Love can be a dangerous weapon too.

by xombiekilla

First published

Twilight accidentally insulted Cadence and her body weight. With her being as enraged as she is, Twilight's going to be in for a very bad time!

Twilight doesn't get jealous often, but Cadence doesn't take too kindly to disrespect in her castle, especially if it's about her looks and her weight. Looks like there's going to be a big problem between the two princesses.

(Warning!!! This story contains anthro ponies wrestling each other and one of them winning, facesitting, farting, femdom, ass torture, and smothering,. You have been warned!) If you don't like it, don't read it, simplicity itself!

Shoutout to this guy here: For the request here!

Sometimes you have to be cruel, to be kind.

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It was a bright and beautiful afternoon in Ponyville, Many ponies traveling to and fro, all having their activities and jobs they must do for their day. "Hey Twilight, I got a letter for you!" Said Spike as he knocked on the door to Twilight's bedchambers.

"Oh hey there, Spike! What's that in your hand? A letter? From who I wonder?" Twilight yawned, wondering who could have sent this, until she saw the royal seal of the Crystal Empire stamped on it. "Ooh It's from Cadence! I gotta read this!" Said Twilight excitedly. "It says that i'm summoned by Princess Cadence for a matter of great importance in the royal ballroom. If Cadence needs my help with something, then she can count on me to be there for her." Said Twilight.

"Well then, you know where i'll be, holding down the fort here with Starlight, good luck Twilight!" Said Spike.

"Thanks Spike! I know that I can count on the both of you to watch over the place while i'm out!" Said Twilight as she made her way out of her castle and over to the train station to begin her voyage to the Crystal Empire.

"Alright everypony! The train to the Crystal Empire is scheduled for departure in five minutes! Anypony who still hasn't gotten their tickets yet, now's the best time!" Shouted the conductor as he was letting everypony know that the trains were about to leave.

"Well it's a good thing to always make preparations in advance, that's for sure!" Twilight said already holding onto her express ticket and about to board the train.

"Excuse me miss, can I see your ticket please?" Asked the conductor to Twilight.

"Sure thing sir, it's right here!" Said Twilight.

"Mhmm! Everything checks out okay, enjoy your trip ma'am!" Said the conductor.

"Thank you sir!" Twilight said as she boarded the train and waited for it to depart. "Gee, I hope everything's ok over there. Hopefully whatever it is isn't anything too serious. Mild if anything!" Said Twilight. The trip had begun and the train was now leaving Ponyville and headed for the Crystal Empire. Time itself felt really slow for Twilight as she continued to worry about Cadence and Shining.

Just then, after two whole hours, Twilight had started to see the Crystal Empire as the train was fast approaching there. "Finally! Made it here, now to see if Cadence and my brother are doing ok." Said Twilight as the train arrived at the Crystal Station.

"Now that i'm here, I might as well get a move on, Cadence needs my help!" Said Twilight as she made her way to the castle to meet with Cadence.

"Halt citizen, state your... P-Princess Twilight!?! Right this way!" Said the royal guard as they identified Twilight and then let her in.

"Thank you gentlemen, have a good one!" Said Twilight as she made her way to the ballroom to meet with Cadence. She made her way down the hallway to the ballroom as she then saw Shining Armor running past her, almost in a panic-like state.

"Hey there big brother! What's up?" Asked Twilight.

"T-Twily. I don't have much time! I need to get out of here right now!" Said Shining.

"Why what's wrong?" Asked Twilight.

"I-It's Cadence, she's very angry at me. All I have to say to you Twily, is that whatever you do, DO NOT insult her weight and/or proportions, you will regret it." After that Shining left from Twilight before she could comment on his statement.

"Um... ok? That was weird." Said Twilight.

Twilight reached the doors to the Ballroom and opened them up to see a frazzled Cadence. "Hey Cadence! I finally made it! So how've you been?" Asked Twilight.

"Not too good Twilight. I've been at my wits end as of late. It's nice of you to come over to support me, you're a true friend where it counts." Said Cadence.

"Well I like to try, at least that's what it says on my title. So is there anything bothering you, I can try my best to help you feel better." Twilight offered.

