Sunburst's Special Gift 2: Sharing is Caring

by TheVClaw

First published

After gaining enough confidence to come out of his shell, Sunburst was successfully able to bring a guy home after their first date. However, before the unicorn could finally lose his virginity, his date accidentally stumbled upon one of his toys...

[NOTE: This story is blatant M/M smut. It's also the winning entry in my October Patreon Story Commission Poll, courtesy of my Patron MoonlightTumble. If you're curious about submitting an entry yourself, or just want early access to all of my upcoming works, feel free to follow me on Patreon. I also accept donations via Paypal and Ko-Fi, which greatly help me to continue my work every month.]

About a month after Sunburst received his rather... peculiar gift by Princess Cadance, the virgin unicorn Sunburst was able to gain enough confidence to go out, and find himself a real stallion to court. Fortunately for him, the Crystaller was able to get a date with one of Royal Guards: Emerald Shine. Unfortunately, despite having the courage and charisma to bring him back to his house, Sunburst had a lot of explaining to do when the unicorn discovered the unique toy in his bedroom. Will the reveal ruin any chance Sunburst had at losing his virginity? Or will Emerald reveal something just as surprising...

You Gotta Share, and You Gotta Care~

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Up in the Frozen North of Equestria, the vibrantly beautiful city of the Crystal Empire shimmered radiantly among the countless snowy hilltops. Even though the unforgiving tundras were almost the exact opposite of a desert, the revived cityscape stood out like an Oasis as opposed to the near fatal weather surrounding it. Due to the Crystal Heart’s love-powered magic, a strong forcefield ensured that the empire’s Crystal Ponies always had fairer weather equal to cities further south. So while Luna’s night sky draped across the horizon, and caused the chilly landscapes to drop well below freezing temperatures, the citizens of the Crystal Empire didn’t even need a scarf as they enjoyed the city’s luminescent nightlife.

The streetlamps that lined the streets helped to make each crystal building shine brightly, and gave the empire a comforting multicolored glow similar to the Hearth’s Warming season. Most ponies trotted along the streets without a care in the world, either enjoying the exciting nightlife of the weekend, or savoring the tranquility most of the citizens hadn’t experienced in over a millennium. Of course, there were also plenty of non-Crystal Ponies who were roaming the city as well, either as tourists or as recent citizens. And on a particular street near the edge of the Crystal Empire, two stallions were laughing cheerfully as they walked side-by-side down the crystalized cobblestone.

One of those ponies was Sunburst, whose heavy cape rippled against his body with each step he took. Even though the unicorn wasn’t exactly a social butterfly, his smile was just as wide as it was natural while trotting alongside the other stallion. He tried to keep himself casual for the sake of appearing nonchalant, but Sunburst’s cheeks were as vibrantly red as the long tuft of auburn hair that trailed down from his chin. Of course, considering who he was with, it was surprising that the stallion’s glasses hadn’t fogged-up from the heat of his obvious attraction.

Meanwhile, the other unicorn seemed more naturally chill as opposed to Sunburst’s nervous expression. The pony had a taller and more slender build, which seemed to compliment his pale green coat and slightly greener mane. A four-leaf clover was adorned across his flank, which indicated his tendency to bring luck for himself and others. Sunburst may have not been the type to believe in the concept of “luck” in a literal sense, but he couldn’t deny the pony’s beliefs after learning so much about him.

After collecting his breath, the green unicorn kept his smile as he brushed away a lock of his wavy green mane with a hoof. “So I said,” he continued while finishing up his story, “‘Listen dude, I know that you wanna watch the newest Revengers movie playing nearby, but you almost had a heart attack from watching The Mummy Pony last week!’ I mean, I thought he’d listen to me, since most Crystal Ponies are still getting used to black and white films. But the next time I saw that guy, he looked like he saw a ghost or something! I asked him what was up, and he just said in the most serious tone, ‘Please don’t watch Revengers Infinite.’”

Sunburst wasn’t sure if it was the stallion’s tone of voice while mimicking the Crystal Pony in his story, or just the tale itself, but he still laughed full-heartedly from hearing that punchline. “O-Oh, wow!” he exclaimed as he lit up his horn, and floated his glasses in front of his face to wipe the lens with his cape. “I gotta say, Emerald. I would’ve never guessed you’d be so involved with that movie theater. If I knew that, I probably would’ve taken you somewhere else.”

Emerald Shine didn’t seem bothered at all by Sunburst’s reluctant claim, and smiled back at him as they walked casually. “Hey, it’s no problem at all. I mean, I kinda prefer movies over anything else. That’s kinda the reason I was stationed here in the first place. Like, considering how this city was literally frozen in time, it makes a lot of sense for Shining to bring in soldiers who could bring the Crystal Ponies up to speed on pop culture and media, you know? Plus, it’s really heartwarming to see so many fresh, genuine reactions to the classics I thought only I would appreciate. I mean, even I was tearing up when I saw how many of them were applauding to the end of Citizen Mane.”

Sunburst’s blush was already heavy enough to not get much deeper, but his smile still widened while staring back at Emerald with an understanding nod. Even though he knew that Emerald Shine had a Bachelors in Film from Canterlot University, he would’ve never guessed that was the big reason he was recruited as a Royal Guard after the city was reclaimed by Cadance and Shining Armor. Of course, considering how Flash Sentry apparently had a Bachelor’s in History, and Onyx Tail had a degree in Literature, Sunburst could understand why those traits would be so necessary to assist an Empire full of ponies who had a millennium worth of history to catch up with. But alas, the orange stallion also couldn’t deny how cute the Guard looked when he talked so passionately about his efforts getting the Crystal Ponies acquainted with the concept of motion pictures.

“Well, I… I am glad we went to see that movie too,” Sunburst said with a sheepish smile while trying not to appear so flustered. “I have to admit, I kinda feel like a goof for never seeing the original Twelve Angry Ponies before. I’ve only watched the remake.”

Emerald may have been happy with how well their date went, but he still grimaced upon hearing that detail. “Ugh! I’m not gonna lie, Sunburst. That is the least attractive thing you’ve said all night.”

Sunburst scoffed with a roll of his eyes before chuckling lightly. “I suppose I can’t blame you for feeling that way. But still, I hope that’s not a complete deal-breaker.”

It was Emerald’s turn to scoff as he glanced back at him with a bemused huff. “Are you kidding me?” he asked with a smirk and a bewildered tone of voice. “Compared to a lot of the other gay Guards stationed here, you’re honestly one of the most relatable guys I’ve went out with. If anything, I’m just disappointed we haven’t met sooner.”

That remark made Sunburst’s cheeks practically explode from the growing heat of his blush. He tried to keep his smile from growing too wide, but all he could manage was to make his muzzle wrinkle out of bashfulness. He had to look away from the unicorn while struggling not to involuntarily giggle. “Ohhh, you… Y-You’re just saying that…”

“Hey, come on,” began Emerald assuredly as he walked in closer beside Sunburst, and used his magic to pull him in tightly against his side. Aside from a surprised squeak, the orange stallion did very little to resist his date’s affections by the time they reached his modest home. Meanwhile, the green unicorn kept an honest smile as he continued with his sincere words. “You gotta be more confident than that, Sunburst. I mean, do you remember when you first asked me out? Not many stallions would have the cojones to go up to a random Guard they didn’t know, and straight up ask them out on a date without even knowing if they were gay. That kind of courage is really admirable to have.”

