Wish World

by Schorl Tourmaline

First published

A strange tent has been set up near Fluttershy's cottage, and inside it is a creature who can grant your wishes... for a price.

A strange tent appears next to Fluttershy's cabin one morning, much to the amazement of everyone in Ponyville. The creature inside, a Saddle Arabian goat named Atamanna, claims to be a Djinn, and will grant one wish to anyone and everyone. Of course this catches the attention of everyone in not only Ponyville, but in Equestria on the whole. Soon she has everyone flocking to her with their desires, but little do they understand that there is more to this goat than being a simple wish granter, and that there is a price for everything.

This story is classified by the writer as "Sexualized Horror", fetishizing the aspects of horror and the concept of the 'bad end' through a sexy, wish granting goat woman. If you are familiar with the rest of my work, you can expect a different twist on more of the same. Don't read this if you don't like bad things happening to good ponies.

Fluttershy's Wish

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Fluttershy stood outside the doorway of her cottage, at a loss by what she saw just beyond her chicken coop. A tent, made of red and pink fabrics had been set up right in front of the Everfree Forest, erected overnight as it hadn’t been there when she went to bed the previous evening.

She had spotted the new landmark from her bedroom, when she allowed the sun’s light to enter it upon awakening, and was completely caught off guard by its presence. No one told her that such a thing was going to be put there, or even asked if it would be ok to put something up next to her home. Not knowing what else to do, she quickly slipped on a green sweater that went down to her knees and some thigh high socks, foregoing any other clothing as she rushed down to see what was going on. Now that she was here though, she wasn’t sure what to do.

The yellow pegasus wanted to know what was going on, and who this tent belonged to, but her timid nature had her second guessing herself. What if the owner wasn’t there? Would they consider that trespassing? What if they were there, but were sleeping. She didn’t want to barge in uninvited, even if the owner of the tent had done the same already. After all, what if that person was just a wayward traveler who wanted a safe place to rest for the night, and thought it best to set up camp next to a house. She couldn’t fault them for something like that, could she?

Maybe it would have been best if she just got her friends to help her look into this matter, but it was still far too early for most of them. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were surely still asleep in their beds, and if Pinkie Pie and Applejack were awake they would be starting their work day. She couldn’t trouble them with something like this. Maybe it was just better that she took care of it herself, but she wasn’t sure.

“Ooohhh…” Fluttershy fidgeting a bit on spot as her normal doubts and insecurities floated to the surface. Perhaps it was just better if she ignored the intrusion, and just went about her business like it wasn’t there.

Deciding that that was the best choice of action, Fluttershy started her morning routine, which began by feeding the chickens. She knew that doing this would get her closer to that mysterious tent, but there was nothing wrong with her just getting close, right? As long as she stayed behind her fence, nothing could happen, or at least that was what she believed. With that slightly comforting thought, she made her way slowly to her chicken feed, and then over to the coop to give it to her hens.

The process went as it normally did at first. She passed through the gate that let her into the chicken’s area, called out her hens, and poured cup after cup of seed on the ground for them to peck at. It was not long before this was interrupted, however, as an unfamiliar, yet clearly female voice hit her ear.

“Why hello there.” It said with a deep, womanly tone.

Fluttershy jumped a tiny bit in surprise, having believed that if she kept to herself, then the occupants of the tent would do the same. Now addressed, she was unprepared for interaction with them.

“Goodbye!” She said first, wanting to dash back into the cottage. Then she realized how that would just be bad manners on her part to run away from someone trying to greet her, and stopped herself. “I mean… hello. What a nice morning we are having.” She looked towards the tent to see the one who spoke to her, but all she could see was that the tent entrance was being held open by a grey hand with long fingernails.

From the opened entrance, the voice spoke again. “You must be my host,” it said, “I hope it wasn’t any trouble that I put my tent here. I am new to this area, and this looked like the perfect place to set up shop.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble at all,” Fluttershy said instinctually, her kind nature guiding her words. Then she picked up on the last bit, and questioned to the voice. “Set up shop?”

“Yes. This tent is my home, as well as where I conduct much of my business.” the voice replied.

“I see…” Fluttershy said, no longer feeling like this just a random passerby looking for a safe place to sleep, and believe it to truly be someone encroaching on her property. This was definitely something she would have to tell Twilight about when she woke up. For now though, it was probably better that she went back inside. “W-well then I wish you luck on your business.”

Fluttershy made it a few steps, before the voice said to her. “Could I perhaps offer my host a bit of hospitality for allowing me to stay near her home.”

Fluttershy stopped, and once more debated internally what she should do. Would it be bad to decline an invitation, or would doing so place her into a position where she wouldn’t be able to get rid of this person afterwards.

“Just a few moments of your time is all I ask, Miss. Nothing more.”

With the voice beckoning her more, she could not find the strength to deny it. Hanging her head, she turned around, only to lift it up meekly as she looked at the tent’s entrance. “I suppose a few minutes couldn’t hurt…”

Before long, Fluttershy found herself stepping into the tent, ready to greet its owner. It took a moment for her eyes to adapt to the lighting inside, but when she did she found herself face to face with the woman who had been speaking to her, standing in the light that shined in from the opening the mare had stepped in through.

She was a goat, and a very beautiful one at that. Her fur was a smokey grey, with a rounded white patch on her stomach that traveled up her chest, across her muzzle, and ended at her forehead. Her hair, which was a dark black, came down to a shoulder length, ending in many large spikes where the individual strands of it joined together, somewhat matching the shape of the two large horns that also adorned her head. Her eyes were reddish rubies, with plus shaped irises in the center, and her teeth were as white as freshly laid snow.

Those features alone made the goat’s visage stunning to behold, but her figure only added to them, as her body bore the kind of curves a mare would die to have, and a decent sized bust that would surely draw the eyes of any males in the vicinity of this form. Fluttershy attention normally wouldn’t be drawn to such things, but the outfit the goat woman wore was made of a sheer material that revealed almost everything. The only way this goat kept her modesty was with a metal bra she wore, along with an ornate golden piece that covered her nether area.

“I am glad that you didn’t run.” the goat said, placing a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder, ushering the mildly flustered mare deeper into her abode. “Some ponies would find it fairly intimidating to come into a place when asked by a mysterious stranger.”

“N-not me,” Fluttershy struggled to get out as her hooves moved on their own, following the goat’s guidance, “I-I mean who’s afraid of a dark, spooky,” Fluttershy made a gulp before finishing her sentence, “Tent.”

“Oh yes, allow me to fix that.” With a snap of the goat’s fingers, the tent lit up, illuminated by a light source that didn’t appear to come from anywhere in particular.

The inside had the same red and pink fabric walls as the outside of the tent, and the ground beneath them likewise was covered with the cloth. Over that flooring was a red carpet with silverish frills, and wavy patterns sewn into it, the carpet itself leading straight to a bed that was veiled by silken drapes. Lastly, Fluttershy noticed was several red gems hanging from the top of the tent, strung up with thin ropey strings that bound the object thoroughly.

“I suppose introductions are in order.” the goat said, leading the mare over to her bed, before taking a seat upon it while leaving the pegasus standing. “I am Atamanna, Granter of Desires.”

“I’m F-Fluttershy,” the mare replied, suddenly reaching a revelation that she hoped wasn’t true about this woman. It seemed so obvious now what Atamanna’s ‘business’ was. However, Fluttershy couldn’t just make assumptions about a person she just met. She wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she also had to know. “If it isn’t too much to ask… you wouldn’t happen to be a… ‘lady of the night’.”

The goat smirked, and chuckled a little. “No, I’m not.”

“Oh good,” Fluttershy said with a sigh.

“At least, not unless it is asked of me.” Atamanna went on to say.

“Excuse me?” Fluttershy asked, now worried once more that a prostitute had set up camp at her home.

“Don’t misunderstand, Fluttershy.” the goat replied, “I am not here to pedal my body like a common whore. I am here to grant the wishes of any and all who want to take advantage of my power.”


“Allow me to clear up this matter. You see, I am no ordinary goat. I am a Djinn from Saddle Arabia, or perhaps you may more commonly know what I am as a ‘genie’.”

“A genie?” the mare was becoming increasingly confused. Not because she didn’t know what a genie was, but the idea that one was in front of her was hard to believe.

“Yes,” Atamanna confirmed, “And as such, it is my purpose to grant the wishes of others. Though don’t believe everything you might’ve heard about my kind. While I have a lamp I reside in, I am in no way bound to it or any person who lays claim to it. Nor do I have to grant such a person any three wishes. I may grant anyone a single wish, and I get to chose whether a wish is appropriate or not. So one cannot simply wish to take over the world or something silly like that unless I find the wish fitting to fulfill.”

“That’s good to hear,” Fluttershy said, glad that something like that couldn’t fall into the hands of someone like Chrysalis or Sombra, “But why are you in Equestria?”

“Like I said, it is my purpose to grant wishes, and I fear the well in Saddle Arabia has run dry. Now I wish to live here, and grant the wishes of Equestrian ponies so I may continue doing what I was born to do.”

“Well that sure sounds nice,” said Fluttershy, calming down a bit now that she knew more about Atamanna, “I’m sure there are plenty of ponies in Ponyville that could use a wish for something important.”

“And what of yourself?” Atamanna asked.

“Me? Oh no,” said Fluttershy, being ever so modest, “I wouldn’t even know what to ask for.”

“Nonsense,” Atamanna implored, “My host should certainly get the first wish I grant in Equestria. I would want it no other way.”

“Oh, well if you put it that way…” Fluttershy said, knowing that it was rude to turn down an offer more than once. Well, that wasn’t the only reason she accepted the offer. To be honest, she wasn’t so sure that Atamanna really was a genie, djinn, or whatever. It was possible the goat was just pulling her leg. On the other hand, the idea of getting a wish was very tempting. She just had to make sure of something first. “If I can ask though, is this one of those things where I have to word my wish right?”

“Actually, yes. The wording does help with the wish. I’m so glad to have someone ask that before mindlessly making a request.”

Fluttershy was glad too, as she didn’t want to waste a wish.

“So what do you want? Money? Fame? Romance?”

“Oh no, nothing like that.” she said, having something in mind that she secretly had always wanted. “I wish to be able to understand animal language.”

Fluttershy had always been able to understand animals to an extent, using things like mood, body language, or the way there made noises to guess what they wanted. However, this was not a foolproof method, and occasionally she struggled to translate what they were saying. So to be able to truly understand them, and to talk with them, would be a dream come true, making her job much easier and allowing her to hold real conversations with her animal friends instead of just making up things she believed fit. Fluttershy was very pleased with this wish, and if Atamanna really had the power to grant it, then she would be much more than happy.

Atamanna’s smile turned toothy, and the room grew a little dimmer as a blood red energy spiraled around her horns. “Animal language?” she said in a tone that hinted at something sinister, “I hope that foxes will suffice.”

Fluttershy’s heart sunk as Atamanna said that, believing that she had somehow worded her wish wrong. It hit her a moment later that ‘animal language’ could simply mean a single animal, and because of that it was up to Atamanna to decide which kind. Maybe it wasn’t too late to change it though.

“Um… Actually, I meant all ani-”

That was all the mare could get out before the goat snapped her fingers. The sound alone was enough to silence the mare, but something else helped bring Fluttershy’s sentence to a halt. Fluttershy could feel something on her body. Something covering her waist, and crawling both upwards and downwards from there. Looking down, she noticed that part of her was covered in the same kind of magical energy that spiraled down Atamanna’s horns. She could also feel that it was doing something to her, something that wasn’t good. As it covered more and more of her, the sensation forced a gasp from her lungs.

All the while, Atamanna just watched, crossing her legs as she looked quite pleased with herself. This was her first wish in Equestria, and she wanted to savor the results of a careless wish. While Fluttershy asked the right question, she didn’t understand that even a properly worded wish was up to interpretation. Though that was not all that Atamanna was pleased about, as there was another thing she should have asked before wishing. The thing that very few ever think of. That being ‘What will this cost me?’.

“Wait! What’s going on!” Fluttershy cried, but it was far too late. From the moment she made her wish, her fate was sealed. Now all she could do was endure and let it run its course. At a steady pace, the magic made its way to completely surround her, and once it did, something new and horrifying happened.

She began to hear voices. Ones of anguish. Ones of torment. Screaming and begging, in so many words, in so many languages, that she couldn’t pick them apart. She winced from the sounds, but didn’t move an inch, frozen in spot by whatever enchantment this was. It was enough to make her cry, but before she could, she vanished from before Atamanna’s sight, leaving behind only her clothing, which fell to the floor.

From Fluttershy’s perspective, her world had changed from a blood red tint, to pure green. She whined to herself, upset with what she had just experienced. At least she was away from Atamanna now, or so she thought until she heard that deep, womanly voice again.

“As you wished,” Atamanna said, “You can now understand animals. Foxes to be exact, but nothing else, not even ponies. I fear your mind is too primitive for that now.”

Fluttershy didn’t know what the goat was talking about, literally. She knew the voice, knew it was Atamanna’s, but every word was gibberish to Fluttershy. Not understanding, and not having many other options, she started to move about, finding that she was in something soft, and that the green she saw was made of this material. With enough movement, she saw a dim light, and so she followed it believing it to be an exit out of whatever she was in.

When she emerged into the light, she found herself in front of Atamanna once more, only now the goat was bigger. Much bigger than before. In comparison to her, the goat was a giant. A giant in a likewise giant room. Something had changed, and Fluttershy didn’t believe it was Atamanna.

“Why don’t you look adorable,” Atamanna said, bending forward to get a better look at Fluttershy. “But an inexperienced fox like you won’t be able to survive in the wild.”

Fluttershy didn’t know why, but through the jumbled noises she was able to make out one thing. That Atamanna called her a fox. Looking down at herself, she could see fairly easily that this was true. She was no longer an anthropomorphic pony, she had become a four legged fox. An arabian red fox to be exact, not that she knew that. Not that she knew much anymore really, as she was finding her pony thoughts being removed and replaced with more bestial ones more befitting of her new form. In a matter of seconds she couldn’t even focus on the fact that she was suppose to be a pony, and that part of her disappeared to make way for the mindset of a domesticated kit.

“Don’t worry though,” Atamanna added to her previous statement, “I already planned to take care of you, ‘Flutterfox’.”

With a small laugh, the goat positioned her hand like she was holding something, and then gave it a tug. In mid air, a golden chain materialized, one end in Atamanna’s palm, while the length of it traveled over to the newly created Flutterfox, attaching itself to a rather heavy collar of the same metal looped around the transformed mare’s throat, one with a heavy lock on it to insure that it would not be removed. The momentum of the pull transferred through the chain leash, which pulled Flutterfox the rest of the way out of her clothes pile, making the kit yip in surprise.

“Of course, others would wonder what happened to you if you simply disappeared.” said Atamanna, not really talking to anyone but herself since Flutterfox couldn’t understand Equestrian, “So I suppose I’ll have to take your place from time to time.”

Having said that, Atamanna’s own form started to change, her grey fur turning yellow, black hair growing longer and changing to pink, and her horned retreating into her head to be replaced with a pair of wings. Soon, the goat had altered herself completely to be a perfect match for Fluttershy’s previous form, voice, clothing, and anything else that could be noticed with a passing glance.

“Today I’ll make sure all my friends hear about how wonderful Atamanna is,” the goat said with Fluttershy’s voice, coming out from Fluttershy’s lips, “And how they can all get a wish from her just like I did. They will all be so excited, and will line up to have her grant wish after wish. It will be the greatest. But first, I think I’ll give my new pet some well deserved pampering.”

Atamanna made a brush appear in her hand, and then tapped her lap a few times to beckon Flutterfox into it.

“Come here sweetie, and let mama reward you for being such a good girl.”

The mind of the domesticated fox inside Flutterfox’s head saw the brush, and recognized it as a tool that brought immense pleasure. What little of Fluttershy was left in the fox saw the pony holding it, and recognized the face of someone who was kind and gentle. Giving into instinctual urges, she climbed into the mare’s lap, allowing her to comb her fur to her heart’s content, with only one thought in her mind as the pony did.

“It’s so nice to be a pet.”

First Encounter

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“A genie?!” Twilight yelled, astounded by the news she was hearing from her friend. Fluttershy had came to her castle fairly early that morning, declaring that she had something important to tell her, and what she told was beyond belief.

“Yes,” Fluttershy said, sipping a cup of warm cocoa she had prepared for herself before she started informing Twilight of Ponyville’s newest guest, “She arrived yesterday at my house, and asked if she could stay there for a while as she got use to Equestria.”

“This is amazing!” Twilight said, neglecting her own cup that Fluttershy made for her, “I thought geniecorns were just a myth, but to hear that one has traveled all the way from Saddle Arabia to here.”

“Atamanna isn’t exactly a geniecorn.” Fluttershy said, correcting the princess of friendship, “She calls herself a Djinn, and she is a goat, not a unicorn.”

“A Djinn?” Twilight pondered, never hearing of this variant of genie before.

As the myth goes, genies were unicorns who were bound to magical items and had the power to grant those who freed them from the confines of said items a varying amount of wishes, based on the version of the myth the story was based on. From what Fluttershy told her however, this Djinn broke some of the conventional rules. She could only grant one wish, but could do so to any number of creatures she pleased, or at least that is what it sound like as Fluttershy had said the Atamanna wanted to offer her wish granting services to all of Equestria. She had no lamp, ring, or other such item she resided in, and could go about freely as she pleased. It could be that this goat was just a magical creature disguising herself as a mythical creature, perhaps even an incredibly powerful one like Discord who could easily emulate the wish granting power that a genie could perform. Not having met the Djinn, Twilight couldn’t be sure.

The notion of such a being, real or fake, was intriguing to the bookish mare though, as who wouldn’t be excited in an encounter with a genie. While she had no wish that she would want granted, the idea of studying the genie was alluring. The way Fluttershy spoke of her, Atamanna sounded hospitable at the least, so it might not be too much of a problem if she asked the goat to aid her in her scholarly pursuits.

“And you are certain that she is a genie?” Twilight asked, just wanting to make sure this wasn’t all some big mistake, though Fluttershy of all ponies wouldn’t be the one to spread wild gossip without reason. Rarity perhaps, maybe Pinkie, but Fluttershy was usually too reserved to share things unless it was important.

Fluttershy nodded,”I asked for a wish when I met her, so I know it’s real.”

“Really? And what did you wish for?” Twilight wondered, curious as to what a pony like Fluttershy could even want.

“Nothing big. Just the ability to understand animals as well as I can ponies. I was so surprised when I saw that it actually worked.”

“That’s strange,” Twilight said, “I thought you could do that already.”

“Well, yes,” Fluttershy answered, “But there is a big difference between knowing what a tweet means and being able to talk to a bird the same way you can talk to a pony. I really believe that the wish I made has gotten me closer to animals than I ever have been before.”

“So you can tell what an animal is saying like it is clear Equestrian?” Twilight said to confirm what she just heard, “That is pretty amazing. I really should go see this Djinn for myself.”

“Oh! Do you have a wish you want her to grant?” Fluttershy asked, leaning in a bit closer.

“Not really, but this seems like a great chance to study a new kind of magic,” Twilight replied, “I bet I could learn all sorts of things if she’ll allow me to see her granting wishes in action.”

“Maybe, but if all you want from her is to know how her magic works, couldn’t you save time by wishing to understand it.” Fluttershy suggested to the alicorn.

“I suppose I could, but it would be much more fun figuring it out by myself. I could take Starlight with me too, and together we might be able to figure out how this magic works in no time.”

“And what if Atamanna doesn’t want you to study her like that?” Fluttershy stated, showing concern for the privacy of the goat woman. “You might have to make a wish for the knowledge then.”

“Well I certainly wouldn’t impose if it would bother her, but it never hurts to ask, right?” Twilight said, not commenting on the fact that she might have to make a wish to learn what she wanted.

“No, I suppose not…” said Fluttershy, rather dejectedly.

Twilight didn’t notice this change of tone in her friend, her mind set more on meeting this supposed creature of myth. The prospects of what she might learn from observation of her abilities excited her, and from what Fluttershy had been saying about how Atamanna’s want to grant wishes to any who wanted them, she was certain that there would be plenty of opportunities where she would be able to examine the wish magic in action.

“Well then, I better be off.” Fluttershy said, finishing her drink as she got out of her seat.

“So soon?” Twilight asked, “I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me to Starlight’s.”

“I would, but Atamanna asked me to tell as many ponies as I could about her and her powers.”

“Hmmm, I wonder why she wants to grant so many wishes in the first place,” Twilight wondered aloud, it dawning upon her that the goat genie was bringing upon herself a lot work. Even if her magic was as potent as described in myth, the very likely possibility that everypony in Ponyville could end up at her doorstep sounded like quite the hassle.

“I think that she just likes helping ponies,” Fluttershy reassured.

“If you say so,” Twilight replied, noting that as much as she herself liked to help ponies, she didn’t enjoy having a mountain of unnecessary work piled up before her. Then again, some ponies were just workaholics, and if that was true for them there was no reason it couldn’t be the same for a mystical, wish granting goat.

The two mares exited Twilight’s castle, with Twilight having grabbed Spike on the way out, the young winged dragon just being informed on what was going on.

“I can’t believe it. A real wish granting goat.” Spike said, even more excited than Twilight was about the news, “Do you think she can grant any wish? Like could she create an endless supply of gemstones, or-”

“Now Spike, I know the idea of making a wish and having it come true is thrilling, I think we should hold off. We already have so much, don’t you think?”

“Oohh, I guess…” Spike bemoaned, kicking a rock on the dirt street aside in annoyance.

Twilight gave him a affectionate pat on the head, “At least wait until we know how this all works. I’d hate for you to wish for an endless supply of gems, and to get them Atamanna has to take them from everyone else in Equestiria.”

“I suppose I can do that,” he said, seeing hope for his wish to still come true, “So let’s get Starlight and get to the bottom of this.”

“Sure,” Twilight said, knowing the dragon well enough to see he had not yet given up on his ambitions. Putting that aside for now, she looked to Fluttershy to bid here farewell, “So we’ll be stopping by your place later.”

“Of course,” Fluttershy said with a bright smile, “I’m expecting a lot of ponies to show up today to see my new guest.”

With that, the three separated. Twilight and Spike going off in one direction, while Fluttershy split off in the other. The pegasus traveled on the main road of Ponyville for a little while after departing from Twilight’s abode, but after a short distance, she uncharacteristically slipped into an alleyway when she thought no one was looking.

Of course, this was because the supposedly sweet, kind hearted pegasus wasn’t Fluttershy at all, and was Atamanna assuming her guise. Only a day had passed from when she had granted the real Fluttershy her wish, which had changed her from care keeper of animals, to an animal whose care was being kept. At this moment, the original Fluttershy was laying her new fox body upon a soft silken pillow, chained to to a table next to her owner’s own bed by the golden collar clasped firmly around her throat.

All this morning, Atamanna had been using the yellow pegasus’ visage and reputation to spread around town the fact that she was here, and willing to grant her services to any who saw fit to use them; Many a pony appeared interested, as who wouldn’t be when the possibility of having their wildest dreams come true. In fact, of all she had spoken to, Twilight was the only one who showed no want of anything except to observe her while doing as she granted wishes. That was problematic for the Djinn, as she wanted all in Ponyville to ask something of her. It was troublesome, but it was not something that couldn’t be fixed later.

For now, she would return to her tent and await the arrival of those who wished to use her. She hadn’t spoke to everypony in town, but had spoken to enough that word would spread. Mortals had a knack for gossip, so all it took were a few sparks of information to make it spread like a raging fire. With the princess being the only pony whose royal status might have prevented her from hearing the idle chatter of the peasants, telling her directly was the last thing Atamanna had to do in order to get the kind of turn out she wanted.

With that done, Atamanna returned to her goat form, shifting from Fluttershy’s gentle image to her own sexual and seductive appearance in the blink of an eye. Immediately after, a fire formed at her hooves, which spread quickly over her being, seemingly consuming her body to nothingness as it traveled upwards. Soon there was little of her left except her head, from which a satisfied smirk formed as the flames devoured it too. Nothing was left behind, making it look to any random passerby who might have peered the seldomly visited nook in the small town that no one had been there in the first place.

Later that same day, Twilight made her way down the long dirt road that lead to Fluttershy’s cottage. At one side of her was her trusted assistant, Spike, and on the other side was her pupil and guidance counselor of her school, Starlight Glimmer. As the alicorn had told Fluttershy, she had went off directly to Starlight’s abode right after leaving her own home, giving her quick details of the situation, and her mild suspicions that genie wasn’t truly what she claimed, but instead a vastly powerful creature with a desire to help ponies.

“Not to say you’re wrong,” Starlight said, their conversation on the matter having spanned the entirety of their walk, “But what makes you think that this creature isn’t what Fluttershy says she is? You’ve met with plenty of strange things in your life, would it be so odd if a genie, or djinn, or whatever it’s called really existed?”

“No,” Twilight answered, “It’s possible that a genie could exist, but the details of this just have me wondering if Ponyville is really being visited by one. Legends talk of geniecorns frequently, but never of Djinns or ones that were goats. They also come with many rules and restrictions that this person doesn’t seem to follow by Fluttershy’s explanation. While it’s likely some details could have been altered, exaggerated, or embellished over time, this just feels like too many details are wrong.”

“Let’s say that you’re right. That Atamanna isn’t a genie. What’s the problem?” Spike asked dismissively, “Worst case, she’s just somebody who can grant people’s wishes through some kind of magical means. Is there a problem with that?”

“No, Spike,” Twilight reaffirmed, “There is nothing wrong with somepony pretending to be a genie in order to be helpful to others. This is just my sense of curiosity getting the better of me.”

“Oh good, I thought you were going to accuse somepony you hadn’t even met yet of being evil or something.” Spike said, not being sure as to what outcome Twilight’s strings of suspicion were leading to.

“Though I would like to ask Atamanna what her motives are for having Fluttershy go about town telling everypony that she will grant their wishes.” Twilight added.

“It wouldn’t hurt to ask what her reasons for doing this are,” Starlight agreed, a little more leery about this creature that appeared in their town overnight then her mentor.

“Yup, a few simple questions are all we’ll need from-” Twilight stopped in her tracks as Fluttershy’s cabin came into good view, somewhat surprised at what she was seeing. There were a bunch of ponies, all in a line that started on one side of the small bridge that went over the creek in front of the tree house, and going across it and across Fluttershy’s yard before ending in front of a large red tent. It looked like a quarter of the town was there, including some of her students from her school. At the back of the line were Yona and Sandbar, waiting patiently for their turn.

“Hey you two,” Spike said, not having stopped himself when Twilight did, “I see you came to get a wish too.”

“Hey Spike, Miss Sparkle, Miss Glimmer,” Sandbar greeted the three, “I’m not here for a wish, but Yona was really interested in getting one for herself.”

“Yona is going to wish for huge Yakyakistan feast for all Yona’s friends.” said the yak girl, summarizing her intended wish as elegantly as a yak could, “Show everyone that Yak are best at cooking and celebrating.”

“That sounds like a delightful wish,” Starlight said, “But there’s nothing else that you might want instead? From my understanding this Djinn is only permitting one wish per person.”

“Yona is already going to best school in all Equestria, and has best friends Yona could ask for. What else could Yona want than to enjoy Yona’s time with them.”

“Well it’s good to hear your time in my friendship school has really made an impression on you.” Twilight said, adding herself to the end of the line.

It had been several years since she had opened her school, and the once freshman students were now seniors about to graduate. Each of them have grown up into lovely young women and men, students that Twilight could be proud of entering their adult years.

“So Miss Sparkle, what are you all here for? Got a wish you want granted?” Sandbar asked, curious as to what a princess like Twilight would wish for.

“Not exactly, but I and interested in seeing this genie for myself.” Twilight dumbed the explanation of her reasons down for her students, as it wasn't necessary to dash the hopes of her students with her suspicions, or confuse them with the idea of this Djinn possibly not being a genie, but still having the power to grant their desires.

“Oh, I see.” Sandbar replied, acknowledging Twilight’s eternal pursuit of knowledge, “Well it looks you’re gonna have some time before you’ll get the chance. We’ve been standing here for thirty minute already.”

Twilight had seen a few ponies making their way back from this direction on her way here, and already assumed that they had paid the Djinn a visit. That time span for the wait though felt like a bit much for one with a princess/teacher’s responsibilities. She was beginning to think that it would be better to come back another day. That was until the goat in question emerged from her tent.

The grey and white goat, draped in gold and silk, stepped out of her tent. Following directly behind her were Snips and Snails, who both seemed very pleased with themselves.

“You two enjoy your wish,” said Atamanna to the two young boys, “And feel free to come back and tell me about the results.”

“Oh, we will.” Snails said in his usually slow speech pattern.

“Just as soon as we test it out,” Snips added before the two boys ran off down the path.

“Hey you two,” Twilight said as they approached her, “Can I ask-”

“Can’t talk now Princess!” Snips replied, running right past the alicorn.

“Yeah, we got some girls to find!” Snails commented, neither he or his compatriot stopping to properly speak to Twilight.

“Huh…” Starlight said, Snails’ statement puzzling her. She pondered about its meaning for a moment, but then found her thoughts drawn back down the line, to the one who who everypony was here for. The goat woman was standing outside her tent entrance and had not yet called for anypony to enter to be served. Instead the goat's gaze traveled down the line, back to her. Starlight could tell though that it was not herself who the Djinn’s eyes locked onto, but it was-

“Princess Twilight.” Atamanna said, making her way down the line, the heads of all the others in wait following her movements, “So glad to see you’ve came. Fluttershy has told me so much about you.”

“She has said a lot about you too,” Twilight responded, “You’re Atamanna, right? The genie I’ve heard so much about.”

“Djinn,” Atamanna corrected as she placed herself in front of Twilight, “And yes, I am.”

“Well it is very nice to meet you,” Twilight said with a bow, using it to hide the slight embarrassment she got from looking at Atamanna’s revealing garments. She recognized them as traditional Saddle Arabian belly dancer garb, but to have so much of another woman’s form revealed to her was making her a bit uncomfortable. Some spots of the outfit would easily reveal some of the goat’s most private areas if moved just a few inches.

“As you,” Atamanna replied, giving her own bow, “Am I to believe you are here for a wish? I would be honored to grant you whatever your heart desired.”

“I’m not here to make a wish,” explained Twilight as she rose her head up, suppressing her feelings the best she could, “As the Princess of Friendship, and royal representative of Ponyville, it is my duty to welcome new members of our town personally.”

“Then I thank you for the warm, most regal pony princess.” Atamanna said as she rose her own head, “But are you certain that there is nothing you would want? In my lands, providing service to royalty is amongst the highest of honors, and I would feel ashamed if I could provide no service to you.”

“Well I don’t have a wish exactly, but I did come here with another motive. I was wondering if it would be ok if me and two friends of mine could stay and observe you as you perform your wishes. I love seeing and learning about new forms of magic, so a little demonstration would be appreciated.”

“Hmm… if it is the princesses wish to be by my side as I grant wishes, I see no issue with that.” Atamanna answered.

“Really?!” Twilight responded, happy to hear she was getting approval to observe, “That’s great because I wo-”

A hand slipped over Twilight’s mouth, Starlight Glimmer’s hand.

“Twilight, didn’t you catch the phrasing of that? She said you could do that, if you wished it. By agreeing, I bet that would have counted as asking for the wish.”

Atamanna laughed, “She is a clever one princess. I was indeed speaking literally. I cannot simply allow you to come in and interfere with my wish granting. I’m sure many of the ponies here would be too embarrassed to share their wishes if you were there gawking.”

Twilight hadn’t thought about that. Atamanna was offering everyone the greatest wish, and there was a strong chance that such things would be something they would not want heard by more people than had to hear it.

“How about this,” Atamanna said, “You and your associates come inside my tent. I’ll give you ten minutes to ask me your questions. But after that, you will have to make a wish if you want to know any more about me or my magic.”

“That sounds pretty reasonable.” Spike said, liking the idea of give and take presented here, one that seemingly had no downside for Twilight.

“I would like to take you up on that offer…” Twilight said, likewise seeing nothing wrong with the offer itself, “But everyone here has been waiting for a while. Maybe we could schedule a meeting for later?”

“But you and your friends have already traveled the long road from Ponyville.” Atamanna argued,” I would detest having a pony of your stature making two trips. I’m sure that these ponies won’t be too troubled by another ten minutes.”

Even as the goat woman said that, many of the others waiting in line gave a loud groan. Twilight could see that further delays would not be appreciated, and if she couldn’t wait in line like the rest, it wouldn’t be fair to be allowed to cut just because of her royal position.

“I appreciate your offer, but I must decline for now.” Twilight said, already backing away from the line.

“Very well,” Atamanna relented, “Then I insist that you and your two compatriots come back tonight. I will be closing up shop when the sun sets, and any time after that will be an appropriate time to visit me without worrying about imposing on others.”

“That sounds like a much better idea.” Twilight said, more than willing to do as suggested. “It will give me some time to set up some questions too.”

“Good, then I expect to see all three of you then,” Atamanna said, making her way back down the line, sashaying her hips in a provocative manner that not only caught Twilight’s attention, but that of many of the others she passed, especially the stallions. “Both prepared with your inquiries and perhaps any wishes that you three might come up with in the meantime.”

Upon returning back to her tent, the goat looked to the pony at the front of the line, gesturing them to follow her inside. With Atamanna vanishing back into her abode, Twilight saw no reason to stay further. Thus she headed back to town, with both Spike and Starlight coming with her on either side.

“Well that was interesting.” Twilight said, taking in everything she had seen so far. If one were to take Atamanna at first impressions alone, it would be entirely feasible to simply assume she was what she claimed to be. She certainly had the looks, and her authentic Saddle Arabian accent helped the fit the mental image of what a genie was suppose to be like. The only thing that was a demonstration of her power.

“But it was kinda strange, don’t you think?” Starlight commented, “She tried to trick you into a wish. For someone who stated that it would be an honor to grant you what you wanted, that seemed like an underhanded way to go about it.”

“She was a bit forward,” Twilight said, “But I don’t think it was meant to be malicious. You do make a point though. There must be some reason she likes to grant wishes like she does.”

“So what do we do now?” asked Spike.

“We do just what Atamanna suggested. Go back home, finish everything we need to do today, and come back with a list of things that we want to ask her.” Twilight gleefully anticipated the idea of creating a proper interview for the newest resident of Ponyville, but little did she know how close this meeting with the Djinn would put her to danger.

The Grand Feast of Prince Buudal

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The line leading to Fluttershy’s cottage grew short as the day proceeded, as ponies got their wishes or had to leave due to prior obligations. Many didn’t want to leave, but Atamanna promised those that had to that she would be in Ponyville for some time, and this was not a one-day event. Those who remained in line were only the most dedicated to getting their heart’s desire, and as the sun started to set, there was only one pair left who had not seen the Djinn for their promised wish, that being Sandbar and Yona.

The yak practically hopped with joy as her anticipation reached its peak, having been promised by Atamanna that she would be would be seen before the goat closed shop for the day. “Wait till Sandbar sees it,” Yona said with glee. “Yaks are best at feasts. Food is so plentiful that it takes a week to go through it all.”

“I get that you want to throw a huge, Yak style party for all of us,” Sandbar said, “But don’t you think that is a bit excessive? Ocellus doesn’t even eat real food, so it’s gonna be just five of us going through it all.”

“Course not!” Yona answered, dismissing her friend’s concerns, “Yona has seen how Gallus and Smolder can down food. Silverstream will be so excited at the sight of it all and gobble down as much as Silverstream can, and Ocellus will be able to eat all the love Yona’s friends will have for the delicious Yak made banquete.”

Sandbar sighed, “Well, I guess there will be a lot of leftovers then. If anything, we could always share with the rest of the school.”

“Sandbar shouldn’t assume anything will be left,” Yona declared proudly, “Yona is gonna eat a whole table’s worth by herself.”

“I would not be surprised,” said a feminine voice coming from the entrance of the tent the earth pony stallion and the female yak had been standing in front of, as Atamanna made her appearance, “Yaks have always been the best when it comes to eating, and their cuisine is very delicious.”

“See! Goat woman gets it!” Yona exclaimed, happy that someone understood how great yak culture is when it comes to food.

Sandbar, however, took notice that only Atamanna herself had come to the exit, and no one else. Taking a look around to see if the pony who had entered before them had slipped by as he and Yona were talking, he still didn’t see any sign that anyone had left the tent.

“Looking for someone?” Atamanna asked, spotting the stallion’s confusion, “If you are wondering what happened to my last guest, I teleported them to their home as part of completing their wish, as that is something within my power. Surely this isn’t the first time you noticed someone not leaving my tent.”

“Oh, I guess I hadn’t noticed until now.” Sandbar replied, mostly being focused on entertaining Yona during their long wait.”

“So is it Yona’s turn for a wish?!” asked the yak, unable to contain her excitement, not only for the upcoming feast she desired, but to see the goat’s magic in action. If she could truly grant wishes, it was surely a grand spectacle to behold.

“It is,” Atamanna said, “Follow me, and we will get everything started.” The Djinn beckoned the two into her home, seductively gesturing with her hand as she slipped back inside for them to follow, as if trying to lure a lover to bed.

Yona, in her innocence, didn’t second guess the goat’s gesture, blindly entering the tent so she could get her wish. Sandbar, suddenly feeling a slight bit of foreboding about this, paused. For some reason he felt like there was something wrong about entering inside after the goat, as if something was warning him not to go past the gaping maw of her home.

“Is Sandbar coming in with Yona?!” the yak called from inside the cloth structure.

Hearing his friend’s voice, Sandbar shook his head dismiss what his instincts were making him feel, “Yeah, I’m coming!” he yelled, entering at a brisk pace so as not to be deterred by his thoughts again.

Once inside, Sandbar suddenly felt much calmer, as the scent of incents filled the air, and the scene of the goat’s glamorous, yet modest Saddle Arabian themed home met his eye. He was almost mesmerized by the combination of the shimmering rubies the woman had strung up from the canopy of her tent, combined with a soft foreign tune from her native country that emanated from some unknown source.

“This is a treat I didn’t expect to have in Equestria,” said Atamanna as she walked through the single chamber of her home, moving her hips in a manner that alluringly shifted her rear from side to side as she made her way to her bed, “It has been some time since I have served a yak.”

“You’ve granted wishes for yaks before?” Sandbar asked, hearing the statement as he caught up with Yona, the goat’s words catching his ears as her movements caught his eyes.

“Long ago,” she answered, looking over her shoulder to her two guests, “It was such a delightful time, I loved having the chance to experience their culture.”

Making it to her bed, the Djinn took a seat, resting her arms behind her and leaned back onto them, which managed to make her breasts more prominent as she took pose. Everything about her movements accentuated sensualism, like she was trying to seduce the parties present with her.

“So, if I heard correctly, my esteemed yak guest is here because she wants to have a traditional Yak feast for her and her friends,” Atamanna said, as she eyed up the female yak before her.

“Yes,” Yona replied, confirming the goat’s assumption, “Yona wishes for her friends to see how good a yak feast can be in person. Yona wants it to be the best yak feast ever happened, greater than any other.”

“Now wait a second,” Sandbar interjected, “Isn’t that asking for a bit much? I know how much yaks like perfection, so don’t you think that’s gonna be har-”

“Oh don’t worry,” Atamanna said, interrupting the stallion’s concerns, “I can grant such a wish, without issue. All I need are the names of those you want to invite to your party.”

Yona gasped, her heart rapidly beating at the boast of the Djinn. “Yona wants all of Yona’s closest friends there! Sandbar, Ocellus, Smolder, Silverstream, and Gallus!”

“Done,” Atamanna said, snapping her fingers, “Do enjoy the feast.”

Yona couldn’t help but smile, but her expression wavered as the world around her started to shake. Everything in Atamanna’s home trembled like an earthquake was hitting, and gradually the lights within it started to dim.

“What’s happening!?” Sandbar shouted, fairly scared of the sudden shudder of reality.

“Don’t you worry,” Atamanna affirmed, her voice somehow over-powering the ever growing rumbling sound, “This is just the yak’s wish being granted. You and your friends have nothing to worry about from here on out.”

Both Sandbar and Yona clenched their eyes shut, hoping that what the goat said was true, as all of Equestria felt like it was falling apart around them.

Eventually, the quaking stopped, but even after it was finished it took Yona a few more minutes to think it was safe to open her eyes. When she did though, she was amazed to see what the wish had done. She had been transported to a grand, Yakyakistani feasting hall, though much larger than any ever seen before. The room itself was massive, decorated with many yakish tapestries and paintings depicting yakish greatness, with a roaring flame stationed across from her, on the opposite side a feasting table that sat between it and Yona, that warmed to perfection as it sat in a huge fire basin. At a mere glance, the feasting hall had to be a quarter a mile long from one wall to the next, the long table in the center stretching down to each end, nearly touching the walls with its length.

A top the enormous banquet table were mountains of Yak made delicacies, cooked to perfection, the delicious aroma of pies, porridge, bread, and cheeses hit Yona’s nose all at once, making her mouth water as she laid eyes on a pile of perfectly ripened fruits piled up to the ceiling, the stack held in position by an assortment of fresh vegetables at its base.

“I hope this is to satisfaction,” said Atamanna, coming into view, no longer wearing her Saddle Arabian belly dancer garbs, and instead wearing a much less revealing, but still very alluring, traditional Yakyakistan outfit dress, tailor-made to perfectly fit her smaller frame. “I know how Yaks demand perfection when it comes to their customs and traditions.”

The goat was correct, but at first sight, Yona could tell that everything was the very depiction of a Yak crafted feast, just at a much grander scale than usual. Even the ambient yovidaphone music filling the hall was played with such expertise that it almost brought the female yak to tears.

“This… is… perfect!” Yona exclaimed, unable to contain her joy. “Yona has never seen a yak feast like this before!”

“Well, you wouldn’t.” Atamanna said, taking a seat atop the feasting table’s edge, grabbing a roasted apple off it and taking a bite, “Yakyakistan hasn’t seen a feast quite like this one in over a thousand years.”

“A thousand years?” Yona asked, curious about the goat’s words.

“Yes,” Atamanna replied after swallowing the fruit in her mouth, “This is an exact replica of the Grand Dining Hall of Prince Buudal, a great figure in Yakyakistan history. How I loved granting his wish for a perfectly crafted kingdom made in his vision.”

“Prince Buudal?” Yona said, not recognizing the name, which was odd seeing as Yak culture revered their ancient leaders, and often told grand tales about their deeds.

“Yes, he was the creator of the yakish concept of perfectionism,” Atamanna continued, “And under his rule, he was able to throw the greatest Yakyakistan feast that was or will ever be had. Which is why in honor of both him, and your wish, I’ve made an exact replication of that event, down to its very participants.”

As soon as the goat woman said that, Yona started to notice that she was not alone, as the presence of many Yaks sitting at the table, in the middle of partaking of the food and drink held upon it, came to her awareness. Others were moving about, unable to be seen momentarily in between the stacks of food that blocked them from being fully seen by Yona, but she could at the very least tell they were more yaks like herself. Looking at them all, Yona eventually spotted an image through the flames on the other side of the room, that of a rather large yak male in leather armor appearing through the fire occasionally when the flames would flick downwards, seated in a throne made of solid stone.

“Is that Prince Buudal?” Yona asked.

“Yes,” Atamanna answered with a bemused chuckle, “Isn’t he an impressive vision of yak power and majesty?”

Yona could admit that even for a yak like herself, who was used to being around large males, Buudal had a mighty and somewhat intimidating form, as even seated it looked like the prince was a foot taller than her, and wore an expression of stern command that exuded leadership from his noble Yak visage.

“Wait, where’s Yona’s friends?” Yona questioned, remembering that her wish was supposed to include all her friends, and just realizing that Sandbar had vanished.

“Oh, they’re around,” Atamanna ensured, “Already enjoying the banquet in their own way. With my powers, I have seamlessly merged them with this replication, and thus they are blended in with the crowd right now. You might not even be able to notice them until I do the same with you.”

“What?” Yona said, clearly confused with what the Djinn was saying.

“At the moment you are disjointed from this scene, completely ignored and unable to interact with it.” Atamanna started to explain, “But I only did that so I could have this moment to inform you of what I did, so you could fully appreciate my efforts. The moment I snap my fingers, you will become part of this recreation, and be noticed by everyone here, then your wish will truly become fulfilled.”

“Yona doesn’t get what goat woman means,” Yona said as bluntly as any yak would in this case, “But appreciates what goat woman has done. So can Yona start eating with her friends now?”

“As you wish,” Atamanna said, snapping her fingers and walking away, “Have fun.”

Assuming that she was able to participate now, Yona’s first thoughts went to her friends. She really wanted to enjoy this gigantic meal with them, since that was the purpose of the wish, but the overwhelming intoxicating scent of the food on the table was a bit too difficult to resist the better of the yak girl. Looking at the size of it, how it appeared to be near endless, it was too much to pass up sampling from the verifiable smorgasbord an inch before her eyes.

