Spike The Dragonsitter

by Lonely Fanboy48

First published

Spike takes care of Twilight as a baby

While the Antidote did helped Twilight feel better from her Spring fever, it caused a side effect transforming her to a baby. Her friends decide to have Zecora make another antidote but it leaves Spike in a situation to keep Twilight occupied. Especially he never took care of babies before.

Thanks to Psalty123 for editing this one shot.

Spike The Dragonsitter

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Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash who were trying to stop Applejack who’s been floating all over the place, and Rarity who decides to help Fluttershy from freezing are leaving the castle after the antidote caused a side effect to their best friend.

“Hey wait guys!” Spike shouted with Baby Twilight in his hands crying. “You can’t just leave me in this situation!”

“I’m sorry but I took care of babies before and it was terrible!” Pinkie Pie retorted.

“But I never took care of a baby before.”

“Don’t worry, we can get Zecora to make another antidote to chance Twilight back to no normal with no side effects.” Applejack explained while she’s still floating out of control in the hallways.

“But what about Twilight?” Spike reacted in terror.

“Try going to the Crystal Empire and show Princess Cadance about this. She did took care of Twilight when she’s a little filly.” Rarity suggested. “Spike it’s the only way Twilight will be taken care of when we will get the antidote ready.” Not putting up more stress then they all ready have, they all rushed to the door.

“But-“ Before Spike could say anything else, Rainbow Dash shouted with an air horn sound, an elephant sound, then a horse sound. So irritated due to her lost voice, she instead leaves the castle.

With all of Twilight’s friends out of the question, Spike looks at baby Twilight who’s still crying. In order to calm Twilight down, Spike rushed to the kitchen to find a bottle of milk . He takes out the bottle filled with milk and gives it to Twilight who slowly drinks it. Luckily it make her stop crying.

Spike took a couple deep breaths while he thinks about what Rarity just said. “I really need Princess Cadence to know about this, even if it’s going to take awhile for me to get there.”

With the Crystal Empire far away from Ponyville, he needs to make sure Twilight isn’t that loud during the train trip. Of course he got took care of when he was a baby but he never had the idea to do what Twilight did for him. Even when Twilight took care of Flurry, he was just helping her schedule and not once babysit for her.

“I’m going to be a dead dragon soon before Twilight is back to normal…..”

After a long trip on the crystal train, he went to the Crystal Empire with Twilight drinking more bottles of milk. He entered the throne room where Princess Cadence is taking off of her baby, Flurry Heart.

“Spike?” She responded as Spike continue to walk with wagon of bottles of milk he brought for Twilight.

“Hey Cadence.” Spike spoked in stress.

“What happened to Twilight?” She reacted in astonishment.

“She got a spring fever so we need Zecora to make an antidote but it has side effects. And that side effect turned Twilight into a baby.” Twilight looked at Cadance who she slowing growing a liking to her. “And Zecora is making another antidote to change Twilight back to normal.”

Cadance gave him a confused look since it was her Spike needed help from. “But I might ask, why can’t you get Princess Celestia to know this?”

Spike completely forgot he had the option to do that but since he’s here, he still goes with Rarity’s advice. “Because I know you can take care of her.”

“Excuse me?”

“When she was a filly you took care of her so much and I think it will keep her occupied until her friends get the antidote. I never took care of a baby before.”

Spike did made a good point however it’s not going to help him out of this situation. “Spike I would really want to help but the thing is, I took care of Twilight when she was a foal, not a baby.”


“When she was able to go to preschool, her parents asked me to take care of her. I never took care of her after she was a born. And besides,” She slowly turned her head to Furry Heart who’s been playing her toys.

“Shining Armor isn’t here so I have to take care of Flurry Heart and I don’t want to take care of two babies.”

“But what am I supposed to do?” Spike didn’t have any option since some of the babysitters in Ponyville have the Spring Fever. As if his problems can’t get any worse.

Princess Cadance decides to write tips on a piece of paper about Babysitting. “I don’t have a lot of time but for the least, I’ll give you a list of how you should babysit Twilight.” She handed him the list of tips as Spike looked at the list

“So am I supposed to go shopping?”

“Me and Shining Armor had to do the same once Flurry was born. It would probably make her calm down for a bit.”

“A bit?”

“Yeah...babies get bored really fast.”

“Why me!?”

Once he returned, Spike used Twilight’s bits to buy baby food and toys for her. When he returned to the castle, he put Twilight in her room with a baby burial to prevent her from leaving. Twilight so far is enjoying playing with accessories like the baby rattle and a few cubes but that’s all Spike has for her. Spike took a look at the list Cadence wrote for him.

“Okay, if I’m going to take of Twilight I need to keep an eye on her even if it’s for the whole day. I really hope the antidote is ready for her really soon.”

Meanwhile, Spike didn’t knew that Twilight still has her wings and alicorn and just like the times she took care of Flurry, so much chaos happened and there’s no difference here. After Twilight is done playing with her rattle, she doesn’t like the other toys Spike brought from the store. She notice she has wings as she begins to flap her wings, causing her to get off the floor. This is way better than the toys she has.

