Spike & Discord Versus Cosmos

by Flameboy

First published

The battle against Cosmos has come.

Ever since Cosmos lied about giving their friends back, Spike uses his powers to do whatever he can to make sure that she pays. Pays for what he did to his sister. Even Discord has a score to settle with his

Warning: Violence towards Rarity.

Sequel to Cosmos's Servant.

Spike and Discord versus Cosmos Part 1

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"You lied to me! You didn't say anything about absorbing Twilight, Big Mac, Zecora, and the other princesses to make a body of your own! You said you were gonna release them from your control!" Discord shouted as he pointed his lion paw at his ex fiancé.

"Oh, come on, Discord, it was only a little lie," Cosmos said as she snaked her head towards the male draconequus. Then, she looks at her horns. She stroked each one starting from Celestia's horn, all the way down to Twilight's horn. When she stroked her last horn, it made Spike snort a puff of black smoke, which thanks to Twilight and Zecora's ears, did not go unnoticed. "Oh! So the wittle baby dwagon is cwanky, isn't he?" She said as she motioned her blue claws in a baby cooing motion.

"Don't. Touch. Her. Horn," Spike said as he balled his finger claws into fists.

"Or what? You going to hurt me? Ha! Once I use this body and get back my old body, MAYBE I'll think about giving your sister back. JUST MAYBE. But, ONLY her. As long as I finish my spell in piece and rule Equestria with an iron claw," Cosmos said as she advanced her giant head towards the baby dragon.

"I swear to you, Cosmos, if you do anything bad and frame any of those you absorbed, including my sister and my sister-in-law, there will be Tartarus to pay," Spike said as he touched his small nose onto Cosmos's huge nose.

"Ooh! A threat made by a baby dragon! How cute!" Cosmos said as she pulled back and coupled her paws together and placed them on the left side of her face. "And how dumb, knowing that I have so much power greater than every, single creature that ever lived!" Cosmos said as she lowered her claws down only for a second as she then raised them up to boast.

"That so called "power" is not yours, you giant varmint!" Applejack shouted as she walked on Spike's right and point her left hoof at the female draconequus.

"Applejack's right, those powers don't belong to you! You're just a monster that consumed our friends and their powers and abilities!" Fluttershy said as she walked up on Spike's left with a defiant tone.

Discord poofed up on FlutterShy's left side while Pinkie walks on AJ's right, with Rainbow Dash following her up on the party pony's right side as well. Rarity walked up next to Rainbow, but didn't say anything knowing that if she did, then she would be given a lot of hateful stares, including "The Stare" from Fluttershy mixed in with the others.

"Oh, and what about this," the giant creature that absorbed the most important ponies of Equestria and their friends said as she snapped both her fingers. Then, she raised the sun and moon from right behind her and caused the sky to be half day, and half night. "I can raise the sun, AND the moon," she started as she kept her paws up.

"That's Celestia and Luna's powers as well as their talents!" Rainbow Dash said as she stared menacingly at the monster that, once again, consumed the two royal sisters. Scootaloo poked out from underneath Rainbow Dash. Then, she nodded as to agreeing to what her sister-like friend said.

"Oh," she said dumbfoundingly. "What about this?" Cosmos asked again and snapped her fingers again, and this time poofed up a super huge box full of apples that was the same size as her. Then, she used her paws and picked it up, grunts as well as she finally lifted it up over her head. "Ta-Da!" She said in a villainous excitement.

"That's our brother's strength, you evil-doer!" AppleBloom shouted as she was holding onto AJ's right front hoof while being under her along with Sweetie Belle holding her left front hoof.

"Okay, how's this?" She asked as she growled. Then, yet again, she snapped her fingers, yet again, to poof up Doctor Whooves and Derpy Hooves together, in front of Cosmos. She snapped her fingers again and made the earth pony and pegasus bicker at each other.

"That's a sick, twisted way of how the magic of love is used, you monster! Even Cadence would be downright furious if she saw you turn these two against each other!" Shining Armor yelled as he held Flurry in his left arm as he stood next to Discord.

