
by SPark

First published

When Ember the Changeling discovers that Princess Celestia has a "thing" for her sister, she is more than happy to help her lover explore this taboo desire.

When Ember the Changeling discovers that Princess Celestia has a "thing" for her sister, she is more than happy to help her lover explore this taboo desire.

This story was a commission.

A small note: I've often used Ember as something of a mouthpiece for my own beliefs about sex and relationships. However, Ember is also a character, existing in a setting, with a backstory. Thus, in this specific case, her opinions have been formed by her own upbringing and do not 100% align with my own.

Though as always, I agree fully with Ember that there's never anything wrong with taboo fantasies and desires! So enjoy reading this little bit of fiction without guilt.

Sisters and Lovers

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"Oh, Luna." Princess Celestia's lips met her sister's in a hot, fervent kiss. Their bodies pressed together in a tangle of legs and wings that should have been awkward but somehow wasn't. They floated, suspended in a cloud bed that had somehow wrapped around them, the pair pressed together amid the cool, fluffy white.

Celestia stroked her hooves down Luna's sides, savoring the passion of the kiss but wanting more, so much more. Yet as she did so, she became slowly aware that something wasn't quite right. How were they floating like this? She wasn't using magic. And when had this begun? Celestia would never have approached Luna with her forbidden desire. Yet Celestia couldn't recall Luna approaching her either. They had simply always been here, in this passionate, dream-like embrace.

Ah. Of course. It was a dream. The fog of confusion slowly lifted, and the dream began to fall away. Celestia could feel herself lying on her cloud mattress, no longer floating in the impossible circle of cloud. One part of the dream lingered longer, a warmth was still pressed against her side. Disoriented, Celestia tried to sort dream from reality. She shook her head and her skin twitched and shuddered, as if she could shake off the dream body beside her the way one shakes off a fly.

Yet the dream body remained. Indeed, the warm form pressed closer, and she felt a soft muzzle caress her neck in a distinctly intimate gesture. It was disorienting. Was she still asleep? She opened her eyes. It was night, and the moonlight flooded into her room. The moon was nearly full, so the shadows it cast were sharp, turning the room into a disorienting world of flat black and white. Yet the shadow that lay beside Celestia was not quite black. It was blue. A deep, dark, familiar blue.


"Greetings, sister." Luna smiled at her—a sly, shockingly seductive smile—and ran a hoof along the edge of one of Celestia's wings.

Celestia shivered. This couldn't be real. She had to still be dreaming. Yet everything seemed solid, and the room was far too detailed to be the usual sort of vague dream-scape. Luna shattered her attempt to gather her scattered wits by leaning in and nuzzling along her neck again. It felt so good. So right. So very wrong. Celestia wanted to moan, to return the caress, to press close and do a dozen completely indecent things. She clenched her teeth and folded her wings close, resisting every one of those wonderful, terrible urges.

"Does something trouble you, sister?" Luna's eyes were full of mischief, and she almost laughed as she spoke. "Does this, perhaps, trouble you?" She nuzzled up Celestia's neck to nibble at her ear. Celestia flicked her ear away, giving another shiver. Her cheeks were flushed, and her wings wanted to spread open. She folded the betraying appendages to her sides once again.

Luna chuckled softly and bent her head, nibbling lightly at the feathers. She preened one lone covert, but made no real attempt at pretending to properly groom her sister's wings. Instead she nibbled her way to the base and nipped lightly at the sensitive spot there. Celestia couldn't help herself, she let out a tiny whimper. She wanted this, even while she was also horribly uncomfortable with it. How could she possibly desire her own sister? Yet there Luna was, and Celestia couldn't deny how turned on she was by everything.

"Luna... please..." Celestia wanted to say "Please stop" but part of her was afraid that Luna actually would.

Her sister only chuckled again, and pressed a little closer as she continued to nibble the sensitive spot at the base of Celestia's wings. Celestia found herself spreading them, only half consciously. She almost pulled them in again, but she couldn't quite bring herself to. Grinning wickedly, Luna tucked her muzzle beneath one half-spread wing and nipped at the even more sensitive skin there. Celestia, still trying to not react, let out a slightly startled squeak.

