A Midnight Robbery

by theponycaptorproject

First published

A group of robbers break into Twilight's castle to steal rare books. They end up stealing far more than that.

To Twilight's great joy, Celestia let her take some books home from the restricted section for a closer reading. Some of the guards under her employ hear about this, and knowing the total lack of personal security at Twilight's castle, decide to steal them. With surprise on their side, they manage to restrain the powerful alicorn. Which is where they decide, they might be able to do more than just steal books.

This fic contains bondage, rape, and short-term kidnapping. Read at your own peril!

Another Late Night

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You’re sure it’s fine that I borrow these?” Twilight asked.

“It’s alright, Twilight.” Celestia said with a chuckle, “There isn’t a pony alive that I’d trust with those books more than you.” She pushed the stack back towards Twilight. The purple mare tried, and failed miserably, to contain her joy as she scooped them up.

“Oh, thank you! I was only able to skim these when Sunset was here. I still can’t believe there’s a restricted section to the library! I promise, I’ll bring these right back as soon as I’m done with them.”

The two mares continued chatting for quite some time, but Amber had heard all she needed to. She kept her back straight and maintained attention at the door. Her shift ended soon, and the others would want to hear about this.


“Do we know which ones she’s going to be borrowing?” Bladed Shields asked, running a hoof anxiously through his blue mane. They’d agreed to meet at his house to plan, and the candles they had lit cast an eerie glow over Amber.

“No, but does that even matter? Think about it,” Amber grinned wickedly, “Those books haven’t seen the light of day in our lifetimes. Most of them are the only copies. We’ll make a fortune no matter what she borrowed.”

“You know we won’t be able to come back from this. The moment Celestia learns what happened, she’ll put two and two together on what happened. You were one of only two guards on duty that night. If we do this, we can’t come back to Canterlot.” Cross Blade said. Amber met his teal eyes with fiery determination.

“Fine by me. I’ve been wanting out of this shit job for years. Besides, you know Twilight, she always shut out the world when she read in the Canterlot Archives. I can’t imagine she’d change after a short stay in Ponyville.”

The three of them sat in silence, the candles sputtering as they traded looks. Amber grinned and was soon joined by the other two. Tomorrow, they were going to be rich.


“Twilight, please come to bed.” Spike rubbed at his eyes sleepily. Twilight barely registered that he was talking. Despite the bags under her eyes, she flipped another page and kept reading.

“I will Spike. I just need to finish these first ok.” Spike rolled his eyes. He set down a cup he’d been carrying next to Twilight. The scent of hazelnut eased Twilight back to reality, if only briefly. She leaned up and kissed Spike on the cheek.

“Thanks Spike. I promise I won’t be up much later. Ok?”

“Ok, Twilight. Have fun reading.” Spike replied. He strode out into the lonely hall to his room. The space echoed eerily with the sound of his light footsteps. Something just felt off tonight. He really hoped Twilight would go to bed soon. The door to his room swung open gently, and he stepped into the darkness. Before he could make it very far, magic gripped his claws and forced them behind him. His attempted scream was cut off by something being shoved into his mouth. As he felt his claws being chained behind him, he tried to blast the obstruction out of his mouth, but the fire did nothing.

“Shhh, no need to yell little guy. We won’t hurt you.” A large stallion whispered. Spike cried softly in fear. He thought he recognized the voice but was too scared to focus. He tried to burn his gag again, but the stallion just laughed. “Don’t bother. That’s magically fireproof. We don’t want you making noise and ruining everything. Don’t worry. We just want a few books, that’s all. Now, nightie night.” The stallion wrapped a black blindfold around Spike’s eyes and left him squirming on the floor.


The three of them met up in the hall outside of the library. Wordlessly, they signed off that they had accomplished their respective tasks. Cross Blade had restrained Spike, Amber had done the same to the still sleeping Starlight, and Bladed Shields had made sure that nopony else was in the castle. Amber leaned up to the door to the library, her ear pressed against it.She was met with the familiar sound of Twilight yawning and her quill scratching against parchment as she took notes. Amber gave the signal, and quietly opened the door.

Twilight was five hundred pages into The Properties of Tridimensional Rifts when she felt something cold slide down her horn with a click when it hit her head. She tried to stand up in surprise, but quickly found herself held down by somepony behind her. She tried to blast them away from her, but the ring around her horn hissed and nothing happened.

