Guardians of Harmony

by Burning_Heart

First published

Ten-thousand years have passed since the Guardians of Harmony were last seen. With the forces of evil starting to rise once again, it will be up to the reincarnations of the guardians to protect the earth.

Centuries ago, the Queen of the Sun and the Queen of the Moon protected the earth from all forms of ancient evil with help with their Guardians of Harmony. But after battling against the forces of evil for so long, the Queen of the Moon became corrupted and attempted to cover the world in darkness. But after battling the Queen of the Moon, the Guardians of Harmony defeated and sealed the Queen away. Ten-thousand years have passed and the seal is starting to fade.

Chapter 1

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"Hey, Taylor, wake up already!" My eyes are barely able to open up with it being so early in the morning. I wake up after hearing someone calling my name. I look up to see who it is and it's my litter brother, Scott. "Scott please, it to early. Let me sleep," so I pulled my covers over my head to try to go back to sleep. "Um, sis, it's after seven." My eyes widen and I shot myself out of bed, accidentally knocking Scott over. "Scott, why didn't you tell me sooner. I'm going to be late for the first day of school."

"I tried to, but you wouldn't move an inch." After helping Scott back up, I rush to the bathroom to get myself ready for school. After getting dressed I rushed myself downstairs to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. After eating, I head outside with Scott and we both grab our bicycles. But before we're able to head off, at the front door are my big brother, his wife, and their baby daughter. Spencer, Cadence, and Felicity. "Have a good day at school you two," said Spencer. Scott and I wave goodbye before we headed out.

My name is Taylor Sampson. After a car accident caused the death of my parents, my little brother, Scott, and I moved back to our old hometown to live with our big brother and his wife and daughter. The new school year started about a week ago and today I start my second year of high school while Scott starts his first year of middle school. We ride for a few minutes before we arrive at the middle school and I make sure to see Scott off. "Do you have everything Scott."


"If you need me or Spencer for anything, just give us a call okay."

"I know."


"Taylor, I'll be fine. Go on now, you don't want to be late do you." Scott starts to walk away but I grabbed him so that I could give a hug, "I love you, Scott." Scott tried to wrestle himself out of the hug but I was holding him so tight that it didn't work. So he gave up and he hugged back. "I love you too, sis." I let him go and he runs off to the school but I'm still worried about him. He was in the car when mom and dad had the car accident but when we ask him what happen, he claims that a monster caused the accident. The doctor said he could be traumatized about what happened and that he'll remember eventually. So all we can do is wait, until then, if I don't hurry I'll be late for school.


Somehow I was able to make to school just in time. I made my way to the facility office where one of the teachers was able to point me in the direction of my homeroom. After walking around for a little bit, I was able to find the classroom. I knocked on the door. "Yes, come on in." I open the door and inside is a single woman sitting at a desk. So I walk inside so I can introduce myself. "Hello. My name is Taylor Samson. It's my first day here today."

"Aw yes. We've been expecting you, Miss Samson." The lady gets up from her desk and she walks to me. "My name is Sol Cosmos. Starting today I'll be your homeroom teacher." She extends her hand out and I go to shake it. I look up at her, realizing she's really tall but also very pretty. I soon realize I got distracted at how pretty she is that I shook her hand a little too long. I quickly let go, feeling pretty embarrassed. "Why do you find an empty seat, homeroom well be starting any minute now." I nod in agreement and went to go sit down.

After a few minutes passed, the classroom filled up with students and every seat was occupied, all except for one. Miss Cosmos went up in front of the classroom so that she can start homeroom. "Hello everyone, first off I would like to introduce you all to a new student who will be join us today, Taylor Sampson." Everyone looks at me, I don't know what to do so I just wave back to everyone. Gosh, I feel so embarrassed. After that, Miss Cosmos went to do a roll call to see who all is here. She eventually called one name that I recognized.

"Scarlet Summer?" My eyes widened once I heard that name. It's the name of my childhood friend back when I used to live here. I looked around the classroom to see who would answer. But nobody answered. "Well it looks she's absent today," said Miss Cosmos. She wraps up with the roll call, but afterward, I overheard some of the other students gossiping, "This makes the fourth-day shes missed."

