Luna Ascendant

by Honeydrops

First published

Troubled by her persistent inability to defend her subjects, Princess Luna seeks the aid of ancient powers to allow her to stand beside Equestria's guardians. She only must face her greatest fear... Twilight Sparkle.

For years, Princess Luna sat by and watched as Twilight Sparkle again and again saved Equestria from falling. While her sister has had her reasons in the past, they no longer satisfy Luna.

It's long past time Luna stood beside Twilight and her friends as a proper guardian of Equestria.

To do so, she'll have to revisit her darkest moments. And what's worse, she must confront her repressed feelings she's had for nearly ten years for one very special mare.

A wonderful commission from the brilliantly detail-oriented Spamotron!

Wanna commission me and get to transform your favorite ponies in some way (and more!)? Head over here, then send me a PM! ~<3

Spoiler Contents: In-depth backstory, how the universe works, the universe getting frisky with Luna, Epic Goddess Sex, sex magic, a bit of magic lactation (of magic and a bit of milk) and lots of passionate lovemaking!

Luna's Doubts

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“Princess, why do you keep doing this?” Twilight Sparkle pleaded. “You did the right thing. We won.”

Luna peered up at her fellow princess from her seat on the other side of the great Map of Harmony. Twilight leaned forward in her chair—she hated calling it a throne—staring at her with those beautiful purple eyes. Eyes that had saved Luna and Equestria itself countless times.

Luna quickly looked back down at what was before her, unable to bear the shame of that gaze. Instead, she bore a far more familiar shame: one of failure.

“It has been nearly a month since the savage revenge of King Sombra upon us.” Luna’s hands played over the dozens upon dozens of newspapers. “Yet the events which transpired during the so-called ‘Crystal War’ is all anypony speaks of!”

“Sombra forced much of the Empire and Canterlot to live their darkest fears,” Twilight whispered, her voice little more than a shiver. “It stays with you, Princess.”

Luna looked back up, only to see Twilight looking back down. The young princess’s face bore a haunted expression. She wrapped her arms around herself, her long violet hair—interrupted only by a thin pink stripe—cascading around her face and casting it into shadow.

Luna mentally cursed herself a fool.

“I do not mean to diminish what you suffered,” Luna said in what she hoped was a soothing tone. “You have been subjected to his nightmares multiple times now…”

Twilight shivered again, her gentle lips whispering something Luna could not hear, nor did she wish to hear.

Despite her best effort, Luna’s gaze fell to one particular photograph on the front of an absurdist newspaper apparently called a ‘tabloid.’ It featured an old image of her own visage twisted into that of Nightmare Moon. The headline itself—Luna in League with Nightmare-Wielding Sombra?—was utter foolishness, of course.

Still, something about that image called to her, a distant memory of shadows in the earth.

Luna shook her head and focused on Twilight once more. It would not do to let her friend dwell on the monster’s nightmares.

“You fought the foul beast with your companions, banishing him back to the shadows whence he came,” Luna said. “We have nothing to fear from him. You yourself proved that.”

Twilight finally looked up and Luna felt her heart lift. A ghost of a smile played across her lips as her eyes glittered with thanks. Yet even that could not distract Luna fully.

“My trouble… is with this.”

Luna pointed at the centermost newspaper, showing an image of Starswirl, her sister and herself fighting against the Everfree Vines. Luna still did not know how anypony managed to get a picture of that event, but such knowledge would not help in this matter.

Princesses Gardening as Canterlot Falls,” Luna read, her voice dull in the cavernous expanse of the map room.

“If you hadn’t stopped the Everfree, half of Equestria would have been consumed before we managed to even get to King Sombra!” Twilight protested.

“You are kind to say such a thing, dear Twilight.” Luna gave her a bittersweet smile. “And what you say is true… and also false.”

Luna causally worked her magic and sent the newspapers flying around the room. There were enough to encircle the entire map with Luna and Twilight included. She spun them around, creating an impromptu slideshow with Luna narrating.

“Tempest Shadow strikes down Cadance, my sister and myself within minutes of stepping upon on Equestrian soil,” Luna began. “The Everfree Vines surprise and abduct both my sister and I. Celestia felled by Chrysalis before the Court while I slept. Tirek conquers most of Equestria with little contest. Sombra’s first assault upon the Empire! Cozy Glow! The Pony of Shadows! Discord! More! Enemy after enemy! You were forced to endure it all!

With a snarl she threw them all to the ground, huffing and gasping, her dress suddenly feeling too tight.

“My sister often held me back from other plans,” Luna growled. “All part of her great plan for your ascension or prepare you for taking up the mantle of guardians of the realm.”

“Other plans?” Twilight asked as she looked at the fallen newspapers. “What other plans?”

“I…” Luna hesitated.

Twilight’s head popped up and her eyes pierced Luna.

Luna couldn’t meet her gaze. In truth, she’d had trouble doing that for months now. But Twilight deserved to know some of the truth, at least.

“Celestia is an Elder Alicorn. You had never seen her in her full power, Twilight. She held herself back for your sake. Cadence is a Younger Alicorn—like yourself—and while her strength will continue to grow with time, she has not fully matured.”

Luna smiled to herself as she spied a paper with a photo of Twilight on her coronation day, looking resplendent and humble at the same time. Without thinking, she levitated the sole newspaper up and brushed the photo absently.

“You… your power comes from your friends and your innate ability to harness the most complex and powerful of magics.” Luna’s breath caught in her throat as she once again confronted the potential that made her shiver. “I daresay when you become an Elder Alicorn, you could remake the world as you saw fit with but a thought.”

“I… have no idea what to say to that,” Twilight squeaked, though Luna spied a brilliant blush running up her cheeks. It was a fetching color for her.

Luna chuckled. “And if I were in your shoes, nor would I. But it is the truth. Your future is a bright one, dear Twilight.”

“But… what about you?” Twilight asked, looking eager to change the topic. “Aren’t you an Elder Alicorn, too?”

Luna ran a hand through her star-filled mane, wishing those astral winds would let it lie dormant once in a while. She still didn’t meet Twilight’s eyes. Though, perhaps ‘couldn’t’ would be more accurate.

“I am indeed an Elder Alicorn, dear Twilight, though mostly in name. It will take centuries for me to be even half as strong as Celestia again.”

Luna slumped into her chair, the weight of that tiny part of her confession seeming to have drained her almost in full. She rubbed her forehead and sighed.

“But… why…?” Twilight asked from the other side of the table.

“Can you not think of why, dear Twilight?” Luna chuckled.

“I’d… rather not say…” Twilight hedged.

“I would know your thoughts, Princess of Friendship.” Luna kept her voice teasing. “Come now, do not leave me in the dark, so to speak.”

Twilight winced. “The Elements.”

Luna nodded slowly, curling up her legs beneath her. It wasn’t a dignified position for a princess, but she didn’t feel especially dignified at the moment.

“The Elements did this to you,” Twilight continued. “You once said yourself they ‘stripped you of your dark power’.”

“Ah yes,” Luna said ruefully. “I particularly fine moment as I declared that in the Royal Canterlot Voice. I believe I even summoned weather effects.”

Twilight giggled, a sound that soothed a bit of the turmoil in Luna’s soul. But only a bit.

“Go on, dear Twilight. You have one of the brightest minds of your generation. I enjoy watching it at work.”

While Luna didn’t catch her eye, she did glance up to see Twilight’s next blush. It was a fetching color on her, working well with that lavender coat of hers.

“It took over a year before you could appear in public after your restoration,” Twilight mumbled, almost to herself. “The Elements stripped you of more than your ‘dark power,’ didn’t they? They stripped you of nearly all of it!”

Luna nodded at her to continue. She had meant it when she had called Twilight one of the brightest minds of her generation. There were few who would doubt such a claim, but it was never in poor taste to affirm one’s strengths for one such as Twilight.

“You eventually took over control of the Moon, I know that. And you began to Dreamwalk once more. Beyond that…” she hesitated, “I don’t know.”

“Beyond that, I am perhaps a few hundred years more advanced in magical power than Cadance,” Luna finished with a sigh and a brittle smile. “The reason we attacked the ‘Everfree Front’ was due to me. During the first Crystal War, Celestia and I defeated Sombra in a long and brutal contest of weaponry and will. Despite the claims of a few surviving stories, it was not an easy task. As for today, Celestia could be overwhelmed if she were alone—as you have seen—and with my power still suffering… Sombra could have used me against her. We fled to prevent me from being used as a pawn.”

Luna let out a great groan and lay her head on the table.

“It is little wonder that these papers venerate you while ignoring or decrying us,” she muttered. “We have become all but useless, me more than any other.”

Soft footsteps echoed in the large crystalline chamber. Luna remained staring at the table. When the footsteps stopped, a hand fell upon her shoulder, squeezing tightly.

Luna looked up once more.

