Water Conservation

by NightCoreMoon

First published

Equestria Girls. Drunk on AJ’s hard cider, Rainbow and Pinkie make a mess and need to clean up. They shower together. One thing leads to another. Friendship followed immediately by mindless plot-irrelevant smut. Unapologetic PinkieDash shower sex.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack have been friends for a long time. They frequently make it a time to hang out, play video games, and get drunk. One day things get a little out of hand, and an accident with a vacuum cleaner (as well as Applejack being completely unconscious in the next room) leads to a heartfelt confession... and steamy PinkieDash shower sex.


My first smut fic for this fandom. Rainbow and Pinkie are both of age. No kinks or fetishes to speak of, just two girls having sex in the shower. Questionable consent by technicality because of slight inebriation but since when has that gotten in the way of smut?

EDIT: Will be continued in an AU fic separate from the rest of the chronology.

EDIT: New cover photo added. Despite the human skin color of the photo, characters in the fic have the same skin color as in the films. If the current photo is too racy for the mods, I will change it back.

It's Better for the Environment

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Two girls stood in a cloud of flour, glitter, and enough concentrated dust to actively kill someone with allergies. One was glaring at the other, who bore a sheepish smirk on her now-brown face.

“I... guess that wasn't how you open the vacuum cleaner?” Pinkie Pie nervously supplied.

“No,” came Rainbow Dash’s blunt reply. “No, that isn't.” She brushed off her hoodie of as much of the foreign contaminant as she could, but it was to no avail. “This is not coming out any time soon. I really liked this jacket.”

“It can be saved!” Pinkie cried. “Somehow. I'm sure. We’ll just call Rarity!”

“Uh huh.” She shrugged as she slipped the article off, revealing her simple black tank top underneath. “I'm real sure she’ll be more than happy to do that considering how often I already call her over for things like that in the first place.”

“Yeah, exactly!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes before glancing down at the rest of the pair’s clothes. Everything was absolutely saturated. Her own baggy black gym shorts with the rainbow lightning bolt on the side and her brand new athletic socks were stained brown, and Pinkie’s jeans, blue and yellow fuzzy socks, and hot pink v neck t shirt didn't fare too much better.

“So do you have spare clothes here too?” Rainbow asked, reaching down to pull off her socks. “I've got stuff here, but it's... not gonna fit you. Same with AJ’s stuff.”

Pinkie ran her hands through her long curls, releasing the dust, before responding. “I think I’ve got pajamas. They're in AJ’s room. You think she's still sleeping?”

“She's gonna be out all night,” the athlete answered, draping her socks over her arm to join the hoodie. “I told her that those last two shots were a bad idea.”

“Well it's not all her fault, Dashie,” Pinkie defended, shoving the appliance that caused this catastrophe into the pantry where she’d retrieved it. “You did dare her to kiss me. You know how she feels about that.”

Rainbow sighed. “I don't get straight people. Uh. No offense... but it was just gonna be a kiss, I didn't dare you guys to fuck or anything. I just wanted to lighten up the mood!” She didn't notice Pinkie’s brief grimace.

“Well...” the party girl proposed. “Would you kiss a boy if someone dared you to?”


“Okay, fair point,” Rainbow ceded. “Still, it's not my fault she's a lightweight and can't hold her liquor.”

The pair made their way from the kitchen through the dining and living rooms and into Applejack’s bedroom. There the farmer lay sprawled, snoring, Stetson hat tipped over her head.

“Guess we’re not sleeping on the bed tonight,” Pinkie stated. “But that's fine, the pullout is comfy.”

“I wouldn't know,” Rainbow answered as she opened her designated drawer in Applejack’s dresser. Rifling through for a set of underwear and pajamas, she continued. “If I'm not sleeping in the bed with her, I'm on the floor in a bag or on top of the couch. It's too much work to move the coffee table every time I wanna sleep.”

Pinkie stepped past her and into the closet, snagging a plastic bag that was hanging around a coat hanger. She pulled its contents out to reveal a white cotton set of bra and panties and a loose, red, sleeveless tank top emblazoned ‘Slipknot’.

“What is that, Dashie, like. Five times a day?”

“Fuck off Pinkie,” she said with a grin. “I took three naps in a day one time back in middle school, and I can't live it down?”


Rainbow rolled her eyes again before settling on an outfit: dark grey boyshorts, a black sports bra, and a pair of long light grey sweatpants. She glanced at the clothes in her other arm and shrugged before plopping them in Applejack’s laundry hamper.

“I'll do laundry in the morning,” she said, before turning and heading back out into the living room. “I'm too buzzed to know if I'll do it right.”

“I feel fine,” Pinkie replied, following her friend. “And I drank more than you.”

“Yeah yeah,” Rainbow casually dismissed. “I get it, I’m tiny.”

Back in the kitchen, Pinkie sat on the counter. “Plus we probably shouldn't run the laundry if we’re gonna shower and get this gunk out of our everything.”

Rainbow shrugged as she continued on her way to the bathroom. “Yeah, probably. She doesn't have that big of a water heater. You see, that's what I mean!” At her destination now, she set her clothes on the closed lid of the toilet. “I'm too drunk to have thought of that, meanwhile you're totally fine and thinking like- uh... Pinkie?” She asked to the empty room.

Rainbow stepped back into the kitchen to see that Pinkie was on her cell phone. “Hey,” she said, getting her friend’s attention. “You coming?”

Pinkie looked up, confusion plastered on her face. “What do you mean?” She asked. “I thought you were going first, since you made a beeline there and everything.”

This time it was Rainbow’s turn to be confused. “What do you mean?”

Pinkie cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean what do I mean?”

Rainbow facepalmed. “I mean what do you mean by you thought I was going first?”

