Princess: 19 going on 3

by Hyperious

First published

Princess Flurry Heart is still much the same pony as when she was a Foal, no matter her age.

Princess Flurry Heart is still a Foal at Heart. She loves her diapers, loves her caretaker Sunburst, and loves her actual job as a Princess and member of the Royal Family. With Sunburst by her side all these years, she has grown into a responsible mare who can handle the tasks of a true royal, but still indulges in her younger side.

Typical Morning

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The alarm snapped Flurry Heart awake. She shot up in bed and stared across the room. It was still early morning, only 5AM. A light breeze fluttered through the open window across the room, early morning bird chirps filtered through. She slapped the snooze on her alarm and proceeded to swing her legs of her bed and onto the floor. Her thickly padded butt crinkled and squashed with every move, but she was used to that by now. As she finally got on all 4 hooves the door opened and in trotted Sunburst.

“How's my birthday girl!” Sunburst exclaimed to the still somewhat out of it Flurry. “19! My little foal is all grown up!”

“Oh hush, you know I can't help it” Flurry sarcastically joked.

“Well, in any case you've still got a lot on your plate today. We have that trade negotiation meeting with the Yaks today, then after that Cadence asked if you could go to the ribbon cutting for the new hospital in her stead”

“Yeah, no surprises there, of course they get me to do the boring stuff” Flurry joked as she walked over to the large table in the corner, with Sunburst following. “Can you use the thick ones today? I don't want to have to worry about leaking in front of the Yaks, you know how they can be big assholes sometimes”

“Watch your mouth young lady or I may just make you wear your wet night diaper all day instead!” Sunburst joked as Flurry climbed up on the changing table. Flurry smirked, that'd be awesome, she thought to herself as Sunburst began tearing the tapes off her wet night diaper. This was a ritual they had shared for longer than Flurry could remember. Even as a young adult she wore diapers 24/7, but not because she needed them. To others she just said that a magic accident when she was little caused her to be incontinent, but the reality was that she liked it. She liked it a lot.

When she was very young she did have a bedwetting problem, and for 9 years from her first potty training until the was 11, Sunburst had been tasked with making sure she didn't ruin her mattress every night, in addition to his other duties as magic mentor and caretaker. For years he diapered her up before bed, and by the time she was done with bedwetting, Flurry had gotten attached to the loving feeling of being changed by her mentor and caretaker. She began having “accidents” in the hope that Sunburst would continue to diaper her, and it worked, for a time. That is until Sunburst walked in on her rubbing herself through her wet padding when she was 14. After that he continued to change her, but always made little jokes any time she needed a change.

Flurry loved it. She had all the benefits of being a crown princess, with the fun of having a father figure that was actually around to care. Her father Shining was always out of town leading guard troops and inspecting Equestrian defenses, and her mother was usually too busy with her Royal duties to even see Flurry every day. Sunburst really was the closest thing to a parent she had. Sunburst was in love with it too. They way he saw it, she was the daughter he never had.

As Sunburst taped the new, thick diaper on Flurry, she squirmed a bit remembering today's date. I hope they actually remember this time she thought to herself as Sunburst finished taping her up and began ushering her off the table. The unicorn patted the alicorn’s poofy butt as she strutted out the door. “I think that's my best work yet” he joked as Flurry whimsically shaked her butt for him, crinkling like crazy in her fresh padding. “Come on though, the Yaks always like to show up 2 hours early then complain, let's beat them to the negotiating table!” He said as he began to gallop down the hallway. Flurry followed with her typical waddle, happy to race her mentor through the halls of the crystal castle.

Yakity Yak Yak

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Goddamn it how much longer will this take Flurry thought to herself as the Yaks and Equestrian economic advisors argued back and forth about import tariffs and customs holdings. This is sooooooo boring! I’d literally rather be anywhere else right now. The main meeting chamber was filled with well dressed Yaks and ponies. Notebooks, papers, laptops, and graphs littered the table, and the projector showed off various slides about GDP, imports, and inflation rates. All of it was mind-numbingly boring to Flurry.

“You’re being very patient, Flurry” Sunburst whispered to her between the yelling Yaks and arguing ponies “this won’t be much longer, the Yaks like to talk a big game, but they know they can’t get by without equestrian imports, we’ll call their bluff soon enough”

“I just wish they would shut up by now, we’ve been at this for 4 hours.” Flurry whined as she squirmed in her seat “I’m only here because of the formality of needing a royal family member in the proceedings…” she sighed slightly “plus I sorta need to go potty” she muttered under her breath, only loud enough for Sunburst to hear.

