Time, Karma, Order, and Discord

by Chemtest

First published

Silver, Mark, and the Doctor begin their travels. But something goes wrong.

The TARDIS dissapeared from Equestria, carrying away the heroes who defended Canterlot from Discord’s forces. Silver, the Chosen of Karma, and the Doctor.

They set for the future, somewhere far away, but the TARDIS has a mind of it’s own.

There is a war, and they need to intervene.

Oh No

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The TARDIS shoots off into the time stream, intent upon bringing them to a random destination in the future.

Silver smiles, “So, Doctor, you have no idea what’s going to happen?”

He shakes his head, and smiles, “No bloody idea, and that’s what is so fun! An entire universe, new histories, new races, new technology, and new faces! Who would I be if I didn’t look at that and say ‘allons-y’? Not me, that’s who.”

Mark looks up from the couch he sits on, “So... we’re going to be far away from any humans, right?”

Silver answers him, “Yes, we will. Come on, you don’t need to worry anymore. Just smile and realize you are littered exploring time and space!”

The Doctor opens his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted as the TARDIS is thrown out of the time stream. He shouts, “Grab on to something!”

Silver doesn’t react fast enough, being thrown against and out of the doors belonging to the TARDIS. His armored hand grasps at the box, but he can’t find a grip before he falls to the ground far below.

Mark is thrown against a central console, and he grabs on with all his strength.

The Doctor, with practiced ease, hugs onto the TARDIS, and manages to hang on.

They stay like that, grabbing for their life for what seems to be hours, but is only a few minutes.

The TARDIS comes crashing down hard, throwing it’s inhabitants all around.

After sliding through stone streets for a few meters, it finally stops, allowing those inside to catch their bearings.

The Doctor stumbles out of the TARDIS, with Mark leaning against his shoulder. They both collapse on the cobbled street, and take a few relieved breaths.

Mark looks at himself, and laughs a bit, “I’m still alive!”

The Doctor looks over at the TARDIS, “That wasn’t supposed to happen. Something is wrong.”

He is forced to look away, however, when he feels a spear head he pressed against his neck.

A pony glares down at him, dressed in simple armor. He keeps his spear right above the Doctor’s neck, “Get up and follow me, or you will be forced to.”

The Doctor gets up, and looks around to see five more guards around him and Mark, “Don’t worry, we’ll follow. Where are we going, exactly?”

The guard nods, “King Ordirus. Follow me.”

Mark notices a little smile on the Doctor’s face as they walk with the guards, “Excuse me, are you happy about this turn of events?”

The Doctor nods, “More than you could ever believe.”


Silver groans as he tries to lift the rubble of a building off of him, “Excuse me, are you alright in there?”

He gains a bit of clarity, and shouts back, “Think I might have a concussion! Can you help?!”

The voice responds, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there!”

Silver groans more as the man lifts the rubble off of him. He eventually manages to move his arms enough to reach to his head, and he feels blood coming from a gash within it. His helmet must have flown off when he was falling.

The final wooden beam is lifted off of him, and a pony looks at him, “Ouch, that looks like it hurts. Here, take my hoof.”

Silver takes the extended hoof, and lifts himself out of the rubble. He smiles at the pony, “Thanks.”

The pony smiles back, “Oh, don’t worry about that. You said you had a concussion?”

He nods back, “Yeah, I think I do. Helmet flew off before I impacted the building.”

The pony picks him up with their magic, “Here, King Discord should be able to heal that.”

Silver looks down, “Who’re you?”

The unicorn smiles, and his dark red eyes reflect it. A cloak that represents a supernova, dark red surrounded by very dark purple, covers his leather brown coat. A hat sits on his head, the same color as his cloak, and jingling with a single black bell at the end of it. And a long beard flows away from him, kept a nice black color. He nods, “Starburst the Caped. What about you, my strange looking friend?”

Silver nods back, “Name’s Silver.”

Starburst smiles, and floats up a spiky, silver helmet, “I suppose this is yours?”

Silver nods, “Yeah. My armor is all silver, and I should be wearing it right now.”

Starburst looks at the Halloween costume level armor on him, “I assume it is enchanted?”

Silver smiles, “Literally everything about me is enchanted at this point.”


The Doctor is moved into a waiting room, where the door is slammed behind him. He smiles at Mark, “Oh boy, I can’t wait to meet this ‘Ordirus’ guy! Is he important, is he unimportant, I don’t know and I’m excited to find out!”

His excited shouting is interrupted as a door opens, “Are you the one we have been looking for?”

He looks over as a tall, white alicorn mare walks into the room. His jaw drops, “Celestia?!”

