The savior

by coolcatnate

First published

The caribou have inslaved most of Equus, and now a mysterious tower as appeared, but is whoever is in side friend or a enemy to the caribou? (Inspired by Fall of Equestria)

The caribou have inslaved most of Equus, and now a mysterious tower as appeared, but is whoever is in side friend or a enemy to the caribou?

(Inspired by Fall of Equestria)

Chapter 1 the arrival and the sacrifice

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In this so called world of Equus things used to be a fun, peaceful world, when the Alicorns used to rule the land of Equestria no one lived in fear. Life for all was happy no dragon, Griffin, pony or changeling was sad or unhappy. Or that was until the Caribou attacked for you see the Caribou thought that men are Superior to all females so they started a war, a war where they made artifact that weakened females and brainwashed the males. But soon Equestria fell, and then the entire world. But maybe someone could change is?

Out in what is known as the everfree forest a tower taller than canterlot castle this did not go unnoticed by the caribou king so in hopes he could befriend who ever live in the tower he sent four females he doesn't care about. So he had the four females he chose healed and fixed up before he had them chained to the inside of a crate.

So a alone royal guard Caribou pulled the four crates along the village of what used to be named ponyville but is now named stallionville. They were known for their Apple cider, ale and slave market.

Soon the royal guard Caribou made his way into everfree. He couldn't help to feel as if someone was watching him, but little did he know something was watching him but did not move. So after a hour or so of walking he finally arrived at the tower. He couldn't help but feel terrified as the blue eye the tower move to look at him as he approached the tower. (This is what the tower looks like.)

Slowly the Caribou knocked on the door and waited for something to happen. Eventually after ten minutes the door open to reveal a being covered in armor from head to toe and glowed with a soft blue hue. The armored being felt like he was being judged by every little thing that he has done.

“Who are you? And why are you here?” The armored being spoke with a dole monotone voice that filled the Caribou with soull crushing guilt and fear.

The Caribou swallowed a lump in his throat before speaking “I am Sir bucking horn, and my king has been kind enough to send you a gift four to be exact.”

“Oh and what did this king of yours send exactly?” The armor being spoke with slight amusement

“He sent four of his finessed slaves for… to… have…” the Caribou turned around only to be greeted by a huge zombie that was wearing armor.

“So you support slavery, guard please take him to the dungeon for interrogation.” he spoke as the zombie grabbed him and started to dragged the caribou into dungeon kicking and screaming. “You help me bring them inside.” He said pointing at another zombie and it nodded. (This is what the man and the two zombies look like)

‘Crack!’ 'thump!’

The door of the crate was pulled off to reveal a white alicorn, her hair was Sea green, light blue and pink. wearing nothing but her underwear a metal collar with chains attached and three rings, one on her horn and the other two are on wings. She also had clear mask that was pumping pink gas into her lungs.

“Can you please grab four medical beds from the med lab?” The zombie nodded before leaving and coming back with the beds and put them in row. The man broke the collar and removed the mask and picked up the Alicorn and put her into the bed. He looked back at her crate and noticed that the collar had spikes on the inside of the collar.

He then stood up and walked over to the next crate and ripped the door off to reveal another Alicorn. Her furr was a dark blue and her hair looks like the night sky. And like the other one she had a collar and three rings and a gas mask. He ripped off the collar and mask. Then pick her up and put her in the bed next to the white Alicorn.

He moved on to next crate and opened it to reveal a pink Alicorn and her hair was purple, hot pink and yellow. And again more collars rings and masks and again he broke the collar and took the mask off and placed her in the bed.

He then opened the last crate and reveal a unicorn but her horn is different it was curved and red. Her fur was grey and her hair is black. But what was different is the fact that she has metal burnt into her skin.

“*Sigh* I should probably see if anything's wrong with them. Guard can you please get me the tech scanner and my surgery bags?” One of them nodded and then left to get it. “*Sigh* looks like I found my next adventure.”

“Ok so that's eight trackers disabled, ten metal rings removed, and seven strips metal removed, and removed there scars.” He said as clean his hands of blood. “Mmm they should be waking up soon maybe I should make them something to eat? They are a bit underweight… screw it I know I'm a bad at cooking but they need something to eat. So based on their teeth their herbivores. Cool I can do that I mean how hard could it be?” He said as he walked out of the room and as the door closed the two undead guard moved in front of the door blocking off the only exit.

