A Tasty Surprise

by Israel Yabuki

First published

A clopfic between you and Saffron Masala

At a young age, you developed your skills in the kitchen, making all kinds of tasty meals ever since your parents followed their own paths, one of them went down the path to eternal isolation in prison and the other traveled around the world as a truck driver, so you were left alone to look after yourself as an adult, but when you risked your life to save a family dog from certain death, it does more good than harm to you when you end up in the magical land of Equestria and working for the most popular restaurant in all of Canterlot City alongside with a beautiful mare and her loving father

The Start Of A New Cooking Life

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A Tasty Surprise

Written by Israel Yabuki

Edited and co-written by NineTailBeastBall

Art is expressed in many ways in your society. It’s expressed in drawings, paintings, music, sculpting and even engineering. But for you, art spoke to you through cooking. Your dream was to one day purchase your very own restaurant, but money was always a problem, especially when you had no family whatsoever to help you.

Your mother was in prison for murdering another woman in cold blood when she found out she was sleeping with your dad. Speaking of dad, you never saw him all that much because he was always on the road, working as a truck driver. And you didn’t have any brothers or sisters to turn to, so you were on your own.

You spent the majority of your years honing your skills as a chef. The other cooks at your job would sometimes grow jealous of the way your food looked and tasted. You kept on explaining that they can pull it off, too. It just takes time, practice and a whole lot of love. But the other cooks, however, begged to differ. They think that cooking up the finest ingredients are what matters as a chef.

Not once in your life did you ever waste your food and always made sure to finish what was on your plate. In fact, you couldn’t help getting angry when you see someone refusing to finish their meals. With your parents away, you had to teach yourself good manners and try to act sociable towards other people

When people eat your food, they think they’re dining on S-class food. Most of the time when they say that, they actually mean it when the proof lies in the empty plates when they return to the kitchen, ready to be cleaned. By the end of the day, when you come home, you have to deal with the dishes as well. The kitchen was the only part of the house that’d ever get messy.

The owner of the restaurant gave you a pretty good paycheck, but half of that money was always used for groceries, the electric bill and the house rent, leaving you with about $350 or even $385. You’d be lucky to to have $510 if you ever had to cover for someone else or even work the night shift.

Right now, you had just arrived at your house, exhausted as ever from yet another hard day at work and another day of having those other cooks giving you a nasty look on their faces. You had nothing better to do other than just sit down and watch some TV. Most of the time, you would watch the cooking channel to check out some brand new recipes you would want to try to make later on.

Your ideas of what you can cook seemed to never run out. Your curiosity peaked when you thought about cooking up veggie-style enchiladas. You got up from your couch and bolted into the kitchen pantry to see if you had any sauce, sadly, you didn’t have any.

You reached into your pocket and took out your wallet. You checked to see about $297 left. More than enough to grab some ingredients from the store. But first, you had to check the fridge to see if you had any corn tortillas. There was only half a bag left, so as a precaution, you made sure to add it to your list.

Even though your body was tired, your mind was active and ready to try a new recipe.You grabbed your coat and keys and headed out of the house, locking the door.

You had plenty of stamina from all that walking and all the vitamins you ate. About halfway on your way to the grocery store, you noticed a family of four people and a dog walking on the other side of the road, chatting and smiling and having a good time. At least some people in this town were lucky enough to be a family.

Just then, the family’s dog, which was a Boston terrier ran out in the middle of the street chasing after this bird that landed there. You jumped when you see a truck driver coming in pretty fast. Without even thinking, you bolted in the middle of the street towards the dog.

“NOO, TROOPER!!!” the little boy called out.

Luckily, for the dog, you were just in time to scoop him up and throw him into the direction of the family where the father caught the dog. But you were unfortunate to get caught in the truck’s path and soon, your mind went blank when the truck collided with your body heavily. The only thing you could hear was the sound of screaming and crying before silence filled the dark void.

The next thing you know you were lying down on cold concrete and people chattering in these uptight English tones in their voices. Your head was still aching from that accident you had with the truck. You’re glad the family’s dog is safe, but you were still wondering how you were able to survive the impact. No ordinary human could survive that. As your vision cleared up, you realized it wasn’t exactly people who were talking.

All around you, you were surrounded by a bunch of anthropomorphic horses in high society clothing, but they’re hardly considered “good mannered” to you.

The moment you were about to stand on your feet, your headache kicked in again. You gripped your head, grunting painfully. “Damn it! Where’s an aspirin when you need it the most. God this headache sucks!” you said as you forced yourself to stand.

Looking around you saw it was quite a large city with a beautiful castle in the distance. There was also a couple of horses who wore golden armor and carried spears. A few of the guards have wings and the others have horns. They sure didn’t look like they mess around. You even felt your knees shaking. It makes you wonder if the leader was of this place was a more intimidating horse as well.

However your attention was turned away as you smelled something delicious. You followed the amazing smell of whatever it was that was cooking, ignoring the so-called nobles who were judging you.

“My word, another disgusting human? They’re like cockroaches, I tell you.” one snobby pony said to another.

“I don’t see how the princess can live with these disgusting creatures.” said another pony.

“Honestly, have you ponies no manners? You didn’t see me treating a human like garbage and I’m happily married to one.” a female pony said.

You stopped immediately when you heard someone say they were married to a human. You turned your attention to a female horse who wore a sky blue summer outfit with a matching hat. She had snow white fur and purple eyes with long, silky pink hair and had a horn and a small girl holding her hand. You realized because of the horn she was a unicorn.

She notices you looking at her and she waves at you. “Hello there, sir.” she calls out to you. You look in every direction to see if she wasn’t talking to someone else. You look back at her and point to yourself.

“Are you talking to me?” you asked.

She giggled, “Of course, I am. You must be new around here. My name’s Fleur De Lis.” she introduces herself. She walks over to you, with her daughter still holding her hand. “This lovely little young lady is my darling daughter, Graceful Charity.”

The girl gave a small wave before retreating behind her mother. You smiled, as you always had a soft spot for children. Graceful Charity has her mother’s long, silky pink hair, but shared some of her father’s features. Mostly the light tan color and brown eyes.

“U-Uh, it’s nice to meet you both,” you stuttered. “Sorry, I’ve never exactly talked to an anthropomorphic umm... “ you could get the right words out, mostly because you didn’t want to offend her.

“Anthropomorphic pony?” Fleur asked, stifling her laughter. “I understand, you’re new here and you don’t know anypony around here. Well, I’m not sure if there’s anypony in this city that’s kind enough to help you. This city’s mostly known for its stuck-up nobles.”

“In all honesty, I don’t think all of the nobles around here are stuck-up. I can easily tell you’re a lot more well-mannered than the others.” you say, scanning the city and turning your attention back to Fleur.

Fleur giggled, “Why thank you. Even my husband thinks I’m more respectful than most of the ponies here. Perhaps one of these days when you’re not so busy, I can introduce you to him. In the meantime, it might be best if I show you where you can find employment. Are they any special talents you have?”

“Ever since I was young, I’ve had a love and a talent for cooking. Do you know any good restaurants that I can apply to around here?”

“Canterlot is full of restaurants, however my favorite is this one restaurant that’s held up in this local alleyway. You’re more than welcome to take a look at the other restaurants, but I highly recommend the one I mentioned to you. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you smell their delicious food.”

Following Fleur’s advice, you walk down alleyway, following the scent of delicious food. The smell leads you to this Indian-style restaurant. You read the sign that said “The Tasty Treat.”

Hearing a noise coming from inside the restaurant you opened the door to see what was going on. Inside, the place had an amazing Indian-style decor and lots lots of these anthro horses stuffing themselves with their tasty food. Well almost all of them.