She shakes her head, “That is Princess Celestia to you! Now answer my question. Are you the one we have been looking for?”

The Doctor shrugs, “Well, I don’t know who you are looking for. But, considering my track record, I will say yes.”

She shakes her head, “Not you, stallion! The creature!”

Mark looks at her, “Me? Nah, I’m sure it’s someone else, you don’t want to have me anywhere near here...”

She nods, “Yep, a strange looking and nervous creature. That seems to describe you. The King shall see you. Both of you. Go, now!”

The door behind her opens, and they both walk into a throne room.

A huge pony sits on a throne made of four different materials. Ice, wood, magma, and stone. He easily towers two times the size of Celestia, horn included for her, and not for him. His coat is blue, blue as the purest water. His mane and tail are orange with red tips at the end, flowing in the wind, yet seeming more like a burning fire on a windy day. His eyes are green, having a faint glow to them, and they look like leaves right off a tree. His hooves are grey, and look like hard stone.

He smiles, “So, you are the ones we have been waiting for. Welcome to Ordiria, capital of Equestria. I am King Ordirus, God of Order, and I need your help.”


Silver is floated into the middle of the town’s square, and he is laid down in the middle of it. Starburst looks up, “Discord!”

A pop comes from in front of him as Discord appears, “Yes, Starburst?” He sees Silver’s head, and instantly nods, “Right, time to pull out that old healing magic.”

A set of hooves hit the ground right next to him, “Stop it, Uncle, we all know that you can’t heal even the barest scrape.”

Silver looks up upon hearing the familiar name, “Luna?”

Luna looks over at him, and smiles, “Why, yes, we are Princess Luna. Lay back down, we’ll have you healed in no time.”

Silver listens to the trusted voice, allowing Luna to heal his wound and banish his concussion.

She smiles as he stops the flow of magic, “There you go, good as new!”

Discord offers a talon, but Silver does not take it. He gets up by himself, and turns to face the three.

He instantly tries to reach for his mace upon sight of Discord, but he stops when he realizes Luna stands next to him like nothing is wrong.

Discord smiles, “Hello there, are you alright?”

Silver nods slowly, “I’m fine. Call me Silver.”

Discord nods, “Well, you already seem to know Starburst and Luna, so I suppose I get to introduce myself for once!” He bows deeply, “I am Discord, Spirit of Chaos!”

Luna corrects him, “King Discord, God of Chaos. King of Equestria.”

Discord sighs, “You know I dislike all three of those titles, Luna! Come on, I don’t want Silver here to be bowing to me just because I’m a ‘King’. You know I am not like that.”

Luna looks at him, “Sorry, we have just gotten used to it after so long with Father.”

Discord shrugs, “Yeah, I suppose that makes sense, Ordirus always wanted to be called King.”

Silver interrupts, “What’s wrong? You two are not talking very lively.”

Discord sighs, and Starburst answers, “They are not being very lively because we are at war. And they are fighting against family. Ordirus, our enemy, is Discord’s brother, and Luna’s father, not to mention Luna’s sister, Celestia, is with Ordirus.”

Discord smiles, “I know you haven’t even received a proper welcome to Discoria, but you seem like you might have fallen out of the shooting star. Are you the Warrior of Karma?”

Silver nods, “I am.”

Discord looks up at him, “Would you please join us?”

Oh Yeah

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Silver looks back at Discord, and shrugs, “Look, I want to trust you and all, but I have no idea what is going on. Perhaps someone could fill me in?”

Starburst smiles, “Allow me. To sum it up simply, we believe Ordirus was corrupted by the dark magic of Vogrim, a Necromancer. Ordirus set off to kill Vogrim after the death of King Sombra, and he returned without any blood on his blade. Then, some people who followed Discord started disappearing. It came to a climax when we found the massacre of Chaos Mages with Order magic all over the place. With such undeniable proof, Discord decided to leave his brother, only to have war be declared upon him. Now, we hope to defeat Ordirus, and purge his mind of the darkness laid upon it by Vogrim.”

Silver nods, “What happened to Vogrim?”

Starburst sighs, “My master, Starswirl the Bearded left to fight him. He won, and banished Vogrim to a place beyond space and time. He was the last thing keeping Ordirus together, apparently, as the massacre happened right after. His other apprentice, my sister, has taken Ordirus’s side. However, I still have hope she can see reason and help purge the dark magic.”

Silver smiles, “Well, I would love to help, but I have something to do first. My two friends are somewhere out there, and I need to find them.”

