Fluttershy Discovers BDSM

by Dandereshy

First published

Fluttershy finally gets the courage to invite her stallion of choice over, unbeknownst to her that she'd soon discover another sexual fantasy...

Fluttershy has fully embraced her sexuality, and, despite fearing the outcome, invites her crush over for dinner. Of course, things get saucy, and Fluttershy soon learns she has yet another hidden kink...

All Tied Up

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"Angel, honey, why won't you go?' Fluttershy inquired of the little white bunny pouting on the floor before her. He huffed and turned away from his owner, folding his forelegs across his chest in defiance.

Fluttershy just wanted to get him to the vet for his monthly check-up, but as with just about everything else, he refused to cooperate.It was no matter though, as Fluttershy could usually bribe him into things.

Fluttershy gave a heavy sigh. "Fine, have it your way. If you don't want to go, you don't have to go." She sat on the couch resignedly.

Angel gave a curt nod and squeaked in agreement. He started to hop off when he heard a muted sniffle from behind him. When he stopped and turned back to his owner, she was gently crying, holding her hooves to her face to conceal the tears. Feeling a pang of guilt, Angel rushed back to her and placed a reassuring paw on one of her dangling hind legs.

Fluttershy peered down at him, her eyes moist with tears. "Oh, hey Angel. I'm just a bit worried that if you don't see the vet, you might get ill from something. Or worse! You could... I don't wanna think about it... " She buried her face in her hooves again and gave a few sniffles.

Angel gave an exasperated sigh and motioned for her to come with him to the vet.

Fluttershy's demeanor changed in an instant. She perked up and grinned happily down at the little bunny. "You'll go? Thank you, thank you, thank you Angel! It's only for your own benefit and my conscience, obviously, but mostly for your own benefit, I promise!" She scooped him up and fled the cottage with him cradled in in her forelegs like a baby.

Angel quickly regretted his decision to give in.

Once Fluttershy and Angel had gotten there, the doctor had discovered something that needed to be checked overnight, and so Angel was kept there under close supervision. Fluttershy was assured that it was nothing bad, but that it did need to be monitored for just the night.

Upon coming back home to her comfy tree-cottage, Fluttershy prepared herself some tea and retrieved a book from under the sofa that she was reading. Since it was still pretty early in the day, she decided she had time to enjoy some literature for a bit before getting back to her chores. It was just a little romance novel Twilight had given her. Fluttershy was about halfway through the book, to the part where the protagonist mare had invited her crush over for dinner.

Lounging out with her legs crossed across the cushions and the cup of tea resting on a small platter in her lap, Fluttershy flipped the novel open to where she'd left off and began reading.

The chapter began with the young mare feeling a bit lonely in her cozy little home on the outskirts of town. With nopony there with her and nothing to do, she got to thinking about the stallion she developed feelings for in her town. He was a brawny, hardworking, yet quiet stallion whom she'd only met on occasions. He wasn't exactly a friend of hers, but she certainly did enjoy his company. However she wasn't sure if he enjoyed hers, which bothered her greatly.

Realizing how strongly she felt for him, and her desire to learn his feelings for her, she goes out into town and leaves an invitation letter on his doorstep, hoping that later that night, he'd come to her place for dinner.

Fluttershy found herself drifting off into her own thoughts, and at the center of those thoughts was how well she and this mare in the book related.

First of all, Fluttershy had a crush of her own here in Ponyville. She'd never confessed this to anypony, even her closest of friends, but there was somepony who probably had an idea. Considering how little she and this stallion interacted, she considered it near impossible to ever confront her feelings for him and ask him out on a date. It just seemed too unlikely. However, with her recent lewd behavior, she did feel a bit more confident on the subject.

Putting all her reverie aside with a shake of her head, Fluttershy returned her attention back to the novel.

The mare was surprised to hear a knock at her door at eight o' clock sharp, as the invitation called for. It was clear this stallion indeed had similar feelings for her as she did for him.

Fluttershy realized she was holding her breath and took a couple deep ones to make up for it, then began reading again.

The mare invited the stallion in, and they talked for a bit before having dinner. It seemed innocent enough until the mare found herself all...

...Hot and bothered.

Fluttershy blushed and clenched her legs together a bit tighter. For whatever reason, this story was getting to her, and really making her think about her crush. She pushed the thoughts roaming around her head away and resumed the story.