“Ugh sister are you ok?” Asked the white Alicorn as sat up. She looked around the room and noticed that it wasn't the same room she fell asleep in. She then saw sister and was shocked at what she saw. Her sister no longer had her collar or the ring on horn and lying down on a hospital bed she looks a little further up and saw her niece and her former enemy. She then moved a hand up to her neck and doesn't feel her collar. She then feels her horn and then her wings again not finding the rings. Suddenly a loud creaking noise snapped her out of her thoughts. She quickly looked at the door and saw a hooded male and her fears started to rise. She then saw that he was curing a tray with 3 bowls on it.

“Oh you're awake, I was starting worry.” He said in the most concerning tone she has ever heard from a male. And it confused her. “Oh you must be hungry! Here please eat I know I'm not best cook but it's still food.” He said as he handed her what looked like vegetable soup. She didn't say anything as she slowly started before she starts to the devourer the food. “Um excuse me but do you mind if I ask you a question or two?” she shakes her ‘no’. “Um what's your name?”

“Oh om my name is Celestia master.” She said quietly

“Please you don't have to call me that if you don't want to. And just to make this clear your not a slave under my roof, ok?” For some reason this brought a small smile to her face as she nodded. “Second question umm do you know what this is?” He asked as he held up the clear mask that she recognized.

“Ohm that mask forces the female to become incapacitated while it pumps aphrodisiac into their lungs so that when they wake up they will… be… ready for...” she slowly looked at him as her eyes had a growing with lust. Before she jumped at him and knocked him to the ground and quickly started to undo the long black coat. But suddenly something broke her out her haz, and what was it that broke her hazz. It was the fact that he was whimpering, not a happy one but fearful one. She stopped what she was doing and looked at his now revealed face. He didn't furr like a normal stallion but his skin was pale white and his hair is a dark brown and now his deep blue eyes now had tears streaming down his face. Then she him whisper two words that would haunt she forever. “Please don't” he repeat it over and over again. It broke her heart to see her savior like this. so she got off of him but as soon as he was able he crawled into the nearest corner of the room and a dome of magic formed around him.

She tries to reach out for him but a voice stop's her. “Sister stop you'll make it woset!” Celestia stopped her approach and turned around to see the dark blue Alicorn sitting up in her bed. Slowly she gets out of her bed and walks over to her sister. “What happened sister? Why is he crying?” Celestia goes on to tell how the aphrodisiac made her go into a state drunken lust. “*Sigh* I understand sister, he kinda reminds me of…….” She stopped talking as came to the realization of what might of happened to him. She looked at the crying, as tears of her own as she started to look him over. He looks no older than sixteen years of age. He's body is the most prominent was three large jagged scars that ran his back.

The two Alicorn were brought out of there thoughts as the door on the other side of the opened to reveal three small creatures.

When they saw the child they flew over to him and tried to calm him down. The black one narrowed her at the two of them before looking at the coat that lied on floor. She then ran over to the coat and picked it up with her mouth and then walk over to the bubble and quickly walked through it and then laid it over top of him. The boy whispered thanks before putting it on. The blue one pulled him to his feet and the pale one landed on his shoulder and rubbed her head into his cheek. Soon they lead him out the door before the black one slammed the door.

“Sister I think we just made our savior afraid of us.” Said the dark blue one

“What do you mean ‘we’ I was the one who jumped him! I made a child who gave us our freedom from those chains, afraid of me, I-I don't want him to be afraid of me Lulu! What do I do?!” Said Celestia as she cried.

“Auntie Celestia, Luna what are you two arguing about? Asked the pink Alicorn as she sat up

“Yes what happened I don't think I've ever seen you crying Celestia?” Asked the unicorn

“I take it you noticed that you no longer have the collar on?” Asked Luna as she received nods she continues “well you know how Tia gets when she drugged? Well the boy who gave us our freedom has been probably as been rapped or worst and Tia almost rapped him.” the other two gasped at this turn of events

“Celestia I expect this to come from me but not you!” Said the unicorn

“For once I agree with Umbrum.” said the pink Alicorn


“But we need to fix this, but how?” Asked Luna

“Hmm we could become his personal maid's.” suggested the pink Alicorn

“How would becoming his maid help us get him not to be scared of us, cadence?” Asked Luna

“Think about it, if he sees us try to help him maybe he'll start to open up to us.”