There had been a day when she had seen the mare beside her as an enemy to be enslaved or destroyed, a catspaw of Celestia’s machinations. After that, she had become a rival for her sister’s platonic affections. But after all Twilight Sparkle had done for her in these long years, any such resentment had faded. In the grip of her fellow princess, Luna felt a strength and wisdom that would one day allow Twilight Sparkle to walk among the stars.

It made her heart race to just be here in this moment, seeing a Goddess in her infancy.

The being comforting her would one day become a divine force that would dwarf both Celestia and Luna in power. Creation itself would be hers and every world would be blessed by the simple brush of a delicate lavender fingertip.

Luna envied her for that.

“I must apologize,” Luna coughed as she straightened herself an adjusted the bodice of her dress. “I find myself becoming maudlin and you deserve better companionship than that.”

“I asked you to come down for tea, Princess,” Twilight smiled at her. That only made things that much harder. “I’ve seen how you’ve been down since the attack. I wanted to see if I could help. I’m glad you shared this with me. Honored even.”

Luna leaned back to take in this kind soul reaching out to her. She was, of course, beautiful as only an alicorn could be. Her large breasts were neatly confined within her white professional button-down blouse. She wore her traditional black skirt that reached all the way down to just above the knee. Most important, her smiling face and gentle eyes held no judgment or recrimination.

“You guide Equestria in ways I could never dream of, Luna,” Twilight whispered with a gentle, friendly smile. “You guard our dreams and you deal with the night-to-night care of an entire nation. That’s no small feat. And you are respected for it.”

Luna swallowed, allowing herself to believe the confidence in Twilight’s eyes. “You are correct, of course. These are not the days before Nightmare Moon.”

“No, they definitely are not,” Twilight agreed wholeheartedly.

“Forgive me, Twilight,” Luna said as she put her own hand on Twilight’s, enjoying the warmth. “I fear the newspapers have gotten to me as of late.”

“It happens,” Twilight smirked a little. “Trust me, I know.”

“I suppose you do at that,” Luna chuckled as she summoned her newspapers to her. She stacked them carefully in order… with Nightmare Moon on the top. The image didn’t shame her nearly as much as it once had. Then, she shunted them all into the small pocket dimension she kept nearby. “There, we need not speak of such things any longer. Tell me, Twilight, what new feats of magic have you wrought? I hope your school has not taken every free moment of your time?”

Instantly, Luna saw the giddy twinkle in Twilight’s eye.

“Oh, I have a thing or two that might impress even you,” Twilight said in her best attempt at being sly. She wasn’t very good at it.

In fact, it tended to make her friend rather endearing.

“I can’t wait to see it.”

The Guardians

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After several more hours of far more pleasant conversation, Luna departed Twilight’s pleasant company. However, Luna did not teleport back to her wing of Canterlot Castle.

Sometimes, troubles could not be solved through a simple conversation. They required further thought. And with the poignant reminders of her past cropping up in her reviews of Equestria’s recent troubles, an idea had begun to form. An idea that required her to step into her own past.

More specifically, to step into the Castle of the Two Sisters.

The relic of bygone ages remained as it always had since that fateful night: weathered, worn, crumbling, yet still standing after a thousand years. Celestia had once opined that the Tree of Harmony was responsible for its longevity. After all, the Everfree should have reclaimed the castle fully long ago.

Luna had wondered if there had been reasons.

She walked through the dusty corridors, wondering what would become of this place with the Tree’s fall. It’s ‘sapling’—for lack of a better term—had grown in its place through the aid of Twilight’s students, yet she suspected the ruins would not remain as they had been.

It was a somewhat melancholy thought, but as she wandered deeper into what once had been her home, most of her thoughts were in that vein.

An idle wind fluttered tapestries and swirled leaves in a section where the roof had collapsed. She paused there, her eyes having no trouble seeing in the gloom. It took her a moment, but she spied the worn sigil of the moon above the leftmost passage.

A few minutes later, she brushed a specific piece of wall with a wingtip. To her surprise, the hidden door still functioned as it rumbled aside, revealing a dark corridor.

It was the one that would lead her to the place where she had changed the world—and not for the better. She sent a small moon of light floating down the pitch-dark corridor into the earth, then followed it, her shoes clacking against the stone.

“How long it has been…” Luna whispered to herself as the door closed behind her. “I wonder if the Tree undid the magic I wrought here…”

Idle speculation, but important nonetheless. Twilight’s latest experiment—specifically the one demonstrated this very evening—had used the very foundations of reality as foci, powering a runic circle that could glimpse into the home of distant allies in an attempt to copy the fallen Storm King’s long-distance message spell. It had been a success, though a short-lived one. Further fine-tuning would be required as the ash-covered Twilight could testify after speaking briefly with Queen Novo.

Thoughts of that circle had summoned far more memories than a simple newspaper could. Memories of another time, but of this place.

Her moon swept out of the corridor and into the great chamber. Luna had believed herself ready for the sight of it, but she as she laid eyes upon the birthplace of Nightmare Moon, she found herself sorely mistaken.

Set directly beneath the castle’s throne room, the vast chamber had once been used for little more than storage. That had changed the day the Crystal Empire had vanished and the dark King Sombra’s words had unlocked something within her. Ancient thoughts of rage, jealousy and hate echoed through her as she beheld the crystal-lined ceiling. Even after all these years, the crystals still shone with a dim blue light. Between them and her little moon, the rest of the chamber was revealed, including the crystalline veins in the rock that led to an immense circle upon the floor.

Runes in a language even Starswirl himself had all but forgotten lined the vast magic circle in the center of the cavern. Though it held no power, Luna could still see it glowing with a blue-black light in her mind’s eye. She remembered the test, the one that assured her that she should have won that fight so long ago. The shadows had made promises, shadows from the depths of the earth and the depths between the stars.

They had lied.

Luna stepped forward and asked her tiny bright moon to flare, bringing brilliant white-blue light to the chamber. There was little else beyond the circle, save for a few tables, a handful of ancient books and some leftover reagents of her spellcraft. All exactly as she remembered.

Swallowing hard, Luna knelt and touched the circle. “I fed you darkness, from myself and beyond, and I reaped nothing but sorrow for so many.”

She thought of Twilight and of her kind words in defeating her own demon borne out of the need to cause herself pain for her transgressions. She had grown since that day.

Luna looked up at her miniature moon and smiled.

“I will not fail again.”

This had been in the back of her mind for months now, long before Sombra’s attack on Canterlot. A question. Perhaps it was fate that Twilight had provided the last piece of the puzzle this very night. The savior of Equestria a dozen times over had given Luna the key to saving it forever.

She hesitated only a moment. Once, the power in this circle had crept up into the ceiling, filling her with dark power as she faced down her beloved sister in an insane coup.

Now, she was a better pony. She knew this in the depths of her heart. She’d found it in the love of both friends and family. She would make them proud. All of them.

It was time for her to take up the mantle for a time. Twilight no longer need stand alone.

Retirement be damned, Luna wasn’t done yet.

The Lunar Princess sucked in a breath and stepped into the circle. Automatically, the magic of the circle ignited, glowing with leftover blueish-black light.

“No!” Luna barked as one would to an unwanted gnat. “You are not welcome!”

Luna’s horn burned and she swept her hands out, obliterating the shadowy remains of Nightmare Moon’s power. The sanctification took only seconds, but she recast the spell several times just to be sure. Only when she was postive the circle had been cleansed did she lift her hands and call out to her charges.

“Beloved Moon, Friend Stars, I ask for your aid!” Luna proclaimed. Despite the crystal, rock and stone between her and the night, there wasn’t a power in creation that could separate her from her charges. “Last I stood here, I sought the darkness, but now I seek your gifts! Please, friends, grant me a portion of your light, so I may protect those we watch!”

The skies trembled at her call. Her charges answered, but not in words. They answered in a song within her heart. They answered with a resounding yes. But they were bound to her as she was to them. They knew her intent and warned her they would not be enough.

Luna had been ready for their answer. Slowly, she began to pull the dress from her body. In a few minutes, it lay on the cold stone as she knelt in the circle. She placed her hands on the cool stone as warm moonlight outlined the intricate patterns and runes.

“Great Heart,” she whispered, letting her power flow into the earth. “I seek your aid as well. I seek not the darkness in your cracks, but the light in your soul. Grant me a piece of your magic to champion your cause once more.”

Another song, another answer, but this one asked for more of her. She did not hesitate.


Rainbow light bubbled around her hands, affixing them to the earth. The sensation was like unto a warm bath. The same feeling washed over her legs and feet, effectively trapping her. But she refused to panic. This was what she sought. And this was what she had to give. Considering her past, the Heart was wise to be wary.

She may have underestimated how wary.

A beam of rainbow light speared from the center of the circle and through her chest, directly between her breasts. Luna cried out but felt no pain. Warmth radiated from the spear, filling her breasts, her chest, moving down her body meet with the warmth below.

Only then did it slip into her mind.

She gasped as if diving underwater and then blinked.

Then, she saw herself, kneeling in the circle, her expression locked in one of wonder.