“Hey, let me go! Help! Helmmphm!” A bit was shoved in her mouth and latched behind her head. The ponies attacking her pulled out ropes and quickly her forelegs to each other, as well as her back legs and wings. Without her magic, Twilight was physically unable to fight back against three opponents, and she felt the ropes tighten harshly.

In the glow of her reading lamp, Twilight recognized the three of them, they were all royal guards. She remembered them all as far back as when she still lived in Canterlot. With a thump, she was dropped onto the top of her desk, and she watched in horror as they roughly threw the books Celestia had lent her into a case they had with them. She tried her best to speak through the bit in her mouth, but they ignored her. Amber heard her garbled speech and turned to Cross Blade.

“Why a bit?” She asked.


“Why a bit gag? That not really keeping her very quiet.”

“Yeah, but we already took care of everypony else here. Nopony that can hear her will be able to help. I thought this would be hotter.” He said. Twilight’s eyes widened, glistening as they began to water. Amber threw the last of the twelve books into the case and thought for a moment. She looked at Twilight, trussed up and helpless, and a thought occurred.

“You’re a genius, Cross Blade.” He smiled in approval of her praise.

“Why thank you. I figured, since we’re already going to tie her up, why not do it in a way that’ll be fun to listen to.” He said. Twilight whimpered fearfully, her legs tugging at the ropes holding her, her heart racing as they refused to give an inch.

“I think you’re on the right track there, Cross Blade, but why stop there?”

“What do you mean?” Bladed Shields asked.
“Breaking and entering, assault, and theft of magical artifacts, we’ve already hit Celestia’s maximum punishment if we’re caught. Since it’s life in prison no matter what, why stop here? Instead of just robbing a princess,” She looked over at the struggling mare, “I think we should rape one.” The two stallions’ eyes lit up in excitement, and they both heartily agreed. Twilight stopped struggling, and just looked up at them in shock. Tears started flowing freely down her cheeks, pooling a bit at the straps to her gag. She slowly shook her head, eyes begging them to not do what she knew they were going to do. When she saw that they weren’t paying any attention to her, she looked down from the desk. It was a several hoof fall, and her hooves were restrained. Once she was down, she wasn’t sure what she’d do anyway, so crawling away was out of the question.

“Shields….” Amber spoke up.

“Yes ma’am?” Bladed Shields replied.

“Can you go and…acquire us a closed carriage?”

“It might be a bit hard to find one, but sure. I want to have a go at her though. This bitch was always so demanding back when she lived at the castle. I want to repay her for all of that crap.”

“You’ll get a chance, don’t worry.” Amber replied, “Now go do what I say.” Despite his grumbling the stallion did as he was asked.

“What’s that for? We don’t really need a carriage for a case of books.” Crosse Blade asked. Amber shrugged.

“You’ll see. Now, shall we get started then?”

“Sure.” He replied. “What end do you want?”

“None for now.” Amber sat down in Twilight’s chair, her legs spread. She brought a hoof down to her pussy and smiled up at Cross Blade. “For now, I just want to watch.

“Suit yourself.” Cross Blade lifted Twilight up by her hips, fighting to stop her from kicking him. He swiftly smacked her with the back of his hoof. Her cheek grew red, and she stopped struggling. Her eyes squeezed shut as she felt the ropes holding her legs loosen. With her forelegs tied, and magic still disabled, she was still at their mercy. Fighting back wasn’t the logical approach, all she could do was try accept that this was happening.

There was a pressure at her virgin entrance, but Twilight kept her eyes shut. She tried to calm her breathing in spite of her soft crying. All of it was for nothing though. Cross Blade slammed into her without any attempt to be gentle. Twilight’s eyes shot open, and her back arched sharply. A loud scream burst out from around the bit in her mouth, and her gentle crying was replaced with loud, violent sobbing.

“That’s right bitch,” Amber cooed, stroking her soaking wet pussy, “Sob for me.” As Cross Blade began to rock his hips, Twilight unwillingly obliged. He had a firm hold of her thighs and was staring down at her lustfully. He could see the bulge in her stomach as he pumped into her, reaching all the way to her belly button. He leaned forward and plopped his mouth around her horn, sucking on it noisily.