"I know right, she was like this last year to in middle school. She missed so much school and was still able to keep her grades up. It so unfair."

It seemed like some of the students had a problem with this Scarlet and I have no idea if it's the same person I know or not. It was around five years ago when we had to move because of dad's job but I made sure to stay in contact with Scarlet, after all, we were BFF's. But it was a little over a year ago, Scarlet stopped talking to me and I don't know why. I was sad about it, I was afraid she wanted to stop being friends. I hope that I get a chance to talk to her since I'm back home. For now, I just need to focus on school for now.

After some time passed, it's time for lunch break. I went through the lunch line, grabbed my food and headed into the cafeteria. It looks like a lot of tables are taken, no surprises there it has been a week since school started so everyone has already found their own clicks. Lucky for me, I was able to find an empty table and made my way there. There I was, the new girl, sitting by myself at lunch, it's kind of sad. I hope Scott's doing okay. I look down at my food cause, let's be honest, schools lunches always taste bad. But then, I heard a screech of a chair being moved around my table and looked to see. And across from me is a girl with puffy pink hair. "HELLO!"

"Um, hello there."

"You're the new girl, Taylor, Right?"

"Yes, that's me." After answering her, a big smile grew on her face. "I knew it. It's nice to meet you. I'm Piper Paul."

"Um, nice to meet you, Piper." This girl seems a little too happy. Wait a minute, that's one of the names that Miss Cosmos called out this morning. "We're in the same homeroom, right?"

"Yep, you got it."

"So is there anything I can help you with, Piper?"

"I was thinking that we could be friends." I was surprised, a complete stranger just comes up to me asking me to be friends. "Um, sure I guess so."

"Great, as being my new friend and being a new student, allow me to show you around the school."

"Sure. That sounds nice."

"Great." Piper comes over to me a grabs me by the hand and drags me out of the cafeteria, just so that we can turn back around. "This here is the school cafeteria, where everyone can enjoy a good meal."

"Um, Piper. We just came out of there."

"Please save all comments for after the tour." Piper then continued to drag me around, showing me the different area of the school. From the gymnasium to the different room they use for clubs. "This is the gym where we do, um, gym things. It is also where our girls' volleyball team comes to practice. In fact, one of the best players on the team is from our homeroom. Her name's Riley Duke." The next place she took me was the where the school has their clubs.

"This here is the agriculture club, lead by Annabelle Smith. Shes already great at farming since at the Smith Farm just outside of town."

"Oh ya, I do remember passing a big farm when we arrived. Plus she's in our homeroom too."


"The auditorium, where the drama club performs their plays with the schools best actress and lead costume designer, Rebecca Bell."

"Another person from our homeroom, but wow she sounds like a busy person."


"Behold the out indoor swimming pool, where out swimming team trains."

"So who from our homeroom is in this team."

"*GASP* Are you a psychic, how did you know. Anyway, it's Fiona Scott."


"And this is the cooking club and before you ask, I'm in this club. I just love baking cakes and cookie."

"Something tells me you should lay off the sugar."


Soon, the tour came to an end. Being dragged around the whole school really took it out of me. "I will now answer any question you may have." I try to catch my breath after running around the whole school. But I did have one question, "Piper, could you tell me about someone named Scarlet Summer."

"Oh, her." Surprising, Piper, who has been all happy and energetic, grew really quite. "Scarlet is kind of a special case. She's not a bad person, but she really keeps to herself. After what happened last year." Piper quickly covers her mouth, stopping her self from saying anything. "Sorry I really shouldn't say. It's not my place to tell."

"Oh no, it's okay. Well, we should be heading back to class." Piper nodded and the two of us headed back to our classroom. But one thing that she said did stick with me for the rest of the day. She made it sound like something happened to this Scarlet last year and it was around a year ago since I talked to Scarlet. So they might be the same person but I'm still not sure. The rest of the day went by and the school day was over. I head over to where I parked my bike this morning and along the way, I ran into Piper. "Hey Taylor, want to hang out after school."

"Sorry Piper, I can't. I need to go pick up my young brother from the middle school."

