Impossibly Cute

by New Canterlot

First published

Rainbow Dash must get a tutor if she wants to continue being a student athlete, and the tutor she is assigned defies all expectations. The nerdy weirdo she was expecting turned out to be the cutest creature she'd ever met!!!

At the University of Northern Canterlot, Rainbow Dash is on top of her game. As the fastest freshman on the track team and the star of the alternate soccer team, her life has never been so perfect. It's just too bad she can't say the same thing about her grades.

If she wants to keep living the life of a student athlete, she has to get her grades up, and being assigned a tutor is not up for debate. With low expectations for both her tutor and her future, Rainbow Dash will have no choice but to crack open the books and get to work. Little does she know that her new tutor is without a doubt the single cutest piece of ass the whole school has been hiding and equally as brilliant.

Contains generous servings of romance, all kinds of geometric love shapes, and girls with more than just the usual four limbs. (Futa) Get ready to read with one hand!

Edited by Such A Chlorbag! Keep an eye out for his next installments in Never Be Alone!

Contains: Futa, chicks with dicks, both sets, and a dangerous amount of sexual frustration. Did I mention girls with fat throbbing members? Must've forgot between all the heartfelt romance.

You perverts featured this story on Thanksgiving? Oh my gosh awesome! I know what I’m thankful for!

Falling Hard

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"You wanted to see me, coach?"

An approaching middle-aged man with fiery red and white hair and a physique rivaling any top athlete waved the young freshman into his office. His face was a bit somber and stern, and it was clear this was not a conversation he wished to have. "Come in and have a seat, kid." The placard on his desk displayed his name and title as Assistant Head Coach Fire Streak. The wall behind him was decorated with numerous medals and trophies the university's track team earned over the decades. Above his head was a huge pennant with the school's name spelled out in bold letters: University of Northern Canterlot.

"Alright..." The girl replied with a slight crackle in her voice. She brushed her short, messy head of rainbow hair out of her face and sat rather nervously in front of the desk. "Something wrong?"

"No, not yet at least. We do need to talk about something though." He sounded a bit reassuring as he crossed his legs and propped his feet up on the desk. "I received an academic advisement report this morning, and it had your name on it."

"Oh. Okay. Is that bad?" She asked as she combed the rest of her hair back with her fingers.

"Yes and no." He sighed heavily and tapped a finger against the desk before lowering his feet and leaning forward. "Look, Dash. There's usually some leniency when it comes to athletic participation and grades, but you're running on a full ride here. The university requires that you maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to stay enrolled as a student athlete. And..." He tapped on the mouse on his desk and glanced at the monitor balanced on top of an old binder. "...You're barely maintaining a 2.0 as it is. Like I said, normally it's not an issue, but it's different with you."

"I see." Rainbow Dash narrowed her brow and glanced down at her feet. The worry on her face began contorting her usually boyishly pretty features. "Well, to be totally honest, I haven't been on top of checking my grades and stuff."

"That's fine, but it sounds to me like you need to study more than just check your grades." Fire Streak crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "The second semester just started, so you have all the way until late finals in June to get your grades up. In the meantime, though..." He trailed off as he began typing something. "I'm writing you a tutor referral and printing a time card."

"Wait, a tutor? Like going to the library and having some egghead breathe down my neck kind of tutor?" Dash asked with wide eyes. The annoyance was definitely not lost on her coach.

"Better check yourself there, kid." He replied sternly, taking a moment to narrow his eyes at her to drive the point home. "Those eggheads as you call them are pretty much your last hope if you want to continue running for the Wonderbolts, so watch your attitude."

Ugh...fuck. Dash mentally complained to herself. She really wanted to voice those words aloud, but Couch Fire Streak seemed to be more annoyed than she was. "Wait, am I still gonna be able to make it to practice?"

"Yeah, that's not a problem, but you will have to miss the last hour. Instead of getting out at six, you'll be leaving at five to head to the library." He stopped typing and reached under his desk at the same time the sound of the small printer began filling the room.

"But I'm only gonna get two and a half hours in on the track. I'll miss all the time trials," Dash lamented, a bit too childishly than she realized. Although legally an adult for the past half a year, she found herself actually whining a little.

Fire Streak shook his head with a sigh and slid the two pieces of paper across the desk towards her. "Stop complaining, kid. I am the last person who wants to hear excuses, and we're not going to have a long conversation about this. A lot of your teammates would kill for the deal you got, so shut your trap, buckle down, and get to work. You know how to work hard, so apply some of that to your studies, okay? The school isn't asking for much."

Rainbow Dash immediately pinched her lips together tight and replied with a short and quick nod. It took some doing, but she finally understood the situation. "Okay. I understand,” she said with a bit of defeat in her voice.

"Good." Fire Streak turned the papers around so Dash could read them. "This first one is just a referral. Take it to the library, and you'll be assigned a tutor. The second one is a sheet the tutor needs to sign each day. Time in, time out. Got it? Each week you'll hand in the time card to me and I'll clear you to practice."

With a glance down at both pieces of paper, Dash exhaled a long, soft sigh. "Okay..." It took several seconds for her to finally pick them up and return her gaze back to her coach.

"Great. Practice is over today for you, so get changed and head to the library. Your tutor is already expecting you." He leaned back in his chair again and began thumbing up on his mouse while looking at the monitor.

Dash got up from the chair and slowly shuffled to the door. The papers in her hand felt heavy somehow, like she had just been handed down a sentence. Fuuuuuckkk...

"Oh, kid? One other thing. The sooner you get your grades up, the sooner you can practice full time."

"Okay." Dash nodded without looking back. She exited his office without offering anything else to say before heading to the locker rooms. For nearly a minute she stood in front of her locker, lightly banging her head against it. Damn-it...son-of-a... A flash of anger surged for a brief moment as she rapped her forehead much harder than she realized against the small metal door. Ow...

While rubbing her forehead, she looked around the locker rooms, feeling an uncomfortable and unfamiliar atmosphere. Under normal circumstances, she and rest of her teammates would fill the room with roaring cheers and mischievous laughter before and after practice. Now, however...

It's kinda creepy in here by myself. Dash opened her locker and began stripping out of her black spandex running shorts and tank top. She tossed her shoes half-hazardously to the bottom of her locker before reaching for her normal clothes. A cold chill ran up her shoulders and down her back during the few seconds she was completely naked, and it occurred to her that the twenty-plus teammates who shared this locker room also functioned as a source of warmth she was also missing out on. Well...that and sneaking a peek at everyone else, Dash admitted to herself with a slight blush.

When she first joined the team, Dash was doubly glad to meet so many girls all with their own lovely features. Some downright cute, some truly pretty, and even some handsomely built. When she realized everyone on the team, like herself, seemed to be all over the place on the spectrum, she felt even happier and relieved.

What surprised her the most, however, was the number of girls who were just like her that shared many distinctly similar features; the kind of features that one would have to strategically stuff into their shorts or pants. Dash wasn't lacking in that respect, but after arriving to UNC, she saw for the first time some real heat packed by some of the seniors which made even her feel a little self-conscious. The team captain being stand out example in her mind; Dash always loved taking the time after practice to glance over at her.

Great...I gotta miss the best fucking part of practice. Once dressed, Dash closed her locker with a bit too much force before gathering up her bookbag and slinging it over her shoulder. With her jeans, sweater, and old high school letterman jacket on, she exited the athletics building.

The biting cold of late January hit her in the face, sending a much greater shiver throughout her entire body than before. As her carefully positioned features below her waist began shrinking away from the cold, Dash began jogging towards the campus library. It took a few minutes to finally get there because she had to tread carefully. The inch of snow from four days prior had yet to begin melting, and much of the sidewalk was still slick with hardly any footprints to follow. Probably ‘cause the library sucks. The more time she spent outside, the more she missed the indoor track and luxury of working up a hot sweat. Just get those grades up and bye-fucking-bye, library.

As she opened the double doors and ducked inside, she was greeted with a welcome rush of heat that seemed to thaw her frozen core and graciously help relax her tense personal affects. The library also held an aroma of cinnamon and crème, and a glance to her right revealed a small coffee stand. At least it doesn't completely suck in here, she thought as she shook the cold off her shoulders. Now, where are the tutors?

"Excuse me, can I offer my assistance in some way?" a scrawny boy asked from the information desk to her left. The big, mousy glasses on his face made his disproportionate eyes bulge, and his buck teeth made it look like he was constantly sniffling. There was an unhealthy paleness to him, and Dash found herself hesitating to answer back. It was impossible to meet his gaze because his eyes seemed to wander, and Dash realized that through his iceberg thick glasses, he might be trying to check her out.

Better get this over with... Dash sighed and slowly approached the information desk. "Yeah, hi, what's up? So, I have this referral here for a tutor. Could you just point me in that direction?"

"Let me see the referral, please," he said, either not bothering to look away from her breasts or too lacking in social etiquette to realize his blatant behavior. He held out his hand streaked with ink stains and Dash passed him the form. Even with the glasses, he still held the paper mere inches from his face to read it. "Alright, allow me to page the tutor on call upstairs."

Dash glanced up to see a second-floor balcony lining the building. You could've just pointed to the stairs, fucking egghe—

"Your five fifteen appointment is here," he said through the phone on his desk. "I'll send her up immediately posthaste."

Really? Immediately posthaste?

He put the phone down and adjusted his glasses with great difficulty. "You may ascend the stairs now. Please extricate all snow off of your shoes, and if you are unaware, you must contain all audible volume to a minimum while in the library. Your tutor will be with you momentarily."

Oh, for the love of Pete... Dash was unable to hold back her long, frustrated sigh. After taking her referral back, she rubbed her forehead and gritted her teeth. It took all of her mental energy to keep her annoyance in check as she watched him stare directly at the front of her jeans. "Great, cool, thanks, see ya." She turned away and took a long deep breath as she trudged toward the stairs. My fucking tutor better not be that guy's twin brother. I will seriously lose my shit.

Heavily dreading what she would find at the top, Dash was in no hurry to walk up the stairs, even if it meant the creepy, sniveling hamster guy got more time to check out her backside. As her head began peaking over the top of the stairs, she was greeted by an unwelcome amount of bookshelves that took up the vast majority of space on the second floor. Because of this, it wasn't hard to find the tutoring section. Only a few tables littered the back corner which was stuffed with two computer desks and a printing station. Behind everything was door labeled Tutor's Lounge, and Dash caught a tiny glimpse of someone's purple head through the small window.

After tossing her bookbag on the nearest table, Dash sat down hard in one of the chairs and began twirling her thumbs. She propped her feet up on the chair in front of her and sighed loudly up at the ceiling. Her brain now registered the actual smell of books around her, and she felt more captive in her current situation than ever before. I might not make it through this... The walls around her felt cramped, the complete polar opposite to the indoor stadium where she usually spent her afternoons and early evenings. This would probably be a good time to get her books out and sorted on the table, but she had no motivation to do any of that any time soon.

With the lack of surrounding noise beginning to tighten her chest, Dash quickly removed her phone from her pocket. That tutor better get her soon. I'm already done with this stuffy place.


While on her second top ten list involving car crashes and police chases, the door in the back opened very quietly and slowly by someone doing their best not to disturb the quiet atmosphere. It was so quiet that Dash was oblivious to the small figure walking towards the table with nearly silent footsteps. When the shadow of someone's head moved across her arm, Dash glanced up.

What she saw in those silent, few seconds would be something that defied all expectations and make her question everything she thought she knew about the people of the academic world. Her eyes grew wide in genuine surprise, and a sudden heat began radiating from her chest down to her waist and beyond with such force that Dash felt the need to press her thighs together. In front of her was an impossible sight, with her height being the only average characteristic.

The first striking feature Dash noticed was the perfectly carved facial structure of the girl, holding the perfect balance between sheer beauty and heartbreakingly cute. Her slender shoulders squared off completely with her hips that showed a symmetrical hourglass figure. Each small portion of skin not covered by black stockings or a white blouse held a true porcelain hue with just the right about of darkened pink. Her hair, the vast majority a deep-purple that exposed enough pink and lavender highlights to be noticeable, sat neatly groomed on her head which cascaded down her shoulders to her back. Her bangs, expertly trimmed across her brow, only added to the natural beauty she possessed. All her limbs looked perfectly proportioned, and Dash tried her best to think of someone else she knew who could rival just the silhouette of this individual. The fact that she failed to recall even one other person made Dash marvel even more.

