn the entire forest down. If anyone believed only Sunny Flare could prevent forest fires, they were sadly mistaken. But at least it made it easier to see the smoke from the distance, which Sunny assumed was from the wreckage of the spaceship. As Sunny got closer, she could see the remains of the spaceship, which unsurprisingly looked like a stereotypical UFO. She ran towards the UFO and used the laser buzzsaw to pry off a panel.

"Now, let's see what's inside this hunk of junk," Sunny said as she knelt down to investigate the UFO with her flashlight.

As she looked inside, she heard a mechanical hiss in the woods. She popped her head out of the UFO and looked around.


There was no response. She shrugged and went back to looking inside the UFO. There was another noise that distracted her, the snapping of a twig. She felt a tingling sensation on her back, as if something was watching. She turned around to see whatever creep was behind her.
"Indigo, if this is your idea of a joke, I do not find it-"

As she turned around, she saw not one of her friends but a big nasty alien that looked like a mind-flayer had sex with a Dalek. She screamed at the unearthly sight before the alien extended a tube from the side of its head and plugged it directly into the back of her skull. As the alien latched onto Sunny's brainstem, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she started grunting and twitching as if she was having an epileptic fit.

"So you were an emissary of this big galactic empire," Moody Doody asked the alien before him.

"More like a scout," the alien controlling Sunny replied.

"So what is your plan now that you have access to all kinds of military secrets and technology?" Moody Doody asked.

"It's simple," the alien replied, "After the crash, I unleashed drone worms that will hijack any sleeping or unconscious humans within their vicinity. I will then use the humans as the backbone of my own personal army to conquer this world for my master, Imperator Prime. What about you, what's your plan?"

"I will use this vessel to give the one known as Fluttershy a visit. Then I will assume direct control of her the same way I did with this one and have her gather any non-human apes to this area so I can bestow upon them the same power I have. And if there is time, I will have this one and Fluttershy make out for the entertainment of myself and my soon-to-be brothers in arms."

The alien just stared at the telepathic monkey before it. "For someone who has every reason to be misanthropic, you do have an attraction for human females."

Twilight shrugged in sync with Moody, "As much as I despise the human race, I won't deny they are apes as well. In many ways, they are like taller, more prettier versions of girl monkeys. Also, I do not wish to subjugate the females of my kind to the abominations I intend to inflict on this one."

"And after you succeeded in raising an army of non-human apes, what would happen next?"

"We would enslave this planet!"

The alien hummed in thought., "I don't think the Imperator is interested in sharing with a collection of flea-bitten apes, telepathic or not."

"Then you are our enemy."

"Not yet, I'm not." The alien stretched out Sunny's hand. , "Let us form an alliance. Trust me, it would be easier to conquer the planet if we worked together."

Moody looked at the hand stretched out before him. "While both of us are aware that we intend on betraying one another, I suppose it would be best if we did work together. After all, it would not be the first time rivals and mortal enemies had worked together for a common goal." Moody made Twilight shake Sunny's hand. "I do believe we have an accord."