“What is this?” No words came out, yet the idea did, even if there was no answer. She looked down at herself to see her eyes wide and filled with rainbow light.

Time passed, though she couldn’t say how much in this strange place as she felt warmth surge inside of her.

Finally, a voice called to her from everywhere.

You are indeed redeemed, but you have yet to accept all truths of yourself. Another trial will be required for you to accept these truths if you are to take our boon.

“I will do whatever’s necessary to protect my land from harm,” Luna thought at the voice.

Of that, we have no doubt. We grant you this but know we will rip it from you if you falter. We shall also grant you a portion for the future. You will know the time. Now, call for your night and let us bind you to your new truth, assuming you pass the last trial.

She blinked and found herself in her own body. The warmth still filled her body, even her most intimate parts. She tried not to shudder at that wonderful sensation as she called her charges to her while kneeling and looking up.

“Aid me in this, my friends!” she cried to the heavens.

The heavens responded with a beam of brilliant white moonlight smashing through the rock and stone, piercing her in the same spot the rainbow light had pierced her. She jerked under her celestial friends' gift, flinging her arms wide with a cry. She felt the warmth and encouragement of both star and stone. Then, she surrendered herself to it and let herself slip away into a swirling maelstrom of rainbows and moonlight.

A New Star

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Luna blinked and found herself sitting on her bed within Canterlot Castle. With a glance at the familiar tapestries and blue and purple four-poster bed, she sighed and flopped backward, idly brushing a hand over her naked chest.

She had failed. It was the only explanation for being back in Canterlot.

It had been folly to bargain with The Great Heart. The mind of a world was not something lightly toyed with. She would never be worthy of such power.

Luna took a deep breath, only to realize the warmth in her room was far more intense than normal. She must have a word with the castle staff about that. She’d already stripped herself and she was still flushed with heat.

She sat up with the intent to ask a Guard to summon a repair pony to find a single guard standing before her. A familiar unicorn by the name of Azure Night.

“Azure? You usually stand guard outside my quarters.” Luna asked. “Are you well?”

The short unicorn nodded, though her coat color seemed off in the light of the moon streaming in from the open balcony. It was normally a light blue, but it seemed nearly a light purple at the moment.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m well, Your Highness,” Azure whispered, her voice also sounding a little off, though it remained familiar. “I could attempt to lower the temperature for you if you so desire. I have magic that might help.”

“I… didn’t say anything about the temperature,” Luna asked, feeling rather lost.

“I know this is far too warm for your tastes, Highness.”

“Very well,” Luna said hesitantly. “You are welcome to try. Allow me to get a robe on as you work.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Luna slipped past the guard and walked to one of her wardrobes and pulled out a robe of red silk. She tied the sash and turned around—

Azure was less than a foot behind her. Luna yelped softly and jumped back.

Azure’s helmet was gone, revealing oddly familiar violet eyes. Her armor had changed shape as well, modified to change a more curvaceous body beneath. A body she knew.

“What is this?” Luna snapped, taking a step back and preparing a moonbolt. “What are you? Changeling? Trickster?”

“Your trial,” the creature who had been Azure replied. “One thing prevents you from claiming our boon, Luna.”

“I… this is a vision?” Luna looked around the perfect replication of her room. “I don’t believe it.”

The mare’s light blue mane transformed into a distinctive pattern Luna could never forget.

“W-what is this trial?” Luna swallowed hard, still backed up against the wardrobe. “Assuming I am still in the circle, I would know what I must do!”

“Allow yourself to feel again,” said the unicorn before her. Her eyes were glowing faintly. “A specific fear lies deeply rooted within you, Luna.”

“I fear nothing!”

“You fear her,” the changing Azure replied as her muzzle reshaped itself and her chest swelled a little bit. Her hips expanded. The tail became the tail of Luna’s savior.

“I fear no such thing! I do not fear who saved me!”

“You fear being rejected as you were so long ago,” the being said. “You must admit this and face the truth… only then will you have the power to save her.”

“You are not her! And there is nothing… to reject because…”

Two purple wings burst into existence behind the thing that had been Azure, completing the transformation.

“You would have sought her hand much sooner if you had simply confronted your fear.”

“She would say no. I am like a sister to her.”

“You speak for her. Why? Why not give her her own voice?”

“Because I can’t!” Luna shouted at the thing that wasn’t Twilight. Something inside of her broke as she slammed a foot down on the crystal floor. “If you are the trial, you know what transpired this very day! One day, her power will overshadow us all. One day… she will be our Goddess and we will worship her. And we will be right to do so, even if she squirms as we do it!”

“That is only a fraction of what keeps you from her.” The world around them began to fade. “Tell me your fear. Unburden yourself to us.”

“Since my first p-public appearance, she had b-been there,” Luna whispered, her voice cracking. “I saw her as my savior, then as my friend, then as more. She gives so much and asks so little. She stood beside and helped me forgive myself for my sins. I am wholly new because of her. How could I not feel as I do?”

Webs of light etched through what remained of the darkened bedroom.

“You only need speak the truth. You only need accept there is hope.”

“She will become our Goddess,” Luna protested weakly, knowing she was simply delaying the inevitable.

The replica of Twilight Sparkle stepped forward and pressed a hand between Luna’s breasts. “Then why not claim her heart now? You, of all beings, know how important keeping oneself grounded is.”

Luna’s head moved forward, but she hesitated. “You are not her.”

“No,” the other-Twilight said. “But for your trial, we must be her. Friendship is not the only power within this world, as you well know.”

Luna’s tears fell into the void below. “So this is what prevents me from gaining your boon?”

“It is.”

“I did say I’d do anything to protect my subjects.”

“You did.”

“This is a high price.”

“We have found that which is most valuable is priceless.”

“That… is very much something she would say.”

Luna leaned down. She closed her eyes and allowed her lips to meet that of the other-Twilight. It wasn’t a passionate kiss like she had fantasized about. It was scared and tentative. But it was a beginning. Even if it wasn’t real.

Other-Twilight pulled back first and Luna stumbled forward only to catch herself against the bed.

“It is not gone,” the figure intoned. “The rest must be done with her. Do you understand?”

Luna nodded again, swallowing hard.

“And you must tell her why.”

“I shall,” Luna said, biting her lip.

“Then we have an accord, and your fear is broken enough for us to enter you.”

“Enter me?” Luna took a step backward. “What do you mean by that?”

“The transformation you once took put a seed of shadow within you. It is all but withered and dead. If you waited another decade, it would have vanished on its own. But as you are now, we must fill you intimately and wholly, to destroy this thing and replace it with a seed of light. Do you accept this?”

Luna didn’t like the sound of this. She remembered the way the darkness had been ‘intimate’ with her. At the time, she had enjoyed it immensely. Now, she tried very hard not to think about it. But a deal with the light had to be better than what she had undergone before. Right?

“I… will it be painful?”

Other-Twilight smiled faintly. “If you had asked years ago, the answer would have been yes. Now? All you will feel is happiness and warmth. And then, the powers you beseeched will bind together within you… and you shall be reborn.”

Luna took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The nearness of the Other-Twilight now felt very distracting.

“I am ready.”

“Take to your bed and settle yourself as you did in the circle.”

Luna nodded and slipped into her bed. She went to her hands and knees and stared into the myriad of branching white lines breaking apart this strange reality. Her rear and tail were up, her chest was down and her body trembled on the hardened bed.

Other-Twilight stepped before her, her eyes now glowing a solid soft white.

“You will not be who you were after this. Do you accept this?”

“I have been many things in my life,” Luna said as she closed her eyes again, forcing her voice not to tremble. “I welcome a transformation into something that lives in the light.”

“Then, I will see you soon,” Other-Twilight said.

A moment later, Luna could feel the emptiness where the avatar had once stood. Then, she could feel the power begin to swirl around her. The world beyond her bed became a maelstrom of magic and Luna couldn’t help but open her eyes again. She stared in wonder as her bed became a circle of midnight blue in a tornado of white with a hint of rainbows.

The light began to slip onto the platform. Luna’s breath quickened as it began to pool directly beneath her. She remembered how the first seed had been planted. She suspected the way it would be destroyed would be much the same.

Light began to slip up her thighs and Luna let out a soft moan of pleasure, only to stifle it. It wouldn’t be right to enjoy this, would it?

The pleasure of creation is in our nature, whispered Other-Twilight’s voice in her ear. There is no shame in it. Embrace the passion of being remade.

And just like that, the fear and shame gave way to a sensual excitement she could barely tolerate. Light began to slip up her arms, this time gently caressing her skin as any skilled lover would. She sighed at the thousand different subtle touches. But most of her attention was focused on her rear half. Namely, because the light had spread to cover her ample rear and hips, leaving only a single empty place in need of connection.

Luna adjusted her position a little and relaxed, giving way to the wonderful warmth. As the light began to stroke her sensitive dock as it coated her tail, it also slipped closer and closer to her slit.

And then, in the blink of an eye, the light had slipped within her.

