From Xenoverse to Equestria

by ElementBrigade

First published

While on a mission to handle with a time anomally, a time patoler finds herself in Equestria after getting pushed through a portal by unknown forces beyond her control

Time Patrollers. Those who are summoned by the Supreme Kai of Time to fight against whatever evil threatens the timelines of the universe. What some would call Histories' last line of defense so that paradoxes don't form. Consisting of Saiyans, Humans, Namekians, Majins, and those from the Frieza race, they either go on assignments by themselves or work together so that way the past stays the way it is. Though, they shouldn't have sent this one out there on her own. When a Saiyan that was summoned as a Time Patroller by the Supreme Kai of Time gets sent off to fix a time anomaly, something with that assignment goes completely awry as Belle finds herself cut off from the Conton City as she is stuck on an unknown planet as it's inhabitants. Will Sunset and the other be able to help Belle get back to Conton city?

Crossover: (MLP x Dragonball Series)

Parallel Quest 1: Unexpected turn of Events

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Parallel Quest One

Unexpected Turn of Events

Powerful sounds of explosions erupted through the sky. With each impact, the shockwaves alone sent rocks flying into the air before quickly shattering into a million pieces or falling into the water. Just as the sounds of ki blasts and fist colliding shimmer down, a powerful voice boomed as another shockwave was felt within the area where the fight was being held.

“Die you miserable worm!” Something hit the earth at such speeds that it would have killed a normal human, luckily this wasn’t a normal human this time. This was a Saiyan. A Time Patrol Saiyan who was sent by The Supreme Kai of Time to deal with the situation. And so far….this battle is a one-sided fight.

“Of course, they would send me to deal with this muscle-bound mad man.” The Saiyan said before dodging a strong haymaker from Broly as she counters with a ki blast to his face. As smoke formed from the explosion from the ki blast, a hand reached out to grab the Saiyan girl's neck as she gasped in surprise at this. “Crap!”

Broly smiled sinisterly before grabbing Belle by the leg and slamming & flailing her around on the ground like a rag doll before slamming her one last time and sending her flying into a nearby boulder.

“This is just embarrassing.” said the old Supreme Kai as he placed a hand on his face. “This fight’s been going on for an hour and still you haven’t taken Broly down yet? Maybe we should’ve sent Goku or Trunks in to deal with him if that’s the case.”

“Hey! Cut her some slack, will you old man?” said The Supreme Kai of Time. “I’m sure she’ll be able to pull through this...but just in case. I’ll send Trunks to assist her if things get out of hand.”

“You do know I can hear you guys right?” Belle said as she pulled herself out of the boulder she was thrown into, just as Broly was about to body press her through the boulder. As she dodged the body press, she quickly turned around and fired five ki blasts from her fingertips at Broly’s back. “Ha! How do you like that you freak!”

Broly slowly turned around with a glare as he then grabbed a piece of the boulder that he plowed through, lifted it over his head with ease, and sent it flying towards Belle at breakneck speed. The Saiyan's eyes widened as she quickly summoned a force field around herself to reduce the damage from the boulder as she was pushed back from the force and impact of the boulder. Broly appeared overhead looking down at Belle before asking.

“Do you want to play a game~?”

“Um….do I have a choice in the matter of what game we play?” Belle asked with a nervous smile on her face. Broly then kicked the force field that she was in, sending Belle flying off in the distance before Broly appeared ahead of her and kicked Belle away again.

“Geez, now he’s playing with her as if she was a ball in a pinball machine?” The Old Kai said as he watched Belle being tossed around like a pinball.

“Wait, didn’t something like this happen to Goku once?” The Kai of Time asked as the old kai placed a hand on his chin.

“Hm, not that I know of….maybe.”

“Seriously!? You’re having a conversation about me being thrown around like a pinball at a time like-” Belle wouldn’t be able to finish her sentence as she felt the force field she put up shatter and Broly’s fist hitting her in the face. Upon making contact with her face, Belle was sent flying off into the distance as she slid face-first into the ground before having a tree stop her from continuing to slide against the ground any further. “....I hate this job sometimes.”

“Stop playing around with him and finish him off, kid!” Old Kai yelled as Belle slowly pulled herself up from the ground.

“You don’t think I’m trying? I’d like to see you do a better job at this than I am right now.” The Saiyan said before staggering to her feet. “Guess fighting at base form isn’t going to cut it with him.”

Hey, have you ever been told not to mock your elders!!” Old Kai snapped.

Now’s not the time to be talking about manners right now!” The Kai of Time spoke up. “Belle, use whatever means necessary to stop Broly here and now. We cannot let him tamper with the timeline any further.

“That's what I was planning on doing, time girl,” Belle said before taking a deep breath. “Kaioken!” she yelled as her body glowed red along with her aura.

“Kaio-what-?” Broly asked before Belle immediately rushed at him with a knee to his face. The mad Saiyan slightly flinched from the knee kick before trying to deliver a straight jab to her face. “Why YOU!!!”

“Bought time I did some kind of damage to you!” Belle said as she quickly dodge the jab and countered with a powerful ki wave to his chest with both her hands. “Eat this! Galick Cannon!” She yelled as she fired at Broly at point-blank range. Yet, all that did was cause just a little bit of scorch marks on his chest. No blood or anything, just a scorch mark

"Aw, crap baskets!" She yelled before feeling Broly grab onto her head and threw her to the ground.

“Now you die!” Broly yelled before lifting his foot above Belle’s head and was about to slam it down on her head. Only for his foot to miss as she quickly lunged herself off to the right. As she got a good enough distance from Broly, the aura around herself burned brighter as she took to the air.

“Kaioken x3!” She yelled before firing another Galick Cannon at Broly’s face. Again, minor damage as the Saiyan noticed Broly extending a hand towards her and unleashed a ki blast at Belle. “Ah hell!” Belle yelled before bringing up her force field to block the blast heading towards her. It worked for the most part, but the force field quickly shattered within seconds as she was soon sent flying into a mountain from the force behind the explosion.

I’m not sure if that technique is going to work, even if you try going twenty…” The Kai of time told her.

“Stop screwing around and just go super Saiyan on his butt already!” Old kai yelled as Belle winced from the pain of him yelling from her communication device in her ear.

“You got me running around doing time patrol stuff that I barely have the energy to go Super Saiyan. At best, this is my limit until I can fully recover.”

Don’t you have any capsules on you that can help speed that up? I thought we gave you some before you took on your last assignment.

“Oh you mean the capsules I had to use within the ten minutes of this fight? Have you seen how hard this guy’s been hitting me and throwing me around like a rag doll?” Before The Supreme Kai of Time could come up with a response, the ground around Belle began to shake as the sky grew darker.

“That can’t be a good sign can it?”

Oh no… Belle, get out of there! There’s another anomaly that’s happening there right now. If you-” Immediately, the Supreme Kai of Time was cut off from Belle’s communication line. Leaving the time patroller by herself as the Saiyan she was fighting glared back at her.

“I’ve had enough of you,” He declared, conjuring a small orb of energy before throwing it down at her. “DIE ALONG WITH THE REST OF THIS PLANET!!!”

“Not good!” Belle said as she quickly pulled herself out from the mountainside as she landed on the ground. Once on the ground, she looked up at the ball of energy heading toward her as she plants her feet onto the ground firmly and cups her hand. “Ka…!” A dark purple ball of energy began to form in her hand as she looked up at the green ball of energy that Broly launched. “Ha….me!” The ball of energy quickly grew bigger by the second as Belle brought her hands forwards and fired upon the ball of energy. “Ha!!!”

As Belle’s ki blast came into contact with Broly’s, the green orb of energy instantly expanded in mass as it was now the size of the earth’s moon. Broly simply looked down upon Belle in amusement as he watched her struggle with the giant ball of energy. He soon noticed his attack being stopped as his facial expression darkened in annoyance.

“I am not going to die on a backwater planet like this!” Belle yelled as she gritted her teeth from the strain of keeping the ball of energy at bay. The Saiyan felt her footing loosen as she tried her best to stay still, but sadly it only caused her to be pushed back due to the force behind her attack and feeling her legs weakening. “Kaioken x10!!!” She yelled as her aura burned brighter her beam blast grew stronger as it caused Broly’s attack to be slightly pushed back.

Broly glared at Belle’s action as he simply raised his hand and fired off a ball of energy into his own attack. Once it came into contact, the ball of energy grew bigger as the shockwave of the sudden expansion caused Belle to weaken as she was pushed back even more.

“Just give up and die!” The mad Saiyan yelled before firing off another ball of energy into the giant ball of energy. The orb once again grew bigger as the next shockwave canceled off the ki blast that Belle was firing as she was thrown onto her back and her aura vanished quicker than a flame on a candle being blown out. Once the ball of energy made contact with the world of the Kais, the ground began to shake as it began to sink into the planet.

“Um, Supreme Kai of Time. Now would be a good time for you to get me out of here please!” She said, hoping that the kai of time was listening. However, there was no response. Anything that tried to reach out to her came back as static as she just kept falling. However, it was as she was falling backward that a rift tore open, letting her fall through just before it closed shut before the blast of the planet erupting from the ball of energy hitting the core could get her.

(Canterlot, Sunset’s home)

It was a normal semi-average day in Equestria. The sun was shining, birds chirping as they flew around in the sky, not a single cloud in the sky. Yep, this was a perfect autumn day for anyone to wake up and start the day out fresh...well almost everyone. As a familiar bacon-haired colored girl was still in her bed, sleeping as she was somewhat halfway laying on the bed. It has been a few months since the incident with her trying to take over Equestria with mind-controlled students and her being turned into a raging she-demon. And so far she has been kind of a mess from the aftermath of it. Then again when you use that much magic that you haven’t used in quite some time, it can take its toll on you. The alarm on Sunset’s alarm clock began to go off, as the human let out a muffled groan from having her face covered with her pillow.

“Good morning Equestria! It’s Monday morning here on this fine autumn day as ever! This is Milky Way here bringing you the hottest hit songs to play over the radio waves! Here’s today’s latest song called. Everybody Hurts!” The woman said as the song began to play on the radio. Sunset moved her head upwards a bit as an irritated expression appeared on her face. Deadpanning at the song being played, she soon lowered her face back onto the pillow before trying to reach for the snooze button on her alarm clock. After the first two failed tries, she finally managed to hit the snooze button as she slowly pulled herself up from the bed.

“Of course, they would play that song.” Sunset groans before scratching her head and letting out a loud yawn. “Yet another long painful day awaits for me when I get to school...not like I didn’t deserve it after what I tried to do,” she said, running a hand down her face before getting out of her bed and heading towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, she switched the light switch against the wall as she walked up to the mirror to get a good look at herself. “Guess I was tired after helping to repair most of the school...I’ll have to ask Principal Celestia if I’m allowed to at least rest for a couple of days before going back to community service.” Just as she was about to brush her teeth, the ground quickly shook as the former unicorn lost her footing and fell onto her bottom.

“W-What in the name of Equestria was that!?” Sunset yelled as she quickly pulled herself up from off the floor and rushed over to where the sound came from. As she walked outside her home, her eyes widened in shock to see a giant size crater in the middle of the street with smoke and flames coming from around the circle of the crater and inside it. She took a few steps closer to the giant hole, she soon saw a figure face down within the hole as her eyes widened in surprise to see that anyone was in there. Ignoring the pain from the hot pavement and sharp objects scraping her feet, Sunset makes her way down into the crater to see if whoever was in there was still alive.

“Hey! Are you okay!?” Sunset asked before getting a good look at the unconscious person as she was taken by surprise by the bruises she had covering her body and the somewhat torn and tattered outfit that she was wearing. “Who...or what are you?” She asked before getting startled from hearing the girl coughing. The girl slowly opened her eyes as Sunset noticed that she was looking in her direction. “Dear Celestia, what happened to you?” The only response that she got from her before she passed out was.

“I need a senzu bean…”

Parallel Quest 2: The Saiyan and The Girls

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Parallel Quest Two
The Saiyan and The Girls

Sunset quickly opens the door to her home as she dragged the unconscious Saiyan inside before quickly closing it. Once she was inside, she placed the Saiyan onto the couch before heading over to the window to close the blinds just in case someone walked by her house and saw the Saiyan knocked out on her couch covered in bruises.

“As if I didn’t need more crazy stuff happening.” She said as she walked over to the Saiyan to get a better look at her. “Well she’s still breathing so that’s good. But by the looks of it, she’s almost like how I was after…” Sunset grimaced from the thought of the aftermath of her brainwashing an entire school before shaking her head and picking up the phone next to the couch. “Maybe I should call, wait. If she just appeared out of nowhere like how I did when I came out of the statue at school...Better call the girls over here before school starts.”

Sunset dialed Applejack’s phone number as she waited for her to pick it up. After the third ring, she heard the phone being picked up to hear Applejack’s voice on the other end.


“Applejack. It’s me, Sunset.”

“H-Hey Sunset! I wasn’t expecting you to call any of us after the….well…you know?” Applejack said as Sunset rolled her eyes.

“Yes, yes, I know what I did. You don’t have to bring that up. Listen, can you get the girls over here to my place before school starts.”

“Yeah, I can. What’s wrong? Did something happen to you?”

“No, nothing happens to me per se. It’s just that...did you feel something shake the ground this morning?”

“Surprisingly, yeah. I felt the ground shake here in Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac went out to investigate what it was seeing how we figured it was around here, but he couldn’t find the source of it.”

“Makes sense. But what if I were to say I might’ve found out what was the cause of it?” There was a long pause over the phone before Applejack spoke up.

“....Beg your pardon?”

“Look, just bring the girls over here. And have Fluttershy bring some medical supplies.”

“Medical supplies? Wait, did someone get hurt where you are from that earthquake?”

“You….could say that, yes. Look, just bring them here ASAP, okay?”

“Alright, I’ll send a message to the others to meet you at your place.”

“Thanks, Applejack,” Sunset said before hanging up the phone. As she hangs up the phone, she soon turns her attention to the Saiyan as she slowly begins to walk over to her. “Just what in Celestia’s name happened to you?” She asked as she scanned over her body. “Maybe she’s a pony that accidentally fell into the portal by accident? No, then she would’ve appeared in front of the statue in Canterlot High. Not in front of my house….Maybe I should send a message to Twilight?” Just as Sunset was about to lose herself in her thoughts about how this girl came into the world, she was soon brought back into reality by someone knocking on the door.

“That was fast,” Sunset said as she headed over to the front door. “I didn’t think you girls would get here so quickly-” She stopped midway in her sentence as she was taken by surprise by two police officers standing in front of the doorway of her house. “Oh! H-Hello Officers. H-How can I help you?”

“Good Morning ma’am. We were wondering if we could ask you a few questions if you don’t mind?” Asked a white-colored male with royal blue hair.

“Well, I was planning on getting to school a bit early. But seeing how there’s a giant hole in the middle of the street in front of my house, I get the feeling I might be late getting out. So I guess I have no problem answering your questions.” She said as she leaned against the doorway to block his vision from seeing Belle on her couch.

“It won’t take long. We’re wondering if you saw what could’ve caused the damage outside. Like did you see anyone place something on the ground or did something fall out of a truck that might’ve been from a construction crew?”

“No, I didn’t see anything that could’ve caused this. I was just waking up and was about to get cleaned up before heading over to Canterlot High. That is until I felt the ground shake and knocked me off balance. Wait, why would you assume it was an explosion?”

“We got a phone call from someone around here saying that there was some kind of explosion.”

“Not to mention that someone saw somebody jump into the hole and was carrying something out of it.” said the officer with blue skin and white hair. “We’re asking around the neighborhood here to see if everyone was okay, or if they saw what was the cause of it.”

“O-Oh okay,” Sunset said as an awkward smile grew across her face. “Crap, I forgot that I’m not the only one that lives on this block! If they see the injured girl on the couch, then I’ll be in even more trouble.”

“So you haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary?” The Officer with royal blue hair asked as Sunset shook her head.

“Nope, I was in the bathroom at the time and calling my friends to make sure they were okay. Is it true that everyone in Canterlot felt that?”

“Given the number of phone calls we're getting, yes. So far no one is hurt or anything. And the only environmental damage was just a few old trees falling on some of the telephone lines in different areas of town. Don’t be surprised if your power goes out all of a sudden.”

“Okay, anything else you want me to answer sir?” Sunset asked as they both shook their heads.

“No, that will be all. Sorry for taking up your time.” He said before he along with his partner started to walk away from Sunset’s home and headed down the street to the next house. Sunset sighs in relief before she quickly closes the door.

“Oh thank Celestia that they didn’t ask me to come inside. Faust knows that I would be in trouble if that’s the case.” She said before letting out a yelp from hearing a loud knock at her door, followed by a familiar tomboyish voice.

“Hey, Sunset! Are you there!? It’s us!” yelled Rainbow Dash as Sunset snorted in anger as she quickly opened the door and glared at the rainbow-haired human.

“Can’t you just knock on the door as a normal person would? You scared the living crap out of me!”

“Well sorry. I didn’t think you would be that close to your door.” She said before Rarity noticed Sunset’s hair being messy along with a tired expression on her face.

“I take it you didn’t get much sleep last night Sunset?” Rarity asked as the bacon-haired human sighed and motions them to come inside.

“I've been spending most of my free time doing community service at the school, remember? I’m going to be more tired than I already am. Anyway, did you all get the message Applejack sent you?”

“Y-Yes, but I’m still wondering why you wanted me to bring over a medkit that I use for injured animals,” Fluttershy said as she took notice of Belle on the couch. “Who’s that on your couch?” She asked before noticing Pinkie Pie hopping over to Belle.

“Oh! Is this your sister Sunset?” Pinkie Pie asked as Sunset deadpanned.

“Do we even look related, Pinkie Pie?”

“Hmmmmmmmmm.” Pinkie Pie looked over at Sunset, then back at Belle, then back at Sunset again before shrugging. “Maybe? I mean you girls didn’t think I was related to Maud the other day, remember?”

“....Before we end up going off-topic. Everyone here felt the ground shake this morning right?” Sunset asked as the girls nodded. “Well, what if I were to say that the girl on the couch was the cause behind that along with the giant hole in the street outside.” Everyone minus Pinkie blinked at this as there was a moment of silence lingering in the atmosphere of the house. Though the silence was broken by Rainbow Dash speaking up.

“You’re joking right?”

“I know it’s hard to believe. But when I felt the ground shake, I decided to see what happened. Only to my surprise that this girl was inside the crater. Which is the reason why I called you all here.”

“Wait, why didn’t you take her to the hospital?” Rarity asked.

“Because I think this girl is from my world. You know the one where I...tried to take over it with an army of...mindless students…”

“I don’t think she’s from your world, Sunset.” Pinkie Pie said as Sunset turned her attention to the party girl.

“What makes you say that?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow at Pinkie.

“Do all ponies have monkey tails?” She said as everyone was taken by surprise by this. Pinkie began to examine the tail before starting to play with it. “Wow, it’s so soft and smooth~!”

“Pinkie stop doing that to the poor...whatever she is.” Applejack said as she walked over to Pinkie and slapped Belle’s tail from out of her hand.

“Aw! But I was having fun.” Pinkie huffed in disappointment.

“And for all we know, you might be hurting her by doing that.” She said before motioning for Fluttershy to come over to the Saiyan to see if she’s hurt or anything.

“Okay, guess we can knock being from your world off the list.” Rainbow Dash said before looking at Sunset. “Wait….could she be an alien from another world!?”

“Aliens do not exist Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said with a deadpan expression.

“Says the magical talking ponies that came to Canterlot High during the dance and one that we’re currently friends with. Also how else would you explain the giant freakin hole in front of Sunset’s house?”

“.....Fair point. But let’s not assume she is an alien until proven otherwise.”

“Not to mention these weird cylinder pill things.” Pinkie said as she pulled out six weird gray-colored capsules with the capsule corp logo on them.

“Where did you get those?” Sunset asked.

“Found them on the ground outside of your house at the front door. Hey, what does Capsule Corp mean?”

“It means you shouldn’t be sticking your nose into someone else’s stuff.” Applejack said as she tried to snatch the capsules from Pinkie, only for the party girl to pull her hand away from Applejack and stick her tongue out at her.


“Pinkie, give them to me. They’re not yours.”

“Aw, but don’t you want to see what’s inside them? They may have something special inside them~”

“It’s not right to look into someone else’s stuff and you know it.”

“Oh come on Applejack. Aren’t you curious as well to see what they do~?” Rainbow Dash asked, chiming in on the conversation with Applejack and Pinkie.

“Of course not! For all we know, those might explode or something worse. Now drop them Pinkie.” Applejack ordered as the party girl quickly dropped them. “Thank you. Now back to the topic at hand. What are we going to do with this….alien?” She asked before noticing Fluttershy walking over to Belle to try and examine the Saiyan as best she could.

“Well, we can’t take her to the hospital if that's what you’re suggesting?” Sunset stated. “ I mean I know I can pass as a human, but not this alien due to her tail.”

“We can’t just leave her like this. For all we know, she might be seriously injured from that crater that she made outside.”

“Why do you think I called Fluttershy over to at least try to help?”

“No offense darling. But Fluttershy treats animals that are injured,” Rarity stated as Sunset sighed in annoyance.

“It’s better than nothing. Unless you want this world’s government to try and do Faust knows what to this girl.” Sunset said before looking over at Fluttershy who was touching and moving certain limbs on the Saiyan girl. “How is she?”

“Well, she doesn’t appear to have any broken bones or limbs. She’s breathing normally, so that means she doesn’t have any broken ribs piercing her lungs.” Fluttershy said before opening the Saiyan's mouth. “No blood in her mouth, so no internal organ damage.” She said before closing her mouth. “It’s a bit of a surprise that she’s not seriously hurt or anything after you said you found her in that hole outside your house.”

“So she’s perfectly okay then?” Applejack asked as Fluttershy shook her head.

“I wouldn’t say perfectly okay. She might have some bruises underneath her clothes that I can’t see, but she’ll be okay to walk around so long as she doesn’t push herself. At least to my knowledge.”

“Well at least we know we don’t have to take her to the hospital.” Rarity said as she walked over to the Saiyan and stared at her. Mostly her clothes. “She needs a decent pair of clothes. I mean really. Her clothes look like something that came from a science fiction book or something….though I do like the bunny-like ribbon on her head. It does match her hair color well.”

“So what do we do with the alien?” Rainbow Dash asked as everyone looked at each other for a moment before looking at Sunset.

“Why is everyone looking at me?”

“Well, you did call us over here because you found the reason behind the sudden earthquake.” Applejack said as she tilted her hat upwards a bit. “We kinda figured you had a plan for something like this.”

“What? Have a plan for when someone crashes into the ground out of nowhere? I have plans for what happens when some person tries to use magic for evil purposes. Not this!” Sunset told them.

“Hey, no need to get all snippy with us. We were just wondering about it.”

“Well, right now, we still need to wait for it to wake up before we can think about anything like that…” Sunset reminded her friend.