Pinkie set her phone down before sliding back off the counter so her feet were on the tiles. “Well. Aren't you gonna shower first?” She asked, before putting one hand on the back of her neck and the other on her hip. “And then when there's enough hot water I'll go in?”

Rainbow put two fingers on either side of her temples. “Okay... I'm not quite getting what you’re asking. Keep in mind I'm full of cider and vodka.”

The girls were silent for nearly a full minute. A car zoomed by on the country road. Pinkie’s phone buzzed. She turned her head slightly to glance at it before turning back to Rainbow and puzzling.

“Dashie, we’ve gotta shower.” She said, slowly, cautiously. “And you went in first. So you're going to go first. And then I'll take my turn. I don't know what you're confused by and it's making me like. Double confused.”

Rainbow snapped her fingers and jolted her eyes open. “OH!” She cried. “Taking turns! That's what you meant!” She laughed for a moment before clearing her throat. “I get it now.”

“Uh... okay, now I'm triple confused.” Pinkie responded. “Why did you not know I was talking about taking turns?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I don't know,” she said. “I just kinda assumed we’d do it at the same time. I don't exactly shower solo a lot. Mostly I use the ones at school, in the locker rooms. I told you, I'm drunk.”

Pinkie started blushing as Rainbow continued.

“But yeah, AJ’s shower’s big enough for two people. She and I wash each other’s hair after workouts and stuff, when we’re too sore to do it ourselves. Long hair problems; only reason I haven't chopped it all off yet is that's what everyone else is doing. But regardless, I forgot you're not AJ.”

“Wait,” Pinkie interrupted. “You mean, like. You and AJ have... showered together?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Y...yeah. I mean. That's what I said, isn't it?”

Pinkie started wringing her hands together. “And... She's fine with that?”

Rainbow started massaging her forehead as she felt a headache coming on. “Why wouldn't she be fine with that, Pinkie?” She asked. “We’re friends.”

“Well yeah, but...” Pinkie faltered and bit her lip before continuing. “It isn't awkward because you're... you know?”

Rainbow’s eyes snapped open again. “Ohh...” she muttered. “You think- oh my gosh!” She started cackling.

Pinkie merely stood waiting for the laughter to die down, wondering at the joke she apparently missed.

“Pinkie,” Rainbow gasped as her spate abated. “Applejack is not my type. My type is more like... I don't know. I don't really have a type. I have more of a not-type. AJ’s attractive, you know, but she's not really my definition of sexy. But like. The girls of Crystal Prep? Rrrowr! Schoolgirl skirts and thigh highs, that's what I’m into, at least right now, you know?”


“But yeah, I'm not like. Sexually attracted to her or anything. But even if I was, you know, I may be gay but I'm not a creep. I think Fleetfoot’s super hot and we shower together after soccer practice. But when you're showering, that's like. It's a different kind of naked, you know?”


“And I know that some gay girls are different. Some girls are really nervous and uncomfortable and stuff about nudity and stuff. But like. For me, it's like, I've been in sports and stuff for years now. Since before puberty and stuff. I grew up around naked girls, and I always saw it as normal. It's just a body. Artists paint naked people all the time and nobody freaks out. Or at least, nobody important. When I eventually found out I was gay, a couple years ago, I was just like. Huh. That makes sense.”


“So yeah. AJ gets that. We get dressed in front of each other, we work out together, we take showers together. That’s why it's not awkward for us. That's I guess why I just assumed it would be the same with you. But I shouldn't have done that, since you two are different people, so like. Sorry and stuff. So yeah, we can take turns if you're not chill with sharing. You can go first, too, since it takes forever to warm back up again.”

Pinkie stayed silent, fidgeting, not moving. She was looking down at the floor, and Rainbow didn't know for how long she was doing so.

“Ah shit,” she muttered. “TMI?”

Pinkie nodded her head slightly.

“You okay?”

“Dashie, I-” Pinkie looked up, and her eyes were shining. Her lip started quivering, and she looked like she was about to cry.

“Pinks, what's up?” She asked, panic drenching her voice. “What’d I say? Whatever it is I'm sorry I said it!”

“No, Dashie, it's... I...” she closed her mouth and put her hands covering it.

Rainbow stepped forward and pulled Pinkie into a hug. She hesitantly accepted it, and wrapped her arms around Rainbow’s waist. She held on tightly, before letting go and taking a step back, unable to look at Rainbow directly.

“You should go first, Pinkie,” she said. “The hot water should do you go-”

“I'm pan.”

Silence rang in the room.

Rainbow worked her jaw.


Pinkie wiped her eyes with the first knuckles of her thumb and forefinger before she felt Rainbow hugging her again.

“Well that makes sense.” she stated. “That’s, like. Liking everyone, right? Guys and girls?”

Pinkie nodded.

“Well, this doesn't change anything for me, you know?” Rainbow continued. “You're still one of my best friends. Is that why you were freaking out about us showering together?”


Rainbow shrugged. “So like. You're worried about making me feel weird even though I'm gay too?”

“Well I already kinda knew that you were okay with the locker rooms. I just didn't know you were okay with being that vulnerable and intimate with your closer friends.”

“...dude, it's just showering.”

“I know!” Pinkie cried. “I just. You know how I feel about my body,” she muttered, rubbing her hand on her stomach. “I just feel like. It's okay for you to see me like that, because I know I'm probably not your type either, but... you are. Mine, I mean. I think you're really pretty, Dashie. It's like. You and AJ are really strong and thin and I'm... not.”


“And I don't wanna lose you as a friend by doing or saying anything weird or creepy, so I thought I should tell you that I like girls and you so that you don't think I'm trying to trick you into a situation where I get to see you naked or anything because I really don't wanna do that to you and make you feel bad since you're a lot more attractive than I am so-”

“Pinkie!” Rainbow shouted, cutting off the monologue.