"U-Uhh..." She stammered so heavily that she reminded herself of her last sports physical when the doctor had left the tongue depressor in her mouth while answering a call.

"Good afternoon," greeted the figure in a fantastically sweet and bewitchingly high voice. "Are you here for tutoring?"

Under normal circumstances, Dash's sarcasm drive would've been in high gear. After looking around the empty floor for a moment, she would've pointed to a magazine stand and said, "I think he was here first." However, her mind was still barely keeping up with the figure's captivating face. Her eyes hadn't even had the chance to take in the rest of her with any level of satisfaction before she could register that she had just been asked a question. "U-Uhh..."

With a patient pause, the figure waited for Dash's eyes to stop rolling with a snail's pace down her front, to her feet, and back up to her eyes. If there was even a hint of annoyance of her face, she hid it well. "Are you here for tutoring?" she asked again the very second their eyes met once more.

"I-I...Well I-I... I think so, yeah." Dash shook her head hard side to side for a brief second and swallowed deeply. "Yeah, yeah, that's me. I'm here for tutoring, yeah. Uh-huh." Her face immediately turned bright red with embarrassment after no doubt coming across as a flickering lightbulb.

The figure ran her small hands down the front of her purple, plaid skirt as she sat down. The blouse tucked into her waistline gave Dash the impression that she could wrap her fingers around the girl’s entire waist with just one hand. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. I will be your tutor today, and mostly likely for the foreseeable future."

In a dumbfounded lack of brains, Dash's only reply to that introduction was ""

Twilight Sparkle gestured with a hand for Dash to continue as her lips parted into an amused but incredibly melting smile, completely banishing all remaining chill of the winter weather from Dash's bones. "So, you would be? Just going by your appearance, I would think your first name would be Rainbow, and with a high school letterman jacket, your last name is probably...Blitz, or Dart, or maybe even Dash?"

"U-Uh, yeah!" Dash exclaimed with excitement she only reserved for superhero movies or better running shoes. She immediately clamped her hands over her mouth, and the redness on her cheeks spread up to her nose and ears. "I mean, yeah. That's totally my name! Rainbow Dash!" she now exclaimed in a hoarse whisper. "Are you, like, some kind of genius or something?"

Twilight Sparkle put a hand over her mouth and began giggling, her adorable smile growing a bit bigger. "Not exactly. Your name is actually on my itinerary."

"O-Oh...heh..." Dash began feeling her blush tingle the tips of her ears, and she took a deep breath before placing her hands on the table. "Well, you got me pretty good then, Twilight Sparkle." Her words seemed to take too long leaving her lips—at least that's how it sounded in her own ear.

"I believe I did," she said as she lowered her hands onto the table opposite of Dash. "If you'd like, you can just call me Twilight. I'm not a teacher, so no need for last names."

"Uh, yeah sure." Dash nodded her head as she leaned forward a bit over the table. "I usually just go by Dash, but you can all me Rainbow or Dash or whatever."

"Alright then, Rainbow." Twilight pointed to Dash's bookbag. "Shall we take a look?"

"Right, yeah. Of course." Dash began shuffling her books out of her bag, now regretting not preparing earlier. Her breathing became a tad erratic, and she realized how nervous she was as the tips of her fingers struggled to turn the first page due to her shaking wrists. Holy shit, I'm going crazy for this girl...

"Hm. Introduction to Geometric Applications," Twilight recited as she picked up one of the untouched books. She lifted up another and glanced at the cover. "Studies in Modern Equestrian History." She set the books down and looked up at Dash. "Did you happen to recently purchase these? They look new, and this one even has the tag still on the back cover."

In that moment, Dash became very aware of how little she actually uses her textbooks and how disappointed she was in herself because of it. "U-Um...Well, it’s kinda hard to say." Oh wow...that was totally weak.

"I ask because someone tried to return stolen textbooks over winter break, and we're trying to find the original owner. I'd hate to think someone had to buy their books all over again because of that." Twilight's adorable smile turned into an equally paralleled look of concern.

", that wasn't me." Dash rubbed the back of her head and gave a slight shrug. "That does sound like a really shi—, uhhh...really crappy day though."

"The absolute worst," Twilight agreed as she stacked the books up into a neat, little tower on the side of the table with delicate care. "I don't know how I'd cope if something were to happen to any book in my possession."

Dash couldn't sympathize completely, but she did have a few trophies back home at her parent's place that she felt the same way about. "Yeah, I think I know what you mean." Dash began imagining the picture perfect little nerd in front of her frowning, and it tugged at her chest a bit.

"Anyways, I'd like to start by asking you a question." Twilight interlaced her fingers together on the table and brought her gaze into a direct path with Dash so their attentions would be fixed to each other without distraction. "I would like to know what your personal goals are for tutoring so I can help you reach them."

"Uhhhhh..." Dash looked up at the ceiling for a long moment and tapped a finger on her chin. I don't...I don't fucking know. Get my grades up so I can get out of here? Dash figured that probably wouldn't be the best way of putting it.

"How about this?" Twilight reached across the table and tapped a finger on Dash's wrist to get her attention back. The very slight but sudden contact sent the same radiating heat downwards with full force into her loins, and Dash suddenly sat up straight and squeezed her thighs together so firmly that her knees began shaking. "If I may, let me ask you something else. Why did you come to tutoring today?"

Dash waited a few agonizingly long seconds for the heat to dissipate back to her chest. This took just enough pressure away from the zipper of her jeans to relax her thighs and exhale slowly. "Well, it's kind of...I guess it's cause...I have to. Unless I get my grades up, I won't be able to stay on the track team, then I'd lose my scholarship, and..." Dash trailed off for a moment, really feeling those words sink in. It was one thing to hear them from someone, but to say it and admit it out loud held a great deal more weight.

"Hey." Twilight reached across the table again, but instead of tapping a finger on Dash's wrist, she laid her entire soft, little hand atop Dash's knuckles. "I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen. If we work together, we can make sure that doesn't happen."

Dash felt her face begin to tingle all over, and that same heat in her chest crashed back down below her waist like a collapsing building. The stiffness between her legs overwhelmed the material containing it as its length pushed down her right pant leg. She slumped her head forward and stared intently at the table as she took an extremely long and drawn out breath. Her mind flashed back to the most embarrassing moment of her life, which involved a failed backflip into a trash can in middle school, and she very well knew that memory might take second place if she wasn't more than careful.

"I can see this is really worrying you." Twilight gently patted Dash's now clenched fist. "Just take a couple of deep breaths and relax. I've helped at least a few other students get their grades up, and all it takes is help and encouragement."

"Th-Thanks." Dash said through the corner of her mouth as she bit her lower lip. With the immense constraining pressure between her legs gone, she was finally able to look up and meet Twilight's gaze. As long as she didn't need to get up from the table for a little while, everything should be fine. Since they hadn't even started yet, there'd be nothing to worry about. Just cool your shit, Dash, she thought before mentally addressing all of her individual physical components. Let's everybody just calm the fuck down, yeah? "I'll do that. Just a few, deep breaths." Dash nodded her head and inhaled a few times slowly. It definitely helped, although for a different reason.

"Excellent." Twilight pulled her handback and smiled brightly. "And I think I know what might help even more." She slowly stood and ran her hands down the length of her skirt again. "The little coffee stand downstairs has an excellent mint ginger tea. Perfect for calming the tummy and mind, and it's a personal favorite."

...Fuck... Dash brought her gaze up to Twilight with a completely blank expression. Her body now felt paralyzed in both the best and worst ways possible. Her lips parted as if to speak, but she made no noise other than a weird croaking sound that, although sounded like a word, didn't sound like any language anywhere.

"And maybe a little honey for your dry throat." Twilight's face brightened even more. "You did just get out of practice, if I'm not mistaken. Plus, a little sugar would do you some good after working off so many calories."

"Y-Yeah, totes," Dash eventually got out with a cracklier voice than usual. Good job, you finally said something. Wait, did I just say 'totes'? What a dweeb!

"Coming?" Twilight asked a she took a small step towards the stairs. "I assure you that the tea will help. It's never let me down before."

"Yeah, sure, sounds great." Dash replied as she tapped her fingers on the table. She began running interference body language to make it look like she was getting up from the table. That included placing her hands on her knees and scooting her chair back just slightly without giving away anything. This was a skill she tried to hone in high school, where her parents kept cheerfully bursting into her room every morning to help her get ready for the day. She didn't need the help, but they always gave it anyway. A lot like this stupid tea idea! She knew deep down it wasn't stupid, but the whole current situation certainly felt that way.

When Twilight finally turned away towards the stairs, Dash took the opportunity to quickly stand up. She yanked her jacket off and began tying it around her waist. The sudden change from sitting to standing put considerable pressure against her length again, making it hard to walk down the stairs without favoring a more comfortable bending of her other knee. Twilight was already at the bottom and rapidly approaching the coffee stand. Or am I just taking my sweet fucking time over here? Dash glanced down at her feet and watched her usually long walking pace become shortened to just over a foot between each step as if she was trying to run with her pants around her ankles. I would love that so damn much right now...

"Are you alright?" Twilight asked from across the geopolitical reference section. "Do you have a leg cramp?"

"U-Uh..." Dash glanced down at her knees before immediately nodding her head with a bit too much forced confidence. "Yeah, a cramp. Totally. It's kinda killing me right now, so just give me a sec." With a sliver of tension gone in her voice, Dash began making her way down one of the long aisles towards her.

"That looks like it really hurts." Twilight said with a very sympathetic coo. "I think some fresh fruit will help too. There're some bananas here that you can get."

"Yeah, banana, okay." Dash eventually made it to the coffee stand, being sure to keep a few feet between them and her jacket fitted to her waist. "I could eat right now." And that's actually not total bullshit.

Another young man occupied the first floor of the library behind the coffee stand, and Dash was glad to see he looked and behaved nothing like the creepy jerk behind the information desk. "Good evening. Hello again, Twilight. The usual today?"

"Yes, please. I would also like to make that a double on the tea with some honey in one of them, and please add a banana to the order." Twilight nodded her head at him and reached into a small pocket in her cardigan sweater for a small and very sensible wallet. Embroidered on the front was a small, six-pointed, lavender star that matched her lovely eyes.

"Coming right up," the young man said as he patted his parted bowl cut hair before grabbed two paper cups. His appearance looked far too groomed and maintained, and if Dash hadn't been more preoccupied with something else, she would've noticed his slight blush and lingering gaze on the adorable bookworm.

"Sure." Dash gratefully accepted the banana and began peeling it intently before cramming half of it into her mouth. Doing so would accomplish two things that she needed desperately. Now I don't have to talk too much, and maybe some of the blood in my damn—Dash chewed hard and began pulling on the little strands of cellulose clinging to the peel. ...Maybe some of the blood from there will go into my stomach so I can walk straight. Not a bad idea, but Dash knew it would take a lot more than that to deal with the still surprisingly achy tension.

When the tea finished brewing, the young man put two hot, paper cups with cardboard sleeves down on the small counter. Twilight was quick to pick them up with a polite, little bow. "Thank you."

"Anytime," he said with another ridiculous blush. "And let me know what you think of Ponderings on Zen Existence. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did."

Dash was conscious enough to catch that painfully nerdy sentence which seemed to take more attention off her stiffness than the banana. Oh, yuck. Sounds like a real page turner.

"I will definitely do that. Thank you, again." Twilight smiled back at him, sparking a strangely petty tinge of jealousy in the athlete. She walked over to one of the small, round tables in front of the coffee stand with the two cups and sat.

With a great deal of mental energy going into keeping a straight face, Dash sat down across from her and shuffled her feet to get somewhat comfortable. "Thanks for this. You know, you didn't have to buy it for me."