Meanwhile, in Cosmos's mind...

"You tell her, Honey!" Cadence yelled as she raised her right hoof up to where she can see him through Cosmos's eyes. Twilight sat on Cadence's left, and they were both chained together with a single lock on each of their hooves, wings, and their horns. Celestia sat on Cadence's right while Luna sat on her big sister's right. Big Mac was sitting on Twilight's left while Zecora sat on his left and was chained from his waist just like the others who were possessed by Cosmos. Even his hooves were locked up. And all four princesses have their wings chained to their sides.

"Yeah! Go my Big Brother Best Friend Forever!" Twilight cheered with both of her chained hooves as she layed on her haunches.

Outside of Cosmos's black mind...

Cosmos didn't say a word as she just looked angry in silence with her mouth quivering in anger. Then, she snapped her fingers, and now she was closer to the group and in front of them. Then, she snapped once again and teleported back to where she stood from before.

"Whoopie doo! You can teleport. But, that belongs to our sister, and you Will NEVER. BE. LIKE HER!" Spike said as he defended Twilight's name.

Back in the evil draconequs's mind...

Twilight started sniffling, and then she started to shed a tear from her left eye, and then her right. Then, she placed her right hoof over her heart. "Spike... *sniff* You're defending me... *sob* Even if I *sniff* yelled at you?" Twilight said as her voice started cracking up. "Even when I *cough* put Applejack, AppleBloom, Sweetie*cough* Belle, Scootaloo, and Capper into a cage and continued putting the gemstones on all of our friends?!" Twilight said as she then started crying into hooves. Cadence started to place her right hoof over Twilight's arms and on her left shoulder and pulled her closer to her into a hug. She used her left hoof and stroked the back of her sister-in-law's hair to comfort her.

"Don't punish yourself, Twilight. That wasn't you. Cosmos made you do it; made you do what she wanted to do. Just know that Spike won't hate you for what you didn't do based on your actions. That you were being controlled by a monster like her," Cadence said softly as she continued to comb Twilight's mane as she continued crying.

Part 1 Completed.

Discord and Spike vs Cosmos part 2

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Spike and the others did their best to stop Cosmos. But most if them were turned into statues while others were turned into different animals. Spike and Discord were the only ones who had to save the day and free their friends from that monster's control.

After being hit with a strong right hook to the face, Spike was knocked away from her and shrank back to his normal size after using his greed to grow big and bring back Twilight from the mind of Cosmos in the first place. That was all on his mind; bringing her back, his sister, will make him the most happiest dragon ever.

Discord teleported to Spike's right and helped him get back up to his feet. Then, he whispered into his ear, and told him what to do: eat the gemstones after Discord distracts his ex-fiance and retrieves the ones on her hooves, forearms, her collar, and her forehead.

After retrieving the ones on her hooves and her forearms, Cosmos turned Spike into a wingless puppy. But that didn't stop them from saving their friends from Cosmos's control.

"Discord, why did you betray me?! I thought we were fiances?!" Cosmos shouted at Discord, who was now tall as 10 foot building. And he was holding her wrists really tight.

"I was afraid of you when I saw how merciless you can be. So, yeah, consider yourself betrayed," Discord said as he used his tongue to grab the last gemstone, and then threw it over to Spike, who caught with ease with his mouth and gulped it down. Then, Cosmos shrank back to her actual size while saying "no" and fell on her belly as all of the creature's minds that she took over flew out of her body and were set free. Everyone else where put back to the way they were. Even Spike the dog. Then, Discord used a strange box, while dressed as some kind of exterminator, and trapped her within the box, teleported to the moon and released her there. Then he came back. Spike and Discord looked at each other and high fived each other using Spike's left paw and Discord's lion paw. Everyone cheered for them. Then, the dragon and draconequs looked behind themselves and saw Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Zecora, Big Macintosh, and Cadence waking up and seeing their surroundings while Luna was confused as how they were all in the Crystal Empire. Then, they remembered what happened, especially what happened to themselves while they were trapped within that monster's mind.

