One of a kind (Rewrite)

by Mr_Jekyll_and_Dr_Hyde

First published

This is a rewrite of my failed story "one of a kind" which was about the last living human. This will also be about the last living human but it will be better.

The human race is a very interesting species. We had finally reached our golden age of peace and prosperity. Unfortunately it was brief. We had one hundred years of peace before the war to end all wars began and humanity was never the same.

The End

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We had finally done it we had reached peace. Humanity had reached it's golden age of peace and prosperity. We had flying cars, the cures to all known medical diseases, we built a lunar colony, and we able to create artificial intelligence. Unfortunately we all know that peace doesn't last forever. In the year 2132 a thermonuclear warhead was launched from Russia. It's impact destination was the USA's lunar city New Eden. We weren't able to destroy the missile and because of this over 40 million people were killed. We were outraged and retaliated in the same way but instead we targeted all of Russia and launched 27 nukes at them. After that everything went to hell. Nations that didn't have nuclear weaponry used what had been named "Hellfire cannons." They would be used to launch massive steel containers that when over the targeted area would detonate and spew flaming napalm in every direction.

The worst came when we ran out of warheads and instead decided to go into the experimental weapons. America Launched the first of it's WFUs (Weapon Fabrication Units) they were capable of deploying multiple energy turrets and forming barricades. Germany and Japan were next. They rolled out there own versions except these were bulkier and slower. Russia didn't have any but had instead mounted "Hellfire cannons" on massive mobile platforms.

After 500 years of constant war Australia decided to roll out their end game project. People across the globe gave it many names but most commonly it was known as "Planet Cracker." The machine was a massive space station that fire depleted uranium at nearly the speed of light strait down into the planet. We lost many cities in this way and so we each began to build our own version of this. The USA's war known as "The Spearhead." It was a massive space shuttle powered by an unknown energy that was discovered after a particularly large solar flare. The energy was limitless and seemed to simply replicate itself.

After anther 500 years the war finally ended with the detonation of what was called the "World killer" otherwise known as a quantum warhead. It worked like a nuke but used the new self replicating energy and when it detonated it wiped out 99% of the population. The only reason anyone survived was because of the multiple bunkers across the planet.

This is where my story starts. My name is Jackson Martin and my father Dr. James Martin is a scientist that works with biotechnology and cryogenic systems. For the past ten years he and some other scientists have been experimenting with the energy that was used by the great warship "The Spearhead." They found multiple ways to use it but at a cost. They released a contagion which began to alter every creature across the globe. It's hard to describe how the animals shifted but humans began to take on animal like traits and grow fur. My father had me quarantined until further notice. He and the others tried to cure it but only made it worse and so they began the "Deathless project." It's goal was to create a single immortal being who would find a way to continue on the human race. I was decided to be that human but only because I was the only one not infected.

For years I was given injections of strange fluids into my body which made me grow faster, stronger, and all around bigger. They added multiple machines into my mind and basically turned me into a super computer. They soon found a vaccine for the contagion they had released but it was too late for them and so they gave it to me along with making me immune to all other known diseases. They then began working on a cryogenic chamber which would put me to sleep for the next one million years. They also built a semi smart AI that record everything going on outside and help me with anything. They installed a fabrication module and a recycler. They also used the energy that had been dubbed "magic" by one of the scientists as a joke and made a reactor out of it.

Finally after seven years of work they were finished. At this time I was nearing my eighteenth birthday and acctually knew what was going to happen unlike how it used to be when I was younger.

"Jackson it's time," said one of the scientists.

"Let's just get this over with," I replied as I hauled my massive eight foot body off the bed.

We slowly walked towards the cryo room. Well he walked I sort of lumbered. When we got there I ducked under the small doorway and walked over to a changing room that had my cryo suit next to it. After changing into the black skintight suit I slowly eased myself into the cryo pod. My father soon walked over.

"I'm so sorry this has to happen Jack."

"I'ts ok i'ts not your fault."

"Oh but it is," he replied to me. "We released a contagion that is changing the entire world."

"Or what's left of it," mumbled one of the many scientists in the room.

"Quiet," my father said to the other man.

"Father I understand and it is ok," I said to him. "I know I must do this and I do it gladly."

"OK son well goodnight."

"Goodnight father."

"I love you son," was the last thing I heard before the metal door clamped over my body and sealed me in.


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(POV Jackson)

"Good morning sir," said a robotic voice. "My name is Omega."

"Give me five more minutes."

"Sir it has been one million years you must wake up."

"Fuck off Omega."

"Sir please get up we have intruders."

At those words I was instantly filled with energy but didn't realize that the pod was still closed and hit my head.


"Watch your head."

"A little late don't you think," I said angrily to the AI.

"Just one moment and I shall open the pod."

I heard a hissing sound as the door to my pod swung upwards and allowed me to shakily step out. To my left I saw a small drone hovering in the air with a small camera and speaker on it.

"Omega is that you?"

"Yes sir," The drone replied. "Now please follow me the intruders are closing in on our position."

(POV Fido)

We had done it we had finally penetrated the big stone box. The boss will be so pleased with us. When we walked inside we were greeted with strange glowing objects. some flashed different colors while others beeped and spun in circles.

"This good loot."

"Fido what you find?"

"Lights and beeping things."

"Boss will like this."

"Yes he will."

As we walked further into the room we heard voices talking to each other. They seemed to be talking about intruders in their base...wait that is us. Better grab them before they are ready.

"Come on boys I think I hear voices."

"Yes we coming," said one of the dogs in their broken language.

(POV Jackson)

Omega had taken me down multiple hallways until we reached a door with the words armory written on it. He simply hovered towards the door and it slid open in front of him. I quickly followed and the door locked behind me. Once inside I took a look around the room and for an armory there weren't many weapons. A few guns and one or two pairs of flak armor.

"So this is it?" I asked.

"No...this is," Omega stated as part of the far wall opened and revealed a suit of armor along with a new under suit. "May I present to you your armor."

The armor seemed like it was beautifully designed and yet still very tough. It was completely black with golden highlights along the arms, legs, and torso. The helmet had three small spikes protruding from the top of it giving it a crown like appearance. The gauntlets were the most interesting though. Each finger ended in sharp points making them look like claws and there was a large red gem embedded in each arm. the gems seemed to glow with power and were held in place by eight black spikes.

"Sir quickly put on your armor our enemies are drawing near."

"Oh yeah just a minute."

I quickly rand up to the suit and switched my cryo suit for the under suit that would help connect my to the armor. After that I slowly walked up to the armor which was suddenly pulled apart by multiple arms. I stepped into the metal boots and the metal arms became a blur as the shifted around my body quickly attaching pieces of armor to me. After everything was on except my helmet I felt a searing pain in my back as multiple needles attached to my spine and linked me to the suit. Seconds later a large plug like object attached to my neck and interfaced with the microchips implanted in my brain.

"I feel stronger."

"That is because you are. That armor enhances every part of you and allows you to harness the "magic" that is now in the air."

"THUD," we heard a loud sound as something suddenly rammed into the door.

"Well time for a test run," I said and put on my helmet.

(POV Fido)

We found them but they were locked in a room. One of the bigger dogs was trying to ram down the door with his shoulder but on his second attempt the door slid to the side and he ran into a black metal pole.

"Ow that hurt," he mumbled.

"I bet it did," said a deep voice.

Above us was a massive creature and it definitely wasn't a pony. The creature walked forward and picked the dog up by his throat.

"Now then who are you and why are you in my home?"

"Me Rover," he replied. "And the boss said he wanted to claim whatever is in this box."

"Oh really?"

"Yes that is what he said," I said.

"Hmmm well it seems as though me and your boss need to chat."

"That not good idea."


"He is busy punishing white pony for her troubles."


"When she talks it hurts ears so we tell her not to talk and she talk louder."

"So is she a servant or something."

"No she is slave."

".....Did you say slave?" the beast asked as his grip around Rover's neck tightened.

"Yes but we not have choice the big boss make us enslave ponies and if we don't he burn and eat us."

"Burn and eat you?"

"Yes he is big dragon and he is very mean," I quickly said.

He let go of Rover who gasped for breath. Due to his helmet I could not see his expression but I could tell he was angry.

"Take me to your boss now," he said forcefully.

"Yes you follow hurry."

(POV Twilight Sparkle)

Rarity just had to go gem hunting today and she just had to get captured by diamond dogs...again. Well at least i'm an alicorn this time around so it shouldn't be a problem. Suddenly the ground exploded in fire and a black armored creature flew out and was quickly followed by a large red dragon.


"Bring it you overgrown salamander!" yelled back the armored creature.

I once again looked towards the hole and could see an assortment of all species watching the fight. They were most likely slaves of the diamond dogs. Looking back at the two combatants I saw the armored creature reach out to it's right where a blade formed out of thin air. Who the buck was this creature.

(POV Jackson)

After my somewhat interesting talk with the dogs they began to lead me through the tunnels closer and closer to their boss.

"Fido what should I expect?" I asked the smaller of the two dogs I had met.

"He is a big red dragon his name is Ragnarok," he replied. "He tell us it mean end of everything and when he is mad it is the end."

"Anything about his fighting capabilities?"

"Fire, claws ,and tough scales."

"How tough?"

"He swims in lava," the dog simply replied.

"Thank you for the info," I said as we stopped at a large stone door that was at least ten feet tall.

"This door is hard to open we need more dogs wait here me be back."

"No I can handle this," I said and thrust out my left hand releasing a pulse of black energy that blew the doors off their hinges and threw them thirty feet.

"WHO DARE ENTERS!" roared a thunderous voice.

"I do," I simply replied.


"I am-," I paused trying to figure out if I should use my real name or make up one I then remembered one of my favorite video game characters. Ausar the Vile. "I am Ausar," The name fit pretty well because of my suit looking much like his armor.


"To kill you and free your slaves."


"I just told you," I replied and launched a massive wave of energy at him.


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(POV Ausar)

"Ha how you like that!" I yelled at the dragon who I had sent flying into his hoard of gold and gems which created a small cloud of dust. "And I thought this would be hard."

"RAHHHHH!" The dragon roared and charged out of the cloud of dust.

"Oh shit!" I said as the dragon hit e with it's tail and launched me through the roof of the cave and into the open.


"Bring it you overgrown salamander," I said and reached out my right hand. "How about we kick this up a notch." I continued as the fabricator in my suit built a black sword out of what looked like a black fog.

"RAHHHHHH!" He roared again and breathed a gout of flame over my body.

(POV Twilight Sparkle)

I had just watched the armored creature get roasted but when I looked at the diamond dogs they didn't seem worried. They just sat and smiled as he burned.

"How can you smile as he burns?" I asked them.

"He not burn his armor strong," said one of the dogs. "And when Ragnarok is dead we be free."

"What do you mean free?"

"We not want to enslave ponies and other creatures but he make us," said the dog as he frowned. "We not like to hurt ponies."

I searched him for anything that would make him look like he was lying but he seemed truthful. If I was Applejack I could know for sure.

"RAHHHHHH!" I heard the dragon roar in pain and I looked back at the fight. "DIE NOW CREATURE!" It seemed that the creature had survived the flames and ripped off multiple scales and the flesh underneath exposed.

"Die salamander!" yelled the armored creature as it shoved it's left claw into the dragons flesh and released a magic pulse.

(POV Ausar)

After surviving the fire I looked at the dragon who seemed utterly shocked that I had survived.


"Magic bitch."

"Sir I believe that the scales are too tough to penetrate," Omega informed me.

"No shit Sherlock," I replied. "But I have an idea."

"What is this idea sir?"

"Just watch."

I ran towards the massive dragon and rammed my sword between the scales on his neck. I saw the pain in his eyes and heard his roar as I ripped out and pulled a group of scales with me. I then quickly jabbed my hand into his flesh and released a pulse of energy.

"RAHHH-gurgle!" the dragon's roar turned into a pained gurgle as blood began to seep from it's neck and into it's lungs.

"Take that," I said to him as he fell over in pain.

"WHAT...ARE...YOU?" Ragnarok asked.

"," I slowly replied.


"Sir while that was very interesting I believe you should focus on the girl behind you," Interrupted Omega.