"Oh, okay then. Be safe on your way home."

"You too. See you tomorrow." We both waved bye to each other. I felt bad since she went out of her way today to show me around the school today and wanted to become my friend. But right now, Scott is my top priority. So I got on my bike and made my way to the middle school. When I arrived all the students are leaving, but I didn't see Scott coming out. I looked over at the bike rack and saw that his bike is gone. I took my cell phone out and called his phone. "Hey, Taylor."

"Scott is everything okay. Where are you?"

"I'm at a nearby park, sis. Don't worry so much."

"Stay right there. I'm coming to you." We hung up and I made my way to the park he's at. I arrived at the park and find Scott under a gazebo. I get off my bike and run to Scott. I look at him and it looked as though he had gotten into a fight. "What happened, who did you get into a fight with."

"No one. Just some jerk named Grady."

"Scott, you know you shouldn't be getting into fights."

"But I didn't start it. Just because I'm new and he's older than me, he thinks he can just bully me."

"Scott, if someone is bullying you, you need to tell a teacher." I try to wrap my arm around him, but he moves away from where he was hitting. "Why, just so that no will believe me and tell me that everything will be fine."

"Scott, I-"

"Ever since the accident, I keep telling everyone that it was a monster that made us go off the road. But every time I do, you, Spencer, even the doctors tell me that I'm traumatized for the accident. I know what saw and-"

"Scott!" I raised my voice at him and got up from my set. "There are no such things as monsters. You need to stop this childishness." Scott bites his lip down and tears start to stream down his face. I felt bad about yelling at him but that changed, when suddenly everything went silent. The loud noises of the park of everyone playing and the dogs barking, all went silent. Scott and I both noticed the silence. We looked around us and it looked like everything was frozen in place. The only things that were still moving were just the two of us. Scott came over to me and grabbed my arm. What's happening, Sis."

"I have no idea." Suddenly, we heard the sounds of loud footsteps coming from behind us. We looked behind us and what I saw surprised me, it looked like a giant with long limbs made out of shadows with bright round white eyes. The thing was truly horrifying to look at but when I looked down at Scott, he was truly terrified. "That's it."


"That's the thing that caused mom and dad to drive off the road." No way, so everything that Scott said was true. It really was some monster all along. But before we knew it, the giant stopped and turned his head, looking right at us. It made eye contact with both of us and it started to run right at us. "SCOTT, RUN." Scott and I both started running away as fast as we could. We're able to keep our distance from the giant, but it sounds like it staying close behind us. I took a quick look behind me and saw that it was about to grab Scott. I turned around really quick and pushed Scott out of the way, with me being grabbed instead. It lifts me up high from the ground until it stopped. I look right into the giant's eyes and it started to squeeze me. "AAAAAAAAAA!" The pain was so intense, it almost made me passed out until it stopped. I was able to look down and saw Scott hitting it with a rock. "LET GO OF MY SISTER!" But the giant started to swing its free arm at him, so Scott threw the rock at the giant's head. The rock hits its eye, but not before hitting Scott. With the rock hitting the giant's eye, it loosens its grip on me and I fall to the ground. After hitting the ground, every part of my body hurts so bad. But the at doesn't matter now, I force my self up and I run over to Scott.

I make it to Scott, whos laying down on the ground. "SCOTT! Please be alright." I look down at him and I see he's not moving. I place my ear to his chest, hoping to hear his heartbeat. *bump, bump,**bump, bump* I can hear it. Hearing his heartbeat made so happy I could cry. Scott, I'm sorry I didn't believe you before. But then I can hear the giant approaching us. I look up to see. It starts to swing it's arm down on top of us and I try to shield Scott, not caring if I die.

I wait but nothing happened. In fact, it got warmer all of a sudden. I look up at the giant and I see it's on fire. But how did it happen? "Boy, talk about a reunion. Huh, Taylor." I look over to see who is talking to me and who I saw I couldn't believe. Long red and orange hair, cerulean colored eyes. "Scarlet? Is that you?"

"Yep, we'll catch up later. Right now leave this big boy to me."

