Bun in the Oven

by Some Leech

First published

With Autumn Blaze's pregnancy well under way, Anon does his best to appease his pony-sized paramour...

As the months have passed, Anon and Autumn have grown closer than ever. Sure, the kirin might be heavy with foal, but that hasn't slowed her down all that much. Doing what he can to keep her appeased, the man tries to keep her off her hooves. After all, it's only a few weeks until her due date...

Kinks Include: Male on Female, Fondling, Vaginal, Lactation, Pregnant Sex, Interspecies Intimacy, and Creampies

EXTRA LEWD KINKS: Starting a family, consensual hoof holding, and tenderly loving your horse wife

Artwork by Hioshiru

Author's Note (May Contain Spoilers)
So, I really wanted to wrap up their little adventure on a sweet, loving note. Sure, there may be come future shenanigans with the growing family, but we'll have to see what happens. Regardless, if you're reading this, I hope you enjoyed their journey so far!

But Still Needing Lovin

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“Anon, hurry!” Autumn’s voice echoed through the hallways, making its way to her paramour.

Anon knit his brow, realizing what was at stake. Like a man on a mission, he damn near ran through the corridor, only slowing to round a corner. “Almost there,” he shouted back, hoping to calm his quadrupedal mate.

“I don’t know how much…” the kirin’s words trailed off in the distance.

God damn it,” Anon hissed, tearing ass into the kitchen. Haphazardly gathering up supplies, jamming bags and bottles under one arm, he turned to leave; but not before snatching a pair of spoons. Jogging out of the room, hastily retracing his steps, he did his best not to drop anything.

With everything that had been going on, the last thing he needed was an incident that early in the morning. “Coming in hot,” Anon bellowed, spying the entrance to their room. Making a hard left, and damn near slamming into the doorframe, he finally came to a halt.

Autumn’s ears perked up, as the man appeared. Her eyes danced over the provisions he’d brought; a bag of chips, utensils, a jar of sauerkraut, some water, and a lone cup of yogurt, lie precariously held to his chest, yet something was missing. “Babe, where’s the ice cream…”

Anon immediately looked down at the yogurt, quietly cursing to himself. “I thought the damn thing was a single-serve vanilla,” he murmured, glaring down at the misidentified dairy product.

“And you thought ice cream would be in the fridge because…” Autumn let the words hang, raising an eyebrow at him.

Because,” he began, carefully setting the items on their nightstand, “I put a few cups of ice cream in the fridge last night. I know you -”

“Like ‘em soft,” Autumn concluded, smiling from ear to ear.


Over the past few months, ever since their rather scandalous first encounter, Anonymous and Autumn Blaze had developed a deep, almost preternatural connection. Despite their morphological differences, their personalities worked perfectly with each other. The kirin was outspoken and cheerful, while the human was quick witted and facetious.

Realistically, they were dramatically different, both mentally and physically, but that didn’t stop them; as they say, ‘Opposites attract’. Of course, their bond had grown deeper by the day, even though their first meeting was, for all intents and purposes, less than ideal. Having brought Autumn to her castle, Twilight introduced the kirin to Anon. One thing led to another and, well, they’d ended up doing it.

Of course, stories could be written on the matter, but that’s neither here nor there. The fact was that, after that initial coupling, the two had grown immeasurably close, to the point where they shared a bed. They were inseparable; it was rare to see one without the other, although that was less and less uncommon, especially as of late…


“I’m sorry,” Anon sighed. Crossing to the bed, he crawled onto the mattress beside the fluffy equine, all while dourly averting his eyes from her’s. “Will you forgive me?”

“Gosh, you’re so dramatic,” Autumn giggled, gingerly swatting his shoulder with a cloven hoof. “Of course I do, but…” she whispered, peering down her frame, “I’m not sure the little guy will take it as easy on you…”

Anon’s gaze followed, eventually settling upon Autumn’s midsection. Under normal circumstances, kirin were relatively slim creatures, not too terribly different than the garden variety ponies of Equestria, although circumstances weren’t quite normal. Slowly, reverently, he moved one hand to her massively distended belly, heavy with foal, before gently resting his palm upon it. It wasn’t long before he felt something shift inside her.

