Fresh Entertainment

by theponycaptorproject

First published

A young draconequus learns that walking alone in Ponyville can be just as unsafe as anywhere else.

Entropy has been staying with Fluttershy for a while, and has began to feel at home. The walk to her cottage takes him down a path out of sight of the rest of the town however, a fact that will change Entropy's life forever.

Warning! Rape ahead! If this is not your kind of fic then turn back. Turn back you fool!
Written for Demegor.

New Toy

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The sight of a draconequus walking the streets was certainly not something that anypony was used to. Entropy was used to that, but it seemed worse in Equestria than he was used to. It went beyond just the lack of recognition that Entropy had encountered before coming to Equestria. Ponies actually knew what he was, they had seen a draconequus before, and that was why they were distrustful of him. Discord had probably played a major role in that, he imagined.

He tugged at the hems of his dress as he made his way down the Ponyville streets. Staying with Fluttershy as he had for the last few months had helped some in the town to get used to seeing him, but he was still far from a normal citizen to most. At least nopony here bugged him about the way he dressed. Ponies in general seemed fairly accepting of that much at least. Entropy smiled, thinking of how Fluttershy would call him pretty sometimes. She’d even been the one to sew him the dress he was wearing.

The roads on the east end of town were almost empty at this time of day, which the young draconequus was thankful for. With fewer eyes staring, he relaxed some. The only sounds he could hear was the click and pad of his mismatched feet as he walked. The sun was below the horizon at this point, and it would be dark soon. He felt the sudden urge to hurry back to Fluttershy’s. The thud of his feet against the unpaved roads sped up as he jogged out past the edge of town and down the well worn path to the cottage. Before long, he was out of sight of the last of the homes of Ponyville.

Entropy could see the last bend in the road before the cottage in the distance when he was grabbed. Hooves wrapped around his waist, holding him in place. Before he could yell, a faint field of magic covered his mouth, and his scream was absorbed into it. Before he could respond, his claws were yanked behind him and he felt ropes wrap around them. A ball gag floated through the air, the magic holding it melding with the magic over his mouth, and he felt the gag get shoved roughly into place. The strap was tightened behind his neck, and the draconequus was effectively silenced. He was flung to the ground and pinned in place by strong hooves as he felt his ankles get pulled together and similarly bound.

Now that he was trussed up, the weight was lifted off of his back. He rolled to try and move away, but a hoof pushed against his shoulder, pinning his back to the ground. For the first time, he could see his attackers. There were two of them, both stallions. The one that was holding him down before was a large gray unicorn that looked down at him with a desire that Entropy didn’t recognize, but made him uncomfortable. The other was a smaller one with a light green coat. He didn’t even bother looking at Entropy.

“Think she’ll go for a good price, Stiper? I mean, she’s unique sure, but….” The green pony responded with a laugh.

“She’s a draconequus. After all the shit that Discord has put Equestria through, and with that slimy bastard getting away with all of it because he apologized, I imagine there is quite the market for ponies looking to show one of their kind a rough time. Now, load her onto the carriage.”

“Shouldn’t we be worried about being seen? There a cottage right over that hill.” The green stallion said, pointing in the direction of Fluttershy’s. A brief glimmer of hope shone in Entropy’s eyes as he realized that his caretaker might come to rescue him.

“Nah, don’t worry about her. She won’t do a thing to stop us even if she sees.” The green pony lifted Entropy up and hauled him over to a packet of foliage at the side of the road. There was the carriage that Striper had mentioned, and Entropy grunted as he was thrown roughly into it. The green pony went in front and latched himself in, then began to pull the carriage forward, as Striper jumped into the back before it got moving too fast. Entropy whimpered fearfully as the door inside was closed, shutting him in the darkness with this stallion, and closing him off from the outside.

“Now…,” the stallion grunted, leaning down towards Entropy. “Time to see what you look like under that.” Entropy shook his head no, but the stallion ignored him. His horn glowed in the darkness and there was a ripping sound as Entropy’s dress came apart at the seams. The draconequus screamed in panic through his gag as he watched the dress that Fluttershy had made for him fall to pieces on the floor around him. The stallion paused in surprise for a moment as he look down at the now nude figure.