Twilight got up and started galloping towards the heroes with tears in her eyes. The other members of the Mane6 started to run towards their friend. But, when they got close, Twilight used her magic to disappear... and reappear in the air as to catch her little brother into a hug, which he accepted and started to shed tears of his own; he got his wish, he got his sister back. The other members of the Mane6 looked in disappointment, but remembered that Spike was mostly devastated. So, they shrugged their shoulders together.

Shining Armor and Flurry Heart were no longer white and pink bunnies. Then, they saw Twilight, ran over to her and embraced her in a hug, while she was hugging Spike. Then, Shining Armor let out a tear-filled laugh of joy while shedding tears when he saw his beautiful wife running towards them. They all reunited. Spike got his sister back as well as Shining Armor, too. He and Flurry Heart were also joyous when Cadence was returned to them.


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After receiving their medals and partying, everyone went back to their respective homes. Twilight was getting ready for bed by brushing her teeth with a pink toothbrush alongside Spike. Spike, however, saw the disappointed look on his big sister's face as she looked at her medal that she unexpectedly earned after being freed from Cosmos. All thanks to him and Discord.

"Twalight, awe you okah?" he said with his purple toothbrush in his mouth. His answer was a quick look of disappointment and then a sigh as she looks back at her medal.

"Ptoo!" He said as he spit out his white-colored toothpaste. "This.. doesn't have anything to do with Cosmos and that medal that Celestia gave you, right?" Spike said with worry.

Twilight gave him a look, then she scrunched up her eyes, and started sniffling once as she started to bawl uncontrollably as jets of water spouted out of her eyes as she tilts her heads backwards. Spike placed his toothbrush (which was in his right paw to begin with) down on the sink and went over 2 inches over to his sister and placed his paws on Twilight's hips as well as her left arm. Twilight placed her head on his left shoulder as well as placed her right forehoof on his back.

"I.. I.. I did so many terrible things under that monster's control despite the fact that I didn't even know!" She said as she continued to cry.

"What do you mean, Twilight?" Spike said as he pointed his head to the right and pointed his eyes toward his sister's face.

"I was in Cosmos mind while she kept me locked up inside my mind! MY OWN MIND!" Twilight choked as she lifted her head off his shoulders and looked at him face to face. Then, she looked at her medal and picked it up. Then, she looked at in anger with an angry smirk. Finally, she twisted her head to the left and threw the medal away from her and Spike. "I yelled at you, and my friends! And I even hurt Applejack, and locked her up within the Canterlot Archives and did the same exact thing to the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Capper! They were part of the worst moments of my life! Not to mention that I also put the same gemstones on Celestia, Luna, Zecora, and Big Mac! And then, the main problem was, that I always give into my curiosity to learn ancient magic! So how am I supposed to be the Princess of Friendship, when I caused so much terror from cities, to my own friends, *sniff* (voice cracks) and to my own little brother!" Twilight shouted as she pushed her head to the ceiling and then went to put her head back on her little brother's shoulder.

Spike kept patting her back with his left paw as she continues to cry until she fall asleep. Which she did after an hour of crying. Spike used his paws and pulled Twilight out of the bathroom while she remained on his shoulder. He made it to her bedroom and went over to her bed. Spike used all his might and pushed on Twilight's chest and threw her onto her back as she landed on her bed. Spike hopped up and pulled her by the shoulders as he walked backwards and gently lowered her head onto her pillow. Then, he got the bed sheets out from under her body and pulled them up on her while he stood on her left. Then, after pulling her blanket up to her chin, Spike took her hooves out from her right to her left and placed them down on Twilight's blanket. Then, he walked over to his big sister, crawled up on her chest and placed his paws on her hooves as he moves his head closer to hers and kissed Twilight straight on her forehead. Then, after carefully getting off her chest, and her bed, and tiptoeing all the way to the doors, Spike opened them, but he couldn't move as something was holding him gently at his arrow-shaped tail. He looked behind and saw a pink aura of magic surrounding it. Then, he looked up and saw that Twilight was awake as she still had her blanket over her entire body. "Spike, could you, by any chance.. *sighs*.. sleep with me tonight? I don't *sniff*want to feel alone as I was in my own mind being - forced to see all the things that I have brought while being possessed by Discord's ex-fiancé. I mean, I do feel scared knowing that nopony would want me to be the princess of friendship knowing all that I've done while inside that monster who took control of my own body. It's so... heartbreaking when I was used as a vessel to hurt so many of my friends and nearly have the world that I was sworn to protect enslaved by a second evil draconequus," She said with worry as she looked over to her right as she finished that sentence.