“True and if the magic signature he was surprising was correct he's probably stronger than the four of us and faust's magic combined.” Said Umbrum

“What do you mean?” Asked Celestia “I didn't feel anything like that.”

“You forget that I have magic site.”

“Oh yeah doesn't that let you know how strong a pony is and where there going to attack?” Asked Cadence

“yep” said Umbrum

“So wear are we going outfit from, we didn't exactly being any clothes with us.” Said Luna

“Uhm you remember how you would always see me wearing different clothes without me ever going back to my room?” Asked Cadence

“Yeah and now that I think about it, it was a little weird that you'd come back a couple minutes later even though you're room was like ten minutes away.” Said Luna

“Well I might have made a dress spell but it’s a bit random.” said Cadence

“Well it'll do for now.” Said Celestia, Cadence nodded before casting the spell. There body's glowed for a few seconds before the spell ended. Once they opened their eyes they saw, they were wearing a sexy maid or bunny outfit.

“um cadence why is it me and Luna are bunny outfits and you two have sexy maid outfits.” Asked Umbrum

“That was the random part I was talking about.” Sighed Cadence

“Well we don't have much so we can deal with this later.” Said Celestia they nodded in agreement soon they started to walk towards the door.

Once outside of the room they find themselves in a hallway and to there right they see more doors and to there left they saw a couple of door and a female creature washing a window. They looked at each other before walking towards the creature.

“Before you even try to ask where Jack is, I want to ask you a couple of questions.” Said the creature as she put her wash cloth down.

“Ok” answered cadence

“Why, why'd you do it? He was finally opening to me and then you go and jump him! I was going to finally tell him how I feel and now he won't leave his own room! So why did you do it?!” She asked with anger and sadness as tears fell from her face

They were quiet for a few minutes before Umbrum answered “we're sorry for what we did but we were under the influence of a lust drug. But the only thing we did was removed him coat. So maybe if you could please tell us what happened to him so we can help him?”

“*Sigh* okay, by the way my name is Lily and I'm a deathclaw.” She said as walked through a door and the others followed suit.

Soon they were in a huge room with a floating door that looked like was made crystal. Lily pick up a piece of paper and quill and wrote something before she held up the paper to the door. Suddenly the paper floated up to the door before it flew through the door.

“Where do I start? *Sigh* two years ago when his friends Sora Donald and Goofy were visiting and Jack left to get some to drink for him and his friends but he kidnapped by a group of females. It took three months to find him but by that time it was to late. They rapped him wiped, chained him up and cut into him and then he broke and he unlocked a powerful 'from what Sora said’ keyblade named world's end.” She said as she looked up at the fireplace where said keyblade was hanging.

“He went insane and killed them all. All four hundred of them took turns on him. He went from the fun loving child I used to know. And now he's too scared to even go outside without his god armor.” Suddenly the crystal door started to glow before three came running out as the door closed.

“Lily! We came as soon as we could!” Said the duck

“Yeah do you if he's going to be okay! Said the boy

“Sora we should check his keyblade. If his emotions are to bad will have to do what King Mickey said.” Said Goofy

“Okay” said Sora as he walked towards the keyblade, but suddenly a dark pulse sent Sora flying.

“Sora I don't think we have a choice any more.” Said the duck

“But we can't we don't know what'll do to him! We have to find something!” Yelled Sora as he stood up

“Do you really think King Mickey would of said it if there was.” Said Goofy

“I'm sorry but what are three talking about?” Asked Luna

“I'll have to agree what did King Mickey say about Jack?” Asked Lily

“He said if it was to bad we'd haft to lock and delete his of those months. But this has never been done before so there's a chance that it could mess up.” said Sora

“But Sora you know Merlin never do anything to hurt another person.” Said Goofy

“Yeah you're right. Mis Lily would it be possible to see Jack?” Asked Sora

“Yes I think that would be best. And just so you know I don't like it but if helps him so be it.” and with that she led us to his room.

Chapter 2 getting information and herd's

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“Master may I come in?” Asked Lily as she knocked on the door

“L-Lily?” Was the answer she received

“Yes master and your friends Sora Donald and Goofy are with me. Might come we come in?”


With that she opened the door and let Sora Donald and Goofy before following suit. But before Celestia Luna Cadence and Umbrum could follow Lily closed the door on them.