"Ah Celestia, you are a delight."

Celestia flushed. "I'm not... Ooo..." Her attempted protest was cut off as Luna moved up again and nibbled the base of her neck. She tried to resume it. "Luna, what are you..." and was silenced by a kiss. As in the dream it was immediately hot and passionate. Luna did not hesitate at all, she thrust her tongue into Celestia's mouth. Celestia finally responded, kissing back hotly.

Yet when the kiss ended, Celestia's cheeks were red with shame as much as with desire. She flattened her ears and folded her wings in again. "Luna, you can't... this can't be real, it just can't. And if it is, it can't be right."

"Ah Celestia. Forgive me. I meant no harm." And then Luna's body shimmered with green fire, and it was no longer her sister in the bed beside her, but the elegant, charcoal-dark form of a changeling queen.

A specific, and equally familiar changeling queen.

"Ember?" said Celestia, her voice coming out in an undignified squawk.

Ember smiled a little sheepishly. "Surprise."

"What... You... How... Why..." Celestia sputtered, trying to even come up with a question to ask. The question of why the mare she was courting—she preferred to call it that over the less dignified "dating", even though much of what they got up to would make any old-school chaperone blanch—was in her bed wasn't worth asking, Ember ended up there quite a lot. The question of why she'd been disguised as Celestia's sister was much more relevant, but Celestia couldn't even begin to think of how to ask it without sounding like an idiot.

Ember chuckled. It was very much the same sound that "Luna" had made before. "I'm sorry if I upset you. I must confess it was your sister's idea. In fact she was originally going to drop into your bed and kiss you herself."

"W-what?" Celestia gaped at Ember, who gave a little shrug in return.

"Luna is nearly as uninhibited as I, you know. And far too fond of pranks."

A prank. Of course. Luna hadn’t been plotting with her paramour to seduce her, she’d just been playing one of her silly games. Celestia felt both relief and disappointment at the thought.

"She brought the prank to me simply to make certain I wouldn't be upset if you kissed another, even in jest." Ember winked, and Celestia knew very well that Ember didn't mind sharing at all. The changeling was utterly polyamorous and completely unabashed about it. Given that she worked as a courtesan, her lack of shame was unsurprising, but Celestia did still sometimes find herself startled by the unexpected attitudes Ember had towards love and sex.

"I suggested that you might not be entirely pleased with discovering you really had kissed your sister without properly consenting first," continued the changeling, "even if your dreams suggested you might like it. So we arrived at the idea of my disguise. And I must confess that I have promised to tell her every detail of your reaction."

Celestia put her hoof over her face, her cheeks still heated scarlet. "Oh Luna."

"You must admit it's quite the prank."

"It is. If somewhat... uncomfortable. It's not healthy to want one's own sister, and not necessarily pleasant to confront that desire."

Ember sighed softly and nodded. "I am sorry for proceeding even when I tasted your discomfort. It's not much of a prank if it doesn't cause some kind of reaction. I thought it was merely that you were worried about me, or about it still being a dream, and knew I could reassure you on both fronts. When I began to taste shame, that's when I stopped. But there's no need to be ashamed, Celestia."

"Is there not? Incest is hardly a wholesome fetish."

"Incest is a taboo, like many fetishes. That doesn't make the desire unwholesome."

Celestia shook her head. "Maybe among changelings it's not, but among ponies? It's not something that should be encouraged."

"Among changelings incest is the only form of sex we have, so you're right that it's not really a taboo to me." Ember gave her a rather wry smile. "It's how the hive works. Every hive male I ever coupled with was either my brother or my uncle. But I do understand what taboos are." Her smile turned to a faint frown. "I think we're talking past each other a bit, in truth. I'm not talking about literal incest, only about the desire. There are reasons behind the incest taboo, but desire is never wrong in and of itself. Actions can be wrong. Desires... they simply are."

"Hmm." Celestia understood the point Ember was making, but she wasn't quite ready to admit it was right.