The compulsion to at least get one bite was too strong, and so with a lick of her lips, Yona reached for one of the pies on the table, taking it into her hands without a moment’s hesitation. As she did though, something strange came into her vision, as she saw on her wrists something that had never been there before. A pair of thick, metal cuffs, tightly wrapped around her wrists, held together by sturdy links of chain, said links so thick she could tell just by looking at them that even her yakish strength couldn’t break.

This surprise shocked Yona, having no clue where the cuffs came from, or why they were there. With her shock came an increased awareness in her perception, and she started to feel that other things were off as well. Without even examining herself, she could tell by feeling that her legs were likewise shackled together by the ankles, and when she looked down to confirm, she witnessed the most startling thing of all.

“Y-Y-Yona is naked!” she practically screamed, immediately covering her body with her arms, dropping the pie she held to the floor. Instinctually, she made attempts to cover her exposed private areas, but the short length of the chain between them made her two hands have to compete between shielding her breasts and covering her crotch.

Her efforts soon became even harder, as another hand was brought into the mix. One of the male Yaks sitting at the table had gotten up, and in a swift motion snatched Yona by the arm that was trying to cover her tits, pulling both it and Yona’s other arm away from her body as he brought her in front of him.

“Yak cow wasted pie!” he yelled into her face, scaring the shackled female with his angered tone and painful grip on her bicep.

She wasn’t expecting hostility, and combining it with the fear, embarrassment, and confusion she had gotten from discovering she had been stripped, she could hardly defend herself as the male turned, walking down the length of the feasting table while keeping his hold on her firmly, pulling Yona along every step of the way.

Everything was happening so fast, and the yak female was nearly at a loss for thought, let alone words. In a moment the wish turned from a spectacular dream to a horrible nightmare. It only got worse as she was dragged along, as she saw more things that terrified her even further. It had slipped by her earlier, but every yak seated and dining at the table was male, but it wasn’t as if there were no females present. There were plenty, but they were all in the same state of appearance as Yona.

Passing by many a female yak on the way to wherever the male yak was taking her, Yona saw that none of the females bare so much as a strip of real clothing on them, only wearing devices that bound their arms and legs, in the form of shackles and binders that prevented each appendage trapped in them from moving freely. The only other articles on their bodies were small decorative adornments in the form of heavy iron loop rings that went through their areolas, right behind the base of their nipples, and thick bars of the same material inserted into their clitori.

It didn’t stop there either, as the fronts of the yak women had been shaven, creating a large portion of their bodies that comprised of their inner thighs, crotch, stomach, chest, and the front of their throat, that were completely devoid of fur, exposing the supple flesh hidden underneath. As a final shaming act against the female yaks, when looking at their heads, Yona noticed that none of them had horns atop their heads. Not the proud pairs of pointy protrusions one would expect, at least. What they had instead were large stumps, cut down to barely poke out through their hair, as what were supposed to be a beautiful set of yak horns were cut and sanded down.

Seeing all these women, Yona realized she was practically looking into a mirror, as it finally hit her that she had not only been stripped and shackled, but her body had been similarly altered. She could feel a pair of heavy rings in her own breasts move up and down with each step she took, and the movement of her legs caused the newly discovered bar in her clit to become distractingly noticeable as it caused unwanted sensations to travel through her loins. She had partially noticed the lack of fur on her front torso already, but it only seemed to register now, as well as the sudden loss of weight from her head. The horns that had been perched on her head for years were now little more than flat disks, shaved down to the same length of the other females so that they were barely hidden by her hair, which no longer was weaved into the traditional yak braids that her village had honored her with, instead left to hang freely down the back of her head, save for a few strands on either side that manage to slip over her shoulders to her front. A last alteration she sensed through all this was the clear taste of metal on her tongue, which when she moved the organ, the yak found that it was coming from another metal firmly embedded within the center front part of it, going through the top part and coming out the bottom.

“Looks like you’ve already gotten yourself in trouble,” said Atamanna, suddenly appearing aside Yona, walking at a brisk pace to keep up with how fast Yona was being pulled along.

“W-what is happening?” Yona asked, searching for some kind of answer to make sense of this terrifying experience, “Yona never seen yaks like this before!”

“Well of course not,” Atamanna replied calmly, “Cultures can change a lot over time, and seeing how you were able to come to Equestria without escort, and were allowed to wear clothes, I’d have to guess that your people have moved past their old, barbaric history.”

“Barbaric?!” Yona asked, “Yona knows that yaks were never barbaric!”

Atamanna laughed lightly, “Oh trust me, your kind were about as barbaric a culture as they came, but that was well over a thousand years ago. Back then, yaks treated their women as property, and would shackle and shave them as a deterrent from attempting to escape into the cold climate outside of the feasting hall. I would know, I was there.” Atamanna took a moment to wistfully take in the scenery around her, the sight of it nostalgic for the goat, “I’m not surprised you’ve never heard of it though. Seeing how yak females are treated as equals to males now, I’m sure that the yak elders chose to not share stories of their more savage past with later generations. I’ve even heard that Buudal’s grand feasting hall was smashed to the ground, perhaps in order to remove the only monument to his legacy. Pity, really.”

Yona grew angry at the goat’s mocking, and while she was unable to physically resist the yak yanking her around, she was able to voice her anger at the Djinn. “This not what Yona wanted!” she shouted, the impact of her voice physically moving Atamanna’s clothes like they were hit by a gust of wind.

The Djinn herself, though, was completely unphased, and with a slow turn of her head towards the yak, replied by saying, “No, but it is what you wished for. A grand yak feast, greater than all others. Well, there was never and will never be one greater than the one Prince Buudal held. His reign was so successful that he was able to hold a non-stop feast of food, hedonism, and debauchery that lasted for ten straight years.”

“Ten years?!” Yona replied, shocked to learn that a feast could ever last that long. Even the ones she had been to in Yakyakistan only lasted a few days.

“Yes, and now you and your friends will be able to experience it in its entirety,” Atamanna said with a smile, “Isn’t that lovely?”

Yona’s eyes went wide with revelation. Not just because the goat had just told the yak that she would be stuck here for the next ten years, but she had momentarily forgotten that her friends were part of her wish, that detail shunted from her head the moment she was assaulted by the oppressive yak male.

“Where are Yona’s friends!” the yak continued to yell, more for her own sake now than an attempt to intimidate Atamanna.

“They’re around, serving their own role here.” Atamanna replied, “It was easy to include them in this replication, since yaks didn’t just enslave their women, but those of other races from nearby settlements they raided as well. Of course, Yaks never had changelings or dragons as their slaves, but that was a small detail when it came to your wish. Oh look, there is one now.”

The Djinn directed Yona to look back at the feasting table with her hand, and hoping to see one of her friends, she foolishly followed the gesture. The goat was not lying, as when Yona turned her head she spotted a recognizable color combination of pink and blue, as she laid eyes on her hippogriff friend, Silverstream. That, however, only set a new horror upon the yak.

Silverstream was in the same state as Yona, naked, shackled, and her body modified in the form of her wings being clipped down to prevent the horse-bird hybrid from using them to fly. That was not the horrific part of it, though, as what really sent a chill down Yona’s spine was the sight of the Silverstream running her tongue across the exposed cock of one of the yak males seated at the table.

Yona was only able to watch for a few seconds as the hippogriff’s beak went along the length of a sizable yak penis, her talons gentle caressing and stroking the shaft, lewdly rubbing the space between her thighs against the wooden bench that she was laying across, making sounds of delightment as she rubbed her face against the dick. Her behavior could only be defined as that of a whore, which was a depiction of Silverstream she had never thought she’d see in such graphic intensity.

As she was pulled past the sexualized spectacle her feathered friend was making of herself, Yona could only questioningly say to herself, “Silversteam… is enjoying this?”

“Sure looks to be the case,” Atamanna said, “Though I wouldn’t blame the girl if I were you. She isn’t exactly herself at the moment. None of your friends are, at least not mentally.”

At this point, every word and sight that came to Yona only added to her overall confusion, horror, and despair, to the point that it brought the normally loud and boastful yak to silence, even as she spotted what looked like an enslaved Gallus, similarly shackled, though given the dignity of a loincloth to cover his nethers, off to the side of the chamber, grumpily sweeping up small remnants of food from the floor.

“You see,” Atamanna said, seeing the trauma of the situation had finally gotten to Yona, “In order to have your friends be an actual part of the experience, I’ve implanted some personas into them. Your friend, Silverstream, for example, has been given the role of a hippogryph princess who was captured during a raid. This princess lead a boring life as a royal prior to her abduction, but found excitement in being dominated by a hoard of barbarian brutes who see her use as a sex object. It’s honestly a very romantic scenario, one that many women have, and so I’m not surprised she has taken to it so well. It’s certainly more interesting than what I gave Gallus and Sandbar. They will be spending the next ten years as cleaning slaves, sweeping up bread crumbs and mopping the floors, while being tossed table scraps for their work. Don’t worry though, even though they are in character, they still have their overall personalities and, most importantly, their souls. Well… for the most part.”

Yona didn’t respond. She didn’t understand anything at this point, from what Atamanna meant when she referred to ‘personas’, to why she was doing all this to her and her friends. All she knew was that she was trapped, as were her friends, in this nightmarish situation. While she knew little of magic, she could tell that Atamanna’s powers over the reality she was now in were so great that she couldn’t break free of it of her own accord, as the single yak pulling her along was drastically overpowering her. Even if Yona did manage to break free from him, she could tell that the other male yak Atamanna had created would come to restrain her, and should she somehow evade them, she was told already she was in no condition to attempt to flee the feasting hall, if fleeing were even possible.

“I see you have a lot to think about,” Atamanna said, delighted to see Yona’s spirit crush to the point that the yak had stopped resisting, allowing herself to stumble along without so much as a tug against the male leading her, “I’ll give you a moment to yourself, since I think you’ll appreciate this next part more than you’ll want to admit. One bit of parting advice though, relax and just let it happen. This will all go easier if you don’t fight it. You might even come to like it.”

The goat stopped, allowing Yona to leave her behind as she was brought to her destination at one end of the gigantic table. The barbarian yak had taken her all the way to where the table stopped, leading her to the fire pit that she had seen earlier, then taking her past it. It was apparent to her where she was going by now, as if the male wanted to punish her personally, he could have done it at any point along the way, and not traveled what was a quarter of a mile to bring her take her around the feasting table. At this point though, it was clear to the yak female that he was taking her to someone else to deal with her, someone with much more authority.

The male yak finally approached the fire basin, slowing his pace to allow Yona a moment to walk properly only as he made it to the throne that was his destination. “Prince Buudal!” The barbaric yak yelled to the large male seated on the stone seat, giving a small salute and bow of his head as he came to a stop. “This yak cow-!”

“Yak warrior need not explain.” Buudal said, his words calm, but his voice booming like lightly rumbling thunder, “Buudal saw everything. Bring female before me.” The smaller yak male did as he was told, and pulled Yona in front of the prince, positioning her between him and the fire basin, the flame practically licking at the furs on her back.

It was at this moment that Yona discovered another one of her friends, as Smolder’s role in this world was revealed. Prince Buudal had the dragon attached directly to his throne by a chain that lead to a thick collar around her neck, the chain’s length giving her little ability to move away from the fixture, maybe a foot at maximum. That was enough for her to reach the front of the throne though, where she currently resided, on hands and knees, as she solemnly and dutifully licked at Buudal’s hooves, cleaning it with her mouth in a display that would humiliate any dragon, had they seen her in the act.

“Eyes to Buudal, not Buudal’s dragon slave,” The yak prince said, the command in his tone pulling Yona’s eyes away from Smolder and directly to Buudal’s face. Though his eyes were hidden behind a thick portion of a hair, she could feel his gaze piercing into her very being. “Now explain to Buudal why yak cow ruined perfectly good food by dropping it on the floor?”

Yona didn’t know what to say, or if she could say anything. This was, afterall, some world created by Atamanna with the intent of making her and her friends suffer, so something inside her told the yak girl that anything she said wouldn’t matter. That aside, an overwhelming sense of meekness was starting to enter into Yona’s mind, as she witnessed how giant Buudal was compared to any other yak. For the first time since she was very young, the yak felt awfully small.

“Yak cow has nothing to say?” Buudal said as his patience wore thin, “Must Buudal remind yak cow his demands for perfection?”

“No, Prince Buudal. Yona knows she exists to serve.” said Yona, the words slipping from her mouth. The moment that they did, she blinked in surprise, as she had intended to stay silent, and she certainly wouldn’t say she exists to serve.

“Then yak cow is looking to be punished?” Buudal replied, “Was yak cow hoping to get the attention of yak men?”

This time Yona was able to stay her tongue, timidly averting her gaze away, but something about his assumption caused a blush to form on her face. Had Yona kept his eyes on the massive male, she might have caught Buudal holding back a smile, as he took her reaction to his question as a ‘yes’.

“Come here,” said Buudal, his order immediately taking hold of Yona, compelling her to obey.

As the female yak approached, Buudal took his hoof and pushed Smolder aside, making way for Yona. When she stopped, she was directly in front of the male, positioned between his knees.

“Open mouth, tongue out, ” Buudal said, pulling from behind him a small item comprised of bits of leather and a large metal ring with a curved metal rod coming off from it.

Yona once again complied with the prince’s commands, opening her mouth as widely as she could while letting her tongue hang out beyond her lips, all the while not understanding why she was complying. It was as if his word was law in her mind, and there was no resisting anything she was told to do by him.

With Yona’s tongue exposed, Buudal leaned forward and pinched down on the metal rod that was lodged within it, tugging at the metal piece, to Yona’s discomfort. “If yak cow refuses to speak feelings, then yak cow will lose right to speak,” Buudal said, releasing the rod, but only so he could shove the metal part of the object into Yona’s muzzle.

Yona gave minimal resistance as the yak lord slid her tongue through the center of the metal ring, and pushed into her mouth. Once in, the sturdy piece of steel made it impossible for her to pull her jaw shut, her teeth being blocked from joining together by the obstruction. After ensuring that the ring was in place, Buudal took hold of the straps, and proceeded to buckle them together, binding the device tightly to Yona’s head, completing its purpose as a restrictive mouth gag, all except for one detail.

While the gag was now in place, the small curved rod on the ring protruded out off the female yak’s mouth, sticking out far past her lips, traveling along the underside of her tongue. Begin as obtrusive as it was, Yona instinctively tried to push it away with a wet piece of mouth meat, but found her efforts did nothing, except let her know that the rod had a strange hole at the end of it.

Buudal took a moment to enjoy watching Yona’s tongue flail about, but once satisfied, he took hold of the rod within it once more. While in his grip, Yona endured his tugs and pulls as he fiddled around with the stud, having to deal with it as he twisted off a section at the bottom of it, and then screwed the rod into the bar attached to the mouth gag, joining them together as one.

“Try to move tongue,” Buudal said while removing his hands from Yona’s mouth, believing his work to be done.

Yona gladly obeyed, happy to have been released from holding her tongue outside her mouth, but as she attempted to put it back inside, she found that the metal in her tongue held it firmly in place, a metal bulb atop it ensuring that the stud would not slip out of its hole. As it was, Yona could no longer retrieve her tongue, or bring her mouth to a close, which made her, as Buudal has said, unable to speak in any intelligible manner, at best able to make crude sounds from her throat, but nothing more.

“Now,” Buudal said, not yet done with Yona, “Since yak cow has shown she is not perfect at serving yak warriors with hands, yak cow will now serve with body.”

Yona flinched a little at Buudal’s decree, his meaning unambiguous after seeing Silverstream. If she couldn’t be a perfect serving girl, she would be performing the much easier task of being a sex slave. With all the bindings on her, anyone could easily take her against her will in any hole.

“Take yak cow to table, and teach how to be perfect tribe slut.”

The yak that brought her to Buudal took Yona by her shackle chains, and led her back to the table, not bothering to go all the way back to where he had first found her. Instead, he went directly to the closest spot on the table, where others who had watched as Buudal disciplined the female grinned perversely at Yona, having heard they had just been given full access to all the most pleasant parts of her form.

Happily, a few of the yak men cleared away large stacks of food for Yona’s arrival, while others cheered for the new entertainment. On Yona’s arrival, she was lifted up off her hooves and placed on her back atop the table, to become part of the feast.

Having been made prone, Yona became increasingly terrified as males started to crowd around her, and the one who guided her around from the beginning slid himself between her legs, using her ankle chains to create a loop around his body that would prevent Yona from getting away from him. Thusly secured, he undid the waistband of his armor, dropping his leggings to release his engorged cock.

“I suppose you're wondering why these men are so excited with you,” Atamanna said, choosing this time to reappear, laying face down on the table in the opposite direction as Yona, so that only their heads were close to one another. “They’re always surrounded by fine examples of yak women, that you’re think they’d get sick of all the pussy they must be getting.”

Yona couldn’t reply verbally, and honestly was more focused on other things than Atamanna’s taunts, but she managed to give a whine as the man between her legs rubbed the bottom part of his dick against her slit, the length of his cock reaching Yona’s belly button when pushed forward as far as it could go.

Atamanna took Yona’s response as a cue to continue, going on to add, “You see, the Yak women in the feasting hall were usually just there for visual stimulation. If a male wanted to mate, they would have to petition Prince Buudal for the ability to have sex with one of the females. This was done on purpose, as Buudal often only allowed his generals, tacticians, and those who did exceptionally in battle the privilege of using the women, knowing that warriors with pent up sexual frustrations would fight more aggressively when raiding settlements for food, materials, and slaves.”

“AUGH!” Yona yelled, the sensation of her vaginal lips being pushed apart as she was penetrated deeply by a thick yak dick took precedence over the Djinn’s history lesson.

The yak’s suffering got a slight chuckle out of Atamanna, but didn’t stop her from proceeding, “But every male also knew Buudal’s preferred method of punishing disobedient females was through shameful and humiliating public rape, so at every opportunity they would bring a woman before the prince in hopes that the tribe would be allowed to have a go at them. It got so bad that the men started convincing one another that the females were purposely getting themselves in trouble just so they could fuck more often too, which was such lovely, if somewhat self-fulfilling, circular logic.”

The yak male, once inside Yona, wasted no time moving his hips back and forth. While Yona was no stranger to what sex was, this was her first sexual experience, outside of the use of toys or her own rubbings she did in private. The sensations were a strange mixture of pain caused by the yak male’s uncaring thrusts, and a sense of familiar pleasure that Yona recognized from her sessions of masturbation. Strangely, it was the pleasure part that was more noticeable to the yak girl. The filling of her vaginal passage, the rubbing of such a large object inside her inner walls, shot sparks through her, making Yona create loud moans and take sharp gasps of air as the yak male took what he wanted from her.

Knowing this was wrong, Yona made an attempt to push the male away, trapped between her legs as he was, by putting her hands on his chest and pushing, but all this did was prompt the male to take hold of her arms and pin them to the table. Then she tried bucking back at the male with her hips, but this only served to aid the male’s penetration of her, his cockhead making it so far as to press against her cervix.

Her actions failed to impede the barbarian yak in the slightest, as his trusts continued unhindered, his body moving with such fervor that Yona couldn’t understand where he got the energy. It was like he was somehow sapping her of strength to use as his own, as she could feel her body give in to his will the more this act went on. The more it went on, the less control Yona felt she had over the situation, what little she had to begin with, so much so that her body started moving of its own accord. Her torso writhed at the pleasure being sent through her spine, and when that begun reaching its peak, her legs coiled around the male’s waist in reflex. Had her tongue not already been trapped outside her mouth, it would have found its own way to dangle past her lips as euphoria set into her mind, the enveloping feeling of sexual rapture pushing all thought to the background.

By the end of it all, the noises coming from Yona’s mouth stopped having even the hint of protest in them, turning into lewd, animalistic sound that the yak female didn’t even know she could produce, though she was barely aware that she was making them even as they freely flowed from her throat. All she came to know was that she was, despite everything deep within her screaming that she shouldn’t, enjoying being manhandled and forced to fuck. It was shameful, especially for a prideful yak like herself, but she couldn’t help but be aroused by it all. She wanted to express her dismay in a cry, but all that came out was a deep, lust-filled mooing, which only served to embarrass Yona even further.

For the male using her body, the carnal sounds coming from the female at his mercy only served to bring him to climax, as he released the contents of his balls into Yona without restraint or concern that he might get her pregnant. Partially this was because the world Atamanna created couldn’t create new life in such a manner, but mostly it came from the fact that the barbaric yaks of the time also had such a careless attitude towards knocking up their females. For some, it was the only chance they had to sire offspring, so they took every opportunity given.

The yak male came until he had nothing left, his impotent sperm mixing with all the fluids Yona produced through sexual stimulation. When finished, he pulled out, slipping himself out from between Yona’s thighs, only to have another male take his place. The new yak grabbed Yona by her legs, using them to flip Yona onto her front, then pulled her off the table a bit so the appendages could hang over it. Yona was far too exhausted and deep within the bliss of orgasm to fight back, so the new male needed little effort to insert himself into her recently voided pussy to take his turn. Yona’s only response to this were more lewd sounds, the violation of her body starting anew, but this time with no resistance from the yak girl.

What little part of her was still aware of what was going on didn’t know why she was allowing this without a struggle, but the rest of her was telling her there was no avoiding it. There was a line of yak warriors forming behind her, and each was going to do with her as they pleased. After that was all done, and she had a rest, she might be able to regain some control, but for now she was just going to have to endure it. Besides, she could feel the pleasure building inside her again, and if their intent was only to fuck her into a massive string of climaxes, why not let them?

The same part of her that wanted to resist knew that last thought wasn’t her own, but it was being drowned out completely by that newly created part in her. Pushing the negative voice even deeper into her subconscious, a smile formed around the gag in her mouth, desire vetoing reason at this time, and as it took shape, another smile was created. One on the face of the goat woman looking the defeated yak woman in the face, taking enjoyment at the creation of the helpless sex slave before her.

Back at the Djinn’s tent, Atamanna was comfortably laying on her bed, taking a puff from a hookah stationed aside it as she looked into a ruby in her hand, having never once left her home since the granting of Yona’s wish.

In the gemstone’s reflection, she could see all that went on at the feasting hall, the pocket realm being contained within the ruby itself. At her will, the Djinn could watch what Yona and her friends were going through, a simple thought allowing her to focus on one of the six victims held within. The Atamanna that appeared in the wish formed realm, that was merely a shadow sent in to torment the six, appearing only to tease and inform them all on how screwed they were. Not that it was needed, seeing as Buudal and the other males would see that their lives inside the gem would not be pleasant for them, or at least not pleasant for their souls.

The shade version of herself had explained what would happen to Yona and her friend very poorly, which was by design. Each of them would be told the others had been mentally altered by the goat, when the truth was that they were all being affected by the realm itself. They would all be influenced by their new reality, their minds individually filled with thoughts that guided them into the roles created for them, while leaving the tiniest bit of them behind to remind them that this was not how things were supposed to be.

Having seen all she wanted from Yona’s introduction to the realm, Atamanna displayed the extent of control she had over the pocket dimension, and caused the entirety of it to go forward several years, the Djinn able to control time and space within her creation freely. Suddenly a new vision of Yona appeared, one who had endured every moment of the time that the goat had skipped past, and was now reluctantly acting as Buudal’s personal serving girl. The Prince had apparently taken a liking to her, chaining her to his side like he had Smolder, so that he could take satisfaction of her company and body at his convenience as she was forced to stand in spot, holding food for the yak prince to eat from at his leisure.

Zipping forward the clock another few hours, Atamanna was able to find that being a food holder was not the only job given to Yona by the prince, as the massive yak had apparently decided to make her his personal cock cleaner as well. The sight of the female yak being on her knees before the prince, his hand on her head as he pushed his sizable shaft down the poor yak’s defenseless throat, as the mouth gag he had used to remove her ability to speak was still there after years of it originally being affixed to her head, allowing Buudal easy access to the shove himself down the orifice without obstruction. Unable to close her mouth or fight against the giant yak’s strength, Yona could only do what she could to please the male faster, in order to make the time that her throat was stuffed by his dick as short as possible.

“Looks like the girl learned the trick to surviving in that world,” Atamanna said, taking another puff from her pipe, “But her suffering will not be so easy.”

Atamanna, focusing a fraction of her will on the gem in her hand, caused the vision of the female yak to slow to a crawl, making a change in the flow of time that she saw Yona’s own perception of reality in real-time. The goat would have hated for Yona to miss out on any moment of this throat fucking due to her own haste, the feeling of his hair covered shaft brushing her throat and the taste of the yak prince’s dick sweat coating her taste buds being too much of a privilege for one to pass up. So if the yak girl insisted cutting this privilege short, Atamanna would ensure that even that brief moment in time was savored. By the realm’s relative perception of time, only a few minutes would pass, but to Yona this, and every forced fellation after she didn’t take her time to properly endure, would feel like hours to the poor girl.

“Now, how about those other lost souls?

Atamanna changed the gem’s focus to Sandbar, who had spent his time as a house slave, working alongside Gallus. The two males were not too far away from Yona’s current position, pushing brooms to pick up the bits of food haphazardly dropped from the mouths of their captors, finding it difficult to not shift an eye towards the prince as his cock received a cleaning of its own.

“I can’t believe that they do that stuff out in the open like that,” Gallus said, a hint of jealousy leaking through his disgust. Being around naked women and acts of sex, forbidden from doing anything to relieve his sexual tension for years, kept him incredibly frustrated.

“Yeah,” Sandbar agreed, of like mind with the gryphon, “But sometimes I wish I could get in on that action.”

“Yeah… me too,” Gallus admitted, his cock poking out a bit from behind the small piece of cloth that acted as coverings for his crotch.

Hearing the words ‘I wish’, Atamanna perked up, and happily snapped her fingers. “As you wish, boys.”

Next thing the Sandbar and Gallus knew, a pair of yak males came right up to them, ripping the two from their tasks. Yaks weren’t openly gay during that time period, but the wish took precedent in this situation, and not long after the two found their loincloths torn off, and their rumps stuffed by large pieces of yak meat, being bounced in the laps of the two large males, as they both got a promotion from cleaning staff to public sex slaves.

Atamanna lingered on the image for a moment, but then went to spy on Ocellus. She had it fairly easy in comparison, as she was allowed to be near Silverstream near constantly in order to keep her fed, the hippogryph able to produce large amounts of love, even in this situation. The changeling was little more than a serving girl to Silverstream’s master, the yak general who had claimed the hippogryph as his personal love slave, at least that was the backstory created for that particular character in this realm.

Using his influence, he managed to get both the girls all to himself, and with Silverstream being so affectionate, there was little need for Ocellus to do more than bring him whatever food was outside his reach.

“Oh, master~” Silverstream cooed, her arm wrapped around the yak’s bicep as she seductively rubbed the barbarian’s chest fur, “Have I told you today what an honor it is to be in your service?”

Taking a bowl of porridge from a tray in Ocellus’ hands, the yak slipped it down before he replied, “Bird pony says that, but yak wonders if bird pony means it.” He had heard the words uttered daily from the hippogriff, and had long since assumed she was just mouthing the words to get his favor and avoid punishments.

“Of course I do!” Silverstream replied, Atamanna not sure if that was just the hippogriff’s role speaking, or if she had actually taken a liking to the reality she resided in, “There is nothing I want more than to be here with you.”

“Nothing?” the yak said, still questioning Silverstream’s loyalty, “Then if yak offered bird pony freedom, would bird pony refuse?”

Atamanna laughed at the question. Ancient yaks never released a prisoner, nor broke a slave’s bonds of servitude. This question was merely a test for the hippogriff, to see if she wasn’t lying to her master. If she said she wanted to be free, then she would receive punishment, but if she refused the offer, he knew that she belonged to him. The hippogriff did seem conflicted by the question, the small part of her that was Silverstream clearly trying to break out of character.

At some point her two halves must have met at some sort of middle ground, cause when she gave her response to the question, it came out as, “I do love you, my master, but I’ll admit that sometimes I wish I could see my family again.”

Atamanna froze when she heard those two magical words hit her ear, as the possible consequences of such a simple wish went through the Djinn’s mind. With a maniacal laugh, Atamanna snapped her fingers, and the wish was granted. Seconds later, the doors to the feasting hall opened, revealing a group of yaks coming in from the desolate, frozen landscape outside that was shrouded in a never ending blizzard, with a group of hippogriffs towed into the hall via the shackles that all slaves of the yaks wore.

The door had never opened prior to this moment, and so all eyes were brought to it instantly, including those of Silverstream, who instantly recognized who the new arrivals were. It was her father, Sky Beak, her mother, Ocean Flow, her brother, Terramar, her niece, Princess Skystar, and her aunt, the regal ruler of Seaquestria, Queen Nova. All of them looked bewildered, completely clueless as to how they got where they were, and of how they came to be put in chains.

Silverstream, at the sight of them all, instantly broke her role, knowing that these were not illusions, but her actual family who had somehow been brought here to suffer alongside her. Her mouth went agape with horror, her body trembling when she started to understand that they appeared the moment she brought them up, as though she had summoned them.

“Looks like bird pony got her wish,” said her yak master, happy with this new development, “Now bird pony can serve with no regrets.”

As the new guests were publicly stripped of all forms of clothing, protesting as several yaks tore the fabric away with their grabby hands, Atamanna could only take joy from their misfortune. They too would eventually succumb to a ‘role’ the realm bestowed on them, and become part of the world as former royals reduced to mere slaves to the yak. The entirety of Mt. Aris and Seaquetria’s royal line was now trapped, and the goat was finding it hard to contain herself as she thought about how the kingdoms were probably in a panic at this very moment in their disappearance. It was an amazing stroke of luck for the Djinn that Yona had handed her a creature of royal descent on a silver platter, who in turn handed her a princess and a queen. There was only one more thing she had to do before allowing all her new prisoners to experience their prison without her interference, for now at least.

With a mere thought, Atamanna made all the events that had happened in the ruby, including the years that she had skipped, reverse all the way back to the beginning, and then let time flow normally once more. Everything had reset, and none inside the gem were the wiser. Yona was back to being excited that her wish had come true, while the others were just being informed of what hell the yak mistakenly brought them to. Everything would play out exactly the same, and the hippogriffs that had joined years prior would be held in stasis until it was time for them to join in.

This world would play out as it was supposed to for ten years, unless Atamanna changed something herself, and once that ten years was finished, it would all reset over and over, with those inside never knowing how many times they had lived through the same grand feast. Yona had wished that she and her friend could experience the grandest yak feast ever, and now they would do so for as long as the Djinn saw fit.

Filly Follies and Coltish Conquests

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“Can’t talk now Princess!”

“Yeah, we got some girls to find!”

Those were the words of two colts on mission as they bolted past the Princess of Friendship. Snips and Snails had waited a long time that morning to get audience with the wish granting goat genie that had been the talk of the town that morning, and when given anything they could possibly desire, from endless supplies of pudding, to being good at schoolwork and sports, to being rich and famous, there was one wish that they determined to be the best option.

“We wish for girlfriends who’ll love us and not laugh at us.”

It was such an innocent wish, to look for love at such a tender age. Atamanna could only smirk at the purity behind it.

“I have no issue granting this wish,” said the Djinn, “I’ll even make the wish as good as I can… as a reward. From now on, any girl that you kiss on the lips will become your devoted and loyal girlfriend, falling deeply in love with the kisser. Enjoy you two.”

Those words floated around in Snips’ head as he ran through Ponyville with all his might. Any girl in Equestria could be his with a simple smooch. The same applied to Snail, who seemed to be excited about the prospect as well, but Snips didn’t think his slower witted friend had thought this through as far as he did.

This was practically confirmed when Snails said, “Uh, where are we going again?”

Snips already had somepony in mind, and was determined to get there as fast as his chubby body would let him. Lungs burning, legs feeling like lead, he went full sprint from one side of Ponyville, to the other, all while thinking about a certain red maned filly.

When Snips finally came to a stop, forced to stop when even his adrenaline filled veins was not enough to keep him going, both he and Snails had made it all the way to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Are you okay?” Snails said, watching his friend take short, deep breaths as he leans against a tree to keep from falling over. “If you were hungry, we could have stopped at Sugarcube Corner.”

“No... stupid,” Snips said, slightly frustrated that he was being delayed even a moment from his goal, “We’re not… here to eat…”

“Then what are we here for?” Snails questioned, almost having forgotten why they were running in the first place.

“I’m here…” Snips took one deep breath, trying to get out the rest of his thoughts without another huff, “Because there is a girl I like here and I want her to be my girlfriend!”

With his free hand, Snips covered his mouth, having said that last bit a little too loudly.

Luckily, it didn’t seem like anypony was around to hear it except Snails, who was silent for a moment, but then gave a gasp, “You don’t mean… You’re in love with Applejack!”

Snips groaned, “Not Applejack. It’s… Applebloom.”

The confession came out with a degree of difficulty for the unicorn colt, Snips having formed a crush on her some time ago, during the cutie pox incident, when she showed him a bit of attention during her loopty hoop demonstration. Ever since, he had always had a bit of a thing for the farm filly, but never could work up the nerve to tell her, the possibility of rejection too much for him to bare.

“Hey, good choice,” Snails said, “Well then, what are you waiting for?”

“What?” Snips replied, expecting to be made fun of over his decision.

“We got that wish from the genie, so if you want her, then you should go get her,” Snails said, thinking about the matter as simply as possible.

Snails was right of course, this was the reason he made the wish to begin with. He had the power to make sure that Applebloom would love him, having caught his breath, there was nothing stopping him from fulfilling what he had ran all that way to do.

“Come on,” Snips said, “I think I know where she’ll be right now.”

As the two colts made their way through the orchard of Sweet Apple Acres, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were at the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ clubhouse.

“As soon as Scootaloo gets here, we’ll head up that hill to get what we need to help Chipcutter get his cutie mark.” Applebloom said, both she and Sweetie Belle having plotted out exactly what they’d need to do for a recent cutie mark related problem that had been brought to their attention.

“I hope she’s not over sleeping again,” Sweetie replied, the two having waited for some time already for the third part of their trio.

Both fillies were ready to get to work, doing what they were born to do, and helping fillies and colts get their cutie marks, but they couldn’t start until Scootaloo was with them. Sitting on the floor, the two were expecting to leave on their mission at a moment’s notice.

So when a couple of knocks came to their ears from the club’s door, Applebloom’s immediate response was, “That’ll be her now!” As she lifted herself off her rump.

“But… Why is she knocking?” Sweetie Belle asked, the club’s door never being locked, and of the three of them, Scootaloo was the most likely to just barge in.

Applebloom did think it was odd, but didn’t think anything beyond that as she got to the door. With a turn of the knob, the earth filly pulled the door open, and behind it were the two unicorn colts, prompting the earth filly to say aloud, “Huh? Snips and Snails?”

Snails was to Appleblom’s left, politely standing on the club house’s porch with his hands held behind his back. Snips, on the other hand, was looking a bit nervous, rubbing his hands together anxiously with a look on his face that made Applebloom think he did something wrong. She was wondering if something had happened, something he didn’t want to share with an adult, because the two colts had come a long way to, assumedly, see her or the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“What in tarnation are y’all two doing h-?” Applebloom continued as she took a step outside of the club house’s interior, almost completing her thought, until Snips made his move.

The moment Applebloom got close enough, the colt stepped forward and brought his hands to her face. Clasping the earth filly’s head firmly, pulling it to him as he pushed his own forward with one thought on his mind; locking lips with Applebloom and sealing the deal that he made when his wish was granted. Tilting his head slightly to make sure his horn wouldn’t ram into the girl’s forehead, he planted himself onto the two fleshy pillows of flesh that formed Applebloom’s mouth, and prayed to whatever gods would listen that the goat wasn’t just messing with him, a thought that hadn’t entered his mind until this very moment.

Applebloom couldn’t move, at first because her disbelief made her freeze in place as a boy stole her first kiss. She, of course, knew that she wanted to remove her lips from his as soon as possible, but the thought of a boy so brashly planting a smooch on her lips made her body tense up so tightly that she could hardly move a muscle. This wave of frantic thought happened in less than a second, but before that small moment in time reached its conclusion, something started to change inside the earth filly.

The young mare could feel the resistance she had against the forced kiss turn to mush, and her body relax as it gave into Snips’ brutish advances. Before another second passed, Applebloom had forgotten why she was in any way apprehensive in the first place, her racing heart slowing down a little from shock, but staying fairly high as excitement started to fill her instead. By the time a third second came, the only thing she could think about was how amazing the kiss felt, how attractive snips was, and how much she loved him for… Well the only answer she could come up with was ‘for just being him’. When the forth second came, Applebloom’s thoughts on Snips had been changed so much that she was totally enamored with the colt, every memory of him to that point becoming admirable and spectacular to her.

After that, Applebloom could only look at Snips with thoughts of pure love for him. Hearts formed in her eyes as she joined in on the kiss as well, releasing a light moan of enjoyment as she put her arms around the unicorn colt, as if to tell him he could do as he pleased from here on out. When Snips felt her accept his affection, he was ecstatic that the goat had done exactly what she had said, and took the kiss a step further.

He had seen adults kiss before, and the lengths a kiss could go when two ponies really loved each other, and since he believed that he and Applebloom now had the peak of affection for one another, he went ahead and took their relationship to the next step. Sliding his hands down from Applebloom’s face, positioning one hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip, he pulled her in closely, their chests touching one another. Having brought himself this far, he showed little hesitation when he proceeded to slip his tongue into the filly’s mouth, as he had seen his dad do with his mom once when they thought he had left the house.

As innocent as the colt was in his intentions, he was giving Applebloom a very adult kiss, running his tongue over hers, as he assumed a kiss like this was done. Applebloom, being less experienced in even the mechanics of such a kiss, but compelled to find everything Snips did as attractive and desirable, returned his affections, rolling her tongue over the one invading her muzzle, following it into the unicorn boy’s mouth where she began exploring it with newfound determination, wish instilled passion guiding her actions.

Thinking back to the way his mom and dad kissed, trying to remember everything he saw like it was an instructional display, he did the next thing he remembered happening, and put the hand on her shoulder into her hair. It felt so nice in his hand, like silky strands between his fingers. Snips could see why adults liked kissing this way. He became so caught up in it all, that his body almost moved on to the next step he remembered automatically, with his hand taking hold of the lovely mane, before giving it a firm tug.

“MHMMM!” Applebloom screamed into the colt’s mouth, the pain of her mane being pulled forcing it out of her.

Immediately, Snips let go and broke the kiss completely. He had seen his mom react positively when she had her mane pulled during a kiss, but didn’t really understand why she had reacted that way. With everything else going as it was supposed to, he believed that must have been the right thing to do, but now he was terrified he might have hurt Applebloom. He might have brain washed her into loving him, while not understanding that was what he had done via his wish, but he didn’t want to hurt the girl.

“Are you okay?” he said, panicked, “My hand moved on it’s own, a-and…”

“I’m okay,” Applebloom said, rubbing her head a little, “Actually, it felt kinda... nice.”

“R-Really?” Snips asked, still not sure how that could have felt good.

“Yeah,” Applebloom reasserted, “Ah wouldn’t have thought somepony yanking my mane would have felt pleasant, but something about it felt like it jump started every part of my body.”

As the earth filly rubbed the pulled part of her scalp for a few more seconds, Snips could notice that she was wearing a never fading smile on her face. Not a big one, but enough to tell him she was not bothered by what he did. From what he could tell, she really was fine. Possibly even happy about it.

“Wow, I guess it worked,” Snails said, going to Applebloom’s side to get a better look at what he assumed was his best friend’s new girlfriend, “Way to go, Snips.”

“You guess what worked?” Applebloom asked, finding what Snails said odd. If he meant the kiss, there was nothing strange about her letting him kiss her like that. As far as she was concerned, she had always loved Snips, and was just waiting for the moment for him to do something like this.

“Applebloom, are you okay?!” Sweetie Belle said, running to the door after overcoming the sight of one of her best friends being aggressively kissed by Snips.

From her perspective, it looked like Snips just kissed her out of nowhere, and at the very least that had to be unpleasant for the farm filly. The unicorn wanted to make sure Applebloom wasn’t traumatized, and then scold Snips for pulling such a disgusting trick, but the moment her hoof touched outside the door, her way became blocked by a face coming in her direction.

It was Snails, swinging his head from behind the doorframe with speed that belied his namesake. Having heard Sweetie coming, and saw her about to exit the tiny shack, he made his move. With incredible precision, he landed his mark, and planted a quick, light kiss right on Sweetie’s lips. The kiss he gave was neither mature or romantic in nature, like the one Snips gave, but for the purposes of fulfilling the wish, it didn’t have to be. The moment the kiss was planted, was the very moment her destiny was changed.

Unlike Applebloom, Sweetie Belle already had a colt that she considered her boyfriend, an earth pony named Button Mash. The wish didn’t care about that though, and just like with Applebloom, Sweetie started to believe that she had always had a crush on Snails. The unicorn filly still had all the memories of her and Button, but they quickly became skewed. What were once the best moments of her young life became clouded with the belief that while she had a good time dating Button Mash, that all those times she would have rather been with Snails. The filly couldn’t take so much as a step backwards before this all happened, her mental image of Snails making that of her now ex-crush look pale and pathetic, love she once had for the earth pony colt now belonging to him.

Once the wish had taken hold, the only thing she could have said about Snails’ invasion of her personal space was “Woah”, having just been kissed by the colt she had a life long crush on. She could feel her face turn red and her body heat up as an intense feeling filled her being. She was not ready for the colt she loved to just kiss her out of nowhere, but now he had and there was no going back.

“Hey Sweetie,” Snails said, letting himself into the clubhouse, “I was wondering if you’d like to be my girlfriend.”

Snails was being as subtle as a rampaging apple cart rushing down an active volcano, but his bluntness didn’t matter. Though Sweetie was filled to the brim with embarrassment, that string of words forced her reply.

“Yes! Thank you!” Sweetie said, rushing to Snails to embrace him in a hug. There was nothing else she ever wanted to hear more in her life, and she felt privileged to be the filly Snails had chosen to be his.

“I didn’t know you were in love with Sweetie Belle,” Snips said, his friend never having shown an interest in the white unicorn before.

“What do you mean?” Snails questioned in his usual, goofy way while looking over his shoulder at his friend, “We wished to have girlfriends, not to be in love with somepony.”

Snips slapped his face. Snails didn’t understand what a girlfriend entailed, and just picked the first filly that had come his way. While Sweetie Belle wasn’t a poor choice by any means, Snails was now going to be stuck with her, even if he decided he wanted somepony else down the line. You could only have one special somepony, after all.

“What’re ya’ll talking about, Snips?” Applebloom asked, completely oblivious to the weirdness of Sweetie and Snails suddenly becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.

“Oh, nothing,” Snips deflected, unsure on how deeply the wish kept the one they kissed held in the enchantment.

“Really?” Applebloom said, clasping her hands behind her back while bending forward slightly, being childishly flirtatious with the colt in front of her, “Because Ah heard something about ‘girlfriends’, and Ah’m starting to think ya came here for more than a quick smooch.”

“W-Well yeah,” Snips said, not expecting Applebloom to be so forward. Then again, she never was the one to shy away from saying what she thought, “I was wondering… If you’d be my… Girlfriend?”

“Well it’s ‘bout time you asked me that.” Applebloom replied, “I was startin’ to think that I’d have to make the first move.”

“So that’s a yes?” Snips said, still partially questioning if anything that had played out that day was real. Sure, he had made the wish, and it was happening just like the Djinn said it would, but everything felt so surreal.

Applebloom’s smile widened, her pearly whites on full display. For the poor, wish controlled filly, this was a dream come true.

A short time later, a certain orange pegasus made her way to the Cutie Mark Crusader club house, blazing a trail through the orchard on her scooter. She was late, but she knew that she was not late enough that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle would have started cutie mark assisting duties without her. If anything, they would have tracked her down before heading off on their own.

So when she got to her destination, parked her scooter, and climbed the ramp up to the club’s door, she had no doubt that her friends would be inside when she opened the door. What she didn’t expect was who else might be there, and what everypony would be doing.

Turning the knob, the pegasus swung the door open, announcing her arrival by saying loudly, “I’m here!” A part of her expected the other two fillies to be startled, but when the scene inside met her gaze, what she saw made her jump instead.

Sweetie Belle and Snails had taken up a position in the center of the single room building, laying face to face on their stomachs, propping their head up with their arms as Sweetie looked lovingly into Snails’ eyes, the colt wearing a pleased smirk, the two unicorns so close to one another they were casually rubbing horns. They exchanged light kisses with one another, Sweetie Belle having picked up the lower half of her legs to happily kick them back and forth between each tiny peck, and giggling with joy each time one was completed.