"What gi-"

"Hey you!" yelled a firm but still feminine voice. "Turn around."

"Wow you could be a little nicer," I replied as I turned and faced the girl who turned out to be a purple pegacorn lady. "Uhmm well that's new."

"I am Princess Twilight Sparkle and I demand that you come with me!" she yelled.

"No thanks," I said as I slowly walked back to the hole I made when I flew out of the ground.

"Wait what but I'm a princess."

"Not my princess," I replied moving past the multiple creatures and jumping into the hole.

(POV Twilight Sparkle)

"Whaa?" my mind was blank as the creature now know as Ausar just dismissed my presence as nothing.

"Twilight is that you?" said a familiar voice.

"Oh Rarity who was that?" I asked the disheveled unicorn.

"I don't know but we should leave and bring those slaves with us."

"Oh yeah that is a good idea," I replied as she snapped me out of my stupor. "Hey every pony let's go to Ponyville follow me," I yelled to the other ponies who looked at me with happiness.

The other creatures like Minotaurs and Griffins started to follow but I gave them a glare and they returned the hole.

"Filthy nonponies," I mumbled. "Celestia damn you all."

"Please Princess help us," said a small griffin.

"Go back to your hole and dig some more scum."

"Why are you so mean?" she asked.

"Because you lesser creatures assume that you are on the same level as the great race of ponies," I told the ignorant creature. "Now go dig some more."

After explaining myself to that little griffin I along with the formerly enslaved ponies continued on our way to Ponyville.

(POV Ausar)

I had finally made it back to my bunker when I heard the clicking of claws across stone behind me.

"Who are you and what do you want," I asked.

"I'm Stone Hoof the Minotaur and I am the one who the former slaves said should speak to you."

"Why," I asked as I casually set my sword down on a metal table.

"Well we are wondering if you are going to be like that dragon...a slaver?" He asked.

"I will never enslave anyone no matter who they are."

"Well do you know what we should do?"

"Why don't you follow the pony?"

"The ponies hate anyone who isn't a pony."

"So their xenophobes."

"Xeno whats?"

"They hate all other species."


"And that is why you stayed here."


"Well as long as your here I might as well give out some food."

"Wait what?" he asked in disbelieve.

"How many of you are there?"

"One thousand slaves and one hundred diamond dogs."

"Bring everyone to the dragon's cave," I said to the Minotaur. "I will be waiting."

"Uhmm ok," he said before running off.

"Sir what are you going to do?" asked Omega.

"The dragon's body is not going to waste."

(POV Stone Hoof)

I had gathered everyone at the dragon's cave and we were all looking up at Ausar. We each were wondering the same thing.

"You are wondering why your here right?" he asked. "Well I have a plan that will allow for us all to eat," there were multiple grumbles around me.

"How?" asked a large griffon.

"That dragon's body is just sitting up there waiting,: he said. "If we can collect enough wood from the forest we will e able to cook it and eat it.

He must have meant the Everfree. Maybe he didn't know about the monsters but it doesn't matter he killed a dragon.

"What about those who do not eat meat?" asked a small Minotaur.

"Plenty of food in the woods and if not then I have some rations," he replied. "Now let's get to it."


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(POV Stone Hoof)

Ausar had managed to create a sort of peace between the former slaves and the dogs. Luckily we had enough food for everyone with the dogs eating gems, zebras eating any edible plant life we could find, and the griffons and Minotaurs eating meat which for some reason surprised him. We also drank some of the alcoholic beverages the dogs had stolen. I was very satisfied with the meal. There was more but Ausar had insisted on keeping the wings, head, and tail for himself I believe he wanted them as trophies. he also took all of the scales and bones.

"Stone," said a griffon to my right.

"What is it?"

"Are you sure we can trust this Ausar character?"

"No but he has freed us and we owe him for this."

"So we trust him for now but what about the dogs?"

"Ever since he killed that dragon they seem to obey him as their alpha."

"I see so I guess we just wait."

"Yes, we just wait."

(POV Celestia)

I had recently received a letter from Twilight describing a large being killing a dragon and freeing multiple slaves from the diamond dogs. Personally, I was already planning on liberating those slaves but now that the ponies were liberated all I needed to do was retrieve the stolen goods.

"Captain Sentry!" I yelled to the new guard captain. "Get a group of fifty guards together you shall be accompanying me on a trip to the badlands."

"Why would you need to go there, Princess?"

"There was a diamond dog slave outpost there and all the ponies have been freed which means we can go and retrieve the stolen goods."

"Why do you need to go Princess?" he asked. "The guard can handle this."

"The controller of that outpost was the dragon Ragnarok and it would take an extremely powerful being to kill him and take control," I answered. "The being that killed him would have to be both powerful and smart."

(POV Ausar/Jackson)

"Gamma why isn't the TV working?"

"Did you check the plug?"

"Yes and it is definitely plugged in," I said as I slowly nudged the small cable further into its socket.

"Did you turn it on?" asked the small drone.

"Yeah I totally turned it on," I said before continuing to kick the machine.

"Sure you did," said Gamma as he flew over and extended a small arm and flicked a switch causing the screen to flicker on.

"See sometimes you just need to kick it a few times."

(POV Celestia)

"Very very smart."

(POV Ausar/Jackson)

"Why the hell is this too heavy?"

"Sir that is made to be lifted by a forklift."

"No I got this," I said to the small robot.

"You are an idiot."

(POV Celestia)

"Smart and strong."

(POV Gamma)

Why him why why why. Couldn't they have put someone else in the cryotube? Maybe, Amanda, she was nice or Steven he was smart. No, it had to be Jackson.

"Gamma what's zero divided by zero?"

"I'm not Siri go ask your phone."

"Siri what is zero divided by zero."


(POV Flash Sentry)

Whoever or whatever this creature is Celestia seems scared. What could frighten her? No time for that I need to retrieve the guards. It doesn't matter what we come across we are the Equestrian guard we push back the filthy nonponies into their holes. Compared to us they are nothing.

(POV Stone Hoof)

Damn, I hope Ausar get's back soon these guys are at each other's throats. He is like a buffer between the two sides. If he leaves then it will become all-out chaos.

"Stupid mutt get out of my way," and it's started.

"No, you watch your way bird head."

"Ha, you can't even talk well enough to insult me."

"No, but I can fight well enough to kill ya."

"Try it."

The griffons and dogs got into fighting stances while the rest of us sat down and chose sides. Personally, I found all of this to be a waste of time. We should be preparing for the ponies to return for the stolen goods but no we're here fighting each other. Ohh here they g-

"BOOM!" a loud sound echoed around the cave causing everyone to cover their ears. "In the middle of the cavern was a smoking crater."

I quickly turned around and found Ausar with black lightning jumping across his arms.

"What the Fuck are you doing?"

(POV Ausar)

All I wanted to do was watch a movie couldn't they have just not fought. I mean I know they hate each other but I'm we have other problems.

"Stop it now!" I yelled at them.

"But," started a small griffon.

"No buts."

"They started it."

"I'm finishing it."

"Ok," said the now sad griffon.

"I have come to notify you of some important news."

(POV Stone Hoof)

What could it be now? Is he going to leave us?

"I believe that I never told you what I am."

"No, you didn't," I spoke up.

"So I am going to tell you but first I'm going to let you guess."

"Are you a pony?" asked a zebra.


"Are you like Discord?" asked a griffon.


"Ummm are you an alien?"


I finally spoke up. "Are you some sort of god because you'd have to be to be able to kill Ragnarok."

(POV Ausar)

This one took me by surprise did they really think I was a god?

"Sir you haven't answered yet and they are beginning to stare," came Omega's voice from inside my helmet. "But I do think that they would be more likely to help us if you said yes."

"I...I am a god," I slowly spoke. "An old one."

"See sir that wasn't too hard and technically you are one considering your age."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked him.

"No, but it's too late now," he replied. "Warning sir there is a large group of ponies inbound I am counting fifty-two in total."


"Two of them carry large energy signatures one of them matching the purple girl from earlier."

(POV Stone Hoof)

Wow, I really don't believe it I was right. All the others had gone silent and were looking at him in awe. Is he really a god because I was just joking.

"Ausar?" I looked at him. "What is your real name? Gods don't just have one."

"There is no time for that at the moment for we have a large group of over fifty ponies approaching us."

"Oh no they come to end us!" yelled a dog.

"Why would they do that?" asked Ausar.

"Like you said they are xenophobic and therefore they do not care what get's in their way they are coming to get the raided supplies and valuables," How doesn't he know this.

"They will kill everyone in their way and most likely come after you because of your power."

"Well shit, I guess I'll just have to stop them."

"But there are over fifty of them that is double the normal amount of guards used for clearing out other dog dens," I tried to tell him but he had already disappeared. "Damn it he's gonna get himself killed."

I looked back at the others and they seemed to still be shocked about the revelation of him being a god.

"Hey Everyone!" I yelled getting their attention. "He said he'd take care of it so we need to find a way to help got it."

(POV Celestia)

We had landed the carriages about a mile from the diamond dog den and were now walking towards it. We had first stopped at Ponyville to pick up Twilight.

"Twilight Is there any defining traits about this creature that you can think of."

"Well there was the black armor, of course, he also had large clawed gauntlets with gems in them, and his helmet looked like a crown."

"A crown?"

"Yes, a crown and he was also able to conjure a large sword to his hands through the use of some sort of black smoke."

"And you said he killed a dragon named Ragnarok."


"Not even my father could kill that beast," I said summoning my armor. "We best be care full about this so let me talk."

"Hey look there he is," Twilight said suddenly. I looked forward and saw a black and gold creature standing near a large hole that I assume led to the den.

(POV Ausar)

After hearing Omega's warning and telling everyone what was going on I rushed out to the dragon's cavern and used my magic to boost myself up and out through the hole in the ceiling. When I landed I saw the approaching forms of fifty-two ponies with most of them wearing golden armor while a large one was wearing the armor of an unknown material and to the left of that one was a pony I had merely dubbed Purple. I had already altered my voice when talking to the former slaves and dogs but I had altered it again giving it a much deeper and more intimidating sound. "Hello again," I slowly said to the group who had stopped.

"Who might you be?"

"I am Princess Celestia goddess of the sun and one of the two rulers of Equestria," She said proudly. "Who are you?"

Now then what shall I be known as?

"Sir Repeat what I say," Said Omega.

I listened for a second before I looked straight at Celestia and spoke.

"I am Ausar The Deathless god of war and the last human."

A god's wrath

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(POV Celestia)

"How did you acquire such a title and why have I never heard or seen you before?" I asked the large creature.

"My people were the masters of the art and from their greatest war, I came into being."

"So you were created by the great conflicts that your kind had," I said. "You are no god just an empowered mortal."

The guards smirked at him probably believing this to mean he is merely a weakling hiding in armor.

"Ha I do not care what you chose to believe solar goddess but I speak the truth."

"If you were a true god then I would be able to feel your godly magic and from what I'm feeling right now you barely have enough to be noticed," I said to the creature who was seeming to get angry.

"Oh, so that's why you don't believe me," It replied. "I was suppressing it but if you wish to feel it then here you go."

After that short reply, I felt a massive wave of magic wash over me. It easily surpassed my magic and maybe even discords. How can he have such power?

(POV Ausar)

I had just increased the amount of magic I was emanating from my body and was quite surprised at the widening eyes I got from her and the fear I saw in her guards' eyes.

"Do you feel it now?" I asked. "My overwhelming power."

"Impossible nothing can possess such magic," She said with a slight amount of fear in her voice. "What are you?"

"I'm the god of war bitch," I said and release another wave of magical energy which caused the ground around me to crack from the sheer amount of power. "Now leave or else."

She seemed to regain her composure and stared straight at me. One of her guards decided to make the mistake of charging me with a spear.

(POV Sunny Skies)

This creature how dare it says such crude words to the princess I shall run it through.

"Ahhhhhhh," I screamed as I charged the metal behemoth that had insulted my princess.

"Crunch," my spear crumpled in on itself when it made contact with its armor.

"Bitch you just fucked up," it said to me as it placed its claw on my shoulder. "my turn."