“Well, you know what to do then, my little princess.” he smirked as she looked at him with a both pleading and aroused look in her eyes. “It should only be maybe an hour before we’re done, but a foal like you has a hard time holding it that long anyway”

Flurry squirmed with arousal and desperation for a few more minutes, her diaper obscured by the big oak desk everyone was arguing around. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and let herself go. Her diaper softly crinkled as it was soaked to capacity. Flurry sighed a bit as she felt sweet release; the warm wetness traveling out from her crotch down to her butt and up to the base of her stomach. Her diaper puffed up and yellowed with her foalish act as Sunburst watched his little girl wet herself without a care in the world.

“You look relaxed” he mentioned loud enough for a few others to hear, a devious smile that only Flurry knew was plastered on his face “what do you think about this tariff plan?” he asked her in front of the group of 30-40 other Yaks and ponies.

Flurry, suddenly woken up from her mid-pee stuper stuttered “w-well I think it’s o-ok”, the entire negotiating hall becoming silent to listen to the princess’s input. Faint hissing could be heard as she tried to formulate a better response “I… I think the tax plan is… good?” she tried to make up an excuse to shift the attention away from herself. Her wetting slowly came to a close as the room’s eyes turned back to a slide highlighting customs enforcement, a few whispers here and there, the ones that could be made out seemed to be about her inattentiveness. As another Yak began blabbing on and on she looked over at Sunburst, a scowl on her face. Sunburst just snickered and turned back to the papers in front of him.

Finally, an hour later the meeting ended. Flurry stayed at her seat until the last yak had left, and most of the advisors had departed for their offices. As she got up and started down the hallway back to her quarters she playfully teased her mentor.

“Sunburst you asshole! how’d you know?”

“You always have that face” he said with a slight chuckle “‘I’ve seen it several times a day for the past 19 years, it’s not hard to know what’s going on” his hoof squishing her padding as he walked and she waddled down the hallway. “Come on little girl, let’s get you changed before the ribbon cutting ceremony”

“Damn, that’s right, that thing is today too.” she sighed

Changing Times

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Flurry squirmed as the cold wipes rubbed over her skin. “You don’t need to be so harsh with them, Sunburst” she complained. Sunburst just smiled and kept cleaning up the young adult alicorn like she was just a little foal.

“Ok, now that’s done, time for the powder and lotion, wouldn’t want our princess to get a red little butt!” he teased as he sprayed the powder all over, and rubbed it in. Flurry hummed to herself as he massaged her crotch with the white powdery goodness. “Sounds like someone at least is enjoying this” he commented.

“I mean, sure. It was getting pretty clammy in that thing after all” flurry joked as Sunburst grabbed the diaper rash cream.

“Last step, and we’ll get you on your way.” He splooged a generous amount of the white gooey substance into his hoof and began slathering it all over her behind and up between her legs. “I hope you don’t get too excited before the ribbon cutting ceremony” Sunburst joked as he rubbed the cream across her crotch and up towards her vagina. Flurry squeaked as Sunburst’s hoof rubbed over her marehood “after all” he said “we wouldn’t want the little princess to make herself look like a foal” his rubbing increased, Flurry went red-faced. Her mentor and caretaker kept rubbing his hoof over his little foal, coaxing her from small squeaks into longer and longer moaning. Flurry began panting as Sunburst started using his hoof to slide between her lips. She was getting so very close, and the wetness on Sunburst’s hoof was all the telltale sign he needed. Her panting and moaning grew louder and louder. She was so very close now, her marehood glistening with precum. Finally, just before she was about to cum Sunburst pulled the front of the diaper up between her legs and taped it closed, saying “aww, the poor foal can’t even keep herself dry during a change”

Flurry was furious at being denied her orgasm “D-Damnit Sunburst!” she panted “I was so close”. She stared down at her crotch where a fresh diaper looked back at her.

“Well my princess, good foals get release, that’s what you get for using bad language earlier! Now get off the table and put on a nice dress, the ribbon cutting ceremony starts in half an hour and it’s on the other side of Canterlot”

Flurry panted and whined, before getting up off the table and waddling over to her closet. Her dress collection included everything a princess like herself would need, from formal wear for gala’s to casual wear and athletic clothes.

