To Be Herd

by Dusk Melody

First published

To be herd. What is it to be herd? Arriving in Manehatten from Canterlot, Air Raid and Darkstar will get the answer to that question as they both start their new lives and put their pasts behind them.

A herd is a group of ponies that share a common bond. For Caffeinated's herd that bond was the theatre. The Manehatten herd is made up of couples, each living their own lives just like so many other ponies do, the difference lies in the usual cliché of one for all and all for one.

Within the herd is trust which lead to accountability, and that leads to freedom to express oneself within the herd. That expression being BDSM. While couples can experience that daily at home, the herd gathers once a month for a shared experience. Within the herd lies safety, acceptance, and above all else, love.

The events in this story culminate on the herd's gaming night. Another shared bond within the herd. Wildfire has experienced one aspect of the herd. How better to welcome her friends than with this aspect of the herd as well?

~ ~ ~

Part of the Wilyverse, this story is a sequel to I Might Call You Back and to A Darker Shade of Me, it takes place after Chapter 6 - Lunar Healing of Wildfire 3: The Flame Renewed and continues to bridge the gap between it and Wildfire 4: The Heart of the Flame.

It features, in no particular order; Pet Play, Pole Dancing, FemDom, MaleDom, F/F Sex, M/F Sex, Threesomes, Safe Consensual BDSM, Hornjobs, Discussion of Mental Illness, Love & Snuggles. If any of these are not for you, please do not read.

Chapter 1 - Herd Introduction

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Air Raid pulled into the parking garage under the Manehatten Times building. “We’re here.”

Darkstar looked out the window. “At least you won’t get a ticket for parking.”

Air Raid lowered her head to the steering wheel. “Four. I only got four.” She opened the door. “Come on, let’s see if the story about the zebra is true.”

“As long as I get a coffee out of the deal,” Darkstar said as she got out of the car.

Air Raid moved through the garage to the elevator with Darkstar alongside her. Both tired from the drive, neither had much to say. The elevator opened on the lobby floor. Across from them they could see another set of elevators, and to the right they could see the entrance to the street. To their left was a unicorn guard. “Excuse me,” Airmail spoke up.” We just arrived and we’re looking for the coffee shop.”

“Welcome to Manehatten,” said the guard. He pointed a hoof at the entrance, “Head into the lobby and Stripes, the coffee shop, is on your left.”

“Thanks mate,” said Air Raid. “Come on Darkie, cute zebra is our next stop.”

Darkstar mumbled a thank you to the guard, and said to Air Raid, “I’m coming.”

When the entered the lobby proper, Air Raid saw the coffee bar with an earth pony mare and zebra stallion behind the counter. “Grab a table and I’ll get our drinks. Air Raid pulled a small pill case from her bag. Here, it is time to take them again.”

Darkstar snorted, “Fine.” She took the pill case. Darkstar moved and occupied an empty table.

The earth pony mare spoke up when Air Raid reached the counter, “Welcome to Stripes, what is it you would like?”

Air Raid read the earth pony’s nametag. “Hello Whip, I’d like two coffees please. One with milk, and the other with two sugars, plus a glass of water please. Oh, and a couple of donuts.”

“We have glazed or cake donuts,” Whip said as she started on the coffee order.

“I’ll have the cake ones, please,” responded Air Raid.

Whip nodded, “That will be ninety bits please.”

Air Raid laid out the bits on the counter, “Does an introduction to the zebra cost extra?”

Whip giggled, “Free, after all he will be serving your drinks at that end of the counter.”

“Thanks mate.” Air Raid trotted down to the end of the counter where she waited for the zebra to finish her order.

The zebra sat a tray on the counter. “Here you go, coffee creamy, coffee sweet, water, and two donuts.”

Air Raid verified the zebra’s name by looking at his nametag. “Thanks, Caffeinated. Me and my friend over there were told to find you. My name is Air Raid.”

“Judging by your accent,” said Caffeinated, “That would have been Dusk or Wildfire.”

“It was neither of them,” said Air Raid. “It was an older blue pegasus with a green mane and pink ribbon.” She paused a moment in thought, “Her name was Airmail.”

The zebra looked at the other end of the counter, “Whip, I’m on break.” He looked back at Air Raid, “May I join you and your friend at your table?”

“Sure, mate,” responded Air Raid.

“I’ll bring the tray over,” said Caffeinated. He added a cup of coffee for himself and was soon sitting with the mares. “Hello, I’m Caffeinated,” he said as he tapped his name tag. “So, how did you all meet up with Airmail?”

The unicorn looked the zebra over and liked what she saw, “Hi, I’m Darkstar, but you can call me Darkie.”

“Well that’s a bit of a long story,” said Air Raid. “It started last Thursday, when I met a pink and teal unicorn, um… Mapper and Serenity.” Caffeinated nodded and waited for her to continue. Air Raid went on when there were no questions, “Serenity did a performance at house for some friends of Wildfire. After the performance, I followed them out. They didn’t take to me at first. See, I used to date Wily before her accident.” While Air Raid spoke, Darkstar took her meds and drank the water before she turned her attention to the coffee and donut.

Air Raid paused to drink her own coffee, and continued, “Anyhoo, this Mapper gave me Wily’s number and we spoke over the phone while she was in Vanhoover. Next thing I know they show up in a taxi outside our house Sunday evening.” The pegasus shook her head, “This is where it gets really weird, and I bet you won’t believe it.”

“Did Serenity hug you?” the zebra asked.

Such an odd question made Air Raid pause and Darkstar giggle. “Um, well, yeah, she did in the taxi. Ah, why?”

Caffeinated ignored the question. “So you’re the pony that broke Wildfire’s heart.” He shrugged his shoulders, “That must be water under the bridge now. And with those two mares, I find it difficult to not believe, but tell me what happened.”

“Yeah, I acted badly back then,” said Air Raid. “I won’t sugarcoat it for you.”

Darkstar added her comment, “You know then that Raid freaked when she saw Wily in the hospital?”

Air Raid looked at her friend, “Hey, I went back the next day to make it right with Wily. She wasn’t there, and her dad told us she’d gone to Fillydelphia to live with family.”

“Which is nothing but manure!” Darkstar stated. “Wily never spoke of Fillydelphia ever! So we tried to find her, but her dad tried to ‘persuade’ us to drop it. I didn’t take the hint and one day, he and his mates, abducted me. Beat the tar out of me and cut my horn off.”

“I’ve been assured that Cold Front has been punished for his crime.” Caffeinated looked at Air Raid, “If Serenity hugged you then she believes your heart is in the right place.” He turns to look at Darkstar and more pointedly at her intact horn, “So what is with you?”

“The attack left me severely depressed and suicidal,” Darkstar said.

Air Raid nodded, “I’ve been caring for her the past four years.”

“Raid has guardianship over me. The meds are antidepressants and mood stabilizers,” added Darkstar. The zebra is still looking at her horn. Darkstar raised a hoof to touch it, “Oh, this.”

Caffeinated leaned back, “It’s okay. You can tell me as little or as much as you want. Airy gave you my contact information. What do you have in mind doing with it?”

Air Raid giggled, “That is where it starts to get crazy.”

“With those mares involve,” Caffeinated chuckled, “I think crazy is the norm.”

“On Sunday, Airmail, Tempest, and Wildfire took us to see Dusk’s mom, Princess Luna. She repaired my horn so that is why it is intact now.” She dropped her hoof from her horn. “Raid told Airmail we planned on moving out here to Manehatten.”

“Airy said you might let us stay with you, until Mapper’s place is ready to buy,” Air Raid said with a hopeful look.

“Have you ever dealt with herd ponies?” Caffeinated asked.

Darkstar shook her head, and Air Raid spoke for the both of them, “Not really, no.”

“Okay, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” said Caffeinated. “Do you each need your own room?”

“Yes please!” Darkstar said quickly and then blushed. “We’re not together like that.”

Caffeinated smiled, “Herd ponies sleep together to sleep as they aren’t like that either. There will be a few days a month when I can’t give you your own room. I can recommend a hotel if you don’t want to share.” The zebra pulled out his phone, “First I’ll need to check in with Mapper.” He held is phone up and neither of the mares did anything to stop him. “M,” he said as he set the phone to speaker.

Mapper’s voice was heard, “Je, punda wangu wa sexy uliamua kuondoka kwa mare ya maonyesho kwa mare halisi?”

“I’m impressed,” said Caffeinated. Darkstar broke out laughing, while Air Raid just furled her brows. “I have some ponies listening in though.”

“Oh,” said Mapper, “Any ponies I know?”

“Yes,” responded Caffeinated, “One is Air Raid, and the other her friend, Darkstar.”

“Interesting,” commented Mapper. “I gave Air Raid, Wildfire’s number, but I guess the others turned her to you, but why?”

“Are you still moving?” asked Caffeinated.

“Yes, but what…” Mapper paused, “Oh, I see. I do wish Airy would tell me what my plans are. It will be up for sale on the first of July.”

“Okay,” said Caffeinated, “I can house them to the end of June.”

“Always on the look to increase your harem,” Mapper laughed. “Give my love to Thespy.”

“Love you too, bye.” Caffeinated put his phone away.

Air Raid looked at Darkstar, “What had you laughing.”

“Mapper asked if sexy stripes here was going to leave his pony for her,” explained Darkstar.

“You speak zebran?” smiled Caffeinated.

“She was always good with languages,” commented Air raid.

“Good to know,” said Caffeinated. “There will just be three nights when the house will be crowded with a herd gathering. You both be able to live with that?”

“I’m all right with sharing for those three nights,” Darkstar said.

“Are you sure?” asked Air Raid.

Darkstar nodded, “I have to get used to new ponies at some point.”

“Very good,” said Caffeinated. I can give you each your own room except for those nights. So, what will payment in kind be?”

“I can pay whatever rent you want,” said Air Raid. “Or I’m a decent mechanic. Anything you need fixing, I’m there.”

“She fixes her own car,” agreed Darkstar. “I’m good with housework stuff, and illusions.”

Caffeinated’s smile grew. “I don’t want or need anything. I will accept what you offer. If the herd says you need a place to stay, you have a place to stay. My wife, Thespian, loves to cook, but she will share the kitchen. We have a service that takes care of the house work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.” He pulled some paper and pen from his pouch. “Here is the address and my house phone number. The garage is behind the property. You’ll need to call Thespian to open the garage door for you.

“Thanks, I’ll plug this into my GPS,” said Air Raid.

“I’d like to help in the kitchen,” said Darkstar. “I just need supervising if there’s any sharp things around.”

“Yeah,” said Air Raid. “I used to have to get a nurse to watch Darkie when I had to leave for a race.”

Caffeinated nodded, “The only thing in the garage is my electric Colt. So, there should be plenty of room for your car. For you, Darkstar, I would recommend that you contact Requiem.”

“You know, I have had an incident in over three months now,” said Darkstar. “And I’ve heard the name. Airmail suggested the same thing.”

“I’m not surprised,” said Caffeinated. “This Thursday is our gaming night. You both are welcome to attend. As for around the house, just let Thespian know if you need any extra help or attention.”

“Okay,” said Darkstar softly.

“Speaking of help,” said Air Raid. “Is City Hall near here?”

Darkstar giggled, “One of the nice officers said she could pay off her tickets to save going to court.”

Caffeinated snickered, “Sure it, just a block up the street on the opposite side. Turn right when you walk out of the building.”

“You going to be okay here, Darkie?” asked Air Raid. The unicorn nodded. “Okay, I’ll be back once I get these four tickets taken care of.”

The pair watched Air Raid leave before Caffeinated spoke up, “A bit of a mother hen.”

“Yeah, she has to be,” said Darkstar. “I wouldn’t be alive today if she hadn’t looked after me. That’s why she’s legal guardian.”

“You said Luna healed your horn,” commented Caffeinated as he waved for refills.

Darkstar nodded, “Sunday night. Airmail, Tempest, Wily took us to the castle and Luna took about an hour healing me. She couldn’t just wave her horn and fix everything,” she added as she tapped the side of her head.

“Okay,” said Caffeinated, “Others have told you about Requiem?”

Darkstar does a small eye roll, “Yes, several now. The doc in Canterlot wanted to lock me up. The one on Ponyville was better, but I’m… I have a lot of issues.”

“Still, it must be a relief to have your horn back,” the zebra said.

“Oh yes!” stated Darkstar as she took a sip of her fresh coffee. “I used to have to wear an inhibitor twenty-four seven. I couldn’t control my magic. Now I have that back, but I’m as weak as a foal.” The unicorn laughed, “The first thing I did with my magic was muffled Airmail’s hooves so she could prank Wily.”

Caffeinated shared the laugh, “That does sound a lot like Airmail. I’m surprised that mare is getting married.”

“I can’t turn fully invisible anymo…” Darkstar trailed off and looked at the zebra, “Getting married?”

Caffeinated chuckled, “Glad to know I’m not the last one to find out. Wildfire is marrying Airmail.”

Darkstar clapped her hooves together, “Good for Wily! She was always the romantic of our little group. Raid was never one to settle down though.”

“It has been over a week since I last saw her.” Caffeinated reflected on that day, “When I first met Wildfire, she was an unsure pony.”

“I can imagine,” said Darkstar. “Raid filled me in on what Mapper told her. Five years in that Tartarus forsaken hole would leave me unsure too.” She lit her horn, and her voice sounds next to the zebra’s left ear, “It did, and that is why it saddens you.” She watched Caffeinated take a quick glance to his left. “Sorry about that, but I was the prankster of the group.”

Caffeinated smiled, “At least when you talk to yourself, others can hear, and it isn’t the voice in your head. If you get tired of hanging out with me, you can go to the theater with Thespian.”

Darkstar shrugged her shoulders, “Like Raid said, I have to start getting used to other ponies again. You said there was a herd gathering at your house. What do you do as a herd?”

“There are twenty-two of us in the herd,” Caffeinated started and saw Darkstar shiver at the number. “Wildfire will make twenty-three. We do the usual one for all and all for one stuff. Mostly it is where we can gather and be ourselves without concern as to how others might judge us.”

“No wonder Cyclone sounded so excited on the phone yesterday morning. Airmail, Tempest, and Wily visited her in Cloudsdale, and Tempest told her about your gatherings.” Darkstar giggled, “She likes to wear nappies and be a foal.” She calmed herself with a sip of coffee, “So, there will be over twenty ponies there?”

Caffeinated smiled, “With friends and families it will be closer to forty. There will be foals there so Cyclone should fit right in.” The zebra watched the unicorn take that information in. “Just so you know the second Thursday of the month is our gaming night. The fourth Thursday is our kink night with an open mic the next night right here. If any of that bothers you, of course, you are free to come and go as you wish.”

“None of that will bother me, Caffeinated,” stated Darkstar. “When Raid and Wily were together, I helped her teach Wily a few things. I haven’t done much like that since my attack though.”

“You can always be a voyeur, like our Longshore,” Caffeinated suggested.

“That would be my brother, Brightstar. Hang on a second.” Darkstar concentrated and pulled her fun fair photo out of her saddle bag. She placed it on the table and touched one pony with a hoof, “That one is my brother.”

Caffeinated looked at the photo of seven ponies. Dusk and Wildfire, he knew. He had now met Air Raid and Darkstar. She pointed out Brightstar, and he could guess the remaining pegasus was Cyclone. “Who is the pink stallion?”

“That is Slingshot. He was Air Raid’s driving partner, but they’ve had a falling out, and I haven’t heard from him for years,” said Darkstar, “Raid missed a lot of races taking care of me, and he somehow thought she was trying to get me in bed.”

“Some ponies put themselves before others,” commented Caffeinated. “From what you said earlier, you’re into stallions. Is there one you fancy?”

Darkstar laughed, “I’m straight, yes, and no, there isn’t a stallion I fancy. I haven’t really been looking though as I’ve been a bit preoccupied.” She gave Caffeinated a wink, “But now you say something there could be a stallion I fancy.”

“Well, if you’re into stripes, I have contacts that could send some prospects your way,” Caffeinated said with a chuckle. “I’m sure the mares in the herd could help you out too. There’s even a few straight stallions in the theater.”

Darkstar spoke with half lidded eyes, “Now that I’m looking at one, I don’t think I’d mind a zebra at all. It is time I started living again and having some fun.”

“I’ll guess you have no animosity towards Princess Luna,” Caffeinated said, “So, if you come to the Hall meeting, there will be no shortage of eligible zebras.”

“Luna? No, I love her. All she has done for me, and when we were at Dusk’s place she was a lot of laughs.” Darkstar pushed her hoof against the zebra’s, “Do I really have to go so far to find a zebra?”

Air Raid entered the building, and moved directly to the table were the two ponies sat. “Did I miss anything?”

“Yes,” said Caffeinated, “But it will happen again in a thousand years.”

Darkstar pulled her hoof away, the magic broken, “Welcome back, Mother Hen. Still have any bits left?”

Air Raid stuck her tongue out at Darkstar, “It was only four tickets. They told me how the points work here, so I’ll keep my right hoof light unless I’m on the track.”

“Lookie here, little Raid has all grown up,” laughed Darkstar.

“When do you think you be around to the house?” asked Caffeinated.

“I’d like another coffee first, so maybe an hour,” answered Air Raid.

“It will take an hour to get there in light traffic. Thing about living on an island is you need bridges to get there,” said Caffeinated as he stood up. “I’ll get you both a coffee. Would you like some pastries to go with that?”

“Caffeinated is going to introduce me to a few stallions. Zebra stallions,” added Darkstar.

Air Raid looked at her friend with concern, “Really?”

“Really,” said Caffeinated from the counter as he prepped the coffees.

“You’ll be careful, right?” asked Air Raid.

“Yes, mom,” said Darkstar. “It won’t be like last time.”

Caffeinated returned with the coffees and raspberry scones. “I’ll make sure my aunt doesn’t send any of my sleazier cousins.”

“I’d appreciate that,” said Air Raid.

“That was one time,” complained Darkstar, “And I was in one of my self-destructive phases. But I’d appreciate it too.”

“Just because you have stripes, it doesn’t make you a perfect pony,” Caffeinated said, “Unless you have a coffee cup on your ass.”

“You do have a cute ass,” said Darkstar, who had to stifle a giggle when she saw Air Raid’s grey eyes go wide.

“I’ve overstayed my break, and I’ll let Thespy know you’re both coming over so everything will be ready.” Caffeinated returned to the counter and shook his ass on the way back.

“Stop it you,” said Air Raid in a low voice.

“What? He’s cute, and I’m only looking,” retorted Darkstar.

“You do know he is married,” said Air Raid, “And we will be staying at their place living with him and his wife.”

Darkstar pouted and finished her coffee and pastry. Air Raid also sat in silence and did the same. She didn’t want to blow this second chance. Once finished, Darkstar gathered the empty cups. “I’ll just return these,” She said, and then added, “Maybe the two of them like to share.” She left Air Raid sputtering as she sashayed her way back to the counter.

“Thank you, Darkstar,” said Caffeinated as he took the empties. “The two of you heading out?”

Darkstar had broken out into a sweat released her magic hold on the tray of cups. “Yeah, you’re welcome and we are. Going to see some of the city before we head to your place.”

“For the best views, take the Brooks and Goat bridges to Stallion Island,” suggested Caffeinated. “You don’t see much if you take the tunnels.”

“I think I have a beautiful view right now,” smiled Darkstar.

“Darkie, come on,” called out Air Raid. “I want to get there today.”

Darkstar rolled her eyes, “Brooks and Goat bridges, got it.”

Caffeinated leaned forward, “Have fun cutie.”

“You know; besides illusions, I dance also,” said Darkstar.

Air Raid got up and started toward the elevator, “Darkstar, I swear you’ll walk.”

“That’s what the open mic is for,” Caffeinated said.

“I’d love to,” said Darkstar, “Or I could do a private dance for you to practice.”

Air Raid is slowly made her way to the elevator, “All right now, I’m going.”

“We can talk about that later,” Caffeinated said as he pointed his head at Air Raid, “You best be going unless you want to learn about our mass transit system.”

Darkstar giggled, “Mother Hen isn’t going to leave me behind.” She turned and moved toward Air Raid, “I’m coming, was just trying to be polite.”

Whip spoke up once the two had left. “So, do I need to paint stripes on me to get a mare?”

Caffeinated chuckled, “Maybe, and there might be a spell for that.”

“That unicorn could be trouble,” Whip commented.

Caffeinated looked at her, “Mapper level of trouble?”

Whip shook her head, “Okay, difficult.” To that Caffeinated could only nod.

In the elevator Air Raid said, “Did you have to throw yourself at him?”

“I was just having a little fun!” Darkstar added, “Besides, I think he was better at teasing than me.”

The elevator opened on their parking level, “Look, you’ve only just started to get well. I don’t want to see you hurt again.”

“You’re my guardian, not my mom!” Darkstar stated.

“I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that,” said Air Raid as she got into the car.

Darkstar stood outside for a moment before she also got in, “I’m sorry.”

Air Raid put a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder, “Hey, it’s cool. This is a fresh start for both of us, and I don’t want either of us to throw it away or get hurt.” Darkstar nodded, and Air Raid started up the car. Soon they were out of the garage and into the Manehatten traffic.

An hour and a half later, due to a few stops for photos, the pair made it to the front of Caffeinated’s house. Air Raid parked at the driveway gate in front of the house. “Not a bad place at all.”

“Not bad?” questioned Darkstar. “I thought our place was big, but this place is huge.”

“I’ll open the gate while you message Wily,” said Air Raid. “Let her know we met her friend and now we’re at their place.”

“Yes mom,” said Darkstar as she pulled out her phone.

Air Raid raspberried the unicorn as she got out of the car. The gate seemed locked as she rattled it. She also saw the gate was one end of a U-shaped driveway that led right back out to the street.

The speaker to her left came to life with a feminine voice, “May I help you?”

“Um. Uh. Yeah,” Stammered Air Raid. “This is Air Raid with Darkstar. Caffeinated said we should head here.”

The voice continued, “If you keep going down the street and take the first right into an alley. Then the next right will lead you to the garage. I’ll open the door when you get there.”

“Thanks, see you in a sec,” said Air Raid as she turned and headed back to the car. Inside Darkstar had both hooves over her mouth to muffle the laughter. The pegasus got into the car, “Hush, I can still ground you, you know.” She drove down the street, but her words had no effect on Darkstar’s laughter.

Compared to the front the security cameras were a lot more noticeable. The garages had house numbers on them to so it was easy to find. As they pulled up the far door of a four car garage opened. Air Raid pulled into the garage and saw a blue gray earth pony with a very long blonde mane and tail standing in the next spot over. Beyond her was as Chevy colt, and then some lawn maintenance equipment. “This is a nice setup, Air Raid said before she got out of the car.” Once out she said, “Hello, I’m Air Raid, and this is Darkstar,” she indicated the unicorn.

“You can call me Darkie,” the unicorn said.

Air Raid giggled, “Likewise Raid is fine for me.

“Greetings Raid, Darkie, I’m Thespian.” The earth pony smiled, “But Thespy will be fine. Welcome to our home. If you follow me I’ll show you around.”

“It is really nice of you to take us in until our place is ready,” Darkstar said.

“When the herd asks, we provide if we can,” said Thespian. Next to the door is a monitor with the security cameras, and she pushed a button that closed the garage door. On the other side of the exit door is a hedge that ran along the wall. Once at the opening the back of the house came into view. Thespian started her tour, “The pool is heated so we can use it year-round. Under the balcony is the Jacuzzi and holds eight.” Thespian indicated to the left with her hoof, “That is my flower and vegetable garden, and the front of the house had herbs and flowers. The grassy area is for any fun outdoor activities,” she concluded with a giggle.

“I love the pool,” commented Darkstar, “And you have a very beautiful place.”

As they walked past the pool, Thespian indicated the outdoor shower, “Should that outdoor activity turn messy. She entered the house with both in tow. “This is the main floor. Front door straight ahead. Stairs up and down and this middle zone is a mingle area.” She moved off to the left. “This is the informal dining room and buffet area. To the front of the house is the formal dining area and it is set up to seat twelve, but can seat up to twenty-four.”

Air Raid commented, “Wily texted to say your place was nice, but she is the mare of understatement.”

Thespian giggled, “I don’t think Wily got a very good look at the place. She was just starting to feel her way around.”

“You don’t use the formal dining room much,” asked Darkstar.

“To be honest, the two of us use the kitchen.” Thespian said as she made her way into the kitchen. “For our gatherings, we use the informal dining room as a buffet, and twice a year we use the formal one.” Darkstar looked around the gourmet kitchen at all the sharp knives and fidgeted.

Air Raid moved close to Darkstar, “Caffeinated said you had a lot of ponies over for the gatherings.”

Thespian nodded, “True, we can accommodate fifty in the house, but usually the number is close to forty.”

“The most I ever had in my house was twenty,” said Air Raid.

“Nineteen,” said Darkstar with a shudder, “I never left my room.” She looked around the kitchen again, “I’m a good cook.”

Air Raid felt the shudder, “She is, but she will need somepony with her when she is in the kitchen. We can replace anything we use.”

“I understand,” Thespian nodded, “But we are on the honor system here. The place is well stocked, but feel free to replace as you can. This room doesn’t even have a door. So, our first house rule. If you want to use the kitchen, Darkie, you can. Any time of the day, but you must bring somepony with you. Again, any time of day. We good on that?”

Darkstar nodded, “Sure thing Thespy, I’m good with that.”

Thespian led both of them out of the kitchen past the informal dining area to where they could take a look into the formal dining area. She then led them across the house, past the front door. “This room is our quite lounge. It is a nice place to relax with headphones or to read. Talking is allowed, but no shouting.”

“Hear that Raid, no shouting,” Darkstar giggled at Air Raid’s eye roll.

Thespian moved over to the fireplace. The fireplace is gas so you can turn it on and off here. It is mostly for abeyance, as we have central heat and air.” She moved towards the back of the house to the next room. “This is the library. With a herd, it is well stocked on a variety of subjects. Lavender has a degree in library sciences so she keeps order. There is even a card catalog.”

“I like books,” commented Darkstar.

“More than a certain zebra,” said Air Raid to get a dig in.

Darkstar blushed, “I’m allowed books. Hard to hurt yourself with a book.”

Thespian giggled and led them to the last room on the floor. “This is our entertainment room. It can get noisy in here. There are two flat screen TVs but usually only one is on. For a larger audience, we can have both play the same program.” Thespian opened a cabinet, “We have headsets in case the group wants to watch two different shows at once.”

“This is bigger than my room at home,” Darkstar said as she looked over the titles of music and movies.

“All of this is available at all times,” Thespian said. “Now let’s take a look at the lower floor, and our activity rooms.” She led them down the stairs, “Each room is labeled so you won’t get lost,” she said with a giggle.

Air Raid spoke up as they went down the stairs, “Cyclone did say something about those on the phone the other day after she’d spoken to Tempest.”

“First room on the left is the mare’s room,” said Thespian. The last is the stallion’s room, and in between is the showers that can hold quite a few after some messy play.”

Air Raid looked at the signs under the room signs that Thespian spoke of. For the mare’s room it was ‘Leave balls at the door’, and the stallion’s room it was ‘Must have balls to enter’. The wash room in between was ‘The ocean is damp’. “Those are very cute.”

“This middle area is an informal gathering area, but we use it mostly to gather and score performances. It can also be used as crash space.” Thespian moved to the other side to the room closest to the stairs, “This is our dungeon.”

Darkstar laughed as she read the sign under it, ‘Not the Moon’. “Has Luna seen that?”

“She has, and I think that was her response,” said Thespian. “We use this on our BDSM night which is the fourth Thursday. It is always open to all, but that leads us to our next house rule. There will always be three or more ponies present when any play activity is going on. Okay?”

Both nod, “That rule is totally fine,” said Air Raid.

Darkstar added, “It does seem you like to cater to most things, Thespian.”

“Let’s take a look inside and see what we might cater too.” Thespian opened the door to let both pass to look around.

Both entered and looked around. There were many devices along the walls and a few hoists in the celling. In an alcove were several large boxes. “Awesome,” squealed Darkstar.

“You okay, hun,” asked Air Raid.

“Okay,” said Darkstar, “I’m better than okay.”

Thespian giggled, “The toy boxes have many things. Rope and binding items, discipline toys, and some role play outfits.” Thespian moved around the room, “We do have a wide variety of tastes from light to extreme. Mapper is our lead in this room’s group play. Once again, we have a clean as you go policy. The cleaning service doesn’t take care of any of the rooms in the basement.”

“I met her and Serenity in Canterlot,” said Air Raid. “There isn’t much we won’t try, but it has been awhile.”

“About four years,” added Darkstar.

Thespian led them out of the dungeon to the last room on the floor. She put a hoof to the smaller sign ‘8-bit’, “This is the gaming room. We will be using it this Thursday. Although we often put finals on the big screen upstairs.” She opens the door. “We have a wide variety of games and gaming systems.”

First glance is too much to take in. Darkstar pointed to one system, “Look, Raid, they have an X-box so you won’t get bored.”

Air Raid giggled, and pointed to the Dance, Dance, Revolution station, “I’ll never get bored watching you dance.”

Darkstar shrugged her shoulders, “The pad is okay, but I’m much better on a pole.”

That got Thespian’s interest, “Exotic dance?”

“Yup,” smiled Darkstar, “I taught Wily a few moves. We were going to storm Las Pegasus way back when.”

“Can you do other dancing?” Thespian was in her element now, “Ballet? Show tune dancing? Ballroom?”

Darkstar was taken back for a moment, “Well, my ballroom dancing is almost as good as my pole dancing. I’m not so good at ballet, and I’ve not tried my hoof at show tunes.”

Air Raid confirmed, “She’s great at dancing. As for me, I have four left hooves.”

“The theater is always looking for dancers. Good dancers can be more than a background pony,” said Thespian with passion. “But we can talk about that later. Let me show you the top floor to finish up our tour.” She led the pair up both sets of stairs. “This area is the overflow from the balcony. A good place to watch actives in the backyard.”

“Before my incident, when my magic was stronger, I had my own dance routine,” Darkstar said. “I liked performing and I had a routine with dance and illusion spells.”

“It is a nice view from up here,” commented Air Raid.

“There are plenty of unicorns in the herd to help you practice and regain your magical strength. There are four bedrooms on this level. Each has its own bath. This one is where Caffy and I sleep.” Thespian opened the door and led the way in.

Darkstar took one look in the room and stuffed a hoof in her mouth to muffle the laughter. Air Raid’s eyes went wide at her friend’s antics, “Darkie!”

“All are appointed the same. Well except for the plushies. Those are all mine,” Thespian admitted.

Darkstar stopped trying to hide the laughter and clapped her hooves, “It’s so cute! Reminds me of our friend Cyclone, only she collected Power Pony plushies.” Thespian just raised an eyebrow and pointed to a spot in the right corner. “Sweet Celestia,” exclaimed Darkstar.

“You have Power Ponies too?” questioned Air Raid.

“I do have grandfoals so I’m up on the latest cartoons,” Thespian giggled. “My husband is my enabler. Most of these were obtained from Mapper. Now back to the tour. The bed will sleep eight. There are no locks on the doors. Sleeping arrangements are always pretty loose, so feel free to join someone if you be afraid of thunder or just feel lonely.” She moved over to a glass door, “Each back bedroom has access to the back balcony. The front bedrooms have a small private balcony each. That door is the bathroom and the one next to it is the linen closet with a stacked washer and dryer.”

“Speaking of which,” said Air Raid, “Darkie isn’t great with sudden loud noises.”

“Thanks,” muttered Darkstar, “And your pillow says you’re lonely.” She spoke up to Thespian, “So which bedroom is mine?”

“Let’s finish the tour first,” Thespian led them out of the bedroom. “In between the bedrooms is a computer center with eight work stations.” She walked past that to the front bedroom, “And here is a front bedroom, which, as you see, is the same as the back one. Just less plushies. The other side of the house is a mirror image of this side. So, Darkie, you want front or back?”

“I’d like a front one please,” Darkstar said.

“Okay, this side gets the evening sun, and the other side gets the morning sun,” Thespian explained, “Which side do you want?”

“Evening sun,” Darkstar said, “Definitely evening.”

Thespian turned to the other pony, “Okay, Air Raid, that leaves you the choice of front or back bedroom with the morning sun.”

“I’ll take the one opposite of this one, and I don’t mind the morning sun,” said Air Raid.

Thespian smiled, “By the way the sun was a joke.” She pulled the blackout curtains closed. “You can have no sun if you wish. We will finish our tour in the computer center.”

“Okay, Thespian, could we get a coffee when we’re done?” asked Air Raid. “I’m sure you’d like to know more about your guests.

“Sure, we can do that before you move your luggage to your rooms.” Thespian walked out while the other two followed behind. Once in the computer center she had each sit at a terminal. She put card keys in the machine and hand each enter a pin. She then gave Air Raid a token to open the garage door. “There is no curfew, so you can come and go at any time. All exterior doors will automatically lock, and we do have a good security system.” Thespian giggled, “That is how I knew you were here when you rattled the front gate.”

Air Raid asked, “Is that everything?”

“There is one more house rule you need to know, and it may seem a bit harsh. Because you are not herd, neither of you can do any pranks on the property.”

“No problem with that,” Air Raid said, “Darkstar is the prankster.”

“I’ll behave,” stated Darkstar.

“All rules have exceptions,” continued Thespian. A herd pony with two or more herd ponies can prank on the property. This helps keep things in check. You can ask Dusk about his makeover. Now if you are with three herd ponies than pranking can happen.”

Darkstar looked at Air Raid, “Neener neener.” Air Raid gave the appropriate eye roll.

“Now the last rule has to do with our relationship as a herd.” Thespian made sure she had their attention. “Any pony can ask any other pony for intimacy. The answer will be yes or no. This applies to you both being asked and asking.” She held up a hoof before either of them could comment. “If the answer is no, you may not ask that pony again. Of course, that pony can ask you. You then say yes or no. The key here is that it resets you asking that pony. So, whether you said yes or no, you can ask that pony again.”

She saw the questioning looks on their faces. “For example. Air Raid asks me to share intimacy, and I say no. She can’t ask again. Later I ask her for some intimacy. She can say yes or no. Regardless of what she says, she can now ask me again. Understand?”

Air Raid nods, “Yeah, I get it.”

Darkstar spoke up, “So, I can ask anypony?”

“Yes, you can,” answered Thespian, “But you should know most of us are couples, so your quest for intimacy will usually be a threesome or more. If that isn’t your cup of tea, you can back out with no hard feelings.”

“I sort of flirted with your husband,” admitted Darkstar.

“A bit,” said Air Raid, “You offered him a dance.”

“Sorry,” said Darkstar meekly.

Thespian laughed, “He is often accused of having a harem, I’m sure he loved every moment of it. Finally, breaking a house rule is explosion. Do you still want the rooms?”

“That’s no problem as far as intimacy goes. I like mares,” said Air Raid, “And Darkie is into stallions.”

“Yes please,” said Darkstar, “We’d love the rooms, thank you.”

“Let’s go down to the kitchen for refreshment.” Thespian led the way. Once in the kitchen, Thespian prepped coffee for each of them by taste. They sat together at the kitchen table, Thespian started with Air Raid, “I know about the break between you and Wildfire. If Airmail wants us to put you up, then that rift must be healed. Tell me how?”

Air Raid looked into her coffee cup for answers, “First, Thespian, I’m not proud of how I acted. I was an utter bitch, and almost immediately I went back to the hospital to make it right, but Wily had gone. Her dad said she’d gone to Fillydelphia to live with family.”

“Which we knew was rubbish,” added Darkstar.

Air Raid nodded, “Wily never spoke of Fillydelphia, ever.” She sipped her coffee to marshal her thoughts. “Wily’s dad, Cold Front, and his friends, abducted Darkie in their van. Drove her to the outskirts of Canterlot and after… After what they did to her they dumped her body to die. She was in the hospital a long time and after she got out, I took care of her.”

“The attack left me with clinical depression, anxiety panic attacks, and I’ve tried to kill myself at least ten times,” Darkstar explained. “Air Raid has given up a lot to take care of me, even taking guardianship of me.”

“I think that is part of what led Wildfire to forgive me,” added Air Raid.

Thespian got to the point, “Was it because of Wildfire, that you did this for Darkstar?”

Air Raid nodded, “I let one friend down, and I wasn’t going to do it again.”

Darkstar spoke up, “We searched for Wildfire. Cold Front broke Air Raid’s muzzle, and she did back off, but I was persistent. It cost me my horn, and I was wearing an inhibiter all the time.”

“We met up with Airmail, Tempest, and Wily in Canterlot Sunday evening,” continued Air Raid. “That is when Princess Luna healed Darkie’s horn.”

“Something is missing,” interjected Thespian. “How did you know to meet up with Airmail?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Thespian,” said Air Raid. “Last Friday, I was at the Season’s house. They are friends of my parents, and it turned out friends of Wildfire. It was because of that Serenity was there, with Mapper, to sing for the evening.” Air Raid drank some more coffee, “I asked about Wildfire, but they already knew me from what Wildfire told them. I was worried at first, they would reject me. After we talked, Serenity hugged me, and Mapper gave me Wily’s phone number. I called and we arranged a meet up.”

“I sort of interrupted the call,” said Darkstar. “I got a hold of a knife, and Air Raid had to come to my rescue. Wildfire, and her friends, had a lot of questions when we met up. It is nice to have friends with an inside track to Princess Luna.”

“Well, that does explain a lot of things. Serenity is one of our two herd empaths.” Thespian turned to Darkstar, “So, you like my husband’s flank?”

“Yeah, there aren’t many zebras in Canterlot,” Darkstar giggled, “And he is cute.”

“I would have to agree with you on that,” said Thespian, “You should go to a hall meeting to check out the stripes. The lot are all Lunaites.” Thespian waved a hoof, “Maybe you’ll get a chance to test drive Caffy first.”

Air Raid touched Darkstar’s hoof, “This isn’t like last time, right Darkie?”

Darkstar looked at Air Raid, “It really isn’t.” She turned to Thespian, “I’m sorry if I caused any offense.”

“Offense?” Thespian giggled, “You flatter me on the choice I made. We are herd. You can ask, and he can say no. Then he might just say yes.”

Darkstar remembered an earlier time, “After I tried to hang myself, Air Raid took me to a bar to socialize. Instead I chatted up with the occupied stallions. Knowing the mares would jump me.”

“That is when I, we, stopped having fun,” said Air Raid.

“This isn’t like that,” said Darkstar, “Yeah, I know Caffeinated is married, but he really is cute, and he did seem to enjoy my flirts.”

“I’m sure he was, dear,” said Thespian. “Then he was open to Omega’s flirts too. Oh, Omega is a male unicorn.”

“So, is he, um, ah, bi?” asked Air Raid.

“We are herd, Raid,” Thespian stated the simple fact. “All of us are open to bisexuality, even if not all of us practice it.” She let them digest that for a moment before she moved on to a new topic. “I take it part of your staying here is for someone, other than you Raid, to watch over Darkstar?”

“Well,” started Air Raid, “I didn’t want to assume, but now that Darkie has a change of scenery, I’m hoping she will be stable enough to leave unattended eventually.”

“Darkstar,” Thespian said as she looked into the mare’s eyes, “Unless you ask for help, you will be pretty much unattended here. You know what special rules apply to you in this house.”

Darkstar nodded, “I do. I know I’m not allowed in the kitchen alone, in addition to your house rules.”

“Which we will both abide by,” added Air Raid. “There is this though.” Air Raid hefted up her saddle bag. “It’s Darkie’s meds. Is there a place I can lock these up, Thespian?”

“Each bedroom has a lockable cabinet. There are instructions on how to set the combination,” said Thespian. “There is also a safe in the library, if you have something more valuable to secure.”

“That’s okay, my room it is then,” said Air Raid. “She has to have them morning, midday, and night.”

“I used to self-medicate,” said Darkstar. “But now I’m not allowed to anymore.”

“Resent that, do you” asked Thespian.

Darkstar shrugged her shoulders, “A bit, but it is for the best that I don’t have them in my hooves.” Darkstar yawned, “Sorry, but I took some at the coffee shop, and they make me sleepy.”

Thespian reached to touch the unicorn’s hoof, “Requiem is part of the herd, and a licensed phycologist. She will take you as a client if you’re willing. I’m sure both of you have had a long day just getting here.”

“A lot of ponies have told me about Requiem. I’ll look her up,” said Darkstar. “For now, I’m off to my room for a nap.”

As Darkstar stood up, Thespian added, “Caffy will be home about seven-ish, and I leave for work around eight-ish.” Darkstar nodded and walked out of the kitchen. They heard her trot up the stairs. Thespian turned to Air Raid, “How long have you been living on the edge?”

“It was that noticeable?” asked Air Raid. Thespian nodded. “Four years, since she was attacked. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t regret it for a second.”

“Why do you trust us?” ask Thespian bluntly.

“Wildfire trusts you,” answered Air Raid.

“Okay, then you must trust her,” said Thespian. “This move is a fresh start for the both of you?”

“Very much so,” said Air Raid. “For Darkie, I’m hoping the change of scenery and a chance to be around ponies that care for her will help her towards independence. For me it is a chance to start over. I know I’m not everypony’s favorite pony.”

“What makes you say that?” asked Thespian.

“Because I broke Wildfire’s heart,” said Air Raid. “She loved me, and I loved her.” Air Raid tears up, “I really did, but in the hospital when she needed me the most I abandoned her. I said some horrible things to her, Thespian, and I left her alone. She was shouting to me to come back, but I didn’t.” Tears flowed from Air Raid’s eyes, “When I finally did, it was too late.”

Thespian moved over to hug the hurting pony, “it seems the only pony left to forgive you, is yourself. You should think about having a talk with Requiem too.”

“You think so?” asked Air Raid, “Maybe, but Darkie first. She needs it more than I do. She always comes first.”

“That sort of thinking will never let you finish at all,” commented Thespian.

Air Raid shrugged, “Maybe not, but I owe it to her to see her right.” She laughed, “I’m the responsible one, apparently. In this race, hun, I don’t mind coming in second.”

“Responsible for what happened to her, or to help her become independent again?” asked Thespian.

“I feel responsible for both,” answered Air Raid, “But I know deep down, I’m just responsible for helping her get back on her hooves.” Both let a moment of silence pass as they drank their coffee. Air Raid decided she should learn about her hosts, “You mentioned the theater. Are you an actress?”

“Yes,” Thespian smiled, “For forty years. I’m in Dogs right now as the old railway dog.”

“That’s awesome! Wily took me to see that and I didn’t fall asleep,” said Air Raid. “Pardon me for saying, but you don’t look that old.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” Thespian giggled. “I did start when I was eleven.”

“Well I still say you look good for it,” commented Air Raid. “It’s clear you enjoy your work, I can tell.”

Thespian smiled, “I do put my all into it, and I must admit I haven’t lived a hard life.”

“You feel alive on the stage, right?” ask Air Raid.

“Completely,” answered Thespian. “I’m sure that is the same feeling you share on the track.”

“That is where I was going,” confirmed Air Raid. “I can’t fly, so when I race I feel truly relaxed, at peace if you like.”

Thespian nodded, “And there is the adrenalin rush of preforming in front of a large audience.”

“Totally! A packed stadium or a packed theater. It’s still a performance.” Air Raid smiled, “Even better with the roof down and an empty stretch of road.” Air Raid gave a soft sigh, “Almost like flying. I’m really hoping Darkie gets well enough that I can leave her on her own. There’s a big race I want to do next year.”

“I’m sure she will improve,” said Thespian. “There are a lot of ponies looking after her now.”

“Yeah, that’s what we’ve both lacked.” Air Raid grinned, “If it all goes well you’re looking at the winner of the San Palomino Desert Run, ah, hopefully.”

Thespian smiled, “We will be cheering you on. Do you need a sponsor?”

Air Raid’s mouth hung open in shock. Her last sponsor left her long ago, and she really had no idea where to get another. Now it is being handed to her on a silver platter. “Are you serious?” Thespian simply nodded. “I’d-I’d love one! Really!” Air Raid giggled, “It’s only the hardest race in Equestria.”

Thespian giggled along with Air Raid, “I can have Caffy talk to his tribal leaders to sponsor you. It would be a coffee sponsor. My father can make some inquires too, and most likely have the Manehatten times sponsor you.”

“Wow!” exclaimed Air Raid, “I’m good for any sponsorship.” What Thespian said sunk in, “Your father owns the Times?”

“He isn’t the CEO,” explained Thespian, “But he is on the board. He owns the building the Times is in. How do you think my husband got such a sweet and exclusive spot for his shop?”

“That is so cool!” said Air Raid. Thank you so much. I can start looking for a car to buy! Then modify it… Oh thank you! I’d love to kiss you.”

Thespian smiled, “Maybe you should act on those feelings.”

Air Raid blinked not expecting that response. ‘I accuse Darkie of flirting with her husband, and here I am flirting with his wife. Oh well, time to go all in.’ Air Raid stood and move over to where Thespian sat and kissed her deeply.

Thespian received the kiss with grace and returned it fully. Once Air Raid came up for air, Thespian said, “Do your best is all we can ask. I take it the car you have won’t do?”

Air Raid had to clear the fog in her brain before she could respond, “Best kiss in years.” That prompted a giggle from Thespian. “My Audi in the garage. It is a track car, and wouldn’t be any good in a cross-country race in the desert. For the Palomino, you have to supply your own car.”

“I’ll let my husband and father sort out the business details,” Thespian said.

Air Raid continued to ramble, “A Touareg Racing Sport is the best. It has the horsepower and wheelbase to tackle the dunes…” She stops with a blush, “Sorry, I get really, properly, excited talking about engines.”

“That’s okay,” said Thespian, “I can nod when expected.”

Air Raid laughed, “Thank you, that’s very kind, but I mean like aroused excited at the mention of a V8 turbocharged five geared engines.” Air Raid shivered at the thought.

Thespian nodded, “It takes chocolate for me to do that, and a good spanking from a zebra I know.”

“You like that?” asked Air Raid. The earth pony just smiled, “Now you mention it, a zebra mare cold snap a collar on me, and bend me over the bonnet of my Audi.”

Thespian laughed, “Okay, I can ask Coffee Bean if she knows a mare for that. You like stripes like Darkie?”

“Never been with a zebra before,” admitted Air Raid, “But I’m willing to try something new on this fresh start of our, and it’s been a while since I was sub for a mare.”

Thespian commented, “Zebras are just earth ponies with stripes.”

Air Raid giggled, “I’ve never been with an earth pony either. Just pegasi and even that has been a long time.”

“You and Darkie are both cute. You’ve met all the mare’s club. The rest of the mares in the herd are attached, but like Darkie, you can always ask.”

“Hum, you think so?” said Air Raid softly. “I’ve stopped thinking of myself like that. It is nice to be reminded though.”

Thespian reached out a hoof, “Seems like you’ve put your life on hold for the last few years. Now what you’ve done for Darkie is reaping in the dividends.

Air Raid nodded as she kept her hoof against Thespian’s, “Apart from a few races to bring in some money, I pretty much have.” A fierce blush crossed Air Raid’s cheeks, “I, um, don’t suppose I could get another kiss, could I?”

“Maybe you’d like it in a more comfortable setting,” responded Thespian. “My room perhaps?”

Air Raid blinked, “Sh-sure. I-I’d love to.”

“Let me leave a note for Darkie, so she can find us if she wakes up.” Thespian took a pen in her mouth and wrote on the note pad by the phone. She tore off the paper and left it in the middle of the table. “Follow me.”

Air Raid sprang to her hooves with wings spread, “I’m following.”

“I’ll try to go easy on you,” Thespian said as she left the kitchen.

“You better not!” Air Raid said as she followed close behind.

Thespian laughed on her way up the stairs, “Any dislikes?”

“Anal,” Air Raid said straight away. “Likewise, the nastier bodily fluids. I’m okay with watersports and hooves, and I like being dominated.”

“I’m not big on watersports, but we do have some in the herd that are,” said Thespian. “I can play dom though. Bondage okay?”

“More than okay,” Air Raid said with excitement.

Thespian smiled at the mare’s comment, “There’s a toy box in our room since we always sleep there. Okay to bind your wings?”

Air Raid shook her head, “No problem at all.”

“Have to ask,” Thespian said. “Tempest will go berserk if you bind her wings.”

“Really? Darkie is like that now with being bound,” Air Raid said. “She used to be good with hoof cuffs.”

Thespian giggled, “We’ll have to find her a stallion she can hoof cuff then.” She opened the bedroom door, “Safe word?”

Air Raid grimaced, “Bronze, Cyclone gave it to me.”

“You do know you could have changed your safe word.” Thespian laughed, “But it is too late now! Bronze it is. I need a pet name for you.”

“I-I never thought about it,” Air Raid followed Thespian into the room. “Raid is fine.”

“Very well, you may call me Mistress,” said Thespian. “Now onto the bed, middle on your back, and wings folded.”

“Right Thes… Mistress.” Air Raid climbed onto the bed and rolled to her back. She heard Thespian rummaging around in a closet and tried to get a peek, but the bed blocked her view. ‘I’m so excited to have a professional dominate me!’ Air Raid squirmed on the bed with anticipation.

Thespian popped back up with a blindfold in her mouth. She watched Air Raid give her a nervous grin. She climbed onto the bed and placed the blindfold over the pegasus’s eyes. While she secured it with her hooves she said, “Now you can see the world through Wildfire’s eyes.”

Air Raid had never really thought about that. She strained her ears as Thespian moved off and on the bed again. It was both fighting and thrilling to be blindfolded, but to know Wildfire will always be blindfolded. Air Raid felt rope being looped around her forehoof and she jerked it away, before she realized why. She extended the leg again, “Sorry.”

Thespian took the end of the rope and bopped Air Raid’s nose, “Pardon?” When the pegasus said nothing, she hit her nose with the rope a bit harder, “What was that Raid?”

At the first hit Air Raid was trying to figure out what Thespian meant by ‘pardon’, but the second hit stung and she realized she was an idiot. “Sorry, Mistress!”

Thespian smiled at the rookie mistake. She looped the rope around one forehoof and then bound it to the other forehoof. Thespian ran the extra rope to a very convenient eyebolt in the back center of the headboard. She hopped off the bed while she watched Air Raid track her with those pretty green ears. Thespian returned to the bed with the rest of her bondage needs. She tied a rope to a hind hoof leaving the extra trail down the pegasus’s leg. She did the same with the other hind hoof.

Air Raid thought back on the past when this was something they would simply do for fun. She started to relax at the feel of the rope around her limbs. At first, she was curious why Thespian left rope hanging from her hind hooves, and didn’t bind them together like her forehooves. Then she felt some weight added to one hind hoof, and here legs forced further apart. Weight was added to her other hind hoof. ‘It must be a spreader bar. That is so cool!’

Thespian used the remainder of the rope on each leg to loop through some more convenient eyebolts that were under each corner of the bed frame. She ran the rope first through the eyebolt at the foot of the bed, and back up to the spreader bar. She than tied it off to the eyebolt at the head of the bed. Once she had done this with each hind leg, with the exception of her head, Air Raid was effectively immobilized.

‘Wow, she is good,’ thought Air Raid. Thespian hopped back off the bed and Air Raid could hear a variety of sounds from her closet. Air Raid’s imagination ran wild. The sounds of wood, cloth, and even metal. ‘Metal, what in Tartarus is she going to do to me.’ Air Raid vainly struggled against the ropes, all she could move was her head, and with the blindfold that was a useless endeavor. Thespian climbed back up on the bed and Air Raid shivered in anticipation.

Thespian holds the item of choice in her mouth. She moves low under the spreader bar and assaults Air Raid’s labia with a feather. The squeal the pegasus gave was music to her ears. As Air Raid became more aroused, she flicked the feather over her clitoris and slipped it into the vaginal opening with a twirl.

Air Raid tried to buck her hips, and coos, “Please, ah, yes, please don’t stop that.”

Thespian left the feather in Air Raid’s vaginal canal. She used one hoof to twiddle it while the other slammed into the lime green pegasus’s ass. “My pet forgets herself.”

Air Raid gasped at the sudden pain after the tickling feather. ‘You’re an Equestrian class idiot, Raid.’ “Sorry Mistress! Forgive your pet, Mistress.”