“What exactly is this rubbish supposed to be?!” You turned to see a stallion with a horn yelling at another pony. This one was a mare with orange fur and purple hair, you presumed she was either the waitress or the cook.

“Please try it sir, I assure you the taste is amazing,” she urged. She had an accent that was Indian style.

“Excuse me, but I came to dine on fine cuisine, not this commoner slop!”

“How about you stop being an ungrateful bastard and just eat it!” you finally spoke up, getting the attention of both of them.

“Excuse me?!”

“You have no idea how valuable food is or how much effort is put into cooking you snobbish fool!” you snarled. “C-class or S-class, food is still food, no matter what and I can already tell from the smell that this food was cooked up by a talented chef,” you say, looking at what appears to be a bowl of soup.

“Well, if you think it’s so scrumptious, then why don’t you eat it?” he asked.

That was an offer you wouldn’t tear down. Good food should never be wasted. As the orange mare told the stallion to leave you took his chair and began to eat the unfinished meal.

“This is delicious,” you said to the waitress before taking another sip of the soup. The spiciness blended perfectly and the soup was amazing, too. As you ate the food at a steady pace, the mare decided to take a seat and looked at you curiously.

“I’ve never seen you before,” she said, studying your features. Swallowing the food and wiping your mouth, you introduced yourself.

“Well my name is Saffron Masala, I’m the chef here at the Tasty Treat. We have the most exotic cuisine here in Canterlot,” she said proudly.

Canterlot?’ you thought, “Is that the name of this city?” you asked.

Saffron nodded. “Why yes. My father and I moved here to Canterlot years ago to share the food I make with all the ponies here. We didn’t do so well at first because our restaurant wasn’t rated by Zesty Gourmand, who was once known as the queen of cuisine. But in recent years, she lost her job and her credibility.”

“So how did your restaurant start bringing in crowds like it has now?” you asked, watching all the other ponies stuff themselves happily.

“It was all thanks to Pinkie Pie and Rarity for helping our restaurant become a success. Father and I have been working harder than ever before and it brings me so much joy to see ponies enjoy our food. You seem to have a great appreciation for food as well. Do you cook?”

Saffron was quite perceptive. “Why, yes I do. At my old job, I worked at this family restaurant, which mostly served simple foods like pastas, different kinds of meat and even different varieties of fruits and vegetables. However, with a little time and practice, the people who ate there said the food I made felt more S-class than anything else. The proof lied in the empty plates that made it back into the kitchen.” you explained.

“That explains why you became so angry just now,” Saffron said

“Yeah, well that’s not the only thing that pisses me off. Back at my old job, the other cooks got jealous and felt like they were gonna get canned if I kept making food the way I still do. They all had different means of being a chef. They all thought that using only the finest ingredients are what matters when cooking. How terribly wasteful they all are.”

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry to hear that. You know, before our restaurant was getting recognized, everypony would always go to the other restaurants where the food was tasteless, just like how Zesty thought it was supposed to be.”

With that Saffron stood up from her chair. “Well I have to get back to work. It was such a joy talking to you and don’t worry about having to pay. It’s on me this time.”

You smiled as Saffron disappeared behind the curtains and went back to finishing your food. As soon as you finished, you stood up and walked towards the exit, only to catch sight of a little table with a stack of job applications.

As you walked over to the applications, you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turned to see a rather husky looking pony, like Saffron he too had a horn. His fur was a lighter shade of orange and he had a brown mane and mustache.

“My daughter has told me how much you appreciate her cooking and how you’re also a pretty amazing chef yourself. I am her father, Coriander Cumin,” he said.
Like Saffron, Coriander also had an Indian accent.

He stuck out his hand for a handshake, which you accepted without hesitation before introducing yourself to him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Coriander. Tell me, do you help out with some of the amazing cuisines here?”

He chuckled, “You’d be surprised how often I get that question. No, my daughter does the cooking, I’m the host. I’m just so proud of how hard she tries. I get worried about her sometimes since she’s the only one cooking in this restaurant. So, I’ve taken the liberty of putting out a few applications for anypony who might be interested in working full-time, but so far, no pony’s ever applied.”

“Well, if you’re looking for someone to help out in the kitchen, I think I can lend you and Saffron helping hand,” you offered.

Coriander twirled his mustache as he gave it some thought. “Well, if you want to get the job, you’ll have to demonstrate your skills in the kitchen first.”

You smiled. “I don’t have a problem with that. Just tell me what dish you want me to make and I’ll get it done.”

Coriander chuckled, “No, no, no, the dish that you’ll be making has to be something that not on the menu. I’ve already purchased a few groceries because we’re recently trying to come up with a brand new dish. This’ll be your test to see if you’re qualified to work here at The Tasty Treat.”

You nodded and followed Coriander to the kitchen. Just as any good chef would, you made sure to wash your hands before touching any of the food. Afterwards, Saffron and Coriander took out some ingredients from the fridge, cabinets and cupboards and laid them down on the counter.

One look at the ingredients was all it took give you the idea on what to make. You got out a glass tray, big enough to fit a veggie-style enchilada. Since you hate wasting food, you carefully made sure each ingredient had a purpose so you wouldn’t have to throw anything away. Coriander and Saffron were curious of what you have in mind to make, but would rather not have the surprise spoiled.

They watched as you were coating about 18 tortillas in olive oil and sauce and laid 6 of them into the glass tray times 3. The stove was getting a little messy, but it wasn’t going to be too much of a hassle to clean up afterwards.

On each layer, you put different varieties of chopped and cut vegetables and shredded cheese onto the tortillas. On the very top layer, you poured the leftover sauce onto the enchiladas. You then preheated the oven to 350 degrees.

The delicious smell flowed from the kitchen and you weren’t even done cooking yet. A few minutes later, the oven was all nice and heated up. Soon, you opened up the oven and put the enchiladas inside it and closed it up. You set the timer for 15 minutes and waited patiently. Now that the dish was cooking, you took the time to clean up the stove of all the excess olive oil and enchilada sauce.

“My boy, that looked so scrumptious, what do you call that dish?” Coriander asked.

“It’s a new recipe I wanted to try out called a Vegetable-Style Enchilada. I’ve been a vegetarian all my life and it’s not all that bad.” you said. You know all too well that ponies don’t eat meat so you have even more of a reason not to use it in your cooking.

Saffron put her hands together “I cannot wait to taste it myself. If it smells and tastes good, I could definitely put this thing on the menu!” she said, excitedly.

After the 15 minute timer went off, you put on some oven mitts and opened up the oven, taking out the enchiladas and setting them down on the stove. The smell made its way to the dining room area.

“Hey, what’s that smell?” one pony asked.

“I don’t know, but it smells good!” another pony exclaimed.

“Good? No way, that smells amazing!” pony #3 said.

The praises from the dining room area put a smile on your face. You waited for the enchiladas to cool off a bit and then grabbed a knife, cutting the enchiladas into slices and served them on a plate to Coriander and Saffron. You served yourself a little portion of your food since you were still full from that meal.

You, Coriander and Saffron all took one bite and instantly...

“T-This is delicious!” Coriander stuttered.

“Never in my life have I tasted something so good!” Saffron added.

“Thank you,” you said.

“Hey, what’s that smell, are you cooking up something in there? I want to see for myself!” one pony called out.

Saffron and Coriander looked at you, unsure if you were okay with it.

“If they want to taste my dish, give ‘em a sample or even a few plates full,” you confirmed.

Saffron nodded as you cut up a few more pieces of your veggie-enchiladas, big enough to fill up the ponies who were still a little hungry, while Saffron got out a few plates. You served each of your sliced enchiladas on each plate and helped Saffron carry half of the plates out into the dining area.