“Oooooh, yup, you’re screwed. He is not happy that you forgot the ice cream,” she tutted, drawing the man’s attention upward.

“First of all, we still don’t know if it’s a he. Secondly,” he continued, leaning towards Autumn’s stomach, “it’s her fault for wanting sauerkraut and ice cream at seven in the morning.”

“Turning him against his own mother?” the kirin muttered, in mock shock. “Maybe all the myths about humans being monsters were true!”

Anon rolled his eyes and he smiled to himself, as he brought his face to hers. “So, what, does that mean you’ve got a monster fetish?” he chuckled.

“Says the tiny dragon-pony lover,” she countered, giving him a kiss.

The differences of their species, a subject which could have been contentious, was an endless source of amusement between the two. Autumn would tease him about being an alien monster, while he’d taunt her for being a chimeric bumpkin. It was odd, to be sure, but they’d found a way to make it work.

After running his fingers through her voluminous mane, Anon pushed himself up. “I’ll go get the -”

“No,” Autumn interrupted, watching him stand. “No, don’t worry about it. I’ll just have some of the cabbage and chips.

Anon nodded, as he plodded over to the dresser. Grabbing up the bag of crisps, along with the jar of sauerkraut, he returned to the bed. He’d heard about pregnant woman getting strange cravings, but he’d never seen it first hand. Over the past few weeks, as Autumn grew ever closer to her delivery date, her appetite had taken a few odd turns. Pickled or fermented foods, paired with dairy, seemed to be a ‘go-to’ favorite.

Setting the chips down, he seated himself on the edge of the mattress, while he wrestled with the lidded jar. The sound of enthusiastic crinkling caused him to look back, where he found Autumn struggling with the bag. Getting the sauerkraut open, he motioned for her to pass the offending package. Squeezing the jar between his thighs, he tugged the bag open. As he went to hand it back to her, he stopped dead.

“What are you doing?” Anon asked, deadpan.

For whatever reason, Autumn had rolled fully onto her back. Now supine, she held her forelegs to her chest, while her fluffy tail swished back and forth expectantly. Though she didn’t say anything, the gleam in her eye told him that she wanted something.

“Come on, use your words,” he halfheartedly urged.

“Feed me,” she meekly requested.

“You know this wouldn’t work if you weren’t so damn cute,” Anon laughed. Digging into the bag, he retrieved a sturdy crisp, dipped it into the fermented cabbage, and brought it towards her. As expected, she opened her maw, allowing him to place the morsel inside.

Mmmm - Maybe...Or maybe you just like keeping me around. You know, since I’m a beast in the sack,” she snickered, having swallowed down her bite.

“Oh, totally, you’re a real animal, just not the wild variety; more of the ‘feed me and give me belly rubs’ kind,” Anon laughed, preparing her a second chip.

“Hey! That’s no - Mmm -” Autumn’s protest was quieted, as she munched down on the offering of junk food. Despite her cheerful munching, she leered up at him.

As her size had grown, due to the foal growing within her, Anon had really stepped up to the plate; not that he hadn’t treated her well from the get-go, but the man had gone the extra mile for her. Late night requests, hoof rubs, brushing her wooly mane, he’d done virtually everything she’d asked. Sure, she’d gone into her meeting with him as an experiment, simply to see if her kind could breed with a human, yet it had become so much more than that.

While Anon had been initially shocked by the fact that he’d impregnated her, he’d sworn to stay with her and look after their unborn child. As time passed, and their bond grew, Autumn found herself becoming enamored with him. For kirin, mating was typically a loveless affair, simply done to propagate the species, so her feelings for him were somewhat alien. As she looked up at him, her irate facade crumbled; it was painfully difficult to even pretend to be mad at him.

“So, after your - Cough - ‘breakfast’,” he said, making a pair of air quotes, “ what’s on the agenda today?”

Mmmm, well, nothing much. Our next doctor’s appointment isn’t until Thursday, so we’ve got some time,” she responded, tapping a hoof to her chin. “By the way, have you thought up a name for our little filly or colt?”