It pulled it's right arm back and a large blade from off of it. It was then stabbed straight into my stomach causing me to cough up blood.

"Uhh," I managed to groan before it ripped it's arm upwards shredding through flesh, bone, and armor alike.

(POV Celestia)

This creature had just cut the upper body of one of my top guards in half. To my left, I heard Twilight throw up and when I looked away from her I saw the blade retract into his arm as he stabbed both his hands into the guard's chest cavity and pulled apart ripping her in two.

"What the shit!" yelled one of my guards as many of them threw up from the sight and hearing the wet squishing sounds of her body hitting the ground.

"You will pay creature!" yelled Captain Sentry. "Level rifles and crossbows."

"Flash Sentry," I said to get his attention. "I give you permission to use lethal force."

"Fire," was all he said as multiple booming sounds echoed from the rifle barrels.

(POV Ausar)

Ah so they have rifles interesting but it does not matter they cannot penetrate my armor. All I heard as their bullets hit me was a small tinkling sound.

"My turn," was all I said to their shocked faces as I raised my arms which were crackling with black lightning. "Bye-bye."

"BOOM!" a sound like thunder came from my hands as lightning flew across the battlefield incinerating anyone it hit.

Screams were all I heard from my enemy before a large beam of golden energy decided to hit me. It knocked me off my feet and into the air where I did a backflip before landing on my feet again.

"Nice shot Celly."

"You shall pay for their deaths with your own god of war," she said before charging me with a large golden broadsword.

"Bring it on!" I yelled as I built my large black sword in my right hand and charged at her increasing my speed with the use of thrusters I had fabricated on the back of my suit during the battle.

"Clang!" The loud sound of our blades clashing rang out as a large blastwave of golden and black energy rippled from us.

(POV Twilight)

"Uhhh," I had just finished throwing u over the slaughter that Ausar had brought to our group and looked up to see the forms of Celestia and Ausar dueling it out. "How is this even possible."

"I don't know Twilight," said Flash Sentry who I had just noticed was to my right. "But we need provide fire support."

"Good idea," I said as I charge my horn and readied a powerful magic blast but was distracked when I felt a heavy fist collide with my chest. "Ahhhh."

"We shall not allow you to harm our savior," said a massive Minotaur who was accompanied by a group of griffons and dogs. "Now then time to die false goddess."

(POV Stone Hoof)

A group of us knew he couldn't take them all on his own so we grabbed some of the dog's armor and weapons and ran onto the battlefield just in time to see Ausar clash with Celestia and multiple unicorn guards prepare to fire.

"Come now let us stop the guards," I said to the group who had accompanied me. "Let us assist our god."

We charged at the large group of guards who were too focused to notice us. I ran towards the purple alicorn and reared back my fist before launching a punch straight into her stomach. Around me, I heard cries of pain as guards were either skewered on spears and swords or had their heads and sides crushed by hammers.

"We shall not allow you to harm our savior," I said to the alicorn who was now on the ground moaning. "Now then die false goddess."

I slammed my right hoof down but was unable to hit her in the skull due to her rolling to the side but I was able to crush one of her wings.

"Ahhhhh!" she cried in pain as we both heard her bones snap.

"Get off of her," yelled an orange pegasus who then jumped at me.

"Hmph," I merely batted him out of the air before walking over to him and crushing his ribcage with my hoof. "Foolish pony."

"Why are you doing this," asked the purple alicorn.

"Because you have threatened our leader and so like your guards protect you we shall protect him."

"Hey Stone," said a griffon.


"These five surrendered what should we do with them?" he asked.

"Take them back to the caves and lock them up I'll handle this one."

"What do you mean handle?" she asked in fear.

"I mean you will be coming with me," I said and bashed her over the head knocking her out so I could carry her to the caves.

(POV Celestia)

There was no use all of my guards were either dead or captured and so was twilight. I have no choice but to leave but not before I get one good hit on this thing.

"HAAAA!" I yelled as I charged my sword full of magic and swung downwards at Ausar who decided it would be a good Idea to try and grab her sword. "DIE!"

"Yoink," he said as he grasped my glowing blade. "Close very close Celly but not close enough."

His grasp tightened as my sword groaned and eventually snapped in two releasing all the magic stored inside and blasting me backward.

"Wow Celly," he said. "That was quite the blast but I love the outcome."

I was wondering what he meant before I felt a cold breeze wash over me and realized that the top half of my armor and everything beneath had been blown to bits.

"I mean what are those double H's or some shit," He said continuing to stare at me. "I mean if you wanted to take your top off we could've just started with that."

My eyes were wide as I quickly teleported from the battlefield and back to my room in Canterlot.

(POV Ausar)

"Aw man, it was just getting interesting."


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(POV Ausar)

Goddamnit, why the hell did I lose control like that? It was like I was another person.

"It's the blood," said a zebra to my right.

"Who are you?"

"I am Zulu and I know what has happened to you."

"Then what is wrong with me?"

"When a dragon is killed it passes on it's power to its killer as some sort of honor for defeating them but with the power comes the curse from which dragons suffer," Zulu paused then sat down across from me. "Dragons blood causes three things one good the others not. First is power and although you may not have much now it will come later, second is the dragon greed causing you to covet gold and treasure, and third is what can only be described as rage. It causes small bouts of anger and causes you to do horrible things but there may be a way to contain it."

"That must be the reason lost control against the princess and her guards.," I sighed and looked up at Zulu. "Damn what a mess."

"In Zebra history, there are tales of our ancestors using a type of flower to control the rage and greed but leaving them with the power," He looked at me. "Before I was captured by these dogs I was able to see one in the forest nearby."

"How long would it take you to create this mixture?"

"A day or two," he replied.

"Now how in the hell am I supposed to explain this to the Equestrians."

"Perhaps you could attend the council of leaders," he said. "But first you would need a guard to go with you."

"That is an interesting idea I will think about it."

"I will go to the forest with the other zebras and collect the flower as well as many other herbs and flowers for our potions."

"Ausar!" yelled a small diamond dog.

"What is it?"

"Purple pony is free."


(POV Twilight)

"Uh, what happened?" I groaned.

"Princess are you alright?" asked a voice from my right.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"My name is Stormy Night I was one of the guards who was captured along with you."

"Where are we?" I said as I slowly opened my eyes.

"It seems to be some sort of cage," Stormy replied. "But it's pretty big."

"It's probably a slave cell."

"Wait they're going to enslave us," Stormy who I now recognized as one of Celestia's high guards asked in horror.

"No, we aren't going to enslave you," said a voice from outside the cage. "Ausar hates slavery."

"Who's there," I asked the voice.

A large minotaur stepped out from around the corner and looked at us. He was huge bigger than any minotaur I'd ever seen.

"I am Stone Hoof."

"Woah," said the voice of Stormy. "You're huge."

"You should watch your phrasing," he said to the confused mare. "Most would take that as an invitation."

"An invitation?" Stormy asked.

"Stormy," I said to get her attention. "He meant that it sounded sexual."

"All I said was that he...was...huge...oh I get it now."

"And this is why you were so easily beaten," Stone said. "Most of your guards are incompetent."

"Hey I'm not incompetent," she looked at me and whispered. "What does incompetent mean?"

"Your lucky that Ausar has decided not to kill you."

"Well even if he did he won't get the chance."

"If you are planning to use magic you should take notice of the black ring around your horn."

"Wait what ring?"

"A magic suppressor," Stone explained. "Found it in the dragon's hoard."

"Well, we have Stormy's magic."

"Less powerful silver ring," He said quickly. "The black one was being sent to a prison for dangerous magic users."

"Well, what about the others?"

"Oh them," He smiled. "They have been dealt with."

"Wait you killed them!"

"No no they just asked to be let out and we let them out but unfortunately we didn't have enough pony sized clothes to replace all of their ripped ones."

"Wait what?" I was horrified. "So what are they wearing?"

"Well, I know the mares are wearing something white and are quite happy while the stallion was able to fit into the clothes of a merchant that the dragon killed."

"You are disgusting."

"Why what are we doing wrong?"

"You have mares walking around covered in nothing."

"Wait a second it seems you misinterpreted my words," he said. "They were wearing only their armor due to the battle which ripped their clothes up but was replaced by clothing made out of a bunch of white blankets that the merchant was carrying."

"Oh umm."

"Wow your more sexual than the griffons in here."

Down the hall was a clanging sound and I watched as a black colored griffon walked around the corner.

"My turn Stone," he said while looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"I am fine Charcoal go back to watching those other ponies."

"Why have you taken a liking to them?"

"No, I just hate and don't trust you."

"Come on I only went after one."

"Charcoal leave."

While the two were arguing I crawled over to Stormy and got her attention.

"Stormy," I whispered. "Take the ring off my horn."

"Why?" she asked.

"So we can get out of here of course."

"Oh um ok," Stormy crawled over to me and pulled off the black ring. "What now?"

"Now we escape," I said and turned just in time to see charcoal storming off.

"Now where were we," said Stone as he turned to look at me.

"We were at the part where I break out and save the others."

He saw that the black ring was gone but his smile never left his face. He almost seemed to get happier.

"Good job pegacorn."

"I am an alicorn," I said forcefully angry at the minotaur for using such an insult.

"No, you are an artificial alicorn or a pegacorn."

"Fuck you!" I yelled and released a magic bolt at the cage bars which melted.

"Oh shit," he said as he ran off.

"Hurry stormy he probably went to go get his leader," I said to the small mare.

"Ok let's go."

(POV Ausar)

On my way to the cells, I ran into Stone who was quite distraught.

"Ausar thank the gods that dog found you the pegacorn has escaped and is trying to find the others."

"What happened I thought you had it under control?"

"I was distracted when Charcoal tried to get to the ponies."

"Damn that griffon where is he?"

"I don't know he stormed off when he was denied entry."

"I'll deal with him later," I replied to Stone's explanation. "Where are the other ponies?"

"When they woke up and we fixed their clothing we moved them into a different cage."

"BOOM!" the cave around us rumbled as a shockwave rippled through the earth.

"Seems she found them."

"Lead me there now," I said to Stone as we began to run with Zulu following behind us.

(POV Stormy)

This won't end well. The princess seems to be on a rampage.

"BOOM!" she blasted through a wall and we came face to face with the other guards who wore tattered clothing.

"Princess!" Yelled the only stallion in the room. "We're so happy to see you."

"Hurry we have to leave," she yelled to them.

"Why?" asked one of the mares.

"What do you mean why?"

"Why do we need to leave I like it here," she said.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Princess their eyes," I said to her.

We stared at their eyes and we saw small wisps of purple magic flowing from their eyes.

"What has he done to you?"

"I removed a control spell from them," said a menacing voice. "They were under Celestia's control."

"What no Celestia would never do such a thing!" yelled the princess.

"Actually princess she did," said the one stallion. "Before I was a guard I was in prison for revealing something that Celestia was doing to the others here."

"What did you reveal?"

"He revealed to us what Celestia had done to your assistant," said one of the mares.

"She has done nothing to him."

"Has the dragon grown wings yet," Asked another.

"No, but he is just a baby."

"He has been with you for over ten years most dragons grown wings by five and he should be at least six feet tall and from when I last saw him he was barely four feet tall."

"Well maybe he is just different," Reasoned the princess.

"Have you looked closely at the runes drawn upon him that allow him to act as a magical mailbox?"


"Look at them next time you see him and find out what they are exactly."

By this time the purple mist had disappeared from their eyes.

"She must have had a good reason right."

"She has altered this boy's life forever," said the menacing voice of Ausar. "The boy is to be brought here and freed from what your leader has done."

"How do I know you're not controlling them?" she asked.

"Look at my hands," he said as he raised his hands which had a black magical aura surrounding them. "Is my magic purple?"

"No, but someone else could have done it."

"What color is Stormy's magic?" He asked.

The princess looked to me and I let go of my disguise and let my magic flow out in purple waves.

"I was the one who enchanted them and I have now released them."

"Why release them is you were loyal to Celestia?"

"Celestia is not above threatening families or using Luna to do it."

"But she would never."

"Think about it Twilight," I said to her. "Has she ever helped you in a battle against your enemies."

"well, she's busy."