You and Saffron served the customers and watched as they all took a bite out of your food. Each and every pony had a big smile on their faces. They obviously loved your enchiladas.

“Oh yeah, this is pretty good. I’m definitely coming back here tomorrow for another helping.” said one of the ponies.

“I should bring the wife and kids here, they’ll love this!” another pony said.

“My boy, I’ve never seen so many of our customers so happy before, you’ve got some real talent as a cook. Consider yourself an official employee at the Tasty Treat. So congratulations, you’ve got the job!”

Saffron ran up to you and gave you a hug and the customers who have tasted your enchilada began clapping for your employment.

That soup you had earlier wasn’t exactly enough to fill you up. Seeing how there was plenty of enchilada left, you fixed yourself a plate.

I know I’m going to like this new world,’ you thought as you began to eat your dish, marveled by the flavor.

Now that you were an employee, the next difficult part was finding a place to stay, and you weren’t sure if the cash in your wallet was going to cut it for you. What you didn’t know was that one of these days, there might come a time when you have to step up your A-game and might have to cover for Saffron. Though, you didn’t know it would happen later on, you were still ready for anything.

Love Is The Perfect Medicine

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Not long after you got your job at The Tasty Treat, the restaurant had become busier than ever before ever since you created your most iconic dish, the vegetable-style enchiladas. While some ponies mostly ate your dish, some of the others still chose to eat some of the other foods that were originally made by Saffron Masala.

Both Saffron and Coriander Cumin were wonderful ponies who treated you like part of the family. Saffron admired your cooking just as you admired hers, and for these last few weeks you’ve been working here, the two of you have often given each other advice as you worked.

It seemed like getting hit by that truck back home brought you more joy than misery. Never in your wildest dreams had you finally felt so pleased and so relieved to finally have the one thing that you wanted in such a long time: A family. And being a part of a family comes with both good and bad consequences. As your life gets better, another struggle is soon to come up for you, Coriander and Saffron.

As if this very moment, it was still early and the restaurant still had a few hours before they opened so you were using your free time to help Saffron with breakfast. As usual, a pleasant smell filled the kitchen as the two of you prepared the food.

“It smells amazing as always,” Saffron said with a cheery tone. “I’m sure father and the other customers are going to be very pleased with your fine artwork.”

You smiled back at the orange mare. “Thanks, and I can see you’re looking bright and cheerful as always,” you replied happily. Saffron giggled. Her giggling and laughing always brought a smile to your face, whether you’re cooking or just chatting with her. She’s truly what you call a one-of-a-kind mare. But then, her giggling was cut short when she began to cough a little. She covered her mouth so she wouldn’t get it in the food.

“Are you okay?” you asked, growing quite a bit concerned. Saffron has been coughing quite a bit lately, and even though she waves it off, it seems to be getting worse each day. You start to wonder if she’s getting sick or something.

“I’m fine, it’s just a little c-” she was cut off as she began coughing more violently. Her face got a little flushed as she continued coughing.

Alarmed by Saffron’s condition, you called for Coriander. Hearing your voice, he rushed into the kitchen and notices his daughter coughing violently, standing on her knees. As the two of you helped her stand up, Coriander put his hand over her head and gasped.

“I knew this would happen, she’s catching a fever,” Coriander said shaking his head. “Saffron is a very dedicated chef and all, but she becomes so stubborn as to work even when she’s all under the weather.”

“You’re right, and it’s much worse than before, and it’ll just keep getting worse unless she takes it easy. She’ll have to stay in bed for a few days so she can recover,” you suggested sadly.

“No, I can work-” she stopped as she began feeling dizzy in addition to her coughing.

“It’s out of the question, Saffron Masala. You’re too sick to even stay on your feet, much less, cook a meal. Nothing personal sweetheart, but your health is important, especially as a chef,” Coriander said as the three of you began to walk out of the kitchen.

You nodded in agreement. “Even somepony as talented as yourself needs to know when to rest. Don’t worry, I’ll handle the orders while you’re resting and will be upstairs. Coriander will take care of you and I’ll upstairs when I get the chance for my lunch break,” you assured as you helped her walk upstairs since she was too dizzy to walk efficiently.

Once you reached her bedroom, you laid Saffron down on her bed gently. Gently stroking her cheek in reassurance, you then grabbed the covers and put them over the orange unicorn’s body. Coriander came upstairs with an ice bag and a cup tea.

“Thank you... father... and you too...” Saffron says weakly to you with her usual smile.

“It’s no problem at all,” you said modestly. “Now you just get some rest and I’ll cook up some vegetable soup for you after I get on my lunch break,” you said. You couldn’t help but notice that Saffron’s cheeks blushed rose red. Though, it was hard to tell if she was blushing in embarrassment or if it was because of her fever.

Regardless, you walked back downstairs just in time to help two customers who just walked in. While you were worried about Saffron, it wasn’t enough to stop you from cooking.

You kicked yourself into overdrive and started whipping up meals like crazy. At some point, you felt yourself getting exhausted. The fatigue was probably gonna hit you hard, probably before your lunch break. Though, you kept telling yourself to keep going.

As usual, every single pony in the restaurant got their meals exactly how they wanted them. Soon, it was time for your lunch break and you instantly went to begin working on that vegetable soup you had promised Saffron. Though you were in a rush to make it, you made sure not to waste any of the ingredients.

It took about 20 minutes to get the soup ready, but it was worth it, given the delicious smell that was coming from the hot liquid. Placing a bowl from one of the cupboards on the counter, you then got a ladle and scooped up some of the soup from the pot into the bowl.

Adding a spoon to the bowl, you began to make your way upstairs, being extra careful not to spill the soup. Entering into Saffron’s room, you saw that the poor mare was laying down and resting up. You set the bowl down on a nightstand beside her and whispered her name, causing her to wake up.

“Oh, hello, is it lunchtime already?” Saffron asked yawning. You smiled, as you could tell she had gotten a very good nap.

You nodded. “Yeah, and as I promised, I made you some vegetable soup,” you said, gesturing to the bowl beside her.

Saffron activated her magic and carefully levitated the spoon to her mouth. She smiled weakly, as she felt the warm liquid soothe her sore throat and dipped the spoon back in for more.

“I’ll take that as a sign that you like it, well I’ll be more than happy to make some more later. I’m gonna head back downstairs, you just keep eating your soup. And don’t hesitate call if you need anything else, okay?” you asked. Due to her sore throat, it wouldn’t be pleasant for her to yell. So Coriander had left a bell for Saffron to ring in case she needs something.

Saffron nodded before she got back to slurping up her soup. You didn’t know it, but another blush had appeared on Saffron’s cheeks as soon as you left the room.

He’s so sweet, he’s unlike any other pony, or man I’ve ever met,’ she thought setting the bowl down. With another smile, Saffron put her head back onto her pillow.

Now that Saffron was in good hands, and your lunch break had finally come to an end, you got back to work in the kitchen. The restaurant was getting more packed than it did before. Today was going to be the toughest day you’ve ever worked. Same could be said for Coriander, but it at least it was well worth the effort.

It was a busy day without Saffron to help you out with the cooking, fortunately it was almost closing time. Once the last customer paid for their meal and left, Coriander took this opportunity to head on over to the local pharmacy to pick up some medicine for Saffron’s fever as well as a cough mask.

You, on the other hand, had to stay behind and look after Saffron while her father went to pick up her medicine and her cough mask. Naturally, you had no problem with that.

Later that night, you sat by Saffron’s bedside and then heard the sound of hoofsteps coming from the stairs. Coriander had just came up with the medicine and the cough mask,

You put a finger to your lips since Saffron was fast asleep. He nodded and quietly walked over to his daughter as she slept peacefully. You gently shook her shoulder, waking her up.