Pulling the horn out of his mouth, he flipped her around. He kept ahold of her with one hoof, and the other pressed her face into the desk harshly, as he pumped into her harder than before. Amber stood up and leaned down to Twilight’s face. The mare stared back at her in terror and tried to beg through her gag. Amber just smiled.

“Keep it up slut. He’s almost there.” Her tongue flicked out and lapped some of the tears from Twilight’s cheek. “So am I.” she purred and resumed stroking herself. It was all too much for Twilight, who despite her better judgement, started thrashing to get free. Cross Blade slapped her ass, and when she didn’t stop, did it again harder. Not in a way that would break anything, but hard enough that Twilight would know who was in charge. Twilight stopped struggling again.

“You know, for as smart as you’re supposed to be, you can be really stupid. You’ve had this castle for how many years? Not one guard, not a single one.” Amber twisted a little as she felt herself getting close. “All alone in a dark castle. Come on, you had to know that this was inevitable. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you wanted this to happen.” Twilight desperately shook her head, she didn’t want this.

“Hey,” Twilight did her best to look up at Cross Blade, even though he still held her head down. “Just so you know, I’m about to cum.” He heard as he saw the already traumatized mare start of bawl even louder. True to his word, his thrusts became erratic. He gripped her hips painfully, and he slammed into her one more time. Jets of milky cum painted Twilight’s womb, and she let out a long scream of horror. That was enough to set Amber over the edge. Her breath hitched, and her juices squirted all over Twilight’s desk chair. Exhausted, Cross Blade fell onto Twilight, resting his head on her stomach. The three of them were still recovering when Bladed Shields returned.

“Hey, boss, I got that carriage you wanted and…oh, looks like you had fun.” Amber was still quivering, but she smiled up at him.

“Oh, absolutely.”

“So,” Cross Blade asked, pulling out of Twilight with a noticeable sucking sound. “Why get the cart?” Twilight tried to tune them out. She tried to imaging herself back at Canterlot, studying with Celestia like she had been just this morning. She couldn’t do it though, try as she might she couldn’t think of anything but the feeling of the cum oozing out of her. Her whole body shook as she cried. Amber listened to Twilight’s broken sobs, and grinned.

“Well, I was just thinking. Celestia’s going to be looking for us for a while. I just thought, why not grab some entertainment so we have something to do until the heat dies down.” She finally answered. Twilight shot up in horror, Oh Celestia, she’s talking about me!

“Damn, that sounds like an amazing idea!” Bladed Shields said, as he walked towards Twilight and lined himself up with her abused hole. “For now though, it’s my turn to rut the whore I think."


The next several days passed in hiding. Camped out in an abandoned motel in some random small town that they’d spruced up, they spent their days reading, eating, and playing with their new toy. The morning light of the fourth day crept through the holes in the shades that they’d thrown over the windows.

Rubbing sleep out of his eyes, Bladed Shields walked into the room where they kept Twilight. He could hear her sniffling as he reached the door. She was chained by a collar around her neck to the bed, her front hooves tied together and to the collar as well. When she saw him enter the room, she bowed her head down, and lifted her butt into the air.

“Good girl.” He cooed gently, pushing himself into her. He rocked his hips into her, delighting in getting to fuck her yet again.

“Please…,” She blubbered through her tears, succeeding in getting a curious glance from him, “When can I go home.” Bladed Shields laughed, and rubbed her thighs seductively, the wet sound of their hips slapping together and Twilight’s quiet grunts filling the room.

“It’ll be a few weeks slut. Isn’t that exciting?” He mocked. Twilight leaned her head back down and tried to match his movements to get it all over with. “See, he commented as he noticed what she was doing, “You are clearly starting to enjoy yourself.” Twilight didn’t have a chance to tearfully deny it before Amber stumbled sleepily into the room.

“Good morning you two! Hey, Shields, mind if I borrow the other end?” She asked, clearly still a bit drunk from the previous night. Bladed Shields chuckled.

“Be my guest.” He replied. With a grunt, Amber sat herself down in front of Twilight, and spread her legs.

“Ok then slut, eat up.” She snickered as Twilight wordlessly obeyed. A low moan escaped her throat as she felt the mare’s velvety tongue lap at her already wet folds. “Just a few more weeks of this Twilight, I promise. Then you can go home.” She moaned as Twilight did her best to make her cum quickly. “Until then, you’re our little whore.”