"Scarlet, you need to leave. That thing is super strong and-" What I saw, I couldn't believe. But fire came out of Scarlet's hand and shoots the fire at the giant. "Just worry about Scott there. I've got this covered." Scarlet then runs at the giant with both hands on fire. "Scarlet, wait."

"Don't worry, Taylor Sampson. Your friend will be okay. She is one of my Guardians of Harmony" Another person starts talking to me, so look over to see and it looked like my homeroom teacher. "Miss Cosmos. Is that you?"

"Yes and no. I am your homeroom teacher, but my real name is Queen Celestia Sol Cosmos." Before I could understand what was going on. The pain from before hits all at once and I pass out.

Chapter 2

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I start to wake up, feeling sore throughout my whole body as I try to rise up. "OW. I don't remember hurting this much before." I open my eye's and noticed that I'm in a strange room. It reminds me of a room that you would see in a fantasy book. "Where am I?"

"We're in the Sun Castle." Someone answered my question and I look to see who it was. I turn to see Scarlet by the doorway. "Scarlet!" I try to get up to go hug her but the pain throughout my whole hurt so bad that I can barely move. "Easy there, Taylor." She walks to me and shows me a cup of this green liquid stuff. "Here, drink this."

"Um, what is it?"

"It's something that will eliminate the pain." Eliminate the pain, what is she talking about. Well, if Scarlet says it'll work, let's give it a try. One small problem, I try to lift my arms and I just can't. "Here, let me help." Scarlet lifts me up and tilts my head back, putting the cup against my lips so that I can drink the liquid. For what reason, it tastes like apples. After I drank the last drop, the pain in my body completely disappeared. "Wow."

"Is the pain all gone?"

"Um, ya it is."

"Good." Suddenly, Scarlet catches me off guard and surprise hugs me. "Wow. Scarlet." But what surprised me the most was that, while holding me, Scarlet starts crying. "Taylor, I missed you so much." I can now feel tears starting to come out of me as well and I hug her back. "I missed you too." After not seeing each other for five years, we just sat there holding each other for what felt like hours. We soon let go of each other when a thought crossed my mind. "Scarlet, where's Scott."

"Sis?" I hear Scott's voice and I look to see him in the doorway with someone. The two of us see eye to eye. Tears start to form in Scott's eyes and he runs to me and hugs me. "Oh, Sis. I'm so happy you're still alive. I thought that you might have died like Mom and Dad." I start to pet the top of Scott's head. "I'm happy to see you still alive Scott." But there's something that I need to tell you. "I'm so sorry for not believing you about the monster." I continue to hold Scott and I look over at Scarlet, who is shocked at hearing about Mom and Dad. "Is that true, Taylor. Are Nick and Tanya really." I nod, "Ya, it's true."

"I'm truly sorry for your lost, Taylor and Scott." The woman who came here with Scott finally spoke. I look at her closely and see that it's Miss Cosmos. But she's wearing a pure white dress, looking like a greek goddess, and a crown on top of her head. That's right. Scarlet gets up and walks to the woman. "Taylor, we'll catch up later. Allow me to introduce you two to Queen Celestia Sol Cosmos, Queen of the Sun," said Scarlet.

"A pleasure to meet the two of you. Scarlet, once they've rested up, we all must speak of whats to come," said Queen Celestia.

"Yes, of course," said Scarlet. Queen Celestia then leave that we're in. "Scarlet. Is she really a Queen?"


"But, shes our homeroom teacher."

"Oh, we have the same homeroom. That's cool. Also, yes she is."

"I'm so confused." I start rubbing the temples of my head. All this is giving me a headache. Scarlet then walks over and grabs my hand and she looks me in the eye. "Don't worry, Taylor. Everything will be explained."


After Scott and I finished resting up, Scarlet escorted us throw this castle and leading us to where the Queen wants to talk to us. I must say, this place is huge. After walking around for a while now, we make it to our destination. It looks like the great hall of the castle and at the very back of the hall is the queen, sitting on the throne. "Welcome, Taylor and Scott, to my Sun Castle."

"Wow, how very original."

"Scott, Manners. Um, Queen Celestia, I have a few questions."