“This looks nice” Sunburst said as he pointed out a dress toward the back of the closet.

“Seriously? How badly do you want to ruin my public image?” Flurry replied, somewhat annoyed

“You wear diapers 24/7 anyway with no clothes, I’m pretty sure this can’t make it much worse”

“Wow, thanks for that” Flurry said, somewhat jokingly. “Most ponies don’t give a shit anyway since I’ve been this way for my whole life”. She stared at the dress, it was a frilly lacy dress that wouldn’t look out of place on a foal only 2 years old. She made a mental note to thank Rarity again the next time she saw her for making such a well fitting and cute outfit before slipping it on over her head and shoving her arms through. It had a small skirt that barely made it past her cutie mark, so her diapered butt was still totally visible.

“You look adorable in pink!” Sunburst exclaimed.

“I am pink, idiot” Flurry replied, blowing a raspberry to her caretaker in the process

“Ok, well it’s time to get going, otherwise we’ll be late.”

“Oh yeah, wouldn’t want to anger the townsponies by not cutting a ribbon on time” she joked sarcastically before waddling down the hallway toward the waiting stagecoach.

A Messy Situation

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The carriage bumped down the cobblestone street. Sunburst and Flurry rode in silence for most of the journey, he with his head stuck in a book and she with her eyes watching the passing ponies on the street. “Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like” she mutters under her breath.

Sunburst looks up from his book for a second and asks “what’s that darling?”

“All those ponies out there, without the eyes of Equestria always on them, I wonder what it’d be like to just have a normal life” she lays her head on the windowsill of the carriage and sighs. “I guess I’d just like some time where my family isn’t always too busy to even see me most days. Dad is always traveling, and Mom is always busy doing royal court with Celestia and Luna, I only ever see the two together maybe once a month”.

“Well, you have me” Sunburst replies “I’ve been there for you since you were just a foal, and I’ll be there for you as long as you want me to” he smiled behind his book, and flurry looked over, smiling too.

The carriage rolled to a stop at the front entrance. By the front stairs there was a small stage with a few workers setting up some chairs and a podium. Flurry and Sunburst stepped out of the carriage and made their way to the side stage where a few other key ponies were meeting before the ribbon cutting ceremony

“Ah, Mayor Crimson Skye and Doctor Whooves, nice to see you two again” Flurry exclaimed as she shook hooves with each of them “I’m glad that the donation from the Royal medical academy was able to get your new hospital up and running so quickly!”

“Well thank you your majesty” Doctor Whooves replied, obviously a bit starstruck by meeting a princess “When I heard that the royals would be helping to get this project finished I was overjoyed”

Flurry smiled and made her way with the rest of them to the stage. A few hundred other ponies, mostly the new staff of the hospital took their seats to watch a speech by Doctor Whooves and Mayor Skye.

“Mayor Skye apparently didn’t get the memo about 10 minute speeches” Doctor Whooves whispered to her as his speech began to tick past the 20 minute mark.

Flurry chuckled to herself nervously. In the beginning of the speech she had felt the telltale sign from her bowels that things were about to get a lot stinker. As Mayor Skye droned on and on the pressure had mounted further and further. Sunburst, who was seated in the front row looked to Flurry and saw her begin to squirm with the effort of keeping her bowels shut.

“Oh no” he whispered to himself as he saw the princess begin to rock back and forth while straining to keep a clamp on her butt. Finally Mayor Skye finished his speech and sat back down, before Doctor Whooves got up and began speaking. At this point all of Flurry’s mental facilities were devoted to one thing: Don’t shit yourself in front of all these ponies. As Doctor Whooves finished up with his speech he began adlibbing about how much the project was indebted to the Royal family. He invited Flurry to the front with him as the ribbon was to be cut.

Flurry was sweating and barely registered what she had just heard. About the only thing keeping her from completely exploding right that second was that her butt was firmly planted on the metal folding chair on the stage. She looked to Sunburst, who was only smiling a cheeky, all-knowing smile. Reluctantly she got up from her chair and walked over to the ribbon.