As bizarre as seeing Sweetie kiss a colt, one that wasn’t Button Mash, was to the pegasus, it was nothing compared to what Applebloom was doing. She and Snips had taken up residence in one of the corners of the room, Snips using a wooden crate stored in the club as his seat, while Applebloom used Snips’ lap as hers. The two were going at it, making out at full force as Scootaloo could see their muzzles create small bulges from time to time as one of their tongues pressed into the inside of the other’s cheek. The pegasus had never seen two foals give one another such an intense kiss, and she reactively covered her eyes when the two momentarily broke the kiss to take a breath, both heavily panting with their tongues hanging out, a steadily drooping string of saliva still connecting the two together while they were separated.

The two stayed apart only for as long as it took that piece of viscus fluid to snap, and then they were back too it, both making elated noises that sounded more adult than any pony their age had the right to sound. When Scootaloo spotted through her fingers that Snips’ hands were beginning to wander around Applebloom’s body, the pegasus decided it was time to put a stop to this.

“Uh, girls…” Scootaloo said politely at her friends, fairly mortified about the situation she was in. Her embarrassment waned a little though when she saw that everypony else in the room was just ignoring her. So again, she called out to the other fillies in the room, repeating “Girls”, but with a bit more confidence this time. Once more, no response, which really annoyed the pegasus. So taking in a deep breath, Scootaloo let loose her voice as loudly as she could, yelling “GIRLS!” so loudly that no pony could pretend she wasn’t there.

As expected, everypony stopped what they were doing, Applebloom having to take a moment to wipe some spittle from her lips when she realized there was another pony present. “Scootaloo,” the earth filly said, her face becoming flush, “How long have ya been standing there?”

“Long enough,” Scootaloo replied, “What the hay has gotten into you all? You didn’t mix up another batch of love potion, did you?”

“Oh goodness, no,” Sweetie Belle replied, picking herself off the ground, “Snips and Snails just came over today and to ask us to be their girlfriends, and we-.”

“Said yes,” Scootaloo interrupted, “I can see that, but this doesn’t make sense. Applebloom, you never said anything about being into Snips, especially not like… that!”

“Not out loud,” Applebloom admitted, hopping out of Snips’ lap, “But Ah’ve always liked Snips. Don’t you think he’s dreamy?”

Scootaloo watched as Snips went a little red from Applebloom’s compliment, giving a nervous laugh that felt like it was from a little more than public humiliation.

“And you, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said, going to the other member of the group, “What do you think Button will think when he hears about this?”

“Well...” Snails said, speaking his thoughts aloud, “He should just be happy that Sweetie Belle is happy, shouldn’t he?”

“Snails is right,” Sweetie said, latching onto Snails’ arm, “If Button really cares about my feelings, then he’ll want me to be happy no matter what.”

“What? That… That doesn’t make sense!” said Scootaloo, as even she could see the flawed logic in what Sweetie was saying, since it made it obvious that Sweetie wasn’t showing any consideration for Button’s feelings in all this. Knowing that Sweetie was not that kind of filly, Scootaloo walked right over to Snips and grabbed his arm.

“Hey, what are you doing?!” Snips said, startled by Scootaloo’s aggressive actions towards him.

“Hold still,” she replied, yanking his arm outward, inspecting it thoroughly, “I’m looking for evil items.”

Scootaloo didn’t think that Snips and Snails were evil. They were mischievous at times, perhaps a bit stupid, but they never did anything with malicious intent. However, Scootaloo knew from experience that even good ponies could be corrupted if they got a hold of powerful artifacts. She was suspecting that the boys had stumbled across some sort of evil object that were often found scattered around Ponyville, and that was the cause of the weirdness going on.

When finding nothing on his arm, and then the other, Scootaloo resorted to searching the colt’s mane, then lifting up his shirt, and going so far as to grab his pants waist and pull it out to get a quick glance inside. As she did this, Snips openly protested over the whole thing, giving a good amount of “Hey!”s and “Quit it!”s during the whole ordeal. When Scootaloo finished, she of course ended up empty handed, with nothing for her to find, even if her assumptions on there being some evil causing all this were factually true. Still, she wasn’t about to give up, there was one other colt to check. Thus, she bee-lined herself over to Snails.

“Now wait a second, Scootaloo,” Sweetie objected, “You can’t just go around frisking ponies without permission.”

“Aww, It’s ok,” Snails said, “She can search me if it makes her feel better.”

Scootaloo was a little suspicious, but still determined to figure out what was going on. So she went before Snails, and started patting him down, beginning at the bottom and working her way up. Of the two colts, no one ever thought of Snails being the brains of the duo. No one really thought of either being worthy of that title, but least of all Snails, so as Scootaloo’s investigation went on, she started to have doubts that Snails would have anything on him either, as Snips would certainly be the one to hold onto anything powerful if the colts had such a thing.

By the time she was checking his upper torso, she wondered if she was mistaken about everything, as odd as that was. Standing up to eye level with Snails, she relented, “Okay, I guess you’re cle-MMPH!”

With Scootaloo right in front of him, Snails took the opportunity, his head shooting forward to strike. He easily joined lips with Scootaloo, the last thing she was expecting being a kiss from the colt.

The two other fillies gasped, and Snips’ eyes went wide, “Snails, what are you doing?!” he yelled at Snails, thinking that his fellow colt had just did the worst possible thing he could think of.

“I’m getting her to stop worrying about the kissing,” Snails said, believing that he had found a simple solution to Scootaloo’s suspicions.

All eyes in the room were now focused on the pegasus, most wondering how she would react, half of them not knowing about the wish, and Snips questioning if the wish worked the way Snails implied he thought it would. Fortunately for the boys, Snails was right, and the wish was taking effect just like it did with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Unfortunately for Scootaloo, it was not as simple for her to change like they did.

The pegasus felt like her brain was exploding, as newfound feelings hit her hard. She had never felt affection for the colts in her class, never so much as humored the idea, but now a love for Snails was becoming her entire world. It grew until it became bigger than any form of love she had for anything else; more than helping ponies get their cutie marks, more than her tricks and stunts, and even more than her love for Rainbow Dash. For the insignificant amount of time she stayed herself, she felt like she was going crazy, like reality was shattering around her, but when all was said and done, her conversion took no more time than it did the other two girls to complete. The wish was absolute, and no amount of will or frame of mind could prevent it from taking hold.

“How do you feel?” Snails said smugly, able to tell by Scootaloo’s reaction that what he had done what he intended to do, “Ready for another kiss?”

Scootaloo, bent over and breathing a little hard from her drastic mental alteration, looked up at Snails and replied with, “Another kiss like that? Yeah, lets do it.”

Snails took Scootaloo’s hands in his, the pegasus displaying a timid bashfulness that was unusual for the normally outgoing filly as he did, before giving her a much longer kiss right on the mouth. The others watched with amazement, especially Snips, who hadn’t anticipated this outcome. He didn’t expect the wish to be permanent, that it could work on not just any girl, but every girl they kissed. Thinking back on Atamanna’s words, he realized that she didn’t imply any limits to the wish.

From now on, any girl that you kiss on the lips

That was the terminology the goat used, and that appeared to be what she meant. Of course, even if that was what she meant, Snips could see problems with this, problems that could be found in the very room they currently stood in. Turning his gaze away from Snails and Scootaloo, he looked to Sweetie Belle, who looked to be watching the two foals kiss… in awe?

“Sweetie Belle,” Snips said, “You’re ok with this?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sweetie said, “If Snails wants to have another girlfriend, why should I be mad about it?”

“G-Girlfriend,” Scootaloo said, breaking the kiss, “You w-want to be my boyfriend? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my-.”

Snails took the filly’s muzzle into his hand, and guided her into another kiss to silence her. He kept their lips locked until the pegasus relaxed, then brought it to an end to say, “From now on, you and Sweetie Belle are my girlfriends, and will do whatever it takes to make me happy, right?” Scootaloo nodded in agreement as hearts formed in her eyes, wanting more than anything else to make sure that Snails was always happy.

Snips was still in disbelief, not understanding everything that was going on, only able to utter from his lips, “Wha-. I don’t-. how did you-?”

“Geez, It’s not that hard to get,” said Snails, bringing Scootaloo over to Sweetie, “The genie said they would be loyal and devoted. So no matter what we do, they’ll still be our girlfriends.”

Snips couldn’t believe that, but as the two fillies Snails had converted giddily hopped up and down on spot at the prospect of being co-girlfriends with Snails, a thought started to form in his head.

“Hey, Applebloom,” he started, “Would you mind if I wanted to get another girlfriend?”

Applebloom didn’t even have to think about that question to answer, “Do ya want another girlfriend? Iffin’ ya do, Ah don’t mind.”

Snips shook a little, the idea of having any two fillies he wanted to himself a bit exciting. “And what if I wanted… more than two girlfriends?”

“Well how many ya want?” Applebloom asked, “Ten? Twenty? A hundred? Ah really don’t mind that much, so long as Ah can be one of them.”

Snips started to tremble harder, she was serious. He could get as many girlfriends as he wanted, and none of them would ever care that he was sucking face with a bunch of other fillies. Then another idea came to mind.

“What if… I wanted to see…” he said with a gulp, his mind going wild as some urges rose up to the surface, “You and another filly kiss each other?”

“Well Ah’ve never thought about kissing a girl before,” Applebloom said, placing a finger to her chin as she thought about it, “But if ya want to see it, then I guess it might be kinda nice. Yeah, Ah’d do it.”

Jackpot. The wish had opened the door to the colt’s fantasies. A dream he didn’t even think was possible, as he thought relationships could only be done in pairs, was now his reality. While he still liked Applebloom more than any other filly, there were others he had as second and third choices, and having tasted of the forbidden fruit of one tree, he was hungry for more.

“But hold up a minute,” Applebloom said, “As much fun as all that sounds, Ah have some questions about all this. How is it that Scootaloo was acting all suspicious of ya both a minute ago, but now she’s ready to be Snails’ girlfriend. Then ya start asking all these questions about other girls… Is something going on?”

Snips didn’t know what to say to that, but Snails most certainly did, “Oh, we wished on a genie that we could have girlfriends, and she made it so any girl we kiss will fall in love with us.”

“SNAILS!” Snips couldn’t believe it. If there was anything that could break the wish, that was it.

The girls exchanged looks with one another, and then looked back to the boys.

“Ya’ll two went through the trouble of wishin’ for girlfriends to get with us?” Applebloom said, more intrigued than outraged.

“That’s so sweet,” Sweetie Belle said, “Like something out of a story book.”

“You two didn’t have to do all that just to date us,” Scootaloo finished, still believing that she had always loved Snails.

Those replies confirmed it, the boys could do no wrong. Even admitting that they had done something to make the Crusaders love them wasn’t enough to make them not love them. Devoted and loyal, no matter what.

It was all a bit much for Snips, who had exhausted himself from self induced stress. He needed a break, at least for today. “Ok, well if that’s settled, then I think it’s time me and Snails went home.”

“Awww, but I wanted to do more kissing,” Snails said, a little upset that he hadn’t gotten as much time with his new toy as he had with Sweetie Belle.

“You can make out more tomorrow,” Snips insisted, “Right now, I need some time to think about how we should move. We can all meet up here tomorrow, first thing in the morning.”

The Crusaders agreed, with Scootaloo saying, “I’ll make sure to be here bright and early.”

“And girls,” Snips added, “Me and Snails need you to keep our wish a secret.”

“Sure thing,” Applebloom said compliantly.

“We’d hate for our boyfriends to get in trouble,” Sweetie Belle agreed.

Now feeling safe about their new secret, Snips grabbed Snails by the arm and led him out of the club house, intent on returning the following morning when his head was more clear.

The following morning, all five foals returned to the club house, with Snips a little more enlightened with his newfound powers. The unicorn colt had done a little testing after telling Snails to go home for the day, stopping at Sugarcube Corner. He had managed to kiss Ms. Cake, which only got him a light scolding and a bit of embarrassment, especially when she refused to give him free cupcakes after, which seemed to confirm that the wish didn’t work on her. It appeared that the wish followed the exact wording of how the Djinn said it, which meant that the kisses would affect any girl, but not any woman.

That was fine with him though, as he wasn’t trying to date adults, and it actually took a load off his mind when it came to showing his mom affection in the future, since the lightest peck seemed to activate the wish. Now that he was sure of how the wish worked, he knew exactly how he wanted to use it.

“I now bring to order the first meeting of The Snips and Snails Girlfriend Committee.” Snips said from behind the Crusaders’ podium.

The three fillies gave a small round of applause at Snips’ announcement, while Snails sat in blissful observation, one of his girlfriends sitting on either side of him.

When finished, Snips went on to say, “We are here today to decide which fillies from school will go to which colt in a draft, so me and Snails can decide now, and not fight over fillies later.” Pulling out a long pointing stick he brought from home, Snips turned around and aimed it to a long, nearly blank piece of white paper that only had his and Snails’ name on it, with a line between them separating them into two sections, “Since Snails already has two girlfriends, I’ll be taking first pick.”

“Sounds fair to me,” Snails said, honestly not that concerned with what particular fillies that he got, just that he got his fair share.

“Ok, then for my first pick I think I’d like… Diamond Tiara,” Snips said, taping a photo of Diamond Tiara onto the sheet. He had spent some time the night prior cutting up one of his old year books, so that he could have visual representation while each colt made their picks.

“Diamond Tiara?” Applebloom questioned, “Don’t ya think she’s a bit stuck up?”

“Well, yeah, she is” Snips agreed, “But I think that with the right colt reining her in, we can adjust that attitude of hers.”

Snips had no doubt that if he got control of Diamond Tiara, he could get rid of her mean streak. One kiss, and she would do anything to please him, even go against her nature.

“If you get Diamond Tiara, then I want Silver Spoon,” Snails said, wanting at least one of the high class fillies.

Snips put Silver Spoon’s picture up on Snails’ side of the sheet, expecting that outcome. “Ok, then I want Dinky Doo.” he said in turn, selecting his first unicorn.

“And I’ll take Sunny Days,” Snails said almost instantly after.

Snips kept placing pictures on the wall as the names were chosen. He would get Key Lime, and Snails would get Peachy Pie. He would get Lily Longsocks, and Snails would get Tag-A-Long. He would get Peppermint Twist, and Snails would get Babs Seed, whenever she came to visit Applebloom next. Each choice came with commentary from Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, mostly with positive opinions after Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were sorted. They were really excited with the idea of creating filly harems for their boyfriends, finding out who would become part of theirs, and eventually helping make it happen when it was time for a new filly to be brought into the fold, by force if need be.

Snips kept adding images up on the wall, never having felt so happy in his entire life. This wasn’t even all he had planned that day, as after this he wanted to decide on harem uniforms, intent on getting Applebloom to get out of her overalls and into a dress. Then he wanted to discuss pet names, dating schedules, and things that all the fillies could do with one another when he was occupied with another girl.

Most of all, Snips thought about how lucky he was to get this wish. For all of his short life, he had been attracted to ponies who had power, both him and Snails acting as lackeys to such ponies on several occasions. Now he was the one with power, a power so great that if he and Snails desired it, any… no, every filly in Equestria could be theirs with but a simple kiss. They say power can corrupt absolutely, and this power was absolute.


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While a line of ponies had formed over at Fluttershy’s cabin, each creature in it waiting to meet the goat woman who could grant them anything they wanted, some ponies were still in Ponyville doing their daily routines. Some had jobs to run, and others were just skeptical that someone would come out of the blue to fulfill their wildest dreams.

Then there was Twilight Sparkle, who who was intrigued in Atamanna, but for a different reason than wanting a wish granted. She simply wished to know more about the genie, who was so different from those the alicorn princess had heard of in lore. After a brief conversation with her, Twilight, along with Starlight and Spike, went to her castle library to look into their guest more, pulling off the shelf any book that contained information on Saddle Arabia, and the myths the nation that might have more truth about them than first believed.

“Listen to this,” Twilight said, an hour into scouring for details, the excitement she had for research guiding her, “I’ve found an entry in ‘Common Misconceptions About Lands Outside of Equestria’ talking about Geniecorns, and their non-pony counterparts. According to it, ‘While Geniecorns are the most common versions of the genie myth, and that their name is actually derived from the word ‘Genieborn’, which fell out of use when the legend of genies became adapted into pony culture, and applies to all creatures who are the descendants of Djinn’.”

“That gets rid of your theory that she’s a draconequus, Starlight.” said Spike, still looking through the shelves in search of any book that they might have missed.

“Not yet,” Starlight said, looking through her own book on magical beings with incredible power, which had entries about both draconequus and geniecorns, “All it means is that it’s possible she’s actually a genie, but she could still be anything else as well.”

“While I agree with Starlight that she might just be some powerful creature pretending to be a genie,” Twilight said, agreeing that nothing had been proven yet about their visitor’s origin, “Right now I don’t see the problem with assuming that she is what she says.”

“The problem is that this book says that genies don’t just grant wishes to anypony passing by,” Starlight said, looking at the entry for geniecorns, “They are suppose to be bound to a magical object, like a ring or a lamp, and those who possess that object may receive up to three wishes.”

“That is how the myth goes,” Spike said, as genie myths were so common that even he knew about them.

“According to this book, that might be a slight misconception,” Twilight said, “It states ‘While legends of geniecorn being tied to some magical object that binds them into servitude, that myth is only tied to genicorn themselves, as in order to protect Saddle Arabia from an arising evil, the geniecorn had to enhance their ability to grant wishes through a pact of servitude.”

“A pact of servitude?” Starlight said, wondering more about what her book was talking about, as her own only touched on the surface level of the geniecorn legend.

Twilight skimmed ahead a bit, curious herself what this pact referred to, “From what I’m getting, while genies have access to wish magic, most can only perform wishes within limitation. Essentially, they can only perform wishes that their level of magic can handle, and if the wish would conflict with a greater magical force, then it simply couldn’t be granted.”

“So you couldn’t wish to have Discord sent to the moon unless the genie was more powerful than him,” Starlight said, just saying the first random example to come to mind.

“Right,” Twilight agreed, giving a small giggle at the suggestion, as she was sure Discord would just snap himself back to Equestria if that happened to him, “And at most times the genie can grant themselves their heart’s desire, but likewise only within the limits of their magical ability. However, if a genie forgoes their own desires to dedicate themselves to the service of others, binding themselves to a magical focus, the genie can use the stored magic inside the focus to enhance their own abilities far beyond what they can normally do.”

“So a genie can use a magical item to siphon magic from to make themselves stronger,” Starlight said, making sure she was understanding things correctly.

“That’s what the book is saying,” Twilight answered, “But from what it’s saying, the only way they can do that is if they do a ritual that prevents them from using their magic for themselves. Thus, the only way to cast powerful wish magic is to dedicate your magic in the service of others.”

“That makes sense,” Spike said, giving up on finding more books on the topic, “So our genie is handing out wishes in order help people, cause that’s what genies do.”

“Hold on,” said Starlight, noticing a detail had been brushed aside, “You mentioned the word ‘Djinn’ again. Does your book say what that is exactly?”

“Not this one,’ Twilight answered, “But you picked up on that detail too, I see. Seeing that Atamanna calls herself a Djinn, I was curious too, so I looked in my copy of ‘Creatures of Legend A-Z’, and found an entry. It appears that Djinn just refers to the original masters of wish magic, ancient beings who could reshape the world around them with a snap of their fingers.”

“Sounds like more draconequus stuff,” Starlight said, as Discord also did that act when performing chaos magic, though admittedly that was just a personal quirk, and not a requirement.

“There’s more though,” said Twilight, grabbing the book she had spoke of, “Cause what I found fascinating was that the Djinn were not just the ancestors of genie, but of another tribe of wish granters called ‘efreeti’.”

“Efreeti?” Spike asked rhetorically, “Never heard of them.”

“That’s because they are intentionally not talked about by Saddle Arabia,” Twilight said, “At one point, the genie and the efreeti went to war with one another, over the fate of Saddle Arabia, and in a way, the whole world. As far as the book says, eventually the original djinn vanished for an unknown reason, leaving behind the two tribes of their descendants to live among the other creatures of Saddle Arabia. While the genie adapted to this change, and used their magic to live in harmony with the Saddle Arabians, the efreeti were not happy, as with the djinn around, they were able to get whatever they wanted, whenever they pleased.”

“Just sounds like they were spoiled,” Spike noted, “But how did that lead into a war?”

“Well while genie used their magic to provide for themselves and others, the efreeti used their magic to play tricks on the Saddle Arabians, by ignoring the intent behind the wish, and making the wish come true in the worst way possible, either for the wisher, or those around them.”

“That sounds like the origin of all those ‘be careful what you wish for’ fables.” Starlight said, trying to piece together how these events were reflected in Equestria’s current myths about genies.

“While the genie didn’t agree with this malevolent wish granting, because it reflected badly on them, they didn’t want to interfere because the efreeti didn’t have the ability to do anything they couldn’t reverse with their own magic. However, whatever the genie could undo, the efreeti could just do again, so there was a huge back and forth of each side using their magic to stop the other from doing what they wanted.”

“Is that how the war started?” Spike aked, becoming intrigued with the story, going over to Twilight to look in the book himself.

“Well the book is a bit vague,” Twilight said, “But it says problems with the efreeti eventually got worse, and one in particular found a way to enhance their wish magic far beyond the rest of the Genieborn.”

“How?” Starlight asked, as that sounded like a very important part of the story.

“It doesn’t say,” Twilight answered, “But it does say that the Genie and the Efreeti went to war over this power, as it was an incredible threat. In the end, the only way to defeat this power was for the Genie to use the pact of servitude, and then have the sultan of Saddle Arabia wish the Efreeti to also enacted the pact, making it so they could no longer freely use their magic, and would join the fate of the genie in being forever bound to the items they drew their power from.”

“But what about that really powerful Efreeti?” Spike asked, “Does it say what happened to them?”

“It doesn’t go into detail, but I suppose they got locked away too.” Twilight concluded, “All it says after that is that the Efreeti, now powerless unless someone made a wish on them, were separated, locked away, and guarded from the rest of the world. This was in the hopes that no one would ever be foolish enough to try and get a wish from them.”

“So taking that into consideration,” Starlight said, “We either have a genie who has figured out how to break their pact, a powerful creature who is acting like a genie for fun, or…”

“An efreeti who somehow escaped from their prison?” Spike said, seeing that was what Starlight was leading into, but questioning if that was really what was happening. “But didn’t Fluttershy vouch for her?”

“It’s possible she’s just acting nice to convince us she has only good intentions,” said Starlight, “Trust me, it’s something that works really well.”

“There is another possibility,” Twilight said, seeing one option Starlight missed, “That Atamanna is being honest about what she is, and that she’s really one of the original creators of wish magic.”

The three exchanged looks, each wondering if that could actually be the truth. Incredibly magical creatures often had a natural longevity, and there was no telling how old one could be. Even genie from the original myth were supposed to be centuries old, so it wasn’t impossible that the masters of wish magic could still be around.

“Yeah, you could be right…” Starlight said, still thinking that all this was too good to be true, “But…”

“But what?” Twilight asked, actually wanting to hear what Starlight had to say, as she appreciated the unicron’s input on these matters.

“Even if they are telling the truth about that, it doesn’t mean that they are here with good intentions.”

That a creature with that kind of power appeared out of nowhere, and just wanted to do things for others out of the goodness of their heart, it was just too hard to believe. While most creatures were good natured, or at the very least not evil at heart, many wouldn’t go so far out of their way to help others, even if they had the power to do so. Discord, for instance, was such an example. Even reformed, he seldom did anything to actually help people with their problems. Starlight hoped she was wrong, but with her own experiences as a villain, she couldn’t help but see the worse of this goat who was offering everything for nothing.

“You’re right,” Twilight conceded, as plenty of creatures with ill intent often wore a welcoming smile while holding a dagger behind their backs, “It’s just that we’ve had this problem once before… Where a stranger came to Ponyville, and turned out to be harmless. That stranger was Zecora.”

Starlight grimaced at that, as she knew that Zecora was a perfectly fine member of Ponyville, and that treating her the same way the same way she was treating Atamanna would have been a mistake.

“I agree though that we shouldn’t just blindly trust someone with as much power as Atamanna claims she has. At the very least we should look more into what these Efreeti were, and how the Genie War took place, but unless she proves herself dangerous, we can’t just stop her from doing as she wants.”

“So what’s the plan?” Spike asked, assuming that the trio had gotten every important detail they could get from the books they had on hand.

“Simple, Spike,” Twilight said, “We need to take a trip to Canterlot and continue our research in the Royal Library. If Equestria has any more information on the Djinn or the Genie War, it would be there. There’s just one problem…”

“What’s that?” Starlight asked, already stacking her pile of books to replace on the shelves.

“We promised Atamanna that we’d go back to her tent tonight to ask our questions, and I don’t want to outright snub her in case we’re wrong to suspect her.” Twilight answered. “So here’s what we’ll do. Spike, you get things packs for our trip to Canterlot. Starlight, you go make arrangements for a carriage to take us there. Meanwhile, I’ll go to Atamanna’s tent and tell her we’ll have to reschedule.”

“Are you gonna be ok going by yourself?” asked Starlight.

“I’ll be fine,” Twilight assured, “It will be a small conversation in order to say something came up, and then I’ll be back in time to help with preparations.”

“Ok then,” Starlight said, “But make sure you don’t say anything that could be considered you asking for something. I think that goat will give you whatever you want at the first opportunity of doing it, and we still don’t even know what that would mean.”

“I’ll be careful,” said Twilight, “But…”

“If you’re not back in an hour, I’m going right to Princess Celestia.” Starlight said, determined not to allow any action against her mentor go unpunished.

Twilight laughed, and headed off to see Atamanna, waiting till she was out of sight to show her nervousness. Starlight’s thoughts, along with her own discoveries, had been convincing enough that she now had her own healthy concerns about a wish granter being in town. It wouldn’t be the first time an ancient evil had come back, and with the potential of wish magic being in the mix, it was more than enough reason for the Princess of Friendship to be worried about a worst case scenario.

Taken For Granted

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After a long day of granting wishes and stealing souls, Atamanna was ready to call it quits for the day. So many of Ponyville’s residents had come to her, asking for their petty desires, not knowing that with a simple request their lives now belonged to the Djinn, some of which she had already claimed for her collection. She took great pleasure in tying a string around the gem containing her latest victims, the yak and her strange assortment of friends, and strung it up to the ceiling of her tent to join the legion of lost souls that were to be forever hers. To her, the gems chimed with the chorus of over a thousand poor creatures screaming in anguish, a tune that in this late hour would sing her to sleep.

Tomorrow she hoped to repeat the process, believing it would take at least a few days for the ponies to notice something was wrong. By that time, she expected to have possession of most of the souls in the village, as so many carelessly made wishes on her. It was only a shame that the princess of friendship was not as foolish as the average pony, or rather the mare with her wasn’t. An alicorn’s soul bound in servitude to her, to suffer whatever fitting punishments the Djinn devised for the hubris of expecting something for nothing, would have been a delightful feather in her cap. Thinking about the alicorn, Atamanna remembered that Twilight was supposed to come back that night, so it was not yet time to turn in for the devilish, near omnipotent goat.

“How to get her to make a wish though,” Atamanna wondered to herself, taking a seat on her bed, tapping her lap to summon Flutterfox to her. “She knows now that any request or acceptance of an offer from me will count…” she said as her transformed pet did as she was commanded, petting the former pegasus’ head as she thought aloud. “I suppose I’ll just have to figure out what she would really want. Even a princess has vices and cravings that must be fulfilled.”

Atamanna gave the victim in her lap a few scratches behind the ear, treating her like a prized pet, and doing nothing to harm the fox further than what had already been done to her. The fact that Fluttershy was little more than an obedient animal was wicked enough a punishment for the shy pony that had allowed the Djinn to be a guest on her land. Not to mention, the sadistic results of her wishes were best seasoned by varying the level of suffering that was handed out.

After a few more strokes of her fox’s fur, Atamanna sensed an approach to her tent. Someone was coming, one bearing a great power within them, which gave the Djinn a good idea of who it was. “She came alone? Perhaps the princess is more gullible than I assumed.”

The Djinn set Flutterfox on her bed, and in the blink of an eye went from her seated position, to standing right next to the curtain covering the entrance to her home. She waited a moment for the approaching presence to get close, and once it was nearly at her door, she opened it wide.

“Princess Twilight, I’ve been-” The goat stopped mid sentence, noting quickly that the pony at her doorstep was not the purple princess, but a chubby pink earth mare wearing the brightest smile on her face. “You’re not the princess.”

“Hi there!” said the pink pony with poofy hair, wearing a midriff exposing yellow shirt with sleeves that went down to her elbows, and a pair of blue shorts, the volume of her greeting nearly reaching a shout.

“Hello,” Atamanna said, her curiosity growing with this mare standing right in front of her.

The Djinn could tell she had not been mistaken when she felt a great power approach, as the earth pony contained some form of magic that most ponies couldn’t hope to match. It was the same level of magic she had felt within Fluttershy before transforming her, and only slightly less than that of the Princess of Friendship’s own power.

That indicated that this mare, in some way, was connected to the Elements of Harmony. In a normal circumstance, having such power within her would have been a threat to even the Djinn, but having already dealt with one element, the others were mostly worthless, for as great as each individual element was, their true power could only be unleashed when used together. As of now, not even Twilight could conjure up magic potent enough to match Atamanna’s. That being the case, all that concealed power only served as a beacon drawing in the goat’s intrigue.

“And who might you be, my pink little pony?” asked the djinn, as introductions were in order.

“I’m Pinkie Pie,” the earth mare replied, “And I’m Ponyville’s official welcome pony!”

Pinkie threw her arms up in celebration, tossing confetti into the air around her, which fell back down onto the mare, clinging to her ample features.

“How amusing.” Antamanna said, legitimately bemused by Pinkie’s antics, “But I fear you are a little late to welcome me to town, seeing that most of the town has met me already.”

Pinkie's smile turned a little sheepish, knowing that the goat woman was right, “Yeah… Today was a work day, and my boss, Ms. Cake, needed me to help at the bakery all day, so I couldn’t come sooner. The second we finished, I hopped on over here to at least say hello.”

“Is that the only reason you came to see me?” Atamanna asked, questioning the mare’s motives, and hoping that her assumptions were correct, as the good natured, pink pony would make for a pleasant addition to her collection of souls.

“Well, I did have another reason to come,” Pinkie admitted, “Some ponies said you were granting wishes for candy, and I absolutely had to check that out.”

“I believe what you heard was ‘passing out wishes like candy’”, Atamanna corrected, “As I’m a Djinn, and I have the power to grant anything your heart may desire.”

“Really?!” Pinkie said, surprised that such a creature existed, “But does that mean you can grant wishes for candy too?”

“I could,” Atamanna said, as such a wish would be as easy as any other, “But is that truly the thing you desire most? I can only grant one wish per pony, so it seems like a bit of a waste to use up a once in a lifetime chance on something you could get from a store.”

While it would have been entertaining to drown the mare in liquid chocolate if she made such a frivolous wish, and then put her on display in a hard, candy encasement, Atamanna believed more interesting results would come from Pinkie Pie wishing for something more important to herself.

“Well…” Pinkie said, putting a finger on the side of her face and looked upwards, as if she were scouring her mind for something she’d like, “Can you really grant any wish?”

“I can,” Atamanna confirmed, “The only limitation is your own imagination.”

Pinkie dwelled hard on something she would want if given the chance. She could ask for the most amazing party ever for her and all of Ponyville, but she had experience in the past when it came to things she liked not being things her friends enjoyed as much. She could wish for something more practical, like having it so she and her friends wouldn’t ever have to fight another villain trying to take over Equestria. Though… she actually enjoyed the adventures she and her friends went on, as it was always a great way to strengthen their bonds as friends, and things always turned out alright, no matter how grim things got.

“Gee, I really can’t think of anything I’d want to wish for.” Pinkie said.

“That’s ok,” Atamanna said, “It can be hard to decide on just one thing you’d want. However, let’s simplify this a little. If there was one thing in the world that you could have, that would make you happier than you’ve been before, what would that be? Something that you want, but have never had the opportunity to have.”

“Oh, that’s easy. it’s-” Pinkie said, then gasped aloud, “I know what I want to wish for!”

“Good. Then how about you come inside, and we can dis-” Atamanna was in the middle of opening the curtain to her tent, when suddenly a pink blur bolted past her as Pinkie made her way inside at speed that defied her plump body, “cuss what you want.” Atamanna wasn’t shocked by the display, as one with the kind of magic Pinkie had inside her could do things most ponies couldn’t. If anything, it bemused the Djinn how eager this pony was to cast herself into damnation, chuckling to herself as she stepped back into her abode. Pinkie would indeed make for an interesting addition to her collection, that was to be sure.

As Atamanna re-entered into her living area, she saw that her new guest was already taking it upon herself to gawk and gaze at everything in sight, from the Djinn’s incense burners, to her assortment of Saddle Arabian decorations, to the rubies dangling down from the tent top, admiring everything, while notably having to resist the urge to touch everything. That the mare could restrain herself to only giving “Oooo”s and “Ahh”s seemed like a trait that had to be learned over time.

“You like my rubies?” Atamanna said, catching Pinkie as she looked at the shimmer red stones hanging down from above, “Most of them come from Saddle Arabia, my homeland.”

“They are very pretty,” pinkie said, blissfully unaware of the gems diabolical nature.

“That they are,” Atamanna agreed, finding a beauty in the suffering and sorrow held within each stone, “But perhaps we should get to the matter at hand. You have a wish for me to grant.”

“Oh, right,” said Pinkie, re-focusing, “But… Are you sure that you can grant any wish?”

“Any that your heart may desire. Though I do hold a certain level of control over what I’m willing to grant. If you suddenly asked for all Equestria to be at your command, I would have to decline, for several reasons.”

“Oh I don’t want anything like that,” Pinkie replied, finding the idea of ruling Equestria silly.

“Then what do you want?” Atamanna asked, one final time.

Pinkie took a deep breath, as what she wanted was a very serious thing to request. Perhaps the most serious thing she had done in her life. If she was gonna ask for this, she had to be sure she was ready, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she really wanted to have this wish granted.

“I want to have foals of my own!” Pinkie said, having to blurt her wish out before she changed her ever spontaneous mind.

Atamanna was somewhat surprised to hear Pinkie ask for something like that, as the mare didn’t seem mature enough to want the responsibility of children. Perhaps she saw foals as something like playthings, as some ponies with childish mindsets did at times.

“A wish for children?” Atamanna said, making sure she understood the wish, though at this point she had all she needed. It was just odd to get such a wish when there were much easier methods of acquiring a child of one’s own, “I would not have expected the maternal instinct to be so strong in a pony like yourself.”

“I’ve been babysitting for the Cakes for a while now,” Pinkie said, giving her explanation, “And I just love taking care of the twins. They are the most adorable little things, and I’d love to have some foals of my own. I could dress them up, and give them baths, and they could be friends with the Cake twins, and-.”

“Alright, alright,” Atamanna said with a laugh, having heard more than she wanted, “I understand your desire. Your wish is granted.” With a snap of her finger, the Djinn set things in motion to give Pinkie Pie exactly what she asked for, causing a foul wind to creep into her tent, carrying with it something from a far away land.

Pinkie, unaware of the life ruining mistake she had just made, was overjoyed by Atamanna’s acceptance of her wish. “Oh my gosh! Really!?” She said, clasping her hands together in front of her face, her smile as big as it had ever been.

“Why of course,” Atamanna said, watching as thousands of grains of sand floated into her residence, gathering behind Pinkie Pie, the mare not paying the phenomenon going on around her any mind. Not that it would change what was about to happen if the pink pony did notice, as by this point her fate was already sealed, “Who would I be to deny you the chance to be a mother?”

“Woohoo!” Pinkie cried out, now jumping with joy, “I’m gonna be the best mommy ever! I’m gonna take them to the park, and teach them how to bake cookies, and then we’ll eat all the cookies together! It’s gonna be so much fun!”

Atamanna kept watching the mare as she displayed her excitement, alternating her gaze to the mare herself, and the pillar of sand forming behind her. If the mare were to turn around now, she would have been able to see that the sand was forming together into a shape; the shape of a male. A rather large male, tall and equine, who’s body mass was nearly twice that of the earth mare, built like a brick wall with solid biceps and abs so solid they looked to be able to deflect arrows, ever steadily nearing completion. It only took a few seconds to build itself up as much as it had, with only the arms and head remaining.

“So…” Pinkie said, her excitement lowering down to manageable levels, “Where are they?”

Atamana smirked, and closed her eyes, not wanting to give away the surprise. “I think that you have overestimated my powers, Pinkie. While I have made it that your wish will be granted, I cannot simply create life on a whim, nor am I some sort of mystical adoption agency.”

Pinkie’s smile began to fade a little, as it was beginning to sound like she wouldn’t be granted a foal to take care of. Before she could speak on the matter though, Atamanna lifted her hand to silence the mare, opening her eyes to see that the sand had completely formed together, and had changed from grains of sand, to a creature of living flesh and blood.

“So in order to fulfill your wish, we are going to have to make your children.”

Atamanna’s words made Pinkie confused, as she hadn’t the faintest idea what they implied. “Make them? What do you me-?”

Suddenly, from behind the earth mare, the sound of a huff being obscured by something hit her ears, while at the same time a current of hot air blew into the back of her neck. The pink pony instantly figured out that she and the goat were not alone, and her smile disappeared completely as she started to piece together a possible meaning to what Atamanna was saying.

Next thing Pinkie knew, a large hand was climbing up her back, running along her spine as it held no concept of personal space. The hand made it all the way up between her shoulders, slipping under her mane, as it got ever more invasive, almost up to the back of her neck as she felt finger tips make contact with the skin just above her shirt collar. The feeling of foreign flesh touching her own snapped the mare out of her shock, and she found herself turning around to face her would be groper, but what she saw made her freeze up again.

Before her was a tower of a man, with grayish tan fur, bulking muscles, wearing little more than a stylized loincloth, and a set of armlets. There was one more thing, but for a split second Pinkie mistook it to be part of the male, before realizing it was some sort of accessory. Around the male’s head was some sort of helmet or mask, or at least that was the best way to describe it. A piece of brass metal, crafted into the shape of a goat, with amethysts socked in its eyes, and small openings in it at the nostrils and underneath the gemstone eyes, where Pinkie could see another set of eyes staring at her, from within the darkness of the helmet’s innards.

Because this headpiece was around its wearer, it made the head seem a little too big for the body, as impressively large as his body was, and the last detail Pinkie notices about it was that there was a slit down the middle of the mask, which in her rising panic she couldn’t understand what it was for, just that it perfectly segmented the brass object into two sides.

Stunned as she was by this imposing figure, Pinkie could do nothing as it grabbed her by the throat, his hand snatching it with the speed and precision of somepony catching a ripened apple that had fallen off of a tree out of mid air. Pinkie struggled against the male, placing her own hands on his, trying to pull herself away as she put all her strength into prying her attacker’s fingers open. It was little use though, as the male’s grip vastly outmatched Pinkie’s, while at the same time having enough restraint to keep from outright strangling the mare.

“Pinkie,” Atamanna said, staying calm as she watched Pinkie’s struggles, “I would like you to meet Azazel, my most beloved servant.”

“S-servant?” Pinkie asked, more out of fear for the moment than a need for clarification.

“Yes,” said Atamanna, “He provides me with many services, and now he will aid me in granting the wish you desired.”

Without so much of a command, Azazel lifted his arm, picking up the heavy earth mare with one arm, not showing so much as a stutter in his action as he did the task with ease. This left Pinkie supporting the entirety of her weight with her head and neck, which caused a bit of physical stress as the mare made ineffective efforts to pull herself up using the large males wrist as a hand hold, her body flailing about in hopes that the sporadic movement would cause Azazel’s grip to slip. There was no such luck though, as the massive creature’s hold was as firm as steel.

With his captive incapable of escape, Azazel took his other hand, and slowly moved it to a place slightly lower to where his gripping hand was, placing his fingers into the neckline of Pinkie’s shirt, a few of them touching her concealed breasts with their backs.

By now, the pink mare could tell that she couldn’t break free, and as scared as she was, figured out exactly what was gonna happen to her. Tears formed in her eyes, her teeth getting together as a sad frown formed on her usually smiling muzzle. As a last ditch attempt to prevent what she believed was going to happen, she looked Azazel in the eye, and pleaded for mercy by saying, “Please… Don’t… I’ve never…”

The male’s response was swift and brutal, as suddening he sent his two arms in opposite directions, lifting the mare up even higher, while thrusting the hand in her shirt downwards. The result of this action caused her shirt to tear, not from the front, but from the back, as the force pulled it from her body completely. In the same motion, Azazel’s finger caught hold of the earth mare’s bra, snapping its strap hooks, and pulling it off completely as well. Her undressing didn’t end there though, as somehow this hulking creature was a master of tearing clothes off a female, managing to get his huge finger in the space between Pinkie’s belly fat and her lower garments, hooking not only the loop of her shorts, but waist strap off her panties as well. In a single movement, Pinkie went from modestly dressed to embarrassingly naked, her large tits, thick thighs, and untouched pussy exposed to all in the tent, as the tatters of fabric that remained of her outfit were casually tossed to the floor. For Pinkie, it was a struggle to take in what had happened, the reality of what was being done to her too horrible for most to mentally endure.

“Very good, Azazel,” Atamanna said, clapping her hands in approval, “You will be an excellent stud for your new mate, and you have prepped her in record time.”

‘Mate’. There was the word that confirmed Pinkie’s fears. Atamanna said that they’d have to ‘make’ the children she wished for, thus she intended to have Azazel rape her to fulfill the wish.

“Wait!” Pinkie screamed, still able to talk, Azazel managing to refrain from squeezing her windpipe, no matter how forceful he was being, “I take it back! I don’t want to get pregnant!”

“Oh Pinkie,” Atamanna said, a dismissal of the pony’s fear and objection to her treatment in the goat’s tone, “I’m afraid I can’t call Azazel off. Once a wish has been made, it must be fulfilled. Besides, I honestly wouldn’t stop this if I could.”

“You.. WANT him to rape me?!” Pinkie yelled in shock, understanding now that Atamanna wasn’t as benevolent as she presented himself. “No, no, no! Somepony, help!”

“Scream all you like,” Atamanna said, picking up her pet fox to stroke its fur, “No sound escapes my tent. Even if it did, we are far away from Ponyville, and the closest pony that could have heard you has already been taken care of.”

With the mare in his grip stripped of her garments, the only requirement for Azazel to begin breeding her was fulfilled. Despite her outright objections, she was ready to be impregnated. Noting this, Azazel used his amazing physical power to toss her to Atamanna’s bed in the back of the room. To Pinkie’s benefit, it was a soft landing, the mattress practically consuming her as she made impact. The mare hardly noticed the softness of the bed though, as she was too busy trying to keep an eye on the gigantic male trying to fuck her.

Already he was on his way to her, taking slow, but heavy steps to the bed the pony was laying across, the piece of cloth starting to rise up, revealing Azazel’s cock as it begun to take an erect shape. With each step it seemed to grow another inch, and while the distance between his starting point and the bed was short, it had grown to over a foot by the time he made it to the bedside. With no pause in his movements, Pinkie’s soon to be breeding partner climbed onto the bed, crawling his way to Pinkie, the only thought in his mind being the goal of making her into a mother.

Pinkie, on the other hand, had the exact opposite goal in mind, not wanting to get knocked up by some random stranger who assaulted her and would force himself upon her if allowed to do so. Every time he would make a movement closer to her, she would scoot herself back on the bed to keep distance from the imposing male with the brass goat head. This only made Azazel extend the reach of each of his motions for, and soon Pinkie’s attempts to keep away was not only failing to gain her ground, but didn’t even maintain the distance she already had. It wasn’t long before the male was looming over her, his body casting a shadow over her own.

Pinkie, not knowing what else to do, made one more motion backwards, and in that instance something unexpected happened. She slipped over the edge of the bed, falling to the floor, which was a lot less pleasant impact than it was with the mattress. It seemed to come to a surprise to not only her, but Azazel as well, as the face of his helmet peered over the side of the bed in confusion. Seeing him still coming towards her, Pinkie still had escape at the forefront of her thoughts, so in a moment of desperation, she adjusted herself onto her hands and knees, and scuttered herself around the bed, finally getting away from Azazel, and getting to her hooves after just as she felt she was out of the male’s reach.

Upright and touching the ground again, Pinkie ran past Atamanna, displaying some of that uncharacteristic speed for a mare of her body type, her destination being the tent’s exit. She didn’t even bother to pick up her clothing, destroyed as they were, and focused purely on fleeing. It looked like she would make it, as Azazel was so lumbering with his movements that he’d still be trying to get off the bed before he could even try to give chase, and Atamanna hadn’t moved from the spot she had taken to watch things unfold. Pinkie was merely a few more steps away from the dividing curtain, hope filling her being, as it seemed nothing could stop her from getting away from this horrible situation. Of course, nothing else could be further from the truth.