“I don’t know! I’ve always sucked at naming!” Anon groaned, running one hand over his head. “As long as we don’t go with -”

Autonomous,” Autumn whispered, whimsically waving a forehoof through the air. Noticing the man’s deadpan expression, she scrunched her snout. “What? It’s a good mix of Autumn and Anonymous!”

“People will pick on ‘em for that!” Anon protested, shaking his head. True, he had no idea how the denizens of Equestria came up with names, but they all seemed to hinge on some key character trait. “We can figure it out later. Honestly, the whole thing just makes me anxious anyways…”

“Why? You’re worried they’ll be as ugly as you?” Autumn joked, though she immediately regretted it. Looking up at Anon, she noticed his face was dour, causing her smile to fade. “Hey, I’m just kidding,” she hastily added, stroking his arm.

“I don’t know much about medicine or childbirth. I…” Anon sighed, glancing down at her. “I just worry about you and them,” he whispered, caressing her belly.

“You honey dripper! Trust me, I’ll...We’ll be fine, all three of us,” she reassuringly noted, placing her hoof on his hand.

“Well, I’ll do everything I can for us,” he continued, craning his neck down and kissing her forehead. “Happy wife, happy life.”

Autumn lie there, mute, watching the man. He’d joked about getting married before, but something about this felt different. Truth be told, she wouldn’t mind being with him, not in the slightest, yet she’d never really considered marriage. Shaking her head, dispelling her thoughts, she wriggled on the mattress.

“You just don’t want anyone to run off with me,” she giggled.

Anon shrugged and looked away. “I wouldn’t stop you, but I’d miss you,” he confessed, peering out the window.

Opening her mouth, Autumn barely stopped herself from unleashing a witty retort. No, this wasn’t the time for that. His tone was off, and he almost looked wistful. Considering everything he’d been through, including having found himself in some far off, alien world, she couldn’t really blame him. So, instead of a lighthearted jab, she did the next best thing.

Pffft - Nah,” she blurted, dismissively waving a hoof, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not sure a nicer guy exists out there, pony or otherwise.” As she concluded, he ran his fingers through her mane, as he smiled at her. Pleased that her discretion had paid off, she slowly rolled to her side.

“Alright, now, you wouldn’t mind helping me to the shower, would you? It’s not like I wouldn’t mind wallowing in bed all day, but I’d really rather...What?” Autumn cut herself off, as she noticed Anon staring at her groin. Following his gaze, she realized what had caught his attention.

Autumn’s teats, which had been steadily growing as of late, were dribbling a thin trail of milk. She shouldn’t have been surprised, considering how large and tender they’d become, although she hadn’t been expecting to spontaneously lactate. “Huh…” she thought aloud, watching herself leak.

“Is that normal? I remember you saying they were getting extra sensitive, but are they just supposed to randomly do that?” Anon asked, watching a bead of the creamy fluid drip to the sheets.

“I don’t know, probably? It’s not like I’ve done this before or anything. Heck, maybe it’ll help relieve some of the pressure,” Autumn grumbled.

“I mean, I can...Uh…” Anon murmured, fidgeting slightly. Fortunately, he’d caught himself, before he said something stupid.

“You can…” she let the question hang, curious to hear what he’d been about to propose.

“Nothing, really, I promise. Anyways, let’s get you into the shower!” Anon quickly stated, hopping to his feet. He didn’t make eye contact, knowing she’d press the matter. He’d swiftly discovered that the kirin had a knack for chatter, oftentimes getting him to reveal secrets or admit embarrassing facts; especially if he was looking into her eyes.

Oh…” Autumn solemnly whispered, rolling to her opposite side to face away from him. “If you don’t want to tell me…”

Dragging his palm over his face, Anon groaned. The little ass had played the guilt card; a rare choice, yet one which was staggeringly effective. “I was going to say I could milk you,” he breathed, hoping she didn’t hear.

“Come again,” she energetically stated, her tone having taken a full one-eighty.