Sunburst may have felt skittish from his nervousness, but Emerald’s honesty made him smile a bit more naturally. While he knew he had a long way to go in regards to overcoming his introverted ways, he was happy to receive some confirmation that he was going in the right direction. He looked back at the unicorn with a grateful expression and said, “W-Well, I… I suppose I have my friends in Ponyville to thank for that. That and, errr… Princess Cadance, I guess.”

He bit his lip awkwardly as he breathed out after that mention, hopeful that his date wouldn’t ask for clarification in regards to Cadance's contribution to his newfound bout of confidence. Fortunately, Emerald Shine only nodded in acceptance of that answer, and waited until they reached Sunburst’s doorstep to respond with a shrug. “I’m just saying, dude. There’s nothing wrong with being confident more often. Especially with somepony like me~”

Sunburst wasn’t sure if it was the slight change of inflection in Emerald’s tone of voice, or the way his brows raised ever so slightly to give a more suggestive glance back at the unicorn. But whichever reason it was, Sunburst had to pause slightly and tilt his head in thought. He wasn’t a hundred percent sure if the Guard was acting flirty with him, but it was definitely a notable change from the stallion’s more serious demeanor when he wore that Guard armor. After a second or two, Sunburst narrowed his eyes back at him and asked, “So, ummm… W-When you say ‘confident,’ what… what would be a good example?”

Emerald Shine huffed as he grew a more suggestive-looking smirk across his muzzle. “I’m just saying… You’re a really great guy, Sunburst. And right now, I wouldn’t mind seeing you act more confident in what you want~”

The unicorn’s smirk then turned into a lustrous grin, making his implication as clear as the Crystal Empire’s architecture. Sunburst gulped nervously, and felt his heart race upon realizing what his date meant. Since this was literally their first date together (and Sunburst’s first date ever), he would’ve never fathomed that the stallion would be so direct when it came to what he wanted from him. Nevertheless, the Crystaller couldn’t deny that he had a really nice time with Emerald Shine up to that moment; and given how he really wanted to continue their possible relationship, the idea of testing the waters in such a bold way felt less like a crazy idea, and more like a curious possibility…

After a long moment of silence, Sunburst breathed in deeply through his nostrils while standing with a tremendous blush across his cheeks. He then exhaled weakly before un-biting his lips, and spoke in a tone of voice he hoped wasn’t too timid for Emerald’s preference. “Well, I… I really wouldn’t mind inviting you inside~”

Sunburst could barely believe what he just said out-loud, and took a shaky breath while growing a quivering smile in wait. Luckily for the frazzled pony, Emerald looked rather pleased with such a statement as he gave a satisfied smirk. “See?~” he asked with a kind tone of voice that almost contradicted his sultry expression. “Was that so hard?~”

The Crystaller honestly wanted to say yes, since he felt like his knees turned to jelly while his heart was lodged inside of his throat. However, Sunburst could also feel a vast wave of warmth swelling inside of his chest, prompting him to continue on this winning streak. He already scored a great date with a charming stud, and even invited him inside of his home; he knew that if Princess Cadance was there to witness that moment, she’d likely smack him over the head if he didn’t keep going. So instead of nodding his head, the pony just smiled a little wider before sighing in acceptance, and lighting his horn to unlock his front door. “Well, ummm… I can’t say that it was~ Hehehehehehe…”

Emerald Shine chuckled in delight to Sunburst’s cute little giggle, and waited with a randy grin as the unicorn opened his door and invited him inside. After the Guard entered Sunburst’s home, which was littered with piles of books lined across every wall, his date closed the door behind them and tried to speak insistently. “N-Now, ummm… I’m sorry about how messy this place looks,” he said with a mixture of worry and guilt before turning back towards him. “I-I wasn’t expecting you to actually come in on such short noti--MMMPHHHH!!!~”

Before Sunburst could even finish his sentence, Emerald pinned his back to the door with both hooves as he lunged in and planted his muzzle against the Crystaller’s. Sunburst’s eyes shot wide open, and he was frozen in absolute shock while feeling the stallion’s lips mesh tightly against his own. He never would’ve expected to be placed in such a daunting position for his first kiss (especially on such short notice), but his heart thundered in his chest with a flicker of unwavering approval. After a couple seconds of shock, Sunburst was finally able to move his body on his own accord as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. He soon succumbed to Emerald Shine’s daring advance, and instinctively wrapped his hooves around the unicorn’s back to return the kiss with a muffled moan.

Sunburst wasn’t used to standing on his hind-legs like a bipedal creature, but his trembling knees didn’t keep him from pushing his lips against Emerald’s as they began to make out lewdly. A newfound feeling of invigoration swept across the orange stallion’s nerves, and his fur stood on end as he shivered from the titillation of such an unexpected indulgence. Before he knew it, Sunburst was fully embracing Emerald Shine as they kissed more passionately, their bodies growing hotter by the second. Of course, the instant he felt that warm tongue of the Guard’s slide against the outside of his lips, Sunburst couldn’t resist opening his muzzle wide to accept that invitation.

Emerald Shine held himself closer against Sunburst’s body, making sure that his hips were braced up against the Crystaller’s while sliding his tongue into his muzzle. Meanwhile, Sunburst coule only whimper in overwhelming pleasure as he began to accept Emerald’s lewd gesture, and allowed his own tongue to press against his. The Prench kissing was more than enough to get both unicorns riled up, and there was nothing Sunburst could do to keep his stallionhood from slipping from his sheath. Fortunately, he clearly wasn’t the only stallion growing hard as he felt Emerald’s member prodding against his stomach, and rubbing his fur as the Guard grinded his hips harder against him.

Mmmmmphh!~” Sunburst wasn’t sure how long he remained braced against this door while making out with that hunk of a Guard, embracing his body and growing hotter with each flick of his tongue against Emerald’s. All he knew was that by the time his date finally pulled his lips back with a wet pop, a couple strings of their saliva connected their mouths as they paused to collect their breath. Both of them were panting heavily, and eyeing each other with lustful intent while heavily blushed. Sunburst was thrown in an absolute whirlwind of newfound feelings he never thought he would experience with a real stallion, but his clouded mind helped keep him from growing too anxious as he said between breaths, “Do… D-Do you wanna… go upstairs to my room?~”

If the Crystaller was in such a scenario a month or two ago, he likely would’ve suffered a heart attack from the very thought of asking such a thing to Emerald Shine on their first date. But now, all that Sunburst could think about were the countless ideas he wanted to try with the stallion, as opposed to that wonderful toy Cadance had gifted him with a while back. Even though he felt like a pervert for thinking about that thing, the unicorn couldn’t deny that it was hard not to compare the mimic he regularly used to the real pony holding him so dominantly. Of course, given how his experiences with that prototype helped him to reach this point in the first place, the pony felt no sense of regret upon asking that question; instead, he only waited with a ready stare back at Emerald while hearing him say, “Well, that depends… you wanna be top or bottom?~”