“Hey guys how are you doing?” when the three heroes saw there friend like this it broke their hearts. Their friend sitting on his bed arms wrapped around his legs and tears running down his face and falling into his lap.

They looked at each other before Sora step forward. “Hey Jack how are you feeling?” asked Sora as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

“Ok I guess”

“Ok would it be okay if I tried something to help you feel better?”

Jack only nodded as Sora stood up and walked in front of Jack before summoning his keyblade and pointing it at Jack's forehead. The tip of Sora's keyblade glowed before a light shot out of the keyblade. Suddenly the keyblade, world's end, materialized in his hand. As the light came in contact with his forehead a bright flash filled the room causing everyone to be blinded for a few minutes. When they could see they noticed that Jack was unconscious. But something was different where his coat once was, is now armor and his keyblade was changed to something that shocked Sora Donald and Goofy.

“Ohmm Sora correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the X-blade that was destroyed when we sealed kingdom hearts back up?” Asked Goofy

“Yeah but why is it here?”

“Do you think that it's his keyblade?” Asked Donald

“Maybe, hold on I'm going to try something.” Sora walked over to Jack's unconscious body and then made him open his hand and drop it. As soon as hit the bed it disappear. “It is.”

“Wait if he as a true keyblade why'd the heartless never attack him?” asked Lily

“Maybe it's because of how strong he is. To be honest his power knows no limit.” theorized Donald

“We have to tell master yen sid. We can't let organization XIII get to him.” Said Donald

“Right Lily take care of Jack.” Said Sora as he ran out the door. (Here's he's new armor and the X-blade look like)

Lily sighed as she walked out of the room. Immediately Celestia Luna Cadence and Umbrum walked over to Lily.

“Lily will Jack alright?” Asked cadence

“Yes he'll be fine but he needs his sleep. But right now if you're still interested in working for him I'll need to inform you of what you'll be doing.” she as she motions for them to follow

“So what is it that will be doing for Jack?” Asked Umbrum

“It's simple really, clean, cook, help interrogate prisoners, help feed the dragons and please be careful I don't think they like you three right now. Oh yeah I should give you a heads up the guards are a bit undead.” She said as she stopped at a intersecting hallway suddenly a towering guard walked by carrying four medical beds. “Oh hey Greg” the undead guard gave a grunt/growl “you too, oh and do get some sleep you may be undead but we don't want you to be dead on your feet… and don't give me the 'we have to protect the young prince’ thing you know the wraiths will keep him protected from the shadows.” The undead nodded before continuing down the hallway. Lily turned around and look at the other girls and saw there jaws were on the ground. “What?”

“Why the heck there undead aren't they you know, deadly?” Asked Cadence

“Oh they are very deadly but they aren't mindless, they're here by their choice. You see my master goes by many names and one was Death, he had a different way of having souls redeem themselves and instead of going to hell, they can work for him if there crimes weren't too bad. Take Greg for instance, he took Justice into his own hands and killed a group of slavers. And no master didn't kill him. He found him near death, and to be honest his time's been up for a few years now but he believes that the work he does here is better than going to heaven.” The others just stood there shocked at what they heard.

“Uhm Lily do you think Jack would help us retake Equestria?” Asked Cadence

“Without a doubt. But you might want to talk about him making you girls armor and weapons.” Lily said as she continues down the hallway

(Days later note I will be switching to first person if you don't like it leave a comment if I get enough though leave it in 3rd)

“*Yawn* oh what happened last night?” I said as sat up I noticed that I was wearing new armor. I noticed that it was different than my God armor. Then I noticed the keyblade on the bed so I picked it up and dismissed it before walking out of the room.

I yawned as I walked into the kitchen slowly but surely I noticed that the kitchen was not a disaster zone anymore and there was somebody cooking. She had pink fur horn and wings and was wearing a really exposing maid outfit. I blushed a bit but I shook my head and summoned my keyblade.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“Eep!” She quickly turned around and saw me. “Oh sir! Your finally wake!.... Wait what do mean? You saved us from our enslavement.”

I felt confused but I did have a bit of a headache so I went along with it. “So uh I never got your name.”

“Sure my name is Cadence and the white Alicorn name is Celestia, the dark blue Alicorn name is Luna and the unicorns name is umbrum.” Just then Lily and three other girls walked in. As soon as she saw me she walked over to me hugged me lightly.

“Oh Lily what brought this on?”