"Yes, of course. Please ask away." So I take a deep breath, "Who are you, what is this please, what was that monster from before, how come Scarlet was controlling fire, why-." I feel someone grabbing my arms. "Taylor, calm down. One question at a time, okay," said Scarlet.


"Relax, Taylor. I will explain everything," said Queen Celestia. She snaps her fingers and behind us, three chairs appear behind us. So Scott, Scarlet, and I take a seat to listen to what Queen Celestia has to tell us. "First, I must explain what I am. To put it the simplest way, I'm a god."

"Are you serious, a god," said Scott.

"Scott, let her explain."

"You see, long ago, I, Celestia Sol Cosmos, Queen of the Sun and my sister, Luna Selene Cosmos, Queen of the Moon, were given the task of watching over the Earth. For millennia, we would watch over the humans of this planet, while not allowed to interfere in their lives in any way."

"But why."

"It's my peoples believe that interfering with the lives of mortal would cause disharmony, that we should watch over them. But sadly, some of my people don't believe in this and think that we should rule over them. Soon, some of my people who attempt to take over the earth. When that happened, we were allowed to create a team of heroes to stop all oncoming threats to the planet. Seven individuals who Luna and I thought represented the Elements of Harmony, the strongest powers known to our people. Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Empathy, and Magic.

"That sounds really girly."

"Scott, hush."

"Well, maybe this will change his mind," said Scarlet. Both Scott and I look at her as she raises her hand and a ball of fire appears in her hand. I look over at Scott and he is so shocked to see Scarlet wielding fire. "Along with bearing an element, that person also has the power to control an element of nature, such as fire. As demonstrated by Scarlet here," said Queen Celestia.

"Okay, I take it back. That's pretty cool," said Scott.

"Luckily, we were able to find those individuals who could bare the elements. Those individuals were Applejack, bearer of honesty and master of the earth. Fluttershy, bearer of kindness and master of water. Pinkie Pie, bearer of laughter and master of lightning. Rarity, bearer of generosity and master of ice. Rainbow Dash, bearer of loyalty and master of wind. Sunset Shimmer, bearer of empathy and master of fire. And finally Twilight Sparkle, the bearer, and master of magic. Together, they were the Guardians of Harmony, protectors of the earth. With their combined strength, they were able to keep the earth safe from all oncoming threats and sealed them away. From the embodiment of chaos, lords of the underworld, to the King of Shadows. Sadly, my sister started feeling that humans should be ruled over and tried to conquer the earth as well. She was the last opponent that the guardians' fought, but she proved too powerful cause it took every ounce of their strength to seal her away and sadly passed away."

"That terrible, I'm sorry all that happened, but you still haven't told us why you brought us here."

"That because I require your help." Help what does she mean by that. "In order to prevent the seals from breaking open, I need the help of the guardians, and I believe you two are the reincarnation of two of the guardians."

"Okay, now I lost. What do you mean reincarnation," asked Scott.

"After they died, I performed a spell on the guardians where, when the world will need them most, they will be reincarnated to help protect the earth once more." Okay now, all of this information really starting to hurt my head. Magic, gods, reincarnation. This is so much to process. "But how do you know, what makes you think that Scott and I are these reincarnations."

"It's because of the frozen space," said Scarlet.

"Frozen space?"

"Ya, that's what we call it. Remember when you two were in the park and it seemed like time had stopped. Well, whenever one of those monsters appear, for whatever reason, the area around them causes time to freezes and everybody in that area is frozen in place," said Scarlet.

"And the only people who are unaffected by the effects of the frozen space are the reincarnations of the guardians and myself," said Queen Celestia.

"So that's what happened," yelled Scott. I was surprised to hear Scott yell all of a sudden like that. "What do you mean?"

"When that monster appeared, Mom and Dad had stopped moving and didn't see the monster even though I was yelling at them about. But they didn't hear me, then that monster-" Scott didn't finish what he was saying, he just sat there covering his mouth and clenching his chest. I can only imagine what he must be thinking, knowing now what really happened to Mom and Dad. "Scott, why didn't you say something sooner."