Spike heard the flapping, he turned around and became shocked that the baby was flying. “Twilight?” He reacted in fear. Twilight then flow out of her bedroom and into the hallway. As for Spike his problems began to get worse. “Why does she still have her wings when she’s still a baby!? Is the side effect trying to mess with me!?”

He rushed out of the bedroom and used his wings to fly. He tries to grab the baby, but Twilight moved out of Spike’s distance. Once they flow into the main hallway, Twilight continued to avoid Spike as she’s really enjoyed flying more.

“Will you please come back here?” Spike moaned.

Due to Twilight flying constantly, she giggles which causes her alicorn to shoot magic. It hits the pillars in the castle then right back on Spike just when he’s close to catching Twilight. He crushed on the ground and the magic made his wings unable to flap.

“Unnn…..so is Twilight Sparkle the second baby alicorn in Equestria?” He questions himself in pain. Baby Twilight landed in front of Spike as she giggles at him as he enjoyed flying around. Spike couldn’t believe that Twilight still have her abilities but lost the intelligences. It’s going to be a long time until Zecora makes another antidote for Twilight.

Baby Twilight slowly walked up to Spike as she placed both of her hooves on Spike’s wings. She giggled at the sight of Spike’s dragon wings being covered in sparkles from her alicorn.

Spike lifted his head after he felt Twilight playing with his wings. “Hey what are you doing?” With his wings still unstable, Twilight used her alicorn magic again allowing her and Spike to flout in the air. “No! please don’t do it!” Spike freaked out.

They both got really high in the hallway, feet away from the ground. Spike is sweating while Twilight giggles as if it wasn’t enough for her.

For the next three minutes, Twilight’s magic wears off but Spike falls.

“AHHHHHH!!!!!” Spike screamed but before he crashed to the ground, Twilight saved him with her magic, landing him safely to the ground. “Huh?” Spike spoke in confusion.

He looked at Twilight who’s been standing right in front of him smiling. “Okay, I understand you want to have fun, but not in a way where you could get hurt.” He slowly gets on his feet despite still in stress. “And not only that, it will take time until Zecora makes that antidote turning you back to normal.” He picks her up as he makes his way to the kitchen.

With all the baby food Spike brought for Twilight, he knew babies will easily accepts it for the most. “I know you’ve been eating your favorite foods when we had lunch together but since your a baby, I have baby food instead.” He poured her food into a bull with a spoon instead. He used the spoon with the food in it as he tries to feed Twilight.

“Here comes the airplane.” Unfortunately, Twilight refused to open her mouth when Spike moved his hand towards her. “Twilight when I say that, you open your mouth.” He retorted but Twilight refused as she moved her head constantly. She used his wings and flow away from Spike again.

“Twilight don’t do this again!” Spike shouted in a stern voice. He still doesn’t have his ability to fly due to his wings still unstable as he watches Twilight flying everywhere. “I still can’t fly, come on, I’m trying to help, fun time is over.”

However, it didn’t stop Twilight from bumping so many dishes and causing so much noises. Spike made his way to Twilight however she used her alicorn again this time into one of the pots hanging from the center of the kitchen. It blasted towards Twilight again but Spike pulled her out of the way while the sparkles covers by the sink.

“How long is Zecora gonna take to finish that antidote?” he asked himself.

Spike returned back to Twilight’s food as he tries to feed her again. This time he used duck tape on Twilight’s wings so she will never fly away. “I’m sorry to do this but your not making this any easier for me.” He slowly taped her wings but Twilight spited in Spike’s ear.

“Hey!!” Spike backed off. Twilight gave him a glare look due to her wings being strapped. “Is this howl you’re going to act?” Twilight closed her eyes and refused to open her mouth as she kept turning her tiny head.

Spike at this point couldn’t stand Twilight’s attitude anymore and decides to take matters into his own hands. “Twilight I’m sorry but you leave me no other choice.”

Twilight is inside a baby gate with a table above to pervert her from escaping even with her wings still strapped. Spike is sitting down on his chair exhausted with all the trouble he’s dealing with. Feeding her and the toys he brought wasn’t enough for the pony toddler and the tips he got from Cadence is just the least of what he learns about babysitting.

“You know something Twilight?” He spoke despite Twilight looking away upset. “I know you don’t understand what I’m trying to say but when you took care of me after all these years, I never thought it would be so difficult for you to do it.” Twilight slowly turned her head once she heard that. “And me doing the same thing to you just feels frustrating because your a pony who still has here wings.”

Spike got off his chair, went to one of Twilight photos and show them to her. One includes her first day when she was born from her mother, second is when she’s in filly school in Canterlot, third is her playing with Spike weeks after he was hatched and finally, the fourth shows her and finally, her best friends including Spike taking a group picture after they moved to Ponyville.

Twilight looked at the photos very closely, even with baby disabilities she can easily see her with Spike along with the times she played with him. She begins to feel guilty after what he drove Spike into today and the fact she never had wings in any of these photos.

“My point is, after you turned back to normal I will never take care of a baby because of the stress I’m having. This is the best I can do for babysitting you.” Spike put down the photos, moved his chair around so he won’t look at Twilight. With the nightmare he’s having, he prays to have no more of it however whenever you pass through it, there’s always to pay it off.