After the couple had dinner, they begin talking idly before the mare loses control of herself just for a moment, planting her lips on the stallion's. It seemed to stay innocent enough until the stallion pushed her back on the bed, laying on her and making out with her heatedly.

Fluttershy cringed and kept reading.

They make-out session grew hotter, to the point where they were playing with each other, enjoying each other... The mare suddenly wanted to try something. She knew what they were doing was going to lead up to, so she wanted to try a fantasy of hers.

A mouse crawling across the floor underneath the sofa nearly paralyzed Fluttershy as it scampered around suddenly, its tiny claws making a scratching noise on the floor. When she realized it's just a mouse heading into a hole in the floorboards, she got back to reading, deeply engrossed with the events in the book. She was eager to find out what the mare had in mind for her mate.

The mare gingerly asked the stallion if he'd... tie her up?

That can't be right, Fluttershy told herself. But she kept reading.

The stallion actually agreed to it, and the mare got a special contraption from her closet. It had a ball-gag and leather straps, and a leash to tie her up somewhere. The mare put it on and allowed the stallion to tie her to a bedpost. Then, he got behind her, forcing her down and mounting her from behind, all while she was immobilized -- helpless and muffled by the strange straps and gag. Then the stallion reared up and began --

Fluttershy shivered violently and slammed the book shut with a loud pop. "I need to go for a walk..."

She did it. No idea what possessed her to, but she did it. And by "it," she actually went down to Sweet Apple Acres, found where Big Mac was working, though he wasn't there at the time she got there, and left him an invitation to dinner at her place, eight o' clock sharp.

What was she thinking?

It didn't matter. In a moment of excitement, she overstepped her own boundaries and it was too late to turn back now. So, she spent the entire night cleaning up her place and herself. Having never been on a date before, she wasn't entirely sure on the proper dating etiquette, so she decided to just wing it.

As the evening hours rolled by, and eight 'o clock approached, she grew more and more nervous. The novel was her inspiration, so she expected things to go the same way as they did in the novel.

Five minutes until eight, Fluttershy took a deep, fulfilling breath and went to the door, standing beside it and waiting for the knock. Would Big Mac even show up? Or did she waste her time?

She'd soon find out.

About half-past eight, just when she began to lose all hope, a loud knock at the door startled her. She cracked the door slightly and peered out. It was Big Mac.

She spun around and shut the door suddenly, breathing hard. He actually came! She was hoping he would, but didn't expect him to really come by.

Fluttershy took another deep breath and slowly let it out. "Relax, Fluttershy. Let him in, get started. It's as easy as that..." She turned and swung the door open, an awkward grin plastered to her adorable face. "Hi, Big Mac. Good to see you. Won't you come in?"

He nodded, a bouquet of flowers in his mouth. He gave them to her and trotted in. "Uh, nice place ya got here. Never thought I'd ever see the inside."

Fluttershy closed the door, holding the flowers up to her nose and sniffing them gingerly. "Oh, these are wonderful, Big Mac. Thank you." She went and found a vase to put them in, then set them on a small table she'd set up for them to use for dinner.

Big Mac stood around, seemingly nervous. Him being that way helped Fluttershy to feel a bit better, though she still worried about a couple things. Like what would happen after dinner.

"Please, have a seat and I'll get us some soup I made. I hope you'll like it. It's my favorite recipe." She hurried off into the kitchen and prepared them both a bowl, bringing them back and setting them on either side of the table. The scent of fresh herbs and tomatoes wafted up from the delicious concoction.

Big Mac noticed Fluttershy about to take her seat and rushed over, pulling her chair out for her.

"Oh my... Thank you Big Mac. So chivalrous..." she said with a light blush, sitting and allowing him to push her in closer to the table.

Big Mac flashed a smile. "Eeyup." He went over to his own seat, took it, and began gulping down his soup.

"I see you're enjoying the soup. I'm glad. I was worried you wouldn't." Fluttershy lifted her spoon to her mouth and daintily sipped up the little soup in it.

Big Mac finished his food before Fluttershy even got to her second spoonful. "That was de-lish. Thanks, Shy. Is there dessert?" He grinned hopefully.

Fluttershy paused, her spoon halfway to her muzzle. "Um, well, I suppose if you wanted some I could get you a slice of the carrot pie I made for Angel the other day, if you'd like."

Big Mac shook his head. "Carrots. No thanks."