“You don’t sound very sincere, pet,” Thespian practically purred. “I think punishment is in order.” Air Raid remained silent, but she could watch the mare grasping at the feather she twirled. The earth pony picked up another item she prepared for this event in her mouth. A stiff bristled paint brush. She ran it over Air Raid’s rear hoof and the reaction was priceless. Air Raid let out an even louder squeal and tried desperately to move the hoof away from the brush. The pegasus’s body thrashed which did make it difficult to keep moving the feather, but her hooves weren’t going nowhere.

Between her fits of laugher Air Raid called out, “Please Mistress! Tickles! Please forgive your pet!”

Thespian switched hooves operating the feather so she could continue the attack on the other rear hoof. Air Raid’s pleas fell on deaf ears. After another minute, she relented when Air Raid started having trouble breathing. She set the brush down and took the feather in her mouth. She then swirled the very wet feather around Air Raid’s nipples while her hoof toyed with the pegasus’s labia and clitoris.

“Oh, that is nice, Mistress,” moaned Air Raid. “Please make me come, Mistress.”

Thespian pulled away both feather and hoof. She just barely managed not to laugh at Air Raid’s loud groan. She moved out from between the hind legs and up alongside Air Raid. She had forgotten the tendency of pegasi wings. Thespian carefully moved over the top of the stiff, outstretched wing to the mare’s head. Thespian quickly used a foreleg to put a head lock on Air Raid and used her shoulder to block any attempt of pegasus swinging her forelegs. With a very wet feather in her mouth, she assaulted Air Raid’s nose.

Air Raid sputtered and scrunched her nose. She couldn’t move her head, nor was she able to budge Thespian with her forelegs. Air Raid even tried to bite the feather, but Thespian was too quick for her. After what seemed an eternity, she finally felt the feather stuck behind her ear like a prize-winning trophy. Relieved of the feather, Thespian spoke up, “My pet is both wiggly and needy. More punishment is in order. Maybe I should leave you here and go watch some television.” Air Raid’s groan was beautiful to hear. Thespian put the paint brush in her mouth and wrapped both forelegs around Air Raid’s forelegs so she couldn’t’ move. With the way, the lime green pegasus was bound, she could cover both hooves at once.

Air Raid lost all reason. She laughed so hard her ribs hurt. She thrashed for all she was worth, but couldn’t overcome earth pony strength. In the end, she lost all control.

Thespian had a good view of the golden fountain that sprang up between Air Raid’s hind legs, and halted her assault with the brush. She had a flashback to the number of times Caffeinated did this very same thing to her. The pony under her stopped thrashing and her cheeks burned crimson. The mare was probably mortified at the enviable outcome. Thespian wasn’t going to help her, “Looks like I may need to change the bedding.” Air Raid wilted. “I’ve heard that some ponies can get damp with excitement,” continued Thespian, “But you’ve brought a whole new meaning to the word.”

Air Raid didn’t know what she wanted to do. Should she cry or scream? Thespian was humiliating her, and it was, hot. So very, very hot. She decided there was only one thing she could do, and spoke up, “I’m a bad pony, Mistress.”

Thespian dropped the brush to the bed and moved to kiss Air Raid, “Yes you are, and a wet pony too.” Air Raid giggled. Thespian was glad to see the mare was made of sterner stuff, and didn’t wilt under the teasing. “Does my wet, needy, bad pony want release?”

Air Raid nodded, “I beg you, Mistress, please let me come, Mistress.”

“I will give it consideration,” said Thespian as she moved back down Air Raid’s body. As she stepped over the wing, she thought it might be even stiffer than before. After one look at the foot of the bed, Thespian decided it might be best to continue her work from Air Raid’s side. She reached out with a hoof to take the next toy for tonight’s pleasure. Thespian leaned over Air Raid to nuzzle, lick and nip at her nipples. She move a bit further so her hot breath blew over Air Raid’s engorged sex.

“Please, Mistress,” said Air Raid as squirmed while Thespian teased her. “Please lick me, Mistress.” Thespian sat back up. “No, Mistress. I need you, please!”

“What do you need, pet,” Thespian asked.

“I need your muzzle in my pussy, Mistress,” begged Air Raid, “I need your lips on my clit. I need you to let me come, Mistress.”

“You do expect a lot from a ‘straight mare’, my pet,” Thespian said calmly.

Air Raid’s world came crashing down. All the things Thespian said and did to her so far, only to be rejected because she was straight. She was again back to deciding if she wanted to scream or cry, and right then, cry was winning out.

While Air Raid was thinking, Thespian was busy. She popped the egg in her mouth and moved over Air Raid’s vulva. She pushed the egg in with her muzzle and pushed it deeper with her tongue. Air Raid gasped. She moved her tongue up the pegasus’s slit and latched on to her nub. With a hoof, she turned the egg’s control to medium, and the lime green pegasus jerked under her.

Any thought of crying fled Air Raid’s mind as the new sensations overwhelmed her. Thespian didn’t reject her. Between her mouth and the vibrator she quickly built to a climax, only to have the vibrator be turned down. “No! Please Mistress, I’m so close!”

“No coming for you,” said Thespian, “For you are too demanding.” She continued to adjust the egg’s control and use her mouth to bring Air Raid to the brink and back her down again.

“I’m sorry, Mistress!” pleaded Air Raid, “Please, I bet you, Mistress, please let me come.”

Thespian switched the egg to full, “Fill me, pet.” She opened her mouth and cover Air Raid’s vulva. She pushed the egg with her tongue while she sucked.

Air Raid didn’t hesitate. The orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave. She rode the wave to the end filling Thespian with everything she had. Finally, Air Raid went limp. It had been so very long since she had an experience like that.

Thespian turned down the egg as she lapped up Air Raid’s essence. She lifted her head and said, “I want more, Pet.” Again, she turned the egg back up to full and added a hoof to mix as her mouth returned to licking and nipping the mare’s sex.

Air Raid thought she was spent, but was resolved to not disappoint Thespian. In less time than she thought, she had built up to another orgasm, “Mistress!” It was not the peak she had before, but very satisfying, like water to a parched mare. Thespian didn’t acknowledge what she did. The egg kept vibrating and her mouth and hoof kept playing with her sex. Air Raid realized this was a whole new form of torment. A torment of pleasure. She came for a third time, and Air Raid could only moan with pleasure.

Thespian turned off the egg and pulled it out by the cord. She moved quickly up the pegasus’s body to avoid the wing and kissed her fully and deeply as she pushed her tongue into the other mare’s mouth. Air Raid returned the kiss as fully. Thespian broke the kiss and dangled the egg over Air Raid’s mouth. “You need to clean this.” She set the egg to low. Air Raid reached out with her tongue to lap the egg. “Entertain me, pet.”

“How-how may I entertain you, Mistress,” Air Raid said as she continued to lap at the egg.

“Pretend this egg is my clit,” answered Thespian.

Air Raid understood and pulled the egg into her mouth with her tongue. She lapped at it and pushed it in and out of her mouth, now and again holding it in her teeth. The vibrations felt weird, but Air Raid was determined to put on a show.

“Yes, pet, just like that,” purred Thespian as she watched. “Oh, yes, that is hot.” Thespian grew tired of hoofing herself. She moved up past Air Raid and undid the knot from the eyebolt. She pushed Air Raid’s forelegs to the mare’s body, and then swung her hind leg over Air Raid’s head. “Enough practice.” Thespian lowered herself to Air Raid’s waiting mouth.

Air Raid didn’t have a chance to respond, before her muzzle was buried in Thespian’s muff. It was already very wet so Air Raid could tell this session was as exciting for her Mistress as it was for herself. She put her all into bringing Thespian to a climax.

While her technique could use some work, Air Raid was most certainly enthusiastic. Then, Thespian was fortunate to be surrounded by some very seasoned mares. Still, as Mistress, she couldn’t make it easy for her pet. She leaned forward to grab the paint brush with her mouth, and then twisted and leaned back to take hold of Air Raid’s forelegs. She quickly put the paint brush to work on those lovely green hooves.

Air Raid concentrated on her task. She had no idea why Thespian moved around so much. Until the brush stroked across her hooves. She squealed into Thespian’s love tunnel.

The teasing was doing as much to drive Thespian to a climax as Air Raid’s tongue and mouth were. The mare under her thrashed as she tickled, yet she never stopped lapping between her legs. Control was something Thespian seldom ever took, but the control she had over Air Raid was a heady drug. She didn’t want to hold back any more and climaxed. The brush fell from her mouth as her legs squeezed Air Raid. Once past the climax, Thespian laid there panting to the sound of Air Raid’s continued licking. Since she was there, Thespian undid the bindings on Air Raid’s forehooves. “That was quite lovely, my dear.”

“I’m happy to have pleased you, Mistress,” said Air Raid.

Thespian rolled off the mare, careful to not roll over a wing. She moved to the foot of the bed and avoided the large wet spot. Thespian undid the bindings to the spreader bar and to the hooves. She put away the ropes and bar for later cleaning. Last, she climbed back onto the bed and removed the blindfold with her mouth. She dropped it to the side, and then gave Air Raid a light kiss, “Feeling better?”

“Oh, yeah,” Air Raid gave the older mare a huge smile, “Much better.”

“I’m for a shower,” said Thespian, “Care to join me? To conserve water.”

“I’d be happy to, hun,” responded Air Raid, “To conserve water, of course.” As they walked into the bathroom, Air Raid spoke up, “You know, for a straight mare, Thespian, you’re pretty good at that.”

Thespian giggled as she prepared the shower, “In the herd, sexuality is a preference, not a dedication. For in the herd, this straight mare walks a very crooked path.” She got into the shower followed by Air Raid. “Let’s wash each other, for efficiency.”

Air Raid smiled, “Yes for efficiency.” Air Raid soon noticed that Thespian was just that in the shower. All clean up, and nothing sensual. So, Air Raid did the same in return. Once finished Thespian flipped on the fur dryer. She pulled out a brush, “You have your brush with you?”

“No,” said Air Raid, “It is still in the car with our luggage.”

“You can borrow one of mine then,” Thespian said.

Thespian handed her the brush she had, and picked up another. She started brushing Air Raid’s coat so Air Raid did the same. ‘This is what a family must feel like,’ thought Air Raid. ‘Herd is family with benefits.’ Air Raid giggled and was glad Thespian didn’t ask her why.

Once the brushing was done, Thespian said, “You have the place to yourself. I’m going to take a nap before I need to get ready for my performance.”

Air Raid yawned, “Sorry,” she giggled, “Drove over a thousand miles in a day and a half. The motels were utter rubbish, and you fair tired me out. I’m going to check up on Darkie and get some kip myself. Wanna snuggle?”

“As long as you don’t bite,” commented Thespian, “I’m good for a snuggle.”

Air Raid giggled, “Wily never complained of it, so I assume I don’t.”

“Feel you in a bit then,” said Thespian, “I should be asleep right quick.”

“Alrighty then, I’ll get the bed warm for you,” said Air Raid.

Thespian laughed, “That’s my line, for I’m sleeping in my own bed. Once I change the sheets of course.”

Air Raid blushed as she did think Thespian was coming to her room, “Yeah, you did make me make a mess alright.” She giggled, “I’ll just check in on my sleeping foal.”

“Be careful using that language,” warned Thespian, “Least some herd member think it is a pet name and upset Darkie.”

“Yeah, your right, my bad,” said Air Raid. “I’m used to thinking out loud on my own. Sorry about that.”

“We all have to start somewhere,” smiled Thespian, “Welcome to Manehatten.” Air Raid left the room and Thespian set to work removing the soiled sheets and put them in the laundry. She quickly made the bed with clean linen and crawled into it.

Air Raid check in on Darkstar and was happy to see she was sound asleep in the darkened room. She went downstairs for a glass of juice and then returned to Thespian’s bedroom, “She’s out like a light.” Air Raid received no response and she notice that indeed, Thespian was fast asleep. She crawled into the bed and played big spoon.

‘Best welcome ever,’ she though as sleep too soon claimed her.

Chapter 2 - Herd Dynamics

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Later that same evening, Thespian reached over and tapped the alarm when it went off and woke her from her slumber. It felt nice to have a pony snuggled up against her back, for once. Too often she would be home alone while her husband, Caffeinated, was off at work. He might have memorized every line in her plays since he would often come with her to work to avoid being alone at home and, she did go in to see him once in a while, but her love of gardening did keep her at home.

Still, it was nice to not nap alone. It was only when she turned to look at Air Raid, that she became aware of another pony in bed behind her. “It is nice to wake up to a bed full of ponies. Sleep well, Darkie?”

“I did, thank you,” Darkstar said, opening her eyes with the alarm, though she had been awake before that.

Also awake, Air Raid turned to Darkstar, “Hey, you okay, hun?”

“Yes, mom,” said Darkstar with an eye roll. “I’ve been a good pony. I checked out the dance pole in the basement, and then I went out back to exercise and practice my magic.”

Thespian giggled as she rolled out of bed, “Is anypony hungry?”

“Uh huh, I am,” Darkstar said quickly.

Air Raid yawned, “Yeah, me too.”

“Who wants to help?” asked Thespian.

“I do,” said Darkstar as she raised a hoof. “I can cook. Raid puts things in the oven until they go brown and calls it cooking.”

“Guilty as charged,” admitted Air Raid.

“Come help me then,” said Thespian as she walked out of the bedroom. Darkstar followed and Air Raid tagged along. “I’m planning on zucchini lasagne, garlic toast, and garden salad,” she said as they went down the stairs. “What do you all think of that?”

Air Raid’s tummy let out a rumble of approval. “I think that sounds great.” Both Darkstar and Thespian shared a laugh as they entered the kitchen.

“Air Raid, could you put together the garden salad? All the ingredients are in the bottom left crisper,” requested Thespian.

Air Raid grinned, “Salad I can do, hun.” She went straight to work.

“Darkstar, could you please turn the zucchini into lasagne noodles?” Thespian asked the other mare. “Cutting board is hanging below the knives.”

Darkstar saw the zucchini on the counter, “Consider it done.” She took the cutting board and knife in her yellow magic then moved the zucchini over to the board. Her eyes were focused on the blade as she begun to cut.

“Be careful, Darkstar,” Air Raid said.

“You worry too much,” Thespian said as she prepared the garlic toast.

“Good luck getting her to listen to that,” said Darkstar as she concentrated on her given job.

“Maybe I do,” responded Air Raid, “But it is my job to worry.”

“You do your job well, but now let’s share in the job,” said Thespian. She turned to Darkstar, “She didn’t seem too worried when we snuggled. I’m glad you joined us.”

“You get yourself some? Nice one.” Darkstar held out a hoof to Thespian which the older mare hoof bumped. “I’ve been telling Raid to have some fun.”

“Yeah, speaking of which, Darkie,” Air Raid said as she started putting the salad together, “I’m entering the San Palomino next year.”

“I’m sure I can twist my husband’s hoof to…” Thespian trailed off as she noticed Darkstar stopped cutting. “Darkie?”

Darkstar shook her head and resumed cutting the zucchini. “The San Palomino, huh?” She turned to look at Air Raid, “And you think I’m suicidal.”

Thespian turned her attention back to Air Raid, “What does that mean?”

“It’s nothing, Thespian,” responded Air Raid. “Just, sometimes, there are accidents in the race. Darkie, look at the knife, not me.”

Darkstar returned her attention to cutting the zucchini, “Last year four ponies died in the race.” Alas, with her attention diverted, the knife slipped and it sliced into her foreleg, “Ah, buck!”

Immediately, Thespian took charge, “Air Raid, there’s a first aid kit in the pantry, get that please.” Air Raid did so without question. She trotted over to Darkstar. “Looks like a shallow slice. Are you getting magic fatigue?”

Tears stared to well up in Darkstar’s big yellow eyes, “Um, yeah. Look, I didn’t mean to do that, really I didn’t.”

Air Raid arrived with the kit, “She going to be okay?”

“Yes, and thank you Air Raid” said Thespian as she opened the kit. “I saw it was an accident, Darkie. You said your horn was just healed. How much practice did you do outside?”

“I cast a few spells while I did my thirty-minute workout,” explained Darkstar. “I use illusions to enhance my performance.”

Thespian opened a tube of ointment, “Okay, this ointment is made to sting so you don’t ever want to use it again.” She applied the ointment and noticed Darkstar shiver and smile. She covered the wound with gauze and added a stretchy bandage to keep it in place. “How are you at holding a knife with your mouth, the earth pony way?”

“I’m awesome at it,” stated Darkstar, “But Raid isn’t going to let me near a knife again.”

Air Raid giggled, “So, Doc, is the patient going to live, or will we need to amputate?” Thespian and Darkstar did a coordinated eye roll. “I saw it was an accident too, but you do need to pay attention to what you’re doing.”

“I’m going prescribe the patient take one fourth a lasagne, and a night of copious snuggles.” Both mares giggled. “You go back to cutting up the zucchini,” Thespian said. “What do you usually do to restore you magic reserves?”

Darkstar first replied to Air Raid, “Yes, mom.” She then spoke to Thespian, “You’d make a great doctor. I usually drink some fruit juice and take an energy bar.”

“There is fruit juice in the refrigerator, and I think the mare’s room has energy bars,” said Thespian.

“I’ll get you that juice.” Air Raid went to the refrigerator and poured some mango juice, which she knew was one of Darkstar’s favourites. She set it down on the counter for her.

Darkstar smiled, “Thanks, mom.” She went back to cutting using her mouth to hold the knife.

Thespian gathered the rest of the ingredients. “I’m using milk mare cheese, if that is okay with everypony?”

Darkstar just nodded as she paid close and careful attention to her job. Air Raid answered, “That would be great.” She let out a soft sigh, “What Darkie was trying to say is the race can be dangerous. Many cars don’t finish mostly due to mechanical failures. Some have non-fatal accidents, like rolling the car or hitting a tree. They are built tough with safety in mind.” Air Raid helped herself to a sip of the juice she poured for Darkstar.

“Fatalities are usually a failure in teamwork or just plain stupidity,” she continued, “The accident reports on the deaths. Well, one pair went over a cliff at eighty miles per hour so they were lost, which is a failure on the navigator’s part. The other, from the evidence, parked at the bottom of a dune and got out of the vehicle. They had a map spread out on the hood when another vehicle topped the dune and landed on them. They should have parked on the dune so they’d be seen, and never have gotten out of the vehicle.”

“Okay,” said Thespian. “You said the sponsor will help you with the vehicle. What about the rest like the, um, map reader?”

“Pit crew I have,” said Air Raid. “They’re in Canterlot. I used to have a navigator, Slingshot, but we parted ways years ago. He’s with a different team now.”

Darkstar put down the knife, “Finished.” Her voice became subdued. “Was that because of me?”

“Don’t blame yourself for this!” exclaimed Air Rad. “Slingshot was the best, which is why I had him on my team. Friction was building between us long before you were injured. Because he was the best, he started to think it was his team instead of mine. He simply used you as an excuse to bailout on me.”

“Slingshot was in on all her races,” commented Darkstar.

Thespian finished putting the lasagne together and popped it in the oven. “Let’s move to the table.” She poured some more juice for all of them. “All your races?”

Air Raid nodded, “You need a navigator for the desert race. Day or night the terrain can play tricks like one of Darkie’s illusions.” Darkstar almost snorted her juice. “In the other races, they let you know when to break, shift, and track speed and fuel consumption. Slingshot was the best number cruncher I’d ever seen.”

“Are you so sure he won’t come back to you?” asked Darkstar.

“He burned that bridge,” Air Raid replied. “Even if I was the one to rebuild it, he is doing well with Windcharger. Plus, I want to show off my talent this Sunday in a race.”

“This Sunday?” said Thespian. Air Raid nodded. “I’ll let the business ponies talk to you about that. It is good to see you’re eager to get back at it. I take it you’re confident enough to leave Darkie with us?”

Air Raid looked at Darkstar, “You and Caffeinated have shown us nothing but love and hospitality. I’m sure the rest of your herd will do the same.”

Darkstar had a glint in her eye, “Speaking of Caffeinated, I’d like to give your hunky stallion a dance.”

Thespian ignored Air Raid’s facehoof. “The one that needs a pole?”

Darkstar eagerly nodded, “That’s the one. I noticed you had a good one in the basement.”

“Do you need an outfit to go with your dance?” asked Thespian.

Darkstar smiled, “Nope, I got one.”

Air Raid asked, “You gonna wear ‘those’ socks?”

“Oh, he does love socks,” commented Thespian.

Darkstar giggled, “Yes, ‘those’ socks. Red ones with three black stars.”

Thespian noted the time, and, knowing her stallion would be back very soon, she got up to prepare some fresh coffee. “Are you both in your mid-twenties?”

“I’m twenty-four,” said Darkstar. “I was in Wily’s class at school and university.”

Air Raid watched Thespian grind the beans, “That smells good. I’m twenty-seven. If I may ask, how old are you?”

Thespian put the grounds in the Prench press. “For after dinner. I’m fifty-one. I started hanging around the theatre at age eight, and got my first job at eleven.”

“I started racing soap boxes at six, and go-karts at nine,” Air Raid said.

“I had dreams of being a Las Pegasus show mare,” Darkstar sighed. “I ended up in a bookstore in Canterlot.”

“As you can see by my library, I’m quite fond of books, said Thespian. “Airmail is a journalist, but then I’d guess you would know that.”

Darkstar nodded, “I do! She was kind enough to offer me a job, which I bit her hoof off for, but if there’s any dancing jobs in the theatre, I’d happily do that too.”

“They are always looking for dancers, but that is because they don’t pay that much,” said Thespian. It is hard to balance two careers.”

“I don’t mind arduous work,” said Darkstar. “I want to be busy. Then I don’t think about…stuff.”

Thespian nodded and turned to Air Raid, “Racing was your substitute for flying?”

“Yeah, once I found out about Scootaloo and the stunts she did, and learned my disability was named after her, I felt the need for speed.”

Thespian giggled, “I can safely say I’ve never missed flying. I must admit I don’t follow racing or any sports really. Anything famous you’ve won?”

“She’s won lots of races,” Darkstar said helpfully.

“I have, but some of the biggest are the rally tournaments,” added Air Raid. “I’ve won the Canterlot Mountain Rally five times, the Ponyville Rally three times, the Ghastly Gorge Run twice, and I even won the Everfree Forest Rally once.”

“The Everfree?” said a surprised Thespian. “Isn’t that the forest full of monsters?”

“That is what the locals say to drive up tourism,” giggled Air Raid. “There is truth to it though, which is why I only won it once.”

“I do hope you both continue to live full lives,” said Thespian. “Speaking of which, I noticed you joined the two of us in bed, Darkie, and didn’t raise a fuss.”

Darkstar blushed, “Oh, umm…you two looked so at peace all snuggled up, and I was a little lonely. So, I really fancied a snuggle. I hope that was okay?”

Thespian nodded, “It is more than okay. One of the reasons there are no locks on the interior doors. Not okay is jealousy.”

Darkstar’s blush deepened, “That and I was curious about snuggling with a mare.”

Thespian smiled, “Like I told Raid earlier, when you live with a herd, your orientation is just a preferred lifestyle, and not an exclusive one.” She looked at Air Raid, “Was I okay for a straight mare?”

“You were more than okay, Thespian,” giggled Air Raid. “It had been so long I thought I was all dried up.”

“There is nothing wrong with snuggling,” stated Thespian. “And if mean ol’ Raid teases you, you can come and tell me. Plus, if I understand correctly, you want to snuggle with some stripes tonight.”

“It’s a little scary making decision on my own,” said Darkstar. “I was hoping for some stripy snuggles, and Raid never let me snuggle her before.”

“I didn’t want anypony thinking I was taking advantage of you,” answered Air Raid.

Darkstar sighed, “I know, and I’m looking forward to some stripy snuggles.” She gave out a nervous giggle. “The room felt a little weird with no padding. It was nice to listen to you both just breathe.”

“On Thursday, there will be up to forty ponies here, Darkie,” stated Thespian. “You still okay with that?”

Darkstar felt Air Raid’s hoof reach out to her shoulder. “I have to learn how to live with ponies again.”

Thespian nodded, “If it does become too much you can always hide out in my bedroom. Until ponies go to bed it will be quiet.”

“Thank you, and I’ll let somepony know if it gets to be too much.” Darkstar looked at the both of them, “So, some ponies had a bit of fun while I was napping?”

Thespian looked at the clock and walked over to the oven, “I know I did, and I don’t think I heard any complaints from Raid.” She pulled out the lasagne and the garlic bread.

“Defiantly not!” Air Raid giggled, “I hadn’t been tied up that well since Cyclone entertained me.”

The ponies heard the front door open and, almost on cue, like he had smelled the dinner cooking, a stallion called out in a reassuringly deep rumbling voice, “I’m home!”

Thespian called back, “In the kitchen, love.”

Caffeinated walked in and gave his wife a big kiss. He looked at the other two, “This must be my lucky day. You got both of these mares for me?”

“Hey, Caffeinated,” said Air Raid.

Darkstar blushed and giggled, “Hey, again.”

Caffeinated nuzzled both mares which they returned, “That lasagne smells nice.”

Thespian spoke up, “Set the table and we’ll get it out there.” Caffeinated nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been nuzzled so much in one day,” said Air Raid.

“Something you may have to get used to,” responded Thespian. “In a couple of weeks is our BDSM night, which is followed by Open Mic Night, to entertain more than just the herd. I’m sure I can get Caffy to set up a pole if you’d like to entertain a crowd, Darkie.”

“Really? That’d be great,” said Darkstar. “Maybe I’ll try BDSM again, eventually.”

“Are you sure?” asked Air Raid.

“Yes, mom.” Darkstar giggled, “I do need to live again.”

“A couple in the herd watch the house while we play,” added Thespian. “You can always hang out with them. They are both voyeurs.”

“I do appreciate both of you looking out for me,” responded Darkstar. “We’ll just have to see how it goes when it happens.”

“Ready,” Caffeinated called out from the informal dining room.

“Raid, you have the salad, and Darkie, the bread,” stated Thespian. “I’ve got the lasagne.” Thespian put the warm dish on a tray on her back, and Air Raid did the same with the salad. Darkstar took up the garlic bread in her magic and all there moved out of the kitchen like a well-oiled machine.

“Would anypony care for drinks?” asked Caffeinated as the put the food on the table.

Air Raid saw the bottle of red wine with two filled glasses on the table. “If you’ve got whisky and cider, I’d fancy a fireball.”

“A coke or juice for me, please,” said Darkstar.

“I’ve got that Air Raid,” said Caffeinated, “And is sparking apple juice good for you?” Darkstar nodded and the zebra prepared their drinks. Thespian, being the good hostess that she was, put salad in each salad bowl, garlic bread on the bread plate and a large helping of lasagne on each plate. Caffeinated soon put a drink in front of each of his guests.

Air Raid sampled the drink, and winced, “Oh, you can give tips to Cyclone.”

Caffeinated smiled and took Thespian’s hoof. “Praise be to Luna for this day and night to come. Thank you for our guests this day. May they find rest and peace on their journey.”

“Praise be to Luna,” responded Thespian. “Eat up!”

Both Air Raid and Darkstar were slow to respond, but they each said, “Praise be to Luna.” Air Raid continued, “I know I’ve said it before, but thank you both for having us.”

Darkstar nodded, “Yes, thank you, for your hospitality.”

Thespian giggled at their responses to her husband’s prayer. “Now you have had an introduction to zebra life. Like I said, Lunaites, the lot of them.”

Caffeinated responded with a raised eyebrow before he said, “We are generous with what we have, but Airy asked and that moves us beyond generosity.” The zebra and earth pony both flicked their ears, “Thespian has explained the house rules to you both?”

“Yes,” responded Air Raid. “Part of the tour. You have a very nice place.”

“We have a special rule for our guest, Darkstar,” said Thespian. “She may not be in the kitchen, alone, for now.”

Caffeinated nodded, since Thespian already explained why with the use of her ears. “Thank you. I’m sure we can work out any issues that may crop up.”

Air Raid added, “Also, Darkie’s meds are in my room safe. I’ll give both of you the combo I set so you can issue them if I’m gone for something.”

“Thank you for understanding,” said Darkstar.

“As my wife said, for now,” said Caffeinated as he flicked his ears.

Thespian spoke up, “Darkie is in the front left bedroom and Raid in the front right.”

“The rooms are very nice,” said Darkstar. “I may do some snuggling with Raid to get used to ponies again.”

“You’re free to sleep anywhere you wish,” Caffeinated said, “Except for the Stallion’s Club room.”

“It isn’t nearly as comfortable as the Mare’s Club room,” added Thespian.

“If you do use the Mare’s Club room you will need to clean up after yourself,” said Caffeinated. “The service doesn’t clean the basement rooms.”

“I understand,” said Air Raid. “Thespy included that in her tour.”

“I did enjoy snuggling earlier,” said Darkstar. “I also like the yard and pool. It is a great place to exercise and cool off afterwards.”

“Feel free to use any of the facilities,” stated Caffeinated. “Thespy and I may live here, but this is a herd house.”

“Thank you,” said Darkstar, “I know we aren’t part of your herd so that means a lot.”

“I want to thank you too,” added Air Raid. “Thespian said that you and her father would consider sponsoring me in a big race next year.”

“Oh?” Caffeinated noted Thespian’s ear flicks. “Well, I’m sure the tribe would be interested. You okay with stripes on your car?”

“I’m okay with whatever you put on it.” Air Raid smiled, “Especially stripes. Have you heard of the San Palomino Run?”

Caffeinated shook his head, “You may guess I don’t follow car racing.”

“It is only the best race ever,” declared Air Raid.

“Most dangerous ever,” muttered Darkstar.

Before the earlier argument could be rehashed, Thespian interjected. “Raid plans on racing this Sunday, too.”

“The one in the Meadowlands?” inquired Caffeinated.

“Yes! That’s the one.” Exclaimed a happy Air Raid. “I saw a flyer for it on the way here. The car I have will work fine.”

“Hmm,” said Caffeinated as he turned to his wife, “Have you talked to Baron yet?”

Thespian shook her head. “I wanted to run it past you first. I figured you could get Coffee bean to work on Fine Ground, and you could see if Sweet Water would be game.” She smiled, “I’ll deal with dad.”

“Let me win this race first,” said Air Raid. “I don’t want something I haven’t earned.”

Caffeinated laughed, “You haven’t dealt with my tribe. Need to start now to get them interested. Do well on Sunday and they’ll bite.”

“I’ll do well,” said Air Raid with determination.

Darkstar giggled, “You have no idea how much Raid hates coming in second.”

“Do you need anything for Sunday’s race?” asked Caffeinated.

“Everything I need is in your garage,” Air raid said. Darkstar lightly tapped her with a hoof. “Okay, except my pit crew. They’re still in Canterlot.”

“They’re willing to relocate?” asked Caffeinated.

“They travel with me,” answered Air Raid. “But sure, cost of living here can’t be any worse than Canterlot.”

“You okay with magnetic decals on your car?” inquired Caffeinated.

Air Raid nodded, “Most certainly am.”

“Okay,” the zebra turned to his wife, “Another excellent meal.”

“Thank you,” responded Thespian. “Of course, I’ve already put those two to work.”

“Next to dancing, I love cooking,” Darkstar said.

Air Raid added, “That is something I’m not very good at.”

“What happened to your leg?” Caffeinated asked Darkstar.

The unicorn’s ears wilted. “I was cutting the zucchini when the knife slipped in my magic”

“Magic fatigue?” Caffeinated asked.

Darkstar shrugged, “A little. I was practicing spells while I exercised.”

“Something you’ll most likely have to do every day,” commented Caffeinated. “You told me your specialty is illusions.”

Darkstar nodded, “Yeah, I can make my voice appear from somewhere else. Muffle the sounds of my, or somepony else’s, hooves. I used to be able to cast invisibility.”

Air Raid reached out to Darkstar, “Don’t forget your desire spell.”

Darkstar smiled, “That one improves my dance so others see what their heart wants to see, or, more precisely, they see what they most desire.”

“You showed off that voice spell in the coffee shop,” Caffeinated said. “You mentioned dancing too. You do performances? We have an Open Mic in a few weeks.”

Darkstar was excited at the prospect, “I do! I love performing. Thespian said you could put a pole in your shop. I saw you have a nice one downstairs.”

Caffeinated rubbed his chin with a hoof, and his voice took on a serious tone. “I’ll need a private showing of course. To be sure my clients will get something they can appreciate.” Thespian broke out in laughter.

Darkstar clapped her hooves, “I’ll be happy to perform for you.”

Thespian lightly punched the zebra in the shoulder. “After you’ve done the dishes. Do you need any props, Darkie?”

Darkstar replied, “I have my socks in my room, and…”

“Socks!” interrupted Caffeinated. “Let me take care of these dishes now!” He started piling the dishes on the tray.

Darkstar giggled, “I have music too, but I can perform without it.”

“We can accommodate that,” said Thespian. “Get what you need and meet me down in the dungeon.”

“I’ll help with the dishes,” Air Raid said. She followed Caffeinated into the kitchen while Darkstar went upstairs and Thespian downstairs.

Caffeinated set the remains of the lasagne and bread on the table. “Please put that together in a Tuppermare container.” He pointed a hoof where the containers were. “Then bottom left of the fridge. Anything there is a left over and free game. I do try to keep that spot empty.” He stuck his muzzle in the remains of the salad bowl to clean that out.

Air Raid giggled, and did as she was asked. She brought the empty dishes over to the dishwasher as the zebra loaded it. “Your wife gave me the grand tour, and I must say, I thought my place was lush.” She waved a hoof, “This place makes it look like nothing.”

“Space in Canterlot is at a premium,” stated Caffeinated. “Same for Manehatten Island. Like the capital where ponies move to the suburbs like Ponyville, I moved here to Stallion Island. I’m sure your place will fetch twice the price Mapper is asking for her old place.”

Air Raid nodded, “Airmail said the same thing. I hope whoever gets it, enjoys it. I have a lot of fond memories from that place. Still, I’m looking forward to starting over here. Things are finally starting to look up.”

Caffeinated finished up and closed the dishwasher. “I said the same thing when I stepped hoof in Equestria from the old country.”
Airmail had never travelled outside of Equestria, “What is it like where you’re from?”

“Zebrica?” Caffeinated pushed the start button and leaned on the counter. “I don’t remember a lot. It wasn’t bad, then my tribe is well off, so I didn’t see the darker side of things. Here in Manehatten most zebras live in the Broncs, and are firmly in Luna’s camp. The founders of Manehatten are firmly in Celestia’s camp.

“I did see a little more of Luna, since we were friends with Dusk, than I ever saw of Celestia,” said Air Raid. “I’m guessing your tribe deals with coffee?”

“Oh, good guess,” Caffeinated smiled, “What gave it away? Something I said or something on my ass?”

Air Raid giggled, “Well you do work in a coffee shop, and Darkie may have said something to me about your cute ass.”

Caffeinated chuckled, “The coffee shop is my hobby. My real job is imports. My tribe controls sixty five percent of the global coffee market. Forty percent of the cocoa market, and thirty percent of the tea market.”

“Wow…” said Air Raid. “Just, wow. You guys must rule the zebras.”

Caffeinated shook his head, “No, that honour belongs to the Grass Tribe. That is where all the royalty is. Coffee may bring in the bits, but food will always rule.”

“So, um,” Air Raid looked around to be sure they were still alone. “Do you, ah, know any mares? You know, zebra mares?”

“I’m the only zebra in the herd,” said Caffeinated. “Last I checked I wasn’t a mare.”

Air Raid ducked down and pointedly looked at his undercarriage. “Just checked and I can confirm you’re not a mare.”

“It makes more sense why Darkstar pointed out that you two weren’t together like that,” said Caffeinated as he enjoyed Air Raid’s blush. “She is on the prowl for a stallion and you for a mare. I was going to call my aunt on her behalf, but I can do it for the both of you.” He glanced at the clock. “Still too early to call her yet.”

Air Raid smiled, “Thanks. Want to see if Darkie is ready?”

“Love to see socks, err, Darkie,” Caffeinated corrected himself with a smile as the two of them walked out of the kitchen.

Darkstar didn’t take long to get her socks and music CD. She heard talking in kitchen, but didn’t feel the need to ease drop. When she entered the dungeon, she saw some seating pads had been placed in a loose semi-circle near the pole, and Thespian was finishing up the connections to a stereo system. “I don’t remember that being here.”

“Portable,” said Thespian. “It is normally in the Mare’s Club room. Let’s check out the sound levels before the other two shows up.” She took the CD from Darkstar and put it in the machine. “Republica. Sounds like something Serenity would like.” She turned it on and stepped away.

Darkstar moved up and set it to track one. “From the Rush Hour with Love.” Thespian giggled at the noise that came out of the machine. Serenity would like this, and Mapper wouldn’t, which would allow Serenity to like it all the more. The unicorn adjusted the volume. “It is background music. The beat adds to the show.” She set it back to the start of track one and pushed pause. The white unicorn started doing her warm up stretches when the other two entered the room.

Darkstar was facing away from the door as she performed her necessary stretches. Caffeinated’s eyes were immediately drawn by the socks, to the location the unicorn desired. The zebra let out a loud whistle of appreciation as he moved to the centre seating pad. Thespian laughed as she sat to his left. “Sweet Celestia,” said Air Raid as she watched her friend stretch.

The lime green pegasus moved to sit on Caffeinated’s right. Caffeinated playfully nudged his wife, “You should put on that red number and dance with her.”

Thespian punched back, swatting at the orange zebra’s shoulder. “This is her show, and I’m not stealing anypony’s thunder.”

Darkstar stood up from her final stretch and turned around, “You have a sexy red outfit too?”

Thespian nodded, “I played Mona in ‘Best Little Whorehouse in Canterlot’.”

“I saw that in Canterlot. It was great!” exclaimed Darkstar. “Raid didn’t want to go with me.”

“I didn’t know there would be sexy mares in the play,” explained Air Raid.

Thespian giggled, “Did you think whorehouse meant nunnery?”

Air Raid blushed, “No.”

“That’s okay Raid,” said Caffeinated. “She looks pretty sexy in her nun outfit too.”

Air Raid broke out laughing, “Okay, okay, so we going to get this show started?”

“Let’s see you shake that tail,” Caffeinated called out.

Darkstar’s horn briefly light as she un-paused the track. While the music played, the white unicorn ran through her routine with some very generous shaking of her grey tail. Her audience generously cheered her on. She finished with one foreleg wrapped around the pole, and took deep breaths. “Like it?”

Caffeinated clapped his hooves, “I’m liking it so far, but there is no need to stop!”

“Woot!” shouted Air Raid, “You own it, Darkie!”

Darkstar lit her horn and a look of concentration crossed her face for before she stopped. “Um, ah, Ms. Thespian. Could you switch it to track five and pause, please?”

“Of course, dear.” Thespian got up and switched tracks on the player, and sat back down.

Air Raid knew the CD and smiled, “Time to move it Faster, Faster, Darkie.”

Darkstar nodded as she un-paused the player. She went into a rapid-fire routine that had her move around the pole like a snake. The cheers from the audience drove her on. She panted as she finished the routine. One look at Caffeinated told her she was having a positive effect. Air Raid provided her usual enthusiastic support. Thespian, on the other hoof, was just looking at her with a big smile.

Thespian assessed the dancer with a critical eye. It was very clear that she did know what she was doing, that she’d had some training, but from what Darkstar told her earlier, Thespian wasn’t sure if it would be enough for the industry. “You do have talent, Darkie. I’d love to see some of your other dance styles.”

“Thank you, that means a lot,” responded Darkstar as she got her breathing under control. “How about one more for luck?”

“How are you doing, Darkie?” asked Air Raid with concern in her voice.

“Fine, I’m fine,” answered Darkstar. “I can do one more.”

Caffeinated glanced at his wife and she responded with some ear flicks. “Please, Darkie, one more for the big finish.”

“Alrighty, Ms. Thespian, if you could set it to track three and pause, please,” said Darkstar with a smile, “After all, I’m willing to try everything.”

Air Raid giggled as she heard Darkstar name the track. She knew the truth of that statement.

Darkstar made love to the pole as her horn lit up with a bright yellow glow. She cast her mainstay desire spell. The cheering faltered for a moment, but Darkstar expected that. Her audience had to accept what they now saw to make the illusion complete. The cheering and clapping steadily grew louder as she danced, and the unicorn knew she had the audience in her hoof.

She released the spell at the end of her three minute dance. Her main audience was rock hard. Air Raid had a forehoof between her hind legs. Thespian, though, continued to clap, and seemed unaffected by the spell. “Did it work? Was the illusion complete?”

“Oh, yeah,” nodded Caffeinated, “The illusion was complete!”

Air Raid moved forward leaving a wet patch on the seating pad. She hugged Darkstar, “It was perfect, Darkie.”

Darkstar returned the hug, “What…” She looked straight at Caffeinated, “What did you see?”

Caffeinated chuckled, “I saw Thespy in that hot whorehouse number.”

“Was it me from twenty-five years ago?” asked Thespian.

“No, love,” responded Caffeinated. “It was you of today. After all, you’re as beautiful now as you were in your foal pictures.”

Thespian giggled, “He does know the right things to say.”

“It was that good?” asked Darkstar.

“I really thought Thespian had switched places with you,” answered Caffeinated.

When Darkstar turned her gaze to her, Air Raid spoke up, “I saw Wildfire, from the fun fair days.” Air Raid giggled, “The only reason I realized it was an illusion is Wildfire doesn’t have stripes.”

Darkstar turned to the one whom seemed least effected by her spell, “What about you, Ms. Thespian?”

“I saw Serenity,” the mare answered, “She is the finest dancer in the herd, and once you see her dance, you’ll understand. You do have talent, now to get you to broaden that talent.”

Darkstar moved from Air Raid and wrapped Caffeinated in a hug. “Thank you, thank you,” Darkstar squeezed, “I’m so glad it worked!”

“I’ll have to defer unicorn magic to another,” said Thespian, “But it does seem that practice is improving your skills.”

“Yeah,” said Darkstar with a grin plastered on her face, “Yeah, it does.”

Caffeinated was still wrapped up in Darkstar’s hug when he asked, “Is there anything else you want to do, Darkie?”

Darkstar nodded, “Thespian says you’re good with ropes. Um, ah, you wanna…fool around a bit, maybe?”

Caffeinated snorted. He held onto her but moved his head back to look in Darkstar’s eyes. “Fool around? It is always best to speak plainly, and ask directly.”

“Sorry,” whispered Darkstar as a deep crimson blush spread across her white cheeks. “I’d…” She swallowed, “I’d like you to tie me up and rut me, please.”

Caffeinated turned to look at his wife, “Thespian?”

“Are you into threesomes?” asked Thespian.

“I’ve had a few before,” Darkstar nodded, “Yes.”

“Here, or in the bedroom?” asked Caffeinated.

“The bedroom has a well-stocked toy box,” suggested Thespian.

“I can testify to that,” giggled Air Raid.

Darkstar smiled, “Can we go to the bedroom please?”

“Of course, we can,” said Caffeinated. “There are a couple of things though. First you have to pay the toll.”

Darkstar returned the kiss, “How much is the toll?”

Thespian walked over and kissed Darkstar fully, “Paid in full, dear.”

Darkstar giggled, “I can afford that.” She looked over at Air Raid, “Don’t want you left out Raid, wanna kiss?”

“Um, yeah,” Air Raid said as she walked forward to receive a deep kiss. “Mmm, that is one toll I won’t complain about.”

“As well stocked as our toy box may be, I’m going to need a few things for three mares,” Caffeinated walked over to the dungeon toy box to put a few things in a bag.

“Three mares, but…” Darkstar started when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. It was Thespian.

“What we do as a herd is all about trust and love,” stated Thespian. “If you don’t trust us, then we should stop now. If you do, then you have a safe word to stop the play whenever you want to stop it.”

Darkstar looked over at Air Raid, who said nothing. She looked back at Thespian, “It’s just…I’m still a little scared, is all.” Air Raid moved closer to her side.

“You told me as much earlier,” responded Thespian. “You also said you wanted to get back to the life you once had.” Thespian nuzzled her, “You may never get what you once had, but you could get something even better.”

Caffeinated walked back up to the group with a bag on his back, “Are we good?” Darkstar nodded. “Follow.” The zebra led Darkstar out of the dungeon and up the stairs. Thespian and Air Raid followed behind.

Air Raid whispered to Thespian, “When he said three mares, am I included in this?”

“Yes,” whispered Thespian back, “But only if you wish to be.” Air Raid smiled and nodded. Thespian continued, “You have a safe word too. Control will always be yours.” Air Raid nodded again. She was satisfied that this day was only going to get better.

As they entered the bedroom, Caffeinated positioned Darkstar at the foot of the bed facing the back wall. “Whisper to me your safe word.”

“Silver,” Darkstar whispered back, her mind briefly flickering back to the silver level eight inhibitor ring she had worn constantly for the last four years.

Caffeinated turned to Air Raid, “Are you playing or watching?”

“Playing!” said Air Raid quickly, “Please, Sir, er, um Master. Playing, yes.”

Caffeinated moved Air Raid to the foot of the bed facing Darkstar. There was about four feet between them. “Whisper to me your safe word.”

“Bronze,” Air Raid whispered back.

He then positioned Thespian at the wall facing the foot of the bed so each mare could see the other. “Thespian’s safe word is lemon. I expect silence unless you are asked a question, or use your safe word. Do all of you understand?”

Thespian quickly said, “Yes, Sir.”

Air Raid followed up with, “Yes, Sir.”

Darkstar nodded and she thought the zebra was staring into her very soul. “Yes, Sir,” she squeaked.

Caffeinated opened the toy box and emptied the bag into it. He then used his mouth to pull out several hoof cuffs. He dropped the lot next to Thespian and then used his mouth and hooves to fasten them around his wife’s hooves. Thespian watched Darkstar for any signs of panic. The mare was obviously nervous, but she stood her ground.

Caffeinated picked up the unused cuffs and moved over to Air Raid where he repeated fastening the cuffs around the pegasus’s lime green hooves. He chose her second on purpose, to give Darkstar the chance to see what he was doing.

Darkstar followed the orange zebra’s every move. She fidgeted in place, and tried hard to keep herself still. Caffeinated was now bent down as he fastened the cuffs around her hooves. Darkstar froze in place unsure if she should stay or run. The thought of using her safe word never entered her mind. After Caffeinated stood up and moved back to the toy box, Darkstar realized she had cuffs around all four hooves. It felt nice, really nice.

Caffeinated returned from the toy box with rings and chains. Again, he dropped the lot by Thespian. “Normally I would just clip her cuffs together, but I don’t want her ego to be over inflated, so today I’ll use a ring.” He placed a ring beneath his wife and clipped each cuff to the ring. While he did this Thespian stuck out her tongue. Darkstar could hold in her laughter, but Air Raid snorted loudly. Caffeinated took the remaining gear over to Air Raid, “Is there a problem?”

“No, Sir!” responded Air Raid.

“Hmm,” the zebra said as he put a ring under Air Raid and then used twelve-inch chains between the cuffs and the ring. He moved over to Darkstar and the mare remained still. She didn’t fight him when he moved her legs so that the twelve-inch chains could be attached to the ring. The dancer in her made it easy to keep her balance. She saw that Air Raid wobbled a bit, and Thespian seemed totally at easy with her hooves so close together.

Caffeinated made yet another trip to the toy box and pulled out some white nylon rope. Darkstar shivered as she saw the rope. She was so focused on the zebra she failed to see Air Raid’s encouraging smile. Thespian watched the rising panic in the unicorn mare, but she remained silent, trusting her husband and her safe word.

Caffeinated again started with Thespian. He did a half tortoise shell around his wife which left her mare hood and tail hole uncovered. He did however bind her tail over her back leaving her fully exposed. Caffeinated did a few ear flicks while he examined the bindings on his wife. She responded in kind with a few flicks of her own. Darkstar had calmed down when the zebra moved over to Air Raid. She watched him do the same binding over her friend which also bound her wings to her side.

As he bound her wings, Caffeinated carefully made sure the feathers on Air Raid were smooth. Once finished, he inspected his work and saw no panic in her eyes. ‘She is most certainly not Tempest.’ He gathered the last rope and turned his attention to Darkstar. She held her head up high and showed no signs of her earlier panic. Caffeinated smiled as he began to bind the unicorn in exactly the same manner as the other two.

After he finished inspecting his work, the large orange zebra stood in front of Darkstar. He raised a hoof and pressed it softly against the unicorn’s cheek. He moved it back to the base of her ear, and then up her mane. “You know where this is going. You can stop me with a single word.” Darkstar stood her ground and said nothing. The zebra gently moved his hoof to rest against her horn.

Darkstar gasped and shivered as she squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn’t see his next move, but her eyes flew open when she felt him lick her horn. Caffeinated dropped his hoof to the floor and looked back at her. Darkstar realized then and there that she was in a safe place with ponies that truly cared for her. She smiled and remained still.

Caffeinated moved behind Thespian and nosed under her blonde tail with a loud slurp. He then moved over to Air Raid and did the same thing. Air Raid giggled and fell silent with a deep blush. The zebra moved behind Darkstar for a taste test. The unicorn gave out a deep sigh. “Well, it seems I don’t have to worry about getting any mare pregnant today.” He moved to the centre of the three mares and sat down facing his wife. “Parade around me.”

Thespian led off with a cute bunny hop stride. Air Raid tried to follow but forgot about the chains. She stumbled to the right and tried to balance herself with her wings, but had forgotten they were bound. She continued to the right until she ran up against the wall and could catch her balance. Her blush deepened as she saw Thespian hopping in place and Darkstar march stepping in place. Air Raid moved forward with a careful pace while Thespian moved on with her hopping gate. She glanced back and saw Darkstar moving with a dancer’s fluid grace.

After two laps, Caffeinated called them to a halt. Thespian stood still, and Air Raid didn’t stumble to much as she stopped. Darkstar was completely relaxed after concentrating on moving with the chains. “I am pleased. Thespian to the right side of the bed facing the front. Air Raid to the left side of the bed facing the rear.” He watched both mares carry out his orders. Thespian with her sure hoofed hops, Air Raid moving with more grace after her practice.

Caffeinated moved around to stand in front of Thespian. He moved some pillows over to the centre of the bed. The zebra then moved to stand beside his wife. He put his head under her barrel and easily he lifted her up onto the bed. He positioned her so that the pillows were under her shoulder.

He then moved around to stand beside Air Raid. Caffeinated put his head under her barrel and lifter her up onto the bed just as easily as he had his wife. He laid her on top of Thespian so that Air Raid’s shoulder was on the earth pony mare’s thigh.

‘Wow, zebras are strong,’ was the thought Air Raid processed as she was moved. She couldn’t complain about the view either, and it was easy to notice Thespian’s excitement.

Darkstar tracked the zebra’s every move as he placed both mares on the bed. She knew she was next and uncertainty started to take hold. Air Raid, being the silly pony, blew her a kiss which made the unicorn giggle.

“Did I miss a joke?” enquired Caffeinated.

Darkstar’s head snapped to the front where the zebra stood, “No, Sir!” Caffeinated’s smile looked less than sincere to Darkstar.

The zebra nodded and moved alongside Darkstar. He put his head under her barrel and lifted her off the floor much, much easier than the other two mares. He walked around the left side of the bed and then he stepped onto it. He carefully placed Darkstar on the bed and moved her backwards so the chins from her rear hooves were under Thespian’s head. He then moved to sit against the headboard with his hind legs spread wide. “Three mares in a row, how sweet. Darkie, your dance left me hard, but it has been awhile. I need some fluffing. Thespy, make sure she is wet enough for me to enter. Raid, distract Thespy.”

‘Yes!’ Air Raid wasted no time as she moved her muzzle under Thespian’s tail. She licked up the blue / grey earth pony mare’s thighs and nibbled at her labia.

Thespian countered Air Raid’s attack with her tail, while she leaned up to nuzzle Darkstar’s marehood. Darkstar looked down at the zebra before her. His penis was now barely out of the sheath. She reached out to stroke him with a forehoof only to be stopped short by the chains. He simply sat there with no comment while she shuffled her hooves. With only one option left she lowered her head to lick from his ball sack to his tip. She then took the head into her mouth with a gentle suck.

Air Raid, thwarted by the blonde tail, gave up on a general attack of the area and buried her muzzle deep into Thespian’s wet crotch. She did her best to ignore the tail flailing at her head and ears. The muffled squeal from Thespian though was music to her ears.