“I said, I could milk you,” he exasperatedly repeated, significantly louder this time. There, he’d said it, he just hoped she wouldn’t -

“Oh my gosh, Anonymous, you just want some of Mama’s milk!” Autumn laughed. Ponderously turning to face him again, she splayed her hind legs and gyrated her hips. Her breasts swayed slightly in his direction, tauntingly and invitingly.

“As if you’re not curious about the taste!” Anon shot back, shifting focus to her face. She obstinately glared up at him, unflinching. “Admit it,” he goaded, knowing he was right.

“Fine, yeah, I wouldn’t mind knowing what it tastes like,” she admitted, “but it’s not like it’s the most convenient thing for me to try. I’m not a contortionist, especially now that I’ve got a filly -”

“Or colt,” the man smugly interrupted.

“Or colt kicking around in there,” Autumn concluded. Looking up at him, she noticed a vainglorious smile splitting his face. “What’s got you so cocky?” she asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

Anon was a cheeky bastard, sure, but he’d never been overly full of himself; which meant only one thing. Either he’d thought of something inappropriate or he was about to crack some lackluster joke. It was a toss up between the two, so she had no way of knowing exactly what had him so amused.

“You know, I could kill two birds with one stone…” he proudly asserted, leaning towards her.

“Oh can you now?” she inquired, her curiosity piqued. She wanted to keep up her grouchy front, but failed miserably.

“Absolutely!” Anon attested, bringing his face towards her groin. “All I have to do,” he continued, breathing heavily upon her bosoms, “is this.” With that, he kissed his way up her teat, before wrapping his lips around one of her moistened nipples. She gasped, caught off guard by the action. Even though he was gentle, it was quite the thrilling sensation.

Lying there, watching him suckle her breast, Autumn was at a loss for words. It wasn’t the first time he’d played with her like that, although this was slightly different. Maybe it was because she was so far along in her pregnancy, or perhaps it was because she’d begun lactating; either way, she found it exceptionally hot. Spreading her hind legs fully, giving him better access to her underbelly and groin, she closed her eyes.

Experimentally, Anon nursed upon Autumn’s teat. Velvety soft and warm, her udder-like breast pressed against his nose and chin. They’d nearly doubled in size, since he’d first met her. Before, they were barely enough to cup in his palm; now, each was a respectable handful. Lapping at the residual milk, his efforts were quickly rewarded, as a steady stream of the rich dairy started to flow.

The flavor was unique, unlike any sort of milk he’d ever had before; grassy, creamy, and with a subtle sweetness, the hot liquid coursed over his taste buds. It wasn’t scalding or anything, but it was a higher temperature than he’d been expecting. Swallowing a mouthful, he continued softly sucking away.

“Is it bad that - Mmmm - this is kinda hot?” Autumn thought aloud, as her paramour slaked his thirst.

She could already feel herself growing wet, which wasn’t all that surprising. With her due date a nebulous week away, they’d abstained from any sexual activities for nearly half a month. Even though the doctor said they could, they’d agreed to restrain themselves. Neither of them was a parent, nor were they that versed with the final stages of pregnancy, so their journey together was a ‘learn as you go’ variety.

That being said, Autumn really wouldn’t mind getting some carnal service. Admittedly, suffering a scant few weeks without sex shouldn’t have been that difficult, but Anon was delightfully flirtatious. Add to that the fact that their energy fed off of one another, often magnifying or exacerbating their interest or amorous intent, and their dry spell had been a trial.

Feeling him stop, she cracked an eye open. “What are you…” she began, watching him move towards her face. Without a word, he locked lips with her, allowing her to taste the mouthful of milk he’d been holding in his maw. Their tongues danced through the liquid, caressing one another, before they each swallowed a portion of the creamy substance.

Pulling away, Anon hovered over her. As she looked up at him, with her glorious golden eyes, he was reminded of just how captivating she was. True, they may have only been together for a relatively short span of time, but he couldn’t picture himself ever growing tired of her. She was witty, full of life, and astoundingly supportive, everything he could have ever hoped for in a partner.

As dumb as it sounded, he couldn’t deny it. If the universe could rip him from his reality, thrusting him into some strange dimension, why couldn’t it be possible to find a fairy-tale romance with an adorable equine. It was stupid, clichéd, and didn’t make a lick of sense, but he held onto it for dear life. Autumn was the best thing that had happened to him, since he found himself in Equestria, and he didn’t want to lose her.