Luna gasped, shuddering from the intense warmth and pleasure of feeling liquid light pouring into her body, gently loving everything in its path. The light took that moment to slip onto her chest, coating her breasts. Before she could react, she could feel it seeping slowly through her nipples. She moaned lustily, unable to stop her body from bucking as the light filled her, swelling in her breasts and her core.

“Oh, Ancients…” Luna whispered as she began to rock back and forth to the pleasure. Her hair flittered by her face and she could see stars going supernova in there, reacting to the intensity of the joy at being taken by pure light.

The two forces finally met somewhere in her middle and when they did, they exploded. Luna exploded with them, her pussy spasming wildly as the light thickened to give her something to thrust again. It coated the inside of everything, every fiber of her being from nose to hoof. Even her tail and mane had gone pure white as her light lover caressed her breasts lovingly. Before she knew it, she was encased in light, inside and out.

And it was perfect. At the height of her orgasm, time seemed to pause.

You are cleansed in full, Daughter of the Moon, Other-Twilight whispered in her mind. And now, become what you were always meant to be. Think on those who you wish to protect. On friends, on goodness and on love. See them in your mind. Open your heart and soul to them. Do this and take our boon.

Luna smiled and nodded. It wasn’t hard to do. She saw all of the subjects of Equestria, then all of her friends… then the one she’d finally confessed she wanted above all others.

The light flowed over her face again and she felt it pour down her throat, yet she had no trouble breathing. It entered her in every way, but it wasn’t invasive. Her mane and tail were going wild with unleashed energy, but she could barely keep up. She blinked and realized the floor was gone, leaving her floating in nothingness.

Luna saw a brilliant star of rainbow light come rushing toward her. She smiled even wider, closed her eyes and let it come.

Moments later, in that space that wasn’t space, a new star was born.

Vibrant Sky

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Twilight Sparkle couldn’t sleep. Primarily because the stars seemed off.

Ever since Luna’s return, she had taken the time every night she could to study the stars more in-depth than ever before. She thought it would be a good way to help the Princess of the Night feel welcomed home. Eventually, it had become part of her routine. So ingrained was it into her routine that if she didn’t get a chance to stargaze before sleeping, sleep tended to be either fitful or elusive.

So, Twilight had contented herself with staring up at the moon and the stars while standing on the balcony outside of her room. She could still the quiet lights of Ponyville and her school beneath her, like a reflection of the stars above. She wasn’t sure if she ever told Luna about that little similarity. She should do that sometime.

In fact, ever since Luna had left, her mind kept drifting to the Princess of the Night. In fact, she wondered what Luna was doing right now.

Her eyes were drifting through the constellation Andromeda when the moon exploded.

Well, ‘exploded’ might be a bit much. But that’s what it like.

A massive eruption of magical energy blasted out from the moon in a shockwave that bathed the countryside in shimmering blue light, like auroras in miniature. She gaped openly and stared up at the sky. Starlight all but rained down upon the world as the moon shone nearly as bright as a noonday sun.

She opened her mouth to yell for Spike when the castle trembled. She froze and looked around, trying to determine the source of the strange tremor. However, a few moments later, the strange blue auroras caught her attention once more as they reached the castle.

The entire structure ignited with incandescent white light as if the crystal had metamorphosed into moonlight made solid.

Including the balcony she stood on.

Twilight yelped and tried to take to the air, but despite her flapping, she could not gain even a single inch of altitude. Panic filled her.

“What in Equestria is going on?!” she demanded of the universe in general.

The universe responded when the blue auroras washed over her.

In a second, her worries and fears were gone. Strangely familiar magic washed down her horn, then into her horn. The magic continued through her, both inside and out, working slowly down her body. She shivered as it caressed places reserved for her fingers on lonely nights. She couldn’t stop a tiny little moan as heat rushed over her body in response.

Then, the magic grounded into the castle itself. The glowing castle of crystalline moonlight responded.

And it responded rather… intensely.

A stream of magic erupted directly beneath her and shot directly into her most private place. Twilight squealed loud enough to be heard in Canterlot as her panties instantly became half-soaked. She jumped high into the air, only to come crashing back down hard. However, she didn’t notice the impact or the vibrant stars above, since she was too busy thrashing to what was likely the most intense climax she’d ever had in her entire life. It had been a direct result of her castle interacting with magic, but right then, she couldn’t care less. She just let her hands run free, teasing and playing with her body through her dress—which was becoming rapidly disheveled.

As the moonlight effect on the castle faded, so did the orgasms. Eventually, only a few strands of light remained in the structure, most of them around Twilight. As for Twilight herself, she lay there in the cool night air panting as minutes slipped by without her caring in the least.

Eventually, however, curiosity overrode the afterglow and she pushed herself into a sitting position and looked around.

“Oh… what in Celestia’s name was that?!” Twilight demanded to no one in particular. Then, with another glance around and a blush, she mumbled, “Because I want another, please…”

The sensual nature of the pony body was one particular field she had spent little time researching. Of course, she knew the mechanics. Everypony knew those. Moondancer and her had been enjoyed several educational evenings together, once upon a time. And of course, there was the occasional tryst with one of her other friends. Still, the subject hadn’t ever been a major focus. After all, for it to become a major focus for her either required a very open relationship with a very understanding pony or to actually try a… romantic relationship. That, frankly, freaked her out.

Still, it didn’t stop her from fingering herself into a screaming mess every Saturday night.

“Focus, Twilight!” she snapped at herself, shaking her head.

She shouldn’t be thinking about this! She needed to determine the origin of that oddly familiar magical burst. Though considering the source, a strange connection developed in her mind as she finally recognized where she’d felt something akin to it before.

It had been when she’d used that bizarre potion to look back into the past and witness Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon. She’d never told her friends that she’d felt the magic Luna had used. But this almost seemed like… the inverse of that horrible moment.

Did this perhaps have something to do with Luna? Had something happened to her? She was supposed to be safe back in Canterlot! Twilight would never forgive herself if something had happened to her right after leaving her castle! She’d seen how upset Luna had been and she’d been helpless to render any real assistance other than a friendly ear!

Why couldn’t she—


The voice came from behind her.

Twilight spun on a heel and peered into her bedroom. To her shock, Princess Luna herself was sitting at the edge of the bed, looking down at the floor with her hands clasped before her. Her ears were back and her wings rustled slightly. She seemed… oddly nervous.

Yet, when Twilight looked beyond the body posture, she saw something that surprised her far more. The stars in her mane and tail were as brilliant as the ones above Twilight’s head. Beyond that though, Luna seemed… different somehow. Not just in body, but in magic, too.

Something had changed.

Twilight took a few tentative steps forward until she leaned against the doorframe. “Princess?”

Luna twitched and scowled. “No.”

“No?” Twilight felt a knot of fear form in her stomach and she stretched her wings slightly. “No, what?”

Luna turned her head and met Twilight’s eyes. Twilight could have sworn she saw comets glittering in the depths of that beautiful blue gaze. “No more of that. Titles divide us. I would ask you to no longer call me that, Twilight.”

“You… don’t want me to call you ‘Princess’ anymore?”

“Not unless strictly necessary.” Luna waved a hand. “You do not ask your friends to call you Princess, do you?”

“Well, of course not, but—”

“Am I to be counted among your friends?” Luna asked pointedly, her wings twitching again.

Twilight reeled a little, trying to figure out what in the world had gotten into Luna. “Of course you are!”

“Then I ask you to simply call me Luna.”

Twilight’s wings folded against her back as she studied the Princess of the Night—Luna. She looked almost ready to beg! This mattered to her, more than Twilight could possibly understand. Yet, there was a strange bashful air around the elder alicorn. Twilight just wished she knew why!

“That… might take some getting used to,” Twilight hedged.

Luna smiled, her eyes sparkling. “I’m willing to wait.”

Twilight scratched her head. There was something in Luna’s expression. Fondness? More? Oh, she still was terrible at reading Luna, though she could still read her better than Celestia. And that wasn’t a very high bar. Perhaps it would be best to focus on more critical matters.

Twilight shook her head and pointed out at the brilliant moon and the glowing night sky. “Prin—Luna, what happened? I saw the moon and—”

“Ah yes. You will have to forgive me for that, Twilight,” Luna chuckled wryly, running a hand through her star-studded mane. “I should have realized there would be magical side effects.”

“Magical… magical side effects?” Twilight finally stepped into her bedroom, her eyes locked on Luna. “What are you talking about?”

Luna slowly rose to her feet. She stared at the wall for a few long seconds, taking several deep breathes. Then she turned and strode up to Twilight until they were little more than a foot apart. Twilight had to look up slightly at the taller princess, though Luna wasn’t exactly looming or anything like that. In fact, her expression seemed a mix between wary and fond. Again, Twilight felt the nagging idea that there was something different about Luna tonight.

“Yes, side effects.” Luna licked her lips. “It… well, on further thought, it could not have been avoided.”