"No, she's not she is sitting in her room eating cake and getting fat."

"Twilight," said Ausar. "You have two choices one follow me and be on the side of good or two go back to Celestia and continue with the false truths."

"Her truth is not false."

"It seems you have chosen," Ausar said almost sounding sad. "We shall return you to your home but when we leave the boy will come with us."

"No never!" she yelled.

"You have no choice," Ausar said as he raised his hand an blasted her with a large blast of magic which knocked her out. "Grab her we are leaving for Ponyville."


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(Pov Ausar)

"So you're sure this will work right omega."

"Sir there is no doubt in my cybernetic mind that this will work," said omega who had built himself a large robot body.

"Boss what is this machine," asked Fido who was standing next to Stone. "How does it help us."

"This my friend is a virtual reality system or a VR. It is going to plug into my mind and allow me to control a robotic form of my armor so that if celly decides to blast me I'll be fine." Stone nodded understanding but Fido looked like he'd just had a knowledge overload. "Just forget about it Fido."

"Uh, ok boss. Um, boss, there have been a few conflicts between the former enslaved and the other dogs," I nodded in understanding. "But recently one of the pup's legs was broken and I will ask that you set this right."

"Any who harm a child deserve pain. Please, Fido Identify him for me," I said as my body was shrouded in black nanomachines forming my armor and with my right hand I grabbed off a table a large two-handed sword which I magnetically locked to my back. "Shall we," I said as I followed Fido.

(Pov Rock breaker)

"Stupid dogs they really think they could live up to a higher race like us ponies. The only reason I stayed was to rule in this filth."

"Filth huh I didn't know my dogs were filth. I mean I know their dirty but at least they haven't harmed a child. I mean look around the dogs captured no children only adults."

"Oh, you mean that little bitch to bad I didn't get to finish the job one less dog to stink up the world," I smiled and looked at the armored creature that stepped from the shadows. "Oh shit."

"Oh shit is right ya little bastard now come here and lemme show you what that pup felt," It pulled a massive sword from its back but the blade shifter making it blunt. "Now then I'll give you five seconds to run."

I stood my ground ready to fight this beast. Luckily I had snatched a sword from one of the new stockpiles from the dead guards.


I drew the blade holding it in both hands in front of me and readied myself.


"Alright ya, freak come and get it."

"Three," suddenly something happened his blade shifted again. this time it faded into dust and flowed into the armor and I watched as his gauntlets doubled in size and thickness and the beast's fingers gained three-inch talons.

"Two," I could almost feel the dark smile beneath his helmet.

"One," I charged the armored being but in a second I realized three things. One my leg hurt very badly, two my blade had shattered, and three I had four talons stabbing through my left arm.

"AHHHHH!" And then I screamed in pain and fear of his next words,

"Hmm, you'll make a good test subject for the replicant program just need a mind wipe."

(Pov Ausar)

The pony had passed out from pain and fear and I laughed at his pathetic excuse for a fight.

"Boss?" Fido said hesitantly. "Um thanks but you have yet to speak to everyone since you gain your roll of ruler."

"Fido you're smart for your race correct?"

"Um yes, sir why."

"I need you to help me gather everyone into Ragnaroks old cave understood?"

"Yes boss," Fido ran off and I turned to stone.

"Ausar It seems that little miss pegacorn wants to chat."

"Well shit and I was in a good mood," oh well better get to talking to what's her name."

"Twilight," said stone.

"Yes, exactly Twislut."

(Pov Twisl-Twilight)

I had finally awoken to the blast to my head and had been thinking about what Ausar had said but there's no way Celestia would do such a thing to spike.

"Uhg," I groaned.

"Oh Twilight your awake," said the voice of stormy who was watching me from outside the cell. "I was so happy to see that Ausar hadn't taken your head off with that blast I mean I hate Celestia but I'm sure once you've seen the runes you'll hate her too."

"Stormy I would like to talk to Ausar about ponyville."

"Why are you just gonna be rude again."

"No I'll be civil as long as he is too."

"Hey Rover!" She yelled. "Purple want's to talk to the boss."


"Dogs aren't the smartest so I gave them a color for you and just call you by that when they're near."


"Stormy so our prisoner is awake," I heard the deep menacing voice of Ausar.

"Yes I'd like to talk this time and not fight ok."

"Sure thing," I watched him form a chair out of the black mist. "What's first Twislut."

"Firstt off It's Twilight," She said defiantly. "And secondly I want to know what your story is you say your the god of war made so by your people but I don't belive you."

"Ha," He barked out a sharp laugh at my words. "You want the truth I'll tell you the short version got it."

"Yes got it," I replied as I saw the dog and minotaur also sit down on more black chairs.

"Then let's explain my people. We are not like you ponies we were the opposite destructive, deceitful, and all-around bad but like you have your few evils we had our few goods," He paused and sighed. "The war began when some of us got jealous of the others who had access to a rare resource on the moon and so they bombed it turning dommed cities into blackened craters and that was just the beginning we then started dropping troops from space to other countries, razing whole nations, killing civilians and military alike not caring for those who got caught in the crossfire and then came the end," he stopped.

"Well, what happened?"

"The quantum bomb it wiped out 99% of us and release mutations on the rest eventually we became you and I was locked away in a bunker protected from the mutations and it is there that I became Ausar the god of war," He stood up along with the others as the chairs disappeared. "prepare yourself Twilight Sparkle we will be leaving soon."

(POV Stone)

The last of his race embodying everything that the were both their worst and best traits he truly is a god and if not he is at the very least on equal with one but it doesn't currently matter I have more important things to attend to.

"Hello everyone," Shouted Ausar who stood on Ragnarok's mountain of gold. "I have an announcement to make, currently an unfortunate circumstance has come about and because of it I must go to Ponyville to retrieve someone who is in trouble so if you wish to accompany me please leave for the armory and get suited up I will meet you there soon as for the rest of you must get along until I return that means no fighting understand," there was a mumbled yes as thirty or so people went to the armory where the dogs who worked as smiths had altered the pony armor to fit dogs and some to fit griffons.

(POV Ausar)

On my way to the armory, I had grabbed ten guns which I gave to those who said they had wielded rifles before but only after I switched them to semi-auto.

"Alright, everyone who has a gun those weapons each hold thirty shots in the clip which can be removed by pressing the button on the side and once its out place a new clip in understands," I got a round of affirmations from them all. "Now those with swords and shields will be in front riflemen behind if we split up it will be two shield men per rifleman and as a warning, if you shoot first I'll kill you understand," another round of affirmations. "Now Zulu you and Stormy will grab Purple and I'll lead these guys outside meet me up there."

When we arrived up top I was met by Twilight, Stormy, and Zulu who was carrying a large spear. "Ready Ausar?" He asked.

"Yes now let's move out," I said as we began to walk in a loose formation to the not so distant town.

(POV Rainbow Dash 2 hours later)

As I was sitting on a cloud I noticed something in the distance. It seemed to be a large group who were quickly marching in formation towards Ponyville.

"I gotta warn the others," I said to my self before stopping. "But if I stopped them first nopony would have to risk themselves," yeah that's it I'll take these guys down in ten seconds fla-BANG! I heard a loud noise as I dove headfirst at them and after the sound, I felt an intense burning pain in my right wing and I looked to see it had a bloody hole in it and I realized just before crashing that this was a bad Idea.

Ponies are Idiots

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(POV Ausar)

"Wow just wow," I said stunned at the idiot who had decided it was a good idea to fly headfirst full speed at a large group of armed people. "Hey Purple is that a friend of yours?"

"Oh it's Rainbow," she said with a smile. "she's gonna take you down in ten seconds flat."

"You're forgetting something Purple," I formed a fifty caliber rifle in my hands and loaded a single shot.

"What's that?"

"That I'm the mother fucking GOD OF WAR," I yelled and squeezed the trigger keeping the gun steady and aimed for a disabling shot. "BOOM," The loud sound of a bullet breaking the sound barrier echoed around us as it flew and tore a chunk out of gay pride's wing. "Bullseye."

"Rainbow!" cried Purple as she broke from my men's hold and ran to her downed friend. "Oh, Celestia I've gotta get you to the hospti-AH!"

"Get up bitch we'll bring gay pride with us and drop her off at the hospital i' an asshole but she ain't done nothing worth dying over yet," I dragged her up pushing her back to two massive dogs who were carrying shields and swords. "Don't let her escape again."

"Sir what about her," asked a griffon who pointed at the pegasus.

"You six will take her to the hos[ital, drop her off, and then meet us at the castle understand."

"Got it, boss," the griffon, a zebra, and four dogs walked off with a rainbow-haired pony.

"Now for the rest of you to the castle," we then quickly marched our way to the castle.

(POV Rarity)

It was simply wonderful to be out of that dark dank cave the first thing I had done once getting home was getting a bath and oh did it feel good and today was even better because as I was leaving the dogs den I grabbed a few fire rubies nothing could ruin my day. Until I heard it the sound of marching feet not quite uniform and equal like guards but it was definitely marching and so in my infinite wisdom I decided to check it out beliving it to be Pinkie Pie and another of her stunts hoping i wouldn't see twenty clones.

As I turned the corner I saw over twenty nonponies marching down the street directly towards the castle and with them was the armored giant who I believe Twilight said was named Ausar but worst of all was the dark purple guardpony and zebra dragging Twilight behind them and so I did the stupidest thing I've ever done I yelled at them.

"Hey let her go!" I said igniting my horn and lifting up a few rocks which I planned to launch at them. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Bitch please you ain't got nuthin on us," said the leading griffon as the dogs locked shields swords and guns poking out the front. "Go ahead throw a pebble and we'll shred ya."

I then decided a tactical retreat was in order and ran off screaming.

(POV Ausar)

"Idiots we aren't here to play games we're here for the boy!" I yelled stomping passed them and up to the castle which we had finally reached. "Now in we go," I kicked the large doors open causing to guards to go flying. "Oops...Oh well we were gonna kill them anyway."

The six who had deposited gay pride at the hospital joined us and walked through the doorway. "Did you get her to the hospital," I asked the griffon.

"Yes boss we got her there," he and his squad then formed up with the rest of the group.

"Listen up everyone here is how this is gonna go down there will be eight groups splitting off each made of two shield bearers and one gunman like I explained earlier, the other six," I looked at the hospital group. "Will stay with me and secure the throne room if possible do not kill only kill as a last resort we don't need any vengeful families after us those are just headaches," I paused to let my soldiers process it. "the other groups shall search the castle for the boy and any interesting magical artifacts and tomes understand."

"Yes boss/sir!" they said in semi-unison as they split off and the others followed me.

"Bossman, what do you want the artifacts and tomes you have told us before that your magic is different than ours?"

"There are certain runic configurations I wish to try and also we have stormy who is a unicorn but the artifact I'm looking for is what my people named project looking glass a portal to another realm like ours but different," I saw twilights eyes widen as I described it. "so it is here hmm I wonder who's on the other side."

"Sir these tomes you were talking about why do we need them we have your technology and special magic?" asked stormy as we arrived at the throne room.

"I do not have what is needed to create more technology without diverting progress from my other projects and while I do not mind doing so I do not wish to and I believe that magic may be an answer."

"Bang," a side door opened revealing a bag toting griffon with two dogs following carrying what looked like a holographic table. "Boss we found some stuff," he said as I walked over and observed the books which seemed to be written in a different language.

"Stormy search through these find out which are useful or not," I told her as I walked to the table and leaned on it as it showed the symbol twilight had on her. "So it's a locator then."

"No, It shows us where assistance it needed so we can help other ponies it will also help in tracking evil beings like you," she said with a smirk.

"You ponies don't know when to stop talking do you hmm so now that I know it can be used against me do you really think I'll let it continue to exist," her eyes widened as a large hammer formed the hed pulsing with an unknown power as I raised it over my head and slammed it down cracking the table in two dispersing all images on it causing it to release a powerful wave of magic knocking over most of my men along with twilight. "Hmph easy," I quietly mumbled as I stalked up to the large purple throne and sat feeling it resize itself.

"How could you do that," said a tearful purple princess. "It was an irreplaceable magical artifact it could have done so much good."