“Nothing, but for now I think it's time to talk about what we will do about the world…. As you know the world has been taken over by the caribou and forced the women of this world into slavery. So Jack what should we do about the prisoner that brought them over?”

I thought for a moment before I got a idea as I looked at the other girls. “I know Exactly what to do.” I said as I smiled

(The dungeons)

There hung up by shackles was the caribou. His armor was removed. Suddenly the door opened to reveal me slowly I walked into the room and made a chair appear out of nowhere.

“Before I start I just wanted to ask if you would want to give up your supply routes to willingly?”

“Oh why do you want to know?” He asked smugly as if he was winning something

I chuckled lightly before replying “why I plan on freeing the slaves.”

He scowled as he yelled “go to hell you beta male you wouldn't know true dominant if it hit you in the face!”

“*Sigh* and to think I was going to let you go if you cooperated. Welp I guess I'll get the information another way.” I said as walked over to the wall and pushed a button and it revealed hundreds of torture tools. The Caribous eyes widened as he looked at the tools

“I'll never tell you anything!”

“Oh I know but I don't think I'll be doing the torture. Besides these tools were magically modified to amp up the pain from a 10 to a 100…. Okay girls you come in.” As soon as they enter the room the caribou burst out laughing

“you really think they'll be able to make me talk their women they wouldn't be able to do anything to an alpha male like me!” Suddenly I gave a small cut, the size of paper cut,that made it feel like a blade was being driven through his body in and out in a drilling motion. He gritted his teeth as he screamed through them.

“Oh I think you girls are going to have fun with him. Remember if you want me to I can revive him again so you girls can start all over just tell me.” I said as I walked to the door and before I walked out and I watched Luna pick up the gardening shears before closing the door

(Four hours later)

Slowly the door of the interrogation room opened to reveal the girls but they look different.

I shook off my shock and asked “so I take it you girls are finished?”

“Yes sweetie we’re fine, I hope you know how much this means to us.” Cadence said before suddenly leaning over and giving me a long sexual kiss I was stunned but the kiss was soon followed by Celestia, Luna, and umbrum each gave me a long sexual kiss Celestia even moaned into the kiss.

I was still in shock as I walked into the room and saw what Luna did with the gardening shears. I shuttered before working on removing his memories from his body

(A random part of the tower third person)

“Lily! Can we talk for a few minutes?” Cadence called

“Sure just give me a minute!” Lily said hanging from the raptors from her tail cleaning the chandeliers. Soon as she was done she let go of the raptor and fell to the ground landing on her feet. “So what did you need to talk about?”

“We want to join in on getting Jack as a mate.” Said Luna

Lily looked dumbfounded for a minute before asking “what do you mean by join in?”

“Well in our world it's normal for a male to have more than one mate and we want Jack as mate as we have grown to like him.” Said Celestia

'What should I do I mean I really do want him but he is Really dense beyond all belief when it comes a girls feelings but maybe if I do this he'll realize my feelings for him… yeah I guess I can work with them on this besides if I remember the research on deathclaws there are herding type of monster... maybe?’ thought Lily “okay I guess we can try but I'm in charge as I know what he likes and dislikes.”

“That sounds completely reasonable.” Said umbrum as the others nodded in agreement

“Also how big can herd's get?” Asked Lily

“If I remember correctly the max was nine to ten before it becomes a harem.” Said Cadence

“Okay, nice looks.”


(Meanwhile in the everfree forest third person)

“So you ever wonder why we go through the everfree forest?” Said a Caribou guard as he pushed a wagon carrying four different crates.

“Hell if I know man I wish I knew why we live the way we do was it God's plan for this who knows! But know that this is the fastest way to get from point a to b.” Said guard two

“Would you two stop always with the deep question is it starting to get tiresome?!” Said guard three

“What it's not like we got anything better to do and you usually don't say anything.”

“Yeah and it's not like we'll be attack-” suddenly haunting music could be heard from every direction as a thick fog filled the area.

“What's going on?!” The first guard asked scared out of his wits by the music and fog

“I don't know but keep your guards up.” guard three yelled as withdrew his greatsword that was clearly a little too heavy for him.

“I think I see something!” Yelled the first guard as he stopped pushing the cart and pulled out a broadsword when they could see him the armor send shivers down their spines as if it was made for the grim reaper himself.