Twilight used her alicorn magic to lifted the table off the top and climbs out of the baby gate. Her ears went down as she sees the pain within Spike since she knows she was with him for years before this side effect happen. She walked in front of him which got Spike’s attention.

“Twilight?” he responded with his hands off his face. She hugged his leg showing her apology with tears coming down her face. For the first time in Spike’s life, the baby was giving him something in return. While Spike is still off with babysitting, he finds it nice they will find you very sweet.

He picked her up and takes off the duct tape freeing her wings then she gives him a hug. “You maybe a baby, but I’m still your number one assistant and assistants will always be with you forever.” He gets up and leaves the bedroom to show Twilight something and a gift for her.

Spike is making a batch of blueberry cupcakes to celebrate Twilight turning back to her real age. In the meantime, Twilight is playing with her baby rattle and sometimes turning cooking instructions, Spike will play with her for a couple of minutes. He has all the time in the world to show what he really is to her.

After 20 minutes of cooking, the cupcakes were finished fresh out of the oven with the beautiful blueberry scent. Then Spike took out the baby food and Twilight opened her mouth for real, allowing Spike to feed her supper.

After that and during the time the cupcakes went to cool off, they flow around the hallways to play tag with each other. Twilight didn’t used her alicorn this time only to show her feelings to the dragon she’s been with.

Finally Spike found a fairy tale book and read the whole thing to Twilight. The Baby Princess enjoyed every bit of what Spike read and lead on her head on Spike’s chest, nuzzling.

“You know, I did read some stories about myself to the fillies and colts when you took care of Flurry, maybe I should do that too, but the stories will be about you.” he replied as he nuzzled too.

Spike’s morning was helping Twilight from her Spring fever, then after the side effect turned her into a baby that changed the whole day from here on out. But then it came to this when two different species who are younger in their age, got along with Spike having thoughts about showing the fillies and colts some stories about Twilight Sparkle.

Then out of nowhere, a school bell noise happened in the castle hallways getting Spike’s attention. “Rainbow Dash?”

The girls return as they wait in the main hallway with a new antidote Zecora have finished.

“Spike we’re back!” Applejack shouted.

Spike with baby Twilight in his arms made their way to meet the others. The girls were surprised they see Twilight being very quiet then before after they left.

“So do you got the antidote?” he asked.

“It’s right here.” Pinkie showing it on her head. “And I’m happy that little Baby Twilight isn’t crying anymore. You would not believe how hard it is when I took of those two babies back then.”

“Yeah….and your lucky those two didn’t have magical powers.” Spike retorted. Pinkie gives him the antidote as she pours it into Twilight’s mouth. Then the antidote causes Spike to place her down and sparkles of magic transforms Twilight back to her old age.

“Ughhhh……” Twilight moaned.

“Twilight!” Everypony and Spike gave a group hug on Twilight.

“It’s really great to see you back to your normal Princess self darling.” Rarity commented.

“I know and I just had the weirdest dream today.” Twilight said while everyone backed away from her. “It began with me being a baby, Rarity lifted me to Spike and then...I caused trouble because I still have my wings and magic.”

Spike awkwardly rolled his eyes after hearing that. “Well...when you took that antidote for your fever, you did turned into a baby.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide in shock to think her dream was actually a reality. “And was I causing so much stress to you?” All Spike did was rolled his head up and down in his response. “Oh...I’m...sorry I guess.”

Everypony went silence after that since they made Spike do at the work.

“It’s fine and besides I’m sure that side effect will never happen again.” Spike replied.

“Anyway can you help us get back to our normal states? We had a lot of trouble due to your magic fever.” Applejack added.

“P-p-p-p-l-l-e-e-e-a-a-s-s-e!!!” Fluttershy freezing her hooves off.

“Okay this shouldn’t take so long.” Twilight stood back as she’s about to use her alicorn magic on her best friends. She closed her eyes however for some reason, her alicorn causes small zaps with mini sparkles.

“What’s going on?” Spike asked.

“I don’t understand, my alicorn feels weak.” Twilight opened her eyes. “What’s going on?”

Pinkie was biting her mouth since she has something to explain. “Yeah...when I was waiting for Zecora to finish the antidote she said there was only one side effect.”

“What was that side effect?” Spike asked.

“It causes alicorns like Twilight’s to stay forever low on magic.” All of the girls jaws hang down in complete shock. Then Rainbow Dash being so frustrated scream at the top of her lungs. Due to her voice problem she made a goat scream.

“Now my beautiful hoof will forever have wheels. I can’t have customers see this!” Rarity complaining.

Before anypony was about to screamed Spike stepped in. “How about I write a message to Princess Celestia and she’ll make an antidote with no side effects.”

“That’s a better idea after what happened today.” Twilight agreed.

“And besides, I made blueberry cupcakes for everypony.”

“Yeah!!! blueberry cupcakes!!!” Pinkie cheered. They all went to the kitchen expect for Fluttershy who’s still freezing in place. Then Applejack came back to help her by pushing her.