"You rely to heavily on your artifact Equestrian," said the deep voice of Zulu. "learn to do things without magic as my people had to."

"Hey let go of me you stupid mutts!" I hear as two groups walked in all four dogs had their shields on their backs and were holding a struggling dragon. "I'll get free and you'll be toast then."

"Quiet whelp!" yelled one of the dogs as they threw him at twilight who grabbed onto him as he stopped. "Boss the other group found this magic mirror thing and are bringing it here."

"Good good now down to business," I said as I began to notice the quickly filling room. "dragon can you guess what this is about?"

"Your another evil being that the elements are gonna send to Tartarus," he spat with venom and a bit of fire.

"Ha I like you noot afraid to say what you think but no I'm not the antagonist of this story you good friend Celestia is," I waited a second. "Let me ask a question why do you think that you never grow?"

"I grow I'm just a baby dragon we grow slower than ponies so I'm normal size for a sixteen year old dragon."

"No Spike your not," I said darkly. "you see boy you good princess Celestia etched runes into your spines to make you her magical mailbox but what she didn't tell you is that she also suppressed your growth and more, I waited to calm myself. "You should be at least seven feet tall and have wings large enough and strong enough to at least glide on."

"What no that isn't true Celestia wouldn't."

"Spike it's true I've known for about three years I'm sorry I just didn't know how to tell you," she looked up at him and I watched as his heart broke and he crawled backward away from her.

"There's gotta be a way to fix this I mean It's cand be like this forever."

"Spike comes with us we will fix everything we can and try to return you to your natural state," I watched as he stopped crawling and turned and looked at me. "I promise on my life that I will try my hardest to return you to what dragons are meant to look like."

"Okay," He said stepping beside stormy and Zulu. "goodbye Princess I hope you burn in Tartarus," he said as he turned away from her.

"I believe I have forgotten to introduce myself to you I am Ausar the god of war."

(POV Twilight)

No this couldn't be happening I was going to tell him when he was older but it's too late now. "Spike please think about this listen to me," I yelled at him. "He's killed dragons."

"Yes I have but he was a slaver and forced others to do his will without their consent and punished them if they rebelled hmm sounds like someone in this room."

"I am not a slaver Spike was my assistant!"

"Hmm no payment, forced labor, and punished if he rebels. sounds like slavery to me," said Ausar as the rest of his troops walked in carrying the mirror portal. "Ah guess it's time to leave hurry everyone pack the books and cover the artifacts we're leaving."

"No I won't let you," I said as I fire off a powerful blast at Ausar and then sent a longrange message to my guards who were unfortunately either unconscious or dead.

"Oh princess that was a bad move," said the deep near demonic voice of Ausar as he stepped from the smoking crater forming a massive gleaming scythe that had a black metal shaped into the skulls of unknown creatures on the back eyesockets and mouth spewing a black flame which seemed to have a white outline. The handle was at least as tall as the wielder and the blade five feet long and serrated. "You should've waited till I got my suppression potion but now you've started a battle you can't win," I watched as all the soldiers and spike ran outside where thorugh the window I watched some dogs begin to tunnel and I summoned my own personal armor that the princesses had forced me to have made in my left hand was a tower shield and my right a large lightning coated spear. "Ooh so you have armor too let's see whose is stronger," he yelled flying at me with a downward strike that ripped through my unenchanted shield. "aw so weak," he said punching me ripping the demonic weapon from its place in my shield.

"My turn," I used my wings and magic to propel me forward aiming my spear at his body but he just spun to the right and pulled the spear from my grip with his free hand putting me off balance and causing me to land on my back groaning until I screamed as my own spear was stabbed through my wing and it wasn't until i felt the tip of Ausars weapon beteeen my eyes that I quieted down.

"DO NOT FOLLOW THOSE WHO DO WILL DIE," he said in a calm but dark voice as he before he dashed out of the room taking the spear with him leaving me to sit there and cry.

Darkness comes

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(POV Spike)

After I had followed the group of armored soldiers into the dog's tunnel I began asking the pony to my left numerous questions hoping I'd get an answer.

"Miss who was that that was leading you," I said meekly as I had barely caught the end of the armored war god's name.

"That little dragon is Lord Ausar the God of War he is our leader and savior," said the large Zebra as the pony nodded in agreement before moving to the head of the group. "Allow me to introduce myself I am Zulu one of the many people that follow Ausar."

"Why do you follow him is it because he's the strongest or the smartest?"

"No, I follow him because he saved me from being oppressed under the rule of a slaver," The zebra paused. "I was in that cave for ten years serving that vile beast Ragnarok."

"Did you say Ragnarok?" I questioned in disbelieve remembering the history lesson on the battle between Celestia's father and the immortal dragon.

"Yes I did child," said the zebra calmly as I began to notice the tunnel we were in getting brighter and opening into a massive underground cavern.

"Ah Zulu good to have you back but where is Ausar?" asked a large muscular minotaur.

"He is wrapping up a few things the princess decided to blast him he had us leave early with the artifacts, books, and the kid," said the dark purple unicorn.

"Ah so this is Spike," said the massive minotaur. "It is nice to meet you kid I'm Stone Hoof and the pony here is Stormy."

"Hey," she said before walking off levitating books and locked magic safes filled with artifacts one of which I knew to be dangerous.

"Be careful with those artifacts some have a mind of their own," I said to her as she walked deeper into the cavern and into a tunnel.

"Thanks for the warning Sipke," said Stormy as she walked off.

"AH so you made it good," I heard from the anonymous voice behind me as I turned to see Ausar with Twilights blood coated spear and a demonic scythe.

(POV Ausar)

"First things first let's get everything stored," I said before yelling at my soldiers. "You four grab the mirror and follow me and don't break it or I'll shove my spear up your ass!" I yelled startling the little dragon. "Spike you and Zulu will also accompany me no let's go," I said to the others as Stone walked off to oversee the soldiers as they returned their weapons to the armory.

"So Ausar where are we going," asked Spike.

"To my bunker so I can research the runes on you," I said as we walked down the tunnel eventually entering the gunmetal grey bunker where I had the dogs set down my mirror before leaving. "Now Spike I need you to do something for me."

"What?" he asked innocently.

"I have a machine here to analyze your body so I need you to lay down on this metal platform," I said as he hopped on and I started the machine releasing multiple robotic arms that spun around his body shining blue lights across him with the occasional blip showing up on my screen notifying me of biological alterations such as carvings on the bones or testosterone blockers. "Fucking hell she did a number on him," I said quietly and showed the screen to Zulu who despite not understanding the words could easily see the many runes on Spikes' bones.

"Ausar these runes are embued with dark magic used only in blood rituals."

"Hey is everything okay over there you look a little upset Zulu," he yelled over the mechanical whirring.

"Everything is fine Spike," he replied before looking at me. "There is no possible way to undo all of this we could fix his growth but I do not know enough about blood magic to fix everything."

"Omega, redirect all fabrication systems to the MKII suit and integrate this one," I say as my suit floats away in a shadowy mist leaving behind a pistol and Twilight's spear.

"Sir, that will stop the android project and force you to go see Celestia personally."

"I know, and make sure my armor is intimidating!" I calmed myself before walking over to Spike.

"So how's it look not to bad right?" He looked up at us hopefully.

"You are an adult sao I will be honest with you, "I paused to compose myself." Celly fucked up your body she put anti-growth and intelligence runes on you due to the species of dragon you are."

"What do you mean all dragons are the same."

"No spike, not all are alike the ones nearest to Equestria are lava dragons but your kind come from the less tamed parts of the world where magic runs rampant and may be used in any form the user chooses," said Zulu.

"So I'm a magic dragon?"

"Yes and once we get this magic block off your gonna be a damn powerful one just try not to blow up a mountain accidentally," I said jokingly. "How about we get you a place to stay?"

After conversing with Spike I allowed him to stay in an extra room in the bunker so I could make sure the runes didn't teleport him back. I had omega explain all the electronics to him while I went to begin a plan for our soon to be mine which unfortunately would have to be mined by hand until I had sufficient resources to start a better mining system. After a while I had one of the smarter dogs come help me as I described what metals would be needed and asked if he knew them some he showed me in the treasure pile from Ragnarok's hoard while others were mines the slaves had been in.

"Listen, Fido I want you to gather some dogs and dig out some tunnels to the ore no need to mine it."

"Where we put dirt?"

"Pile it outside we'll use it for something later," I said not caring as dogs took the papers Fido had drawn and started digging into the walls like they were swimming through water, another dog pulled out dirt and rocks, while two more loaded them into mine carts that another pushed out. Gems and other precious materials were placed in large wooden boxes with images painted on them. "Wow, ya'll are good diggers."

"Thanks, boss we keep digging I get you when done oh boss black white not ponies have potion for you," said the dog in broken almost indecipherable english.

"See ya later Fido keep up the good work."

(POV Stormy)

Honestly, I told him not to touch the black and green book and what does he do...touch it.

"AHHHHH," screamed the terrified voice of the griffon named Charcoal who was currently trying to get away from a group of black tendrils flowing from the shadow magic book. "Help me!"

"I told you not to do it and you did it," I sighed as Ausar walked in,"

"Finally a way for him to die and me not have to get his pervy blood off my armor," He said as I noticed his lack of said armor.

"Ausar this isn't funny that book is going to eat him!" I yelled as the book opened wide showing off razor teeth and an endless void of a throat.

"Fine, you two," he pointed at a Zebra and Diamond Dog, "Go get that pony who hurt a pup."

I watched the two runoff as Ausar sent out a metallic looking whip that wound its way around Charcoal's body. Ausar then pulled a spear from his back and planted it deep in the wall using it as a point of leverage. Just as the spear began to slip the dog and zebra returned with Stone behind them and threw a panicking pony at the tendrils which dropped Charcoal and gruesomely squeezed the pony in with a series of crunches and screams followed by the sounds of blood spurting from an open wound. After the event, I then proceeded to expel any of the food in my stomach in the nearest corner along with many others.

"Ouch," said Ausar in a dark voice. "Lock this one up."

"OH MUST YOU LOCK ME UP I WAS STARVING YOU KNOW," said a deep grumbling voice in my mind and from the others looks they heard it too. "PLEASE ALLOW ME TO ASSIST YOU I ONLY REQUEST ONE SACRIFICE PER YEAR."

I looked at Ausar the same as the others.

(POV Ausar)

"What is your name creature?" Ausar asked spear flashing with lightning as he motioned for us to leave.


"Umbra the American black-ops unit that employed cybernetic enhancements and drones?" I asked the floating mass before me.


"If you promise not to eat my people you can stay here perhaps conversing with others may help you reintegrate," I say calmly as I grab the now not so evil looking book and bring it to the bunker. "Return to your duties and do not touch any more dark magic books," I said speedwalking past my subordinates.

Shadows fall

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(POV Ausar)

I had already given Zulu complete autonomy when heling the boy allowing me to work on some special projects. "Omega, I brought a friend! "I yelled." search our history for mentions of Umbra during the war. I walked into the main lab and set the book on it before walking off to grab some nice tasty rations. Dirt flavor yum.

"I am here sir," said the voice of Omega. " Also from my information, Umbra was an artificial intelligence used to pilot one of the larger American mechs," He stopped and scanned the book. "Sir why do you possess a sentient book?"

"It's Umbra he's in the book the ponies trapped him there," I said with my rations in hand.

"YES MY FRIEND IT IS I UMBRA," boomed the book in my mind and I think he somehow connected to Omega.

"Umbra what is the status of your mind," Asked Omega before contacting me through my comlink. "Early AIs have a tendency to have a personality switching face known as rampancy none were known to have survived it."


"An interesting theory," said Omega as the two AIs conversed. "Would you be opposed to me conducting a full scan on your new form and if possible relocating you."


"I understand that reasoning and shall begin preforming the scan," Omega began scanning the book with every possible scanning system before turning to me. "Sir if you wish I can create a slot in the back of your new armor to hold the book allowing Umbra to connect to the suit and run its systems and also use his own magic."

"Do so and also how is the suit coming?" I asked as a large hologram appeared. "Woah."