"How often have I dominated you in our play?" asked Ember, smiling.

Celestia blushed. "All the time."

"Is it right for one person to exert power over another for the sake of their own gratification? Of course not. Yet there's nothing wrong about playing pretend with that desire, is there?"

Celestia looked a little thoughtful, though her blush lingered. "I suppose not. Still... This seems different."

"Yes. You felt more ashamed of it than you ever were of domination. I suppose it feels like anything that is so taboo must be truly wrong to even think about. But perhaps a comparison might help. I've tasted shame like that before, you know. In fact, the last time I tasted the shame of a deep taboo being violated it was from a Solarian."

Celestia blinked. She knew of Solarians, though she'd never been entirely happy about them. They regarded her as a goddess, and prayed to her. She was not able to hear or answer their prayers, and so their worship had never seemed right to her. Yet passing laws to forbid them seemed equally wrong, so she had ended up stuck with them.

"He came to me and asked me to become you. You're very popular with my clients, you know." Ember grinned. "And he was deeply ashamed to want to have sexual relations with his goddess. It was a great taboo to him. Yet in truth if he had actually been with you, and not merely with my pretense of you, would that have been wrong?"

"I... I suppose not."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not really a goddess?"

"Because he was wrong? What if he'd been right and you were a goddess? Would it still be wrong?"

"I... don't know. I can't think why it would be wrong, yet..."

"Yet it still is a taboo to him. And what of this taboo about incest? Why is it a taboo?"

Celestia considered that. She felt on somewhat familiar ground here. She had often debated philosophy with ponies. This was much the same, if in a very different setting than usual. She was not in the habit of debating philosophy while cuddled up to someone in her own bed. "I suppose it's because of the trust among family members, and how sexual relations might violate that trust. And on a purely practical level, because of the dangers of inbreeding."

Ember nodded. "Exactly. Inbreeding is hardly a problem, should you and Luna actually couple." She grinned. "You'd have to go to rather unusual lengths to have a foal together, after all."

Celestia's blush returned as she thought once again of her and Luna together, but she managed a smile. "Indeed."

"The trust is, of course, another matter. Yet at this stage in your long lives, would it be taking any sort of advantage, to be with Luna? Would she be taking advantage if she had been in your bed? Would you feel yourself unable to say no because of the familial intimacy between you?"

Celestia frowned, thinking. "That's difficult to be certain of. Childhood memories are profound things. Perhaps some familial bond would interfere. I can't say for certain."

"That's fair," said Ember, nodding. "Yet for myself, I think not. You didn't continue when you thought I was Luna because your past made you unable to say no. Perhaps if you'd been the younger sibling, but you are the elder, and you've said no to Luna often enough in other matters. I tasted more than enough desire from you." Ember grinned. "You didn't say no because you didn't want to say no."

Celestia found herself blushing again. "I... you're probably right."

"In that case..." Green fire flashed again, and once more Celestia found herself lying beside her sister. "You and Luna must work out your desires between yourselves. I shall not interfere either way. But for the moment I think you should have your taboo fantasy realized. What do you think of that, sister?"

"I... uhm..." Celestia licked her lips, sure that she was entirely scarlet from head to hoof by now.

"I'm not hearing no," said the imitation Luna in a sing-song, teasing tone.

"No... I mean no you're not. I mean yes. I mean... ah..."

With a low, throaty laugh Ember kissed Celestia hard. Celestia moaned and gave in, turning to wrap her hooves around Ember as she kissed back. Even knowing that it was really the changeling, feeling and seeing her sister's sleek, athletic, broad-flanked form against her was incredibly convincing, and there was some trace of that shame still lingering in the back of her mind, despite their conversation. Yet perversely the shame only seemed to make the desire stronger, now that she had given into it.

Feeling incredibly bold, Celestia pulled back from the kiss and lifted her head and nuzzle at her "sister's" horn. She had wondered for a long time what it would feel like to give a horn job to her sister's long, elegant spiral. Celestia ran her tongue up it slowly, feeling the grooves along its length. Ember moaned softly in response, the sound uncannily like how Celestia had always imagined Luna's moans.

