Pirates of equestria

by Vanscyoc04

First published

nightmare moon returns in alternate timeline of equestria

Nightmare moon has returend and equestria has fallen under her control. Celestia, her student starlight glimmer,and her friends have escaped and are planing to take back equestria but they know they can't do it alone. so they seek out the help of Celestia's former student, Twilight, the captain of the sky jewel( a flying pirate ship) and the pirates of harmony, but will they be willing to listen and leand a helping hoof.

Read and find out.

Nightmare moon takes Luna and celestia escapes

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The time of the original wielders of harmony is long over and now Celestia has a new student by the name of Starlight glimmer and just like the one's before, she and her friends were there to protect equestria from all threats. Starlight glimmer friends were Trixie, Maud pie, Discord, and King Thorax, and today Celestia asked these five to help her with summer sun celebration in Canterlot .

" I cannot believe that the princess asked us to preform at the celebration," trixie and discord said together.

"I know what you mean, I can't believe that Celestia asked me to oversee preparations for the celebration." Starlight said.

"Me and maud are exicted as well ,right maud?" thorax asked.

"yes" Maud repiled with her usually blank expression.

"Well I think we better join the crowd it's almost time for Celestia and luna to raise and lower the sun and moon." Starlight said.

"oh hey she's right we best get going," Trixie said.

"Your wish is my command !" Discord exclaimed as he snaped his claws and they appeared within a crowd of ponies in the castle court yard.


Celestia was walking through Canterlot castle when she saw her sister in the throne room looking at the window that depicted luna's defeat from the mane 6 when she was nightmare moon.

"Something troubling you dear sister?" Princess Celestia asked.

" Yes it's the summer sun celebration, it is when I was saved from nightmare moon and I just can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen," Luna said.

"Don't worry sister nightmare moon is long gone." celestia says but then she heard a voice that made her blood freeze.

"That is what you think because Iam back and more powerful than ever" Nightmare moon said.

Celestia and luna turned around and saw a black mist in the shape of nightmare moon.

" Impossible how are you here, you cannot exist without my sister?!" Celestia asked.

"how right you are which is way i am going to take her body and with our powers combined I will plunge equestria into eternal darkness and rule it forever more and till the end of time," Nightmare moon stated.

" I don't think so you demon !" Luna shouted as she ran toward nightmare moon but was slammed back against a wall when nightmare ativited her horn and used a simple levitation spell.

"You dare to strike a goddess !" Nightmare moon shouted at luna while Celestia snuck up on her from behind.

"You are no goddess nightmare, you are nothing but the physical form of luna's emotions, a ficment of her jealousy, you have no real power!" Celestia said, as she tried to lunge at nightmare from behind but nightmare moon saw the attack coming, so she transformed into her mist form and appeared behind Celelstia.

" How's this for no real power!" Nightmare moon yelled as she charged up her horn for another attack.

Celestia barely dodge the attack and she watched in horror as the the spell hit her throne and disintergrate it into nothing but a pile of dust. As Celestia was recovering from the attack of nightmare moon, the demon appeared behind the sun goddess, this time though Celestia was not quick enough and became trapped in nightmare moon's shadowy mane and was soon throw across the room and into a stone pillar.

Seeing what the demon did to her sister, luna became enraged and she charged at nightmare moon with her eyes glowing white. Nightmare moon easily dodge luna's attack and then grabbed luna's back left hoof.

"Pathetic, don't you see luna you are nothing without me," nightmare moon said as she slammed her into the stone floor of the throne room.

Celestia then saw her sister lying at the foot of nightmare moon, Luna then turned to her sister and told her to run but Celestia said she would not abandon her sister. Seeing that she couldn't save herself, luna used what was left of her magic to teleport celestia, starlight glimmer, and her friends to a to the closest safe place in the city of canterlot.

"luna what are doing? " Celestia asked in horror at what her sister was about to do.

" Saving my friends and sister," luna said as she put more magic in the spell.

"luna please don't do this!" Celestia cryed with tears forming in her eyes.

"You and our friends spent your whole lifes to help me now it's my turn" luna said and she sounded like she was growing weaker by the second.

"Luna please, I can't lose you again!" Celestia pleaded.

"You will never lose me, goodbye dear sister." luna said as she finished the telepotaion spell.

"Alright nightmare moon do your worst" Luna said with confidence.

"With pleasure." nightmare said as she began to fuse with luna and the last thing celestia heard was her sister's screams of pain.

escaping cantrlot

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Starlight and her friends were about to do their parts for the celebration when the became enveloped in a blue light and they soon realised the environment around them changed. They now found themselves in what appeared to be some sort of old safehouse.