“Huh. Now that’s interesting.” The unicorn bent down and cupped Entropy’s balls in his hooves. The draconequus’s face flushed red as the stallion rubbed his balls lightly, but yelped as a hoof came out and slapped him violently. Entropy tried to crawl away but the stallion’s magic pulled him back and he was slapped again and again. The pony in front heard the faint screaming as Entropy tried to shield himself.

“What’s going on, did she try to kick you or something?” He called back. Striper laughed and responded.

“It’s not a ‘she’ at all this little fucktoy is a boy.” He crouched down next to Entropy’s, now bright red, face and licked his cheek. The fear and confusion in Entropy’s eyes was clear. “You enjoy fucking with people? It would have been embarrassing if I had tried to sell you to my boss without realized that you had a little fun stick. You really shouldn’t fuck with me like that. I thought we had found something special, the first known female draconequus. Oh well, you’ll have to do.”

A small cloth was levitated through the air, and Entropy’s vision went dark as the blindfold was wrapped around his head and eyes. When he was covered, he was lifted into the air. The carriage came to a stop, and soon Entropy could hear the back door open again. There was the sound of another door opening and he was carried into some kind of building. Even through his blindfold he could tell that it was dark wherever he now was. The bonds around his claws were loosened, but before he could resist they were yanked below him. He was lowered with magic until he felt his stomach press against something cold. From the feel of it, he assumed it was a table of some kind. His claws were pulled down and lined up with the legs of the table and he felt tape secure his claws and feet to them.

The darkness of the blindfold was taken away, and Entropy squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light of the room. What he saw confused him. They were out on a stage, which explained the echoing hoofsteps from before. The rows of seats were empty, and there was no other creature here besides himself and the two stallions. The smaller one with the green coat waved a goodbye to the other and walked off the stage. For what reasons, Entropy could only guess. So, the draconequus was left alone with the white stallion, tied to a table and completely helpless.

“What in the hell is that thing, Striper?” A new voice boomed out, echoing through the empty stage.. A large stallion with a orange coat walked down between the rows of seats. He sat down on the closest seat in the first row, and leaned forward to look at Entropy. The little draconequus tried to speak through the ball gag, hoping that this new pony might help him. The stallion ignored the muffled pleas, and looked at Entropy’s captor with amusement.

“Well sir, you said to catch something unique for tonight’s show, and I have never seen anything like this freak before.” The new stallion laughed and nodded.

“That’s true. What are you?” He asked, looking Entropy in the eyes for the first time. “You look like the same kind of creature as that Discord thing. Is that right?” From how his captor had spoken to this stallion, Entropy realized that he wouldn’t be getting any help from him. With a whimper, he nodded. “Well clearly not as powerful though.” The orange stallion quipped. “Which is good for us. After all, it would be a shame if the star of today’s show were to run away on us.” He savored the look of fear on the little draconequus’s face, then turned to Entropy’s captor. “Alright, Striper, go collect your reward. Plus, for getting us such an...interesting new performer, I think you should be first in line once the show begins.” Striper chuckled, then stroked Entropy’s butt lightly. The young draconequus squeaked, he was only ten years old, and was unfamiliar with that kind of touch. He lightly tugged at his restraints, but a stern glare from the orange stallion cowed him out of struggling more.

“It's almost showtime, little guy.” Striper purred into his ear, making the draconequus whimper again. Striper laughed and slapped Entropy’s ass, delighting in the squeak he got in response. “It’s going to be a fun night. For now though…,” The cloth was floated back over Entropy’s body, “...I don’t want to spoil the surprise for the crowd.


Entropy wasn’t sure how long he lays there, squirming against his bonds. From under the cloth covering him he could hear the sounds of a gathering crowd, quiet a large one from the sounds of it too. He tried to yell through his gag to get their attention, but the sound was too muffled to be heard over the shuffling hooves as the crowd settled in. He jerked in shock as a voice boomed out over the din. It was the stallion from before, the one that seemed like he was in charge.

“Ladies and gentlecolts, thank you for once again for attending our little show. My trusted employees have brought you all something truly unique tonight, something that I am sure you will all enjoy. Of course, none of you came here to hear me prattle on. No, you sick fucks all came here to watch some little slut get what every whore deserves. Plus, or course, a lucky few of you will get to have a turn for yourselves. So, keep your ears open to hear if you get called. Now, with that out of the way….”