"I was the one who suggested it, so I think I did. Besides, it would be pretty rude of me to be sipping my tea while trying to get started." Twilight slowly pushed one of the cups towards her and smiled that unceasingly breathtaking smile. "Also, this does give us a chance to get properly acquainted."

Why are you so damn cute? Dash slowly nodded before blowing softly on the surface of her tea. She was pleasantly surprised at the soothing aroma that relaxed her shoulders a bit. "Alright, that's cool," Dash smiled back a bit as she put the other half of her banana down to hold the cup with both hands. "Like you said before, I'm Rainbow Dash. for the track team and play for the soccer team, and...I guess that pretty much sums it up."

"Two teams? That's a lot of work all year round. Finding time for yourself must be difficult." Twilight remarked before taking a dainty sip of her hot tea.

Seriously, stop being so cute! Dash let out a long sigh and a shrugged. "Sometimes, I guess. I do love it though. As soon as I could walk, I was running everywhere."

Twilight giggled and nodded her head. "I can definitely see a cute, smaller version of yourself bouncing off the walls."

"H-Heh, yeah..." Dash began to blush again, and she did her best to keep herself still by sipping her tea. As soon as the sweet, warm mint of the brew trailed down her tongue, she fought the urge to drink faster and risk burning her tongue. "Wow, this is...actually really good. I kinda see why this is a thing now."

"I'm glad you like it." Twilight took another sip and began wiggling the tip of her finger against the surface of her tea. "Tea was once the world's most valuable commodity long before the refinement and practical use of fossil fuels, and even then, it was considered a luxury."

For the very first time is Rainbow Dash's entire life, she felt tantalized by sheer nerdiness. Just the way you said making me question everything I think I know about girls... "I didn't know that. Sorta thought tea was something people drank ‘cause they didn't have coffee." That made Twilight smile brightly and giggle hard into her hand, leaving Dash feeling rather embarrassed. Normally, that sort of thing wouldn't bother her, but with Twilight, everything felt different. She actually wanted to impress her, to satisfy that courtship instinct going off like fireworks in her head. "But since coffee was invented after tea, maybe it was the other way around?"

Twilight stopped giggling and calmed herself by taking another sip. "I think the preference of tea over coffee and vise-versa is an acquired taste. I've never much cared for coffee, so I've always leaned more towards tea, even for my caffeine needs."

I'm more into energy drinks, Dash thought as she took another excusatory sip to keep from having to reply. But if you get enough whiskey or vodka in me, and I'll lean every which way but Sunday. She tapped a finger on the table before finally trying to deflect the conversation towards something else. "So...are you like a teacher's assistant, or work in the library? If you tutor at the same time, then you probably don't get much time to yourself either."

"True." Twilight sighed softly and nodded before reaching into the other small pocket of her cardigan for a glasses case. She removed the square frames and dabbed the microfiber cloth stored between the lenses in her tea before wiping them down. "I do spend the majority of my day here when I'm not in class. As a tutor and an assistant librarian, I know the many shelves of this building better than I do the bookcase in my dorm room."

"It really works for you," Dash said before realizing it. "U-Uh, I mean, you're doing what you love, and I totally get that. I'm right there with you, know, not actually, heh."

"You and I have a lot in common then," Twilight replied with a warm smile. "Which is quite the relief, considering how worried I was about our session."

"Worried?" Dash asked. "How come? I mean, if it's cool that I ask."

"It's cool." Twilight nodded with another giggle. It was clear she didn't use that word often, and she was having a friendly bit of fun at Dash's expense saying it. "When I first got the email from the scheduling department about your arrival, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I usually get referrals for students from the math center or science division, and I think is fairly obvious that I'm more akin to the academic type. With student athletes though, are definitely the first for me."

"Oh, yeah, I can see that." Dash glanced back down at her tea and drummed her fingers around the cup. "Some of us jock types can be...really wild, I guess." It was an easy thing to admit considering two of the favorite locker room pastimes included the wet towel whipping and sword fighting, the latter of which requiring a certain piece of equipment probably best kept private. "Well, I'm glad we're getting off on the right foot then," Dash began with great sincerity. "You're really cool, and it's a big relief for me, too, since you ended up being my tutor. I wasn't sure what to expect either."

"Which I can completely understand." Twilight gave her a big, appreciative smile beaming with pride as she held out a hand. "It's nice to formally meet you, Rainbow."

"You too, Twilight." Dash immediately squeezed her hand, jumping on the opportunity to make real, physical contact. "Totally."


"U-Uhhh..." Dash let out a long sigh as she began scrubbing her paper clean for the fifth time in the past ten minutes. Now back upstairs in the tutoring section, she sat at their original table with her Geometry book and college ruled notebook open. The open page of the notebook had accumulated eraser and pencil smudges from border to border, and Dash had lost all hope from progressing past the first problem after the first two failed attempts. Her frustration was building, and the only thing holding her back from swearing openly was the desire to not upset Twilight sitting next to her. The thought of putting a frown on her perfect face enhanced by those square frames over her eyes made Dash carefully watch her body language.

With their session off to a rather slow start, Twilight continued to offer her encouragement as she walked through each step of the problem's process, her smile never wavering. With each attempt, she congratulated Dash on making it one step further towards success, and now that success was very near. "Be sure to substitute the new value on the graph into the equation."

"This one?" Dash asked, pointing to what she hoped was the right number hastily scratched onto the poorly drawn line.

"Yes, that one." Twilight nodded, waiting a moment for Dash to work through the next step. "Excellent. Now plot the two given numbers into the second equation, and that will give you a slope to draw the second line."

"Okay...okay..." Dash exhaled slowly and paused for a second to mental shift to the second part of the problem. It took another moment to work out where to substitute the values, and a couple more minutes to slowly work out the solutions. "Alright, so the numbers they gave me are the 'x' ones, and the ones I just made are the 'y' ones, right?"

"That's right, exactly. Go ahead and draw the line."

Dash dotted two positions on the notebook paper and began using the borrowed ruler to slowly carve a new line that intersected the first. "Ohhhhkay. How's that?"

"The lines need to be longer so the bottom one intersects the x-axis."

"Uhh..." Dash put the ruler down and pointed to the vertical line running up along side the rest of the graph. "This one."

"I'm afraid not."

Damn-it... Dash began sighing again as she rubs her face rather hard with both hands. "Ughhh, why is this so hard? I do one thing right, then it wants me to do something else that doesn’t have jack shit to do with the first stupid thing, and I don't even know what the point of all this is!"

As soon as Dash dropped everything from her hands and finished her little outburst, Twilight placed a hand on her shoulder and patiently waited for her to calm down before speaking. "Rainbow Dash, listen to me, please." The use of her full name and a stern hint in Twilight's voice made Dash wipe her agitated look off her face before turning to her. "Right now, you're letting this get to you, and you're giving all of your frustration too much power. I need you to relax, focus on your breathing, and take your time. This isn't a race, so all we're worried about is working through it."

It is kind of a race though, At least for me, Dash wanted to retort back, but decided against by offering an argument instead. "I guess, but...there's like, twenty more problems left, and this is just the first subject. At this rate, I'll be stuck on just these stupid math problems for over two hours!"

"Not necessarily." Twilight said as she shook her head. "Have you heard the expression about teaching a man to fish?"

"U-Uh...yeah. Feed a man for a day, teach a man for life, something like that."

"Yes, and once the man knows how to fish, do you think he might be better and faster at it than while trying to learn?"

"U-Uh...yeah, totally." Dash brought her gaze up to the ceiling with a nod and put a finger on her chin. Huh...this girl is just as smart as she cute.

"I'm glad you see it that way, because once we finish this first problem, I know for a fact that you will speed through the rest of these in a fraction of the time." Twilight gave Dash a very encouraging smile as she rubbed her hand around Dash’s shoulder for a moment.

Mmnnn...damn-it, she's sweet as fuck too. "Yeah, yeah, that'd be awesome." Dash said with the increasing tension in her lap agreeing completely. "Ok, I'm ready."

"Thank you. All you have to do for this part is extend this line here down past the x-axis here." Twilight pointed out every necessary line on the paper.

"Right. The 'x' one is the sideways one then. Got it." She did as instructed and put her pencil and ruler down.

"That's perfect, Dash. Now use this here." Twilight slide a plastic protractor towards the notebook. "Measure the angle between the two lines you drew and between the bottom line and x-axis."

"Easy enough." Dash absentmindedly did as she was told, but something in her mind lingered on the results. She carefully inspected the figures as she did the measurements again, and her eyes grew wide in surprise. "Whoa...the angles are the same!"

"That means you did everything correctly," Twilight said with a little giggle. "That wasn't so bad, right? All it takes is a little help, and the rest just comes together."

I did it...I fucking did it. I actually finished a math problem that wasn't multiple choice. Holy shit, I might actually have a chance at passing a midterm now. Dash stared blankly down at her paper before turning to Twilight. A big desire to hug the adorable, little bookworm made Dash's arms raise slightly, and she immediately gasped, fearing her body language had given too much away. However, she was pleasantly surprised to feel Twilight circle her arms around her shoulders and give her a firm, little hug that instantly made her jeans feel no less cramped than a vacuum sealed plastic bag. As seen on TV, huh? Dash joked to herself as she boldly pressed her nose into the top of Twilight's head and sniffed. Mint tea... A massive wave of disappointment for both herself and her restricted zipper draped over her when Twilight ended the short hug.

"I'm really proud of you, Dash. You worked through every step, you put everything together, and you achieved success." Twilight's smile grew bigger with beaming pride. "All in all, it really didn't take that long. We've only been at it for fifteen minutes, so this is a huge step forward."

I spent eight fucking hours in math class last week, and I learned more right now than I did then! This girl is AMAZING! "Twilight, thank you. Thank you, thank you! I've been stuck on this for what feels like forever!"

"That's what I'm here for." Twilight softly patted Dash on her knee before pointing to the other problems in Dash's open textbook. "Would you like to try and tackle the rest of them now? I'll be here every step of the way, but I'm confident you won't need my help."

"Sure, yeah, totally. Let's do it!" Dash turned back towards the table, feeling an odd mix of mental focus and arousal. Normally, those two didn't work at all together, but anything felt possible now after spending time with the university's best kept secret. She began outlining a new graph and started imputing new values into the new equation, and within a matter of seconds, she already had a new graph outlined. It took just another few seconds to do the other graph, then a few more to measure the angles. Same. They're the same. Damn, I'm good!

"There you go! Perfect." Twilight gave Dash a pat on the back before scooting away a bit to pick up her Equestrian History textbook. "While you finish those up, I'll take a look at where you're at with you other classes. At this rate, I think we can make some wonderful progress, and soon enough you'll be back at practice. Sound good?"

"Uh, yeah, s-sure." Dash nodded her head slowly and began staring blankly at the next problem without moving her pencil. Back to practice...back to practice. That's what she really wanted—and that was her goal—but the idea of their time together coming to an end was a little disheartening, even if they barely knew each other. She glanced back at Twilight, who was thoroughly engrossed in a chapter midway through the text while jotting down a few lines from each page. That's not gonna be for a while, probably. I still have lots of time. Whatever.

Another fifteen minutes later, Dash set her pencil back down and marveled at her paper. The entire front side of the sheets was covered in graphs and small paragraphs of mathematical work, a marvel in and of itself, considering the best she'd been able to accomplish in the past were half-worked scribbles that barely earned her a passing grade. Everything now looked organized, and Dash wondered if her instructor would believe she actually did all the work. "Ok, I'm done."

Twilight scooted her chair back over and peeked over Dash's shoulder, almost resting her chin on the athlete's sleeve. "Mhm, yes, yes...yes, yes, yes...yes..." Twilight paused as she skimmed the rest of the problems all the way down to the bottom of the page. "...and yes. A perfect score."

Yeah, you really are. "Are you serious? One of them's gotta be wrong. At least one." Dash raised her eyebrows and waved a finger over the page.

"You are a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for, Rainbow." Twilight said through a giggle as she rolled her eyes playfully from behind her glasses. "You know how to work hard, and you know how to focus when you need to. That more than half the battle."