“Oh, hello father,” Saffron said, tired. “And hello to you, too,” she said to you, smiling.

“Hey,” you replied, smiling back at her. “Your father went and got you some medicine to help calm down your fever. He even got you the cough mask just in case.”

“You’re both very kind and I do appreciate it. I feel like I can finally get back to work tomorrow.” she giggled weakly, but then let out a nasty cough, covering her mouth with her arm.

“Saffron, as your father, I can’t allow you to go to work tomorrow, you need your rest.” Coriander insisted.

“N-No, father. I want to work tomorrow, please!” Saffron persisted.

“Saffron, if you do that you’ll just end up making it worse for yourself. You could collapse from that fever if you strain yourself too much,” you said. Unfortunately, Saffron wouldn’t give in.

“Then I’ll just take it easy at work and wear the cough mask. I’ll even keep my hands clean and sanitized so germs won’t spread. I’ll take extra precautions, just please allow me to go back to work tomorrow!” she pleaded, gripping both yours and Coriander’s shirt.

You and Coriander awkwardly looked at each other, not knowing if it’s a good idea to let her work. He was right about one thing: Saffron is very stubborn when it comes to her career as a talented chef.

There didn’t seem to be any reasoning with her, so in a sigh of defeat, you and Coriander look back at Saffron.

“Alright, but just so we’re clear, keep your hands sanitized and always wear the cough mask during business hours,” you said.

“You are to take it easy when preparing the customers’ meals and if you somehow collapse from extreme fatigue, you’re staying in bed for the rest of the week. I’m only doing this because I care about you. I love you too much to see you strain yourself, okay?” Coriander asked.

Saffron nodded and smiled at the two of you. “Thank you... both of you,” she said, grabbing yours and Coriander’s hand.

“We do what we can. Now take your medicine and get some rest,” Coriander replied, taking out a single pill from the bottle. Nodding, Saffron levitates the pill into her mouth and drinks up what’s left of her water that’s on her nightstand.

After that, you covered Saffron up in her blankets and left with Coriander to let her fall asleep for the rest of the night. Saffron snuggled peacefully into her pillow and fell asleep within a few short minutes and could already feel her medicine taking effect.

The next day, Saffron was still under the weather, but her medicine was able to calm down her fever a little while. She made sure to keep her cough mask on so she wouldn’t risk anyone else getting sick. Of course, she still had to take it easy with the cooking so she wouldn’t pass out from extreme fatigue. She even took your word and kept her hands sanitized throughout the entire day.

At the moment she was cooking beside you, you just couldn’t help but think how beautiful she was and how dedicated she was to her cooking career. If anything, you might actually fall for this young mare.

“Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?” you said and Saffron nodded. “Remember, you’re still not completely better.”

“I understand, but I can assure you, I can still cook today,” Saffron reassured.

“Alright, but if you end up passing out from fatigue, you’re taking the rest of the day off. You’re not just a co-worker to me, you’re also my closest friend and you’re like the family I’ve never had in a long time.”

Saffron giggled and only slightly coughed. “You’re very sweet, but I promise you, I’m perfectly-”

“Don’t say perfectly,” you cut her off playfully, giving her nose a friendly boop. After exchanging a friendly conversation, the two of you start cooking up the orders you both had just received from the customers.

Recently, Saffron has been looking at you a lot more than she did before. You were a bit curious of why she would keep on looking at you so much. You weren’t bothered by it, just curious. Was she showing interest in you because of how kind and caring you are to her?

“Something wrong?” you asked and Saffron shook her head and turned her attention back to the food.

You raised an eyebrow, her behavior peaked your curiosity. But you were even more curious of another thing about her.

“You know Saffron, I’ve been wondering, when is it that you started cooking?” you asked.

“Well, it started a long time about when I was just a filly. My mother and father and I were once humble ponies in our hometown. I learned how to cook thanks to my mother. I eventually had to take cooking classes for... certain reasons.” Saffron sounded a little sad when she mentioned time in cooking class.

“What do you mean, did something happen?” you asked.

Saffron nodded as tears began to appear. “My mother... she... passed away because of an illness. She my meant the whole world to me. Father was devastated, too. The classes I took were expensive, but father went ahead and paid for my classes nonetheless.”

Even though she was contagious, you wrapped your arms around the crying mare.

“I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what it was like to go through that,” you replied. “But if there’s one thing that’s definitely certain, it’s that your mother would be very proud of how far you’ve gotten in life. Look how talented you’ve become. You have a promising career and the look on your father’s face, even the customers proves it. If your mother was still alive today, she’d probably be smiling and you and tell you this: “You’ve made me so proud. Never give up on your dreams.”

Saffron gasped at what you said. Tears continued to fall down her cheeks and wrap you in a warm hug, sobbing into your chest. You gave her a warm hug back and pecked her on the forehead. This wonderful chef… no… this wonderful mare has lived a difficult childhood.

All of the joy and happiness she gives to other ponies here was all because of the beliefs she held onto because of her deceased mother.

To make matters worse, she struggled financially because of the expensive cooking classes she took after her mom passed away. But no matter how bumpy the road got, she still believed that she could become an excellent chef. The only thing you could think was “bless this devoted young soul” as you continued to hug her.

A couple of minutes later, Saffron let go of you and wiped the tears from her eyes. Somehow, underneath that mask, you could just tell that she was smiling at you.

“Thank you, for being so kind to me. I really needed this,” Saffron said.

“I’m glad I could be here for you,” you replied, patting her gently on the head. “Now, what do you say we get back to work?”

“Sure, but I want to know how you got into cooking, it’s only fair,” she replied, making you chuckle.

“Very well, I’ll tell you,” you agreed. Both you and Saffron got back to cooking just as you explain your story. “You see, Saffron, I also had to take cooking lessons at an early age, but I couldn’t go to cooking classes because I could never afford it. Back where I lived, I learned from these cooking shows I recorded and spent most of my years making homemade meals. I was very sloppy at first, I’m not gonna lie.”

“What about your parents, didn’t they teach you?” she asked.

“No, by the time I was getting the hang of it, my mother went to prison for murder and my father was always on the road as a truck driver.”

“Hmm? What’s a truck?” she asked.

“It’s an giant motorized vehicle that’s built to carry things in the back. Although, judging by that question, it’s obvious you’ve never seen one. Try to think of them as highly upgraded carriages that take way longer to run out of stamina. Since my dad is a truck driver, I don’t really see him all that much anymore and I’ll hardly ever see him again,” you explained.

“So, throughout your whole life, you’ve had to fend for yourself?!” Saffron asked, shocked.

“Yeah and if things weren’t bad enough, when I got my first job as a chef at this local restaurant in my hometown, all the other chefs thought I was getting in their way. I didn’t even have any friends when I went to school. Anytime kids picked on me, I made a precaution to secretly bring a frying pan with me and slap ‘em across the face and tell them “says the guy who can’t even cook right.”

Saffron looked at you with sympathy. “I’m so sorry...” she said quietly.

What you did next you couldn’t explain. Bending down a little, you gave Saffron a quick kiss on her forehead. Her face turned as red as a tomato but you only smiled.

“It’s not your fault, I’ve learned to take reality like a man and toss its cruelty in the trash like it’s nothing to me. To be honest, getting hit by that truck is ironically the best thing that’s happened to me since I ended up meeting you and your father.”

“A truck hit you?” she asked.