Thespian upped the level of attack by getting bitty with little nips that pulled the white unicorn’s flesh. At least till Air Raid forced her to lift Darkstar with her muzzle.

Thespian’s action forced Darkstar to take the stallion deep in her throat. It had been a long time since she had done that, and the stallion she did it with was as big as this one. Those memories of long ago came flooding back to her and she started deep throating the zebra with vigour.

Back then, of course, it had been Brightstar who had been on the receiving end of her attention. Although, she noted with a smug little grin, the orange zebra moaned and grunted in the same manner as her brother had. At least she hadn't lost her touch. As she sucked his length, she felt the lick on her horn. Darkstar froze, again on the verge of panic. The kiss on her nose gave her a crossed eyed view of Caffeinated.

“One word,” the stallion said, reminding her again of the power and control she wielded. He then went back up to suckle on Darkstar’s horn.

What the zebra did was so comical, though it was hard to laugh with a cock deep in her throat. She could only hope the attempt gave him pleasure. The panic vanished and she went back to work to make her stallion as hard as she could.

Caffeinated released her horn and used a hoof to lift Darkstar off his penis. “I’m going to mount you. Nod once for me to do so.” Darkstar nodded. He rolled off the bed and move to the rear. He then climbed back up on the bed and carefully straddled the two mares. He put his forehooves on Darkstar’s back. His hind hooves between bodies and chains. He could feel Thespian’s mouth as he moved forward. She did like to guide him home. He entered Darkstar fully and deeply.

Darkstar whinnied when he first entered her, but by the second stroke she could no longer remain silent. “Oh, yesssssss.” It had been too long for the mare, and she pushed back with each thrust. Darkstar’s moans of pleasure grew louder with each thrust.
Caffeinated knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He grabbed hold of Darkstar’s grey mane with his teeth and pulled, as he used short hard thrusts. His wife had turned her attention from Darkstar as her tongue lavished his sheath and balls.

Air Raid couldn’t see what was happening behind her, but she did know how to pleasure a mare. She was going to make Thespian come if it was the last thing she ever did. Thespian’s scream of pleasure mere minutes later, and the flood from her tunnel meant her race was complete.

Thespian’s orgasm lifted her head pushing hard against Darkstar’s lower belly and compressing her tunnel of love. That was more than Caffeinated could take as he thrust deep and pulled back on the grey mane. He hind legs quivered as he emptied his seed deep within the unicorn mare.

“Sweet Luna!” called out Darkstar as her orgasm caused her to squeeze even harder around the rod inside her. She couldn’t see the pleasure on Thespian’s face as she licked up the leakage. “Buck, that was good,” stated Darkstar with a smile.

Caffeinated gave a couple more thrusts before he pulled out. The zebra carefully backed up so he could join Thespian in licking under her dock.

Darkstar lifted her head and had a dreamy look in her yellow eyes. “I’m sorry,” she panted, “It appears I was rather noisy.”

Caffeinated bit down on the unicorn’s dock, and Darkstar gasped. He grabbed her tail in his mouth to keep her from crashing forward into the headboard. Once Darkstar had regained her balance he let go, “Permission to speak has not yet been granted.” He stated simply, smiling for he could feel the unicorn’s blush from his position at her tail. He felt Thespian nibble at his foreleg. “Thespian, you may speak.”

“I need to get ready for work,” his wife replied.

Caffeinated smiled as reality came back into the picture. He removed the hoof cuffs from Darkstar, then his wife, and finally Air Raid. Thespian got out of the bed so her husband could undo the ropes.

Darkstar laid back on the bed, still riding her high. “It must be nice to be in a herd. Orgies all the time.” Caffeinated broke out in laughter and Darkstar suddenly looked very unsure of herself.

Thespian reached out and put a hoof on Darkstar’s shoulder. “Most of the time there is only two of us in the house. So, if two counts, then what you say is true.” Caffeinated laughed louder, and Thespian punched him in the shoulder. “Sometimes a pony will show up for lunch and he’ll be at work.” Thespian smiled, “Like I said earlier, I do love to wake up in a pony snuggle pile.”

Air Raid moved close to Darkstar to lend support. “But…” Darkstar wasn’t too sure where she was going. “What you just did for me. I thought…”

“This is a herd’s house,” said Caffeinated. “It is always open and no appointments are needed. Ponies do show up for dinner and adult conversation. Especially those with younger foals. This is also a suitable location for playdates with the foals.”

“Sure, there is sex,” continued Thespian. “Usually it is couples with each other while sharing one bed. It lets others watch, critique, and score,” she ended with a giggle.

“Then, why did you have sex with me?” asked Darkstar, uncertainly, feeling like she was missing something.

Caffeinated and Thespian shared some ear flicks between themselves. Caffeinated answered, “Because you asked and I said yes. As Thespian explained to you when she explained the herd rules to you. Anypony can ask and the pony asked can say yes or no.”

“Have you had sex with others in your herd?” asked Air Raid.

Caffeinated and Thespian again shared looks and Thespian nodded, “Yes,” said Caffeinated. “I’ve had sex with three of the mares in the herd. Two asked me and I asked the third.”

Thespian followed up, “I’ve had sex with four of the herd stallions. All asked me.”

Caffeinated motioned to Darkstar, “Please stand here so I can remove the ropes.” Once she was in place he started untying her. “I’m sorry I laughed, Darkstar. The herd supports all individuals in the herd, financially, physically, and emotionally.”

Thespian added, “It is a place where you can be open and honest with others in the herd, and accountable to the herd. Group activities are second and fourth Thursday, along with fourth Friday.”

“Sorry, I just thought…” Darkstar trailed off quietly, studying the floor intently.

Caffeinated wrapped her in a hug, “It’s okay. I don’t think you’re the only one that thought herd life was like that.” He released the hug, “Okay, your turn Air Raid.” Air Raid hopped of the bed and the zebra went to work to remove her ropes. He spoke while he worked, “Often our visitors during the day is the older fillies and colts with their special some pony.” Caffeinated smiled, “Thespian is a wonderful instructor.” Thespian’s face burned crimson and she punched her husband again. The zebra kissed his wife, “I’m still learning myself.”

That did it for Darkstar and Air Raid as they both broke out laughing. They were soon joined by Thespian and Caffeinated. “Thank you, I needed that,” said Darkstar. “I think I’m going to love it here in Manehatten.”

“Thank you for what you’re doing for us,” added Air Raid.

Once the ropes dropped from Air Raid, Thespian spoke up. “Group shower time!” She pranced off to the bathroom followed by the other three.

“You’re going to like the shower, Darkie,” said Air Raid.

“You’ll have to check out the wet room downstairs to see what a real group shower is like,” said Caffeinated.

In the shower, it was all business getting clean. Thespian and Caffeinated washed each other, which left Darkstar and Air Raid to wash each other. Darkstar asked Thespian a question, “You really think I have talent, with my dancing?”

“From what I saw, you do have talent, Darkie,” responded Thespian. “Now to train that talent to be more than a one act play. I’m guessing Airmail plans on having you cover the theatre beat to start with?”

Darkstar nodded, “I think that was her idea, yes.”

“That is outside her area, but she does have pull,” said Caffeinated. “It will give you a chance to see what it is like in the trenches and then you can decide if that is for you or not.”

“You always did want to be a show mare,” stated Air Raid.

Darkstar giggled, “It might not be Las Pegasus, but it will be fun.”

“Pfft, Las Pegasus has nothing over Manehatten.” Thespian giggled, “Well, they do have a better buffet.”

“Yeah,” Air Raid deadpanned, “Those kitchens in the casinos sure are big, aren’t they Darkie?”

Darkstar giggled, “You aren’t throwing that at me again? It was years ago.”

“You bet I am!” Air Raid snickered, “On Wily’s eighteenth birthday, this mare, organizes a three day trip to Las Pegasus for us all. On the last day her bag with all of our cash, credit cards, and tickets home is stolen! We had to work for a week in the kitchens to get the money together to come home. At the train station as we are about to buy the tickets, Darkie drops the illusion and shows she had her bag the whole time!” She nudged her friend’s barrel. “Turns out it was all because she lost a bet with Luna and that was the forfeit.”

Darkstar giggled, “Totally not my fault. Luna bet me six hundred bits I couldn’t prank you all at once. Turns out I could.”

Caffeinated nodded sagely, “Well if Luna wants it to be done, then it will be done.”

“We were done, alright,” giggled Air Raid.

“You really do revere her, don’t you?” questioned Darkstar.

Caffeinated smiled, “She is the Mungu wa Usiku. I’m going to walk Thespian to the subway station.”

“Can we tag along?” asked Air Raid.

“Yes please,” added Darkstar.

“I don’t know, Warden,” said Thespian in a thick Manehatten accent. “Do we let the prisoners out?”

Caffeinated responded with an even thicker Broncs accent, “Fresh air and exercise will do them good.” Air Raid and Darkstar both giggled as they followed the couple out.

When they reached the station, Darkstar asked, “What play are you in again?”

“I’m in Dogs. I play the old railway dog,” answered Thespian.

Darkstar asked, “Would it be okay if I went with you?”

“Sure,” Thespian nodded, “That’s no problem. I have comp passes. Not box seats, but good. You can come back stage with me before and after the show.”

Darkstar looked at Air Raid, “Raid, can I go?”

Air Raid gave it a moment’s thought. She had to let Darkie go sooner or later, “Yeah, go on then, but do as you’re told.”

Caffeinated rolled his eyes, “Yes, Thespy, do as your told.” His wife responded by sticking out her tongue.

“Raid,” Darkstar whined, “I’m not a foal.”

Air Raid did her own eye roll, “Okay, fine. Go have fun, meet a sexy mare, and tell me about them when you get back.”

Thespian nudged Darkstar, “Tell her about me! Tell her about me!”

Darkstar giggled, “Well, there is this one sexy mare I met earlier. Has a tongue like a starved eel, and knows how to use it.” Caffeinated and Thespian both laughed.

Air Raid sniggered, “Yeah, I encountered that eel, err tongue, um, I mean mare earlier.”

Thespian looked shocked as she turned to her husband, “Caffy! They’re two timing me all ready! I should meet this mare!” The zebra pointed to the mirror at the subway entrance. Thespian looked at her self, and then twirled her tongue. “Yes, that must be her.” Darkstar and Air Raid laughed. “Caffy, give me your pass so Darkie can use it. I’ll sort out passes for them on the way home.”

Caffeinated hoofed his pass over to Darkstar, and turned to Air Raid. “It is still too early to call Coffee Bean. You want to check out the place you plan on buying?”

“Okay,” said Air Raid, “It will be cool to see them again.”

“If they’re home,” said Thespian. “I know Serenity is working tonight, and I know Mapper doesn’t work on Tuesday, but she may go to Serenity’s show if she isn’t bored of it yet.”

“You going to call?” asked Air Raid.

“Nah,” responded Caffeinated. “We’re going there either way. Might catch her in the bath or something.”

“Surprise is half the fun, right?” commented Darkstar.

Thespian giggled, “Right up till Mapper tosses you into low orbit.”

Caffeinated shrugged his shoulders, “She didn’t toss me that far, and I did land in water.”

Darkstar giggled, “You’ll finally have your chance to fly, Raid.”

Air Raid stuck her tongue out in response. She checked that Darkstar had her pendent, “Have fun Darkie.”

“I will mom,” said Darkstar as she turned to follow Thespian. The unicorn copied how Thespian used her pass to get through the turnstile.

Once both were gone, Caffeinated spoke up, “They live at the next stop down, but it is a nice evening for a walk, if you’re up for that?”

“Alrighty mate, I’m up for a walk.” Air Raid smiled, “And yes, I know I worry too much.”

Caffeinated led the way out of the station, “Didn’t say a thing, though you do look awfully young to have a daughter that old.”

Air Raid laughed, “Yeah, I did for Darkie what I should’ve done for Wily. I wasn’t going to make that mistake twice.”

“May as well show you the neighbourhood you’ve signed up for,” Caffeinated said as they walked. “This area is mostly single-family homes. There’s the neighbourhood grocery. If you don’t want the herd, or me, eating your stuff be sure to label it.”

Air Raid looked around as they walked, “Nice area, mate. You lived here long?”

“About twenty-four years,” replied Caffeinated. “Not long after we got married. Thespy lived in Manehatten, and I lived in the Broncs.”

“I’m Canterlot born and raised,” said Air Raid. “Same for Darkie, and for Wily. I met her at school. She was starting as I was leaving.”

They passed a moderately busy establishment, and Caffeinated said, “The corner pub. It is run by a nice couple, and they have a great selection of beers on tap. The bar at the house is well stocked, but now and again you want to get out of the house. They serve some good pub food too.”

“I know what you mean mate,” responded Air Raid, “Sometimes you just need to look at a different set of walls, or blast from zero to sixty as fast as you can.” As they continued their walk, Air Raid did notice that the ponies out and about appeared to be couples enjoying an evening stroll. She was a few balconies were occupied, but the whole area was peaceful. “This place isn’t very rowdy.”

“It is a Tuesday night,” snickered Caffeinated. “Our neighbourhood is pretty diverse for Manehatten. All three tribes live here. The mid-winter festival was happening long before I moved here, and as a zebra that meant a lot to me.” They walked in silence for a bit, and Caffeinated snickered again, “Now for our commercial zone.”

Air Raid had noticed the slight increase in noise and lights ahead. As they approached she could see it was an ice cream shop. “I can imagine Wily living off chocolate ice cream there.”

“It is a favourite place of the mini-mare’s herd,” stated Caffeinated. “I think my wife does more to keep them in business though,” He laughed with Air Raid. “Down the street past them is a coffee shop with excellent coffee. They do buy my beans. After them is the restaurant, Western Equestria. A good escape from Manehatten food.”

After the coffee shop, Air Raid noticed the yards were a little smaller and there were more town homes in the area. “Those decals you want on my car. You got them ready to go?”

Caffeinated laughed, “Until you came around we didn’t plan on sponsoring anything. So no.” He saw Air Raids blush and it pleased him. “They should be ready for pick up by Thursday, so they’ll be ready for your review.”

“Heh, should have known, sorry,” muttered Air Raid. “It will be like giving my baby a cutie mark.”

“Hadn’t thought of it that way,” Caffeinated said. He gestured with a hoof, “Down that cull-de-sac is where Airy, Stormy, and Wily live. At least till they move out to be with Mapper. Not sure if they are getting back tonight or tomorrow.” He pointed to their front. “That is the community lake. Swimming at one end and boating at the other. Mapper’s place is on the other side.”

“I can see why Wily loves it here,” commented Air Raid. She followed the zebra to the right as they walked around the lake. “I do get sentimental about my car. Besides Darkie, it’s the closest thing to a foal I’ll ever have.”

Caffeinated smiled, “I fear your foal is growing up fast.”

Air Raid noticed a lot of ponies were strolling around the lake, “Yeah, she is. I hope she gets properly better mate, I really do.” Some of the walkers took time to greet Caffeinated and he returned the greetings. “How about you, any foals of your own?”

“Two,” Caffeinated said proudly, “And four grandfoals. My filly and her foals have my stripes, while my colt and his foals got Thespy’s good looks.”

“That’s awesome!” Air Raid sobered up, “Wily wanted a foal with me. It broke her heart when I told her I couldn’t.”

“Mapper and Serenity’s place is just a couple of blocks from the lake,” Caffeinated said as he started down a path from the swimming area. “Both her and Serenity are having foals. It brought the mini-herd back together.”

“She always wanted a foal, I…I just can’t.” Air Raid’s ears wilted, “She’s their glue I take it?”

Caffeinated noticed Air Raid’s ears, but said nothing about that, “More of a catalyst. Serenity has wanted a foal for a while, but Wildfire has presented her the opportunity to do so.”

“I’m glad for them both, really,” said Air Raid as she tried and failed to raise her ears, “I kept telling myself I was too busy racing to have a foal, then Darkie was attacked, and I had her to car for.” She sighed softly, “The thought of foals got pushed back even more.”

“Foals are not the end all and be all of everything,” stated Caffeinated. “Here is Mapper’s place.” He rang the doorbell. “If she’s out, I have a key.”

The door opened, “Caffy, Air Raid, how nice of you to visit. I take it your drive was pleasant, Air Raid?”

Air Raid shook her head, “Um, hi Mapper. It was great, thanks. Roof down all the way and only four tickets.”

The pink unicorn stepped back, “Do come in, you can take a look at the place before you buy.”

“Thanks.” Air Raid steps past Mapper followed by Caffeinated. “I mean, it’s so not fair. A pegasus can fly as fast as they want, but I put my hoof down to get wind in my mane and it’s not allowed!”

Mapper giggled as she closed the door, “She hasn’t flown in the city yet, has she, Caffy?”

“No,” stated Caffeinated as he ushered Air Raid into the great room, “Nor am I the best source for city flying codes.”

Air Raid looked down, deciding that honesty was by far the best policy. “And I won’t either, that’s why I need a transport swipe card.” She rubbed the back of her mane, “See, I can’t actually…I can’t fly.”

Mapper moved past the two and into the kitchen. Both follow her, “Middle Pet, Wildfire, said you’ve flown with her.”

“On her back,” Air Raid explained, “The cloud we went to, she remembers so well, she carried me up. I can glide, and cloudwalk, that’s about it. Too much earth pony magic in me, and not enough pegasi apparently.”

Mapper stood by the refrigerator, “Middle Pet never said anything about that.”

Caffeinated spoke up, “You now see why driving is so important to her.”

“I have Scootaloo’s Syndrome,” stated Air Raid flatly. “That’s what the unicorn doctors in Canterlot called it.” The pegasus blushed, “And well, um, I imagine most details about me aren’t her favourites.”

Mapper looked at her guest, “Have you read her book of poetry? Would anypony like a drink?”

“Beer for me,” said Caffeinated.

“I was there when she wrote part of it,” muttered Air Raid, and then she spoke up, “Fireball for me, if you have whiskey and cider, or a beer is fine.”

“Beer and cider, I have. Whiskey, I do not,” said Mapper.

“Just a beer then, thanks.” Air Raid looked around, “Is Serenity at work?” Mapper didn’t answer right away. She swung open the refrigerator door and concentrated very, very hard on levitating three bottles of beer. Caffeinated took his and Air Raid grabbed hers with a wing. Mapper took her own in hoof.

Mapper led the way back to the great room, “Yes, she is in some Istallion opera. Have a seat, we can do the tour after we talk a bit.”

“Oh, I wanted to thank her, and you too.” Air Raid thought of Darkstar, and her issues with magic. “So, you struggle with magic too?”

Caffeinated snickered until Mapper turned her severe gaze on him and he went quiet. “Fine tuning is my issue.”

The orange zebra smiled, “She often just levitates the fridge over and lets you open it for a beer.”

Mapper waved a hoof, “But then I have to plug it back in.”

“They ever bother to get you weight limit?” asked Caffeinated.

Mapper shook her head, “They stopped at twenty long tons.”

Air Raid realized her blunder, and wasn’t sure if they were angry or making fun of her, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any offence. It’s just my friend Darkie gets that similar look on her face when she’s trying to cast anything… And, well sorry.”

Caffeinated laughed, but Mapper just ignored him. “No worries. Doing anything small is a challenge for me. I thought it odd for you to notice, but then I guess living with a unicorn gives you a lot of clues.”

“You never have a problem moving the fridge around at my place,” said Caffeinated.

Mapper shrugged her pink shoulders, “I don’t have to plug it back in.”

Air Raid giggled nervously, “Darkie isn’t as strong as she once was since Luna healed her, but at least she has control over what little magic she has now.” Air Raid sipped her beer, “Airmail says you were there when Luna healed Wily’s wings. Was that as intense as Darkie getting her horn healed?”

“I wasn’t there for Darkstar’s horn,” said Mapper, “but it was intense. Serenity said the pain was delicious. Sixteen breaks and nerve damage.”

Air Raid stood up, “What?”

Caffeinated nodded, “Stormy had her flying stunts before she found out the extent of the damage.”

Mapper waved Air Raid back down, and concentrated hard to move a book from a shelf to Air Raid’s hooves. “Serenity got an autographed copy of Middle Pet’s book. Have a read. There isn’t one bad word about you in the book.”

Air Raid opened the book, and after a couple of pages, “I was with her when she wrote this one. It was at her mum’s grave.” After a few more pages, “This was right after the fun fair.” A few pages later she was crying and slammed the book shut. “Who hurt her? I’m going to kill them!”

“You’re too late,” said Caffeinated. “Luna and Dusk dealt with those that committed the crimes.”

Air Raid rubbed at her face with a hoof, “D-Dusk? Prince D-Dusk? He faints at nosebleeds. It’s…It’s all my fault, isn’t it?”

Caffeinated tossed his head, “Pfft, it’s the system’s fault!”

“Which you rather bluntly explained to Luna,” stated Mapper. Caffeinated shrugged, and she turned her attention to Air Raid, “Did you make the defective storm cloud that killed her mother? Did you blind her? Did you convince her father to sell her off to slavery? Did you own the home that tortured and maimed her?”

Air Raid winced several times at Mapper’s questions. “N-n-no. No, but I left her,” she said as she bawled. “S-she begged me to t-take her back to our home, and I-I left her there! I ran away when I sh-should’ve loved her! If-if I’d taken her it’d be different now.”

Mapper shook her head, “Youth, always jumping to conclusions. Airy and Stormy found out it was all about money. Her father wanted the money Middle Pet got for saving Dusk. You would have never gotten legal custody of her to take her from that hospital.”

“You would have either been paid off to keep quiet, or removed from this world for being an issue,” added Caffeinated.

“But-but, I didn’t even try!” wailed Air Raid.

Caffeinated raised a hoof, “And here we are today.”

Mapper nodded, “When I found out who you were I was debating on leaving or asking Winter to have you evicted. Serenity told me to give you a chance.” Mapper raised a hoof, “And here we are today.”

“Yeah,” sniffed Air Raid, “Here we are. I-I’m sorry Mapper, I don’t cry, least alone in the house of ponies I’ve just met.”

“Just don’t cry in the book, it would displease Serenity,” said Mapper.

“Sensitive as always, Mapper,” smirked Caffeinated.

“I-I haven’t see, it is closed…” Air Raid saw the smirks on both ponies. She sighed, “I dunno, I just keep thinking I could’ve acted different, then maybe she wouldn’t have been hurt, and Darkstar wouldn’t have been attacked.”

Mapper nodded, “True, all three of you could be dead, and Serenity wouldn’t be having her foal.”

“When they found her, Darkie, what was left of her, after they had finished with her, I thought she was…dead I mean.” Air Raid looked up at Mapper, “Thanks for not throwing me out of that cab.”

“If one can still love then there is hope,” said Mapper. “You’ll never have what you once had, but you can make the best of what you have now.”

“Yeah, I know that’s long gone,” said Air Raid. “Right now, I’ll settle for my best friend not trying to kill herself.”

Mapper spoke up, “That is where Requiem comes in.”

Caffeinated snickered, “Yup, you no longer want to kill yourself, but we do try to keep them from killing Requiem.”

Air Raid smiled, “Yeah, I hope so.” She held up her empty bottle, “Okay if I have another, please?”

“You know where the fridge is,” said Mapper. “I need line of sight to levitate.”

Air Raid stood up and returned the book to Mapper, “Can I get you two another while I’m in there?”

“Please,” said the zebra, while Mapper shook her head no.

Air Raid soon returned with two beers and hoofed one over to Caffeinated, “Here you go, mate.” She sat back down. “I’m not driving tomorrow, so I’m fine. I’ve got a race on Sunday though, Mapper. If you’d like to attend.”

“Serenity works on Sunday,” said Mapper.

“So does Thespian,” added Caffeinated, “But I’m going, if you’re looking for a date.”

Mapper thought about it, “I don’t know, Thespian is a dangerous mare.”

“It would be sweet you have you cheering me on.” Air Raid took a drink of her beer. “Tomorrow I’ll be tuning my engine. Reckon if I tweak the transmission, I can get the zero to sixty down to four seconds.”

Caffeinated looked over at the unicorn, “In case you’re wondering, Mapper, my tribe and the Times will be Air Raid’s sponsors.”

Mapper was surprised, “That’s a first for you, isn’t it?”

The zebra nodded, “Yeah, but one has to take risks to increase business.”

Mapper giggled, “Driver powered by Brazebran Coffee, only her car can slow her down.”

Air Raid shook her head, “It’s not a risk. Me and my baby are awesome!”

Mapper snickers, “Caffy is used to taking risks. He still has sex with Thespian. That mare will put him in the grave with a smile.”

“Me too, if she ties me up again like she did earlier,” Air Raid grinned. “Was even better than Cyclone”

Mapper nodded, “It is good to see she is learning from our sessions.”

“Can’t speak for that, but she was very good,” said Air Raid.

“Both of you are staying with Caffy until the move in date?” asked Mapper.

Air Raid nodded, “Yeah, they have been good enough to take us in.”

“Good, we’ll be seeing more of each other.” Mapper stood up, “Now for the tour.”

Caffeinated picked up the book of poems while the two mares went on tour. He sat the book back down on the table when the two mares re-entered the room. “What do you think?” he asked Air Raid.

“Plenty of room,” responded Air Raid, “But that poor car in the garage was covered in dust!”

Mapper sat down, “I really don’t have much need for it. I did use it to go to Neighara Falls.”

Caffeinated snorted, “That was over a year ago.”

“You don’t have much room to talk,” countered Mapper, and the zebra merely shrugged. “Do you want the place repainted?”

“No, the place looks very nice,” responded Air Raid.

Caffeinated said, “Serenity was the decorator.”

“Ture, she didn’t care for the circus look,” Mapper and Caffeinated share a laugh.

“Did she decorate that torture chamber out of a Ponywood horror film?” asked Air Raid.

“She did,” said Mapper, “But not based on Ponywood. Ponywood lacks realism.”

Air Raid shuddered, “It’s real alright. More extreme than I’m used to, but whatever gets you through the night.”

“That’s okay Air Raid, I don’t expect you to understand,” said Mapper. “I hope after the fourth Thursday you won’t condemn us for what we do.”

“What? Not at all!” exclaimed Air Raid. “We all have our kinks, and bondage is fun. Personally, I prefer being tied as opposed to doing the tying.”

“Noted, and Darkie?” asked Mapper.

“Tied,” responded Caffeinated, “But she is getting over some trauma so you need to go slow with her.”

Mapper smiled, “You collect ponies in need like a couch collects dust bunnies.”

“We’re going by the ice cream shop on the way home,” stated Caffeinated. “You want to come with?”

Mapper shook her head, “Thank you, but no. I need to prepare for Serenity’s return.” Mapper took up the empty bottles and tossed them in the regular trash.

“She is such a naughty pony.” Caffeinated said in a soft voice. He spoke up, “You need anything, Air Raid, or shall we go?”

“Nope, I’m sound, thanks.” Air Raid stood up, “I could go for a hug though, Mapper, if you don’t mind?”

Mapper wrapped Air Raid in a hug and whispered in her ear, “As long as you’re able to love there is hope.”

Air Raid gave Mapper a hesitant kiss on the cheek, “Thanks, for everything. Have fun with your naughty pony.” She smiled, “Like I told Wily ages ago, it’s good to be bad.”

“Depends on how good they are at being bad,” responded Mapper.

“I taught her,” boasted Air Raid. “So, I hope she’s very good for you.”

Mapper smiled, “She’s willing to use her safe word, so she is doing very well. See you on Thursday, unless you stop by earlier.”

Air Raid nodded, “Yeah, see you, and thanks for the beers.” She grabbed another hug before she followed Caffeinated out of the house. “That was nice.”

Caffeinated nodded as he walked, “Will this place be enough for you and Darkie?”

“More than enough,” said Air Raid, “It’s brilliant!”

“Airy’s place has the same layout as the top two floors,” continued, Caffeinated, “Just street parking as it has no garage. Will save you seventy thousand bits.”

“My baby deserves a garage,” responded Air Raid. “Someday Darkie will need her own place. She can’t live with mum forever.”

Caffeinated snickered, “I guess that will depend on how well my Aunt can do for the two of you.”

“Hooves crossed she will do very well for us,” Air Raid said. “Still, Darkie is going to want to move out, and I’m going to have to let her.”

Caffeinated nodded, “And when that day comes she may well be ready for it. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop visiting each other, or the rest of us, for that matter.” The zebra laughed, “I know Coffee Bean will keep an eye on both of you. Part of the price you pay should you take a zebra lover.”

Air Raid giggled, “Your aunt sounds pretty cool.” They started around the boating side of the lake, “Sorry for that whole weepy back there. I don’t usually do that.”

Caffeinated nodded, “Mapper is right. You’ve come to the right place. The herd knows Wildfire’s back story, and your part in it. First thing they will notice is you’re staying at my place. That means you have a clean slate with the herd.”

The route back was different from the route they used to get to Mapper’s place. Air Raid looked around, and said, “This place seems so nice and peaceful.”

“It is,” responded Caffeinated, “The crime rate here is very low.”

“Then why do you have so much security at your place?” asked Air Raid.

“Because I love my herd and my family,” said Caffeinated. “Thespian and I are obvious targets if somepony wanted to get to her father or to my tribe.”

“But, you’ve give me complete access,” Air Raid said, “I could bring anypony inside.”

Caffeinated nodded, “You could, and you can. Of course, you’re responsible for your guest’s actions.”

Air Raid thought about it, “So their actions could get me evicted.” She laughed, “But if what you say is true, there is much to be gained.” She lightly nudged the larger zebra with her shoulder.

Caffeinated knew she was teasing, but he couldn’t just let it slide, “Eviction would be the least of the possible punishments.”

Air Raid wondered if she took her joke to far, “What would be the worse?”

“Airmail,” the zebra stated.

When she realized Caffeinated wasn’t going to say anymore, she asked, “Airmail?” The zebra simply nodded, “You’re not going to tell me why, are you?” The zebra shook his head. “I’ll have to ask her myself, won’t I?” Again, the zebra nodded. Air Raid’s voice was a bit more subdued, “It really doesn’t matter, as I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize my chances here for a new life.”

“Wisdom found in the young is a rare treasure,” Caffeinated snickered, “You should get a prize.”

Air Raid laughed, “Ice cream?”

They turned left at the next corner. “Ice cream,” said the zebra. To their left was the western restaurant followed by the coffee shop. At the corner was the ice cream parlour. As they entered, Caffeinated asked, “What flavour would you like?”

“Gotta be coffee, mate,” Air Raid smiled.

Caffeinated snickered, “Choosing my fav flavour will not gain you any points.”

Air Raid winked, “No? What will?”

The mare behind the counter spoke up, “Hello Caffeinated, Thespian need some more cookies and cream?”

“Always Spring,” the zebra replied, “Two java Sundays too please.”

“I’ll have those out to you in a moment,” Spring said as she went to work.

Caffeinated sat at an empty table, and Air Raid sat opposite of him, “Be yourself, it is the best thing you can do.”

“I do try,” she said, “And thanks for not making a big deal out of these,” Air Raid fluttered her wings.

Caffeinated lowered his voice, “As long as you don’t talk about mine, I won’t talk about yours.”

Air Raid tilted her head, “Your what?”

“My useless invisible wings,” the zebra said with a completely straight face.

Air Raid laughed, “Shut up! And they aren’t useless. It feels awesome when they’re preened, I just can’t fly.”

Spring delivered both Sundays, “Thank you, Spring,” stated the zebra. He turned to Air Raid, “I’ve been able to live with it.”

Air Raid took a lick of her ice cream, “Does your list of skills extend to preening?”

“Can I do it, yes,” said Caffeinated, “Am I really good at it, no.”

“Would you like to, when were back at yours?” asked Air Raid.

“Sure, Air Raid, that will be fine,” responded the zebra.

“Cool.” Air Raid smiled, “You could tie them up as well if you like, that’d be sweet too.”

Caffeinated snorted, “Tying sort of defeats the preening.

Air Raid giggled, “Good point. Preen them after then?”

The zebra winked, “Maybe.”

The pegasus winked back, “I’ll even wear my bright yellow socks for you.”

Caffeinated placed a hoof against his chest, “You know my secret weak point!”

“Hard to miss your excitement when Darkie wore hers,” snickered Air Raid.

“Yeah, it’s the little things,” Caffeinated nodded. “There is a picture in the Times of Luna beating Octavia at a fountain in downtown Manehatten.”

“You’re pulling my leg!” exclaimed Air Raid.

“I was there to witness the severe beating,” stated the zebra loud enough to be heard by the rest of the shop. “Finally, when Octavia could take no more she cried out her safe word.”

Air Raid shook her head, “Well bugger me sideways.”

Caffeinated continued, “Of course the interment of her torture was a soft fuzzy pink sock.”

Air Raid joined the rest in laughter. She heard others call out, “Luna can beat me with a sock any day. Yeah, that would be so awesome!” Air Raid looked at Caffeinated, “She could beat me with whatever she likes too.”

Caffeinated nodded as he finished his ice cream, “I might have some socks scattered around the house.”

“Awesomes!” Air Raid let out a soft sigh, “One of the best times was Wily’s nineteenth birthday. Cyclone had me crawling about kissing their hooves. That was fun.”

Caffeinated raised an eyebrow, “Word of advice, don’t mess with Airy’s hooves.”

Air Raid finished her Sunday, “Noted. Thespian says don’t tie up Tempest’s wings too.”

Caffeinated’s eyes went wide as saucers, “Oh yes! That is bad, very bad.” He couldn’t iterate enough just how bad that would be as he got up and retrieved the half gallon of ice cream from Spring, and put it on his back. “Let’s get home before it melts.”

Air Raid followed him out, “Moral is, we all have limits.”

Caffeinated nodded, “Mine is sugar in my coffee.”

Air Raid giggled, “Mine is pain. I don’t like too much of it, though a casual spanking’s fine.”

“Serenity is quite the opposite of you then,” stated the zebra.

“She’s into that, huh,” said Air Raid. “Wily is into it too. Her fantasy is to be tied up and have her hooves caned.”

“It is very difficult to understand Serenity’s needs until you witness them. That room you saw was designed by her to be used on her,” said Caffeinated. “As for Wily, she has a pretty high pain tolerance.”

The joy left Air Raid, “Yeah, I guess she had to with what happened to her.”

“She has learned to live with it,” Caffeinated said softly, “And I would recommend you do the same.”

Air Raid nodded, “Yeah, moving on is easier said than done though.” She smiled, “For me it is humiliation. That is really hot.”

“I’m sure Mapper will be happy to scratch that itch,” laughed Caffeinated. “You’ll meet the herd on Thursday, but serious play is two weeks after that.”

“I’m looking forward to it. All part of my fresh start,” said Air Raid. “Hum, I’m sure there is, but is there somewhere in Manehatten that I can get some new driving suits made up?”

“You got bits?” asked Caffeinated. Air Raid nodded, “Thespian can introduce you to Coco then. She runs Rarity’s Recreations downtown.”

“Wow, that would be cool,” said a much happier Air Raid. “I’ve always wanted to get something from Rarity in Ponyville, but my dad got my suits made by Sassy Saddles in Canterlot.”

“You’ll have to do it tomorrow,” said Caffeinated, “Even a rush job takes time.”

“That’s fine,” responded Air Raid. “My baby can wait for her tune up.”

“Use your pass key to let us in,” requested Caffeinated. Air Raid did so and the zebra went straight to the kitchen to put away the ice cream. He then gave Air Raid a long, hard look. “What do you want to do?”

Air Raid didn’t flinch under the gaze. “I’d like you to tie me up, and order me about. Something that gets me crawling would be preferable, and more fun.” She smiled, “Promise I’m as good as Darkie with my mouth.”

Caffeinated nodded, “To be up front with you, there are some things I will not do with Thespian absent. Still I believe I can fulfil some of your fantasies, and keep you busy until Thespy and Darkie get back home. Which will be around midnight unless they do some cast thing to welcome Darkie. Then it could run one to two a.m.”

“I understand, mate,” said Air Raid. “Just let me shoot Wily a text to update her.” Air Raid pulled out her phone and texted, ‘Had a gr8 afternoon here. I’m at Caffy’s and Darkie is doing much better. I saw Mapper and the new place. It is perfect. They say I need to forgive myself. Can I? Do I deserve to be?’ Air Raid was surprised by a quick response, “I guess she is up, wherever she is at.” She reads the text. “Wily says, ‘That’s cool and you should listen to them. I forgive you. Here is a link to a poem for you.’” Air Raid opened the link and she held the phone so Caffeinated could read it too.

‘When I began to fall
and I lost the path ahead
That’s when your friendship found me
and it lifted me instead
Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky
I’ll show there’s another side to me you can’t deny
I may not know what the future holds but hear me when I say
That my past does not define me ‘cause my past is not today.’

“A sweet poem indeed,” said Caffeinated.

Air Raid nodded and wiped at her suddenly wet grey eyes, “Yeah, that is why she has a book, isn’t it? You do poems too, right? I mean it is a zebra thing.”

Caffeinated snorted, “This you need to know. That all zebra rhyme is not so. Some do like to twist the word. So, it is not too absurd. Poems though I do like to tell. And then beguile others with their spell. Maybe I’ll speak to you such words tonight. Sweet whispers of pure delight.”

Air Raid laughed, “I did notice you hadn’t been rhyming all day, and I’d love to hear some of your poems.”

“I’ll guess the one zebra you know is Zecora from Ponyville,” stated Caffeinated. “I’ve heard tell she is an herbalist, although some rumours say she is a witch doctor.”

“I do know of her, through Cyclone,” responded Air Raid. “I haven’t met her though, but yeah she does potions. Cyclone got them to do her age regression play.”

“I’ll not judge my fellow zebra until I meet her,” Caffeinated said. “So, your friend does age regression?”

“Yes,” answered Air Raid, “Cyclone likes to be a foal when she unwinds. Nappy, bottles, breast feeding, foal toys. The whole nine yards.”

Caffeinated snickered, “I heard from a reliable source, Mapper, that she was running around Canterlot castle wearing a nappy.”

Air Raid giggled, “Sweet, have to have her and Cy get together. Cy texted me that Tempest invited her to come to the Gaming Night this Thursday.”

“I’m going to have a full house,” said Caffeinated, not that he minded in the slightest. “Now don’t get me wrong, Mapper is a Dom, but she is more than that. She is a facilitator. Doing what needs to be done.” The zebra smiled, “I think her nappy play was part of Octavia bearing another foal for Luna…” Caffeinated stuffed a hoof in his mouth, “Oh! I’m not sure if that is public information yet!”

Air Raid’s jaw dropped, “Really? Tavi’s having another! Aww, that’s awesome!” Air Raid grabbed her phone, “I can text Wily, I’m sure she knows.”

Caffeinated laid a cautionary hoof on her phone. “I don’t know if they would know yet. I got that straight from Mapper.”

Air Raid nodded and put her phone away. “Okay, but Wily is with Airmail. I mean, Airmail just shows up to the castle like she owns the place. Got us right past the guards and straight to Luna’s room.” She shook her head, “Even at the height of our friendship with Dusk, we didn’t have access like that to Luna.”

“True, they most likely know,” said Caffeinated, “And if not, Luna should also be here on Thursday.”

“Well you asked me what I wanted to do,” stated Air Raid, “What do you want to do, mate?”

“I’m a bit of a dull pony,” responded Caffeinated, “I’d watch some anime, do some writing, and maybe play some video games, while I wait for Thespy to come home.”

Air Raid giggled, “Nothing wrong with dull. We could do that, sure.”

“Instead, for tonight,” the zebra added a dramatic pause, “I thought I’d practice my shibari skills.”

“Oh,” Air Raid smiled, “I do like the sound of that.”

Caffeinated snickered, “I thought you would. After I have you trussed up, it should be late enough to give my aunt a call.” The zebra led Air Raid upstairs to his bedroom. “Earlier I had you in a half harness. Now I’m going to put you in a full harness, and then I’ll demonstrate through the night why there is an enormous difference between the two. This will be too tight to go over the wings, so fluff those babies up.”

Air Raid took her time to stretch her lime green wings and made a show of fluffing her feathers, “There you go, all fluffed.”

Caffeinated worked in silence. He used his hooves to measure her body, and then took a fifty foot rope to start the harness. He looped the middle over the back of her neck and then used his lips and hooves to tie the figure eight knots along the rope. Once done he pulled it under her body and forced her tail between a couple of the knots. He then tied it off to the loop that was behind her neck.

The zebra worked methodically as he wove the ropes from back to front and then to the back again. As he tightened the ropes the diamonds formed between the knots. He continued to tighten until the rope sank through the fur and pressed against the flesh. The knots sunk into her navel, under her clitoral hood, and pressed deep into her anus. The diamonds wrapped her up tight and spread her breasts apart.

“Lay on your belly,” commanded the zebra. Air Raid was quick to respond. He took a thinner rope and wove it around her wing bone between feathers. The zebra straddled her head so he could reach the wingtips and bind them together above her back. He continued to work till her wings stood straight up and were bound together to the base.

“Stand,” commanded Caffeinated, and again the pegasus was quick to respond. He took a shorter rope and laced it around her tail. With the loose end, he pulled her tail up over her back and tied it off to the lowest rope that bound her wings. Caffeinated walked around the mare to inspect his work.

Air Raid stood there with a smile on her face. She knew from earlier to remain silent, and wasn’t going to make another silly mistake. The ropes were a lot tighter this time. Still, she could breathe well enough, and found it rather comforting. Caffeinated placed his hooves on her back, and before she could try to figure out why, he twisted the ropes. The knots rubbed her inner folds in just the right way. Air Raid nearly toppled as the wave of pleasure washed over her.

Caffeinated moved back and placed all four hooves on the floor. The mare before him stood on wobbly legs. “Follow.” The zebra walked out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen with Air Raid close behind. “Sit.” He watched the mare sit while he started some coffee. Caffeinated took his phone and dialled his aunt. He set it to speaker.

“Habari,” spoke a feminine voice.

“Habari Coffee Bean,” said Caffeinated.

The voice at the other end laughed, “Habari mpwa. Je, mimi deni heshima?”

The stallion got straight to the point, “Nina matumaini unaweza kuleta wageni kwa michezo ya kubahtisha usiku. Mare pegasus ni kutafuta mare, na mare unicorn ni kutafuta stallion.”

Air Raid listened in, but didn’t have Darkstar’s gift of languages, and didn’t have a clue what was going on. She made herself busy by getting the coffee cups ready for the brewing coffee.

After a moment of thought Coffee Bean had a question for her nephew, “Je, wao kusababisha mtatizo yoyote kama mare?”

“Sijui mimi itabidi kuuliza,” said Caffeinated, and then he turned to Air Raid, “May I ask you a question?”

Air Raid giggled, “Your language is beautiful, and of course you can.”

Caffeinated continued, “Do you or Darkstar have friends or family that may take issue to you seeing a zebra? For that matter, you being in Manehatten?”

Air Raid shrugged, “No, not really. I mean, my parents aren’t happy I left Canterlot, but not unhappy enough to come after me for moving. Darkie has no strings attached, so I don’t think there will be any issues.”

Caffeinated snickered, “Thespy’s parents reacted very badly to her dating a zebra. In the end, things worked out and now we’re best buds. Why a zebra?”

Air Raid didn’t have to think about that, “Why not? New chapter in our lives, new experiences, and Darkie has convinced me that stripes are sexy.”

Caffeinated laughed and turned back to the phone. “Wote ni kutoka Canterlot hivyo.”

“Umri mbalimbali?” asked Coffee Bean.

Caffeinated responded, “Pegasus ni ishirini na nane na unicorn ni ishirini na moia”

“Siwezi kupata baadhi ya kuleta na kuanzisha,” stated Coffee Bean.

“Asante shangzi,” Caffeinated said with a smile, “Kuona wewe Alhamisi.”

The mare responded, “Kwaberi mpwa.”

Caffeinated hung up his phone. “That was about my aunt being sure that zebras are right for you two, and asking about the age range for her prospects.”

Air Raid pours a cup of coffee for the zebra, and he gestured for her to pour her own. She did so and sat down with him. “You think she will come through?”

Caffeinated snickered, “If it weren’t for my aunt, my wife would be the number one matchmaker.” The zebra took a big drink of his coffee, “So, what game do you like? Wait, let me guess, Mareo Kart.”

Air Raid laughed, “I do like racing games, and Mareo Kart is good for a laugh. Forza is more realistic, almost like training.”

“Hum, I’ll have to check the library for that one. It isn’t familiar to me,” said Caffeinated. “Is it a two player game?”

Air Raid nodded, “It is, but Mareo Kart would be more fun.”

Caffeinated finished his coffee, “That, and I have a clue how to play. Come along then.” Air Raid quickly finished her coffee and followed the zebra out of the kitchen. They went down the stairs and into the game room. He set up the PlayStation with the game. “You’ll have to play standing, so I will too.”

Air Raid quickly realized that, while Caffeinated was okay at the game, he wouldn’t be a real challenge for her. She played recklessly and had a lot of fun doing it. Near the end of the game she was going to show her real skills and leave the zebra in the dust. Then a tail ran up between her hind legs. While she suffered and epic crash, and an even more epic pout, he crossed the finish line. “Devious zebra.”

“Twitchy tail syndrome,” said Caffeinated which should have explained it all.

“Yeah, riiiiight,” said Air Raid with an eye roll. “How about best two out of three?” The zebra nodded and they started a new race. This time Air Raid wasn’t going to goof around and kept her tail planted firmly between her legs. Only this time, when she took the lead, the zebra twisted the ropes. It left her wobbly legged and in the wall. He did that five more times during the race ensuring his victory.

“I thought you race drivers had good concentration,” stated Caffeinated.

“I’m normally not tied up when I’m racing,” countered Air Raid.

“We’ll have to work on that,” Caffeinated said with a smile.

Air Raid just looked at him before she spoke, “Okay, now that you’re kart king, what shall we do next?”

“Can you dance?” asked the zebra.

“Um, a little,” Air Raid said uncertainly, “I’m no Darkie.”

Caffeinated winked, “I’d have to get inside you to be sure of that,”

“I’ll have you know I’ve been with stallions before I was with Wily,” stated Air Raid.

Caffeinated snickered, “Of the three herd mares I’ve been with, two were from the mares club. Tempest on a dare that she wouldn’t back down from, and Serenity, which was a very special night. Come along, we’ll be dancing upstairs where there is room.” He led the way upstairs. “You seem pretty serious about having a zebra mare.”

Air Raid shrugged, “It is no secret that I prefer mares.”

Caffeinated moved into the entertainment room, “That’s okay, I prefer mares too.” Air Raid’s facehoof had no effect on him. “The first dance is pretty easy. You put your right hoof on my shoulder and I do that same and we’ll dance the six legged pony. I’ll lead, so just move with me.”

“That simple?” She put her hoof on the zebra’s shoulder.

“Play Caffy Dance Track Four,” the zebra carefully enunciated. Once the music stated he move along with the slow dance beat. “When I pull move forward, and when I push move backwards.”

Air Raid stumbled at first, but then she closed her eyes and moved to the music. She let him taker where he wanted, “This is pretty easy.”

Caffeinated moved his hoof from her shoulder to her back and twisted the ropes. She staggered and her eyes flow open, “Eeeyup, pretty easy.”

“Devious zebra,” said Air Raid as she kissed his nose.

The music ended and they separated. “Now this next one is a line dance. I won’t be able to twist your ropes on this one. All you have to do is copy my moves. It gets a bit repetitive. When we turn I’ll move alongside you so you’ll be able to watch me.”

“Got it, copy the zebra!” Air Raid giggled.

“Play Caffy Dance Track Six.” The zebra started moving his hooves and Air Raid was a little slow on following up. It was repetitive though and soon she was in the swing of things.

The music ended, “Okay, one more and then we can take a break.”

Air Raid panted for breath, “Sure, mate, I’m good for one more.”

“This last one is done on your hind hooves only.” The zebra reared up and Air Raid did the same as they came together and held each other. “Don’t worry about the moves. I have you in my hooves.” He snickered, “Play Caffy Dance Track One.”

Air Raid had no idea what a tango was. All she knew is the dance was fast paced. If she stumbled he simply picked her up off the floor and then set her down again. What really made it interesting was that he constantly twisted the ropes. When the dance finally ended he let her back down to four on the floor. Air Raid gasped for air, “I think I’m going to need more practice.”

“This was practice,” said Caffeinated. “The real dancing is on Thursday.”

“I think,” Air Raid said as she tried to regain her breathe, “That is more Darkie’s territory.”

“I don’t know,” the zebra said, “You could challenge Belle for goofiest dancer.”

Air Raid blushed with embarrassment and could feel herself getting a little wet because of it, “Thanks.”

“You did well enough to follow a rhythm,” he said. “So, what kind of movies to you like?”

“I love Bond movies,” she responded, “The spy stuff and the cars. Really love the cars.”

“We can watch a film while we wait on the others,” Caffeinated said as he eyed the mare, “How are the ropes doing?”

“They’re doing fine, mate,” responded Air Raid. “Goldhoof is my favourite. On my twenty-first birthday, my dad rented me an Aston Martin DB5 for the day.” A happy shiver ran through her body at the memory. “Now that’s a car!”

“I’m surprised you didn’t pick Quantum of Solace, as that has a pretty good chase scene,” he said, “But Goldhoof it is!” The zebra put the right CD in the player and started the film. He lay next to Air Raid, but slightly back. Whenever a chase scene happened he would play with her cutie mark.

Air Raid let another happy shiver run through her body, “You, um, you like steering wheels?”

Caffeinated snickered, “More like I like moving asses.”

Air Raid fidgeted, “Well, you can just keep playing there. You’re doing a really good job, and it feels really nice.”

“Enjoying your first day in Manehatten?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Air Raid smiled, “It certainly has been eventful.”

“Good, Hospitality is very important to me,” Caffeinated said. “Now that you’re here, what is it you’re really expecting from this move?”

Air Raid thought on that for a moment, “Short answer, a better life for my friend and me. Long answer, I expect Darkie to get better and I expect to build some bridges with Wily, and to meet a sweet mare and have some fun.”

The zebra nodded, “Go for the long plan. The only thing is fun can be pretty subjective. I just look for the joy in life.”

Air Raid shrugged, “Fun, joy, I’ll settle for more days like today.”

The movie ended and Caffeinated turned off the television. “That was enjoyable in many ways.”

Air Raid giggled, “Yeah, for me too, mate. Goldhoof is always a fun watch. Could you imagine an ejector seat in your car?”

The zebra rolled his eyes, “No, just no.” He gently poked Air Raid, “How are the ropes?”

“They’re fine, Caffy,” responded Air Raid, “You’re a lot better at them than Cy was.”

“I’ve had a day or two of practice,” said the zebra. “I figure another twenty minute till they get back or we get a phone call.”

“Awesome,” said Air Raid. “Cy would rather wear her nappy now a days then tie a pony up. So, what you want to do for those twenty minutes?”

Caffeinated shrugged, “I’m open to most things. How are you at giving massages?”

“Wily never complained when I gave her a massage,” she replied.

“I’ll take that as a recommendation for your services.” The zebra sprawled out on the floor.

Air Raid straddled the zebra, “Then again, she was always knackered and covered in soot.” She started on the stallion’s shoulders.

“The stripes are not soot,” he said.

Air Raid laughed, “Nopes, the stripes are seeeeeexy.” She really goes at it with a deep massage as she notes there are a few knots to work out.

“Oh yeah, I can see why you have had no complaints from Wily,” he murmured.

She felt the stallion relax under her hooves, “Why thank you, kind sir.” Air Raid was determined to make this the best massage she had ever given.

Chapter 3 - Herd Connections

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Thespian lead the way to the platform. While they waited for the next train, Thespian explained the system. “There is a system map,” she said as she pointed with a hoof. “We’ll take this train to the Brooks, and then change trains to get to Manehatten. I understand that Canterlot doesn’t have a system like this.”

“Oh, no,” said Darkstar, “It doesn’t at all. There is the main train station for the Friendship Express, and that’s it.”

Thespian nodded in thought, “Maybe the city is built on too much magic to put in a subway. Still, you’d think they could afford to put in a trolley system. From here, as long as there are no delays, it will take forty minutes to get to our stop. It’s why you see very few pegasi down here.”

Darkstar giggled, “It took us longer than that to drive to your house from the coffee shop.” She gave a soft sigh, “As you know, Air Raid has few choices in transportation.”