Swallowing hard and gathering every bit of courage he had, Anon stared down at her. “Autumn, I wanted to say something…”

“Go on,” she breathed. Though she searched his face for any clues, as to what he was going to say, she came up lacking. He had a silly grin, but his voice almost seemed shaky; as if he was nervous.

“I’ve known you for a while, a...and…” he stammered, feeling his chest tighten. “Autumn, I love you.”

“I -” Autumn started, but was cut off.

“I’m not done. After we have this kid, do you want to get married?” he boldly asserted. It was only a matter of time until he asked her, and now as good of a time as any. He’d always sucked at genuinely mushy or romantic stuff, but he needed to know; if only so he didn’t end up getting his hopes too high.

“Anon…” she muttered, “I am so wet right now.” It was true; between the banter, milking, and kiss, her marehood was positively drenched. Anon snickered and shook his head, not realizing how serious she was; that was, until she reached up and smushed his cheeks together. “To answer your question, yes, of course I’ll marry you. Now plow me.”

As overjoyed and aroused, as Anon was, he hesitated. “Are you sure -”

“Yes. The doctor said we could, as long as we were gentle, so I don’t see why not,” she groaned, impatiently undulating beneath him.

Mulling it over, while keenly aware of the erection struggling against his slacks, Anon looked down at her. He wanted to, sweet stars above he wanted to, yet he didn’t want to harm her or their unborn child. Meeting her longing gaze, his reluctance began to wither. After she gave birth, it would probably be a while before they’d be able to do the nasty, so this may be their last shot for some time.

“Alright, but you get to be on top. I’d rather you be in control, just in case it gets uncomfortable,” he relented. With that, he flopped onto his back beside her.

Rolling over to face him, Autumn laboriously got to her hooves. “Making me do all the work. Anon, you cad,” she clucked, lightly smacking his chest with her hoof. Taking care to keep her balance, she straddled him, as he unbuttoned his pants.

Undoing his trousers, allowing his member to spring free, Anon grasped her hips. Beyond being very pregnant, she’d put on a bit of weight, but he didn’t mind in the slightest. She was far from fat, although her waist, thighs, and derriere had filled out noticeably. Digging his fingers into her rump, he helped support her weight.

Feeling the tip of Anon’s tool graze her entrance, Autumn shuddered. Taking a breath, she gradually began to impale herself upon him, savoring every inch as she went. The sensation of being filled, of her marehood embracing his cock, was divine. With his aid, she descended, not stopping until she was seated on his lap. She smiled, wiggling her tush in contentment, as she gave herself a moment to savor the feeling.

Hot and snug, Autumn’s sex sheathed Anon’s manhood. It may have been his imagination, since they hadn’t done it in a while, but she felt even tighter than he remembered. As badly as he wanted to go to pound-town, he refrained, waiting for her to begin. While he lie there, he lovingly massaged her thigh.

“Alright,” she breathed, glancing down at him, “just go slow.”

Even though she was in control, there was only so much she could do. Being encumbered with their foal severely restricted her mobility, which meant Anon got to do most of the heavy lifting - pun intended. Still, he was a sturdy creature, and he didn’t seem to mind, so she left it to him.

With her blessing given, Anon steadily began to buck his hips. Giving her time to warm up, he incrementally picked up speed. With her weight bearing down on him, he braced his legs, giving himself a bit more leverage to move. She was heavy, but not unbearably so, so their movement was somewhat limited. Regardless, she was captivating, as beautiful as ever.

The way her wool-like mane jostled, over her smooth coat, how she peered down at him with heavily lidded eyes, it was enchanting. He watched, as she leaned forward, only stopping when her distended belly was pressed against his abdomen. Removing one hand from her flank, he pushed himself up to meet her, while continuing to thrust into her.

“You really are gorgeous,” he whispered, staring into her golden eyes.

“Just shut up and kiss me,” she affectionately sighed.