“‘Could not have been avoided?!’” Twilight squawked as she pointed out the open door. “Prin—Luna! Every race with even a shred of magic is going to feel that! And they’re going to demand answers to know what just happened!”

“Then perhaps it is for the best.” Luna nodded, looking somewhat pleased with herself. “Yes. Yes, I think this shall be a good thing.”

“And how is this ‘for the best?’” Twilight demanded, bouncing up and down on her feet in annoyance. “How is this a ‘good thing?’ Luna! I’m the Princess of Friendship! I have at least one student for every one of Equestria’s allies! And you’re the Princess of the Moon! We’re both involved in this! I need to know! What did you do?!”

Twilight may have been yelling at this point, but Luna didn’t seem to be offended. In fact, she was covering her face with her hand… as if to hide her giggles!

“This is no laughing matter!” Twilight stomped a hoof on the floor. “I mean—”

“Twilight!” Luna cut her off with a smile—and a blush for some odd reason. “You seem so flustered. Is there something amiss?”

“Aside from the entire night sky looking like it had just stolen half of the sun’s light, my castle transmogrifying into moonlight and—” Twilight wisely cut herself off before she could mention the screaming orgasm. “No, everything’s just freaking fantastic! What happened tonight?!”

Luna’s smile deepened. “You have a new ally, Twilight Sparkle.”

This caught Twilight entirely off-guard. “I’m sorry, what?”

Without answering, Luna stepped past Twilight and looked out over the night sky with a happy little sigh. “Anypony who is ten or older remembers when my shadow once stained the moon. When my shadow vanished, I was unleashed to wreak havoc across the land. I started here. A simple village within striking range of my sister’s base of power in Canterlot. A simple village to frighten into submission. And they did grovel… save for one very specific mare.”

Luna leaned against the doorframe, then turned back to Twilight with a smile. “You stood up to me even then, in a small way. You were willing to identify me to all. And then, you had the audacity to bring forth your friends, bond with them and despite my best efforts, bring forth all six of the Elements of Harmony. And then, you struck me down.”

“I…” Twilight swallowed hard and took a few steps backward. “I didn’t do that to you. I did that to Nightmare Moon.”

“We are one and the same,” Luna replied, her smile growing even as she described her own downfall—after a fashion. “Though I appreciate you trying to spare my feelings. You need not do so. Because I would share them with you right now, as I promised I would.”


Luna again didn’t answer Twilight, but instead met Twilight’s gaze. She took a long, deep breath and then spoke once more.

“All those years ago, Twilight, you saved me. You saved my mind, my body, my heart, and my soul. The shadows I called a thousand years ago had all but totally consumed my essence. Through the Elements of Harmony, you restored what I once had been. Yes, you stripped much of my inborn power, but I am glad of it, as I was once again myself. And on that day, that very singular day, I believe started to fall for you.”

Twilight froze as if she’d been hit by a petrification spell. Luna’s Modern Equestrian had to have failed her. She couldn’t have... No, of course not. Twilight smiled—even she could feel how awkward the smile was—and managed to get out a few words to convey her thoughts on the present situation.

“I’m sorry, what?”

They were not the most eloquent of thoughts.

Luna turned to glance out the doorway again, smiling at her night. “With every challenge you and your friends conquered, I started to see your potential, as my sister has. And while Celestia sees you as a mother would see her most brilliant of children, I see you in a starkly different light. Even after all you’ve gone through, even after you’ve ascended, gained a title, a castle, saved Equestria a dozen times over… you still stargaze before bed.”

“You… you knew?” Twilight squeaked, her eyes darting between the night and Luna. “I… ah… you actually knew?”

Luna sighed happily. “Yes. And I have never been able to speak of it to you until this moment. My decision earlier this evening allowed me to come here and say these things.”

“And… what decision was that?”

Luna suddenly seemed far taller, reminding her a little of Celestia in both bearing and attitude.

“This eve, I beseeched the light of the heavens and the heart of the land. I did this so you and your friends would have a new and powerful ally in your battles against the shadows that lurk on the edges of our world,” Luna declared, her voice serene as she stared down at Twilight. “There was but one thing required of me in return for that power.”

Twilight opened her mouth to ask, but Luna placed a delicate finger on her lips, silencing her.

“I had to confess that I am madly in love with you, Twilight Sparkle. “And I have been so for quite some time.”

Luna exhaled, as if she had been holding her breath even as she spoke. Stars exploded in her mane as her smile deepened. Her cheeks were a little red, but she looked relieved like an enormous weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

Twilight reflected that, okay, maybe Luna’s Modern Equestrian hadn’t failed her.

“Y-you’re… in… in love with me?” Twilight squeaked, suddenly very aware of just how close they were. And how warm she was. And how they were already in the bedroom. And—

“Madly. Please don’t omit that part,” Luna chastised her with a giggle.

“But… why?” Twilight demanded. “I’m just me! I’m just—”

“Everything we talked about this morning and just moments ago. Leader of the Bearers of Harmony. Conquerer of Tirek. She who helped defeat Discord, uncover Chrysalis, destroy Sombra—twice—and more. You helped reform Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Oh yes, and saved my very soul.”

Twilight gaped a few more times. It seemed like the thing to do. It was the only thing to do.

“I know this is sudden, dear Twilight,” Luna whispered, a hint of hesitation creeping into her voice. “And I am not going to demand you confess your own undying love this night. But my fear of rejection from you, a pony I admire in so many ways… it was in the way. I see now that it has been a burden I’ve carried for some time.”

Twilight blinked. Okay, apparently, Princess Luna, Princess of the Night, the Goddess of the Moon and the Stars, was in love with her.

That… that she couldn’t process yet. Soon. Maybe soon. Soonish. But not yet.

However, she did want to process that explosion. Magical explosions from celestial bodies were something she could deal with. Not confessions of love from one of the only two Elder Alicorns in existence.

“In the way of what?”

“I think I have teased you more than long enough.” Luna smile turned into a mischievous grin. “Still, if I am to show you, it should be away from prying eyes.”

“What do you—”

Luna’s horn lit up. Her magic wasn’t blue anymore.

It was a pale white, like gentle moonlight.

There was a brief flash, then the doors and windows of Twilight’s bedroom were simply gone. As if they’d never been. However, there was one other startling difference. Namely, the ceiling had vanished, leaving them open to the brilliant moon directly overhead set in a vibrant star-speckled sky.

“What… did… you do…?” Twilight whispered. The magic that Luna had just used so casually should have been impossible, even for an Elder Alicorn.

Luna waved a hand and gave her a knowing smile. “I simply altered the flow of core magic to your castle and requested it reshape itself for the evening, transposing this room with a room from one of your towers, remove the ceiling, create a distraction field around our view so no wandering pegasi see what is about to transpire and a few other minor things. Just… to make things comfortable.”

“This castle was grown out of a seed of the Tree of Harmony itself...” Twilight began but paused when she realized Luna’s horn was still glowing white. “And your magic color changed. That’s… is that a good thing?”

“A necessary thing,” Luna said with a shrug. “Now, to finally answer your question.”

With a casual wave of her head, Luna attached Twilight’s bed to the wall and teleported herself squarely into the center of Twilight’s circular bedchambers. Then, she looked up at the moon and smiled.

Her horn burned ever brighter as liquid light seemed to pour down from her horn, over her face and across her shoulders. Twilight could only gape as the magic flowing off Luna seemed to fill the world. She felt her body absorbing the excess power. It made her almost giddy. It seemed to interact with whatever strange effect had happened earlier, making her warmer by the second as she watched the unfolding spectacle.

The moonlight—with an odd rainbow sheen—flowed over Luna’s shoulders and down her arms, only to begin spill down Luna’s medium-sized breasts. Luna sighed within her suit of light as it continued to envelop her, slowly sliding down her fantastic hips, smooth rear and all the way down to her legs.

Then, nothing happened—save for there was now a shining figure of burning moonlight standing in Twilight’s bedroom. The silence became a little awkward, so Twilight raised a finger to ask a question.

Luna absorbed the light in a matter of moments.

Then, she opened her eyes and smiled at Twilight, but her eyes were brimming with beautiful glowing moonlight surrounded by a shimmering rainbow edge. Twilight took a step backward into a wall, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away. The magic pouring from Luna had increased by a factor of ten. This… this was the magic of a Goddess. Complete with a capital ‘G.’

“Oh… oh my…” Twilight squeaked.

Soft blue lines that reminded Twilight of ancient spellcasting marks grew on Luna’s muzzle and face. The Princess of the Night let out a soft moan as she started to grow in every sense of the word.

The first and most noticeable change was her height. While Luna had always been a bit taller than Twilight, within a few moments, she had grown by at least a foot and a half. With that new height, the rest of her proportions changed.