“You're a good person,” she continued, now that Pinkie was silent. “I know you're not gonna do that. I mean, I know that a lot of people really dig me, I just didn't know you were one of them since I thought you were straight. But that's totally fine. I don't care if the whole world sees me naked because I'm proud of my body. I put a lot of work into it. It won't make me feel weird at all.

“But with that being said, you shouldn't feel bad about your own body. Yeah, you're a little thick, but you know what, everybody is a little bit! Fluttershy, Rarity, probably even Sunset Shimmer. Maybe not Twilight, but... whatever, she's one person. And as for that whole ‘your body is better than mine’ thing, that's a load of crap. I think you're pretty sexy yourself. Just because I'm tall and skinny doesn't mean that I think that's the only body type that's attractive. So like. Even if you are into girls and think I'm hot stuff too, it still doesn't change my mind about being chill with showering with you.”

Pinkie was silent for a minute, before...

“You... you think I'm sexy?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and smiled. “Of course I do, Pinks. Why else do you think you're the only person other than my parents, Fluttershy, and the squirt who I let hug me without an emergency?”

Pinkie held her tighter at that.

“But yeah, only reason I never asked if you'd wanna fuck is because I thought you were straight.”

Pinkie’s pulse skyrocketed at this.

“So, like...” Rainbow inquisited. “You still wanna take turns and stuff for showering? Because if so, you can totally go first if you want.”

Pinkie bit her lip at this before stepping back away, still appearing nervous. Rainbow crossed her arms as she awaited the inevitable response.

“I mean... if you're okay with it... we could still do it together. If you want.”

“Geez, you sound like Fluttershy,” Rainbow teased. “But yeah, it doesn't bother me at all. Plus, water conservation. It's better for the environment.”

“Omg Dashie XD”

Rainbow leaned back at this for a moment. “How... how did you do that with your mouth...?”


“Nothing.” She quickly responded before heading directly into the bathroom. Now hopefully free of any last remaining drama, she found herself finally able to just get ready to clean this muck and filth off of her skin. She gripped her tank top by the bottom of the fabric and pulled it up her torso and over her head, before hearing a gasp behind her.

“Oh, uh...”

Rainbow gave a small smile to her flustered friend. “What?” she asked. “Never seen boobs before?”

Pinkie turned her eyes to stare intently at the toilet. “I've seen mine. And some stuff in movies.”

Rainbow’s smile disappeared. “Oh...”

Pinkie looked Rainbow in the eyes. “My family is really conservative, Dashie. I was bathing myself alone when I was three years old. I just never really was in a situation where I, you know...”

Rainbow nodded in understanding. “I get it. This all makes a lot more sense now, and I'm not even sober right now. And when I am, I'll probably be understanding a whole lot more about you too. That's okay, by the way. I'm... not really good at this.”

“It's okay, Dashie,” she replied. “I'm just glad that you're my friend.”

“Me too.”

The girls turned to look at the shower. True to form it was big enough for two people, and doubled as a bathtub. It had a very minimalist aesthetic. Simple white inlay at the bottom, gold painted brass door catchers and handle, and a simple showerhead that just pointed and sprayed. The walls, painted light brown, tied the palette together somewhat. Rarity would probably faint at the sight though.

There was no shower curtain, and the doors were clear glass. It laid against the far wall of the room, with the toilet and sink (both also plain and white) along the left wall, and a towel rack on the right, past where the door opens. On the white tile floor was a plain white ovular bathmat with what else but an apple pattern sewn in along the edge. In all, it wasn't anything to write home about.

Rainbow slid open one door and turned the cold water on all the way. She pulled at the stopper in the lower faucet, and shifted the flow to the upper head. Once this was done, she cranked the hot water to max, and stepped back. She turned to face Pinkie, who was paying great attention to the towel rack.

“It isn't too late to back out, you know,” Rainbow gently assuaged. “Like I said, it’s not a big deal for me, but if it is for you-”

“I just don't wanna stare.” Pinkie interrupted, not daring to move her sight an inch. “I know I will so I'll just face away from you...”

“What's wrong with looking?” the taller of the pair asked. “I'm not an exhibitionist or anything, but if you wanna look then I don't give a fuck. You're not some creepy dude. I trust you.”

Pinkie bit her lip. “Are you sure?”

Rainbow sighed before taking one of Pinkie’s hands in her own, and bringing it to her breast. “Yeah,” she firmly stated. “I'm sure.”

Slowly, Pinkie turned to look at her hand, which had involuntarily clenched. She quickly snapped her gaze up to Rainbow’s, and beheld her warm and compassionate smile.

“There you go,” Rainbow intoned. “You've stared at my tits, and you've groped me. Do I look bothered?”

Pinkie merely shook her head no.

“So quit buggin’ out. Tell whatever voice in your head that's being a dick to fuck off. We’re just gonna take a shower, then we’re gonna make dinner, then we’re gonna play Star Destroyer, and we’re gonna have a good time doing it. Okay?”


“By the way, you can let go any time.”

Pinkie finally noticed that Rainbow’s hands were firmly planted on her hips, and that her own hand was still on her friend’s chest. She ripped away the offending appendage and felt her cheeks color some more. Rainbow chuckled at this.

“Alright, I'm gonna take my shorts off and get in,” she said as she did so. “If you wanna get in after me then you can, and if you don't then don't. If you do, I'll fix the temperature to whatever you want.”

Pinkie watched as Rainbow began turning the cold water down, little by little. She made sure to keep her eyes zeroed in firmly on the temperature controls and not on her-

“But not if it's ice or boiling.”

Pinkie gulped before she brought her hands to her waist. She briefly thought about leaving the room and just waiting for later. It would've been so easy to do so. And yet, something stopped her. That something may or may not have been the sexy soccer/tennis/volleyball/basketball player standing wet and naked not ten feet from her.