"Something has been bothering me as of late. My subjects just seem a bit distant from me, more than usual. I just wanted some advice of how to do better. It got so bad that i've been gorging on snack foods lately, not out of depression, just for... other reasons." Stated Cadence.

"Well that's doesn't sound too healthy to me. Oh and I saw Shining a little bit ago. Why was he so stressed out?" Asked Twilight.

"YOU SAW HIM!?! Where?" Asked Cadence darkly and brimming with rage.

"Why're you mad at him? Did he do something to you?" Asked Twilight.

"You can say that Twilight, Where do you think he's gone off to?" Asked Cadence.

"I don't know, he just abruptly ran past me and probably just left the castle at this point." Said Twilight.

"That motherbucker." Cadence said to herself.

"Hey now, that's a little bit uncalled for don't you think?" Asked Twilight.

"I suspect that he might be cheating on me Twilight. He's been away from me more than usual, then to top it all off, he insulted my weight saying that I eat too much and could stand to lose a few. The nerve of that guy." Said Cadence.

"That doesn't sound like him at all to me Cadence." Said Twilight.

"And what would you know Twilight? You're not the one that has to live with that stallion 24/7." Said Cadence.

"But?" Twilight said before Cadence cut her off.

"Or have to put up with his nonsense all the time. He's a big ol' softy and a real sweetie where it counts, but there're times where I just want to rip his head off with my hooves." Said Cadence in anger.

"But I..." Twilight tried to say before Cadence cut her off again.

"And who do you think is always going to be there for him? Me that's who. I am, because I still love him for who he is, not for what he's done." Said Cadence. "So you were saying Twilight?" Cadence asked finally letting Twilight talk.

"Thank you. As I was saying; But what if he's not cheating on you Cadence, what if you're just worrying over nothing?" Asked Twilight.

"But how do I know he's not trying it, especially now that I snapped at him."Cadence said dejectedly.

"Well he mentioned to me about something he said to you that you didn't like and told me to never say it to you, what did he tell you?" Asked Twilight.

"Honey! If it's more than a hoofful, it's too much for me!" Cadence replied angrily.

"Oof, ouch." Twilight said.

"Yeah. Ouch indeed." Cadence replied.

"So what did you want me to do about it?" Asked Twilight. Twilight couldn't help but stare at Cadence's flanks as she was sitting down, every movement made caused them to jiggle a little, bringing a small blush to her face, one that Cadence quickly noticed.

"I see you staring at my flanks Twilight you naughty mare." Said Cadence.

"N-No I wasn't... too much." Twilight tried to say in her defense.

"So how're they then? Surely you would find them to be just amazing right?" Asked Cadence.

"I... well umm, they're big and bouncy. hehe..." Twilight added with a nervous chuckle.

"Hey are you trying to make fun of me Twilight? Cause I'm not seeing the humor in this at all if that's the case." Said Cadence.

"No! No i'm not, that's not why you invited me over and you know it. Even if I do kinda agree with my big brother just a little bit." Twilight added under her breath.

"What was that Twilight?" Cadence added with a stern look on her face.

"Wait!?! That did not come out right at all. Before you shoot me down at least let me explain..." Twilight tried but Cadence wasn't having any of it.

"No Twilight! That's quite enough out of you. I'm sick and tired of being insulted. Who's going to be there to love everypony if i'm not here?" Cadence asked rhetorically.

"But I..." Twilight still tried.

"I said that's enough out of you Twilight, looks like you need a lesson in humility then." Stated Cadence as she slowly approached Twilight with obvious angry intent.

"Yeah... how about no Cadence! Until you can calm down and talk to me like a normal pony, I'm leaving." Said Twilight.

"I don't think so Twilight Sparkle!" Cadence yelled in rage as she reached out to grab Twilight, only for her to teleport away from her grasp. "Damn her and her teleporting! I WILL FIND YOU TWILIGHT! MARK MY WORDS, YOU WILL REGRET WHAT YOU SAID TO ME!!!" Cadence roared in her fury.

"I gotta hide somewhere! If I just up and ran outside, it would be way too obvious, Cadence would find me in a heartbeat. Think Twilight think. Aha, in here, it's perfect." Said Twilight as she was hiding in Cadence's bedchambers, underneath her bed. Now all she had to do was wait things out until it was safe to leave from under there.