“Imagine that drive during rush hour,” snickered Thespian. “We don’t have time to do it now, but after the show we can get transit passes for both of you. The system never closes, and the kiosk at Times Square is open twenty-four hours.” The train arrives and Thespian led the way on. “The yellow square is for handicapped ponies and their companions, so you can’t stand there.”

Darkstar followed the mare to a spot on the train where they could stand together, “So, that is where Wily stands. We wonder if we should be standing there.” Thespian said nothing as she moved into the train and sat down. Darkstar sat next to her. “Sometimes we feel lonely.”

“That is what this is all about though,” said Thespian. “The road to independence. Finding out you can still be yourself and not be alone.” The elderly mare moved shoulder to shoulder with the unicorn. “If you find yourself lonely you can come to any of us.” Thespian giggled, “Maybe Coffee Bean will come through for you.”

“Thanks, that does mean a lot,” Darkstar smiled, “We’re sure Raid is enjoying not having to hold our hoof.”

“I think you’re enjoying it to.” Thespian stood up, “Here is where we change trains.” She led Darkstar out to the platform. She then pointed out the signs on the platform for her companion. “Those let you know what side to stand on as long as you know where you’re going. Sometimes you have to use a different platform for a different train.”

“It is a lot to take in. We…um, I will figure it out I’m sure,” said Darkstar.

The next train pulled into the station a few moments later. “You can see the line colour and destination on the front and sides.” Thespian and Darkstar moved into the train and sat themselves down. “I know you’re trying and I commend you on your efforts, but don’t be afraid to just be you, okay?”

Darkstar blushed, “I…We don’t want to scare anypony off.” She giggled, “At least one of us doesn’t.” Darkstar giggled some more, “See, we can appreciate our own humour.”

Thespian gave the younger mare a gentle nuzzle, “One day at a time.” She pointed to the system map on the wall of the carriage. “We will get off at sixtieth street station. The stop after that is Times Square. That is where my husband’s coffee shop is. Times Square station is where we’ll get you passes after the show.”

“It is nice to just be out of the house,” said Darkstar softly, “I’m usually in bed by now.” She spoke up, “Airmail’s paper is in the same building as Caffy’s shop?”

Thespian smiled, “My father owns the building, and he is on the Time’s board, which is why the paper is there. Of course, he was more than willing to let his daughter’s husband have an exclusive shop on the ground floor.”

“Oh, cool,” Darkstar said, “That’s impressive.” The mare giggled, “But that was as bad as me dropping Princess Luna’s name.”

“I know!” exclaimed Thespian, “I’m such a naughty mare.” The two shared a laugh at that.

Darkstar could only see her own reflection in the widow as the train moved along the underground tunnels. “I sometimes I miss my job in the little bookstore in Canterlot, but we think we’d rather be dancing.”

Thespian nodded, “Well, my production is filled up. Belle and Recital tend more towards show dancing. Serenity loves to dance, but not all operas give her the chance. Still, I’ll introduce you to my producer and see where that leads.” Thespian put a hoof on Darkstar’s shoulder, “Didn’t Airy offer you a job at the paper covering the theatre beat?”

“That’s right,” said Darkstar, “I’m currently an on and off journalist. I took that up way back to find Wily. We did have a try out for a Las Pegasus dancer, but it didn’t go so well.”

“You have the beauty and grace to be a dancer,” Thespian said, “Maybe with some training you’ll be able to change careers.”

Darkstar blushed hard, “Thank you for that. I have kept up with it as a hobby.” She giggled, “It keeps me thin and Raid does love to watch me practice.” Darkstar frowned, “The problem in Las Pegasus is the director we auditioned for didn’t like the illusions we cast while I danced.”

Thespian nodded. She noted how Darkstar would switch from first pony to third pony almost at random, but it seemed to depend on her point of view when she talked. “That will most likely always be the case. Raw talent over enhanced talent will usually be chosen. If you’re a headliner though, they will use all your abilities. Serenity’s talent lets everyone in the audience hear the entire production as if they were the only one in the theatre.”

“Yeah, we get that.” Darkstar remembered her earlier dance. “Serenity…She was the pony you saw when I cast my spell, wasn’t she?”

Thespian nodded, “Yes, it was a very good illusion.”

Darkstar beamed with happiness, “Was it really that good? But, if we may ask, it was a desire spell, so why did you see her?”

“Have you met her?” Thespian asked simply.

“No,” Darkstar shook her head, “Not yet, but Raid has.”

“Okay, well first I couldn’t imagine Caffy doing a pole dance.” Thespian smiled at Darkstar’s laughter. “Serenity has your build and beauty. She is very well accomplished as a dancer, singer, and actress. She has achieved things I only dreamed of achieving. Mind you, I’m very proud of my career, but Serenity has turned her career into an art form.”

“We can’t wait to meet her now,” Darkstar stated, “She sounds cool the way you describe her, it’s like Raid drives. When she races the car is an extension of herself.”

Thespian smiled, “She is down to earth for a unicorn, no offense, so, ponies feel free to chat with her on the street or in the subway.”

Darkstar tilted her head, “Unicorns aren’t down to earth?”

Thespian facehooved, “Me and my big mouth.” She looked at Darkstar and smiled, “Unicorns have magic that earth ponies and pegasi don’t have. I’ve been to many a dinner party where my hoofing things or just eating off the plate with no utensils have earned me a sneer from the unicorns.” Thespian giggled, “Then, my ‘whatever’ attitude, ends that pretty quickly. It does help that I’m a bit famous, and my family does have a lot of influence. I can’t say, I’m sorry to say, that I know more unicorns that lord their magic over others than those that do not.”

“I can imagine, and we didn’t take offense,” said Darkstar. “We just wondered what you meant, to be honest, Thespian. It feels really strange casting spells again, now that we’re able.”

“I’m glad I didn’t offend you,” Thespian responded, “And please don’t worry about offending me. I’ll be sure to tell you if you do.” The mare laughed, “Octavia found that out the hard way. So, don’t be afraid to ask me anything. The worse I’ll do is refuse to answer.”

Darkstar nodded, “We will, but I don’t think I’ll try levitating knives again. You’ve met Tavi?”

“Wrong!” said Thespian, “You will levitate knives again. You need to work on your magic endurance and that nick will encourage you to work harder.” She let that sink in before she continued after Darkstar nodded. “Yeah, it seems that Dusk fell into the herd with Wildfire. One thing led to another, and now Luna and Octavia have standing invitations to join in our activities. I do believe you’ll see all three of them on Thursday, if not sooner.”

Darkstar smiled, “It’ll be nice to catch up with Dusk. We all kinda drifted apart a few years ago. Only Raid, Brightstar, Cyclone and us still see each other, and I’m sure Raid’s only with me cos she feels she has to be.”

Thespian said softly, “You ever think she may actually care about you as more than an obligation or responsibility?”

Darkstar blushed, “Well I, not really. I guess. I just assumed I was her way of feeling better about what she did to Wildfire.”

“That may also be the truth,” responded Thespian. “In the end does her motivation really matter?”

“Hum, not really,” Darkstar said as she thought through it. “I suppose, I mean I’m still here and not six feet under, despite my best efforts.”

Thespian nodded, “So, best to dwell on the positive than to focus on the negative. That’s got me through a lot.”

Darkstar giggled, “You’re right, again. Suppose all that matters is we’re here, now, sorting a new start, with new friends, and some old ones.”

“That’s the spirit!” cheered Thespian. “Of course, taking a zebra for a mate brings along some other stuff too.”

“Yeah, we’re looking forward to what Coffee Bean brings us.” Darkstar sighed softly, “Zebras are dreamy.”

Thespian giggled, “That they are, but you do know the lot of them worships Luna.”

“I did get the impression that Caffy does.” Darkstar smiled, “We used to worship Luna too, when she dropped off her moonshine for our parties.”

“I’m sure she will bring some with her come Thursday.” Thespian giggled, “When is the last time you saw Dusk?”

Darkstar thought about it, “Let’s see now, it would have been before our attack, so four years ago.”

Thespian’s smile broadened, “’She’ is very pretty now a days.”

Darkstar looked puzzled, “She?”

Thespian smiled, “Dusk has become a very accomplished cross-dresser. ‘She’ has gotten lessons from a herd member, Trails, or I should say Shoe, when she is dressed in that manner.”

Darkstar sniggered, “Dusk, really? No way.”

“Way, if Dusk was to sprout a horn, he would become an alicorn princess.” Thespian giggled, “So, when Dusky is in dress, I have to remember to use the feminine pronouns.”

Darkstar shook her head, “Wow! I would have never expected that. Was it a dare or something?”

“Mind you, I don’t know the whole truth,” Thespian led off. “One day when Dusk and Vocal were in Caffy’s shop, my husband asked who would wear the dress at the wedding.” Thespian giggled, “He said it embarrassed both of them, but Dusk spoke up that he was willing.”

“Yeah, Vocal was a lot of fun,” said Darkstar. “I know Cyclone wore nappies on a dare, and she realised she really liked them.” She smiled, “Whatever the reason, I’m happy for him, her.”

“That’s the right attitude!” exclaimed Thespian. “He and Vocal broke up quite amiably. Dusk is now dating an earth pony by the name of Brush Stroke, but he likes the name Oils.”

Darkstar whistled, “He’s dating Brush Stroke? The painter, Brush Stroke? I guess as a prince he can afford to aim high.”

Thespian was taken back, “I didn’t know Oils was known outside the Manehatten area. He does have a painting in City Hall.”

“I covered an expo at Canterlot’s are gallery last year,” said Darkstar. “During one of my stable periods. I was mainly interested in the sculptures, but there was this painting by Oils, ‘Manehatten Skyline at Night’, that caught my eye. It was very well done, and everyone there was raving about it.”

“I shall have to tease him about that,” snickered Thespian.

“I’m sure you will.” The train came to a halt and Darkstar saw the station name on the platform. “This is our stop. That didn’t take long.” The platform was crowded with ponies coming and going. Like a scared foal, Darkstar moved out of the train with Thespian, and stuck like glue to the mare’s shoulder. To take her mind off the crowd that was sure to attack her at any moment, she asked, “Do you like art?”

As the unicorn beside her shivered and trembled, Thespian better understood why pegasi would put a wing over their partner. She moved with Darkstar to the nearest exit. “I like some art. I’m not one to really critique as my tastes tend toward realism.” It didn’t take long for them to reach the street level, but that didn’t reduce the crowds. “That’s my theatre, cleverly named the Fifty Ninth Street Theatre.”

Darkstar giggled. She realised Thespian was trying to keep her calm. She slowly relaxed as the crowd around her simply moved out of the way as they walked down the sidewalk. After they pasted the main entrance, Darkstar asked, “Aren’t we going in?”

“We are,” answered Thespian, “But we are using the staff entrance on the side.”

“I knew that!” stated Darkstar, who quickly followed up with a giggle as she moved alongside her friend down the next alley.

Thespian knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a stallion, “Good evening, Ms. Thespian.”

“Good evening, Cutter,” Thespian said. “This is my friend and guest, Darkstar, and she will have a backstage pass and comp tickets.”

Cutter made a note on his clipboard and he stepped outside to hold the door. If Thespian said this new mare got a pass, he would make sure she got a pass. “Got it, Ms. Thespian. I’ll pass the word.”

“Thank you, Cutter,” Thespian stepped through the door.

“Hi,” said Darkstar meekly as she followed Thespian into the building, “And thanks, Cutter.” The stallion nodded. Darkstar looked around as she followed Thespian. Backstage they passed one hall way and turned down the second. The first door on the right had a star with the name Scarlet under it. On the left was a star with the name Trotter under it. Thespian entered the second door on the right. Inside were three chairs and Thespian moved to the second chair. “Nice,” said Darkstar. “Who else is in here?”

“Just me,” replied Thespian. “First chair is for Scarlet’s understudy when she has a day off. Scarlet is the leading actress.”

Darkstar nodded, “I saw her name on the door. Across the hall was Trotter.”

“He is the leading actor,” continued Thespian. “The third chair is for a new makeup artist to practice on some pony, as it is quiet in this room. Here is your pass.” She hoofed a card over to Darkstar. “It’s a box seat, with a good view. If you’re going to sit there you need to make your way about five minutes before the show starts.”

Darkstar took the pass. “Okay, we were just wondering. Is it okay we look around?”

Thespian nodded, “With that pass you can go anywhere. Stage crew will let you know otherwise. Just knock before you enter any dressing rooms. The first hall is the dancers, this hall is the cast, and the last hall is management.”

“Alrighty!” Darkstar smiled, “Is there anypony we should look out for, or just be brave and explore?”

Just then, the dressing room door opened and a rather bubbly mare entered, “Let’s get you ready Thespy, I have…” she trailed off when she saw the unexpected unicorn. “Oh, you have a guest?”

“I do, Double Dash. This is Darkstar,” Thespian indicated her new friend with a wave of her hoof. “Darkie, Scarlet is a pegasus, and please don’t annoy her. Other than that, have fun.” Double Dash nodded vigorously.

“Oh, umm, we…I, I won’t, I promise. We just fancy a look about to see what a theatre is like.” She watched Thespian nod, and saw Double Dash get to work on Thespian’s makeup. Darkstar trotted out of the room and turned to the right. ‘We may as well start at the top.’ She knocked on Scarlet’s door. ‘Hope she doesn’t mind a visitor.’

The door opened and a mare peeked out, “May I help you?”

“Oh, hi, I’m Darkstar, a friend of Thespian.” She tried to look past the mare but couldn’t see anything, “Um, she said it would be okay to have a wander about and say ‘hi’ to ponies.”

“Oh, I see,” said the mare. “Scarlet is preparing for tonight’s performance, but she would be happy to receive guests after the show.”

“Okay,” responded Darkstar. “Cool, tell her to have a great show.” The door closed, and Darkstar just stared at it for a bit. ‘I don’t know if they like us, Darkie.’ She turned to look at the door on the opposite side, ‘What makes you think this one will?’ Darkstar snorted, “In for a bit.” She knocked on the door.

After some shuffling around, the door opened. “Yes?” queried the stallion.

“Hey, hi, I’m Darkstar, a friend of Thespian’s. Sorry if I’m interrupting anything.”

The stallion looked back into the room, “One of Thespian’s marefriends to say hello.”

A stallion’s voice from within the room, “By all means, let her in.” The stallion at the door opened it wide and stepped back.

Darkstar entered the room and moved along the wall away from the one that opened the door. “Um, hi again.” She looked at the other stallion in a dog costume, “Ah, nice costume.”

The one in the costume spoke up, “Hello there, I’m Trotter, and the rogue beside you is my companion, Last Minute.” He gave the new mare a good hard look over, “I haven’t seen you around before.”

“Hey. H-Hey Trotter, L-Last Minute,” Darkstar stuttered. “No, I’m. I’m new in Manehatten.”

“I’d say you’re from Canterlot, if I’m a judge of accents,” commented Last Minute.

“Long way from home,” added Trotter. “I hope Thespy is showing you a good time.” He nodded to Last Minute.

“Would you like a water, or lemonade?” asked Last Minute.

Darkstar kept her back pressed up against the wall, a stance that allowed her to see the whole of the room and its occupants and keep the door behind her. “You’re right on Canterlot. Thespy is a great hostess. It has been a great day so far.” She smiled at Last Minute, “Yes, please, a lemonade would be great, thanks.”

While Last Minute fetched the drink, Trotter continued to look the obviously nervous mare over, “Please come in and have a seat. I don’t bite, unless you ask very nicely.”

Last Minute snickered as he hoofed over the lemonade, “Then he bites hard.” Trotter stuck his tongue out at his partner.

Darkstar took the lemonade in her hoof, “Um, okay, ah, thanks.” She took a sip of the lemonade, but made no move whatsoever towards the seating pad.

“Are you okay?” asked Last Minute. “Should I get Thespian?”

“I’m fine, it’s just you’re stallions…and, sorry, I’m fine,” muttered Darkstar, the white mare feeling incredibly foolish. It didn’t help Darkie was laughing at her in her head.

Trotter smiled, “You hear that LM? We’re stallions.”

“We are?” questioned Last Minute. He ducked his head to look underneath his belly, “By Celestia’s left wing, we are!”

Darkstar giggled nervously, “Yeah.” She edged towards the door, “I just like to know where the door is, just in case.”

Last Minute put a hoof to his forehead, “It has been ages since I last ravished a mare.”

“Enough, LM,” Trotter stated sternly. “Can’t you see she is nervous enough? You don’t want Thespy after you.”

“Quite right,” said Last Minute as he moved as far from Darkstar as the room would allow. “I apologise for my poor humour, it can be a bit dry.”

“Other than Last Minute’s world-famous lemonade, what brings you to my door?” asked Trotter.

Darkstar took a deep breath, ‘They’re not going to jump us.’ Darkie replied, ‘Would that be a bad thing?’ She giggled and moved over to the seating pad, “Just introducing myself. Thespy said it’d be alright to say hi to ponies.” She looked over at Last Minute, “Look, I’m sorry for the nervy filly thing.”

Last Minute smiled, but Trotter spoke up, “No problem. Most of us here are just regular ponies, and no pony special.”

Last Minute added, “You have an interest in the theatre?”

“That isn’t why we…I was nervous.” Darkstar took a deep breath, ‘Chill, Darkie, they aren’t going to hurt us.’ She smiled, “Um, yeah, I like the theatre. I dance a bit, and I’m working at the Manehatten Times for another of Thespy’s friends.”

“The Times,” stated Trotter, “That would be Airmail then?”

Last Minute snickered, “Now there is a scary pony.”

Trotter nodded, “The first hall you passed has the dancers for the show.”

“Did Thespian give you a pass?” asked Last Minute. With Darkstar’s nod he continued, “If you don’t want to sit in the audience, I would recommend stage left to watch the show.”

“Yes,” added Trotter, “There is a stagehand named Spotlight, and he manages that side of the stage.”

Last Minute continued, “Take direction from him, and you won’t have to worry about getting in the way.”

“Okies, I will.” Darkstar stood and turned to leave. At the door, she summoned her nerve and turned back around, “I’m sorry about how I acted before. Thank for being so welcoming. Are you accepting hugs?”

Trotter moved forward for his hug, and whispered, “We’re all just ponies here.”

Last Minute received his hug and added, “But I’d leave Scarlet alone till after the show.”

Trotter covered his mouth with a hoof to suppress a giggle, “She has stage fright right up till the show starts.”

Darkstar smiled, “Yeah, the mare that answered the door said to come back later.” Darkstar looked between the two of them while Darkie whispered, ‘Tell them and they will kick you out of the room.’ The mare swallowed, “It’s not that you’re actors that bothered me. I was attacked a few years ago by three stallions in the back of a van in Canterlot, and well, I’m finally starting to get better.”

“Oh my!” exclaimed Trotter, aghast, who moved in for another hug.

“I’m sure being a friend of Airmail, she sorted them out,” added Last Minute.

As Darkstar accepted the hug, Trotter said, “Try not to judge us all by a few.”

‘I got hugs,’ to which Darkie remained silent. She accepted a second hug from Last Minute, “I didn’t know her then, but it has been sorted out. Both of you have been great, thank you, you’ve helped, like a lot.” Darkstar walked out of the room and turned right to the main hall. There she turned left to find her vantage point.

The area back stage was a bustle of activity and noise. Darkstar stayed out of everypony’s way and nopony stopped to question what she was doing. Rounding the backdrop, she saw a tan mare with a candle cutie mark looking up giving directions. Once she looked back down to check a list, Darkstar approached, “Un, hello, are you Spotlight?”

The looks at Darkstar, “I’m Limelight.” She pointed with a hoof, “That copper stallion over there is Spotlight.” While Darkstar looked across the stage the mare asked, “I don’t know you, what’s your job?”

Darkstar snapped her attention back to the mare, “Oh, I’m Darkstar. I don’t work here. I’m a friend of Thespian, and she gave me a pass.” Darkstar showed the pass in question, “And Trotter said I should find Spotlight at, ah, stage left to watch the show.”

Limelight smiled, “Easy mistake. Stage left is from the audience point of view. Always nice to meet one of Thespy’s guests, and Trotter is right, that is the best place to watch. Just follow Spotlight’s directions and you should have no problems.”

“So, do I just cross over there?” Darkstar asked as she pointed a hoof across the stage.

“Oh, no,” said Limelight. “You have to go around the back, not across. Safety reasons.”

“Thank you!” Darkstar turned and move around the back of the stage. The activity was starting to die down as was the noise. Once she rounded the far side of the stage she saw the copper stallion with a white circle cutie mark and bright red mane talking to a purple mare.

Darkstar looked around and most all the activity had stopped. Ponies were standing about chatting with each other in low voices. When the mare finished she moved past Darkstar with a smile. The unicorn then approached the stallion, “Hello Spotlight, I’m Darkstar, a friend of Thespian. Trotter said this was the best place to watch the show.”

“Okay,” Spotlight said, “Can you wear a headset?”

Darkstar nodded, “That’s no problem at all.”

Spotlight hoofed her a head set, “The mic is disabled, so don’t worry about that. Stay on this side of the red line.” His hoof touched it, “And the audience won’t be able to see you. If I say ‘Prep’ make sure you are clear of the orange shaded area. That is for cast changes. When I say ‘To me’ stand next to me, because they are going to do a scene change. Any questions?”

“Nopes, I got it. Stay on this side of the red line, stay out of the orange bits, and move, um, next to you when you say, ‘to me’.” Darkstar looked at the stallion.

“Enjoy the show, and it’s okay to cheer as the audience won’t hear you. Don’t talk to the actors during the show.” Spotlight snorted, “I know Thespian will talk to you, so she is okay.”

“I will, thanks.” Darkstar lit her horn and projected her voice behind Spotlight, “They might hear me.”

Spotlight simply looked at Darkstar and raised an eyebrow, “The audience ‘shouldn’t’ hear you, you scamp. Show starts in twenty-five minutes, and the audience starts coming in in five minutes. So, you need to be back here five minutes before the show starts or find your way to your seat.”

Darkstar giggled, “Okay, and don’t worry, I won’t do that during the show.” Spotlight went back to work with the stage ponies, and she wandered off thinking what to do next. ‘I could go check out the dancers.’ ‘Or we could go back and check out the stallions.’ ‘I’m not sure we should bother them.’ ‘They have lemonade.’ Darkstar smiled and headed for the star stallion’s dressing room.

Last Minute answered the knock at the door. “Hello again,” he said as he opened the door wide. “Didn’t chase her off after all.”

Darkstar cast her voice behind Last Minute, “Emergency lemonade inspection.”

Last Minute looked behind him and then back at Darkstar, “Ventriloquist?”

“Some sort of magic,” commented Trotter.

Darkstar giggled, “Just an illusion.” She cast a muffle spell on herself and trotted silently past Last Minute.

Last Minute moved over to pour Darkstar a lemonade, “Useful skills for less than reputable occupations. I’m happy you’re on the side of good.”

Darkstar sniggered, “More on the side of fun, with a side order of pranks.” She concentrated hard and turned the floor under Last Minute into a void.

Trotter was impressed, “I take you specialise in illusions.”

Last Minute did look at the void under him but trotted across as if nothing was amiss and delivered the lemonade to Darkstar, “Very realistic ones too.”

“I do, yeah,” gasped Darkstar as she took a gulp of the lemonade. “You could’ve,” she said panting like she had won the Running of the Leaves, “At least squeaked.”

“The theatre, dear, is a land of illusions,” snickered Last Minute.

“How long have you been practicing that?” asked Trotter curiously.

“I’ve had that spell for a while,” Darkstar said as she got her breath under control. “I’m just a little rusty when it comes to casting.”

Last Minute nodded, and said, “Feel free to practice on us.”

“Just not during the show,” added Trotter. “Did you find Spotlight?”

Darkstar nodded, “Spotlight is not Limelight.”

Both stallions snickered, and Trotter spoke to Last Minute, “Do you think we should have told her to turn right for stage left?”

“Where would the fun in that be?” commented Last Minute.

“She did point me in the right way, and explained what stage left and right was,” said Darkstar. “After that I found Spotlight and he gave me this headset and instructions, so I’m good.” Darkstar tried to cast her invisibility spell, but her current state of fatigue allowed her to make her front legs disappear. “Oh, buck it,” she muttered and released the spell.

“Thespy’s herd has some unicorns that could give you tips on endurance,” said Trotter.

“What you did though was very good,” commented Last Minute supportively. “For a moment it really looked like you only had two legs.”

Darkstar frowned, “I used to be able to do whole body, and even make my friends disappear too, before, y’know. I guess some tips would be a good idea.”

“Just don’t give up on us,” stated Trotter.

Last Minute nodded, “Good things come through hard work.”

Darkstar smiled, “You’re really worried about me.”

“You did seem to be overextending yourself,” commented Trotter.

“And we do like our audience to be alert during the show,” added Last Minute.

“Besides,” continued Trotter, “Since your friends with Thespy, I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of you, I’d think.”

“Yeah, I’d like to see more of you.” Darkstar giggled, “You’re both alright, y’know, now I know you aren’t going to ‘ravish’ me, as Last Minute put it.”

Trotter sniffed, “Ravishing is on the second date.” Last Minute broke out in snickers.

A knock on the door followed by a mare’s voice, “Ten minutes.”

Darkstar sniggered at Trotter’s joke, “Maybe if you were all stripy. You want me to go?”

Last Minute nodded, “Best to do it now before it gets hectic. You’ll need to get over to Spotlight, or make your way to your seat.”

“Alrighty.” Darkstar gave both stallions a brief hug. “I’ll be seeing you.” As she let herself out the door, Last Minute started fussing with Trotter’s costume. She smiled as the door closed behind her. ‘That wasn’t bad at all, was it?’ For once her other voice didn’t answer and Darkstar’s smile grew wider as she made her way to Spotlight’s side of the stage. As she rounded the corner she saw several dancers lined up. “Oh, dancers,” she said aloud.

In her headset she heard, “To me.” As the mare approached him, Spotlight continued, “You’ll have to wait till after the show to chat with them. Scarlet is coming out and I need it to be as calm as possible ‘till the show starts.”

Darkstar nodded and stood next to the stallion. She did study the dancers who were lightly conversing with each other. At five minutes before the show, all the dancers went quiet and were lined up in their place. Scarlet and Trotter walked around the corner and stood only a few feet away from Darkstar. ‘You could goose her.’ Darkstar fought hard to not laugh at Darkie’s comment. Scarlet was nervously dancing from hoof to hoof. ‘I think a simple boo would be more than enough.’ She felt smug knowing what she could do, but not doing it at all.

The music began, and the dancers poured out onto the stage to start the show. Less than a minute later, both Scarlet and Trotter moved out onto the stage to start their first musical number. “She is gorgeous. She looked as nervous as I feel. Is she always like that?”

Spotlight was constantly looking everywhere. “She’ll be good now. That first step is always the hardest for her. It is how she is, but you can see her performance more than makes up for it. We, as a company, have adjusted for it.” Spotlight smiled, “She does have the voice of an angel.”

Darkstar listened to the duet and nodded, “She does, they both have beautiful voices.”

She heard ‘Prep’ in her headset and made sure she was out of the orange zone. Thespian moved up alongside her and gave Darkstar a nuzzle, which she returned. Spotlight gave the actress a stern look, a gesture that Thespian answered by sticking out her tongue at him. She moved off onto the stage on cue. “I swear that mare will be the death of me,” muttered Spotlight to which Darkstar giggled.

The show went very well. Darkstar stayed out of trouble, and Darkie was happy to watch the show to let it stay that way. Thespian would always take the time to greet her when she entered or left the stage, which added to the fun. After all the final bows, Scarlet approached her, “Hi there, you’re Darkstar, Thespian’s friend?”

“Hey, hi, that’s me,” Darkstar replied. She noticed that Thespian moved off back stage without interrupting. “Please, you can call me Darkie.”

Scarlet smiled, “Okay, Darkie. We’re having a little cast party back stage so come and join us.”

“Go for it,” said Spotlight. “I have a few things to take care of, to include this.” He lifted the headset off the backstage guest.

“I’d love to join you, Scarlet.” Darkstar started to babble like a traditional fanfilly. “You were great! We, I thought you were great.”

“Thank you,” Scarlet said as she led the way to the party, “That means a lot from someone that knows Thespy.”

“Um, about that,” said Darkstar, “I only met her this morning.”

Scarlet giggled, “Silly me, I thought you were long-time friends. Still, thank you for the compliment.” The actress turned down the third hall and into a large room. A large number of ponies were in the room mingling and talking.

Thespian met them at the door, “Hello Darkie, Scarlet. Great performance tonight.”

“Thank you, Thespy,” responded Scarlet.

“Scarlet was really great, wasn’t she?” smiled Darkstar. “Oh, hey Thespy, you were good too.”

Thespian sat down and put a hoof to her chest, “But of course I was!” She held up her other hoof with a slice of strawberry cheesecake on a plate, “And this cheesecake is really good too!”

“Oh, I’m on it!” Scarlet moved off to the desert table.

Darkstar kept her voice low as she watched Scarlet move off, “I’m not into mares, but if I was, oh Luna, if I was.”

Trotter walked up with some cheesecake of his own, “Hello again, Darkie. You have a good choice of marefriends, Thespy.”

Thespian wiggled her eyebrows, “A lady can afford to be choosy.” She leaned in to Darkstar, “She isn’t into mares either, but I keep them guessing what I might be into.”

Darkstar cast her voice to the far side of Trotter, “Hey Trotter, loved the show.”

Trotter turned and looked, then looked back at Darkstar and did an eye roll, “You did have the best seat in the house.”

“Has Darkie been teasing you Trotter?” asked Thespian.

Trotter did a dramatic wave of his hoof and held it to his forehead, “To no end!”

Thespian smiled and nuzzled Darkstar, “He is a flirt, but committed to Last Minute.”

Darkstar giggled, “I thought you were used to illusions, sorry mate. You did say in the dressing room I could practice on you.”

“He did,” said Last Minute as he walked up, “And he is off stage.” He gave Trotter a nuzzle, and looked at what his companion was holding, “Oh! They have that cheesecake!” The stallion rushed off to the desert table.

Another mare walked up, a wide easy smile on her face. “Hello, I’m Hooftip.” She held out a hoof for Darkstar to bump. “How long have you known Thespian?”

Darkstar immediately bumped hooves, “Since this morning.”

“You do move fast, Thespian,” said Hooftip.

“Not fast enough it seems,” said Thespian. “It appears I lack stripes.”

Scarlet returned with her cheesecake and drink. “Caffy not enough stripes for you?”

“For her,” Thespian said as she pointed at Darkstar. “And I lack some equipment too, it seems.”

A stallion spoke up, “I don’t have stripes, but I do have the equipment.”

“You sure do, Highbeam.” Thespian raised an eyebrow, “But will Twinkles share?”

Highbeam blushed, “She has talked about herding.”

Darkstar looked at Highbeam and lit her horn. She pained the stallion with illusionary black stripes. “Now you have stripes.”

“Whoa,” commented the stallion, “I do look sexy!”

Scarlet laughed, “You do, Highbeam.”

Thespian leant in close to Darkstar, “I’ll get you some food and drink. Everypony is going to want to say hi to you.” With Darkstar’s nod, she moved off to the table.

Moments later, Darkstar started to breath heavy with the strain of maintaining her magic, and cancelled the spell. “Phew, you do look good in stripes, Highbeam.” Several ponies came up to Darkstar to say hello, but none stayed for a long conversation. Darkstar responded politely to any questions, and Thespian made sure she had enough to drink and eat. Scarlet had moved off to talk with another group, but the two stallions were still nearby. During a lull in the conversation, she said to Thespian, “I think I’ve made a few new friends, Thespian.” She nodded to Trotter and Last Minute.

Thespian smiled, “I think they are just trying to stay on my good side.”

Trotter raspberried Thespian, “As if!”

“Yeah,” added Last Minute,” We don’t have to anymore.”

Thespian tilted her head, “You think?”

Trotter blushed, “Ah, much?” to which Thespian giggled.

Darkstar also giggled at the poor unfortunate stallion’s plight, “Well, once I relaxed I had a great time, and your lemonade was amazing, Last Minute.” She looked over at Thespian, shooting the older mare a very meaningful look. “I need to relieve myself of all that lemonade.” She mouthed the word ‘meds’.

“As much fun as this is, it is time for this mare to head home,” said Thespian, catching and interpreting the look she had been given. “How about you, Darkie?”

“Oh, yeah, we can go, I’m ready too.” Darkstar looked at her new friends, “Thank you for being so welcoming. I’m sure we will meet up again.”

“Let me show you where the bathroom is,” Thespian led the way through the crowd. Each took long enough to say their good-byes until they were alone. “Let’s take care of business, and then we’ll head for the Times Square Station. I hope you don’t mind a bit of a walk.”

Darkstar was happy to relieve her bladder. “Not at all, that was a lot of fun. Thank you for inviting me.”

Thespian led the way out of the building, “It isn’t a long walk. That is where they have the twenty-four hour kiosk to get your subway passes.” It was a nice night and there were still lots ponies on the streets. “It is about a forty-five minute ride back to the house. You going to be okay?”

“Um, yeah, we’ll be fine,” said Darkstar, “We had a good time tonight, even if she kinda almost ruined it for me.”

“Straight back and talk on the way, or talk over some ice cream, and then go back?” asked Thespian.

Darkstar brightened up, “Can we get some ice cream please?”

“Welcome to Manehatten,” said Thespian. “The shop on Time’s Square is always open.” As they entered the shop, Thespian added, “They frown on food in the subway, so we’ll have to eat it here.”

“That’s fine,” said Darkstar as she looked at the menu, “I’ll have chocolate and coffee sundae with lots of whipped cream, please.”

“I’ll have a double chocolate fudge sundae, also with lots of whipped cream,” Thespian said as she placed her order. Once she paid for both, she added, “I’ll secure us a table if you could bring them over.” Darkstar nodded and she found an empty table for two.

Darkstar soon walked over holding both sundaes in her magic. After she set them on the table, she said, “I’m getting better at this! That wasn’t a real effort at all.”

“Just takes practice.” Thespian ignored the spoon and dove in muzzle first for a big lick of her sundae. She sat up with a good bit of whipped cream on her nose, “So, how was it you almost ruined the evening?”

Darkstar giggled, “You have a little something on your nose.” She leaned forward and licked off the cream and the earth pony mare smiled. “I knocked on Trotter’s door, and Last Minute let me in. After the door was closed, Darkstar started to panic. I found I was in a closed room with two stallions.”

Thespian nodded, “How did the drama queen, Trotter take that?”

“They were great! They offered to go fetch you when they saw how nervous I was, and that kinda calmed me down,” explained Darkstar. “After that I told them why I was so nervous, and they both hugged me. It was nice.” She copied Thespian and when in muzzle first for her first lick of ice cream. She sat back up, “I didn’t want to ruin your night.”

Thespian waved a hoof, “You have a little something…” She leaned forward and licked the cream off of Darkstar’s nose. “Dear, it is hard to ruin my night since I make my own fun.” She winked playfully.

“I quickly realised they weren’t going to jump me, and they were really impressed with my spells. Even Darkstar started to loosen up and have some fun.”

Thespian made another mess with her ice cream, “You saw our production. Two unicorns in the dance troop, one in the cast, and five more working backstage. So, you are both new and unique.” Thespian giggled, “Besides, you do have some fancy showmare magic.”

Darkstar leaned forward and licked Thespian’s nose, “Thank you, I was inspired by a unicorn named Trixie Lulamoon, and she was an awesome showmare too.” She dived in for some more ice cream.

“I’ve heard of her. She came to Manehatten to do a show.” Thespian leaned over to lick off Darkstar’s nose. “She is also very good at illusions.”

“Thank you again,” said Darkstar, “One word of advice, don’t ever mention her name in front of Wily.”

“Okay, I can do that,” said Thespian as she licked her bowl.

“Her first nightclub in Canterlot, Trixie’s Place, burned down on Wily’s nineteenth birthday, it was a nine-hour job, and she looked like Tartarus when she came back.” Darkstar licked out her own bowl.

Thespian frowned, “That’s sad to lose your nightclub.”

Darkstar shrugged, “It was her own fault. Trixie was experimenting with self-replicating fireworks. Inside.”

Thespian nodded, “Still sad to lose something you worked for, even if it is due to your own stupidity.”

“Oh, yeah, no doubt,” said Darkstar with a smile. “The next day at the funfair carnival was much more fun.” She saw that Thespian spent more time nosing her bowl than licking. With a blush she said, “We seem to have missed our muzzles.” She leaned forward and lavished Thespian’s muzzle with her tongue and followed up with a kiss.

“Oh my! Now that I can see past my own nose, you too seem to have had trouble with cleaning your bowl.” She expertly used her tongue on the unicorn’s face and ended it with a kiss. “Quite the pair we are. Tell me, Darkie, do you really need the meds, or was that a code word for ‘I need out of here’.”

“I just wanted you alone, so I could lick ice cream off of you,” Darkstar giggled and then sighed, her voice turning serious. “It was a bit of both, really. I really do need to take them, and there was a lot of ponies all pressing about getting close and talking and doing things.”

Thespian smiled, “Well, your ploy to get me alone has worked masterfully. Give it time for you to acclimate to crowds again. The theatre will not let you be lonely.”

“Mercifully, I didn’t make more of a muppet of myself in front of Trotter and Last Minute than I did. It was awesome watching you work.” Darkstar leaned forward and gave Thespian an unnecessary kiss.

“Still not a stallion, dear, so I guess your kisses aren’t working,” Thespian stood up. “I think you might worry as much as Raid does.”

Darkstar stood up and shrugged, a blush colouring her white cheeks. “Sorry…I wasn’t worried for me, they’re your friends.” She sighed, “Raid only worries when I get a hold of something sharp. Speaking of Raid and worries, she’ll be worried I’m so late getting home.”

“First, I called Caffy when Scarlet announced she was hosting a cast party, so Raid knows.” Thespian lead the way out of the shop, “Second, I think you’ve used up your ‘I’m sorry’ quota for the day. And last, my friends are friends, and they won’t leave me. My co-workers are from show to show and most of them feel they have some debt to me, so they aren’t going anywhere either.”

Darkstar tilted her head, “Umm, I have a quota?”

“Yes you do, only five ‘I’m sorry’ a day until you can earn some more.” Thespian smiled, “How long has that horn of yours been fixed?”

Darkstar stomped a hoof, “This is why I’m better off out of everypony’s manes! Then I can stop apologising for what I do.” She shrugged, “It was healed Sunday evening, so today makes it two and a bit days, why?”

“Why?” Thespian snorted, “Because you are charging forward like it never happened, and doing your best to do what you used to do. That is exactly what you should be doing. I think if you were out of everypony’s manes you’d be adrift and alone, Darkie. Just stop apologising for doing the right thing. Live Darkie, that is what you need to do now.” She brushed the unicorn’s shoulder with her own, “And maybe talk to Requiem, as she knows more than my two bit advice.”

Darkstar paused at the entrance, “It’s just hard, y’know? I have my magic back, I should be shouting it from the rooftops, and when the meds kick in I will. It’s all sunshine and rainbows, other times I just want to jump from those rooftops and finish it.” Darkstar sighed, suddenly melancholy, “Sor…I hate feeling like this Thespy.”

Thespian nuzzled the troubled unicorn, “You’re not a bother, and don’t think you ever are. You lost it all in an instant, and now you’ll have to take the time to find your way back. It isn’t easy, nothing worth having is.”

Darkstar wrapped Thespian up in a hug, and she wept, “I begged them…I remember pleading with them, to finish me off, when they were done with me, but they wouldn’t. Why? Why leave me like this?”

Thespian returned the hug. From what she had heard, her attackers had not intended Darkstar to survive the cold night. They had thought she would freeze to death slowly, from exposure. She decided not to share that thought. “So somepony could clean my nose?”

Darkstar snorted, and leaned back a little, “I guess your nose does need cleaning.” She gave the earth pony’s nose a lick.

“That’s good, as I seem to do a very poor job of it.” Thespian smiled, “Besides, dead is really boring I’d think. Caffy says we become one of Luna’s stars and that seems rather tedious. So, living at least gives us something to do.”

“Oh, I dunno. Wily would say it’s poetic. If nothing else, I can wake up each day and lick your nose.”

“Caffy is the poet. I just listen.” Thespian returned the lick. “Ready to head home? Subway or taxi?”

“Subway is fine,” answered Darkstar as she released the hug, “I need to learn to be around ponies, and I like the train.” She followed the mare into the station, “Thespy, please don’t tell Raid about my wobbles at the theatre, and here. She’ll only worry and go all mother hen on me.”

“What?” Thespian put a hoof to her chest, “I’m not mother hen enough?” She giggled, “I think we’ve sorted it all out, and there is no need to take it further.”

“Thanks, you’re awesome,” said Darkstar.

Thespian paid for two passes for the remainder of the month. She handed both to Darkstar, “You can give one to Raid. At least they prorate the cost based on the days left in the month.” She led the way to the platform. “Now to see if they are still awake.”

“I’ll bet, knowing Raid, they are snuggled up and asleep,” challenged Darkstar.

“I’ll take that bet,” responded Thespian. “I put the cost of those passes on it.”

Darkstar giggled as they boarded the recently arrived train. “I’m sure they’ll tell us about their night when we get back or over breakfast.” The train wasn’t crowded at this time of night and Darkstar relaxed. “I did have a lot of fun tonight. Thank you for inviting me.”

Thespian held her nose in the air, “I had fun, which is what truly matters to a socialite, such as myself.”

Darkstar bowed, “That is true, madam. Shall your maid serve you breakfast in bed?”

Thespian waved a hoof, “No, my dear servant, that is the butler’s job.” Darkstar laughed, and Thespian continued, “I would just as soon you have unsupervised access to the kitchen, so I can be lazy and let you fix my meals.”

“Yeah, that would be nice,” agreed Darkstar, “And when I do, I’ll make you all the meals you want.”

“Well, maybe not all I want,” said Thespian. “I still need to fit into my costumes.”

Darkstar sang, “Not my problem, and besides, generous curves are sexy. Just you wait till I make you a proper Canterlot meal.”

“Oh, will I have to wear lace and such, and use the proper utensils?” Thespian asked.

Darkstar giggled, “Nah, you don’t want to dress up all fancy for the triple fried egg sandwich with chili and mango chutney, and chunky chips.”

Thespian gasped with a forehoof to her head, “Can it be true? That real food can come out of Canterlot?” She giggled, “There is a Canterlot grocery not far from where we live. Airy told us about Wily’s love for triple fried egg sandwiches with those fixings.”

Darkstar nodded, “Her mum used to make it for her, and she made it for us.”

Thespian had her nose in the air again, “Well, I can make you something that is all fancy and such from some upper west side Manehatten cooking.” She leaned in close and whispered, “Or Caffy can do some crazy tribal cooking. Careful though, rumour is zebras cook ponies for snacks.”

Darkstar put on a disgusted face, “Ugh, I couldn’t ever imagine eating meat, the very thought…even at my lowest I would never do that.”

Thespian nudged Darkstar, “Sorry, that joke was in poor taste.” She winked, “But I’ve heard worse when we first started dating. And we are here.”

“Poor taste,” Darkstar giggled, “I get it.” She followed Thespian off the train and out the station. Thespian opened the front door, but remained quiet. She pointed out a note on the small table in the foyer. It read, ‘Gone to bed. Raid wore me out with her massage.’ Darkstar giggled, “She is good at giving massages. How am I going to get my meds?”

“Raid gave us the combo,” answered Thespian. “Let’s take care of that and then join them in bed.” She raised a hoof in the air, “The snuggling will be doubled!” Once Darkstar had taken her meds, the two walked into the bedroom. She saw Caffeinated was wrapped around Air Raid’s back. “Do you want to sandwich Raid or Caffy?”

Darkstar swallowed, “Caffy, if you don’t mind?

Thespian kissed the unicorn on the cheek. “I offered so I don’t mind, silly.” She climbed up on the bed and pushed her back to Air Raid’s hooves. “Good night.”

Darkstar trotted around the bed and climbed up. She wrapped the zebra in her hooves. “Good night.” ‘Well we survived another day.’ The white mare smiled, ‘We did it together.’ Sleep soon claimed her.

~ ~ ~

Thespian was the first to wake the next morning. A little shortage of sleep would never get in the way of her shopping. She eased her way out of Air Raid’s hooves only to have the pony hug tighter. Air Raid felt the movement and held on as she opened her eyes. “Darkie?” After a few blinks she realised where she was, “Oh, good morning, Thespian.”

Thespian kept her voice low, “Good morning, Raid. So, this isn’t one of Caffy’s harem dreams then?

Air Raid giggled softly, “I’m sure any stallion would love to sleep with three mares.”

“Maybe, but one mare can service three stallions at once,” responded Thespian. “Want to help with breakfast?”

Air Raid shoved a hoof in her mouth to keep from snorting to loudly, and nodded. She moved out of Caffeinated’s hooves and off the bed. If the zebra woke up, he gave no sign of it. Once out of the room, Air Raid asked, “What’s for breakfast? And Darkie wasn’t lying when she said I wasn’t a good cook.”

“Coffee, of course,” said Thespian. “Scrambled eggs with cheese and hay hash.” She looked at the mare, “You can cook, at least a little bit?”

“A little bit would be the best description of my cooking,” smiled Air Raid, “But I can help, a little bit,” she ended with a giggle.

“Okay, you do the scrambled eggs and cheese. I’ll set you up with the right ingredients, and take care of the coffee and hay hash, so I can watch you.” Thespian set out all the items they needed to make breakfast.

“I’ll give it a go,” responded Air Raid. “I’m sure scrambled eggs I can manage.”

“Key is the right amount of milk, and a low temperature.” Thespian set the kettle to boil for the coffee press, and then she started on the hay hash. “You have to stir constantly. So, Caffy will pick up the car decals later today. We need to get an early start too. Coco usually opens at ten, but she will open early for appointments.”

“Oh, right, for my car,” said Air Raid, “It is really cool you’re sponsoring me, and I can’t tell you how stoked I am to be getting my own personalised racing suit.”

“Do your best, and stay alive,” stated Thespian. “Do you know what Darkie’s plans are for today?”

“I’ll drive my best, Thespy.” Air Raid watched her eggs as she stirred, careful not to ruin them. “I don’t know if she has any plans. Maybe we can suggest she go see this Requiem shrink that everypony recommends. I’d rather she not be left here on her own just yet.”

“Sounds like a good plan,” responded Thespian. “I’ll ask Darkie and then ring up Requiem.” The kettle started its shrill alert and Thespian pulled it off the burner and poured it into the press. “The coffee alarm should soon have the other two down here.”

The scent of coffee overpowered the scent of mare and Caffeinated opened his eyes. The coffee alarm never failed. He looked and Darkstar was the only one in the bed. He nuzzled her ear and whispered, “Time for breakfast.”

Darkstar mumbled a bit and nuzzled her pillow, “I’ll be right there, nurse.”

“I’d love to wake up and say, ‘Helllloooooo nurse!’” The zebra snickered, “Maybe I should suggest that bit of role play to Thespy.”

Darkstar opened her eyes and looked at Caffeinated, “Oh…Hi, Caffy. Sorry about that.”

“Was it a good dream?” the zebra asked.

“Kinda,” said Darkstar. “Usually, if Raid is gone, the nurse wakes me up and fixes my breakfast.”

Caffeinated nodded, “Since the other two are gone, I’ll guess they are making breakfast. I’ll soon be off to work, and Thespian is taking Air Raid shopping. We can talk about your plans at the table, after we get some coffee and food inside us.”

Darkstar smiled, “Caffy is good coffee.”

“Yes, I am,” said the zebra as he got out of bed.

Darkstar giggled and rolled out of the bed, “Come on, cutie,” She led the way out only to have her tummy grumble. She quickened her pace as the zebra behind her snickered. The two entered the kitchen, and Darkstar exclaimed, “Raid is cooking, and I didn’t hear the smoke detector, are you sure it’s working?”

Air Raid graced her with a raspberry as she turned off the heat. Caffeinated moved straight to the coffee press and poured out four cups. He added those to a tray along with cream and sugar, and brought the tray over to the table. Thespian smiled as she portioned out the hay hash to four plates, “I check it every month.”

Air Raid then added some egg scramble to each plate. “You don’t have to eat it, Darkie, I can always get the nurse to make your breakfast.”

“Ewww, no thanks,” said Darkstar. “Even your burned cooking is better.”

Air Raid brought the plates over to the table, “If you ever want her to do something, just threaten to get the nurse.”

Darkstar stuck out her tongue as she added cream and sugar to her coffee, “You know I hate that nurse.”

Thespian added cream and sugar to her coffee. “Those two’s sense of humour is so dry it makes yours look wet.” She was pleased with the eye roll her husband gave her. “Whatever will you do, now that there is no nurse around?”

Darkstar shrugged, “I dunno. Hadn’t thought about it. I just assumed Raid would hire one out here.”

Air Raid added a couple sugars to her coffee, “Do you want me to?” Darkstar shook her head, “I’m off shopping with Thespian. What are you thinking of doing?”

“Do you want a nurse?” asked Thespian.

Darkstar shook her head again, “No, I’m getting better.” She turned to Air Raid, “I don’t know.”

“Would you still like some help?” Thespian pressed.

Darkstar shrugged, “I guess. I mean, I don’t think I should be on my own just yet.”

Caffeinated spoke up, “I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of us talk about Requiem. Besides being an excellent actress, she is also a licensed psychologist, and a herd member.”

Darkstar looked down at her food, her mood plummeting a little. “I’ve heard a lot of ponies use her name.”

“I remember Princess Luna said she was good when Darkie had her horn healed,” added Air Raid.

“She has worked with Mapper and Airmail, by court order.” Thespian smiled, “She did lick Luna’s hooves.”

Darkstar looked up and smiled, “I’d like to meet her then, she sounds nice.”

“I’ll ring her up then,” said Thespian as she left the table to use the phone.

“Raid,” said Caffeinated, “I’ll be ordering your decals today. Will magnetic decals stick to your car?”

“Yup, they will, no problem, Caffy. Thanks,” responded Air Raid.

“Ms. Thespian,” Darkstar spoke up, “Could find out when and where we can meet?”

Thespian nodded as she waited for Requiem to pick up. “Good morning Requiem. I’m doing well, going shopping today. Yes, well I do have a favour to ask. We have a guest, Darkstar, and she could use some of your professional time. Okay, let me ask.” Thespian looked at Darkstar, “Do you want to meet her here, at her office, or go shopping with us and meet her at Coco’s?”

“Her office sounds nice,” responded Darkstar, “If that is okay.”

Thespian returned to the phone, “Your office, what is a good time? Eleven a.m., sure, that will be easy. White unicorn, grey mane, three black stars on her butt. Yes, Canterlot. Okay, see you tomorrow at gaming night. Bye.” Thespian sat back down at the table. “Her office is in Brooks, which is the borough she lives in. Do you want to go with one of us, or leave from here?”

“I’d like to go with Caffy, if I can,” responded Darkstar.

The zebra smiled, “Welcome to your independent life, Darkie. If it wasn’t okay, you wouldn’t have been offered the choice.”

Darkstar giggled when she realised she was on the verge of apologising again, “Thanks, I’m getting used to it.”

Caffeinated asked, “You ever worked as a waitress?”

Darkstar shook her head, “No, but I could pick it up. If you don’t mind me having a go.”

“At my shop there is no waitress,” explained Caffeinated. “So, it would be novel, fun, and no pressure.”

Thespian giggled, “Remember when you made Mapper waitress for a day?” Caffeinated facehooved.

Air Raid chimed in, “You could always lap dance for them, if you drop an order.”

“Oh, shut up,” muttered Darkstar, her cheeks red.

“Entertainment.” Caffeinated scratched his chin. “I hadn’t thought of that, but it would be best to save that for open mic. Eat up, we leave at eight.”

Darkstar diverted herself by digging into her food, “This is yummy, even if Raid had a hoof in it. If she can fly, she’s a changeling!”

Air Raid used her patented eye-roll number two, and flapped her wings, not lifting an inch. “Happy?”

“Yeah, that’s her,” smirked Darkstar. “Joking aside, Raid, that really was nice.”

Air Raid took a little bow, “Thank you.”

“Oh, no!” exclaimed Thespian, with her hooves to her cheeks, “I fear my job as sous chef is now in jeopardy!”

Caffeinated shook his head at the mares’ antics, “Do both of you have your subway passes?”