"Huh...right." Dash slowly nodded again and began rubbing the back of her head. Her face began turning red as Twilight lingered around her shoulder. "That makes a lot of sense. Thanks."

"You're welcome. Like I said, that's what I'm here for." Twilight reached for the history textbook and switched it out with the math book before holding up a sharply written outline in very legible cursive handwriting. "I would like you to take a look at this outline I made for your upcoming chapter. I've written out all the key events by date with important figures and their significance underneath."

"You...did all that just now?" Dash marveled at the outline as she took it in her fingertips and glanced up and down the page. "How did you read the whole chapter so fast?"

"I didn't." Twilight shook her head with an adorable smirk. "I've taken the same class before a couple years ago."

Couple years ago... "Wait, so...are you not a freshman?" Dash asked, her gaze returning to Twilight's face as she shamelessly studied her features. She's adorable and small enough to be in high school. There's no way.

"No, I'm actually in my second year here at UNC, but thank you for the compliment." Twilight said with an even bigger smirk.

"Sorry, I...just thought that since you're so..." Dash shook her head and lowered the outline so she could look away. "Never mind. That was kinda rude of me."

"It doesn't bother me. Assumptions happen, and we all make them." Twilight narrowed her brow and cocked her head slightly at her. "Besides, I also was under the assumption you were a senior since you're so..." She trailed off in much the same manner while putting a teasing note on the tail of the sentence.

Senior? No way, girl. You wanna see a real track team senior is all her huge long glory, go meet team captain, Spitfire. Dash's face turned completely red, partially from putting herself on the spot and partially from the mental image of her team drill instructor and captain's towering physique with equally as impressive equipment. No teammate dared challenge her to swordfight in the locker room, and none dared refuse one from her either. "U-Uhhh...yeah, you got me there, heh..." Dash vigorously rubbed the back of her head as her face and ears began to burn.

"I believe I do. Now, shall we go over this together?" Twilight asked as she danced the tip of her pencil against the outline on the table.

"Yeah, let's do it." Dash returned her gaze to the outline and put her hands on the table, squaring her shoulders directly forward to look as focused as possible, although the shift in attention only lasted a second. "Wait, one other thing. A couple of years ago? So, did you take a college class in high school or something?"

"A few, but nothing worth noting. I only wanted to get some of the elective credits out of the way before I fully enrolled." Twilight again pointed to the outline with her pencil. "Let's get back to this outline first. I'd like to go over it with you."

"Right, ok. I'm totally done drilling you now." ...Seriously, Dash? Fucking seriously? Dash swallowed hard and tapped her fingers on the edges of the table. This isn't water break during station training. Don't act like a stupid, dumb jock!

What was the most surprising thing about the entire evening wasn't Twilight's gorgeous appearance or her impressive smarts. No, not even close. What truly surprised Dash into utter speechlessness was that particular moment. With the same teasing tone, Twilight replied, "That didn't take very long."

Dash's mind immediately flashed to an experience in her Basic Cooking class. The biggest overachiever in that subject wasn't a nerd type but a wacky prankster type. Dash couldn't remember if what she went by was her real name, but with the nappy head of pink hair matched with different shades of pink clothing stretched tight around her lovely, ample hips and bust, it wasn't hard to remember what everyone called her. "OH NO SHE DI-UHNT!" Dash could mentally hear Pinkie's voice fill her head the same way her voice would fill the large kitchen. She slowly turned to Twilight with the corners of her lips turned up, marveling in awe at the witty and inappropriate comeback.

Twilight's adorable smirk grew even bigger, and after a few seconds, both girls began snickering. The snickering turned into erratic, nasally snorts before evolving into hoarse laughter.


It was nearly eight at night when Dash made it back to the athletic dormitory on the edge of campus. She barely caught the last campus shuttle, saving her a half hour's walk through the cold. With her gym and book bags slung over the same shoulder, she slowly marched her way inside and turned down the hall towards her room past three vending machines which all offering the same assortment of sports drinks, coffee, and energy drinks. Her mind continued to play back all of the tutoring session's best moments on a repeat playlist, and all the noises of neighbors flew right past her ears as she unlocked her door. It wasn't until she got her shoes off did she realize where she really was.

After looking around for a moment, vacantly taking in the tiny living room area littered with both clean and dirty laundry barely separated on the floor—which did include a great deal too many intimates—Dash plopped herself down on the small futon sofa in front of the TV, surrounded by a spider web of loosely gathered cables. She titled her head back and splayed her arms out to her sides as she exhaled very slowly. "That awesome." She mumbled to herself. "Fucking...awesome." She's so fucking cute, I wanna just scoop her up and fly off into the clouds. Just get really lost up there and make it rain...the...fuck...down. So hard that half the school gets closed off until the sidewalks get shoveled.

"Gross, dude," she retorted back to her subconscious.

Dash got up from the couch and headed to her small fridge to chug down a bottle of kiwi flavored electrolytes. She tossed the now empty bottle into the trash before putting a hand over chest. " heart won't stop. I gotta do something about this."


"Ok, that works." She inhaled sharply as she pulled her shirt off, adding it to the pile of dirty clothes before shuffling to the bathroom. Inside was a square stall formed by glass panels beside the toilet where the shower was located. It was a common complaint around campus that students had to get their arms soaked in cold water due to having to reach into the stall in order to turn the water on, but Dash could not give a single flying dill pickle tonight. She barely had enough brainpower to spare towards peeling her jeans and intimates off before getting into the shower. The only thing that drew her away from her thoughts for a split second was the pain of her still stiff piece smacking the shower door on the way in. A little tuck or flip up was usually good enough to avoid making that mistake, but that required actual awareness completely missing at this point.

As Dash's joints began loosening up under the warm water, the mental image of Twilight's figure scanned into every single file folder of her brain, completely filling her field of view as she closed her eyes. The figure didn't move or say anything, but none of that was necessary. The image alone was enough for Dash to lose herself completely into her own imagination.

A minute of bliss went by as her hair became soaked in water and the shower drain began making its usual gurgling, consuming the excess runout around the borders of the tile. The amount of noise any of the dormitory's showers could make at any given time drove the tenants living there insane, as neighbors on both sides of each room could easily hear the groaning of the old building's pipes. Tonight, though, Dash neither cared no noticed any of it.

A hot, burning sensation in her chest extended out her limbs to her finger tips and toes, but the greatest heat resided in a certain place with intense, physical swelling. The heat crept into her brain, making Dash's lips part and her cheeks stretch back into a wondrously happy smile. Her knees began shaking, and her head tilted back the moment the tingling fire in her chest began to afterburn waves throughout her entire body.

Too oblivious to even her own name, Dash fell to her knees as her body slid down the glass pane, cushioning her fall just enough to keep her from coming to. Had she been fortunate enough to feel the pain of her decent, she might have noticed just how audible her moaning might be to her neighbors next door. Cloud Chaser, to her left, would have no problem bringing it up come practice tomorrow, which would probably explain the awkward glances from her other neighbor, Spring Step, the following morning.

After gasping for air and allowing enough time for much needed oxygen to clear her head, Dash slumped backwards into a sitting position as the water overhead peppered her entire body. Her right arm felt numb, as opposed to tingling in her other limbs, and she traced her eyes down her right shoulder to her elbow, then to her forearm, then fingers. Holyyy shit... Dash swallowed hard as she both saw and felt her cock, an inch shy of a foot, still pulsating in her palm. A dull ache in her similarly proportioned balls told her she had not been careful while falling on her ass. However, the most shocking of the entire sight was the jagged trail of her spunk, starting with an unusually big splatter on the glass opposite of her that formed an increasingly narrow line down towards her legs.

"U-Uhhh-hhh...." Dash barely uttered as she tried to stand. She would’ve almost made on her feet safely had her heel not slipped in her own opaquely white and still thick mess now pooling around the drain, sending her tumbling back down on her ass with such force that the wind in her chest escaped her lungs.

She slowly curled up on her side in the fetal position, wincing heavily as she cupped her jewels with both hands. "O-Owwww-www...."

Falling Down

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Although having lost out on a full hour of practice the day before, Dash felt an agonizing fatigue as she very groggily smacked the phone resting on her pillow. She struggled to even open her eyes, heavy and half-glazed with only semi consciousness. As if in defiance of mistreatment, her phone landed on the floor hard enough to up the volume on her alarm. Now out of arm's reach, pressing snooze was no longer an option. She slid the top half of her body out of bed and onto the floor in the most uncomfortable looking of body contortions before completely toppling onto half of her dirty clothes beside the foot of her bed.

“Damn it…” She sighed in a crackly hoarse whisper while rolling onto her side in order to post up on her elbow. It took a minute, but she finally found herself sitting up. She could feel the cold floor beneath her thin, cotton-material covered rear where her sore twins and flaccid pride and joy grouped together. “... Wait…” She looked down at her own lap, somewhat puzzled and concerned. For the first time in what must’ve been years, her morning routine had been changed. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked as she lightly jabbed her member with her index finger. “You’re usually awake before I am.” She let out an extremely long yawn while rubbing her eyes. During those several seconds, bits and pieces of her memory from the day before came back to her as she suddenly recalled her almost unbelievably intense, volume producing explosion in the shower the night before. “Wore you out, huh?” she asked a particular piece of herself with a slight giggle.

Still, she couldn’t help but feel concerned. It wasn’t like her precious jewels and staff to be so dormant in the morning, and regardless of how much she may have contributed last night to her shower water, she did feel a little lonely without her morning’s company.

“Ohhh…” she said through another sigh. Her mind began having still image flashbacks of what appeared to be multi-shaded puzzle pieces which she felt oddly compelled to bring together. With considerable mental effort, an image formed before her mind’s eye of her tutor from yesterday. The image made Dash smile blankly with a slight blush up at her ceiling as she examined the many overwhelmingly lovely features of Twilight Sparkle. “That… skinny waist…” she whispered as she leaned back against the side of her bed. “... Soft little thighs…” she bit her lower lip with a sharp inhale, “... and that adorable… face…”

Within a few moments, Dash’s attention was suddenly diverted to a cool breeze against her hanging pair on the floor. The tight fitting striped material around her hips had stretched outward, and she was relieved to find that everyone was awake now. “Oh, good, good… I was worried there for a second.” With a slight surge of energy that comes with an abrupt state of arousal, Dash easily found herself hopping up to her feet.

The day before, her mind tried to find a worthy comparison to Twilight’s breathtakingly adorable beauty, but Dash could not find such a worthy girl of her past affections. Now, Dash’s mind began searching her memory for another that could match the same hopeless infatuation she now felt for her new tutor, also with no luck. This, along with the realization of what she put her body through during the last fifteen minutes of the night before, began to worry her. Holy shit… I think I’m really falling for this girl…

With another sudden change in emotion to her already hard to process morning, Dash made her way to the tiny kitchen area where a single sink, hot plate, and microwave resided beside a small, single-door refrigerator. With surprisingly shaky hands, she dumped two scoops of cheap, college student affordable instant coffee into a tall, blue, plastic tumbler filled with tap water which immediately spent two agonizing minutes in her microwave. As always, the taste of artificial hazelnut and caramel barely did enough to mask the intense bitterness of her pitifully palatable but always welcomingly strong coffee, making it a favorite among students for its strength, affordability, and convenience. After downing half the tumbler, her eyes grew wide as she began to finally come to her senses. “Fuck me… I’m losing it for this chick.”

She sat down on an upturned plastic hamper mostly use as a chair, as her room did most of the work storing her laundry. With one elbow on her knee, she finished the rest of her coffee at a much slower pace while contemplating what, if any, her next action should be. Now that she had mind-blowingly pleasured herself the night before—only made possible due to the particular person occupying her every waking thought since—Dash was totally uncertain whether or not she might be able to look her tutor in the eye with a straight face. “How’s she even gonna know?” she asked herself as she tossed the plastic tumbler into the sink while making her way to the tiny, adjoining bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Her hair, although always wildly messy in the morning, only had bed head on one side. I must’ve slept pretty hard.

“Yeah…” She eyed her own reflection with a suspicious look, questioning her own confidence, “... but can you keep yourself together?”