"I WILL FIND YOU TWILIGHT!!!" Cadence yelled as she was searching for Twilight.

"Yeah! Good luck with that Cadence, I going to stay hidden until you've calmed down!" Twilight muttered to herself.

"I CAN SENSE YOU, YOU KNOW!!!" Cadence yelled in her rage.

"But can she find my exact location, I think not!" Twilight whispered to herself.

Just then, Twilight quietly gasped as a furry pink foot appeared right in front of her where she was hiding. "I Know that you're in here Twilight, alicorn magic is strong, so just come out of hiding and this'll all be over before you know it!" Cadence said as she was looking around her bedchambers.

All Twilight could think about was this; 'Please don't look under your bed, please don't look under your bed, please don't look under your bed.' Twilight mentally repeated to herself. Suddenly both of her legs were in front of her. 'Oh no, she must know where i'm at then. this is not going to end well.' Twilight thought as she was still hoping that Cadence wouldn't check under her her bed.

Suddenly she bend down to check under her bed and found Twilight. "AHA! There you are!" Cadence said.

"Oh no, not good, not good at all. Cadence hehe... Maybe we can still talk about this?" Twilight pleaded hoping for mercy.

"No! Now what to do about you then?" Cadence asked. "What shall your punishment be?" Cadence pondered over her options now. Just then Twilight began to light her horn up while Cadence still held onto her arm and was pulling her out from under her bed. "If you tried that with me Twilight, you'd only be taking me with you! Just give up now!" Cadence said.

"Never! I'll never give up on escaping you." Said Twilight defiantly.

"Is that a fact then? Well then I should do this." Said Cadence as she put a magic sealing ring on Twilight's horn to suppress her flow of magic. "Just for good measure! Ahh... That's better, no more teleporting away now!" Cadence said in her triumph at her actions.

"Oh boy! We're about to have a fight aren't we?" Asked Twilight.

"You know it Twilight, but on the bed, not the floor!" Said Cadence.

"But what if I don't want to fight you?" Asked Twilight in hope that Cadence would reconsider.

"Well that's just too bad Twilight! Maybe you should of thought about that before opening up your mouth, don't you think?" Cadence replied.

"Hold still! This'll only hurt for a moment!" Cadence said as she grabbed Twilight's wrists and pinned her onto her bed, her legs straddling over Twilight's waist, and then applying some pressure just to hear her cry in pain. "How does this feel Twilight? Does it feel good?" Asked Cadence as she pressed her hands into Twilight's wrists.

"Ahh! It hurts! Get off of me Cadence! Please." Cried Twilight. As she said this Cadence leaned over to be face to face with Twilight. and then released an nasty burp in her face! Which smelled of rich garlic, hayfries and digested hayburgers.


"Ahh! N-No... That stinks so badly. S-Stop it, stop it please!" Begged Twilight.

"Not going to happen Twilight, i'm not finished with you yet, not by a landslide. Prepare yourself Twilight Sparkle!" Commanded Cadence.

Twilight couldn't help but lightly blush at this admittedly intimate contact that they're having right now, despite the pain Twilight's going through. "You're blushing huh? Well then, let's see if you'll still blush after I do this then!" Cadence said as she turned around and repositioned herself so that her large and sweaty flanks were sitting on Twilight's chest. The smell was less than pleasant.

"Noo! I don't want to smell your butt, get off of me please!" Twilight begged as Cadence's plot was slowly inching it's way closer to Twilight's face. In response, Cadence was bouncing her big butt all over Twilight's upper chest and neck, some of the drops of sweat were landing on Twilight's face, causing her to cringe in disgust and then begin to punch Cadence's buttcheeks, forcing the to ripple, jiggle and bounce.

"Don't make me get angry with you Twilight Sparkle!" Cadence warned. "You're not going to like me when i'm angry!" Cadence added with gritted teeth and a growl of her own.