There was a pause that Entropy assumed was a result of the pony gesturing to somepony, and sure enough, on queue, the cloth covering him flew off in dramatic fashion. The crowd gasped in surprise when they saw little Entropy tied to the table. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked out into the sea of blurry faces and squealed into his gag, hoping one of the ponies in the crowd would help him. He heard murmurs that he couldn’t make out, then one of the ponies in the crowd yelled out in delight.

“Fuck that little monster good!” This was joined by a chorus of similar cheers. For a brief moment, Entropy thought he heard a familiar voice from the crowd, but he was beginning to cry and his vision was too blurry to make out faces. He heard hoofsteps behind him, and when he strained to turn his body to see who was there, he recognized Striper. The crowd obviously did too, as there was a massive cheer when the stallion came within view of the rows of seats.

“Are we all ready to fuck ourselves a new slut?” Striper yelled, to which the crowd cheered loudly. “Same thing as always,” Stiper called out over the yelling, “Me and our generous host get the first round, then we will start randomly selecting audience members to come play with the new toy. Entropy did not like the sound of that. There was a surge of panic in his stomach as he saw the “host,” the stallion who had first welcomed the crowd, step forward, and position himself in front of Entropy’s face. His cock was erect, and was mere inches from Entropy’s face. The draconequus’s eyes grew wide, not fully understanding what was about to happen to him, but recognizing from what Fluttershy had taught him, that this was unusual behavior even considering the situation. ‘Why is it stiff like that?’ he thought to himself.

“The mouth, really? That isn’t like you, sir?” Striper said.

“Eh, you usually bring filly’s, and I like teaching them the only thing they are good for. Never been fond of colts personally, but….” He rubbed a hoof across Entropy’s lips, and seemingly delighting as the draconequus fought to pull his head out of reach, “I imagine the mouth is the same either way. Plus, I want to see his expression when you enter him. It’s going to be delicious.”

“Fair enough. I suppose we should start before the crowd gets antsy.” Stiper said. Entropy screamed into his gag in panic, knowing that whatever was going on was about to get worse for him. As he screamed, the host pony got a funny look, and reached down to undo his gag. “Let’s get this off of you. I’m sure the crowd would love to hear you cry.” With a click, the gag came loose, and for the first time in hours the draconequus could speak.

“Let me go!” he screamed, his terrified eyes scanning the crowd for a friendly face, and seeing nothing but lustful stares. “Please, I don’t know what’s going on. What are you going to do to me?” He felt Stripers hooves on his ass, and he tugged at the tape holding him again. Striper just laughed at his futile efforts, and spread the draconequus’s ass. The stallion pressed his cock against the tight hole and leaned forward to speak into Entropy’s ear.

“Don’t worry, we are just giving you the treatment a freak like you deserves. Now, take a deep breath. I want you to hear you scream for me.” There was a sinking feeling in Entropy as he heard that, but before he could think of anything to say he found himself unwillingly obliging his captor. Striper was not gentle. The moment he was done talking, he rammed his shaft into the draconequus’s ass and hilted himself on the first go. His reward for this was a piercing high-pitched scream. Tears came gushing from Entropy’s eyes as the searing pain in his ass overwhelmed him. The crowd cheered in delight.

“Stop! Ah! No, no, no, please.” The Draconequus cried out, feeling the foreign object force its way into him time and again. He yanked as hard as he could against his restraints, crying with frustration as they refused to give. Entropy’s eyes frantically looked out at the crowd and he saw each and every one of them delighting in watching what was happening to him. “Help me! One of you, please! He’s hurting meeee!”

“You deserve it you freak!” Somepony yelled out from the crowd.

“That’s right, you little bitch, scream.”

“His mouth! Fuck his his mouth!”

The draconequus’s ass was on fire, with Striper shoving roughly into him at a fair pace. He felt himself being filled and then emptied, time and again, while his body painfully stretched on each thrust. Striper was enjoying every second of it. A draconequus’s ass, as it turned out, was very similar to a filly’s ass. It firmly but comfortably gripped his shaft resisting every thrust in, and clinging to every pull out. It felt amazing. The fact that the little shit he was fucking was frantically trying to yank his way free while Striper fucked him only made the situation better. The crowd yelled over top of Entropy’s frantic screaming. He couldn’t even see the host’s face anymore through his tears, but he did see what the stallion shoved in his face.