“Which might be a problem seeing how we have school in the next hour or two.” Pinkie Pie said as she pointed over at the clock on Sunset’s wall across from them. “Hmmmmmm. Maybe one of us can stay with her just in case she wakes up?”

“And who’s going to do that?”

“Maybe Sunset should stay. We could just say that she had gotten sick or something?”

“You think they’ll believe that after what she did to the entire school...Um. No offense Sunset.” Rainbow Dash said as Sunset rolled her eyes with a sigh.

“None taken.”

“Then I suggest we do the next best thing to settle who will stay.” Pinkie Pie said before quickly placing a finger on her nose. “Nose goes!”

“Wait, what?” Sunset was confused as to what Pinkie said as she took notice of everyone placing a finger to their nose before suddenly realizing what was going on. “....Dammit.”

“Sorry, Sunset. Looks like you’re going to have to stay with the alien.” Rainbow Dash said as Sunset huffed in annoyance before taking a seat on the floor.

“I thought I told you that...Oh, forget it. Can you at least tell Principal Celestia about this if she asks where I am or something?”

“We’ll be sure to do that the moment we get to school.” Rarity said before heading off into Sunset’s kitchen. “But before we do that, let’s get something to eat. Do you mind if I use your kitchen to make us something, Sunset?”

“Sure, go ahead.” She replied. “I went grocery shopping two days ago, so help yourself.”

“Perfect.” Rarity said before grabbing an apron from off the hook in the kitchen as she prepares to make breakfast for them. “Hope you all like homemade french toast~!”

“You sure it’s wise to let Rarity cook breakfast?” Rainbow Dash asked in a low tone of voice. “What if she burns it up like her sister Sweetie Belle during home ED… I’m still wondering how the hell can you burn juice?”

“Hey, ah don’t see you stepping up to the plate and offering to make anything,” Applejack responded in the same tone as Rainbow. “All ah remember is that the last time y'all said ya knew how to cook, Scootaloo came in and asked ya how long you cook rice for in the microwave.”

“Hey if you have me cook meat-related stuff I can tell you...stuff like that is not my strong suit. Why did you think I passed that class with a B+?”

“B-.” AJ corrected. “B+ was for Geometry.”

“Whatever, just don’t blame me if Sunset’s house smells like burnt food.”

“You know I can hear you two talk right?” Sunset said, deadpanning at Rainbow Dash. “And I trust Rarity with the cooking.” It was around the time that the three of them were talking that Rarity had just finished getting everything that she needed set up for french toast and was beginning to make it. The scent lingered through the air as those who were in the living room could smell it. But it was not just Sunset and her friends that could smell the food that was being prepared. It was also the newcomer that could smell it. Something that Pinkie Pie happened to notice as she bent over to look at her.

“Wakey wake~!”

“Pinkie, who are you talking to?” Fluttershy asked.

“Our new friend, silly billy!” Pinkie Pie said happily. Belle’s nose twitches from the smell of french toast being made as she quickly shoots up from her seat causing Pinkie Pie to back off away from her. The Saiyan sniffed the air for a second floating off into the kitchen.

“D…..Did she just float off into the kitchen?” Applejack asked. “I’m not the only one that saw that right?”

“Y-yeah, I did too…” Sunset said, before realizing something. “Wait… wasn’t Rarity in the kitchen?”

“Yeah she is….oh crap.” Rainbow Dash said before hearing a scream coming from the kitchen along with the sound of someone getting hit with something metal.


“I DON’T KNOW WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE, BUT YOU ARE NOT STEALING OUR BREAKFAST, YOU ALIEN FIEND!!!” They heard Rarity shout, just as Sunset realized that she was holding a frying pan as a weapon.

“EXCUSE ME!? WHO ARE YOU CALLING A FIEND YOU FRYING PAN-HITTING JERK!” Belle yelled as she rubbed her head from the pain. “Geez, I didn’t think a human would hit so damn hard. You could’ve given me a concussion or a broken skull...not like I haven’t had one of those in a while.”

“...... You’re telling me that this is the one who crashed right in front of your apartment, Sunset?” Rainbow asked.

“....I think so….I wasn’t expecting this to happen to be honest.” Sunset said before she noticed the Saiyan looking at them. “Um, are you okay?”

“Oh no, I’m perfectly fine,” Belle said sarcastically before pulling off her glasses to polish them before putting them back on. “Whoa, that’s odd. Humans aren’t normally different colors other than the normal white or dark skin.”

“Says the girl with the monkey tail. What do we call you, Wukong?” Pinkie said while still sounding positive. Though, the part about ‘humans’ made everyone think a little as they looked back at Sunset. Since they knew that she… wasn’t entirely human-like how they were.

“I don’t know who this Wukong is. But that’s not who I am.” The Saiyan said before rubbing her head again. “Matter of fact, who are you all and where am I? This doesn’t look like Conton City by the looks of how this kitchen is set up.”

“The heck is Conton City? The closest city to here is Downtown Canterlot,” Rainbow spoke up as she looked at Belle. “More to the point though. Who exactly are you?”

“Hey, I asked you first.”

“And I asked you second. Now talk, before I get Rarity to hit you with a frying pan again.” She said before motioning to Rarity glaring at her with the frying pan in hand. Belle raised her hand at the frying pan before blasting it out of her hand lightly without hurting her. “What the-? She’s got magic now?!”

“First of all, my name is Belle. Second, that’s not magic. It’s ki energy that I just used to knock the frying pan out of your friend’s hand.” The Saiyan said before snorting in amusement. “Now mind telling me who you six are seeing how I answered your question...even though you threaten me with a little girl that can knock a person out with that frying pan of hers?”

At first, there was silence. But then, one of them spoke up. That being Sunset Shimmer. “Well, to answer your question, my name is Sunset Shimmer. These are my…friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. I'm sorry about how they reacted. Things have been rather tense this morning.”

“Okay, I guess I can forgive your friend for hitting me. I take it you’re the one that found me knocked out somewhere?”

“More like in a five-foot-deep crater in front of my house…” Sunset replied. “And that crash landing caused an earthquake that the entire town felt. Not to mention the fact that I had to lie to the police so that they didn't detain me or you for questioning.”

“I doubt they would be able to contain me for long. But then again I don’t want my ears falling off by getting lectured by The Supreme Kai of Time for causing trouble.”

“Who’s-” Pinkie Pie was going to continue speaking, but that was when she looked at the clock and realized something. “Wowy Zowy! We’re going to be late, girls! Remember Sunset… Nose goes!”

“Ugh…” Sunset groaned, just as all of her friends rushed out the door. Leaving Sunset with a puzzled Saiyan as the door slammed shut once her friends were out. “So… who’s this Supreme Kai you’re talking about?”

“Um….okay. W-Well the Supreme Kai of Time is a Kai that watches over time itself to make sure history stays unaltered. We, the time patrollers are sent to different timelines in case there’s something or someone that wants to alter the timeline. She’s pretty much my boss...and my parole officer to some degree…”

“Wow…That’s a new one…” Sunset replied. “And should I assume that you aren’t human? Because I’m still seeing that tail of yours and there’s no way that’s an attachment you would find at a costume store.”

“I’m a Saiyan.”

“... Again, that’s a new one,” Sunset told her. “And just when I thought that there were a lot of strange species where I come from.”

“Care to explain what you mean by that?”

“I’m not from this world. You could say that this world is a parallel world to the one I once called home,” Sunset explained to her. “And where I was from, there were Griffons, pegasi, minotaurs, ponies, unicorns, and even Alicorns that can raise the sun and moon. I was a unicorn until…well...things happened and I came here. Why else do you think my friends know about magic?”

“......Huh….This is something I wasn’t expecting. Give me a second, I gotta call HQ.” Belle said as she pressed a button on her communicator in her ear. “Hello? Supreme Kai of Time, Old Kai. Can you hear me?” She asked as she winced from the sound of loud static coming from it as she quickly pulled it out. “Crap.”

“Hmm. Do you think it was broken from when you landed or just interference?” Sunset asked.

“Not because of the landing or interference. Damn thing got somewhat fried by that energy bomb that might have sent me flying here.” Belle said before pressing the emergency distress signal. “Hope this distress signal can reach them from whatever universe I’m in.”

“Hmm… did you remember when I said that this world is a parallel world compared to the original one, right?” Sunset asked only for Belle to nod to her question.

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Would it be possible that they would have a better chance of reaching you in the original world instead of a parallel version?” She now asked.

“Maybe….give me about a month or two to see if my distress signal can reach out to the people in Conton City. If nothing happens, then we’ll go with your option of going to the other world for assistance.” Sunset herself let out a deep sigh as she looked back at her, before saying the only thing that came to her mind.

“So… you’re asking if you can be my roommate for the next two months?”

“Um, if that’s a problem I could just live in the spare home that I bring with me inside one of the capsules I have… speaking of.” Belle began to search into her pockets for the case that she kept the capsules in. “Where are they?”

It was around then that Sunset realized something as she facepalmed herself. “Aw crap… Applejack told Pinkie Pie to leave those alone, but she must’ve taken them with her…” She groaned, before saying something else. “I was going to say that I can let you stay and help you with your situation, as long as you don’t cause any trouble or let anyone see your tail. Rather not have them thinking that you work at a maid’s cafe.”

“....What’s a maid’s cafe? And what’s wrong with people seeing my tail? I’ll have you know we Saiyans take great pride in our tails that we would never hide the way we look… then again we do have pride with certain things.”

“That’s not the point… As far as I know, no one else here in this world is like you… There are no other Saiyans here,” Sunset said, trying to get her to understand. “I just don’t want you to get apprehended. The town’s already on edge as it is for...”

“For what?” Belle asked as she raised an eyebrow. It took a little while for Sunset to try and wrap her head around what she just said and she wished that she didn’t say anything. However, there was no way she could just tell Belle to forget it.

“I did something that was...very stupid. You see, I originally wanted revenge on my teacher, Princess Celestia…So, I went back home, stole an artifact of great power, brought it here, and on the day I used it…it turned me into a demon. I was not in my right mind, but instead of getting destroyed or anything like that, I was given a second chance. It’s been a few months since then and I want to show everyone that I’m not a monster like they saw me as… And I’m worried that if something happens to you, something will happen to me too.”

“You’re pushing it kid… but for the sake of this drama stuff that’s going on with you, I’ll see what I can do about hiding my tail. But I make no promises.” Belle said before letting out an annoyed sigh as she adjusted her glasses. Sunset let out a sigh of relief before smiling

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” She said, going to the kitchen to get herself some water, before thinking of a question to ask. “So Belle…Can you tell me how you got here?”

“Well normally, when I do the whole time patrol thing. I would usually have a partner or two with me for assistance. But seeing how other time anomalies were going off left and right. I was forced to deal with the problem alone….big mistake on the Kai of Time’s fault because the one causing the problem was Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan.” Belle answered as she winced in pain from saying his name.

“Um, okay. If I'm being honest. I'm at a total loss for the most part...would it be too much to have you explain how your world works?"

"I'll sum it up as best as I can...but in return, I require a lot of food."

Parallel Quest 3: Unexpected Visitor

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Parallel Quest Three

Unexpected Visitor

(Canterlot High School)

The school bell rang as students began to rush into the school. Off in the distance, a truck quickly makes its way to the parking lot as Applejack surprisingly parked it perfectly given how they were rushing through traffic and trying not to crash into anyone else on the road.

“Aw, man! We’re late!?” Rainbow Dash asked as she along with her friends quickly hopped out of Applejack’s truck and rushed into the school.

“It’s not a surprise seeing how we had to talk about our new friend from outer space. Still, I kinda feel bad for leaving Sunset with that ruffian.” Rarity said following after Rainbow Dash while trying to avoid some of the students in their way.

“Those are the rules of the nose goes!” Pinkie said as she placed a finger on her nose. “She just wasn’t quick enough. So now she has to pay the price for losing~”

“Maybe we should bring her something as an apology for letting her watch over Belle?” Fluttershy suggested as the others nodded in agreement.

“We’ll pick something up on the way to her place. But for now, let’s just focus on getting to class on time before we are-” Before Rainbow Dash could finish, she soon toppled backward from crashing into someone. “Ow! Watch where you’re going, dude!”

“First of all, I’m not a dude. Second, no running in the hallways Ms. Rainbow Dash.” said a familiar voice as the teen looked up to see that she bumped into Principal Celestia. This caused her along with the others to blink in surprise as Rainbow Dash quickly pulled herself up.

“S-Sorry Principal Celestia. Didn’t mean to bump into you like that.”

“I’m a bit surprised to see you five late for the first period at the same time.” The Principal said as she noticed someone missing from the group. “If you don’t mind me asking, where is Sunset Shimmer?”

“Um...Well...You see Principal Celestia...she’s…”

“She’s sick!” Rarity said, butting in on Rainbow Dash’s explanation. “Nasty case….strep throat!”

“Strep throat?” Celestia asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, she sounded sick over the phone. Poor thing was sicker than Apple Bloom getting the chickenpox.” Applejack said as the others agreed with her

“I see...well if that’s the case. Would you mind stopping by her classes to pick up her homework? Just because she’s sick, doesn’t mean she isn’t able to do her work right?”

“O-Oh course. We’ll be sure to do that around lunchtime!” Pinkie Pie said as she heard the second bell ring. “Oh, fudge! We’re late for class!”

“Sorry for cutting this short Principal Celestia, but we gotta go! Bye!” With that, Rainbow Dash and the others quickly rushed off to their class. Celestia continued to watch them for a bit before heading off in the direction of the school parking lot.

“Not that I don’t trust them. But if she does have strep throat, then I’ll stop by her place just to be sure if they’re telling the truth.”

“Sister, where are you going?” Celestia paused upon hearing a familiar voice. Looking over her shoulder, she could see her sister poking her head from behind the office door.

“Just heading over to Sunset’s house. Her friends say that she’s sick with a nasty case of strep throat.”

“You think they’re telling the truth?”

“As much as I want to believe that. I just want to make sure Sunset isn’t doing anything suspicious.”

“If you say so. Just be careful when you get there.” Celestia simply nodded before heading off to her car.

Meanwhile back in the school, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy quickly barreled into the room to their first-period class. They let out loud exhausted pants as the class looked over at them with how they entered the class or due to curiosity as to why they were late. Cranky Doodle turned his attention to the doorway with an unamused expression on his face.

“You’re late. Care to explain why that is?” He asked as Rainbow Dash took a deep breath to explain.

“Principal Celestia stopped us to have a word with her. That’s why we’re late for the most part.” She said before Cranky nodded and motions them to take a seat.

“Next time try to come to school on time instead of being late,” Cranky said as the girls quickly took to their assigned seats. “Now if you all would be so kind as to pull out your homework so we can go over it together, please?” He asked which caused some of the students to groan in annoyance. “Quit your bellyaching. If you have done the work like you were supposed to do, then you wouldn’t be complaining about it.”

“I’m starting to wish I stayed with the alien.” Rainbow Dash said in a low audible tone for the others to hear.

“Well you shouldn’t have placed your finger on your nose~,” Pinkie Pie said in a singsong tone.

“Next time I’m choosing alien sitting duty over going to school if that’s the case.”

“Maybe if you do better at your studies, then you wouldn’t have a problem with school work.” Rarity said, chiming in on the conversation. “But to an important matter at hand, what do we do about the situation with Belle?”

“What about it?” Fluttershy asked.

“We do have stuff outside of school life after all. And we can’t just keep watch over her every time we switch off between the six of us. Someone might find it suspicious that one of us is absent from school due to some odd reason.”

“Not to mention that we can’t use the whole sick excuse every time. And not all the teachers here are not that gullible. Especially if it’s Sunset’s turn to look after her.” Applejack added. “What’s to say none of them would take time out of their schedule to see if she is sick?”

“I...haven’t thought about it to be honest...oh crap. Principal Celestia might be doing that right now!”

“Hey! No whispering while I’m talking Rainbow Dash!” Cranky yelled as he turned his attention to the others. “That also applies to the others. Anyone talking while I’m talking will get after-school detention. Got it!?”

“Yes, Mr. Doodle.” The class said before Cranky snorted and went back to his work.

“We’ll talk about this during lunch.” Applejack said as the others agreed and turned their attention to today’s lesson.

(Sunset’s House)

"So...if I'm getting this correctly. You are a time patroller from a city in another dimension called Conton City. In the city, there are not just other humans like me, but other aliens like you that go on missions to protect the timeline so that nothing disastrous happens to the proper timeline?"

"More or less. I don't understand much of it. But I'm kind of forced to do missions for the Supreme Kai of Time."

"Forced?" Sunset asked as Belle looked off to the side while pressing her pointing fingers together.

"I...prefer not to talk about it. At least not right now." She said as Sunset took notice of Belle's deminer.

"Say no more. I know the feeling all too well." She said before walking over to Belle with another plate of cooked meat and handing it over to the Saiyan. "I won't press the issue until you want to talk about it."

"Thanks." She said before quickly devouring the steak in less than a couple of seconds, for a girl who was about the same height as Applejack's sister, she sure had a huge appetite, this was Belle's tenth piece of meat that she cooked. Then again it shouldn't surprise her given how Belle was an alien from another world. "I'm a bit surprised that you have a lot of food inside that refrigerator of yours."

"You can thank the food pantry that I go to. Can't spend a lot of my own money on certain foods seeing how I need it to pay rent."

"How much do you have to pay?"

"one-hundred and twenty dollars for a year," Sunset said as it caused Belle to blink in surprise from hearing this.


"Well, it's kind of a funny story. During my...evil phase, I ended up getting involved in an argument with a girl named Diamond Tiara and her dad Filthy Rich. The argument was that Tiara bought a house without telling her dad."

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she couldn't have a party at her parents' house, she wanted a place where she could have all the parties that she wanted without causing a mess at her own house. Keep in mind that she's fifteen years old."

"But wouldn't she still have to clean up after the party is over and done?"

"That's what I thought as well. She thought she could just use Rich's money to solve everything. So as punishment, he gave me the deed to the house and property. All I had to do was pay rent, which was the property rent, and the electric bills. I even got free cable after saving his daughter from getting hit by a truck."

"Geez, you're one lucky human to get a deal like that."

"I shouldn't be that lucky given how I was during my time as a bully. But yeah, that's how I got this place in a nutshell." She said before walking over to a nearby closet that led to the laundry room. "Now, seeing how you're going to be staying in town for a while, we need to make you blend in with the folks in town."

"What do you mean by that?" Belle asks as Sunset returns and presents the Saiyan with a tank top and shorts. The Saiyan deadpans upon seeing this before looking at Sunset with the same expression on her face. “No! I am not wearing that!” She yelled, folding her arms in protest to the clothes that Sunset picked out for her.

“Come on. If you’re going to blend in with us humans, you gotta wear something that won’t let you stick out like a sore thumb.” Sunset said as the Saiyan simply huffed in annoyance.

"I'm willing to compromise with being limited to my usual training, hiding my tail so people won't freak out, and limiting my food intake because the money that you have goes to rent and bills. But there is no way in hell am I going to wear something like that. Do you know how much of a pain that will do to me, pride-wise?"

“These are the only clothes that I have. Mainly because my clothes are too big for you to wear, and these were the only clothes I have that could fit you.”

“I’m not wearing something as stupid as that. I prefer not to show as much skin as possible.”

“Come on. It’s not that bad of an outfit. I mean the only thing you’ll be showing would be just your arms, belly, and legs.”

“I’m not doing it. What’s wrong with the way I look anyway?”

“You look like someone that came from out of space or an anime convention! Now stop arguing and just put on some normal clothes!” Sunset yelled as she tossed them at Belle's face, only for the Saiyan to stop them with her telepathic powers "...Okay how are you able to do that."

“I learn a few tricks while exploring different timelines and stuff," Belle answered before placing the clothes off to the side. "Of course, there are some aliens who can do this better than I can. I learned how to do this, just in case someone throws something at me like a pair of clothing." She said before leaning back in her seat. "You’re going to have to make me wear them if that’s the case.”

“Well can you at least take the armor pad, gloves, and shoes off then? Can we at least agree on that?”

“....Fine, but I’m not taking off the cloth part from around my waist. It’s kinda the only thing that hides my tail from people who would see it.”

“Well I guess that will do for now...speaking of, why do you wear that strange get up if you don’t mind me asking?”

“It’s armor that helps absorb most impact from attacks. I normally wear stuff like this for when it comes to missions that involve fighting heavy hitters.”

“Does it even work?”

“Yes….F-For the most part at least.” She said as Sunset raised an eyebrow at her for noticing dents, burn marks, and claw marks on her armor. “Hey! I wear it for personal reasons. Don’t judge me!”

“Whatever you say.” Sunset rolled her eyes at Belle's statement as she walked over to the stove once again. “Still hungry? I still got plenty of meat that I don't eat much of.”

“Is it because you're a magical talking pony?” Belle asked as Sunset nodded.

“Not really. I'm a pescetarian. Can't eat meat from an animal like cow, chicken, pork, etc. seafood and eggs, on the other hand, I can eat. Hence why I haven't cooked you anything fish-related.”

“So if you were to eat anything meat-related?”

“I'll be sick and out of commission for a day or two depending.”

“Fair enough, I'll keep my hands off your seafood stuff. Though I'm a bit surprised. You would think that being a human would let you eat stuff that humans can eat, meat wise that is.”

“I guess it's because I'm from a world where ponies never eat meat? But I never paid much attention to it.” Sunset said before placing another steak on the pan she was cooking on.

“Good point...Limiting my eating intake will be annoying, but I can manage.”

"If we do run out of meat, I can substitute the meat with Tofu, if that helps?" Sunset said as it caused Belle to tilt her in confusion.

“.....The hell is tofu?” She asked as it caused Sunset to look over at her with a dumbfounded expression on her face. "What?"

“You never had tofu before?” Sunset asked as Belle shook her head.

"What's it made out of?"

“Dried soybeans that are soaked in water, crushed and boiled. The best thing about Tofu is it can take on the flavor of the food you want it to take, so long as you soak it in said flavor for a while."

"...You're joking...right? There's no way food can do that?"

"I'll cook you some up for tonight if you want?"

"Be my guess, but I have my doubts if what you're saying is true about this...tofu food." She said before hearing a knock at the door. “Hey someone is knocking at the door. Want me to get it?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure, go ahead.” Sunset said absentmindedly as the Saiyan floated off out of the kitchen and towards the front door of her home. As Belle opened the door, she saw a woman with light magenta ish gray skin, her hair was a mixed palette of light grayish cyan, light grayish harlequin, light aquamarine, light sapphire blue, and light grayish mulberry. Her clothes looked like she was either the owner of a company or that she worked in a place of professional business.

“Um, can I help you?” Belle asked as the woman blinked in surprise upon seeing the way Belle looked. It also didn't help that she had a tail and she was floating off the ground. The woman shook her head to this as she looked at Belle.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was under the impression that Sunset Shimmer lives here?” She asked before Belle looked back in the direction of the kitchen.