Her beautiful gown shifted and reshaped itself, oddly becoming quite a bit more revealing through her midriff, thighs, bust and sides—well, honestly, just about everywhere. The result was a cross between tribal pegasus warrior queen and ancient unicorn fertility goddesses. Her wings stretched, then the feathers each becoming a piece of the night sky, giving the effect of twin ethereal visions of night that simply held the shape of normal alicorn wings. Luna stretched her arms into the air and more blue lines wove across her body from the top down, creating intricate patterns of intense magic. Some patterns, Twilight knew, some, she didn’t.

And she suddenly wanted to know them all.

Finally, her bust, which had always been a little smaller than Twilight’s, swelled by to nearly double Luna’s original size. That was only a guess though, as Twilight was a terrible judge of those sorts of things. Luna’s hips and her rear quickly followed her chest’s example. There was one final surge as Luna’s body became as one with whatever force she had bonded to, and then the magic simply faded… leaving Twilight panting, flustered and far more excited than she could ever remember being.

Throughout the process, the waves of magic had coursed over Twilight. Only now did she realized they had driven her down a kneeling position, her horn acting like a grounding rod for the excess magic. She swayed slightly on the ground, staring up at the now tremendous vision of Luna.

A Luna who definitely was no mere princess.

A Luna who could only be a full Goddess.

Luna opened her glowing eyes as the light of her horn faded away. She blinked in shock when she saw Twilight on her knees.

“No, no, no!” Luna cried. She rushed over, every movement leaving a brief echo of moonlight.

Then, she took Twilight in her new magic, levitating her to a standing position. The feeling of Luna’s new magic around her was… beyond intense. Enough to make her squirm a little, but she did manage to gain her feet.

Twilight whimpered slightly as she looked up at the stunningly gorgeous Goddess that now graced her presence.

“Twilight, are you well?” Luna asked, gently running her hands along Twilight’s face and around the base of her horn. Twilight felt a gentle probe enter her magic, just enough to ensure her health, but even that felt more powerful than anything she’d ever felt from Celestia. “Twilight, please!”

Twilight finally blinked and looked Luna up and down—though it was quite a bit more up than she was used to. She found she didn’t mind.

“I’m… okay,” Twilight said, her voice cracking a little. “I just… wow. Oh, wow.”

“I see I overwhelmed you,” Luna said, taking a step back and blushing—which looked odd with the arcane marks across her cheeks. “Perhaps it was the transformation or… oh, the excess magic! That is what caused the explosion earlier, you know. Intense magical feedback. In hindsight, I may have sought too much, so I am discovering I tend to… well, leak.”

“It… was really both,” Twilight whispered, gawking outright to a point that Luna blushed even harder. “I’m sorry!”

“No, I do not mind… not… really,” Luna clasped her hands behind her back. Even though she had the body and presence of a Goddess, she reminded Twilight of nothing more than a nervous schoolfilly. “So… you asked a question…”

“And… you just had to admit that you were…” Twilight couldn’t finish the sentence. She still could barely believe it.

She could believe it even less now that Luna had the magical power of one of the ancient goddesses of myths. Or at least it felt like she had it. She found herself wondering if there were arcane marks all over her body, or just the visible parts.

“I had to admit I was in love with you, which is still very much true, Twilight,” Luna whispered as she gestured overhead and around them. “I had to be as true to myself as I could to be granted the power to do this. And my feelings for you were the one thing that was left for me to confront.”

“You… did this to protect Equestria?”

Luna hesitated, then bowed her head, unable to meet Twilight’s eyes. “I… I did it for many reasons. For my own feelings of helplessness. For my fear of you throwing yourself into danger without another spellcaster at your side. To protect ponies as I once did, only better. And… I… did it in hopes that you would enjoy it. I know your love of magic, Twilight Sparkle. I had hoped if I took this magic upon myself, you might see fit to let me… I mean allow me… to… uh… court you.”

Twilight blinked a few times. “I… court me? I’ve… I’ve never been courted before… Sun and Moon, I’ve only been on a handful of dates!”

And Luna still seemed like the nervous schoolfilly, trying to ask out her crush for the first time.

“You’re serious,” Twilight whispered. “You’re actually serious…”

“Yes, Twilight.”

“I… I don’t even know what to think. Or say. Or do!” Twilight cried, waving her hands in the air as panic started to overwhelm her. Her brain tried to process this data and just found it was nearly impossible.


“I will not force myself upon you—” Luna began but Twilight waved her into silence.

“I know you’re not going to do that!” Twilight snapped with a glare. “Seriously. I know you better than that! I’m just… how am I… how am I supposed to do this? I… dating, love and romantic relationships are not my areas of expertise!”

“What would Cadance say?” Luna asked quietly.

That froze Twilight. Because once upon a time, she had gone to Cadance for every time somepony had seemed attracted to her. Granted, it was rare, but it happened. And her answer had always been the same.

“That… there’s no harm in trying,” Twilight whispered, staring at her feet. “As long as I wanted to try.”

“Do you?” Luna asked, her voice just barely keeping together.

Twilight closed her eyes. She didn’t want to see Luna’s new body, only think about her voice. Her words. What she said and what she was saying now. But she couldn’t start this without the truth.

“Luna, I… I can’t say that I love you back.”

There was a small sigh. “I never asked you to say such a thing.”

“Let me finish…” Twilight mumbled, squeezing her eyes shut as all the myriad versions of Luna played across her mind. “I’m… I think I’m willing to… try?”

She deserved that much, at least.

Complete silence was her reply. Finally, Twilight looked up into Luna’s glowing eyes. There were tears in them.

“You are willing to try… with me?” Luna asked timidly. How a Goddess could be timid, Twilight wasn’t entirely sure, but Luna was doing it.

Twilight nodded, a blush running up her body and into her face. “If… that’s okay with…”

Luna snatched Twilight’s two hands and kissed them both. “That is all I ask for now.”

When Luna kissed Twilight’s hands, it sent shivers of intense magic running up her body. And as the former Bearer of the Element of Magic, she had a rather unique connection with magic. One that only a handful of ponies knew about. Namely, that one the most erotic things one could do to Twilight Sparkle was to imbue magic into her body, intentional or not.

She couldn’t help herself. Combined with the still lingering heat, she moaned softly.

Luna blinked in surprise and then, slowly, tentatively, kissed Twilight’s left hand again. Luna’s lips were a pale blue, the same color of the magical lines across her body. Another bolt of pure magic ran into Twilight and she let out another gasp, her knees becoming weak.

“This… pleases you?” Luna asked quietly.

“Y-yes…” Twilight whispered, shivering, her eyes half-closed. “P-please don’t… don’t stop… your new magic is… extremely intense.”

Luna leaned down and slowly kissed Twilight’s palm five times.

It was enough to make Twilight nearly collapse. She would have if Luna hadn’t caught her. Twilight blinked open her eyes and realized the two of them were mere inches away, with Luna stooped over to have caught her. She could feel the heat of Luna’s breath upon her lips. Twilight went rigid, staring at her.

“This… perhaps I should stop,” Luna whispered, though she made no move to let go. “I… you just agreed to court and… I do not want you to do anything unseemly…”

Twilight stared up at Luna. She saw the raw power of the stars, the moon and the bright places of the world in Luna’s face. But she also saw the princess she had helped become comfortable with herself on that Nightmare Night so long ago, the one she helped defeat the Tantabus with, the one who she called friend. They were all one and the same.

If this Luna had been nothing but power, then Twilight would have pulled away.

But this was the Luna she’d known for nine years. That Luna was worth the risk.

And if she were to be totally honest with herself, Twilight had never been more turned on by a pony in her entire life.

So, Twilight leaned forward and kissed Luna hard on the lips.

Dance of Magic

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Luna stood there, stunned, unable to even kiss back. Twilight had no idea what was going on in Luna’s head. She didn’t even know what was going on in her own head. But right now, she knew one thing.

She wanted Luna in every way possible. Maybe she’d think differently tomorrow. But tonight…

Twilight wrapped her arms around Luna’s neck and pulled herself closer. She kissed the Goddess harder. Her tongue teased out and tasted Luna’s lips. Bolts of magic surged down her tongue and she shivered in delight.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Luna kissed back. She let out a moan of her own and her tongue came out to meet Twilight’s. The two met and started to dance, playing along one another, teasing and toying. Twilight could feel herself heating up like a kettle set on a slow boil.

Luna’s arms wrapped around Twilight’s body to hold her even closer, but Luna was still stooped over from having to kiss the now much-shorter mare.

Twilight squeaked when she felt a new magic suddenly wrap around her waist and pull her into the air. She broke the kiss in surprise and looked down to see Luna’s new white moonlight magic surrounding her hips like a life preserver of light.

Twilight turned back to Luna and stared at Luna’s blushing features.

“Oh, Sun and Moon…” Twilight moaned and practically threw herself back onto Luna’s lips.

With Luna’s new spell keeping her level with the Goddess of the Night, Twilight could now probably make out with Luna. Their muzzles nuzzled and kissed as their bodies began to slowly move together. Their breasts, their stomachs, their legs and their hips, all pressed together in a nearly primal display of need.