If there was anything Sunburst was especially grateful for in regards to Cadance's gift, it was that he knew his answer to Emerald Shine’s question quite easily. Even though he personally saw himself to be more of a Verse than anything else, his recollections of all the things he did with the toy’s version of Emerald prompted him to answer with a hungry grin, “I… I want you on top~”

Emerald Shine smiled as wide as a colt on Hearth’s Warming Morning, and he lit his horn to lift Sunburst up from the ground with his magic. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear, big boy~” he purred with a wide and lustrous smile. Since there was only a loft upstairs that served as Sunburst’s bedroom, the Guard didn’t need any directions as he trotted up the stairs with his date floating in his aura. “I hope you’re prepared for this, cutie~ Because I’m not one to be gentle unless needed~”

The Guard’s domineering tone made Sunburst shiver elatedly within his magic, and his overly aroused state of mind prompted him to only smile and nod in full support. “W-Well, I… I wouldn’t want it any other way~” replied the Crystaller in a tone of voice that was as shaky as it was sincere.

Emerald Shine cackled heartily as he went up to the second floor with Sunburst in tow, eager to pin the unicorn down on his bed and give him exactly what he wanted. Sunburst wanted to feel nervous about what was to happen (especially considering how messy his bedroom usually was), but any blood that would’ve went to the logical regions of his brain seemed to be pumping solely through his throbbing member. His eyes panned down beneath Emerald’s torso while floating in his grasp, and he got a prime view of that thick, rigid cock that was dangling between his legs and slapping against his barrel. The Guard’s marbled beauty wasn’t as long as how Sunburst envisioned it, but it was still wonderfully impressive as it hung with a girth of at least nine or ten inches; not to mention, the stallion had some beautifully plump balls hanging low between his legs, and dangled temptingly for the Crystaller to eye with his mouth beginning to water.

“Alright~” purred Emerald as he reached Sunburst’s bed, which had several old books scattered across the unkempt comforter. And judging by the massive lump beneath that blanket, there were probably dozens more that the unicorn never put away in their rightful shelves. Luckily for the Guard, Sunburst was able to light up his own horn to quickly toss all of those books aside. After lowering the Crystaller so he could get back on his own hooves, Emerald leaned in to yank off the blanket. “I hope you got lube, Sunny~” he said as the heathered grey bedsheets came to view over the mattress. “Because I’d rather not improvise when you--Huh!? What the buck…”

Sunburst was too preoccupied as he looked in his dresser for his bottle of lube, intent on having Emerald Shine rut him senselessly. Unfortunately, the Guard’s outburst made him turn around to see what was up. As soon as he noticed the empty bed, Sunburst gasped in shock as his hooves shot up to cover his mortified expression. Since he usually spent his nights asleep on his couch downstairs, the stallion completely forgot that his gift from Cadance was still in his bed. With the blanket now on the floor alongside his books, his black rubber toy was resting on top of the mattress for Emerald to gawk at in stunned silence. If the device was back at its normal state, Sunburst could’ve possibly had the chance to say how the orb was just a sports ball of some kind; unfortunately, Sunburst’s toy was still shaped as the last thing he used it for prior to his date...

Because of that, the unicorn had no idea how to explain how a black rubber copy of Emerald Shine was laying motionless for the real Emerald to see.

“... oh no… ohno, ohno, ohno, ohno, ohno…”

The Royal Guard didn’t seem to hear Sunburst’s petrified mumbling, and blinked a couple times while staring at that mimic with his head tilted. It was unclear if Emerald had any idea what it actually was, and especially if he was aware how Sunburst regularly used it over the past month. Nevertheless, the Crystaller’s panic couldn’t be quelled as he stood frozen in fear, unsure whether to start babbling incessantly or to jump out the window. Fortunately, Sunburst’s mouth moved instead of his hooves as he tried to conjure up a statement for his date. “Uuuuuhhhhh… That, ummm… that’s…”

Due to his overwhelming dread, Sunburst could barely make any legible words come out of his quivering mouth. Because of that, Emerald was the first to actually say a complete sentence when he glanced back at his date with a baffled look. “Is… is that me?”


Even though the damage was already done, Sunburst shot a beam of magic towards that inanimate shape to disable the mimic, and make it revert back to its spherical base. Of course, that did nothing for the unicorn’s anxiety as he took a couple steps back from Emerald and shouted in a panic. “I’M SORRY! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so, SO SORRY!”

Emerald didn’t say anything, even though his mouth was slightly open in confusion. After his eyes darted between that toy and Sunburst’s panicked expression, all that came out of his muzzle was a weak sounding, “Uuuuuhhhhhh…

“I SWEAR!” Sunburst continued to shout as his babbling became quakier and more emotional. Since he had no idea how the Guard was going to respond to his perverted discovery, the Crystaller’s eyes began to bead tears at the corners as he belted, “Emerald, I SWEAR! I never meant for you to see that, okay?! I… I g-got that thing from Princess Cadance, a-a-and I didn’t mean to do anything too weird with it, you HAVE to believe me!! B-But I was worried since I… I-I’ve never been with anypony before, and I was worried how it would go… Oh Celestia, I feel like such an idiot!! I’m so sorry, I… I wish I knew what to say, b-but now I just feel like a perverted freak, and nowIcan’tstoptalkingbecausei’mworriedifIstopyou’regonnagetmadortelleveryponyandIcan’thandlesomethinglikethat--MMPH!”

Before Sunburst could finish his panicked rant while on the verge of tears, Emerald lit up his horn to clasp the pony’s lips shut with his magic. The Crystaller stood frozen with a look of pure fear on his face, and his knees buckling like he was about to flee. But alas, the orange stallion remained still while Emerald Shine glanced back at that toy on the bed. A long, and very awkward bout of silence passed between them before he looked back at Sunburst to ask, “You… You got that thing from Cadance?”

Sunburst winced while his mouth remained shut, and all he could do was close his eyes while nodding his head weakly.

Emerald turned his head again to stare at that rubber orb, and took a second before huffing to himself with a bemused smirk. Just as Sunburst looked like he was about to cry in the other unicorn’s grasp, the Guard said with a shrug of his head, “Huh! And to think, I thought I was the only pony she gave one of those sex toys to!~”

Sunburst’s reddened eyes shot wide open, and he stared at Emerald with an unwavering look of shock on his face. Meanwhile, the Guard just grew a bemused smile while eyeing him with what looked to be an impressed expression. Sunburst’s mouth was still bound by Emerald’s magic, but that didn’t stop him from making an audible response to the stallion’s surprising revelation. “... Hmmm?!”

“Yeah~” chirped the green pony with a more natural smile, seemingly unfazed by the fact that his date was literally using him as a sex toy prior to their date. He turned off his magic to free Sunburst’s muzzle, which caused the Crystaller’s jaw to drop while hearing him say, “I gotta say, I really didn’t think you had one of those too! She told me that it was a prototype or something, but… Heh, I guess she could’ve easily gotten more than one since she’s a Princess. But yeah, I… I got one of those a few weeks back after I helped her learn how to set up the movie projector in her bedroom.”