“Sunset! You got a visitor!”

“If they're with Jehovah's Witnesses or the catholic church. Tell them to get the hell off my property. Which considering how I have the deed to this land and house, it's effectively every-” Sunset paused upon seeing who was at the door as the woman waved at her with a smile. “P-Principal Celestia!?” She yelled as she accidentally flipped the meat she was cooking into the air, only for the Saiyan to quickly bolted up into the air, and caught it with her hands before eating it. This took Sunset and Celestia by surprise as the principal entered the house. “W-What are you doing here?”

“Hello to you too Sunset,” Celestia said as a chuckle escaped her lips. “I came by to see if you were feeling okay seeing how your friends said that you had strep throat.” She said before looking over at Belle. “But I see that it was a lie played by your friends just to make sure you wouldn’t get in trouble after the fall formal event.”

“Belle!” Sunset yelled as she pointed to her tail and her floating off the ground. Belle groaned in annoyance as she landed back onto the ground and hid her tail underneath the cloth she had wrapped around her waist.

“Um….you didn’t see that right?” Belle asked as Celestia raised an eyebrow in humor to this. “Of course you did…” She said as Celestia looked over at Sunset.

“Care to explain your otherworldly friend, Sunset?”

“Goodbye, high school life.” Sunset sighs as she motions Celestia to follow her into the kitchen. “You know that earthquake that happened this morning?”

“I have, why?”

“Well let’s just say that Belle was the cause of the earthquake.” She said as Belle chuckled awkwardly and blushed in embarrassment.

“That would explain the giant hole in front of your house,” Celestia said before looking over at Belle. “Did you fall out of the sky or did you end up like how Sunset came to Canterlot?”

“I ended up here in your world while I was on a time patrol mission.”

“Time patrol?”

“She’s pretty much someone that fixes things that happen in a timeline of history, right?” Sunset stated as Belle waved her hand sideways a bit.

“In a way, yes. If there’s a problem in the timeline that can cause problems in the future, then it is up to us Time Patrollers to go and fix it.” Belle said as she leaned back into her seat. “Sadly, I kinda failed at the mission I was on and was soon blasted off through a portal from the planet I was on before said planet blew up. And the next thing I knew, I found myself here in this world.”

“ just like Sunset, only a bit different. Is there a way for you to get back to where you come from?”

“Well, I do have a beacon that they gave us in case we ended up stranded on a planet or different universe. Sunset said that there might be a problem with that seeing how when I tried to call someone on my communicator, all I got was static. So I’m waiting for about a month or two before heading over to her world and trying it there or something.”

“So for the time being, you’re stuck here in Canterlot?” The Principal asked as the Saiyan nodded. “Mind if I ask how old you are?”

“I’m seventeen.” She said before both Sunset and Celestia blinked in surprise at her age before saying in the union.

“You’re seventeen, but you're no taller than Applejack's sister, Apple Bloom!” They said as the Saiyan shrugged.

“Technically I joined the time patrollers at the age of 16.”

“B-But aren’t you a bit young to be doing something like that. Aren’t there rules for joining these Time Patrollers?” Celestia asked, again the Saiyan shrugged like it was nothing.

“Not that I know of. The only requirements were confidence in your capabilities, and a strong desire to protect history...Though in my case, it is a bit different.” She said before noticing Celestia raising an eyebrow at her. "I prefer not to talk about it, nor am I willing to talk about it yet."

"Fair, we just met. So I can't expect you to tell me everything until I gain your trust. But that doesn't mean I can't ask you other questions, does it?" The principal asked as Belle shook her head. "Seeing that you’re kinda stuck here in Canterlot. What do you plan on doing?”

“Can’t do much at the moment. I’m kinda limited to some degree seeing I don’t have money, I don’t have a way to get a job, and I can’t do the stuff I normally do when I’m in Conton City.”

“Mainly because you both fall under the 'no information available because you're not from planet earth."

“Yeah, pretty much,” Sunset said as Celestia placed a hand on her chin.

“I see….how about I make you both a deal?” Celestia asked as the teens looked at her with interest.

“What kind of deal?” Belle asked as she and Sunset noticed a smile appearing on Celestia’s face.

“One where it would benefit you both.”

Parallel Quest 4: Welcome To Canterlot High School

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Parallel Quest Four

Welcome To Canterlot High School

(Canterlot High School, cafeteria)

“So any idea on what we’re going to do with Belle?” Rainbow Dash asked as she along with the other girls took their seats at a table in the cafeteria.

“Unfortunately, no.” Rarity said as she poked at her lunch on her tray. “I can’t keep her at my place seeing how no one is there all day to watch her. And I don’t trust her alone with Sweetie Belle when she gets home.”

“I would offer her a place to stay, but how do you tell your folks that you’re friends with an alien from another world that can shoot lasers from her hands.” Applejack said as she took a bite out of her apple. “Plus something tells me that she would eat us out of house and home.”

“That and she might eat all your animals on the farm.” Rainbow Dash said as it caused Fluttershy to gasp in shock and Applejack to deadpan at her. “What? You know it’s true.”

“I doubt she would do that to Applejack darling...then again she is from another world so things might be different where she comes from.” Rarity said as she looked over at Pinkie. “What about you Pinkie? Do you have any ideas?”

“Hmmmmmmmmmm! Well, I could let her stay at my place. But I don’t think Mr & Ms cake would allow strangers into the house. Especially if they can’t get in contact with her parents.”

“And we can’t let her stay with Fluttershy. Angel might get into a fight with her and she might end up making rabbit stew with him.” Rainbow said, which got a gasp from Fluttershy. “So I guess she’ll have to stay with Sunset then?”

“I hate to have to do this to the poor girl. Especially when she’s still recovering from the fall formal.” Rarity said as she jabbed her salad with her fork.

“And the fact that almost the entire school hates her and is planning to get revenge on her,” Applejack added. “You should’ve seen what they wrote on her locker.”

“She demon, homewrecker, you put the dick in a dictatorship?” Rainbow Dash asked as she noticed everyone looking at her in surprise. “What? That’s what I heard from Gilda when she walked by and saw them do it.”

“You’re still friends with Gilda?” Rarity asked while raising an eyebrow at her in suspicion.

“Hey, just because you’re not fond of her, doesn’t mean I’m going to stop being her friend. Plus, she’s kinda like my informer in case she hears something that might be worth hearing.”

“Isn’t it a bit wrong for her to do something like that?” Fluttershy asked as Rainbow Dash shrugged in return to her question.

“As long as she isn’t using it to hurt anyone, then I don’t see the big deal about it personally. But what she told me about Sunset’s situation with the students was a bit unsettling.”

“So not only do we have to figure out what to do with Belle, but we have to help Sunset as well.” Applejack said as she tilted her hat. “This might be a bit more difficult than we could imagine.”

“I’m sure we can think of something. With the five of us together, we can do anything!” Pinkie Pie said as the others agreed. “Well besides flying, shooting laser from our eyes, or punch holes through walls, or teleport to different locations around the world, or- ”

“We get it Pinkie.” Rarity said as she shakes her head at Pinkie’s rambling. “Seriously, where do you get these weird ideas from I will never know.”

“Internet.” She replied as she sticks her tongue out at her.

“Figures,” Rainbow said as she took a bite out of her burger. “But we’ll have to think of a plan after school when we go over to Sunset’s place. Can’t think of one while in school while listening to the teachers' lessons like we did with Mr. Doodle's class.”

“Yeah, I think we all can agree on that.” Rarity said as she was about to say something else, only for the voice from the intercom to interrupt her as every student quickly stops talking to hear the announcement.

“Good afternoon everyone. This is Vice-Principal Luna speaking. Would the following students please report to Principal Celestia’s Office? Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. That is all and have a wonderful day!”

“....You don’t think this has something to do with the lie about where Sunset is….do you?” Pinkie asked as the girls had worried expressions on their faces.

“I get the feeling that it does.” Applejack sighed as she got up from the table she and the others were sitting at and started to head towards the office. “We better hurry up and head over to the office so we can see what Principal Celestia wants.” As she did that, the other girls that were sitting at the table did the same as they followed Applejack out of the Cafeteria and headed towards the main office.

(Principal Celestia’s Office)

While Sunset’s friends began to make their way to Principal Celestia’s office, Sunset and Belle were currently sitting in the chairs in front of the principal’s desk as the Saiyan looked around at the room they were in. Not paying attention to Celestia staring at them, Belle soon took notice of a bowl full of candy as she quickly took the bowl off of the human’s desk and began to eat it. Sunset was about to reply and tell the Saiyan to drop the candy bowl, but she was soon stopped by Celestia waving a hand at her in a dismissing manner.

“So let me get this straight,” Belle asked as she tossed a piece of candy into her mouth. “You want me to pretend to be a student here in your school until I can get back to Conton City?”

“I wouldn’t say pretend. More like secretly being a student and looking over Sunset.” Celestia said as Sunset deadpanned. “It’s not that I’m worried that you’ll turn evil or anything, but there are some students that are still holding a grudge against her after three years of...well tormenting them….no offense.”

“None taken.” Sunset sighed as she looked off to the side for a moment before turning her attention back onto Celestia. “But is this necessary? I mean they can’t be that angry to try and hurt me….right?” Silence hung in the air for a moment before it was soon broken by Celestia awkwardly coughing. “Oh fuck me sideways.”

“Language young lady. You’re still in school and do have to follow the rules.” Celestia said as she turned her attention back to Belle. “Given the fact that you’re just like Sunset, in another worldly kind of deal. I’ll have to ask Luna to make a fake student profile for you as I did with Sunset. It might take a while, but we’ll try to have it by the end of today.”

“Isn’t that illegal?” Belle asked before tossing another piece of candy in her mouth. “I mean I've never been to earth before so I wouldn’t know the rules and laws of this world.”

“It kinda is, but no one would have to know about this. So long as no one talks about this to anyone outside of this room.”

“Fair enough. Now, I’ll pretend to be a student here and all that stuff. But what’s in it for us?”

“I'll pay for Sunset's living expenses for the next three years.” The Principal said as Sunset stared at her with widened eyes.

“You’re joking, right? I mean I want to make sure this isn’t some kind of joke or anything.” Sunset asked as Celestia simply chuckled at Sunset’s skepticism.

“I’m not joking about that. I’m willing to pay for your rent, electricity, and medical bills if need be, but you’ll have to promise me that you won’t cause any trouble like before.” She said before looking over at Belle. “And your friend here will make sure she’ll do that. Right?”

“Yeah, yeah, make sure the former troublemaker stays in check and protects her from people that might hold a grudge against her. Shouldn’t be a problem to do.”

“I kinda find it hard to believe people will find you threatening as a bodyguard due to your height,” Sunset mumbled as she flinched from the glare the Saiyan girl was giving her. “Um, sorry. Didn’t mean to say that.”

“I’m only here until I can get back to Carton City. So I might as well do something to keep me busy, and recover from my….rough beating.” Belle sighed before looking off to the side. “I’m hoping the beacon they have set up for time patrollers works. Otherwise, this might be a problem.”

“I’m sure things will work out for you. But until then.” Celestia extends a hand toward the Saiyan girl with a motherly smile on her face. “Welcome to Canterlot High, Miss. Belle.”

Belle rolled her eyes at being called miss as she shook the principal’s hand. Just as she did that, the door to the Principal’s office opened up as Celestia, Sunset, and Belle turned their attention toward the door. As they did that, five familiar students entered the room with Principal Luna following in from behind and closing the door behind herself.

“Sunset? What are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked as she noticed Belle next to her. “And what is Belle doing here!?”

“Hello ladies~,” Belle said in a teasing manner before going back to eating what was left in the candy bowl.

“Seriously? Strep Throat?” Sunset asked with a deadpan expression on her face. “You couldn’t have thought of a better excuse than that? I even told you to tell Principal Celestia about what happened.”

“To be fair, we didn’t think that the Principal would believe that. Especially after what happened at the Fall offense.” Applejack answered as Sunset sighed.

“None taken.”

“To answer your question Rainbow Dash,” Celestia said as their attention was now drawn to her. “After hearing that Sunset had strep throat, I decided to check on her to see if what you said was true. Only to find out that she was cooking for a rather interesting guest.” She said motioning towards Belle. “In all honesty, I wouldn’t have believed you if you did tell me the truth. But after seeing Belle float off the ground and her tail, I’m going to have to believe you on that matter.”

“Indeed.” Principal Luna added. “I’m still a bit surprised that you’re willing to enroll this girl into our school sister so willingly.” She said as Applejack and the others were taken by surprise by this.

“Wait a minute? You’re going to have her be a student of Canterlot High?” Rainbow Dash asked as Celestia nodded.

“Wouldn’t that be a bad idea? I mean given how she’s an alien from outer space, wouldn’t that cause problems?” Rarity asked as she motions to Belle’s tail sticking out.

“I’m not a fan of hiding my tail. But like I said before to Sunset, I’m willing to hide it underneath the cloth I have wrapped around my waist. That and I do look like a human. So hiding out here shouldn’t be a problem.” Belle said before hiding her tail underneath her cloth.

"And if it accidentally slips out due to some odd reason?" Luna asked as Pinkie spoke up.

"Oh! She could be part of the anime club that I'm part of!" The pink girl said as Belle looked over at her for a moment before looking at Sunset for an answer.

"It's kind of like a club that's all about watching anime-related shows, games, and other things related to Japan. They're not a bad club...though it did have a bad reputation due to certain members being...well, too obsessed with the culture." Sunset answered.

"But things have gotten better now that the old members are gone. You would love it, and it would give you an excuse in case your tail flops out."

“That might work in case her tail slips out by accident or some odd reason. Luna would be willing to vouch for you if someone doesn't believe it given how she runs the club.” Celestia said as Luna smiles upon hearing this.

“Well, I guess that works.” Applejack said as she looked over at Belle. “But you better not shoot any of that laser beam magic stuff you pulled at Sunset’s place.” Both Celestia and Luna raised an eyebrow to this as Belle tossed a piece of candy from the bowl she was eating into the air and fired a small ki blast at it. Upon impact, the candy was quickly reduced to dust as everyone blinked in surprise by this.

“It’s not magic, it’s ki energy like I said before.”

“....Please tell me that you can control that?” Sunset asked as the Saiyan nodded. Everyone gave out a collected sigh of relief as Belle simply snorted in disappointment.

“So Belle’s a new student here in school?” Pinkie Pie asked as she let out a sudden gasp. “We need to throw her at “Welcome to Earth and Canterlot High School Party!!!” She said before getting a stern look from Celestia, causing the pink party girl to smile awkwardly. “Too loud?”

“Yes, yes it was. Do remember that you’re all in school. You can have your little welcoming party after school. But for now, you need to head back to lunch now that I have informed you all about this. I will be announcing an assembly during the seventh period about this once Luna is finished making the fake documentation for our alien friend.”

“Isn’t that kinda Illegal?” Fluttershy asked as a serious expression appeared on Celestia's face, causing her along with the others to be taken by surprise by the sudden change in emotions

“It is, hence the reason why what happens in this office stays between us. Because if anyone else knows about this, then we’re all in big trouble. Especially for Sunset and Belle seeing how they’re not from our world. Is that clear?” The Principal asked as the teens nodded in agreement. Celestia’s hardened expression quickly softens up as she smiles as if nothing happened. “Good to hear that. Now while you five are at lunch, Sunset will be giving Belle a tour around the school so she can get a good layout of where to go and not get lost.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem. Before I do that, would it be okay if I stop by my locker to get something out of there?” Sunset asked her friends, winced upon hearing that. “What? What’s wrong?” She asked as Rarity was the first to speak up

“Um….well, you see Sunset. While we were busy talking about dealing with Belle, Rainbow Dash said that someone wrote on your locker...again.” The seamstress said as the former she-demon and Celestia deadpan to this.

“Again? Isn’t this like the fifth time someone has written on Sunset’s locker?” Luna asked as Celestia nodded. “I keep saying that we should punish the students for doing this.”

“And like I said over and over again, it would be unfair to punish the other students that didn’t do the crime. Go get the janitor and have him clean the mess up if you would. Also, tell him that I’m sorry that he has to clean up the mess again.” Luna nodded as she left the room and headed off to find the janitor. “And as for you all, head off back to lunch if you would. I have a ton of paperwork to finish up by the end of this week.” The girls nodded to this as they all left the room. Once they left and the door closed behind them, Celestia looked around the room for a moment before pulling out her phone and started watching cute adorable cat videos on Youtube

“Ah, I wish I could get a pet cat of my own~”

While Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna began to get everything set up for the assembly, Sunset along with her friends began to lead the Saiyan around the school. Normally it would be Sunset who would be doing the touring seeing how Celestia told her to do it, but her friends couldn’t really help but tag along. Mostly to get to know the Saiyan and because they still felt bad for leaving Sunset behind to deal with Belle. Throughout the tour, Sunset began to tell the Saiyan about the school and how it was made. Applejack informed Belle about which class Sunset has and where she needed to go. Rarity pointed out the bathrooms and cafeteria for when lunch starts. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy offered their input as they told her about after-school activities that she could join, though Rainbow Dash suggested she join the soccer team. The tour went on for a while until a quarter past twelve and they would be outside near the soccer field talking to each other.

“So you’re an alien from another planet huh?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked at Belle up and down. “Do something alieny.”

“Is that even a word?” Belle asked as she looked over at Sunset who shook her head.

“No it’s not a word and Rainbow Dash you know she can’t do something like that here in school. Do you know how much trouble we both would be in if she did something like that?”

“Not to mention it’s rude to ask her to do something like that,” Rarity added as Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at this.

“I’m not saying right now. I’m saying later when we head over to your place.”

“Why my place?” Sunset asked as she raised an eyebrow towards the rainbow-haired girl.

“Because you’re the only one who can house an alien from another world without getting into trouble with their parents.” Pinkie Pie said as everyone looked over at her. “What? It’s true and you all know it.”

“Pink girl does make a valid point. Then again it’s not like we got much of a choice in the matter.” Belle said as she looked around the hallway as they walked. “So this is what being in an earthling school feels like. A bit weirder than the school back in Conton City.”

“How so?” Applejack asked.

“Ours is a bit bigger, we can come and go as we please, and it’s mostly used for those that are new to the whole Time Patroller thing.”

“Time Patroller? What are you, some kind of police or something?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Time patrollers are beings that are sent to different timelines of certain areas of a person’s lifetime. We make sure the correct history is there and not altered so that the future doesn’t change for the worse...oddly enough there have been a lot of changes in history.”

“So you’re like a time-traveling alien from another world?” Applejack asked as the Saiyan nodded while placing a hand on her chin.

“Well, when you put it like that….yeah I guess I am.” She said before hearing a gasp coming from Pinkie Pie.

“I almost forgot to give these back!” Pinkie said before reaching into her hair to pull out a couple of capsules with the capsule corp logo on them and handing them over to Belle.

“Wow, I forgot I had these on me when I crashed here. Wait, how did you get them from me?”

“Oh, I found them outside in front of Sunset’s house while you were knocked out. What’s inside them?”

“Just my personal belongings and stuff….You girls didn’t open them did you?”

“No. But how can you have your belongings inside those small capsules?” Rarity asked as she eyed one of them before Belle put them inside her pocket. “I hope you don’t keep your clothes in there? That would be dreadfully awful to have to iron out the wrinkles from your clothes.”

“I only change my clothes if need be or need to have them washed. Other than that, I pretty much wear my usual battle gear when patrolling. I mean I have them neatly folded so I don’t think I need to iron them anytime soon.” Belle said as she tried to place her hands behind her head to relax, only to wince from the soreness in her body.

“Still in pain after crashing into the ground?” Sunset asked.

“Combined with the fact that I got the crap beaten out of me. Yeah, still in somewhat moderate pain. But nothing that some food and sleep won’t fix….well possibly sleep. I don’t know about the food part.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault I don’t have much food in the fridge. Not only that, but I didn’t think I would have a roommate from another world crashing at my place until she can get home.”

“Why do I get the feeling you eat just like Pinkie Pie?” Applejack said before looking over at Pinkie eating a cupcake which everyone was wondering where she got it from. Pinkie licked her lips as she was about to eat it, that is until she noticed everyone looking over at her as she blinked.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” She asked as everyone minus Belle paled at the thought of this before shaking their heads.

“N-No. It’s nothing Pinkie.” The country girl said before looking back at Belle. “Anyway, Belle. How are y'all liking the school so far?”

“Well besides seeing a few people looking at me like I’m the plague or something. I guess this place is cool in its way...still annoyed that I have to do school work here and pretend to be a student. If I wanted to get a lecture, I’d get it from Elder Kai back in Conton City…..better yet the Kai of time, cause at least her lectures don’t run on for two to three hours.”

“School’s not so bad. I mean the only thing you have to worry about is school work, homework, class assignments, projects, exams, pop quizzes, and-” Applejack paused upon seeing a deadpan expression on Belle as a sheepish smile appeared on her face. “I’m not making it better for you am I?”

“No….No, you are not.” Belle let out a sigh of annoyance before looking up at the sky. “This is going to be a very painful school I’m gonna be hiding out in.”

“Hey, look on the bright side. At least you still got us!” Pinkie Pie said as she hopped over to Belle and gave her a surprisingly strong hug. “We’ll help you out and teach you a few things about this place if you’re having problems!”

“C….Can’t….B...Breath….so much...p...Pain!” The Saiyan said as Pinkie Pie released her hold on Belle while giving her a sheepish smile. “Do keep in mind that I’m still recovering a bit…”

“Right, sorry about that. But seriously, we’re here to help you if you need it~!”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the offer though. So what else is there to do at this school other than going to classes and stuff?”

“Well, there is after-school stuff that you can do. Like joining a club, helping out with setting stuff up for school events like the fall formal for example, and hanging out with friends.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin on her face. “You could always join the soccer team that I’m on. That way I can see how good you are and beat you in a one-on-one match~” She said before getting elbowed by Applejack. “What? Am I the only one who’s interested in seeing how much of an alien she is?”

“No, but doing it privately would be a smart thing to do. We’re trying not to draw out the fact that she is not from this world. It’s bad enough that weird things are happening here, we don’t need to have Sunset or Belle to get blamed because of offense you two.”

“None taken, I guess.” Both Sunset and Belle said at the same time as they looked at each other for a moment with a small smile on their faces before looking back at the group as Sunset spoke up.

“We also go on field trips, but that all depends on the teacher that does it. Like Mr-” Before Sunset could finish her sentence, the school bell rang followed by an announcement from the speakers outside.

“Good afternoon students of CHS! This is Principal Celestia speaking! Will all students and faculty members please report to the auditorium for an important announcement! I repeat, will all students and faculty members please report to the auditorium for an important announcement!”

“Guess that would be my calling for me to head over to the is that by the way?” Belle asked as Sunset and the others stood up and motioned for the Saiyan to follow them.