"Where are we?" Trixie asked starlight a little frightened.

" I'am not sure, do any of you know where we are?" starlight asked her other friends but they all shook their heads no.

Starlight then decided to look around the room they were in. She saw a refrigerator filled with food, a spellbook in center of the room, a armory, and a figure of a mare in the corner. Starlight recognized the shape instantly when it stood up on it's long legs.

" Celestia!" Starlight shouted as she ran over to her mentor.

"Starlight my faithful student, I'am pleased to see that you and your friends are unharmed" Celestia said sounding quite relieved.

" Your majesty would mine telling us where we are," Thorax said.

" Of course king Thorax." Celetia said.

" Please just thorax," the king said

" Of course." Celestia repilled.

"Right now when are cantrlot a old safe house built when nightmare moon first appeared," Celestia explaind.

" Alright well why are we here and how did we get here?" maud asked.

"We were transported here by luna before she was taken over by nightmare moon." celestia said.

" Wait nightmare moon has returned how is that even possible, you told me you defeted her a striped her of her hold over luna." Starlight said.

" That is what I thought as well, but it appears that she somehow found a way to return." Celestia repilled.

While they the other 5 members in the room were having their consevtion which soon turned into a argument, Thorax walked over to a one way window and looked off toward cantrlot castle where he saw what apeared to be a giant black storm cloud. He oraginly thought it was just a regular storm cloud but when it started shooting blood red lighting, that's when he started to get worried.

" Celestia could you come here and tell me what you make of those strom clouds?" Thorax asked.

"What do mean clouds, the weather team wasn't supposed to make a storm clouds for another 2 weeks." Celestia said.

Celestia then looked where Thorax was pointing and sure enough there was a black storm clouds releasing red lighting bolts. Celestia then saw the most horrifying sight as one the lighting bolts hit a pony and this pony's coat took on a darker complexion, her mane became like that of nightmare moon's, and her eyes pupils became dragon like. Celestia then backed away from the window and told Thorax to do the same because this was no ordinary storm cloud, it was a spell.

"Everyone we need to go now" Celestia said

"Why is'nt this safehouse well, safe." Trixie said

"Yes but not from something like this, if one of those lighting blots hit us we will become the mindless servents of nightmare moon" Celestia explianed.

The rest of the group soon came to the window and saw that she was right, and to make things worse the storm cloud was spreading and nightmare moon had spotted them as well.

" you will not escape me this time sister !"nightmare moon yelld.

She then fired a beam of dark magic from her horn but starlight defeclited it with a shelid spell and the spell ment for celestia hit nightmare insted, the spell knoked her unconcess temparily.

" Now's our chance!" Maud yelled.

"Right, quickly out the back!" Celestia excalimed.

The group made their way to back of the safehouse and soon find themselfs surraded by mindless zombie severnts .

" Celestia what do do?" Thorax asked in fear.

"Thorax to you know the teleportation spell?" Celestia asked.

"Of course I do." Thorax said.

"Good,now does everone know where the cantrlot falls are" Celestia asked.

"Of course,"everyone answered.

"Okay, on my word we are going to telepotret there, three, two one, now" celestia said and the six seriovers soon dispered and repeared at the edge of cantrlot montian. They thought they were safe, but in no time at all nightmare moon found them.

" You thought you could get away dear sister, but I know all your hideing places and now all of you shall spend the rest of your pathetic,worthless,useless lives in the dungunes.

"That is it !" Starlight said "no one insults my friends or teacher"

Starlight then threw a powerful beam of magic at nightmare moon only for it to be sent right back at her and starlight was blasted of cantrlot and sent down the waterfall.

"Starlight,no!" everyone screamed

Celestia then turned to nightmare moon and saw that she was taken enjoyment in all this.

"oh, poor celestia what will you do without your worthless student." Nightmare moon mocked.

"Celestia we can't fight her she is too powerful, but I think this the right moment to escape." discord wispred.

"Well sister make your move." Nightmare said.

"Now is not the time to fight sister, but be for certian next we meet we will fight and you will be defeted, Now discord!"Celestia said/shouted.

Discord then snapped his claws and celestia,muad, Thorax, Trixie,and himself vansided in a flash of light and teleported to the everfree foreset.

"Well played sister,game on." Nightmare said with a smirk on her face as she flew back toward cantrlot castle.


Starlight had survived the fall of cantrlot mountain and was floating, unconscious in a river, in the everfree forest. Her body was soon stopped by a lavender hoof and female voice said. "Well I can't just leave her here especially during timber wolf session".

Starlight was then picked up in a lavender magic araue and was taken into a deeper part or the woods.