“I have mine,” Darkstar said as she showed it.

Before Air Raid could speak, Thespian hoofed hers over. “Here is yours. I picked them up last night.”

Air Raid took the pass, “Thank you.”

“I got the dishes,” said the zebra as he gathered them up to the sink.

“Raid?” asked Thespian, “Do you have an old racing suit, or pictures you’d like for a basic design?”

Air Raid nodded, “I have a few pictures in my saddlebag, and Caffy has given me pictures of the logos for the coffee shop and times.”

“Good, that will give Coco something to work with,” said Thespian.

“It will be nice to see what she comes up with,” added Air Raid. “It will be nice to have some suits designed just for me, y’know? Rather than a communal thing.”

“That is the purpose,” said Thespian. “When you’re famous, ponies will want to know who designed your suits.”

“Finished,” announced Caffeinated. “Let’s go.” The group of four walked out of the house together.

On the way to the station, Air Raid asked, “How did it go last night, Darkie?”

“I had lots of fun at the theatre,” said Darkstar with a smile. “Everypony was really nice.”

“She may have to give up her day job for the theatre,” added Thespian.

“Did you have fun last night?” asked Darkstar.

Air Raid blushed, “Yeah, I did.”

“She gives a very good massage,” stated Caffeinated. “Her dancing could use some work, though.” Air Raid blushed harder.

The subway platform was crowded when they arrived, just like it had been the night before. “Busy, huh?” said Darkstar as she moved closer to Air Raid for protection.

“Post rush hour, was busier about an hour ago, and will be less busy when you go over to Requiem’s,” said Caffeinated, picking up on the mare’s nervousness thanks to some ear flicks from Thespian. “You can always take a taxi.”

Resolutely, Darkstar shook her head, “No. It’s fine. Not every crowd is gonna get me, right?”

Caffeinated nodded, “And not ever crowd is a mob.” On the subway they chatted about the events of the night before. Darkstar made no mention of her nearly having a meltdown, and Air Raid didn’t say anything about considering having sex with a stallion. “This is our stop, Darkie,” said Caffeinated.

“Okay, you have fun, Raid.” Darkstar gave Air Raid a hug. Thespian gave the zebra a kiss.

“Was she really okay?” asked Air Raid after the doors had closed and they were alone. The innate ‘mother hen’ of Air Raid coming out.

“She did well,” answered Thespian. “Considering she was tossed into a new environment, and surrounded by ponies she didn’t know.”

“Okay,” said Air Raid. “I do worry for her.”

Thespian gave the mare a hug, “It is okay to worry, but be careful about controlling. This is our stop.”

Air Raid followed Thespian off the train, “I’ll try.” As she walked up the steps, “It’s weird not driving everywhere.”

“You’re welcome to drive as much as you want in the city,” giggled Thespian. “Parking is a bit limited and runs about three hundred bits a day. Of course, after you’re rich and famous you can buy a parking spot. They go for about five hundred thousand bits, but at least you have a guaranteed place to park.”

Air Raid smiled, “Well, that’s a thing to aim for. Besides, I think I’ll get something smaller to drive around here. Manehatten is a lot more built up than Canterlot.”

Thespian nodded, “True, we have a lot more ponies, and no worries on security for a Princess.”

“Yeah, good point,” said Air Raid, “I’ve always fancied a little Fiat 500, they’re such cute little cars.”

The pair exited the station, and outside, Thespian reached for her phone. “I’m sure you can borrow the Colt if you like. I’ll need to call Coco to make sure she is ready for us.”

Air Raid laughed, unsure if to be insulted or not at the thought of an electric car. “I should borrow Mapper’s Colt. Poor thing needs driving more than once an ice age.”

“I forgot she even has a car,” said Thespian. “Of course, Mapper can’t teleport to save her hooves.”

Air Raid fluttered her wings, “I can sympathise.”

Thespian giggled, “I can sympathise with both of you.” She held the phone up to her ear, “Hello Talker, it’s Thespian. Good guess on my part, is Coco in? Sure, we can keep busy till then. Bye!” She put her phone away, “We have about thirty minutes to kill. Window shop?”

Air Raid smiled, “Need you ask? Let’s shop for windows!”

“Excellent!” exclaimed Thespian, “Maybe they have some with glass clearer than mine at home.”

“We can only see what the hunt brings up,” said Air Raid as they walked along. After a couple of stores, she asked, “Thespy, is it true what I heard, Luna spanked Octavia with a sock?”

“Change of plans,” Thespian sang out. “Follow me, my good mare.” Air Raid followed Thespian to the north. “There is a nice book store there too. Have you met Octavia when you hung out with Dusk?”

“Only in passing,” answered Air Raid. “We’d say hi, in passing, maybe a bit of small talk and that sort of thing. We weren’t besties.”

“She really likes racing games,” said Thespian, “So, Luna and Octavia should be there tomorrow for gaming night.”

Air Raid thought about that, a delicious idea creeping into her head. “Octavia likes speed, huh? I wonder if she’d like the real thing?”

“I know she would,” answered Thespian. “She likes danger, unless it is to her cello, then that is another story.”

Air Raid sniggered, “Yeah, even Darkie never touched her cello. So, you think maybe I should ask her to ride with me on Sunday?”

Thespian stopped, “Will they allow that? And will the extra weight affect your game?”

“We always use a co-driver in rallies, but then we actually switch driving. In a race like this only one can drive, but having some pony else in the car isn’t an issue, and with my Audi, weight won’t be an issue either.” Air Raid laughed, “Besides, it’s Princess Octavia. Can you see her being refused?”

Thespian started moving again, “No, I really can’t. Ask tomorrow, it would be quite the show if you win.”

Air Raid giggled, “Oh, I’ll win! Royalty by my side too?” She pumped a hoof into the air and pulled a rather heroic pose, “Bonus!”

When they entered the plaza, Thespian waved a hoof at the fountain. “Rather ordinary, if large fountain, would you say?”

Air Raid looked about, “Hum, yeah, does look pretty, well dull I guess.”

Thespian moved to the west side of the fountain and pointed a hoof at a small brass plaque, which was kept very shinny. As Air Raid read the plaque, Thespian used her stage voice to read it out loud. “Upon this spot, Her Royal Highness, Princess Luna, Goddess of the Moon, did discipline her loving wife, Princess Octavia, by a most severe beating upon her hindquarters with a fluffy pink sock!”

Several ponies around the plaza stopped to clap hooves at the reading, while Air Raid doubled over in laughter, “Oh…Oh, that is priceless,” she said between giggles. “I hope…I can get a mare willing to do that to me!”

“A public flogging with a sock?” Thespian asked, gears turning in her head.

Air Raid calmed down thinking about it, “Well, maybe something sturdier than a sock, but come on! The humiliation must’ve been delicious!”

Thespian nodded, getting an idea for what really got Air Raid going. “It was, and it was the lunch time crowd. Not the few ponies you see here now. I think she may have lasted a minute before she said her safe word.” Thespian tapped the fountain next to the plaque. “The Mayor had this placed here, and I don’t think Octavia has seen it yet.”

Air Raid squeezed her hind legs together, the thought of the humiliation turning her on. “Damn, I would have cum on the spot.”

Thespian giggled, her suspicions all but confirmed. “I don’t think Octavia did, but I think Luna may have. I know Mapper did.”

Air Raid giggled, “Seriously, I’d be walking funny ‘till I got home.” She looked at the plaque and tried to imagine the scene.

Thespian smiled at the lime green mare’s faraway look on her face. “You should take a picture, I have.”

“You’re right.” Air Raid pulled out her phone from her bag to take a photo.

“Even better,” continued Thespian. “Tempest has a video of the event. Just don’t ask her about it where Octavia can over hear you. She worked hard to have Facetube pull all the videos off the site.”

Air Raid squirmed, “I totally will. Could we talk about something else?”

Thespian, ever the tease, took note of her new friend’s current state, “Sure, I have lots of stories about spankings and other sexy shenanigans.”

“Thespy, so not cool!” Air Raid could feel the moisture as it trickled down her hind leg.

Thespian laughed, “Or we could go to the bookstore for a Danish. The coffee isn’t that good, so I’ll have tea.”

“The book store, to the book store!” Air Raid blushed, “What kind of stories are we talking about?”

Thespian led the way to the bookstore on the north side of the plaza. “Fourth Thursday is our kink Thursday, like the second one is our gaming Thursday. We also do an open mic on the Friday following our kink night.”

Air Raid’s wings started to spread, “I see…those kinds of stories.”

Thespian leaned in close to whisper in her ear, “My kink is being spanked.” She brushed her flank along Air Raid’s as she moved into the bookstore’s coffee shop.

Air Raid was frozen in place, “Oh, that sounds so hot!” She shook her head and followed Thespian into the shop, but she had to carefully manoeuvre her rigid outspread wings through the door.

Thespian looked at her, as innocently as she could while keeping a straight face. “Was it something I said?” She turned to the barista. “Bear claw and a green tea plain.”

Air Raid grumbled, “Maybe.” She placed her order, “Coffee, black, two sugars, please.”

“Find us a spot,” said Thespian. “I’ll bring the drinks over.” Air Raid was fortunate to find a nearby table. She sat down and tried to force her wings to her side. Thespian set the mare’s coffee in front of her and sat on the opposite side of the table. She took a bite of her bear claw. She waited until the pegasus’s wings were back down. “I like to hold onto the bench with my own strength when I’m whipped, instead of being tied to it.”

Air Raid lost control of her wings again, “D-do you?” A very distinctive odour came from the mare.

Thespian sipped her tea, “Caffy does love to tie me up though. He likes to chain my hooves together and put me in bondage gear when I serve drinks.”

Air Raid squirmed on her seating pad, “Buck, that is hot.” She could well imagine herself in such a set up.

Thespian wiggled her eyebrows, knowing she had a fellow submissive on the hook like a captured fish. “Maybe you’d like to serve drinks with me tomorrow?”

Air Raid focused back on Thespian and with a whimper said, “Yes…Yes, please.”

“If you ask Caffy very nicely, he may let you,” Thespian said around her smile. She sniffed. “Last night wasn’t enough for you? Had it been awhile before that?”

Air Raid stared forlornly into her black coffee, seeing nothing but her reflection. “About three and a half years, ish? Give or take…” she couldn’t remember exactly how long ago Appleglow had been now. Too long.

Thespian blinked, genuinely surprised. “Oh my, Raid, I didn’t know.”

Air Raid blushed hard, “Well, I had Darkie determined to off herself every chance she got, and I couldn’t leave her alone, like, ever. Then Cyclone came around doing her regressed foal thing. Somepony had to watch them both.” She looked up, “Not a lot of time to get laid.”

Thespian laughed and leaned toward Air Raid, “Serenity told me she and Luna did some nappy play at the castle, and then later Mapper did some for Octavia.”

Air Raid giggled, “Cy would have loved that. Nappies, and foal play are her thing, along with exhibitionism…” Air Raid blinked, “Not sex with foals you understand.” Thespian nodded. “Cy did tell me that Tempest invited her to be there tomorrow.”

“It’s going to be a full house then,” said Thespian.

“So, you will need an extra serve, won’t you?” stated Air Raid.

“I will, won’t I? Thespian giggled. “We don’t do much kink on gaming night as all the foals are there. Still, hoof chains and serving is reasonable. I’ll put in a good word for you to my husband.”

“You’re awesome!” exclaimed Air Raid.

“Just a mare that wants to have fun,” Thespian said.

Air Raid finished her coffee, “Fun, for me, has been racing, but now I’m going to start having proper fun again, with you and your herd.”

Thespian drank the last of her tea, “As a friend of the herd you are always welcome.”

Air Raid nodded, “I’ve been so busy making sure Darkie stays alive I haven’t lived myself. I reckon I’m owed some fun.”

Thespian shook her head, “I think you’ll find that life doesn’t owe us anything. We have to go out and collect!”

“You’re right,” responded Air Raid. “I’m going to start collecting by getting me a cute mare.”

“It’s time to go.” Thespian stood up, “I do hope that Coffee Bean finds you a nice one to choose from.”

Air Raid stood up, “I’m sure she will. Caffy speaks highly of her.”

“I’m sure she will,” said Thespian as she left the shop. “She likes mares herself, and she really worships Luna’s ass.”

“Come on, you’ve seen that ass!” Air Raid said, “Who wouldn’t worship that ass?”

“I wouldn’t,” giggled Thespian, “But I can say she tastes rather nice.”

Air Raid staggered a little as she kept her blue tail plastered between her hind legs. Again, she lost control of her wings, “You jammy mare! I’d be happy to be Luna’s hoof stool.”

Thespian snorted, “You’d have to get past Octavia, then again, maybe you could be a hoof stool for both of them.”

Air Raid paused as she thought about the prospect of being that hoof stool. A hoof brushed her lips and she came back to reality as she watched Thespian shake off the drool she mopped up. “Sorry, about that. I was somewhere else.” Her grin turned goofy, “You’re going to keep me wet all day, aren’t you?”

“The word is lubricated,” giggled Thespian. “You’re going to need to buy some panties to keep your leg dry.”

“Panties?” smirked Air Raid, “At this rate I’ll need a nappy.” She smelled the air, “I can’t believe that is me.”

“So, what do you think of the fountain now?” asked Thespian.

Air Raid took a couple of steps forward to look at the fountain. Before she could say anything, she felt a nose under her tail. The pegasus leaped forward and turned around to see Thespian slowly lick her nose. The earth pony looked back at her and said, “It is all you.” She enjoyed the red spreading over the lime green mare’s face. “It is going to be fun fitting you.”

“It’s going to be the most embarrassing thing ever, isn’t it?” said Air Raid.

“I hope so for you,” Thespian said with a smile, “Speaking of embarrassment. Caffy’s logo will go on your chest and the Times on your sides, but they don’t know you’re a pegasus. I hope you don’t have a problem raising your wings for the photo ops?”

“You can see it is hard for me to not raise them,” giggled Air Raid as she tried to get them back to her sides. “To answer your question, no, I have no problem with it. I’ve come to terms with my Scootaloo’s Syndrome long ago.” She walked with Thespian past Rarity’s Recreations, and turned with her down an alley. “Um, Thespy, we kinda missed the shop.”

Thespian looked around to see they were alone and leaned in close, “Super-secret back entrance.” She moved to a blank door and pushed the button next to it. The door opened with a mare on the other side. “Hello, Magnolia. I’ve brought a friend that needs Coco’s personal touch.”

“Greetings, Ms. Thespian, please do come in,” said Magnolia as she stepped back to make room for the two of them. As Air Raid passed, she said, “Have you been having fun with your friend?”

Thespian smiled, “Maybe.”

Air Raid blushed and with a groan she said, “Yes, that smell is me.”

Magnolia giggled, “Would you like to freshen up before you see Coco?”

Air Raid’s blush grew hotter, “That would be lovely, thank you.”

“Follow me please,” said Magnolia. She then turned to Thespian, “Coco is in her office if you’d like some coffee, Thespian.”

“Thank you,” responded Thespian. “I’ll see you in a bit, Raid.” She trotted off and out of the room.

Air Raid followed Magnolia out a different door. The first room she entered was a large dressing room with a long vanity and mirror. Then she entered a rather expansive bathing area. “Wow, this is really something.”

Magnolia smiled, and asked, “Will you need any assistance?”

“Nah, I’m cool.” Air Raid winked at the earth pony, “Unless you wanna keep me company?”

“You’re sweet, but I do have a store to open,” said Magnolia. “Before you leave the dressing room there is a buzzer to the right of the door. Press that and somepony will come to take you to Coco’s office.”

Air Raid blew Magnolia a kiss, “Alrighty, I got it.” After Magnolia left Air Raid looked around, “This place is really posh.” She sniffed at the scented soaps and picked out the orange blossom. ‘This smells nice and I hope will cover my stench.’

She did a quick shower, but with a through scrub of her nether region. A look in the mirror let her know she would need to do at least some preening. Once finished, she sniffed the air. ‘Well, at least you’re advertising your need anymore.’ Air Raid trotted through the dressing room and pushed the buzzer.

After a few moments the door opened. “Hello, I’m Talker said the unicorn. You must be Air Raid. Let me show you to Coco’s office.”

“Hey, Talker,” Air Raid smiled and followed the mare.

“I’ve been told you’re a race car driver,” said Talker.

Air Raid’s smile widened, “Yup! That I am.”

Talker asked, “Will you be racing this Sunday?”

“Yes indeed!” Air Raid’s excitement was growing, “I’m looking forward to it!”

“Cool, my husband loves racing,” said Talker. “Now I can tell him I met a race car driver.”

“It’s my first race in Manehatten,” Raid said with enthusiasm. “I raced in Canterlot before, and hey, I’m entering the big desert run next year!”

Talker blushed, “Sorry, I’m not a big race fan, but I do watch them with my husband. I’ll let him know that too.”

Air Raid rubbed the back of her head, “I’m sorry too. You kinda got me started, so where are we going?”

“Here,” Talker said as she opened the door. Inside sat Thespian and another earth pony.

“Cheers, Talker.” Air Raid smiled and entered the room, “Hey Thespy.”

“Air Raid, this is Coco Pommel,” Thespian said as she pointed out the other mare. “Coco, Air Raid, your client for the day.”

Coco gestured to the front of her desk, “Please have a seat. Do you have some designs you’re looking for?”

Air Raid moved up to the desk and pulled an album out of her saddle bag along with the two logos. “Here are some suits I’ve used in the past and the logos. Both are black and white, so maybe white?”

“Thespian, The Times, I understand, but why didn’t Caffeinated use orange and white?” asked Coco.

Thespian giggled, “Well orange is Manehatten colours, so I think he went with the stereotype.”

“Figures.” Coco turned her attention to Air Raid. “I don’t think white, or black for that matter would really suit you and the logos.”

“No?” Most of Air Raids past suits were white. “Then I’ll put myself in your hooves.”

“Okay, well I do have a couple of ideas to run past you.” Coco put some sketches in front of Air Raid. “You have a very distinctive fur colour, so a light blue suit to match your mane with green trim. Think neon colours though. I’m thinking you don’t want Canterlot colours.”

“No,” Air Raid said as she shook her head, “I left Canterlot way behind me. Neon blue and green does sound rather sweet.”

Thespian raised her front hooves, “You win. I’ll have the black forest cake delivered by Caffy tomorrow.”

“Betting on me already?” Air Raid giggled.

“Part of the fun, dear,” Coco said as she looked over the pictures. “I see most of your suits are close fitting. Do you want that style, or a baggier raver style?”

Air Raid puffed up her chest, “As tight as you can manage. I wanna show off on the podium.”

“Okay then.” Coco winked, “Extra tight between the hind legs so you can really show off at the podium.”

Air Raid smiled, “You got it.”

Coco nodded, “I’m think to the hooves on the legs, but low on the neck.”

“Oh,” Air Raid perked up, “Can you do a Wonderbolt style hood? Because that would be cool. Oh, and with goggles, so I can race with the top down.”

Coco giggled, “Would it be okay if I left a tuft of your pretty mane sticking out? And Brass for the goggles?”

“Yeah, brass would be cool…” Air Raid paused and blushed, “You think it is pretty?”

“I do,” nodded Coco. “And while I understand the desire for the look, it would be a shame to hide it completely. Would you like a tail sleeve?”

“Forget the hood. I want my mane out, definitely, then.” Air Raid paused, “Um, I don’t think I want a tail sleeve.”

“True, Coco,” Thespian chimed in, “She may need to spread her tail to cover up any wet spots.”

Air Raid did an eye roll, “Oh, ha ha. Totally not my fault.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t,” said Thespian. “And I’m sure you’ll look great in your brand ‘spanking’ new outfit.”

Air Raid blushed as she fought to control her wings and closed her hind legs tighter, “Um, thanks Thespy.”

Thespian smiled, “Sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to make you the butt of any jokes. Just keeping a hooves on approach.”

Coco sniggered, “You’re not trying to whip up any trouble now, are you Thespian?”

Air Raid groaned, “Okay, those jokes are awful.”

Thespian shrugged, “We thought we’d just ride along until something cropped up.”

Coco shook her head, “Okay, that was bad, Thespian. Like you’re up a creek searching for a paddle.”

Air Raid snorted, “And here I thought I’d be crawling over the fitting room floor or something else fun.”

“For now, you can stand on that platform,” Coco said as she pointed to the raised circle in her office. “I’ll need your measurements.”

“Alrighty.” Air Raid stood up and walked over to the platform, and hopped up onto it.

Coco moved over with her tape and used a very hooves on approach to measuring, and started with her hindquarters. “She’s a bit tender in the flank. You may need to toughen her up before using the crop.”

Thespian giggled as Air Raid was losing control of her wings. “I’ll whip up a plan for that.”

Coco moved to do the inseam, “Orange blossom, I recognize that scent.”

Air Raid giggled, “It must be the posh soap. I had to freshen up, a bit.”

“A lot!” corrected Thespian.

Air Raid squeaks as Coco measured her inseam with a hoof pressed against her labia. “Yes, lots. But I was teased a lot too.”

“Thespian is the queen of tease,” pronounced Coco.

“Not that you’ve complained any,” stated Thespian.

“You come with one of the more sophisticated zebra,” amended Coco.

Air Raid grinned, “I can’t complain there.” She looked over her shoulder at Thespian, “And yes she is. I was perfectly fine until she showed me the fountain.”

Coco continued her measurements, “Fountain?”

Thespian reminded her, “Remember when Luna purchased those pink socks for Octavia?”

Coco giggled, “Oh, that fountain.”

“It looked like just another dull fountain,” said Air Raid, “Until I read the plaque.” She let loose a soft sigh, “It must have been heaven.”

Coco nodded, “It certainly didn’t hurt sales.”

“I bet,” nodded Air Raid as she pictured herself at the fountain, “Hmmmm.”

Coco moved her hoof up to Air Raid’s tail hole and the end of the tape disappeared in the pegasus’ labia. She smiled as Air Raid squeaked, “I’d best double check that pantie measurement. Want it to be form fitting.”

Air Raid’s wings popped with a flump, “Yeah, tight is good.”

Thespian laughed, “I’m glad I was over here.”

Coco wiggled the tape, “I’m glad I was back here.”

Air Raid fidgeted and squirmed, “St…hmmm…stupid wings.” A blush spread across her face, “That is all they are good for.”

“You want me to tell Tempest you don’t want them preened?” smirked Thespian.

“Fine,” Air Raid said as her wings stiffened, “They’re good for that too.”

Coco wiggled her hoof a bit more, “I think I have this, now to check the wings. Since you were so kind to extend them for me.”

Air Raid watched Coco wipe a hoof on her feathers and her legs almost buckled. She could feel the moisture dripping down her leg. ‘So much for using that posh soap.’

“You should take a holiday day tomorrow, Coco,” commented Thespian.

“What, to go over to your place?” inquired Coco.

Thespian smiled, “Hottest spot in town on a Thursday night.”

Air Raid squeezed her eyes shut and thought about gear shifts to get her erect wings to relax. “Yeah, it should be fun. Plus, I think, I’m gonna get roped in as an assistant server.”

“That’s a good think, and I’ll be there anyways. I finished up that order your crew made,” Coco said. “Will Princess Luna be there, or do I need to ship her gowns?”

“She’ll be there, along with Octavia,” responded Thespian.

“Oh! I’m so going to insist on a final fitting for Lady Octavia!” chortled Coco.

“What did you get her?” asked Air Raid as she squirmed.

Coco was measuring the Pegasus’ chest, “A bright pink lingerie set.”

“But she hates pink,” Another thought drifted through Air Raid’s mind, “Oh, that would be like making me wear the best young flier uniform.” She pressed her hind legs together.

“And done,” announced Coco. “You may fidget freely now.”

Thespian’s giggle made Air Raid blush even more. “Oh, thanks.” The pegasus rubbed her hind legs together, “I’ll just stand here and hope these useless things go down enough so I can get out the door.”

Coco smiled, “Do you need help?”

Air Raid blinks and turns and intense scarlet, “That…Would be nice…thank you.”

Coco moved over to her desk and pushed a button, “Magnolia, to my office please.” Thespian turned from giggles to laughter.

“What’s so funny?” asked Air Raid.

Coco pointedly ignored her, “Thespian, I got a new dress maker game. I want to play it tomorrow.”

“I don’t see a problem with that,” said Thespian. “What system?”

“Ponystation,” answered Coco.

Air Raid scrunched her nose, “That’s it? Just making dresses?”

“You’ll have to pardon her, Coco,” Thespian said with a dramatic wave of the hoof. “She has just enough fashion sense to find a pony that has real fashion sense. Which is why we’re here.”

“I have fashion sense. I just don’t like silly frilly dress things,” explained Air Raid. “And hey, those driving suits are plenty fashion…y?”

Coco started giggling, and then the door opened to show an earth pony. “Yes, Ms. Coco?” said Magnolia.

“Would you like to take care of a wing boner?” asked Coco.

Magnolia eyed Air Raid up and down, “I’d be happy to assist if the client requests.” All three mares turned their attention to Air Raid.

“Please! This is so…embarrassing!” Air Raid gulped as she squeezed her hind legs together, and squeaked, “Help.”

Coco nodded, “I’ll be in my design studio, Magnolia. Take as much time as you need. Thespian?”

“I’m going to look around the show room,” responded Thespian. “I know how focused you get.” She followed Coco out of the room.

“You are Air Raid, correct?” asked Magnolia.

“Yup, that’s me,” the pegasus responded with a nod.

Magnolia walked around Air Raid, “Since Ms. Pommel asked me to assist you, I take it you like dominant mares?”

Air Raid’s blush intensified, “Hehe, yeah, I kinda like being dominated.”

Magnolia got into her face, “Pardon, I may not have heard your answer correctly. Try again.”

Air Raid backed up a step, “Y-yes, I like d-dominate mares.”

Magnolia moved forward and past Air Raid’s face till she could bite an ear, “One more chance to answer correctly.”

Air Raid closed her eyes, and so wanted to facehoof herself, “Yes Mistress. I like dominant mares, Mistress.”

Magnolia smiled, and she could smell the rising need from the pegasus, “You ‘can’ learn, how nice.” She made another circuit around Air Raid and prodded her wings with a hoof. The desperate whimper of the mare she was touching was music to her ears.

Air Raid watched Magnolia pace around her, “Mistress, may I ask a question?” Magnolia nodded. “If I were a dominant, would Ms. Pommel have called somepony else?”

Magnolia laughed, “No, she didn’t hire any submissive clerks. Besides, you have Thespian with you, and she is a fine submissive.” She laughed again, “Of course you have to be careful when you dominate a mare that could end your career.” She moved to face Air Raid, “Never disappoint her.”

“Never, Mistress!” responded Air Raid.

Magnolia moved to a wing tip and nuzzled it. “Your feathers look dry though.” She moved to the side of the pegasus and turned her back to the mare. Magnolia lifter her tail, “Service me with your phalanges. Now.”

“Yes Mistress.” Air Raid maneuvered a bit as working with stiff wings was difficult. She brushed her primaries over the earth pony’s flank. She noted an immediate smile on her new Mistress’ face. ‘Do I tease her or do what she asked? Stupid wings are just getting stiffer.’ Air Raid elected to get to work and move to slide her leading edge under the mare. She wiggled her whole body to put the stiff wing to work.

Magnolia let Air Raid get in a few strokes before she clamped down on the wing with all her earth pony strength. The pegasus was at her mercy and the wince of pain on her face made Magnolia’s smile grow and her marehood moisten. “I want more wing under me.” She released the pressure.

“Yes Mistress.” Not wanting pain like that again, Air Raid contorted her body to slide more wing under the mare and that did let her apply pressure to the breasts and labia. Air Raid’s excitement increased as Magnolia started to soak her wing.

“Faster pet,” stated Magnolia. Air Raid fluffed her feathers and wiggled her body even faster to rub all under Magnolia. She started to moan, and the pegasus doubled down on her efforts. Air Raids efforts soon tipped her over the edge. She clamped down on the wing and rode out the orgasm. With a soft sigh, Magnolia let go and walked forward off the wing. She turned around and nibbled on the wet feathers. “It must be nice to have wings to do this.”

“They…Have some uses, yes.” Air Raid watched the earth pony lap up the wetness on her wing and then, without warning, she moved onto a full preen. “Mmmmm, you, ah, know your way around a wing.” Magnolia took a primary in her mouth and yanked, but not enough to pull it out. “Ow! Forgive me, Mistress!”

“I do taste rather good,” said Magnolia as she continued the preen. She noted the pegasus’ tail flag and could smell her arousal over her own scent on the wing. Once finished with the wing, Magnolia moved around the front and swatted Air Raid’s muzzle with her tail. “Are we eager?”

“Yes Mistress,” Air Raid responded quickly, “Very eager!”

“Hmm,” said Magnolia as she moved behind the other wing, “Aren’t my needs more important than yours?”

Air Raid blushed and squeezed her hind legs together, “Yes Mistress, they are.”

“Nice to know I’ve been given such an intelligent pet,” smirked Magnolia. She nuzzled the wing joint to the barrel and then stepped back and watched to see what Air Raid would do. She watched the pegasus fidget and turn her head ever so slightly. Once they locked eyes, Air Raid snapped her head back to face forward. Magnolia quietly moved backwards, “Nice to know you have your priorities straight.” She quickly dipped her head under Air Raid’s tail and slurped.

“I do-doooo, Mistress,” moaned Air Raid. Magnolia continued to nibble through her cleft and probed with her tongue. When she raised a hoof to play with her teats, Air Raid moaned, “That’s…Oh, that’s nice.” Suddenly all activity behind her stopped, and Air Raid whimpered, “Whaaa, Mistress?”

Magnolia slammed a hoof into Air Raid’s ass, “You’re a forgetful mare!” Air Raid’s scream of pain was music to her ears. She slammed her other hoof into the other cheek, “Are you, pet?”

Air Raid staggered forward a step, but then stood her ground. With tears in her eyes, and ready to cum from the humiliation alone, said, “Yes Mistress. I’m sorry, Mistress.” She felt a hoof softly rub her ass cheek as once again Magnolia dipped under her tail, “Thank you, Mistress.”

If Air Raid’s panting was any sign, Magnolia knew the mare wouldn’t last much longer. She briefly pulled away, “Cum for me pet!” She then drove back under and Air Raid wasted no time climaxing. Magnolia drank it all in as she sucked greedily. When Air Raid’s hind legs buckled, she used her earth pony strength as if the mare weighed nothing and held the pegasus up with her muzzle alone. Once Air Raid seemed stable, she lowered the mare’s hind hooves back to the floor and pulled out from under the tail.

Air Raid wobbled a bit once she had all four hooves on the floor. “Wow, just wow…” Air Raid was interrupted by a deep kiss from Magnolia. Once the earth pony broke the kiss, Air Raid said, “That was awesome, Mistress.”

“My pet likes the taste of herself?” asked Magnolia. Air Raid nodded her head, and Magnolia lifted a glistening hoof into her view. She watched Air Raid lean forward and extend her tongue. Magnolia smiled and intercepted the pegasus with another long kiss as she lowered her hoof. “I like a pet with no fear and lots of desire.” She moved away along the un-preened wing.

“I’m not scared of anything, Mistress,” stated Air Raid proudly.

Magnolia looked back with a raised eyebrow, “Do not test me, pet!” She stopped with her hip against the wing tip. “Service me with this wing.”

“At once, Mistress!” After her orgasm, Air Raid had better control over her wings and quickly she slid the wing between Magnolia’s hind legs. She fluffed out the feathers and began to stroke the mare forward and backward.

Magnolia truly enjoyed the value of a pegasus lover with those oh so soft feathers. Still, she had a role to play, and play it she would. As Air Raid moved forward with her wing, Magnolia clamped down with her hind legs. The sudden stop almost pulled Air Raid off her hooves. “Do me proud, pet.” Magnolia released the wing.

Air Raid smiled. She loved being used like this. As a tool to please somepony else. She moved her wing like she was flying. The feathers never lost contact. The sound of Magnolia’s moans made added to the heat between her own legs. Her wings grew stiffer as she rubbed hard over the earth pony’s labia.

Magnolia moaned and gyrated on Air Raid’s wing ‘till she reached her own climax. She moved forward and turned around. “What a sweet treat! I get to taste myself again.” She moved in and started preening the wing. “I’m such a greedy mare.”

Air Raid giggled, “You do taste nice, Mistress.”

Magnolia gave Air Raid a professional preen. Once finished she laid down on her back and spread her hind legs wide. “Scissor me, my pet.” Air Raid was quick to move into position, “First to cum has clean up.” The mares quickly started to grind against each other. “If, by chance, you have clean up duty, you will be spanked.” Magnolia giggled, “If that is, or is not, an incentive.”

“S-spanked?” Air Raid’s smile grew, “Really, Mistress?” With Magnolia’s nod her hoof strayed to her own teats as she ground herself against her Mistress. Magnolia’s hoof moved to the juncture and was rubbing Air Raid’s clitoris far more than her own. Air Raid started panting, “I love your hoof, Mistress.”

Magnolia was enjoying this as much as Air Raid, “Somepony wants a spanking?”

Air Raid nodded, “Kinda.” Her eyes closed as she neared her climax, “I’m gonna cum, Mistress!”

Magnolia moved her hoof away from Air Raid and concentrated on her own clitoris. “You think so?” she rubbed herself with vigour.

Air Raid whined, “Please, Mistress, please. I wanna cum!”

Magnolia laughed as she rubbed herself, “I never said you couldn’t. You know the penalty.”

Air Raid lowered her hoof from her breasts to her own clitoris, and bumped hooves with Magnolia. She strummed away furiously and tipped herself over the edge. “Ahhh!” she screamed as she climaxed. Magnolia was mere moments behind her. “By Luna’s mane, that was good!”

Magnolia pulled her hoof away and leaned back. She smiled, “Clean up on aisle Magnolia.” She giggled, “But I may not be messy enough yet.”

“Yes Mistress!” Air Raid moved back to separate themselves and swung around to dive muzzle first between Magnolia’s hind legs. She lapped away with her tongue and gently nibbled Magnolia with her lips.

“Mmm, yes,” said Magnolia as she watched, “Do put some effort into it.” Her pet sucked hard then bit down on her exposed clitoris. Magnolia bucked and put a hoof on Air Raid’s head to hold her against her groin. Air Raid bit harder and Magnolia moaned and bucked harder, but her hoof held Air Raid firmly in place. Her pet’s tongue, lips, and teeth worked her over, “Oh yessss, pet! Work me! Work me hard!”

Air Raid did just that. She added a hoof to the area below the licking zone, and her other forehoof to a breast where she flicked at the nipples. Magnolia’s panting grew louder as the pressure on her head increases. She swore her Mistress was going to shove her whole muzzle deep inside the sopping tunnel. Magnolia shouted and sprayed her face. She continued to lap as she looked over the other mare’s belly to see her looking back at her.

“Celestia, that was well done, pet.” Magnolia took the pressure off Air Raid’s head and lightly stroked her mane. “Now it is clean up time, pet.”

Air Raid licked her muzzle, the lime green mare relishing being little more than a toy to give her Mistress her pleasure. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Mistress.” She gently lapped at the fluids along Magnolia’s glistening inner thighs.

Magnolia laid back and relaxed. “Very much so, my pet. I’ll be sure to give you a good spanking.”

Air Raid pulled back briefly, “Thank you, Mistress.” She resumed her clean up duties. When she finished she licked her own muzzle clean, “Done, Mistress.”

Magnolia touched herself with a hoof and then inspected it, “Well done, pet.” She stood up, “Now follow me to the model’s dressing room, so that Ms. Pommel can have her office back.” She led the way out of the office and noticed Air Raid stared at her ass. She let her tail become a bit livelier as she walked.

Once in the dressing room, she said, “Stand there in the middle.” Magnolia went over to a drawer and noted that Air Raid’s eyes never left her flank in the many mirrors in the room. She pulled out a collar and blindfold before she returned to Air Raid.

Air Raid’s eyes moved from the mirrors to the mare in front of her, “I was enjoying the mirrors, Mistress.”

Magnolia smirked, “I think you were enjoying more than that.” Air Raid’s blush was proof enough. She put the collar around the mare first, and watched the blush intensify. “What is your safe word?”

“Bronze, Mistress,” responded Air Raid promptly. The collar felt very nice around her neck and she knew the blindfold would soon follow. She was completely at her Mistress’s mercy.

Magnolia nodded and put the blindfold on the mare. Now she didn’t have to worry about Air Raid knowing what was going to happen next. The dressing room had all the supplies she needed. Models ran both ends, but most tended to be submissive. A side benefit of working for Ms. Pommel. She added a tail sleeve to Air Raid’s lovely blue tail and then attached the sleeve to the collar. She softly stroked the exposed ass. “So tender. I’ll need to toughen that up.” Air Raid shivered under her touch.

Air Raid shivered in anticipation as her head was held high by her own tail. The blindfold added to the excitement as she had no idea what Magnolia was going to do to her next. Her ears tracked the mare as he slowly walked around her. A loud yelp escaped her when the riding crop struck her cutie mark. Magnolia smiled at the mare’s reaction. She rubbed a hoof over the mark she struck, “Should I make this really burn?”

“Please, Mistress,” pleaded Air Raid. The crop struck again, with the earth pony strength showing. It fell again and again, and Air Raid whimpered as the pain flared across her ass. “Ow!” left her lips before she could stop it, and the strikes stopped.

“How many was that pet?” Magnolia asked.

Air Raid’s jaw fell open, as she had foolishly forgotten to count. She swallowed and said, “I do not know, Mistress.”

“Is my pet unable to count?” Magnolia asked as she ran the crop around and under Air Raid’s ass.

Air Raid fidgeted, “I can count, Mistress.”

“It is good to know you can, pet.” Magnolia walked away, “Maybe the crop was to light an instrument for you to notice.”

‘That crop wasn’t light at all,’ thought Air Raid. She stayed silent though as a good pet shouldn’t argue with her Mistress. Her ears still tracked Magnolia as she walked and when she was behind her. Air Raid’s whole body tensed up for the next hit. Instead a soft hoof stroked her bottom and she relaxed as Magnolia moved to her side. “Gah!” screamed Air Raid when the cane hit across her anus. “One!”

Magnolia read her pet’s body language like a book. The cane struck without warning, and the pegasus’ scream was music to her ears. The cane fell again and again moving a little lower than the strike before it. Air Raid kept count, though she had a hard time pronouncing the numbers. On the eighth stroke Air Raid’s ass was on fire. “B…” She shook her head, ‘Not yet! I can take this.’ Instead she called out, “Eight!” Number nine was on the crease where her ass met her thighs, and number ten was on her thighs. “Bronze!” Air Raid sobbed. “T-ten, Mistress.”

Magnolia set the cane down and surveyed the damage. She lightly ran a hoof along the welts, and then kissed one just above her cleft. She then walked to the front of the pegasus and removed the blindfold. There was a smile on her face as she licked away the tears, “Satisfied, my pet?”

Air Raid sniffled, “Yes, Mistress, very satisfied.”

“You did well, pet.” Magnolia took off the collar and picked up the cane. She returned the items and moved to a futon. “Come here Air Raid and we can snuggle until Ms. Thespian comes to collect you.” She watched the pegasus take a step and stagger. Before she could topple over, Magnolia was quickly at her side. “Let me help you,” she said and slipped her head under the pony to pick her up off the ground. She carefully carried Air Raid to the futon and set her down. She then gently, with great care, lowered the pony to her side.

“Thank you for the help.” Air Raid leaned against Magnolia. “I don’t think I’ve ever been spanked as well as you just did.” She sniffled again and wiped her nose with a hoof. “A snuggle would be nice right now.”

Magnolia stroked one of the folded wings, “It seems you have regained control over these again.”

Air Raid giggled as she fluffed a wing. “It seems I do.” Air Raid giggled as she tried to take her mind off the fire on her backside. Thespy just pushed my buttons, not that I minded.”

Magnolia nodded, “Ms. Thespian can be a tease, then she does play the whole field.”

Air Raid nodded as she snuggled, “I was fine until she described the fountain with Princess Luna and Princess Octavia.” Her body shivered, “Oh, the sweet, sexy humiliation.”

Magnolia laughed, “I didn’t find out about it till Ms. Pommel showed us the video. It was good advertising for the store.”

Air Raid giggled, “I bet. I wish it had been me.” She nuzzled the earth pony and enjoyed the relaxation of a simple snuggle.

“Magnolia, please bring our guest to my office.” Coco’s voice came over the intercom twenty minutes later.

“Snuggle time is over,” announced Magnolia. She stood and lent Air Raid a hoof.

Air Raid tried to stand but her hind legs were not cooperative. “I think I’ve stiffened up.”

“While I’m sure Ms. Thespian would be happy to carry you out of the store, I think you should try to exit on your own power.” She nosed under Air Raid’s side and got her to her hooves. “You held up rather well, for a pegasus.”

Air Raid snorted. She leaned against Magnolia and took a step, “I’m not really a pegasus. These are,” she placed a wing over Magnolia. “Are just for show.”

“You’ll always be the victim of first impressions then, but,” Magnolia gave Air Raid a kiss and leaned in to support her weight, “It’s the lasting impressions that matter.”

“Well then, Mistress, think of me as an earth pony with cosmetic wings.” Air Raid draped a wing over Magnolia. “Did I leave a lasting impression? I think you left one on my flank.”

“You have, my pet.” They walked back to Coco’s office together. “Now it is time for you to go on your own. I do have another job to do.” Magnolia opened the door and closed it once Air Raid was inside.

Thespian smiled and spoke up, “I see Magnolia got your wings back under control.” She motioned a hoof for Air Raid to turn around. The blush on the pegasus’ face was a good indication of just how well Magnolia did, as was the evidence of the ten cane strikes on her hindquarters. “Yes, I do see you’ve risen to the occasion.”

Coco giggled, “Thespy, you’re terrible, but I did make a good choice in hiring that one. Now, Air Raid, please look at these designs for your uniform. Pick out the one that you can see yourself wearing in the winner’s circle.”

“Okies, let’s have a gander.” Air Raid looked over the four designs that Coco had made and put a hoof to one. “This one, with the green flames on the hooves. I’d be proud to wear that in the winner’s circle.”

Coco noted the design, “I’ll need you here Friday, after one p.m., but before six p.m. for final fitting. You can have it that night, or the next morning if there are a lot of adjustments.” She looked at Air Raid, “Will you want two or three uniforms?”

“I’ll be here Friday, that’s no problem. I’d like three please,” responded Air Raid.

Coco nodded, “Very good then, off with the two of you. I have work to do.”

Thespian laughed and rubbed checks with Coco, “Always the business mare. You need a pretend job like the one I have.”

“No thank you,” snorted Coco. “I do love the attention, but in much smaller doses than the theatre crowd.”

Air Raid joined the giggle fest, “You can’t beat the adrenalin from a packed stadium, Ms. Pommel.”

Coco raised an eyebrow, “I race deadlines, and that is enough adrenalin for me, thank you.”

Thespian led the way out of the office and into the showroom, “Care to hobble around before we leave?”

Air Raid looked around, “Sure, there is some sweet stuff in here.” She noted there was plenty of space to look around in the shop since it wasn’t set up like a typical department store. “Please don’t tell Darkie, or anypony, but I do kinda like frilly dresses. I just don’t wear them very often.”

Thespian followed alongside Air Raid, “I love to dress for the occasion. The theatre lets me wear a variety of clothing styles.”

“It would be nice to wear something other than a Nomex racing suit,” Air Raid said as they walked. Her hind legs were starting to respond as the stiffness faded.

“During the day, I love the wind and sun in my fur,” said Thespian, “But at night I love to tease.”

Air Raid snorted, “You love to tease all right.” She stopped and looked at one outfit, “Oh, a maid’s outfit. I bet I’d look good in that if I’m going to help you serve tomorrow.”

“I’ll have to wear mine then.” Thespian nudged Air Raid, “And tease you all the more. That does look like Wildfire’s only a different colour.”

“Wily has one? Then I gotta have one too.” Air Raid looked around and one of the mares in the store was quick to approach them.

“Hello, Talker. My friend is interested in a maid’s outfit. She wants to be my competition tomorrow.”

Talker looked Air Raid over, “I don’t think standard black is really a colour for her. Yours is bright red with burgundy trim, Ms. Thespian?”

Air Raid watched Thespian nod, “I’m not sure if I’d be that much competition.”

Talker laughed, “Not if you’re wearing chains. Burgundy would look good on you, with bright red trim.”

Air Raid’s eyes widened, “Oh, I’d like that very much. I’d be like your mirror twin.”

“Would you like standard, or G-string panties,” inquired Talker.

Thespian leaned close to Air Raid and whispered loudly, “There is one thing looking at a bare assed mare when she lifts her tail, and there is another when a thing piece of cloth covers the valley like a fog.”

Air Raid’s blush threatened to combust. “G-G-G-string please.”

Talker and Thespian shared a look and giggle. Talker said, “This is fully adjustable, just let me check the colour is in stock.”

As Talker walked away, Thespian added, “Burgundy socks too, please.”

Talker glanced back over her shoulder, “Of course, Ms. Thespian.”

Thespian smiled and turned her attention back to Air Raid, “It seems the more fur I cover, the more fur others want to see.”

Air Raid shrugged her shoulders, “Weird, isn’t it? We normally wander around with nothing on at all.”

“Not really,” Thespian shook her head. “Clothing sparks the imagination. What is she hiding? Plus it draws the eye to what you want them to see.” Air Raid nodded. “It does help when you have a cute tush, like yours.”

Air Raid giggled, “Not bad is it? Yours is pretty sweet too.”

Thespian smiled, “I’m quite happy with it.”

Talker returned with the clothing draped over her back, “Would you like to try it on?”

Before Air Raid could respond, Thespian said, “She’d like to wear it home.”

Air Raid’s wings floomphed. “Yes-yes, I would.”

Talker laughed, “I’m glad I was out of range of those weapons. I’d offer you a dressing room, but I’m not sure if you’ll fit.”

Thespian joined her in laughter. “That is why I’m staying behind her. She doesn’t really need a dressing room, do you Raid?” Once again Air Raid’s cheeks caught fire, and she could only nod. “If you don’t mind, Talker, I’d like to assist her with the fitting.”

“I bow to your wisdom, Ms. Thespian,” said Talker.

Thespian looked at the sales clerk, “Was that an age joke?”

Talker giggled, “Maybe…”

Thespian snorted and turned her attention to Air Raid and started to dress her. “I’ll need a burgundy tail sleeve and bright red ribbon bow, please. May as well be adventurous.”

“At once, Ms. Thespian.” Talker trotted off to fetch the needed items.

Air Raid worked to get her wings back under control, “You’re evil, you know that?”

“Only in the best way, my dear,” responded Thespian as she worked. Talker returned with the sleeve and ribbon. “Please be a dear and do me the honour of attaching that.” Talker quickly put the sleeve and bow on as Thespian finished up the rest of the outfit. “You are a pretty picture.”

“She is your mirror image, Ms. Thespian,” commented Talker.

Air Raid looked at herself in a mirror, “I do look awesome! I’ll bet the mares will love this!”

“Won’t only be the mares getting an eyeful,” said Thespian, “But you’re with me, so you don’t have to accept any advances.”

“Let the stallions look too,” said Air Raid, “It would be a crime to hide this away.”

“That’s the attitude, my dear.” Thespian pointed a hoof, “To the check out!”

Talker giggled as the two followed her. Once she rang up the purchase she said, “That will be 5500 bits with the discount.” Air Raid hoofed over her credit card and Talker processed it. “Thank you for patronizing Rarity’s Recreations.”

Air Raid and Thespian walked out of the shop together, “Now to tease a zebra,” said the earth pony. The pegasus alongside her simply giggled.

Chapter 4 - Herd Contacts

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Darkstar and Caffeinated walked across the platform. The pure white unicorn spoke up, eager to speak her mind. “Sorry about that. She can be such a foal.”

“I don’t know,” responded Caffeinated, the large orange zebra apparently deep in thought. “I think she loves you like an older sister.” Darkstar shrugged noncommittally at that. “Aren't you glad that somepony stayed with you when you needed them most?”

“I guess you’re right,” Darkstar nodded. “Of course, we are. We know the alternative was a life in a mental hospital.”

“Now you’ve come from there to here, and Raid is still by your side,” noted Caffeinated. “Maybe together we can make her a little less clingy.”

Darkstar giggled, “Yeah that would be nice.” As they walked through the station, she continued, “I’m not ungrateful for all she’s done, but it would be nice to breathe every now and then. Oh, that is where Thespy bought our passes!”

Caffeinated looked over at the booth that Darkstar was pointing at, “There is one sales booth that is always open in each borough.” Once they were on the sidewalk he added, “Here is your chance. She isn’t here now. When you leave my shop, you’ll be on your own again. It would be nice to check in if you go off to do something though.”

Darkstar wiggled her eyebrows, “You don’t want me waiting on tables?”

“Darkie, you can do as you wish. If you want to hang in my shop and do nothing, that is fine,” Caffeinated said. “I just don’t want you to get bored.”

“We won’t,” responded Darkstar. Planning her own day for herself was something still very new to her. "I guess we could go for a walk and see what’s about before going to Doctor Requiem.” She stomped a hoof, “I think we’re going to be a brave pony and head out on my own and see Manehatten!”

Caffeinated held the door to the Time’s Building for her when they reached his coffee shop. “That’s that spirit. Come on in for a muffin and coffee, on me.” Once inside he greeted the zebra stallion behind the counter, “Hi, Leaf. This is my friend Darkstar.”

“Greetings Mr. Caffeinated. I see you came in just in time to miss the rush,” responded Leaf with a laugh. “Good morning to you, Ms. Darkstar.”

Darkstar waved at the bright purple and black stallion, “Good morning to you. Can I have a creamy coffee and two chocolate muffins please?” Darkstar turned to Caffeinated and giggled, “If you’re going to have a chocolate muffin, have two.”

“Sure thing, Ms.” Leaf got to work on the order.

“It’s good to be the boss,” laughed Caffeinated shamelessly. “Lavender been through yet?”

“No,” said Leaf as he set the two coffees and muffins on a tray. “Omega did come down to get his coffee and muffin.”

“Thank you, Leaf.” Caffeinated took the tray over to a table and sat with Darkstar. “While you’re exploring, I’d stay to Manehatten for the most part. Requiem is in the Brooks, and that along with Stallion Island are fairly diverse and friendly. For now, I’d avoid the Broncs. Most of my kin don’t trust unicorns and can be rude. You’ll be fine in Celestia, as you are a unicorn, and there are some pretty things to see there.”

Darkstar took a bite of her muffin and a sip of coffee, “Got it, but I’m looking for a zebra.”

Caffeinated nodded, “And when you find one, he can help you get integrated into zebra society.”

Leaf spoke up, “I’m a zebra!”

Darkstar responded, “A very handsome one too.”

Caffeinated looked over at his barista, “Did Spring Grass okay you to start a harem?”

Darkstar giggled, and it was hard to see if the stallion was blushing, but she added, “You could tell Spring Grass that I’m willing to share.”

“I’ll just be quiet now,” Leaf then made himself busy cleaning the counter.

“Here's Requiem’s address for her house and office in the Brooks.” Caffeinated hoofed her a paper. “From Times Square take the subway to Grand Central, then you can transfer to the line to the Brooks.”

“I do have some time before my appointment,” said Darkstar, mulling that over in her head.

“We’re on the south side of Times Square. North of that is City Hall, and beyond there is Central Park. South is the high-end shopping area, like where Rarity’s Recreations is located.” Caffeinated pointed at the exit, “The rack by the door has lots of tourist brochures.”

Darkstar giggled, “I was too busy flirting yesterday to notice them.” She levitated a brochure over from the rack. “Good times in Times Square. Sounds fun.” She looked at the clock. “I have just over two hours before my appointment.”

“Be sure to plan on at least thirty minutes on the subway,” said Caffeinated. “For now I need to pretend to be at work.” He nuzzled Darkstar, “Have fun, and enjoy your freedom.”

“I’ll be sure to put that in my schedule of fun,” giggled Darkstar. As Caffeinated retreated behind the counter she read through the brochure. ‘Marecies sounds like some shopping I can afford for now.’ ‘You got the card from Raid; you can shop all you want.’ ‘I’m trying to be responsible.’ Her darker side just snorted. She finished off her muffins and coffee. “I’ll keep in touch!” Caffeinated waved as he served another costumer.