Sunburst remained silent, and just blinked a couple times while staring at him in stunned silence. He honestly expected the Guard to freak out, or to tell everypony in the Crystal Empire about how much of a freak he was. But instead, the unicorn’s mind was a complete blank as he saw how casually Emerald was handling the situation. A million questions were running through his head, but the first one to come out was a meekly asked, “Y… You… Y-You’re not, like… mad or anything?”

Emerald Shine just scoffed with a roll of his eyes, treating that question like Sunburst just asked if the moon was made of cheese. “No, of course not!” he said in an honest and cheerful tone, which was more than enough to make Sunburst sigh strongly in relief. However, the Guard did make sure to add, “I mean, it is kinda weird to know you were using a copy of me, I’m not gonna lie. Buuuuuuut…

Sunburst winced a little from Emerald’s secondary remark, but he didn’t say anything when the Guard made a follow-up after that brief pause. “Well… considering how you were the one to ask me out, I think it’s easy to guess you were curious about me for a while, huh?~”

The Guard shot a sly-looking grin back at Sunburst, and made it impossible for his date not to blush profusely and comply with a sheepish nod. “Uhhhh… M-Maybe a little…

“Thought so,” Emerald said with a toothy smile that didn’t look the least bit offended by that answer. “Honestly, though? If anything, I’m a little flattered you saw me as a good option! I mean, it’s weird to learn about it in that way, but I’d be a huge hypocrite if I were to judge you for doing that. Like, I used mine to mimic Shining Armor a few times~”

Sunburst’s head reeled back while wide-eyed, clearly not expecting to hear the Guard admit something like that. Emerald then said with a more hesitant shrug, “Plus, ummm… we were about to have sex anyway, so… If you promise not to tell anypony that detail, I’ll look past your naughty secret as well, ‘kay?~”

The Crystaller blinked a couple times, still reeling over all he had to process in the past couple of minutes. Fortunately, despite how overwhelmed he felt from all the conflicting emotions rushing through his head, the unicorn was able to nod his head while breathing heavily in relief. “Uhhh… Y-Yeah, of course I promise! I mean… if it wasn’t because of Cadance giving me that gift, I... I’d likely consider trying Shining as well…” Sunburst blushed heavily after that admission, but still chuckled nervously while trying to get over his previously panicked state.

“Yeah, exactly! So, ummm…” With most of that awkwardness behind them now, Emerald Shine decided to take advantage of the opportunity as he walked in close towards Sunburst. Eager to restart their earlier plans, the unicorn smirked devilishly before he asked, “Since we’re cool, how about we… incorporate your toy with a few ideas of my own?~”

Sunburst took a huge breath through his nostrils, and shivered in surprise as he saw that Emerald was still rearing to go. Despite how freaked-out he still felt about earlier, the stallion couldn’t deny how hot that question made him feel. Since Emerald was clearly accepting of the unicorn’s freakier side, there was nothing to keep Sunburst from biting his bottom lip and exhaling shakily in titillation. After taking a couple seconds to recompose himself, Sunburst grew a meager smile as he decided to go with the flow, and ask the cheekily-smiling guard, “Wh… What were you thinking we could do?~”

Emerald Shine’s face lit up as brightly as his horn, and Sunburst’s toy floated off the bed while being held in the Guard’s mint-hued aura. “Ohhhhhh… I think you’re gonna like it very much, you naughty boy~”

Fortunately for both of the ponies’ growing libidos, Emerald’s plans only took a few minutes to execute with the help of their shared magic capabilities. Since the Royal Guard already knew how to operate the toy, Sunburst let him take the helm in conjuring up something for their usage. Part of him wanted to make some suggestions of his own, but he felt like it was only fair for Emerald to make the choice after that embarrassing reveal of the mimic. Not to mention, the orange stallion couldn’t exactly assist in the process when his date tightly wrapped a blindfold over his eyes.

So instead of being able to say anything useful, all that came out of the Crystaller’s muzzle was a surprised yelp when Emerald conjured up some rope to bind Sunburst’s legs.

“I hope you don’t mind this too much,” said the Guard with a cocky smirk and a shrug of his head. “I kinda have a thing for bondage~”

Sunburst kept his lips tightly pursed shut as he whinnied in slight distress, and felt himself hanging by his hooves while suspended in midair. Emerald Shine may have not been as well-versed in magic as Sunburst, but he certainly learned a few nifty tricks from the toy he had in his own possession. Since the unicorn’s home had a large wooden brace that went along the ceiling for some additional foundation support, the Guard saw it as the perfect spot to hoist Sunburst up with the aid of the toy’s capabilities. He could’ve easily just gotten some regular rope to hold the Crystaller in the air with his back facing the floor and his limbs sprawled-out, but the product’s useful shape-shifting ensured that he’d be just as comfortable as he was secure.

Fortunately, Sunburst honestly didn’t feel much pain from the black ropes restraining his movement as he dangled at waist-height for Emerald’s pleasure. While the green stallion grinned at his hoofwork, his date grunted a little before speaking. “Mmmph… Y-You know, I… I kinda expected my first time with a real stallion to be a little more vanilla than this.”

Emerald Shine paused briefly in contemplation, but soon shrugged with an understanding pout before giving his retort. “Well, considering what you told me of your first time with this toy, I have a feeling vanilla sex wouldn’t completely suit you, now would it?~”

Sunburst wanted to defend himself, but he knew the Guard wasn’t necessarily wrong. Even if his hanging bondage felt like a bit much, he couldn’t exactly hide his still-erect cock while his legs were pulled apart in his position. Not to mention, the fact that Emerald Shine turned out to be such a kinky stallion left the unicorn struggling not to shiver in anticipation in his bindings. So after a second or two to contemplate his response, Sunburst just sighed and shrugged reluctantly without seeing Emerald’s smirk. “Well… Okay, that’s a fair point. I just didn’t expect you to go all ‘Fifty Shades of Hay’ on the first date~”

He may have had his sight obstructed by the blindfold, but Sunburst could hear a clearly annoyed grunt from Emerald Shine following that quip. “Seriously, dude?” asked the Guard with a peeved-looking pout. “Like, I get the comparison and all, but you shouldn’t say that to a Film major and a BDSM enthusiast. That’s kind of an insult on two fronts.”

“Sorry, sorry,” replied Sunburst with a nod of his head. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Yeah, whatever…” After a prolonged sigh, Emerald Shine lit up his horn to conjure up the second part of his plan. While part of Sunburst’s toy was holding the Crystaller for his personal use, the Guard used the rest to bring up a mimic of his own. Even though he could’ve summoned any stallion he wanted for the toy to take form of, Emerald saw it fitting to bring up a familiar face for the naughty little nerd. Sunburst couldn’t see it while blindfolded, but his date was sure that he would approve of a copy of Onyx Tail joining in on the fun. After the burly pegasus stallion was summoned to stand in that eerily pitch black shape, Emerald looked it up and down briefly before saying, “You know, you should be really glad you asked me out and not Onyx Tail. He’s a nice guy and all, but he’s straight as a rail and has a temper on him.”