"This armor shall incorporate your old armor as a thin half-inch outer shell that will defend from bullets and magical blasts, underneath the shell is three-inch steel plating covering a powered exoskeleton that pulls power from your original suit's reactor, in total size it shall measure up to ten feet tall counting the three golden spikes on the top which are aesthetically built to resemble a crown" the AI split the hologram into three parts outer shell and weapons, interior plates, and interior power suit. "The outside of the suit is covered in runes that are inlaid with what I have learned is call arcanite a rare metal used for high-grade runesmithing these runes draw ambient magical energy and push it into the magical batteries in the suit which can be used in a variety of ways such as claws, shields, and energy blasts of varying elements and types of blast."

"Physical weapons?" I questioned as he finished listing of magical weapons and armor strengths.

"Each finger is built with extendable claws and in addition, your forearm plating on either arm can fold out into a riot shield strong enough to easily block anything these beings can throw at us, on your back will be a large energy rifle which as been runicaly converted to use magic to shoot blasts concentrated magic, the scythe you hastily built has been altered to be easier to wield with a shaft that retracts and extends and a folding blade it can be easily stored at your side even with its now eight-foot length and four-foot blade it unlike most of your weapons does not contain any magic another non-magic weapon you will possess is a 50cal pistol it is located on your right hip and situated to be used in your left hand while your blade can be used by either your right or both hands."

"Good job Omega but I have an idea can you add a few shoulder spikes so as to b more menacing but make them retractable so as they will not be in my way during battle."

"Yes sir," said the powerful AI as he finished scanning Umbra who then used his shadow tentacles to begin to walk around like a spider. "That is insanely creepy."

"I UNDERSTAND BUT IT IS MY ONLY WAY OF MOBILITY," he stated as he latched onto my hip and pulled in his...legs? "I SHALL COME WITH YOU GOD OF WAR."

"Fine, you can come but you have to tell me all of your abilities."


"We've got a few hours."

"DO WE HAVE A FEW YEARS?" he asked and I sighed.

"Tell me useful ones and combat ones."




"Could you like make me fly?"


"But what if I wanna look like some demonic motherfucker who will kill all the enemies?"


"Well then to the surface we go and while we're there you can show me some of your abilities."

(POV ???)

"Why did we get picked for this job?" I asked my fellow guard.

"Because we're the sneakiest and have antidetection magic," he replied.

"Nopony has come out in over a day maybe they got scared."

"Diamond Dogs are a cave-dwelling race and from the looks of their new leader he's intelligent enough to only come up for a few reasons."

"Like whatever he's doing right now?"

Yes like whatever he's doing right no-wait what!"

"Yea look he's just walking around looking at stuff."

"Ok lets just watch him...what the hell is that?" I heard a THWAP THWAP sound and I was out like a light my partner too from the sound of it.

(POV Ausar)

"So what first Umbra?"


I was mumbling to myself about potential uses of Umbras abilities when I saw two long tendrils shoos off into the bushes along with girlish squeals of pain and a thwapping sound before four more tendrils shot forth and condensed with the others to form two tentacles each holding a pony guard about five feet from my face. One red and one teal.


"Good job now can you wake them?" I asked as a shadowy hand bitch slapped the guards awake. "Owch thats gotta hurt."

"Whu?" said one of the guards as the other looked about in a panic.

"Oh shit it's like in those japonys comics that my cousin showed me."

"Even in the future, it follows me," I mumbled. "You numbskull listen up my name is Ausar and your trespassing on my land now either you can leave or I can take you to my dungeon," I said without thinking.

"Oh shit it is like the comics hey man look your neat and all but I'm not in for tentacles."

"You absolute fucktard It's a literal dungeon, not some BDSM shit god damn one more word out of you and I'll show you how those comics work."

"Hey," said the other one finally waking up. "Your Ausar."

"What a thrilling revelation I never would've guessed."

"You are under arrest for killing Equestrian military and assaulting princess Celestia and princess Twilight."

"Before you continue to let me say it's not my fault Celestia took off her shirt."

"She what?" he asked before the other one cut in.

"Hey I know we're supposed to be enemies but is it true she uses breast enhancing runes in her clothes?"

"Nah she shrinks them I thought she was a cow with those jugs."

"Told ya," he said to his comrade.

"Shut it ya filthy blue."

"Listen that's just colorist just because I'm blue doesn't mean I'm filthy ya red asshole."

"I BELIVE I RECOGNISE THIS FROM SOMEWHERE LORD AUSAR," said Umbra as the two idiots argued.

"Listen up you two," I said shutting them up. "You have two choices you can A. run back to cow tits or B. join team awesome where the tits aren't fake and we also have a lot of books. It only took a few seconds and maybe a few extra tendrils.

"I choose B. now show me tits."

"B. now let's see some books."

"Oh by the way bossman I'm-"

"No shut up you are Blue and you are Red ok."

"Eh, I'm cool with that."

"Fuck it let's just get in the hole."


"Wait Umbra nooooo," and with a single flap of the monstrous shadow wings, I flew in the air.

Night will fall and swallow light.

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(POV Ausar)

Almost a day ago when we left for Ponyville I had set up a large team of dogs to dig a tunnel to Canterlot and stop just outside of its boundaries inside the forests near its base. As I walked I looked around me at my soldiers who were following me all armed to the teeth and in the dogs' case literally. To my right was the young dragon spike who the zebra shamans had managed to magically grow to around six feet. He was wearing a flight suit because of his lack of wings it was neurally connected to his mind and he had been given a "dumb" Ai to assist in flight control on top of the suit he wore a tight-fitting suit with leather armor and like all my soldiers he wore a gas mask each of them specially created to the wearer's interests his had long tubes connecting to a box on his back that like the others filtered air into a purer form so as to maximize oxygen intake. Stormy was to my left wearing her old royal guard armor which had been upgraded and repainted black and silver with a silver human skull on the shield she carried and on each shoulder pauldron. She had also found a large longsword in the dragon horde that had lightening enchantments and lightning enchantments that allowed it to shoot bolts from its tip. Her mask had a pony skull built around it and although it was quite morbid it was intimidating. Zulu was...different he wore light armor and a dark grey cloak that had sickly yellow runes drawn across it and underneath in the shadows of the cloak he had glowing vials and knives along with a massive club on his waist. I was unable to see his mask due to the shadowy hood but his intimidation was good enough. Behind me was the group who'd gone to Ponyville. Oddly most of their masks were the same most likely just a lack of creativity. I looked forward and continued to walk my massive frame stomping through the tunnel wreathed in a cloak of shadows and covered in the armor befitting the God of War.

"Prepare yourselves we are approaching the exit tunnel," I said into the comlink that was attached to each mask. As we walked out a tendril reached out of my cloak allowing me to give it a blue vial which was attached to my oxygen filter this vial contained a drug that calmed my curse from killing the dragon Ragnarok. As we exited the tunnels our masks enhanced our night vision allowing us to see clearly. "Dogs tunnel upwards meet us at the top griffons grab a dog and go," I said as my cloak shifted into a set of massive demonic wings and two tentacles wrapped around Zulu and Stormy. I watched spike as he pulled the long magical spear that had previously belonged to princess twilight from his back and activated his suit.

"Spike calm yourself we are here to talk and only fight if it must happen," said a griffon who was holding a small dog one of the few who weren't currently digging up the cliff. "Don't worry knowing the boss this'll be fun.

"Upward my soldiers let us say hello to our friends."

(POV Stormy)

"Boss you should probably let me talk you know pony to pony," I said to the Ausar.

"I don't know if you've noticed but you have a skull on your mask," he replied as we flew upwards.

"I understand sir but if they get hostile allow me to take off my mask and talk to them ok."

"Fine we're almost there anyway," He said as we flew over the edge of the cliff near the landing platforms where multiple airships rested.

"THUMP!" as we loudly landed Ausar retracted all his spikes and extended his golden crown just as the guards rounded the corner.

"Identify yourself!" said one of them.

"Hello I am a representative of the newly formed country America I am here to join the meeting I understand that our arrival is a bit odd but we ran into some trouble with a local group lead by a being named Ausar he shot down our airship so I and my remaining soldiers had to fly here," Ausar said as multiple griffons landed along with spike and a few dogs burst from the ground causing the guards to bring up their weapons. "Wait calm yourselves these people are with me my country welcomes all species we try to be diverse."

"And may I inquire your name?" asked the guard.

"Oh I am Tychus one again I am terribly sorry about the mess."

"It's alright we've been notified about Ausar," they all lowered their rifles. "If you'll please follow me."

(POV Ausar)

"So Mr. Tychus what is this America like?"

"We are a diplomatic country which means we elect our leader into the office every four years. If you are speaking of our people then I would put us as diverse no one is like another everyone is different and unlike you ponies, we are not dependent upon cutie marks no offense meant."

"None taken."

"We have less magic than your country so we find new ways to achieve the same things you have. Things like airships and trains even large structures like your castles. Unfortunately due to low magic our bodies are not used to you lad which is why we wear these masks they help us breathe in an environment like yours."

"I understand I was going to ask you to remove them but I understand now," said the oblivious guard. "I do however have to tell you that you are only allowed to bring in three guards."

"I completely understand it is a peaceful gathering, not a meeting for war."

"Glad you agree."

"You three with me," I said pointing out Stormy, Zulu, and Spike. "You take the others outside," I then switched to my mic. "Be ready if I require backup."

"Glad that's settled now as you enter we must announce your arrival what shall it be?"

"Just tell them that Emissary of America has arrived."

"Understood," he said walking off."

"Imbecile," I said

"Introducing the Emissary Of America Tychus."

"That's our cue," I then walked through the opening door and locked eyes with a surprised and fearful Celestia. "Hello, Princess."

(POV Celestia)

He was here in the castle during the gathering devoted to that which he opposes...peace.

"Hello Princess thank you for allowing us to take part in this amazing opportunity now we can tell everyone how you tortured a child and locked away your guards' memories," he said loudly causing everyone to stare at me. "Hello everyone my name is Ausar and a few days ago I was attacked in my own home because Celestia thought I was a threat."

"That is not true you killed my guards."

"But only after they tried to shoot and stab me, Celestia, oh and how about we mention the time you threatened to have bat ponies eat your guard's family if she didn't keep quiet about your magical experiments on children."

"It was one chil-I mean that didn't happen it was a medical procedure."

"So cutting him open and drawing dark runes on his bones and spines to stop height and wing growth is a medical procedure."

"Wait spines?" said a large dragon.

"Oh, you didn't know she made it so one of your kind couldn't grow and turned him into a magical mailbox," as I said this Spike walked forward taking his mask off before speaking.

"Oh, Ausar don't forget about the slave labor."

"None of this is true he is a liar!" Celestia yelled as stormy removed her mask.

"Hey, princess Luna your sister threatened to have your guards eat my family if I didn't erase my fellow guards' memories."

"Sister is this true?"

"No Luna it's not."

"Then shall we ask the Element of honesty?" The blue alicorn who was named Luna said as she looked at an orange mare. "Applejack is what Ausar saying true and what my sister says a lie."

"'s true," There was a long pause as until I felt a large amount of heat at my side.

"Ah, Fuck!" I activated my magic shield just in time to block the blast but I was still shot out of the castle and into the main street where I looked up to see a heavily armored Celestia flying at me with a hammer. I quickly spoke into my mic. "Slay those loyal to the solar goddess."

"Die!" She screamed as I blocked her hammer with a riot shield and pulled out and extended my scythe which I used to slash at her. "You've ruined everything."

"Whatever you say girlie," I said pulling my 50cal and blasting at her as she teleported in a tower shield. "Fuck," I yelled stowing my current weapons and pulling my rifle and blasting at her easily melting her shield with the heat. I holstered the weapon and charged her as she threw the melting shield aside looking up just in time to see my fist launching her into a house that I then shot a bolt of explosive magic inside igniting it only for the bitch to walk out unscathed.