“What to do first?” Darkstar said aloud as she stood on the sidewalk in front of the Time’s Building. ‘MiAC so we can get something pretty to attract a stallion.’ ‘Marecies is closer so let’s go there first.’ 'Okay… Maybe they will have something pretty.’ Darkstar trotted off with a smile and started singing, “Oh, Manehatten, what you do to me, such a huge bustling community…” She didn’t notice that others on the sidewalk were staying clear of the singing mare.

Walking along she saw some mimes who were pretty good at their craft. She left them a few bits. Next was a street performance of Romero and Juju. ‘You could do that Darkstar.’ ‘I don’t know Darkie; we want to dance.’ ‘Then dance.’ “No, shopping first!' She left the square to head for Marecies.

The smell of tofu dogs drifted her way from a street vender. ‘Food!’ Darkstar smiled in rare agreement with herself, “Food!” She trotted over to the two venders. “Can I get a tofu dog and hay fries, please?”

The stallion working the dogs spoke up, “Got regular, half smoke, and jalapeno, plus sauerkraut, relish, mustard, ketchup, and nacho cheese. You can have up to three toppings.”

‘Live it up!’ “Fine,” she said under her breath. “I’d like the half smoke with nacho cheese and mustard, please.”

While that stallion prepared the dog, the fry vender stallion spoke up, “You want a topping on the fries?”

“Yes please, I’ll have the nacho cheese on those too.” She watched them prepare her mid-morning snack.

The fry vender hoofed over the fries, “Forty bits.”

The dog vender hoofed over the tofu dog, “Fifty bits.”

Darkstar levitated the money out of her shoulder pouch and paid each stallion. She took the food in her magic and moved to a low table nearby. ‘Thanks for getting the mustard, Darkie.’ “I got the mustard for me, not you.” As she ate, she looked at all the other ponies moving about. She did notice there was a lot of police ponies in the area. ‘Maybe they are here to arrest you.’ ‘For what, getting mustard?’ She quietly snickered to herself.

Darkstar put her trash in a bin and walked up to one of the officers, “Excuse me Sir, may I ask what is going on?”

“Hello,” greeted the stallion, “Are you visiting Manehatten?”

Darkstar looked at the nametag, “No, Officer Orangeade. I’ve come to live here. This is my second day.”

“Welcome to Manehatten,” said the officer. “Can I help you find a location or event? That is our biggest job here in the city.”

“That is very kind of you, Officer.” Darkstar nodded to the north, “We… I’m going to Marecies, and then the subway.”

“You’re at the right place,” said the officer as if nothing happened. “Entrance to Marecies is there on the north side of the square, and the subway station entrance is there on the east side. I hope you have a wonderful day.”

“You too, officer.” Darkstar quickly kissed the officer on the cheek. “You have a wonderful day too!” She trotted off towards Marecies. ‘We totally kissed him.’ ‘We did, and we weren’t arrested!’ ‘Skip Marecies and go to MiAC.’ ‘No, I want a dress. MiAC after.’ ‘Fine.’

She entered Marecies and was immediately greeted by a mare, “Hello, I’m Thimble. Can I help you find anything today?”

“Yes… I’m looking for some dresses. Nothing fancy, just breezy and light,” responded Darkstar. ‘Yeah, nothing sexy.’ ‘Shut up.’ ‘I want sexy, not boring.’ ‘Not now’ “Sexy is later.”

“Pardon,” said Thimble. The white unicorn gave her the deer in the headlights look, and she quickly pushed on, “I think you’ll find our spring collection will meet your needs. Right this way.” Darkstar almost bolted from the store. She couldn’t have believed she said that out loud, but the store clerk acted like nothing happened. With a sigh of relief, she followed Thimble deeper into the store. “Here is our collection,” Thimble gestered with a hoof. “The racks nearest the aisle run around 1,000 Bits, and those closest to the wall, 10,000 Bits. Would you like some further assistance, or should I leave you to shop?”

Darkstar shook her head. “No… no, thank you, Thimble. I’m fine, really.”

“I’ll leave you to it then,” said the clerk. “All employees wear a Marecies saddle and will be happy to help you.” Thimble trotted off back to the front of the store.

She started looking at the dresses nearest the aisle. ‘These are hideous!’ ‘No, but they are really plain.’ ‘Get the good stuff at the wall.’ “No!” Darkstar looked around but it did look like any pony heard her. ‘Too expensive.’ ‘It’s Raid’s bits.’ ‘Do you want to go to MiAC?’ The other voice quieted and Darkstar moved in a bit further to see what there was to find.

When Darkstar reached the 2,000 bit section she found a yellow dress with butterflies around the bottom, “Now this is nice.” ‘Boring.’ “Hush,” Darkstar quickly looked around but no pony seemed to notice. ‘I’m shopping now.’ A cream dress with purple flowers along the hem caught her eye next. “Prefect.” She took both in her magic and headed for the dressing room.

She tried on the yellow one first, and Darkie made her feelings known. ‘Ugg, this is hideous!’ “Shut up.” “Really, I’m going to throw up.” “Leave me alone!” “Just because you don’t dream about me anymore, do you think I’m going to leave?”

From outside the dressing room a mare spoke up, “Madam, can I help you with anything?”

“Please go away.” Darkstar froze, ‘Ha, ha, now they think you’re crazy.’

“I just want to be sure you’re satisfied with our service, ma’am,” said the mare.

“No, I’m fine, really, I’m fine.” She quickly removed the yellow dress and opened the door. A mare stood there, and she looked at the name tag. “Everything is fine, Grass Seed. I’ll just take these two.” ‘She’s not buying it, you crazy mare.’ ‘Please just be quiet,’ Darkstar begged, much to Darkie's glee.

“Shopping can be very stressful,” said Grass Seed. “Those are lovely dresses.”

“Yes, we’re fine… Thank you,” stammered Darkstar. She rushed to the front of the store with both dresses in tow. ‘She didn’t buy it.’ ‘She said the dresses are nice.’ ‘Can we go to MiAC now?’ ‘After I pay for these.’

“Greetings,” said the check out clerk. “Did you find everything you need?”

‘No’ “Yes, thank you.” ‘Crazy mare.’ Darkstar squeezed her eyes shut, “How much?”

The clerk rang up the sale, “Your total is 4,200 bits, ma’am.”

‘Raid’s money.’ Darkstar pulled out the card that Air Raid had given her. The clerk took it and completed the sale. She gave her back the card with the receipt and the bag with the dresses, “Thank you.” Darkstar quickly exited the store. ‘I want that much at MiAC.’ “Fine.” When her inner demon didn’t respond she breathed a sigh of relief and crossed the square to the subway entrance.

The subway was far less crowded than the earlier morning rush. Darkstar ignored all the ponies around her and concentrated on breathing. She exited the sixtieth street station and could see the pink store, but the odor of fresh coffee was overwhelming. ‘Shopping!’ ‘Coffee first.’ ‘You promised.’ ‘With pastry.’ ‘Well played, coffee it is.’ She walked into the shop.

“Good morning!” said the stallion when she entered. “What can I get you today?”

“H-hi, a creamy coffee please, and…” She looked at the pastries. “We want the chocolate one with the cream.” “Yes, the chocolate one.” The unicorn cringed as she realized she said that out loud twice.

“Sure thing, I’ll bring it to your table,” responded the stallion.

Darkstar blinked and looked at the stallion across the counter. She read his nametag, “Thank you, cutie, um, Plowshare.” She waked to a table and sat down on the pad. ‘He didn’t say anything.’ ‘Say nothing so the crazy pony goes away.’ Darkstar sighed.

“Here you go.” The stallion set down a tray on the table, “Coffee and chocolate, the perfect combination.”

Darkstar smiled, “Thank you.” She took a sip of the coffee, ‘This is as good as Caffy’s coffee.’ She took a bite of the chocolate treat, ‘Score!’ The mare giggled and no longer cared who heard.

She finished up the chocolate pastry and coffee. ‘Let’s pull a prank.’ ‘No.’ ‘Come on, we’re done, they can only kick us out.’ ‘Please, I don’t…’ In spite of her plea though, her horn lit, and the seating pad disappeared under one of the two stallions talking to each other at a nearby table.

After a minute however, nothing happened as the two stallions were too busy talking to notice. She released her magic. ‘Let’s do the table!’ ‘Shopping.’ ‘Fine, but I want something sexy!’ Darkstar nodded and left the coffee shop before Darkie could get her in trouble.

Darkstar entered the MiAC store. To her left was a mare behind the counter. Down one aisle she saw a couple of stallions looking interested at all the bondage gear. She moved to the next aisle and saw a mare looking at videos. The next aisle showed her a green zebra stallion in a pink vest who just smiled back at her. ‘Just like old times.’ Darkie was practically rubbing her hooves together with glee. ‘Do we have to?’ ‘We do.’ Darkstar walked up to the stallion, “Hello cutie. You busy?”

“That would depend on what you have in mind,” said the stallion.

‘Darkie, don’t!’ ‘Your turn to shut up.’ Darkstar smiled, “Well, I want to buy something fun to wear. Something skimpy, so I can enjoy you looking at me in it.”

“I’ll be happy to help you with that,” the stallion said with a smile. “My name is Longview, but you can call me Long for short.” He winked.

Darkstar giggled and winked back, “Long by name, long by nature, huh? Very well, Long, we got these wholly dull dresses and I want something to turn them sexy.” ‘They aren’t dull.’ ‘Quite you, this is my turn!’

“May I see the dresses please?” Longview asked.

“Okay,” said Darkstar, “But I did warn you how boring they are.” ‘They are not’ “Hush.”

“Pardon,” said Longview as he looked at the two dresses.

Darkstar swallowed, “Nothing, just thinking out loud.”

Longview smiled, “Both look like a nice choice of fabric. Put on the yellow one first. I need to see how translucent it is against your fur.”

‘He likes our dresses.’ ‘They are still in the bag, wait till I put that sackcloth on.’ “Okay.” Darkstar used her magic to put on the yellow dress.

“Dance for me,” said Longview.

To Darkstar it sounded more like an order than a request, but dancing was what she loved to do. “Now you’re speaking my language!” ‘Stop!’ ‘Quite you, this is what we are meant to do.’ She reared up on her hind legs and gave a good bump and grind dance for the stallion.

“Excellent choice of dresses,” said the stallion. “The fabric is light and floats around you as you dance. The yellow over white fur, along with your black cutie mark, calls for some black lingerie underneath. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“You really liked the dress?” asked Darkstar. ‘Ha! I told you!’ ‘Shut up, you just got lucky. It’s still my turn.’ “Yeah, black lingerie would be amazing!”

“You did choose a good fabric,” Longview said. “Now the other one please, is it the same fabric?”

“Yeah, it’s the same, but just a dull cream with purple flowers,” Darkstar said with a frown.

“Put it on,” said Longview insistently, “I need to see it against your fur and how translucent it is.”

“Fine. You’ll want another dance too?” asked Darkstar ‘He likes my dresses.’ ‘Shut it boring, they both suck.’

“Please, the yellow hid your cutie mark but this one seems thinner,” Longview said.

“You got it handsome, anything for a cute pony that askes nicely.” Darkstar reared up again and pretended she had a pole and danced to music only she could hear. Her horn lit up to cast the desire spell. ‘No, stop, I could just die.’ ‘I can help you with that, if you want, see me later.’

Now, when your boss happened to be the alicorn of love, you learned to tolerate magic. When the white unicorn turned into his zebra wife, Longview knew what she was doing. He was able to negate the illusion by looking over at the counter where his wife stood. “Yes, I can see a hint of your cutie mark through the fabric. I would recommend some bright red lingerie with this one, or you could go with purple to match the flowers.”

Darkstar released the spell when she realised it had not been successful and she stopped dancing, “You saw me?” ‘Lost your touch Darkie?’ ‘Shut… Please.’

“I’ve been around the block,” Longview said with a smile. “When you turned into my wife, I knew it was an illusion as she is standing over there. Hard to see your cutie mark when you’re all stripes. Still, you will tease any pony that looks your way without any magic.”

Darkstar sighed with relief, “So it worked. Um, Red please. I have socks to go with that. Oh, you have black socks?” ‘No socks’ ‘Socks. Even Caffy says they are sexy.’

“We do, my good mare,” stated Longview. “We have a full line of items tested by the Princess herself. There are discounts when you buy sets.”

“Excellent! Does the set include corsets?” asked Darkstar. ‘Darkie no!’ ‘Oh hush. Remember fun? This is it.’ ‘Fun got us hurt, remember?’

“I’m rather fond of the breast teddies,” Longview said, snapping Darkstar out of her thoughts. “Please come this way. Is there a price range you’re considering?”

“I’d like to keep it around 4,000 bits, please,” answered Darkstar. ‘That’s Raid’s money!’ ‘She can afford it, and you spent that much on the dresses!’ ‘Oh, yeah, okay.’

“I can come close,” said Longview as he stopped at a display. “This set includes socks, garters, corset, breast teddy, panties, tail sleeve, choker, and headpiece. It is 2,500 bits, but when you buy two there is another 500 bit discount so both would be 4,500 bits.”

“I don’t need the red socks,” commented Darkstar.

“Trust me, take them and give them away or keep them as spares,” responded Longview. “If you buy each item as individuals it is 4,000 bits for the lot, and the socks are only 200 bits.”

‘That’s more than I spent on the dresses!’ ‘Deal with it, this is sexy, and the dresses are not.’ ‘He likes them.’ ‘Whatever.’ “We’ll take a set of red and black,” smiled Darkie as she leaned forward and gave the stallion a kiss.

Longview savored the kiss. A benefit in his line of work, “You have unlocked the super-secret bonus savings. That will take another 500 bits off your purchase.”

Darkstar giggled, her other voice was silenced by shock, “What will a second kiss get me?”

“Full refund with receipt,” answered Longview.

Darkstar gave him another kiss, “I think I was getting that anyways, but you’re fun.”

“Would you like to wear a set out the store?” Longview asked.

“Yes please! I’ll wear the black set.” ‘And the yellow dress.’ Darkie sighed and gave in, “With the yellow dress.”

“Would you like some help with that?” queried Longview.

“Since you asked so nicely, how can I refuse a little help.” Darkstar stripped off the cream dress and stuffed it back in her bag. “Where to start?” She didn’t notice her other voice had gone silent.

“It would be my pleasure, dear mare,” said Longview as he took the items out of their packaging. “I’ll start with tight lacing the corset, and then follow up with garters and socks.” The stallion when to work, and it apparent he had done this before. “This is a more formal look against your fur and matching your cutie mark.”

‘Darkie, he’s touching us.’ ‘He has to silly. How else is he going to put this on us?’ ‘But you’re going to wear this in public.’ ‘That’s the point Darkstar. I’m wearing your stupid dress too.’ ‘It’s not stupid.’ Darkstar growled.

“You seem a little nervous,” stated Longview. “I could get my wife over here to help you put his on.”

‘We are wearing this all over the city!’ “No, were good Long, you carry on making us look gorgeous. ‘But…’ ‘Buck off!’

“I’m glad you gave me an easy job. Making you look gorgeous is to watch you standing there.” Longview gathered up a couple more items, “Now for the bra and panties.”

Darkstar giggled, “I like giving ponies easy jobs.”

“The teddy accentuates your breasts nicely and the panties highlight your cutie mark,” the stallion said. “The choker and lace around your ears and mane will finish this nicely. You may want to consider leaving the tail sleeve in the bag if you’re in public. Would you like slippers with this?”

Darkstar thought about the tail sleeve. ‘Listen to him!’ ‘I have panties on.’ ‘Please.’ “Fine, I can wear that in a more private setting, but yes to the slippers.” ‘Darkie!’

“I would recommend a silver set, as they will go with both outfits,” said Longview. “It will only add 500 bits to your total.”

“Yes, that sounds wonderful,” said Darkstar. She watched Longview move off to get the shoe wear. ‘He has a cute ass.’ ‘Darkie, what the Tartarus?’ ‘Buck off, we’re shopping.’ ‘That’s not what the money is for.’ ‘Raid’s not spending it.’ ‘But Darkie…’ Darkstar stamped a hoof, “We’ll be looked at. That’s the idea, idiot! I want to be looked at!”

“As well you should,” said Longview. “Here are the shoes. Now, let’s get you into that yellow dress.”

Darkstar coughed, “Sorry about that. Oh, they are beautiful, and yeah, the dress.”

“I’m glad you like them, and nothing to worry about. Many come into this shop full of self-doubts.” The stallion helped her into the yellow dress.

‘He thinks you’re craaaaazy,’ giggled her inner voice. ‘You’re the crazy one.’ ‘Am I? Looked in the mirror lately?’

Longview interrupted her thoughts, “You have a dancer’s grace. Dance for me so I can see the whole outfit.”

‘Can I at least dance for him?’ ‘Um, okay, we’re dressed now.’ “I’d love to Long.” Darkstar didn’t bother with her spell. She danced for the stallion in front of her, and she put her all into the dance.

Longview watched the mare dance and she was a lovely sight. “That dress will have them looking at you with desire. It’s light and airy. The stockings draw the eye to where you want it. The corset is just visible through the dress. The panties tease, and, I must admit, a fan of seeing the breasts covered.”

Darkstar stopped dancing, “Thank you, I feel beautiful, even in this dress.”

Longview nodded, “Let me take you to the front, so my wife, Toy Maker, can close out the sale.”

As Darkstar followed the stallion she noticed that others in the store had stopped shopping. They were watching her, some smiled, and others clapped their hooves. ‘Ponies are staring at us.’ ‘I… I know.’ She moved a bit faster and passed up Longview. When she reached the counter, she asked the zebra mare, “How much?”

Longview helped his wife out, “With discounts it’s 4,500 bits.”

Darkstar hoofed the pony her card, but she could hear others in the store talking about her. They were both complimenting her performance and her attire. ‘Darkie, they’re getting closer.’ ‘I know, just stay calm, we’ll be out of her soon.’

“Sign here please.” Toy Maker set the receipt on the counter and held a pen in her hoof. “That lingerie does accent the dress nicely.”

Darkstar took the pen in her magic and signed, “Th-thank you.”

A unicorn stallion came forward, “That is a beautiful outfit, are you free this evening?”

Longview moved to intercede, “Firewire, please don’t crowd the clients.”

Darkstar stuffed the receipt in her bag. ‘We-we’re pretty.’ ‘Yeah, and attacked, raped, crippled, and left for dead!’ All the unicorn’s confidence drained away and all her old doubts came flooding back, “Why are you looking at me?”

“You’re a beautiful mare,” the unicorn stallion responded.

“Um, thanks?” Darkstar backed away towards the door. ‘What are you doing? I had that!’ ‘They’re looking at me. They want me.’

“Thank you for shopping at MiAC,” called out Toy Maker.

Longview added, “Stay safe out there, it’s a big city.”

‘They’re going to hurt me!’ Darkstar bolted for the door. Once on the street she didn’t stop running. ‘Darkstar, stop.’ The mare was beyond reason. ‘Stop, you fool!’ Darkstar didn’t slow down. She ran through the entrance of the subway station only to be halted by the turnstile. She tried to catch her breath as she used the card to get through.

At the bottom of the stairs she backed up to a wall. ‘What is wrong with you?’ ‘Me? You kissed him. He’s married!’ ‘So what? We kissed Caffy too, and Thespy.’ ‘I’m scared.’ ‘You’re a fool Darkstar.’ Please, we need to see Requiem.’ ‘You need to see her, not me.’

A train pulled into the station not long after she got there. ‘Get your ass on the train.’ Darkstar move forward. She didn’t bother to see where the train was going. It wasn’t very crowded, and she found a spot to sit away from the others. ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘Oh yeah? You will be once we’re allowed in that kitchen!’ ‘N-no, you ca-can’t’ ‘Who can’t?’ The train left the station with the unicorn quivering with fear.

~ ~ ~

Air Raid and Thespian exited the shop. “Well,” said the pegasus, “it really is this busy every day, isn’t it?” Thespian nodded. “I thought yesterday was a fluke or something. It’s never this busy back home.”

“The Manehatten area has ten times the ponies that Canterlot has,” commented Thespian. “It will get busier as we head north. This is the high-end shopping and financial district of Manehatten.”

Air Raid noticed a lot of ponies glanced her way, “Seems like twenty times with me wearing this.”

Thespian giggled. Soon the fountain that Luna and Octavia had made famous came into view. “Shall we promenade, Ms. Air Raid?”

“Why lets, Ms. Thespian,” responded the younger mare.

“I believe this is the first time you’ve used the honorific,” said Thespian as they entered a large square with a fountain.

Air Raid blushed as she walked along side Thespian, “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that, if you wanted it used more.”

Thespian stopped at the fountain and observed the number of ponies enjoying the late morning. “It isn’t that, Air Raid, but still as a servant you should be more respectful. Please give me your left foreleg sock.”

“Sorry, Ms. Thespian.” A burning tingling started in her loins. “You… You aren’t?” The pegasus took of her sock and offered it to Thespian. “Are you?”

Thespian used her stage voice to be sure she was heard by the crowd. “You need an attitude adjustment my pretty, pretty maid.” Others around the fountain stopped what they were doing and focused in on Thespian. “Nose to the plaque, ass in the air, and tail high, if you please!”

Air Raid could barely stand still. ‘Sweet Celestia she is. She is!’ “Yes, Ms. Thespian.” She put her nose to the plaque dedicated to an earlier, very similar, beating at this very fountain.

Thespian took the sock in her mouth and slapped Air Raid’s ass. While the sock didn’t hit hard, the welts from earlier made the hit felt. Around her ponies took pictures. “A maid should know her place!” The sock continued to fall as the voices of the crowd reached Air Raid’s ears.

A filly in the crowd asked, “Was she a naughty pony?”

Her mother replied, “A very naughty filly.”

“I’d love to be whipping those hindquarters,” said a stallion.

His partner moved him along, “In your dreams. Come on, we can’t be late.”

A police pony interrupted Thespian’s fun, “Madam?”

Thespian looked at the officer, the expression on her face daring him to stop her, “Where better to discipline a naughty servant than where the Goddess herself did?”

“True, can’t argue with that, but still, it is the city’s job to do punishment.” The police pony moved to watch the crowd.

“Ten whacks for one bit,” responded Thespian.

“The city can afford that,” said the officer, who had no intention of stopping what he was watching. He hoofed over the bit and took the sock to administer punishment.

Air Raid whimpered, “Please discipline me,” as she spread her hind legs a bit wider while the police pony swatted her ass. ‘Yes, this is great.’ Air Raid could feel the trickle of her arousal as it ran down her hind leg.

“Can I spank her?” asked a mare.

“Ten whacks for a bit,” responded Thespian. “Please form an orderly line.”

“Sold!” The mare gave her bit and took the sock.

“Excuse me?” asked a stallion. “Where did you get that maid outfit? I so want to buy it.”

“That is find by me,” said the mare next to him.

“Rarity’s Recreations,” answered Thespian. “Ask for Talker and she’ll set you up right.”

“Thank you.” The stallion snickered when his marefriend nudged him to move along and go shopping.

Air Raid moaned as another took up the sock, and the strikes grew heaver as she wetted the sock when it hit. ‘I should get a commission for that sale.’

“Isn’t that Thespian?” asked a stallion.

“I believe it is,” said the mare next to him.

“Ms. Thespian, I’m Foxglove,” said the stallion. “Could I get your autograph?”

“Of course, I’m always love to do things for my fans.”

“I’m Clearwater,” said the mare with the stallion. “Could you make it out to both of us please?” Thespian nodded. “I also have a bit for the sock.”

Thespian signed the Playbill to Dogs and hoofed the sock over to Clearwater. “Have at her. She is such a naughty pony that only a good public flogging might turn her around.”

“I’d like a picture of the three of you,” requested Foxglove. Thespian stood on the other side of Air Raid while Clearwater held the sock in her mouth. “Perfect!”

‘I hope I can get a copy of that picture,’ thought Air Raid.

While his wife flailed away, the stallion asked, “Did that work for Princess Octavia? I was here that day.”

“I don’t know,” responded Thespian, “But I’ll see if it works for this one.”

A stallion stepped forward, “How much for the…”

Sharply, almost with a severe edge to her voice, Thespian cut him off, “Sir, she is not for sale, but you can buy ten swats for one bit.”

“Um, ah, o-okay,” stammered the stallion as he gave up his bit.

Air Raid could feel the moisture running down her leg. She was being used and could well have just been sold!

“Can I just chew on the sock for a bit?” asked a mare.

“No,” responded Thespian. The mare’s face filled with disappointment, but then Thespian continued, “But I wouldn’t be bothered as to which end of the sock you held in your mouth as you administered punishment. “

‘That is so hot,’ thought Air Raid. ‘That mare is tasting me which she punishes me!’ it was all the submissive mare could do to not do a happy four hooved dance.

The mare took her time as she chewed the sock and administered the whacks. Once she finished, she asked, “How much for the sock?”

Thespian smiled, “Sorry, not for sale.” The mare shrugged and relinquished the sock.

Two stallions walked up, “Ms. Thespian, can I have a photo with you and your maid?”

“Yes, as long as you pay your one bit and hold the sock.”

“Deal!” He hoofed his camera over to his companion. “Take a picture of us, Slider.”

“Okay,” responded the friend, “But I’m next.”

After the photo, Thespian said, “Do get your swats in Sir. My maid is in need of a serious attitude adjustment.”

The two stallions finished their turn and walked off happy with their photos. A mare stepped forward and stated, “I’ll be your maid, Ms. Thespian.”

Thespian looked the mare over. “Humm, even with this as a possibility?”

The mare nodded, “Especially with this.”

Thespian giggled, “Well, please send your details to me care of the Fifty Ninth Street Theater, should I fire this one someday.”

‘This is so hot,’ thought Air Raid, ‘Now others want to share what is happening. Octavia must have loved this.’ She turned to look at Thespian, “Have her try out next to me, Ms. Thespian. I have another sock you can use.”

“Silence!” ordered Thespian.

Air Raid put her nose back to the plaque, “Sorry, Ms. Thespian.”

Thespian shook her head, “Tsk, tsk, tsk, what am I to do with you? Sorry good ponies that is all for now.” There were several awwws from the crowd and the line that was still formed. She put the sock on the fountain rim next to Air Raid’s nose. “Put that back on.”

Air Raid listened to the murmurs of the crowd. ‘She must really be mad at her maid now.’ ‘That was pretty embarrassing with such an outburst.’ ‘What do you think she will do with her when they get home.’ ‘I don’t know, but I wouldn’t mind being the maid.’ ‘I’d be happy just to watch.’ Air Raid made no move towards the sock, “But… but… Ms. Thespian, please. Continue, please?”

“Now!” demanded Thespian.

The crowd continued to add their opinions along with giggles and laughter, ‘This must be the real punishment.’ ‘I’m glad I’m not in her panties.’ ‘I’d like to be wearing her panties as they are right now.’ The last comment elicited an outburst of laughter. Air Raid whimpered, “Yes, Ms. Thespian.” Her cheeks burned from the laughter of the crowd.

“Walk with me,” was all Thespian said as she headed out the north side of the square.

Air Raid hurried to catch up, “Yes Ms. Thespian.”

“A public flogging with a sock wasn’t nearly as humiliating as the end of the flogging.” Thespian nuzzled Air Raid, “Wouldn’t you say?”

Air Raid kept her head down, “No, Ms. Thespian, I was quite enjoying the flogging, Ms. Thespian.”

“Actually, I’m surprised how long you held out before that outburst.” Thespian giggled, “You athletic types are usually sure of themselves and can let their mouth get the best of them.” She kissed the pegasus’s cheek, for she could see the fears and doubts forming in the younger mare's head, “It is all fun and games Air Raid. Sometimes not what you expect.”

Air Raid blushed and kissed back, “I’ve been told I’m quite lippy, and it was sooo much fun.”

“It was!” exclaimed Thespian, “And I made thirty bits! I can have a pastry with my coffee,” she giggled. “I didn’t think the flogging would be humiliating, but your face did turn red when I was selling the use of the sock.”

Air Raid nodded, “Having random, unknown, ponies paying to beat me with my own wetted sock? Yeah, that was hot.”

“Did it make you feel used?” asked Thespian.

“Yeah, it did. Like I was property,” responded Air Raid, her wet loins getting ever wetter just thinking about it.

“And the ending,” continued Thespian, “With the public laughter. Did that count as humiliation?”

“Oh, yes! I felt so small when I put that wet sock back on and all of them were making fun of me.” Air Raid shivered at the very happy memory.

“I’m not much for that type of play, but I’ve seen it enough. I do hope I gave you what you expected,” said Thespian. “Caffy’s shop is a few blocks ahead. We can split the pastry with our earnings.”

Air Raid smiled, “You did very well, Ms. Thespian. Princess Octavia hated it, didn’t she?”

Thespian nodded, “She didn’t last thirty seconds before she called out her safe word.”

“If you would have let me,” laughed Air Raid, “I would have been there all day.”

“I was wondering when you would give me an excuse to stop.” Thespian nudged Air Raid, “If you’re going to keep wearing wet socks you should invest in some garters.”

“I’m not surprised my mouth got the better of me.” Air Raid nuzzled Thespian, “Thank you for looking out for me, when you told that stallion I wasn’t for sale.”

“Would you have been as happy if I turned down a mare?” asked Thespian.

“No,” whispered Air Raid.

“Too bad some mare didn’t ask then.” Thespian smirked, “If you could have seen the face of the one chewing on your sock.”

Air Raid shook her head, “That makes me sound so easy, doesn’t it?”

“I think the word is desperate,” said Thespian. “Then again, I know it has been a while for you, and i know the taste of freedom is intoxicating. There’s Caffy’s shop.”

“Yeah, that would be a good word. My mom would call me the worst tart in Canterlot and disown me if she knew what you just did to me.” Air Raid giggled, “I do hope the both of them see it on facetube.”

“Think of it as a pre-race promotion.” Thespian led the way into the Manehatten Times building.

“That is a way to look at it,” said Air Raid as she followed Thespian in.

“Hi love, have fun shopping…” Caffeinated got an eyeful of the pegasus and he knew full well that they'd had a great deal of fun together, “Whoa, looking good, Raid.”

Another stallion behind the counter added, “Why are zebras mare magnets?”

“Hi love,” Thespian said before turning to the other stallion, “It’s the stripes, Two Step.”

Air Raid shook her tail as she followed Thespian, “Stripes are awesome!”

“Don’t worry, Two Step. I’m not her kind of zebra,” Caffeinated stated.

“Like that makes me feel better,” responded Two Step with feigned sadness. “Here’s your coffee, Ms. Thespian. What's your pretty maid drinking?”

Air Raid spoke up, “I’ll have a coffee with three sugars, Mr. Two Step.”

Thespian giggled, “Air Raid tried her hoof at pan-handling and made thirty bits. Please add a blueberry scone to that order.”

Caffeinated laughed, “Did she offer to race match-box cars?”

Air Raid shook her head, “Nah, just had some fun at the fountain on the way here.”

“Here is your coffee and scone, Ms. Air Raid, and one of your socks is drooping,” Two Step pointed out.

“Ah,” Air Raid blushed, “That would be the one I was whipped with.”

Caffeinated nodded, “Some historical reenactment at the fountain.”

Thespian smiled and nudged Air Raid's shoulder, “Some ponies want all the attention.”

Air Raid clapped her hooves, “All most as much fun as winning a race!”

“What's up with the eye-candy outfit?” asked Caffeinated.

“I’ve recruited an assistant for tomorrow,” answered Thespian.

“Really, the whole shebang?” asked Caffeinated.

Air Raid nodded, “Yup, the whole nine yards.” She winked at Thespian and shared a hoof bump with her, “Serving sisters!”

Caffeinated eyed the pegasus up and down, assessing her ability with his well-trained eye. “Hmm, twelve inches?”

“You can test drive her tonight,” said Thespian. “She how she does on the stairs.”

Caffeinated nodded and noted how Air Raid was looking inquisitively around the shop. “If you’re looking for Darkstar. She already left to go and see Requiem.”

“Has she?” Air Raid pulled out her phone and mumbled, “No. No, she can look after herself.” She looked up at the zebra, “Um, was she okay when she left?”

Caffeinated smiled, “Caffeinated and self-confident.”

Air Raid fiddled with her phone, the desire for Darkstar to be free and self-reliant warring with the mother hen big sister instinct in her being. “No, she doesn’t need me interfering.”

Thespian laid a comforting hoof on Air Raid’s, “I understand it's hard to let go. Like watching your foal go off to school.”

Air Raid hoofed the phone over to Thespian, because she knew she wouldn't be able to resist for much longer, “Please take this from me.”

Thespian looked at the phone, “If you have it set to vibrate to prank me, I’ll never spank you again.”

While Air Raid played with the phone’s controls, Caffeinated spoke up, “She is rather funny to watch when I text her.” Thespian stuck out her tongue at her husband.

Air Raid laughed as she hoofed the phone over to Thespian, “The bomb has been defused.”

“Good, or you’d find out if it's waterproof,” said Thespian as she took the phone back.

Caffeinated laughed, “Not all phones are.” He looked over Air Raid’s flank and saw the welts that adorned those toned lime green hindquarters, “Seems like you took more than a wet sock for a spanking today.”

Air Raid saw where the zebra was looking, “Look good, don’t they? Got some ‘stress relief’ while we were shopping.”

Thespian saw her husband look at her, “Magnolia.” The zebra nodded. “I think I’ll let my pretty maid drink her coffee standing.”

“Very magnanimous of you,” stated Caffeinated while Air Raid giggled. “What’s next on your things to do?” Before his wife could answer, he saw Lavender walk out of the elevator, “Oh, excuse me, I need to prep a coffee and scone.”

The tan earth pony mare trotted straight up to Thespian’s table, “Hello Thespy, didn’t know you’d be in today.”

“Hi Lavender,” responded Thespian. “Meet Air Raid, friend of Darkstar. Raid, this is Lavender, Political Desk secretary, and herd mate.”

Air Raid raised a hoof, “Hi.”

Lavender bumped the hoof, “Hello! Wow, her outfit is just like yours, only reversed colors.”

“Since her and Darkstar are staying at our place,” said Thespian. “She thought she would try her hoof at serving tomorrow.”

Caffeinated called out from behind the counter, “Lav, you got coffee run today?”

“Just for myself today, Omega is out on assignment,” responded Lavender. She stared intently at Air Raid, “So, you going all the way on Thursday? Chains and all?”

Air Raid fidgeted under Lavender’s rather suddenly intense stare, “Um, yeah, I'm going to try it out tonight. Is everything okay?”

“Just thinking,” answered Lavender vaguely. “Seeing what type of pony you are. I only know you from Wildfire’s poems.”

Caffeinated delivered the coffee and scone to the table, “Serenity did vouch for the both of them.”

Lavender nodded thoughtfully, because Serenity did not vouch for just anypony and when she did give her backing to a pony, it usually meant a great deal. “That does carry a lot of weight.”

“It’s just… You had a faraway look,” Air Raid managed to get out, “Like Darkie gets when she’s about to… To… You scared me.”

Lavender smiled, “I’ve been told I’m a scary pony.”

Thespian giggled, “I think you’re more of an intense pony.”

Lavender held up her hoof, “Peace.” Air Raid bumped hooves. “See you on Thursday.” She placed the coffee and scone on her back and headed off to the elevators.

“She has a high level of empathy,” said Caffeinated, in an attempt to explain Lavender's intensity. “But you’ll get used to her. So, love, what are your plans?”

“I’m going to parade my pretty maid around town,” answered Thespian, an idea for some more fun taking shape in her head. “If she still has a dry sock, I might use it on her.”

That snapped Air Raid out of the eerie feeling she had from Lavender. “Please, Ms. Thespian.”

“Maybe not,” said Thespian with a smile.

“Tease,” commented Caffeinated as he turned back to the counter.

“Come along my pretty maid. Manehatten needs to see you.” Thespian led the way out of the shop without looking back, for she knew that Air Raid would follow.

~ ~ ~

Darkstar caught her breath on the train. ‘You idiot!’ ‘Please not now, I was scared.’ ‘You’re always sca… Oh, zebras.’ Darkstar looked over at the ponies on the train. She was sat in the middle and at one end were six zebras, and at the other end were four earth ponies. ‘That stallion is cute.’ ‘Darkie!’ ‘Am I wrong?’ ‘No, you’re right, he is cute.’ Darkstar smiled at the stallion. He looked at her and smiled back, then turned away to stare off into space.

Darkie winked, but the stallion didn’t respond, ‘Game on.’ ‘Darkie, he isn’t interested.’ ‘We’ll see about that. Time to put your zebran to use.’ Darkie lit her horn and cast her voice next to his ear. “Si unataka staré saa farasi kidunia”

The reaction was immediate as the zebra stared wide eyed at Darkstar, “Pembe farasi kama kucheza hila!” He quickly back peddled until he hit the end of the rail car and fell on his ass as he pointed at the unicorn.

“Wait, what, witch?” muttered Darkstar. “I told him I’m a sexy mare…” An elderly zebra mare approached her, a look of thunder on her face. ‘You’re in trouble now.’

“Ni wewe waliopotea msichana?” asked the zebra.

Darkstar tried to piece together what she said. Studying zebran in a text book was very different to actually conversing with a native speaker. ‘You’re zebran isn’t as good as you though it was.’ Darkstar stamped her hoof, “No, I’m not lost" she answered the mare, "I’m going to the Brooks.”

“No,” said the mare, “You’re going to the Broncs. Who do you know in the Broncs?”

“What? But this train is for Brooks.” Darkstar said, though she was no longer sure of herself.

The zebra mare shook her head, “Wrong direction. Get off next stop and cross to the other platform. That train take you to Brooks.”

Darkstar looked at the mare and then the stallion that was still pointed at her. “I’m sorry, but he called me a witch.”

“Okay, I don’t think you mean harm,” said the zebra. “Most of us don’t trust unicorn magic. Go where you belong.”

The train came to a stop and Darkstar nodded. She scampered off the train while the platform full of zebras boarded. Nopony tried to stop her. Once the train left the station, she breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Just about got yourself killed again.’ ‘Shut it, it was your idea to play with the stallion.’ ‘Should have went with the kiss him plan.’ ‘Plan, what plan?’ Darkstar stomped her hoof again and walked over to the map. “Fine, I just want to get this over with.” She walked over the bridge to the other platform and waited. When the train arrived, she walked on and sat down. She did her best to ignore everypony on the train.

She saw there was a map in the rail car too. ‘I have to change once to get to Requiem’s office.’ ‘Sure, you don’t want to play with one of the stallions on the train? That one there is giving you the eye.’ Darkstar glanced at the stallion and indeed he was giving her the eyeful. ‘I… I just want to get this over with.’ ‘You want to die.’ “No!” Darkstar put a hoof over her mouth, and noticed the stallion quickly look the other way. ‘I just want to see Requiem and get better.’ Her other half simply snorted in her mind.

After a change of trains, Darkstar arrived at the desired station. Once she exited, she saw she was in an office park. It was a nice location, and then she noticed the time on the clock at the station exit. “Oh buck! I’m late!” Darkstar ignored the looks at her outburst and rushed off to the correct building.

Inside the building she walked up to the receptionist. “Um, hey, I’m Darkstar… I, uh, have an appointment.”

The receptionist looked at her terminal. “With Doctor Requiem?” Darkstar nodded. “Okay, she is in room two oh three, and you’re expected.”

“Thank you,” responded Darkstar, “What floor?”

The receptionist blinked, but she was used to the sort of clientele that visited this building. “Second floor, you go to your left when you leave the stairs or elevator, which are over there.” She pointed a hoof.

“Thanks, we, ah, I appreciate it.” Darkstar hurried off and pressed the up button on the elevator. ‘She already knows your crazy, because you’re here.’ “Shut up!” Darkstar hurried into the elevator without looking back. “I am crazy.” ‘Why you’re here.’ “We’re here.” Darkstar turned left out the elevator and stopped in front of room two zero three. She raised her hoof but did nothing. ‘Waiting for an invitation?’ ‘I don’t know what I’m waiting for, maybe Hearth’s Warming?’ ‘Knock!’ Darkstar sighed and knocked on the door.

She heard a mare’s voice through the door, “Come in.”

Darkstar pushed open the door. Inside was the mare everypony had been telling her to see. She was a red and blue painted pony. Unusual in itself. Her mane and tail were also red and blue. Something Darkstar only saw on unicorns. What was most noticeable was the old style high school cheerleader megaphone in black for the cutie mark, and she was wearing a vest. “Umm… Hi, sorry for being late.”

“No worries,” said the earth pony. “I know what it is like trying to get around the city. I’m making myself some coffee. Would you like a cup?”

“Yes please, We’d,” Darkstar winced, “I mean, I’d love some, thank you.”

Requiem pointed to a seating pad. “Go ahead and have a seat, I’ll be just a moment.” The mare finished making two cups. “How would you like yours?”

“Just cream please,” responded Darkstar.

The painted mare delivered the coffee, “Hi, I’m Requiem. Herd’s noted psychiatrist.”

“Thanks,” said Darkstar as she smoothed out her dress. “Um, sorry, but megaphone? Doesn’t say shrink… Sorry.”

Requiem smiled, “Does three stars say crazy?”

Darkstar shrugged, “Good point, but it might as well.”

“Well then, my megaphone might as well mean ‘shrink’,” said Requiem.

“Okay, you got us there,” said Darkstar as she accepted the coffee, “I would have been on time if one of us hadn’t decided to stop and purchase lingerie I didn’t need.”

Requiem giggled, “I’m sure you need it more than you think. First you need to know that Princess Luna had your whole medical history forwarded to me.”

“Oh,” said Darkstar as she looked away. “So, you know all about me then.”

“I know all about what some boring old pony in Canterlot took the time to write about you,” responded Requiem.

Darkstar giggled, “You want me to talk, right? To tell you about my troubles and what ails me.”

“No,” said Requiem, “If you know what ails you, you wouldn’t be here. I do want you to talk, however. Tell me about your day.”

Darkstar sipped her coffee, “What about today? Something in particular or the whole day?"

“Start when you woke up,” suggested Requiem.

Darkstar shrugged, “Sure, I can do that. My day started when Caffy woke us… me up. We…” Darkstar shook her head.

Requiem reached out a hoof, “Just talk. Don’t worry about the words. “

“Sorry, okay,” muttered Darkstar. “We all slept together, Caffy, Thespy, Raid, and me. Caffy woke me up for breakfast that Thespian and Raid made.” She drank some more coffee and giggled. “We teased her about the food being edible. Air Raid isn’t a good cook. She told me she would get the nurse to take care of me and I didn’t like that at all.” Darkstar finished her coffee. “They decided I should see you, and so the four of us took the train downtown. I got off with Caffy, and Air Raid and Thespian stayed on to go shopping. Could I have some more coffee?”

Without a word, Requiem took the cup from Darkstar. She made another coffee just how she liked it and set it back in front of the unicorn.

Darkstar blew on the coffee, “Any questions?” She watched Requiem shake her head, “Okay then, well at Caffy’s shop we had some coffee,” she laughs. “I’m sure that was a surprise. His choco muffins are pretty good too.” At least Requiem nodded to that. What surprised Darkstar is the psychiatrist didn’t take any notes. “So, everypony said we could go visit you on my own. We took the chance to be alone and visited Times Square. Had a nice tofu dog and some hay fries. After that I got this dress. Dull dress.” Darkstar winced and went silent.

Requiem sat in silence as she sipped her own coffee. So far, her opinion of Darkstar wasn’t adding up to the opinions of the papers she was sent from Canterlot and Ponyville. The unicorn was troubled, that much was obvious, but it was too early for her to step in. Still, it was interesting to watch the emotions run across Darkstar’s face.

Darkstar was unnerved by Requiem. By now, the other doctors would have a tablet full of notes and be trying to fix her. This pony acted like they were just sharing a chat over coffee, only this pony wasn’t chatting. ‘Shut up already.’ “What?” ‘Shut it, I’m driving now.’ “So, after totally freaking out in the changing room so that everyone a Marecies knew we were crazy, she runs out of the store.” “I paid for the dresses first.” “Yeah, we’re not a criminal or anything, just crazy.” Darkstar paused to see how the doctor would react to that. If sipping coffee is a reaction. She sighed, “Okay, then we went to MiAC to get some really cool clothes.” “To shut you up!” Darkstar laughed, “We needed something sexier than this dress. Flirted with the store clerk too, and then…” Again, Darkstar paused, but Requiem still wouldn’t interrupt. “Then some creepy station gave me a look and we panicked. We ran to the subway and got on the wrong train. I tried to flirt with a zebra, and he freaked. I thought they were going to hurt me, but some old zebra mare asked where I was going. She told me I was on the wrong train and which one to take.” Darkstar finished her coffee, “And now I’m here. Some more please?”

“I could use a cup myself,” said Requiem. She made to more fresh cups of coffee. Requiem gave one to Darkstar and sat back down. “Who am I talking to right now?”

Darkstar blinked, ‘You said you’re driving’. ‘I am.’ “Um, Darkie, the one that doesn’t mind a stallion giving me an admiring look, or,” She light her horn, so her voice seem to come from Requiem’s right. “Having a laugh. The fun me.”

Requiem nodded, “And who is the one that doesn’t want to do those things?”

“Darkstar,” she snorted, “The whining wimp that I turned into after… After what happened.”

Requiem followed up, “After you were attacked and had most of your horn cut off?”

Darkstar turned away, “Yeah, that. After that.” She stomped a hoof, “I hate her, but she kept me company in my room when Raid was out.”

“Do you trust her,” asked Requiem.

“A bit, I guess… No, not really.” Darkstar shook her head, “She doesn’t know what she wants, and it’s hard to give it to her!”

Requiem watched Darkstar’s gauntlet of emotions. She was definitely more than the papers she received. Such an interesting case, Requiem might have taken it even if it wasn’t a herd matter. Time to start probing, “Did you pick out that outfit before you left Caffy’s place?”

“This dull dress? No way, she did that at Marecies.” Darkstar lifted the dress a bit, “Now this sexy lingerie I got at MiAC. With Raid’s money. Shut up!” Darkstar had a startled deer in the headlights look after arguing with herself in front of the doctor.

“It is a pretty dress, but you seem a bit young for it. The underwear though does seem typical for a mare your age,” commented Requiem. “Together though they do work well. Do you have your own money?”

Darkstar sounded exasperated, “Fine, I guess. We have some bits, but not a lot. Not enough for all this.”

Requiem asked, “Were you broke before you were attacked?”

“Yes,” admitted Darkstar. “I wanted to dance in Las Pegasus and spent what little I had to achieve that.”

Requiem smiled, “Oh that sounds exciting. What stopped you?”

Darkstar sighed, “I had a few tryouts for jobs, but they didn’t go anywhere. When I ran out of bits I took the first job I could.”

Requiem nodded, “I guess that was when the two of you were more cooperative.”

Darkstar shrugged, “She never whined as much back then.”

Requiem thought it was time to get to the heart of the matter. “So, having your horn cut off hasn’t changed your attitude at all then?”

“What! My… My horn, what… What’s that… I was just trying to find Wily that’s all! No! I know I didn’t listen to you, but I wanted to find her, and I was so close!” Darkstar’s rant sputtered out and she squeezed her eyes shut to stop the tears.

“Who is taking the blame for that?” asked Requiem.

“I am, cautious wanted to run and hide at the first warning, but I wouldn’t listen, would I?” answered Darkstar.

“I guess it comes down to why you care what happened to Wildfire?” continued Requiem

Darkstar answered with some anger in her voice, “Coz she was our friend, and we knew something was up. We knew she wasn’t in Fillydelphia, she had no family or anything in Fillydelphia, so we tried to find her.

Requiem did a head tilt, “Was there a prize for finding her? The boring stallion wrote that you have a sexual preference for stallions. Wildfire was a mare. What was in it for you to find her?”

Darkstar stomped a hoof, “We wanted our best friend back! So, what if I like stallions? It wasn’t about bucking the wings off her! I wanted to find my friend!” The tears streamed down Darkstar’s face, “All I wanted was my friend back! I ignored her dad and I paid for it, didn’t I?”

Inside Requiem was satisfied how this session was going, but she could well understand the pain that Darkstar was going through. “Do you accept hugs?”

Darkstar sobbed, “Ye-Yeah, hugs are cool.”

Requiem moved alongside the mare and hugged her close. She waited till the tears started to slow, “A noble thing you did, yet the outcome wasn’t what you wanted. What is it you want now?”

Darkstar burrowed into the hug, “I… I just want to be ‘me’ again. To be whole. To get this voice out of my head. She… She keeps telling me she wants to die, that she hates living.”

Requiem didn’t let up on the hug, “Which of you is speaking now? Darkstar or Darkie?”

Darkstar started to sob again, “Its Darkie.” She held on to the doctor tightly, “But Darkstar is always there all the time, and I can’t shake her. It’s just all the time she’s like ‘kill me’, or ‘I wish I was dead’, or whatever.” Darkstar groaned, “After so long I gave in to just shut her up.”

“Darkstar,” Requiem asked, “Did you want your horn back?”

“What?” Darkstar pulled back a bit from the hug, “I… I’m not sure. Raid said it was best for me.”

“Darkstar,” Requiem asked again, “Did you want your horn back?”

Darkstar returned to the hug and pressed her face against Requiem’s shoulder, “No. No I didn’t.”

Requiem held the mare as she changed her question, “Darkie, did you want your horn back?”

Darkstar pulled back to look Requiem in the eye, “Sure did. I wanted to cast spells again. To have fun again.”

“But Darkie,” stated Requiem, “Aren’t you afraid that some pony will just cut it off again?”

Darkstar shook her head, “She is afraid of that, but it’s stupid. Like being scared of a building falling on you, or whatever.”

Requiem shook her head, “No, Darkie, fear isn’t stupid. Fear is real, even if it is irrational. The problem now is to face your fear and accept it so that you can control the fear, and not let the fear control you.”

“Tell her that,” responded Darkstar, “She’s the one mewling about everything. I just want to stop being scared all the time.”

Requiem was satisfied that she was getting somewhere with her patient. “Darkie, what are you afraid of right now?”

“Me, nothing.” Darkstar pulled back a bit, “Okay, that’s a lie, I’m scared of you, I guess.”

Requiem nodded, “You don’t know me, and you should be afraid of what I might do to you. Are you afraid of me also, Darkstar?”

“Y-yes,” Darkstar pressed back into the hug as her tears flowed, “You’re going to stamp us insane and send us off to a hospital. Like he wanted to do in Canterlot.”

Requiem knew who the ‘he’ was from the papers she had. She didn’t approve of the ‘therapy’ that was given. Another item she would have to deal with in regard to this patient. “The two of you will have to get together and decide then. You can leave, but you will see me again. I’m part of Caffy’s herd, and as long as you live with him you will not avoid me. As for me, I’ve decided I’m willing to take you as a client. You can choose to let me do so.”

Darkstar relaxed in the hug, “Yeah, okay. You’re nicer than he was. He was angry that we were screaming. He wanted to lock us away.” The unicorn pulled back to look Requiem in the eye, “Is that what you’re going to do?”

Requiem kept an even face, “It is a possibility, but it would be one that you request from me, not one I’d willingly give to you. There is also a possibility I’ll do nothing for you, and you’ll leave the way you came in. Again, it would be one you want, and not one I wish to see.”

There was a whine in Darkstar’s voice, “I just want to be me again, like we were before, whole.”

Requiem smiled, “Don’t lie to yourself, Darkstar. You will never be the pony you were. Then, that would be true if nothing had happened to you. We all change as we grow and learn. Your real hope is to accept the pony you are now and then you will be whole again. I want to help you make that acceptance.

Darkstar was shocked at the statement, “The pony I am now is crazy. We have to accept that?”

Requiem’s smile didn’t waver, “Oh, you’re crazy because of what?”

Darkstar blinked, “What, you know why! Please, I don’t want to go over it. Can’t we just lock it away somewhere where it can’t hurt us?”

Requiem’s smile faded, “That can be done, but I don’t think you’d like that choice.”

Darkstar sighed, “We have to talk about it then, don’t we? You’re going to listen while we tell you everything that happened? How will that help us, you’re not even taking notes.”

“Ah, you noticed that,” Requiem’s smiled returned. “I find note taking disruptive, and you haven't said anything beyond my ability to remember. The secret is I’ll write my notes after our session. Now, as to me helping you. I what to help you live with yourself.” Requiem’s smile faded again, “The option to kill off Darkstar will make losing your horn seem minor.”