Craning his neck, he obliged, pressing his lips to hers, as they made love. Their tongues intertwined, warring with one another, causing Autumn’s marehood to clench around him. They closed their eyes, fixating on the sensual experience, while their bodies became entwined. Unlike a great many of their sexual romps, they took their time, reveling in the passionate exchange.

While Autumn wasn’t currently capable of much, she did her best to reciprocate her lover’s motions. Bearing down, clamping herself around his cock, she rocked back against his thrusts. With every downward plunge, briefly paused, before Anon retracted himself from her. Positioned as they were, his rod ground against her g-spot with every thrust. It was all heavenly.

His proposal, while a bit surprising, was a pleasant turn of events. Secretly, Autumn had hoped he would ask for her hoof in marriage, having gone so far as to consider asking him herself, but now there was no need. After the birth of their foal, they would be wed, although they’d likely have to take a rain-check on the honeymoon. Regardless, she couldn’t be happier with the development.

H...harder…” she mumbled, pining for more. As pleasant as slow, romantic intimacy was, she thoroughly enjoyed things a bit more intense.

“B...But…” Anon wheezed, fighting the urge to immediately comply.

Harder…” Autumn growled, biting his lip. She wanted more, needed more, so the time for subtleties was at an end.

Igniting her horn, the kirin magically aided her endeavors. Hauling herself up and slamming herself back down, she gutterally groaned. Surely, being a touch rougher couldn’t hurt; especially considering how astoundingly good it all felt. Almost reluctantly, the man beneath her began to acquiesce. She knew he would, he just needed a gentle nudge to do it.

Meeting her downward thrusts, Anon hammered into her. Peering down, past his chest, his view of their nethers was obscured by her belly; but that didn’t mean he’d forgotten what it looked like. The way her sex clung to him, being dragged out, before his member was stuffed back inside, was quite the sight. Besides the lack of visuals, the sensation was marvelous. Deliciously hot and moist, Autumn’s velvety interior was beyond reproach.

The fiery bliss within Autumn mounted, burning brighter with every passing moment. Inexorable release was within her grasp, spurred by the knowledge that Anon was hers, and she his. Her legs trembled, and the sorcery of her horn flickered, as she grew ever closer to the edge. Thankfully, as her efforts began to falter, her partner picked up the slack.

Plowing Autumn from below, Anon endured. With everything that had transpired, he was quickly approaching his limit. Her shivering and throaty moans only heightened the experience, adding even more to the exquisite experience. Allowing his hips to support her weight, he snaked a hand to her loins, where his thumb fervently massaged her clit.

Autumn screamed in climactic bliss, as the man worked her nethers. Her horn sparked and sputtered, as her magic gave out, causing her full weight to crash down upon him. Nectar practically exploded from her quivering marehood, dousing her lover and the mattress in her juices. Her rapture was heightened, as she felt him start throbbing within her.

Hilting himself, Anon grunted and swiftly grabbed Autumn’s rump. He erupted within her, coating her interior in his seed, while he held her to himself. Fitfully, his tool twitched, as it disgorged its load. It was, as always, amazing, yet he couldn’t help but feel like something was amiss. Peeking at her, he froze, noticing her startled expression.

“What’s…” he trailed off, realizing she hadn’t combusted. Normally, the kirin would burst into flame, when achieving an orgasm, but that wasn’t the case.

“I think my water broke,” she flatly stated, staring dead at the man.

“I - WHAT?!” Anon blurted. Autumn simply nodded, with a concerned look on her face. Acting on impulse, he leaned forward, hauled her off his softening cock, and cradled her to himself. Without missing a beat, and slathered in a cocktail of their fluids, he ran for the door.

Held to his chest, Autumn was silent. Beyond a slight ache in her abdomen, she felt fine, but something told her it was time. The trek through town was a blur, as she was carried to Ponyville General. Honestly, she didn’t even realize they’d arrived, until she heard him speak.

“Doctor! Baby!” Anon yelled, bursting through the doors of the hospital. As luck would have it, the lobby was practically empty, save for a lone stallion and a pair of nurses; one rushed to his aid, while the other scampered to the back, presumably to get assistance. Looking down at Autumn, he stroked her cheek. “It’ll be alright.”