Twilight’s hand pressed against Luna’s face and her kiss deepened, their lips together sending more bolts of pleasure through her body. Her own magic began to flare in direct response, so much so she could barely contain it.

Finally, she broke the kiss again, knowing if she didn’t stop, she’d burst—either in climax or literally, she wasn’t sure.

“Twilight, are you well?” Luna asked. She was flushed and breathing a little hard.

Twilight, was panting as she if she’d just run twenty miles.

Twilight nodded slowly, just trying to get a grip on her needs. She’d never wanted somepony as badly as this. She didn’t know how to deal with it… well, other than…

She hesitated and glanced into Luna’s glowing, questioning eyes. They were filled with love and desire.

Only then did she realize the truth. There was no reason to hold back. Luna had made her feelings clear. As had Twilight.

She couldn’t think of a single reason not to wholly give in to her desires.

“We do not have to do this,” Luna said softly, her voice low and earnest. “I will not deny that I desire you greatly and would gladly see you crying in passion until the moon sets. But your desires are just as important as mine.”

“And…” Twilight gasped, still not quite able to get her breath. “If I want you to do exactly that?”

“You… you do?”

“If I did?”

“Then…” Luna licked her beautiful blue lips. “Then I shall use all my power this night to drive you to the greatest heights of passion you’ve ever known.”

Twilight shivered, from her flickering ears to her soaking wet core. If anypony else had said that, it would have been cliche and trite. But Luna had already demonstrated her power. Her magic. And Twilight wanted to experience that.

She’d never been with another powerful magic user. Her other flings had never held a candle to her, save for Moondancer, but Moondancer couldn’t hope to compare with Luna. Now, a Goddess with the magic of the stars and the earth wanted to make love to her.

“Please,” Twilight whispered as she leaned closer to Luna, still buoyed in her magic. “Tonight… unleash yourself on me…”

“Fully?” Luna whispered, her voice husky. “Even I do not know the scope of my power in this new form…”

Twilight nodded, swallowing hard. “Fully. Use me as your test subject. Please, Luna. I want nothing else than to be yours tonight. We can worry about tomorrow when it comes.”

Luna shivered and squirmed, still holding Twilight tightly as her breathing became even heavier. Her horn burned a little brighter and the bed reappeared in the middle of the room, only about twice as large.

“Magic excites you, doesn’t it?” Luna murmured.

Twilight bit her lip and nodded, her ears down, her face aflame.

Luna lifted her head back so they met one another’s eyes.

“Then I shall give you magic both ancient and new. But first, I must give you a gift. Look upon my horn, Twilight. Look upon it and embrace eternity.”

Twilight did as instructed, watching the beautiful white magic there begin to burn brighter, taking on a wonderful pink sheen. Twilight moaned in Luna’s grasp as the spell began to take hold on her. She began to pant harder, her entire body aflame. Her wings burst from her back, her legs started to squirm. Her nipples hardened. Her mind… her mind…

“Luna… what… ahhhh…!” Twilight cried softly.

“Shush, dear Twilight. Let it happen.”

Visions appeared in Twilight’s mind as she felt things within her head and body alter ever so slightly. Every night of passion she’d ever shared with a friend played out with such vibrancy she could feel Moondancer’s touch or hear Rainbow’s grunting. Then, new figures appeared, ones she did not know, but their clothing was ancient. Luna’s lovers, perhaps? Before her fall?

It didn’t matter. Even her curiosity soon burned in the heat.

She felt everything. All of it. All in a swirl of passion that blanked her mind and overloaded her body.

And crying out Luna’s name, she came for the first time in her new lover’s grip. Her mind went white for a time as her body thrashed and twisted.

Some time passed as she basked in the heat of the afterglow. It was only later when she realized… the heat between her legs had barely been quenched.

She blinked her eyes open and looked at Luna in askance.

“An ancient spell one used by… the followers of a certain path,” Luna said with a smile. “They believed that passion should never be quelled in a single act, but last as long as the night reigned. I have no such need of a spell, but I thought you might for this eve’s events.”

“So, I’ll… my… um… ‘needs’ won’t be sated?”

“Oh, dear Twilight, they will be. They’ll just return very quickly. Still, I can remove it if you wish.”

Twilight thought about it, then decided to show what her conclusion was.

She went for Luna’s neck and started to nibble.

Luna cried out in surprise, wrapping Twilight once again in her arms. Twilight tasted her Goddess’s coat and a faint hint of something else. Her lips brushed across one of the arcane marks and she felt power twist into her. She moaned into her attack as Luna’s hands started to wander her body, slowly and sensuously. Twilight squirmed and sighed in delight.

Then Luna struck back, her lips striking against Twilight’s own neck, but where Twilight had simply nibbled, Luna began to suckle. Twilight’s ears shot up—and so did her tail—as the new assault. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, the two magic-laced lips sending shiver after shiver through her already thrumming body.

“Luna… I…” Twilight blinked as she felt her magic begin to swell in her horn. Her own power was going wild from interacting with Luna’s own. “Luna… I’m gonna lose… control…”

Luna lifted herself from Twilight’s neck and looked Twilight up and down. Her expression had changed. Where once it had been the tentative eyes of a first-time lover, now, her eyes were passionate and hungry, the eyes of a mare who knew what she wanted.

Twilight moaned, knowing what Luna wanted was her.

Luna’s eyes drifted up to Twilight’s horn and she smiled wickedly.

A cold shiver ran through Twilight, but before she could protest, Luna had already adjusted her little magical field, dropping Twilight to the perfect height.

“I want you as unleashed as I am tonight, my dear Twilight,” Luna cooed, then she wrapped her lips around Twilight’s horn.

Despite the stories, most unicorns got no extra pleasure from having their horn played with. It was simply a conduit for magical force.

Even when Twilight had been a unicorn, she’d hardly been part of the ‘most unicorn’ category. Twilight… well… she loved hornjobs.

Luna’s lips slid up and down the smaller alicorn’s horn as Twilight thrashed in Luna’s magical grip. She could do nothing but just endure, moan and feel as Luna worked her over, teasing the tip of her horn with her tongue and the rest with her lips.

“I… I can’t…”

Luna’s hand reached out and cupped Twilight’s left breast. The thumb teased her diamond-hard nipple.

The message was clear. Despite Twilight’s best efforts to keep herself in check, her body decided to act on its own.

She screamed softly as she felt magic pour out of her. It flowed first into Luna, who quickly began to thrash on her own as what was probably an orgasm smashed into her. Still, Luna didn’t let go. She kept suckling and within moments, the Goddess’s magical aura began to exude the same magic Twilight poured out.

It wasn’t a specific spell, but more like an effect. The first effect was the sensation of phantom magical finger sliding in and out of both her and Luna’s aching pussies. Both began bucking against one another. The second effect their tits swelling a little bit more. Twilight even thought she felt something within her breasts.

Finally, the last effect was the most needed. In a flash of lurid pink magic, their clothes were teleported away, leaving them both naked against one another.

Somewhere in all of this, they’d turned so Twilight’s back was to the bed. She cried out under the constant fondling of the magic fingers inside of her as Luna slipped off Twilight’s horn and smiled down at her.

“You truly are a creature of the night if you had this sort of magic burning inside of you,” Luna said with a smile.

“I… uh… I…”

Twilight’s eyes gazed upon the naked form of her new Goddess. Impressive chest covered with more arcane marks, most of them glowing. Bright blue nipples trembling underneath the moonlight. More lines stretching around Luna’s pussy and legs. She stood there, tall and proud and powerful. As beautiful as the moon itself.

“Twilight, do you find my new form… pleasing?” Luna asked quietly.

Twilight nodded.

“Do you want me to take control of the rest of the night?”

Twilight nodded again.

Then, Luna lay her gently back onto the bed. Luna slowly began to work the magic field that had suspended Twilight around the younger alicorn’s body. Twilight begged quietly, spreading her legs on instinct as the fingering spell began to fade.

Then, Luna dispersed the magic, knelt down and took her first taste of Twilight proper.

Twilight instantly exploded as if a star had erupted between her legs. She cried out Luna’s name as she climaxed wildly, but Luna didn’t stop. She kept up a firm but gentle lapping again Twilight’s innermost place, even as Twilight spasmed as her unique taste began to slowly leak from her.

Luna’s hands joined in, rubbing Twilight’s thighs and legs. Soon, Twilight couldn’t look at Luna, because her back was arching endlessly from the pleasure. Instead, she stared at the moon and knew Luna could see her. She shivered, but she smiled as her next orgasm crashed through her.

And then, just like that, Luna was gone from between her legs. When Twilight looked around in fact, Luna was nowhere to be found. That didn’t stop a magical caress from teasing across Twilight’s breasts. Twilight moaned and rubbed them frantically, embarrassed to have accidentally cast a minor lactation spell on the two of them when—

“Stop, Twilight,” Luna’s voice said from everywhere. “Your breasts are mine tonight.”