“Move a side or we'll have to get violent with you!” Yelled guard three but nothing happened. So he walked over to him and got to try to stab him. “Alright you asked for it!” said the guard as he tried to strike him down where he stands but the armored being disappeared. “Where you go little-” suddenly a blade was in the caribous back.

“Sweet dreams” the armored being said in a baritone voice as he let the now dead caribou fall to the ground like a sack of bricks disappearing into the fog.

“Show yourself, you coward!” Yelled guard one suddenly he felt something tugging at his armor so he looked down and the skeletal arms were pulling him into the ground. He screamed as he tried to get out of their grasp but it was for naught. As the screams were then muffled by the dirt, never to be heard again.

The second guard stood there knowing his fate was sealed he did not even brandish his weapon. So is the armor clad warrior walked up to the guard he looked at the suppose grim reaper and said “I know that my time has come. And I know what have I've done wrong. And I say that I have deserved everything that comes my way today I just hope in the end all the souls that have been wronged will forgive me.”

“Do you really feel sympathy for what you have done and wish to atone for all your misdeeds for all you have wronged?” asked this supposed grim reaper

The guard slightly surprised by this answered truthfully “yes I do wish but I didn't have to do this much as the rules of the king say we have to act this way or we may be punished with his serum that will change a man from his core.” Suddenly he felt the blade enter through his heart and looked the grim reaper in the eye as blood started to trail out of his mouth.

“You wish to redeem yourself you speak the truth I do not since any lies from you so you will join my army of the Dead to help reclaim the land. To right the wrongs you have set you must first work off your debt to those who you have helped make their lives a living hell.” Said the grim reaper as he removed his sword from the guards chest

The guard give a soft thank you as he slipped into the world of the undead for the first time in the last. When the guard opened his new undead eyes he was surprised you could still think coherently as if he was still alive but you could not smell feel or anything.

The now undead guard looked at the supposed grim reaper to see him remove his mask to reveal that he was but a man.

“I'm glad that out of everybody here you were at least able to tell that you were doing wrong by what you have done.” The man extended his right arm and put out his hand “the names Jack by the way and welcome to your redemption.”

(Switching perspectives to first)

I turned my attention back to three crates and l had two of guards pick them up and to be careful. I then picked up the last one and had the new guy follow us back to the tower.

(PS did you know that God armor could get jealous and eat armor to strengthen itself. I figured it out the hard way. On the plus side I figured out my armor can make itself look different)

Once we got them back to the tower I had them put in med bay as I would be working there. I then had the new guy taken to the training grounds for training.

Once a lone I tore open the first one to reveal a purple dragon with green spikes atop her head and a beige underbelly. She had a caller made of obsidian a known substance that dragons can be easily cut by and a muzzle made of obsidian probably so she can't breathe fire, but the oddest part of this was the needles pumping in what seemed to be a black with liquid. I quickly brake off caller and muzzle then removed the needles. As soon as I do that she nipples started leaking milk. I blush as just remembered that they're naked. I shook my head as I then removed her crate and put her in a med bed before moving to the next one.

When the next crate was opened saw what some would call a abomination but I found it was cute. Atop its head was two horns one was goat horn and the other is a antler. I looked at her and noticed that she to was wearing a muzzle but this one had tubes going into the muzzle the tube is black so I couldn't tell if it was doing something. Around her neck was a full-on neck brace made of metal. I look lower and saw that instead of two needles there's four of them pumping a pink liquid into her breast. I remove the muzzle neck brace and needles and put her on a med bed. But as I about to leave her to open the next crate, she grabbed me and bought me into a kiss before going limp and whispered “master” I shook my head and moved onto the next crate.

The next crate was odd. As soon as I removed the front of the crate and was meant with a door made of obsidian. I proceeded to rip off the door and I what I was that a blue dragon was in the middle of being tortured. She muzzled and attached to her breast was a (I don't know the real name of this) milk pump and was milking her at full speed, her legs were forced apart and cup was attached to her pussy and was vibrating like crazy. I looked at face and saw that she was awake. So I quickly ripped them off and broke her muzzle.

“Hey are you going to alright? If not please let me know-” I was then cut off as she tackled to the ground crying her eyes out repeating thank you over and over again. Eventually she fell asleep so I placed her into the bed and moved onto the next crate.