(POV Spike)

The room descended into chaos and guards flooded in and naturally not knowing what was going on the shot at the most heavily armed individuals namely us. Luckily my scales made me bulletproof and stormy put up a shield. As the guards began to reload I saw Zulu toss a red vial which once it hit the wall exploded after the explosion I charged forward skewering a guard on my spear and taking his flintlock using its single shot to blast the nearby solar guard as I breathed a toxic green flame on three of the guards causing them to both burn and melt into puddles of flaming acidic pools. I ripped the guard from my spear an threw it as three guards were shishkabobed to the wall forcing me to use my claws to tear through my enemies until I missed one but he was shot by an arrow from a lunar guard. "Well guess we started a civil war," I said ripping my spear from the wall and melting the bodies off.

"Stop right there Spike," said the familiar voice of Twilight. "I don't know what kind of dark spell he has you under but the elements will cleanse it!" she said loudly as she along with the others floated into the air.

"Sorry Rares," I said simply before shooting a bolt of lightning from my spear into my former crush's body.

"AHHHHH!" she screamed as they all fell to the ground.

"How did you stop the elements?" asked a bewildered Twilight.

"Takes to long to charge," I said as I got a transmission from the group outside.

"Find cover!" I instantly rolled behind a nearby pillar back to the windows and just in time too I believe because I saw Twilight and Stormy each put up shields as I heard a hail of gunfire and shattering glass until I heard the sound of multiple explosions and a second message. "Enemy eliminated."

(POV Zulu)

After throwing my explosive I pulled out my club and doused it in a bubbling magical fluid that caused it to ignite in purple fire and as the pony guards charged forwards I slammed it into the ground setting them ablaze in magical fire. I then tossed out three orange vials and yelled at stormy. "Mask on!" As the ponies entered the orange hazy the began to stumble about swinging wildly at their comrades allowing me to easily execute them all with a short sword I stole from a body. After they were gone I threw a blue vial at my feet and waited a bit for the haze to disperse. "Clear!"

"Take this Zebra," said a rough voice as I twisted around a spear broke the head off and stabbed it in the pony's spine. "Hurk!"

"Idiot, Hey Stormy how goes it up there?"

(POV Stormy)

I hardly needed my blade or its magic after Zulu's stunt. I'd just blast the occasional musketeer or a charging spearpony. "Doing just fine up here," I said before receiving a transmission just as the far door burst open and guards flooded in.

"Find cover!"

"Zulu!" I jumped down and rolled up next to him putting a bubble around us just before the sound of gunfire blasted through the room and I watched as guards were cut down. "Holy shit they're tearing them apart," I watched as bodies fell some missing a head, arm, or leg. I saw the few who had taken refuge behind pillars or used the dead as shields but they died in the worst way I watched as multiple green balls rolled into the room before exploding and tearing the remaining troops to shreds.

"Enemy Eliminated."

"No shit."

(POV Twilight)

It was a massacer I was beginning to doubt that Ausar was the God of War and that he was actually the God of death and his soldiers were his reapers that had come to collect the souls of the damned. This Idea was pushed further as I looked at the blood coated walls and I heard the occasional moan of a dying pony as they bled out, I looked left to see the partially liquified body of a guard melted flesh hanging from his skeleton as he continued to sink into the puddle of acid.

"Twi?" I heard the voice of my friend Rarity say as she weakly called out to me from her prone form her body still smoking from the magical shock. "We have to escape," She said as she crawled near me and the others.

"Y-yea," I quietly said and used my magic to teleport us to my old room in the castle where we all passed out.


"AUSAR IS IT TIME TO REVEAL MY POWER YET?" I asked questioning my new master.

"Yes, I think it's time we took this seriously," at his words six tentacles unfurled from his back each of the shadowy appendages pointed forward sharpening and locking on to Celestia's form. "Shall we?" He asked unfolding his weapon to full length and charging forward.

"YES FORWARD UNTO BATTLE ONCE AGAIN!" I shouted out into the minds of all near scrambling the sense of all but the strongest of beings and that didn't include the solar princess.

"Ahhhh!" She screamed as a psychic assault tore through her flimsy defenses allowing me to hit first and launcher down the street. "W-What are you?" she asked.

"We ArE yOuR eNd!" Came out our mixed-voice as my magic tore through her mind. Shattering her sense of reality. I watched as Ausar kicked her in the back sending her into a fountain that broke the stone pony breaking apart and spraying water across her. "rEaLiTy Is My PlAyGrOuNd!" I altered her mind shrouding us in shadow turning the form of the statue into her beloved student blood covering both her and the ground.

"No this is my mind I control this world!" She shouted forcing me from her mind only to see nothing in front of her.

"GoOd TrY cHiLd!" We said as we gripped her rightwing and kicked her causing flesh to tear and bones to snap. "WhAt A nIcE tRoPhY nOw AlL wE rEqUiRe Is ThE oThEr One!" we stomped forward a broken vile falling from out mask releasing the last puff of blue mist as it fell. We put away our blade and formed our claws heating them with magic as we reached her and grasped her other wing the sound of musket fire came from our left revealing the arrival of the guard but they were of no consequence and we slashed with our claws pulling the other wing free and cauterizing the wounds her screams not even bothering us as we pulled the trophies into the shadows.

"Die monster!" yelled the lead guard as they opened fire not noticing as we waded through the hail of bullets and magic blasts until they pulled out their cannons and blasted us but they did not expect the wall of shadow that formed and blocked the cannonballs and as the wall fell before us as we continued to wade through the endless gunfire but eventually we made contact with them. "Aw motherfu-crunch" the guard failed to finish his sentence before a massive hand crushed his skull.

"SuCh A fRaGiLe SpEcIeS," Was all we said as we continued to walk towards the castle cutting down any guards who got in our way which caused the white roads on which I walked to turn crimson. "BuT i Do WoNdEr HoW tHeY tAsTe?" We said as our mask was pulled away revealing our human face to the guard in our grasp as we looked at his neck and took a bite out of it our bloodlust fogging our mind."mMmMm TaStEs LiKe McDoNaLdS bUrGeRs YuM," We looked from the twitching corpse to the castle and tore off a limb to eat on the way.

(POV Celestia)

What was that thing it seemed to begin as a collected being but when I broke the enhancement potion in its suit it soon started to fall into a blood-filled madness and it dragged me with it. As I crawled along the bloody road I came upon the scaled feet of the dragon ambassador.

"hello Celestia," He said menacingly. "I have come to inform you that my species along with the zebras, minotaurs, and griffons are shutting down all current contact with you and though it will be hard we do not believe we could ally ourselves with one such as yourself but luckily you still have the crystal empire although once our messages get to them I'm afraid that even they might turn on you. Oh and here's a parting gift bitch," He said as he stabbed through my leg with a massive greatsword pinning me to the road.

"Please at least warn Luna," I said.

"Oh she is already aware of your evil remember she was there at the big reveal and spoiler alert she ain't happy," He said before flying off and leaving me pinned to the road.


It is so far "Crunch," we thought to ourselves as we walked through the castle doors and tossed the bone to the side as all meat had been torn from it. We wiped our mouth on a tapestry and replaced our mask before walking into the blood-covered ballroom. "Stormy you in here?" We yelled out in Ausars' voice.

"Over here boss we got a few prisoners for those experiments you thought of.

We stomped over to the group of tied up guards four mares and a stallion no make that three mares and two stallions. These five could be useful in many ways bargaining chips, experiments, trophies, and much more.

"Bring them and any others you find with us," We...I said.

"But we don't have enough griffons to lift them all."

"That is why we are going to steal an airship."

Airship pirates

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(POV Ausar)

My soldiers led the way out of the blood-soaked ballroom and down the hall. As we walked we encountered little resistance all ponies had fled once the gunfire started and the screams stopped but still, the few brave dock guards remained to guard the remaining airships.

"Halt in the name of the solar princess creature," the lead guard said causing me to laugh. "You are under arrest for crimes against Equestr-CRUNCH!"

"Hmph," I grunted in annoyance as Umbra bit off his head with a tentacle tipped with a demonic head reminiscent of an eel. "Umbra....feast," At my word five more demonic heads sprouted from my back all bearing three golden horns in a triangle formation much like my crown.

"Sir as much fun as it is to watch them be eaten we need to leave," said a griffon. "Should I send a team ahead we looted a few crossbows from the dead guards and can use them in place of our rifles?"

"Do so and commandeer the largest warship you can find but keep the crew alive," I said as I continued forward the six heads moving about as puddles of blood rippled from around my boots. My soldiers followed me but unlike me, they stepped around the torn bodies while I occasionally crushed one under my titanic weight. We soon made it to the sky docks where there was a multitude of downed pegasus guards moaning in pain. "Capture the survivors," I said as I walked towards a massive ship that had griffons surrounding the crew.

"My lord we have commandeered the vessel," stated an enthusiastic guard. "All the crew are here along with the captain but be warned she's a fighter," He said as we came to the crew all bound to the nearest immovable object and then I saw the captain. She was young with white fur and an electric yellow mane from my position I could see the crossbow bolt pinning her wing to the wall.

"Remove the bolt and bring her to the captain's cabin but guard her at all times," I said as my soldiers escorted the captured guards to the brig where they would stay till we reached our home. "LISTEN UP ALL OF YOU!" I yelled at the crew. "You have two choices you either work for me or you die."

"I'll never work for yo-BANG!" A bullet lodged itself in the brown-furred ponies skull causing others to gasp or scream.

"You will be treated fairly if you cooperate and if not...well I'm a fan of meat."

"I willingly join your ranks," said a random pony who was soon followed by the rest of the crew.

"Cut them loose and point us home we must leave before the guards rally," I ordered causing the my crew to hurry to their stations. "Kill any who try to hamper us that includes crew."

(POV Spike)

I stomped up to the wheel of the ship and turned in towards our home but was unfortunately greeted with the sight of enemy ships. At this moment I pressed an arcanite key on a panel near the wheel that set off a battle alarm causing the sixty cannons to push out the sides and a magical shield to encompass the rune enhanced warship.

"Battle stations now!" I yelled at the hesitant crew who were prodded by sword-wielding dogs and griffons who had taken muskets from the armory and were lining the sides of the ship. I flicked another switch causing a canopy to cover the deck, fortunately, this ship was held aloft by floatstone a magic rock which floated by drawing upon ambient magic but could be increased with controlled magic. As we neared the now fully formed blockade the tips of our cannons glowed red with energy as the charged the magic blast held within them. I halted our advance and turned hard to the left (Don't know navy terms) allowing our right cannons to face the blockade. "FIRE!"

Under the deck, the order was repeated as red shots of explosive magic lanced out tearing apart the smaller ships whose cannonballs fell short. After the shot was fired the cannons drew upon the heated metal to recharge and continue the barrage. Unfortunately, a few pegasi managed to dodge the cannon fire and get close but fortunately, we had muskets and crossbows that fired upon the approaching forces causing them to fall from the sky and those who made it aboard were cut down by dogs and the few ponies loyal to us. One or two made it to where I stood but both were killed by Zulu who crushed their bones with his large club.

"Spike let's not waste time with them," said the calm voice of Stormy. "Ram through them."

"RAMMING SPEED!" I shouted flipping a few more switches pulling in the guns and extending the mithril blade from the ship's tip. "LET'S CUT EM IN HALF!" The others around me cheered as our speed increased and the blade glowed our shield tightening around us and strengthening itself. They roared as we crashed through a cruiser class ship our own dwarfing it in size and as it exploded shrapnel punctured other airship balloons causing the ships to fall their crew screaming as they crashed turning into fireballs and setting the forest below us ablaze.

(POV Ausar)

I felt the airship shaking as I walked to the captain's cabin where the former captain was being held by my soldiers. As I opened the door I saw a griffon slam against the wall and the pony pick up his rifle which she unfortunately didn't understand how to use but she tried anyway. "Click," as the empty gun refused to fire a shadow tendril shot forward ripping the gun from her hands while another wrapped around her.

"Hmmm now, what are we going to do with you?" I said to her face as she trembled in fear. "How about this I'll give you a few jobs to choose from."

"I'll never join you!" She spat.

"At least hear the options," I said and proceeded to tell her them. "Your choices are the first mate where you'll assist the new captain, crew manager, or moral tool."

"What do you mean moral tool?" she asked making me smile under my helmet.

"Well I get pretty frustrated whenever things don't go my way and I need some help calming down and keeping my cool," I looked at here still oblivious face. "Basically sex slave."