She felt her fists ball up. This is stupid. Why the heck is she freaking out so much? She’d fucked teenage boys with the same hesitation it took her to eat a triple chocolate cupcake with extra sprinkles, so why was she freaking out so much over having a simple shower with a really close friend? Is it because Dashie was a girl too? Shouldn't that make it less weird?

Yes, surely! They had the same parts, same brain chemistry. They had cuddled together, gone to school together, eaten meals and spent the holidays together. They formed a rock band, and made a rainbow fight magic dragons from another dimension. They were practically sisters, so there shouldn't be any reason whatsoever why she was freaking out!

Pinkie glanced over at Rainbow, who was still adjusting the water. She felt her eyes travel up and down the curves of her body, the perfectly sculpted muscle of a sports superstar... Oh yeah. Right.

It wasn't going to be innocent at all, was it? They were gay. She couldn't have an innocent shower with a man she found attractive who also found her attractive, right? There was one pretty big indication of that not happening. And despite the fact that female arousal is quite a bit less visibly intense and noticeable than male, it still existed.

And yeah, Rainbow didn't care. She'd even said it before, that she’d taken innocent showers with people she thought were sexy. Even seemingly reserved people like Appeljack. But Dashie was super okay with casual nudity since she was like eight, so it was different! Miles away from Pinkie herself.

She’d never really seen another girl naked before. At least, not in person. And now, she had one standing right in front of her? This was weird. It felt wrong. And yet...

She’d seen several naked guys before. They had sex. Some of them several times. According to some translations of all those ancient backwater religious texts that some people still read, that was just as wrong as even having attractions to other girls in the first place. So she already broke those lame rules. Not that those rules even had any power anymore in the first place. But yeah, this whole crisis is stupid!

Who cares if she thought Dashie was hot? Dashie thought that she was hot, apparently, and was subsequently fine with this. Why couldn't she be too? Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? What, she’ll stare? She’d stared out the corner of her eye before, and granted Dashie was wearing at least some clothes then, at least underwear or a swimsuit, but now she’d already seen everything so it didn't even matter!

Pinkie took a resolute sigh before gripping the fabric of her shirt. Now or never.

She stripped it off.

“Alright, if you're coming in then grab a washcloth from under the sink.” Rainbow said from behind the shower door. “I'll share the water but I am NOT sharing that.”

Deep breaths. Pinkie set the shirt down on the ground next to Rainbow’s discarded clothes. She reached her hands behind her back to undo her bra clasp, and the light pink fabric loosened around her. She swept the straps off of either shoulder, and set the garment down. This was now the most unclothed she’d ever been around someone she wasn't about to have sex with.

“Huh.” Rainbow muttered to herself, lathering herself up with body wash. “...bigger than I thought you were.”

Next came the pants. Pinkie unbuttoned the front, unzipped, and pulled everything down. Might as well not prolong the inevitable. Pulling first one foot and then the other out, dislodging her socks in the process, Pinkie now stood nude in the bathroom. This... didn't feel weird, actually.

Nudity always felt strange when she was about to have sex. Perhaps that’s what Rainbow meant earlier, that it's a different kind of naked?

Pinkie pulled out a washcloth as she was told. She then stepped towards the shower doors while Rainbow offered a thumbs up with her free hand. She gripped the bar and pulled to the side, all the way until it stopped.

“Come on in,” Rainbow joked. “The water’s fine.”

Pinkie stood across from the toilet in front of the open door, showerhead immediately forward and above. This was it, her last opportunity to turn around. Actually, no, that wasn't entirely true. She was already naked. It would surely be far more embarrassing to put her clothes back on. No, this is it.

She stepped in.

Closing the door behind her, Pinkie examined the interior. There were two corner lips which held a variety of soaps behind plastic bars, and one more multi tiered basket hanging off the showerhead with several hooks, upon which were three poufs- green, yellow, and orange- and a more masculine red one that did exactly the same thing but was probably called something else. There was also a loofah, a scrubbing mitt, a pumice stone, and a drain cap.

There wasn't much else save for Rainbow Dash, who was facing away from the water stream, and in the midst of cleaning her inner thighs. Pinkie blushed at this.

“Temperature all right?” She asked, snapping Pinkie out of her brief reverie.

“Yeah, Dashie,” she responded, holding her free hand in the stream. “It's good.” It was actually a bit on the lukewarm side.

“Alright, cool. You wanna step back for a sec?”

Pinkie nodded and did so as Rainbow rinsed her own washcloth, sending rivulets of dark brown down her skin. She then turned to drape the cloth on the bar, before running her head under the water and dragging her fingers through her hair.

“That's interesting...” Rainbow muttered. “I didn't think you shaved.”

Pinkie blushed. “Y... yeah... a lot of the guys who like me are into that.”

Rainbow shrugged before pulling her head back up and reaching for a shampoo. “I've thought about doing mine in a lightning bolt or something, but that's way too much work for something most people won't see.” She closed her eyes and began rubbing the soap into her scalp. “Plus that's not exactly something you can post online.”

“Probably not,” Pinkie nervously giggled. Her eyes briefly wandered down, wondering absentmindedly how a lightning bolt would look before she snapped her vision back up. She noticed how Rainbow’s stomach and chest tightened as she stretched her arms up, and how taut that made her breasts. And then she snapped her eyes up again.

‘Stop staring!’ She internally yelled at herself.

‘I'm just glancing!’

‘Well stop that!’

‘I CAN’T!’

“Hey Pinks, stay back, I’m rinsing.”

“Okiedokie Dashie.”

She hadn't moved from her previous position anyway. Rainbow turned around before leaning backwards, and letting all the lather be washed down her back and to her-

“Oh boy...”


Pinkie clasped her hands to her mouth. She didn't mean to say that out loud!

Once finished, Rainbow leaned back forward, pulling the wet strands back and out of her face, and wiping the excess water from her eyes.