"Oh, okay..." Fluttershy resumed eating. They sat in relative silence while she finished her food, save for a couple minor questions and answers here and there. Fluttershy wondered if the date was going well, because the one in the novel had a lot more interaction.

Of course, the real interaction came after dinner ended and they went to the couch...

Fluttershy finally emptied her bowl, standing and taking both hers and Big Mac's bowls into the kitchen to be washed later if she had time. She returned to the living room and went to the sofa, hopping up and beaming back at her date. "Would you like to join me...?"

Big Mac seemed to freeze up, his pupils shrinking. "Erm, whaddaya mean?"

Realizing she was too vague, Fluttershy felt her face grow hot. "I meant come sit with me so we can talk more..."

"Oh, uh, sorry 'bout that. Yeah, I'll come sit with ya," Big Mac said humility, joining her and looking around the room to avoid eye contact with the beautiful mare sitting inches away from him. He could feel his pulse rising and a bead of sweat forming on his brow.

Fluttershy cleared her throat and tried to start a conversation. "So, um, how's the farm..?" She shifted nervously, the thoughts she was having making her want to hide. The novel really got her going earlier, and it gave her an idea she'd never had before.

"Good. It's good," Big Mac answered shortly. He seemed a bit distant, and he was. His own mind was racing. It's not often a stallion gets to be alone in the cottage with the most attractive mare in Ponyville - and quite possibly Equestria.

Fluttershy began dwelling on the events in the novel again, her mind swimming with lewd thoughts she couldn't shake away. All she could think about was how the mare had asked the stallion to tie her up. It sounded a bit intriguing, actually, but she didn't think she could ever ask --

"Shy? You alright?" Big Mac interrupted her thoughts. He was eyeing her curiously, his body turned a little to face her.

She glanced over at him, her eyes wandering up and down his body before locking with his eyes. "I um... was just thinking..." she said quietly, turning away and rubbing the back of her foreleg with a hoof.

Big Mac leaned a bit closer. "Thinking 'bout what?"

Fluttershy blushed hard. She couldn't not ask. Her body was screaming for her to find out what making love felt like, and her mind told her to try something else new, as well. "I.. want to be... um... tied up..."

Big Mac's eyes went wide and his left ear twitched. "Say what now?"

Fluttershy turned back to him, desire winning her over. Her face glowed a bright red, and her eyebrows knitted together. "I want to be tied up..."

Big Mac drew back a little. "You... You want to be tied up?" He rubbed the back of his head and began to blush himself. "Are you asking me to... ya know..."

She couldn't hold it back anymore. It was like she was in heat suddenly. Her body screamed for her to hop on him. She rushed forward suddenly, pressing her lips to his. He was surprised by her brashness, but he began kissing her back, their lips mashing together.

Fluttershy climbed into his lap, straddling him, while he wrapped his big forelegs around her petite body, pulling her even closer.

Their mouths clashed together, making all sorts of sloppy, wet smacking noises. Their tongues touched, and soon they were exploring each others' mouths like two juvenile ponies making love for the first time. except for Fluttershy, it was her first time.

Fluttershy suddenly pulled away. "We should... um... take this upstairs..." Her face was a as brilliant red as a tomato, and she kept averting her eyes.

Big Mac picked her up, cradling her in his big strong forelegs, and carried her upstairs. He pushed open her bedroom door with his hind leg and set her gently on the bed.

"Big Mac...?" Fluttershy squeaked, her chest heaving from heavy panting.

Big Mac climbed up beside her, caressing her fleecy neck with his lips. "Mmm eeyup...?"

"Um... could you... um... tie me up now...?"

Big Mac smiled. "I can. Got rope?"

Fluttershy nodded. "it's... in my chest, at the foot of my bed." She pointed down to it.

Big Mac climbed down and retrieved a decent length piece of rope from the chest. "Uh, where are we, uh, doing this?"

Fluttershy slipped off the bed, her face flushed, but with a big smile. This was going better than she imagined. She stood by a bedpost and waited for him.

"Alright..." Big Mac wrapped her up like he was going to lead her, even placing some of the rope in her mouth as a gag. He tied her up tight to the bedpost and stood around awkwardly.

Fluttershy lowered herself a little to give him better leverage. "Mount me..."

Big Mac shook his head, not believing this was happening. But he did as the mare wanted. With his length already at full salute, he moved behind her and mounted. He was much larger than her, but it worked well. Fluttershy learned that she wanted to be dominated and overpowered.