I do have to get my grades back up, though, she answered herself, finally allowing some reason to prevail. And I kinda… really don’t wanna fuck this up. I want her as my tutor.

Dash took a very deep breath as she broke the gaze of her reflection. The aroma of coffee bouncing on the now foggy spot on her mirror reminded her that she really needed to finish her morning routine if she was going to make it to class. With an overenthusiastic brushing of her teeth and a frantic combing of her hair before tying it back into a loose ponytail, Dash went back into her tiny bedroom to put some clothes on, settling on a red pair of skinny-fit jogger pants and an equally warm and cozy-looking blue hoodie worn by all participants of her old high school hosted regional track meet from four years ago. After putting on her old letter jacket from the same era, she grabbed her book bag and gym bag, the latter being the only real weight over her shoulder.

This particular morning would be English 102, a lesser attended class than most other English courses due to most students having earned their acceptance into UNC on meritorious academic achievement, not athletic. Her class took place in a very old part of the school, where the brick interior still had visible brass piping running along the ceiling and old, brass radiators adorned every wall. She always had to watch where she was going, if she didn’t want to burn her hip slightly and spill someone’s coffee that they purposely put on one of those radiators to keep warm. Even for her, English 101 and 102 were admittedly easy. She, unlike a number of other star athletes who had no other real personality other than physical exertion, actually knew how to read and write fairly well, despite a lack of some four syllable and all five syllable words. As she passed by a number of other students ranging from those she knew very well to those she knew only vaguely well, she remembered something Twilight had said to her the day before. Huh… maybe I am smarter than I give myself credit for.

Her peripheral vision caught the rather shocked and emotionally unsettled expression of a short and plain but very toned and well-shaped girl with light, forest green hair and brown highlights. She had soft little dimples that always reminded Dash of a girl she knew in high school who stood at least twice as tall, but this particular morning was different. Dash couldn’t pass by this girl on the way to her class without exchanging a confused look of her own at her. What’s her name again? I swear she’s one of my next-door neighbors… Something that’s gotta do with changing seasons or whatever. Does she know me or something? The freaked out look she received was starting to puzzle her, but Dash didn’t care too much about it as they never spent any time together. Weird chick… I’m pretty sure I don’t have anything on my face, but still… what was that about?

She arrived to her classroom just as her teacher was dragging a plastic suitcase-looking dolly in with him. Her teacher was a slightly pudgy, unkempt man in his late twenties what, at the minimum, referred to himself as a grad student and not a professor. Dash liked that about his attitude; especially with how he didn’t give too big of a shit if anyone slept in the back or even cared at all. Like all the athlete students he was teaching, he, too, had a similar demeanor of someone under academic obligation.

Dash took a seat in the back next to another freshman athlete that occasionally practiced on the same field. She was a cross country runner, not a sprinter, so they technically weren’t on the same team, but their practices overlapped. “Hey, morning, Maple. How’s it going?” Dash asked in a whisper to the lanky girl with plain, brown hair held to the side that was parted down the middle by five little, pointed, leaf-shaped hair clips. Their teacher had began unpacking his things on a rather rough looking desk at the front of the classroom while the other students muttered amongst one another. Maple’s last name was a mystery to Dash and always had been since the semester started, but that hadn’t stopped her from considering asking her out a couple months ago before she found out Maple preferred those of the opposite sex and not just ones who could physically play both sides of the field.

“Oh, morning, Rainbow. I’m good. How a-boot you?” Maple had a strange way of pronouncing certain words that Dash couldn’t quite put her finger on, as well as a vocabulary filled with amusing phrases. “As your buddy, would you mind lending me your phone charger during class? I forgot to give mine the old zap last night.”

“Heh… yeah, sure.” Dash offered a slight giggle, always amused by how she talked. “Here you go.” She handed her the phone charger out of her bag before pulling out a notebook and her selected English reading printouts from an unorganized mess of a bookbag. She had no idea where they left off two days prior, but that was another reason why she liked Maple. All she had to do was glance over at her binder.

“Not to be impolite, but did-cha hear the rumor this morning, Rainbow?” she asked with a giggle of her own as her phone buzzed back to life on the floor against the rear wall. “Spring Step from the floor below me heard a girl having a rather heated evening by her lonesome last night, don’t-cha know. I mean, bringing company around the dorms isn’t new under the sun, but the girl she was talking about was…” Maple blushed slightly but more out of amusement than embarrassment. “... louder than flock of geese after a picnic.”

Dash giggled behind her fingers with a huge smirk and slight snicker. “Seriously? That’s gotta be pretty loud then. Was it one of the seniors?”

“Couldn’t be. It was coming from the lower freshman floor. Must’ve been pretty late last night, since I was out like a light after practice. Not to be impolite, but Spring Step said she could hear it right through her wall like someone was watching a late night, forbidden cable channel. You’re on that floor, aren’t-cha? Sleeping too, ay?”

“Uh, well, I slept really hard once I hit the sack.” Dash began rubbing the back of her head while tapping a finger on the table in front of her. “Like… super hard. I think my arm was asleep when I woke up.”

“Must’ve missed the commotion then,” Maple said with a sigh. “Too bad. It would’ve been funny to see who it was. Spring Step did also say she thought she knew who it was for sure, but it was just her neighbor who left the room this morning. Must’ve snuck out then like a raccoon into the frosty night.”

“Yeah…” Dash’s voice immediately changed to a slightly deeper and drawn out tone as she stared blankly down at her ruffled up papers in front of her. “... That’s… probably what happened.” She looked up towards the classroom door, remembering the forest green girl who passed her by in the hall not several minutes ago with the most sudden expression of poorly hidden shock on her face. Spring Step…


At around two in the afternoon, Dash had begun making her way across the large courtyard separating the academic halls from the athletic buildings. In a straight line, it would take a mere five or so minutes to cross, but even in the cold of January, a great deal of students gathered here everyday for a litany of different functions—most of which she found to be annoying. With an assortment of arrogant pseudo-activists having completed their first few sociology courses with sub-par grades trying to rally people’s attention just to explain how mistaken and ignorant everyone else is, Dash had no choice but to crowd in with large masses of students walking in one of four directions, all navigating around the soap-box lunatics. Most of them were the wanna-be intellectual types that she had neither the education nor desire to understand, but from the vast majority of the college’s reaction to them, Dash did at least realize that they were mostly all just full of hot air.

Today happened to be different, however. While normally relieved to be going to practice, head full of anticipation to not only work up a sweat but to enjoy the close company of other girls in less than modest clothing, Dash felt a bit of dread. A lot of the night before was a blur after she came home (thanks to a hyper state of arousal having accumulated into a pent up frustration from an entire evening having her nether regions constricted), but as the day went on, Dash had picked up quite a bit of both true and false information from the athletic grapevine.

Damn Spring Step… couldn’t just keep to herself, could she? Dash thought, dangerously close to grumbling out loud, although absolutely no one would notice in the crowd of over a thousand students at a time trying to reach their next destination. What started as a concern brought on by a rather prudish freshman member of the tennis team had morphed into an overblown and radically out of proportion rumor involving a minimum of three parties engaging sexually without recourse or regard for their neighbors of the entire dorm. At one point, Dash overheard two sophomores on the swimming team during her World Cultures class talking unashamedly about a girl of unverified identity getting bridge worked on both ends by a couple of “dick-bitches” which all seemed to happen from room to room. Dash never considered herself prude by any means, but even that totally false and overblown description was too much for her. Haven’t heard that one before. She knew immediately after hearing the term “dick-bitch” that she hated it.

To think… if Fluttershy back home heard anything like this… Dash thought as she remembered an instance years ago in middle school when her best friend growing up was unceremoniously introduced to the concept of porn while overhearing a couple of acne-riddled boys from the other side of the cafeteria. Fluttershy had to excuse herself from her salad and spend the last ten minutes of lunch in the girl’s room waiting for her mood stabilizer that never worked for as long as Dash had known her to kick in. Geez… poor girl. A part of her was glad they parted after high school. At least in a small veterinary school, Fluttershy probably wouldn’t be exposed to the crazy freak show that college could sometimes become. She was always kinda queasy around people, huh? Well, maybe except me. Growing up, Dash recalled her old friend getting low, experimental doses of certain medications that were supposed to make her more sociable and less anxious, but they were never truly effective.

This is sorta all my fault though… Dash thought as she broke free from the large group of students and veered off towards the large building serving as the joint locker rooms for all the teams. It consisted of about fifteen separate locker rooms and twice as many coach offices, and every other building contained a gym of some kind with long, enclosed hallways attached. Probably should’ve stuffed a sock in my mouth and let it out into a t-shirt instead of going way too far with it. Dash was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the whole situation, and the closer she got to the locker rooms, the more she dreaded hearing what was probably on everyone’s mind. Her pace never slowed, though. She wouldn’t let any of that make her miss out on today’s eye candy.

Dash was still a bit happy to be greeted by the loud hustle of about thirty different girls, all of whom shared the same special characteristics as her, each in a different state of dress by either getting out of or changing into something. She began to smirk a bit as she looked around while heading towards her locker, seeing all shapes and sizes of healthy looking equipment paired to a well toned figure. Coming to NCU as a student athlete was the first time she spent any real time with girls like herself. There was a specific medical term for a female who had the best of both worlds attached, but everyone here and where she grew up referred to them by more direct means. The term that Dash primarily used and experienced the most was “futa”, although fuck if she knew where that came from. Plus no one actually said that unless they really had to. It was rare to be treated differently because of it.

By the time she got to her locker, Dash’s brain had been far too preoccupied by the visual experience to register anything she heard in the commotion of her other teammates. By the time she had stripped herself of her shirt, someone had begun to approach her from a few lockers over. A shorter girl with two shades of navy blue hair and a pale complexion holding a hint of a blush tapped on Dash’s shoulder while holding a water bottle in her other hand. “Hey, Rainbow Dash. Do you have any of those energy chews? I forgot to eat lunch, and I think my blood sugar is low.”

Dash almost reeled around in surprise, awkwardly holding a pair of spandex shorts in one hand. “Oh, hey, Windy,” she said with a sigh as she was brought back to her senses. High Winds was a girl that didn’t seem to be fazed at all by being in such a stimulating environment, which was saying something as she was one of the few freshman runners who could claim to be a simpler gender. Dash always considered Windy a bit of a plain girl who favored stamina over speed, although she did have an impressive two-mile time that rivaled some of the senior runners. “Sorry, I don’t. I have some change in my gym bag, though, if you want something from the vending machine down the hall.”

“Thanks, I’ll pay you back.” High Winds gratefully accepted the several coins from the front pocket of Dash’s duffel. “I’m guessing you heard the rumor by now today about the noise in the freshman dorms, yeah?”

Dash sighed internally as she began trading her regular clothes for her practice gear.
“Yep, sure did.” Her tone changed to one of poorly masked annoyance.

“Sounds like you’ve heard it one too many times already,” High Winds said as she counted out the coins for a moment. “I feel the same way. It’s all that some of these girls talk about. Especially some of the…” She paused and appeared to take a second to choose her words. “A lot of them are way too interested. I feel a bit bad for whoever it is.”

That was a relief to hear, at least from one person, especially because Dash was merely trying to mind her own business last night and do her own thing. “Yeah, no kidding.” She began to arrange herself into her running shorts, a practiced effort made a bit more awkward today due to maintaining a conversation with a regular girl right beside her while already dealing with a temporary increase in size. Cute though… “Hopefully it all blows over soon. I’m really over it.”

“As soon as one of the team captains start dating someone new, everyone will forget.” High Winds respectfully averted her eyes when Dash had to inch herself into those shorts with considerable care to align her contents. “But I wanted to ask how you’re doing. I saw you leave early yesterday. Everything ok?”

“You noticed, huh? Thanks.” Dash blushed slightly as she shut her locker with her own gallon sized water bottle slung over her shoulder by its plastic strap. “I almost forgot all about that… Yeah, I got called into the assistant head coach’s office about my not-super-great grades,” she said with a tinge of resentment.