“Y-Yeah, I heard,” Sunburst meekly said with another shrug of his head. “Honestly, I’m just glad you’re more open minded than he is~”

“Ditto, my friend~” purred Emerald as he leaned his head down between the mimic’s legs, and saw that meaty stallionhood dangling from the faux Onyx’s legs. Even though he barely caught any glimpses of the fellow Guard’s junk in the shower rooms, Emerald looked fairly satisfied with the rigid, ten inch monster he summoned. Not only was the shaft thick and veiny in all the right places, but the mimic’s balls hung low with an impressively thick girth to them. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was made of a silicone base that carried no smell or taste, Emerald would’ve contemplated giving it a teasing lick before it went into the poor Crystaller. But alas, the unicorn still smiled wide as he turned back towards Sunburst. “So… how skilled would you say you’ve gotten with oral since acquiring this toy, hmm?~”

Emerald Shine’s confidently coy tone made a strong shudder creep up Sunburst’s spine. However, even after blushing with a faint giggle, the bound unicorn bit his lip before he replied honestly. “W-Well, ummm… honestly, I kinda… didn’t see the point since it can’t taste like a real one…”

The Guard kept his smirk as he chuckled to the pony’s sheepishness. “That’s alright,” he said while trotting over to the Crystaller’s head, and using a hoof to lean it back. Sunburst gasped a little from the sudden contact, and blushed even deeper while allowing his head to hang so close to the floor. Since his throat and chest were completely exposed to the Guard, Sunburst felt completely helpless as he exhaled shakily. Meanwhile, Emerald petted the stallion’s wavy orange mane and said sweetly, “As long as you remember to cover your teeth with your lips, you’ll be just fine. Just remember to breathe when you can, okay?”

Sunburst sighed sharply, and tried to keep himself focused while nodding his head. Meanwhile, Emerald motioned for the Onyx copy to come in and get himself in front of Sunburst’s hind-legs. Without much needed direction, the faux-Onyx reached for the nearby bottle of lubricant to get his waiting cock ready. As the toy got himself prepared, Emerald kept petting Sunburst’s mane while asking insistently, “You remember the safe-word, right?”

“Y-Yeah,” he replied with an affirming nod. However, he couldn’t help asking with a skewed muzzle, “But, ummm… why did you insist on the word ‘Daddy’ to be the safe-word?”

Emerald looked a little uncomfortable for a second, but he was quick to answer after a brief wince, “Let’s just say, a guy I dated a while back turned out to be an Adult Foal, and he… kinda ruined that word for me.”

“Gotcha,” Sunburst said with another nod. “Sorry I asked.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry. Now…” The Guard gently pulled back Sunburst’s head even more, leaving it so the unicorn’s muzzle was pointed back at him while hanging upside-down. By that point, the mimic Onyx had finished lubing his cock, and was standing at the ready with his stallionhood throbbing and glistening brightly. Meanwhile, Emerald leaned in closer as he got his barrel over Sunburst’s throat, and inched his own cock closer towards those waiting lips. By the time he was ready to teach the Crystaller some new tricks, he grinned readily before he said in a more domineering tone, “The instant you open that mouth, I’m gonna take that as consent for anything I do next. Is that clear?~”

Sunburst may have been blindfolded, but he still closed his eyes tightly shut while taking a quick breath. After breathing out in confirmation, he nodded meekly before giving his response. “Y-Yeah, I… I understand…”

With that, Sunburst waited only a second before taking one last breath, which gave him a strong whiff of the musk from that cock just inches from his face. Upon getting that first hit of another stallion’s heady scent, Sunburst couldn’t withhold his enamored moan as he opened his mouth wide in acceptance.

Gooooood coltie~” Emerald growled with a devilish grin. Even from his angle, he got a good enough glance back at Sunburst’s face to know that was an intentional response. Because of that, the Guard didn’t hold back as he pushed his hips inward, and began to slip his crowned cockhead between the Crystaller’s pillowy lips. He could hear Sunburst let out a higher-pitched groan from the intrusion of his cock, but that soon turned into a shaky moan as soon as Sunburst pursed his lips around it; the reverberation of that moan vibrated across Emerald’s entire lentgh, and he shuddered through gritted teeth while grinning in pleasure. “Mmmmmmghhhh… thaaaaaaat’s it~”

The Onyx Tail mimic was left motionless for the time being, as Emerald Shine took the briefest amount of time to get Sunburst accustomed to one cock before bringing in the second. Fortunately, it seemed that the Crystaller was content with the slow pace as he began to suck on the Guard’s cock, and whimpered antsily through his immense blush. The unicorn may have read countless romance novels to give him an idea of what another guy’s stallionhood may have tasted like; but upon that first taste, nothing could’ve prepared him for how tantalizing that warm, thick, musky flavor would hit his tongue and make his fur stand on end. His eyes rolled back strongly behind his blindfold, and his own cock twitched in vast approval as he writhed in his bondage and savored that unique taste.

Mmmmmmm…~” Sunburst slowly grew more accustomed to Emerald’s cock, and took his time as he sucked more of that throbbing length at a comfortable pace. As per the Guard’s instructions, Sunburst made sure his lips were cupped over his teeth so he wouldn’t accidentally scrape that smooth shaft. As Emerald’s cockhead prodded deeper inside of his muzzle, the Crystaller’s rear hooves clenched tightly as he accepted it with a muffled moan. Even though his positioning wasn’t exactly preferable (especially with his head leaned all the way back where blood could easily pool around his brain), Sunburst’s blush only grew heavier in arousal as he embraced the taste of that cock gliding across his tongue.

Emerald Shine leaned his own head back while keeping his cock in the stallion’s mouth, and moaned softly from the tantalizing sensation of those lips wrapped so comfortably around his shaft. As he pushed more of his length inside of the Crystaller’s muzzle, a sharper groan escaped his mouth upon feeling the tightness of Sunburst’s throat closing in around his cockhead. Fortunately, Sunburst didn’t react too strongly to his throat being temporarily clogged by Emerald’s cock (aside from a brief gurgle), and continued to suck as much as he could while his face scrunched in tightly. Upon looking down at the unicorn’s tenacious mouthwork, the Guard moaned faintly when he saw the evident bulge of his cock sticking out of Sunbursts throat. Of course, Emerald didn’t wait too long before sliding his cock back out of his date’s mouth, and sighed with a satisfied smile upon testing the waters.

