Maud Meets Treehugger

by Mocha Star

First published

A couple mares bump into each other in the middle of a forest and spend time together.

Treehugger and Maud meet in a forest. They get along and spend the rest of the day and night together, and a romance begins.

Thanks to the following and their advice on my blog post.
I took liberties with their suggestions and combined them.

Super Trampoline

Authors Note

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Geology facts aren't researched and there's been no editing. Just spent an hour -total- pounding keys with crying, puking, arguing kids so there're gonna be issues. Lemme know what you find!

On to the next chapter!

Bliss Out

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“Woah, like, that’s pretty,” Treehugger mumbled as she sat on the craggy outcrop of stone overlooking a forest she woke up to find herself in. It had taken her hours to scale the hill and scramble up the cliff face for an unknown height to reach her current point, but when she did she took in the awe of nature at its finest.

“Yeah, it looks like balsam is growing between andesite. That’s pretty rare, the andesite being located here, not the balsam.”

“Woah, you like, blew my mind just now. Where’d you come from?”

“My mother,” Maud droned. “That’s a joke.”

“Righteous, I feel it in the air. Your joke pleases nature itself,” she gestured with her forelegs in a sweeping motion that sent her tumbling to her side. “I think it was groovy, too.”

“Hi, I’m Maud. I’m working on my Rocktorate degree and am traveling across Equestria researching various types of rocks, sediments, and various formations of rocks. I also do stand up comedy and play in a rock band.”

Treehugger sat up, brushed her dreads from her face with her right foreleg, then snickered. “That’s so far out. Do you like, rock with rocks while you’re hunting for rocks for your Rocktorate?”

Maud let a smile creep onto the corner of her mouth, just barely. “You’re funny, why are you here?”

“Why’re any of us here?” Treehugger blinked her dry red eyes several times as what she said caught up to her mind.

“To do what we’re meant to do for the betterment of ponykind, or so I’ve heard.”

“Yeah? Heavy,” she inhaled and exhaled, whinnying a long noise. “There, our chakras are more aligned now so we’re on a better wavelength. Wanna brownie?” she procured one dark chocolate square from under her dress and held it to Maud, who looked at the small square brownie in a sealed baggie with curiosity.

“So, you just met me and want to share your only food with me?” Treehugger nodded slowly at Maud’s question. “I think that sounds good. I haven’t had much to eat besides flora and rock soup for the past three weeks. No pony makes rock soup as good as my mother, though.”

Maud moved forward and in the several steps it took, Treehugger didn’t move from her spot or seem to sway while she held the offered treat out. With a single slow bite, Maud ate the dessert, chewed it, swallowed, then smiled a little. “That was pretty sweet. I like sweets, but not as much as my sister, Pinkie Pie.”

“Gnarly, I know Pinks from the Gala. Her energy was out of this world and into the next, just being by her side made me feel how small I was in the universe.”

“...Yeah. That’s… Pinkie Why.”



The two stared at each other for untold time before Treehugger stood again and walked past Maud. “C’mon, it’s night so we’ve gotta chill somewhere that isn’t here. The earth is tired of soaking our energies right here.”

Maud blinked and noticed Treehugger wasn’t where she was a blink ago, turned her head, then body, following the green mare’s direction she began to walk. “Who are you?”

“Like, I’m Treehugger, and you’re Mauve.”

They got to a group of trees that were bunched up and lay down side by side. “I’m Maud, not Mauve.”

“Look out, mare, there’s the moon,” Treehugger snickered and pointed to the sky where the moon was just rising. “Moves fast some nights.”

“...What? I’m Maud, not Mauve.”

“Righeous, mare. You travel alone?”

Maud blinked and thought really hard, then reached her foreleg up, moved her hoof into her dresses chest pocket, and pulled out Boulder. “This is my pet Rock, he’s a boulder.”

“Woah, Boulder. Nice to meet you, buddy,” she patted the stone. “Woah, he’s big for his age. What does he eat?”

“Mostly base minerals, but I’ve been giving him less because he’s gotten a little chubbier,” she blinked at the stone and snorted a quiet laugh. “He’s my rock and keeps me grounded.”

Both mares began to laugh, somehow Treehugger had started a small campfire before Maud had stopped chuckling and the grey mare’s eyes widened as she looked into the dancing flames. A soft cheek nuzzled Maud’s and she felt a glow warming her face as the nuzzler slipped their head under her chin and brushed rough hair against Maud’s neck. “So, Maud, Boulder's energy looks pretty heavy. His spiritual energy is really in tune with yours so, like, you’re his rock, too.”

“Really? I’ve never been told I’m somepony’s rock, usually because I move around too much. Thank you,” Maud’s cheeks turned a light tint of pink. “Usually I’m just different,” she averted her eyes from the green mare looking at her when she said the last word.

“I’m different. You’re different. The world is full of different, mare,” Treehugger dug her left forehoof into the dirt and lifted some soil and grasses, then blew on them, almost clearing her hoof. “If everything was the same, every blade of grass would be boring, mare,” she inhaled and exhaled, whinnying a long noise stopping suddenly as lips her pressed against hers.

Maud moved back quickly enough for her mane to sway. “I-I’m sorry about that, something-”

A green foreleg moved a forehoof to Maud’s lips. “No problem, mare. I’m cool to be different with you, it’s been a while,” she lowered her hoof and smiled, blinking her reddened eyes, she moved her head forward and pressed her lips to Maud’s. With a slight move back, Maud exhaled through her snout and leaned into the kiss, humming slowly.

Maud spoke with a slight speed to her voice, yet still toneless. “How different are you willing you be different with me?”

Treehugger stood up and leaned down, biting Maud’s smock and with a tug she pulled it free from her body, then moved aside and folded it while Maud watched, placing it gently on the ground. She lay back on her belly and curled her legs under herself. “Like, as different as the sun and moon.”

Maud swallowed loudly and shivered from her shoulders to her dock. “I,” she hesitated for only half a second, “I haven’t ever-”

“Hush, mare. Just bliss out and let me show you the path of least resistance.”

Green lips pressed to grey and both sets of eyes closed, quickly losing themselves to the emotional feelings bubbling inside them. Maud flinched when she felt something touch her cheek, opening her eyes to see green in her peripheral vision she inhaled sharply as Treehugger’s tongue pressed against her lips.

With a short internal struggle, Maud opened her mouth slightly and shivered, trembling mightily as new sensations ran through her that she couldn’t control and for the first time in her life, she mewled as she gave in to the sensation. Her tail flicked and slapped the ground behind her sending a short lived shockwave under them both.

Treehugger didn’t stop kissing even as she stood and moved beside Maud, her forehoof guiding the grey mare’s muzzle to stay with hers as she lay, their bodies now pressed together, Treehugger finally stopped kissing and their eyes met, their breathing increased, and the scent of arousal lingered around them.

“Like, that’s all you need for now. The path has just started for us for the rest of the night, let’s walk it at a slow pace.”

Treehugger nuzzled then laid her chin on Maud’s back, inhaling her many scents.

Maud smiled, between pants, and spoke at a truly normal pace. “I used to think we lived in a barren universe of nothingness, now I can see a tree in the darkness.”

“Far out. Maud, Boulder, bliss out with me.”

Both mares inhaled and exhaled, whinnying a long wavering noise into the forest around them.