“I’m sorry about the spell, I…”

“Fill,” Luna whispered in her ear, though she was nowhere—

Twilight cried out, her own horn with the intensity of the spell that had just been cast on her. She heard Luna gasp but could pay attention. All she could feel and think about was her swelling breasts and how badly she needed relief.

“Twilight?” Luna’s voice sounded even huskier.

“Yes, L-Luna?”

“Do you want me to drink from you?” she asked quietly.

“Y-yes, please!”

“Go into the center of the bed and lie vertically.”

Twilight scrambled to obey and then lay on her back, looking around, but still no sign of the new Goddess of the Night.

“Spread your legs,” Luna whispered.

Twilight did so, unable to stop herself from slipping a finger inside.

“Do you trust me, Twilight?”

“Yes,” Twilight replied instantly from some deep core part of her.

“Then do not fear what is about to happen.”

White light filled the edges of the room, cast down from the moon above. Moments later, Luna stepped out, her chest noticeably bigger and heavier-looking and striding toward her.

And then another Luna appeared.

And then another.

Twilight trembled as all three converged on her. The first crawled onto the bed, then crawled over her to give her a soft, languid kiss.

“Trust me,” she whispered as her two duplicates stood over, each with a happy and sincere smile on their face.

Twilight nodded slowly, her ears flicking back and forth. Then, the first Luna slipped back down Twilight’s body and buried her muzzle in Twilight’s sex.

Twilight screamed as Luna’s tongue took her so perfectly. And then she saw movement and realized the two other Lunas were kneeling down.

“Just do whatever feels natural,” the right one said as she caressed Twilight’s right breast.

“I am the Goddess of the Night. I have seen many things,” the left one said, teasing the hardened nipple on her side.

Twilight’s mind was a blur of lust and need. She moaned and thrust out her chest.

“I’m yours…” Twilight whispered.

As expected, the moment the duplicates' lips wrapped around her two nipples, Twilight went wild from the magic of the lips and this powerful spell. She moaned hungrily, then felt her milk—which was half magic anyway—flow down through her body, out through the nipples and into the waiting mouths of the two Luna’s.

Time… ceased to have a meaning. There were only the lips on her nipples and tongue in her pussy. Her first orgasm practically destroyed her mind and she loved it. She gently stroked the manes of her milkers, moaning with every gulp as her horn built up to another burst of lust-driven spells, which just made things more frantic and needy.

Orgasms flowed into one another and Twilight was left in a strange realm of endless magical pleasure. She felt the duplicates drain her utterly and Twilight pulled each up for a long make-out session before letting them go, all while her hands wandered over their bodies. Meanwhile, the first Luna continued to drive her to orgasm, exploring every single nook and cranny of her needy sex.

Finally, at long last, there was a massive explosion of moonlight and she heard Luna cry out in passion from three throats. The next thing she knew, the Goddess was in bed with her, looking very satisfied with herself, though only she remained.

Twilight immediately snuggled up to her. Luna giggled and wrapped her arms around the smaller alicorn.

“You’re doing so much, but getting so little…” Twilight whispered. Already the heat was back.

“I get more than you know by bringing you such pleasure, dear Twilight,” Luna replied with a smile.

“But I want to give you more,” Twilight whispered, her voice eager as more lust filled her head. “In fact… you’re as full as I am…”

“That… I can deal with—oh!”

Twilight had once milked an entire herd of cows out on the outskirts of Ponyville without any trouble. Milking her new lover would be easy.

Luna moaned and fell to lay on her back as Twilight’s magic began to slowly tease the milk out of the Goddess. It took only moments for the first few drops to escape, only to fly onto Twilight’s waiting lips. Luna watched as Twilight licked her lips, her spell still working.

“Best milk I’ve ever had.”

Luna cried out as the milking intensified, Twilight’s careful ministrations driving the Goddess into throes of passion. The sight of it excited Twilight to the point where she realized she needed to give Luna more. And so she did. She slipped a magical field into Luna’s eager and wet sex.

“Twilight!” Luna cried as her hips bucked. “You…”

“It’s my turn,” Twilight said simply. “Just… let me do this for you?”

Luna nodded quietly, gave her a kiss and leaned back. She was still, but only for a moment before the combination of milking breasts and teased sex drove her into bucking wildly. All the while, Twilight funneled Luna’s milk between her lips.

Once again, time became meaningless. At some point, Luna slipped a few fingers into Twilight’s aching sex and soon the two were climaxing in perfect unison. Luna’s magic flowed over Twilight, teasing and tempting her, a temptation that Twilight gave herself to with abandon.

Soon, the magic wasn’t enough and Twilight needed Luna’s milk directly from the source. When she first tasted it like that, she came explosively, but not in her body, but somewhere in her soul as she felt something within her change. At that point, she slowly nursed from her new Goddess even as they continued to play.

Only after Twilight had drained both breasts did Luna finally decide to change things up… and do it in a very dramatic fashion.

She grabbed Twilight and shot straight into the air with incredible speed. Twilight screamed in terror, but that stopped soon when the lights of the town below became meaningless dots.

“Take to your wings, Twilight,” Luna whispered.

Twilight did as instructed. The cool air felt wonderful on her skin, as she’d never been flying nude. Then, she felt Luna’s magic touch adjust her until she was nearly horizontal.

Twilight stared at Luna, trying to figure out what she was up to until Luna expertly slipped between Twilight’s legs and for the first time, their two pussies met.

Twilight had to use both her magic and her wings to keep the position right, but Luna obviously knew what she was doing. That was a relief, as Twilight had never successfully enjoyed this… then again, she’d never tried it in the air with a living goddess.

Twilight fondled her breasts eagerly as she gently rubbed her deepest recesses against Luna’s. She cried out softly, her face contorting in pleasure. She looked down to see Luna doing much the same until Luna cast a spell that started to caress Twilight’s breasts for her, teasing and suckling on her nipples. Twilight bucked a little, but Luna stayed in perfect formation as the two began to slowly twist in the air.

Luna had done something to their magic or the air because gravity no longer seemed interested in them. They floated in a sphere, moaning and crying out. Twilight eventually got another spell up like Luna’s, but she couldn’t maintain it. But Luna’s eyes told her that she didn’t mind.

They stayed up there for a good half hour until after yet another orgasm with Twilight crying her new Goddess’s name, Luna pulled away. Then she came back to wrap Twilight in her arms.

“I have all the stars of the night and the brightest moon the world has ever known,” Luna said quietly beneath moonlight and starlight. “Yet it is you that captivates me, my dear Twilight.”

Twilight didn’t know what to say. So, she kissed her. It seemed like an appropriate substitute.

“Do you want to be as I am?”

Twilight blinked and stared up at the glowing eyes of the Goddess. “What?”

“I once told you that you would be the greatest of us. Even with this change I have undergone, that is still true. The powers… they granted me a portion beyond what I needed, as a gift, if you desire it.”

“I… could become as magical and powerful as you?”

“In time. It will only accelerate your process. You cannot become what I have overnight as I did.”

“Why do you ask?” Twilight stared at her, biting her lip.

Luna kissed her forehead. “Because I would like to enjoy the days I have with you more as equals than either of us being one another’s subject.”

“Luna, I… I said I was willing to just try…” It seemed like a feeble excuse now. “I just…”

“Hush,” Luna said, a finger Twilight’s lips. “I know this. I still offer it to you.”

Twilight thought long and hard about it as the two of them danced nude in the night sky.

“Yes,” Twilight said.

Luna beamed down at her.

“Then all you need do is touch your horn to mine.”

Twilight pulled away from Luna and looked at the softly glowing white horn. Then, swallowing her doubts, she brushed her horn against Luna’s.

The entire world went white.

The next thing she knew, she was lying on her bed, curled in Luna’s wings. Luna was smiling above her and kissed her as she opened her eyes.

“You are safe and sound now, Twilight Sparkle. You have taken the gift and been rewarded.”

Twilight looked down… only to see light lavender lines of arcane power now all over her body in beautiful lines and swirls. Luna’s hand teased one beneath Twilight’s breasts and Twilight shivered in nearly impossible pleasure.


“We are both Goddesses, now, after a fashion. But that does not matter… for we are still us.”

At that point, Twilight strongly suspected this would not be the last night she spent like this with the Goddess of the Night.

“If you’re the Goddess of the Night… what will I be?”

“My Goddess of Magic,” Luna hummed.


“If… I misspoke, forgi—”

It was Twilight’s turn to put a hand on Luna’s lips and give her a gentle smile. “Let’s just see what happens, my Goddess of the Night.”

Luna shivered at those words and Twilight grinned. Then, she pounced on Luna, smothering her with kisses, her hands running over her breasts and sides as another spell bloomed to life in Luna’s sex. Luna grinned back at her, attacking her with spells of moonlight fondling Twilight’s breasts and phantom fingers in her pussy.

And as the two of them once more began their lovemaking under the stars and moon, Twilight knew there was nowhere else she’d rather be.

And she suspected the Goddess climaxing beneath her felt the same way.