“We’re still showing you around the school, after all, so we’ll take you to the auditorium!” Pinkie Pie said as Belle shrugs and follows after them.


“So what do you think this assembly is all about?” Lyra asked as Bon-Bon simply shrugs.

“Beats me. You don’t think this has something to do with what happened with Sunset Shimmer do you?”

“I doubt it seeing how that Princess Twilight girl and her friends blasted her with a magical sparkly rainbow beam. Maybe a new student is going to be coming to CHS?”

“If that’s the case, then I hope she’s much nicer than Sunset when we first met her,” Bon-Bon said as she shivered at the thought. “I prefer not to have my mind being controlled like that ever again.”

“You and me both,” Lyra said as they continued to talk with each other along with the other students next to them. As they talked among each other, Principal Celestia began to make her way onto the stage. Once she was on stage, she walked over to the microphone on stage and tapped on it to get everyone’s attention.

“Alright students, settle down, please. I have an important announcement today.” She said as the students began to quiet down a bit. “Now I know it’s a bit late to have an assembly going on before heading off home. But I’d like to introduce a new student that will be joining us. She just transferred here today and will be starting the semester tomorrow even though it’s getting close to the end of the year.”

“I knew it! That girl I saw in the hallway was the new student!” Lyra whispered as Bon-Bon simply rolled her eyes at this and motioned for her to pay attention to the Principal.

“Everyone, give a round of applause to Belle Pep!” Celestia said as she looked over to her left as Belle made her way onto the stage and next to Celestia.

“’s a pleasure to meet you all!” Belle said as she bowed her head at the students. As she did that, she could hear some of the students that were close to her begin to whisper to each other.

“Whoa, that’s the transfer student?”

“Dude, she’s so short!”

“You think she’s dating anyone?”

“What’s with those strange clothes she has on? They look like something you see on Halloween.”

“Maybe she was in an anime club from where she came from?”

“I wonder what school she transferred from. I bet it’s from Crystal Prep. That school is like a prison from what my cousin said when he was going there before coming to Canterlot.”

“Normally I would allow you all to have at her with your curious questions for her, but sadly you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for it seeing as how school is almost over and there’s a matter that needs to be addressed.” Celestia’s calm motherly expression quickly changed to a serious and stern expression. “Someone has been writing harsh words on school property. Mainly on the lockers for the past week after what happened at the fall formal. Let me be clear that I have been patient with you all for this long hoping that it will stop. But seeing how that isn’t the case, I’m going to say this. If anyone does this again, I will be calling the police to set up an investigation and to put security cameras around the school.”

While Celestia was busy lecturing the students, Belle took notice of Sunset and the others off to the right of the stage motioning her to come over to them. The Saiyan quickly looked over at Celestia for a moment before heading off stage.

“Your full name is Bell Pepper?” Rainbow Dash asked as she tried to hold in her laughter. “W-Wow your parents must have been high if they named you that.” She said before letting out a yelp from Applejack elbowing her in the ribs. “What?”

“First of all, It's Belle Pep, not Bell Pepper. Second, I named myself that...mainly because I thought it was a cool name.“ Belle said with a slight blush on her face. Though her attention was soon focused on Celestia who was still lecturing the audience. “I get the feeling she’s going to lecture them for the next few hours or so?”

“Vice-Principal Luna said that we can go home early seeing how we’re kind of responsible for keeping an eye on you and informing you about our world. What with you coming from a different world and all.”

“You sure it's okay for her to say that? I mean, doesn’t Celestia overrank Luna. Or am I missing something about the whole Principal and Vice-Principal thing?”

“Technically yes,” Fluttershy answered. “But given how you’re new here, and this wouldn’t be the first time Celestia has gone on a long lecture like this...we should probably take up Vice-Principal Luna’s offer to let us go home early...I mean if you’re okay with that?” Belle looked over at Principal Celestia to see if she was still distracted. To her surprise, she was. With a simple shrug, the young Saiyan turned her attention back to the humans and gave them a small smile.

“Well if a second authority is saying that we can go, then who are we to not follow her orders and leave,” Belle said as she walked past the group and headed towards the double doors that lead out of the auditorium as Sunset and the others quickly followed after her.

Parallel Quest 5: The New Student on The Block

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Parallel Quest Five

The New Student on The Block

“Just so we’re clear, this is a one-time thing that Vice-Principal Luna is allowing us to head home early.” Applejack said as she and her friends continued through the hallway towards the exit of the school.

“Sweet! Heading early and no homework for today.” Rainbow Dash said as she took the lead. “We should’ve brought her with us earlier. That way we can get out of school way early.”

“I doubt Principal Celestia would allow that to happen.” Rarity said before looking over at Belle, mainly her clothes. “Seriously darling, you need to get some better clothes than that.”

“Hey, I got other clothes.”

“Are they suitable to wear out in public?” She asked as the Saiyan went silent. “I thought so. I should have something for you to wear tomorrow morning when we meet again.”

“I am not gonna change into them unless they’re suited for combat purposes.”

“Since when is that a thing?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I mean no offense, but why would you expect anyone to pick a fight with a small thing like you?”

“Well given the fact that she’ll be hanging out with Sunset a lot given how she almost took over the school, plus she’s a new student, and the fact that people always pick on someone smaller than them so-” Before Pinkie Pie could finish, she felt Applejack elbow her side rib. She blinked before noticing that Belle and Sunset were deadpanning at her. “Whoops! Sorry.”

“It’s fine Pinkie,” Sunset said before turning her attention to Rarity. “I’ll send you a pic of what her clothes look like so you can make a few for her to walk around in.”

“I guess that would be helpful. I prefer not to make something without getting a feel of what your taste in clothes style looks like.”

“Thanks, I owe you-” Before she could finish thanking the seamstress, she noticed that they were walking by her locker as she saw that someone wrote on it in red and black paint saying foul language followed by she-demon, the devil from hell, and whore. “One…Oh for fucks sake! This is the fifth time this month that someone did this to my locker!”

“O-Oh my,” Fluttershy said as she and the others took notice of the words on her locker.

“Seriously? Didn’t the janitor clean this up or something?” Rainbow Dash asked as Belle walked over and ran a finger against the paint on Sunset’s locker.

“Still fresh. The paint hasn’t dried up yet, so this must’ve been done during the time everyone is in the auditorium. Smart move on their part, but also a dumb one.”

“What makes you say that?” Fluttershy asked as the Saiyan looked down the hallway to see two figures watching them.

“Because the ones that did it are down the hallway around the corner.” She said before hearing the sound of footsteps running off. Everyone looked over at Belle with both amazed and dumbfounded expressions on their faces as Belle flinched a bit from their reaction. “What?”

“Are you psychic or something?” Sunset asked as the Saiyan shook her head.

“I’m able to sense a person’s energy from a good distance. So far I’m limited to the radius of this town for the most part if I can stay focused...It’s not an alien thing mind you, anyone can do it with a little bit of practice.”

“Wait, anyone can do that?” Rainbow Dash asked as she appeared in front of the Saiyan. “Dude, teach me how to do that!”

“Later, right now we need to go after them!” Applejack said as she felt Belle grab the back of her shirt and stop her.

“I got this.” Belle released her hold on Applejack before vanishing in a blink of an eye. The girls flinched in surprise at how fast she was as they soon heard the sounds of two girls screaming along with two loud thuds. The group looked at each other for a moment before rushing over to where Belle was. Once they were there, they saw two girls facing down on the ground with Belle standing on top of them with her arms folded.

“Dear God you’re fast.” Rainbow Dash said as she and the others walked up to Belle who hopped off of the two girls she was standing on.

“Right, kinda forget that I’m not in Conton and you girls aren’t used to seeing something moving as fast as I am.” She said before turning her attention to the girls on the ground. “You know these two or something?”

“Hey! Aren’t they the girls that Sunset bumped into by accident last week?” Pinkie Pie said as Sunset walked a bit closer to the knocked down girls

“Sunny Funny and Red Dawn.”

“You know them, Sunset?” Fluttershy asked as Sunset moved away from them with a sigh.

“Friend wise no. I did bully them when I started my first week here in Canterlot. Specifically, they were the current bullies of the school before I took over the school with an iron grip. I’m not surprised that they would be the ones that would do something like this to my locker...I guess this is payback for almost taking over the world, huh?”

“Maybe,” Belle said as she picked up the two girls. “But just because they’re getting payback for what you did, doesn’t mean they have the right to do this to you in school. Especially when it involves messing up school property.”

"You think we're going to fall for that nice girl act?" Sunny said as she and Red struggled within Belle's grip. "She's just playing you all for fools. Lower your guard so she can take advantage of you."

"That's what she does. After all, she is a demon after all." Red said as Belle rolled her eyes at their comment.

"Anyone got any rope and duct tape on them?” Belle asked as Pinkie Pie spoke up.

“I got duck tape!" She said before reaching into her hair to pull out said duck tape. "Applejack has a rope. She always has some spare rope on her.” Pinkie Pie said as Applejack glared at the pink girl with a blush on her face.

“Just because I work on a farm, doesn’t mean you can assume I have some on me!”

“Well, do you?” Belle asked as there was a moment of pause from the country girl, only for her to let out a sigh as she lifted her hat and handed her some rope.

“Told you~,” Pinkie said before she quickly looked away from Applejack’s glare. She soon turns her attention back onto the Saiyan. “What are you doing?”

“What’s a good way to get back at someone in a way that doesn’t involve hurting them?” Belle asked as she finished tying the girls up together. “You put them at the scene of the crime of what they did. And leave a sigh blaming them for this.”

“Seriously? You’re not going to rough them up a bit?” Rainbow Dash asked as she noticed Belle knocking the girls out by lightly karate chopping the back of their heads. Once she did that, the Saiyan picked the girls up over her shoulders and headed back to Sunset’s locker.

“....Don't tell anyone about this," Belle said as the girls followed after her. "Saiyans are very that I mean we can lift heavy objects like cars and stuff...Me...I'm...not strong... strength-wise."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash said as she noticed Belle carrying two knocked-out girls. "You seem pretty strong to me."

"When it comes to carrying humans of your power level, it's not an issue. But when it comes to physical strength, I have to use my ki to increase my physical strength." She said before stopping in front of Sunset's locker. "So as a means to counter the fact that I'm small and lack strength, I focus more on my ability to absorb and manipulate ki energy."

"You mean like that time you shot the frying pan out of Rarity's hand?" Applejack asked as Belle nodded while placing Sunny and Red in front of Sunset's locker. Once there, she began to use the paint that was on the locker to write something out and an arrow pointing toward the two girls.

"So you can't rough them up?"

"I could, but they didn't hurt Sunset. So I can't hurt them back physically." Belle said as she backed away from her finished work. "But doing something like this will do as payback." The girls read over what she wrote as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash busted out laughing while the others either blushed or deadpan at the Saiyan.

“Did you have to write that last part at the end?” Sunset asked as the Saiyan shrugged.

“Like any of you girls haven’t said something like this before. Now come on. We better get going before someone finds us and thinks we did this.”

“Agreed.” Applejack said as she and the others quickly made their way out of the school. As they proceed to make their way to Sunset’s house, a certain Vice-Principal was watching the scene play out from around the corner of the hallway where the group was just in. Once she rounded the corner, a smirk appeared on her face upon seeing the two culprits.

“Celestia wasn’t kidding about Belle being from another world.” She said as walked over to the two girls with her arms folded. “I’ll have to thank her next time during school hours.” Just as she was about to wake the two girls up, she noticed the writing on the locker. Upon reading it, her eyes widened upon what was written. “...Scratch that. Thank her and lecture her about not using the word punk ass bitches to describe the two culprits…”

(Sunset’s House, Afternoon)

After a somewhat short tour around Canterlot, mainly just showing the Saiyan where she needed to go from School to Sunset’s home along with where to go to get food and other things. The truck that Applejack was driving stopped in front of Sunset’s home as the girls hopped out of it and began to walk inside her house. As they entered, Belle quickly began to float off the ground and stretched her limbs.

“Have to say. Riding in the back of that truck thing was kinda fun.” Belle said as her tail sticks out from underneath the cloth around her waist. “Though I kinda prefer flying than riding in my opinion.”

“Well, it’s not like you can do that. Remember you can’t fly around like you do behind closed doors.” Applejack stated as the Saiyan deadpanned at her. “Don’t give me that look, you know why you can’t do that.”

“Sadly yes….is it too late to change my mind about this?”

“Yep!” Pinkie Pie said as she hopped onto the couch and turned the TV on. “But at least you can do stuff inside the house that you can’t do outside~”

“Yeah, that is if Sunset would allow me to do it.”

“I’m already on Canterlot’s bad side. I don’t need to give them a reason to riot around my home and have to be forced to leave.” Sunset said as she walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a can of soda. “Not to mention we kinda have a deal to keep with Celestia, so no flying or using your powers out in the open.”

“Fine, but if my or anyone else's life is in danger, all bets are off.”

“At least try to do it secretly or something?” Sunset asked before sitting next to Pinkie and began drinking her soda.

“I make no promises. But I’ll try for the most part.”

“...Well it’s better than nothing.” She said before relaxing a bit on the couch but looked a little down as Pinkie Pie took notice of this.

“What’s the matter Sunny? You seem a bit down.”

“It’s nothing, but I'm a bit tired from today’s event.”

“You might want to be specific darling?” Rarity said. “Was it because of what happened with your locker, or was it from when Belle crashed in front of your house?”

"The locker incident.” She said before taking another sip of her drink. “This has been going on for the past few months. Look, I get that I was a bad person, but even I wouldn’t go so far as to do what they did.”

“Was it that bad?” Belle asked.

“After we came back once the school was repaired, some of the students filled her locker up to the brim with mud.” Rainbow Dash said as she leaned against the wall near the door with her arms folded. “Then the next day, trash was put in there. Then raw meat, baby dolls covered in fake blood, fake blood, cows blood which I’m surprised they could fill the locker with, and the worst to come was when they filled her locker to the brim with animal waste.”

“Yeah, turns out some of the folks in school snuck onto the farm during the night and took some of the animal waste. We didn’t think about it at the time until it started happening more and more.” Applejack said, chiming in on the conversation. “We went to the police about this...but.”

“But what?” Belle asked as she looked over at Sunset for an answer.

“But sadly the man in charge of the place has two sons that go to the school, and I was the idiot that bullied and brainwashed them. So as punishment for what I’m gathering, if it involves me of any kind then it is ignored.”

“Have you talked to Celestia about this?”

“We did, but um. Because Sunset isn’t from our world and has no information of who or what she is here, she and Celestia would be in big trouble.” Fluttershy said as she sat next to Sunset.

“To put it bluntly as Applejack does. We’re kinda stuck as a tree stump being pulled between AJ and Big Mac.” Rarity said, which took Applejack by surprise at how accurate she was with her wording.

“Um, yeah. We’re stuck until someone either replaces him or something along the lines.”

“Geez, no wonder Celestia made me her bodyguard. You’re pretty much going to get shit on by everyone you wronged, and if something goes too far you might get hurt from this.”

“I’m….really sorry for getting you all involved in this mess.” She said before feeling Pinkie Pie’s hand rest on her shoulder.

“Hey, we’re your friends Sunset. We promised Twilight that we would look after you and help. So there’s no way we would just abandon you.”

“Yeah, so there’s nothing to be sorry about. We got your back.” Rainbow Dash said as she and the other girls nodded in agreement. Sunset gave a small smile at this before looking over at Belle who smirked and nodded.

“I’m not one to judge a person’s past mistakes. I mean I have my fair share of them. It would be different if they just did the whole paint on the locker thing, but after hearing about this. I’m inclined to help you out. Then again I’d help out even if Celestia didn’t offer the deal she gave us.”

“What was it that Principal Celestia offered you two?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She’ll pay rent for the next two years even after she graduates from the school.” The Saiyan said as the other blinked in surprise by this.

“Seriously!?” Rainbow Dash said as an idea popped into her head. “Say you wouldn’t happen to-”

“No.” Both Belle and Sunset said at the same time as the cyan skin girl flinched back a bit from the sudden answer. “The deal was only meant for us.”

“Okay, okay, no need to bite my head off.”

“If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll let you have something from my world,” Belle said as she began to search her pockets, only to realize they were empty. “What the? Where are my capsules?”

“.....Um...they wouldn’t happen to be small and have a double C logo on it right?” Rarity asked as Belle raises an eyebrow at her. “Pinkie Pie found them on the ground outside when you were passed out after the crash.”

“Yeah, but you all told me to drop them on the floor.” Pinkie said as she pointed to the capsules on the ground. The Saiyan quickly floated over to where her stuff was as she quickly began to gather them, but tossed one of them over to Rainbow Dash as she quickly caught it.
“Here, you can have that.”

“What’s inside it?” She asked as she looked at the capsule over a bit.

“Press it and see for yourself," Belle said as Rainbow Dash noticed the button on the top part of the capsule and pressed it. Upon pressing it, a cloud of smoke appeared in front of her for a moment before revealing a longsword dropping onto the ground.

“...Is that sword!?” Rainbow Dash asked as she and her friends stared at the weapon in disbelief.

"Yep, one of the swords that I use in my times," Belle said as she noticed Rainbow Dash picking it up quickly.

"Wow, it's so light," She said before swinging it around. "Very light, like I can do almost anything!"

"It's light but blunt. So you can't cut people with it unless you use your ki energy to do it."

"You sure it's okay for me to have?" Rainbow Dash asked as Belle nodded.

"I got a tone of them. So you can have that one. It's hard to break so you can hit people as a means of self-defense." She said as Rainbow Dash grins and continues to swing the sword around.

"You sure it's okay for her to have it?" Rarity asked. "I mean, wouldn't her parents say something about it?"

"It's like a prop sword. That way she won't get in trouble with her parents if they say something about it when she brings it home with her."

“Speaking of heading home. We should be getting home. It’s getting late and I need to do my part of the work around the farm.” Applejack said as she started to head towards the door and opened it. “Anyone want a lift back to their houses?”

“Oh! I do! I do!” Pinkie Pie said before zooming off outside and heading towards Applejack’s truck. “I call shotgun!”

“Guess the three of us will have to sit in the back then.” Rarity said as she and the others began to leave Sunset’s home.

“Seriously, how is she so damn fast when it comes to this every time?” Rainbow Dash asked as she followed after Rarity towards the truck.

“See you tomorrow Sunset and Belle,” Fluttershy said as Belle and Sunset waved goodbye to her before hearing the door closed up behind them.

“Welp, I don’t know about you. But I’m going to sleep early.” Belle said as she landed on the couch. Once she started to get herself comfortable on the couch, Sunset moved out of the way as she headed toward the kitchen.

“I take it you’re still tired after what happened before you came here?” Sunset asked as the Saiyan nodded.

“Yeah, getting the crap beaten out of you by a hulking legendary Saiyan that bench presses a building like it was nothing can wear you down,”

“...Are all Saiyan able to do that?”

“More or less, but I'll explain more about it tomorrow. Right now I'm going to get some sleep.” Belle said before passing out onto the couch. Sunset stared at the girl for a moment before shaking her head with a small smile appearing on her face.

“This is going to be an interesting year.” Sunset thought as she headed up the ladder and plopped herself onto her bed and started to listen to music with her headphones on.

(Conton City)

“What do you mean you can’t get in contact with Belle!” Elder Kai yelled as the Kai of Time covered her eyes for a moment before glaring at him.

“You don’t have to yell like that! I’m right here you know?” She said as she lowered her hands down and cleared her throat. “It’s as I said, I can’t find her nor sense her anywhere. We even used the eternal dragon to wish her back from the dead, the dragon said she wasn’t dead.”

“Well if she’s not dead, then use a wish from the dragon to bring her butt back here. I have half a mind to lecture her about making us worry about her like this.”

“That’s the problem. He can’t bring her for some reason.”

“What do you mean he can’t bring her back here!?” The Elder Kai yelled as the kai of time smacked him on the shoulder.

“What did I say about yelling?” She asked before hearing the elder kai mumbling. “Anyway, he said something is blocking him from getting her back here, but he did show us where she was.”

“Oh...well that’s good. Where is Belle?” He asked as the kai summoned a crystal orb over to them as an image of a planet similar to universe 7’s earth, only different and not that advanced.

“The dragon said she’s on this planet. But he doesn’t know what universe this planet is in.”

“Universe 7’s earth?”

“I wish. This would make things a lot easier. This planet is similar to Universe 7’s earth, but it’s low tech and has a strange magical field around the planet. Maybe that might be the reason why the dragon can’t magically bring her back here.”

“Do you know what universe this is?”

“Sadly no. I was thinking of calling Whis and Beerus over to see if they might know of where this planet might be, and if they can bring Belle back here.”

“You think they might know where this planet is?”

“If the Eternal Dragon doesn’t know where this planet is from in all of the twelve universes, then I don’t know who else would.”

“Maybe Whis can help us find this planet? He is pretty knowledgeable and more help than Beerus.”

“Let’s just hope Beerus doesn’t come along with him. We don’t want him to throw a hissy fit and destroy the city because of something stupid.”

Parallel Quest 6: The New Student on The Block Part 2

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Parallel Quest Six

The New Student on The Block

Part Two

[Canterlot, Sunset’s Home, Tuesday]

Sunset’s alarm clock went off as she half tiredly tried to reach for the alarm. After a few failed attempts to hit the digital clock, she finally hit the snooze button on the top of it before letting out a moan and going back to sleep. Well, she would go back to sleep, if she didn’t hear the door to her bathroom open as Belle exited with towels covering her body.

“Nothing like a hot shower to make a girl feel and look brand new!” She said before noticing Sunset looking at her. “Morning Sunset! How did you sleep?”

“Do I….need to know why you’re covered neck to toe in towels?”

“Just like with my past, I'm not ready to talk about it yet,” Belle said before noticing Sunset slamming her face back onto the pillow she was using. “Stayed up all night?”

“Unlike you, I have to study for two quizzes and a class that gives out random pop quizzes at any time.” She said before peaking over at the clock which was seven ’o clock am on the dot. “Why can’t it be the weekend already?”

“Hey, I fall under the category of keeping up the appearance of a normal high school girl. Can't show off my abilities without them thinking I'm some kind of alien from outer space.”

“As comforting as that sounds, you pretty much don’t have to worry about graduating and grades. Plus you’ll be able to leave once that communication device of yours gets a signal.”

“Okay, you got a point there,” Belle said before seeing Sunset bury her face into the pillow again. “But let’s focus on today. You still got me and your friends who got your back if anyone tries to do something stupid. ”

“Given how fast you were from yesterday, I have no doubts about that.” She said before pulling herself up and scratching her hair. “How long have you been in there anyway?”

“Two hours. Had to clean up the blood and dirt from the first shower, then take a second shower to heal some of my wounds.” The Saiyan said as it caused Sunset to be Sunset fully awake from hearing that.