“Open your mouth, and if you know what’s good for you, you won’t try and bite.” The host growled. Entropy looked at the cock in his face and realized what the stallion probably planned to do. He shook his head wildly.

“It’s too big, I...I’ll choke!” He cried, still grunting in pain from every thrust from Striper.

“So, choke on it then, whore!” Another voice from the front row of the crowd yelled.

“You heard her. Open, now!” The stallion said viciously. In panic, and not knowing what else to do, Entropy did the worst thing he could have. With a jaw still quivering from his sobbing, Entropy sealed his lips shut and shook his head, but he instantly regretted this. A hoof flew out and smacked his cheek, and from behind him, Striper started thrusting in even harder. The draconequus loudly screamed in pain.

“Nooo! Stop! I’m sorry. I’ll do it. I’ll do it, I promise, just please don’t hurt me anymore.” To prove he meant it, he opened his mouth, and before he could even process what was happening, his mouth was filled.

The draconecuus’s mouth didn’t feel like any other that the host had ever felt. It was warm and moist of course, and the draconequus’s tears ran down his face and onto the host’s balls. These were all sensations that he was used to, but the tongue was different. It was long and forked. Whether the child meant it to or not, his tongue was wrapping itself around the host’s cock, cocooning it in a blissful, silky warmth. Entropy looked up at him with teary eyes, muffled pleas coming out past the cock in his mouth, and the host felt his member twitch in anticipation.

Pushing into the draconequus’s mouth deeper, the host felt the child gag, throat convulsing around his cock. He began to pump his hips lightly, feeling the thin tongue tighten its grip as the boy panicked, and the feeling was wonderful. Entropy gagged and coughed as the large member pushed down into his throat, saliva gushing down his chin. Being fucked from both sides was proving too much for the draconequus to handle. He tugged futility at his bonds again, this time purely out of instinctual response, as his body tried desperately to free itself. The two stallions, and much of the crowd laughed at the display.

Striper was having the time of his life. He was hilting on every push now, the young draconequus’s warm ass gripping him wonderfully. Feeling that warmth, and hearing the soft and muffled sobbing, it was all finally too much.

“Hang on, bud. Here it comes.” He growled, slapping Entropy’s ass violently. The hysterically sobbing child had no idea what the stallion meant, but after a loud groan from Striper, he could feel something warm seep into his ass. With a loud sucking sound, Striper finally pulled himself out. Entropy groaned, the horrible pressure finally released, and allowed himself to relax his body just a bit. That is, before he remembered….

“Ok,” Striper called out to the crowd, his cock still dripping with cum. “Will our first pony step up please?” Entropy looked out of the corner of his eyes as some ponies in suites seemed to guide members of the crowd. He assumed that these were the ones that picked who would go next. Entropy closed his eyes, hot tears streaming down his cheeks as he realized what was going to happen. Sure enough, after a few seconds of the sound of hooves approaching, there was another set of hooves spreading his ass. He tried one more time to plead for mercy, despite his mouth being full, but if he was understood, the pony behind him didn’t care.

The host, who was still balls deep inside the draconequus’s throat, felt the thin tongue tighten around his shaft again once the lucky customer started to pump into him from behind. The tongue, coiled around his shaft seemed almost to be trying to shove him out of the draconequus’s mouth, but it wasn’t working. As his hips thrust in, he felt the moist throat of his little victim convulse, and it was wonderful. He looked down at the crying face of the draconequus, who seemed to be begging with his eyes for it all to stop, and spit at him.

“I hope you enjoy your first meal of the day.” Before Entropy could even begin to wonder what that meant, he got an answer. Hot cum came gushing out into his mouth, bursting between his lips and onto his chin. The draconequus coughed up cum that had shot down his throat, but received a sharp slap to his cheek. “None of that! You will swallow every drop that one of my customers gives to you!” The draconequus sobbed, but obeyed, swallowing what was left in his mouth. As expected, once he was finished with Entropy, the host made way for another only from the crowd, a mare this time. She towards him and Entropy’s eyes went wide as the mare kissed him. As she pulled away, a string of saliva and cum clung to her lips.