“What, how do you mean?” questioned Darkstar speaking with Darkie's voice. “Is that the other choice?”

“The choice to kill off Darkstar is a life filled with drugs,” said Requiem. “Hard, potent drugs. The other choice is to stay as you are right now and let Darkstar finish the job she has failed to do so far.”

“There really is only one choice then, isn’t there,” said Darkstar. “I’ve had enough with the drugs, and I, still want to live even if she doesn’t.” Darkstar released the hug and picked up her empty coffee cup. “So, you want us to tell you the whole story then. But, Requiem, before I start, can I have some more coffee?”

Requiem laughed, “Remember whose herd I belong to. May the coffee never end!” The doctor prepared two more cups of coffee. “Have you been to Central Park? It’s a beautiful day, and while cloudy, there is no rain scheduled. We could talk there, and it will be easier for you to run away if you want to.”

Darkstar smirked, “To where would we run?” She looked around the office, “I’d like to go to the park though. Your office is nice, but it’s a bit constricting.”

“I agree with that.” Requiem put some lids on the coffee cups. “I don’t use it much. It’s a really long walk, so subway or cab?”

“Well I guess I can’t get the wrong train this time. You can’t you mean.” Darkstar did an eye roll, “Subway please.”

Requiem hoofed Darkstar her coffee. “We have to finish these before we get on the train. A lot of first timers get lost using the subway.” She holds the door open for Darkstar to exit the office. “Where did you end up going to earlier?”

Darkstar sipped her coffee as they moved down the hall to the elevator. “I think I was going to the Broncs, instead of Brooks. She was making googly eyes at one of the zebras on the train.”

“Manehatten has no shortage of issues. You’ll find that zebras are very distrusting of magic, and there are unicorn youth gangs in Celestia that harass the zebras. The same can be said going the other way.” Requiem waited for Darkstar to exit the elevator first. “Did you get along well with Caffy. He has no shortage of stripes.”

Darkstar held the office building door for Requiem as she blushed hard. Her voice squeaked, “Yes, she got me to throw ourselves at him when we met him yesterday at his shop.”

Requiem laughed, “He loves the attention, and has the best herd attitude in the herd.”

Darkstar nodded as they tossed their cups at the station entrance, “We even let him tie us up a little yesterday afternoon. That was a big thing for me.”

“Pardon me for asking, but the reports say you didn’t take being strapped down well,” said Requiem, “You were frightened and did a lot of screaming.”

“Yeeeah, more terrified than frightened.” Darkstar paused for a moment, “I’m telling her. Nopony would explain why I was there, unable to move, it was like being back in the van with ‘them’… We, we freaked out.”

Requiem waited for Darkstar on the other side of the turnstile. There was the moderate lunch time crowd in the subway station. She watched Darkstar’s reactions to the ponies around her. Once through the turnstile she moved to her side, so their shoulders touched, “We want that platform for the northbound train,” Requiem indicated with a point of her muzzle. “So, when you at least have the illusion of control you are okay with bondage?”

Darkstar shivered, “Just… I, we, almost lost it a few times, but Caffy showed me what he was doing on Air Raid first, and it helped reassure us.”

“That’s why we all love Caffy.” Requiem pointed to the subway map. “We take this train to Penn Station, and then change there for one to the park.” While Darkstar stayed stuck to her side, her eyes were all over the platform. Requiem tried to follow who she was looking at.

“He was really gentle with the ropes, and then he rutted me afterwards.” Darkstar relaxed a little, “It… I hadn’t had that in so long.”

“The bottom line is you want to be ‘fun’ again.” As she watched Darkstar she noticed that if a stallion looked at her, she would wink back at them, yet when a mare turned her attention on her, she would look away. Never did Darkstar lose contact with Requiem’s shoulder. “This is our train.”

Darkstar hesitated as the train car was nearly full. A nudge to her shoulder got her moving. Requiem moved to a place they could stand together. To her right was some mare with earbuds in and was head bobbing to some music that Darkstar couldn’t hear. She turned her attention back to Requiem, “Yeah, I guess so. I used to be good with pranks, when I had my magic at full chaff. Our friends thought I was a laugh.” Darkstar’s eyes wondered around the car to see who else was on the train.

“You liked being the center of attention?” asked Requiem. “The stand-up comic of the group?”

Darkstar blew a kiss at one of the stallions that stared at her. His blush was reward enough, “Yeah, she was always the entertainer. Like, I used to practice my dances, I did this desire spell too. Always went down well.” Clears her throat, “Um, nearly always.”

Requiem nodded, “Sometimes magic can be more trouble than it is worth, but I’m just an earth pony. What was the best time you remember using the spell?”

“Wow that takes me back.” A dream look came over Darkstar’s face. “I’d just perfected it, and I danced at Dusk’s place for our friends. The idea is for everypony watching to see the pony or creature they desire the most instead of me on the stage. It worked fine except for Slingshot came over and told me he saw me. I mean, that shouldn’t have happened right?”

Requiem giggled, “Oh, sorry for that. Why shouldn’t it happen? Do you think you are undesirable?”

“But, but he’s my friend,” protested Darkstar. “I… I didn’t think about it like that.”

“Who is Slingshot?” Requiem asked.

Darkstar was saddened by the thought, “He’s a pink earth pony. Was Raid’s co-driver and navigator when she drove the rallies.”

Requiem noticed the change of attitude, “Did you ever hook up?”

Darkstar shook her head. “He left not long after my… my horn. He had an argument with Raid that she was monopolizing my time and just trying to get into bed with me.”

“Which one of you dislikes Air Raid?” probed Requiem.

“Dislike? We dislike her? She’s our friend. Um, I guess I could do without her. Darkstar! Just because she has guardianship over us, she thinks she knows what I want.”

“This is our station,” said Requiem. “Independence is another item on the list of things you want then?”

Darkstar stuck close as they exited the train and walked with her to a platform above. “Totally!” The platform wasn’t crowded now so they had lots of space and Darkstar relaxed. “I mean, she just assumed about healing my horn or taking away all the sharp stuff. Who’s she to know what I wanted?”

Requiem watched Darkstar as her sadness turned to anger, “How do you think Air Raid would feel if she did nothing and let you kill yourself? Or worse, if she let them take you away to that hospital in Canterlot?”

“I, I don’t know. Bad I guess,” whispered Darkstar. “She’d feel like crap and you know it. Hmph. Only cause she’d have failed twice.”

The train arrived and Requiem held her question till they were in. They were able to find a spot in the end of the car where there were no other ponies. Two zebra stallions were in the car and she saw Darkstar’s eyes lock on them as she tried to get even closer to her side. “Air Raid had failed you before?”

“What?” Darkstar took her eyes off the zebras to look at Requiem. “No, not us, she failed Wildfire.”

Requiem nodded and noted the zebras looked their way and were whispering to each other. “I’ve talked with Wildfire, and she told me of that story, along with letting me read her poems. You think you’re just a consolation prize for Air Raid?”

Darkstar shrugged her shoulders, “I donno, maybe, yes? You aren’t saying Raid wasn’t thinking it. Ease the old conscience a little?”

Requiem wasn’t going to fall into that trap, “I haven’t talked to Air Raid, so I don’t know what she was thinking. What matters to me now is what you think she was thinking. After all perception is our basis for reality.”

Darkstar looked around the car and again locked eyes with the whispering zebras, “She was helping a friend, right? To make herself feel better.”

Requiem asked, “Is that why you help ponies?”

“I wonder what they are whispering about,” muttered Darkstar. She then spoke up, “Probably, I guess. Whatever her reason I’m glad she did.”

Requiem noticed the zebras look away when Darkstar looked at them. “I’m going to have to say I’m glad she did too. Your horn though. Do you think somepony will want to cut it off again?”

Darkstar nodded, “Of course, the world is full of evil ponies. It’s just a matter of time, isn’t it?” Darkstar smirked, “Darkstar’s such a laugh, aint she?”

The train stopped, “This is our station.” Darkstar stuck to her side as she moved out into the open air. They were at one corner of Central Park. “I love to come here when I can to just relax. Not many ponies here in the midafternoon. Would you like another coffee?”

“Do you need to ask?” giggled Darkstar.

Requiem led the way to a zebra stallion vender, “One Celestia special and the usual for me, Sprout.”

Sprout made both coffees, “Here you go my pretty fillies. One creamy,” he hoofed over to Darkstar, “And one death by sugar,” he hoofed over to Requiem.

“Thank you, Sprout,” Requiem left bits on his counter. “Looks like there are plenty of alcoves we can sit in.”

Darkstar sipped her coffee, “Oh, wow this is good. Thank you Sprout!” She looked around the park and there were several small gazebos that weren’t in use along with some half clamshell alcoves. “I see what you mean. Lot of escape routes. Let’s use that gazebo over there. So, death by sugar?”

“I’m trying to overcome my bitter personality.” Once they sat down in the gazebo, Requiem again went on the attack, “Were you raped?”

Darkstar nearly dropped her coffee at the question. She was just able to set it on the ground. Her voice subdued, “Yes. Many times. I, I begged them not to, they passed us around between them like we were a piece of meat.”

“Was Caffy your first since then?” Requiem asked softly. Darkstar nodded, and Requiem continued, “Do you know what happened to those ponies that hurt you?”

Darkstar sighed, “I didn’t press charges. I was in no state to identify them at the time. They got away with it, well except Wily’s dad. He was arrested for what he did to her.”

“Have you met Mapper yet? A pink unicorn,” added Requiem.

“No,” said Darkstar. “I’ve wanted to. I know Raid has, as it is her house we’re buying.”

Requiem pulled out her phone, “May I call her to see if she can come visit us here in the park?”

Darkstar shrugged, “Sure, go for it. Um, you still want me to go over everything that happened?”

Requiem nodded, “Yes please, but we can pause when Mapper gets here, if she can even come, of course.” Requiem touched her phone to activate it. “Mapper.” She held it to her ear. “Hello Maps. I was calling to see if you could meet me and my new client at Central Park. Cool, we’re in a gazebo near Sprout’s coffee stand. Okay, see you soon, bye.” Requiem put her phone away. “She was downtown already and will be here in thirty minutes.” The doctor asked another question, “Is the thought that you will lose it again what has you most upset about having your horn repaired?”

“Well, kinda,” Darkstar led off, “We’ve gone four years with no magic, and we were coping.”

Requiem asked, when she knew what was in the papers, “They could have removed the inhibitor and you would have had no problem with that?”

“No!” Darkstar was startled by the question, “We had to wear the ring. There was no control over what magic I had left. Yeah, there was one time I couldn’t levitate a pen, and another when I crushed a taxi.”

“You couldn’t simply stop using magic?” asked Requiem.

Darkstar shook her head, “I had no control over it at all. My magic was wild, crazy, unpredictable.”

“I don’t see you wearing an inhibitor now, and you’ve only used a little bit of magic around me,” pushed Requiem.

“I have control over it now my horn is healed,” said Darkstar, before she added, bitterly, “There just isn’t much to control anymore.”

Requiem didn’t let up, “Would you have preferred they amputated what was left so you’d have no magic at all?”

“No,” said Darkstar and again she was overtaken by sadness, “Well, maybe, it’d have been easier.”

Requiem waited to see if Darkstar would add anything else. Darkstar remained silent, and Requiem said, “You actually believe that. One more hurdle to overcome then.” Requiem emptied her cup. “I could use a refill, how about you?” Darkstar up ended her cup and nodded. “Sprout doesn’t bite very often, how about you get us a couple more.”

“Okay, fine, Death by Sugar.” Darkstar giggled and took both empty cups in her magic and headed off to the coffee stand.

Requiem couldn’t hear what they were saying from this distance, but she could see Sprout blush as he made the coffees. Darkstar smiled as she held both cups in her magic. They wobbled a bit when she arrived, and Requiem quickly took hold of one while Darkstar did the same with the other as her horn went out. “You’d give that up?”

“I. She. I was barely able to make it here holding two cups of coffee. I’d like to keep it, but she doesn’t,” said Darkstar.

“Darkie, do you think you can let Darkstar talk without interrupting her?” asked Requiem.

Darkstar swallowed, ‘Afraid to let me talk?’ ‘You have nothing important to say.’ ‘And?’ Darkstar sighed, “Sure, I can do that.” She sighed again, “It’s hard to explain, Requiem. I just went so long without using it, and now I can use it, it’s such an effort to do the simplest little thing. It’s like having next to no power at all.”

“That you, Darkstar?” stated Requiem, and the unicorn nodded. “Darkstar, it is okay if you want to ask Darkie something or let her answer a question. That won’t be interrupting. So, you’re not as strong as you were before you were attacked, but are you as strong as you were when you were a filly?”

Darkstar thought about it for a moment, “Well, Darkie, what do you think? Well I’d put us at about eight, maybe nine tops. Yeah, I’d go with that.”

Requiem asked, “You don’t think you can get any stronger than you are now, Darkstar?”

Darkstar shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe, but why bother if I’m just gonna be stuck at this level?”

Requiem waved a hoof, “Oh, pardon me. To think that you might have to work hard to get something worth having.”

The sarcasm surprised Darkstar. All doctors were supposed to be kind and understanding while they agreed with everything you said. “Can’t fail if I don’t try, right? Hey, if you don’t mind, I wanna do this.” Darkstar quieted down when she saw Requiem narrow her eyes. “Sorry.”

“The opposite of that is you’ll never succeed if you don’t bother,” said Requiem as she ignored the interruption. “Darkstar you bought the dress, right?” The mare in front of her nodded. “It does look pretty on you, but you heard what I said earlier about it?”

“About how it’s too old for me, but with the corset and socks. They complement each other,” said Darkstar. “Yeah, I heard.”

Requiem smiled, “They do take a conservative dress and make it a bit more risqué. Then that isn’t what you were thinking when you bought the dress, was it?”

Darkstar slumped, “No, it isn’t.”

“Yet the combination is beautiful,” complimented Requiem. “You don’t like Darkie to flirt, do you?”

“No! No, I don’t, not at all!” said Darkstar fervently.

Requiem kept her face neutral, “There are bad ponies in the world, and you may run into one again. There are more good ponies in the world, but you’ll have to run into them.”

Darkstar raised a hoof, “I just wanted a couple of nice dresses that wouldn’t draw attention. Is that so bad?” She stopped and drank her coffee. “But you want to hear our story, don’t you Doctor?”

Requiem nodded, “I do if you’re ready to tell it.”

Darkstar laughed, “Doctor, we’re never gonna be ready, but,” she sighed, “You say it’ll help so here it goes.”

Requiem pulled out a small recorder from her saddle bag, “Before you start, I need your permission to record.”

Darkstar looked at the recorder, “You haven’t taken any notes, and now you want to record?”

Requiem smiled, “Nothing you’ve said up to now required notes. I do have a good memory. Now though, I don’t want to cause an incident, because I miss heard something you said, so may I record you?” Darkstar nodded her head. Requiem turned on the recorder. “Doctor Requiem recording first interview with Patient Darkstar. Darkstar, may I record this session?”

Darkstar blinked, “Yes, you may.”

Requiem set the recorder down for she knew it would easily pick up any conversation. “Thank you, Darkstar. Please tell me your story.”

“I’ve…” Darkstar gathered her thoughts, “I’ve never told this to another pony, ever.”

“I’m not telling any other pony either,” responded Requiem.

“Thank you,” Darkstar took a deep breath, “It was a Sunday, October twentieth, twenty twenty-six. I’d been following up on a couple of leads about Wily. On the way home, I stopped at Café Diem for some coffee. After I ordered I used the bathroom and when I went to my table there was the coffee and a salted caramel donut. Java knew how much I loved those donuts. It was two thirty in the afternoon. The donut was drugged. I just made it out to the street at an alley entrance when I couldn’t stand anymore.” She took a drink of her coffee.

Requiem listened with patience. She watched the emotions run across Darkstar’s face and knew better than to interrupt.

“About a week before that,” continued Darkstar, “Wily’s dad, Cold Front, warned us off by slamming the door on Air Raid’s muzzle. Broke it.” Darkstar sighed, “She took the hint, but I didn’t.” Darkstar drank some more coffee and shuddered. “A white van pulled up next to me in my drunken stupor. Some ponies jumped out. I think they were unicorns. Put a bag over my head and had me in the back of the van quicker than you could sneeze. I heard Cold Front tell the driver to go some district. I wasn’t worried then. I figured they were just going to scare me into stop looking for Wily.” Darkstar started to cry.

It wasn’t that Requiem had a heart of stone. She knew there was nothing but platitudes she could say right now, and anything she did say would just interrupt the flow of the story. It hadn’t reached the point of a hug yet. While a hug would bring comfort, it wouldn’t help Darkstar get the information out that was gnawing at her soul.

Darkstar cried.

She cried so much that she might drown from her tears.

Darkstar cried until it started to hurt.

Still she cried, her tears like a never ending flood. This was when the doctor would tell her it would be okay. It was never okay. Requiem said nothing though. She sat there like she was some statue. She didn’t want to say anymore, but Requiem wouldn’t give her an excuse to remain silent. “I couldn’t think straight to use my magic. When the van stopped, they took off the bag, but quickly blindfolded me. I could feel them slip an inhibitor on my horn. The fear started when they began to beat me. They didn’t care about my screaming and seem to just make them beat me harder. I must have gotten a good kick in because they then bound my legs together. It was my front leg they broke first, and I screamed. All of them laughed.” Darkstar finished her cup of coffee and her voice dropped to a whisper. “A kick to the face stopped my screaming and that was when they started to take turns raping me. I begged them to stop, but that got me another kick. I begged them to kill me, and they just laughed.”

Darkstar looked at Requiem through her tear stained eyes, but she still sat there, silent. She wanted to scream at her but thought that might put her back in the padded room all tied up. She looked in her empty cup but found no answers there. “The back of the van opened. I was in so much pain. Then I heard Cold Front. I’ll never forget what he said. ‘That inhibitor will make a good spot for the knife.’ He cut off my horn just above it and then, after he stabbed me in the belly with my own horn, he shoved me out of the van.” Darkstar lost it in sobs. “I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t move. I just laid there, in the freezing cold, and everything went dark.”

Requiem finally moved in for the hug. “Who found you?”

Darkstar pressed her face against Requiem’s chest, wetting it in the process. “I didn’t know at the time. I regained consciousness for just a moment when they moved me. I heard voices, but quickly blacked out again because the pain was too much. Then next time I woke up it was six months later. Air Raid was asleep next to my bed. They didn’t know if I’d ever come out of the coma. I wasn’t meant to live when they kicked me out of the van. I was meant to be a warning. Some anti-graffiti patrol found me in the warehouse district. Air Raid was there when I came out of surgery, and pretty much every day when I was in the coma.”

“Did your brother visit you?” asked Requiem gently.

“Raid said he did a couple of times, but he had a life in Fillydelphia, and he couldn’t always be there to watch his sister in a coma. I already forgave him for that,” answered Darkstar. “Raid shouldn’t have either. It cost her, her partner, and most of her earnings from racing.”

Requiem asked, “How long did they keep you in the hospital?”

“I don’t know if they were ever going to let me go,” stated Darkstar. “Some of the doctors wanted to commit me to the asylum like they did to my mum. Raid got wind of it and got custody of me. It may have been a couple of weeks before they let me go with her. Brightstar okayed it all.” Darkstar looked at her empty coffee cup and then at Requiem.

“Here’s some bits. Why don’t you get us both a refill,” said Requiem as she hoofed over some coins.

“Even though you didn’t ask, I’m not going to run off.” Darkstar took the coins and tried to clean her face with a foreleg so that she was at least presentable. She then trotted off for coffee.

Requiem watched her go. “Initial assessment. Deep rooted fear at losing everything again. There is no separation between Darkstar and Darkie. They are just one mare. Desire to be independent is outweighed by fear of abandonment. Course of action; to help her reconcile herself to herself so she can argue without verbalization.” She saw Darkstar get the coffees from the vendor and use her magic to carry them back. Requiem took hers in hoof when she returned.

“One death by sugar for you,” Darkstar giggled, but quickly sobered up. “It was one or two days after I got to Raid’s home when the nightmares started. My magic was completely out of control. It was mostly all illusions, but they all had blood. Lots, and lots of blood in them. It dripped from the walls, it would pour from the faucets. Then I tried to kill myself for the first time. Pill overdose. Raid checked on me just a few minutes after I swallowed the whole bottle. She called the hospital, they told her to make me throw up. She did and hauled me in. That is when they put the inhibitor on me. Raid had my room and part of the house equipped with magic dampeners, so I didn’t have to wear it all the time.”

“They released you back into Air Raid’s care?” asked Requiem.

Darkstar nodded, “She hired a nurse to watch me when she wasn’t there. That’s… That’s when Darkstar and I started yelling at each other. We started cutting. It was maybe a month when we cut too deep.”

“Why did you start cutting? Was it for the pain or the blood?” asked Requiem. “Did you mean to cut too deep?”

“The pain at first, but later, the blood was pretty to look at.” Darkstar sighed, “We didn’t mean to cut so deep the first time.”

Requiem held Darkstar close, “Did the nurse find you, and what happened after that?”

“No, I don’t know where the nurse was.” Darkstar giggled, “My timing was never good. Raid found me in the kitchen, just a few minutes after I did it. She told me later I was just sitting there staring at my fetlock. They believed me when I said it was an accident. Raid still locked up all the knives, and I couldn’t go in the kitchen alone.”

Requiem asked, “How many times have you tried to commit suicide?”

“At least ten times, might be more.” Darkstar giggled again. “Raid did her best, but she had to get a hidden camera before she believed me that the nurse was rubbish. She left a knife out where I could find it. Raid said I was sneaking it until she caught the nurse doing it on camera. Raid stopped racing after that. I tied other ways, such as picking up on stallions I knew were taken so I might get beaten to death. Like the first time when they failed.”

“That’s when you stated seeing the doctor in Ponyville?” Requiem asked based on the notes she had.

“Yes, and she let me play with a knife under her supervision. I liked her.” Darkstar added, “She's the one that gave me the happy pills.”

“Do you remember the times before you were attacked?” questioned Requiem.

Darkstar pulled back a bit, “Um, yeah, but it’s weird. Like they’re somepony else’s memories, and I’ve borrowed them.”

“Are there any good memories,” pressed Requiem. “Or are they all nightmares?”

“There are some good ones,” Darkstar nodded. “As for the nightmares, I haven’t had ‘the dream’ since Sunday. Luna did say something about dream therapy. Maybe it is working?”

Requiem held Darkstar and looked into her yellow eyes, “Darkstar, will you share your life with Darkie, or will you end your life and Darkie’s too?”

Darkstar tears flowed again, “I… Well…. I don’t want to die!”

“Thank you for being honest with me,” said Requiem. “Tell me, Darkstar, if they find the ponies that hurt you what do you want done to them?”

“I want them to suffer! I want them to hurt like we’ve been hurt. I... I’m sorry doctor,” Darkstar sighed, “I guess that makes me a bad pony too. I really don’t care.”

Requiem pulled Darkstar back into a hug, “No, that makes you a realist pony. I invited Mapper to join us because she is a unicorn and can better talk to you about your horn. I also invited her to tell you about the ponies that hurt you. May I talk to Darkie for a bit? Same rules.”

Darkstar blinked, and her voice changed ever so slightly. “Sure thing.”

“Darkie, did Darkstar tell me the truth?” Requiem asked.

Darkstar looked away and then back, “Yeah. Yeah she did Doc.”

Requiem went to the heart of the matter, “Do you believe her?”

“I didn’t want to at first,” stated Darkstar, “But what she said made sense, so yeah, I believe her.”

“What about you, Darkie?” queried Requiem, “Do you want to keep living, or have you had enough of this life?”

Darkstar’s shoulders slumped. “Me? I’d had enough, Doc, then everything kinda changed when the nightmares stopped. Now, I don’t know.”

Requiem smiled, “It is nice to see you fully agree on something with yourself.”

“Is it? I don’t totally hate her y’know.” Darkstar’s voice sounded exasperated. “I just wish she’d let me play every now and then and do her own dirty work.”

Requiem smiled as she released Darkstar, “That is reasonable. I’d expect no less from a younger or older sister. Tell me why you want to live?”

Darkstar smiled, “There are zebras out there, many, many zebras. Darkstar? I have to agree, the zebras are rather cute. Another thing we agree on Doc.”

“So, that is the hope you have? To find a special somepony?” questioned Requiem. “Why a zebra?”

Darkstar rolled her eyes, “I’d like somepony, a cute stallion, and, well, I didn’t think about zebras until I met Caffy yesterday. He was so gorgeous, with the stripes, and the stripes.”

“Didn’t you panic when you were on the subway going the wrong way full of zebras?” Requiem pointed out.

“Oh, um, yeah, but that was different. There were a lot of them, and they were scary,” answered Darkstar. “There was a cute stallion, but he was ignoring me. I used a bit of magic to cast my voice in his ear, and he shouted. Then he pointed at us and called us a witch. Then a big zebra mare came over to us and we thought it was the end.”

Requiem didn’t know the zebras to be violent, even if they were tribalistic, “Did the mare threaten you?”

“Well no,” admitted Darkstar, “But she could have like those ponies in the MiAC store.”

“Wait,” interrupted Requiem, “Some pony in the store attacked you?”

Darkstar buried her head in her hooves, “No. Of course not, we were having fun, being sexy, and dancing, and flirting when captain panic took over. She bolted out of the shop.”

Requiem breathed a sigh of relief, “Fear helps to keep us alive. It can also prevent us from achieving our dreams. The zebras are like that. They have little love for Celestia, and fear magic. May I ask Darkstar a question?”

“Sure, Doc, what do you want to know?” answered Darkstar.

Requiem couldn’t understand why this pony was so badly misdiagnosed. “Darkstar, what dream do you want fulfilled?”

Darkstar thought about it for a moment, “I think before Sunday my answer would have been different. Now, I want to meet a nice stallion. I… I just panic too much.”

Requiem nodded, “Are you willing to let Darkie take the lead on dating?”

Darkstar nodded, “Yeah, she’s better at it I guess.”

“Thank you Darkstar,” said Requiem. “Darkie, you know Darkstar is easy to frighten?”

“Well, yeah, she’s skittish,” responded Darkstar.

Requiem pressed on, “Do you think you can keep your flirting to ponies you feel safe with, or with the one you want to make your special somepony?”

“I think,” Darkstar paused, “I guess, yeah, that’s fair.”

Requiem smiled, “This is compromise. The key is to not give in but fight for what you desire. Yet know that your desires can coincide.”

“Darkie, if I may. Sure.” Darkstar looked away, “I’m the one responsible for some of Darkie’s flirting.”

“From what you told me earlier, it was for selfish reasons. To get hurt or killed.” Requiem watched Darkstar cringe under her words. “Aren’t you lonely too?” Darkstar nodded and Requiem continued, “Now you both have hope. It has come with a price.”

Darkstar pulled back the fur at her fetlock and showed her scars, “That’s assuming some stallion is gonna want us.”

Requiem smirked, “Check, add self-esteem to the list of items to work on. Any stallion will have to take the whole package.”

“I keep telling her she’s pretty, Doc,” state Darkstar. “And as every pony is telling us, we’re crazy Darkie.”

“Would you like me to be ‘everypony’ to justify yourself?” asked Requiem.

Darkstar shrugged, “We are though, aren’t we? Crazy?”

Requiem shook her head, “Sorry, you missed a step to board the crazy train. Since I can talk to both of you at the same time you failed at schizophrenia. You do suffer from depression. Your low self-esteem has you hiding behind a curtain in hopes you won’t be noticed. What had you on the crazy train platform was the suicidal thoughts and actions. It is in my opinion that the two of you now wish to live.” The earth pony smiled, “How am I doing so far?”

Darkstar giggled, “You’re about right, I think.” The unicorn paused, “You mean… We aren’t mad?”

“Mad as in crazy? No,” Requiem said as she shook her head. “Mad as in angry?” She gave a sharp nod, “Very much so.”

Darkstar thought about that, “Yeah, yeah, I guess we’re angry.”

“There is justifiable anger,” said Requiem. “But one cannot justify being angry at yourself. That is to relive and hold onto past mistakes instead of learning from them and moving on.”

Darkstar blinked, “I… I shouldn’t be angry at Darkie, shouldn’t I?”

Requiem nodded, “In truth you are one in the same. Darkstar shouldn’t be angry at Darkie, nor should Darkie be angry at Darkstar. Doesn’t mean you won’t have disagreements.”

“But I blame Darkie for what happened!” exclaimed Darkstar. “Her refusal to stop looking for Wily!”

“And a price was paid for that,” Requiem said as she pointed at Darkstar’s horn. “That brings up an interesting point. This may not be so easy to answer so I’d like to hear from either of you, or both. One of you was born twenty-four years ago. When was the other born?”

Darkstar thought about it, but that was an easy question, “I was born twenty-four years ago. Darkstar first spoke to me when we went home from the hospital. She kept me company.” After a brief pause, she continued, “I… I’m not sure when I was born. I have Darkie’s memories, but they aren’t mine… Or are they?”

Requiem looked around, “I only see one mare in front of me.”

Darkstar drooped, “We aren’t normal, are we? There isn’t a Darkie and Darkstar is there? We’re just one mare.”

Requiem smiled, “What is normal? It is true the two of you are just one mare. It is true that you have rationalized a part of your psyche to justify your anger against yourself. It is also true that you can reconcile this anger with yourself and, while there will always be a Darkie and Darkstar, you will still be one mare and know this to be true.”

“You mean, one of us doesn’t have to go away?” questioned Darkstar. “We can be here together?”

“You will always be together,” continued Requiem. “One of you can’t go away without taking the other. My goal is for you to share your thoughts with less verbalizing. Also, to face your fears with less panic attacks.”

“I see, so, ultimately our verbalizations will be less distinct then, but we’ll be together up here?” Darkstar tapped her head with a hoof.

Requiem was very pleased that her newest client got it. “Which falls in the area of what is called normal. All ponies review their actions with those parts of themselves in their head. Some talk out loud, usually to emphasize a point they are making to themselves. Talking to yourself is normal but having a drag out fight with yourself is a cause for concern.”

Darkstar giggled, “Hear that Darkstar? We have to play nice.” She giggled some more, “After our chat, I think we can at least make a start.”

Requiem’s eyes glazed over. “Sorry, I have an incoming call.” She pulled out her phone and glanced at the number, “It’s Mapper.” She answered the call, “Hello Maps… About fifty feet from Sprout’s coffee stand in an alcove. I can see Sprout, and now I can see you.” Requiem waved a distinctive blue and red foreleg. When she saw Mapper wave back, she turned to Darkstar. “Mapper will be her in a bit. I will bring up none of our personal conversation, but I may ask her about some things you can relate to. You are free to say what you wish, of course.”

Darkstar was focused on something else, “Your face. It did a thing.”

Requiem laughed, “My phone was set to vibrate, and it does it very well. At least I don’t jump when it goes off.”

Darkstar giggled, “Yeah that would be embarrassing. I’ll have to thief that idea in the future.” She stood and straightened her dress when she saw a unicorn approach.

“Hello Requiem,” said Mapper as she entered the alcove. She exchanged nuzzles with the earth pony.

“Greetings Mapper.” Requiem pointed a hoof at her companion. “I’d like you to meet Darkstar, a friend of Air Raid and Wildfire.”

Darkstar held up a hoof, “Hey, Mapper.”

Mapper gave her a hoof bump and moved in for a nuzzle. “You were the one injured in the pursuit of Wily.”

Darkstar blushed, “Yeah, that’s me.” She giggled, “We have a reputation it seems.”

“You do,” said Mapper. “It is nice to meet a pony that stays the course. Lovely outfit too.”

Requiem snorted, “You’re going to have to put on your stud gear for her to notice you, Maps.”

Darkstar played with her dress, “Thank you, we chose it together, and as far as Wily is concerned, I was just doing right by our friend. That’s all.”

Mapper tilted her head, “I’ve spent a lot of time with Luna. Is that the royal ‘we’ I’m hearing?”

Darkstar shook her head, “Um, no, not exactly. There’s two of us up here, something about rationalizing part of my psyche directing anger at myself after I was attacked.”

Mapper looked at Requiem, “Herd?” The doctor nodded and Mapper returned her attention to Darkstar, “Are you accepting hugs, Darkstar?”

Darkstar smiled, “Sure, hugs are cool.”

Mapper hugged Darkstar close, “Requiem used all that psychobabble on me too. I will say she helped me out. I’m guessing there is more to my invite than that?”

Darkstar returned the hug with enthusiasm, “It is really nice to meet you.”

Requiem stated, “She is staying at Caffy’s place along with Air Raid.” Mapper gave her a raised eyebrow look. Requiem continued, “Two thirds of her horn was cut off, and Luna did a healing.” Mapper’s face turned to rage. “It was Cold Front,” concluded Requiem.

The mare in front of Mapper flinched away. The unicorn took a breath and slowly let it out. “How are you doing?” she asked.

Darkstar still looked at the unicorn in fear, “We… We’re bet… Better now. Air Raid will tell you the last four years have been no picnic.”

“And your magic,” asked Mapper.

“I had no control and had to wear an inhibitor.” Darkstar’s eyes filled with tears. “Now it is healed, I have no power. I can barely cast the illusions that I specialized in.”

Mapper snarled and the mare she was holding moved away. The unicorn stamped a hoof, “I could have done more!”

“Mapper!” Requiem wrapped the unicorn in a hug. “You’ve never killed a pony and you’re not going to start now.”

Mapper melted into the hug, “I would have made sure they didn’t die.”

Darkstar blinked as she tried to figure out what was going on. “What… What do you mean? Were they caught? Wily’s dad and the others?”

Mapper laughed and Darkstar stepped back, “Cold Front is in Tartarus where he will remain until the sun and moon disappear. As for the rest. Luna found the other three through your nightmare and they were brought to the castle. Luna wields a fine knife and each slice cut their thread of life till it was finer than a spider’s thread. Each slice pure torment.

Darkstar moved next to Requiem for some level of security. “You make it sound almost poetic.” She steadied her nerve. “Mapper, did they… Did Luna make them suffer?”

Mapper nodded, “For as long as she could, but even the Goddess of the Night cannot hold death at bay forever. They to share a spot in Tartarus with Wildfire’s father.”

Darkstar stomped her hoof and snarled, “Good! I hope they died begging and screaming for mercy like I did in that van!” Requiem pressed against her side but made no move to hug her. Darkstar steadied herself, “Um, you said you could’ve done more?”

“Witnessing isn’t the same as doing,” said Mapper. “But Luna isn’t one to share when she is in the zone.”

“I’d think not,” responded Darkstar. She fell silent when the look from Mapper pierced her soul.

“Luna has a vested interest in you, Air Raid, and Wildfire,” stated Mapper. “Of course, it was Dusk that brought Wildfire to Luna’s attention. When you meet my wife, Serenity, you can thank her that Luna has an interest in you two.”

“I will,” said Darkstar enthusiastically. “We’re glad for it and that you care about us too.”

“My magic specialty is gravity spells,” said Mapper. “I have power but no finesse. I can toss a mountain, but crush an egg trying to lift it.”

Requiem interjected with a giggle, “That’s why Mapper cooks the old fashion earth pony way.”

Mapper rolled her eyes, “You eat my cooking.” Requiem couldn’t deny that. “You said your specialty was illusions?”

“Yes,” responded Darkstar. “My pranks were legendary at school. When my horn was healed, I muffled Airmail’s hooves so she could prank Wily.” Darkstar giggled, “Also, your cooking couldn’t be worse than Raid’s”

“Do you remember all of your spells?” asked Mapper.

Darkstar nodded, “Yes, besides the muffle, I can toss my voice, change the flavor or smell of things, and make stuff seem to disappear. My favorite was invisibility, but I’m not very good at that now.”

Mapper smirked, “Are you sure you’re casting them the exact same way you used to cast them?”

“Of course, I am!” Darkstar said in her own defense. “It’s just feels kinda a weird when I cast the spell and try to channel the power.”

Mapper laughed, and Darkstar’s frown made her laugh harder. “You’re still casting like you had your old horn instead of your new horn.”

At least Mapper’s laughter didn’t make her flinch this time, but it did make her angry. “What are you talking about? I told you, you were doing it wrong. Darkstar. Tell her what she needs to do.” Darkstar drooped, “Yeah, can you help us?”

Mapper pointed her hoof at Darkstar, “Back to magic kindergarten for you.” She giggled, “If Luna had stepped back in time to restore your horn before it was damaged, you’d be fine. Instead you have the knowledge of an adult and the horn of a filly.” She moved closer to Darkstar, “Not to be rude, but it is possible your magic specialty has changed too. You should be able to relearn all the spells you knew, but your real talent may be something other than illusions.”

“But… We thought…” Darkstar reviewed what had happened since her horn was healed. “Well we didn’t think that. Having a horn is a horn and just go on like we did before.

“Sorry, it doesn’t work that way,” said Mapper. “You’re not the first unicorn to have a horn injury.”

Darkstar frowned, “I don’t doubt that. So, back to school?”

Mapper nodded, “I would recommend you go to a remedial course for adults. From my time in the military, I know they have them to help injured unicorns.”

“Alrighty, we can do that,” responded Darkstar.

Mapper smiled a kind smile, “They say the first step in learning is to unlearn what you know.”

“That’s actually decent advice since everything has gone plot over muzzle recently.” Darkstar smiled, “Was it like this for Wily when her wings were healed?”

Mapper had a thoughtful look, “I broke Wildfire to save her. Luna broke Wildfire to heal her. I think when Wildfire put the pieces back together, she came out rather nicely.”

“Wily still has some issues,” said Requiem. “So, I look forward to our next session together.”

Darkstar again looked downcast, “She had a rough time in that care home, didn’t she? If… If we had been quicker that Sunday, we could have got her back.”

Mapper stomped her hoof and instantly had Darkstar’s attention. “If is a pointless pursuit. To change the past is to destroy the future.”

“My, those sessions did rub off on you,” said Requiem.

Darkstar shrugged, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. At least we’re here now and sucking air in, right?”

Mapper and Requiem looked at each other and then Mapper turned back to Darkstar, “Yes, better than the alternative of inspecting daisy roots.”

Darkstar agreed, “I’m done begging for death. Now I’m going to live!”

When Mapper looked at her again, Requiem said, “I have convinced my client to live as I need her to stay alive so I can milk the government for more money. In return she gets coffee.”

“Caffy’s coffee?” asked Mapper. Requiem nodded, “You’ve made a shrewd deal there, Darkstar.”

Darkstar relaxed and giggled, “We get to live, be awesome and drink coffee. Everypony wins.”

Mapper asked, “Will you be at the gaming party tomorrow?”

“Yes,” said Darkstar. “We were going to hide in my room, but now… Now we’ll go for sure.”

“Okay, are you up for some friendly advice?” asked Mapper.

“Mapper,” muttered Requiem.

“Real world Requiem,” stated Mapper. She looked back at Darkstar, “So Luna doesn’t think you are making fun of the way she talks, either stop with the we, or tell her first thing why you say we. Okay?”

Darkstar thought about it for a moment, “Okay, we’ll tell her. Um, Mapper, when you first showed up, you asked Requiem, herd. Are we part of the herd now?”

“No,” replied Mapper. You are not part of the herd, but you are a herd matter and will be treated like you are herd. Don’t abuse the privilege.”

“Oh no!” Darkstar waved a hoof, “No! We won’t, I promise. We had a chat with Thespian when she showed us around the house.”

“Very good, the alpha mare has things well in hoof,” said Mapper. “By the way, I like your choice in outfits.”

Requiem snorted, “Like you’d ever dress so modestly.” Mapper could only shrug.

Darkstar looked at the outfit she was wearing, “Darkstar chose the dress, but I thought it was rather dull. Darkie chose the corset and socks.”

“The dress and socks would have been enough, but the rest really does add to the look,” said Mapper. “You should be able to turn any stallion’s head.”

Darkstar giggled, “Well not any stallion. We’ve had this discussion and I’m only going to flirt with a pony we really like.”

“That works,” said Mapper. “I’m going to head off and pick up Serenity. We’ll see you at the party tomorrow.”

Darkstar held up her hoof for a bump, “Alrighty, Mapper, see you then.” Mapper bumped hooves and trotted off.

Requiem watched Mapper turn a corner before she said, “I didn’t know unicorn magic worked that way. I thought it came from within and the horn was just a conduit.”

“It’s news to us too,” said Darkstar. “We didn’t think having a new horn would make much of a difference. At least I know why I’m weak. ‘Cos our horn is young.”

Requiem asked, “How did Luna heal your horn?”

Darkstar remembered that day like it was this morning. “The Princess removed the inhibitor and laid her horn on my head. She regrew my horn from the stump. She… She must have done more than just regrow it. She gave me a whole new core! Imagine the sheer power that would have taken… To give me a new core just like that.”

“Sounds like something you can bring up with her tomorrow,” said Requiem. “What do you want to do now, Darkstar?”

Darkstar shrugged, “I don’t know. I guess I have the whole day left, don’t I? Oh, I need to text Caffy to let him know I’m all right, and… Well I can hang out here and go to his shop later.”

“I don’t think you want a keeper,” stated Requiem. “That would include Caffy. If you’re back to this shop before six, I wouldn’t bother texting him. If you’re going to run late, then let him know you’ll make your own way home. What do you like to do besides dancing and pranking?”

“You’re right on that. I’ve had enough of keepers. I like the theater, and art. Any recommendations?”

“See Showmares. Lots of dancing, singing and it is a bit of fun. After the show, go backstage and ask for Recital. She, and her husband Trumpet, are both herd and in the show.” While Darkstar thought about that she added, “The show starts at seven and is over by ten, but it is a good chance that Recital will keep you longer.”

“Okay, that sounds like a good plan,” said Darkstar. “So, um, what happens now, regards us?”

Requiem feigned surprise. “And I thought you liked stallions.”

Darkstar laughed, “Ha, ha ha, I meant seeing you, like this.”

“Oh, good, I really didn’t want to get rid of my husband. He is my agent after all,” said Requiem with all seriousness. “That really depends on you. You haven’t told me what you plan to do with yourself in Manehatten, or if you are even going to stay in the city.”

“Well my current plan is to meet a hunky zebra tomorrow. Caffy’s aunt, Coffee Bean, is supposed to bring one to the party,” said Darkstar. “Raid is going to buy Mapper’s place and I’ll live with her until me and my stallion find a place of our own. Oh, Airmail said I could have a job at the paper. I was an investigated reporter in Canterlot, but Airmail said I could work the theater scene.”

“I work in the theater,” said Requiem, “When I’m not passing out coffee and advice. We can meet anytime on Wednesdays, or in the morning on Monday and Tuesday.”

“Okay, how about every Wednesday morning in your office. Same time as today?” Darkstar looked at Requiem’s cutie mark. “Working in the theater. I guess that explains your cutie mark.”

Requiem shook her head, “I got this megaphone as a cheerleader. That led to some bad experiences. How better to fix one’s self than to become a psychiatrist. Alas the theater is in my blood, so now I do both.”

Darkstar frowned, “Doc, does anypony in Equestria not have a bad experience? I mean, do we attract them?”

“I believe that we ponies with bad experiences tend to attract others of a like mind as a way of mutual support to see the world is not always dark,” said Requiem. “To be fair though, I think those that never experience anything bad, never experience anything.”

“I guess you’re right Doc.” Darkstar still looked grim, “Do you think I’ll get to a point where I don’t need Air Raid to look after me?”

“You are there now, Darkstar,” stated Requiem. “The moment both of you expressed the desire to live. I’m going to review your current medication, but for now stay the course on those. Did Thespian give you any special rules at the house?”

Darkstar nodded, “There was the one about no pranking, and the etiquette for asking herd members for sex. Also, I’m not allowed in the kitchen or access my meds unsupervised.”

Requiem replied, “Well the first two are standard rules. Is the kitchen because of the knife and the meds because you may overdose?” Darkstar blushed and nodded. “If I was to remove one, which would you like removed?”

“The kitchen!” Darkstar said quickly. “I want to help out proper in the house, and I’m a good cook.”

“As you know we trust, but we also verify. Let me give Thespian a call.” Requiem pulled out her phone and dialed. “Thespian… Greetings answering machine, it is I, doctor to the stars. Thespy, when you get this, I’m authorizing you to remove the no kitchen alone rule on Darkstar. See you tomorrow, and don’t wear out the zebra tonight.” She hung up her phone and turned to Darkstar. When you do get home, ask if she or Caffy checked the answering machine.”

“I can do that,” said Darkstar. “I guess I’ll just hang out here till the show then.”

“While there is plenty to do in Manehatten, and what I said earlier really only applies to the Broncs,” said Requiem.

“That is where I almost ended up if that zebra mare didn’t give me the right directions,” said Darkstar.

“Yes,” responded Requiem. “Zebras are not very trusting of magic, and Celestia is mostly unicorns, so you’ll fit right in there. Sadly, some of those unicorns cause mischief in the Broncs. Wait till you have your zebra escort to explore that area. You’ve been to Stallion Island and the Brooks is a lot like that. There is a beautiful fountain in the heart of Celestia you might want to see.”

“Okay, that sounds good too,” said Darkstar. “And now?”

“Now I leave you without a keeper.” Requiem laughed, “As for me, I have paperwork to do and notes to transcribe.” She gave Darkstar a hug, “Enjoy your freedom and enjoy the day. If you have any trouble you can call any of the herd.”

Darkstar returned the hug, “Thanks Doc, I’ll make this a life worth living.” With an added hoof bump she watch Requiem trot off. She did note the mare got another coffee before she left the park. “It’s just us now Darkie. It is, Darkstar.”

Chapter 5 - Herd Personalities

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“Are you up for a walk, my pretty maid?” asked Thespian.

“Yes, Ms. Thespian,” responded Air Raid. “Anywhere you want to go.”

“What interests you Air Raid?” Thespian asked, “What do you find fascinating?”

“Besides driving really fast?” Air Raid thought for a moment, “Poems, literature, art, they’re forever festinating.”

“Very good, I can indulge you in that.” They stepped into Times Square proper and it is crowed with ponies along with a heavy police presence. “This is the heart of the city. To the south is the brains, the financial district, media outlets, and high-end stores. To the north is the soul with the parks, theatres, and museums. I do like to watch ponies scurry hither and yon. You can join the throng here or head south, but to relax you want to head north.”

“If this is the heart of the city, then the ponies must be the blood, and the streets the arteries and veins,” said Air Raid.

“Not a bad analogy, for without the ponies the city would die. It would be a wasteland of concrete and steel,” observed Thespian. “Like a body it has diseases and even cancer. Manehatten used to be very pro Celestia. There is even a borough named after her. In the Broncs live most of the zebras and being followers of Luna, you can guess the two boroughs don’t get along very well.”

Air Raid nodded as she looked around the square. “If this city is alive then Canterlot is a corpse that doesn’t know it died yet.”

Thespian smiled, “I’ve visited Canterlot, and I found the city… Quaint.”

“Quaint like a graveyard is quaint,” responded Air Raid.

“Well, you’re no longer there,” said Thespian. “To be honest change is difficult, and usually has to come from the inside. Even here change is resisted, but I’m still fighting the good fight one show at a time,” she ended with a giggle.

“You said the theatres are to the north. That’s where you work. I surprised Wily with my knowledge of literature and Shakespony.”

“I do have fun at work,” said Thespian. “You can always find Shakespony playing somewhere.

“Just like me, only one race at a time,” responded Air Raid.

“Are you feeling homesick?” asked Thespian.

“For Canterlot, no, Ms. Thespian,” answered Air Raid. “I’m more homesick for making a home here in Manehatten.”

Thespian laughed, “When I was younger, I wanted to escape this city where my parents lived. I met a zebra that didn’t care what I could bring, but only cared for me. Alas, he came to this city to live and here I stay.”

Air Raid nodded, “Home is home, I guess. Not just where you kip at night, but the memories you make.” A smile spread across her face, “I’m going to make some good ones here.”

“I hope you do,” said Thespian. “Now a bit more swish when you walk, as ponies are watching.”

“Yes, Ms. Thespian.” Air Raid added a lot more sway to her hips and looked to see who was watching.

“Eyes front!” commanded Thespian. “They may look at you, but you may not look at them.”

Air Raid snapped her head to the front and kept her eyes looking forward, “Yes ma’am!”

“Most mares, like myself, are dressed in their fur,” said Thespian, and then she added, “But you they want to undress with their eyes.”

A blush covered Air Raid’s cheeks, “It feels really good to be watched.”

Thespian observed those looking at her pretty maid, “You’ll be happy to know that some mares have also taken to looking at you.”

The blush spread to Air Raid’s ears, “Yes, Ms. Thespian. It’s like I have power over them.”

Thespian giggled, “Yes, the power of a bright red tail ribbon and a bit of burgundy cloth covering the valley of delight.” She sniffed, “Though I don’t think it is hiding the mist rising from the valley.”

Air Raid staggered a step, as she thought of how she was being humiliated. She quickly recovered, and held her muzzle high, “Don’t care. Let them look, right?”

“That’s the spirit, dear,” said Thespian. They continued for a couple more blocks before she spoke up again, “Here is the museum that I wanted to show you, my pretty maid. Let us find out how the air conditioning mixes with that mist over the valley.”

Air Raid’s blush intensified again, but the site of the building took her mind off that problem. “Wow, they really built to impress. I mean, look at those columns, and the sheer effort that went into that façade. Just, wow.”

“Remember, I did say this was Celestia’s city, and they tried to emulate Canterlot with their official buildings,” reminded Thespian. “Let us go in and see what they have to offer. We will start with the paintings and finish with the sculptures.”

“Lead on, Ms. Thespian,” said Air Raid as she never let her swishing tail slow down.

“Do keep up, my pretty maid.” Thespian led Air Raid into the museum and to the left. The first gallery held art from the classical era prior to Luna’s banishment. She saw Air Raid go slack jawed at the art before her and noted the pegasus’s tail slow down. “It is interesting that most of these were painted by earth ponies.”

“I know, right,” said Air Raid. “You’d think it would be unicorns, but it may have to do with mouth and hoof dexterity.”

Thespian lightly swatted Air Raid’s ass. “Your tail has stopped moving, my pretty maid.” She smiled as Air Raid’s cheeks heated up and the tail started moving. “I think it is mostly because the unicorn population was low, and they didn’t have time to waste magic on art.” They moved through the gallery, “Sadly much of the art from this period was destroyed in the war between the sisters. That is the only piece with Luna in it and that is because Celestia is in it too.”

The moved on to a section with six galleries. “This is during the Celestial period. Then you may have noted that Celestia is the running theme in these galleries.”

“Yeah, hard to miss that, Ms. Thespian.” Air Raid moved through the galleries and made sure to keep her tail and hips moving. She fought hard not to laugh when a stallion crashed into a bench but couldn’t keep the giggle contained. That earned another swat to her ass.

“Do not laugh at the misfortunes of others,” said Thespian even though she also giggled. “Here are a few exceptions, such as Comet Tails. The pegasus artist has a few works here in the gallery.”

“Yeah, I know of him,” said Air Raid. “He does sculpture too and did one of Darkies favourite statues.”

“I do like to end my tour with the sculptures,” said Thespian. “More art is being created over the last thirty years, and may one day rival the Celestial period art. This next two galleries are…”

A stallion interrupted Thespian’s tour, “Hey, pretty filly, can you clean pipes?”

Air Raid sputtered to think of a response when Thespian stepped in, “She does sir, but unfortunately for you, her talent is reserved for larger jobs.”

The stallion was left sputtering as Thespian moved along to the next gallery. Air Raid almost failed to follow as she watched the disgraced stallion. She quickly caught up with Thespian and whispered, “Thank you, Ms. Thespian.”

“He did call you pretty, my pretty maid,” Thespian said with a smug smile. Air Raid could only nod to that. “This is the painting I want you to see in the current diarchy period. This was painted in Central Park. Have you heard of an artist by the name of Brush Strokes?”

Air Raid paused for a moment to remember where she had heard that name and the moment came back to her. “Landscape artist. Darkie took me to an exhibit in Canterlot of his works.

“Have you met him then?” asked Thespian.

“Oh no,” said Air Raid. “I’d like to.” She pointed a hoof at the painting. “He does great at capturing nature.”