The mare made it to the exit, running to it with all the speed she could manage, but the second she got past the entryway, the scenery of Fluttershy’s cabin outside changed into the inside of Atamanna’s tent. It was as if the world had instantly flipped for her, and she was back to facing the nightmarish couple who wished to do her harm. Completely confused, Pinkie turned around and went through the entryway again, only to once more find herself walking into the tent instead of walking out. Not content with giving up, she did this several more times, each time getting the same predictable conclusion.

After about the sixth time, Atamanna started to laugh at Pinkie’s folly. “I thought that you would be an amusing guest,” she said, Pinkie’s fruitless struggle and desperation providing a great deal of entertainment for her, “As I said, the wish must be fulfilled, and you aren’t leaving this tent until we grant you the blessing of a child. So let’s cease with this foolish attempt to prevent the inevitable, shall we?”

With a snap of Atamanna’s finger, Pinkie suddenly found herself in a new set of clothes, though not even remotely close to what she had on previously. It was more akin to something between Atamanna’s arabian dancer garbs, and what Azazel was wearing, comprised of a lower garment that was little more than a golden string around her waist, with two bits of cloth on its front and back that draped down to her ankles, going over her crotch and flank while keeping her legs exposed, and an upper garment which was likewise a bit of golden string that went around her neck, which held two strips of cloth that traveled over a small portion of her large tits to cover her nipples, before connecting with another golden string underneath her breasts that went around the upper part of her torso. ‘Cover’ was a suggestive term in this case though, as the red silk fabric that the articles of clothing were made of were so sheer that it was transparent, leaving everything underneath on full display.

As counterproductive as it seemed to give Pinkie a new attire to wear, it was obvious to even the mare that these bits of cloth would in no way impede Azazel from his task, and only served to make Pinkie look sexier. They were also accompanied by a set of accessories, the first of which being a set of golden cuffs tightly wrapped around her parts of her arms and lower thighs just above her wrists and ankles. They were thin sheets of metal, fully encircling the appendages, with no seams, making them impossible to remove. Likewise, the mare’s mane had been re-stylized into a poofy ponytail, with another golden cylinder acting as the tie between the ponytail part, and the tightly pulled sections of the strands connected to Pinkie’s head. The last, and most notable part of this ensemble was a golden collar that was now affixed around Pinkie’s throat, seamless like the cuffs, with a silver ring embedded in the front of it.

Pinkie was only permitted a minute to observe her new dressings, which she was more freaked out by than she found herself admiring, as pretty as it did make her look. After that, Atamanna gave Azazel a glance that told him to proceed. The male, now sitting at the edge of his mistress’ bed, obeying the command simply extended his arm out to Pinkie, and from his own bracer, a chain of golden links manifested, appearing in a likewise golden glow of magic that shot right to the silver loop on Pinkie’s collar, directly connecting the two together.

The two now inseparable, Azazel made a circular gesture with his hand, catching the chain with it, and wrapping it around his wrist. The loosely hanging chain went taut, and with another circular wave of his hand, Pinkie felt herself being tugged forward. In one last ditch effort to escape the fate the goat had planned for her, Pinkie turned around to the entrance, and without going through it, screamed “Somepony, help me!” with an intensity that it would have traveled for miles, only to hear her own voice screamed back into her face. Hearing her own voice pleading to her for help she now knew she wouldn’t receive crippled her emotionally, with no strength in her left to resist the pull of the chain yanking her away from the entrance, and back to the bed where her soon to be rapist was waiting.

Pinkie was tossed back onto the bed the moment Azazel got ahold of her, facedown, with her body flat against the soft mattress. With little hesitation, the male grabbed her by the tail, and used it as a handle to lift her ample ass up, while her face stayed firmly pressed into the blankets beneath her. Brushing aside the fabric covering her backside, the space between her legs became unobstructed and exposed, and with no more substantial resistance from the earth mare, Azazel aimed his cock at Pinkie’s pussy, thrust his hips forward, and pulled back on the tail of his helpless victim.

Pinkie felt a harsh pain fill her, as the lips of her pussy spread apart to accommodate the huge object pushing into her, and the flimsy barrier of her maidenhood was torn asunder. She had been a virgin up until that point, her parents instilling into her the value of not having sex before marriage. To have herself defiled like this felt degrading, and a strong sense of depression was washing over her due to the inability to abide by her parents’ wishes in this matter, as supportive of the things she had wished to do with her life outside of their more traditional way of living. It was enough to make her mane lose some of its poof, a small portion of it remaining because she still assumed that all she had to do was let her foolishly made wish get fulfilled, and then she could leave. She wasn’t entirely sure she believed that, but at this point all she had left to hold onto was the hope that Atamanna was just doing what she had to in order to grant the wish the pink mare had made.

With his sizable dick now planted inside the mare’s pussy, and the mare herself no longer putting up a fight against him, Azazel released her tail and took hold of her hips instead. So long as the mare wasn’t resisting, there was no reason to be so harsh with her. Part of the reason he had grabbed her earlier was because she showed a reluctance to accept his touch. While he was at the command of his Djinn mistress, in thrall to the purpose she gave him, when given leeway, the massive male would do things in a manner he found lead to the path of least resistance. Sadism and a want to spread chaos was not his driving force, unlike Atamanna who found great glee in those things, and only the need to obey caused him to act aggressively.

Thus he took things slow, moving himself in and out of the crying mare wrapped around his cock, doing all the work as he guided the motion of his hips with his hands, pushing them forward when he pulled out, and pulling them back as he pushed in. As gentle as he tried to be, the powerful being couldn’t help but use some force, the impact of his hips pressing against Pinkie’s backside enough to push her body forward a little, causing the blanket beneath her to rub against the parts of her body touching it, including her boobs, as poorly protected as they were. With each of his pushes inside her causing her to yelp and cry out, and every retraction of his cock making her gasp and sob, her lungs had to get creative with how she intook air, sometimes using an inhale to produce the sounds of her lamentation.

But as much as the mare hated what was being done to her, her body was having a harder time objecting with how Azazel was treating it. Despite this being the first time the mare had sexual contact beyond masturbation, her vaginal passage had become nicely slick with sexual fluids, enjoying the new sensations the male sex organ was providing. The way it shot its body heat into the mare, and ran its flesh against hers, touching nerves that seldom had the privilege of feeling anything, now experiencing the strong, yet somewhat gentle thrusts running over them again and again. As much as Pinkie disliked it, the stud sent her into her first penis induced orgasm, the muscles inside her pussy trembling in approval of the treatment she was made to go through.

Not long after that, Azazel released a shot of cum into the mare, the hot fluid flowing over her insides, which had become completely enamored with its first taste of sex, and rewarding Pinkie’s participation in the act with a chemically induced flood of good feelings, which she couldn’t ignore, but refused to accept as real pleasure. Still, as inexperienced as she was in sex first hand, Pinkie understood what the things she felt meant.

“So…” she said, crying as she worked to speak through the tears, “That is, right? We’re done?”

Atamanna shook her head, “You can’t expect to get pregnant from just one go. We have to do it a few times, just to be sure.”

As if waiting for his mistress’ comment, Azazel grabbed the mare’s leg, and flipped her over onto her back, his dick slipping out of her for a moment, but being pushed right back inside her as he pressed his crotch against hers, positioning his chest parallel to the pink pony’s. He started his rhythmic thrusts anew, the position allowing her to more deeply penetrate her, his dick hitting a wall inside her that seemed to want to give way, if only the male would go a little deeper.

Pinkie felt her body begin to feel good again as Azazel provided it the pleasure that only came from baby making, becoming a little less saddened by it, and more repulsed by the dick moving around inside her stirred the alreading existing sperm inside her. What she hated most about her continued rape was that in this position, she had to watch the male violating her as he did it, his hand placed over her arms, pinning her down, his body moving up and down over her. That she had to recognize that he wasn’t really hurting her, only making her feel ashamed and violated, frustrated her even more.

As the night went on, Pinkie reached a point where she simply gave into what was happening, she found her fears fading and her tears drying up, and her annoyance at her powerlessness increasing. Each time Azazel made her moan, made her gasp, or made her cum felt like another failing on her part, as she knew that she shouldn’t be enjoying her rape, which in every way other than physically, she wasn’t. When he caressed her breasts, she offered up no resistance, but was made very aware of how good it was to have his hands massage, clamp down, and move them about as he continuously pumped into her. When he changed position, showing her a new angle from which he could make her feel pleasure against her will, it shamed her that she couldn’t block the feeling of his cock out of her mind, and she just had to give in to this new means to pleasure her against her will. Then when he would release another load inside of her, she had to eventually just accept that by the end of the night she’d be carrying Azazel’s child.

Pinkie had no idea how she was going to explain this to her family and friends, but thinking back, had Atamanna just poofed a child into existence, how would she have explained that. Then again, the fact that she would have a child from nowhere wasn’t the problem, so much as she’d have to either admit that she had been raped, or lie to say she had sex with some random stranger. Neither explanation would allow her to live her life the same ever again, with others either pitying her for what had happened, or believing she was just a slut that got knocked up. Maybe her friends and family wouldn’t think that of her, but she would always have the suspicion that was the case. That thought sickened her, but not as much as the onset of another orgasms hitting her mind with another wave of pleasure, having the mare question if she wasn’t just some slut, if she could be enjoying her own rape this much, as one would expect the whole thing to be a miserable affair.

By the end of this ordeal, the two ended up off the bed, Azazel standing upright while using his strength to lift the mare up in his arms, placing them under Pinkie’s legs to press her back against his chest. He had taken lifting and dropping Pinkie on his somehow still fully erect cock, the head of which having made its way past her cervix into her womb, which by this time was harboring a pool of semen within it, that was being constantly stirred up with Azazel’s movements inside her.

On Pinkie’s end, she was still trying her best to be resilient, but having been brought to orgasm a now countless amount of times, she wasn’t having trouble reminding herself to hate this treatment, so much as finding it hard to think altogether. There is only so much pleasure a pony can take before their head starts to get loopy, and Pinkie was a fairly loopy pony to begin with. She was doing her best, but on the horizon of her final climax of the evening, she had been reduced to a panting mess, covered in sweat, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she let loose a series of animalistic grunts and groans. If anyone had seen her like this, they would have no problem believing that the pink pony actually loved what was being done to her, which is exactly what Atamanna thought as she watched Pinkie’s gradual attitude change.

“Ok, Azazel,” she said, having sat there for hours watching the two go at it. “I think this last one will guarantee that she’ll be giving birth in nine months.” The goat said this as a joke to herself, as her magic could have easily made Pinkie incredibly fertile from the start, but decided this would make the earth mare more miserable.

Azazel, being given the order, picked up the pace, pushing Pinkie full force on his dick, only to immediately lift her back up, to repeat the process until he was able to add one last burst of cum directly into the mare’s womb, making it so that every shot he had done was deposited into the mare’s pussy, and nowhere else. At the same time, Pinkie achieved her final climax, her eyes rolling up so far they almost vanished behind their lids, a last pleasure filled moan escaping her throat as her mind gave into the sensation, blanking itself to everything save for the feeling of a night of sex.

With his task finished, Azazel saw no more use for the mare, who he had fucked for hours on end, despite holding zero affection for her. While he had treated her gingerly throughout, so long as she obey, now that he had no more obligation to her, the male wearing a goat visage just let her go, dropping the mare to the floor, which brought her back to reality as she landed on her butt, before collapsing to her side. Though she hadn’t done most of the work, the mere act of elongated sex had robbed her of her stamina.

“Is it oveeeer…” she asked, tongue still hanging out of her mouth.

Atamanna got up from her seat, walking over to the mare who was leaking white fluids onto her floor. “Yes, I believe that you are undoubtedly impregnated by now. Congratulations.”

“Yipeeee…” Pinkie said exhausted, and still not very enthused by how things had happened.

“Now we just have to monitor you to make sure you birth it properly.”

“Monitor me?” Pinkie replied, legitimately wondering what that meant.

“We’ll have to keep you… for observation purposes, just to make sure that the wish will be granted.” Atamanna answered.

That explanation sparked a bit of fear inside Pinkie again, as she really didn’t want to stay with the Djinn a moment longer. “Please, let me go home. I promise that I’ll take care of the baby to make sure the wish comes true, just let me go.” She pleaded, struggling to lift her upper body with her arms.

“I’m afraid that’s not the only issue,” Atamanna said, “Because once you’ve given birth to that one, we’ll need to have you impregnated all over again.”

“Again?!” Pinkie replied, absolutely not liking that little detail.

“Why yes,” Atamanna said with a smile, “You wished to be a mommy. To have children. And you will. You will have many, many children, as you are thoroughly bred, as Azazel’s new concubine and breeding sow.”

Pinkie’s first instinct upon hearing this was to run, but then she remembered what happened before. Even if she made it to the exit, she would just appear back inside the tent. Besides, after all the fucking, she could hardly feel anything between her legs.

“But why?” Pinkie said, tears forming in her eyes again, “You were so nice when I first met you.”

“That’s why you don’t trust every stranger you come across,” Atamanna said condescendingly, “Besides, it’s all part of the deal. I grant whatever wish you want, and in return… I. Get. You.”

With that said, Atamanna gave her fingers a snap, causing Azazel to sink into the ground beneath him as if it were made of water. Just before he vanished out of sight though, he grabbed hold of Pinkie’s leg, and took it with him as he disappeared completely.

Pinkie Pie turned her head to spot herself sinking into the floor herself, and fearful of the fate that awaited her if she fell in, clawed around herself in search of something to grab, but everything was just out of reach for her. Soon she had been pulled in up to her waist, and then her breasts, and finally only her neck and parts of her arms remained above the surface.

“Ta ta, my newest slave,” Atamanna said, lifting a leg up, just so she could gently set her hoof on the earth pony’s head, to use it to push the mare into the point of no return.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOoOoooooo!” yelled the mare, letting out one last hopeless scream as she sunk completely under the floor, which turned completely solid again the moment Atamanna retrieved her hoof.

As Pinkie Pie’s head went under the surface of the floor, she lost consciousness. Her world was nothing but blank darkness for some time after that, but eventually she felt the urge to open her eyes. However, when the mare did, she wished that she could go back to having never opened them.

She was trapped, dangling like an ornament from a chain that came down from the ceiling of her new location. The bracelets on her arms had been connected to one another, by a small golden plate that merged the two together, and had a slot in it that held a hook connected to the chain holding her off the floor. Pinkie’s entire weight was being placed on her wrists like this, not helps at all that her body had basically been folded in half, her spread apart legs somehow pushed so far back that her thighs managed to be on either side of her torso, going behind her upper arms, and having her ankles meet each other behind her back, where their bracelets were also merged together, making it so her leg made a solid loop the earth mare couldn’t break. Normally, she wouldn’t have had the kind of flexibility needed to do such a thing, and the intense ache of her stretching appendages told her she really didn’t have it even now.

In this state, Pinkie Pie could hardly move, the best she could manage being a slight wiggling, which only served to rattle her chain and jiggle her tits in an embarrassing, but alluring manner. She could turn her head too, the collar on her neck limiting its movement only a little, but that didn’t help the mare in her current predicament. As bad as it was that she was bound and incapable of moving, there was still something worse that she had to worry about, as being bound wasn’t nearly as bad as where she was bound.

She had been taken to some place she had never been before, a place that looked like a palace, but in a state of desecration. The walls were cracked, the windows broken, and the sky outside them only held darkness. There were bits of furniture in the room, from tapestry, to unlit torch holders, and even a throne stationed beside her that sat atop a small set of stairs, much like Princess Celestia’s throne, but everything looked to be unmaintained and in a state of disrepair. It was as if the place was ransacked, and no one remained to pick up the pieces.

Except, someone was there, as Pinkie could hear the whimpers, moans, and cries of dismay filling the darkened room. At first she couldn’t see who was making them, as the voices came from all around her and the mare couldn’t pinpoint the origin of any single voice, but as a crack of lightning shined came from a dark cloud in the sky, the light it provided revealed the many ponies chained to the wall of the throne room, or held within cages that hung from the ceiling as the pink pony did, wearing little more than rags as they lamented their current existence.

“It's like a dungeon,” Pinkie said, unfortunately aware of the trouble she was in.

Another flash of lightning cracked, and Pinkie spotted some movement, coming from the other side of the room, which quickly became concealed by the shadows that consumed everything. It wasn’t another bolt to reveal the figure the next time though, as the broken torch holders came to life, the ones further from Pinkie igniting first, shedding light on Azazel, with each torch gaining a flame as he walked past them. The prisoners in the room pressed themselves against the walls or shrunk back into their cages at his presence, afraid of the goat hooded male for reasons Pinkie could only guess, and being somewhat afraid of him herself as he made his way directly towards her.

However, Azazel wasn’t alone in his stride, as another figure was beside him. Pinkie thought it was Atamanna at first, as that was the most likely person to accompany Azazel, but that thought was quickly dismissed as the person was clearly a pony. Likewise, the pony wasn’t walking beside him, but crawling on their hands and knees, dressed in a similar fashion as Pinkie was, only without her hair done up in a ponytail, with a chain leading from Azazel’s bracer to a collar around their neck. That made it clear to Pinkie what was going on here, that the mare, as the earth pony could now see, was another enslaved creature like herself.

As the two got even closer, Pinkie had a strange sense of familiarity with this new mare, like she had seen her before. She had pink fur, like her own, and dark blue mane and tail. She was also a bit bigger than an average pony, almost as tall as Celestia. While not really in a position to worry about somepony else, Pinkie couldn’t shake that she had met this mare before. Her mind wouldn’t stray from it, the act of trying to remember distracting her from the soreness of her stretched limbs, until it finally dawned on her where she had seen this mare before.

“You’re one of the ponies from Saddle Arabia!” Pinkie said, blurting out her discovery, “The one that came to watch the fireworks!”

The mare didn’t respond, except by giving the pony a brief look of sorrow, before hanging her head downwards once more. Something else responded to Pinkie though, in the form of a voice echoing in her head.

“Very good, Pinkie Pie.” said a voice that was distinctly Atamanna’s, “That is Princess Amira of Saddle Arabia. Another slave to me, just like yourself.”

Pinkie’s eyes darted around, trying to find the goat, not thinking that the voice was coming from inside her mind. She couldn’t see the Djinn anywhere when she searched at ground level, but when she looked up, fear set in her heart when she saw a pair of gigantic eyes looking down at her from the darkness of the ceiling.

“When I was released from the imprisonment of my lamp, it was her brother who foolishly did so.” Atamanna explained, “And his soul that I first claimed as mine. After that, there was no stopping what he had carelessly started, and Saddle Arabia’s citizens were added to my collection one by one. It was so long before they even realized what was going on, that by the time anyone dared to oppose me, it was only a band of guards led by the princess. It was laughable, as no mortal blade or magic can defeat wish magic, or those who wield it. Then, the princess, in her frustration, made a grave mistake. In her rage, she demanded I give her back her brother, not understanding that such a command can be interpreted as a wish.”

The iris’ of Pinkie’s eyes, which were already widened in shock, narrowed down to pinpoints, coming to understand that Atamanna wasn’t just an evil creature, but had already wiped out a kingdom with her wishes, and had the ability to grant them to people that didn’t know they were making a wish, so long as they said something that could be perceived as one. With so much as an ‘I want’ or a ‘Give me’, the djinn could do as she pleased to a pony, and then add them to her collection of poor, unfortunate souls when she decided the wish had been granted.

“So I gave Amira her heart’s desire, reuniting her with her dearest brother,” Atamanna continued, “Only this time he would be the one with higher authority, and she would be his subservant slave.”

With Pinkie’s brain flowing with fear induced adrenaline, it didn’t take long for her to piece things together, and come to a horrifying conclusion; that Azazel was Amira’s brother, Prince Haakim.

“Her life from this point on is to serve his amusement, through serving any desire he may want, be it entertainment, food, comfort, or even her own body.”

“EWW!” Pinkie said, disgusted by the implication a forced relation of incest between the two royal siblings.

“You think your moral standards mean anything here?” Atamanna scoffed, “She, like yourself, serve my whims, trapped in my domain, to never taste freedom again for the rest of eternity. Now… let’s begin the start of your never ending punishment. Azazel, entertain me… And this time don’t go easy on her.”

Given a command by his mistress, Azazel grabbed Pinkie Pie by the base of the ponytail atop her head, using it as a handle to push down on her body. With the force applied, the chain suspending her by her wrists lowered, till her face was at crotch height, and to the earth mare’s dismay, the corrupted stallion’s cock popped back out from behind his loincloth, shooting up to full erection, taping her on the nose during the process.

After that, all it took was a pull forward to push the dick into the mare’s mouth, and if she thought that having vaginal sex felt gross, having a piece of meat in your mouth while being a creature with a strictly vegetarian diet was disgusting, all the more when the sex organ was seasoned with the tangy taste of her own sex. She couldn’t even try to bite down to try and get Azazel to pull out, partially because she felt bad that he was another victim of Atamanna, but mostly because the thickness of his cock stretched her mouth as open as it could be.

When he pushed even harder, shoving himself into her throat, Pinkie could tell that she was going to have to endure this for some time. Not only for this season, but anytime after that Azazel felt the need to follow Atamanna’s order. Her only hope now was that her friends would figure out what was going on, and find a way to save her. Else she was going to be stuck being Atamanna’s plaything for the rest of her life, or perhaps even longer than that.

Atamanna smiled to herself, still sitting in her tent, peering into a small pink gemstone hanging from an earring loop. Through it, she could see the suffering Pinkie Pie was going through within her crafted realm. The gem was a representation of Pinkie’s soul, now forever in the Djinn’s possession, with no hope of salvation. As punishment for her wish, the chubby, pink earth mare would breed ponies who would be raised to become servants to the Djinn, until the day they too gave up their souls to their mistress.

“Who knows,” Atamanna said, “Perhaps this one will come to love her new existence, but let’s try and prevent that for as long as possible.”

Having seen all she needed to, Atamanna took the earring, and put it up to her right ear, where a hole opened up so she could wear the tiny soul gem as a common piece of jewelry. Pinkie Pie was a very special mare afterall, being a piece of the ever weakening Elements of Harmony, and thus deserved a special spot to be displayed. Atamanna already had a matching yellow earring on her left ear, representing Fluttershy that let the goat peering into the fear and confusion the little fox was going through in her current form, and a pink belly ring for the former princess of Saddle Arabia. By the time Atamanna’s goals were achieved, she would be adorned with the most powerful ponies in Equestria, who’s anguish would satiate her sadistic desires till time itself came to an end.

As she admired her newest earring, the Djinn felt another powerful presence approach her tent. This time she was sure it was the Princess of Magic coming to visit, which she found to be correct when she sauntered over to the entrance of her home.

“Welcome, Princess Twilight.” Atamanna said pleasantly at the approaching alicorn, “You came much later than I thought you would, but I’m ready to have you as a guest, and to answer all your questions.”

“Thank you,” replied Twilight, displaying her own manners, “I do have a lot to ask.”

“But where are your friends?” Atamanna said, pretending not to know they hadn’t come with the princess.

“That’s the reason I came, actually,” said Twilight, “I’m afraid that something came up, and I’ll have to set our interview back just a little longer. My apologies, really, but while I have lots of questions about you and your origins, I really need to take care of this first.”

“Are you sure it’s not something I can’t help with?” Atamanna asked, “A simple wish, and any problem you have at the moment would be a distant memory in your life.”

“Oh no, no need to resort to that,” Twilight said, “If I do make a wish, I’d… Well lets just say I’d have to put a lot of thought into it first.”

“Very well,” Atamanna conceded, “Then I wish you safe travel on your way back to town, and hopefully you’ll return to me when you’ve taken care of your troubles.”

“Thanks for being so understanding,” Twilight said, “And have a goodnight.”

Atamanna stood in her doorway, watching a soul that she wanted displayed on her body walk away, an irritated pout growing on her face as the alicorn got far enough away. Something was different in that encounter from the first time they met. Was she being more wary? It felt like she had stumbled on her words, carefully watching her language. Perhaps she was still on guard from Atamanna’s earlier attempt to sneakily grant a wish.

Whatever it was, Atamanna didn’t like it. Not that she felt threatened, but to have such a prize slip away not once, but twice bothered the Djinn. All it would take is a simple slip up, and Twilight would be but another slave at Atamanna’s cloven hooves.

If the princess didn’t intend to make a wish though, there were other ways to achieve the goal, and stepping back inside, she went back to peer into the gemstone that held Yona and her friends inside. Twilight didn’t need to make a wish to be cast into hell, so long as Atamanna found someone who would wish her there instead.

Making Your Mark

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As the day reached its end, Atamanna climbed into her bed, still a mess from Pinkie Pie’s interaction with Azazel. The Djinn, as powerful as she was, needed rest like any other creature. She closed her eyes to the woeful wails coming from her gems, able to discern each voice individually, and identify which were the newest additions to the chorus that sung her lullaby. It was all so soothing, as well as titillating, for the Djinn to bask in the misfortune of so many others, that as she drifted off to sleep she found her hands wondering to her erogenous area, fingering them ever so lightly before drifting off to sleep.

Not every creature she granted a wish to that day was part of the song yet, but just the same they were now part of her collection, their wishes giving her claim of them whenever Atamanna felt like taking them. She had no real plan, no end goal or grand scheme, except to get as many people as possible to condemn themselves to her mercy. To get the best results out of a town like Ponyville, even one as needlessly sadistic as Atamanna had to occasionally give someone what they wanted, with no strings attached save for the price of the wishes she granted. Of course, she could just grant good wishes, and probably have the entirety of the village indebted to her by the end of the week, but there was little sport in that. Besides, if Atamanna didn’t cause more suffering than she did happiness, it would drive her up the fabric walls of her modest tent.

The pain of others, and the complete ruination of their lives, is what the Djinn lived for. Not a desire to rule over or control everything, which guided the actions of so many other evil beings, but just the malicious want to do harm, and to have that harm be personal to her victims, as it was the personal touch that acted as a delicious seasoning to the anguish of the souls she tormented. When she had finished with Saddle Arabia, she didn’t stick around to command those now entrapped and enslaved there, as one doesn’t stay at a feast once the food has all been eaten. Ponyville, while not as grand a meal as as a nation, was a particularly delicious appetizer, with all the delectable ingredients that was put into it, and the goat’s first bite was particularly tasty.

So through the night, the goat slept soundly, while her victims suffered the consequences of their own actions, or in some cases the actions of others, blissfully soaking in the nearly tangible anguish coming from the sinister gemstones hanging above her, the dreams she dreamt being visions of the poor fates that befell those her magic influenced. The entire night went like this, but as the dawn camp, another presence came to her awareness. An obstruction that stuck out among the misery, something carrying a distinct positivity about it, one without ill will behind it, which Atamanna couldn’t tolerate.

That presence had entered her tent without permission, and within a structure that was part of Atamanna’s realm, the Djinn could sense it as easily in her sleep as she would have if her eyes had been open. In some ways, it carried the same feeling that her previous victim did, energetic and overly happy. As repugnant as that aura of goodness was to the Djinn, it would produce all the more desirable results once she put her uninvited guest in her place.

Atamanna opened her eyes, and hanging around the foot of her bed was a gryphon, one who bore feathers of gray, both of the light and dark varieties, wearing a simple t-shirt with blue jeans. She had a cute face, and wore some of her feathers in a tiny ponytail. She was also, just as Pinkie had done the night before, looking around the room at all the things Atamanna had, not able to sense the danger the items and their owner were capable of.

“Why hello there,” Atamanna said, lifting her upper body to sit up on her bed, “I wasn’t expecting to have company when I awoke.”

The gryphon jumped a little at the sound of the voice, aware that she really shouldn’t have just entered someone else’s home while they were sleeping. Quickly she turned to face Atamanna, saying, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude!”

Atamanna rolled her eyes. Clearly the gryphon did want to intrude, just didn’t want to get caught doing so. “Relax,” the goat woman said, “While I wasn’t expecting guests this early, I can see that no harm has been done, and I’m certain the open door of my tent was just too tempting to not check inside.”

“Yeah… Sorry…” the gryphon apologized again, before her tone brightened back up and she flapped her wings to take flight, zooming over to the closest point of Atamanna’s bed that she could get to, “But I just had to meet you as soon as I could! My name’s Gabriella, but you can call me Gabby!”

“Well then, nice to meet you, Gabriella,” Atamanna said, fortunately dressed, not that the gryphon seeing her nude would have embarrassed her in any way, “And I assume you are here because you’ve heard about my wish granting abilities.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Gabby squealed out, immensely excited at the idea that she could have any wish granted.

“Well normally I don’t take wish requests until I’ve had breakfast,” Atamanna said, walking to the gryphon, placing her hand along Gabby’s face as she got intimately close to her, “But you’re cute, so I’ll make an exception.”

The comment made Gabby turn a little red in the face, not expecting to receive such a compliment from a woman that she only now took note wore a very revealing, sexualized outfit. “Um… Thanks.” she said embarrassed, as it felt the goat was making a move on her, and she didn’t really feel that way about girls.

“So tell me,” Atamanna continued, her hand moving down to Gabby’s shoulder, “What is it that you couldn’t wait till later? Surely your wish must be incredibly important if you chose to walk in uninvited.”

“It is…” Gabby said before making a loud gulp, her discomfort with the goat’s closeness being so great it felt like a solid object had formed out of it in her throat, “Miss…”

Atamanna's face grew with joy, being entertained by how timid the gryphon was becoming at the slightest of suggestive gestures, the redness on her face spreading so much that the gray feathers on her head started to seep a light hue of red from underneath.

“No need to be so formal,” Atamanna said, moving to a dresser with a vanity mirror on it, taking some makeup off its top, gingerly applying it to her face, bending over to show off her perfectly proportioned backside, “But it’s Atamanna.”

Gabby looked away, even more certain that the goat was flirting with her. It might have been that the goat was just naturally flirtatious, but if that wasn’t the case then Gabby didn’t want to give Atamanna any idea that she was interested. She just had to make her wish, and be on her way.

“Well, before I make my wish, I do have some questions.” said Gabby, her embarrassment causing her to pause enough to suppress her usual spontaneous personality, just enough that she figured it wouldn’t be the best idea to blurt out any wish.

Atamanna stopped applying her makeup for a moment, and then smirked. Almost all of those she granted wishes to the day prior made their requests immediately, not thinking for a moment what the consequences of their actions might be. The gryphon was at least wary of an offer to get anything, and that added just the slightest sprinkling of spice to this snack.

“Ask away,” the goat said with confidence that the gryphon would still be making a wish by the end of her inquiries, “But please consider that I’ll be opening my service to the public soon, so I won’t be able to answer every possible question you might have.”

“I’ll be quick,” Gabby said, forcing her eyes back to the goat, despite her rump still being proudly displayed, “So the wish, can it be for anything?”

“Anything your heart may desire,” Atamanna asked, “But I do have certain say about what wishes I’ll grant. Typically I don’t allow people to wish to cease control over a nation, for reasons that might be understandable.”

That answer relieved Gabby to some degree, as it made it seem like Atamanna had some degree of responsibility with her power, and wasn’t the type who would allow evil creatures to make wishes that would send the world into ruin. It also implied that Atamanna would grant any wish she felt wouldn’t lead to a bad result, which was

“I guess the only other question I have is what will it cost?” asked Gabby.

“Cost?” Atamanna asked back.

“Well you’re not doing this for free, are you?” Gabby had assumed there would be some kind of price tag attached to a service like this.

“Well… I suppose there is a cost.” Atamanna said, applying some lip gloss, “You can have anything you want, for the cost of some time in service to me, which I can redeem at any time. Honestly, I don’t think that’s too steep when you are getting anything you want, including things that normally wouldn’t be possible.”

That did sound like a good deal, giving up work for whatever you desired. It didn’t really matter that the goat was being vague about what she wanted, because Gabby was pretty much good at everything, and what she wanted would probably help her be all the more better at things once it was granted.

“With those questions out of the way,” Atamanna asked, turning around and hopping her rump on top of her dresser, “Are you ready to make your wish?”

“Yes!” Gabby said, once more excited about the prospect of her wish, “And I know exactly what I want. I want a cutie mark!”

“Oh my,” Atamanna replied, enjoying the uniqueness of this wish, “A non-pony wanted a cutie mark of their own. Are you worried about your place in the world, my dear gryphon?”

“Not really,” Gabby admitted, “Not anymore, but I used to be, and wanted a cutie mark then because I thought it would show me what to do. Now, I just want one because I want something to show how far I’ve come along since then.”

“How humbling to see someone not wish for something grandiose, but a mere token commemorating the progress they have made.” Atamanna snapped her fingers, and Gabby instantly felt something happening to her butt, as if something was touching it, but from within her skin, “Your wish is granted, feel free to take a look.”

Gabby quickly undid the front button and zipper of her jeans, forgetting for a moment that she thought that Atamanna was making passes at her, and slipped the garment down far enough to get a look at the side of her buttcheeks. There was something there alright, but she could hardly make it out from this angle. She tried grabbing the lump of fat to move the new addition to her body into view, but all she could tell was that it looked kinda round, and it had a white color to it.

“What is it?!” the gryphon asked, feeling joy unlike any she had felt prior, “Is it a volley ball? A piece of candy? A skull? Am I a pirate now?!”

“Oh, how silly of me.” said Atamanna, hopping down from her dresser, “Here, use my mirror.”

Gabby rushed over, needed to see what her mark was, though simply having one now was more than she could ever ask for. The mark could have been literally anything, and she would have been happy with it. Getting close to the mirror, she tilted her body sideways to get the reflection of her rear into view, and what she saw was not exactly what she was expecting.

“It’s… an egg?” Gabby said, taking in the perfectly oval shape on her butt.

“It appears so,” Atamanna said, looking into the mirror at the mark, “But of course I knew that was what it would be. I am the one who decided it for you, after all.”

“Why an egg though?” asked Gabby, “I might be part bird, but gryphons don’t take care of eggs.”

“Gryphons don’t have cutie marks either,” the goat replied, “And you made it sound like the mark itself didn’t matter to you, just that you had one.”

Atamanna was right, as what kind of mark she got was unimportant. Now Gabby could show off her mark to her friends as a symbol of personal pride, especially to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Gabby could tell that they were going to be ecstatic the moment they saw it, and the four of them would undoubtedly have a celebration over this achievement, even if the mark was merely the product of a wish.

“Thank you so much for doing this for me,” Gabby said, pulling her jeans back above her hips, “I can’t wait to show everyone.”

The gryphon headed off in the direction of the tent entrance, ready to leave as unceremoniously as she had come in, not wanting to bother the goat any further.

“Just a moment,” Atamanna said, “Are you forgetting about what I said earlier? In exchange for your wish, you will have to return a service to me.”

Gabby stopped just short of the exit, “I thought you were going to want that sometime later.”

“I could see how you’d believe that, since I said that I’d redeem the service at a time of my choosing, but I never meant to imply I couldn’t take what I’m owed immediately.”

Gabby sighed, a little disappointed that she’d have to wait to show everyone her cutie mark. Still, a deal was a deal, and the Djinn upheld her part. Turning back around, she walked herself back to the goat. “Okay, so what do you want me to do?”

“It’s easier to show you than to explain,” Atamanna said, “But you might want to take off your pants before it starts.”

The brazen declaration from Atamanna sent Gabby’s embarrassment over the deep end, every feather on her body ruffling up, as her whole body turned an ever deepening shade of pink. “I-I’m sorry, but I think you got the wrong idea with me,” the gryphon said, believing her previous assumptions had been confirmed, “I-I’m flattered, really, but I’m not into other girls. I’ve actually been dating this guy in town recently, and-”

Atamanna held up a hand, silencing the gryphon, “Gabriella, you’re the one who is mistaken. I’m not telling you to remove your pants because I want to see you naked, but because of what’s about to happen.”

Gabby didn’t know how to respond to that, as confusion mixed with her already flustered and embarrassed mental state. She couldn’t think of a single reason why she’d have to remove her pants, but soon enough the reason hit her.

A sudden pressure started building up inside her abdomen, filling up her insides unexpectedly. It quickly became uncomfortable, causing Gabby to flinch when she started to take notice of what was going on. When the discomfort wouldn’t stop, growing to outright pain, Gabby was compelled to lift up her shirt to see what was going on, and what she saw was a large lump taking shape at her stomach.

“What is that?!” she screamed, “What’s happening to me?!”

“Calm down,” Atamanna said, in a manner that was not at all calming, “You’re cutie mark is just helping your body perform your new special talent.”

“Special… Talent?” Gabby said, through a gritted beak.

“Your special talent to lay eggs.” Atamanna replied, revealing what she had done to the girl.

“That can’t be my special talent,” Gabby replied, the lump in her causing a good deal of discomfort, “Gryphons don’t lay eggs!”

“You don’t say,” Atamanna mocked, knowing full well that the bird aspects of a gryphon began and ended at their heads, wings, and front talons. Everything below that was all cat, including their reproductive organs, which meant that gryphons normally gave live birth, “Well your cutie mark doesn’t seem to care about biology. So before you make a mess of yourself, you had best do as I suggested before, and remove your pants.”

Gabby was not exactly happy with this turn of events, but she was in no position to argue with the goat, as her waist strap was making it hard for her body to accommodate the thing growing inside her. She gave a nod, and undid the front of her pants, which helped relieve the pressure she felt a little, before slipping them down to her knees, revealing that she wore nothing underneath, which exposed her to the goat watching things unfold.

“That should be enough,” Atamanna said, since Gabby wasn’t going to completely disrobe, “Now just try to relax, perhaps brace yourself with something, and let your body do all the work.”

Gabby appreciated, to some extent, the instructions given to her, as she found them to ease what was going on with her ever so slightly. Even with the admive though, the gryphon found what was happening to her too much for her to endure, finding it difficult to do the simple task of standing up straight as her insides went through things they never had prior. She ended up taking a seat on the floor. Before long, the growth of the object inside her ceased, but that wasn’t particularly good news for Gabby. Atamanna had made clear what the gryphoness would have to do, and while that meant that her womb wouldn’t have to worry about the pressure inside her increasing further, other parts of her body were now in trouble. After all, now that the object, assumedly an egg, had reached the end of its growth, all that was left now was to get it out, through the only way one could remove an egg from that place.

It didn’t take long for the next part to start, and as it did the already terrible pain inside her doubled, with several muscles inside her contracting to perform a duty that was entirely new to them. It started with the cervix, which had to open up wide to allow the intruder inside Gabby’s womb passage outside to the tunnel leading out of her inner most depths. One past that point, her vaginal muscles instinctively pushed the object down the passage that led to the entrance vagina, and while it was roughly half the size of a fully formed baby gryphon, it was large enough that one who had never gone through the process of child birth, and whose body was completely unprepared for the process, could tell no difference between birthing one or the other.

As the unfortunate avian writhed on the floor, feeling her insides getting pushed apart to make way for her egg, Atamanna paced around the gryphon, observing the whole thing take place. “You know…” she said, enjoyment in her tone, “If you want to get through this easier, you’re gonna have to spread your legs apart.”

Gabby knew what the Djinn was implying, that the pants still wrapped around her thighs was making this all the more difficult for her, and she had to agree. Modesty was becoming less and less a factor when it came to the thought of taking them off completely, especially since she was already exposed. Thus, there was little reason to keep them on, if they were the only thing making this experience this horrible. Kicking her legs a few times, the gryphon got the legs of her tightly fitted jeans over her pawed feet, and then proceeded to remove them the rest of the way hands free, believing that bending over would only make things worse at this point.

Without the clothing restricting her movement, Gabby parted her legs the best she could, and she relieved the pressure inside her body a bit more. It was still painful, but not agonizingly so. For it being her first time doing something like this, the whole thing went along smoothly once she took the appropriate measures, as the shape of the egg aided the pushes her internal muscles used to guide it out. A few minutes of labored breaths and tensing of her abdomen, and already the feathered feline felt her lower lips parting to make way for the first gryphon egg’s entry into the world.

“Here it comes,” Atamanna said, seeing a bit of white poke out from the gray between her Gabby’s legs, “Just a little more.”

Gabby nodded her head, knowing that the goat was telling the truth, and with one last solid push, and a loud grunting groan, the egg was pushed out completely, laying soundly on the ground between Gabby’s thighs, the aches of spasming flesh inside the gryphon tracing the journey it had just made.

“You did very good,” Atamanna said, picking up the egg, finding it to have no imperfections. It was a perfectly shaped egg for one its size, which was slightly bigger than that of an ostrich, “But that’s to be expected. Afterall, this is your special talent.”

Gabby was appalled by what the Djinn had done to her, but was too tired from her labor to complain. Having gone through the agony that was birthing, she was almost thankful that it was over, and that she had fulfilled her end of the agreement for the wish.

“I wonder if you’ll make an even bigger one tomorrow,” the goat said, catching the gryphon’s ear.

“T-Tomorrow?!” Gabby yelled, disliking the idea that she might have to go through her ordeal again, and perhaps with a bigger egg next time, “Didn’t I do what you wanted?!”

“Of course you did, Gabriella,” Atamanna assured, “And I’m very happy with the breakfast I’ll be having this morning.”

“Breakfast?” Gabby questioned curiously.

Not that she didn’t understand that some creatures ate eggs, as she enjoyed a good egg as much as any meat eater, but she didn’t think that it would be something that appealed to a goat. Also, while she had no belief that it was fertilized, that egg did come from her body, and there was something very personal about another creature devouring something created in your womb.

“But let me explain our deal again, since it seems you didn’t really understand me before. In exchange for the wish I granted, you will be in service to me for some time,” Atamanna said, as she set the egg safely down on her bed, “And the service you will be providing me is laying me me a delicious meal of yoke and albumen every morning till your debt is paid off. Doesn’t that sound like a fair agreement?”

Gabby had to think it over, but the deal still sounded fair to her. Perhaps it was her naivety that led her to that conclusion, as she had never gone face to face with a truly evil creature before, but she didn’t find this agreement, now that she believed she knew it in full, any worse than making a deal with the residents of her hometown. At least in this situation, the one she was making the deal with wouldn’t just wander off when they got tired of fulfilling their part of terms agreed upon.

“Just understand, that normally cutie marks on anything other than a pony is simply impossible, so repaying that debt is going to be a while.”

Gabby groaned, it dawning on her that the Djinn was still being vague, “How long exactly?”

“Don’t worry about that,” the goat said, brushing off the question like it was nothing to be concerned about, “The terms of our unwritten, magical contract are binding to both of us, and you will be released the second you’ve done enough work for me.”

The Djinn wasn’t exactly being dishonest, only incredibly deceitful with her words. It was true that both Atamanna and Gabby had entered into a binding pact, unbreakable by its terms. The problem was that its terms were in no way beneficial for the gryphon. The moment the wish was granted, Gabby belonged to The Djinn, and it was only because Atamanna found it amusing to mislead the avian that she didn’t outright claim that fact. There would never be a point that Gabby would pay off her debt, as the debt itself was eternal servitude.

“I can still go and do things when I’m not working for you, right?” Gabby asked, “Cause I do have a job outside of this.”

“Of course,” Atamanna said, “So long as you are physically fit to do so. Which reminds me… I need to inspect your body to make sure that your cutie mark helped your body adjust properly, and that you weren’t hurt passing that egg.”

With a snap of the Djinn’s fingers, a structure sprung up from the ground beneath Gabby, a solid mass of smoothed, black rock in the shape of a twisted gynecologist's chair, the legs and arm rests having cuffs on them that locked the gryphon into place, the avian too overcome by surprise to avoid being placed into captivity.

“What’s all this?!” Gabby said, completely overtaken by the device she was now bound within.

“Just something to keep you still,” said Atamanna, going to Gabby’s side, liberally gliding her hand across one of the gryphon’s legs as she placed herself at the center of the stone seat, gleefully taking in the discomfort forming in the eyes of her captive, “I noticed earlier how timid you were at the slightest insinuation of me showing the slightest interest in you, so I don’t want to have you squirming around for what comes next.”

“What comes next?” Gabby asked, confused and flustered with all the unwanted attention she was receiving.

“Yes,” Atamanna simply replied, “I want to make sure that your first laying didn’t cause any lasting damage, and unfortunately there is only one way to check that.”

Atamanna’s hand made its way to the crotch of her newest possession, which made Gabby let out an “Eep!” as the goat’s fingers entered her exposed privates.

“Relax,” said Atamanna, rubbing the entrance of Gabby’s mound with two fingers, “It’s just an exam, and has absolutely no sexual motives behind it.”

The goat said that, but it was hard for Gabby to believe that with the way she was being touched. It became even harder when Atamanna pushed the two fingers inside her hole, sending a spike of sensation through her. Gabby gritted her beak and tensed her body, but there was no hiding that she was feeling something from Atamanna’s invasive actions.

“This really shouldn’t be so hard to handle,” said the Djinn, “The egg would have been much more rough on you then a few fingers, and it certainly helped to loosen you up a little. If it didn’t, then I couldn’t do this.”

Atamanna pulled her fingers out, then formed her hand into the shape of a cone, the tips of her fingers and thumb meeting together at one point. Gabby spotted this, and taking note of what Atamanna had said, figured out what the goat had in mind just as she proceeded. With little care for what Gabby thought about all this, Atamanna pushed her entire hand inside the avian’s sex hole, as well as a good portion of her forearm.