“Let’s see if you can show a mare a good time.” She said as she straddled his head and positioned her marehood in front of him. Entropy squealed as he felt the stallion in his ass start pumping into him quicker. “That’s right,” The mare said in a sensual voice, “Fuck him hard. I want to hear him squeal as he pleasures me.” The stallion happily obliged, and Entropy unwillingly did.

For the next several hours, Entropy was rutting in front of these ponies. Their jeers and yells making him feel all the more humiliated as he was ruthlessly fucked. Covered in tears, saliva, and an unbelievable amount of cum, he chose to just lay down and accept what was happening to him. The crowd slowly cleared out as the hours passed. Maybe it was because most of the ponies had already had their fun with him, maybe they had gotten bored of him, Entropy wasn’t sure. He wasn’t even sure how much time had passed. It felt like days to him, but he knew it couldn’t have been nearly that long. Finally though, it seemed to be over. The stallion that had been rutting him for the last ten minutes pulled himself free and gave Entropy a sloppy kiss before stumbling his way off stage.

For a brief moment, Entropy was allowed to relax. He closed his eyes and coughed, cum dripping down from his lips. His whole body was shaking, pain still shaking through him from his thoroughly abused hole. He could hear the host speaking to another crowd member, and Entropy quietly sobbed to himself knowing that he was probably not done yet. For now though, he just tried to get his breath back, it had been hard to breath with all the cocks he’d been forced to suck over the last several hours. He lay flopped out against the table, completely depleted of energy.

“Oh, you poor thing!” Entropy’s ears perked up and his heart nearly burst with joy. He knew that voice.

“Fluttershy?” He croaked out, trying to tilt his head to see behind him where the voice came from. There she was, standing behind him. She had something strapped to her waist, but he couldn’t angle his head enough to see what it was. “Fluttershy, please help me. Please, get me out of here so we can go home. They’ll listen to you won’t they?”

Fluttershy had come to stand just behind him, her hair resting on his back.

“Oh, they probably would. In fact they already did.” She said in that familiar, quiet voice of hers, soothing him as it always had. Any happiness that Entropy felt when he heard that immediately died with her next words. “Who do you think told them where they could grab a 'strange young creature' without anypony seeing?” Entropy’s eyes shrunk to pin-pricks, and he let out a deep sob as he felt something against his ass and finally realized what it was that Fluttershy had strapped to her.

“Can we get him off from the table? I want to stroke his little prick while I use him.” Fluttershy asked one of the stage ponies. The stage mare tilted her head in Entropy’s direction, and two other ponies began to untie his restraints. Entropy was too tired to bother kicking or trying to run. Besides, there were almost a dozen ponies in the room. Even if he tried to run, he wouldn’t get far, and he didn’t want to think about what the consequences would be. So, he just let them lift him from the table, then retie his hooves together in front of him, a spreader bar keeping his back legs apart. Entropy just buried his head in the floor, the crushing feeling of betrayal from the only pony he trusted tearing at his soul. Once he was firmly restrained, one of the ponies reached for the ball gag, but Fluttershy stopped him.

“No, no. No need for that. I get so turned listening to him cry.” She moaned out, and Entropy noticed that she was licking her lips with an almost embarrassed smile on her face. The stage pony shrugged and dropped the gag to the floor next to Entropy’s face. The draconequus closed his eyes and tried to think about anything else as he heard Fluttershy walking towards him. He thought of her garden, of the calm walk home through the woods, and even of that devil-bunny of hers, anything except what was about to happen. She wouldn’t really do this to him, she couldn’t. She was too nice for this. Those thoughts were torn violently from his mind, and the room was filled with a pained scream as Fluttershy harshly slapped his exposed ass.

“Oh dear, I am getting so excited. Now, lift your butt up honey.” Sobbing, Entropy did as he was told, hoping that if he did what she asked they would let him go when this was all over. Fluttershy bent down and looked at his small cock. There were caked spots along his fur from the numerous times he’d been forced to cum while being rutted while tied to that table. Fluttershy licked her lips, her heart hammering in her chest as she looked at his twitching member, already hard in spite of how miserable he was. Leaning over, she took the whole thing into her mouth. Entropy gasped in surprise.