As I was about to open the last one before I took one last look at the blue dragon. Turned back to the crate and then opened it to reveal what I assume is a demon pony. She has three horns and a pear of bat like wings. Like the others she to had a muzzle, coller and needles but unlike the others she had a blindfold on. So I removed everything and put her in to a bed. But as I was doing this a note fell out of the crate. I turned back to the crate and noticed it so I picked it up and started to read.

Your demon and you

So you bought a demon pony. Lucky for you this demon pony was taught to pleasure her master with her magic. And she will only take orders from you the one she first one she see.

List of spells she was taught:

Penis enlargement spell

Stamina increase spell

Chest and ass enlargement spell

Increase load production spell

Infertile spell

Jackalope fertility spell

'that's odd… what do they mean by first one she see?

Knowing I had nothing I had the crates and other stuff disposed of, I then pulled up a chair next to the blue dragons bed as she was the most emotional and eventually I fell asleep. Little did I know that the demon pony was awake.

Chapter 3

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(Two months later Lily's room third person)

“So we're in agreement that we’ll except Barb, Eris, Ember and Twilight into the herd and plan to get Jack to love us.” Lily said as the others nodded. (Note the names correlate with the pictures above)

“So what all have we tried?” Asked twilight she took a sip of her tea.

“We've tried dropping hints, cooking for him, making sure he ‘accidentally’ walks in on us, indowindows, I'm pretty sure cadence tried sleeping on him only to wake up in her room.” said Celestia

“Right, I mean how dense can you be! I even tried to make a simple fall look so seductive he'd have no choice but to put that Titan dick in my ass!” Ranted Umbrum

There was an awkward silence as everyone slowly looks to umbrum. But eventually Barb spoke up “what do you mean by Titan dick?”

“I mean that his dick looks like it enter my womb and don't get me started on the size of his balls.”

“That sounds like something I would love to try.” Said twilight licking her lips

“Yeah just hearing this is getting worked up.” Said Ember as her tail wagged happily back and forth.

“Hey Ember, Barb why is it your producing milk if you never had any children?” Asked Luna

“Well a dragon's breast milk is high in protein and can make bones strengthen twice as fast.” Said Barb

“Ladies I think I figured out the perfect plan!” Yelled Eris as she teleported into the room

“Well what are you waiting for tell us.” Said Lily sounding a little bit impatient

(Meanwhile in the void)

They're standing in the void was three wraiths looking at the group of females.

“So sisters do you think they'll finally do it this time?” Said the first

“I hope so because this is starting to get sad, 52 attempts and still hasn't done it. I mean seriously how dense is the young Master anyway.” Said the second

“Young? The Masters is older than all of us although doesn't help with his looks, he's just so adorable!” Said the third

“So want to make a bet whether or not this will work?” Asked the first

“My money is on 'this is not going to work’ in fact I'm so confident I'll do your chores for a month if this works.” Said the second

“You're on!” cheer the first and the second

(Meanwhile in Jack's bathroom)

“ACHOO! I think maybe getting a cold,
What do you think guys?” I said as rubbed my nose

Nergigante shook his head not really sure what to think about it, as he continue to hold his head under the water letting it go in between his spikes.

Xeno'jiiva just felt sorry for the girls as he knew at this point the girls all that had feelings for him. And they we're failing horrible.

Legiana really didn't care about how oblivious he was as he was just as bad. And right now chewing on a chew toy he thought he loss but actually he just left next to his bed.

“That's what I thought maybe I should just go to bed. Because tomorrow I need to see if my army is ready for the attack.” I said as got out of the bath and started to dry off. When I was done Nergigante, Xeno'jiiva, Legiana flu out of the bathroom and the window and to their nests. I just walked over to my bed got in without putting anything on.

(The next morning)

I slowly woke up feeling a pressure on my chest arms and legs. Slightly confused by this I decided to look around, and then my eyes fell on the girls!

My heart started hammering away as I noticed that they weren't wearing anything! I started to panic as one of them was groping my dick witch is slowly getting me aroused. But suddenly I felt them start to move. Eventually they were all awake and staring at me smiling.

“Uhm good morning girls, uhm so why are you here, naked?” I asked as I was fighting my arousal.

They gave me a loving smile before they each gave a passionate kiss. “Well we thought we would finally stop trying to make you see what we feel about you.” Said Umbrum

“So we just wanted to tell you that we all love you and hope you would give us a chance to prove to you that we love you with all our hearts.” Said Lily

“And just to let you know that we are serious about starting a relationship with you,” Twilight said give me a half lidded eyes and snaked her hand lower before rubbing my left thigh making it harder to keep it down. She then whispered “and we’ll do that by making sweet love with you.”