“The honor is yours princess!” Doctor Whooves stated as he handed her the huge ceremonial scissors. Flurry’s eyes darted back and forth, looking for any kind of help, finally with one huge push from her now angry bowels she both squatted down and cut the ribbon. Cheers and applause erupted from the oblivious crowd as she just gave up and pushed it all out. A big smile formed on her face as she realized nopony knew what she was doing, the dress helped conceal the growing bulge in the back of her diaper. Doctor Whooves turned to the still-shitting mare and thanked her again, shaking her hoof as she continued to force log after log deep into the soft padding of her diaper.

Sunburst, watching from the front row continued to clap with the crowd as the doors of the hospital were opened and the new staff began their tour of the facility.

“You must see the interior with us Flurry, your donation allowed us to complete the entire east wing! It’s absolutely magnificent, I’m sure you’ll love it!”

“She’d love to join you!” Sunburst exclaimed as he came up and joined the princess.

Flurry shot him a death glare before sarcastically saying “yes, I’m sure it will be wonderful

“Come with me then Princess!” Doctor Whooves exclaimed, ecstatic that a royal family member would be seeing his work.

“Remind me to make this extra dirty for the next change” Flurry whispered to Sunburst in anger. Sunburst only chuckled as they made their way inside.

Road to Paradise

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The hallways seemed to go on and on, and for some reason Doctor Whooves seemed to be able to just keep talking. “To the left is some research labs, on the right is the medical imaging department, down this way is surgery and trauma care…” and so on and so forth. Flurry felt like she had waddled a mile already before they reached the east wing. The entire time her messy diaper had been squishing and sloshing with every step. The hefty load giving her a big lump below her tail and making the diaper sag below the hem of her dress a bit. The entire time she was loving it. While Flurry hated the embarrassment of messing herself in public, the act itself was one of her favorite things in the world. When she had free days to herself one of her favorite things was to wake up, make a messy, and spend most of the day in her squishy, mushy diaper.

Sunburst walked alongside the waddling mare, pretending to be enthralled by everything Doctor Whooves was saying attempting to get a laugh from Flurry the entire time. The Doctor was oblivious to the obvious sarcasm, and continued on with the tour. At one point they reached a dead end of a long hallway. As they made their way back to the previous junction there was a familiar smell of manute in the air.

“Apologies Princess” the doctor stammered out “I guess they may be having an issue with the plumbing in the new building”

“No problem, we’re used to it” Sunburst joked, with the Doctor not getting it, and Flurry’s face going redder than a tomato.

“Moving on then, we’ll finally reach the east wing!” The Doctor exclaimed before ushering them around a corner and pointing to a large banner over a doorway reading.

The Princess Flurry Heart Nursery and foal development wing

Generously donated by the Royal family and serving foals of all ages

Sunburst bust out into a laughing fit, with the Doctor looking over, perplexed.

“I-Ignore him, he suffers from… um… random laughing disorder?” Flurry tried to say

“But that's… that’s not a disea-”

The Doctor was cut off by Flurry, interjecting “Doctor, this is the biggest honor, thank you for naming this wing after me” all the while a wheezing Sunburst behind them in a seemingly unending fit of laughter. “I’m sure it will help many… foals for years to come”

“Well then, let’s head in and I can show you all the new equipment and research items we’ll be using for the foals here.” The doctor explained as they trotted and waddled inside, Sunburst finally getting his chuckle fit under control.

“Over here is the entry atrium, and here’s the first few patient rooms, we designed it to be friendly to families of all sizes” The Doctor explained as they made their way through the main hallway. “Here is the main reception and discharge, but over through these doors is the reason we built this wing” The Doctor smiled brightly as he lead the other two to the big double doors. The windows were high on the doors, too high to actually see anything inside. “Princess, I give you the primary nursery!”

Doctor Whooves swiped his keycard and the double doors automatically opened to a huge space. The lights flickered on and the room lit up to show off a massive nursery, completely equipped with every toy a kid could want, a massive indoor play structure, 5 changing tables along the back wall, and a floor completely covered in gymnastic pads. “The floors are so our little ones don’t get hurt when they run around and play” The Doctor stated.

Flurry was stunned. Sunburst was beyond flabbergasted. “Doc...Doctor, what do you plan on using all of this for?” Sunburst finally stammered out.

“Canterlot is where a lot of young families bring their sick foals. We want to provide a place where they can all play in a setting where they can be watched by caregivers 24/7. A lot of our research team is also interested in building a psych profile of young foals so that we can learn more about their cognitive development process.