Mnnnnnghhh~” While the stallion shuddered with a bit lip and braced himself against Sunburst’s bondage, the hanging unicorn in his grasp took several heavy pants as he got himself breathing again. Luckily for the Guard, his date still seemed antsy enough to continue as that marbled cock stood triumphantly with several needy twitches. Due to how pleased Sunburst looked in his submissive stance, Emerald groaned happily before leaning back in. He slapped his meaty cock against the side of Sunburst’s face, and left the Crystaller moaning direly while he spoke over it. “I gotta say, big boy… For a virgin, you’re surprisingly good at putting that muzzle to use~”

Unnnghh~” After that small grunt from his intensified neediness, Sunburst tried to lean his face towards that hanging cock with his tongue lolling out of his mouth. Even though he was just throat-fucked by the Guard, the pony was still pent-up enough to try and lick that shaft without being able to see it. His hips bucked repeatedly due to his untouched cock throbbing so hard, but Emerald’s use of the toy’s capabilities ensured that the rope he made wouldn’t budge an inch for the Crystaller’s benefit. Sunburst whimpered in pleasure while getting another brief taste of his date’s stallionhood, and the Guard grinned wide as he took a deep breath in gratification.

Yeaaahhhhh… You like that, don’t you?~” Emerald Shine moved his hips to give a couple more teasing slaps of his cock against Sunburst’s face, making sure to hit the unicorn’s tongue a couple times. Despite how degrading it may have looked, Sunburst moaned out shamelessly as he endured his treatment in intensifying pleasure. His face was heavily blushed over his orange coat, and a couple drops of Emerald’s precum dripped off to hit Sunburst’s cheeks to leave the fur slightly matted. Even though his hind-legs were squirming hard in his restraints, the Onyx mimic stood like an inanimate object in wait for Emerald’s next command. Fortunately, the Crystaller didn’t need to speak up before his date leaned in with a wickedly wide smirk. “You wanna get that on both ends?~”

Aaaaahhhh!!~” Sunburst writhed hard in his bondage, and made his answer clear with an upward thrust of his hips to leave his cock dangling in need. “Oh, gods yes!~ P… P-Please give it to me, Emerald!~ I… I need it so bad!~”

“You need what so badly?~” asked the Guard with a widening grin, intent on making Sunburst squirm for just a little longer. “I wanna hear you say it, Sunburst~”

After the briefest moan in confirmation, the Crystaller leaned his head back and said in a shaky plea, “I… I wanna be taken on b-both ends, Emerald!~ I… I-I wanna be spitroasted! P-P-Please, Emerald! I… I’m too horny to last much longer, PLEASE!!~”

A low and smug-sounding hum came out of the Guard’s muzzle, and he leaned down to give Sunburst a comforting kiss on top of his sweating forehead. “There. Was that so hard?~” he asked sweetly. “I gotta say, you’re surprisingly subby for your first time~”

Sunburst tried to giggle nervously, but it came out more like a hiccuped exhale due to how weak it was. As his blush deepened, he wasn’t able to see Emerald Shine motioning towards the Onyx toy while he spoke sheepishly. “W-Well, I… I may have done some light experimentation over the past month, s-so, ummm… It’s not like I was c-completely unaware of what I enjoy~”

“Well, that’s fine by me~” purred Emerald as he got back on his hind-legs, and positioned himself above Sunburst’s face while gripping onto the ropes holding his forelegs. Meanwhile, Onyx did the same as he got himself positioned in front of Sunburst’s rear, and gripped onto the other two ropes tightly. With the Crystaller hanging in wait while blindfolded and deeply aroused, Emerald didn’t need much time for contemplation while positioning his cock closer towards Sunburst’s moaning mouth. “Alrighty then,” he said with a shiver of anticipation, as well as a confirming nod of his head towards the mimic. “Let’s get you properly filled~”

With that, both of those waiting cocks hit their assigned entrances much to Sunburst’s elation. The Crystaller opened his mouth wide for Emerald’s cock again, and let out a startled yelp the instant he felt “Onyx’s” lubed cockhead prodding against his puckering hole. Luckily, Sunburst remembered to take a deep breath through his nostrils just before the Guard’s cock got crammed into his throat. Because of that, the unicorn wasn’t nearly as worried as he savored the tantalizing flavor of Emerald’s cock once more, and groaned from the strain of the mimic’s member opening up his tailhole. Even though the pain was fairly immense due to the toy’s rigid girth, Sunburst tried his hardest to relax himself and allow the fake cock inside; of course, that was easier said than done when his hooves were tied up, and his date’s cock was sliding between his lips to plug up his throat.

Fortunately for the toy, its experience with Sunburst prompted it to act diligently when it came to penetrating the squirming pony. As soon as part of its thick cockhead finally sank into the Crystaller’s tailhole, the mimic was quick to get the rest inside while Sunburst groaned hard through his nostrils. As for Emerald, he was able to get a prime view of that first insertion from the angle he was standing above his date’s blushed and strained face. After the bound stallion tensed up in his ropes for a split-second, his body relaxed enough to allow for more while his eyes rolled back behind his blindfold. “Mmmmnnnnnggghhhhh…~”

Thaaaaaaat’s right~” Sunburst’s cock may have been twitching needily for attention, but Emerald had to grit his teeth as he felt how hard his stallionhood was throbbing inside of his mouth. Meanwhile, the Onyx Tail mimic was already continuing on as it slid more of its length inside of Sunburst slowly. That familiar feeling of pressure and fullness drove the Crystaller absolutely wild, and his eager moans reverberated wonderfully around that cock muffling his noises. Because of that added titillation, Emerald Shine didn’t see the need to keep going as slowly as the toy was. “Ahhh!~ You… Y-You flash your horn if you need to breathe, okay?~”

“Mmmph-Hmmph~” Sunburst grunted briefly, even though it was clear how invigorating Onyx’s penetration felt from the way his hooves were curling. But alas, that response was good enough for the Guard to exhale sharply before working the unicorn himself. Just as the toy got its medial ridge to prod hard against Sunburst’s clenching hole, Emerald tried to do the same with his date’s soft and drooling lips. Even though he wasn’t able to shove nearly as much into that nerdy muzzle as the Onyx copy could push into his ass, the Guard still moaned in satisfaction at seeing that massive bulge of his cockhead traveling down Sunburst’s throat with each inch he pushed in.

While both of those studly mates pushed their way inside of the Crystaller to test his limits, Sunburst tried to border that line between pain and pleasure as he gripped his ropes with both hooves. Of course, despite that lingering burning that began to resonate at the bottom of his lungs, the unicorn refused to let that slight discomfort override how badly his cock was throbbing for more. The immense sensation of being filled by “Onyx’s” cock, combined with experiencing a real one being shoved into his willing throat, caused Sunburst to feel like his heart was pumping a million times a minute. He never would’ve thought that his first date would result in something this successful, but he was determined to get as much from this night as he possibly could.

Mnnnghh!!~” Emerald slowly slid his cock out of the Crystaller’s throat, which gave Sunburst the opportunity to take a heavy breath through his nostrils when his date’s cockhead remained inside of his mouth. As soon as he inhaled through his snout (and shivered from that strong hit of the Guard’s musk up-close), the unicorn was rewarded with another hard shove of that stallionhood ramming itself down his throat again. Even though he hadn’t had much experience with oral before, Sunburst felt eternally grateful that he never had much of a gag-reflex growing up. Because of that, the nerdy pony could truly appreciate his surroundings as he endured Emerald’s first thrust into his muzzle, and felt Onyx’s cock beginning to slide out in preparation of its own.