"Why, no one believed me about the monster before, why would you believe me about that." Ouch, that hurt. But I don't blame him for thinking that. After all, no one believed him before. "So, if Sis and I are reincarnations, what now."

"First we need to find out which guardian you're the reincarnation of." Queen Celestia snaps her fingers once again and this time, a silk pillow pops in front of Scott and I. On the pillow rested six bracelets, each with a colored gem embedded in them. Looking closer at the pillow, there used to be another bracelet here. I look over at Scarlet and see that she's wearing one of them, one with a red gem. "Simple raise your hand over the bracelets."

"Will doing this allow us to fight against those monsters," said Scott.

"Yes, they can allow you to fight against them," said Queen Celestia.

"Good." So Scott raises his hand over the pillow. He waits for a minute, but nothing happens. "Why isn't anything happening."

"It would seem that you're not a reincarnation like I thought, Scott," said Queen Celestia. Scott gets mad, I don't know whats going on in his head right now, but I don't like it. "But I thought that you and the reincarnations are the only ones who could be in the frozen space."

"This is most puzzling indeed. I will do more research to look into this matter. But for now, it's your turn, Taylor," said Queen Celestia. I feel like there's something that she's not telling us, that she's hiding something. But for now, I'll compile for now and do as she says. So I raised my hand over the pillow and after a few seconds, the bracelet in the middle with the violet gem starts to glow. It rises up and it puts itself on my wrist. "Well, it looks like you are the reincarnation of Twilight Sparkle, Taylor. That makes you the new leader of the new of the guardians. Congratulations." Leader? What does she mean leader? The only thing I've lead was a science project in middle school. I feel that someone is patting me on the back and look to see it's Scarlet. "Congrats, Taylor."

"Hold on a minute. There must be some kind of mistake. How can I be the leader when Scarlet's been doing this longer."

"Because Twilight was the leader of the previous guardians. And since you are her reincarnation, that means it's your job to led the new guardians," said Queen Celestia.

"I'm sorry, this is just so much to take in. I need some time to think about all of this."

"Of course, take as much time as you need, Taylor. For now, I'll send you three back home," said Queen Celestia. And she snaps her fingers once again.


I just a moment, the three of us found ourselves back at the park from before. Great, let's just add teleportation to the growing list. "not fair." I hear Scott saying something to himself. So I walk over to him and place my hands on his shoulders, "What's wrong Scott?" But he pulls himself away from. He turns around and looks at me with an angry look on his face. "Scott?"

"It's not fair, you don't even want to fight. Why do you get to cool powers."

"Scott, listen."

"I just want to make those monsters pay. Pay for taking Mom and Dad away from us."


"You weren't there, Taylor. You weren't there to see that monster kill Mom and Dad."

"Scott, listen. I sorry for not believing you before."

"Sure, now you believe me. Where were you when I was telling everyone before about what happened. You know what, just leave me alone." Scott runs off to his bicycle and rides off. "Scott, wait!"

"Just let him be, Taylor," said Scarlet.


"Listen, both of you're worlds just changed after learning about all of this. Maybe he just needs some time to himself to think about all of this. I know I did." Maybe Scarlets right. Maybe he does need some time to himself. But I still can't stop worrying about him. "Just take your time and think about all this. If you don't want to do this, then you don't have too okay."

"Okay." I'm glad that Scarlets here, somebody needs to have a clear head around here. "Anyway, we should be heading back home. Oh let's exchange numbers," said Scarlet. So the two of us exchanged our phone numbers to the other before we part ways. I'm so happy to be reunited with Scarlet after so long, but the only things on my mind right now are what all just happened today and how Scotts doing. So I grab my bike and head home. After a few minutes passed, I make it back home. I walk through the door and are greeted by Cadence and Felicity. "Welcome home, Taylor," said Cadence.

"Thanks." Felicity stretches her tiny arm to me, so I take her from Cadence and hold her, "Hey there cutie."

"Um, do you know whats wrong with Scott, Taylor. When he got home, he looked really upset and went to his room and won't come out." I do know what's wrong, but I can't tell Cadence or Spencer about it. But what he was talking about earlier, about wanting revenge on those shadow monster. It just makes me hope that he doesn't try to do anything stupid.