Flurry was still paralyzed with shock, her eyes darted from place to place across the huge room. Toys littered a play area, there was a small sandbox in the corner, and the play structure was just begging to be climbed like it was Mt. Everest. Finally, she spoke “Doctor, this is amazing. Never in my life have I seen something so perfect for… for foals” struggling to get that last part out. “I’m sure you’re going to do great work here!” she stated matter-of-factly in an attempt to get out as fast as possible.

Flurry was torn, on one hoof she was desperate to get out and get her diaper changed; the mess had begun to cool and was becoming a bit uncomfortable, but on the other, this was the most amazing place she had ever seen. Foalish wallpaper plastered the walls, and the toys looked too good to not play with like she was any other foal.

“Hang on a second” The Doctor stated as he pulled his phone from his lab coat pocket “It looks like I’m needed over in the ER, apparently Mayor Skye wanted to be the first patient and tripped over a wet floor sign on the first floor. I’ll check with him and see how he’s doing. Feel free to walk around and explore the place as you like, after all, you technically own the place!”

Sunburst and Flurry looked to each other, and by the time they looked back Doctor Whooves was already trotting down the hallway.

“Well then, this is certainly an interesting turn of events” Sunburst joked.


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As soon as Flurry realized that The Doctor was out of earshot, she turned back to the huge play room and squealed with glee. Sunburst watched as his 19 year old foal waddled as fast as she could toward the toys strewn about. Flurry magically levitated a particular fuzzy plushie bear and smiled back at the happy face. “Sunburst!” she exclaimed “This has to be the greatest place I’ve ever seen!”

Sunburst chuckled at the adorable sight of the teenage princess dressed in a foalish dress, obviously messy diaper, and now hugging her new plushie friend. “It’s almost as if this entire place was made just for you” he stated, “Really though, we should probably change you before anyone else comes by”

Flurry looked around at all the fun and games, then she looked down at her diapered butt, which at this point had become slightly browned and a bit yellowed by the contents within. Looking back up at Sunburst her pleading eyes were all the sign Sunburst needed to say “after we change you, you can go back to playing, how’s that sound?”

Flurry Heart squealed with joy. She wanted nothing more than to climb the huge play structure, slide down the twisty slide, build a sandcastle, or have a plushie tea party in this new hidden sanctuary.

Sunburst lead the foalish looking princess to one of the 5 changing tables lining the back wall. “These already looked completely stocked and ready to go!” he stated while looking through the cabinets below the table. Diapers, powder, cream, wipes, and even freshly washed folded onesies completely filled the stuffed drawers and cabinets, and the tops of the changing tables were covered with a mattress sealed in a waterproof sheet. “Hop on up princess, I’m sure we’ll find some diapers in here that can fit you”

“Strange that they have diapers large enough for me, the doctor said this place would be used for the foals staying in the hospital. I haven’t fit in foal diapers since I was 7” Flurry said, curious as to what Sunburst was digging around for in the cabinets under the table as she got up on it and laid down.

“Oh, well what do we have here?” Sunburst said sarcastically, as he pulled a pacifier from one of the drawers. The pacifier was obviously not a foals - it’s size wouldn’t allow for a small pony to suckle, but a teenage princess? It looked almost perfect. Flurry’s eyes lit up like a christmas tree upon seeing it. “Gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!” she yelled, desperate to suckle on the new paci.

Sunburst popped it into her mouth saying “yup, it looks like the perfect size for you!” Flurry blushed, this place seemed like a heaven for her foalish side, and she was more than happy to indulge. She suckled on her paci and hummed to herself as Sunburst got to work changing her messy, stinky diaper. “Jeez, you weren’t kidding about making this one a pain to clean up” he mentioned as he pulled back the front of her diaper to reveal her mess. “It looks like you had fun with this one” winking to the humming alicorn sunburst continued wiping her up. After a while a huge pile of wipes lay used in the trash next to the changing table, but her butt and crotch were totally clean and ready for creaming and powdering. “Hang on a sec while I look through these packages to find something that will fit you”

Flurry was having the time of her life just laying there, sucking on her paci, and humming to herself. Her new bear plushie friend was being tightly snuggled against her chest, and she didn’t have a care in the world - her mentor Sunburst would take care of everything for her.

“Huh, looks like all of these are just foal diapers, let me check the other changing tables” Sunburst said as he trotted his way over to the furthest most corner table. “Ahh, here we go. Actually, that’s interesting…” Sunburst stated as he picked through the packs of diapers hidden in the table’s cabinets. “Well Flurry, looks like it’s your lucky day”.