“I'm gonna switch places with you now so you can clean up while I condition,” Rainbow explained. “Going on the left?”

Pinkie nodded and moved to her designated side, then the two girls shifted around. Their chests and stomachs briefly touched, bringing more warmth to Pinkie’s cheeks.

Rainbow grabbed her conditioner and knelt down so that she was out of the water completely, totally unfazed by the contact. She squeezed a bit into the palm of her hand, then began applying it.

Pinkie forced herself not to glance down, and instead began scanning through the soaps. Strangely enough, not a single one of them were apple scented. She shrugged and took the most full of the bunch, rosemary mint, and put it into her washcloth.

For all intents and purposes this was pretty normal, Pinkie mused. She was just taking a shower in Applejack’s bathroom. And also Rainbow was there. And naked. And wet. Quickly distancing herself from the thoughts, Pinkie started away on cleaning.

“You don’t give yourself enough credit,” Rainbow piped up from the floor. “You really are attractive. You shouldn't beat yourself up over how you look.”

“...thanks Dashie.”

Rainbow nodded. “And I don't just mean to dudes. We all know that guys like you. I can see two reasons right now, heh.” She chuckled at her jest. “But yeah, if you ever wanted to, you could just say the word. I wouldn't date you, because we’re too close, but, you know.”



Rainbow’s eyes widened. “Shit!” she cried. “Was that weird to say?”

“What do you mean?” Pinkie asked. “Ever wanted to what?”

“...wait. Was that an ‘uh what are you talking about’ or was that an ‘uh I'm uncomfortable’?”

“The first one,” Pinkie answered. “I mean, I think I have an idea of what you said but I don't know if that is what you said and I don't wanna assume that you said what I think you said in case I just misunderstood you because what if you said something that I didn't think you said and what I think you said was different than what you think you said and-”

“Hey, calm down,” Rainbow placated. “I just mean that, like. We’re friends, right? I really don't wanna mess with what we have there, you know, so I’m not really saying that I'm gonna date you or anything. But like. If you wanna have, you know, benefits. I'd be down.”

Pinkie cocked her head to the side.

“So, like...” she began. “You mean benefits as in, like. Friends with benefits?” She waited for Rainbow’s nod. “So you’re okay with having sex with someone but still staying just friends after you're done?”

“Well, yeah,” Rainbow replied. “That's kinda what friends with benefits means.”

“...oh!” Pinkie cried. “So that's what that's called! I've got that with a couple guys. I didn't know that that’s what FWB meant.” Her glee over finally having figured out what an elusive term meant dissipated instantly when she realized-

“You'd do that with me?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Um... duh.”

Oh man.

“Well that's neat,” was her only response to this. By now she was finished with the soap, and felt satisfactorily clean. On the outside. She rinsed her cloth.

Rainbow took this to indicate she could stand up, and rinsed the conditioner out of her multicolored coiffure.

“You gonna do your hair?” She asked.

“Y... yes.”

“You okay? You seem a little distracted.”


Rainbow shrugged. “Alright, I guess we’ll do the switch again then, because I'm not gonna spend the rest of this shower on my knees. Left again?”

Pinkie nodded, distracted, and did so again. But this time when they touched, she stopped moving.

“Uh,” Rainbow said. “Stuck?”

“I...” Pinkie chose her next words very carefully. The water beat down on their shoulders.

There was nothing to really lose, except for having sex right now this minute in the shower today. If she didn't ask, it was a 100% chance of no, of just being two friends who showered together and were about to eat and play video games after, but if she did, it was a 50% chance of there also being some extra fun stuff going on the side.

Like, asking for hot fudge on a sundae. If you don't then it's just ice cream and sprinkles and maybe a maraschino cherry on top, and that's totally fine. Ice cream is great. Hot fudge is also great, but it's not totally necessary to have a delicious bowl of icy creamy goodness. But if there was hot fudge available, all one had to do was ask for it to receive it, and if it was denied, oh well.

“Is now a good time?”

Rainbow’s expression was neutral. Unreadable. She blinked, before glancing at the showerhead, then back. A few moments passed, as she felt Pinkie’s rapid heartbeat through their adjacent chests. Finally, she shrugged.

“Sure, why not?” She said before tilting her head slightly to the left and then leaning in to kiss Pinkie.

‘Wow!’ Pinkie thought to herself. ‘That was really easy!’ And with that, she brought her hands up and placed them on Rainbow’s shoulders. Rainbow, in turn, placed her own hands on either side of Pinkie’s face.

Rainbow’s lips shifted themselves, where first they were simply directly on Pinkie’s own, they were now on the crease where lip met cheek.

“Just don't tell AJ.”

Pinkie giggled, smiling against Rainbow’s lips. They weren't exactly the softest in the world but compared to a lot of the boys who had no idea what chapstick was with lips crustier than an overbaked pie, they may as well have been.

“And if you want me to stop, then say so. I only wanna do this if you wanna do it.”

Pinkie nodded before leaning forward and taking her friend’s lower lip in her own. The unspoken ‘that probably won't be a problem’ hung thick in the air like the steam from the water. She slipped her hands midway down Rainbow’s back before turning them to grip her waist.

“Fuck,” the athlete whispered huskily, moving her right hand to Pinkie’s shoulder and her left to Pinkie’s elbow. “Do you know about my thing or is this just for stability?” she asked before moving her right knee between Pinkie’s legs.

“I, uh...” Pinkie gave a nervous laugh. “I kinda know about that because you mentioned it once, and I just thought maybe you'd like it if I did that?” She moved her head back and bit her lip, searching Rainbow’s expression.

“Well, squeeze me like I’m a fucking lemon,” Rainbow demanded. “It gets me hot as hell.” She lunged forward and began sucking on Pinkie’s jaw, gripping her anchor points to have a better angle.