Gabby’s could feel her slit stretch out to allow the fist entrance, proving Atamanna’s words to be true. Her vaginal passage could allow something as big as the Djinn’s dainty hand inside it, having just pushed out something a bit bigger, but the result were sensations that Gabby wished she didn’t have to feel. Not just pain, which came with her most sacred of places being invaded by such a large object, but the small hints of pleasure that came with the tender flesh inside her being touched.

Atamanna grinned gleefully, taking little satisfaction from the sex act itself, but immense pleasure from the way Gabby’s face contorted in displeasure. The emotional damage brought sadistic joy to the Djinn, the slow ease into what would be Gabby’s more permanent suffering an event worth savoring. Compared to what Yona or Pinkie Pie was going through, Gabby was being given a great mercy, which was all part of how Atamanna operated. Not all of her victims were to experience pure hell, or soul crushing torment, as the disparity of the reprisals that came from her wishes was what made the more extreme results all the more special.

The intent for this gryphon was going to be more akin to what happened to Fluttershy, wherein she would be kept, much like a pet, and put to some use. In time, she might even come to enjoy her new role as egg layer, but Atamanna would do what she could to extend the period in which she dreaded her given task, and there was no better way to do that than to make the first time the worst time.

“Now hold as still as possible,” Atamanna said, “This will take longer the more squirmy you are.”

Gabby did her best to comply, hoping that this was indeed just an examination, and that the Djinn knew how to properly give one. Then again, she had never had someone fit their whole hand inside her to do this before, not even a professional doctor, but if she didn’t have faith that Atamanna had the best intentions for her, then the gryphon would have to admit that she was trapped in a terrible situation. Sometimes it was just better to delude oneself, then to face a horrifying truth.

In a way, her time with ponies, and seeing how they usually worked to help others, had skewed Gabby’s worldview of the creatures of Equestria. When she compared ponies to the residents of Griffinstone, the ponies of Equestria lived together in perfect harmony, and the creatures that among them usually acted towards that same goal. Because of that, Gabby just came to believe that Equestria was the place where better people lived. It was foolish of her to believe that any and every creature she met would have good intent, but being a good natured creature herself, she had a subconscious desire to believe that those outside of her hometown weren’t purposefully cruel or mean spirited.

“Everything seems to be ok,” Atamanna said, touching around inside the feline pussy, having gotten her hand up to her victim’s cervix. If she wanted, the goat could have easily pushed herself into Gabby’s vulnerable womb, but she wanted to give the gryphon a small sense of security for a little longer. “I suppose we’re done here.”

“Oh, good,” Gabby replied, one eye clenched shut. For as much discomfort as she was in, she was glad that it was about to be over.

Atamanna went to remove herself from the gryphon’s expanded birth canal, slowly pulling out her arm to make the displeasurable feelings Gabby had to go through last as long as possible, which the feathered feline mistakenly took as her taking a gentle approach to extracting her hand. At about the midpoint though, the goat’s fingertips touched on a portion of meat they had passed by prior. Gabby’s body tensed at the slightest graze of this spot, her insides constricting around the remainder of arm still inside her, as if trying to keep the appendage right where it was.

There was no way that was going to go unnoticed by the Djinn, and in seconds she figured out what she had touched, forming a plan of action right after the discovery.

“Oh my, “Atamanna said, forging a convincing look of concern, “Did that hurt?”

“No!” Gabby replied, her voice becoming a little higher in pitch. “Everything’s fine. Feel free to end your inspection.”

Atmanna gave a laugh at Gabby’s failed attempt to hide her emotions. “No, no. You’re a brave bird, but I have to give this spot a more thorough examination.”

Atamanna hadn’t finished the second part of her sentence going forwards with her unwelcome groping of the other female’s insides, and as she did, Gabby’s bravado broke completely. A sharp “squak” erupting from her throat as she was overcome with sensation. The Djinn was assaulting her g-spot, forcing Gabby to feel immense pleasure against her will, roughly touching the area under the guise of a medical inspection. It was humiliating for the gryphon, as the goat was making her moan as pleasure built inside her, brought on by the unwanted touch of a harsh hand.

“Hmmm…” Atamanna hummed to herself, as if she had found something that she wasn’t happy with, while actually enjoying the control she had over the gryphon.

The avian was merely a plaything at this point, a puppet on her arm, in a semi-literal fashion. That her actions flustered and embarrassed her captive, causing the self proclaimed strictly straight female mental anguish at being brought ever closer to a full on climax by another woman, pleased the Djinn a great deal.

The goat continued to press her fingers along the once hidden, now vulnerable, pleasure point of the avian’s pussy, being relentless till she got not one, but three climaxes out of Gabby, chaining them into one another with how thoroughly and diligently she targeted that spot. While Gabby couldn’t ignore the pleasure this caused her, she still couldn’t get over the idea that it was a girl doing this to her, and thus couldn’t really enjoy it. The feeling only gave her a significant amount of shame, not only because it was a woman who caused it, but because she wanted to only have those kinds of emotional interactions with someone special. Now, every time she had sex, her thoughts would probably come back to this event, a moment in time now engraved in her memories.

“There we go,” Atamanna said, satisfied with the results of her intrusive actions, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Gabby's head dropped a little, trying to hide her face from not only the goat, but the rest of the world. “Are you sure that was just a medical inspection?” She asked, not so oblivious to believe the goat if she refuted the accusation being made.

“For the most part,” Atamanna answered, “You may believe I hold some form of attraction to you, but to be truthful, any interest I have in you isn’t sexual in the least. I will say though, I might have found some enjoyment in watching you squirm when I touched you.”

Gabby blushed brightly, but was willing to accept Atamanna’s partial admittance. At least she didn’t lie, as far as the gryphon knew, and if her intent wasn’t sexual, then perhaps it was ok to still see the goat as a good person.

“Unfortunately,” Atamanna said, somewhat ominously, “I do believe I found some cuts and bruises inside of you, and I can’t let you go walking about in good faith.”

“But what about my job?” Gabby was a postal worker, so she couldn’t just disappear for several days at a time. Well… seeing as she worked for the Griffonstone postal service, there was a good chance that no one there would notice or care.

“I’ll make sure your employers are notified,” Atamanna said, “And no need to give me their information. My genie magic will help me locate them.”

That was an outright lie to placate the gryphon, as Atamanna could do little with her magic unless wished to do so, or if the reciprocate of it was someone who had made a wish with her. It didn’t even matter if Gabby actually believed her, since at any moment she could send the gryphon to a realm of endless suffering, but the Djinn was having fun playing this amusing game with her.

“Okay…” Gabby said, disheartened, but compliant, “But can I at least get out of this thing?”

“Why certainly,” Atamanna replied, a smirk growing over her muzzle.

Atamanna gave her fingers another snap, and the stone structure holding Gabby began to morph as if made of water, changing its shape around the gryphon, while still holding its captive firmly in its grasp.

The now amorphous structure kept the gryphon held off the ground, as a portion of it took the form of a cage around her, the type designed to keep a small bird captive, only big enough to hold a creature her size inside. Once the cage was fully formed, it made a rod a little above its center, going horizontally across its inside, upon which it forced Gabby’s taloned hands to rest upon, two smaller, rectangular bars springing up from the rod’s middle. These bars traveled up Gabby’s wrists, and once they got far enough up her forearms, circled around them and solidified to create new arm restraints, making it so her hands had little room to move from the rod.

With the gryphon’s arms in place, put slightly behind her back at her sides, the cage moved on to do something about her legs. It brought the two lower limbs together, making them parallel, the inner parts of Gabby’s thighs squished into one another. Being put into place, the parts of the liquid rock holding her ankles merged together, creating one solid ankle cuff that held them both closely together, so the heels of her cat paws could not separate from one another. The cage, seemingly having a mind of its own to the gryphon, wasn’t done there though, as the newly made cuff, which itself was still connected to the whole of the cage by a tendril like protrusion leading down to its floor, started to, for lack of a better word, ‘leak’ out a portion of itself, which separated completely from the rest of the structure, traveling up Gabby’s legs like a sentient puddle.

This puddle of black ooze worked its way all the way up to the upper section of Gabby’s legs, making it to the middle part of her upper thigh, before wrapping around them, and weaving a section of itself in between the two lovely bits of female leg meat. Like the part it had separated from, the puddle harded, creating a band of solid rock, which held Gabby’s legs closely together, so that the only bit of space between them was occupied by the small portion of the newly formed band.

“What is all of this about?!” Gabby finally was able to call out, the changes around her happening so fast that it took up until this point to get over the initial shock. She started squirming, but bound as she was, unable to separate her legs or remove her arms from the bar they were cuffed to, she found that her movements were limited to just wiggling her body. At best she could flap her wings, but doing that didn’t allow her to go anywhere, being held down fast by the structure still changing around her. All she could do was endure as it continued to put her in pose, while watching the tendril connected to her ankle cuffs morphing further.

“I know it seems odd,” Atamanna commented, “But I’m putting you into a position that will optimize your recovery. This way it will just take a few days, instead of a week or so.”

“But what about the bars?” Gabby asked, referring to the cage around her, “Are those really necessary?”

“It's to keep you from getting the urge to get up and move about.” Atamanna explained, pulling stuff right out of her ass, “Think of all this as an elaborate cast, except since I can’t put it around your insides, you’re just not going to be able to move about. Not really too different from a hospital.”

Gabby groaned in response, but hospitals did try to keep patients from getting out of bed. She had to believe the goat knew what she was talking about, and the best way to help her heal. At least if she wanted to continue believing that Atamanna had good intent behind her actions.

As the two exchanged words, the cage continued to shift its form. To Gabby’s bewilderment, her attention going to the few remaining moving parts, the tendril transformed into a sort of stool beneath her feet, its ‘body’ turning into one long pole that jutted straight up from the exact middle of the cage floor, before forming a ‘head’ that was a flat surface resembling a plate. Just like the rod behind her, the part of the plate that was still connected to her ankle shackles became a thin rectangular bar, and it shrunk down so that the pads of her paws were perched upon them.

It was around this time that the gryphon had to start holding her body up of her own accord, as with her arms and legs now placed on things they could put weight on, the cage reaching its final state, which no longer provided assistance in this task. Instead, it focused its last movements to adjust the positions of flat surface her feet was precariously placed upon, moving their height up and down to get Gabby into the perfect pose.

Once it was finished, Gabby found herself putting a near equal amount on her weight on both her arms and legs, as the cage put her into a squat, the plate she was standing only a little over foot lower than the rod behind her, so that her knees bent, and her upper thighs were horizontally level. This was all so Gabby would be in a pose that made her ass dangle out into empty space, with nothing beneath it for her to sit on, and likewise have her crotch with nothing underneath it as well. With that done, the cage completed its transformation, and went still.

“I apologize if that pose is not the most comfortable,” Atamanna said, looking at her prisoner from outside her cage, “But this really will help you get better as quickly as possible.”

“Can I at least get a chair?” Gabby said, wanting to take some weight off her limbs.

“Sorry, but a chair would make it harder for you when you’d have to do your next laying. Speaking of.”

With one more snap of her fingers, the bottom of the cage filled up with straw, which was put together in a way to resemble a nest.

“Oh come on,” Gabby said, finally noticing the theme of her accommodations, “You did all this on purpose, didn’t you.”

“Oh, you got me, but I’m just having a little fun with the decor. I wasn’t lying when I said this pose would help you, and the cage was to stop you from wanting to move.”

Gabby returned a growl, “Gryphons aren’t birds. Well, not completely birds.”

“But you do have nests, yes?” Atamanna said, knowing a good deal about gryphons and how they lived, “So these birdlike trappings shouldn’t seem so offensive to you.”

Gabby huffed, her feathers puffing out a bit as the Djinn got her goat a little. Atamanna was correct, but that didn’t mean that what she had done was any less degrading.

“Such an angry face,” Atamanna observed aloud, “But I assure you, once this is all over, you’ll be happy you made your wish.”

The feathers on Gabby’s face settled back down a little. The goat was right, and when her service to the Djinn was over, she’d have a cutie mark, along with a unique, if strange, special talent for a gryphon. As much as she had been put through, she still felt her wish was worth it.

“Now you’ve been through a lot, and I think that it’s time you had a little rest.”

“Yeah, I could use a bit of relaxation,” Gabby agreed, “But I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do that like this.”

“Don’t you worry,” Atamanna said, “I can conjure up something that will allow you to sleep like that.”

For a last time, Atamanna snapped her fingers to produce something for Gabby, and when they made that now familiar sound for the gryphon, the world turned black to her.

“Hey, what gives?!” Gabby yelled out, feeling something wrap around her head.

“Settle down. It’s just an eye mask to help you go to sleep.” said Atamanna, knowing full well that what she had put on Gabby wasn’t an eye mask, but a gryphon sized falcon hood.

“But I just needed to relax a little. I’m not… really… slee… py…” As Gabby tried to protest a need to sleep, something came over her, and she started to feel really tired. So tired that even in the uncomfortable pose she was stuck in, she ended up passing out into a calm slumber.

“And that’s that,” Atamanna said, having reached the conclusion to her game, “What a foolish gryphon, trusting me so much. Now she’ll be laying eggs for me till the end of time.”

Atamanna took a moment to eye her prize; a cute, gryphon girl she was happy to add to her collection of damned souls.

“I think that I’m gonna be extra hungry tomorrow morning though,” the Djinn said to herself, “So we had better see to that, shouldn’t we?”

The Djinn reached through the bars of Gabby’s cage, and touched the gryphon’s rump, laying her hand right on the egg cutie mark she had put there. With a small concentration of will, Atamanna poured some of her magic into the mark, which gave it a charge that was unnatural to the magical image inscribed on Gabby’s flesh.

The effects of what Atamanna did showed fairly quickly, as a new lump appeared on her abdomen. Not just one though, but another, and another, each one as big as the first one she had laid. The three new obstructions in her body took up so much space inside her that even in her slumber, the gryphon made light groans of discomfort, her thin, feminine body almost too small to contain them.

With that small act done, there was little more that Atamanna could do with the gryphon, while sticking to the theme of her punishment. Gabby was asleep, and in for a rude awakening in the morning, so it was time to bring this early diversion to a close. With a final snap of her fingers, the cage, and its contents, seemingly collapsed into itself, vanishing completely into a sizable ruby that formed at the center of the implosion. The moment it manifested, the gem succumbed to gravity, falling to the floor, but Atamanna was there to snatch it out of the air with a well timed catch.

“What a delicious little snack to have delivered itself to me,” the goat said, peering into the gem, to see the gryphon that was now trapped in one of her pocket dimensions.

Atamanna would send one of her projections to take care of Gabby, and raise her like the egg laying hen she would become. The question was how to make the foolish fowl suffer, as she could simply have her avatar tell her the truth about her damnation, or perhaps let her figure it out on her own over time. She could even make Gabby lose her memory of the day prior each time she went to sleep, and simply relive the ‘first day of the rest of her life’ on repeat, never to understand that she would never leave her cage.

“That can all be decided later,” Atamanna said, simply willing the flow of time to stop inside the realm projected in the gem.

If the Djinn chose to, or simply forgot, Gabby would stay like that forever, in a state that might as well been death, as even her thoughts had been frozen at the exact point of the stop. It was a possibility all too real, as Atamanna tossed the gemstone into a drawer, before making her way to the egg resting on her bed.

“For now, let’s have some breakfast,” the Djinn picked up the egg, and headed to her dining area, to have a nice morning meal, and prepare for all the others who would be visiting her, and unwittingly meet their own terrible fates.

Hostile Takeover

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“So you’re sure that my wish was granted.” asked a bug-like pony exiting from Atamanna’s tent, one with a dark green and royal purple carapace.

“Absolutely,” Atamanna said, following him out, “Your wish to have your brother become a more assertive leader for the changelings has already taken effect, and when you return home, you’ll find that your king is a changed stallion.”

The Djinn had to restrain a laugh, as she knew the meaning behind her words were literal. The newly instated changeling king’s brother, Pharynx, had been one of many lined up that day, having heard of the wish granting genie’s power. He wanted his brother to be a more traditional leader, strong, capable, and willing to throw his weight around if needed. It was public information that Thorax did not have a very powerful presence, his form of leadership being weak overall. The way he put it though was that he wanted Thorax to ‘Stop being such a sissy’, but the sentiment was still the same.

How surprised Pharynx would be when he returned to his hive, to find all the changelings reverted to their former form, sapped and starving for love, his brother having consumed it all for himself. While not the only way to fulfill Pharynx’s wish, the most amusing way to make Thorax more assertive was to make him more aggressive and hostile, and the easiest way to make a changeling angry was to make them hungry.

So Atamanna simply cursed the changeling king to have an insatiable appetite for love, one that was only eased during the moment of consumption. At the moment of the wish being granted, he would have found himself so hungry for love that he would have no choice but to drain the closest love filled changeling available, and would have then proceeded to drain his kingdom, with those he fed off of joining in the ravid consumption of every drop of love held by those who had yet to be feasted on. None of these reverted changelings would ever die from lack of the love they once more craved, but neither would a normally full stomach sate them, especially not the king himself. The endless hunger would drive him to be a more ruthless and dangerous creature than even the former queen, who may have acted to some degree to provide her people with food, but that goal was always superseded by her desire to rule supremely over all of Equestria.

“Then I better get back and see how the wuss turned out.” Pharynx said, spreading his wings and flew off, not giving so much as a thanks as he left.

Atamanna didn’t mind, however, since she now owned the changeling’s soul, and knew that when he returned to his hive, he would find himself ravaged by the entirety of his people, perhaps to have the very brother he made a wish for put him into an existence of perpetual hunger by sucking every particle of love out of him. The goat couldn’t help but be pleased when the results of a wish provided the punishment without her direct influence.

“Ok, who’s next?”Atamanna asked, looking at the pony stationed at the front of her line.

At the uttering of her question, a light green unicorn with a mane of pale blue and white stepped forward, putting purpose in her step as she approached the genie. “That would be me,” she said, more brazenly than any other visitor from Ponyville, “You are the wish granter, correct?”

Atamanna, upon seeing the unicorn, raised an eyebrow, a little confused at what she saw. It took her a second to take in every aspect of this mare to notice something beyond the things that threw her off, and once that happened, she overcame the thing that perplexed her about the unicorn.

“Ah, yes, I am.” Atamanna said, “I assume that you’ve heard that I would grant any wish requested of me?”

“Yes,” the unicorn stated plainly, “And I have a wish I need granted right now.”

“Why of course,” Atamanna said, “Please, come on in, and we shall discuss your wish in private.”

The unicorn complied, making her way inside, hardly looking at the goat as she passed the threshold of the genie’s abode.

“This should be interesting,” Atamanna said softly to herself as she followed, after a brief pause to let the unicorn get out of earshot.

“Ugh,” the goat heard as she entered her home, the unicorn looking around in disgust, “How can a creature so powerful live in such meager accommodations.”

“Well, I don’t ask for anything in return for the wishes I grant,” Atamanna explained, “And my powers are incredibly limited when not used on someone who has received a wish from me.” The Djinn added, intentionally eluding that her magic could do much more to those who she granted wishes to, just to see if her guest would pick up on that detail.

“How repugnant,” said the unicorn, “But I guess my opinions of your squalid living conditions don’t matter. The only thing that I care about is that you can grant me my wish.”

“Why of course… Miss Heartstrings.” Atamanna replied.

The unicorn cocked her brow a little, before catching on to what the goat had said, “Ah, right, that’s me. Heartstrings the unicorn. Now if you don’t mind, can we get on with this?”

Atamanna smirked, she already knew what was going on, but it was always amusing to see a guest in her house lose their nerve. “If that is your desire,” the goat crossed her arms, looking directly at the unicorn with a glare that shot right through her, “What is your wish?”

The unicorn lips curled up into a slightly malicious smile, but quickly wiping the expression off her face when she became self aware of it. “What I want is simple,” the unicorn announced, taking a deep breath before following up with, “I wish to be the absolute ruler of Equestria!”

“Sorry, no,” Atamanna said, her own muzzle now bearing a smug smirk.

The unicorn, seeing the genie’s response, twitched her eye, rage building up inside her, “What do you mean, ‘no’? Can’t you grant any wish?”

“Oh, I certainly can,” Atamanna said, “If your wish is to be the supreme queen of this world, I could make the leaders of every nation grovel at your hooves.”

“Then do it!” the unicorn demanded, stomping her foot on the ground, her arms straight at her sides with her hands balled up into fists in frustration.

“I’m sorry, but I explained the rules to you yesterday, Miss Heartstrings.” Atamanna replied, “Each creature can only have one wish, and you already made yours.”

The unicorn was taken aback by the genie’s words, “I’ve… already…”

“Yes, remember? You wished that you could spend more time with your marefriend, and it was a wish that I gladly granted.”

The unicorn put a hand to her face, annoyed at herself that she could have made such a mistake. She had to kick herself over not thinking of this before, that the pony she was disguised as could have already asked the genie for something. Getting over that small detail though, the mare recomposed herself, and with no hesitation, dropped her disguise in a display of green fire flowing over her body. One moment she was a mere unicorn from Ponyville, and the next she was Chrysalis, the former queen of the changelings.

“Fine,” said Chrysalis, “As you can see I’m not Heartstrings, so now you should be able to grant my wish, and make me the undisputed ruler of Equestria!”

This was the point that Atamanna was steering this interaction to from the beginning, as she knew the mare in front of her couldn’t be who she claimed to be, as that mare was currently trapped in one of her pocket dimensions. Lyra, the mare Chrysalis had taken the physical appearance of, was lamenting that her lover had to leave for a while on some secret mission. The original version of Lyra’s wish was that she wished that her marefriend’s job was done, so they could spend more time together, and in a way Atamanna had fulfilled both objects of that desire.

The two were now trapped in a glass box, confined together in a cramped space with little wiggle room, face to face, arms and legs wrapped around one another as their appendages were bound together, while the more sensitive areas of their nipples, clits, and tongues were linked together part via a set of new piercings, a small length of chain joining their respective parts to the other’s match, ensuring they would never part again. As for bringing an end to Lyra’s lover’s mission, with the mare in this state, any mission she could have, present or future, were brought to a close. All either could do now was comfort one another, and perhaps share some form of intimacy by lewdly rubbing their bodies together.

Now that the facade was dropped, it was true that Atamanna could grant Chrysalis’ wish, though that was true beforehand as well. Atamanna, pleased with herself to have made the once royal changeling reveal herself, acknowledged her request for domination, and then did the only thing she could do when such a boon was demanded of her.

“No,” she said, unwavering from her previous reply.

“No?” Chrysalis said, now more confused than angry. “Why won’t you grant my wish? What is wrong now?”

“Nothing is wrong,” Atamanna said, “I simply don’t want to do it. As the one who grants the wish, I have the privilege to refuse any wish requested of me, and personally, I find your wish to be boring.”

Chrysalis had reached the end of her patience for the genie. In her mind, she was the only rightful ruler of Equestria, and that she had been defeated so thoroughly time and time again was not a failing on her part, but numerous flukes that ended up against her favor. Twilight was willing to believe she was Cadence after being scolded by Celestia, but then Chrysalis revealed herself to imprison her underground. Cadence would have never repelled her and her army away from Canterlot, had she kept her away from Shining Armor, and Starlight would have never destroyed her throne, had there not been some previously unknown changeling transformation that converted her army against her. It was all a matter of bad circumstances, and the thing she needed to correct these mistakes was denying her what rightfully belonged to her.

Seeing no other recourse to deal with this defiant goat, Chrysalis lit up her horn with a green aura, and shot a concussive beam at Atamanna. The beam made contact, knocking the Djinn to the floor, making a sound loud enough that the changeling queen worried that it might have alerted those waiting outside. When no one came rushing in, she relaxed and made her way to the now prone goat woman.

“I'm tired of your insolence,” the changeling said, “You will grant my wish for domination of this kingdom, or I’ll make you wish you were never born.”

The Djinn rolled over on her back, and looked up at Chrysalis, the former queen recoiling when she saw the goat’s face. Half of it had been blown off, revealing the bone and tissue beneath the skin, the rage fueling Chrysalis’ attack great enough to wound the goat. The changeling queen became immensely worried that she had just ruined her chance to rule Equestria, but as she stared at the half skeletal face of the genie, the goat began to laugh. At first, Chrysalis believed that Atamanna had gone mad, that the pain she endured had pushed her over the brink of sanity, but then she saw what was so funny to the goat.

What happened next took a few seconds to begin, but once it did the process happened incredibly fast. The goat’s face began healing, skin crawling unnaturally over the exposed bone, as the muscle restored the parts of it that had been blown away. It took little time at all for the genie’s visage to return to the way it was prior to receiving the blast, once the damage was reversed, all that remained was a wicked grin.

“What an amazing outburst,” Atamanna said, “Had I been a mere mortal, I’m certain my life would have been cut short then and there. However, that which is eternal cannot die… If it is any consolation though… That hurt like hell.”

Chrysalis stood in shock at how nonchalantly the genie brushed off her attack, until she came to a conclusion. “Very well,” She said, lifting a hoof before stomping it down on Atamanna’s ankle, getting a wince from the goat as pain coursed up through her leg and up her spine, “If I cannot threaten you with death, then I can threaten you with agony, and I’m sure I’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you can live through.”

Atamanna grimaced, looking up at the woman looming over her. She could do nothing to the changeling until she made a wish that the Djinn could manipulate, and either through careful wording or by accident, Chrysalis wasn’t saying anything that could be treated like a wish or request. At least, not one that didn’t lead back to Chrysalis becoming the ruler of Equestria. For once in the bug mare’s life, her one track mind was greatly benefiting her.

“Look,” Atamanna said, adjusting herself on the floor into a sitting position, “Before we go through days or weeks of you ceaselessly torturing me with no results, let me say this. I have no issue granting a person such as you a wish.”

“Is that supposed to be an insult?” Chrysalis said, imbuing her twisted horn with magic as she prepared another beam.

“Not at all,” Atamanna replied, a sinister tone entering her words as she spoke, “Just informing you that my refusal has nothing to do with your alignment, or your ambitions. I cater to both creatures who would be considered ‘good’ and ‘evil’. The only problem I have is that your wish is unoriginal, and has uninteresting results. If I were to grant this particular wish, then you would own all Equestria, and no one would ever be able to defy your will, which is of course what you seek. What I seek, and why I don’t charge for my services, is amusement, which such a simple wish for conquest doesn’t fulfill.”

Chrysalis glared at the goat sitting on the ground before her, pondering her words, and the sudden tonal shift of the situation. It seemed she wanted to give Chrysalis a wish, but just not one for a total one sided victory. This need for ‘interesting’ wishes was the only thing standing in Chrysalis’ way of what she rightfully deserved.

“What have other creatures with goals such as mine wished from you?” Chrysalis asked, her curiosity rising as she thought about how this creature might have aided others with goals of conquest.

“Is that information what you want?” Atmanna asked, requiring Chrysalis to at least agree that it was her desire to make it count as a wish.

Atamanna received a shot of the changeling’s magic in response, directed into the dirt right next to her. “It is what you will give, unless you want to regrow another patch of flesh.”

The djinn grumbled, and got back to her hooves. “Fine, a freebee then. One example of my work was the time I met the first Dragon Lord, or I should say, the one who would become the first Dragon Lord. He stumbled upon me by accident, as many have, and wished for a means to bring other dragons to heel, wanting to command his people with absolute authority, but knowing that his kind were too unruly and savage to ever accept the rule of another. I granted him his wish in the form of a staff, that when used could bend the will of any dragon to the wielder’s.”

“You are referring to the Bloodstone Scepter,” Chrysalis said, knowing of the object, “Are you trying to tell me that you are the one who crafted that artifact?”

“That, and more,” Atamanna said, “From books that give the user the ability to manipulate reality, to gemstones that could blot out the sun, I am the source of many objects that could bring Equestria to its knees.”

“You truly expect me to believe that?” Chrysalis scoffed.

“If you didn’t, then why would you be willing to waste your time prying a wish out of me?”

Chrysalis had to concede on that point. She already believed this goat was a means to gaining control of Equestria, so why was it so hard to believe that she could make these legendary items.

“I believe I see the problem,” Chrysalis said, “You don’t like results that end with no means of countering them. The First Dragon Lord was a kind soul who wanted to unite his people, but was usurped shortly after when his kindness was taken advantage of. As for the other two objects you mentioned, they were clearly not utilized in a way that made their owners' plans come to fruition.”

“You’re partially correct,” Atamanna said, “An outright win that can’t be countered would be fine, just not on a grand scale. It’s just too dull to create such a predictable ending.”

“Then how about this?” Chrysalis said, “Grant me control of the Crystal Empire. Make its current rulers and subjects bow to me, so I may have an army to conquer the rest of Equestria of my own accord.”

Atamanna sighed, as the changeling was making the same wish as before, only dumbed down. Chrysalis was taking her words too literally, and not understanding that it was the want to have an entire populace under her will with no effort was the problem. The thing was, Atamanna was beginning to take interest in Chrysalis herself, wondering what she could do if given actual power. However, if the ex-matriarch wanted to restore her title, then she would have to come up with something more creative than ‘let me rule over a kingdom’.

“Let’s take a step back,” Atamanna said, hoping to guide Chrysalis to a wish that she could agree to, “You want to take over Equestria, but despite your power and cunning, something has prevented you from achieving this goal. What could you have now that would change that outcome should you try again?”

Chrysalis dwelled on that question, understanding that her wish for the Crystal Empire was not meeting Atamanna’s abstract criteria for a proper wish. She didn’t like how the genie was directing her though, especially since there seemed to be a recurring pattern of those in her position that made a wish on this genie. Wishing for some object or relic could easily be turned against her, or be destroyed or made ineffective if her foes got hold of them. The Bloodstone Scepter was used against its owner, and her own Changeling Throne, which was her ultimate defense, was reduced to rubble.

The changeling had to come up with something less material, or at least something that was part of herself. A wish of her own, so not let this creature lead her down another path to failure. Still, there was some credibility to what the goat was saying. If she could have anything now, what would give her the advantage over those who had beaten her, and still had the power to stop her. There was one thing she wanted that could make her unstoppable, and when she thought about it, it was something that she might have wanted more than Equestria itself.

“If you refuse to give me my own kingdom, then I have a better idea.” Chrysalis said, “I wish for the power to enact my revenge on my enemies.”

Atamanna took a moment to consider the wish, liking what she heard. It was a vague wish, but she could work with a vague wish for power a lot more than she could the direct wish for control. “This wish is acceptable,” she said, satisfied.

“Then you will grant it?” Chrysalis questioned, surprised she had made some ground with the goat.

“I will, but I have a caveat.” Atamanna replied, which made Chrysalis begin to snarl, “Don’t worry though, it’s not a big one. It’s just… A person of your renown and infamy must have many enemies. In some fashion, all of Equestria could be considered your enemy, which would lead to another boring conquest wish.”

“Then what is your stipulation?” Chrysalis said, annoyed, wondering if this was just another means to refuse her desires.

To answer the changeling, the Djinn raised her hand, with three fingers extended. “Three,” she said, “Pick three creatures to suffer your unbridled wrath.”

Chrysalis’ heart skipped a beat, excitement building fast at the goat’s declaration. While she would have preferred that she was given the power to destroy anyone she considered an enemy, which was the loophole she was working for, the offer to select any three of her foes was very enticing.

“Any three?” she said to clarify, “And I’ll be able to defeat them without question?”

“Anyone you can think of, aside from myself,” Atamanna said, as she would never agree to that particular choice, “Aside from that, you could pick Celestia, Luna, and Discord themselves, and even they would be at your complete mercy, incapable of ever standing against you.”

With that confirmation, Chrysalis went through her mental list of foes, trying to deduce which ones posed the most threat. In all honesty, most of her enemies had been defeated by her in the past, but that was when she had an army behind her. However, there was one enemy who had thwarted her, even when her final victory was all but achieved.

“The first one is obvious,” Chrysalis stated with absolute certainty, “Starlight Glimmer. I want to make her suffer more than any pony has ever suffered, and ever will suffer.”

The tip of Atamanna’s pointer finger caught flame, and in the fire was displayed the image of Starlight, currently in the library of Canterlot Castle, her eyes glued to a book. Chrysalis was surprised to see her most despised foe, and peered into the flame with hatred.

“Name the next who’s fate will be in your hands,” Atamanna said, her smile growing unnaturally large.

Chrysalis paid no attention to the goat, more focused on her wish. She knew her targets had to be strategic, but seeing Starlight, and realizing that what she wanted was really coming true, she couldn’t help but think about another pony who was more of a personal grudge than an actual threat to her.

“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,” said the queen, calling Princess Cadence by her formal name, to make sure the genie knew who she was talking about.

The goat’s middle finger ignited, showing the alicorn princess as she was currently, spending time with her husband and daughter, walking the streets of the Crystal Empire, blissfully unaware that her life was in peril.

“One more…” Atamanna said, “One more and we can finalize your wish, and you will receive everything you deserve.”

For the last one, Chrysalis could only think of one pony who fit the bill. The pony who, if she hadn’t interfered, Chrysalis would be queen over all. With her out of the way, no pony would be able to stop her next attempt to take her rightful place as ruler of Equestria.

“Princess… Twilight Sparkle.” she said, uprooting the destinies of her greatest rival by the mere utterance of her name.

Atamanna’s ring finger caught fire, and within the flame was Twilight Sparkle, walking aside a bookshelf, eyeing the titles of each tome as she passed. “Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings, with your selection made, I declare your wish for revenge… granted.” The goat lifted her other hand, and snapped her fingers together, triggering the finalization of the wish, and sealing the contract between the Djinn and the would-be ruler of Equestria.

Chrysalis locked her eyes to the three flames displaying her greatest foes, waiting to see what the genie had in store for them. This moment filled her with a sensation she didn’t think possible, the anticipation to see what would happen next too great to bear. She expected some horrid fate to befall them, but what she saw as she stared into the flames was a set of marks appearing on their bodies. Small glyphs, appearing near the back of their necks, in the image of a demonic looking goat head, within the center of an encircled star.

“What is this?” Chrysalis asked, confused as to why the trio wasn’t writhing in sheer torment.

“You wished for the power to defeat them, remember?” Atamanna said, reaching forward, and taking hold of Chrysalis’ wrist. She pulled the arm to her, turning the bug mare’s hand palm out, and then placed the three flames into it. The fire sheered into the changelings’ carpaced skin, causing her to cry out lightly in pain. “And as you desired, they can never go up against you again. They have absolutely no power over you, while you soon will hold absolute power over them.”

Chrysalis pulled away from Atamanna, needing to make several attempts before she could retrieve her arm. She immediately checked her hand to see the injury caused by the flames, only to find not a single burnmark there. With the searing pain she had felt, she was sure that the genie had melted some skin, and even after escaping the flames, she could feel the heat.

“Absolute power, you say?” Chrysalis said, trying to ignore the burning, “Then give me it. Give me the power to strike these three down.”

“Very well,” Atamanna said, snapping her fingers once more to sound a transformation the changeling could never accomplish alone.

The sound of the two fingers acted as a signal for the pain in Chrysalis’ hand to spread like wildfire through the entirety of her body. The changeling buckled over on the spot, falling to her knees, screaming aloud as every inch of her body felt like it was engulfed in flames, despite visually being fine.

“W-What… HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!” Chrysalis yelled at the genie, assuming she had been tricked somehow, but not understanding how close that was to the truth.

“I have only done what I promised,” Atamanna said, watching the changeling struggle to get at her, falling face first into the floor. “But you could never contain the power I’m bestowing on you in your current form. Your body is now drastically changing to adapt to it, but don’t worry. You’ll retain your current appearance… for the most part.”

“Most… part…?” Chrysalis struggled to say, foam forming at the corner of her lips as her saliva rose up from inside her throat.

Before she could get a response from the goat though, the changeling queen saw something drop down in front of her eyes from above, and when she tracked the movement to see what it was, she was horrified. It was her horn, laying on the floor in front of her, having fallen right off her head. She felt stunned, never expecting to be in a position of such vulnerability. To be brought so low, in so much pain, with someone holding so much power over her. If the goat was to come over and stomp down on her head, she would not only be incapable of stopping it, but would find it a mercy so long as it brought an end to her torment.

Just when she thought her consciousness was fading, that her mind could take no more pain, and was going to shut it off to spare her, an intense, sharp pressure came to her awareness, the origin of which being two points on the opposite sides of her head, just above her temples. With what strength she still retained, she reached up to feel what was happening in those spots, only to be met with an eruption of bone, as two new horns appeared, jutting to the back of her skull before curling in on themselves. If not for the enchantment of the tent preventing sound from escaping it, the bestial howls the changeling made would have echoed for miles.

“Just endure it for a little while,” Atamanna said, taking in Chrysalis’ screams, bathing in her agony, “And when it's over, you’ll be a whole new mare.”

Chrysalis could hardly hear the goat over her own screams, but she could see that the goat was talking to her, which drew her gaze to the genie’s face. Through the tears starting to pour out of her eyes, a bodily function she had seldom done prior, she couldn’t tell a single word that was being said, but she could see that something about the goat had changed, as the normally rounded pupils of the Djinn’s own eyes had turned into strange looking rectangles, that felt like they were boring into Chrysalis’ very soul.


Cadence’s eyes shot open, her heart racing, chest heaving as she took a series of deep breaths. It was night, and she was in her bed, sitting upright, with Shining Armor peacefully laying aside her. Her senses were on edge, as she searched the moonlit room, going from shadow to shadow as if she knew something was hiding in one of them.

The princess was going through a rough day, and she wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t like anything had happened, with her morning being very pleasant, since she had some time off from her royal duties to spend time with her family. Everything had been going fine, until midday when she was suddenly overwhelmed by an ominous feeling. She didn’t know what could have caused it, but she was randomly struck with a severe bout of anxiety. From that point forward, the pink alicorn couldn’t enjoy anything, feeling like there was an evil presence looming over her at all times. Shining, trusting Cadence’s intuition, had the guards search the empire, but nothing sinister was found. After that, Cadence had the castle’s physician perform a full body examination, but no ailments could be found, either natural or magical. The closest thing they could relate it to was stress, but Cadence didn’t really accept that as an answer.

For the rest of the day, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad would happen, all the way to the setting of the sun, and the raising of the moon. Shining tried to tell her to get some sleep, and that she’d feel better in the morning, but for hours she had been restless. The few moments she could enter a sleeping start, there was nothing but an unnatural darkness, which was incredibly unnatural for pony dreams, and in her last attempt, she could swear there was something staring at her from that darkness. Something with unnerving, rectangular eyes.

She had to get up, take a walk around the castle, get a drink of water. Anything really, so she could stop thinking about those eyes. Without another word, Cadence moved to the side of the bed, when she heard her husband speak to her.

“Still not getting any sleep?” Shining said, sounding very tired himself, having been directly affected by his wife's ceaseless moving about.

“No…” Cadence admitted, though she wasn’t even tired, with her senses on high alert as they were, “I just don’t know what’s come over me. It's like I feel something watching me, but each time I think I’ve found them, I look and nothing is there. It’s driving me crazy.”

“Well I’ve got my best men on patrol tonight,” Shining Armor said, “If someone is stalking you, they’ll find them.”

Cadence shook her head, “I don’t really think anypony is here,” she said, making her worry sound unwarranted, even to herself, “I can’t explain it, but it feels like I have this pressure weighing me down, while a pit of dread is forming in my heart, and my worst fears are cycling in my head on repeat.”

“Maybe the doctor was right.” suggested Shining, “Maybe it’s just stress.”

Cadence didn’t want to accept that, but what else could it be?

“I’m… going to get some air,” said Cadence, an urge to leave the room developing since she had woken up in fright.

“Want me to come with you?” Shining asked within a yawn, concerned, but exhausted from his own day of worrying over Cadence.

“No, you get some rest,” Cadence said, putting her husband’s needs first. Though she would have felt better with him at her side, he needed his rest to operate the guard the next day, “I’ll stay in the castle, where the guards can keep an eye on me.”

“Okay…” Shining replied, placing his head back on his pillow, his eyelids closing immediately as he fell asleep.

Cadence left shortly after, heading down the hall, to the royal nursery, which was being watched over by two on duty unicorn guards. Then she turned to enter the room, they covered their norns with magical auras, ready to strike.

“Password.” said one of the guards.

“Skyla.” Cadence replied. It was a necessary precaution, to prevent those with the ability to create illusions from getting to the kingdom’s most cherished treasure.

The guards stood down, and opened the door for their princess, allowing her to enter with nary another word, and closing the doors the moment she entered.. The way Cadence was feeling, she just had to check in on her daughter, to make sure what she was feeling wasn’t about her. Thankfully, Flurry Heart was sleeping soundly in her crib, nothing threatening her peaceful slumber. The sight of her only child resting with not a care in the world got the adult alicorn to feel a little better, her love for Flurry and relief that she was still safe putting her mind at ease. If something was plotting against Cadence, the princess of love could at least take some comfort in knowing that her child was safe.

With that detail reaffirmed, Cadence gave her daughter a kiss on the head, which made the foal rustle in her sleep, but quickly go back whatever sweet thoughts were occupying her dreams. Cadence hoped, somewhat selfishly, that Luna was paying extra special attention to the youngest princess of Equestria that night.

With the knowledge that her daughter was safe, Cadence crept towards the exit, careful to not make a sound. It had taken her all day, but this small interaction with her infant child had put her mind at ease. She started to think that she really was worrying over nothing. Maybe she really had been stressed out over nothing, and all she really needed was a singular, calming moment to put her mind at ease. Keeping an eye on Flurry as she opened the door, the princess made her way out of the nursery, her heart feeling light as a feather.

That changed the second her hoof touched down outside of her daughter’s bedroom, as something immediately felt off. The sound it made wasn’t the familiar sensation of touching the crystal palace floors, instead feeling like she had just stepped on a patch of dirt. Pulling her eyes away from Flurry, she looked down to see that she had indeed done that, as she had set foot on common, earthen ground. Cadence’s head twisted around to see what had happened to her castle, only to find she wasn’t in it anymore, instead in a cave-like surrounding, with crystals protruding from the stone walls, and a single tunnel leading out from what the enclosure she had stepped into.

Immediately, Cadence turned around to get back to the nursery, only to have the entryway she had just stepped through pull away from her, the door itself having become a portal of some sort. She made an effort to get back to it, fear motivating her actions, as the area around her was bringing up traumatic memories of the last time she was in such surroundings, but she was only met with the doors closing shut, and then vanishing before her eyes.

Cadence had become trapped, unable to return the way she came, with no possibility of knowing where she was. Alone, isolated, and scared, when the sound of laughter filled the cave, she broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

“What a sweet scene that was,” said the voice, “A mother and daughter sharing a tender moment together, neither knowing that it would be the last one they would ever share.”

Cadence, well aware that she was in danger, turned to face the tunnel, as it was the only way out of the room, and thus the only direction the voice could be coming from. If the owner of the voice wanted her, she would have to come from that direction, which would have been a mistake. Cadence could easily shoot a beam down the narrow passage, one big enough to make dodging it difficult in such a tight space. On the other hand, the area she was in was confined, but more open, and she could avoid any attacks coming her way.

The princess of love waited, nerves on edge as she kept watch for the slightest movement to act as a signal to fire. For all Cadence knew, she had one shot at this, and had to make it count. She didn’t move, didn’t blink, and at one point stopped breathing as her inhales and exhales became too heavy. The anticipation was making the synapses in her brain fire off like crazy, taking in every detail of the world in front of her eyes in a much more enhanced way than usual, the benefits of being cornered in a dangerous situation, as her instincts became powered by adrenaline. All of it was for naught though, as a form appeared behind her, manifesting from the shadows without her knowing.

“So much effort,” said the creature behind the princess.

Cadence spun around to face her assailant, horn filled so full with magic that the glow filled the cave’s enclosure, prepared to fight for her life. However, any attempt she would have made was cut short, as a solid metal ring formed around the base of her horn, the grip of it stifling her casting abilities on the spot.

Cadence was shocked to find her magic negated so easily, but was ready to take a physical approach, despite fighting through fists not being her fort’e. She raised her hand, going for a punch, and as she sent a fist forward, the alicorn found she couldn’t move it an inch. Her hostile actions were brought to a quick end as a metal cuff wrapped around her wrist, holding her in place, as duplicates of the object went around her other wrist and and her ankles. She put all her might into trying to move her limbs, but it was as if the items were affixed in space, impossible to move by any means.

“Princess Cadence, you really should relax,” the creature in the shadow said, her voice holding a womanly and wicked tone to it. “I would hate for you to tire yourself out before you meet your proper end.”