Sunburst came trotting back over, levitating what looked like an oversized foal diaper. It was covered with adorable little designs with blocks, numbers, and the ABC’s all over it. On the tape landing little cartoon ponies were playing and jumping. Flurry smiled the biggest smile in her life, most of it obscured by the big paci she was suckling on. She let out a squeal of delight as Sunburst opened the new diaper, slid it under her bum, and grabbed the powder and cream for her. “Seems my little princess loves being a foal!” Sunburst teased as he rubbed the cream and finally the powder all over her freshly cleaned butt and crotch.

Flurry was in absolute heaven. As Sunburst finally closed up the diaper and taped it shut, Flurry jumped up from the table as fast as she could so she could get a look at herself in the mirror next to the changing tables. “Holy hell you look adorable” Sunburst said as Flurry spun around admiring herself in the mirror. What should have been a 19 year old princess looking at her was instead an overgrown foal. Her pink dress hardly obscured the giant foal patterned diaper, and the perfectly sized pacifier in her mouth added even more to her total transformation.

She turned back to Sunburst, a huge smile behind her pacifier, and said “d-daddy can I go play?”

Sunburst was caught off guard. Even though Flurry loved to indulge in her foalish side, she had never referred to him as “daddy” before. Even still, he couldn’t argue with the adorable little princess pleading to be let to go play in her new-found wonderland. “S-sure honey” Sunburst stated before playfully kissing the alicorn princess on the forehead.

Flurry squealed with joy before bounding off toward the play structure, dragging her new pushie friend along with her magic. Sunburst just chuckled and turned to go grab a seat at one of the chairs near the main door.

Flurry was having the time of her life. After getting her fill of the giant play structure, she had organized a make-believe tea party with all the plushies in the room, build a small sand castle, and slid down the slide enough times to slightly wear her dress hem out. Finally, after an hour or so Sunburst stated “Flurry, we should probably start heading out of here now, it’s getting pretty late and most of the people from the ribbon cutting ceremony have left”. Flurry looked back with pleading eyes

“do we hafta?” she replied, a foalish lisp to her response.

“Sorry sweetie” Sunburst said “I think we’re the last two in the hospital. Besides, do you want to be here when Doctor Whooves shows back up?

Flurry weighed her options. On one hand she knew that if she left, she may never get the chance to come back and play in this foalish wonderland, but on the other there was no way having a civilian walk in on the crown princess having a diapered plushie tea party would be a good look for the royal family. Finally with great reluctance she sighed “ok dadd- I mean Sunburst”, drooping her head and looking at the floor as she walked to the door.

“I know, but let’s get going so we can make it back before- wait… what’s this?”

Tapped to the inside of the door to the east wing entrance was an envelope, a name was on the front. Flurry Heart’s.

“Umm… ok then” Flurry said, bewilderment evident in her voice. She pulled the envelope off the inside of the door and opened it. Folding open the note inside, she revealed a hoof-written letter. It read;

Our dearest Flurry Heart;

You mean everything to us, and having you smile is our favorite thing. We know you like your younger side, so we asked the designers of the east wing to do something special with our royal donation, just for you to play. You can do whatever you want here as long as you ask for privacy. Nopony will judge you here for being your true self, and you can play as much and as long as you want. Your father and I love you very much.

Now go have fun, and happy birthday!

-Mom and Dad

Flurry was elated. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes by the time she finished, and she jumped for joy and squealed with delight, waving the letter and envelope in the air with her magic. She bounded back into the huge playroom, crinkling along as she squealed and giggled with joy.

Sunburst, after watching the teenage foal run off to play with her toys, picked up the discarded envelope and note. He noticed the back had some writing as well. It read;

Your good friend Sunburst;

Your mentoring and development of Flurry has allowed her to grow into a responsible and mature adult, for that we thank you greatly. We know you and her have fostered a relationship for the past year. She’s an adult now, so we respect her - and your choices. That said, as a friend I can think of no one better for our daughter to be with - she’s most comfortable with you, even more so than her own parents sometimes. We think this should be as much of a gift to you as it is to her. You make our daughter smile, she’s happy when she’s with you, and like we said to her, having her smile is our favorite thing. You’ve made her smile for 19 years, and for that, this gift is yours as well. You’ll find a set of keys to the East wing rear entrance in the changing table near the corner. Additionally we asked that one specifically be stocked with everything our little princess needs.