“....Please tell me that you have a second pair of clothes,” Sunset asked as the Saiyan was about to reply, only for Sunset to interrupt her. “And not the alien clothes that you said you have in those weird capsule things.”

“.....It’s a good thing I threw my clothes into your washing machine. Unless Rarity is finished with making my clothes to help me blend in.”

“And I doubt any of my clothes would fit you given your size...unless you're willing to wear-"

"I will burn them to ash if you suggest I wear those clothes you suggested yesterday."

"Well, you can't walk around school naked," Sunset said as she pulled herself up from her bed while reaching for her cellphone. She soon started to press a few buttons on it as it started to ring.

“Who are you calling?”

“Rarity, hoping she might have an extra set of clothes for you to wear.”

“I’m not going if I’m being forced to wear a dress.” She said before heading into the kitchen.

“You have no choice, seeing as Principal Celestia assigned you as my bodyguard,” Sunset said before hearing Rarity’s voice on the phone. “Rarity, you up?”

“S-Sunset? This is a bit of a surprise calling me this early in the morning. What’s wrong?”

“Please tell me that you have an extra pair of clothes for Belle? Because right now she has nothing to wear for school today and I don’t have any clothes that can fit her.”

“....How bad are we talking about darling?”

“Her clothes are in the washing machine for the second time. The first time was due to getting the bloodstains out, now she’s trying to get the smell out of them.”

“....I’ll be there in thirty minutes or less.” Rarity said before hanging up the phone on her line of the call. Sunset placed the phone on the nightstand next to her bed and headed to the bathroom.

“Well that’s one problem taken care of, but now onto a bigger problem. School.” She thought as she began to brush her teeth while looking over herself in the mirror. “She’s the new student in school, and knowing how the people in the school can be...they can easily assume things without getting the facts straight. She’ll be hanging around me more, and they might assume I might know her...or worse, they might assume I might corrupt her due to being a...demon.” She spat into the sink upon the word demon as she looked down at the sink in thought before shaking her head. “No, stop that. You got to stop thinking like that. Nothing bad will happen, and everything will be fine and normal as it could ever be.”

Upon looking up at the mirror, Sunset’s eyes widen in horror upon seeing her demon self in the mirror standing behind her. She quickly turned around to see if she was there, only to see nothing but the bathtub. She looked back at the mirror with a sigh and slight chuckle from her mind playing tricks on her.

“Yeah, I can’t wait until the winter break starts,” Sunset said as she started brushing her hair while making her way out of the bathroom. Once in the hallway, she soon heard a knock on the door to her room followed by a familiar voice from a certain seamstress. Walking over to a window, she saw Rarity standing in front of the door to her house along with a taxi cab driving off into the distance. “Wow, I’m a bit surprised she came here so quickly like that.”

“Oh, I hope she didn’t fall back to sleep. Maybe I should call her?” Rarity said as she knocked on the door again. Before Sunset could say anything, she noticed the door opening. Rarity's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Belle covering most of her body in towels “....Um...Belle….is that you? Why are you covered in towels?”

“Welp, this is going to be an interesting morning.” Sunset thought as she pulled herself back inside and headed downstairs. As she made her way down the stairs, she could hear the two of them talking. Mainly Rarity trying to pull the towels off of the Saiyan's body. Well, the ones that were covering her arms, legs, hands, feet, and neck.

“Darling I know you’re from a different planet, but here on earth we don’t wear towels like this.”

“I have my reason, so stop trying to pull them off me!” Belle said as she lightly smacked the seamstress’s hand away from her.

“But this is unladylike, not to mention a waste of towels.”

“Not happening. So back off lady!” Belle said as she continued to playfully smack Rarity’s hand away from her each time she tried to reach her. Sunset couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle from this as she decided to chime in on what was going on.

“Maybe it would be best if you don’t try to tick off the alien from another world that can move as fast as a bullet Rarity?” Sunset suggested as Rarity turned her attention to Sunset and moved her hand away from Belle.

“Good morning Sunset...not to be rude, but you look like a mess.”

“I did an all-nighter...again.”

“I...notice. Anyway, you said you needed an extra set of clothes for Belle, right?”

“Yes, seeing how we’re trying to make her look as normal as possible. Like I said over the phone. I don’t have any clothes that can fit her due to her size, and her clothes are in the wash due to them being covered in the smell of her blood...which I’m surprised we didn’t notice when we found her.” Rarity placed a hand to her chin as she looked over at Belle for a moment before going into her bag to pull out a set of clothes that were about the same size as her, but a bit slimmer.

“I’m still working on something for her, but I think this should be able to fit just fine.” She said as Belle walked over to grab the set of clothes and began to look over it.

“This isn’t a dress of some kind is it?” Belle asked as the seamstress shook her head.

“Those are clothes that I was planning on giving to a client, but he canceled it due to money issues. He hasn’t said anything about it in the last three months, so I figure why not give it to you until I have time to get your outfit done.” She said as Belle started to make her way upstairs. Once she was out of earshot, Rarity looked over at Sunset with a concerned look on her face. “Is there a reason why she wrapped herself up like that?”

“I can only assume she's hiding some scars covering her body,” Sunset answered, which caused Rarity to gasp.

"You don't think it's from when she crashed here? Is it?"

"Don't know. Given the answer I got when I ask why she's covered herself in towels, I can only assume they're scars from her past that she's hiding."

"Well if that's the case, then I can provide her with something to cover them up if she finds them uncomfortable."

"I think we should wait a bit before trying to do that. At least until she's comfortable around us to openly talk about her past."

"She doesn't trust us?"

"I believe she trusts us a bit. Mainly because we haven't done anything to hurt her. All I'm saying is that we just need to wait a bit before doing anything that would be called invading her privacy."

"Fair enough. I won't prob into matters that I don't know of yet. We'll just try and get her adjusted to earth culture."

"Thanks, Rarity...question, the clothes you gave her...isn't a it?"

“Well not per se. I mean the top part may look like a dress, but I’m sure the pair of pants I added to it will make up for it.” She said before hearing Belle’s footsteps coming down the stairs. Rarity along with Sunset looked over to see Belle making her way back. Upon seeing Belle, the Saiyan was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with an overall dress with a wavy vine and flower pattern on top of it, navy blue jeans, and rose & white color shoes.

“I won't lie...this feels comfortable,” Belle said before feeling herself a bit. "So soft and silky smooth."

"Well, I did use a special kind of material to make it comfortable for him.” Rarity said with a slight smile on her face. "A shame that he couldn't pay me for it, but it's nice to see someone else getting some use out of it."

“Was the guy a crossdresser or something?” Belle asked as Rarity shook her head.

"No, the guy was transitioning from male to female."

"Ah okay. Well, their loss for not being able to pay for this." The Saiyan said before heading off into the kitchen. "I'm going to get something to eat before heading off to school."

“You better not try and eat anything with my name on it!” Sunset said before getting a raised eyebrow from Rarity. “Long story short, Pinkie.”

“Ah, makes sense.” Rarity said before looking over at the kitchen doorway and then back at Sunset. “You sure she’ll be okay in school?”

“It’s not like she’s going to get into a fight. And besides, what’s the worst that can happen?” Sunset asked as Rarity just stared at her with a blank expression. “What?”

“You just jinxed it.”

“Excuse me?”

“ in the human world. When you say something like’re just asking for trouble to happen. Especially after what happened with the fall offense.”

“None taken. But I’m sure things can’t turn out any worse than how it is now, right?”

“....Let’s….just make sure Belle doesn’t try and eat you out of house and home.”

(Canterlot High School)

The doors to Canterlot High School opened up as most of the students began to make their way into the building or were outside talking to their friends. While the students were busy talking among themselves, Belle, Sunset, and Rarity made their way into the school. As they entered, Belle’s stomach began to growl out of hunger for the most part.

“I hate this,” Belle said, grinding her teeth in irritation as her stomach growled again.

“Look, the school cafeteria has food for students that want to eat breakfast here instead of in their homes. So you can eat as much as you want to some degree.” Sunset said as she pulled out her wallet and handed Belle a ten-dollar bill. “Use this to buy whatever you want to eat."

“It’s not that, but thanks,” Belle said as she took the money and glared at Rarity. “I’m more annoyed that Rarity kept slapping my hand away from the food.”

“It had Sunset’s name on it. She specifically said not to take any of her food with her name on it. That and that piece of cheese had mold on it. So why would you eat something like that?”

“By cutting it off and eating the rest that didn’t have mold on it?” The Saiyan said as Rarity and Sunset stared at her. “Hey, I’m an alien. You don’t know what I can or can’t eat.”

“Just...Get something to eat.” Rarity said, causing the Saiyan to shrug and walk off to the cafeteria, leaving Sunset and Rarity to talk to each other.

“Seriously, she’s like a little kid at times.”

“Only when she doesn’t get food in her stomach from the look of it,” Sunset said as the two continued to make their way over to Rarity’s locker. “But other than that, she seems pretty down to earth...though it still worries me about trying to get her back home.”

“Have you tried to talk to Princess Twilight and see if she can help?” Rarity asked, causing Sunset to flinch upon hearing that.

“Um….n-not yet. We’re planning on having Belle try to contact whoever she knows through some kind of device she has brought along with her. If we don’t get anything within a month or two, that’s when we’ll try to go over to Equestria to see if using it there would work.”

“You sure that’s the only way to do it? Why not just ask Princess Twilight?”

“No!” Sunset yelled, causing Rarity to jump a bit from the sudden yell. “I mean, no. This way is fine with me. Plus I’m sure Twilight is busy with more important matters than this.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“Trust me Rarity. If things get out of hand, then I’ll send a message to Twilight. But for now, let’s just worry about more important things.” She said before they both stopped next to Rarity’s locker.

“If you say so.” Rarity said as she opened her locker to grab a few books before closing it. “But I would suggest you do it sooner than later darling.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. But for now, let’s just focus on trying to get her adjusted to high school life.”

“Right...I still have my doubts about this if I’m being honest. I mean I only met the girl for a good twenty-four hours and so far she seems a bit...prideful. Almost as prideful as Rainbow Dash when competing or playing a game with her.”

“She’s not that prideful. At least she’ll listen to us when something is a bad idea and is willing to compromise.”

“True, but I still have my doubts about her acting normal.”

“Look, the day hasn’t started yet, Rarity. We’ll keep an eye on her and try to avoid trouble if it rears its head around the corner.” Sunset said as she moved over to get what she needed from her locker. “Besides, what’s the worst that can-” Before Sunset could finish, she felt Rarity’s hand cover her mouth.

“What have I told you about saying that!?” She asked before removing her hand away from her mouth. “Don’t you know bad stuff always happens when you say something like that?”

“Look, unless I see proof about not saying those words, then I’m going to keep saying it,” Sunset said as she closed her locker and began to walk to the cafeteria. “And right now, I don’t believe bad stuff will happen if I were to say ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’” Once they made it to the cafeteria, they saw Belle eating a mountain of pancakes on her tray. The students that were surrounding her were watching her in awe, amazement, and fear at how a small girl can eat this much without getting sick. Once the Saiyan was done wolfing down the pancake, she quickly made her way over to Granny Smith who was refilling her tray.

“Heaven’s to Betsy! Never seen a kid this hungry. Haven’t your parents given you enough to eat this morning?”

“I don’t have any parents….I with Sunset as part of a group program thing that they had me sign up for.”

“Oh, you’re living with Sunset? How is she doing by the way?”

“She’s doing okay. Though she seems more tired than usual. Is there a reason behind that?” Belle asked as she noticed a concerned expression on Granny Smith's face.

"Might be because she has to make up for the work that she slacked off during her time here,” Granny answered as Belle raised an eyebrow at her. “Well, she was a bully that ruled the school with an iron fist before you came. So it’s to be expected that she would have ways to blackmail some of the teachers in this school. Don't know what caused her to act that way, but someone must've done her wrong to lash out at the world."

"By lashing out at the world, you mean to try to take over it with brainwashed teenagers?"

"Yep, I take it you heard about what she did?"

"Kind of hard not to when students are still whispering about it...and write it on her locker."

"Yeah, that's been going on for the past few months. I can understand that they're angry, but doing stuff like that won't help in the long run. If anything, it'll make them worse than she was." Granny said as she piled more pancakes on Belle's tray. "But it's nice to see that she's able to make friends with people who are willing to forgive her."

"How was she before the fall formal incident?"

“Poor thing was a jumble of anger and rage when she first came here freshman year. I was worried that Celestia might’ve kicked her out of the school after the fall formal incident.”

“Guess Celestia is more forgiving than most people?” Belle said as she noticed the stack of pancakes isn't as tall then last time. “Think I can get more pancakes?”

“Sorry sugar cube, that’s all you’re getting until lunch. Have to save some of the food for the other students.”

“Aw, and I was so enjoying eating food that didn’t taste...bland."

"Well, it's nice to hear someone enjoys my cooking."

"Who wouldn't enjoy food this good?" Belle asked as she picked her tray up and began making her way back to her table. "Welp, see ya around Lunchtime Granny Smith,” Once there, Rarity and Sunset take a seat next to her as the Saiyan begins to eat again.

“Do all Saiyans eat like this?” Rarity asked in horror at seeing the amount of food she was eating.

“More or less. It just depends on the person.”

“And here I thought Bulk Biceps eat too much,” Sunset said as she handed Belle a sheet of paper. The Saiyan stopped eating for a moment before looking up at Sunset with a confused expression on her face.

“What’s this?”

“Your class schedule. Seeing how you have the same classes as I do, I might as well give you a copy of it so you won’t get confused as to where I am.”

“Wouldn’t it be a smart move just to follow after you?”

“Yes, but there will be times where I might be called to the principal office or something. So you’ll have to know where to go after the first period and so on.”

“Fair enough I suppose,” Belle said as she continued to eat her meal quickly.

“Honestly darling, can’t you eat like a proper lady and not like...well...what you’re doing.” Rarity said, looking a bit disgusted at how the Saiyan was eating. Belle lets out a loud burp upon finishing her meal as she uses her sleeve to wipe some of the crumbs off her face. “Use a napkin, not your sleeve!”

“Hey, I’ll eat how I want. You’re not my mom.”

“True, but if you’re going to stay here, you’re going to have to act normal.” Rarity said before Belle noticed a girl with crossed eyes eating a muffin sloppy behind the fashion girl.

“Right...I make no promises. So where are the other girls?”

“They would be in their first-period class right now, seeing how classes start in about fifteen minutes or so. Speaking of class, best be ready for Mr. Cranky Doodle.” Sunset said as the Saiyan raised an eyebrow at her. “He can be strict at times...well a lot of the time. You can’t goof off in that class or else you want extra homework, and be prepared for him to call on you...a lot.”

“Why me? What did I ever do to a guy I never met?”

“He always goes after new students in his class. Especially given how you’re not from Canterlot and your alibi is that you’re from a different country.” Sunset answered as Belle rolled her eyes at this.

“Well luckily for me I know how to cheat my way out of things like this.” Belle reached into her pocket to pull out an oval shape item. “Never thought I would be using this again.”

“What is that?” Rarity asked as the Saiyan activated the item as it formed into a visor and placed it over her eyes. “Are those glasses?”

“You could say that. They kinda help me cheat and study for certain things that I have no idea what is. All I need is the book so I can scan it, and I’ll be ready just in case he gives me a surprise pop quiz or something along those lines.” She said as Rarity and Sunset stared at her with mixed expressions on their faces.

“Normally I wouldn’t condone cheating. But given the fact that this is Cranky we’re talking about, I guess I wouldn’t judge on how you do things.” Rarity said as she carefully looked over the visor-like headphone device. “Does that do anything else than just help you cheat?”

“It’s mostly used for scanning, looking over documents of certain things involving history tracking during the time patrolling, and at times downloading stuff like music or videos.

“Just make sure that you don’t get caught doing that with Cranky. Because you won’t be getting it back until the end of the year.”

“I’ll just say these are special glasses that I need to read or something.”

“And if he asks for a note?”

“Celestia will vouch for me on this one seeing how I am Sunset's bodyguard.” She said as the bacon-haired girl deadpan. “What, I am trying to be normal like you. Why do you think I’m hiding my ears underneath my hair?”

“What’s wrong with your ears?” Rarity asked which caused the Saiyan to look at her for a moment before responding.

“Nothing...forget I said anything about it.”

“Um...okay...anyway, we should get going before the first bell rings. Don’t want to get another lecture from Cranky on how children shouldn’t be distracted by their phones and cartoons.” Rarity said as she, Sunset, and Belle stood up from their seats and began to make their way out of the cafeteria. Rarity looked over at Belle and paused upon seeing the cafeteria tray she was carrying with her. “Um, darling. You’re supposed to put that tray over there through the window next to the trash can.”

“Oh, okay.” Belle looked over at the window where Granny Smith was as she waved. The Saiyan took a step back before tossing the tray over to her. The elderly lady along with some of the students that were inside chatting to each other took notice of this as the tray landed perfectly next to the cafeteria lady. Everyone in the room blinked in surprise at this as the Saiyan looked over at Sunset and Rarity with a smile before walking past them and heading down the hallway. Rarity looked over at Sunset with a deadpan expression as if she knew what she was about to say.

“This still proves nothing,” Sunset said as she and Rarity quickly followed Belle down the hallway.

Parallel Quest 7: The New Student On The Block Part 3

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Parallel Quest Seven

The New Student On The Block

Part Three

School finally began once the second bell rang as Sunset, Rarity, and Belle entered the classroom. As they entered, they received a harsh stern look from Cranky Doodle. Mainly at Sunset and Rarity as he raises an eyebrow at the two.

“Cutting it a bit close are we? This is the second time you two were almost late for my class.” Cranky said before folding his arms. “Care to explain why?”

“Um, we were just helping out the new student Mr. Doodle. She was having trouble trying to find where her homeroom was.” Sunset said as Cranky looked over at Belle who gave him a smile and a wave.

“Right, you’re the new student from the other day. Belle was it?” he asked as she nodded. “Well let me be the first to say welcome to Canterlot High School. I am Mr. Cranky Doodle and I will be your homeroom teacher for the school year. Seeing how you’re new to this class, I’ll set down some ground rules. Mainly the big three in this classroom. Rule number one. No listening to music during my class. Rule number two. No talking while I’m talking, when class starts, or when we’re done with work. The only time when you can talk is when I pick on you to answer a question to either a math problem or a book report. Three, no phones or anything that allows you to get online onto the internet.” He said before noticing the visor thing covering her eyes. “Which means you’ll have to take that thing off your eyes.”

“I can’t sir. These are my prescription glasses. I need them to see from a distance.” Belle said as Cranky raised an eyebrow at her. “Celestia said it was okay for me to have them on.”

“Of course. That woman needs to stop being so nice to you kids,” he said before motioning her to sit in the back. “I’ll have a word with her later, but for now take your seat behind the seat where Sunset sits.” Belle nodded as she along with Sunset and Rarity took their seats. “Now listen up class. Today we have a new student in the class. Belle Pep is what her name is from what I’m reading off the attendance list.” All the students in the class looked over at Belle as she awkwardly smiled and waved at them. “Go ahead and introduce yourself, kid.”

“Greetings, my name is Belle Pep. I’m a foreign exchange student from Neighpon as part of a foreign exchange program. It's a pleasure to meet you all.” Belle said as she bows to the students in the class.

“Just because we have a new student in this class, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to ask her questions during the class. And don’t expect me to go easy on you just because you’re from a different country, Belle. In this class, you’ll be learning things quickly and without any excuses. But for now, until we can get you a book of your own, you’ll have to share with Sunset.” He said before walking over to the blackboard and starting to write on it. “Now, open your textbooks to chapter five page twenty-five. We’ll be learning multiplication.”

“Is he always like this?” Belle asked as Sunset simply shook her head.

“Yeah, my fault on that one. When I said that I used to rule the school, I ruled the school with an iron fist. Blackmailing some of the teachers didn’t seem like a bad idea at the time. Hence why you’ll see me doing a lot of all-nighters from here on.”

“Okay, you got to tell me more about your time as a bad girl. Not because I’m judging, but out of curiosity just in case I might be able to help.” Belle said as she looked over at Sunset’s book and used her visor to scan it.

“....I hate to ask this, but mind if I use that visor thing of yours for my homework?”

“When I’m done with mine, you can borrow it.” She said before hearing Cranky clear his throat. The Saiyan looked over at him, who was staring at her and Sunset.

“What did I say about talking in my classroom?”

“No talking in your class while you’re talking, but I figure this was an exception seeing how I'm still learning a few things in English,” Belle said as the teacher blinked.

"Ah, right. I kind of figured you would know a bit of English given how you can speak our language."

"I can speak it, but that doesn't mean I don't know all of it. Just enough so I can get by. Hence why I was selected for the program out of the others. Best grades in everything else that I was in, but English is where I have a fifty percent grade average."

"Hm, fair enough." He said before turning his attention back onto the blackboard. "I'll let it slide for the next couple of weeks, but I expect you to be able to do this by yourself without the need of Sunset's help. Got it?” He said as the two nodded. “Good, as I was saying before I was interrupted by you two. We’ll be having a pop quiz.” He said as everyone in the classroom groaned in annoyance. “Oh, be quiet. I’m doing this so I know who’s slacking and who’s paying attention in my classroom. The only one who’s excused from my pop quizzes is Belle.”

“Trixie thinks it’s unfair that the new kid gets out of taking pop quizzes! Why does she not have to do this, but we do!?” Trixie asked as some of the students agreed with her question.

“Because Trixie, she’s foreign. And given the fact she’s from a different country, she’ll need time to adjust to how this school works. Now pipe down and take out a sheet of paper. You’ll need it to write down the answers to the questions.”

(Conton City)

“And that’s why we called you two here for your assistance,” Chronoa said as Beerus and Whis looked over at the crystal orb.

“Very interesting. And you say that this planet is not part of any universe?” Whis asked as the elder Kai shook his head.

“Not that we know of. That’s why we called you both here to see if you can help us.”

“And why should I help you bring back one of your time patrollers. Couldn’t you do it yourselves?” Beerus asked as Chronoa replied.

“We tried, but something is preventing us from bringing her back. We even used the dragon balls to have Shenron bring her back, but even he couldn’t do it.”

“For an all-powerful wishing dragon, he’s not very good at his job.” He said before looking over the orb again. “But it is rather strange to find a planet in some unknown region of the universe. Wouldn’t you agree Whis?”

“Indeed. Especially if it’s preventing you from getting this time patroller out of there. Who is it that’s stuck there?”

“Belle.” The kai of time said as Beerus stared at her with a blank expression. “She’s the girl that you trained a while back?” She said while the god of destruction kept the same expression. “...The girl who you visit to get free food from.”

“Oh right, her. The half Saiyan half Kai girl. She's always enjoyable to watch when it comes to making you annoyed with her pranking.”

"Enjoyable for you, but not for me. Do you know how long it took to undo the stuff she did to the message boards?" Chronoa asked as Beerus smirked.