"Whenever you're ready..." Fluttershy said, a bit muffled by the rope. "Be easy, please..."

Big Mac took a deep breath and nodded quickly. He began by reaching between his hind legs and guiding himself to her entrance.

Fluttershy felt the tip of his member graze her hot, wet lips and whimpered. This was it. She was finally having actual sex for the first time. And with her crush, of all ponies. As he began moving his hips forward, his length slowly opened her marehood up, causing her to flinch. It was a different feeling than the toys gave her. They weren't so warm, and they were't attached to a hunky, muscular stallion.

Big Mac winced as he began sliding further inside her. She was wet and obviously needy, but even then, her marehood was tight and undefiled. It almost hurt to keep pushing in, inch by inch.

Fluttershy couldn't help but squeeze her eyes shut and moan deeply, especially as his phallus fully embedded itself inside her warm cave. She felt her hind legs involuntarily quiver and she almost fell, but Big Mac was holding her up.

"Are... are ya alright...?" He asked, feeling concerned that maybe he was just too big for her. He shifted a little, feeling her become a little looser as he stood there inside her.

Fluttershy nodded rapidly. "Oh Celestia it... feels amazing..."

Big Mac took the hint, pulling his hips back and gliding himself back down into her slick depths, eliciting a yelp from the immobilized mare.

The feeling she was getting from between her legs was a thousand times better than the toys ever felt. A throbbing, euphoric pressure that seemed to radiate from her nethers to her head, making her pant and shake like a wet dog.

Big Mac kept going, slowly diving in, and out, her body beginning to produce enough wetness to help him go in and out effortlessly, despite the tight fit.

Over her shoulder, she could hear his deep, heavy breaths as he picked up speed, plowing her from behind like the naughty mare she was. She deserved this, and braced herself, crying out as the pleasure began to build in her loins. It was an incredible, electric feeling she wanted more of. It felt better the deeper he got, and she wanted more. "Ah... Big... Big Mac... Go deep... Deeper... ahhh... please..."

He grunted in response and obeyed, taking her harder, deeper, and faster, his hips smacking her cheeks loudly with each thrust. The floor beneath them began to shine with the juices and saliva they couldn't stop from coming. The pleasure was just too great.

Fluttershy moved forward a little, using the bed post as support. Her body had never been subjected to such euphoria, and she could hardly stand up anymore. He kept taking her hard and deep, the tip of his phallus slamming her cervix. But it felt too good. She wanted it harder. She wanted it faster.

"Big Mac... I want... faster... harder..." she panted, sweat beading all around on her face, her tongue out and lolling to the side. She was loosing control of her body, and it was wonderful.

Big Mac himself was now panting hard. He was working overtime to please this mare and himself. Her velvety slick insides were about to milk him dry. He could feel the pressure building in his scrotum. It wouldn't be long before he couldn't hold it back any longer. But as the mare commanded, he obeyed. He began roughly plowing her against the end of the bed, her moans and whimpers mixed with his own.

Fluttershy's climax was soon too. She wasn't holding back at all. She loved being rutted like a dirty mare. She loved being used this way. She began to grind her teeth as an eruption of blazing pleasure spread from her marehood through the rest of her body, and she cried out, over and over as the waves of pleasure washed over her.

Big Mac felt her tighten up on his member suddenly. Her already tight tunnel squeezed the life out of him. It felt so amazing it tripped him up. He let go and it all came at once.

The two of them simultaneously orgasmed, spilling their juices all over the floor and throw-rug at the foot of her bed. It lasted a good minute, the two of them gasping and yelling with delight.

Finally, the feelings subsided, and Big Mac untied her, picking her up and setting her on her back on the bed. He stood by the bed and panted down at her, a slight smile on his face.

Fluttershy was dazed. She was entranced by the session they'd just had. Even worse, she felt she might be addicted to this now. She snapped out of it patted the bed beside her, and Big Mac joined her there. She clung to him, wrapping her forelegs around his sweaty body. "That was amazing..."

He held her tight. "Yeah..." After a moment's hesitation, he added a question. "So uh... are we a thing now...?" He was really hoping so.

Fluttershy giggled and held him even tighter. "You can just love me like that and go on your way. You're all mine..." She kissed his neck, making him shiver.

He returned the kiss to her forehead. "Then let's go get cleaned up. I reckon we smell."

Fluttershy giggled again as he snatched her up and took her to the bathroom.