"Umm," he said and then flew off with Twilight letting go of his tail.

"*Inhales and sighs deeply*" Twilight sighed as her little brother flew off knowing that he wouldn't want to spend some quality time with a monster. But, as she started sniffling and tearing up in her eyes, she the sound of flapping and pulled her upper body up. Then, she saw the dragon carrying his pillow as he flew through Twilight's door. Then, Twilight smiled as he landed on her bed and stood there smiling. She moved her body a little to the left so that Spike could put his pillow beside Twilight's.

"What? Did you think I would leave you alone while you felt like a monster even though you aren't?" Spike said.

"Right! Hehe," Twilight sheepishly chuckled as she started blushing as she looked from Spike to the right and back towards him.

"You totally felt and thought of yourself like a monster, didn't ya?" Spike said as he smiled and raised his right eyebrow up.

"Hehe, yes," she said as her entire face cheeks turned pink.

"Well, you can't be a monster because I already am," Spike said as he pointed his left finger at chest.

"What do you mean by that, Spike?" Twilight said as she raised her left eyebrow up.

Spike walked up closer, and started to evilly smile and placed his claws under Twilight's head. "Because I'm the tickle monster!" Spike shouted and started tickling Twilight which made her cringe.

"Spike! Pfft! Stop! Ahaha! Please! You know how-how ticklish I am, haha!" Twilight laughed as all her worries were being washed away.

While almost getting tired, Spike started to stop tickling his big sister. "*Sighs* Twilight, I know you feel upset about nearly destroying everything you love... but it wasn't you. Cosmos did all that stuff while... using you and the others' bodies. But, hey, I felt the same way when I nearly destroyed Ponyville when I was a super, giant dragon."

"But that was because of your draconian growth spurt of greed, not by evil," she pointed out.

"Greed? Evil? They're both the same thing. But, anyway, you should know that it wasn't your idea to enslave Equestria just to get answers. Cosmos used it to get the other gemstones," he said as placed his left paw onto her shoulder.

"Speaking of "gemstones," what did Cosmos do to me and the rest who were possessed by her when she got all of the gemstones?"

"Oh! You don't wanna know," Spike said as to not wanting to give her painful memories while she was under Cosmos's control.

"But I do wanna know, Spike. I want to know what she looks like as well as find out what she used all of our stolen magic as well as Zecora's wisdom and Big Macintosh's strength for. So please, Spike, what did she do to you?" Twilight said as she puts her right hoof on her little brother's head.

Spike sighed, and started to speak. "She used used her magic (which was fueled by yours and the other princesses) to turn Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders into lifeless statues while they were part of a carousel. Next, Cosmos turned me into a dog for the third time in my life. Then, she turned Rainbow and Rarity into fish, and lastly turned Fluttershy into a lifeless puppet," the little dragon said as he looked into his sister's eyes and see pools of tears rising from her eyes. Spike gets out of his covers and both his thumb claws to wipe the tears away. "See, I told you wouldn't like it."

"But *sniff* you only told me of what Cosmos did to you and the others, Spike. I asked "what has become of me and the rest," but thanks, anyway. But what did all of us looked like?" Twilight said as elevates a hoof into the air.

"Well, do you know any memory spells?"

Twilight nods her head once.