The shackles on the alicorn’s appendaged started to move on their own, pulling Cadence’s arms straight up, lifting her a foot off the ground, while the ones at her ankles did their best to reach the floor, while not moving the wrist shackles an inch. The result of this was that Cadence was being forced into a stretched out, straight line, incapable of bending any part of her body, as she was held suspended off the ground. It was as if she had been placed within a torture rack, except she was made to ‘stand’ vertically, as the pressure on her limbs was just short of causing her limbs to pop out of their sockets.

“Now hold still,” said the voice, as if the princess had an option.

Using whatever magic the creature had, it caused several of the crystal formations to grow, coming down from the ceiling, and popping up from the ground, to reach Cadence where she was, and wrap around her hooves and hands. They kept going beyond that, traveling over her forearms and biceps, squeezing them tightly as it became clear to the alicorn that these were to become her bonds, holding her in place so that her attacker didn’t have to keep fueling the shackles with magic. With the rock formations in place, and the ring around her horn, she would be incapable of escaping, and completely vulnerable to whatever this creature had in store for her.

“Coward!” she yelled, “Not even brave enough to show yourself!”

It really didn’t matter if the creature revealed itself or not, but creatures often had an instinctual desire to know who wronged them. In this aspect, Cadence was fortunate that her attacker was happy to fulfill this curiosity, and stepped into the light.

A black, female creature came into her view, one with the appearance of a demonic goat. At least that was Cadence's first impression seeing her kidnapper, but the more she looked at the goat-like female, the more she noticed other features. The creature’s head was the most caprine part of her, with horns like a ram that spiraled out to the back of her head, originating from her forehead. The horns, however, were missing parts of them, like sections of them had been punched out in holes.

Cadence’s eyes traveled to the goat’s body next, which was very ‘womanly’ in appearance, with sizable breasts, and shapely hips that might have made the Princess of Love jealous, had she not been preoccupied with her peril. There was a thin layer of fur coating this hyper sexualized body, which the princess could easily see as the goat wore no clothing to speak of, perversely displaying her lewd form, but strangely the creature also seemed to have spots where a chitinous shell-like material poked out.

But the one feature that gave Cadence a major cause for alarm was when she noticed that this creature had wings. Not feathered wings, like a pony, gryphon, or hippogriff would have, or bat wings, like something looking as demonic as this creature would be expected to have, but a set of tattered, buglike wings that she had only seen before on Changelings. Not just any changeling either, as only one changeling had those kinds of wings now.

“Chrysalis!” she said, peering into a set of green eyes, that still retained the buggish qualities that they held before the Changeling Queen’s transformation. “What happened to you?!”

“Oh this?” Chrysalis said, proudly showing off her new body, turning around to show off her newly acquired goat tail, while displaying that her arms and legs still had the holes in it that indicated that there was something missing from her being, “Do you like it? I decided to follow the example of my former subjects, and undergo a metamorphosis to better myself. Oh, but before we go forward…”

Chrysalis, returning her body to its former position to face Cadence once more, reached for the alicorn, grabbing her by the front of her royal gown, before using it to pull herself in close, since Cadence couldn’t be budged an inch.

“Chrysalis doesn’t exist anymore…” she said, going face to face with her captive, getting so uncomfortable close that the princess turned her head away, “I am Succubus.”


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Chrysalis gleefully soaked in the tense atmosphere of the scenario she found herself in. She was in an isolated area, located deep underneath the Crystal Empire. A dead end tunnel within the mines created by slaves subjegated by King Sombra a century ago, which had become a place forgotten by those who forged it from the earth and rock in the lands surrounding the homeland of the crystal ponies. Until this day, only the meager likes of insects and spiders had ventured into this place, otherwise lost to time. It was the perfect place to take a captive, whom you intended to never see the light of day again.

Cadence, on the other hand, was terrified. She was doing her best to put on a brave face, but it was hard to hide her true feelings when her heart was beating so hard it could be felt through the cloth of her gown which the changeling was currently griping. To say she was helpless at the moment would be entirely accurate, if not an understatement, as even though the alicorn was aware that her arms, legs, and horn had been made unusable, she was yet to understand how little power she had against this new version of an old enemy.

Despite the fear she felt, uncertain what the now goat-like changeling had planned for herself and, given the evil mare’s track record, her kingdom, Cadence would not allow herself to be cowed into submission. It was a princess’ duty to be defiant in the face of threats, no matter how hopeless things got for them.

“I don’t know what your plan is, Chrysalis,” she said, forcing herself glare back at her foe, staring her directly in the eye, displaying as much fury as she could manage, given the state she was in, “But you should know by now that you’ll never get away with it.”

“Oh sweet Cadence,” Chrysalis said behind a devilish grin, “As cliche as this will sound, I already have. There is nothing you can do to stop me.”

“Maybe I can’t,” said Cadence, “But others will, just as they have before.”

“Who?” Said the changeling, pushing her face even closer to Cadence than it already was, the two mares touching nose to nose, “Twilight? Starlight? I assure you that they have already been dealt with.”

Cadence’s face turned to shock, then anger, “What have you done with them?!”

“Nothing,” Chrysalis answered, “They are perfectly safe, wherever they are.” Cadence gave a sigh of relief, happy to hear that they haven’t been captured like she had been. “That doesn’t mean that I haven’t figured out a way to put them in the same position you currently find yourself in. You saw how easily I snatched you up from your home, and defeated you without so much of a fight. I could do the same to them right now, if I pleased.”

The pink alicorn couldn’t deny that she had been taken down easily in this encounter, and that Chrysalis had utilized some form of magic that she had never had access to before. She probably wasn’t lying about how she had changed herself, and become more powerful because of it.

“But Cadence, you called me by the wrong name.” The changeling said, finally releasing Cadence’s dress, turning her back to the princess, and walking away. “Like I said before, it's ‘Succubus’ now.”

“I’m not going to call you by some ridiculous, made up name you’ve given yourself.” Cadence stated, refusing to go along with whatever game Chrysalis was playing.

“Who said I was the one who came up with it?” Chrysalis replied, sending a sly look over her shoulder, for no more reason than she was enjoying the power she held over her foe, “But go ahead and call me by my old name, if you must. It’s the only thing you have control over here, so I will not take it away from you, unlike that dreadful rag you’re wearing.”

Cadence watched as Chrysalis casually lifted a hand to her side, the other resting on the changeling’s shapely hips, and proceeded to snap her fingers together. At the sound of the action, every article of clothing on Cadence’s person, consisting of her gown, tiara, and undergarments, vanished from her body, and appeared on Chrysalis instead.

A gasp escaped the pink alicorn’s mouth as her body was exposed, her arms instinctually trying to reach down to cover her private parts, but trapped as they were this only caused the princess’ parts to wiggle ever so slightly. Cadence was mortified by this, as while Chrysalis was perhaps the most ‘personal’ of Equestria’s threats, in how she uses seduction to steal love from her victims, this humiliation was a step further than what she would normally do with her captives.

“Then again, now that I’m having a closer look, this outfit isn’t bad at all. It just needed to be on the right person.” Chrysalis taunted, facing Cadence again to show off how the dress looked on its new owner.

“I always knew you were depraved,” Cadence yelled, embarrassed and outraged, “But this is a new low, even for you.”

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” Chrysalis shot back, taking satisfaction in the alicorn’s impotent anger, “The scope of my immorality have been greatly extended as of late, and I can honestly say that I wish I have thrown away such notions of decency a long time ago. Had I simply done what I pleased, then perhaps I would have been queen of Equestria back when i first invaded Canterlot.”

Chrysalis stepped back up to the bound princess with unnatural speed, and from Cadence’s perspective, it was as if the changeling had just appeared in front of her form a few feet away in the blink of an eye, except that she hadn’t blinked.

“But if that had happened, I might have never been able to feel the absolute euphoria that comes with wielding the power I have now.”

“You keep talking about all this power you have, but all I’ve seen so far is some teleportation magic, and crystal manipulation.” Cadence mocked.

Having her magic and body restricted, banter and scathing remarks were about the only weapon Cadence had in her arsenal. It helped her calm down, and she hoped that it would get Chrysalis to slip up and give her an opportunity to escape. In reality though, the ability to shape crystals alone was a powerful form of magic that the princess believed, prior to this, was something that only King Sombra could do. That alone let Cadence know for certain that her long time enemy wasn’t bluffing, and had become more powerful somehow.

“You know, there is a time that I might have let your words get to me,” Chrysalis replied, “But now you are so beneath me that it would be like taking offense at a snail for slithering in my path.”

When her words came to a close, the changeling reached up to Cadence’s body, the alicorn too focused on the Chrysalis’ face to notice till she felt the sensation of a hand squeezing her breast. The princess of love let out a second small gasp, as the changeling once more stepped over a boundary she hadn’t broken in prior engagements. Chrysalis used seduction and temptation as tools, but she always stopped short of physical contact, assuming because it was undesirable and unnecessary for her to do so when all she needed from a target was the energy inside them that made up their love.

“W-What are you doing?!” Cadence yelled, incapable of staying calm with her body being freely molested.

“Examining my property,” Chrysalis answered, messaging her victim’s tit in her hand, making Cadence incredibly uncomfortable through stimulation of areas only Shining Armor and the princess herself were allowed to touch, “You belong to me, and so I will do with you as I please. It's as simple as that. You don’t have to like it. In fact I’d prefer you didn’t, but you have to be subjected to whatever…. How did you put it before? Ah yes, ‘depraved’ act I can think of.”

Chrysalis brought her other, unoccupied hand up to take hold of Cadence’s other, so far unmolested breast. With both mammaries cupped in her palms, the changeling queen moved them about in oppositely rotating circles, gently squeezing the sensitive orbs of fat and flesh, to force a state of arousal onto her captive.

Cadence tried to resist, but pleasure rapidly built up in her boobs, and her body responded by itself in turn. Light pulses of pleasure flowed in and out of her chest, drawing out the occasional moan from her throat. Her nipples hardened as the sensations became too much, poking into their violator’s hands, which told her that what she was doing was working, and that the princess was getting turned on against her wishes.

“I know you hate this,” Chrysalis said, moving the position of one hand to grip the breast it was fondling by its base, squeezing it hard to push all the blood flowing through it inside, causing the lovely meat lump to swell, “You wanted to remain eternally loyal to Shining Armor. Never having a stray thought of what it might be like to feel the touch of somepony other than him. Allowing your love for him to keep you from the temptation of enjoying something like this.”

Cadence replied with a silent whimper to herself, doing her best to block out what was happening to her. Chrysalis was right, that as much as her body was reacting positively to what was being done to it, she despised it. If she could, she would shut off her libido completely to deny Chrysalis any control over her, but the fondling of her breasts was awakening lustful thoughts that were not fitting for a princess.

Even the way she was being grasped at that moment, which was so harsh that the skin under her fur was turning red, was activating processes of her body that only happened when she was about to have sex with Shining. Things that didn’t even trigger under masturbation, which led her to assume that Shining Armor was the one pony who could get her to feel that way. An assumption now proven wrong, as Chrysalis had some knowledge or technique that was chipping away at the barriers formed in her psyche.

Chrysalis, taking in how much effort Cadence was putting into her resistance, only to fail, removed her hands and sent a quick slap across the mare’s breast, getting a yelp out of the princess as a surge of momentary, unrestrained rapture filled her being. Taking a step back, Chrysalis admired the limited motions of her captive, her body twisting against her crystal bonds, causing her tits to shake lewdly from side to side, and her wings stretched out in stiff attention to denote that she was in a state of full arousal.

Cadence didn’t know it, but it wasn’t Chrysalis skill at molestation that was causing all this, but the power that had been bestowed upon the changeling. The Djinn had been very generous when granting her wish for revenge, blessing Chrysalis with the full power at her disposal, to do with as the changeling pleased. So long as her actions were directed solely at Cadence, or the other two on her hit list, the things Chrysalis could have happen were nearly limitless.

She could turn Cadence to dust with but a thought, or make the mare perceive herself as the changeling’s dedicated, and servile, slave. She could manifest a whip of pure fire, crack it against the alicorn’s back, and have the mare cum uncontrollably from it in the throes of an innumerable amount of consecutive climaxes, for an unspecified amount of time that could go on till the stars faded and the universe went cold. Her imagination was her only limitation.

It was incredible having that much power over a singular person, essentially becoming the goddess of the mare at her mercy, to the degree that Chrysalis found it much more amusing to limit herself, and allow the Cadence to resist, so she could believe there was still a chance to deny her worst enemy the satisfaction the changeling would easily acquire. Each destined failure Cadence experienced, unknowingly incapable of avoiding, would chip off that much more of her pride and dignity. Then, when Chrysalis was done having her fun, she would bestow upon this princess the most terrible fate she had come up with. One that not only fit the changeling’s new persona, but would undoubtedly put Cadence through the worst torment she could inflict on the mare who ruined the rise of her Equestria wide changeling empire.

As the sensation settled in the alicorn’s breasts, and her motions came to a slow stop, Cadence had to take a moment to process what had just happened. The strike she received from Chrysalis made her feel pleasure she wouldn’t have believed could come from an outright attack, a jolt of euphoria that was as intense as it was brief. It was so much of a sudden surge that she could feel her pussy lightly convulsing, as cum started to accumulate at its entrance, in danger of spilling out any second. It was only through an act of will that Cadence clenched tight enough that not even a drop could escape, and reveal to Chrysalis that she had made her orgasm, but this only made Cadence dwell on how that was even possible.

She wasn’t a masochist, as her representation of love was in the purest, and perhaps dullest, representation of it. When she was with Shining, the two seldom did more than a bit of light foreplay followed by the missionary position. The moment Shining would do something a little too hard, she’d know and react negatively to it, put off by things as simple as being spanked. Thankfully, Shining had always been of the same mindset as her on the subject, by from the few rare occasions that he went a little too far, the princess had established that anything remotely close to being kinky was not her thing, which made her incredibly suspicious why her body would enjoy what she was being put through now.

“Are you using magic to manipulate me?!” Cadence said, infuriated that this accusation appeared to be what was happening.

“And what if I am?” Chrysalis replied, “ Would that knowledge make you any more resilient against me than you already are?”

Chrysalis pointed the index finger and ring finger of one of her hands at the crystals holding Cadence’s hooves, and then by splitting them apart, made the two formations shift away from each other, spreading Cadence’s legs apart so her body formed an upside-down Y, before approaching the princess once more.

“Or perhaps you’re just afraid that you might actually enjoy this,” the changeling added, emphasizing the remark by sending the set of fingers she used to move the crystals into Cadence's slit.

By pulling one half of the passage away from the other, which released the fluids that had built up inside, creating a briefly flowing waterfall of female fluids to pour out of the alicorn, until it slowly turned into a slow drip.

“Would it hurt you to admit that it would thrill you to no end to be my servant?” Chrysalis continued, sending a lick across Cadence’s face with her serpentine tongue, “Perhaps it was always my approach that was the problem. Had I just turned you into my sex slave instead of part of the love cattle, you would have willing obeyed me from the start.”

“NEVER!” Cadence screamed at the changeling, “You’re a tyrant who rightfully lost her kingdom, because when you had the opportunity to change for the better, you decided to change for the worse. I would never submit to something as selfish and vile as you.”

“How adorable,” replied Chrysalis, unphased by Cadence’s remarks, “You still believe you are the one who has the choice in the matter. That you still don’t understand how little control you have is amusing, so I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Chrysalis took a moment to flick both of Cadence’s nipples, before finishing her sentiment with, “I have full control over you, and the only reason you still can struggle against me is because I allow it.”

Cadence suddenly felt a sense of wetting on her chest, one that felt odd, but not entirely unfamiliar. Prying her gaze away from Chrysalis, she looked down to see that her nipples had started to produce small streams of milk that dribbled down her bosoms, vanishing out of sight as they reached the underside of her bust. As a mother, Cadence had gone through milking before, but she had stopped doing that for a while now. Now it not only felt like the motherly process had started up again, but that the nutritious substance was flowing stronger than it had before.

“How?” Cadence asked, her curiosity trumping her fear in this instance, “How are you controlling my body like this?”

“I wonder,” Chrysalis said back, knowing she had just willed Cadence’s breasts to begin producing milk.

Then she started thinking about how she could have gotten these results without the all-powerful magic she had at her disposal, forming a means to this in her mind, which once she settled on one possibility, she made it so with another desire to change Cadence’s reality.

In the matter of a millisecond, Cadence felt her body drastically alter. Not in any visual manner, but something inside her had become so different that she couldn’t help but notice it. Several spots in her had become… heavier, and obstructed. Her breasts themselves felt like they had gained a few pounds each, drooping down slightly with this new, unexplained presence within them. The princess’ abdomen felt the same, but the weight inside it was even greater, and in two separate spaces, as both her stomach and womb became weighty, gaining an extra five pounds each. The oddest part of this sensation was that another knot of weight had formed in her head, the cavity of her sinuses feeling stuff, which would have altered her ability to breath through them, had she not already taken to breathing through her mouth due to all the panting caused by the sexual stimulation.

At first all this did was cause Cadence to inspect her body the best she could, only to see no noticeable change outwardly, despite knowing that something was wrong, which only caused her to panic since she knew something was certainly wrong with her. She wanted desperately to know what Chrysalis had done to her, as if the knowledge alone would be enough to spare her from whatever it was. Little did the Princess of Love know, there was no way to mentally prepare for what was about to happen to her.

With her alterations made Cadence, Chrysalis waved her hand behind her to have a throne of crystal rise up from the ground, planting her butt on the freshly formed structure, and crossing her legs as she leaned back into it.

“What are you doing?” asked Cadence, a little freaked out about what unseen things were going on within her.

“Admiring the show,” Chrysalis replied, the devilish smile she had been wearing this entire time getting just a little wider.

Cadence was about to say something hostile to the changeling, but was stopped when she felt the flow of milk from her breasts stop. It didn’t simply stop pouring out though, but felt like something was plugging up the pores she was lactating out of, as she could feel pressure build from inside both her boobs. This pressure, which she thought was from the stopped milk, got stronger with each passing second, until it felt like the force behind it was trying to push out of her nipple, but was just too big to fit through such a small hole.

This went on, the pressure making the tender bits of flesh ache after half a minute, till Cadence started to wish that whatever was stopping the flow would get out of the way. It was a thought she would come to regret, as the obstruction did just that.

“Ow!” Cadence yelped out, as the ache in her breasts turned into a sharp ping of pain at her nipples, a feeling she couldn’t ignore as it grew more and more intense.

As the feeling reached its peak, Cadence noticed that the flesh around her nipples was moving, which startled the princess as she was made aware that something was inside her. This was immediately confirmed when a pair of worm-like flesh masses popped out of her nipples simultaneously, a spray of milk bursting out with them from the now stretched out nipple pore they had emerged from.

The alicorn princess gasped inwardly, seeing these things that had invaded her breasts. It was unlike anything she had seen in Equestria, but she identified it as something alien and parasitic that had encroached itself within one of the most personal spaces of her person.

“You put this in me?!” Cadence screamed, the traumatic experience distressing her to no end.

“Of course,” Chrysalis answered, “I thought that you would need something to keep you occupied during your stay here, so I invited some friends to entertain you.”

“This is sick!” Cadence replied, repulsed as even more small tendrils forced themselves out of her nipples, milks spurting out as the lot of them wiggled about mindlessly. The pink mare found herself trying to recoil away from her own body, though incapable of getting away for several obvious reasons.

“Relax,” Chrysalis said, knowing that the mare would be doing no such thing, “Those aren’t even the worst ones.”

“The worst…” As Cadence tried to process Chrysalis’ words through a fear stricken mind, she felt another intrusive motion in her body, as another small tentacle slid its way right out her left nostril.

The blockage in her nasal cavity was, of course, another of these creatures, now deeply embedded in Cadence’s skull. Instantly, Cadence shook her head violently, as if she could knock the thing out of her if she just tried hard enough, but the more she moved, the more it agitated the creature inside her. Soon more tentacles made their way out the mare’s nose, and down the passage leading to her mouth, covered in the mucus produced by its new home.

“CHRYSALIS! I BEG OF YOU!” shrieked the Princess of Love, a more came into her peripheral vision, a few of the strand-like appendages of the parasite finding their way into and out the sockets of her eyes, “MAKE THEM STOP!” She could feel the tendrils reaching every empty crevice of her head, slithering themselves up into her brain, laying across its surface, entering the many wrinkles, but going no further.

The reactions of the princess as she suffered through her infestation was glorious to witness, a delightful scenario of unrelenting torment that was befitting to someone who had thwarted her for so long. Whatt made it more enjoyable was that she knew this wasn’t the extent of it, and that there were more being stirred by Cadence’s frantic motions.

Cadence came to learn this as well, as she felt two, much larger tentacles make their way out of her, traveling through her body out the most convenient passages they could find. The first to find its way to the outside world was the one Chrysalis had placed in the alicorn’s womb, filling her birth canal completely with malleable flesh, and pushing out of her mound like the unsightly abomination it was. This was shortly followed up by a twin appendage that popped out Cadence’s flank, having had to traverse her intestines in their entirety, and stretch out her inexperienced anus to make its way to the open air.

By now, the stress of the situation had gotten to Cadence completely. She wished this could go back to when Chrysalis was being handsy with her, and she wasn’t aware that she had been contaminated by foriegn lifeforms. Tears were pouring from her eyes, both from her emotional distress, and that they were being touched by the parasites. It was a hellish situation, that threatened to break her mind, if something else didn’t happen to it in the process.

“CHRYSALIS!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, “STOP THIS!” she pleaded again to the changeling, who was just watching with amusement. “I DON’T DES-ur.. URK!”

Cadence’s words were brought to a halt, as a sizable bulge formed in her throat, preluding a large tentacle coming up from her stomach, and bursting out her mouth. She stared wide eyed at the mass, so huge that it strained her jaw to create a passage big enough for it to exit from. This was all too much for the princess, who was overcome by a torrent of emotion and sensation. The pain and unwanted pleasure these creatures only brought on fear and disgust, and the knowledge that her body was hardly her own anymore, especially since she could hardly move from the spot she was suspended in. These feelings only worsened when the creatures started to retreat back inside, which made Cadence panic all the more, which in turn prompted her to try and move in attempt to escape what was happening to her, and then caused the parasites to push themselves back out again, licking across the princess’ internal flesh, and forcing out spatterings of sexual fluids each time, before being slurped back inside the holes they were sliding in and out of like a repulsive set of tongue.

For a very long time, Chrysalis watched the seemingly ceaseless cycle her captive was going through, enjoying every second. The way Cadence wriggled and writhed as the creatures inside her did the same was the prize for the price that she had paid, well aware that she had unwittingly traded her soul for this, as the Djinn had taken the time to tell her after the fact. She was eternally bound to serve the Djinn’s every whim, with the only exception being what she would be able to do with her three selected targets, since her wish was about enacting her revenge upon them. She had to admit though, as she watched the princess being violated and suffering more thoroughly than the alicorn ever would have at the hands of Chrysalis, that being Succubus was looking to be a much more appealing life than her prior one.

“That’s enough,” Chrysalis said, having let Cadence endure the personal invasion of one’s personal space imaginable for hours now. She was so covered in milk, tears, sweat, and vaginal fluids, that her fur and mane were a complete mess, and it would have been hard for her closest loved ones to recognize her.

At her command, the parasites retreated back inside the mare fully, leaving her to contemplate what had just happened to her, and wonder how it was that she was able to stay conscious throughout it all. The reality of it was that Chrysalis had willed her to not pass out, so it was. She had also willed Cadence to maintain a certain level of hydration, so she could keep spewing out the variety of liquids she was being made to produce against her will. Not that Cadence knew that, but that was the answer to any question she might have had about anything that seemed to defy the reality she understood.

“Well princess,” Chrysalis said, rising from her seat, “I hope that you’ve come to understand just how much power I hold over you now. There is nothing that you, or any other pony, can do to save you.”

Cadence’s eyes trembled, the rest of her body too tired to do anything but help her breathe, as she listened to the corrupted mare. After what she went through, she was more than willing to believe Chrysalis. If the changeling wanted to inflict punishment upon her, there was little she or anypony else could do, trapped and isolated as she was.

“The fate I have in store for you is horrible, as I’m sure you’re aware.” Chrysalis proceeded, “But perhaps I could spare you from it. All I want from you is one thing.”

That caught Cadence’s attention, as she felt like she’d be willing to do anything to avoid going through what had just been inflicted upon her again.

“I want you to become my slave,” Chrysalis said, “Admit that I own you, and submit the rest of your life to me. That is the only chance you have to avoid a fate worse than death.”

Cadence gave Chrysalis a stunned expression, as if bewildered about if that was all Chrysalis wanted. As far as it mattered, her captor already had complete control over her. She had lost her freedom, dignity, peace of mind, and hope all over the course of a few hours that felt like forever. What more could Chrysalis take from her that she didn’t already.

The disheveled pink alicorn pondered that question in her head, turning it over and over to find the answer, to see if it was even worth keeping if it meant never going through that thorough violation again. Eventually she came upon what she believed was the answer. Chrysalis wanted her to give in. To relinquish her will, and become nothing more than a groveling servant who cowered at the notion that she might have to endure another session of torment at the tentacles of the creatures inside her.

It was a reasonable assumption for the changeling that the princess would do as she asked, as Cadence had just gone through what she believed was the worst moment of her fragile existence. With the creatures still within her, Chrysalis could make her undergo this traumatizing event as many times as the wicked mare pleased, unless Cadence obeyed her completely from this point on. The alicorn had no belief that this was a one time thing, that her acceptance to Chrysalis’ terms would mean no use of the parasites later on down the line. This was merely the start of what could only be a lifetime under Chrysalis’ hoof.

If Cadence gave in now, it meant that without a doubt she was terrified at what her would be mistress could do to her, and that fear could, and would, be used against her. Never again could Cadence defy the changeling, as all Chrysalis would have to do is imply that refusal to any command would lead Cadence back here, and that would be enough for the alicorn to fold. Chrysalis put it as clear as she could, that submitting meant Cadence was her slave, and allowing that to happen was the only true way for her foe to own her.

Cadence, finding some small reserve of energy, being fueled by her courage, lifted her head and scowled at the despicable mare in front of her. “No,” she said with absolute certainty, “I might not be able to stop you from doing horrible things to me, but I will never let you control me.” It might have been a useless gesture, but an existence in misery as her own mare seemed preferable than an existence of misery belonging to Chrysalis. “So do whatever it is you’re going to do to me, but I’ll never bend to your will.”

Her words did nothing to dishearten Chrysalis, which Cadence knew would have been asking too much. Defiant or not, her captor still held all the cards. Refusing this time meant little, as Chrysalis could repeat the process as many times as she pleased, and each time it would whittle down Cadence’s resistance a little more. She knew that she couldn’t hold out forever, but she intended to go completely mad before submitting to the Changeling’s will, though even that would probably satisfy this crueler version of Chrysalis in the end.

“I’m so glad that your will didn’t shatter on the first go,” said Chrysalis, “It would have been a shame if I broke my prized possession.”

“Go ahead and gloat,” Cadence spat back, “But you have defiled my body so thoroughly that you won’t be able to top it. You can have your parasites violate me as many times as you want, but all it will mean is that you’ve made the biggest play you could, and run out of ideas.”

Chrysalis put a finger to her chin, as if she was putting some thought into her prisoner’s words. “You know, you’re right. There really isn’t much more I can do to your body. In fact, it would be pointless to repeat this performance, so I’ll just get rid of them.”

Chrysalis snapped her fingers, causing the parasites to vanish in an instance, and for Cadence’s body to return to the way it was prior to them being inflicted upon her. The alicorn was made aware of their absence, no longer feeling the weight they had put on the parts of her body they had inhabited. She didn’t know how Chrysalis had done it, but she knew that she was now rid of the creatures, and for some reason that made her more worried than the idea that they would have violated her again.

“I’ve really gotten my fill of entertainment out of them,” Chrysalis continued, “And now the only thing left to do is make a snack out of you.”

“You think you can siphon love out of me after that?” Cadence said, knowing that changelings in their corrupted forms could only steal love from those who unwittingly give them a portion of it. “I’m not going to give you so much as a drop of love, you monster.”

“My dear princess,” Chrysalis said, taking hold of the alicorn’s jaw, pinching down firmly at the place where it met the upper skull, to force Cadence to open up her muzzle, “I don’t need your love. What I want from you is much more filling.”

Without warning, Chrysalis drove her head forward, twisting her head sideways, placing the lines of her lips over Cadence’s own lip lines to create a seal between the two’s mouths. Cadence, caught off guard by the impromptu kiss, struggled to break it, but found that she could no more escape the lip lock as she could the crystal bindings around her arms and legs. Loud murmurs could be heard coming from the pink mare, her anger at the audacity of this action clear, yet Chrysalis didn’t stop for a moment. She took great glee in unceremoniously forcing herself into one of the alicorn’s more personal spaces, sending her tongue into Cadence’s mouth, licking around any surface she could find, all the way to the back of her throat to give a good licking, before withdrawing the tongue completely. Cadence was disgusted that she could do nothing to prevent this, but no more worse for wear. After the tentacles, this intrusion on her being was simple, and much more tolerable.

Chrysalis wasn’t stopping at just a forced french kiss though. She had one last planned activity for the princess, and the intrusion of her mouth was just a final gesture before the changeling finalized her ultimate plan for her victim. With her tongue retrieved, she took a deep breath inward. The inhale was long, and powerful, started with a light intake of air, but growing as it kept going.

With their lips locked together tightly, Cadence was made to take in air through her nostril, which was stolen by the changeling the moment it entered into her mouth, never reaching her windpipe. At first, this just seemed like more was Chrysalis just doing more to make her uncomfortable, but as the suction from the changeling got ever more grew and grew, Cadence started to notice that she couldn’t breath. Not only that, Chrysalis wasn’t stopping. What should have taken only a few seconds to take in enough air to fill her lungs was going onto the fifteen second mark. She just kept steadily inhaling, with no signs of slowing down, as she consumed every molecule of oxygen that tried to reach Cadence's own lungs.

Cadence tried to break away, to remove her lips from Chrysalis’, and take a gasp of air, but the changeling’s grasp on her head had become immovable. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the hand on her jaw to budge. Cadence then tried to move her lips themselves, to create even the smallest of gaps where air could slip in, but the two mares might as well have been fused together at the mouth with how well Chrysalis was at keeping them together.

When reaching near a minute of breathing inward, the suction had become a vacuum strong enough to suck the air from Cadence’s last breath right out of her body, causing the alicorn to desperately gasp against the force robbing her of life sustaining oxygen, only to get nothing for the effort. A little longer after that, she felt the pain of her lungs collapse upon themselves, completely devoid of anything to take up the space inside them. That unique form of suffering traveled down her esophagus, till the entirety of her digestive tract likewise constricted upon itself, leaving no room for any voided space.

It was a horrendous feeling for the pink princess, her eyes watering and rolling backwards, her insides holding on tightly to the bits of meat they were attached to, the vacuum that was Chrysalis’ maw threatening to suck them up her throat lick she was sipping water through a straw. Combined with an increasing burning sensation brought on by asphyxiation, and the darkness that was encroaching on her consciousness as her mind started to blank out from lack of air, the princess had every right to believe that Chrysalis was attempting to kill her. No… that she was killing her, cause there was no escape from this nightmarish situation, unless Chrysalis stopped.

Strangely though, there was a point where all the pain stopped. The feeling of her insides being crushed by a vacuum, the fire in her nervous system as it screamed for air, and the frantic firing of synapses as they believed the body they inhabited was about to die ceased altogether. Yet… Cadence still found she had some form of awareness. While she had no more knowledge on what happened after one’s own demise than anyone else, she had always believed that once you stopped living, you also stopped thinking. The fact that she could still think defied this expectation, and thus made her believe that she had somehow been saved.

She tried to open her eyes, but all she could see at first was darkness. That wasn’t a good sign, but the fact that the alicorn could tell she had eyes was a plus. Next she flapped her wings, remembering that they were still free, and they moved as easily as they ever had. She couldn’t see it, but she felt it, and that was good enough for her. Then Cadence tried moving her arms, and to her surprise, they were no longer restrained. Somehow, she had been freed. Her liberation after being imprisoned and tortured for so long was amazing, seeing as whatever turn of events that had happened when she passed out had gotten her away from Chrysalis, and left her unharmed.

Now that she was free though, she had to find a way out of where she was now. It was too dark to see the dimensions of the space she was in now, but if she got in somehow, then she hoped she could get out. Believing she could at least trace the outline of whatever walls surround her, Cadence went to make a step in the direction she was facing, only to find her hoof was caught. Not just one, but both. She couldn’t tell on what, as it didn’t feel like she was still in the crystal bonds from Chrysalis put her in, but something was certainly gripping at her legs. Actually no… Not gripping. As she studied what was catching her legs further, it felt more like something was pulling at them, while nothing physical was actually around the appendages.

Cadence tried again to just lift her legs, to break away from what was tugging at them, but she couldn’t lift either leg up more than a centimeter. Not only that, but each time she tried and failed, the leg would go down further when she set it back down. Was she standing in a sinkhole? No, that wasn’t the case, case there still wasn’t anything tangible touching her legs. The deeper she went though, the more defined the things pulling at her became. After a few more tries, she could tell the pulling wasn’t anything holding her down, but something moving. Something that had no physical form, that was constantly pulling her downward into the darkness of this infinitely dark space, holding her tight while flowing across her body like… a strong breeze.

Cadence’s mind filled with dread as she started to put certain pieces together, and in a panic she flapped her wings to get up off the ground as quickly as possible. It was no use though, as the flowing air only became more powerful, becoming a force that was sucking her downwards, which only confirmed Cadence’s fears.

The alicorn flapped her wings with ever more strength, putting every ounce of power she could into them, hoping to not sink down any further than she already had. At that moment she wished she had the wing strength of a Wonderbolt, or perhaps Twilight’s rainbow colored pegasus friend, as she was certain they would have easily gotten away from the force trying to take her. Straining herself as much as possible, Cadence could somehow tell that she was at the very least not losing ground, but she worried about how long she could keep flapping her wings at such a high speed, especially when she had a feeling this force wasn’t going to stop on its own.

The princess believed things couldn’t get any worse for her, the sustained strain on her wings making them tire very quickly, something else came along to outright doom her to the fate the winds were leading her towards. From the direction the suction was coming from, a rope-like object shot out, and attached itself around Cadence’s legs. It started assisting the winds in pulling the pink pony down, and the combined efforts of the two made it impossible for Cadence to do anything but go in the direction they wanted her to go.

Before long, she knew that her body had been pulled down so far that her head was now beneath where her feet had started, which in a local reality would put her underground. Yet, she knew nothing but darkness was around her. She rapidly sunk downward, being dragged through what seemed to be an endless void, until a new sensation came to Cadence, letting her know that the worst part of this whole ordeal had arrived.

Her hooves had touched ‘something’. Something that at first felt like soft flesh, then felt like she was passing between two hard barriers made of pointy rocks, before touching something else that was wet and slimy.

“No…” she said, a new terror hitting her, processing what she was feeling, applying it to her previous assumptions, and forming a picture in her head of what was happening.

The image in her mind was impossible, and too unspeakable to want to believe if it were true. It was the only thing the alicorn could think of, though. While not wanting to look in case her senses were not lying to her, a part of her demanded that pointed her eyes downward. What she saw made her shriek a single word of denial, as what she had assumed she felt became real to her.


It was like looking down a tunnel, a circular light shining beneath her, which was what her body was heading towards all this time. With the illumination coming from this fastly growing point in the darkness, Cadence could see her own body once more, but it wasn’t how she remembered it. She was still naked, as Chrysalis had made her during her time bound, but her normally pink fur was now a pale blue, and the entirety of her body had become translucent. She could clearly see right through herself, as if she had become a specter, which wasn’t too far from the truth. If it wasn’t for this semi-transparent state, she wouldn’t have been able to see the light from the circle, as her legs had already gone through its threshold, and out the other side of what she knew was a hole.

Of course, this wasn’t what made Cadence react in such a dramatic manner. What had caused her to give her blood curdling scream was what she saw just beyond the light. A form, completely black, could be seen through her body, and the alicorn watched as her lower legs was falling into it, disappearing around some bend in this shadow. She knew this shadow though, as the shape, slightly blurred by her ghostly hips, was recognizable to the alicorn, as was the serpentine tongue she could see wrapped around her legs, despite being much larger than she had ever seen it before.

Back in the crystal mine, Chrysalis was greatly enjoying herself, having separated herself from Cadence’s lips, but still connected to the alicorn via a pale blue energy that was being sucked right out of the Princess of Love’s mouth, and into her own. The princess herself had gone catatonic, her irises rolling back so far into her head that only the whites of the back of her eyes could be seen. She had also been withering over the last half a minute, her skin shrinking and constricting over her shriveling muscles, like she was being completely dried out, the body of the alicorn somehow still finding the ability to convulse in this state.

With her absolute power over Cadence, Chrysalis was doing something that would have been otherwise impossible, if not for her wish. She was pulling the princess’ soul right out of her, sucking it down her gullet, in order to consume it. What that exactly meant, only Chrysalis knew, but a few things were certain. Cadence would not be granted the peace of death, and the only afterlife she would have would be within Chrysalis’ body, as she fed off the soul like she had previously fed off love.

There was a certain macabre humor to this act for the changeling, beyond the irony that after all this time the alicorn was fulfilling her fate to become a food source for the Changeling Queen. The soul was as malleable as water, easily able to squeeze out of Cadence’s mouth and into Chrysalis’ own, while trying to maintain the form of its original body. This led a funny visual interaction where Cadence’s shapely, but spiritual, alicorn ass was pulled right out her own muzzle, which Chrysalis happily gobbled up, taking a brief moment to slither her tongue into some naughty places to add some humiliation to the absolute terror the princess must have been feeling by now.

Practically chugging down the regal rump, and guzzling the the royal highness’ hips, the waist was the next thing to slid down her throat, with her legs having already reached their final destination in her stomach, where the soul body of her rival pooled up into a puddle to accommodate its new container. When Cadence’s tits plopped themself from out of her own jaw, all that remained inside was her soul’s head and arms, no doubt trying to grasp onto something to prevent herself from slipping out of the hole. It would in no way help her though. Perhaps if Chrysalis was using some form of counterable magic to try and eat the soul, Cadence’s own magic would have been enough to prevent this from happening, as it protected her from being conquered by Chrysalis’ manipulative magic in the past. This was a power beyond what either of them was normally capable of though, so the alicorn had no chance to stop it, no matter how hard she tried.

So with a twist of her head, Chrysalis pulled the remainder of Cadence’s soul from her body, which not only unceremoniously yanked the pony out of the darkness her spirit had been hiding in, but brought the spasming of her body to an end, as it no longer had any form of life left in it to keep it operating. Cadence, now able to see that the nightmare she had concocted in her imagination were true, was forced to witness her worst enemy consuming the very essence of what she was.

Already up to her lower rib cage in Chrysalis’ smirking maw, Cadence did the only thing she could, placing her hands on the changeling’s snout and lower jaw, pushing against them in hopes that she could pull herself out. It seemed like this stopped the continued devouring of her being for a moment, but that was all just a performance on Chrysalis’ part, to give the alicorn a moment longer to take in what was being done to her. This moment of fruitless struggle was brought to an end when Chrysalis sent her tongue up Cadence’s body again, spiraling it around her body, coiling it around the alicorn’s breasts, before constricting the appendage like a snake crushing its prey, and pulling the ghostly form so deeply into her throat that the only thing that still remained outside her lips was the front part of Cadence’s head, and a set of fingers gripping the changeling’s jaw for dear life.

“CHRYSALIS! PLEASE! DON’T EAT ME!” Cadence begged profusely, having reached the conclusion that she could no longer escape this terrible fate under her own power, if she ever could to begin with. “I’LL DO ANYTHING! YOU CAN HAVE MY LOVE! I’LL LET YOU USE ME AS A SEX TOY! I’LL BE YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANT! JUST DON’T-!”

Cadence’s screams halted, as she noticed a row of sharp fangs enter her peripheral vision from above. She had slipped into Chrysalis’ mouth completely, her hands still holding on as the rest of her body sunk down into the wet, meat tunnel that led down to the changeling’s guts. She could already feel the uvula passing through her mane, and any second now she’d reach the point of no return.


Cadence was in hysterics, saying anything she could to get Chrysalis to stop. It might have been cowardly, but not knowing what would happen to her if her soul was consumed and, presumably, digested, brought out a weakness in herself that she didn’t even know existed. While she wasn’t in a condition that she could think about the words she was saying, one could excuse her promises as outright lies, or at the least a belief that even if Chrysalis took over Equestria, some other pony would find a way to stop her.

No matter the intent though, her words fell on deaf ears, and soon the force pulling her down was too much for her. The fingers on Chrysalis’ jaw that acted as her final life line slipped, turning to a water-like state when the pressure on them became too much, marking the end of this whole charade the changeling made Cadence endure.

“CHRYSALIIIIIIIIIIISSSSS!!!!” Cadence screamed as her last word, as she fell down into the stomach below.

The sight of the outside world disappeared instantly as the alicorn went around the bend of Chrysalis’ throat, only the light of it hitting the back of Chrysalis’ mouth reaching Cadence’s eyes she slipped into darkness, becoming ever more distant, until it simply blinked out of existence.

Cadence was now in an endless blackness, one much worse than the one in her own body that was her mindscape. Unlike there, where she would have had full freedom of movement, if not for Chrysalis’ efforts to pull her out, this place was very constricting, practically removing all ability to do any form of movement. This inability to be autonomous only got worse when she actually reached the stomach, where she being forced inside the flesh sack, her spiritual body melting into the shape of a malformed blob, losing all features that would have identified her as Princess Cadence.

The only thing the alicorn still had was her mind, which was not exactly within her control itself. The only thing she could think about was what was going to happen next. Was she going to be stuck here, in this perpetual darkness, for as long as Chrysalis lived? Was she going to be digested, turned into some form of food source for the changeling? What would it mean if she was? Would she still exist in some manner, as part of Chrysalis? Would she possibly lose all memory of who she was, and just become another function of the changeling’s body? The truth was probably worse than she could imagine.

It wasn’t long before Cadence learned what was to become of her, as she felt an odd sensation, one that was in no way pleasant. She was becoming… smaller. Parts of her spiritual form were being stripped away from her bit by bit, at what could be called a cellular level. She was being absorbed by Chrysalis, the sum parts of her spirit being scattered from one another. It felt like Cadence was losing herself, slowly becoming just a particle with a consciousness, incapable of doing anything, even if she had had the freedom to do so.

Cadence wanted to scream, but shapeless as she had become, all she could do was emulate the act in her mind. Her screams devolved quickly into anger at the changeling who had done this to her, cursing Chrysalis’ name and wishing that no matter how powerful she had become, that someday she would get her well deserved fate. Near the end her anger resided, perhaps indicating that the part of her that could feel anger had been consumed, and a subtle fear returned to her as she came to the understanding that this was it. This was her destiny, and nothing could stop it. She didn’t want it to be like this, but lashing out as she had wouldn’t solve anything. It was over, and all she could do now was accept it.

Cadence awaited the moment when she no longer felt fear, and no longer felt anything. The ultimate end that she believed was coming for her. Yet, her consciousness didn’t fade. No matter how much time passed, she could continue to feel, think for herself, and recognize that she was Princess Cadence. She could still remember her past experiences, her time with her friends, mentors, and loved ones, and reflect on them. To some this might have been akin to some sort of heaven, where one could just relive their best memories forever, but for Cadence it only filled her with sorrow.

The alicorn, or perhaps former alicorn at this point, believed she would suffer in this anguish forever, unable to ever interact with those she cared for as long as she continued to exist. Then something unexpected happened… She blinked.

This was strange, because from the moment she became a formless pool of ectoplasm, she didn’t have eyes or lids for them needed to blink, and yet she was certain that she felt the action performed. She tried to do it again, but nothing came from it. She started to think it was just a trick of her mind, but then she felt it again. She was certainly blinking. What’s more, she could swear that she had an actual body again, as she could feel arms, legs, a torso, and all the other parts that had been taken from her, though they felt a little strange now. What’s more, she couldn’t get them to move.

It was maddening, that her senses were telling her she had form, but she couldn’t get that form to do as she wanted. She kept trying, hoping that this whole thing was just a nightmare, and that she had been in bed with Shining all along. After all, it really was impossible to do what Chrysalis did, so it couldn’t have been real. She focused on blinking more, thinking that if she got control of her eyes, she could wake up. Finally the eyelids moved again, and with them opening, sight returned to Cadence.

What she saw though was not what she wanted, as when her vision returned, she found herself still in the cave, right where the nightmare took place, and staring right into the face of her withered, lifeless body.

Chrysalis smiled as she stared at the defiled corpse of her first victim, the dried out husk still held in pose by the crystal manacles bonds she had placed on its arms and legs while it still housed Cadence’s soul. Hardly five minutes had passed since Cadence was torn from this vessel, and now she was the one that housed that soul, along with all that once made up the princess. With Cadence near fully digested, Chrysalis had full access to all of the alicorn’s memories, thoughts, and magical ability. Anything Cadence knew or could do was something Chrysalis knew or could do now. She was even aware that at that very moment, Cadence was seeing things through her eyes, and feeling things through her body.