“Oh, yikes. Sorry to hear that. I’m glad you didn’t hurt yourself, but I dunno… An injury sounds kind of easier to deal with. Is this because of the whole ‘scholarship’ thing? My grades aren’t anything to brag about, and no one’s talked to me about it. Are they making a new policy or something?”

“No… not really,” Dash said with another sigh. “But since I’m not paying to be here, I guess I have more rules.” She thought dissatisfied about her situation for a brief moment right before a very tall girl with wild, white hair and impressively developed features—including an encumbering looking package cradled by a pair of strong legs—bumped into her. Dash had enough sense not to speak her mind to Fleetfoot, the captain of the long jumping squad, unless she wanted her own team captain of the sprinting squad, Spitfire, to chew her out in front of everyone.

“So what do you have to do?” High Winds asked, a bit of concern visible on her face. “I don’t feel like giving up my jogging partner during warm ups. The others on the distance team are so boring sometimes.”

Dash giggled slightly and nodded her head. “Yeah, kinda are, huh?” She reminisced for a moment about how they met during an awkward first day of practice when all the incoming freshmen had to find a stretching and warm-up partner within a matter of seconds. They really just threw us right into it. “It’ll be fine, don’t worry. I just have to miss the last hour of practice to go to tutoring.”

“Oh, I see.” Taking Dash’s cue, High Winds began following her out of the locker room down one of the long, enclosed hallways leading to the indoor practice track. “You say that like it doesn’t totally suck.”

“I guess…” Dash gave a slight shrug and took a long gulp of her water. The pause in her words was partially from the revelation of that truth as well as the nice view of a few freely swaying rear ends walking ahead of them. “Yeah, I guess not. My tutor is, well... she’s nice enough. It wasn’t bad.” Not bad at all. “Kinda had fun, actually. First time since I got here that I actually finished a whole math assignment. Didn’t even know I could do that.”

“No kidding? That’s the one subject I have that’s always my weekend headache.”

“Oh, hell yeah, mine too,” Dash began nodding in complete agreement. “I dunno, she broke it all down in a really simple way, and it felt like it made sense when she did it. Probably can’t do it on my own after just one day, but I have a weirdly good feeling about it.” I do… I really do, don’t I?

“That’s great, glad to hear it. Hopefully you can finish practices all the way through soon. Walking to the dining hall at night by myself is really weird without someone to talk to.”

“I’ll get my grades up, no worries. Not like I’m failing my classes or anything.” If Dash hadn’t been so oblivious, she might have noticed High Wind’s slight rose-tinted expression of longing.


About and hour and a half into practice, Dash had already exhausted her gallon-sized water bottle. The ponytail she had tied her hair back into had begun to unravel around the edges, with a few strands along her temples clinging to her skin from the beads of sweat forming across her forehead. She normally didn’t put this much effort into just drills and eighty meter run-throughs, but knowing she didn’t have a full practice time, she found herself trying to get the most of her day while constantly checking the large, square clock also acting as a timer and a buzzer sitting on the ground beside the south-end of the indoor track. When her parched throat paired with a slight cramping of her calves crept up on her, Dash finally decided to take a short break and refill her water at the drinking fountain beside the folded up bleachers.

Between greedily swallowing the water and still trying to fill the bottle, she had spent a few minutes at the fountain already when someone with very long, slender limbs and a skinny frame approached her from behind. “Rainbow Dash, you freak~”

Dash whipped herself around, spilling water all over the bleachers and nearly dropping her now heavy water bottle. Her face glistened with droplets she hadn’t wiped away yet. “What the fuck? Cloud Chaser, what do you want?” Dash asked with an intensely bright red face filled with embarrassment and anger. It was a surprise to be greeted with such a tone and equally suggestive words, but the surprise stopped there as she pieced together the situation. Fuck… my other next-door neighbor.

With light blue and silver hair whisked back as if stuck in a whirlwind, Cloud Chaser looked down at Dash with a huge mischievous smirk. She wore a team t-shirt that, due to her height, exposed her navel. Below her waist were slender cut track pants with break-away buttons on the side. Thanks to her lanky frame, the pants did an excellent job of hiding her futa parts that Dash had never been impressed with. Everything about this girl besides her height was small, but that never stopped her from voicing her mind. “Everyone’s talking about it, but I know it was you. Your shower is behind my wall. I can hear you even when you take a p-”

“Shut the fuck up, damn it,” Dash immediately cut her off, hissing hoarsely muffled words through her teeth as she pushed Cloud Chaser towards the corner of the wall beside the bleachers. Thanks to equal parts anger and embarrassment, Dash’s face was now bright red. “What you heard was none of your business, and you have no fucking right to be making crazy shit up all day about what you heard!”

“Whoa whoa whoa. I didn’t say anything to anyone, Rainbow. Not a single thing. You’re not the only one trying to enjoy themselves at the end of the day,” Cloud Chaser retorted back as she pushed Dash’s arms away. “But holy fuck, girl,” she began to giggle with a roll of her eyes. “I seriously wanna know how you were doing it that made you scream and crash onto the floor in there.”

“Why don’t you mind your own business, ok? If I don’t feel like sharing it with you, I don’t have to.” Dash let her go and put her water bottle down while casting nervous glances to her rear to see if any unwanted attention was drawn. “I didn’t give you a hard time when you locked yourself out of your room at two in the morning and had to call your sister.”

“Geez, relax, ok? I thought we’re supposed to be friends.” Cloud Chaser shook her head and took a few steps out of the corner with her arms crossed. “I’m not ratting on you or anything, so chill. I just thought it was really funny, that’s all. Really didn’t think you’d get so bent out of shape over it.”

“I’m not!” Dash palmed her face for a moment and glanced around again as she lowered her voice. “I’m not, but all the rumors have been really crazy and total bullshit, and you’re, like, just openly saying all this shit right now, and I don’t wanna talk about it.”

Cloud Chaser sarcastically retorted with another giggle when Dash scowled very angrily up at her. “What, so I’m not supposed to say something? Yeah, it’s totally fine to go full on rough rider in the middle of the night and moan like you’re in some bad casting couch porno while I try to sleep?”

Dash sighed and waved her hand across her face while looking down. “Ok, fine. Sorry about that, I really wasn’t thinking last night. Just had a lot going on in my head and I really needed to… just do my thing.”

“Soooo… it was just you in there? Wow. I figured you finally caved and brought that two mile chick you hang out with back to your place.”

Dash firmly jabbed Cloud Chaser’s shoulder with her thumb, not to be too hurtful, just to shut her up. “She’s none of your business either. What is it with you? Why are you suddenly so interested in my private life and stuff I do behind my closed door?”

“Nothing, sheesh, relax...” Cloud Chaser began rubbing her shoulder, obviously overplaying the slight discomfort. “But it was just you, right? Come on, I gotta know.”

“Yeah, it was just me! Seriously, why do you care so much?!” Dash exclaimed while putting her arms up, not concerned anymore about raising her voice as she hurriedly picked up her water bottle and began walking away towards the edge of the track. “You like what you see or something, weirdo?”

Cloud Chaser’s face turned a bit serious as she began keeping pace behind Dash. This was incredibly easy for her as her stride was so long. “Not even, Rainbow. Not even what I meant. You just gotta know that no one on our floor wants there to be some stupid hall monitor type shit cause some people can’t turn their TVs down.”

“Since when does the school care who we have over at our dorms? I mean, for fuck sake, they hand out free condoms at the student union. No one gives a shit who bangs who except for you, apparently, which is kinda creepy.”

“Oh come on, come on, don’t be like that. Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you all amped up and angry. Yeah, I might’ve been teasing, but I honestly didn’t mean anything by it. I went too far, I get that.”

Dash stopped and turned around to face her. “Yeah, you did. It would’ve been one thing to just crack a joke, but you just couldn’t stop…” Dash’s anger began to subside, now being replaced by a tinge of hurt with a slight urge to cry that she fought down with a gulp of water. “I’m having a tough time right now with some shit, and I really don’t need this.”

“Yeah, I heard about the tutor thing…” Cloud Chaser gave a pat on Dash’s shoulder. “Alright, my bad. I’ll leave you alone.”

“Thanks,” Dash said with a quick, hard sigh while shaking her head down at her feet. “Sorry for getting mad and blowing up on you. It’s been a really weird day for me. A lot’s kinda happening all at once.”

“Well, if you wanna talk about it, I can try, but you know…” Cloud Chaser took a step towards Dash and pointed half conspicuously towards the south end of the track where the pole vault and high jump squads had set up their little camp. “... My sister might be a better listener. Plus she’s way more intuitive with this stuff. Wanna come by sometime and hang out? We can talk or just play games or whatever.”

“Uhhhh… I’ll think about it. Right now I’ve got, you know, tutoring and whatever going on. Not much time outside of that.” Dash raised an eyebrow quizzically up at her. That was weird, right? That was totally weird.

“Yeah, I get it, but you know, if you ever feel like it, just drop by. Flitter makes pretty good granola protein cookies.”

“Sure… I’ll have to try them sometime.” Dash began backstepping away before turning around and transitioning into a jog. “See ya later.” Happy to be away from that awkward conversation on so many levels, Dash returned to her sprinting group that had begun practicing launches off the starting blocks. The drills were only about five seconds long between turns, but she did have to get in the back of the line.

While she waited for her turn, she couldn’t help but glance over at the pole vault team where Cloud Chaser had returned to. That had to be the most awkward invite I’ve ever gotten. She thought as she took her mark on the blocks and readied her hips and rear end up in the air. Even worse than when Fluttershy tried asking me after about five tries if I wanted to go to the homecoming rally with her. Yeah, it’s a high school assembly. We’re all going to the same place. Did I have a choice?

Spitfire, the team captain running the drill, shouted “GO!” while snapping her arm down in front of her. Dash launched herself forward and threw her arms back and forth while driving the toes of her feet as hard as she could into the firm rubber track. Once she reached terminal velocity, she raised her head and began coasting into a slow jog.

As she rounded the cone set up around the middle of the straight, she glanced back towards the pole vaulters, now close enough to make out individual faces. Cloud Chaser was there talking to her twin sister, Flitter, whose only difference in appearance was a shorter and much better managed head of hair secured by a lavender bow headband. They had chatted maybe two or three times since she came to NCU, with the more unruly and outgoing sister being the one she got to know over time. Flitter makes cookies, huh? That’s cool I guess.

When she happened to make eye contact with them, Dash was suddenly greeted by a nervous but enthusiastic wave from her which also vaguely reminded her of her old friend from high school, just without the same energy. Fluttershy was kinda weird about stuff too. Always spent most of her day with me but never really talked much. Flitter’s not THAT shy, just when she talks to me I guess. Maybe because her sister does the talking. Unlike her sister, Cloud Chaser returned her gaze with a middle finger extended just far enough for her to see without her sister realizing.


For the second time, Dash returned to the locker rooms by herself, and for the second time, she felt the loneliness of the large, empty staging area. Although today had been a bit of strain on her nerves, she longed to finish her day out on the track, eager to impress her team captain while attempting to stay ahead of all the other freshmen in the sprints. After tossing most of her gym clothes into a separate portion of her bag, she decided on taking a shower there instead of at home. After the recent ribbing she received and the fiasco of last night, she figured it would probably be for the best.

As a small consolation for the day, she was glad to have somewhere, or more importantly, someone else to go to. Twilight. With a bit of a smile, Dash began undressing on her way to the showers to do a quick wash and rinse. Even her name is cute. It had been the first time since that morning that she had an opportunity alone with thoughts of her tutor’s image, from her perfectly trimmed hair and adorably pretty face down to her somehow perfectly proportional waist and hips with equally perfectly angled thighs trailing her frame.

Dash stepped into the semi opened showers set up like circular stations all over the place in the back. Each shower had four heads pointed in right angles divided only on the sides. This still made showering with privacy possible, but only four at a time. With several of these showers set up in a room as large as the adjacent locker rooms, showers had to be kept short for both privacy reasons and limited supply of hot water. The longer in the shower, the more likely things would be seen between all the lathering and rinsing, and the more likely one of the team captains would rush someone if they were taking too long.