Again, thank you Sunburst, and keep her smiling.

Sunburst was completely shocked. He had to read the note 3 times before it sank in. Finally he folded up the letter, put it back in the envelope, and placed it on the main reception desk before heading back to the large playroom. Flurry was waddling all over the place, going from sandbox to toy covered floor, to climbing to the top of the play structure, happily giggling and crinkling with every step. Sunburst sat back and watched as his little girl without a care in the world became the little foal she has wanted to be for so long.

As it started to grow dark Flurry had grown tired, so much so that she was just laying down pushing a toy car back and forth, not doing much of anything. She was sleepy from all her playtime, and the warm, wet diaper around her waist wasn’t helping her stay awake. Flurry yawned, scratching her eyes a bit before looking over to Sunburst.

“Someone about ready to go beddy-by?” he asked, getting up from his chair and trotting over to the overgrown foal. “Come on then little princess, we can get back to the castle and have a nice rest”

Flurry looked down at the toy car, and back up at Sunburst. Fatigue had won this round, and she knew it. Nodding and saying “ok” with the pacifier still in her mouth she slowly rose to her hooves and followed Sunburst out of the east wing’s rear door.

After calling the carriage to pick them up around back sunburst stated. “Umm, you should probably give that to me”, gesturing to her pacifier as the carriage ponies came around the corner. Flurry spat out the paci and levitated it to sunburst, who hid it in a pocket within his cape, all the while with a big grin and tomato-red face.

Getting in the carriage, they finally made their way home to the castle, Flurry curling up and falling asleep in Sunburst’s lap, and Sunburst stroking her curly mane. By the time they arrived back at the castle Flurry was completely out - so much so that Sunburst had to levitate the princess into the castle, and down the hall to her room with his magic. Finally, he laid her down in her bed, and pulled the sheets over her, tucking her in nice and snug. Peting back her mane one last time, he smiled before pulling the paci out of his pocket and popping it back into her mouth. “Sleep tight my little princess” he said, kissing her lightly on the forehead. “Ok daddy” he heard her mutter as he turned off the light and made his way out, closing the door behind him.

Dirty Bit

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Flurry Heart groggily opened her eyes and looked over to the clock - still 3:34 in the morning. She groaned into her pacifier and shook her wet butt in protest to the growing pressure in her bowels. Twice today? She thought to herself. Maybe I shouldn’t have had those churros for lunch… moaning again slightly, she raised her butt in the air, letting the pressure of her bowels do the work. I Hope Sunburst can change me soon... She said to her herself as she let nature take it’s course. Her anus spread open as a huge log of poop slowly exited her. The poop made it’s way between her butt and hit the back of her diaper. Grunting a bit as she began to push it along, her poop squished itself deep into the back, and toward the front of her diaper. After the first log finally ended, another more wet chunk came sliding out and packed into her diaper, bringing a new warmness to her nether regions and butt. Flurry moaned as the last small chunk forced its way into the now fully-loaded diaper and finally settled with the rest of her huge poop. She laid back down on her tummy, her butt pointed skyward with a bulge visible even below the covers of her bed. Sighing, flurry reached down under the covers and felt the mushy lump in her diaper. It squished and crinkled with every touch, making her moan in pleasure a bit more. A devious thought popped into her head and a smile spread behind the big pacifier she was suckling on. Rolling over onto her back she squashed the big bulge into every part of her diaper, making her squeal in pleasure. She shoved her hooves under the covers and rubbed herself from the front of her diaper, bringing with it a growing number of moans and squeaks.

“Uuuuunnnfffffffff” she moaned, louder than she would have liked - hearing it echo beyond her closed door and down the hallway. Flurry froze. Shit. she thought as she waited to see if anyone heard. Sure enough she heard a door open down the hall, and the telltale sound of hoofsteps coming to her room. Please don't be a guard she beged to whatever deity may hear her. Her door cracks open, and a familiar voice asks “Flurry, are you ok?”

As Sunburst pokes his head in, his nose is assaulted by the smell of a messy diaper. He coughs a bit before stammering out “well, smells like someone needs a change”

Flurry looked up and smiled saying “I think I do”, her words lisped with the pacifier in her mouth.