It was by her design that things had turned out this way, as she had merged Cadence into her very being, making their souls one. This, however, didn’t mean that Cadence had any influence over her body, or access to her own thoughts and experiences. The mare was a mere passenger now, incapable of doing anything but think and feel. If Chrysalis was to describe it, she would say that she was now Cadence, but Cadence was not her, not even on a subconscious level. Just another individual in her body whom she could silence at any time, who got the table scraps of Chrysalis’ senses, and would be force fed them even if she didn’t want it, which she certainly wouldn’t with what the changeling had in store for her.

As Chrysalis basked at her triumph over the first of her three targets, a hand came and grabbed one of the goat horns on her head, yanking her backwards.

“Enjoy your meal, my little minion?” asked Atamanna, who had appeared out of nowhere, already well aware of everything that her Succubus had done.

At first Chrysalis looked discomforted, but a grin quickly crept onto her face, “Yes, my mistress.” she replied, grasping her own breast, through the dress she had stolen from Cadence, in one hand as her expressions turned lewd, “That soul was sweeter and more delicious than the most potent love I’ve ever tasted.”

Atamanna returned a gentle smile to the changeling, knowing that her words and reactions were genuine. Chrysalis was no longer capable of deception, not to her at least. Her own soul belonged to the Djinn, and that prevented the former queen from doing anything against her, with some small exceptions.

Funnily enough, with Cadence’s soul now merged permanently to Chrysalis’, that meant that she now owned the alicorn as well, though in the state that she was in, that hardly meant anything. Only that she was free to torment the princess as she pleased, which was a task she felt her latest servant was performing well already. Still, it was an excuse to commemorate the acquisition of these two souls with another piece of jewelry. A clit ring, encrusted with a gemstone that hung from a chain to dangle over her pussy slit, colored equal parts pink and black, which was magically enchanted to be linked to her soulbound slave, just as all her other gems were.

“My body is so… aroused, minstress.” Chrysalis went on to say, her Succubus persona taking over as she rubbed her body in crudely sexual ways, “I’ve never felt so good. I think I might have climaxed during the merger.” The changeling embraced herself, reveling in the state of a perpetual afterglow that started the moment she joined Cadence with herself, “I can’t wait to see what it feels like when I’ve done the same to Starlight and Twilight Sparkle.”

“I’m so happy you are so pleased with your wish,” Atamanna said as she released the curled horn in her hand, loving the corrupted changeling’s attitude, “But I fear you’ll have to wait.”

“Why?” Chrysalis asked, the goat’s statement entering into an area were she could resist it, as obedience would go against the desire of her wish, which was swift vengeance against her foes.

“Don’t worry, my pet,” Atamanna reassured, “You will eventually get your revenge against the ones we’ve marked, but that can happen at any time. Right now, I have a task for you that isn’t just important, but I think you’ll enjoy fulfilling.”

Chrysalis couldn’t think of anything she would want more than making Twilight and Starlight suffer at her hands, but the goat seemed sure that the changeling would enjoy doing what she had in mind. It wouldn’t hurt to at least listen, and then decide if it was worth putting off her revenge for.

Gone in a Flash

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The night went on in the Crystal Empire, and the guards stationed outside the royal nursery were still diligently standing at their post, none the wiser of what had happened within the room. To them, Princess Cadence had gone inside, and was now quietly spending time with Flurry Heart.

As far as they believed, the young princess was in the safe hands of her mother, which in many ways were more safe than then those of the guardponies, as Equestrian guards were historically ineffective against things that posed an actual threat to the kingdom. This notion of safety entered the mind of one of the guards, as a feeling of pressure came to the forefront of their thoughts.

“Hey, Flash,” he said to his partner, “I need to use the bathroom. Mind staying here alone for a moment?”

The other guard, an orange pegasus, gave a disgruntled sigh, “Go on,” said Flash Sentry, not liking that he’d have to be alone, even for a brief time, “But make it quick.”

The first guard nodded, and ran off, not really sure how long it would take, but happily taking the opportunity to relieve himself.

With the other guard gone, Flash Sentry decided that the best course of action was to go and protect the two princesses directly. Turning around, he opened the door slowly, poking his nose through the door to check on them both.

“Princess Cadence,” he whispered, “Is everything ok in here?”

“Yes,” he heard in response, “Come on in if you want.”

The pegasus accepted the offer to enter, and found everything to be normal. The room was quiet, the infant alicorn was sleeping, and her mother was at the side of the crib, bending over it to gaze affectionately at her child.

“I wasn’t expecting you to be in here so long,” Flash said, it having been hours since Cadence entered the room, “Are you still worried something bad will happen?” The princess remained silent, prompting Flash to get closer, and to speak a little louder. “Princess Cadence?”

The princess turned around, revealing the familiar pink alicorn, just as Flash had assumed. “Shhh.” she shushed quietly, putting a finger to her lips. She then moved away from the crib, towards the pegasus. “Sorry, I was just taking in how sweet my child looked as she slept.”

“Understandable, your majesty,” Flash replied, “The princess is adorable while she sleeps.”

“You have a fondness for her?” Cadence questioned, closing the gap between her and the guard, “Not anything I should be worried about, right?”

“Of course not!” Flash replied in a quieted yell, while going into a salute in reflex to the disturbing insinuation, “I was just commenting on how cute the princess looks.”

“Oh…” Cadence said, a smile turning on her face, her horn glowing in a pink magic, that created a soundproof bubble around Flurry’s crib, “I see… This isn’t about Flurry.” the alicorn stepped even closer, pressing her body up into the guard’s chest, “The princess you are talking about is me, isn’t it?”

“What?!” Flash said, leaping back a bit, not expecting to have the princess’ breasts pressed up against his armor, “N-No, I would never do something like that.”

“Don’t be shy,” Cadence said, advancing again, each step making Flash take a step back, “Do you think that you’re the only pony to lust after me? I wouldn’t be surprised if half of Equestria jerked off to pictures of me in their beds.”

This comment of her desirability, while possibly true, was shocking to hear the princess openly admit, and Flash wasn’t going to openly admit that he has fantasized about both her and Princess Twilight on several occasions. That kind of secret got stallions kicked out of the royal guard, especially when your commanding officer was the Princess’ husband.

“Princess Cadence,” said Flash, “It's late, and I think you’re a little tired from all the excitement today. Maybe it would be best if I escorted you to your bedroom.”

“What a naughty colt,” Cadence replied, “Wanting to have your way with me with my husband sleeping close by? That’s so irresistibly kinky.”

Flash didn’t know what to say to any of this. The princess never showed this kind of behavior before, not to his knowledge at least. It was very suspicious, and made Flash wonder if there was something going on here that he didn’t know.

“Princess,” he said sternly, asserting himself, “I’m going to have to ask you for your password.”

“Skyla,” Cadence replied, referring to the second option she and Shining Armor had come up with for a name for Flurry Heart.

The utterance of that password confirmed to Flash that this was Cadence, and once more got him worried. Was she drunk? Was she in heat? Was she under mind control? Was she being affected by something that made her insatiably horny at the moment?

“I… I really should be going,” Flash said, turning to the door, now close enough that it was right behind him. He placed his hand on its knob, but before he could pull it open, Cadence’s hand pushed it closed.

“You really need to relax,” Cadence said, grabbing Flash by his shoulder, twisting his body to face him once more, “Let your princess serve you for once.”

Without warning, the princess used her horn to undo the belt on Flash’s pants, and pull both them and his undergarments to the floor. Flash blushed as his penis was exposed, it being at near full erection. As freaky as this all was, it was incredibly hot to have the princess coming after him for sex.

“See,” Cadence said in a mocking tone, “You want this as much as my perverted princess pussy does. Now just stand there like a good colt, and enjoy.”

Flash did as he was told, paralyzed with fear of what might happen if he didn’t. There was little he could do to resist now, as the only thing he could do to get away would have been to push or strike the princess to get her to stop. There was no way that would look good on his end in the aftermath, and no pony would believe his reasons why he would have attacked her. He was stuck, at least until Cadence was done with him.

The alicorn wasted no time dropping to her knees, gripping the pegasus cock that was now level with her head, and practically inhaling it by opening her muzzle as wide as it could go, pushing the head of Flash’s cock as far into it as it would go, gently resting the underpart of its length on her tongue. The pegasus guard’s face contorted in both fear and pleasure as the lips of the princess closed around his stallionhood, the pillowy ring wrapping itself perfectly around his most precious of appendages, before forming a seal as Cadence sucked out all the air around it.

From there, the Princess of Love showed off her abilities to the soldier trapped in the grip of her lips, pulling her head back till the back of her lips touched the back of Flash’s flared cockhead, running her tongue across his shaft as did so, while keeping the vacuum in her mouth at a pleasant pressure, holding her jaw wide enough that her teeth didn’t so much as graze them, and doing all this while insuring her magnificent horn didn’t poke Flash in the stomach or chest. The proceeding push forward displayed an equal amount of talent, beautifully inviting the entirety of Flash’s dick back to the back of her mouth, where its tip was greeted by the curve leading to her throat, being too short to actually make it around that bend.

It didn’t matter to Flash that he couldn’t go any deeper though, as the sensations flowing into him were enough as it was. He had a few marefriends in his time who had done this for him in the past, but in two motions he could tell that the alicorn sucking him off that moment outclassed them all. The pure bliss he felt in his crotch was amazing, especially with how Cadence was coiling his cock with her tongue as she moved, spiraling it halfway around the flesh cylinder, before reeling it back, and then doing so again in a counter rotation, which ensured that there was no spot left unattended to. As the princess proceeded her motions of her own accord, the bobs of her head were perfectly paced at a slightly more than moderate speed, giving Flash time to enjoy the fellatio being forced upon him, while maximizing the amount of pleasure he would receive each pass while doing so.

Cadence went on like this many times, her skills at sucking Flash Sentry off so great that the fear in him gradually melted away, being replaced with enjoyment so great that he couldn’t refuse it. He didn’t care that she was a princess, married, or that this would most certainly cost him his job if they got caught in the act. The pleasure was too pure to do anything but give into it, which he did as he let loving moans escape his throat, the thought of somepony else hearing not even an afterthought in the furthest reaches of his consciousness.

With everything about this situation checking off all the boxes in his greatest masturbation fantasies, from the wetness coating his shaft from the persistent lapping of the alicorn’s tongue, to the stunning appearance of the princess as sucked like an insatiable, yet elegant, whore. Attractive in both visage and action, giving audible responses of her own elation by murr murring moans within her busy mouth, which vibrated within in a way that made her blowjob all the more delightful.

The pink alicorn was satisfying every want from this interactions one could desire, and as Flash felt his climax building up, he could no longer keep his hands to himself. He took the princess by both the muzzle and her horn, before delivering some thrusts of his own into her orifice. Nearing the end, he went at a much faster and powerful pace than the princess, the first thrust pressing her snout into his abs, smooshing it in so he could make it into her throat. Cadence squealed in response to this, but if it was in objection, Flash didn’t care. The alicorn was the one who took things this far, so as far as he was concerned, she had no right to tell him to stop now.

The stallion made a few more thrusts like this, tilting his regal ward’s head sideways to get the point of her horn at a safe angle, and going full force with the finale of this fantasy come true. He was moving so fast that the seal the princess had created with her lips couldn’t hold properly, causing slurping noises to come from them as she did her best to keep sucking. This only added to the pleasure, as the lewd sounds triggered something in Flash’s brain that intensified his perception of this erotic act. After a few slight dabs of his flare into Cadence’s throat, the royal guard reached his limit, and his balls clenched up to release a good volume of sperm.

Cadence was prepared for this, having constricted the muscles of her throat somewhere between the last thrust and Flash’s ejaculation, trapping the released contents of the pegasus’ cock in her mouth. Her cheeks had to puff up a little to make the white fluids fit, but overall it was not all that much. She was even able to deflate the flaps of skin as she slowly pushed herself off of Flash’s shaft, the stallion releasing her as she went to remove herself from his person, too tired from his own exertion and orgasm to try for a second go.

The princess managed to part her mouth with the rapidly deflating dick without spilling or swallowing so much as a drop, a fact that she gleefully showed off to Flash, as her first act after the oral sex was getting up off her knees, getting face to face with the pegasus, and opening her muzzle up to let Flash see what he had squirted into her.

“Holy shit,” he said, in a bit of shock, as he started to remember that Cadence was a married mare and a princess, while coming to the realization that she was also a massive slut. Not that he was complaining, after she made him cum so good that his legs were shaking, but it was slowly coming back to him that if any of this got out, he’d be in big trouble for sure.

Cadence, without a care in the world, closed her mouth, and gulped down all of Flash’s semen in one go, sending the guard’s seed to her stomach to be digested. “Did you like that?”

“Y-yes,” Flash admitted, as he didn’t regret what had happened, only that it came with dire consequences.

“Good,” Cadence said, backing off slightly, but only to undo her dress and slide it off in front of the stallion, exposing a body underneath that was the pinnacle of the female form.

The removal of the dress caused Flash to start a full body shutter, both in renewing fear and complete disbelief that the princess was offering what he thought. He might have passed out on the spot, if not for the mare still having a set of underwear on, despite the garments being designed to exemplify her appearance by being designed with sexuality in mind.

“Then why don’t we go further?” Cadence suggested, throwing herself onto the once more pinned guardspony, caressing his armored chest, and kissing him on the lips.

“Princess!” Flash yelled, forgetting that it had been some time since he saw the other guard take their break, and they could be back any minute, “W-we can’t do this! Think of Shining Armor!”

“What about him?” Cadence said, smirking devilishly, “If you’re worried you’ll get in trouble, don’t be. I do this to him all the time, and he never suspects a thing from his ‘dear, devoted wife’. He even thinks that Flurry Heart is his, he’s so clueless.”

That was news that made Flash Sentry freeze stiff. When he heard rumors about Cadence’s sex life from other guards and staff, they have always spread the idea that she was very traditional in bed, or so they had heard. Seeing Cadence like this, it made him wonder where they even got that information, and perhaps if they were lying because they were covering up their own interactions with the princess. That she would openly admit that she slept around so much behind Shining Armor’s back that she could surely say Flurry Heart wasn’t his daughter instantly destroyed the image he had of the mare. The portrait of a perfect princess was now replaced with that of a lusty whore who fucked any stallion that came her way. Thing was… after the sucking he got, he wasn’t opposed to that image of her.

“So here’s how it goes,” said Cadence, reaching down fondle Flash’s cock, trying to coax it back into erection. “I skim through the castle’s on hand roster of stallions to find a new side fuck to do to me what Shining can’t. You play your part, and you get to be my new plaything for a month. Two if you’re good. After that, you get to the back of the line, and wait your turn. If you’re lucky, you might even give Flurry a little brother or sister.”

Flash throat swallowed, his nerves twisting inside him over this terrible moral decision. He could have his fun with a sexy, slutty princess, who has pretty much stated that he wouldn’t have to worry about the consequences, or he could stay loyal to his commanding officer and refuse. It should have been a no brainer. He should have just said no, but he couldn’t ignore how incredibly hot this was, and how he’d never, ever get this chance again if he spurned Cadence’s advances. Her irresistible body being pressed against his own alone was enough to weigh down the ‘pro’ side of the scale.

“So last time I’m going to ask you,” Cadence said, looking directly into his eyes, “Do you want to be my sex toy?”

It was too much for the guardpony, and his will was too weak against what he was being tempted with. Working up just enough courage, he returned a nod.

“That’s not enough,” said Cadence, cupping his jaw in her hand, pressing his cheeks inward to smoosh his face, “I want to hear you say it.”

Flash had already agreed, he couldn’t back out now. “Yes, please. I want to be your sex toy.”

Cadence grew a smile as she heard those words, and replied with, “As you wish.” Before removing herself from the stallion, going to pick up her dress, to put it back on.

“Wait, aren’t we going to fuck?” Flash said, a bit confused by the princess was getting dressed.

“All in due time,” Cadence said, wiggling her flank, “Trust me, you’ll have all the time in the world to enjoy my perfect pony princess pussy.”

“Oh… great…” Flash replied, glad to see that the princess wasn’t just screwing with him. “So do we meet up someplace secret or-”

“You let me worry about that,” Cadence answered, “In fact, you don’t have to worry about anything ever again. Not after your transformation is complete.”

“My… what?” Flash didn’t understand what the princess meant, as the word ‘transformation’ didn’t apply to anything they were talking about. At least, that’s what he thought. Unfortunately, it had much more to do with what he had agreed to than he knew.

As he watched Cadence, pondering her words, he noticed that his armor was getting… heavier. He didn’t really think about it, seeing as he just had sex and had been a little tired from his orgasm, but shortly after it dawned onto him that something else was happening to the world around him. Everything strangely looked bigger. Not just bigger though, but like it was growing.

Was his mind so tired that his perception was skewing? That was the thought that he might have had if he was given enough time to think about it, but before it could cross his mind, it hit him that his armor was becoming loose around him. That was what really caught his attention, as each guard’s armor was custom tailored to perfectly fit the wearer. It was obvious that something was wrong, and as Cadence finished dressing and came back over to him, he figured out what was happening as she towered over him.

The pegasus was shrinking, and doing so rapidly. His body was becoming smaller and smaller, until he was so small that he vanished inside his clothes. Flash didn’t know what was going on, if he was hallucinating, or if he had become subject to some sort of spell. All he knew was that he and the princess were in trouble.

This was what was on his mind when his world became fabric and metal, the armor he was wearing surrounding him at all angles, first being very restrictive, before he drunk down so much that it became a spacious enclosure. Flash’s mind filled with fear, but he could see that there was nothing he could do but wait, and hope that he didn’t shrink down to the size of a germ.

Not getting that small, Flash stopped shrinking when he landed on something large. Something… Fleshy. Something… that he was sinking into. It was all happening so fast that he barely had time to form a rational image of what was happening to him, as his legs disappeared into the thing he was atop of, followed shortly by the rest of him. He could only hope that whatever had happened would be reversed, whenever the problem came to its resolution, as it always had before.

Once inside, Flash’s vision was gone completely, seemingly banished to some dark void, as far as he could tell. He tried to reach out with his hands, by he found that he couldn’t move them. It almost felt like he didn’t have any. He tried calling out, but likewise his mouth wouldn’t move. The pegasus tried each of his limbs one by one, then his wings, then twisting his neck and torso, but nothing budged. It was like they all had vanished completely, so that he didn’t even feel like a pony anymore, odd as that sounded.

Flash could only think to himself, and wonder how long things would be like this. At least it didn’t seem like he was in any immediate danger, so he could just try to relax. That was what he tried to tell himself, as he didn’t know how long he could stay sane in such intense isolation.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on the perspective, he wouldn’t have to dwell long on the matters of his sanity, as he felt something touch him. Not just touch him though, but grip him… All of him. As in, his entire body felt like it was loosely laying in the palm of some giant hand, being held.

Flash didn’t know how to take this, since any attempt to move was met with no response. It was terrifying, knowing that he couldn’t so much as struggle fruitlessly against whatever was carrying him off. That fear was not long to last though, as a few short seconds later any thoughts he had on the matter were completely removed, lost in a surge of pure, unrestrained pleasure that attacked the whole of his being like a raging fire. The most intense and all encompassing sensation of pleasure he had ever felt became his reality, his mind completely burning away any coherent thoughts he had, until only the pleasure and a sensation of his body being tightly squeezed remained.

Cadence, or rather Chrysalis, stood over the heap of armor that was left behind by Flash Sentry, smiling to herself at what had happened. The foolish stallion was completely oblivious to the trap she had laid, and would never understand how he ended up the way he had. How could he, when he didn’t even know that he had accepted an offer for a wish, which was granted by the changeling’s mistress, who was using her as a way to accept and grant them by proxy.

“It should be finished by now,” Chrysalis said, crouching down to shift the armor, “Now where did you… Ah, here you are.”

Reaching into the clothing, the disguised changeling found within it a limp, disembodied stallion cock, with balls still intact, its skin the same color of orange as Flash. This was, of course, the result of his wish.

“You wanted to be my sex toy,” Chrysalis snarked, knowing she was only talking to herself, as Flash no longer had ears to hear what she had to say. “And that’s what you’ve become. You’re a bit small though… Let’s fix that.”

Without any warning, Chrysalis coiled her fingers down on the still living pony dick in her hand, squeezing it with what should have been crushing force, but the phallus was resilient enough to the pressure that all it did was cause what remained of Flash Sentry to go erect in her palm. Despite what looked like an attempt to break the body-less cock, Chrysalis knew that Flash could take any punishment she could dish out, as any sex toy of hers would have to, as well as love every moment of the abuse she would inflict on it. Funnily enough, had Chrysalis had this prior to her Djinn induced transformation, Flash would have provided her an endless supply of love, so that she would have never gone hungry again.

She was well aware that her new pegasus penis had a few additional functions, which she decided to explore. She started by giving the body-less shaft three more harsh squeezes, pumping it in her hand, which caused it to become slightly bigger, thicker, and more rigid each time.

“There we go,” Chrysalis commented, bringing the Flash dick to her face, “Much better than your original, inadequate size. I could hardly hold back my laughter when I first saw what little you had behind that belt.”

Chrysalis felt the engorged cock quiver in her hands, while secreting a small stream of precum from its head. As part of the alterations of the cock during transformation, the entirety of all the nerves in Flash’s body were relocated into his new form, which intensified the way he felt things to what would be an unbearable level to most things. From the first squeeze, Flash’s consciousness was more or less likely fried, making him little more than an actual, unthinking cock, which could only wait in anticipation between moments that more pleasure was gifted to it. The small twitches and shudders were the only responsive, and not a sign of any intelligence that might have still existed inside. Should his form somehow be restored, the pegasus' mind would never return to normal again. Restoration of his form wasn't even possible though, so long as Chrysalis’ mistress had a say about it.

With Flash in hand, Chrysalis decided to go back to the crib she had been hovering over before she was interrupted, removing the barrier she had placed over it while she had her way with the stallion. Each step made her feel a small voice in her scream in terror, as she had felt prior ever since entering the nursery. It was that of the devoured soul now merged to her own, begging Chrysalis to not harm her child, a voice that had settled down slightly when she was manipulating the guardpony. Though there was still a bit of noise coming from it during that time, it was more of disgust and humiliation, instead of concern for what would happen to him, a fact that Chrysalis delighted in, seeing that Cadence cared so little for Flash’s safety.

The sheer distress Cadence was emitting at that moment was like a beautiful symphony, accompanied by a fine banquet of delicious foods, combined with the most satisfying orgasm, and all it took to get these sensations was to torment her stolen soul.

“Relax, I don’t want your baby, I already ate.” Chrysalis taunted, standing at the crib, “But she and Shining belong to me now, and there is nothing you can do but watch as I do what I please with them.”

A dash of despair was added to the mix of negative emotions coming from Cadence, delightfully seasoning what the changeling was enjoying prior.

Chrysalis went to pick up the sleeping foal, in order to put more stress on Cadence, but she was stopped by a knock at the door. With a sigh, the changeling stopped herself, dropped the living cock she was holding to the floor underneath the crib, and replied “Come in.”

It was the other guard, the one that went to take a break, finally coming back. “Excuse me, princess,” they said sheepishly, “I didn’t mean to disturb you, but have you seen the other guard that was posted here?”

“No, I haven’t.” Chrysalis replied, using her access to Cadence’s soul to mimic her perfectly, “Weren’t you two guarding the door together?”

“I went to take a small break,” The guard said, which Chrysalis knew was a lie, since she had so much time alone with Flash that the break was anything but ‘small’, “But when I came back, they were gone.”

“Then you’d better go find him,” Cadence replied, “I’ll stay here and watch Flurry until you get back.”

The guard saluted, then closed the door to search for his AWOL co-worker, unwittingly leaving Flurry alone with one of the most dangerous threats Equestria had ever seen. Once the door was closed, Chrysalis dropped the Cadence persona, bemused at how gullible ponies always seemed to be. She probably could have lured the guard in and had her way with him like she did Flash Sentry, but two missing guards would have been too suspicious for what was to come next. Besides, Atamanna told her to avoid duplicate wishes, cause they were boring. Seeing as Chrysalis was bound to serve her mistress’ desires, this was something she would be compelled to abide by.

“Lucky you, Cadence,” Chrysalis said, stepping one of her hooves aside the crib, pressing it down on the ball sack that hadn’t made it all the way underneath the baby bed, “I’m too tired to hassle you further tonight. Your foal can sleep soundly… for tonight.”

Chrysalis scooped Flash out from under the crib using his balls, quickly collected her toy up, and headed to the exit, not caring if the guard came back to not find her there.

But tomorrow, she thought to herself, with an evil grin that betrayed her disguise, We’ll grant the ponies of the Crystal Empire their deepest desires.


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The Crystal Empire had always been a place of peace and happiness, at least since the kingdom’s return and Sombra’s defeat. The protections bestowed upon the kingdom, brought about by their ancient artifact, and fueled by the happiness of its population, ensured that anything dangerous could never reach them. This not only included evil creatures that might exploit or enslave them, but things as trivial as bad weather, with the icy climate of the mountains surrounding them turned to a comfortable summer environment.

This was how it had been since the Crystal Empire returned, and in the more recent days, a chilling presence had been traveling freely through the kingdom’s streets. Not in the form of a gust of wind, but in the image of the alicorn princess that ruled it.

With a yawn and a stretch, the kingdom’s prince awoke from a full night of rest. His first instinct was to turn over and give his wife, the lovely Princess Cadence, a light kiss before getting out of bed, but he found she wasn’t there. This wasn’t abnormal, as both members of this ruling couple would exchange this gesture to the one still sleeping when they got out of bed, and Shining was not always the first one up. For a past few weeks though, he had failed to be the first to rise, with Cadence never being there when his eyes were opened.

“Beat me again,” he said to himself jokingly, seeing nothing wrong with this situation, nor should he as it was just the simple matter of waking up in the morning. Yet, he did have some disappointment that he couldn’t see the beautiful image of his wife first thing in the morning.

Climbing out of bed, the stallion went to the royal bathroom to do all his morning preparations, from teeth brushing to showering, and then dressed himself in the regal attire he had yet to feel comfortable in, but had worn regularly since becoming the husband of a princess. The unicorn stallion had spent most of his life surrounded by royalty, but only recently as a royal himself. Priorly the captain of the guard, having risen up through the ranks as a youthful stallion, he still saw himself as less a prince, and more his princess’ protector, leaving most decisions involving the territory he and Cadence controlled up to the alicorn, while acting in service to her. It was the role he had become accustomed to, that of a public servant who answered to a higher authority, once being Princess Celestia herself.

Once dressed, he left the royal bed chambers, and sought out the one he currently served, assuming her to be in the throne room of the Crystal Palace. There was, however, one stop he had to make along the way, so he could greet the other princess he dedicated his life to serving, that being his own daughter. While servants often tended to the needs of the infant alicorn, Shining and Cadence seldom skipped out on an opportunity to be with their child when they could.

The nursery was not far from the prince and princess’ own bedroom, so it didn’t take but a short walk down the hall to get to it. When he arrived though, Shining was surprised to see that the guards that were usually stationed there were not present, and the doors were wide open. The prince quickly became angry, as not too long ago one other among the palace guard had gone AWOL while standing guard at this very station, and if the ones scheduled to be here now were so much as taking a bathroom break, there would be hell to pay when Shining Armor figured out where they went. Racing to the open doors though, Shining’s attitude immediately lightened up, as he saw the young princess was not unattended.

“Do you want your mommy to lift you up?” asked the pink mare who stood over Flurry Heart’s crib, the alicorn princess herself.

Flurry was standing up at the side of the crib, using the walls of it to help her, being too young to stand on her legs despite having had fairly decent control of her wings since the day of her birth. Flurry Heart was making some baby noises while looking up at her mother, showing a desire for Cadence to pick her up, though nothing was stopping her from leaving her bed of her own volition. It was merely the child’s want for attention from her mother that made her patiently wait.

“Ok, Flurry. As you wish.” Cadence said, reaching down to lift the foal into her arms. With the young princess in her possession, the pink mare turned around to walk out, only to see Shining at the doorframe.

“Trying to make off with the princess, huh?” Shining said, smirking at his wife, “You know that’s a punishable offense.”

“Oh?” Cadence said, walking up to the guard captain, the baby alicorn cradled in her arms, “And what exactly would you do to me?”

“First I’d confine you to your chambers,” Shining said, “And then I’d use some interrogation tactics to force a confession out of you. Maybe through tickling, or… umm…”

Shining started struggling to think of where he was taking this, while Cadence gave a bemused sigh at his faltering. “You were so close there, Shiny.”

“Sorry, but I’m still trying to get the hang of this.” the unicorn said, rubbing the back of his head.

As of recently, Cadence had been getting rather flirtatious with Shining, showing a new form of affection towards him through small acts of roleplay. It was a bit out of the Alicorn’s normal behavior, but when asked about it, Cadence just said she wanted to shake things up a bit. Of course, with the events that happened in the princess’ past incidents of being kidnapped and replaced with a double, this didn’t go without scrutiny, but she gave their password, Shining Armor had to accept it was just Cadence being a bit frisky. This led to Shining trying to reciprocate, but he wasn’t nearly as good as Cadence was, and often fumbled with his part.

“Don’t worry,” Cadence said to the stallion, “You don’t have to come up with stuff if it’s too much for you. Just play your part when I want to try something new with you.”

“That probably would be easier,” Shining Armor confessed, “But hey, mind if I ask what happened to the guards that were supposed to be in the hall?”

“Oh, well I was told by my secretary that I had a free day today, and I immediately thought of spending it with my precious little girl, and her handsome father.” Cadence replied, walking out of the nursery with Flurry Heart snuggled up to her chest, “So I asked the guards if they wanted the day off, and when they said yes, I dismissed them.”

“They shouldn’t have left their post like that,” Shining commented, judging less Cadence’s good will, but their dereliction of duty, whether the princess allowed it or not. He would have to give them a light scolding later, if only to remind them that they had to confer to him if they wanted time off, “But it would be nice to spend some extra time with you and Flurry.”

“Then why don’t we go get some breakfast?” Cadence said, skipping her way out of the nursery, still in possession of the baby princess, “And after that, we can take a walk around the kingdom.”

“That sounds great, honey.” Shining said, following after the female members of his family.

The three royal ponies soon found themselves in the castle’s dining hall, sitting near one another as servants attended to their every need. Flurry sat in her own personal high chair, in between her two parents, being doted on by her father, since Cadence had already spent some time with the infant earlier.

Without requiring a command from the prince or princess, the serving staff brought them a delightful meal of eggs and whole grain waffles, while the tiny matriarch received her own morning meal of porridge and mashed vegetables. The food was incredibly well prepared, for how simple it was, made by the best chefs the Crystal Empire had at their disposal. The mere scent of it could make a pony’s mouth water, with Shining’s own meal a bit on the crispier side due to his personal preference.

Yet, despite how well made the food was, Cadence stopped her server before the mare maid could get too far, saying “Could you be a dear and get me some hot sauce?”

The maid didn’t question the request, merely going off to retrieve the requested condiment. This did however gain her some odd looks from Shining. “Hot sauce? For your eggs?”

“Have you never tried it before?” Cadence said, cutting her food into smaller pieces as she waited for her sauce.

“I have,” Shining replied, being into spicy foods when he was younger, “But I’ve never seen you use it before.”

“Well, you know,” Cadence replied with a devilish chuckle, “When you get those particular cravings, you just have to obey those urges.”

The maid returned with the hot sauce, and immediately Cadence started dowsing her food with the stuff. Far from a light application, all of her food was covered in the spicy substance, with the scent of it reaching Shining Armor’s nostrils, and causing Flurry’s nose to crinkle up with the overpowering aroma of liquid heat. Had the cook seen this desecration of his meal, there would be little doubt they would have seen it as an insult.

“Oh, sorry my little princess,” the pink mare said, moving her plate further away from Flurry when she saw the foal becoming irritated by the smell of her topping, scooting her chair over to join it. Once her seating was adjusted though, Cadence started digging into her food, taking bite after bite without so much as flinching at soaked slices of food.

“Are… you ok?” Shining Armor asked, not even sure he could stomach such a meal.

“Yes dear,” Cadence said in amusement of Shining’s concern, “It’s an acquired taste, but it’s the perfect meal for how I feel at the moment.”

“How you feel?” Shining asked, his mind going to one topic since this feeling was affecting Cadence’s diet, “You don’t feel like you’re pregnant again, do you?”

Cadence almost spit out the piece of egg in her mouth, the question surprising her. She managed to keep it behind her lips, and quickly took a drink of water to wash it down, so she could reply to the stallion. “No, no, I’m not pregnant. Don’t worry, I’ve been taking my birth control regularly.”

“Oh, well that’s good to hear,” Shining replied, relaxing and taking a moment to feed his daughter a spoonful of her porridge while it was still warm. While they both found Flurry Heart to be a blessing and the light of their life, they wanted to wait until the filly was old enough to walk and talk before introducing another foal to the family.

“Though you could say I am eating for two,” Cadence muttered to herself, low enough that only she could hear it.

“What was that?” Shining asked, turning his attention back to Cadence after Flurry took a bite of her food.

“Oh nothing,” replied the adult alicorn, “Just saying that the eggs are tasting really good this morning.”

“Yeah, whichever cook is here today really outdid themselves.” Shining agreed.

As the stallion returned to eating breakfast, alternating between feeding himself and feeding his child, while Cadence took a few more bites of her own food. The pink mare couldn’t help smirking at their happiness, and how sweet the pair looked together.

Or rather, Chrysalis, the real mare behind Cadence’s face, couldn’t contain how easily she had slipped into the lives of these two. While the infant could be excused of not realizing her mother had been replaced with a physical double, this was the third time Shining Armor had been duped in such a manner, the unicorn stallion unable to tell the difference between his wife and monster who kept kidnapping and taking her place.

Then again, Chrysalis did have a better disguise this time, as she used Cadence’s soul to sculpt herself into a more perfect duplicate of the princess, emulating not only her appearance, but a good amount of her personality as well. As much as it sickened her to act sweetly or caring to these pathetic ponies, it was hard for others to crack her deception when she didn’t act like her usual, cruel and heartless self. The former changeling queen didn’t even have to resort to magically controlling Shining this time around, since her actions around him and ‘their’ child were no longer dead giveaways that something was amiss. Everything she did felt like something Cadence would do if she were in a frisky mood, or if she just had a desire to try something new.

Of course, the things she did were not without purpose, as she had been very busy around the Crystal Empire ever since the Djinn had sent her here. Behind her false kindness lay the same scheming monster she had always been, lulling the ponies around her into the trap her mistress had set up, and she did this by casually offering wishes to everypony she spoke to. From the moment she arrived, her only goal was to act as Atamanna’s proxy, and offer things to each citizen of the Crystal Empire she encountered. No matter how small the offer, so long as it was accepted, that was enough to bind their souls in servitude to the Djinn, and few would turn down something if offered for free.

As for breakfast, it was a bit more than Chrysalis experimenting with her meal, as it wasn’t her experiencing the burning sensations and overpowering flavor of the hot sauce. That privilege was all Cadence’s, as the demonized changeling had bestowed every negative sensation she would feel to the part of her being that housed the fragmented consciousness of the princess of love. It was hilarious to Chrysalis to hear the pink alicorn gag and scream in pain as she was forced to endure it all, as she merely enjoyed the unaltered flavor of her perfectly prepared eggs and waffles. As easy as it had become faking a pleasant smile after merging with Cadence, they were always made all the more convincing while her remnants were in misery and distress.

Once each pony had cleared their plates, or in Flurry Heart’s case ate enough of it that the rest only served the purpose of splashing about in, Chrysalis and Shining got the child cleaned, and strapped into a stroller for the family outing the disguised changeling suggested earlier. The day was that of a fair summer day, as it always was in the Crystal Empire, with ponies roaming the streets to work, socialize, or just enjoy the day in this protected paradise.

As the royal family joined in this outdoor activity, the crystal ponies would wave or bow as they passed by, their mood improving at the sight of their leaders, who had time and again saved their kingdom from the many threats it had faced. For Chrysalis, this reaction was bittersweet, as while she was getting the respect and admiration she had always believed she deserved, it was not truly directed to her.

Still, she was able to carry on with a cheerful expression, displaying mannerism of returned respect to ponies who she saw as slaves and food, because she knew that part of the happiness they displayed was from the fulfillment of wishes they had made with her in the time she had been there. Only a few remained untouched by the Djinn’s influence, while the rest went about their lives oblivious that they were beyond salvation from the will of the Changeling’s mistress.

Shining gave a relaxed sigh as they walked through the busy, but quiet streets, having heard Flurry happily squirming in her stroller seat, likewise enjoying the bright scenery around her. “Another beautiful day, thanks to your brilliant leadership of course.”

“More thanks to the thousand year old artifact stationed at the center of the kingdom,” Chrysalis corrected, happy that the power bestowed upon her with her own wish gave her the ability to overcome the protections the Crystal Heart granted.

“You don’t give yourself enough credit,” Shining said in objection to ‘Cadence’s’ belittlement of her role, “You do a lot as a princess. I don’t think I could do half the work I see you do when it comes to running the operations of the kingdom.”

What Shining was saying might have applied to Cadence, who had to make tough decisions on how to allocate resources and manage the empire appointed to her by Celestia. For Chrysalis though, she had simply been granting any petitioners who came to her whatever they desired, and funded them purely through the magic of the Djinn.

When given everything that they wanted, few questioned where this surplus of normally limited supplies came from. The only one who had raised an eyebrow at it was the kingdom’s magical advisor, Sunburst, but Chrysalis was able to deal with that problem with a little reassurance that the kingdom was having a period of prosperity due to good trade agreements with the changeling kingdoms, which in a manner of speaking wasn’t wrong, and that he should stop worrying about where the kingdom got all this wealth, and instead find himself a nice book to get lost in.

All it took was for Sunburst to reply with “I’d like that.”, and to Chrysalis’ surprise, Sunburst was sucked into one of his tomes, and trapped within it in the form of a still illustration depicting his terror of what was happening to him, his final screams sounding as the book slammed shut. The event taught Chrysalis that she wasn’t required to set up a wish for her mistress to capitalize on a pony’s poor phrasings or neglectful acceptance of an offer, and that the goat was always listening.

“You do a really good job at keeping things peaceful around here,” Shining added, wanting to encourage Cadence even more.

“Perhaps,” Chrysalis said, internally snickering to herself since the prince had no clue how close to ruin the Crystal Empire was at this point, “But don’t you sometimes wish that things would get more exciting around here again?”

All Chrysalis needed was a single line of acceptance or agreement to her question, and the fate of the crystal ponies’ kingdom would be sealed. By what means, Chrysalis wouldn’t know, as all results of the wish granted were decided by the Djinn who owned her soul. The vagueness of her words opened up plenty of possibilities though. It could be something as simple as reviving Sombra to enslave the populace once more, or something as wild as a tear in the universe opening up to unleash a horde of extradimensional horrors. Chrysalis’ elation at the idea of the ponies around her screaming in terror held her in suspense as she waited for the dimwitted unicorn to say the words that would doom him and everypony crystal pony to what her mistress would subject them to.

“Actually, I think I’m done with excitement for a while,” Shining said, unknowingly side stepping his own damnation, “After dealing with Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and averting a natural disaster, I think everypony deserves some peace.”

“I guess you’re right,” Chrysalis replied, annoyed that the stallion didn’t fall for the bait, though not displaying it outwardly.

The changeling had been waiting for the right opportunity to get Shining to wish for something so horrible to happen to him that would send what was left of Cadence into unfathomable despair, practically saving him for last when it came to all the other ponies within the Empire. This one narrow escape meant nothing, and the spike of fear that Cadence felt at that moment was a decent temporary substitute for what Chrysalis was really after.

After walking for some time along the empire’s streets, the trio made it to a park the family frequented when they wanted to get some fresh air. It was one equipped with several play areas for fillies and colts, an installation that was prioritized by both Cadence and Shining Armor, and thus one that was utilized often by the foals of the kingdom. Upon finding an open bench to sit at, having to refuse the offer of other ponies who were willing to give up their own for the sake of the royal family’s convenience, Shining removed Flurry from her stroller, the young alicorn flapping her wings to take to the air the second she was set free.

“You want to come push Flurry on the swings with me?” the stallion asked the mare he believed to be his wife.

“I’m just gonna rest my hooves for a minute and watch the foals play.” Chrysalis replied, sitting down on the bench, “You two go have fun.”

“Hear that sweetie?” Shining said to his flying foal, “The two of us are gonna have some fun while your mommy rests.” Flurry Heart giggled in her babyish way, following her dad to a swing set so the two of them could enjoy their time out of the castle.

As they walked away from the impostor posing as their cherished family member, Chrysalis locked eyes on them, and said to herself, “You know I’m gonna torture both of them. Your husband and your daughter will be enslaved and tortured forever, and I will be the cause of it.”

The words made Cadence’s soul stir within her, as a spike of satisfying sorrow spread through Chrysalis’ being, and fed her cravings for suffering. More delicious than any love she had ever tasted, the princess’ pain sated any hunger she might have still had. The only thing that could fulfill this purpose more would be to have the souls of Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle residing within her ass well.

“You really should count your blessings, Cadence.” Chrysalis taunted, knowing that what her former rival was going to was akin to a personal Hell, “At least your pain is only dictated by my will, and not my mistress’. I can’t imagine what she will do to that Shining Armor once he says something that can be interpreted as a wish. Like with those two stallons this morning. I didn’t expect them accepting the ‘day off’ would have them banished to a world completely devoid of light. I wonder how long it will take them to wander themselves over a cliff.”

Chrysalis bemused herself with ideas of what Shining’s final fate could be, before changing the topic to the other beloved pony of Cadence that was in danger, “As for your little brat, I assume she’s just going to have her soul stripped from her body. After all, I granted her wish this morning, and so it is already too late for her to be spared.”

Once more a spike of absolute horror came from within her, and with that Chrysalis was appeased. Out of all the ponies who made wishes with the Djinn, she was one of the few who got exactly what she desired. This revenge was sweet, and would only get sweeter in time, once she got what else was coming to her. Until then, she would perform the Djinn’s command, compelled to do so as the ancient being of evil had claimed on her soul. However, while reduced to the status of a slave, Chrysalis couldn’t help but take pleasure in how all others in Equestria, and beyond, would suffer fates infinitely worse than becoming a minion of the Djinn.

And with cruel intentions on her mind, the changeling pulled her predatory gaze away from Shining Armor and Flurry, and instead aimed her sights at some more vulnerable targets.

“Hey, you fillies there.” she said to a trio of young crystal ponies who were just about to run past in front of her.

The three fillies stopped, confused by the princess’ call, but not wanting to ignore it. “Are you talking to us, your majesty?” one asked curiously,

“I am,” Chrysalis replied, reaching for a bag of baby supplies she and Shining brought along, opening it up and placing her hand within it, “I was just wondering if you’d like some candy?”

The three foals’ expressions lit up immediately, and they replied in unison with a resounding “YES!”.

There wasn’t even any candy in the bag, or at least there hadn’t been, but the moment that the foals accepted Chrysalis’ offer, a large amount of sweets appeared inside, confirming that this counted as a wish for the children. With a sly smile, the changeling gave each of the three young ponies as much as their hands could hold.

“Thank you, Princess Cadence,” they said, before shoving some of what they were given into their mouths.

It tasted amazing, with just the right amount of sweetness, each one being the foals’ favorite flavors. No matter how good it tasted though, it would never be an equivalent exchange for their souls, and that was probably why in this case Atamanna opted to just give them what was offered, instead of twisting it into some loosely related disaster.

“Now you all go and tell your friends they can have some too.” Chrysalis said, unable to keep from grinning from the wickedness of this deed, “Just so long as they come up and ask for it.”

“That was a really nice thing you did today in the park,” Shining Armor said, as he undressed for bed.

“Why, whatever do you mean?” Chrysalis said, doing the same as she looked through a closet on the other side of the room.

“Bringing all that candy to pass around,” Shining replied, “I didn’t even realize you packed it with our stuff.”

“You’re not mad that Flurry didn’t get any?” Chrysalis said back, trying to show concern for her inability to grant the infant even a single gumdrop. In order for there to be candy, the receiver had to follow the Djinn’s rules of wishing, and Chrysalis assumed that meant Flurry couldn’t be given any cause she had already been granted a wish.

“Cadence, she’s a princess. She can get candy any time we want her to have it,” Shining said, excusing what he believed to be a simple mistake from his wife to not reserve some for their child, “And we did get her some cake to make up for it after.”

The day had passed by quickly, with a good portion of it spent in the park, before going to one of the kingdom’s restaurants, visiting a museum for Crystal Empire works of art, and then returning home. Flurry Heart was put to bed shortly after, the whole outing tiring the young princess out completely.