Pinkie whimpered as she did what was asked of her. She sunk her hands deeper into the cyan flesh of her friend’s hips, and in return she felt Rainbow’s leg move higher up, knee approaching her rapidly building heat.


“You like that?” Rainbow asked, voice deep, taking a brief moment to breathe.

Pinkie merely nodded as she continued to grip. “I do... a lot...”

“Good...” Rainbow’s eyes glinted mischievously as she dove back in. She slowly started to rub her inner thigh against Pinkie’s, sliding quickly from the slick patches left by the soap. Each time she came a little further up, and held a little tighter, as their bodies began to slowly rock.

Pinkie instinctively pulled her legs closer together, the tightness making her skin more sensitive to the touch. Just when Rainbow seemed she was about to make contact, she ceased rotation. After just a moment of disappointment, Rainbow started to suck on her neck.

“Ah!” She cried, caught off guard. “That's mean!”

“It's not the journey, it's the destination.”

“Dashie! :( come ooonnn...”

Rainbow stopped for just a moment and furrowed her brow before shrugging. She decided to hold off the mystery of Pinkie doing that with her mouth for the second time by focusing on what she herself was doing with her own. There was time to decode Pinkie later, now was the time to deflower her.

Or at least, to be the first girl to satisfy her.

Pinkie had stopped gripping her hips, which was fine because there wasn’t exactly a time limit, and slid slightly further down, feeling the taut firmness of the sports star’s premium ass. Losing traction, Rainbow moved her hands to the outside of Pinkie’s thighs, and migrated her lips to Pinkie’s collarbones.

“Why does that feel so good...” Pinkie mumbled as she began to melt in the athlete’s touch.

“Probably because by now most dudes have probably blown their load already,” Rainbow joked. “They don’t know the fine art of making girls cum like I do.” She lightly breathed on Pinkie’s neck before bringing her head and hands back up.

“Some guys bring me there...” she defended.

Rainbow brought a rougher kiss to her wet friend as she slid her hands up to Pinkie’s chest. “You're probably the biggest girl I've been with...” she muttered in between breaths, gently squeezing. “You say you're just a single D?”

Pinkie nodded as she brought her own hands to Rainbow’s breasts. “Uh-huh. And you're A?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes as she put her hands lower. “Don't remind me...” she said, catching her breath a little. “I'm glad they don't hurt and I can sleep on my stomach, but...”

“It's okay Dashie,” she said, placing her fingers on the sides of the athletes small, perky nipples. “I've at least heard that smaller ones are more sensitive and stuff. And you're the biggest girl I've ever been with, so...”

Rainbow smiled as her eyes went half-lidded, and she leaned in to kiss Pinkie again. Almost as if on cue, Pinkie gently squeezed and started kneading, and after Rainbow’s quick intake of breath, her fingers migrated southward between her thighs.

Pinkie felt Rainbow’s nipples harden further in her deft fingers, and felt a visitor. She slipped her mouth open, and allowed her friend’s tongue in for tea and biscuits. Pinkie’s own came out to play, timid at first before they came in contact. She only playfully struggled for dominance for a moment before surrendering completely.

Rainbow started stroking at her clit with the middle finger of one hand as the other started fumbling with her entrance. After only a moment she slid inside, and began pumping with two fingers on her other hand, middle and ring. At the same time she explored Pinkie’s mouth, running her tongue along the party girl’s teeth.

Sensing that maybe Rainbow was telling the truth about finding her sexy, Pinkie moved one hand down again to squeeze her hips. She’d never seen any girl orgasm before and was curious as to what Dashie would sound like. She started pushing with her forehead until the back of Rainbow’s head was against the shower doors, and gripped her hip again with a strength rivaling iron.

Rainbow’s stroking became less steady and more frantic, and continued to do so as she pulled her fingers out from inside her. She pulled her tongue back and turned her head to see the sticky residue dripping off of them. Pinkie’s eyes opened to follow her vision, eyes locked on the strands of nectar.

“Wanna taste?” Rainbow asked, breathily.

Pinkie just nodded, hands freezing in place. “Uh-huh...”

Rainbow brought her fingers gently to Pinkie’s lips before, after a light mod in affirmation, slipping them inside. Her other hand never stopped, and her toes started curling. Pinkie started sucking, and after a moment’s hesitation her tongue started to run between them, licking up every last little bit of juice.

“Ya like?” Rainbow asked, pulling out as a strand of saliva separated her hand from Pinkie’s mouth.

“You taste like pennies and red wine,” she remarked, licking her lips. “It's super yummy...” she started working her fingers again, and Rainbow’s knee buckled for a moment.

“Fu...” she placed her hand on Pinkie’s shoulder. “I'm glad you like,” she breathed, stroking further on her swelling jewel. “And I swear I'll return the favor... but right now I gotta cum.”

“Can I help?”

Rainbow nodded. “Just keep at it...” she leaned back, eyes screwed shut as her hand continued to pump. She grit her teeth and started to whine on her exhales, but gently, like an abandoned metal swingset.

Pinkie clamped her iron grip on Rainbow’s hip as her other hand kept working. She alternated between gently squeezing and pulling and just rolling the dark blue nipple between her fingers. An idea came to mind as she saw Rainbow’s open neck, and she decided to return a favor. She leaned in and clamped her lips on the side of her exposed throat, sucking on her skin.

Rainbow’s little whimper changed to that of a small tea kettle in the next room, broken only by the shuddering gasps she took in so she didn't pass out. She brought her free hand to stimulate her ignored tit, matching Pinkie’s movements to a T. Her other was now somehow more soaked than the rest of her body, and moving faster than she would on the soccer field.

“Pinkie...” she uttered through clenched teeth as her legs started shaking. Pressure building up in her belly started coiling up like a snake about to pounce, wet heat on her hand reminiscent of the little patches you slip into your gloves during the dead of winter.