(Meanwhile in the void)

“I knew they could do it!” Said the first as they left the room

The second was grumbling as she now had to clean all of there armor and weapons witch is a long process just for hers but now she had two others to do.

(Note that this is the first time I've ever done something like this so don't hate too hard, if you want to skip its marks by blue page breaks)

Slowly all the girls got off of me except for Lily who removed the blanket. And then saw my half erect dick and started to blush and started to move to it. But before she could do anything I stopped her by placed hand on top of hers.

“Are you sure you girls want to do this, I mean I don't want you to rush into this relationship.”

They smiled and started to giggle. “I don't think you get it Jackie, we've wanted you to fuck us and love us for a while now but not as much as Lily.” Said Eris

I looked at Lily and she started to stroke my dick before, she stops stroking my dick and places my dick in between her breasts and begins to suck on it. She bobs her head up and down, sucking on my cock while moving her boobs up and down. I moaned as she continues to suck I held on with sheer willpower and hoped I would last a bit longer until my climax was ready to explode. But it wasn't long before she deep throated my cock and I came. She since she didn't have a gag reflex she just took all of it.

“Mmm tasty!” Lily said as she licked her lips “but think I've wasted enough time.” She said as lifted herself up and grabbed my dick and proceeded to insert it inside her vagina. She gasped when it finally entered. “Oh god yes! You have no idea how long I wanted this for!” Lily started moving her hips up and down on top of me like a piston while I started thrusting my hips upwards. The pleasure they were feeling was incredibly gratifying like two dogs ready to mate with each other. But after thirty minutes she slammed her hips down and gave a loud moan as she came, which proved to be too much for me as I came hard.

When I finished I noticed that Lily's stomach had extended a good five inches. As I lay there catching my breath I hear Eris speak. “I hope you're ready because your not done yet.”

(I'm sorry but I don't want you to know everything so I'm going to cut the rest of it out. Eris out!)

(The next morning)

As I woke up I noticed that Twilight was awake and was hungry and hungrily sucking away. Suddenly I felt a pressure build up before I released into her throat and she swallowed it all before releasing it with a pop.

“Good morning Twilight.”

“Good morning my love. So what do you plan on doing today?”

“Well first I'm going to check on my army then I'm going to start making and enchanting yours and the girls armor. And after that come back here to lay with you girls and maybe cook for you girls to, if Lily let's me.”

“Are you sure you don't want to stay with us until the others wake up?” she asked as she snuggled into my stomach

“Fine but only for a few more minutes.”

(15 minutes later)

“Can I please go I need to make your armor.”

“No.” they said together and snuggled deeper into me and let out a collective sigh of satisfaction.

“Okay I'm just going to go now.” I said as I used my shadow magic to turn into mist and fly out of the room.

“He's lucky we can't feel our legs.” The others moaned agreements

“Okay so we have four thousand death knights fifty wraiths, seventeen undead manticores and five undead hydras. Okay all that's left is to finish the girls armor.”

(This what the girls armor like and who it belongs to is underneath along with enchantments)

Umbrum: extreme healing and protection, over shield, and magic booster and immunity

Twilight: extreme healing and protection, magic booster and immunity, resistance against holy magic

Celestia: extreme healing and protection, magic booster and immunity, quick spell casting

Luna: extreme healing and protection, magic booster and immunity, speed booster and juggernaut

Cadence: extreme healing and protection, magic booster and immunity, grand healing boost

Barb: extreme healing and protection, silent step, invisibility

Ember: extreme healing and protection, tough skin, juggernaut

Eris: extreme healing and protection, magic booster and immunity, quick step

Lily: extreme healing and protection, magic immunity, juggernaut, quick step

“And done that took forever to finish, now what should I do?” Suddenly the door opened to reveal the girls. “Oh hi girls perfect timing I just finished your armor, I hope you like it.”

“Oh my there lovely maybe we should reward you for all this hard work.” Cadence said with lustful grin the others were giving me the same look

“Ha ha you know you don't have to.”

“Oh but we insiste” Ember said as she wrapped her tail around him.

“Please go easy”

“No promises!” The girls said as they started to carry me off.