“Still, I don’t want Flurry to feel neglected,” said Chrysalis, pretending to be a caring mother, “It would be awful if she grew up thinking I was some kind of monster.”

“That’s a bit extreme,” Shining replied with a laugh, “I’m sure Flurry thinks the world of you.”

Shining Armor, fully undressed, opened his dresser drawer to retrieve some pajamas. As the stallion bent over, the angle of his body put him in the right position to see the pink mare he believed to be Cadence, and what she was doing in the closet, catching her in the act of changing into a nightgown that he had never seen her in before. It was a light pink, the hem stopping right above her knees, with small straps that went over her shoulder to hold the cloth covering on her body. Calling it ‘covering’ was giving it a bit too much credit though, as the material was completely see through, with only a small part near her collarbone having a solid color. Otherwise, her full body was unobstructed from view, which astonished Shining, as while Cadence was a great lover, she held a fairly traditional and reserved view on how couples should behave in the bedroom.

“That’s a new dress,” Shining said, equal parts nervous and enticed, “When did you get that?”

“Oh!” Chrysalis said in mock surprise of Shining peeking at her, “This? It was something I asked delivered from a Canterlot store I went to weeks ago.”

Chrysalis was pulling from a memory Cadence had of a visit with Celestia she had, one that Shining didn’t participate in because somepony had to stay and act as leader of the Empire in case of emergencies. It was a perfect alibi for her to have done something without him knowing, and saying that she had sent a servant to get the item, as the princess would certainly need a custom outfit made for her, would explain why it hadn’t been seen till now. The reality of it was that Chrysalis just manifested one on her person, her changeling abilities having always been able to alter her clothing as much as her appearance.

“Do you not like it?” the changeling asked, as she stepped out to give Shining a better view of her body. In the light, the dress seemed to sparkle, the see through fabric being interlaced with some sort of reflective material at random part of its length.

“No, no, It looks great.” Shining said as he stood up, his erection confirming that the stallion spoke the truth, “But I’m a bit surprised you got something like that.”

“Oh come on Shining,” Chrysalis said while moving her body provocatively about, hoping to get his dick to start thinking for him, “Even I want to feel sexy sometimes. You do remember our wedding night, right?”

Shining nodded his head, remembering quite well all the things Cadence did to ensure that Flurry would be born within nine months of their marriage. It was the one time Cadence really went all out and experimented outside her comfort zone, allowing Shinging to do as he pleased, from any position and as many times as he wanted.

“You know, sometimes I think back to that night, and how you made me feel, and I just want to capture that moment again.” Chrysalis said, going over to the royal bed, and climbing into it from the front so she could display the spaces between her legs, “It’s just a shame that we have been sticking to hand stuff to keep from getting me pregnant again.”

For Shining, who was unwitting to what was really going on, pieces were clicking into all the places Chrysalis wanted them to. “Holy Celestia, you’ve been in heat, haven’t you?” the stallion exclaimed, having had dealt with something this before shortly after Flurry was born.

Cadence was always more controlled during her estrus cycles, but when hitting it immediately during a time when she was fatigued both mentally and physically, she had a slight problem keeping her hormones in check. The couple pulled through without submitting to temptation, but this time it looked like Cadence was really wanting it, while not saying it outright.

“I think I should go find a nice couch to sleep on tonight,” Shining said, grabbing some pajama bottoms from his dresser, then slowly making his way to the room’s exit, “Then tomorrow I can make arrangements to stay at a hotel.”

“Shining,” Chrysalis said as the stallion placed his hand on the door handle, “I know we’ve been trying to abstain for the sake of raising Flurry Heart with our undivided attention and affection, but I need you tonight. I’ve been trying to distract myself for so long, but nothing is working. Would you join me in bed… please?”

The pleading tone of her request caused Shining’s hand to slip from the knob, the allure of his wife’s demure voice and erotic image making him give second thoughts to the plans the two had set in place. Truth was, he had been desiring something like this for some time himself, as any sexually active stallion would, especially when their lover was as visually attractive as the Princess of Love. The pony prince knew he should resist, but this was an opening that he could not muster the will to pass up.

Clicking off the lights to the room, the bed chamber of the royal couple became filled with a combination of darkness and moonlight that seeped in through its windows, further enhancing the beauty of Cadence’s form as it was bathed in the pale illumination. Shining answered the siren call of this vision of perfection in alicorn form, and climbed himself in bed via a near exact path to what the pink pony had traveled, until he found himself over top of her.

“Thank you, Shining,” Chrysalis said in a whisper, playing her part as the lust driven spouse, raising her arms up to wrap the unicorn in her embrace.

Shining allowed her to pull him in close, his hands placed at her sides to apply only enough resistance that he collapsed on top of the mare beneath him. Once his muscular chest was close enough to graze her breasts, the white stallion adjusted his position to aim his sizable dick at the flesh lips beneath it, and with a solid thrust, entered inside.

Chrysalis gasped loudly as he penetrated her, not due to his size, but a large jolt of emotions coming from Cadance’s soul. Chrysalis had slept with many a male, of almost every species, but none have ever truly satisfied her in a physical manner, and she would always have to fake her enthusiasm for the sake of harvesting love. This feeling, of Cadence begging that Shining stopped as he gave himself to another woman, having to watch through Chrysalis’ own eyes, gave the changeling the emotional charge she required to make this interaction stimulate her in ways she had never thought sex could for her.

Every movement between the two equine creatures caused Cadence misery, especially due to the fact that the alicorn was only permitted to feel the painful aspects of Shining’s love making, while Chrysalis kept all the pleasure for herself. Yes, unbeknownst to the prince, his dutiful efforts to please his wife, the only mare he loved, was causing what remained of her to feel only pain and despair, and that was merely from the gentle thrusts he was starting with.

Coiling her legs around Shining’s hips, Chrysalis pulled the stallion closer, not wanting to let him go. “Shining, don’t hold back.” She commanded, wanting to feel more through torturing Cadence more, “Thrust as hard as you can. Fuck me with all your might.”

“Are you sure?” Shining said, not wanting to do something that might hurt his lover.

Chrysalis glared into his eyes with Cadence’s face, giving him the most serious stare she could under the circumstances, “Fuck me as hard as you can. I want to feel your hilt hit my wanting pussy.”

A little scared of what might happen, if he didn’t satisfy the wishes of his hormone driven wife, as well as a bit aroused by what might have been the dirtiest Cadence had ever spoken to him, Shining did as he was told. He had to work up to it, starting off with a slow increase of strength and speed, but each time he pulled out to push back in, Shining put a little more effort into shoving his dick into who he believed was the princess he married.

In turn, Chrysalis thrust her own hips towards him, granting her some control over the direction of entry for Shining’s cock, forcing it to slam into the walls of her vaginal passage, and grind against the flesh as it made its way deeper and deeper with each additional thrust. The unicorn stallion put a great deal of effort in his part of it all, practically punching the insides of Chrysalis’ pussy with his penis, rewarding her while punishing Cadence. With Chrysalis only giving good feedback, Shining Armor removed any restraint he typically had when he made love to his wife, and found that he enjoyed being rough when allowed.

At the pace Shining was going, it was not long before he reached his limit, and not getting lost in his own lust, pulled out and stroked himself to completion, releasing his semen onto the crotch and stomach of the mare beneath him.

“That was… amazing,” Shining said, slightly tired from the amount of force he had put into his thrusts, giving him a fairly good workout for the few minutes that it lasted.

All in all, Shining Armor thought he had done a good job, but while Chrysalis smiled back at him with his wife’s face, she was not impressed with the stallion’s performance. Most of the pleasure she got from it was from the screaming of Cadence’s soul, and Shining failed to bring her to orgasm as well. The changeling wouldn’t stand for this, and instead decided to take matters into her own hands.

Using her horn, Chrysalis grabbed the stallion by the arm, and pulled him off of her, tossing Shining to the mattress on his back. Not given even a second to orientate himself, the mare hopped on top of him, so she could hastily shove his dick back inside her before it fully got flaccid. From there, the changeling pumped her straddling hips, forcing new life into Shining Armor’s dick with her motions. She could feel it swell up slowly, almost hesitantly, as if she was forcing the appendage to go erect against its will.

Shining Armor, on the other hand, looked surprised, but ecstatic that Cadence wanted to go another round, as it had been such a long time since they could be this intimate with one another. He tried to reach up and take hold of her breasts, but with the less than satisfying performance prior, the changeling impersonating his lover was not about to give him a second chance.

Chrysalis snatched his hands by the wrists before they could touch her, displaying a bit of hostility, before sending Shining Armor a smile. “Ah, ah. You did your part, my prince, now let your princess serve you.”

Chrysalis moved herself up and down on Shining’s shaft, her moans and grunts putting him at ease, as he believed that she was truly trying to return to him the pleasure he gave to her. He brought his arms back down and relaxed, content that Cadence was such a kind and caring pony, who wished to perform her duty as his wife.

The mare was indeed doing her best, but to serve herself, not the stallion. She lifted and dropped herself on Shining’s dick, moved her hips about, and changed her speed many times, but she couldn’t quite push herself to the point of climax. She could feel Shining’s second orgasm building to a peak faster than her own, with his penis throbbing and twitching inside her, but something was blocking her from going past the very edge of finishing.

“Oh Cadence, I’ve missed this so much,” Shining said, his breath quick with excitement.

The stallion’s enjoyment, and lack of her own, annoyed Cadence, the changeling wondering what was truly making this so difficult, even when Cadence’s psychological agony heightened the sensations she felt. It was like she needed less of the former, and more of the later, but what more could she do to torment Cadence’s soul outside of fucking her husband before her very eyes.

That’s when a devious thought, one that Chrysalis believed would grant her the spike in emotion she required. “Shining,” She said between her moans, “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Cadence.” Shining replied, Putting his hands on Chrysalis’ hips, aiding her in her motions, thinking she was nearing her climax.

“I never want us to be apart,” Chrysalis said back, “I want to be with you for the rest of our lives.”

“Me too,” Shining replied haphazardly, lucking out once again due to Chrysalis not phrasing what she had said as an offer.

However, Chrysalis was aware that was the case when she had spoken, because she really wanted the stallion to doom himself. “Please Shining, tell me how much you love me. Tell me your deepest desire for us.”

Shining felt like he was about to burst inside the mare wrapped around his cock, finding it hard to think clearly as his balls struggled to produce for him another load for him to ejaculate into her. He could hear Cadence’s voice, asking him what it was he desired, and being ever set on his love for her, could only think of one phrase.

“I want us to be together forever.”

It was romantic sentiment, that would have warmed the heart of the real Cadence had she been the one atop the stallion at that moment, but with Chrysalis in control, and knowing the dangerous power she had been granted, the alicorn within the changeling could only fall into a deep despair. This surge of negative emotion was exactly what Chrysalis needed, and immediately she went into the first real orgasm she had ever felt, crying out her joy as true pleasure washed over her. With the inner walls over her vaginal passage spasming, Shining was not far behind, cumming while still inside the mare, as he too felt the deep, pleasant sensation of one’s own orgasms.

The two shuddered and groaned, with Chrysalis falling forward on top of the unicorn’s chest as sensation overwhelmed her. She had never felt this good, and it all came from making Cadence feel worse than she had ever felt before. As she revealed in the sensation, Chrysalis felt the power of her mistress flow through her, the requirements now fulfilled. The mare looked into Shining Armor’s eyes, satisfaction reflection in them as he exchanged the gaze, the stallion thinking that this was one of many other intimate moments between him and Cadence.

Then a smile formed on the pink mare’s face, and Chrysalis said to the stallion, “Your wish is…”, before suddenly transforming back to her goatlike form, and completing the sentence with an ecstatic, “Granted!”

Shining froze at what happened before his eyes, understanding immediately that this creature, despite her new appearance, was Chrysalis. Revulsion filled his being, understanding that he had just fucked this insectile abomination, and came several times because of it. Then fear came, as it clicked that if Chrysalis was here, the real Cadence had to have been abducted by her again.

These thoughts hit him rapidly, and he might have kicked himself for falling for this trick again, but all he could do was utter the Changeling’s name, “Chrysalis!”, before his world changed forever.

The next thing Shining knew, two halves of… something flew from opposite sides of the room, and clamped around his head, causing him immense pain as he felt sharp, solid spikes, lightly pierce into his skull from all angles. He was in instant agony, the likes of which he had never felt before, which left him screaming as he desperately tried to pull whatever it was off. The more he felt, the more he could tell that this was some sort of helmet, made of metal and latched to his head, with some sort of design that made it look like a horned creature, as he could touch things that felt like facial features. If his voice escaped this contraption, he didn’t know, as his howls only returned back at him like he was within an echo chamber, making his untouched ears with the sounds of his own suffering.

His world, however, had not become complete darkness though, as his eyes had also been spared impalement, and he could see before him two small slits to the outside. Through them, he could see Chrysalis, removing herself from atop him, not having to remove his dick from inside her in the process, as his pain had already caused it to retreat completely. He wanted to strangle the changeling, led by his rage to finish her off once and for all, but his pain kept him laying in the bed, writhing as the feeling spread downwards to the rest of his body, and filling him with more pain than he thought possible.

Chrysalis watched while Shining struggled to take off the metal device now enclosed around his skull, said device being a bronze mask of some sort in the image of a goat. She noted that her mistress had a motif she enjoyed, but that thought was secondary compared to the delightful afterglow she was receiving from Cadence’s soul screaming its head off within her. The despair she felt when Shining made his wish was not replaced with traumatized hysterics about his well being, the alicorn pleading with Chrysalis to help him, offering things she couldn’t possibly give. It was like when she consumed Cadence all over again, matching the intensity of that moment to a T.

“This is what you’ve earned,” Chrysalis said, staring with cruel intent at the stallion wriggling about on the mattress the regal pair once shared and made love in, “You and Shining could have spend your lives blissfully feeding me love from the confines of a cocoon, but now you both will suffer a fate far worse than that.”

“It certainly is a terrible end for the both of them,” came the words of Atamanna, appearing in the chamber from the shadows, as she wished to personally see the valuable possession she had just acquired, “And I have to applaud the wish you coaxed out of Shining Armor. Even as my soulbound slave, you managed to find a way to claim Shining Armor for yourself. Of course, his soul is still mine to do with as I please, as is yours, but since the requirement of the wish is that you two will be together forever, I must oblige in some manner.”

Atamanna snapped her fingers, and at this signal Shining Armor’s body went rigid. Chrysalis had no clue what was going on, and for a moment thought that the Djinn was going to transform Shining into some trinket, similar to what she did to Sunburst and Flash Sentry prior. A transformation did indeed occur, but not one that changed the stallion into an object, as instead the unicorn’s body started to horrifically expand. His muscles bulged out one by one in a manner that, judging by his muffled screams, was more torturous than the goat shaped helmet itself. Still, he couldn’t move a muscle during the process, as his body morphed and took new shape. This lasted for several grewling minutes, with his bones stretching out to accommodate the size of his new form, and by the end of it, Shining’s howls of pain finally came to an end.

What now laid in the bed only bore a slight resemblance to Shining Armor, as his fur retained the same pure white color, as his tail kept its many shades of blue, and his unicorn horn could be seen poking out of the forehead mask he wore, the appendage growing slightly to make it look about the same size as before.

The rest of him was indistinguishable, as his body was now that of a near seven foot monster of a stallion, his enlarged muscles making him look more akin to a large horse than the pony he once was. The helmet encasing his head, however, gave him the appearance of a male goat, with two small horns, and eyes that had two large sapphires affixed in them to give them some color. Shining’s actual eyes were positioned lower, and to those of keen observation could be seeing through small slits placed right below the fake eyes of the mask, maybe even seeing the pupils held in the darkness within. Not even his cutiemark, a defining means of identifying a pony, was left alone, as the shield that adorned his rear had been altered, no longer bearing any of the star symbols it normally had, and instead featuring the image of a demonic goat head.

Fully transformed, the stallion rose up from the bed, and left it so he could join with his two mistresses. “Succubus,” Atamanna said, calling Chrysalis by the name she bestowed upon her, “This is your new partner, Incubus. I have altered him both physically and mentally to be a serviceable enforcer of my will, who will act as the brawn to your brain. He’ll obey whatever command you issue him that is not against my own, and together you will serve me for eternity, side by side, allowing you to be together forever.”

“Thank you, my mistress.” Chrysalis said, having no choice but to comply with the Djinn’s decree, but pleased that this particular one had gone exactly as she planned. While both her and Shining Armor’s souls belonged to Atamanna, Shining Armor was effectively hers. Better yet, it seemed that the stallion was in many ways not himself anymore, as the real Shining Armor would never obey Chrysalis, thus his own personality must have been locked away inside this hulking monstrosity of a pony form, in a similar way that Cadence was trapped inside of the changeling. The two were so close to one another, able to experience everything their host bodies did, but would never truly be able to share a loving interaction with one another again. Such a savory sadistic fate for two so bound together by love.

Chrysalis went to her prize, pressing her body against the man she was now bound to, not by love, but a mutual damnation to eternal enslavement to a higher being. For a pony like Chrysalis, this was the closest thing to love she could ever feel. Not romance, passion, or a fervent desire to be with somepony, but the mere want to possess a creature, and have them belong to her as a mere object. That concept that this creature, Incubus, was little more than her plaything, turned Chrysalis on far more than any romantic gesture ever could. She found her hands wondering about the stallion’s body, her own rubbing up against it, in a vulgar display, the likes of which she’d never had performed on a creature who actually showed her the slightest notion of care or affection.

Incubus gave a snort in response to the changeling imposing herself upon him, knowing that he was to obey her, but likewise holding no true feelings towards her. The pair’s relationship with one another was empty, hollow, and built upon layers upon layers of coercion and manipulation. In a way, the two soul enslaved creatures were the perfect opposites of what Cadence and Shining Armor once were.

Atamanna watched as Chrysalis’ hands explored the features of her new pet, her lust and desire on full display. The goat had to admit, the former queen had been doing a good job collecting souls as her proxy, and this small reward was perhaps fitting, even if it played into what Chrysalis wanted. It was the most amusing wish that the changeling forced out of the ponies in the Crystal Empire, with most of her wishes having to be ones successfully granted without a downside, to keep ponies from catching on that something terrible was being formed from their greedy requests.

With Shining Armor claimed, Cadence merged with Chrysalis’ enslaved soul, and practically all crystal ponies in the kingdom having made a wish, knowingly or not, nothing could stop her plans. All it would take is a few more days to finalize things, and things would change for the Crystal Empire and its citizens forever.

The Ruby Heart

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In the following days after Chrysalis tricked Shining Armor to be her eternal companion, the inner workings of the Crystal Palace changed drastically. No longer were any of the workers leaving the building, having told their loved ones that Princess Cadence was planning something big that required all staff, maids, guards, and all in between, to stay there all hours of the day.

No pony knew what was happening inside, but none inquired too thoroughly, as they still saw what they believed to be their princess daily, making a great effort to go around the kingdom and help each citizen of the Crystal Empire with whatever need they might have. When they did ask the alicorn what was going on, she would only tell them that it was a surprise that would be revealed soon, and would affect the whole kingdom, leading to the streets being filled with excited gossip as to what the royal family had in store for them.

While outside the palace gossip of what could be going on filled the streets, inside its walls it was a lot more silent. The halls had grown dark, as sunlight seemed to refuse to enter the building, even though none of their curtains were closed. If a creature were to traverse the pathways of the palace, they would find that there was barely a sound within it, as there was no staff attending to their duties, and all guards on duty simply stood their post without so much as a twitch of their muscles. The once bright atmosphere of this place had become dark and oppressive, much like its previous state when King Sombra once inhabited it.

The only sign of bright colors in the entire castle came from the royal family, in the form of the bright pink fur of both Flurry Heart and Chrysalis’ coats, the latter still disguised as Cadence. The pair were together this morning, Chrysalis carrying around the infant alicorn in her arms, as the hulking form that was once Shining Armor walked at her side. Flurry Heart looked distraught as she ineffectively struggled in the arms holding her, as even the infant could tell that something was wrong and was made uncomfortable by it. The guards that saw this bastardized image of what the royal family once was did nothing to try and help the child, or so much as make a concerned comment, as they knew well what was happening and how powerless they were to stop it.

At this point, Chrysalis had no reason to conceal her true self while inside the palace, as all the guards had been made aware that their princess had been replaced, and that the entirety of the Crystal Empire’s military has been tricked into expressing some sort of desire to Chrysalis that she had fulfilled at the cost of their souls. With said souls indebted to Atamanna, they were forced to obey the changeling’s whims, some through the complete subjugation of their will, similar to what happened to Shining Armor, while others who were allowed to maintain their personalities complied to avoid becoming like the rest.

As for the actual staff, their services in cleaning, cooking, and attending to the daily maintenance of the castle were unneeded at this point, as the castle was now being magically sustained through the will of the Djinn, and because of that many of them had been banished to the lower levels of castle, imprisoned and made use as entertainment for the changeling at night. For as silent as the halls were now, they would be filled with the screams of those at the mercy of this imposter princess, who enjoyed making them suffer at the hands of both herself and her ‘husband’.

Coming from such a session of sadistic indulgence, while having Flurry Heart endure a night where blood curdling shrieks of agony were made her lullabies, Chrysalis couldn’t help but acknowledge how pleased she was. She was enslaved, a mere pawn in the plot of another being who stole her soul through a deception the changeling should have loathed falling for, but since that moment everything had been going in her favor. The changeling was no fool, as Chrysalis she had enough of her own free will to recognize that she should be furious over some other creature having authority over her, but she couldn’t find it in her to be angry when she had gotten far more than her initial wish was supposed to grant her. She might be but a mere servant now, but the servant of a god is a king, or at least that was how Chrysalis saw the relationship between her and her Djinn mistress.

So when the doors to the throne room were opened for the royal family, and Chrysalis saw Atamanna sitting upon the throne intended for her, the changeling could only politely approach the goat with reverence, and politely bow before her superior.

“Mistress,” said Chrysalis, “What a pleasant surprise to see you this morning. Are your affairs in other parts of Equestria going well?”

“Things have been going as intended,” Atamanna replied, “Of course, all that means is that I’ve been granting wishes without detection. I have not been lazy during the time you spent here, appropriating this kingdom in my name.”

“What is your goal, if I might ask,” said Chrysalis, never having been given privy to her mistress’ plot, “I assume that it is the conquest of Equestria, and the world, to turn it completely into a world of suffering.”

Atamanna smiled, shifting her position in the throne she was seated on slightly, “I care less about the world itself than what I can shape it into. I am a creature who requires entertainment through misfortune and bad ends, and care not of the mantles of leadership. I would only ever cease rulership of this world if it were to be the only way to cause more suffering, and there have been plenty times when a creature has made a wish that could have lead to me conquering everything, only for me to twist it in a different direction cause pure conquest would be dull.”

“Then this is all just something to keep you amused?” Chrysalis asked, seeing a slight semblance between the Djinn and a Draconequus she knew, “Then what was the point of having me go to each pony in this kingdom, and have them make wishes. Most of them were granted without some bitter twist, unless you think giving cavities to children is enough.”

“Ah, yes, that does seem a bit contradictory, doesn’t it?” Atamanna replied, “But it is a necessary act to maintain my power. The wishes I grant and the worlds I create require a form of energy to achieve and maintain, as all forms of magic come from a source. Just as your magic was once fueled by greed and hunger, and Cadence’s magic was powered by love, the souls of those I make deals with, and the misery I inflict upon them, are what grant me my abilities. At my weakest, I am merely a creature who can grant wishes as intended, but with each soul I obtain, the extent of how far I can twist them grows, as to how far I bend reality to do so.”

“So you will grant even minor wishes in order to collect more fuel for the fire,” Chrysalis said, piecing together what Atamanna was saying, “Their souls allow you to do things that would otherwise be impossible.”

“It does help that creatures are often vague with the things they want, but sometimes even the most direct wish can’t be granted without some extra power behind it. Like bending the fates of certain ponies to their doom, despite them never making a wish upon me,” Atamanna said in example, referring to Cadence, Twilight, and Starlight, who were each doomed to fall to Chrysalis’ hands, “Or creating the demiplanes that I banish some ponies to in order to fulfill their wishes, though those are often self sustaining. So to answer your original question, I claim kingdoms such as this one in order to create a reserve of suffering to allow me to continue granting wishes in a manner I enjoy.”

“Then I assume you’ve come here because your preparations are complete.” Chrysalis said, seeing that as the only reason the Djinn would present herself when not coming to personally torment some pony.

“Yes, through your efforts, every soul in the Crystal Empire is now indebted to me, and I can convert the kingdom to my specifications. All I need for you to do is gather the citizens, and…”

That same day an announcement was made, summoning every crystal pony to assemble in front of the Crystal Palace. Not a single pony declined to attend, all understanding that this was the big event that all the secrecy was leading up to, with the curiosity of every pony peaking to know what was to come.

The sounds of mutterings among the congregation was like an ocean of words, all mixing together into one another so it was difficult for anypony to understand anything that wasn’t being said directly to them. Comprehension wasn’t required though, as each attendee knew all the others were excitedly theorizing on what was happening. This came to an abrupt halt however, as they saw the figure of Princess Cadence appear on one of the castle balconies, the one directly connected to the throne room, and their conversations turned into a roaring cheer for the ruler of their kingdom.

“Citizens of the Crystal Empire,” Chrysalis said, using a spell to amplify her voice, “Thank you all for coming. It pleases me to see all of your bright and smiling faces, as we gather in celebration.”

Many in the crowd clapped at this particular line, as they assumed this was going to be the announcement for some sort of new festival being enacted to commemorate everything the kingdom had gone through, and it appeared that their guess was correct.

“As your ruler, I have had the honor to live among you, get to know each and every one of you, experience your culture, and see how the crystal ponies bring light to not only each other, but to all of Equestria. You have suffered through many hardships, especially when it came to the terrible reign of King Sombra, who brought misery to this kingdom through his tyranny.”

Many of the crystal ponies grimaced at the name of Sombra, as they still held a fear of the dark pony, but were able to quickly put on a happier face, knowing that the evil stallion would never be a problem for them ever again, not with the Crystal Heart being powered by their love and happiness.

“And knowing everything I do about you, my loyal and adoring subjects, it brings me great pleasure to say that your suffering,” Chrysalis gave a brief pause, and then with a sly smirk, finished her words by saying, “Has only just begun.”

The crowd slowly quieted as each pony registered what their princess had just said, confusion washing over those listening closely and were not just waiting for the speech to be over. They first thought that they had heard what Cadence said wrong, and then believed that the princess had flubbed her line and meant to say that their suffering was at an end. A slight few, however, noticed that a sinister expression was starting to form on the alicorn’s face, with fear growing in their hearts as a sense of deja vu fell upon them, this feeling very similar to how Sombra announced his rule a thousand years prior.

“And thus, we are all here to celebrate the Crystal Ponies, the Empire, and the end of an era, as you have escaped the grasp of a dark master, only to find yourselves bond to another who is much worse.” With that said, Chrysalis had made it clear that her intentions for the ponies below her were not of good will, and licking her lips, she finished her speech by saying, “As many of you speculated, this is indeed a festival, and what good is a festival without a grand feast.”

Placing her hands on the railing around the balcony, Chrysalis braced herself, and opened her mouth wide, a dark aura emanating from within it. Exhaling the air from her lungs, the changeling focused herself, and then started inhaling as hard as she could. Immediately, the crystal ponies felt something awful overcome them, a feeling of sickness and pain filling their bodies, as a light blue mist started seeping from their eyes, mouth, and nostrils. Some tried to will themselves to run, but it didn’t matter. Even had they not been present in front of the castle, what Chrysalis was doing would have affected them all the same, as she was calling the debts each one of them owed to the Djinn in her mistress’ stead.

The very souls of the ponies were being sucked out of their bodies with a vacuuming force, that none could fight or escape. Every second a little more of that mist, which was their very spirits, was pulled out of them, their bodies aging rapidly where they the stood as the life force was being stripped from them, legs collapsing and muscles shriveling, manes turning white before strands of hair withered from their scalps. At the moment a pony’s soul was completely removed, their perspective drastically shifted, leaving the eyes of their physical forms, and shifting to that of their spiritual bodies as they took ghostly shape. The ponies had to witness the horror of them being pulled away from their now dried out and deceased corpses, getting one last look at the ponies they once were, before being sucked by an irresistible current, leading right into the gaping maw of what they still believed was Princess Cadence.

Chrysalis kept inhaling, not so much taking in air as creating a void in her stomach that made every soul she tore from the unsuspecting population of the Crystal Empire, inescapable flow into her gullet. The crystal ponies entered into her maw tens at a time, colliding with one another, their spirits unimpeded by the small size of the flesh tunnel consuming them, as their massless states allowed them to slide in like water. All the poor victims of this could do was wail and scream in abject terror, as they fell into the darkness of their princess’ throat, believing that they had been betrayed by the ruler that had once liberated them from a terrible, but much more tolerable, existence than this.

As the souls of the Crystal Empire filled her stomach, Chrysalis felt herself fill with euphoric glee, as the widest smile spread across her face. Devouring the foolish ponies, who had no idea why this was happening them, was satisfying to a degree that she could hardly comprehend, and the sensation of their souls slipping deep inside her, pooling in her stomach, in a compressed and writhing mass, appeased the hunger that Atamanna had bestowed upon her during her transformation into Succubus. This was only further spiced by Princess Cadence’s lingering consciousness finding the whole thing horrific, and feeling a deep sorrow for the ponies she failed to protect.

The only thing that could make this better was sexual stimulation, but Chrysalis feared that if she released the parapet her hands were gripping, she would fall over due to the overwhelming sensations preventing her from properly controlling her body. As if to answer the call for this need, Incubus stepped out onto the balcony, and without need of instructions, lifted the back of Chrysalis’ dress, exposed the feminine parts that they had been ineffectively covering, and without pause thrust himself into the changeling’s pussy with his already fully erect shaft.

Chrysalis let out a moan of elation, Shining’s cock filling her insides so completely that it caused her vaginal tunnel to stretch, letting her feel every bit of his length inside her. Just as she did Shining Armor’s body and muscles, Atamanna had caused his penis to grow to monstrous size, the likes that would rip apart a normal mare had it been so brutally shoved inside them. For Chrysalis though, it was now an appropriate size to make Chrysalis feel a glorious mix of pleasure through pain, accompanied by the squeezing pressure of Incubus’ vice-like grip crushing her hips, the stallion using her waistline as a handle to force her body back and forth along the railing sex organ.

As Chrysalis’ eyes rolled up into her skull from the amount of unearthly sensations eroding her perception, her rhythmic moans would delay the process of her soul sucking by seconds, giving random individuals a moment of false hope that they might be able to avoid being swallowed, only to be easily consumed the moment she proceeded to inhale again. This moment, where Chrysalis was greedily partaking of pleasure not meant for mortal minds, she finally came to the conclusion that this was what she always wanted. Unbridled, unrestrained, pleasure and satisfaction in all forms. Her time as queen of the changelings was just in the pursuit of this, and it didn’t matter that she would eternally be second fiddle to a creature that had enslaved her own soul against her will. As far as it mattered, that former aspect of herself was gone, and she truly had become ‘Succubus’.

Incubus continued to steadily and forcefully thrust himself into his lesser mistress, acting more like a machine than a living being, as he delivered pleasurable punishment to the sex hole she had presented him. While this caused the vile mare on his dick to receive consecutive and simultaneous orgasms, he took no such pleasure from the act. The convulsing rhythm of her cunt didn’t so much as cause a biological response from the stallion, as no pleasure was felt and no cum was released from his shaft. This was only for the benefit of the completely corrupted changeling, whom he felt nothing for.

Succubus swallowed every last soul with no issue, their forms compressing, squeezing, and even merging in order to all fit inside her stomach without changing her figure in the slightest. When the final soul slid down her throat, she clamped her muzzle down tight, and slid off Incubus’ cock as the evil mare finally collapsed to the stone floor of the balcony. She had been delivered bliss, her mind barely coherent, knowing happiness and pleasure without measure. Below her were the dried out and grayed husks of the crystal ponies, most staring up to her in horrified awe, their last expressions frozen in place, creating a macabre monument to her monumentally morbid event.

Within her the souls of those very ponies screamed out as their spiritual bodies hopelessly twisted about, feeling pure agony as her stomach acids somehow burned their incorporeal forms, though didn’t digest them like she had their princess prior. They were, after all, not hers to consume, belonging to the Djinn and not her. Succubus was but a mere vessel to collect and contain them. Still, being little more than a soul bank had its advantages, as she could hear the anguish cries of those within her, many cursing the name of Princess Cadance, as they believed she was the one who had sentenced them to such a cursed existence. This served to make Cadence herself even more miserable, as anything the changeling heard, the alicorn was forced to hear as well. While Cadence knew that Chrysalis was the true target of all the vitriol being directed towards her, the fact that it was her name the tormented pony souls screamed still greatly affected her psyche, since she could say nothing in return to defend herself.

Succubus laid on the stone floor of the castle balcony for a while, taking in all the sensations like some form of twisted afterglow, enjoying the misery of this inside her as both a conglomerate and individuals, as she sought out each one of the ponies that she had granted wishes to. None in the Crystal Empire were spared, not stallions, mares, foals, nor the guards who had cowardly surrendered to Atamanna’s power. They were all within her gut, as she counted one by one, that was until a particular soul she assumed would have been in there, that she was saving as to send Cadence to the deepest depths of despair and shatter her mind for good, couldn’t be found.

This immediately pulled Succubus away from the euphoria she was feeling, eyes wide and she got to her hooves, and pushed past Incubus back into the throne room. What she saw amazed her, as she spotted Princess Flurry Heart, still as pink and lively as ever, though in a state of distress as she was imprisoned in a cage of black crystal, with no soft surfaces inside to keep her comfortable. The demonic mare had intended to make Cadence stare at her baby’s lifeless body post soul removal, but somehow the infant had been spared.

Annoyed, Succubus opened her mouth and inhaled again, assuming some alicorn nonsense was involved, and that it only meant she would have to focus on the foal directly, but as she created another soul swallowing vacuum, Flurry seemed unaffected.

“Is something the matter, Succubus?” Atamanna asked, entering the chamber, with a disempowered Crystal Heart in her possession.

“Yes.” Succubus replied, “I had given this foal many offers, and granted them all, and yet her soul will not leave her body.”

“Oh…” Atamanna replied, “That’s normal. You see, in order for a contract to be formed, the recipient of the wish must at least understand the concept of an agreement, exchange, deal, or what have you when it comes to deal making. Because of this, very young children are often immune to my abilities. In fact, I’m sure there are a few orphans sprinkled about the kingdom now that I’ll have to do something about.”

“So they don’t have to know they are enacting in a contract with you while making a wish, but they have to know what one is?” Succubus said, frustrated that something so arbitrary was preventing her from possessing Flurry’s soul and finalizing Cadence’s total defeat.

“I didn’t make up the rule,” Atamanna said, as she caused a podium of dark crystal to form from the floor of the throne room, setting the Crystal Heart upon it, “It’s a limitation of placed on to me due to the rules of genie magic, one I can’t remove no matter how powerful I may become.”

“Well then,” Succubus said, going to Flurry’s cage, and willing the bars to part so she could grab the filly by her wings, “I suppose I’ll have to dispose of the brat the old fashion way.”

Picking up the baby pony by her wing bones, Succubus, still in the appearance of Cadence, shifted her body’s shape so that her jaw and mouth could open up unnaturally wide. Tilting her head back, she positioned Flurry over the oversized orifice, slowly lowering the filly down to it. She intended to swallow the foal alive, since she couldn’t consume her soul and keep it captive, while wearing her mother’s face to do so. The terror from both Flurry and Cadence could be felt growing as they pieced together what was going on from each of their perspectives, with Flurry Heart crying frantically when her hooves dipped into her ‘mother’s’ mouth, and Cadence yelling in desperate pleas for Chrysalis to spare her child, the last thing she loved that was corrupted and enslaved by the Djinn.

Flurry made it about waist deep into the mouth of her mother’s impersonator, her hooves touching the wicked mare’s uvula as the infant tried to push away from the point of no return. It looked as if Succubus would actually swallow the girl whole, until Atamanna came over and snatched the foal out of certain demise, easily removing her from her slave’s hand.

“That’s enough of that,” Atamanna said, “I know you want to torment the soul of the princess you ate, but letting you dissolve this alicorn foal would take from me the chance to have her give me her soul once she grows up.”

Succubus’ mouth shifted back to a normal appearance, though bore a pout at the denial of her dark desires. Still, she had to obey the goat in this matter, so she made no complaints.

“Besides, I wouldn’t want to deny this sweet child the opportunity to grow up in Hell.”

As Atamanna said that, she stepped over to the Crystal Heart, holding the infant princess in her arms, and touched the ancient artifact. From the tip of her finger, the clear, blue crystal that made up the object turned a deep red, spreading from that point until its color, and the material it was comprised of, was completely altered. No longer was it a ‘Crystal Heart’, but instead a ruby one, made of the same gemstone that Atamanna kept her demiplanes within.

Without so much of an explanation, Atamanna looked to Succubus, and said to her, “Would you come over here?”

Unable to refuse a request from her mistress, the demonic mare joined with the goat, and upon getting close to the newly made Ruby Heart, felt the urge to heave. Her entire gut felt like it was turning inside out, and while it would have been natural for her to turn away from anything or anyone to vomit, she found herself compelled to aim at the heart.

“Blllllaaaaagggghhhhh,” Succubus wretched, and out from her mouth came the souls of all the crystal ponies, spewing out from her innards, to be absorbed by the Ruby Heart. Once every soul was purged, save for the single soul of the princess that belonged to her, Succubus took a step back and tried to recover from what she just went through.

“What was that?” she questioned her mistress, wiping some spittle from her lips with her arm.

Atamanna giggled, “Sorry I didn’t provide you with ample warning, but you were never meant to be the permanent container for the souls of this kingdom. Not when there was a much more thematic and appropriate option such as this.”

The Djinn gestured to the heart shaped gemstone, and from within it the changeling could see faces of ponies within it, whirling about with expressions of agony, terror, and sorrow. It was like they were a storm, the very wind swirling about from inside a container, perhaps not literally from their perspective, but simply how their torment inside the gemstone was being displayed.

“This artifact, that was once fueled by the joy of these ponies, will now be powered by their torment,” Atamanna explained, looking deeply at the imagery displayed within, while making the captive foal in her arms do the same, “The world in which they now reside is a dark reflection of kingdom, far worse than anything their previous master had designed. With this done, my powers should be fueled for some time.”

“Then that’s it?” asked Succubus, “There is no more to do with this kingdom?”

“Not exactly.” Atamanna replied, “While the hellscape they now exist in could exist on its own, I prefer to have a grander project like this managed by servants I can trust, in order to ensure that the souls within it are treated to never ending suffering.”

Without allowing for the changeling mare to ask what she meant, the goat gave a display of her power. The world around the already desecrated Crystal Empire turned dark, with the sky shifting to a color of red similar to that of the Ruby Heart, black clouds forming within it to block out the sun. The crystal streets, as well as the castle, went from a bright hue of light blue to darker and darker shades till they turned black, the light seemingly being sapped from the kingdom.

The transforming of scenery scared Flurry Heart, who was already incredibly shaken by her ‘mother’s’ attempt to devour her, and she hid her face into the chest of this strange creature holding her, hiding her eyes from the implements of torture and restraint now manifesting themselves from all surfaces around the kingdom, turning it into a twisted representation of what it once was. While at first these objects were unoccupied, many of the devices became occupied by the crystal ponies, who had seemingly returned to the kingdom, once more returned to their bodies.

Succubus knew otherwise though. This was not Atamanna bringing the ponies back to the kingdom, but instead merging the real world version of the Crystal Empire with her created nightmare realm. It was similar to what the Djinn did with the inside of the castle prior, as once Atamanna claimed enough souls of a particular region, she could absorb that location into her realms. If a pony tried to travel to the Crystal empire now, they would find nothing there but a barren wasteland, probably frozen over now that the Crystal Heart was no longer keeping the spot the Empire was located in a state of perpetual summer. As silly as it sounded, Succubus knew she too was within the Ruby Heart, despite it being right in front of her, the Crystal Empire now simultaneously existing within and outside of it at the same time, in a space isolated from the world she once knew.

“Succubus,” Atamanna explained, “I am leaving you in charge of these souls. I’m sure that you, and Incubus, will develop many means to make the rest of eternity excruciating and unbearable for them all.”

Succubus was delightfully surprised by this, as she had basically been given a kingdom to rule over, one that could never be destroyed or usurped, and told to do as she pleased with it. She would have every crystal pony kneeling before her, serving her whims, with their only reward being even more agony. She would be the queen serving a dark goddess, who only wanted her to do what she would have done anyways in such a position of power.

There was one last thing bothering her though, something she needed to know before she took on this role, “But what about Starlight and Twilight?” she asked, “I still need my wish to be finished, and have their souls at my mercy as well.”

“And you will get them,” Atamanna said, “But in due time. When the moment is right, and their downfall will grant the most despair, you will get everything you wished for. Until I say so, be patient, and satisfy yourself with the pain you’ll deliver upon these miserable souls I have given you as your charge.” The Djinn looked down, seeing the alicorn foal still in her arms. “Oh, and this is also your responsibility now.”

Atamanna handed the infant back to her servant, who bore the image of the princess of love. “Ugh, what do you expect me to do with this?”

“Raise it,” Atamanna said sternly, “She is your daughter now, though you don’t have to act as a mother to her. Simply have her fed, kept healthy, and alive, and you can do whatever you want with her. Make her your apprentice, or a meager servant girl who’ll clean the kingdom while listening to the unceasing suffering of the souls enslaved here, or have her locked away in a dungeon out of your sight, for all I care. Just make sure she is taken care of so I may one day grant her wish, and claim her soul.”

With that order, Atamanna left the dark realm the Crystal Empire now existed in, leaving her minions to manage it. While she was not exactly happy with having to take care of Flurry Heart, it was an interesting situation to be able to guide her fate. She could make the princess so miserable growing up that when Flurry was presented with the offer of a wish, she would wish for her own death. The thought of it, and the despair that would inflict on Cadence, lighted her attitude to the arrangement.

“Oh Incubus~,” the dark mare practically sang, “Go put this vermin in her nursery for now, while I plot out what I want to do with her.”

As she said this, she was also reminded that other technically orphaned foals also existed in this world now, and would likewise be at her mercy. She would become a terror among these young ponies, a monstrous queen who put them through hell until the fateful day that they would join their parents as proper servants in the realm her mistress granted her. As Incubus took Flurry Heart away, Succubus made her way to release some of the palace guards from their bindings to retrieve the few souls left in the Crystal Empire that were not bound to her or the Djinn.

As commanded, Incubus took Flurry Heart to the nursery, the filly’s confusion over what had occurred around her. The alicorn child was not your typical baby, and comprehended many things more than others her age.

From the moment of her birth, Flurry Heart had been forming memories, and thus she could tell that things had dramatically changed about her world. Flurry understood that her mother had been doing acts of evil and treating her poorly ever since that day they went to the playground, and had tried to gobble her up. She understood that this gigantic stallion with his head in a goat shaped helmet was her father, judging by his coat and tail color, and that he had become distant to everyone but her mother. She could tell that the castle she had lived in was transforming into some scary place devoid of the bright colors she had grown accustomed to and enjoyed.

What she didn’t understand was why all this was happening. She had an idea that it was somehow related to that goat woman that kept showing up in the castle, but how she was involved was lost to her, since Flurry didn’t fully understand adult language yet. In her mind, her mom was still her mom, because she looked like her and acted like her until recently, and her dad was still her dad for the same reasons.

To her, everything had just turned dark and scary, and while she might have been able to escape the arms of her father, she didn’t know how to get anywhere else where she could find help. As things were, she had to submit herself to the will of her captors, which were her own parents, and hope that in time things would go back to being happy.

To her discomfort, even her bedroom had been transformed into a dark version of itself. Her toys and stuffed animals becoming twisted and evil representations of what they once were, the plush creatures now having nightmarish, wide eyes and fanged facial features, and blood spattering on their across their bodies, while the other toys looked more akin to implements of torture than a child’s plaything. Her stroller, which was kept in the room, had more than the single body harness now, featuring several shackles for her legs and arms, as well as a set of straps in the back for her wings, to fully restrain her body when she would be locked into it in the future.

Finally, the crib itself had been turned into an enclosed cage, the bars of its sides covered in pointy parts that didn’t look sharp, but certainly would be uncomfortable to the touch. As Flurry was placed inside it, she was thankfully there was still a cushioned surface within it, though it was not as soft as it once was, and her blanket was now in a tattered state. As her father locked her in and left the room, without so much as a word to comfort the filly in this abysmal situation, she resigned herself to sleep, as exhausted as she was from the emotional stress she was going through.

As she closed her eyes, she wished that when she opened them again, things would return to normal. Unfortunately, she was now in a world where good wishes seldom came true, and when they did, it was at a horrible price.