"Well given the fact that's being forced to be your helper monkey due to her past crimes that she didn't have control over, I wouldn't blame her for pulling stuff like that on you." He said as the kai of time deadpans. "But that's not my problem, it's yours~"

“Makes you wonder what’s going on in that Saiyan's head. I do enjoy when she makes fun of you, Lord Beerus.” Whis said as the god of destruction glared at him. “Oh don’t be like that. It was all in good fun my lord.”

“Whatever, do you know where she is or not?" Chronoa asked as Whis examined the planet the Saiyan is on for a moment before distancing away from the planet as it presented the galaxy the planet was in. " that's where she's in."

"You know where she is?" The elder kai asked as Whis placed a hand on his chin.

"I do...This is Universe Zero." He said which took everyone by surprise.

"Universe...Zero?" Chronoa asked as Whis used the crystal ball to summon up the twelve universes.

"Wouldn't blame you all for not knowing this. Father kept this place a secret and we weren't allowed to talk about it unless certain conditions were met. Now that the conditions are met, I'll have to inform father about this."

"Care to explain what Universe Zero is before doing that, Whis?" Beerus asked with a stern expression on his face.

"Universe Zero, The universe of Magic and Possibilities. When Grand King Zeno erased six of the other universes from existence, there was a universe that not even he could erase." He said, which took them by surprise again.

"Wait, but isn't Grand King Zeno supposed to be the strongest out of the twelve universes?" Chronoa asked. "How come he couldn't erase universe zero?"

"Father went to see what was the source behind it," Whis said before pulling up an image of the Elements of Harmony. "From what he found. These magical items are what prevented the deletion of universe zero. Father wanted to see if destroying these items, then Zeno can erase the universe."

"Was he able to?" Beerus asked as Whis shook his head.

"Father did destroy them, but even with that, it was not enough to grant King Zeno the ability to erase universe zero. This universe, though small as it was, was a problem to the other universes."

"By problem you mean it prevented them from being erased?" The Elder Kai asked as Whis nodded.

"Magic started to escape from universe zero to the other universe. To prevent that from happening, Father used the super dragon balls to seal the universe away. Thus preventing the other universes from receiving the same effect of not being able to be erased from existence."

"If Grand King Zeno couldn't erase this universe, then wouldn't it be classified as the strongest among the other universes?" Beerus asked as Whis waved a hand sideways.

"I suppose you could say that," Whis said as it caused the god of destruction to raise an eyebrow. "Universe Zero, or the universe of Magic as father calls it, can become the strongest. But that would depend on how advanced the universe itself is. Keep in mind that it has been about one million years since Father or any of the other Angels were able to keep an eye on it."

"So you're saying it's not the strongest?"

"I never said it was the strongest or the weakest. Oh my, are you worried that someone from that universe might be stronger than you, my lord~?"

"Haha, very funny," Beerus said, not amused by his assistant's joke. "If that's the case, then shouldn't there be a god of destruction, an angel, and a supreme kai in that universe? Surely the Grand Priest didn't just leave it unattended?"

"Kind of."

"What do you mean?" Chronoa asked.

"There is a god of destruction and a Kai within Universe Zero. But as for the angel, Father was the angel of that universe seeing how he wanted to test it and see what it can do. But because it was sealed away, he lost contact with them about one million years ago. He assumed the seal around the universe finally took effect and cut off any form of communications. Because of that, it was labeled a dead universe, at least it was until Belle managed to get to it...makes me wonder how."

"So the mortal is stuck in a universe without the means to escape...well she lived a good life."

"She's only seventeen!" Chronoa yelled.

"I said good, not long."

"I wouldn't say she's stuck there forever. Just temporarily stuck until I report to father about this." He said before making the images vanish and taking a few steps away from the trio. "Until then, keep an eye on our little renegade~"

"Not like we have much of a choice," Chronoa said as Whis teleports off. As the angel leaves to see the grand priest, the god of destruction lets out a yawn before relaxing on the grass.

“Well until something happens. I’m just going to sleep. Do let me know when something happens.”

“Seriously? You’re going to sleep at a time like this?” Chronoa asked in annoyance.

“Well, it’s not like we can do anything. Though I'm curious about this universe zero. But we'll have to wait until Whis returns with the news about the seal around it.” He replied as he began to relax on the grass. “A universe that not even Grand King Zeno couldn't erase...I might end up claiming it as my own to make sure my universe is safe~”

“You are unbelievable.” She said before going back to watching the crystal ball. “I just hope she doesn’t cause any trouble or trouble finds her somehow.”

“Knowing her, it might be both~,” Beerus said as Chronoa rolled her eyes before focusing on the image in the crystal ball.

(Canterlot High School, Lunchtime)

“I gotta say. Math isn't that bad compared to math in Conton City.” Belle said as she and Sunset walked down the hallway of the high school to the cafeteria. Through the first to fourth periods of class, it was pretty much either the standard introduction to the class, introducing herself and where she came from, which she had to lie, for the most part, and answering some of the student’s questions that the teacher allowed. So far, the classes were somewhat easy. Other than history class which revolved around human history, everything else was a cakewalk for the Saiyan.

“How bad was it?” Sunset asked as she noticed the Saiyan shivering a bit.

"Think of college...only on a university multiverse level."

"...Is that a requirement to be part of the Time Patrollers?"

"More or less. But it all depends on what timeline the person is from." Belle said before walking backward in front of Sunset. "I will say that this school is a lot less stressful than back home. Don't have to worry about being summoned to go on missions, lectured at by the Supreme Kai of Time, and I can take a break for once."

"You never took a break?"

"How can I when the constant threat to the timeline keeps popping up every time I try to take a break. I mean, granted it did help in my stamina training, but not everyone can keep fighting like a machine...Pretty sure the old hag did it just because of my past crimes."

"Sounds like a horrible boss to have."

"She has her moments. But the moment I finish serving my sentence, I am not going back to that place anytime soon."

"What are you gonna do after that?"

"Hm, I don't really know. Might explore different parts of the galaxy, relax at a five-star resort, training. The list goes on for what I can do after. For now, I'm just gonna enjoy my time off and pretend to be a normal high school girl."

"Normal is an understatement. I say...athletic girl that can give Rainbow Dash and the soccer team a run for their money."

"Hey, as long as I'm not shooting lasers and flying, then I can get away with performing physical feats...well certain feats that fall under the normal human aspects."

"And what you did this morning counts?" Sunset said with a slight smirk on her face, causing the Saiyan to puff her cheeks out in an adorable fashion.

"I find it normal,” Belle said as Sunset rolled her eyes in amusement.

"Look I get that you want to show off a bit, but keep in mind that you need to keep a low profile. That means not doing things that normal teens can't do."

"Fine, I'll tone down the super alien flexibility for the most part."

"Just try to make it look believable-” Before she could finish her sentence, Sunset felt herself being pushed backward and onto her bottom by someone making their way through the door from the other side. The teen let out a small groan from the pain she felt as she looked up to see Gilda making her way out of the cafeteria, only for her to stop and take notice of Sunset on the ground.

“Oops, sorry. Didn’t see you there bacon girl.” Gilda said as she walked over to Sunset and pulled her up back onto her feet.

“Stop calling me that. You know I hate being called that.”

“Like I said before. You beat me in a fight, and I’ll stop calling you that.” She said before looking over at Belle with a raised eyebrow. “Who’s your friend?”

“Weren’t you here yesterday during the assembly?” Sunset asked as the tall teen shook her head.

“I tend to skip out on assemblies and stuff like that. They’re boring and I tend to sleep during them.”

“Right...Anyway. This girl beside me is named Belle. She’s the new student who just moved here from Neighpon due to a foreign exchange student program that she signed up for.”

“Neighpon huh?” Gilda said as she walked up to Belle and eyed her up and down for a moment before turning back at Sunset. “Didn’t know you were into girls now. Isn’t she a bit short though?” She said as Sunset’s and Belle’s faces burned bright red in embarrassment for the human and anger for the Saiyan.

“W-What!?’m not….It’s not like that you jerk!” Sunset stuttered as it caused Gilda to bust out laughing at her reaction.

“Relax, twinkle toes. I’m just messing with yeah.” She said before offering a hand to Belle as the Saiyan shakes it. “The name’s Gilda, kid. Welcome to Canterlot High School. I’m in charge of the Boxing club at Crystal Prep.”

“Wait, you go to Crystal Prep? But I thought you were a student here in Canterlot High?” Sunset asked as Gilda shook her head.

“I'm still a student here in Canterlot High. Can't go to Crystal Prep due to their high standards when it comes to grades. But there are no rules saying I can't host a boxing club there. This school doesn’t allow boxing clubs due to excessive violence and the risk of bullying. So I talked to the Dean over at Crystal Prep and got the okay to host their boxing club. As long as I don’t cause any trouble over there.” She said before looking at Belle. “Stop by sometime if you’re up for a little sparring match. That is if you can reach me, shorty.”

“....I’ll take you up on that offer.” She said before noticing Sunset staring at her with a deadpan expression on her face. “What? She offered it. Who am I to pass it up?”

“Let’s just meet up with the girls before they think we’re in trouble,” Sunset said as she dragged Belle by the arm. “Seeya around Gilda.”

“Try not to be so rough with the new kid Sunset! She’s innocent and pure!” Gilda yelled, causing everyone in the cafeteria to look at Belle and Sunset. Just as Sunset was about to turn around to tell the punk teen off, Gilda quickly ran off down the hallway.

“She seems to enjoy teasing you a two have a history or something?”

“You could say that...Let's go and meet up with the girls.” She said before continuing to drag the Saiyan towards the seat where her friends are quick while avoiding the gaze of the other students. Once they were there, they quickly took a seat in between their friends as Sunset slammed her face onto the table and groaned.

“Let me guess, you and Belle bumped into Gilda?” Rainbow Dash asked as Sunset answered with a muffled groan. “Get ready for a lot of teasing for the rest of the school year.” She said before seeing Sunset pull her face up and glare at her.

“Darling, I believe this is what you get for jinxing yourself earlier this morning.” Rarity said as Sunset glare was now on Rarity.

“Fuck your stupid human jinxes! This still proves nothing! You hear me!?”

“This has been an exhausting day,” Sunset said as she, Belle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were making their way through the streets of Canterlot.

“All this could’ve been avoided if you would’ve heeded my warning darling~,” Rarity said before hiding behind Applejack due to Sunset glaring at the seamstress.

“Was it that bad?” Fluttershy asked as everyone minus Sunset looked over at Belle for answers.

”Oh it was bad for the most part. Mainly when gym class started.”

“What, like Sunset broke a window or something?” Rainbow Dash asked as Belle looked away as she tried not to bust out laughing. “....Details. Now.”

(Gym Class)

“Alright, class! Today we’re having a free day due to the new student joining our class.” Spitfire said as she pointed at Belle sitting next to Sunset as the Saiyan waved awkwardly at the students before they turned their attention back on Spitfire. “And as a free day, we’re going to play dodgeball for the rest of the class. So everyone gets up and I’ll tell you where you’ll be standing.” She said as the class cheered upon hearing the game they will be playing...well all but Sunset for the most part as Belle looked over at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Something wrong?”

“Not a huge fan of gym class. Let alone dodgeball of all things.” She said before looking up at the teacher splitting the group into random areas of the gym. “This will be a bloody mess.”

“Do keep in mind that you have me by your side,” Belle said as a dreaded expression appeared on Sunset’s face. “Relax, I’ll try not to hurt them that badly.”

“You saying that is not making me feel better about this.”

“Neither is your denial of this jinx thing that Rarity keeps telling you about. But you don’t see me complaining about it.”

“I refuse to believe in something like that! Murphy’s Law be damned if I let that girl have the satisfaction of being right about this!” She said as she noticed Spitfire motioning for the two of them to get on the right side of the gym.

“Murphy’s law?”

“A supposed law of nature, expressed in various humorous popular sayings, to the effect that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”

“Like how it was this morning and during lunchtime?”

“Which again proves nothing. Now if you don’t mind, we should be more focused on the-” Before Sunset could finish, Belle extended her hand in front of the Sunset's face as she caught an oncoming ball heading towards her face. Sunset yelped in surprise from this as Belle dropped the ball and glared up at the one that threw the ball.

“I thought I told you not to do stuff like that again Dumb-Bell!” Spitfire said as the bulky teen shrugged while trying to act innocent.

“Sorry, I thought I heard you say go.” He said as Hoops and Score looked over at Sunset with devilish grins on their faces. Sunset flinched upon seeing that she looked over at Belle, who was visibly angry as she looked at the teen girl.

“Mind telling me the rules of this game?”

“Knock the person out with the ball, hitting them in the face doesn’t count as an out, and you can use a dodgeball to deflect any other balls heading towards you. The last person standing wins the game.” Sunset said as she noticed some of the students glaring at her. “You might want to get away from me. Less you want to get an onslaught of balls hitting you in the face.”

“Do keep in mind that I’m an alien from another universe.” She said before cracking her neck and knuckles. “This won't take long.”

“Remember, make it look like you're normal.”

“Yeah, yeah, don't use my lasers or anything like that.”

“Alright, when I blow the whistle, get ready to hit each other with balls!” She said as some of the students snickered at how she phrased it. “Shut up and get your mind out of the gutter!” She yelled before blowing the whistle for them to start. Once the game started, three balls were thrown by Dumb-Bell, Score, and Hoops heading towards Sunset. Only for the Saiyan to quickly grab one of them and deflect two of the balls off to the side. Sunset blinked in surprise at this as she saw Belle throw the ball into Dumb-Bell’s stomach, causing him to topple backward onto his back.

“This is going to be a one-sided fight,” Belle said as she caught another ball heading towards her by Score. She quickly throws it at the wall behind him. A grin appeared on his face for a moment as he felt the ball hit him in the back as he tumbled forward. Hoops glared at Belle as he tried to take the Saiyan out with a ball that he quickly picked up to throw at her. Belle moved to the side and picked up a nearby dodgeball and threw it at his chest causing him to fall onto his bottom.

“Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score! You three are out!” Spitfire yelled as the three teens groaned in pain while limping over to the side of the gym. “New kid got some skills...wonder if she’d be interested in joining the soccer team anytime soon?” The other students took notice of what happened to Dumb-Bell and friends as they looked over at Sunset and Belle who were gathering dodgeballs over toward them.

“Hey! They can’t team up like that! That should be against the rules!” Trixie yelled as Spitfire rolled her eyes.

“No rules say that you can’t team up with a friend or with multiple people.” She said before noticing a ball heading towards Trixie. “Though I would be more focused on the game than on the rules of the game kid.”

“What do you mean by-.” Before Trixie could finish her sentence, she was sent falling to the ground by a ball to the face.

“You’re not very good at aiming Sunset,” Belle said as she quickly deflected an oncoming ball heading towards them and countered by throwing a ball at a white-skinned color girl with light blue hair on the shoulder.

“Well excuse me if I’m not as athletic as you are.” She said before throwing another ball at a student, only for it to accidentally hit the poor guy in between the legs as he topples over in pain from the nut shot.

“I’m pretty sure Murphy's law is biting you in the ass for dissing him or something like that.” She said with a smirk upon seeing Sunset glaring at her.

“Vinyl and Microchips, you’re out!” She said before noticing Microchips limping. “Someone help Microchips to the nurse’s office so he can get an ice bag. I’m pretty sure he’ll need it after a shot like that.” She said as a student helped Microchips to the nurse’s office. “Alright! Back to playing, and no hitting below the belt this time!”

Sunset rolled her eyes upon hearing that as she quickly ducked out of the way of an oncoming dodgeball. Belle quickly caught it once Sunset ducked and she quickly threw it back at the student that threw it. It made a loud thud before falling to the ground upon impact.

“Bulk Biceps, you’re out!” Spitfire yelled as the hulking teen sighed before walking off to the bleachers.

“This is way too easy,” Belle said before dodging an oncoming ball and countering with one to Flash’s face. The teen hissed in pain from feeling the hard rubber hit his face as he glared at the Saiyan. Belle simply whistles innocently before catching an oncoming dodgeball and tosses it over to Sunset, who in turn throws it at Flash...only to miss and hit through a nearby window. Sunset stared at the damage she caused for a moment before looking over at Belle who was staring in shock at what just happened.

“...This still proves nothing.”

“It kinda proves that you’re as stubborn as a mule when it comes to facing facts like Murphy’s Law.” She said before hearing the whistle blown by Spitfire as she and the class turned their attention towards her.

“Stop what you’re doing! Everyone drop your balls!” She ordered as everyone did as they were told.

"Pretty sure Microchip dropped his balls after getting hit in the nuts by Sunset," Belle said as it caused some of the students and Spitfire to laugh upon hearing this. Though the teacher did her best to cover her mouth from the comeback.

“G-Gonna have to hold off on playing for a while. Don’t want you to accidentally fall or slide into the glass on the floor.” She said before walking over to the double doors to leave. “I’m going to get the janitor and inform Principal Celestia about what happened. Till then, gather the balls and place them on the side until I return.”

As the PE teacher left the gym, the students began to gather the gym dodgeballs while groaning in annoyance that their fun was cut short. While they were doing that, Sunset and Belle were off to the side talking to each other.

“Gotta say. This dodgeball game thing is pretty fun. Well minus the part where you hit the window and cut the game short for ticking off this Murphy's law guy or something.”

“Which I still refuse, mind you. There is no such thing as that.” Sunset said while taking a swig from her sports bottle she brought with her from home.

“Keep saying that. Let’s see how that turns out for you.” Belle said before noticing Dumb-Bell, Score, and Hoop heading towards them. “Though I think now would be the right moment for it.”

“Hey, new kid. You got some nerve hitting us like that.” Dumb-Bell said as he towers over the small Saiyan.

“Yeah, Don’t you know who we are?” Score asked while flexing his muscles.

“We’re the leaders of the Diamond Dog boys. You should show some respect, kid.” Hoops said as the Saiyan rolled her eyes at their intimidation attempt as she looked over at Sunset.

“Sunset, who are these three boneheads?”

“Dumb-Bell, Score, and Hoops. Another group of former bullies of the school before I took the title of queen of this school. I guess with me no longer the school bully, they took it upon themselves to go back to bullying."

“Hey, we’re not bullies. We’re just making sure you don’t try anything like what you did at the fall formal she-demon.” Dumb-Bell said before looking back at Belle. “You shouldn’t be around someone like her new kid. Especially if you don’t want to be known as the girl who befriended a she-demon.”

“Yeah, don’t want her to turn you into her pawn as she did with Snips and Snails.” Score added as Sunset gave them a slight glare.

“I think I’ll stay with the former bad girl rather than with a bunch of muscle-bound idiots like you three,” Belle commented as the three boys blinked before glaring at her.

“Hey, we’re trying to save you from the she-demon kid. No need to be rude to us.” Hoops said as Belle gave off a small chuckle.

“Yeah, because you three are the best thing close to being good friends.” She said before moving close to Sunset. “Plus, I like hanging out with Sunset. She’s fun to be around and has been showing me around.”

“You better watch what you say, new kid,” Dumb-Bell said before walking up to Belle and poking her on the chest. “Bad things might happen to you if you disrespect the leader of the Diamond Dogs.” Belle stared at Sunset for a moment before smirking and looking back at Dumb-Bell and his crew. The Saiyan quickly grabbed Dumb-Bell’s finger and began to push it backward, causing the bully to yell in pain as he soon found himself kneeling on the ground.

“You really shouldn’t be threatening people. Especially when you don’t know the person you’re bullying.” She said before releasing her hold on him and turning around. The moment Dumb-Bell saw her back turn, he quickly stood up and tried to punch her from behind. The Saiyan moved to the left to avoid the punch, but quickly grabbed the boy's arms, and pulled it over his shoulder, before tossing him to the side with the throw.

As he was sent sliding to the side, Dumb-Bell soon crashed into Flash Centrey carrying a bag of balls. The bag he was carrying split open as the balls bounced out and started to bounce around the gym. One of the balls hit a fire extinguisher causing it to fall and sent flying towards the ceiling. The fire extinguisher collided with the hanging scoreboard, causing it to explode as it soon set off the sprinklers as the students began to run underneath the bleachers. Score and Hoops quickly ran over to Dumb-Bell to help him up as Sunset and Belle stared at what happened for a moment before looking at each other.

“Can this get any worse!?” Sunset yelled as Spitfire with the janitor she was getting returned. Their eyes widened in shock as they both stared at what was going on in the gym.

“WHO DID THIS!” Spitfire yelled as everyone in the gym minus a few students pointed over at Sunset and Belle. The Saiyan looked over at Sunset with a deadpan expression on her face.

“Still think that what Rarity said isn’t true?”

(Afternoon, Sunset’s Neighborhood)

“Wow...You really must be a glutton for punishment Sunset.” Rainbow Dash said as Sunset glared at the teen before sighing in annoyance. “So what happened afterward?”

“We were sent to Principal Celestia’s office and told her what had happened. Honestly, she wasn't surprised that Dumb-bell was the one that started the problem seeing how he was going back to his old ways of being a bully.” Belle said which caused the girls to look over at Sunset.

“.....I have nothing to say nor do I have a comment for that.”

“So are you two in trouble?” Pinkie Pie asked as Sunset waved her hand slightly.

“Somewhat. We had to help out with the cleaning. Hence why you didn’t see us during the remaining school hours. Thank Celestia for Belle’s super strength and speed.” Sunset said as Belle grins upon hearing the compliment.

“You’re welcome by the way,” Belle added before noticing Fluttershy looking at her up and down. “Something wrong?”

“Oh, sorry. Was just making sure you were okay. Especially after what happened to you yesterday with those injuries. Speaking of that, how are you feeling?”

“Physically I’m fine thanks to the extra helping of food that Granny Smith gave me and the rest that I needed." She said before flexing her arm. "I'm at a hundred percent."

“So you can do more of that laser-shooting stuff like yesterday?” Rainbow Dash asked as Belle nodded. “You got to show me how to do that some time.”

“No, she isn’t.” Applejack said with a stern look on her face. “We don’t need any more trouble around the school. Especially after what happened at the fall formal.” She said before quickly looking over at Sunset. “No offense sugar cube.”

“I'm too tired to care at this point,” Sunset said with a bit of anger in her voice. “Anyway, we should be getting home. I have a lot of school work to get done now that I have a way to get through it.”

“Mainly, she’s going to use my tech to cheat on her work,” Belle said pointing to the visor over her eyes. “Never thought that I would be able to find the answer to the question so easily with this on your planet.”

“Wouldn’t the teacher notice that on you Belle?” Rarity asked. “I mean, you’re cheating and you will get punished if you get caught.”

“I’m only playing the part of a normal teen girl. Besides, I already told Cranky Doodle that these visors are my glasses from a different country or something.”

“And he bought that?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Most of the lies Rainbow Dash says to him never work.”

“To be fair I have the new student from a different country going on,” Belle said with air quotes before letting out a loud yawn. “I believe it’s about time we get going. It’s getting late and I’m getting tired.” She said before taking the lead towards Sunset’s place.