"Well, go ahead and try, but, you're not going to like it."

Twilight her elevated right hoof onto Spike's forehead and started to cast the spell which caused her eyes to turn white. When she was inside Spike's memory, Twilight could see that she was standing behind Spike and Discord. Then, she looks past in front of them to see her possessed self and sees herself performing a spell, although she realizes that she never had control of her mind and body in the first place. Then, she sees a pink cloud forming around the six ponies, including herself, and saw herself turning pink and white as Cosmos Twilight and the others were standing on two sides of a giant head that resembled Cosmos. Then, she sees what she and her friends become as she sees that she has been absorbed by the chaos magic to turn into a giant monster. She could see that the monster's tail was Celestia's... but with a blue scorpion tail stinger. She also sees her golden regalia and her golden shoes. But it looked like they also expanded as arm guards for Cosmos's and a helm that contained her horn along with the other princesses from smallest to biggest; shortest to longest. She could see all what has happened to her and her friends and even saw what Cosmos did to each of her friends and little brother. After seeing those painful memories and wiping her eyes with her wings, Spike started to ask. "Wow. I really did become a-," she said until Spike stopped her with an "ahem."

"Come to think of it, Twilight, how DID you come across the first gemstone, as well as ended up being possessed by Cosmos?" He said as he placed his left finger on his chin.

Twilight did the same thing with her hoof and prodded her chin for an answer, until, an answer came which caused the pony to perk up. Then, she looks above her little brother's head and at a wall in anger as she started snorting a lot of air out of her nostrils.

"Uh... Twilight?"

"Spike,... I know how I came across it and who gave it to me."


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The next morning...

Spike was eating his cereal. But, he stopped when he saw that Twilight still had her angry face from last night. She was eating it really fast. And after she finished, she put on an innocent face for Spike. "Okay, Spike, I'm going to brush my teeth and get ready." She teleported out of existence to get ready for whatever she had planned.

"Somehow, I think this beatiful dream is going to turn into a disastrous nightmare," he said in worry for his sister.


Rarity Boutique

Rarity was pushed into a wall by the hooves of none other than Twilight Sparkle. But the lavender pony's hooves were not on the alabaster pony's chest. No. They were firmly planted on Rarity's throat. Spike was holding onto Twilight's tail, trying to pull her off of Rarity alongside Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Zecora, and Big Macintosh. "Twilight! You have to calm down!"

"No! Not until she pays for what she did to me!" Twilight yelled as she kept pushing on the fashionista's throat. Then, a white flash appeared and Celestia, Luna, Discord, and Cadence appeared behind them. Discord grabbed onto Big Mac's waist while Cadence held onto Discord's. Then, with one final pull, they managed to pull the now flaming pony off of Rarity. Luna went over to Rarity as she starts to regain her breath. The others were struggling to keep Twilight contained, but it wouldn't work due to the fact that her white fur was scorching hot. Celestia levitated an actual pool of water up into the air. Then she used her magic to teleport Twilight in front of her and placed white bubbles over on all kinds of objects, and everyone, including herself, Luna, and Rarity, except for Twilight. Then, she quickly turned the pool upside down and pour a humongous amount of COLD water on Twilight, dousing her flames and washing her white fur off revealing her lavender coat. Twilight was standing completely still with her head lowered, her ears flopping down, eyes widen, and her body was shaking.

"Explain to me why you were just about to commit murder to one of your friends, Twilight?" Celestia demanded.

That got Twilight riled up that her old mentor was defending the mare who ended up getting her possessed by Cosmos. "W-Why would you d-d-defend the one who c-c-caused -all-all this?"

Celestia stared wide-eyed. "What?"

Spike started walking over to Twilight with a jade green towel and placed it over his sister's shoulders and started to wrap her in it like a robe and leave his left paw on her back. Then, he started to speak on Twilight's behalf. "Because Rarity was the one who placed the first gemstone around Twilight's neck," he pointed at Rarity with his right paw.

Everyone started gasping, including Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Discord.