"I-It's a risk that i-i'm willing to take Cadence!" Then Twilight heard Cadence's gut rumbling, She couldn't possibly be doing what Twilight thought she was going to do? then she saw Cadence open up her cheeks to reveal her puckered anus while looking back to Twilight with a scowl over her face. 'Oh no! Oh nononononono!!! This can't be happening right? I don't even want to smell her ass, let alone her farts! Somepony please, help me!' Thought Twilight as she saw her ponut opening up and then a thick, warm and fetid breeze was blowing into her face.


"Ahh... That's right Twilight! Sniff it, sniff it you bitch!" Cadence yelled angrily.

"Ack... It smells awful Cadence, stop this please!" Twilight pleaded.

"We're not done yet Twilight, the night is still young for us." Said Cadence as she grunted to release a second fart in Twilight's face.


"Oh yeah! That one felt good to let out." Cadence said with a satisfied grin on her face.

"Coughing! N-No it's not! I'm begging you f-for mercy Cadence." Said Twilight.

"Nope not happening Twilight! Sorry but you're just out of luck." Cadence said as she prepared a third nasty fart for Twilight. This one felt big, building it up for Twilight's poor nose.


Twilight's face was starting to turn green now, tears forming in her eyes, this stench was absolutely horrible. Just as Twilight thought that her torment couldn't get any worse, Cadence's plot was lowering onto her face, ready to plunge Twilight's muzzle into her rancid crack. "NO! DON'T SIT ON MY FACE NOOO!!! Mmmmhh!" Was all Twilight could say before her vision was filled with soft, pink, heavy and smelly darkness.

"Now smother in my flanks Twilight! Be a big filly and take you punishment with dignity!" Said Cadence as she blasted Twilight with another thick and nasty fart in her face, now made much more worse due to her sitting on Twilight's muzzle.


The force of her fart was blowing back some of Twilight's mane, causing it to become more frazzled, like Cadence's. This in turn gave Twilight more incentive to struggle from underneath Cadence's ass, but everytime she did it, it only served to push Twilight's now very traumatized face deeper into Cadence's nasty plot.


"Oh! Now that one felt moist! It must be just lovely for you down there Twilight!" Said Cadence as she grunted and blasted another fart into Twilight's face.

"Mmm... mmm!" Twilight moaned in sensual agony as Cadence ripped several more wet and smelly poots in her face.

Everytime she slapped Cadence's plot, making it ripple and jiggle. FRRT!!!

Everytime she tried to move her head out from under Cadence's plot. BRRRT!

Everytime she attempted to bite Cadence in the butt especially. (Twilight regretted this one the most) PPFFRRTTHH!!!

And everytime she tried to squirm and flail underneath Cadence. PPRRRTTT!!!

Twilight was getting weaker and weaker by the second, she wouldn't last much longer under Cadence's smelly flanks, Cadence could feel Twilight's breathing lightly now, she was close to passing out. "You're almost done with your punishment Twilight. All you need to do for me now is to go to sleep." Cadence said while ripping more and more smelly farts in Twilight's face.


'Ahh... It's so foul under here! I don't want to faint under Cadence's toxic flanks! Oh Faust above they smell awful, and her butt, it's so big, sweaty and smelly! It's heavy too, I'm never going to offend Cadence ever again, directly or otherwise!' Thought Twilight as her vision and other senses were slowly becoming hazy from the stench.


'It's burning up my nostrils now. What in the wide world of Equestria does Cadence even eat to make her farts so awful? It hurts to breathe them in, it hurts to have my face squished, it hurts to have her bouncing and grinding on my face! Celestia please, somepony... anypony... make it stop... please!' Thought Twilight as she was beginning to black out from the horrible anal abuse to her nose. Cadence was just about done with Twilight now it was time for her to finish her off.


'No! It can't end like this for me, it just can't! I... I... ' Thought Twilight as she couldn't take anymore and just fainted, right then and there. "I don't feel your struggles anymore Twilight! Looks like my plot wins this fight! All is now forgiven Twilight, you're free to go! See you when you wake up in the morning!" Cadence said to Twilight's unconscious body.

"I actually kind enjoyed that a little, or maybe a lot. I just may make this a new form of capital punishment in my kingdom. With me of course delivering the punishment. If this doesn't get my husband and the ponies to respect and appreciate my love, nothing will!" Said Cadence as she lifted herself from Twilight's face. And laid next to her to go to sleep.