“Yeah, we should get going too. See y'all in the morning at school?” Applejack asked as they all nodded. “Alright, take care y'all.” She said before she and the other girls headed off to their respective homes. Sunset waved goodbye before following Belle.

“Welp, today may have been rough. But tomorrow’s a new day, and a new day means new things to come. Let’s just hope this homework they’ve given us won’t be much of a problem.” Belle said before slowing down for Sunset to catch up.

“By easy you mean you’re going to use those visors to get the work done?” Sunset asked as the Saiyan nodded with a smug smirk on her face. “Again, might need to use those for tonight if you don’t mind?”

“Once I’m done with my work, I'll let you use them.” She said before pulling the visor off her eyes and beginning to show Sunset how it works. “Just hit this button to scan your textbook, then scan the paper with the questions, and bam. The answer to the questions will appear.”

“That easy? I would’ve figured alien tech like that would be difficult to use.”

“Not all alien tech is that hard to use. It just depends on what it is.” She said before placing them back on. “I’ll show you some more once I get a connection with my communicator.”

“Think you’ll get a connection to Conton City?”

“Maybe, but I won’t know until I see some results. Worst case is that I would have to get it fixed. Which might be a problem given how that would mean blowing the whole alien secret to whoever is going to fix it.”

“We’ll worry about it later. Right now let’s just focus on getting you adjusted to life as a high school student.”

“Yeah. Let’s focus on that.” She said as the duo made their way down the street to Sunset’s house.

Battle of the Bands Saga

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Battle of the Bands Saga

Parallel Quest Eight

Looming Shadow

(Morning, Sunset’s Home, Wednesday)

“This is just amazing!” Sunset yelled as she quickly wrote down the answers to the homework she had to do with Belle’s visor on. “It’s like having the internet in your glasses. How did you even get something like this?”

“I know a friend back home that sells these for fifty thousand Zeni. Which by earth standards in this place would thousand dollars.” The Saiyan said as Sunset blinked in surprise by this.

“If they were being sold here, then I would buy one or two of these things for sure.” She said before scanning another page and began to write down the answers to another topic for her homework. “At any rate, I’ll be done before school starts.”

“The teachers must hate you if they gave you this much to do in less than a day?”

“Technically I had three months to get this stuff done or else I have to go to summer school. But yeah, they do hate me. Can't blame them, I did have dirt on some of the teachers in school. Some involve embarrassing photos, and some videos of them doing illegal stuff.”

“....yeah, you got your work cut out for you.”

“Tell me about it,” Sunset said before noticing Belle raiding the refrigerator. “Makes me wish I didn’t do the whole evil thing from the start.”

“Could be worse. Compared to most villains who meet their end, you could’ve been killed or worse. Sealed away in a stone or something.”

“Gee, that makes me feel so much better,” Sunset said before noticing the Saiyan munching on something. “Hey, you better not be eating the pizza I had saved up in there.”

“I’m not eating it!” The Saiyan said as she quickly shoved the box back inside and closed the refrigerator door.

“You were eating it weren’t you?”

“You can’t prove that!”

“You got pizza sauce on your lips!” Sunset yelled as she pointed at Belle’s lips.

“.....I’m hungry okay! Don’t judge me!”

“Haven’t you had enough to eat? Especially seeing how you ate a crap ton of food during breakfast, lunch, and dinner?”

“I'm a Saiyan, not a human. We need all the calories that we can get given how we're a warrior race that is ready to fight.”

“You’re just as bad as Pinkie Pie, but with her, it’s just with sugary sweets,” Sunset said before going back to finishing up her homework. “And done!” She said before closing the last book and sighing in satisfaction. “Thank Celestia that’s over and done with.”

“So you’re caught up in all the work that you blew off?” Belle asked as she levitated her visor off of Sunset and back onto the Saiyan's forehead.

“Pretty much, and just before the deadline.” She said before heading over to the refrigerator as Belle moved to the side. “Now the only thing left to worry about is trying to survive high school...which is going to be twice as hard given what happened.”

“Try not to worry so much. Sooner or later, they’ll end up forgetting about it. That or they’ll ignore you, which might be a good thing and make my job easy.”

“Gee, that makes me feel so much better knowing that,” Sunset said before pulling out the box of pizza and placing it in the oven to heat up a bit.

“Kinda hard not to make light of something like this. Not to be rude, but you did kinda make the entire school angry at you. Except for your friends, Gilda, Celestia, and Luna. You can at least feel better that they’re willing to give you a second chance.”

“True...Can’t say about everyone else in school.”

“Rule number one about trying to be good. You can't be a people pleaser. Sure you can please some people, but you can't please everyone. Rule number two, don't be a pushover. You can be nice and friendly, but don't let people push you around no matter how much you screw up.” Belle said as she looked over at the clock. “We have about two hours before school starts. Let’s do something to get your mind off of worrying and relax a bit.”

“I...Guess we can do that.” Sunset said after pulling the pizza box out of the oven and began to make her way over to the sofa. “Grab a controller and I’ll boot up the system.”

“Grab a...what?” Belle said before taking a seat next to Sunset. The teen girl paused for a moment upon hearing that as she booted up her gaming system.

“You….never heard of video games before?”

“Not really. I’ve been doing a lot of time patrolling stuff to reduce the sentence of my past crimes...I...don't get that much time to Relax and enjoy stuff like this.” She said before noticing Sunset looking away.

“Okay, Sunset. You have an alien who has no idea what video games are. You can take this time to teach her how to play it...or you can mess with her and beat her in a game she doesn’t know of….I’ll go with the second option.” She thought before handing Belle a controller. “Alright Belle, it’s time to teach you some of the earth’s culture. Mainly, the awesomeness of fighting games.”

(Planet Rutaba)

Millions of light-years away from the planet earth. There stood the planet of the Destroyer god of the Zero Universe, Rutaba, The God of Destruction. Tasked to this Universe by the Grand Priest, her job was to maintain the natural order of Universe Zero. A task that wasn’t that hard to do given how the universe was still starting. Now after one million years or so, The God of Destruction continued to do her job as the destroyer of worlds…though after losing contact with the Grand Priest and access to other universes…she was bored…bored out of her fucking mind. Not even destroying planets gave her the thrill she once had when she first became a god, nor did fighting with the kai of this universe. The feeling of fighting lost its flavor after the five hundred thousand year mark. All she could do was wait, sleep, eat, and destroy planets.

“This…sucks,” The Saiyan God said as she floated around her home within planet Rutaba.

“You keep saying that almost every day.” said a female voice as the god of destruction lazily looked over to her right. Standing there was a young female kai with light green skin and silvery-white hair. Her attire was similar to Chronoa but different. Her color scheme for her clothes was black, white, and red.

“Well, it does.” The Saiyan God said as she floated over to the kai. “One million five hundred thousand years Zamasu. That’s how long time has passed since we last got in contact with the Grand Priest, and still nothing.”

“I’m surprised you would be willing to talk to the guy given how you butted heads with him.”

“Well, I need to know what’s going on outside of the universe. Worst case scenario is that he abandons us in this magical universe of weirdness.”

“Given Grand King Zeno’s child-like personality, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.” She said as it caused the god of destruction to deadpan as she flinched upon seeing her reaction. “But, let's look on the bright side of things. We don’t have to worry about having to report to him every one hundred years, we don’t have to worry about having Zeno erasing us from existence, and we could always go and check up on some of the planets that didn’t have intelligent life on them.”

“I…suppose I can do that,” Rutaba said as she stopped floating. “Remind me, what civilizations have reached the level where they aren’t primitive. The last time I visited a planet still starting, I was chased by a group of inhabitants accusing me of a monster.”

“During your time of isolation, I have kept tabs on a few planets that have changed over the years,” Zamasu said before pulling out a crystal orb that showed a few images of several different planets. “We could go to the Saiyan race. The last time we saw them, they became more advanced thanks to the union with the tuffles.”

“Hm, Saiyan race. Aren’t they the half Saiyan half kai race that you made to see if it was possible to make a hybrid?” She asked as the kai nodded.

“So far it worked, but they haven’t reached the ability to become a Super Saiyan…still haven’t found out what happened to the one that I sent out into the other universes.”

“I’ll pass on that. What other planets are there besides that?”

“Well, there’s Frieza Planet 419.”

“How is that planet still alive!? Didn’t I erase it from existence?”

“You did…doesn't mean all the inhabitants were on the planet. They’re like cockroaches, but they seem to stick in one area of the cosmos, so we have nothing to worry about…at least for now.”

“Great…I’ll have to make a mental note to destroy them and the planet they’re on. What else do you have?”

“Well, there’s planet earth,” Zamasu said as she brought up the planet as it was developed in a magical aura. “The source behind how this universe can stand against Zeno.”

“Which side is more developed? Because the last time we went there, we were chased by two horse creatures that thought of us as destroyers of worlds.”

“Technically we are.”

“That’s not the point! Which side is more developed?”

“That would be the human side.” She said before showing the Saiyan God what she meant. “They have a lot of interesting things ranging from entertainment to culinary foods.”

“Oh really? This earth sounds interesting~”

“Sadly that means we’ll have to go to the pony side of that planet and through the mirror that leads to that dimension,” Zamasu said as she heard a groan coming from the god of destruction.

“Seriously? Can’t we just teleport there instead of dealing with those stupid horses?”

“Teleporting there will take about a week? Are you sure you want to make a trip there like that?”

“...So it’s either we deal with the horses or teleportation that will take a week,” Rutaba said as she stood up and brushed herself off. “I suppose having a little fight with them shouldn’t be that much an issue.”

“So you’re going through the mirror portal?”

“I hate taking the long way to our destinations. Plus I want to see if those horses can put up a decent fight like last time.” Rutaba said as she floated off towards her room. “Be ready within the hour, I need to change into something more comfortable than just a shirt.”

“You’re not going to wear your godly attire?”

“Of course not! Whoever thought of making those clothes for us Gods of Destruction to wear is an idiot...and they’re uncomfortable and too revealing.”

(Sunset’s Home)

“You've got to be pouring ass juice down the throat of an unwilling zebra!” Sunset yelled as she saw her player on the ground, while Belle’s character was doing a victory dance. “How did I lose!? You don’t even know how to play video games!”

“It’s true, I don’t know how to play this game, but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn how to play by copying the way your fingers move.”

“Oh, you’re full of crap. There’s no way you can learn that quickly. Something must be wrong with the controller or something!”

“Yeah, the person that’s holding it,” Belle said which caused Sunset’s face to turn red with anger.

“.....Rematch, right now. Winner takes all.”

“Normally I would enjoy beating your butt ten more times. But we can’t at the moment.”

“And why is that?” Sunset felt her head being turned by the Saiyan as her eyes widened at the time. “Dammit...This isn’t over between us, monkey girl.”

“It's not going to end well in your case~,” Belle said as she floated off towards the door. Sunset simply snorted as she quickly grabbed her bookbag and followed after the Saiyan. Once she was at the door, Belle landed on the ground and opened the door for them to walk outside, and begin their walk toward the school. While the two make their way towards Canterlot High arguing about what happened, a familiar rainbow-colored girl appeared in between them as she wrapped her arms around their shoulders.

“Hey, you two. How’s it going~?” Rainbow Dash asked as she noticed an annoyed expression on Sunset’s face. “What’s wrong with Sunny?”

“She’s angry that I whooped her butt in some kind of fighting video game,” Belle answered as Sunset glared at her.

“I only lost because there was something wrong with the controller!!”

“And like I said before. Yeah, the person that’s holding it.” Belle replied as Rainbow Dash busted out laughing.

“Oh snap! You just got burned by an alien!” Rainbow Dash yelled as it caused Sunset’s face to burn bright red in anger and embarrassment. “Aw, come on Sunset. You know I’m just messing with you.”

“Whatever!” She said before looking back at Belle. “I’ll get you back for what you did. We’re playing a different game, and this time you’re not allowed to look at my hands!”

“I’m pretty sure I can beat you even without looking at your fingers.” She said before placing the visor over her eyes.

“Still can’t believe the teacher fell for that lie about your visor thing. You don’t think he’ll ask Principal Celestia about it do you?”

“Maybe, but I’m sure she’ll say something to work in my favor or something. Right now I just need to play the part of a normal student until I can get back home.”

“Yeah, a normal student that’s pretty much acting like my bodyguard,” Sunset mumbled as she felt the Saiyan slightly jab her on her hip.

“I get that you feel sorry for being evil. But you need to get rid of that mindset of feeling sorry for yourself for something that happened in the past. Focus on the present and future and work to be a better person.”

“Yeah, plus you have me and the girls to back you up if anyone tries to give you trouble.” Rainbow Dash added as Sunset gave them a small smile to their encouragement. “Come on, let's get to school before the bell rings. I prefer not to have detention again with Mr. Cranky Doodle.”

“Is he that bad of a teacher?” Belle asked as Sunset and Rainbow Dash looked at each other for a moment before looking back at the Saiyan.

“He’s not bad as a person...but as a teacher, he doesn’t take crap from students,” Sunset answered. “Especially if you fight with a student within his class...we had to learn that the hard way.”

“Was this before or after you all became friends?”

“Before when Sunset was evil and took over the school with an iron offense.” Rainbow Dash said as Sunset waved it off with a hand gesture.

“None taken.” She said before looking back at Belle. “Take our advice. Don’t get into a fight with him or fight in his classroom. Less you suffer the wrath of having to write ‘I will never misbehave in Mr. Cranky Doodle’s awesome class’ two thousand times every month until winter break.” Belle grimaced at the thought of having to write that as she nodded at the two girls.

“Noted. I’ll keep that in mind if that does happen to me.” She said as the trio made their way to Canterlot High School. As they left the area they were in, three pairs of eyes were focused on Sunset, Dash, and Belle. They looked at each other for a moment before grinning and following after the group towards the school.

Parallel Quest 9: The Sirens

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Parallel Quest Nine

The Sirens

[Canterlot High School, Fourth Period: Music Room]

There were a lot of things that didn’t surprise Belle given her line of work. Fighting against evil androids that were hellbent on wiping out humanity in one timeline, running away from Berus when he’s having a temper tantrum from being denied pudding, and escaping from a ki blast that would blow the planet up within a matter of seconds…Though seeing a group of teenage girls dawning a pair of pony ears, tails, and wings just by playing music…...was something that took her by surprise.

“Huh…when Rainbow Dash said that she wanted to show me something, I was not expecting to see something like this,” Belle said as she watched Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy’s pony features disappear. “So does the transformation happen when you play music or can you do it without the source of music?”

“From what I can tell, it can only happen when they play music,” Sunset answered.

“Oh don’t forget the time when we turned into our magical form after blasting Sunset with a beam of magic with Twilight’s help to stop her from taking over the world.” Pinkie Pie said as she noticed Sunset deadpanning at her. “No offense.”

“...None taken, but she’s not wrong about that.”

“Can you do that?” Belle asked as it caused Sunset to flinch at the Saiyan’s question.

“Um…I think I’ll keep my distance from Equestrian magic.” She said while looking off to the side in shame.

“Hm, I suppose that’s understandable. So what can your transformations do?” The Saiyan asked as the girls looked at each other for a moment before shrugging.

“We honestly don’t know,” Applejack answered. “I mean Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash can fly due to having wings, but other than that. This is pretty much it.”

“Really. Kind of a let down if I’m being honest. But still impressive that you can do that sort of thing…though the requirement is kind of stupid.”

“I’m sure we’ll figure out a way without the need for music.” Rainbow Dash said as the girls returned to normal. “But we should get back to training for the upcoming musical event we’re having this week.”

“Musical Event?” Belle asked.

“Well, it’s more of a fundraiser to help repair the damage after the fall formal incident…no offense Sunset,” Applejack said as Sunset rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance.

“None taken. But yeah, the musical event was Principal Celestia’s idea as a means to raise money to repair the damage I caused to the school. Of course, I’m not going to enter it due to obvious reasons, but it’s nice to just listen to music.”

“Hm, understandable. Guess we’re both going to be listening to the music when that day comes.” Belle said as she reached into her pocket to pull out a bag of skittles to munch on.

“You’re not going to join in on the fun?” Pinkie Pie asked as the Saiyan shook her head. “Is it because you don’t know how to play a musical instrument?”

“It’s not that I can’t play music, it’s just never been my thing. I prefer fighting tournaments, sparring matches, or fighting against powerful foes.” Belle answered while letting out a low yawn. “While I do like music, you won’t expect me to be in a musical competition like this.”

“Is fighting all you can think about or do?” Rarity asked. “I mean surely you have other hobbies than just fighting non-stop?”

“Nope, not really,” Belle said without a hint of hesitation.

“Geez, not even time to think it over?” Rainbow Dash asked while laughing slightly.

“I’m a Saiyan. What did you expect? While some may be interested in music, others prefer the thrill of battle, like me.”

“Why? Why would you enjoy the thrill of fighting over anything else?” Rarity asked.

“Because why not?” Belle said as a grin appeared on her face. “Don’t you want to see how far you can push yourself beyond your limit? Don’t you want to reach new heights beyond what you are now? Don’t you want to compete against powerful opponents so you can be the strongest?” The Saiyan asked as everyone besides Rainbow Dash and Sunset shook their heads. “Well, at least two out of the six of you know what I’m talking about.”

“Well, I’m an athlete so I can understand what you mean by that. I really should add you to the soccer team when I get the chance.” Rainbow Dash said as Applejack shook her head.

“We’re trying to keep a low profile on the whole Belle’s an alien thing remember? If she were to join the soccer team and lose herself in the competition, then they’ll find out she’s an alien and we’ll be in a huge amount of trouble with Celestia or worse.”

“I can hold back…when the moment calls for it,” Belle said as Applejack deadpans at the Saiyan.

“No joining the soccer team. Got it?”

“Fine…killjoy.” She said before huffing in annoyance. “But yeah, don’t expect me to play any instruments...unless I get to hit someone over the head with it?”

“You are not allowed to join the soccer team!” Sunset yelled as the Saiyan rolled her eyes.

“I’m joking. I won’t hit anyone with an instrument…unless they deserve it~” Before Sunset could retort with an answer to Belle’s comment, a voice from the intercom spoke up.

“Sunset Shimmer and Belle Pepp, please report to the Principal’s office. Sunset Shimmer and Belle Pepp, please report to the Principal’s office.” Luna said as the intercom turned off. The girls looked at each other in utter silence before Sunset spoke up.

“You don’t think it had something to do with what happened yesterday, do you?” She asked as the Saiyan shrugged.

“Possibly, but in fairness. I did follow the rules in not hurting them or causing damage to the school. So she can’t be angry with me for using a small fraction of my powers to deliver justice to those girls.”

“Good luck telling them that,” Sunset said before looking over at the other girls. “We might be gone for a while, so we’ll meet you, girls, at lunch?”

“Yeah, we’ll meet you after lunch.” Rainbow Dash said while tuning her guitar. “While you’re off meeting with Principal Celestia, we’ll be practicing our music.” She said as Sunset and Belle nodded and left the room.

[Principal Celestia’s Office]

Upon opening the door to Celestia’s office, they saw Celestia, Luna, and three girls sitting in front of the principal’s desk as they all looked over at the doorway to see the two girls enter the room. A smile appeared on the principal’s face as she motions for the two to come over to the side of her and Luna.

“Thank you both for coming. I know this is your free period, so I’ll make this short.” Celestia said as she motions to the three girls in front of her. “I would like to introduce to you three new students that will be joining Canterlot High. Meet Adagio, Sonata, and Aria Dazzling.”

“Hi!” Sonata said as she waved at both Sunset and Belle, only for Aria to put her hand down in a forceful manner.

“Oh, um. It’s a pleasure to meet you three.” Sunset said before walking over to Adagio and offering her a handshake. “My name is Sunset Shimmer, the girl next to me is named Belle Pepp.” She said as the Saiyan waved at the trio. “Welcome to Canterlot High School.” A smirk appeared on Adagio’s face as she shook the teen girl’s hand.

“A pleasure to meet you. I must say, if this school has more students like you who are nice off the back, then I might say that we might get well adjusted to this place~”

“Huh, so they’re new students just like me?” Belle asked as Celestia nodded. “I get the feeling you want us to be their guide around this school?”

“Well, more of Sunset to be their guide seeing how she knows this place like the back of her hand,” Celestia said before turning her attention to Sunset. “If you don’t mind doing it, that is?”

“Oh, I don’t mind doing that. It would be nice to help out new students who’ll be joining C.H.S.” Sunset answered as Adagio smiled. “Plus it would be nice to meet some new people who don’t know about the fall formal and not be afraid of me.”

“Wonderful. As a token of my gratitude, I’m willing to give you another free period tomorrow to make up for this.” Celestia said, which took Sunset by surprise.

“Wait, is that a one-time thing, or is that a permanent thing?” Belle asked as Celestia closed her eyes for a moment before opening them. The moment she did that, the Saiyan noticed a slight tint of a green glow appearing in Celestia’s eyes before vanishing as she spoke.

“It’s permanent. Again, think of it as a gift to Sunset for helping out three new students in getting familiar with the layout of this school.” Celestia said before reaching into her desk to pull out a stack of paper and handing three pieces of paper to Adagia, Aria, and Sonata. “Here are your schedules for this semester. If you lose them, then you’ll have to ask your homeroom teachers for another copy of it. Depending on how you do in each class, your schedules might change with each semester if you’re doing poorly in the subject you’re in.”

“So basically do our work and not goof off if you want to keep the classes that you like throughout the school year?” Aria asked as Celestia nodded.

“For the most part. But that would be if you’re not taking the class seriously, or if you are struggling due to not understanding the work."

“That’s fair I suppose,” Adagio said as she looked over at Sonata who was currently playing with a metronome on Celestia’s desk. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

“Before I let you go, I would like to inform you girls about the rules we placed here in Canterlot High.” She said before going into a long explanation about the rules of the school. While she was busy talking to the three girls, Belle pulled Sunset off to the side and began to whisper to her.

“Don’t freak out, but there’s something off about Principal Celestia and those three girls,” Belle said which caused Sunset to raise an eyebrow at her.

“What do you mean by that?”

“You may not be able to sense energy, but I can. And there’s something off about those girls and Celestia.”


“Okay, so from what I’ve gathered. The people of this planet give off a rather blueish-white energy color. Well everyone except for you and I, given how we’re from different planets.”

“Wait, what kind of color do you and I have?”

“Yours is black and red, while mine is black and purple,” Belle said, which caused Sunset to have a worried expression on her face. “What?”

“N-Nothing, please continue.”

“Okay…anyway. The people in this town have a blueish-white color for energy. Those three girls and Celestia are giving off a sickly scarlet red color. Kind of similar to demons from the demon realm where I come from.”

“Wait, you mean they might be from another world?”

“Possible, or they might be from your world given how I sense a hint of magic along with them.”

“You don’t think they’re evil…do you?” Sunset asked as Belle shook her head.