Autumn nodded, knowing it would be. Gingerly, the man placed her on a gurney, before she was wheeled towards a vacant room. She couldn’t say what happened next, or how long she was gone. Everything was a maelstrom of activity, with ponies doing this or that, confusion, and pain. Strangely, it all felt like a dream, nearly indescribable, although she considered that a mercy.

Anon was in much the same predicament. Having followed her into the room, he stayed to the side, while the doctor and orderlies set to work. Throughout it all, his eyes never left Autumn’s, despite the glazed over look she had. The experience was singular; two souls, drawing strength from one another, amidst a chaotic scene.

Neither could say how much time passed, or exactly what had transpired, until a shrill cry broke them from their stupor. In unison, they looked to the attending doctor, who carried a swaddled bundle to Autumn. On shaking legs, Anon stepped forward, moving to his wife-to-be’s side. Together, they looked to the physician.

“Congratulations, it’s a filly,” the doctor noted, carefully bringing the foal to Autumn’s chest.

“I...is she,” Anon began, taking a step closer.

“As far as I can tell, she’s a healthy kirin foal. Now, I’m not an expert, but by pony standards, she seems fit as a fiddle,” the doctor said, adjusting his glasses. “As for you,” he added, directing his attention to Autumn, “we’d like you to stay the night, just so we can monitor your recovery.”

Autumn nodded vacantly, having barely registered his words. With the utmost care, she pulled the cloth from around her foal’s face, unveiling her to the world. She didn’t even think to use her magic, instead opting to gingerly use a forehoof. Like unwrapping a gift from the heavens, she and her man got their very first glimpse of their offspring.

The couple gazed at the small creature swaddled within its blanket. Her coat was a shade darker than Autumn’s, and her mane a touch lighter in color. As a newborn, she bore no horn, although she’d surely grow a similar burgundy antler in time. Nestled against her mother’s chest, she fidgeted for a moment, before opening her eyes. Like twin pairs of topaz, she looked up to her parents.

Anon tried to say something, anything, but failed. Words couldn’t express the abject awe and overwhelming emotions he felt. He could feel his eyes start to water, and he couldn’t stop smiling, yet he was silent. Reverently, he reached down and brushed his daughter’s face.

“She’s perfect,” Autumn cooed, wearily peering down at her child. Though she was exhausted, sore, and in a daze, the pride and contentment she felt outshone it all.

She knew that one day she’d be a mother, but the feeling was indescribable. Looking at her daughter, grasping that she was a part of her foal, it was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Together, she and Anon had made her! Though the concept was commonsensical, the gravitas of going through it was overwhelmingly mind boggling.

“H...hey there little Missy,” Anon croaked, gingerly stroking the foal’s chin. “I’m your dad,” he concluded, letting the words roll off his tongue. Actually saying it, cementing the reality of it all, caused the dam to burst. Silently, tears of joy rolled down his face.

“Don’t worry,” Autumn weakly chuckled, “he’s not that bad.” Even after everything she’d been through, her wit prevailed.

A choked laugh escaped Anon, as he heard his lover’s quip. If there really was a higher power, he was thankful that it had brought Autumn to him. Leaning in, he kissed her cheek, before sinking down to his knees beside the bed. It was a singular moment in his life, one he’d never really expected to experience, so he savored it with every fiber of his being.

“We’ll be back to check on you shortly. Just call an orderly, if you need anything,” the doctor noted, giving the couple some peace. He paused, just before leaving the room. “What’s her name?”

“Vernal Dawn,” Anon responded, without looking away from the foal. Autumn, wearing the barest hint of a grin, looked to him. “Unless you -”

“No...No, I think it’s perfect,” she uttered, resting her head on the pillow.

Throughout everything, despite their tumultuous first encounter, the two had found something magical. In spite of their differences, they’d found love with one another, and taken the first step to starting a family. Though various trials and tribulations would surely meet them, they knew that, as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm. With one chapter of their lives concluded, a world of new adventures awaited them. There would be many more moments for the small family, as they grew together, but those are stories for another time…