With the warm water on full blast, Dash took a deep breath and walked under the torrent of water with less than a second wasted after tossing her spandex shorts aside as her last article of remaining clothing. She tilted her head down once the water had thoroughly soaked through her hair before breathing out. She’s so fucking… so fucking hot… Dash began to smirk as she pumped some shampoo out of the dispenser hanging on the divide before rinsing it through her hair. Out of habit, she kept herself facing inward to keep her privacy and the privacy of others prioritized with the occasional peek or two, although when she did try to sneak a peek, she immediately remembered she was completely alone. “Oh, right, right…”

With a sigh, she relaxed herself and turned around facing outward. It felt nice to have the water hitting her back instead of directly on her face the whole time, and she often waited until heading home to shower because of this. If she wanted to ogle, the locker room worked just as well. Still… it’s really fucking boring in here by myself.

Her thoughts returned to Twilight, and she felt a kindling of warmth in her chest and a tingling rush of blood below her waist along with a hint of anticipation. Even if it was tutoring, it was nice to have something to look forward instead of something to dread as a punishment. Her hand absentmindedly found the base of her stiffening member, offering herself a light squeeze as she closed her eyes and returned to her imagination. Do I have time for this? I gotta be there in ten minutes… She began inching her fingers away from her base slowly, with a little over a foot of twitching length exposed … Five minutes to finish and get dressed… She brought her other hand around her shaft right below her glans, inching towards her other hand, moving them in the opposite direction. … Five minutes to walk all the way over there…

With a firm bite of her lower lip to keep from exhaling into a moan, she began working her hands back and forth at a steady pace, occasionally hissing softly through her teeth on a sharp inhale as her top hand glided over her head. It’s for the best, right? I don’t wanna be distracted when I have work to do. Her mind began to rationalize her situation with convoluted logic only made valid by her state of arousal as she stroked herself a bit faster, determined to make quick work of herself.

For about thirty blissful seconds, Dash leaned against one of the divides, rolling her head back and forth while shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Her hearing began to drown out, almost as if she were under water with only the sound of the shower running. The vision behind her closed eyes began to fade from an assaulting bluish white of the fluorescent lights above to a light pinkish hue. Everything was going perfectly, fully relaxed, lost in the moment, until a sharp noise booming with volume interrupted her concentration.

Dash’s eyes blew wide open in a heartbeat, her pupils dilating in a fight or flight response before immediately shrinking down to pinholes. She squinted hard from the abrasive light before finding her crackly voice. “Someone there?”

“Who’s that?” Called out a feminine voice, raspy from years of barking orders commands. “Who’s using the shower?”

OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT! Dash frantically scrambled herself up off the side of the shower divide before pointing herself away from the voice. “Y-Yeah! It’s Rainbow Dash.” Why is SPITFIRE in here???

“You better get a move on if you don’t wanna be late, kid.”

Dash could hear the difference of clarity in her voice, telling her that Spitfire had her head at the very least in the shower room, and she pulled her still aroused member up against her navel and chest to hide its silhouette. The tall, lean figure filled out by muscle over a still very alluringly shaped and lovely frame which both intimidated and stimulated Dash now filled her with dread as she hesitated to move any farther.“Y-Yeah, yeah I… didn’t forget.”

“Well get a move on! You have five minutes to get dressed and get to the library!” Spitfire barked with some impatience. Spitfire began clapping her hands as loudly as possible to prod Dash away from the shower she still stood under. Even across the showers, she was just as every bit intimidating and impressive of a sight, made even more commanding and powerful by the authority of her hands on her strong wide hips supported by tall, muscular legs, all connected to a slender and defined waist. What hung in a tightly packed mound of power between her legs barely held back by a UNC adorned pair of spandex shorts, however, intimated Dash the most. Not even the biggest of the guys on the team dared give her attitude. Although Dash deeply admired her more than anyone she’d ever met to the point of near obedient infatuation, her fear for her overshadowed everything else. “Time waits for no one! Move your ass!”

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Dash hunched over slightly after turning the water off before awkwardly turning around to shuffle her wet self out of the showers. She hoped that between her pathetic attempt to hide her protrusion, the steam building up, and her no doubt extremely strange stride, she might be able to avoid an even worse awkward encounter. The first time Spitfire ever talked to me and she catches me jerking off in the shower! What the fuck is wrong with me?!

“Yeah, I know all about your grades and scholarship situation, kid. Someone like you should put the same effort into school as she does out on the track, if they get a full fucking ride.” Spitfire continued to scold as she followed behind Dash into the locker rooms. “Let me get some athletic tape from your locker. I’m out. One of the high jumpers sprained their ankle.”

“Uhhh… I probably have some somewhere…” Dash stammered as she awkwardly opened her locker at a pace slow enough to warrant another response.

“Shit, kid. Use both fucking hands or you’re gonna end up sprinting from here to the library.” Spitfire let out a very exasperated sigh as she reached over to pop Dash’s locker open for her before reaching in and grabbing a stray roll of blue sticky tape from the bottom. “Don’t leave these just rolling around in your locker. We only get so many every month.”

Now thoroughly humiliated, Dash stuffed her head into her locker to hide her bright red face while fumbling for her clothes. She couldn’t see what Spitfire was doing exactly, but her peripheral vision showed her team captain still standing next to her. Is she watching me?! Fuck fuck fuck she can see my fucking… fuck! By the time she’d managed to work herself into now embarrassingly tight red sweatpants, another half-minute had gone by. Her pounding chest hadn’t slowed down for a second, making the rest of her effort to dress herself an almost painful eternity.

“Shit… you put something heavy on this thing,” Spitfire complained as she furiously picked at the roll of tape to find the start of it before biting down and ripping a new tear.

With a hint of relief, Dash ran her towel over her wet hair she didn’t have the time to dry off a moment before. If she went out into the winter evening with hair this wet, she’d be shivering for a while once she got to the library. Maybe she didn’t see… maybe she was just working the tape and didn’t notice. As she scrambled her old high school track sweater over her head, Dash tried jamming her feet into her shoes blind which proved more painful than effective. Somehow, she managed, but it felt like she stubbed her toe somehow.

Spitfire’s tone changed from a commanding presence to something much more casual. “You gotta relax, kid. I would say… don’t zip your pants up too fast, but I guess try not to trip and fall forward. Right now, that would really fucking hurt.”

Shit… Dash had nothing to respond with. Now face to face with confirmation of her fear, she hung her head and slung her both her gym bag and book bag over her shoulder. “Sorry… I’m going now. I won’t be late…” she said as monotone and as loud as possible without letting her voice quiver.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash.” Spitfire put a hand on her shoulder as Dash tried to slip passed her. “Just stick it out and make it happen. You’re not the first or the last who has to go through academic probation. All you gotta do is get it together, ok? So get it together.”

All Dash could say in reply was, “Yeah,” with a much quieter voice that she almost didn’t recognize. She never turned to face her, simply walking with purpose out of the locker rooms towards the main exit. She saw me… she fucking saw me jerking off. Fuck me fuck me fuck me my team captain saw me jerking off… Dash managed to fight back a tear as she tore through the double door exit into the cold winter air. She began jogging away, not for fear of being late anymore, just to put some distance between herself and that soul crushing awkward moment.

It felt better to get her feet moving again, and her jog broke out into a sprint with the two bags over her shoulder swaying back and forth and bouncing off her back. The constriction of her shaft tightly stuffing her jogger pants was subsiding quickly, much to her relief. After today’s non-stop and increasing levels of awkward and embarrassing moments, she lingered on the thought of never having an erection again. Or having never been fucking born this way.

About halfway across the main courtyard, now almost empty due to the setting sun and the brisk air, Dash’s mind began to retreat from its own personal thoughts and move towards an intense desire to get out of the cold. Her head, still damp from the shower, had begun to feel almost as if it was shrinking due to her wet hair tempted with the possibility of freezing. Even at a nearly full on sprint, her hands tightly clasping the padded handles of her bags began to shake with the onset of a shivering fit. Fuck this day fuck this day FUCK THIS DAY!


It took several minutes to thaw out from the cold. Dash spent a few of those minutes standing in a damp shiver right inside the library doors as she waited for the remnants of the snow on her shoes to melt and her hair to completely dry. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t care at all about pretense, but with the anticipation of seeing Twilight for only the second time, she really didn’t want to look like the same mess that had ran out of the locker rooms on the verge of either crying or kicking over a trash can. Not gonna let one of those get me like that again she thought as she tapped the toes of her shoes against the giant weather mat by the front door. Several years ago in high school, she had the brilliant idea of leaping two trash cans during a P.E. class freshman year which earned her a nickname that she hated with a passion.

With just the ends of her locks still a bit clingy to each other, Dash finally felt ready to ascend the stairs to the back corner of the library. She purposely ignored the pompous and suffocating looking guy working the reception desk that she had the displeasure of meeting yesterday as she made her way to the stairs. The smell of hot coffee and assorted pastries from across the way at the little coffee stand reminded her of how little she had eaten that day, but the desire to see Twilight overcame all others. She marched herself up the stairs, only having to dodge one other random student to reach the back corner where she placed her bags down beside the same small table as yesterday.

The light in the tutor’s office appeared to be on, and Dash approached the door with a fist made in preparation to knock, but she hesitated to check herself over first. Never… done that before, she thought as she rapped her knuckles twice.

The sound of a few papers shuffling and an adorably muffled yawn greeted her before the door swung backwards gently. “Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked with the most beautifully big eyes half adorned by glasses looking up at her.

This was the first time Dash stood so close to the little tutor, and she began to recognize an appreciation for this entirely new viewing angle. “H-Hey,” she said with a slight crackle to her voice as she looked down at Twilight’s agonizingly innocent face. Her eyes continued downward to the top two unfastened buttons of Twilight’s blouse, hinting at the small but perfect perkiness hiding beneath. She could also make out the edges of her hips creating a visual foundation around the rest of her frame, and Dash immediately took a step back, feeling a part of her body closing the distance without her actually moving. “Whoa, sorry I totally forgot. I’m supposed to check in the the guy downstairs first, huh? That’s my bad.” She said, forcing an embarrassed giggle while looking away.

“That’s ok, don’t worry about it.” Twilight replied, seemingly paying no mind to Dash’s sudden physical proximity or what could easily be recognized as a situation developing down below. In fact, she never once broke eye contact as she gestured towards the table. “I’m used to it, as I get asked questions at random times when I work a library shift. Would you like to take a seat?”

Dash suddenly registered a foreign heat below her hips that the cold of the winter evening almost made her forget existed, and she frantically took a seat while trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s do that.” Her face flushed hard for a moment as she tried tucking her girth between her legs to contain herself. Fuck me… I really needed to finish…

“You look a bit flustered, Rainbow. Are you adequately hydrated? I hope you didn’t forget to drink enough water at practice.” Twilight had genuine concern in her voice as she, too, blushed ever so slightly.

Fuck… that’s cute… “I-I, ummm…” Dash nodded her head and reached into her gym bag for her water bottle. “I’m good here, not a problem.” But I wish I actually needed this right now.

“Well, I’m sure you’re probably a little amped up from practice, so take a few minutes to get settled and relax a bit before we jump right into things, ok?” Twilight slid a microfiber cloth out of hidden pocket in her pleated skirt to wipe her glasses. “Am I saying that right? ‘Amped up?’”

Dash giggled a bit in her still crackly, nervous voice. “Um, yeah sure. Thanks. That’d be great.” She took a few deep breaths as she retrieved her math book out and dutifully drank some water. When Twilight broke eye contact to put her glasses back on, Dash watched intently as she blinked a few times for her eyes to adjust. Holy fuck… that’s adorable…

“So, what shall we tackle today?” Twilight asked as she looked down at the book on the table. “Math again? I think that’s a great idea. We definitely have a few more lessons to catch you up on.”

“Right, right, yeah. Math.” Dash only now realized what she had retrieved from her book bag. Fuck… She does have a point, but… fuck.

“May I?” Twilight asked as she slowly slid the book towards herself before opening it to the next section. “So yesterday we spent some time working out some linear equations and graphed several lines, each with varying slopes. Sound kind of familiar? I’m sure you had a busy day, so I thought I’d ask.”