"W-what!" she screeched. "I would never."

"So the first mate it is or you can control your crew," I said as my armor locked up and opened up on the front giving me a way to step out and revealing the book held in the slot on the back of my black undersuit. "Choose."

"I'll never help you."

"Well I'm not a rapist so I ain't gonna force anything on you...but I got a friend who's pretty good at breaking bitches like you," I pulled Umbra from my back and threw him before her. "Break her in Umbra but no blemishes please."

"YES MY LORD," said the menacing voice as Captain Sunny was dragged into the pages of the shadowy book. "OH YOU'LL BE EVEN MORE FUN THAN CELESTIA!"

"Now this ship needs some remodeling," I shot out a blast of quantum energy flooding the ship with the tingling feeling as the outside of the wooden ship was coated in a thin layer of black armor with the cannons being tipped with large metallic human skulls their mouths open as if they were screaming. I heard the yelps of the crew as the wooden color was replaced by a gunmetal grey surface. "Now this is more my style," I yelled

My armor picked itself up and walked to me handing me my scythe and pistol before I marched outside my gasmask covering my face with the titanic armor following me. The thumping from the boot falls of the machine sounded like war drums as it followed me with the machine hum adding to the music made by the death machine as it clicked and hissed only being powered by human engineering at the moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen let me congratulate you on a job well done!" I said walking out in the midst of the battle and upon realizing the situation I hopped back in my Warmachine. "Good job Spike but now it's my turn," I spun to my right pulling rifle from my back and charging it up till it glowed red and at the pull of the trigger I blasted through twelve frigate class ships turning them to dust.

"Woah," came the small voice of one of the ponies below deck as he watched me blast the other side the same way before putting my gun on my back. "Glad I gave up."

"Less talking more firing!" I yelled below down to the ponies as magic blasts shot out the sides. "Spike don't fire on that destroyer!"


"I'm going to say hi," I said as I jumped off fire shooting out of my boots and hands along with multiple vents on my armor. I was around 200 feet away when they noticed me speeding at them and they began firing and missing. "BOOM!" I landed on the deck causing the ship to dip due to the massive amount of weight added from the impact. "Hi there," I said to the crew as I looked across the deck and pulled my pistol out while a purple magic blade extended from my right arm.

"Half creature in the name of Princess Celestia you are under arrest," he said pulling out a pair of tiny cuffs.

"No thanks BANG!" I blew a hole in his head and continued firing causing my bloodlust to resurface. "BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG!" holes appeared in chests and heads while limbs were blown off until I got bored and holstered my weapon my left hand's fingers sprouting claws. "RAHHHHHHH!" I roared as I charged the guards tearing through their ranks blood splashing across the deck until I was met with a bright blue magicannon blast.

"Hah I think we got him," said a confident feminine voice as the dust began to settle and I began to rise shadowy fires blazing across my body and spreading across the deck.

"Die," I said simply as a black portal opened underneath the ship and multiple squid-like tentacles rose up spearing into the sip while larger ones wrapped around it and began to crush it pulling it into the hole allowing me to watch from the air where I floated as the screaming ponies fell into the hungry maw that was a construct of Umbra. "Feast then return to your job."


"I need you at full strength Umbra and you must be kept fed to do that...also I love their screams," I said as I slowly flew back to my ship.

(POV Stormy)

"By the Gods what is that?" I said in horror as I watched the shadow creature devour the airship.

"It is a Kraken or that is the form it takes," said Zulu from behind me. "It's true form is Umbra the shadow book that has a mind of its own."

"Is it on our side?"

"It's on Ausar's side but I don't know if he is on ours," Zulu stopped or a moment. "From what I know Umbra was created by Ausar's kind and since they are no longer present Umbra now serves Ausar."

"Ausar's kind?"

"he is one of the first Gods they were different from the current ones."

"How so?"

"Gods fade with time but due to the long sleep Ausar underwent he didn't suffer the fading and after a god fades a small bit of their power passes on to the creature that most resembles what they stand for or controlled."

"So he is stronger than all current Gods and he possesses anything their predecessors created."

"Exactly and Umbra is one of their creations from what I gather he was made by Death because that is what he brings."


"What the fuck was that!" I yelped as a massive bolt of energy struck the shield and I looked ahead of us seeing a large Minotaur warship with a massive magicannon running the full length of the ship. I looked back as I heard the crew shout something.

"Railship inbound activate forward cannons!" Spike did as the crew suggested and two long guns with a massive amount of runic engravings poked out glowing. "Captain permission to fire when ready?" asked the crewman.

"Fire when ready," Spike replied as the long guns glowed the runes siphoning heat and charging higher than any other cannons. Moments before we fired we heard the magically amplified voice of the minotaur captain.


"Opening fire."

"ZAP...ZAP," the two oddly quiet shots of the cannons lanced out like lightning the first taking down the shield and the second blowing through the hull and shattering the floatstone causing the ship to fall just as Ausar landed aboard our ship.

"Good work now let's go home," He said with no room for a second opinion.

Preparing for moving

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(POV Ausar)

"Omega what happened why did the gas not work?" I said angrily. "And the kid what the hell was with him it's like his personality shifted."

"Sir once you came back and requested I scan you and everyone that came back with you I was unsure why until I found something," A holographic projection of my genetic structure popped up. "You were altered on a genetic level by your father so you could survive in this newly altered world and it seems that that also had the effect of leaving a blank space for any unknown energy to imprint on you and seeing as the dragon's curse was your first exposure to focused magic it filled the space and it is now being spread through your entire body."

"So what?"

"You are immune to all known diseases and have an incredible immune system so your body fights the medication that Zulu gives you because it is trying to suppress part of your genetic code but if you wish it is possible for me to use our systems to block off some of the genetic structure," He pulled up a video of what he would do. "Using the nanomachines I posses I would block off one of the three passageways that are brought by the curse but of course you wish to keep the power so which do you want the least anger or greed?"

"Block out the anger I can deal with the greed I'll just hoard magical and technological artifacts like I already am doing," I said. "Now the boy and the others?"

"They are mostly normal but it seems through their devotion and well worship they've magically linked themselves to you so when you entered a bloodlust they shared it although to a minor degree but it basically forced them to release their inhibitions about killing and filled them with rage and unfortunately it is permanent that they will despise those you despise and like those you like."

"So I really am a god," I laughed shortly. "Ausar God Of War...I like it."

"It truly is intimidating but I heard something about a slave are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Eh I'll add it to the greed thing and that reminds me of something," I turned to an open space. "Umbra let me talk to Sunny."

"YES SIR," a black hole opened out of the ground and a tentacle dropped a pony before me. "ANYTHING ELSE?"

"No nothing else but go keep an eye on the others," I dropped the book to the ground where it sprouted legs and shifting shadows poured forth till it was a bipedal creature around my hight with long arms and legs four fingers including the thumb on each hand and shadowy hoove like constructs that he used as feet.

"I SHALL BE ON MY WAY THEN MASTER," He said turning his eel-like head towards me it's golden eyes glowing.

"I'm out it was a nightmare," I heard a small series of mumblings from the pony after that.

"Sorry girly but you're not out yet you just went out of the frying pan and "InTo ThE fIrE."

(POV Spike)

I felt oddly stronger but not physically it felt like my magical core was now attached to something strong an immovable object that was filled with power and rage but also wisdom and intellect, not a berserk psychopath I had asked the others and only those who were in the battle felt it but that was a question for later right now we had the solar guard to interrogate.

"So tell me again why you helped Celestia after hearing that the element of honesty found us telling the truth?"

"We know you were using dark magic to coat your lies in a way she could not read and even so if it were true we are loyal to the solar princess to our dying breath the other solar guards probably helped her escape during the battle," said a pegasus mare.

"Um no my boss actually cut off her wings as trophies," said Stormy from my left. "Yeah right after he broke her mind."

"Lies again it does not matter though for we will not speak," she said.

"Hmph you'll speak one way or another," I pulled her from the group extending my claws as I felt the hatred of ponies within my core. "Talk or I'll skin you alive."

"You would never harm a mare I know of you Spike you were Princess Twilight's assistant."

"She knew of the runes that have permanently harmed my body," I stopped for a second blowing fire on my claws igniting them. "Did you know I will never grow wings my flight depends upon the machines given to me by the God Of War he freed me from my chains of slavery and wiped the runes from my body doing all that he could so do not mention my former masters if you wish for mercy but I have decided I won't skin you alive I don't want such a beautiful mare to go to waste come along let's go talk to the guards," I said smiling as her eyes widened.

(POV Stone)

I along with a few dogs were watching the crew of what had been dubbed the Spearhead by our glorious leader until a large creature walked into my field of vision as I readied my warhammer I heard a voice the voice that belonged to Umbra.


"All I can say is that it fits you," I looked up at the massive warship again. "Why did he do it?" I asked.


"Why did Ausar go to battle when he could have spoken to Celestia?"


"And the others."


"He did it as a show of power?"


"I understand then because when he fought Celestia the first time he basically declared war even if he didn't want to," I thought for a second. "What do you think he'll do next?"


"But where?"


"An interesting idea I heard of ancient Diamond Dog fortresses powered by old magic that even the ponies fail to understand."


"Hmm," I remembered Ausar's explanation of the Oldworld when he was a young God.


"Yes that seems like a good idea...perhaps we should speak with the engineers on board the ship?"


(POV Ausar)

"For the last time I'm not going to rape you I was under the influence of a form of bloodlust my mind was altered in that state so do we have an understanding?" I asked the frightened captain.

"Y-yes what do you want."

"I want to know if there is anywhere Celestia won't go and if it is possible to replicate the warship but without weapons, only shields and transport bays understand," I said to her pulling two chairs to a table.

"Well if you don't want cannons the ship should be easy to replicate with the right runes and some floatstone which by the way is very rare," She said.

"Is there a way to create massive amounts of electronic energy?"

"Lightning runes can focus ambient magic into gems filling them with lightning energy which can be embedded in weapons."

"Now my question about Celestia?"

"She knows most if not everything that goes on in Equestria and other nations using her magic to set up monitor runes that send her important information but she hasn't explored past a small island in the ocean and past that is unknown."

"So first thing to build is the transport then we go to the sea," I mumbled.

"If your trying to hide the unknown lands is a good idea but even if they are unknown there are still the legends,"

"Legends?" I asked wondering what she meant.

"Crumbling towers and ancient golems carrying massive weapons the area was said to be inhabited by apes of some kind that built their homes within the ruins and worshiped the dead race as their Gods a race that possed powers making Celestia look like a child."

"We are definitely going there," I said hearing of the towers. "Sunny I have a deal for you if you continue to be useful you won't find yourself tied up in the guard barracks understand?"

"Yes sir," she said quickly. "Get your engineers and anyone here who you believe to be helpful and use anything we have to offer to make me a machine capable of producing massive amounts of electricity."

"So a massive lightning gem with extreme amounts of power?"

"Yes now go Omega lead her to her ship."

"Come Sunny," said the floating drone as it hovered off the pony in tow.

"Ahhh," I sighed tiredly and retired to my room. "Sleeping time," I said as I fell asleep before I hit the bed.

(POV Omega)

While Ausar slept I drew up plans for a massive generator that would power six turbines that would lift the transport ship into the air. The ship which had yet to be named was made of wood, unlike the large warship which was made of metal. I had a group of ponies assisting me along with Zulu who was watching the ponies as they connected multiple lines.

"Ok, so you want the energy to be dispersed between the six turbines and the lights throughout the ship?"

"That is correct," I replied.

"We will have to stop every six to eight hours to let the magical batteries recharge but once we reach the ocean keeping ourselves afloat should be easy just add buoyancy charms."

"I hope this is going to be well made because you will be on board," he paled at this erasing multiple runes and replacing them. "Zulu watch them I have a patient to attend to," I floated off to the medical room where Ausar was floating in a tank of gel-like liquid with a mask on his face.

"Omega," he said through the speakers. "Are you ready?"

"Yes sir you will be put to sleep during the operation please do not worry."

"I trust you Omega I am sure you will do me no harm," he said as he fell asleep and multiple robotic arms moved around in the tank cutting into his body.

"Do not worry sir no harm shall be done."