“Yeah, getting hit by them at full speed is like getting hit by a 5 ton boulder, only the boulder is 5 tons of steel. Any normal human would be dead from something that heavy. I guess I ended up getting a second chance, but man did I have a splitting headache. But it was well worth it, knowing that the family got to keep their dog.”

“Thank Celestia you were given a 2nd chance,” Saffron said.

“Celestia? Who’s that?” you asked.

“She’s the benevolent ruler of Equestria. Same with her husband, Prince Platinum. They watch over the land and have actually come to visit our restaurant a few times as customers. Maybe one of these days, they might show up again and possibly bring their darling little children,” she explained.

It was obvious Saffron admired the princess, but you were a bit curious of who her husband is. Is he a human like you, or is he a stallion? Either way, the chances of actually meeting her would probably be a 1 in 4 chance.

You returned your attention back to your dish and started throwing in a few spices to make it taste better. Once you and Saffron were finished with the food, you put it on the nearby plates and gave them to Coriander to serve to the customers.

“You’re doing much better than I thought, Saffron,” Coriander praises as he took the two plates.

Both you and Coriander could tell that underneath her mask, Saffron Masala was beaming a smile at her father. “A little cold won’t keep me from doing the thing I love,” she assured in a cheerful tone.

It was this determined attitude Saffron had which you always found to be adorable. It’s very rare that you find someone who can cook so well and treat with the respect it demands and look so beautiful when doing so. In all honesty, you felt yourself falling in love with Saffron. However, it felt too soon to start confessing to her, especially since she was still a little sick. Not to mention the fact that you’re not sure how Coriander would react if he found out you were falling in love with his daughter.

You watched as the customers enjoyed the food Saffron had helped you prepare with content smiles. It made you and Saffron feel proud that so many ponies in Canterlot were enjoying the food you both make.

You could feel Saffron wrap her hand around yours, but neither one of you said anything. One happy look from you was all it took to show her how proud you felt towards her.

Spicing Up A Life

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It’s been a week since Saffron started working again, and by this point, the orange unicorn was completely healthy. Before you realized it, a total of 9 months passed since you started working at the Tasty Treat. Coriander and Saffron have treated you like you were a part of their family. It made you feel more appreciative about your life after all that had happen to you back home.

As far as you were concerned, your old home was dead to you and this new home you live in gives off a far better atmosphere than anything you have ever imagined.

Today you were expecting a visit from Princess Celestia, as well as her husband, Prince Platinum. Not only them, Celestia’s younger sister, Princess Luna and her husband, Prince Nebula would be coming over too.

You’ve never seen the royal sisters before, but Saffron told you that both of the princesses are very kind and gentle and that the same could be said for their husbands. That was more than enough to ease any worries you had and you focused on cooking.

Yesterday, as thanks for taking care of her, Saffron showed you how to make her spicy flat noodle soup. She told you that whenever she got depressed as a filly, her father would always make this delicious soup to cheer her up.

“Your cooking skills are truly remarkable,” Saffron commended as she hugged you from behind. You smiled as you felt the beautiful unicorn snuggle against your back for a few seconds before she released you.

“Thank you Saffron,” you said as you gave put the completed noodles in a bowl and gave it to her. “Though I honestly can’t take all the credit. You’re the one who showed me how to make these noodles after all.”

After she let out a giggle, Saffron sat down and started eating her noodles. You soon joined her after preparing two more bowl for yourself and Coriander, who was already sitting at the table.

“The princesses said they’ll be able to arrive later tonight. It’ll be a wonderful opportunity to show them how well you can cook, my boy,” Coriander said with a big smile.

“Let’s not forget, they’re also bringing their children over as well. You should feel proud of yourself for the hard work you’ve done for us and this restaurant, Rasoiya,” Saffron added before giving you a wink.

“Rasoiya? What’s that?” you asked.

“It’s Hindi for “Cook.” That’s the nickname I came up for you. Do you like it?” she asked. The languages in this world seem to be the same as the ones back home.

You thought for a moment and smiled. “Actually I do. When did you have the time to come up with that nickname?” you asked before you began eating the noodles.

Saffron shrugged, “Earlier this morning when I woke up. I knew you’d like it,” she said, beaming with joy. Coriander seemed to be just as happy as you turned your attention to him.

“My boy, you’ve been nothing but a great big help to us since the day we hired you, not just in the kitchen, but at my daughter’s bedside as well.”

You blushed a bit at Coriander’s praise, but smiled as well. “Well, to be honest, I should be thanking you guys for taking me in as you’ve been like family to me. I have a very promising job in the cooking business, a nice comfortable home to sleep in and I have a very talented friend to work with. It may have gotten a little bumpy at times, but we’ve all managed to pull through.”

“So very true, Rasoiya. I’m sure the princess and her family will think so, too, once they arrive. It’s not every day that the ruler of Equestria stops by The Tasty Treat.” Saffron says.

“Speaking of which, it looks like the moon is rising high in the sky. The princesses will be here any minute, so I’ve got to set up the tables while you two get in the kitchen. After all, Princess Celestia is our honored guest,” Coriander says.

You nodded. “Point taken. Come on, Saffron, let’s give the princesses the best home cooking we can offer!” you say, enthusiastically.

Saffron put on her most determined expression, which from your point of view, looked so cute. But now was not the time to flirt and chat, you and Saffron made your way into the kitchen while Coriander went into the dining hall and set up a reserved table and waited patiently for the guests of honor.

A few minutes pass and soon, the front door opened up. As expected, Princess Celestia walks in with a proud smile. Next to her was her husband, Prince Platinum. Celestia was holding her daughter, while Platinum held his son. You could tell the two kids were twins, hungry twins for that matter.

Following them close behind was Celestia’s sister, Princess Luna and her husband, Prince Nebula, who was holding his son. The prince and princess of the night looked around, smiling at the wonderful decor and at their gracious host, Coriander.

Doing his role as the host, Coriander greeted the royal guests and showed them to their seats. Meanwhile, you and Saffron waited for the married couple to place their orders. While you waited, Saffron glanced over at you, only this time, she didn’t turn away when you looked back at her. She instead gave you the cutest giggle you’ve ever heard.

“Order up, one family-sized serving of vegetable enchiladas!” Coriander called out. Saffron started up the stove and the oven while you gathered the ingredients and got to work on the dish, carefully adding the right type and amount of ingredients to the dish. Saffron has the oven preheated and then helped you out with the rest of the dish.

Once it was done, you placed the enchiladas in the oven. Meanwhile, Saffron went and got out some cups.

You checked to see how the family was holding up. Princess Celestia and Prince Platinum were both bottle feeding their kids. Saffron filled up the cups with water and gave them to her father to give to the guests.

“Why thank you,” Princess Celestia said kindly before taking a sip of the cold water.

“You were right, honey. This place is amazing.” Prince Platinum said, taking a sip of his water. “If the host is this friendly, I wonder how the cooks are.”

“It’s always nice to go out like a family every once in a while. Performing our royal duties can be so agonizing, isn’t that right, dear Nebula?” Luna asked.

“You got that right, honey. I heard about this place a couple times before. I only regret not checking out the Tasty Treat sooner.” Nebula replied.

“I’m very glad you like it here, your highness.” Coriander said causing Celestia, Platinum, Luna and Nebula to chuckle.

“No need to be so formal, Mr. Masala. At the end of the day, we’re all equals, so you can just call us by our names,” Platinum smiled.

A few minutes later, while Coriander conversed with the princesses and princes, you and Saffron took the enchiladas out of the oven and laid them down on the stove. You got a few plates out from the cupboards while Saffron cut up a large portion of the enchiladas and served them on the plates.

“Come on, Rasoiya, let’s not keep our guests waiting,” Saffron instructed, smiling.

“Right behind you, Saffron.” you replied.