“What are you….aaaah...what are you doing? Stop, please Fluttershy, just untied me. I wanna go home.” Fluttershy ignored him, and began to bob her head, her tongue wrapped completely around his tiny cock. Entropy’s legs quivered as he felt the same weird but pleasant sensation he had felt through all the pain of his many ruttings that night. The feeling was good, but Entropy was too scared to care, he just wanted this all to stop. Fluttershy’s mouth was warm and she was able to take his entire length easily. She began to stroke the strap-on she was wearing, which was double sided so she could feel every vibration. She moaned around his shaft, pleasure coursing through her own body.

Entropy came almost immediately, squirting what little cum he had left into his adopted guardian’s mouth. She pulled away, swallowing the small amount of juice that the poor draconequus had produced. The boy was too out of breath to say anything as she moved back behind him.

“Now for the best part. Are you ready?” She asked, delighting as the red faced draconequus shook his head, face buried in a puddle of tears that had pooled on the floor. “Good.” She purred, then began to thrust. The strap on was less painful than any of the cocks had been that day, but for Entropy, this was all far worse. His guardian pounded into him, the room filling and echoing with her quiet grunts. It seems Fluttershy was soft spoken no matter what she was doing, even if it was raping her ward. Entropy whimpered as he felt her thrust into him at a nearly manic pace. The mare had been pent up for months, waiting to pound him, and now that she could, she was doing so with crazed energy.

To his shame, Entropy felt himself squirt all over his chest, some of it hitting his chin and he cried into his bound hooves, just waiting for it to all be over. He thought he was getting off easy when, after only a few minutes he heard her let out a high pitched squeal of ecstasy. However, to his horror, while she slowed down for a few seconds, she quickly began to pump into him even more, desperate to cum a second time. Before long, this became a third time.

At last, Fluttershy seemed to have expended the last of her energy. Her hips stopped moving, and his a delighted squeal, she pulled the strap-on free. Relief flowed through the young draconequus, and as Fluttershy walked around his bound form, he found himself hoping that this was all she wanted, that now she would help him. He looked up at her, his lips quivering.

“Please, please let it be over. Can we just go home now? I promise I won’t t...tell anypony what happened. I just want to go home. I just want my clothes back. Can we please leave?” He begged, searching his supposed guardian’s face for mercy. Fluttershy’s face screwed up with pity.

“Oh you poor little thing.” Entropy’s eyes glistened with a hint of hope, as Fluttershy came over to rest a gentle hoof on his tear covered cheek. “You’re still confused, aren’t you.” She continued.

“What do you mean? Can you please untie me now?” He said, tugging halfheartedly at his reastraints again.

“You aren’t coming home with me, that would be unfair. I already promised these nice ponies that I’d let them take you on tour with them.” She responded with a smile. Entropy just stared in confusion.

“What...what does that mean? What tour? Fluttershy?” The mare nibbled lightly on Entropy’s ear, earning her an uncomfortable whine from the little draconequus. She picked up the ball gag that had been discarded earlier and brought it up to Entropy’s mouth. “Wait, no. What are you doing? No, plmmrph! Fwuurrery! Pweese!” His screams were muffled by the gag, but Fluttershy licked her lips as she watched the last bit of hope in his eyes die. The host pony walked up to the two of them laughing.

“Will you be wanting him back at any point?” He asked Fluttershy. She smiled pleasantly back at him.

“No need. I know you will take good care of him.” She said.

“Oh we will, and thanks again.”

“That’s what I do. Rescue cute little animals and set them up in loving homes,” Fluttershy looked over at where a now hysterically sobbing Entropy was tied up, “And I know you will show him plenty of love for the rest of his life.”


The sound of ripping tape was drowned out by the cacophony of voices from the other side of the curtain. Entropy had long since given up on trying to count the days since he’d been caught, or the number of towns and cities he’d ‘performed’ in. So, as they once again tied his claws and legs together, he just sniffled and let them work. From the sounds of the gathering crowd, He felt that he was in for a long night.