“Yeah. I do.” I really do… I actually do.

“Wonderful. This next section is going to be similar but with… a bit… of a twist.” She began pursuing the first couple pages of the section. “Although, I suppose the term ‘curveball’ might be more appropriate, because today we’ll be learning all about parabolas.”

Twilight seemed a tad excited, judging from her tone and abundantly enthusiastic smile which made Dash hate less what she tried and failed to not sleep through earlier that week. “Cool, so… can we start from the beginning like last time? I’m… pretty much behind on this section too.”

“Of course we can.” Twilight flipped the book upside down on the table for Dash’s view, but amazingly, this didn’t seem to inhibit her ability to read or point anything out on the pages. “Let’s start here. As we know, one visually represented variable on a graph is going to be the visual height of a plotted point, and the other point a visual representation of width.”

“X and Y,” Dash said with a nod as she stared at the page.

“Exactly. As we know, a change in some way to the X variable will change what the Y variable will be. We’ve tinkered with basic mathematical changes like addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division so far, all which make straight visual lines with different slopes and directions.”

“Yeaaaah,” Dash said with a slow nod as she tried to piece together last evening’s instruction. To her very welcome surprise, she looked up to see Twilight pick her chair up and drag it all the way around the table so she could sit just a hair’s distance away from shoulder to shoulder. Dash could again smell Twilight’s sweet lavender and fresh paper scent, and the slight heat coming off her body made Dash squeeze her thighs together. She remembered how agonizing this was last time, but she had no intention of losing out on it.

“Alright, so today we’ll be trying something dramatically different but only a tiny bit more complicated. You’re familiar with numerical squares and exponential powers, yes?” Twilight asked as she looked up at Dash with an almost mousy and heart-stoppingly quizzical expression from only about a foot away.

“Sure… like… same numbers multiplied together…” Dash answered, fighting back the urge to dry swallow, instead opting to drink more water to cool her face.

“Excellent, so this should be easy for you, too.” Twilight pointed to a couple basic graphical representations in the textbook as she began to speak a bit more fluidly without interruption about the formation of the functions.

Dash tried her best to follow, but her loss of attention wasn’t due to a lack of understanding but tug of her attention towards other matters. She began to feel the now pounding throb of what she was trying to so desperately contain between her thighs now occupying enough space to make her knees bow out slightly. Her face continued to remain flushed despite the fourth time she forced water into her mouth, now facing a concern of whether or not the sound of rushing water might be a bit annoying to her perfect little tutor. Maybe… fuck… maybe I should go to the bathroom… and finish what I started… But if I do that, she’ll think I’m just taking a big d-

The sound of, or rather, lack of any sound broke her from her thoughts, and Dash glanced to her side to see Twilight staring intently at something in the text.

“There’s a relative change in the function’s derivative when compounding the reactionary variable with multiplicity,” Twilight said as she read aloud a passage in Dash’s textbook. She took on a rather perplexed expression as she tapped a rather expensive looking pen against her chin.

Dash had no idea what any of that meant, so she had no intention of bothering to bluff a response other than a small mutterance. “Yeah.” This was still a feat of her remaining intelligence limited by the visual draw of Twilight’s neckline and slight protrusion of her collarbone, all tautly concealed by the softest and smoothest looking skin she had ever seen.

“This… may not be completely fair.” Twilight flipped a couple pages forward and was greeted by a couple of parabolas with different distances between the curves. “I get what the book is referencing, but it jumps right into describing different frequencies between the equation’s limitations without ever actually explaining how the equation functions on both a positive and negative scale.”

“Um…” Dash slowly broke her gaze from unashamed gawking towards where Twilight’s finger was resting on a particular paragraph. “Honestly, whatever you see wrong with whatever that says, I don’t get at all. My problem is way bigger than that, I think.”

“Well, essentially, I suppose what they’re trying to say is that there’s this rate of change to the lines being drawn, right? And the derivative of that line is a representation of that rate of change up or down on the graph. The frequency is how quickly that change is made over and over again. I get why this is so frustrating, Rainbow. This is a terrible way to teach this information. Besides, derivative applications aren’t actually taught yet until advancement to calculus courses, and we haven’t even covered the basics of how any of this works yet.” Twilight closed Dash’s textbook on her finger for a moment to take a harder look at the author and publication. “These new editions are really over-inflating themselves.”

Dash placed her head on the little table in the upstairs corner of the library where they had retreated to the day before, actually relieved to have her thoughts wrestled away from anything provocative. Her thighs didn’t feel so strained to hold so much back, but her eyes glanced over at the tutor’s office door tucked away where Twilight had made her breathtaking entrance just as day ago. Seriously… all the stuff is here to make it happen… me… her… and a private office. Why can’t we just do that? She slowly raised her head, seeing Twilight jotting down something off the inside front cover of her textbook. “Um, what are you doing there?”

“I’m pulling the reference number so I can try to find a different textbook in the same course category somewhere else that might be better to read instead of this one. You’ll have to hang on to this one for the homework, but other than that, it’s practically worthless.” Twilight said with an innocently disarming and sweet smile as she closed the textbook and pushed it away a few inches.

“Um…” Dash looked at her quizzically before smiling back, feeling a sense of relief. “Thanks? I’m not sure what you mean, but it sounds like you’re trying to help.”

“It’s nothing. I do it all the time for some of the other students I tutor. Some textbooks are better than others, that’s all. Not entirely sure why your math class is using the same one as the preliminary advanced courses, but I guess the school has its reason. Maybe it’s easier, or maybe the have a deal with this publication.”

“Huh…” Dash folded her arms across her midsection as she leaned forward over the table slightly while turning her head around farther to meet her gaze. “Sounds kinda… shady when you put it like that.”

Twilight offered an apologetic smile as she shook her head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound so conspiring. There are just some things our school does that I don’t necessarily agree with, but that’s just the opinion of a tutor.”

“You’re more than just a tutor, though,” Dash blurted out with a slight righteous enthusiasm in her voice without thinking.

“Oh?” Twilight gently tapped on the bridge of her glasses to bring the well worn metal frame back onto the bridge of her nose. “How so?”

“Well, um… I mean…” Dash immediately regretted putting herself on the spot in front of a girl she found herself so deeply infatuated, knowing that nothing she’d say would sound remotely intelligent enough for her. “... You’re also kind of like some sort of…” She trailed off and looked away with a tinge of embarrassment as she rubbed the back of her head. “You’re really helpful, I guess is what I’m trying to say. Plus you’re really nice to talk to.” And look at.

“So, I’m a good tutor?” Twilight asked with an equally adorable and disarming giggle. “I do try my best, and I’m glad you think so. Some of the students I tutor are a lot more difficult to worth with.”

“Like who??” Dash immediately wanted to slap herself as soon as she asked. Calm the fuck down, girl, geez!

“There’s always a few students who really don’t want to be here for whatever reason. Some don’t care all that much, some think I’m a waste of time, but I get it. Most people who have tutors don’t have one because they have a lot of options, so it makes sense that it wouldn’t be all that fun for everyone.”

“Yeah…” Dash said with a sigh and looked down at the table. “That’s… kinda true, huh?”

“Hey.” Twilight placed a hand on Dash’s wrist. “Don’t feel bad about it, ok? I want to be here, and I want to help you. That’s why I chose this job.”

“What? I don’t feel bad. No, no, not me, nu-uh.” With great sadness, Dash pulled her wrist back and tucked her arms into her toned midsection to avoid having to deal with a raging inconvenience. “I like having you as a tutor. You’re awesome and super smart and you're really good at it. I mean, I learned more about this stuff just talking to you than I did in class these past few weeks, ” she said as she brought her gaze down towards the center of the table, avoiding eye contact as her face grew bright red. “You’re really helpful, and you don’t talk all smarty-pants better-than-everyone when we talk. You’re really nice… I’m glad you’re my tutor.”

“Oh.” Twilight looked away from her for a moment as her own face brightened up significantly with a slight smile. “That was really nice of you, Rainbow Dash. Thank you. I think you’re nice too. One of the nicest students I’ve ever tutored, and this is only the second time meeting you.” She put a small hand on Dash’s back and offered a slight rub for a few seconds. “I’m honestly really surprised I could make such a strong impression on someone in so short a time.”

“Y-Yeah…” Dash swallowed hard as she firmly bit her lower lip. The feeling of Twilight’s hand on her back reminded her of two things very similar but different. Firstly, she really did need that denied finish from earlier which would now keep her locked in a sitting position for the rest of the session. Secondly, she only now realized how long it’s been since she’d actually felt the embrace or loving touch of someone else. She never considered herself someone that had to look hard for a date, but for the past several years, she had been so intensely focused on her training and athletic performance that she hadn’t had a real girlfriend in years, minus the very occasional and equally as awkward attempts at hooking up where fewer words were spoken at the end than at the beginning. Fuck… at least all the way back to junior speedsters… Not a difficult day to remember. Her old junior high running partner shared a difficult moment with her on their last day of school that year. She moved back, I think… to…

“Um, Rainbow Dash? Are you ok?” Twilight asked as she waved a hand in front of Dash’s face. She looked very concerned for some reason as her eyes seemed to frantically dart up and down across Dash’s face.

“Y-Yeah, yeah, sorry I’m fine.” Dash nodded her head and leaned back in her chair for a moment. “Sorry, I guess it’s just been a really long day for me. I didn’t sleep much last night, kinda forgot to eat. and I had a lot going on today that just didn’t seem to stop.” She tried to offer a slight smile, but something about the air seemed to change. Her eyes began to sting, and her jaw felt tight. It took a moment to register what she was fighting back, and she quickly began rubbing her face with her palms.

“You do look tired,” Twilight said as she closed the textbook. “How about this? Why don’t we call it early today so you can have a chance to have dinner and catch up on your sleep. I’ll spend the rest of the night working out a lesson plan based on your syllabus that doesn’t involve this textbook. How does that sound?”

Dash vigorously rubbed her eyes with her knuckles to fight back the tears before lowering her hands and gazing down at Twilight with an appreciative but slightly bloodshot expression, evident of almost crying, but hopefully the adorable bookworm wouldn’t notice. “Yeah, that doesn’t sound bad at all, but…” And this is true… “I don’t… really feel like going just yet. I haven’t even been here with you for that long. Besides, we haven’t even tried one of these problems yet, and, you know, I am super behind on this stuff.”

“Rainbow, you need some food and some sleep.” Twilight put her hand on Dash’s back again and rubbed a bit more vigorously. “I used to burn myself out all the time when I first started college, and it didn’t do me any favors either. Trust me, please. As a tutor, I’ve had an outside perspective on this stuff which has helped me realize what I used to do, and right now, you’re doing the same thing. If you’re really tired and really hungry, please eat and get some sleep, ok?” She stood up from the table and carefully slid Dash’s textbook into her book bag before offering out a hand.

“U-Um…” Dash’s face turned bright red once more as tapped her fingers on the table. Standing up at that particular moment would be problematic, but the allure of taking Twilight’s hand proved to be too tempting. “R-Right…” She placed her her fingers across Twilight’s delicate little palm and slowly stood, trying to keep her back bent just enough to keep her raging erection pinned to her inner thigh. Although this worked for a moment, the rush of circulation throughout her body after having sat long enough caused her pulsating member to unravel and outline the front of her red sweatpants. With her breath tightly held within her chest, she stood motionless and expressionless.

Defying all probability, Twilight seemed completely obviously as she reached down with both hands to retrieve and hold up Dash’s heavy gym bag. Her face still retained an innocent and beautiful smile while revealing absolutely no shock or surprise. Dash couldn’t understand it, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to test her luck by questioning her fate, but she was absolutely certain that either Twilight’s eyesight was horrible outside the peripheral of her glasses or she was far too good-natured and sweet to let on anything.

“Thanks,” Dash said as she nervously cleared her crackly throat, taking her gym bag and holding it across her lap while standing up straight before flinging her book bag over one shoulder. “So… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Have a good night, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said with a slight nod. “Take care of yourself.”

“Y-Yeah…Thanks, Twilight. You too.”