You and Saffron took the plates with you and entered the dining room where Celestia and Platinum were waiting. The two rulers looked your way, giving you and Saffron warm smiles. You both placed their food on the table.

“My sincerest apologies for the wait, but we hope you enjoy yourselves,” Saffron said.

“If there’s anything else you need, just let us know anytime,” you replied. Before you could walk away, Celestia got your attention.

“I don’t believe we’ve met, have we?” she asked.

“Not until now, my good friend, Saffron here calls me by Rasoiya. I’ve been working here at the Tasty Treat for these past few months.”

The royal family was impressed at how much you treasured food.

“Is that so? Would you care to share your story with the rest of us?” Luna asked.

“I’m curious, too,” Celestia said.

“I don’t see why not, as long as you’re okay with it, Coriander,” you said as you pulled over a nearby chair and sat down.

“Of course, my boy, it’s only fair they get to hear your story.” Coriander chuckled.

Thanks to his approval, you, Coriander and Saffron took your seats. Everyone’s eyes and ears locked on you as you explained every single detail on how you ended up in Equestria. The princesses felt shocked about the noble act you pulled back home before you arrived and smiled when you explained the time you applied at the Tasty Treat and even helped look after Saffron when she got sick.

Speaking of Saffron, every time she would hear you praise her, she would giggle and hide her blushing face. Celestia and Luna could tell what Saffron was thinking and they didn’t need magic to see it.

After you finished telling your story, the princesses and the princes felt a whole new respect towards you. You were very specific about how you felt about food and how you respected all your ingredients when you cook.

The proof made itself clearer in the food you and Saffron made them. They told you how the food tasted like it was made from the heavens. That comment made Saffron grab a hold of your hand and smiled at you.

“Aww, it seems this young lady has been smitten,” Luna said, teasing her.

“Lulu, it’s not polite to tease our host,” Celestia said, elbowing Luna slightly.

“M-My apologies, Tia.” Luna replied, smiling nervously. It was at that moment that everyone broke out into laughter.

And so, the four rulers of Equestria soon finished their dinner and left some bits on the table as well as a 4 bit tip before giving their thanks and walking out of the Tasty Treat. With the moon high in the sky, the Tasty Treat was ready to close for the night. Coriander went over to the front door and switched the “open” sign to “closed” and walked back to the dining area.

You let out a sigh as you managed to make a good first impression to the rulers of Equestria. Even though Saffron told you they’re both fun loving rulers, you wanted to be sure not to embarrass anyone. Luckily you managed to keep your cool during the entire visit.

Looking at the plates on the table you smiled. Not a single leftover was left as apparently the rulers don’t like to waste food either. Princess Celestia even told you that she likes to cook herself primarily pancakes which she shares with the rest of her family.

She even explained how even though there were at least 5 to 7 stacks of pancakes on each plate, they left no crumbs left on their plates. Although, with their husbands, they could only handle 2 pancakes, being how they’re still human. But even though their husbands were still human, they somehow achieved immortality and eternal youth, a feat you thought was impossible to achieve until death. You were surprised that they still kept their healthy figures after a large breakfast.

You stopped to look at Saffron who had completely got over her illness. It satisfied you that she was nursed back to health thanks to you and Coriander giving her the medicine and vegetable soup you made for her. Lately however your thoughts about her were... changing. You’ve lately been seeing her as more than just a co-worker or a good friend.

“Alright, you two. Good work.” Coriander said. His voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you gave him your attention.

“Father, do you need help cleaning up the dining room?” Saffron asked. You were about to ask the same thing as quite a few plates needed to be washed.

“No no, dear, you and Rasoiya go on ahead and just get some rest, I’ll clean up everything, including the kitchen.”

“Wait, are you sure you want to clean up this entire restaurant? I don’t mind helping out with closing up shop,” you replied but Coriander cut you off with a raised hand.

“It’s alright. I could use the exercise, hopefully I can burn off a couple of pounds. You and Saffron go on ahead and rest up for tomorrow. You’ve both earned it.”

You could feel Saffron’s hand wrap gently around yours, but you didn’t say anything. You gave a sigh and smiled at Coriander, deciding to take his advice. Just then, Saffron yanked on your arm and guided you upstairs to where the doors to your room and Saffron’s room were. At first, you thought she was gonna let go of your arm and she’d go into her room, but instead, she brings you into her room.

You raised an eyebrow as you were brought to her bed, but Saffron looked away as if she was embarrassed.

“Saffron, what’s going on?” you asked gently turning her head to look at you. You could see her blushing.

You sat on the bed and the orange unicorn before you did the same.

“Rasoiya, I don’t know how to explain this to you, so I’m just going to say it.” Saffron paused and took a deep breath before spilling the beans. “You see, Rasoiya, during these last few months, you’ve constantly amazed me not just with your cooking but how you cared for me when I was sick for a whole week.”

By this point you could see tears appear in her eyes, but you kept silent. Sniffing a few times, Saffron leaned onto your chest before she continued. You can tell she needed comfort, so you gave her a warm hug, patting her on the back, gently. Unbeknownst to you, these were tears of joy.

“There, there, Saffron. Just let it all out, I’m right here,” you said, sincerely.

“It always makes me smile when you comfort me like this. I’ve never met somepony as kind and considerate as you. But you’re mistaken...” she suddenly began giggling, much to your confusion.

“These are tears of joy...”

“I guess I should’ve known,” you said sheepishly.

“It’s alright,” Saffron giggled.

“I suppose I should be honest as well, I was scared and confused when I woke up in this world,” you began as you placed a hand on hers, causing her to jump slightly at the contact.

“I never suspected we would have so much in common when we first met each other. However when that snob was insulting your food, I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. My suspicions turned out to be correct as I met someone who treasures each ingredient of her cooking with the equal amount of love and respect they deserve. Meeting someone like you was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

More tears came as you finished your speech. For a few minutes, Saffron couldn’t find the power to speak and she just looked into your eyes with adoration. Taking a deep breath, she finally decided to speak again.

“Y-You really mean all that?” she asked quietly and you smiled and nodded. Placing a hand on her mane, you felt the soft texture between your fingers.

“Every word,” you assured as you continued to stroke her mane.

“Then I guess there’s only one thing left for me to say.” Saffron then grabs your hands and looks into your eyes with her beautiful smile and blushing face. Looking at her beauty, you felt yourself began to blush as well.

“Rasoiya... I love you.”

“I-I...” you stuttered, still blushing as you did so. Saffron just smiled and waited for you to say it.

“I love you too...” you finished. In addition to blushing, your eyes began to form tears because of this newfound affection for the mare.

You didn't know it but Coriander was outside Saffron’s room and he heard the entire thing. A smile came to the host as his daughter has found her soulmate.

Without you or Saffron noticing, he carefully closed the door. By some miracle, he managed to do so without making any noise.

Even though you and Saffron confessed your true feelings towards each other, you weren’t quite sure what to do next. However Saffron seemed to have an idea as she looked at you with lidded eyes. You knew what was coming.

“S-Saffron... I uh...” you began stuttering again, making the lovely young mare giggle. Before you could say anything else, Saffron closed the distance between the two of you... with a kiss. You felt your heart racing from the feeling of Saffron’s soft lips against yours.

You slowly laid back with Saffron still occupying your lips with hers. You gently caressed Saffron’s beautiful hair and her beautiful body. Saffron’s tongue began to glide against your teeth, begging for entrance. You grant her access, opening up your mouth and thrusting your tongue into her mouth.

Saffron moaned in the kiss and grabbed the hem of your shirt, trying to take it off. You break the kiss and help her out by taking off your shirt and tossing it off the bed. Saffron blushed intensely.