Then Luna—no, it was Ember, of course, but it seemed so like Luna—took the initiative and rolled Celestia over, straddling her. She rubbed herself against Celestia's thigh as she smiled smugly down at her, leaving a dampness there. Celestia shivered. Her sister's arousal was incredibly alluring. She could smell it, the scent triggering something primal within her. She wanted Luna desperately.

Luna kissed her again, hotly, as she ground against her. Celestia moaned into the kiss and wrapped her forelegs around Luna tightly. "Oh, Luna," she said as she broke off the kiss. Luna shifted, lifting her head to lap at Celestia's long horn. Celestia shuddered, feeling Luna's tongue interacting with her field, sending tingles of pleasure through her whole body.

"Do you want more, sister?" said Luna—Ember, Celestia should remember that, but it was so hard—teasingly.

"Yes," said Celestia breathlessly.


"Yes, please!"

"As thou doth command," said Luna with an amused smile. She gave Celestia's horn another long, slow lick, while pressing her thigh between Celestia's legs, rubbing at the burning heat there, fanning the desire that filled her. Celestia's hooves wandered over Luna's body, wanting to touch everywhere. She stroked her sister's wings, and when Luna dipped her head, Celestia met her in an eager, fervent kiss.

When Luna broke off the kiss she started kissing down Celestia's neck, lingering at the sensitive spot just at the base, nipping there lightly and making Celestia gasp. Celestia whimpered softly in disappointment when Luna moved lower, for she removed her thigh from where it pressed to the heart of Celestia's aching need. But as Luna's kisses trailed down across Celestia's chest and along her barrel, a shiver of anticipation went through her.

Luna paused again, just short of what Celestia dearly hoped would be her final destination, to gently tease Celestia's nipples. She licked at one, then the other, and Celestia twitched and gave a little whimper. It felt good, but it wasn't what she really wanted.

"So eager," murmured Luna, sounding amused.

Celestia whimpered again, blushing deeply. How could she want this so badly? But she did. She ached with need. So when Luna finally lowered her head and nuzzled between Celestia's legs, Celestia couldn't bite back a moaning "Oh yes."

Luna merely continued what she was doing, her talented tongue dancing across Celestia's most sensitive parts. Celestia looked down, seeing her sister's dark-haired head between her legs, and a further spike of arousal shout through her. It was so wrong, so taboo, so utterly twisted, and yet somehow it was one of the most exciting things she'd ever done. She knew it was Ember, but it seemed so real, so convincing, so much like her secret fantasies. "Oh Luna... Oh stars..." She felt her pleasure building rapidly, the taboo nature of it all not holding her back one bit.

Indeed she found herself on the edge in mere moments, her whole body tensing with it. Luna's tongue working even more intensely, almost ferociously; attacking her clit with fervent strokes, and Celestia couldn't hold back. She came, her back arching, her wings flaring out against the fabric of the bed, her head going back as pleasure shuddered through her.

Luna gentled her licking as Celestia shuddered, delicately pushing her through her climax. When Celestia finally sighed deeply and went limp Luna licked her lips and grinned up at her. "Well, sister, that was quite a lot of fun, wasn't it?"

"Ah..." Celestia tried to gather herself together enough to give a coherent answer, but couldn't.

"Luna" chuckled, and then green fire flared once more and it was Ember who lounged across the bottom of the bed, grinning up at her with a much more fang-filled grin. "Taboos can be quite intense, can't they?"

"Yes. Yes indeed."

Ember's grin widened just a little bit. "And just think. Next time you wake up with Luna in your bed, it could be me again, or it might actually be her. Who knows? Or perhaps even the next time you visit me, I might actually be Luna in disguise. She's quite good at illusions, you know."

Celestia swallowed hard. What had she gotten herself into now? But then if what she'd just felt had been any indication, her sex life was going to be pretty amazing if every encounter might actually be something so devilishly taboo.

"Does that all sound like fun to you? It certainly sounds like fun to me," said Ember.

Celestia managed a red-cheeked smile. "I have to admit that it does."