Sunburst wasn’t sure how much of the toy’s length was still inside of him when it finished pulling back, but he was sensitive enough to feel that dire tingling of emptiness through his quivering backside. A muffled moan came out through his mouth, just as Emerald began to pull his cock out at a faster rate to get him used to the process. However, just as that cockhead popped out of the Crystaller’s throat, an intensely loud groan came out his mouth the instant his toy finally caught up with the Guard.

A hard, and heavy collision of silicone and flesh rocked the pony to his core with that first thrust Onyx made into his hungry hole. If it wasn’t for his date conveniently pulling back just in time, Sunburst likely would’ve felt the slightest hint of worry as he moaned throughout his strained exhale. Of course, the stallion remembered to breathe in just as Emerald shoved his length back inside with a randy grin, and watched Onyx pull its cock back out for another thrust. All the while, Sunburst couldn’t hold back his rapture as he writhed strongly in his restraints, and spurted a couple strings of precum that landed across his bare stomach.

Another pounding thrust courtesy of the toy made Sunburst groan in deep pleasure while Emerald’s cock remained inside of that tight throat. Fortunately, the Guard didn’t see any reason for caution as he went to work, and tried to time his movements opposite of the mimic’s giving the unicorn’s prostate a much-needed rubbing. Only a few thrusts from each of them passed before Emerald was able to get in sync with the toy, and the two cocks could give Sunburst a much-needed stuffing one after the other. Emerald Shine may have been keeping an eye out for any magic flashes his date might make, but his eyes couldn’t pull away from that lovely bulge that kept sliding up and down Sunburst’s throat.

Unnnffff!!~” The green pony became just as diligent as the mimic while they pounded the slutty Crystaller from both ends, and made sure that their cocks thrusted into Sunburst at different times. Each time the Onyx toy pulled itself out for another thrust, Emerald made sure to ram his own cock onto that moaning mouth to make Sunburst squirm. And each time the toy shoved itself back inside of the unicorn, Emerald pulled out just in time for Sunburst to breathe and moan out for more.

Sunburst may have been blindfolded, but he could feel his body rocking back and forth between those two hunks as he let himself get repeatedly skewered by both of those meaty cocks using his orifices so rapidly. Even with how overwhelmed his other senses felt while heightened from all the titillation coursing through his nerves, the unicorn could tell just how well-timed those thrusts were getting between the two cocks ramming him. He could feel each hard motion both of those stallions gave, and could also feel their plump balls slapping lewdly against the top of his face and the dock of his tail. Despite how hard he was tensing up in intensifying bliss from his spitroast, Sunburst knew that his date was ensuring for their first time: the Guard making sure that with each timed thrust, there wouldn’t be a single motion where Sunburst wouldn’t be filled with at least one of their cocks.

And because of that, the stallion couldn’t have felt happier as he succumbed to the pleasures set before him.

The Crystaller’s eyes remained tightly shut behind his blindfold as he relaxed within his bondage, and allowed Emerald to pound his mouth with such an enthusiastic vigor without a care in the world. His tailhole clenched hard around Onyx’s girth, even though he knew he couldn’t exactly get the toy to cum like his date would. But alas, the experience as a whole sent Sunburst’s mind into an absolute whirlwind of pleasures he never thought he would’ve experienced before. Just over a month ago, the pony was just a timid virgin who never thought he could experience a fraction of the carnal delights he enjoyed reading about in private; but now, Sunburst honestly felt like he was experiencing more in that moment than the characters in over half of those smut novels he needlessly clopped to every night.

His lips endlessly drooled as he felt Emerald’s meaty cock sliding in and out between them, and allowed that crowned cockhead to ram into his throat like it was the Guard’s personal fleshlight. His hooves constantly curled from each primal thrust the mimic’s cock delivered to his hole, filling him so brutally well as it brushed against his prostate and left his fur standing on end. His nostrils were flaring nonstop, taking every breath he could as he became increasingly intoxicated with Emerald’s thick and heady musk; and given how hard the unicorn was pounding into Sunburst’s muzzle, there was no doubt that scent was growing stronger from how badly Emerald was beginning to sweat. And to top it all off, Sunburst’s cock was throbbing tremendously hard as it dangled helplessly above his body, and bobbed back and forth just as much as the stallion sandwiched between those two hunks so submissively.

Emerald’s balls relentlessly smacked Sunburst’s face just above the eyes, and a hearty groan came out his muzzle as he rutted the Crystaller’s mouth with no remorse. As that bulge bobbed up and down the pony’s throat at an increasingly faster rate, it wasn’t long before Sunburst could feel just how much the shaft was throbbing between his lips. Even though his lungs felt like they were on fire, the pony refused to let his date pull out just yet. Instead, he just strained especially hard in his bondage while hearing the Guard moan out, “Aaaaahhh!! You… You want my cum, you nerdy little slut?! You want it!?!~”

Even with how badly Emerald was pounding his hungry mouth, and how hard the mimic was plowing his tailhole to leave him mindlessly tantalized, Sunburst couldn’t hold back his urge to cum as he let out a gurgled, “MMPH-HMMPH!~”

Emerald Shine almost contemplated pulling his cock out of that mouth entirely, and making Sunburst beg for it while the toy fucked him mercilessly. Another idea was to push that toy aside, and to properly rut Sunburst like a little bitch until breeding his tailhole. Heck, the Guard could’ve even laid himself on top of Sunburst, sucked on that temptingly throbbing cock in a stunning sixty-nine until both of them came, and flooded each other’s mouths with their loads before making out lewdly. But despite all the possibilities running through Emerald’s perverted mind, he knew there were likely many more opportunities to arise as he moaned out needily, and delivered his last few thrusts as deeply as he could into that mouth.

“Aaaaahhh!!~ Here… H-Here it… HERE IT COMES--GGGGNNNNNNGHHHH!!!~”

With his last thrust, Emerald Shine gritted his teeth as tightly as his closed eyes and plowed hard into Sunburst’s waiting maw. His medial ridge hit the unicorn’s lips, and his cockhead throbbed heavily while crammed so deep inside the Crystaller’s gullet. Sunburst couldn’t swallow while his throat and lungs were so badly strained, but his nerves still tingled in all the right ways as he felt that thick load of cum gushing through that shaft and inside of him. With each hefty throb of Emerald’s cock inside of his date’s mouth, strong spurts of his rich and potent cum pumped directly into Sunburst’s throat to go down to his stomach. The entire process may have been far more intense than a standard blowjob, but it was doubtful that the Crystaller minded in the slightest as he reached his own peak during that filling.

The Onyx Tail mimic didn’t need to cum, but still worked his thrusts harder and slower as it felt how close Sunburst was to finishing. With a final slide of that rigid cock into the unicorn’s hole, that last brush against his prostate helped to push him over the edge alongside Emerald Shine. The Crystaller’s eyes rolled back hard behind his blindfold, and his muffled groan was still tremendously loud as he succumbed to one of the most intense orgasms he ever felt. His cock spasmed wildly while untouched, and spurted out multiple ropes of his thick and pent-up seed that splattered all over his chest and stomach. Emerald was fortunate enough to not get drizzled by his date’s hefty load, but his mouth still gaped upon seeing just how many times Sunburst’s cock shot a hefty volley of cum all over himself.