She reached the top of the first crest at a roller coaster, and teetered at the top. For only a moment she felt as if she were going to slowly back down the way she came, but when she let out a solid whine nearly at a pitch only Winona could hear, Pinkie took that moment to squeeze both hips at the same time, and pushed her over the edge.

“FUUUuUUUCK!” She screamed, voice cracking midway through. She dropped, electricity climbing up through her belly and up her back, tickling the back of her scalp. Goosebumps raced from her shoulders down her arms. Her legs wobbled, turned to jelly, as she leaned forward and rested her body on Pinkie’s, catching her breath.

The orgasm continued to tear through her body, rising and falling and rippling pure pleasure to her extremities. Her fingers slowed massively down, stroking gently and milking her pearl for the last ounces she could get. The feeling fell away, and left a stupid grin on her face.

“That was good...” she muttered, bringing her arms forward to rest on Pinkie’s hips. The afterglow settled in, endorphins and the hot water threatening to bring her comatose. “I haven't cum that hard in months.”

“I'm glad I helped, Dashie,” Pinkie replied, her own lonely pussy begging for attention. “But, uh...”

Rainbow merely nodded as she bent down to her knees. “I know, I know...” she licked her lips in anticipation. “I just went first because I don't plan on you being able to walk after this.”

“Oh... okay.” Her voice quivered with anticipation.

Rainbow grabbed her hair and draped it to the right so the water didn't pool into her ear. After it was secured, she spread her knees so they were outside Pinkie’s feet, and slowly brought her fingers up the girl's legs. They stopped just before the hot velvet, hovering for a minute.

With greatly exaggerated slowness, Rainbow brought her mouth to the left thigh. Well, her left. Stage left. She placed a gentle kiss, unbecoming of her usual approach, knowing it was her friend’s first time having a girl perform cunnilingus on her. Actually...

“Hey, Pink?”

“Hmm?” She replied, laborious.

“Ever been eaten out before?”

“N... no.” She answered, voice falling. “I've given head to guys, but none of them ever wanted to do it to me.”

Rainbow grit her jaw for a moment, eyes darkening as she thought of them, but in an instant an evil smirk crawled across her face. She was gonna be the first one to ever taste Pinkie’s juices. Awesome!

“Hold on tight,” she said, before exhaling gently on the fuchsia mass. “I'm about to ruin you on guys forever.”

Before Pinkie could follow the directions, Rainbow slowly dragged her tongue across her clit. The pleasure was electric, pulsing up her spine, but was gone as quick as it had arrived. Then, when she felt a second round, she composed herself enough to grab for the shower door, knuckles turning white as the feeling repeated.

Rainbow gently stroked across the flower, tongue quickly growing moist from more than just her saliva. She’d tasted a lot of pussy, of varying taste. Her favorite by far was Misty Fly, which had a vague vanilla flavor, and her least was Upper Crust which was practically mildew. But Pinkie?

Cinnamon and peaches.

Fucking delicious.

She moaned in exaltation, as she put her whole mouth over the girl’s vagina. Her tongue made another lap trying to gain entrance to her temple, desperate for more ambrosia. She was denied, so tried swiping the warm nub again. More leaked out, and Rainbow swirled her tongue around to get the taste to encompass her entire mouth.

“Nnngg... Dashie...”

With her lower lip, Rainbow latched onto the lowest part of the snatch, determined not to let anything escape her. This was HERS. Hers alone. She pressed in on Pinkie’s labia with her tongue again, and the doors opened slightly. She was rewarded with more tasty treat, and opted to massage the doorbell some more.

It was at this time she brought her right thumb in, stroking the top of the bean, as her tongue continued its crusade. Slowly but surely she made more progress, and eventually she made it inside, stroking the walls for as much as she could taste. And by the Creator there was a lot of it.

Pinkie continued to whimper and fight the urge to kick out. It was like tendrils of pure raw sex crawled up her belly and spread out to every extremity. She dared to take one hand and massage one firm nipple, adding further depth to the experience. One thing was for sure, she was definitely enjoying this almost as much as a penis.

And then Rainbow started using her other hand.

Somehow she managed to position it so that two fingers were probing the entrance, keeping it slick and smooth enough for her tongue to piston inside and find the spot. Her thumb continued to run circles around the clit, and the stream of juices pooled in the back of Rainbow’s throat.

She swallowed a little bit at a time, the viscous syrup crawling down her throat. She felt her heat build up again, and ran into a conundrum. Her hands were both occupied. Thinking quickly, she repositioned her leg so that her heel was just under her own sex, and she started rubbing up against it. Satisfied, she devoted herself to the search.

“Ooohhh...” Pinkie started to squirm, and gently rock her hips. Rainbow’s tongue definitely wasn't as long as a dick, but it was about as wide as many she had dealt with... it was long enough though, almost at the spongy flesh if only she hit in at the right angle.

Rainbow meanwhile busied herself with her quest. She had swallowed an entire mouthful of sweet sticky honey and still had more coming. Pun entirely intended. She also got into a nice groove, foot becoming almost as slick as her fingers were getting.

At this point her tongue didn't need any help at all making it in and out of Pinkie’s lubricated vulva. She took her two fingers and took them off their post, relieving them of their duty and sticking them inside her mouth under her tongue. She slid them past her teeth, imbuing her cheeks with the taste. Still, her valorous tongue pumped.

“Dashie, I’m...” Pinkie started to pant, jerking her hips. She managed to press forward into the shower door, lodging her ass firmly against the shower wall. She wasn't gonna buck Rainbow off and get in the way of what she knew was going to probably be her biggest orgasm ever. And that was before Rainbow found her G-spot.