“Rasoiya, you look so... handsome,” Saffron said, rubbing your chest. You also blushed, looking away, embarrassed.

“Aww, come on now. You’re making me blush,” you said, sheepishly.

Saffron giggled. “I think it’s cute how you’re so embarrassed. I love that about you,” she said as she takes off her own shirt. As it comes off, her bouncing F-cup breasts start to hang loose, but were still contained in their bra prison.

“Have... Have you ever done it before?” she asked.

You shook your head. “Is this your first time?” you ask back.

“Y-Yes...” she replied taking your hand and placing it on her breast. “Let’s take it slowly... I’m still a little nervous to jump to the main event,” she whispered.

“Sure thing, Saffron,” you said, rubbing her bra-covered bosom. The unicorn mare gasped and shuddered. She was grateful at how you’ve been doing your best to not be so rough with her from the start.

Using her magic she unclipped her bra for you, causing her breasts to bounce. You lean up to kiss her cheek before you resumed massaging her exposed bosom. Saffron moaned a little louder and blushed rose red.

“You’re so beautiful...” you whispered kissing her cheek again.

“Y-Y-You’re such a t-t-tease, you know?” she whispered back, before letting out a shaky giggle. You gave her even more pleasure by leaning down and sucking on her nipple. Feeling your gentle but pleasurable sucks, Saffron gasped and hugged you tightly.

As all this was happening, you of course noticed the tightness that was beginning to form between your legs. You weren’t the only one who knew, as Saffron Masala placed her hand on your knee and began to rub it.

Your moans were muffled when she started rubbing you. “S-So you’re sensitive as well I see,” she teased.

You let go of your breast and look up at her. “W-Without a d-doubt,” you admitted moaning a little. You noticed that your pants were glowing and you looked to see Saffron was using her magic yet again. In a quick flash of light, your pants were poofed onto the floor. The little tent in your boxers definitely caught Saffron’s attention.

“Oh my!” she exclaimed as she looked at the bulge. With a sigh, you sit up a little so you could pull your boxers off, revealing your manhood to your new marefriend. Saffron couldn’t stop looking and had this urge wanting to touch it. “I-It’s so... big.”

Looking at you for permission, you gave her a slow nod and a smile. Saffron proceeded to grab your hard shaft and gave it a few strokes. You moaned in response to her velvety touch. Before she could go any farther than that, she lit up her horn again and poofed her long skirt and panties onto the ground with the rest of the clothes.

Immediately, you felt your whole face turn 5 shades of red. You almost felt a nosebleed come, but you managed to keep control. “S-Saffron, you look so... beautiful,” you whispered stroking her cheek affectionately.

Saffron smiles from the compliment and nuzzles her cheek into your hand. Beforelong, she gently lays you back down on her bed and moves herself down to where she was eye-to-eye with your hardened shaft.

“I-Is it alright if I try something?” Saffron asked.

“S-Sure, what do you have in mind?” you asked back.

She didn’t say anything, but instead leans down until she’s a few inches away from your shaft. She grabs her two large melons and mashes them together between your stick and starts licking the tip. You didn’t expect to get this kind of treatment, but it felt so good. She kept playfully squishing your manhood with her large pillows while licking the tip like it were a popsicle.

“Are you... sure you’ve never done this before...?” you asked playfully.

“Yes, but I’ve sort been having... a few wet dreams before and... well... this is one of the kinks I picked up from them that I wanted to try out. Is it good enough for you?” she asked looking up hopefully.

“Yeah, I didn’t think a having a tittyfuck would feel this good,” you said, before covering your mouth with embarrassment. This of course didn’t escape Saffron’s vision.

Letting out a giggle, she continues with giving you her special treatment. She moved her breasts up and down on your shaft while sucking on it. She swirled her tongue around the tip, causing you to moan a little loud. You try to keep quiet by covering your mouth so Coriander doesn’t hear you.

Saffron just loved how adorable your expression was when you’re embarrassed. She sucked on your shaft a little fast while tightly mashing it between her cleavage. She let out muffled moans on the tip of your cock, leaving goosebumps all over your body. You still kept your hand over your mouth so you wouldn’t alert Coriander.

Your legs started to twitch violently, signalling Saffron you were about to give in. She stops what she’s doing and moves upwards before laying herself down on the pillow next to you. You tried catching your breath, panting heavily. You were sweating a little, but not too much.

“Rasoiya?” she asked, getting your attention. You see her still blushing a little, though her smile had disappeared. She points down to where her marehood is at. “I-It’s your turn now...”

You gulped nervously and hesitated at first, but you summed up the courage and made your way down in between Saffron’s long, slender legs. You glimpsed down at her delicate flower.

Giving a gentle squeeze on her flower cutie mark, you leaned down and started slowly licking her pussy lips. Unlike you, Saffron didn’t bother covering her mouth when she let out a cute moan. Her juices tasted so sweet and slightly spicy. You were captivated by the taste and wanted more.

“Your cooking isn’t the only thing that tastes good, Saffy,” you chuckled, having just come up with an affectionate nickname for your marefriend. Saffron’s adorable, blushing smile is proof enough that she’s okay with it. You soon went back to eating out her marehood. Moving your tongue in a pattern, like spelling out the alphabet.

It was when you hit “G” that made her yelp. You felt bold and grabbed Saffron by the upper thighs and lifted her lower body up while sitting on your knees, diving your tongue deep inside her love tunnel. Saffron gasped and moaned, gripping her bed sheets. On a few random occasions, you flicked your tongue against her clit. Saffron threw her head back, yelping louder. You probably found her weak spot.

Naturally, you kept flicking her clit and she let out more lewd moans, squirming from the unbelievable pleasure. But before she was about to spray your face with her nectar.

“S-Stop, wait!” Alarmed, you pulled away and looked at Saffron Masala with concern. She panted heavily, trying to catch her breath. You waited patiently for her to speak. “I... I’m ready for... the main event...” she panted lightly as she climbed on top of you.

You felt worried for Saffron, as it’s always painful to lose your virginity. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” you asked, locking your hand around hers.

“Of course I am. You’re the only one that I love the most and I’m willing to take the next step with you. I love you and I trust you with all my heart,” she confesses. “So please... make me a true mare.”

You smile and use your other hand to caress Saffron’s cheek again. “As you wish my love...”

She leaned down and locked lips with you again, hoping to make it less painful by doing so. As your tongues wrestled with each other, you felt Saffron slowly align your shaft with her entrance. She descends onto your manhood, sinking it inside of her love tunnel, breaking past her hymen. You grunted while she whimpered as both of your virginities have left you forever.

Saffron was shaking and whimpering from the pain and her virgin blood flowed down your penis.

“I-It hurts...!” Saffron whispered, as tears ran down her eyes. You cuddled with her to soothe her pain and gave her a few kisses on her forehead and then back on the lips.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here for you. We’ll take it slow, Saffy...” you assured stroking her soft mane.

“I-It’s funny... I’m so scared and yet... I feel safe. T-Thank you, Rasoiya...” she says, calmly as she leaned down to nuzzle you. You laughed a little at the ticklish feeling of her fur.

“Okay, here I go.”

After building up enough confidence, Saffron lifts her lower body up a little and then slowly back down on your shaft. The pain was still there, but it wasn’t as bad as before.

You moaned at the tight sensation of her marehood around your shaft and squeezed one of her butt cheeks. It was after you felt the pillowy feeling of her rear that you began to start your own rhythm.

“W-We’re... We’re doing it... Rasoiya, we’re having sex...” Saffron moaned in pleasure. Her hips synced with yours in a slow and steady pace. There was no lust between you two, only love. Pure love and trust.