Luna shakes her head, “I wouldn’t bother, Silver.” She takes out a scroll, “Our changeling spies saw them enter into Ordiria. They will obviously be convinced to join Ordirus.”

Silver shakes his head, “They’ll listen to me.”

Discord interjects, “Ordirus will not simply allow you into Ordiria. They would attempt to kill you. I’m sorry, but your best bet would be to work with us until we can reach them.”

Silver sighs, “I... I am going to need to see something to convince me.”

Discord looks to Starburst, “Starburst, take Silver here to Canterhorn Camp, we’ve heard word of the enemy approaching it.”

Starburst smiles and nods, “Gladly. Silver, you want to come?”

Silver nods, “Sure. Though I don’t know if it will convince me.”


Ordirus smiles softly at the two, “The Time Lord, and the Man. Please, intorduce yourselves.”

The Doctor smiles, “Well, I am the Doctor, and he is Mark.”

Ordirus nods, “Well, Doctor and Mark, I am afraid that I need your help. My brother, Discord, leads a rebellion against my nation. It is obvious that his mind was corrupted by the Necromancer, Vogrim. The slaughter of my Order Mages and his succession were only the beginning, but him declaring war on us sealed the deal. He said he would defeat Vogrim, yet came back with the Necromancer still kicking. It took the sacrifice of our best wizard before he declared war on us. I was told by a creature called Khorn that you two would help me.”

The Doctor nods, “Well, if that is true, then I suppose we should help you. But, we have our own important manner to attend to. Our friend, Silver, was lost before we crashed, and we need to find him. So, after we find him, we can help you guys out.”

A female voice speaks as a mare enters the room, “I’m sorry, but your friend will be joining the enemy. He landed in the middle of Discoria, and he will be persuaded to help Discord. That is what Khorn said, and it seems like he has been right so far.”

The mare stands there, a brilliantly shining orange coat mostly covered by a cloak representing a forming star. All sorts of different colors around her cloak all gather together to an almost shining yellow orb in the center. Her hat has a single golden bell at the end of it, and her bright yellow eyes almost shine. Her face is adorned with a smile, and obvious signs of stress and of days staying up too long.

She nods, “My name is Clover the Clever, I am the Court Magician. You are?”

The Doctor smiles back, “This is Mark, and I am the Doctor.”

She raises an eyebrow, “Doctor? Doctor of what, exactly?”

He smiles, “Doctor of the world, of time and space. Though you can just call me Doctor.”

She nods, “Very well then, Doctor.”

Ordirus nods, “Well, Doctor, it pains me to ask, but I have need of your medical expertise. Baltimare Camp has a number of injured ponies, and I beg of you to heal them.”

The Doctor sighs, “Sure, but I want help getting Silver back!”

He smiles, “We will, as soon as Discord is purged of the dark magic. Clover, please, escort the Doctor to Baltimare.”


Silver and Starburst arrive at the base of Canterhorn Mountain, expecting to see a lively camp of soldiers within.

Silver blinks, and his eyes see what is in front of them.

A blood bath.

Bodies are strung up on poles, skulls stacked up to make a chair in the middle, and in the middle lies a giant hole filled with the blood of the ponies.

Starburst shakes his head, “No... the barbarians! There were foals here, civilians! How could they just slaughter them all!?”

Silver looks at the scene, “I understand now.” He picks up his helmet, and fits it over his head.

He grows by at least three feet, a blue and orange glow coming from the Rings on his fingers. His spiky, silver armor matches his mace and katana perfectly.

Starburst looks at him, “Is this your true form?”

Silver growls, “This is the form that will rip that dark magic out of Ordirus, forcibly! I need to stop him, if this is what he does!” He looks down at Starburst, “Let’s go. We are going to win this war.”

Starburst laughs, “Us? Alone? We’ll get slaughtered!”

Silver holds up his hand, and a blue glow comes from the ring, “We aren’t alone.”

A giant troll runs up to them, his polished blue armor reflecting the sun, “Is it time for me to fight, Silver Lord?”

Silver nods, “It is, Ar-Karus. It is time to bring the pain once more.”

Starburst shakes his head, “So, two giants with maces, and a wizard. This would make a good stand up show, you know? Just a trio of freaky things taking on the world. Yeah, sure, let’s do this. Why not?”

Silver smiles, “There you go. Now, where is the nearest enemy camp?”

Starburst nods, “Ponyville, but please don’t kill anyone. We will not sink to their level.”

Silver nods, “Come on, let’s go.”


The Doctor, Mark, and Clover all pop into Baltimare, only to see the same exact thing.

The Doctor turns to Clover, “Yeah, I am not going to let this stand. Clover, we’ll join you.”