“Well then, let’s see the damage little princess, wouldn’t want to miss a leak on your mattress, would we? Sunburst asked, coming inside, and closing the door. Flurry blushed as Sunburst pulled the blanket covering her away with his magic, her fully used diaper shown off to the world. “Yup, just as I thought, we have a fully stuffed foal here!” Sunburst teased as Flurry giggled. “But…. it looks like she still hasn’t used it fully yet.” The orange caped unicorn shot Flurry a devious glance. “Maybe she needs some extra help with that - one last, albeit late, birthday present”.

Flurry’s eyes went wide with arousal, giggling and cooing as Sunburst began probing the outside of her wet and messy diaper. “Yep” he said “nowhere near wet enough” and began rubbing into her crotch a bit harder. Flurry’s giggling turned to all out moaning as her mentor turned daddy brought her closer and closer to release. “You know” he began, all while rubbing Flurry’s messy diaper “that letter your parent’s wrote had a second part” he began little circle strokes directly over Flurry’s lips, the mare gasping in pleasure. “It says I can be your caretaker as long as you’re happy” Flurry began panting as the warm, wet, and mushy padding continued to be pressed against her marehood. “Does this make you happy, my little princess? Your mentor all your life as your daddy?” Flurry gasped at that. YES! She thought, DADDY SUNBURST! Flurry squirmed as she began her orgasm. “Daddy!” she screamed as Sunburst ground the wet and messy diaper into her. Marecum soaked her diaper as much as the wettings before it. The little princess grunted, panted, moaned and squirmed as she had the most pleasurable orgasm of her life in her dirty diaper. Sunburst watched the spectacle with wide eyes and a raging hard-on. The princess finally began to come down off her massive high; the last few squirts of femcum warming her diaper and moans of ecstasy turning to hums of satisfaction as she basked in the afterglow. Finally looking up at her longtime mentor, and now daddy, she noticed his cock dripping with pre-cum.

“Oh daddy, looks like you need some help with that” Flurry teases, sitting up in bed and squishing her messy diaper even further. Sunburst looks back to his groin, then back to the princess, blushing extremely hard. “Let me take care of that for you” Flurry says as she dives forward and wraps her lips around his cock. Sunburst gasps as her soft tongue works over his long shaft. He groans with pleasure as Flurry’s hooves begin to fondle his balls.

“Princess, honey, you don’t hav-”

“Of course I do, daddy!” Flurry says, her mouth making a slurping sound as she pulls his cock out. “I have to earn my diaper change, right?” She winks to him before opening wide and taking nearly the entire length of his cock deep into her throat. Sunburst shutters in ecstasy as the princess deep throats him, her messy diaper squishing and crinkling as she bobs her head back and forth on his shaft. His balls bounce in Flurry’s hoof as he bucks himself into her mouth. Flurry feels his girth swell and pulse as she tongue massages his length. “Flurry I’m so close” Sunburst cries as he begins to pant.

Just then, between sucks, the princess had a devilish idea. Just before she thought Sunburst was about to pop, she pulled his cock out of her mouth. Perplexed, Sunburst watched as Flurry angled his cockhead down to her belly, then opened the front of her diaper and slipped his flare into the front waistband of her diaper. Flurry grinned up at her daddy and began to rub his penis with her hooves. Sunburst was about ready to explode, and one or two strokes was all it took before he too screamed out in pleasure. “PRINCESS” he yelled as thick white jets of spunk made their way from his balls, down his rock hard shaft, and out his flared cock. Huge spurts of cum filled up the front of Flurry’s diaper, completely trapped by the thick padding and excellent leak guards. The milky spooge mixed with Flurry’s femcum, urine, and mess to make for an even squisher and warmer diaper. She moaned as the warm flow of cum slowed to a stop. Flurry rubbed a hoof over the front of her diaper. She asked Sunburst seductively “is it fully used now?”, smirking a bit as the unicorn gasped through the last bits of pleasure, his cock slowly retracting into its sheath. Sunburst looked to Flurry, a satisfied smile on his face “maybe we can wait till the morning” he said before climbing into the bed next to Flurry.

Flurry smiled gleefully. “Ok daddy” she replied before laying back down right next to Sunburst “Maybe we can have fun again in the morning” she says with a smirk. Sunburst only smiles back at her and kisses her nose saying “good night my little princess”. The two fall back asleep in each other's arms.