After one final throb of his own cock with a deeply satisfied moan, Emerald pulled his cock out just in time for Sunburst to desperately gasp for air. The bound unicorn looked absolutely spent, and didn’t even mind Onyx’s cock still inside of him as he tiredly groaned and panted with an elated expression on his face. His hair was hanging down messily to almost touch the floor, and it took several deep breaths before the Crystaller could even try to speak in an overwhelmed hiss. “H… Hol… H-Holy shit~”

Emerald Shine was just as spent as his date, but he still huffed with a meager chuckle as he shrugged in agreement. “Y-Yeah, I… I certainly can’t argue with that~”

The Guard then fell back on his flank behind Sunburst’s head, and the two shared a brief moment of tired laughter while coming down from such an intense experience. The mimic’s cock slowly pulled out of Sunburst after diminishing in size, ensuring that the pony would barely flinch from its exit as his hole was left thoroughly stretched-open. After that, the two real ponies waited a long time while coming down from their lustful high. As the Onyx toy reverted back to its orb-ike state with a flash of Emerald’s magic, Sunburst was left hanging in his bondage while covered in cum from his hips to his lips. A thick dollop of cum was even slathered across his goatee, which matted it across the length of his neck. Meanwhile, Emerald Shine finally spoke up after regaining the strength to get back on his legs. “S-So, ummm… If you don’t mind me asking, Sunburst… Would you wanna go out again sometime?”

Pbbt!” Sunburst scoffed unbelievably hard, and responded with a tone that implied the Guard asked the stupidest question imaginable. “Buck YEAH I wanna go out again!~ Are you crazy!?”

Emerald Shine seemed quite happy with such an enthusiastic response. However, Sunburst’s blindfold kept him from seeing how quickly the Guard’s smile turned to a devilishly wide grin. “Heh heh heh~ I might not be crazy... but I am a little wicked~”

Three Weeks Later

“Ohmigosh, I am sooooo happy for you, Sunburst!!~”

Princess Cadance didn’t care that she was in the middle of the street, and pulled Sunburst in for a tight enough hug to lift his hooves a few inches off the ground. The unicorn yelped with a strained wheeze, and blushed immensely as he felt himself being pressed so tightly against the Princess’ chest. Even though Cadance's personal Guards stood attentively from a distance, none of them tried to intervene after she put him back down. Meanwhile, Sunburst breathed heavily while his face was deeply blushed, and he used a hoof to tightly hold his cape against his chest.

“I-I’m sorry if that was too much,” Cadance blurted with an embarrassed blush upon seeing how flustered she made the Royal Crystaller. After a nervous giggle, she regained her composure and added excitedly, “I’m just so proud for you, Sunburst! I mean, you actually got yourself a boyfriend?! That’s amazing!!~”

Despite feeling a little overwhelmed by Cadance's enthusiasm, Sunburst couldn’t help smiling more naturally while chuckling with a shrug of his head. “W-Well, ummm… Yeah, it really is great, I guess…”

Even though he wasn’t apprehensive about his contentment regarding that wonderful news, Sunbust had more than a few reasons to act so nervously about the matter in front of the Princess. Considering how she helped him come out of his shell, he felt rather awkward being so open about his boyfriend to her in a public. Not to mention, the unicorn was still dreading the idea of letting his Mother know about Emerald Shine being his partner. But for the time being, the stallion just hoped his current interaction would go smoothly enough to help him forget the largest reason for his heavy blush.

“Oooh!” Cadance's face lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree as she lit up her horn, and conjured up a couple gift cards with her magic. “Here!” she said as she floated them towards Sunburst. “They’re for that new Neighponese restaurant that opened on Spike Square. Shining and I went there a while back, and their teriyaki skewers are amazing~”

“Oh! Ummm…” Even though he felt awkward about accepting an impromptu gift, Sunburst knew better than to reject an offering from Royalty. So after sighing with a warm smile, the stallion nodded gratefully and took the cards with his hoof. “You really didn’t have to, but uhhhh… thank you so much, Princess Cadance.”

“Hey, it’s not a problem at all,” she said assuredly with a wave of her hoof. “Shining and I get gifts like that all the time, so it’d be a waste to not--

“N-No, ummm…” Sunburst bit his lips awkwardly after interrupting the Princess’ words. However, the Crystaller knew what he needed to clarify as he took a breath, and looked up at her with a more thankful smile behind his blush. “I meant, uhhhh… I wanted to thank you, Cadance. For… for everything.”

Princess Cadance paused for a second as she saw how genuine Sunburst’s smile looked alongside that sentiment. She quickly smiled just as kindly back at him, and tried not to let her eyes bead up from the emotional gesture. She leaned in to give Sunburst another hug, and held him tightly as she let him hug her back. “Awwwww~ It’s alright, Sunburst. After all you’ve done for me and my family, helping you was the least I could do.”

After the two finished their hug, Cadance caught the Crystaller by surprise when she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Sunburst’s blush grew even heavier as he stood wide-eyed, and remained frozen while a couple guards snickered to themselves. Meanwhile, the Princess began to trot off to make her leave. “Welp, I better get going, Sunburst. I have a busy schedule, and there are ribbons to cut and babies to kiss! See you later~”

With that, Princess Cadance and her Guards were off while Sunburst came down from that unexpected gesture. While he knew she was the Princess of Love, he hoped that kisses on the cheek were a common occurrence from her. Otherwise, he’d likely have to ask Starlight Glimmer for some barrier spells to protect himself from Shining Armor. Nonetheless, by the time the unicorn was finally able to move on his own, he quickly had to run off to a private spot while his cheeks remained a deep crimson.

As soon as he got himself into an empty alley, Sunburst hid behind a dumpster while struggling not to moan too loudly. After making a pent-up shudder, Sunburst lit his horn to lift his cloak and glance down at himself. Ever since he and Emerald became an item, the two had become quite acquainted with their shared interest in their toys. But while the orange unicorn wanted to keep those activities in the bedroom, his boyfriend saw it a little differently.

Sunburst’s cock was rock-hard and throbbing intensely enough to smack his barrel a couple times; however, the thick black ring that went around his cockhead ensured that he wouldn’t be able to cum until it was removed. Likewise, the base of a similarly detailed buttplug could be seen covering the stallion’s tailhole, and clearly intensifying how pent-up he had been feeling all day. Sunburst wasn’t even straight, but that added affection by Cadance made him whimper in dread from the thought of how he was gonna last the rest of the day.

“Mnnnnghhh… s-stupid Emerald,” he muttered with a shudder before pulling his cape back down, and covering up his perverse usage of Cadance's gift. After waiting a moment to settle down with gritted teeth, Sunburst began to leave the alley to resume with his busy workday. Since Emerald Shine wasn’t scheduled to clock out from Guard duties until five, his boyfriend was left to keep himself distracted for the rest of the afternoon. But despite his frustration, Sunburst couldn’t help muttering to himself with each shaky step he took, “Unnnfff… I don’t know if I should yell at him for making me do this, or contemplate marrying him…”