She made a positive affirmation with her throat before pressing in harder, mouth now encompassing the entire yoni, tongue trying to trace what of the alphabet she could. As she went on, Pinkie’s breathing got more and more frantic and labored, and her legs started to tremble.

Rainbow brought her fingers out of her mouth to get more distance, and started stroking her own sweet spot again. The last remaining essence intermingled with her own to create a veritable cocktail of pleasure. She was close. They both were.

She metaphorically cracked her knuckles and prepared her signature move, the one that was sure to make this day a night for her to remember.

Pinkie started mewling, and every muscle in her body clenched as she felt Rainbow literally ripple her tongue inside her pussy. It was like her toy with the ridges, but it just kept going. Her orgasm long waiting was finally approaching, and she could tell that it was going to be big.

She abandoned her breast in favor of simply latching onto something, which happened to be a bar on one of the corner lips of the shower. She pressed forward, entrenching against the wall at her back, and started spastically thrusting her hip. Rainbow, however, used her powerful arm muscle to press her tummy back and hold her in place.

Unable to move, Pinkie simply settled on a whine that gradually increased in volume. It started lilting, and her breathing got heavier and faster. She leaned her head back, letting the water cascade over her breasts, pressure adding just the lightest further bit of stimulation to her nipples. But it was enough.

Rainbow’s tongue got trapped by Pinkie’s kegels as the orgasm shook her. No sound came out her mouth at first, just a long, tight exhale. She had locked against the wall as a tidal wave crashed through her body from her scalp to her toes. Her eyes rolled back into her head as boiling heat crawled from her belly to the back of her throat.

And still Rainbow’s thumb kept working, drawing it out for as long as possible, as her fingers worked herself. After the exact right amount of time had passed, and her tongue was freed, she jerked her head back and immediately brought her fingers up, slick from their combined all-natural lube.

She stuck three fingers in this time, confident by the measurements she had taken with her tongue earlier that this was the right amount. She dug in straight to the G-spot, and gently tapped it once for a tiny spike to prepare Pinkie for what was next. For exactly one second, before she tried to summon a genie inside the velvet catacombs.

Pinkie shrieked, gasped for breath and shrieked again, then did so one more time, third one fading into a moan as she coasted on the last wave of pure unadulterated sexual climax. During this time Rainbow brought herself to a much smaller but still somewhat satisfying orgasm with her foot, grinning stupidly as she watched Pinkie’s breasts jiggle from her shuddering breaths.

The grin faded in an instant when Pinkie threatened to collapse. Rainbow quickly moved to her knees to grab her friend’s body by her back and shoulders, before gently setting her down on the floor, head under the showerhead and out of the stream. Pinkie was still unfocused and beaming.

Rainbow nodded her head and smiled as she joined her companion, letting the girl wrap her arms around herself. There were worse fates than being held against boobs as nice as hers were.



“...what do I taste like?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes as she brought her spent fingers to the girl's mouth. She slipped them in and chuckled as Pinkie sucked on them with gusto. She slurped a little, strengthening Rainbow’s laughter. But then...

“Pinkie,” she asked. “Are you trying to deepthroat my hand?”

Pinkie’s eyes snapped open, looked down, and then gently spit Rainbow’s hand out, blushing furiously.


Rainbow simply rolled her eyes again and moved her hand down to her own clit, gently stroking it. Pinkie’s boobs were very big and squishy, after all.

“How are ya feeling?” She asked.

Pinkie merely hummed.

“So uh... wanna do this again sometime?”

Pinkie hummed again.

“Sweet.” Rainbow adjusted her position so she could reach her other hand up to fondle Pinkie. She didn't exactly get much chance to do so. Her eyes glanced down at the other one and with no hesitation, she put her mouth around the areola.

Pinkie was too drained to care, or even react.

Rainbow sucked at the nipple, running her tongue over and around it. She pressed in, squishing the tissue inside, and rubbed her face over it. She had been wanting to do this for years, and was not about to let the opportunity elude her. She would never admit it but she thought Pinkie had the best boobs in all of Canterlot high... besides Principal Celestia, of course. One day.

After a few minutes of playing around, she hit her third and weakest orgasm of the night. Still, even a weak one was better than none. Sometimes.

The girls simply laid together for a bit, and nearly dozed off if not for the water eventually turning to ice on their feet. They were instantly awake and Rainbow frantically grappled her hand free to hit the water controls and turn it all off.

“Guess we’ll need to shower in the morning, huh?” Rainbow suggested, sitting up.

Pinkie brushed her hair out of her eyes and nodded, trying to stand up. Her legs were still a little weak but they could still support her regardless. Rainbow was there on her feet ready to help if she wasn't, anyway.

“Let’s eat something other than pussy now,” Rainbow joked, sliding open the door. “Sex always makes me hungry.”

“Me too...” Pinkie replied, dreamily. “But then again I'm always in the mood for cupcakes.”

“We’ll get cupcakes tomorrow, I promise.” Rainbow grabbed two towels, handing one over and wrapping the other around her hair. “Right now we should probably just get dressed.”

“Aww, do we have to?” Pinkie fake whined, hugging her friend from behind.

“We can hang out naked at my house, not AJ’s.”


The two finished drying off their bodies before getting dressed. Rainbow pulled on her sweats as Pinkie slipped on her shirt, and with a nod the two opened the door only to reveal an irked Applejack with crossed arms, tapping her foot impatiently.



‘I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm fucking dead-’

‘I wonder what kind of cupcakes I'm gonna have tomorrow...’

“Y'all...” Applejack said, voice low, stepping towards them.

Rainbow gulped.

“...take way too long in the shower, I've had to pee for ten minutes!” And with that she shoved past the two and slammed the door.

Rainbow let out the breath she'd been holding and wiped her brow. Pinkie giggled as she trounced off into the kitchen.

“Also this house ain't soundproof!”

Rainbow’s eye twitched.