“Hard to say. I mean they give off an evil vibe, but they haven’t done anything that would warrant them as evil. I would advise that we tell the girls about this and have a small meeting about this once we’re done giving them a tour around the school.”

“Not a bad idea. But what if they try to do something while we give them a tour around the school?”

“Pretty sure they’re not that stupid enough to attack someone while we’re in a public area. Plus if they do, I can always knock them out before they could even try it.”

“Fair point.” Sunset said before looking over at Celestia and the new students who were finishing up their conversation.“What do we do now?”

“Just play it cool and try not to look like you got caught stealing a cookie or sticking your dick in a jar of peanut butter.” She said which took Sunset by surprise.

“Do I even want to know where that statement came from?”

“...I’ll explain that later. But for now, act natural.”

“With that in mind, I welcome you once again to Canterlot High School and hope you’ll have a pleasant experience. You’re free to leave.” Celestia said as the three girls nodded, stood up, and walked over to Belle and Sunset.

“Sorry for the wait. I believe we can begin the tour now, right?” Adagio asked as Sunset nodded.

“Y-Yep, I’ll be guiding you three around the school so you can get familiar with where you need to go. It should take that long, so you’ll be able to have lunch afterward.” She said before motioning them to follow her outside of the principal’s office.

Parallel Quest 10: Turn of Events

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Parallel Quest Ten

Turn of Events

An hour has passed since Sunset and Belle gave the siren a tour of Canterlot High School. So far it was just a general tour around school. Getting familiar with which hallway to take to get to class, shortcuts to avoid students crowding the hallways during specific periods, and stairways to go to get to the lunchroom. Though the sense of uneasiness Belle was getting from the sirens didn’t leave the Saiyan. If anything, she was more on guard with them given the foul energy she was sensing from them. Normally she would’ve taken them out with just a strike to the back of their heads and kicked them out of the school. But she’s trying to keep a…somewhat low profile.

“And that’s pretty much it for the school tour,” Sunset said as the group tour ended near the entrance of the school. “Canterlot may not be that popular compared to most schools, but I’m sure you’ll like it here.”

“Oh yes, we sense there’s something magical about this place,” Adagio said as Belle noticed the sirens smirking. Just as Adagio turned her attention to the bulletin board, she noticed the flier about the musical event that was happening at the school. “Hello, what do we have here~?”

“Oh, I see you notice the Musical showcase that we’re having in Canterlot High.”

“A musical showcase~?”

“It’s kind of like a talent show, but with music,” Belle answered. “Not something I would be into, but I’ll go to support my friends.”

“Hm, well we have been known to sing from time to time,” Aria said as Sonata interrupted her.

“Hello, we sing like this all the time. It’s how we get people to do what we want, remember?” She said which caused Belle and Sunset to look at each other before looking over at Sonata. “What? What did I say?”

“What you meant to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like a great way to meet new students,” Adagio said.

“Oh! Yeah! What she said was what I meant to say! That’s what I meant…to say.” Sonata said as Aria sighed and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“And what you would’ve said if you weren’t the worst.”

“You are!” Sonata said as Adagio moved in front of the two.

“You’ll have to excuse them, they’re idiots.” She said which caused Aria and Sonata to huff in unison. There was an air of awkward silence before Sunset spoke up due to noticing the pendants around their necks.

“T-Those are pretty, where did you-” Before Sunset could touch Adagio’s pendant, she felt Adagio quickly grab her hand which took her by surprise.

“Oh, sorry,” Adagio said as she released her hold on Sunset’s wrist. “These pendants mean an awful lot to us. We just hate for anything to happen to them.” She said before motioning Aria and Sonata to follow after them. “If you’ll excuse us, we need to use the bathroom real quick. See you two at lunch~” With that, the trio went off to the girl’s bathroom, leaving Sunset and Belle alone in the hallway of the high school.

“Yep, they’re evil,” Belle said as she watched the sirens walk off.

“Are you sure?” Sunset asked as the Saiyan nodded.

“No doubt about it. We’ve been with them for a good hour. While Adagio and Aria are good at hiding their intentions, Sonata isn’t due to her letting out subtle hints.”

“You don’t think they’ll try to take over the school, do you?”

“Hard to say. They haven’t done anything that would be considered evil. But the moment they do try something, I’ll be sure to stop them.”

“...I’m afraid to ask, but you weren’t planning on hurting them with that laser beam thing like you used on Rarity…are you?”

“I’m not going to waste my energy on a bunch of weaklings that I can take out with just one punch,” Belle said before motioning her to follow her to the lunchroom. “Plus we need to talk about this to the others. Wouldn’t be fair if we just decide for ourselves how to deal with this problem.”

“I suppose you’re right about that,” Sunset said before following the Saiyan.

[Equestria, Canterlot Castle]

“Seriously? This is the best you could do?” Rutaba asked as she was currently holding a battered-up white alicorn by her throat. “A thousand years have passed since we last met each other, and this is what you’ve been reduced to? Pathetic!”

Canterlot, the once beautiful city that Princess Celestia ruled over for the past one thousand years was burning. Within mere seconds of their arrival on the planet Equis, Rutaba and Zamasu made their way over to Canterlot Castle, the castle was reduced to a burning mess of molten slag and dust. After having little to no effort in taking down the royal guards and finding out that the once powerful princess that left a slight scar on her body was reduced to that of a pacifistic pony. Needless to say, the reception that they received was…lack lustered, to say the least. More so for Rutaba who was even more angry seeing how she was hoping she would get in a good workout.

“A-After what happened all those years ago, I was hoping you wouldn’t return here,” Celestia said while trying to breathe within the Saiyan god’s grip.

“I’m a god of destruction. You think something like that magical beam of friendship is going to stop me.” She said before pointing a finger behind herself at the battered and bruised Twilight and her friends. “I mean, did you not see me knock that beam to the side that your student and friends tried to use on me?”

“W-Why are you even here in the first place?”

“Two reasons, the first was to see if you were at least still keeping up with your training. Which sadly seems that you haven’t. The other was to see the mirror world.” She said which caused Celestia’s eyes to widen in horror. “My assistant has been keeping an eye on that place, and there seems to be something rather interesting that caught my interest~”

“If you think I’m going to-” Before Celestia could finish, she felt her throat being squeezed which caused her to gasp for air.

“I doubt there’s anything you can do given your current power level. If you try to do anything, it would be nothing more than throwing a pebble at a waterfall.” She said before tossing Celestia onto the ground. “But feel free to come after me if you want…oh wait, you can’t. Because of some stupid rule, you made up just so you couldn’t let other magical beings into that world.”

“Y-You can’t go to that world! Doing so will upset the balance of-”

“You bore me to the point of not caring. I mean if you had put some kind of scratch on me, then I would take you seriously, but seeing how you failed at that, then you’re not worth my time.” She said before noticing Zamasu appearing next to them with the portal to the human world. “Oh good, you’re back. Was beginning to think that you got lost or something.”

“Apologies my lord, but I had a run-in with Celestia’s sister…needless to say it didn’t turn out so well for her when I teleported her to the other side of the planet,” Zamasu said before noticing Celestia on the ground. “I get the feeling that she didn’t put up much of a fight?”

“You guess right on that. Talk about a letdown within itself. She barely lasted ten minutes or so.” She said before walking over to Zamasu. “Did you get the mirror?”

“Indeed I have.” The kai said before snapping her fingers. In doing so, a mirror appeared next to them, causing Rutaba to grin in excitement.

“Excellent! I’m itching to see how the humans are doing on the other side.” Rutaba said before casually raising her hand to block an oncoming magical beam heading toward her face. A deadpan expression appeared on her face as she looked over at Celestia, who was staggering to her feet. “You really must be that stubborn to want me to kick your ass harder don’t you?”

“As long as I still stand, you won’t go anywhere, fiend!” Celestia yelled before trying to fire off another magical beam at the Saiyan god, only to be sent flying backward into a wall from a shockwave created by Zamasu.

“While I do respect that you would do anything to save your world or the next. You should know when you’re beat.” She said before placing a hand on the mirror as she activated it. “Portal is activated, my lord. Should I leave it open for Celestia to enter?”

“You can, but knowing her, she’ll end up sending someone else to do that fighting for her.” She said before noticing six ponies making their way to the throne room from a distance. “We’re leaving Zamasu.”

“Understood, my lord,” Zamasu said before following Rutaba through the mirror, just as Twilight and her friends entered the throne room. The kai looked over at the scene from the mirror as Twilight and her friends quickly rushed over to Celestia. The kai simply shook her head before quickly following Rutaba into the mirror portal. “You know, you could’ve gone easy on the poor mare, you know?”

“Perhaps, but I need to know if she still has that fighting spirit within her like she used to have all those years ago…Seems the years of being peaceful and living in a world of friendship and harmony can make a person weak.”

“I suppose, just don’t have any regrets when actions like these bite you in the butt later on~”

“Oh please. Like there’s going to be someone stronger than me besides the Omni king going to kick my ass. If there is someone in this universe that can, I’ll make them my personal training partner.”

“If you say so~,” She said as the duo continued their way through the magical tunnel that connected from Equestria to the Human world.

[Canterlot High School, Lunch Room]

The school bell rang as it indicated to some of the students that it was lunch period. As the students made their way either into the lunch room or in line to get their lunch, a familiar group of girls and Saiyan would be off to the far end of the lunch room. Not because they didn’t want to be near other people, but would prefer not to cause a panic or worse. Think that Sunset was up to something evil.

“So y’all mean to tell me that we have a group of evil villains in our school?” Applejack asked as Belle waved her hand sideways a bit.

“I wouldn't say they’re evil as of yet. But they did give off an evil energy along with a slight hint of magic. Meaning that they might be from Sunset’s world.”

“Well, taking them down shouldn’t be a problem for us, right?” Rainbow Dash asked while cracking her knuckles. “Especially with you on our side, you can mop the floor with them no problem.”

“I have no problem dealing with this matter. I just find it kind of disappointing if this threat isn’t as strong as I wanted it to be.”

“Why on Earth would you want them to be strong?” Rarity asked before noticing Belle’s deadpan expression.

“I’m a Saiyan. Like I said in fourth period. I want to push myself to the next level. To see what lies beyond the next fight. Fighting against a bunch of weaklings that can’t even put up much of a fight…kind of leave a bad taste in my mouth.”

“Plus you are trying to keep a low profile as being a normal student,” Fluttershy added. “Getting into a fight would cause some problems…I think?”

“Who cares? I’m sure Principal Celestia would understand once we explain to her what’s going on.” Rainbow Dash said as Sunset shook her head.

“That might be hard to do. Belle said that she was giving off the same strange energy as the new girls. So something might have happened to her when she was left alone with Adagio, Aria, and Sonata.”

“So, what? We’re just supposed to do nothing and let them take over the school?”

“Maybe we can convince them not to do that? I mean we were able to do that with Sunset after blasting with the power of friendship after she became a raging demon.” Pinkie Pie said before noticing Sunset’s deadpan expression. “No offense.”

“None taken,” Sunset said after rolling her in annoyance. “Look, the point is that we can’t just attack them off the bat. We need proof that they’re evil, otherwise, we’ll be in more trouble if we’re wrong. We should wait until they make a move.”

“And when will that happen? We can’t just stalk them for who knows how long.” Applejack said while tilting her hat a bit. “Not to mention, I’m pretty sure none of us have any classes with them.”

“We can’t, but a certain alien girl can~,” Pinkie Pie said as everyone looked over at Belle.

“Okay, I can sense where the girls are, but I can’t see what they’re doing,” Belle said while leaning back in her seat. “Though if there is a spike in their energy to where it becomes a problem, I will take them down without a second thought.

“Well, that’s good to know. But for now, we’ll have to play the waiting game. I mean, it’s not like they’re going to do something evil anytime soon due to being new students and all.” Sunset said as she noticed Rarity’s neutral expression. “What?”

“...I get that you don’t believe in Murphy's law or karma, but you need to learn not to say stuff like that.”

“The day I start believing in stuff like that will be the day pigs learn how to-” Before Sunset could finish her sentence, the doors to the lunchroom slammed open. Sunset along with Belle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie turned their attention to the doorway. Upon seeing the Sirens making their way into the cafeteria, the girls looked over at Sunset with raised eyebrows. “-fly…this proves nothing!”

“It…kind of does,” Fluttershy said before quickly shrinking in her seat from Sunset’s glare.

Parallel Quest 11: Magical Expertise

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Parallel Quest 11

Magical Expertise

(Canterlot High, School Entrance)

Outside of the high school of Canterlot High, the horse statue that stood in front of the school started to light up as Rutaba and Zamasu casually made their way out of the portal that led to Equestria. A low yawn escaped from the Saiyan god’s mouth as she looked around the area they were in.

“Is this earth, Zamasu?” Rutaba asked as the kai moved from behind her and adjusted her glasses.

“Indeed, this is planet Earth. I will say, this planet looks rather lovely up close than from images.” The kai said before noticing the school next to them. “Seems the portal leads to a school of some kind.”

“School? Isn’t that a place where you have to sit in a room and listen to some old person’s boring lecture or something?”

“If you mean where they go to learn to help them understand certain subjects for the path they choose, then yes. This is the place for boring lectures.”

“Hm, interesting.” She said before closing her eyes for a moment before speaking. “Seems that the magic from their counterpart world has seeped into this world. Not a lot, but it’s slowly gathering into this world through the portal.”

“Should I do something about it?”

“Let it be. It’s not like it’s going to be a problem for us anyway.” She said before walking off into the direction of town “I’m going to have a look around this planet. You’re free to do as you please until I return.”

“I’ll most likely be here studying the magical phenomenon that’s coming into this place. Do try not to accidentally kill people if they cross you.”

“That only happened one time, and he had it coming. If you’re going to slap the ass of a god of destruction, then you better expect to suffer the consequences of having your face caved in…or having a crushed pelvis.” She said before vanishing from the kai’s sight. Zamasu rolled her eyes at Rutaba's reply as she turned her focus to the school.

“Alright, let’s see what this school has to offer in potential,” Zamasu said before flying above the school and summoning a crystal orb in her hand. Once it was in her hand, the orb lit up as it revealed the inside of the school filled with students. “Hm, was kind of hoping they were at least up to the level as the Saiyan would. Guess not all planets are the same when it comes to reaching certain aspects of life.” She said before pressing a finger on the orb and switching to different areas of the school to look through. It was only when she spotted Sunset’s group that she stopped and blinked in surprise at this. From what she could tell, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were enveloped in a light blue aura, while Sunset and Belle gave off a red & black aura and a purple & black aura.

“Well, this is a bit of a surprise. Never thought a Saiyan would end up on this planet. Wonder if she ended up here by accident?” The kai soon isolated the images of Sunset and Belle as she began to examine the Saiyan first. There was a moment of silence upon examining Belle as her eyes widened in surprise and shock at what she was looking over. “...Well I’ll be damned, subject zero-zero-nine has returned to us.”

(Canterlot High, Hallway)

“Those three are definitely in possession of some kind of dark magic,” Sunset said as she and the others were making their way down the hallway of the school. “How else would you explain what happened in the cafeteria?”

“I’m a bit impressed by how well those girls can use mind control magic like that,” Belle said before walking backward in front of the group. “Though it seems they’re only scratching at the surface of it. Which is good seeing how they can’t fully control a person to do their bidding as of yet.”

“You’re familiar with magic?” Rarity asked as the Saiyan nodded.

“In my line of work, I fought against magic users with powers similar to the three girls, but they had more training and have been around for god knows how long. If I had to guess as to what kind of magic the girls are using, I would mind-altering magic. One that goes upon a person’s aggression for competition and possibly increases their physical strength given what we saw that nerdy looking guy lifting a table like it was a piece of paper.”

“That sounds bad if they can do that,” Fluttershy said.

“It is as if they were strong enough to take over the school. But seeing how they’re not, taking them out will only take about a few seconds or so.”

“So what do we do now?” Applejack asked. “Is there a way to undo the spell that was placed on them?”

“Shouldn’t be that hard to do. Just a simple jolt of energy to their heads and they’ll be back to normal.” She said before noticing the group walking by the principal’s office. A grin appeared on her face as she placed two fingers on her forehead, and instant transmission herself into the room. The girls were taken by surprise by what she did as the door to the office opened up Belle motions for the girls to enter. The moment they entered inside, they would see Celestia sitting behind her office desk, and Luna standing next to her like they were frozen in time.

“Are they okay?” Pinkie Pie asked as she walked over to them and waved her hands in front of the principal and vice principal.

“They’re fine, though it looks like they’re currently on standby until the girls return,” Belle said as she walked over to Celestia and Luna. Once she was there, she placed a hand on Celestia’s forehead and sent a surge of her energy into Celestia’s body. A sickly green aura enveloped Celestia for a moment before disappearing and causing the principal to fall out of her seat and onto the ground. The moment she fell to the ground, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy quickly ran over to her to make sure she was okay.

“Is she okay?” Sunset asked as she heard a groan coming from Celestia as she slowly woke up.

“G-Girls?” Celestia asked as her eyes widened and quickly shot up from the floor. “Girls! Are you all alright? You’re not hurt are you?”

“We’re fine, but we have a bit of a problem,” Fluttershy said as she noticed Celestia making her way back to her desk.

“The three girls are known as Adagio, Sonata, and Aria, right?” She said which took everyone minus Belle by surprise.

“Yeah, how did you know?” Sunset asked before hearing Belle speak up.

“Because their bodies were being controlled, but their consciousness was placed in the background as they could see what was going on around them,” Belle said as she made her way over to Luna. “If you’re wondering how I know…let's just say that I’ve been mind-controlled before during missions as a time patroller…it’s not fun.”

“She’s not wrong. It was like I was tied to a chair being forced to watch someone live out my entire life, only worse.” Celestia said as she shivered at the thought of it.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how were those girls able to get the drop on you two like this?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Hard to say, one minute I was making my way into the school, the next I found myself in a dark place as I watched my body being controlled by those girls.” She answered before rubbing her head from the pain she slightly felt. “Give Sunset’s mind control credit. At least I wasn't aware of it until the end…no offense.”

“Whatever, I’m used to it by now,” Sunset said before noticing Belle freeing Luna from her mind control as she was placed gently on the floor. “This is not how I wanted to spend my days in High School.”

“You mean dealing with High School problems, or crazy magical beings from Sunset’s world bent on trying to take over the school/world?” Pinkie Pie asked as she noticed Sunset’s deadpan expression. “I’m going to go with the crazy magical beings.”

“Well from what you told me, there’s a portal that connects this world to the world Sunset came from. So I wouldn’t be surprised if something like this was possible. But this is kind of a serious matter. Given what happened in the cafeteria of how they can control people via singing, we should address this problem right now.”

“As much as I would like for you to do that, you can’t do that. Remember about keeping a low profile?” Celestia said which caused Belle and Rainbow Dash to groan in annoyance. “You can’t just go up to them and fight like it’ll solve the problem. For all we know, they could have something up their sleeves if they notice. If they were to somehow use their powers on you Belle, then it would spell trouble for you and everyone on this planet.”

“What? It’s not like she can blow up the planet if they have her under their control, right?” Rainbow Dash asked as everyone looked over at Belle who was whistling innocently with a slight sheepish expression on her face. “Wait, you can!?”

“I mean, technically I could if I were to use my ki energy to fire a beam into the core of the planet. Of course, I wouldn’t be able to survive the vacuum of space if I were to do that.” She answered which caused the color of Sunset and the other’s skin to turn pale at the sudden realization of this fact. “What? You think that being a time patroller means you won’t face planet busters. It’s not a job for those who are weak in strength mind you.”

“And they’re more beings like yourself that can do that in Conton City?” Applejack asked as Belle nodded. “....Yeah, we better keep you away from the sirens so that we don’t give them more ammunition to take over Canterlot High.”

“I agree with Applejack…unless you know the magic that can protect you from their mind controlling?” Rarity asked as the Saiyan shook her head.

“Sorry, I know some aspects of magic, but when it comes to defending against stuff like that, I’m a novice. Sure sheer willpower can help, but even that has its limits.” Belle said while folding her arms and began to think. “Anyone here know of a person who’s a magic expert?”

“Oh! Twilight is an expert!” Pinkie Pie yelled.

“Oh right! We can ask Princess Twilight for help!” Rainbow Dash said which caused Belle to tilt her head in confusion.

“By Twilight, you mean the girl that’s from Sunset’s world?” Belle asked as the girls nodded. “Are you sure she can help us?”

“If there’s anyone who’s a magic expert, it’s the princess of magic herself,” Applejack said before placing a hand on her chin. “But how do we get in contact with her? The portal to the statue doesn’t have a button or something to open up.”

“I might have something that could help us,” Sunset said, which caused everyone to look at her.

“It’s kind of like a cellphone, but in book form where I can write in it.”

“Do you have the book on you?” Celestia asked as Sunset shook her head.
“It’s back at my house, though I don’t know if she’ll reply soon given how she’s a princess and all.”

“Anything is better than nothing.” She said before looking at Belle. “Is it possible for you to get the book for Sunset?”

“I’ll have to take Sunset with me just so I know what it looks like,” Belle answered as Celestia nodded.

“What about us? What should we do?” Fluttershy asked as Celestia looked over at Applejack and the others.

“Go about your day as if nothing happened, but keep an eye on the new girls. I’ll Inform Luna about what happened and we’ll keep the Illusion that they hypnotize us to the best of our ability, but sooner or later they’ll realize it. Should that happen, then it’s up to you girls to stop them without blowing Belle’s cover. Understand?” She asked as everyone nodded. “Good, now you’re all dismissed for now.”

“Sunset, grab my hand,” Belle said as she extended a hand toward the girl. Sunset stared at her hand for a moment before looking at Belle with a mixed expression on her face.

“Um, not to sound rude, but you know I can walk without you holding my hand, right?” She asked as Belle rolled her eyes.

“I’m going to take us back to your place idiot.”

“Didn’t I say that you need to keep the image of a normal girl? You can’t fly off into the air or whatever it is that you’re planning.” Celestia said as she watched the Saiyan grab Sunset’s hand and place two fingers on her forehead.

“We’re not going to fly, we’re going to teleport to Sunset’s home. We’ll be back in a few minutes or so.” Belle said, which in turn caused Rainbow Dash to speak up.

“W-Wait a second. You can teleport!?”

“Yeah, that's how I was able to get into Celestia's office. I got this technique from…Huh…can’t remember where I learned it, possibly during my travels through time. But anyway, be back in a bit.” Before anyone could get in a word as to how the Saiyan could teleport, they saw Sunset and Belle vanish within seconds as they teleported over to Sunset’s home.

“....Is it wrong that I want to learn how to do that?” Rainbow Dash said as Rarity, Applejack, and Celestia deadpan at her. “What? Don’t tell me you girls wouldn’t mind being able to teleport from one place to another if you’re late for school, or work, or if your car’s broken down.”