You felt like the happiest man alive. Once you were a lonely cook in a foul, rotten world, now you’re a happy man living and bonding with the most attractive mare of your dreams who shares your love for cooking. Looking at the orange unicorn before you, you intended to treat Saffron with love and care for as long as you lived.

“I-I’m so glad we found each other...” you moaned as you went back to stroking Saffron’s purple hair which has become quite messy, not that you cared. Saffron didn’t care either, as she was too lost in her own world. Without even thinking, she would increase her rhythm on your shaft.

“M-Me t-t-too...” she replied. She then combined her bouncing with her grinding, causing her large breasts to bounce up and down. As she leaned up a little bit, you gave in and gave her breasts a good squeeze.

“Oh yes! They’re all yours! Do what you want with them!” she shouted.

You continued to squeeze and fondle her two large melons and even rubbed her nipples. Saffron blushed a deep crimson for her little outburst, which amused you.

“You’re so adorable, Saffy,” you chuckled. From your prospective, she looked even cuter when she tried to cover up her face, but didn’t stop moving on top of you.

“D-Don’t tease me like that!” she begged, making you feel a little guilty. You had the chance to take control, but rather than become the dominant one, you leaned up and hugged Saffron, synchronizing your hips with hers in a hug-fuck position.

“I’m sorry. You know I’m only playing, I love you very much,” you whispered before kissing her on the cheek. You kept humping away while you and Saffron conversed with each other.

“Y-You make it h-hard to stay mad at you...” Saffron giggled before letting out another loud moan. You felt her inner walls squeezing your shaft tightly. It was hard to pull out of her at this point, but even so, you kept thrusting into her with passion and love.

“A-Are you okay Saffy?” you asked grabbing one of her breasts.

“Mmm, I feel great, Rasoiya...” she replied, adoring the way you caressed her bust. After you let go, Saffron decided to rest her head under your chin. After nuzzling into you for a few seconds, Saffron pulled away so she could kiss you yet again.

But as your love-making session carried on, you felt your climax getting closer. Feeling her marehood tighten even more, you presumed that Saffron wasn’t too far behind.

“S-Saffron, I... I gotta...!” you groaned and tried to raise her off of your lap.

“N-No, don’t take it out! Keep it inside me!” she moaned.

“But w-what if you...?” but she cut you off.

“I don’t care. As long as it’s you, it’s fine,” she said sweetly. With that Saffron, began to ride on you faster than before. At this point, you knew trying to stop her was futile. Saffron pinned you down, pressing her hands on your chest and slammed her hips down on your lap, sending your shaft deeper inside of her love cave.

The only thing you could do was grab her hips and thrust upwards. Your breathing was getting heavy and her moaning grew louder to the point where some of the residents might hear you, but neither of you cared.

“S-Saffy...!” you groaned, but it was too late. You then felt your climax hit its peak and shoot up into her womb with each spurt. Your shaft was twitching and shot more and more of your seed inside your marefriend. Saffron moaned loudly at the top of her lungs and sprayed her love juices all over your crotch. Her nectar spilled onto her bed sheets, leaving a huge stain.

Having ran on empty, you were left panting heavily, dripping in sweat. You stare up at your lovely mare who lifted herself off of your manhood with a content smile. Her fur was drenched in sweat and her beautiful, poofy hair was all messy but none of that mattered to you. Scooting over so she could lay beside you, Saffron levitated the sheets over both of you.

“That was quite an experience to say the least...” you sighed as Saffron giggled sweetly.

“Yes, and I couldn’t possibly be happier. Not only do I have you in my life to love and care for, I sense that something even more special will be coming into our lives very soon,” she said, grabbing your hand and rubbing it against her soft belly. “But you know, even if we don’t succeed at first, we can always try again, right?”

You chuckled and rubbed her hair with your other hand, making it even messier than it already was. “Of course. Fill me in though, what do you think it’ll be if we end up having a child?”

“Well... I’m hoping we have a handsome baby colt. Though, a beautiful daughter would be nice too, maybe even twins. I just can’t decide.”

“If we do have a daughter I’m sure she’ll be as lovely as her mother here,” you teased giving her nose a bop.

Saffron giggled. “Oh you. Though, if we end up with a son, I’m sure he’ll grow up to be as handsome as his father,” she said, reflecting your playful tone. Then, she felt the fatigue get to her and let out a yawn.

“Good night, Rasoiya. I love you...”

“Good night, Saffy, I love you, too...”

With one last peck on the lips, you cuddled up close to Saffron Masala and thought about what the future will hold for the two of you. Who knows, maybe one of these days, you and Saffron could one day join together... in holy matrimony. There was no doubt, she would make a lovely wife and a great mother.

After that last thought, the fatigue took its toll on you and you fell asleep with a bright smile.

The next morning you and Saffron woke up from a delicious smell coming from downstairs. Yawning, you looked at Saffron, who of course was still naked and so were you.

“Morning Saffy,” you said, smiling warmly.

“Good morning to you, too, Rasoiya,” she replied, rubbing your cheek. Sharing a quick kiss, the two of you got up to get dressed. It was still early and there would still be a few hours before the restaurant opened. More than enough time to get some breakfast.

Getting a towel to cover yourself, you walked back to your room and went through your closet for fresh clothes. You took out a long-sleeved, blue shirt with a black trim and some blue jeans.

Walking back into the hall, you saw Saffron had put on a lovely purple dress. She also fixed up her hair and made it as beautiful and poofy as before.

“That’s a beautiful dress you’re wearing, Saffy.” you complimented causing her to smile and bat her eyes at you.

“I was hoping you’d like it. I picked this out to show it off just for you,” she said.

“Well, I think it looks gorgeous on you. Come on, let’s go see what Coriander’s cooking up,” you said walked up to Saffron and held her hand gently. She nods and follows you down the stairs. But then something hit you. “Hmm, you know. I don’t think I’ve ever seen your father cook. Is there any particular reason why he might be cooking now?”

“Usually when it’s for some special occasion. Maybe I’ll go talk to him and see why,” she explains, making you even more curious.

You both reached the bottom of the steps and made your ways into the kitchen, where Coriander was cooking up some hash browns and vegetable omelettes.

Coriander looked over in your direction with a warm smile. “Good morning, you two lovebirds. I trust you had a good night sleep last night.” he said.

“Y-Yeah, of course.” you nodded.

“Father, is there any reason why you’re cooking us breakfast?” Saffron asked.

“Why yes. You see, I noticed how you and Rasoiya became so close to each other and from all the noise I heard up there, you must really love him, don’t you?” Coriander asked.

Saffron felt her whole face turn red and she looked down at the floor in embarrassment. “O-Of course, I love Rasoiya very much. I love him so much that we-”

“I know, I know, you don’t have to explain. I could clearly heard you two moaning and screaming from all the way across the hallway. Anyways, since you two accepted each other, I thought it would be nice to make this delicious breakfast for you. As for you, Rasoiya,” he looks over in your direction.

“Y-Yes sir?” you reply with a hint of nervousness.

“I want you to know something. My daughter Saffron means the whole world to me and for you to show your true feelings towards her makes me feel like I can trust you. You’re a very good man and an excellent cook. So if you ever happen to propose to my daughter, then all I can say is “Welcome to the family.”

With Coriander’s approval, you felt more at ease and hugged Saffron with one arm. Saffron leans into you crying with joy.

“Thanks… Thanks for accepting me… There’s nothing in the world that would make me even happier... “Dad.”

You and Coriander shared a good laugh after you said that. After getting that off your shoulders, now was good a time as any to sit down and eat your breakfast with your new, loving family. Or, your soon-to-be family, once you find the time to propose to Saffron.