Thespian smiled at her inside joke, “You’ll meet him tomorrow. After all he is Prince Dusk’s stallion friend.”

“No way,” Air Raid said with a shake of her head.

“He’s an earth pony too, but no surprise there being a painter,” continued Thespian as if she weren’t interrupted. “Tempest likes to claim the credit of bringing the two of them together.”

“You’re so yanking my crank!” exclaimed Air Raid before she realized what she had said, “Um, Ms. Thespian.”

Thespian walked out of the gallery and into the cafeteria. “Be a dear and fetch me a coffee black and two daisy sandwiches. You may get something for yourself too.”

Air Raid’s blush had returned, “Sorry for the outburst, Ms. Thespian. I’ll see to it right away.” Air Raid went to the counter and got Thespian’s order along with a two-sugar coffee and blueberry muffin.

When Air Raid returned Thespian said, “You may stand to eat and drink. I don’t want that pretty ass of your hidden.”

“Yes, Ms. Thespian.” Air Raid arranged the food and drinks. Secretly she was pleased to stand since her ass was still sore. “How did Tempest get the two of them together?”

“That is a story in and of itself,” said Thespian. “Did you know Vocal Chord?” She saw Air Raid nod, but the expression she wore went from happy to sad in a moment. “Dusk and Vocal walked into my husband’s shop. Omega met them there and got an interview.”

“I was so surprised when I read about that. Dusk never gives interviews,” said Air Raid.

“Omega is the lead political reporter and works for Airmail,” said Thespian. “You’ll meet him on Thursday along with his coltfriend, Sunshine. Shortly after that Luna got Vocal and his band tour dates.” Thespian shook her head, “You never know what you’ll miss until it is gone. When Dusk was next in Manehatten he was mopping in the park and plopped down in front of Brush Stroke and the landscape he was painting. Tempest rolled in a big rainstorm. Ruined Brush Stroke’s painting and brought to stallions together to shelter from the storm. The rest, as they say, is history.”

“Good for Dusk,” said Air Raid.

“Well he isn’t missing Vocal Chord any longer, and I hope you’re not missing Wildfire either,” commented Thespian.

“No, it’s fine, Ms. Thespian,” responded Air Raid. “I missed my chance with Wily and it is time for me to move on. New scenery, new ponies. I can’t keep beating myself up over thinking what I could have done.”

Thespian came straight to the point, “Then why are you beating yourself up over Darkstar?”

Air Raid hesitated to answer, “I… I dunno, I guess, it’s, um, different, y’know?” When Thespian said nothing the words just rushed out of Air Raid, “It’s what I should have done with Wily, looking after her. It’s like, like wiping my slate clean. I don’t want to beat myself up anymore. Now Darkie has real help, and I have real hope to start anew. I can’t change what has been done but can only effect what is to come.”

When Air Raid ran out of steam, Thespian spoke up, “Seems I’m having an effect on you. Dance.”

Air Raid blinked as she processed the one-word command, “Dance?”

Thespian smiled, “A rhythmic movement of the body, usually with musical accompaniment, but music is not required as you can dance to a tune in your head.

Air Raid rolled her eyes, “I know what dance is, Ms. Thespian. As it happens, I do have a dance along with a poem, if it please you.”

“It pleases me to see you dance,” said Thespian. “Anything else will be a welcomed extra.”

Air Raid reared up on her hind legs and used her wings for balance. She started a slow dance around the table with Thespian and began to recite the poem ‘Paint the Sky with Stars’. Around her the ponies in the cafeteria quieted. While she always faced Thespian, her movements let her see the others in the cafeteria, and they were in her thrall. Thespian’s eyes never left her as she started the second half of the poem. When she finished, Air Raid lowered herself to four hooves and took a bow.

Thespian clapped her hooves and soon the rest of the cafeteria was doing the same along with a few whistles. “As a race driver, I suppose you are well able to handle being the centre of attention. Finish your muffin and we will look at the other offerings of this museum.

Air Raid moved back to her spot, “I’m used to it Ms. Thespian, though the smaller crowd is rather… Intimidating.” She takes a bite of her muffin and follows up with some coffee. “Dusk taught us that poem.”

“Interesting,” said Thespian. “So many things I don’t know. Then it does take time to know a pony.”

“Think about it, ma’am. A stadium of thousands is a faceless noise of cheering or booing.” Air Raid tossed her head, “Here I can see each muzzle. It’s different, scarier.”

Thespian smiled as she finished her coffee. “You did very well my pretty, pretty maid.”

“Thank you, Ms. Thespian.” Air Raid finished her muffin and coffee. “I cheated a bit, and pretended it was just you in the room.”

Thespian lifted her nose and waved a hoof, “It was I that asked you to dance, and it should be me that you danced for. It is a bonus that others were able to enjoy it. Move along now, we have statues to see.”

“Sure, Ms. Thespian. I wonder if there is a Cloud Blossom original here?” asked Air Raid.

Thespian giggled, “I shouldn’t be surprised that you know the arts, since you did say it interested you. I was going to ask if you followed rugby.”

“I follow a few of the players, and you can blame Wily for that, Ms. Thespian,” responded Air Raid. “I don’t have a clue about the game itself, then Wily is your mare for that.”

Thespian shook her head, “I don’t follow it either, but Caffy does, and he loves to annoy me with it.” They enter the first gallery of post-unification statues. “While Apple Blossom is the star of our local team, Cloud Blossom is the star in these hallowed halls.” They stop before a statue of a rising from a cloud with just one hoof touching the cloud base. “Pose.”

Air Raid immediately tried to copy the pose. On just one hoof with her wings spread she wobbled a bit until she found her balance. She watched Thespian slowly walk around her, studying her. A blush spread across Air Raid’s cheeks. She soon noticed that other patrons were also studying the newest statue in the museum.

“You could have been Cloud Blossom’s inspiration,” commented Thespian.

“I agree,” said a mare.

“I’m certainly inspired,” said a stallion.

Air Raid soaked it all in. They were looking at her, admiring her. It was so hot.

“Thank you, my dear maid,” said Thespian, “you may come to life.”

Air Raid lowered herself from the pose and saw the other ponies looking her way. She did a bow, and they nodded in appreciation. “That… That was unreal, Ms. Thespian.”

“Cloud Blossom has other works in this museum, but that one means the most to me.” Thespian led the way out of the gallery.

“Because of the name, Ms. Thespian. Tempest?” asked Air Raid.

“Yes, for many reasons,” answered Thespian. “I’ve been in the play, and Serenity is in it now. Then there is my herd mate, Tempest. The memories. Never lose your memories, Raid. Good and bad.”

“Oh, brave new world, that has such ponies in it,” quoted Air Raid.

Thespian giggled, “Going to give up racing for acting?”

Air Raid snorted, “I’m a rubbish actor, Ms. Thespian. Just me and Wily shared that line on the cloud the first time.”

Thespian nodded, “Wily remembers that day with fondness.”

Softly Air Raid responded, “As do I, Ms. Thespian, as do I.”

“Unlike the paintings, most of these works are done by pegasi.” Thespian led the pair into the Celestial era. “From the simplest stone to the grandest marble, I admire the patience to turn one of these out.”

Air Raid nodded, “Darkstar was able to interview Cloud Blossom. It amazed me that she could hover for eight hours while sculpting.” Thespian stopped before another statue and Air Raid looked at it. It was Princess Celestia in pure white marble. She had her wings spread and a forehoof raised like she was addressing a crowd. Her cutie mark was gold inlay, and her mane and tail were several pastel shades of marble. “Sweet, “she giggled, “Celestia. This had to take weeks. Look at the detail and the mane!”

“It took six months,” said Thespian. “This is the pony we imagine is in Canterlot. She is rather regal looking.” The mare started to rummage in her saddle bag.

“It is amazing!” exclaimed Air Raid. “Imagine, Ms. Thespian, being able to commission something like this.” She took her eyes from the statue to see what Thespian was doing.

The earth pony pulled out a piece of paper and rolled it into a cone. She used some bobby pins to fasten it to Air Raid’s mane. “Pose.”

Air Raid smiled and took one more look at the statue before she copied the pose to include the stern expression. It was an honour to copy another one of Cloud Blossom’s works. Again, several of the ponies that were in the gallery gathered to look at her recreating the statue. One of the ponies was wearing a museum vest.

“Are you mocking our Princess?” said the uniformed stallion.

Thespian glanced his way, “Do you think she is so insecure in her position that a pony such as I could mock her?”

The curator stomped a hoof, “I’ll not have you and this floozy disrupting my museum!”

Thespian sniffed, “This is a pony’s museum. A treasure house of art that belongs to no one pony.”

The curator pointed a hoof, “I’ll call security!”

Thespian dismissed him with her hoof, “That is your privilege.” She watched the pony storm off. “Raid, is it beneath me to use my position?”

Air Raid had remained stock still during the altercation, but she answered, “No, Ms. Thespian.”

Thespian laughed, “He isn’t worth it. Come to life and let’s look at the time before the banishment.” Air Raid followed Thespian who ignored the rest of the statues in this wing.

Air Raid sighed, “Personally, Ms. Thespian, I don’t see his issue, not as if we were defacing it.”

Thespian shrugged as she walked, “Manehatten was once a jewel in Celestia’s crown. Not everypony is happy to see the return of Luna. There are no onyx statues of the goddess of the night in this museum.”

“Yeah, yeah, I had noticed. Hardly right though.” Air Raid had an idea, “You could dress me up as Princes Luna, Ms. Thespian, and I’ll be that statue this museum needs.”

“My dear, I can’t do that, for I am Princess Luna!” Thespian giggled, “I’ll have to show you the photos when we get home.” There is shouting back the way they came, but Thespian continued to walk on calmly.

Air Raid walked calmly beside her and heard fast approaching hoof steps. She glanced at Thespian who seemed to be ignoring the sounds behind them. ‘I wonder what she will do?’

Thespian stops at a statue with Celestia on the left side of the long base. “To the right was a statue of Luna, but it was destroyed in the war.”

Air Raid squeezes her eyes to keep the tears in, “I bet this would have been beautiful with both Princesses present.”

Another stallion with a museum vest fast approaches, “Thespian, what the hay are you doing?”

Thespian turned to look at the stallion, “Good afternoon, Stomper. Just enjoying the museum on this fine day.”

“You got Timepiece in an uproar,” said the stallion.

Thespian shrugged, “How was I to know a Celestite would be in charge today?”

“Are you on your way out,” asked Stomper.

“After we finish this wing,” responded Thespian.

“Thanks,” said Stomper who then turned to Air Raid, “Cute horn, by the way.”

“Thank you, Stomper,” said Air Raid. “It wasn’t like we were doing any harm.”

Stomper laughed a little, “Funny you should say that Miss. Harm is often in the eye of the beholder. I’ll let Timepiece know I took care of the situation. Have a good day, Thespian.” The stallion turned and trotted off the way he came.

Air Raid looks at her hooves, “I’m sorry, Ms. Thespian, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Thespian lifted Air Raid’s head with a hoof, “Did I tell you to be silent?”

“No, ma’am, but a servant should know her place,” answered Air Raid.

“Welcome to a, well for the moment to include you, free Equestria.” Thespian giggled, “There is one more statue I want you to see. It escaped the purge.” Thespian walked off and Air Raid followed. “I hadn’t given it much thought until Mapper explained to me what the statue meant.”

They stopped before a statue with the simple title of ‘Pegasus in Bronze’ “Oh, wow,” said Air Raid, “She’s beautiful and looks like she could take off at any moment. Who is she?”

“Until recently I had thought of her as, Pegasus. Now I know different. It is nice to see art survive the victory.” Thespian pointed at the statue. “This was a pegasus that would stand up to Princess Celestia when the nation needed a voice of reason. If ponies like Timepiece knew the truth of this statue, he would have it melted down. That she is here now gives me hope that the world will survive ponies like him, and me for that matter.”

“This does look familiar to me,” said Air Raid. “I’m sure I’ve seen it before.”

Thespian nodded, “There is an identical statue in marble in the Canterlot Castle gardens. Maybe Dusk showed it to you.”

“That’s it!” Air Raid brightened up. “This is Sky Dive, Luna’s wi…”

Thespian shushed the pegasus. “Seems some secrets are not so secret. Such is the way of children.” Thespian looked around, “No harm done, it is time to leave this place of beauty and venture back into the world of concrete and steel.”

As they neared the exit, Timepiece approached them, “Forgive me, Ms. Thespian, but…”

Thespian held up a hoof, “No, I will not accept your apology for I do not remember anything happening today. Maybe next time you’ll have more faith in your goddess. Let us take our leave, Raid.”

“Yes, Ms. Thespian.” She gave the curator a look and then trotted after Thespian. When they were outside, she asked, “What was that all about?”

“He may have learned that I’m a patron of the arts. More so, my husband and the coffee tribe. Even more so, my father.” Thespian shook her head, “Why I asked if I should use my position earlier. I learned long ago you shouldn’t use money to solve your problems, but at times I do want to rub it in a pony’s face.”

“Ah,” said Air Raid, “so fear of losing that money made him change his tune.”

“Sadly, yes,” commented Thespian. “Enough about him, do you like cheesy fries?”

Air Raid decided it would be best to go with the change of subject, “Yes, Ms. Thespian. They are proper yummy.”

“Good, we can get some at the park,” said Thespian. “It is a few blocks to the park.”

Air Raid giggles, “Then we can walk off the calories before we eat them.” Thespian laughed. “You see,” explained Air Raid, “if we walk one more step than we need to we can eat whatever we want and never gain weight!”

“I like how you think,” said Thespian. “Your logic is like my husband’s. Eat the donuts, but never the donut holes, because all the calories go to the middle.”

Air Raid laughed, “Ms. Thespian, I thought everypony knew that.”

Thespian shook her head as she trotted. “I can already see you and the zebras will get along fabulously. Up ahead, do you see that opening on the left? That is the start of the park. The subway station entrance is up this street at the middle of the park. About a half mile.”

“It’s a big park, maybe bigger than the Canterlot Gardens,” commented Air Raid. “I do hope we impress some zebras tomorrow.”

“I have faith in Coffee Bean,” said Thespian as she entered the park and trotted up to a zebra and earth pony behind two carts. “Fluffy, Leaf. Usual for me and a sweet one for my maid.”

Leaf, a light green zebra, said, “Shor ting, Ms. Thessy.

Fluffy started preparing the fries, “Taking your staff on a holiday?”

Air Raid giggled, “Ms. Thespian is such a good employer she lets us see the sun every so often.”

“Bah to da sun!” said Leaf. “Da moon ist true glory!’

“Whatever, Tealeaf. You herd, missy?” asked Fluffy. Air Raid shook her head. “Then welcome to the association. Two orders of cheesy fries.”

“And here is a coffee true, and a sweet brew,” said Leaf.

“Thank you both.” Thespian left some bits on the cart. “Let’s find somewhere to sit and watch ponies, my petty maid.”

“Over there, Ms. Thespian. That sitting area is free.” Air Raid pointed out with a hoof.

“That will do nicely.” Thespian trotted over to the sitting area, “Nice to sit in the open air when you’re surrounded by monuments of stone and steel”

Air Raid looked around at the city skyline that outlined the park, “Yeah, it is. It’s all bigger here isn’t it?”

Thespian nodded, “At least the illusion that it is. Still I played here as a foal.” She dug into her cheesy fries.

Air Raid sipped her coffee, “I can just see a little you running around playing with a ball, or a… Frisbee… Kite?”

“Maybe all three,” Thespian giggled, “Those were carefree days back then.”

“Tell me about them?” Air Raid asked before she started on her fries.

“It was before Luna’s return of course. I was quite the Celestite, as was my family. Then the zebras just started migrating to Manehatten, and they slowly pushed the other ponies out of the Broncs.” Thespian sipped her coffee as she reflected on the past. “I didn’t really think much of them at the time. Living here on Manehatten island. It was here in college at MU that I met Caffy.”

Air Raid paused in her eating, “How did you meet him?”

“This may come as a surprise, but I was a theatre major in college.” Thespian did enjoy her pretty maid’s giggle. “Caffy was a business major, but he had a secret love of the theatre. He came to all of our shows and rehearsals. He said it was my voice, before he ever saw me, that set me in his sights.

Air Raid smiled, “That’s so sweet! Better than me and Wily met, gotta love truth or dare.”

Thespian laughed, “A common game at open mic. I usually don’t play, but the other mares do.”

Air Raid waved a hoof, “I’m not saying it wasn’t fun. The end result was.”

Thespian was still giggling, “Caffy and I are usually under the table when they are playing the game. Playing a different game.” Air Raid’s face showed realization of what Thespian was talking about. “I put off his advances at first thinking he was after something other than me. When I realized it was me, he wanted, and not my money, then love did bloom.” Thespian shook her head, “So much that my father disowned me.”

“Harsh,” said Air Raid, “Was he worried he wanted money?”

“At first both of us thought that. It turned out Caffy had his own money. The export import business he manages is near a ten billion bits. The thing was he lived simply and took me out to low or moderate priced places. Funny thing is I did the same. Neither of us flaunted the money we had. Young fools in love.” Thespian smiled, “In the end he won my father out. Now they are thick as thieves.”

“My mum hated every mare I brought home,” stated Air Raid. “Of course, she hated me too.”

“I can’t understand that,” said Thespian softly. “My father never hated me. He was afraid I was making a poor choice and wanted to protect the family. The good of the many outweighs the needs of the one.” Thespian put a hoof on Air Raid’s, “Was it the mares that brought her ire to you?”

Air Raid spread her wings, “Nope, it was these. I was born to an earth pony family, and if I was a pegasus, I was going to be the best pegasus there ever was. She had my life planned out before me. Junior flyers, royal guard, and eventually Wonderbolts.” Air Raid sighed, “When that wasn’t going to happen, I became a disappointment.”

“What did you think of Fluffy,” asked Thespian.

“The cheese fry guy,” Air Raid shrugged, “He was alright.”

“He can cloud walk,” commented Thespian.

Air Raid paused a moment, “Really? Enchantment?”

“No enchantments,” added Thespian.

Air Raid shook her head, “Okay, I give. How?”

Thespian giggled, “How do you cloud walk?”

Air Raid tilted her head, “Um, pegasusness.”

Thespian nodded, “Unlike you, Fluffy Cloud had wings until he lost them ten years ago. Leaf and he live together. Leaf gave him a reason to live. You, though, have your own reasons to live, right?”

“Yeah, I do,” responded Air Raid. “I came to terms with what I’ve got a long time ago. It hasn’t held me back. You heard of a mare called Scootaloo?” Thespian shook her head. “She lived in Ponyville and was a pegasus with the same condition as me. Why it is named after her now. Anyway, even though she couldn’t fly, she was world class stunt mare with her scooter. That inspired me to drive instead of fly.”

“Let me show you where I grew up,” said Thespian.

Air Raid smiled, “Please, I’d love to see.”

The mares cut a diagonal through the park towards the northwest corner. “Over there is the bandstand,” pointed out Thespian. That is where we put on our college plays for the public. You can catch a performance the first Saturday of the month. It is where I got my start.” They walk a bit further and Thespian pointed out the water jets in a paved area. “That was added four years ago.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, “I’ve snuck out here at night to splash around in it.”

“Why sneak?” questioned Air Raid. “Just come and enjoy yourself.”

Thespian responded, “Because there is fun in sneaking, silly.” The pair walked up to a tall, well appointed, building. Thespian used a key card like the one for her house to enter the front door. Inside a uniformed unicorn guard sat behind a desk. He nodded to Thespian. After they entered the elevator, she used her key card again, and entered a code. The PH light lit, and the doors closed.

When the doors opened, and elderly white mare with a blank flank was standing there. “A surprise visit and with a guest.” She moved in and hugged and kissed Thespian, then turned to Air Raid.

“Mom, Air Raid,” stated Thespian, “Air Raid, my mother, Snowflake. Go for it, mom, she’s the huggy type.”

The white mare moved in to give Air Raid a hug and kiss. “Ha, ha ha. That joke was old when you were born. My name is Snowfall.”

“Please to meet you Snowfl… Fall,” said Air Raid, but her eyes were on Snowfall’s flank. She snapped her eyes back to Snowfalls, “Sorry about that.”

Snowfall ushered the two of them out of the elevator. “Come on in and be welcomed to my home.”

“Dad in?” asked Thespian. Her mother gave her the look. “He’s been known to take a day off.”

“He’ll be here at five,” said Snowfall.

“I still say granny would have called you Snowflake if she knew what your cutie mark would be,” said Thespian.

“Yes, so you remind me, and have called me that since you were able to talk.” Snowfall moved so the light was exactly right to see the three snowflakes that were her cutie mark. She then led the pair to a sitting room with a beautiful view to the west.

Air Raid giggled, “I can understand now.” When she entered the room, her eyes were only for the scene outside the windows, “Wow, and I thought the mountains were beautiful.”

A brown earth pony mare with a burgundy mane entered. She was wearing a lace collar and black bow tie. One hoof pushed a coffee service. “Please put two sugars in our guest’s cup, Lilac.”

“Yes ma’am.” The mare prepared the three coffees. She placed one before each mare and moved out of the room, leaving the service behind.

Snowfall took a sip of her coffee, “While it is always pleasant to see you, dear. What brings you by today? Any changes for tomorrow?”

“No,” responded Thespian. “Everything is still on track, but I think it is really going to be crowded. I’m here to show Raid my old haunts, you know live life through a younger mare’s eyes.”

Air Raid is still looking out at the view. She turned to take up her coffee, “Some of mine and Wily’s friends will be there.” She took a sip of her coffee. “It was fun seeing the museums.”

Snowfall smiled knowingly, “Did my daughter complain about the lack of Luna?”

“Just a bit,” agreed Air Raid. “Though imitating the statues was fun.”

“Hey,” said Thespian, “she was my maid for the day, and must earn her wages.”

Snowfall looked at her daughter, “You had her imitate Celestia,” she deadpanned.

Thespian giggled, “Did the paper horn give it away?”

“That was so much fun,” interjected Air Raid. “Especially when that dusty old stallion yelled at us.”

“It was resolved,” added Thespian. “Stomper was on duty.”

Snowfall nodded, “Is that from Rarity’s Recreations, Air Raid?”

“Oh, the maid outfit, yes, it is, Ms. Snowfall,” responded Air Raid. “We went earlier today, and I saw this on the way out. It fairly sang my name. Please you can just call me Raid.”

It does match your outfit, Thespy,” said Snowfall. “With a colour swap. Are you both serving tomorrow?”

“I’ll be helping,” said Air Raid. Thespian nodded in agreement.

“Sounds like delicious fun,” commented Snowfall.

“That’s what I’m hoping for, Ms. Snowfall,” said Air Raid.

“Will you be staying for dinner?” asked Snowfall.

“I don’t have to go home. I can go straight to the theatre from here,” said Thespian. “Raid?”

“I can stay, sure,” responded Air Raid. “Darkie’ sorting herself I’m sure.”

“Lilac, two more for dinner, please,” Snowfall called out.

From the other room Lilac responded, “No problem, ma’am.”

“Thank you, Ms. Snowfall,” said Air Raid.

“It’s not a problem, dear.” Snowfall turned back to her daughter, “Dogs is still doing well at the box office?” Thespian smiled and nodded.

“I should watch you sometime on stage, Ms. Thespian,” said Air Raid.

“We can always get you tickets to any of the shows the herd is in,” said Thespian.

“Is everypony back from Canterlot?” asked Snowfall.

“Mapper and Serenity are back,” answered Thespian. “I’m expecting Airy and crew to be back later tonight.”

Air Raid spoke up, “I saw Ms. Mapper again yesterday. She showed us around her house that I’m buying.”

Snowfall tilted her head, “That’s a new development.”

“That’s why me and Darkie are staying with Ms. Thespian, Ms. Snowfall,” Air Raid said. “Until the house is ready.”

Thespian saw that her mother still didn’t understand, “You can ask her about the house tomorrow, but I think the mini herd is getting back together.”

Snowfall clapped her hooves, “That is good news! Darkie?”

“Darkstar, she is with me from Canterlot. Oh, Mr. Caffeinated did tell me that Airmail and Wily are getting married,” added Air Raid.

Snowfall put a hoof to her chin, “I wonder what Tempest thinks about that.” She shook her head, “That is silly, we are herd.”

“We are herd,” Thespian repeated.

Air Raid nodded, “Well, you’ve only got to see them both together to see they’re smitten… And that’s… Fine, I hope they’re all happy.”

Snowfall let Air Raid’s hesitation slide, “Time will tell as it does with any relationship. How many others are coming to the party tomorrow?”

Thespian started tapping her hoof, “There is the herd, Raid and Darkie, Dusky and Oils, and I’m sure Luna and Octavia will be there. Coffee Bean is bringing some zebras for this one and Darkie.” She giggled, “They can’t tell if they want dark meat or light meat.”

“I know that Cyclone will be there too, as Tempest invited her,” added Air Raid.

Thespian laughed, “Oh, yes the nappy play pegasus. There could be a few more and with all the foals, it will be wall to wall ponies.”

Air Raid joined Thespian in laughter, “She will be in a nappy alright. She all most always is these days.”

“What are your plans, Air Raid?” asked Snowfall.

“Well, broad plan is a fresh start out here, Ms. Snowfall, “answered Air Raid. “In detail, meet a mare, preferably a zebra, then show those Manehattenites how to drive.”

Snowfall clapped her hooves, “So, you play golf then?”

Air Raid hesitated as she processed what Snowfall said, and then she laughed, “On the racetrack, Ms. Snowfall.”

“Too bad,” said Snowfall. “My husband could use some pointers on the golf course.”

“I think he just likes chasing that ball around,” commented Thespian. “Raid has made a name for herself in Canterlot. Now it is time to take on the world.”

“Is your family still in Canterlot?” asked Snowfall.

Air Raid frowned, “Yes, if you call them that, Ms. Snowfall.” She saw her hostess tilt her head. “My mother,” Air Raid did air quotes with her hooves, “told me that if I left Canterlot with Darkie, I’d no longer be welcomed to return. My father really didn’t have much to say in that.”

Snowfall looked at her daughter, “I know a pony that went through something like that.” She turned back to Air Raid and pressed, “They are? I travel a good bit with Baron to Canterlot.”

“There is no need for twenty questions, mom,” said Thespian. “My mother can be a snoop at times.”

“I like to frame it as a gatherer of information,” responded Snowfall.

“Snoop,” retorted Thespian.

Air Raid laughed, “I really don’t mind. Both are earth ponies. My dad is Fire Prism, and he is on the Canterlot General Hospital board, and a landowner. My mom is Starburst, and she does attend as many social circles as she can while presenting herself more royal than the Princess.”

“Neither name rings a bell, but there are a lot of ponies in Canterlot,” said Snowfall.

“Hold on, I have pics of them.” Air Raid started looking through her phone. “Most of my pics are from racing, and, there. A pic of mom and dad together.” Air Raid showed the picture to Snowfall.

“I don’t recognize your father, but I do remember your mother,” said Snowfall. She giggled, “How does Mapper put it, ‘We’re all pretenders’.”

Thespian added, “She also says it takes one to know one.” To that Snowfall just smiled.

“The real issue with me is I’m not the child the wanted,” Air Raid said.

Snowfall was taken back by that, “Because you’re a pegasus and they are earth ponies?”

“Oh, no, nothing like that,” Air Raid said quickly. “If they were going to have a pegasus it had to be the best pegasus. Wonderbolt material. I’m pegasus that can’t fly. I have Scootaloo Syndrome.”

“Well, that does complete the picture, but it doesn’t make it any prettier,” commented Snowfall.

“Regardless of what they think,” said Thespian, “Serenity likes her.”

“High praise,” said Snowfall. “Have you met Lavender?”

Air Raid shivered, “I did, and she was a scary pony.”

Snowfall nodded, “She can be a bit intimidating.”

“She was non-committal, mom,” Thespian said. “I think Raid needs a bit more time to get back up on her hooves.” Snowfall nodded again.

Air Raid shivered again, “She gave me a look that brought back some memories I’d like to forget. Probably my own fault I failed her test.”

Snowfall laid a hoof on Air Raid’s shoulder. “Dear, if you had failed her test, you wouldn’t be here now. You simply earned an incomplete.”

Thespian giggled, “You’ll have lots of time tomorrow to study while serving drinks.”

Air Raid blushed, “Yeah, guess it has just been a lot to take in, with the move and… Everything.”

“You can always come here to visit,” said Snowfall. “When things seem overwhelming, and when my daughter gets too crazy for you.” That got a raspberry from Thespian.

“Thank you, Ms. Snowfall,” said Air Raid. “I wouldn’t want to be any trouble.”

Snowfall waved a hoof, “Friend of the herd. I will guess that Darkstar isn’t your sister.”

Air Raid couldn’t help but giggle at Thespian’s eye roll. “No, ma’am, I do have guardianship over her and treat her like a sister.”

“What?” stated Snowfall, “Is she a foal?”

“Mother,” Thespian said softly.

“It’s okay, Ms. Thespian, I don’t mind,” said Air Raid. “It’s nice that others have an interest in me. She’s a couple of years younger than me, and one of my oldest friends. She is clinically depressed and suicidal.”

Snowfall held a hoof to her mouth, “Oh my!” She turned to her daughter, “Is Requiem involved?”

“She was scheduled to visit her today,” answered Thespian to which Snowfall nodded.

“That’s why I have guardianship. After the first two attempts,” Air Raid said.

“A big burden of responsibility to bear,” stated Snowfall. “When I’m next in Canterlot, I shall make an effort to speak to your mother.”

“It is, but you… Do it for friends, right?” responded Air Raid. “And… You can try, but you might be wasting your breath, Ms. Snowfall.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” said Snowfall with a smile. “It is good to have friends, and even more so when they are family to you.”

Air Raid nodded, “I do think of Darkie as more a sister then a friend.”

Thespian giggled, “A sister like Avalanche.”

Snowfall saw Air Raid’s questioning look, “Daughter.” Thespian just giggled harder. “She was more difficult than your brother.”

“I apologize to you both,” said Air Raid. “We’ve been talking about me, but I haven’t asked about your family at all.”

“As I said earlier, my mother is a snoop,” stated Thespian.

“Gatherer of information,” responded Snowfall.

Thespian smiled, “Snoop.”

“A snoopy gatherer of information?” interjected Air Raid.

“Maybe,” said Snowfall with a smile.

“Definitely,” said Thespian with a nod.

Air Raid giggled, “Nothing wrong with that.”

“I’ve had three foals,” said Snowfall. “You’re hanging out with the oldest which forces me to move my birthday now and again.” She was unaffected by her daughter’s eye roll. “Filly, filly, colt.”

“We gather on Hearth’s Warming Eve,” said Thespian. “Only me and my brother Broker live in Manehatten.”

“What about the other one,” asked Air Raid.

“Avalanche lives in Ponywood and is in films,” said Snowfall. “What was her last one?”

“Prancealot,” answered Thespian. “She played Celestia’s advisor.”

“Yes, that’s it. She is still in search for that academy award.” Snowfall continued, “Broker plans on following in his father’s hoofsteps.”

“I took Darkie to see Prancealot,” Air Raid said, “it was a particularly good film.”

“It’s not easy being known as Thespian’s sister. Not that, that stops her from using my name to open doors.” She saw her mother’s glare. “Sorry mom, just Avalanche is always in competition with me.”

“I can well understand competition, but it is usually with myself,” said Air Raid. “What about your family, Ms. Thespian?”

“I stopped at two,” Thespian said with a giggle. “My colt, Knight, lives in Baltimare with his wife, Wind Chime. They gave me a grandcolt, Charger, and all of them are earth ponies. My crazy zebra filly, Brazilian, married a crazier Sand Tribe zebra, Black Hoof. He’s a mining engineer in the Crystal Empire. They gave me a grandcolt. Long Tail, and a grandfilly, Green Leaf.”

“It was nice to name my great grandfilly after Caffy’s sister,” said Snowfall, “but I don’t get to see them very often.” Thespian nodded to that.

“Because of my disability, my parents stopped with me,” said Air Raid. “For the same reason, I don’t plan on having any foals.”

Lilac entered the room, “Ms. Snowfall, Baron has entered the building. I’m putting dinner on the table.”

“Thank you, Lilac,” responded Snowfall.

Thespian laid a hoof on her mother’s, “Do you think Lilac had enough time to make my favourite?”

“I’m sure she did, given time or not,” said Snowfall.

Thespian laughed, “Of course it gives everypony gas. Do you like Broccoli, Raid?”

Air Raid nodded, “I pretty much like anything, but my own cooking, Ms. Thespian.”

An elderly stallion entered the room, “I’m home love, oh and I see we have guests.” He gave his wife a big kiss, and then rubbed cheeks with his daughter.”

Thespian made the introductions, “Father, this is Air Raid the race car driver. Raid, my father Baron.”

“It’s an honour to meet you, sir,” said Air Raid.

Baron took note of Thespian’s ear flicks. Something that Air Raid did see. He rubbed cheeks with the pegasus, “Ah, yes, the race car driver we are sponsoring. Caffeinated has spoken well of you, and it will be nice to have an outsider shake up things around here.”

Air Raid was a bit surprised, “Has he, really?”

“You have to trust your advisors to do the research,” said Baron.

Lilac entered the room, “Dinner is served.”

Baron led the way into the dining room followed by Snowfall. Thespian motioned for Air Raid to go ahead of her. Baron and Snowfall sat next to each other on one side of the table. “Sit across from my mother, Air Raid. My father tends to have a stay hoof when there is a pretty filly around.” That received a giggle from Snowfall and an eyeroll from Baron. Air Raid also giggled as she sat down opposite Snowfall.

Lilac starts the meal with a Manedarin Orange salad for each. “Would you like utensils, Ms Raid?” asked Lilac.

Air Raid noted that the other three had none. “No thank you, that’s fine.”

Baron spoke up, “By nice things, he did a full report on your racing history, and a background check on you.” Baron started in on his salad.

Air Raid stared at her salad. “Oh, um, he did? Well, the racing is spot on. I’ve won almost every race in Canterlot.”

“Is the salad okay, dear,” Snowfall asked.

“Oh, yes!” Air Raid started to eat her salad.

“I’ve met your father,” said Baron between bites. “He is a competent stallion, but how shall I say, lacking in initiative.”

“Well, um, yeah…” Air Raid trailed off and went back to her salad.

“Is he just a front for your mother to run the business?” questioned Baron. “I know the Canterlot elite often has trouble with a mare running things.”

“They have no problem with us serving tea though,” said Snowfall. “Nor will any stallion admit they may not be the head of the household.”

“I’m not really sure,” Air Raid led off. “Dad likes to think he’s all that, mum flatters herself she’s the ‘brains behind it all’. To be honest, I didn’t pay them much mind Mr. Baron.” She shrugged, “I just take care of my friend, and drive really fast.”

“Driving really fast is why I’m sponsoring you,” Baron said. “That you take care of your friend is a bonus that you can chose how to use.”

Air Raid stared at her empty salad bowl as her heart dropped through her hind hooves, “It was a thorough background check on me?” Her voice just above a whisper.

Baron nodded as Lilac cleared the salad bowls. “Yes, it was. After all the Times can’t endorse just any pony.”

Air Raid had time to think as Lilac wheeled out a cart with a large mushroom and broccoli casserole. She portioned out some to a plate and placed it in front of each pony. She then placed the casserole in the middle of the table and left the room. Air Raid stared at her food when she asked, “Did it turn up anything interesting?”

Baron looked at his daughter, “I knew you were visiting when I smelled this as I entered.” He took a mouthful and swallowed before he turned his attention back to Air Raid. “Is there something of interest in the report you want to point out to me?”

Air Raid said nothing but did shrug her shoulders. Thespian put a hoof on the pegasus’s, “If you don’t like broccoli, I’m sure…”

“It’s not that, Ms. Thespian,” Air Raid said quickly. She looked up at Baron, “I, um, I may have done a lot of things. Those assault charges were thrown out,” she said as her voice rose.

Baron looked over to his wife, “Did you hear that dear, she’s done lots of things.”

“I did,” Snowfall said with a smile. “I think you’ve done lots of things.”

“I may have, I may have.” Baron turned back to Air Raid, “You’re a mare of action. I think that is important when it is you and a machine against the world.”

Air Raid breathed a sigh of relief and took a bit of the casserole, “This is good.” After a couple of bites, she looked towards Baron, “My car is more than an extension of me when I race, Mr. Baron. I don’t think on the track, I just do. Like you feel the road through the tyres, and the wind in your mane, and you can sense what you need to do.”

“The most likely thing you’ll have to deal with is ‘pegasus that can only fly on the ground’,” continued Baron. “You won’t be breaking any jaws over that, I hope.”

Air Raid looks down at her meal and then back up to Baron. “No, I’ve… I’ve come to terms with my illness a long time ago, Mr. Baron.”

“The press will still make hay out of it,” said Baron.

Air Raid sighed as she knew that would be the case. “The press will write what they want no matter how hurtful it is. I’ve found the perfect cure for that back in Canterlot. Standing in the winner’s circle.”

Baron took a sip of his wine, “Ah, good then you can use that when they write about your live-in lover who has no choice.”

Air Raid looked at the other mares for help. She saw Snowfall was calmly eating her dinner, and Thespian was doing the same as she flicked her ears like they itched. Air Raid took several deep breaths to remain calm herself. “I take you mean Darkstar.” Baron simply nodded. “Darkie is getting help. Proper help finally, and she’s only with me till she gets herself back on track.”

“Well played dear,” said Baron. “You took that attack rather well. I think the most unusual thing in the report was those ponies that attacked you have vanished. Caffy has ensured me that they won’t come back to haunt us.”

That gave Air Raid pause, “What? They’ve been arrested?”

“I’m going to leave that to Caffy to explain,” said Baron as he returned to eating.

“Oh, okay,” said Air Raid, “you’re happy though. I mean with me, Mr. Baron?”

Baron looked directly at Air Raid, “Yes, I’m quite happy with your skills and drive. I’m happy with your baggage, and you’re quite pretty to hoof, not that I can hoof you thanks to my daughter.” Both Snowfall and Thespian giggle.

Air Raid shared in the giggle, “Thanks, I’m offloading a great deal of that baggage to the past where it belongs, and as for being pretty, I try my best.”

Snowfall spoke up, “Baron is terrible, and I mean bad at it, flirt.”

“I don’t mind,” said Air Raid, “I hope to find my own tomorrow night.”

At her father’s glance, Thespian added, “Coffee Bean is bringing some zebras for Darkstar and Air Raid to check out at gaming night.”

“I’ll be wearing this get up tomorrow as I serve, so I’m feeling lucky,” said Air Raid.

Thespian added, “The same as me for serving. Her performance tonight will determine chain length.”

“I do think I’ll be rather thirsty tomorrow,” said Baron.

“Yes,” added Snowfall, “I think there will be some friendly competition too.”

Air Raid said, “I’m sure Ms. Thespian’s chains will be shorter than mine, and I’m fine with that.”

“True,” amended Snowfall, “since she doesn’t bother with a chain. I meant in keeping all the guests well sated. Would you care for seconds on the casserole, Air Raid?”

“Yes, please, this is quite yummy,” said Air Raid.

Snowfall served seconds to Air Raid, Thespian, and herself, but left Baron out. “Do you think Luna will be present tomorrow?”

“I’m confident she will be there with Octavia,” said Thespian. “I let Duskie know that we have a variety of racing games available.”

Air Raid nodded, “And Ms. Thespian suggested that I ask Lady Octavia to ride with me on Sunday’s race.”

“What?” exclaimed Baron, “How could you suggest that? What are the risks?”

Air Raid spoke first, “Almost none, well, not really, unless we crash at one hundred and seventy miles an hour, which I don’t intend on doing.

Thespian smiled, “Because it is something, they will both want. Life is a risk, just walking across Broadway is a risk.”

Air Raid added, “And the real thing is a lot more fun than a video game.” Air Raid looked coy, “The qualifiers are on Saturday, if you’d like a run out, Mr. Baron?”

Baron glanced at his wife who flicked her ears, “I’d love to see you qualify.”

Air Raid almost bounced in her seat, “You’ll ride with me then?”

“No,” said Baron, “I’ll watch you from the pits. You have a pit crew?”

That was a question that Air Raid wasn’t prepared for. She hadn’t talked to her old pit crew since before she left Canterlot for Manehatten, and then wasn’t on the best of terms. Air Raid’s voice was subdued, “Not at the moment. I had one in Canterlot, but now here all I have is my car and your sponsorship.”

Baron tilted his head, “You need one, don’t you? The reports also said you had a co-driver.”

Air Raid looked glum, “Yeah, I will, and Slingshot was my co-driver, but we had a falling out.”

“Falling out,” asked Snowfall.

Air Raid sighed, “When Darkie was injured, I took her into my house to watch over her and took guardianship. Slingshot accused me of trying to steal her away, and we broke up as a team. He’s working for another racer now. I still have his number.”

“Do you think your old pit crew will move from Canterlot to here?” asked Thespian.

“I donna know,” said Air Raid. “We were having some money issues when I left town.”

“Not much point in sponsoring you if we don’t give you the tools you need to win. If you need assistance with tickets or lodging, let Caffy know,” said Baron.

“Really?” Air Raid said with excitement. Baron nodded, and Air Raid’s excitement grew, “That’s awesome!” She fumbled for her phone in her pouch, “I gotta call them! Ratchet’s going to love this.”

“Not at the dinner table, dear,” said Snowfall.

“Oh,” Air Raid let the phone drop back into her pouch, “Sorry, my bad, Ms. Snowfall.”

Baron was pleased that Air Raid didn’t push the issue. He learned long ago that the table wasn’t for business. “Canterlot is several hours behind us anyways. Plenty of time to let them know ad get ready for an early train tomorrow. That still leaves the co-driver issue.”

“I have Slingshot’s number,” Air Raid Said, “but I don’t know if I can entice him from his driver.”

Thespian laid a hoof on Air Raid’s, “I wouldn’t worry about him. I’m sure there are others available here in Manehatten.” She smiled, “After all, your win here may make him call you.”

“When you’re right, you’re right, Ms. Thespian,” said Air Raid. “I’ll worry about that another day. First is to get my crew out here.”

Lilac enters the room to clear the table, “Would you like some chocolate soup for dessert, Ms. Raid?”

Air Raid noticed that Thespian began to drool and giggled, “Yes, Ms. Lilac, that would be wonderful.” Once everyone was served, Thespian wasted no time digging into hers. Air Raid didn’t think she had ever seen so much chocolate in one place. “Did Mr. Caffeinated tell you about the desert race, Mr. Baron?”

Baron said, “He did, but said you’d need a different vehicle than what you are using Sunday.”

Air Raid had to savour the chocolate soup before she could continue. “Yes, my car is fast, but you need a much sturdier vehicle for the desert.”

“Well, Sunday, I expect you to at least place,” said Baron. “For the desert race, just finishing is an accomplishment.”

“Sir, I plan on winning Sunday,” responded Air Raid, “but for the desert, I just want to be in the top ten.”

Baron smiled, “That would be a good goal, as last year only nine finished.”

Air Raid laughed, “It would have been ten if that stallion’s suspension didn’t collapse a hundred yards from the finish. Right poor maintenance that was.”

Snowfall finished her soup and asked, “Are you working tonight, Thespy?”

“Yes, one more trip to the dog pound,” answered Thespian. “I don’t really need to go home though, so I can go straight to the theatre from here.”

“I’m pretty sure I can get back on the trains,” added Air Raid.

Thespian fished up her soup, “As am I.”

Air Raid finished hers, “Wily would have loved that.”

“I can’t do Lilac’s creation justice, so she’ll have to settle for black forest cake,” said Thespian. She turned to Lilac, “Thank you for spoiling me, Lilac.”

“First, I don’t think that is settling,” responded Air Raid, “and thank you Ms. Lilac, that was proper awesome.”

Lilac smiled as she began to clear the table, “You’re welcome Ms. Thespian, Ms. Raid.”

“Father, mother, if I may be excused?” With a nod from each parent, Thespian turned to Air Raid, “Come on, let’s go to my room so we can make some phone calls.”

Air Raid followed Thespian to her room. The first thing she noticed was the room was uncluttered, and there were no plushies. She did have Celestia’s cutie mark in the centre of her bedspread and one book on the writing desk. Air Raid giggled, “I was expecting a cave of plushies.”

“I couldn’t leave them behind. What if there was an inspection,” exclaimed Thespian. “Besides, I only stay here when Caffy is out of town on business. A bed, my makeup kit, and a few changes of clothing is all I need.”

Air Raid nodded as she looked at the book cover. ‘Poems by Eques’. “Light reading. This room is a lot like me. Simple, and does what you need.”

Thespian pulled out her phone, “Stripes. Hello Two Step, is Caffy still there? Okay, I’ll call the house, thank you, bye.”

Air Raid took out her phone, “Oh, I got a text from Darkie. Meeting with Requiem went well. She has kitchen privileges. Will be home late going to a play called Showmares.”

“Things must have gone well then,” said Thespian. “Showmares is a play with Recital in it, she is part of the herd.” Thespian held up her phone, “House. Hi love, we are at my parent’s place. Yeah, I’m going straight to work, but Raid is coming home so put her through the paces. Yes, we got a text saying the same. She will be late as she is going to Showmares.” Thespian laughed, “Sorry, big boy, but she is still into mares. Bye.” Thespian put her phone away. “Requiem left a voice mail saying she was giving Darkstar rights to the kitchen.”

“That’s good. She’s doing well, right?” Air Raid asked hopefully.

Thespian smiled, “That or she has fooled Requiem completely. I’d go with the former.”

Air Raid nodded, “Yeah, well time to make my phone calls.” She dialled a number and hoped for the best. “Ratchet? Yeah, it’s me. What? No, I don’t need any money. Yes, I’m in Manehatten. Just shut up and listen. You and the crew, we have a job. No, on the moon, you plum, of course it is in Manehatten. I got us a sponsor. A good one this time. Look, just tell the others to be on the train tomorrow for Manehatten. Yes, I’m working on a cargo car, just ring me later for details.” She hung up and thought twice about tossing the phone.

Thespian couldn’t help but giggle, “I take it there are some issues in the past to overcome?”

Air Raid lowered her head, “Yeah, money issues, my lack of driving, and sponsors leaving us hanging.”

“Tomorrow we can send them the details of your contract and sponsors,” said Thespian. “Then go over what you pay them so Caffy can have a contract drawn up for each of them.”

“Thanks again for all of this,” said Air Raid. “Now to work on the cargo car.” She stared at her phone.

“Silly,” giggled Thespian. “Who did my father tell you to contact about that?”

Air Raid shook her head, “Duh, Caffy.” She still stared at her phone, “I guess that still leaves one thing then, Slingshot.” Her hoof hoovered over the phone.

“You don’t have to do this,” said Thespian softly. “Wait till you’ve talked with Darkstar. Wait till you’ve checked out the local talent. Sometimes it is best to not scratch off the scab.”

Air Raid put away her phone, “You’re right! One thing at a time.”

“Come along, I’ll walk with you to the subway station.” Thespian held her door open to let Air Raid exit first but stopped her at the door. “I don’t think you’ll be needing this.” She removed the paper horn and both mares laughed.

~ ~ ~

Darkstar watched Requiem trot off to do the paperwork side of her job. ‘Paperwork we created.’ She giggled as that was something, they could both agree on. ‘What to do?’ ‘Caffy said Celestia was nice for a visit.’ The unicorn nodded to herself, “I should give the zebra a call that we will be late.” ‘Talk to yourself much?’ ‘Hush.’ She pulled out her phone and dialled.

Caffeinated picked up on the second ring, “Hello Darkstar. Everything okay?”

“Everything is great,” replied Darkstar. “We are allowed out without a leash!” She giggled, “At least the doc says we are okay. She left a message that I can use the kitchen too!”

“I’ll be sure to leave a piece of cake for Requiem then,” said Caffeinated. He thought about Darkstar in the kitchen but was sure that Requiem knew what she was doing. She was a professional after all. “I’ll stock up the kitchen for any future midnight raids then.”

“Ha, ha ha,” responded Darkstar. “We aren’t that bad but thank you. Oh, I wanted to let you know I’d be home late tonight. Requiem recommended I see a show called ‘Showmares’.”

“That’s a good song and dance show. One of our herd members, Recital, is in it. She is a light blue unicorn with a dark blue mane,” Caffeinated said. “It starts at seven. Will you be stopping by for a drink and snack before the show?”

“That’s a good idea,” said Darkstar as she started moving to the subway stop. “Right now we’re going to check out Celestia and that fountain you told me about.”

“It is very pretty,” said Caffeinated. “I’ll be here till six thirty.” He remembered Darkstar’s desire to meet up with a zebra and added, “Oh, and the ponies in Celestia are not big zebra fans.”

Darkstar laughed, “Rodger that, leave the pro-stripes placard in the train.” That agreed with what Requiem told her about Celestia borough. “We… I’ll try to be back at the shop about five thirty for that snack and drink.” ‘Nice save.’ Darkstar rolled her eyes.

“Have fun, Darkie,” said Caffeinated. “See you when you get here.”

Darkstar put her phone away as she passed through the turnstile.

‘This time we will check the map.’ Darkstar giggled ‘Go you!’ A check of the map showed her which platform to catch the train, and where to change to reach her destination. Royal Square in Celestia. The station was only moderately crowded in the early afternoon. ‘This dress isn’t so bad.’ ‘Neither is the MiAC stuff.’ She settled for a mental hoof bump instead of clapping her hooves on the platform.

The train pulled in and Darkstar looked around herself. She saw a stallion starring at her and she winked. The stallion quickly turned away and hurried onto the train two cars down from her. She boarded the train and thought about what the doctor said earlier. ‘Was it okay to wink at him?’ ‘Yeah, he wasn’t close, so it wasn’t too scary.’ Darkstar sat between a couple of ponies. One was chatting with a friend and the other had a newspaper. ‘I didn’t think to check.’ Darkstar smiled, ‘I didn’t complain.’

Darkstar continued to watch the ponies around her, but most of them were self-absorbed. After the last station on Manehatten, the train car held mostly unicorns. An older stallion and mare sat next to you. Both reminded her of how ponies in Canterlot dressed. ‘No one likes us.’ Darkstar sighed, ‘Maybe you’re right.’

The stallion next to her spoke up, “Excuse me Miss, are you on your way to work?”

Darkstar blinked when she realized she was being talked to. “Um, no, Waa, I’m on my way to Celestia. Just having an explore. How about you?” ‘Good save.’ Darkstar put on her best smile.

The mare next to the stallion spoke up, “We’re returning home after a shipping trip in the city. There are many lovely things to see in Celestia. Anything you’re interested in?”

Darkstar nodded, “I’ve been shopping too. It is a lot of fun.” She looked them both over and they seemed nice enough, even if they reminded her of Canterlot ponies. “My friend told me of a fountain I should see.”

The stallion responded, “Must be the one in Royal Square. It is a marvellous fountain dedicated to our Princess Celestia. Are you visiting from Canterlot?”

Darkstar giggled, “We recently moved from Canterlot.” ‘Act normal, no we stuff.’ The unicorn swallowed, “Um, I’m now living on Stallion Island.” Neither of them seemed put off by what she said, so she continued, “My friend did say it was dedicated to Princess Celestia, but that makes sense since the borough is named after her.”

“Welcome to our fair city,” said the mare. “My mane is Persimmon, and this is my husband, Truestone. While you are there you must look into the Grand Hotel. It is where the Princess stays when she visits.”

Darkstar was liked this couple. “I’ll be sure to check that out. How did your shopping trip go?” ‘Introductions?’ “Oh, my name is Darkstar, and I’m pleased to meet you both.”

Truestone chuckled, “It was quite enjoyable.”

Persimmon prodded the stallion’s shoulder. “He just likes to watch me model clothing.”

Darkstar giggled some more, “Why not?” She gave Persimmon a conspiratorial look, “The better the modelling job, the more outfits we come home with, right?”

“That is true, Darkstar,” said Persimmon, “but I really just enjoy the modelling.”

Truestone looked at his wife, “And the two you came home with.” His wife just giggled. The train came to a halt. “This is our stop; we live near the waterfront. Your stop is two more away.”

“Enjoy your day, dear,” said Persimmon. “I hope you find our fair borough enjoyable.”

“Thank you, and a good day to you both,” said Darkstar as the coupled exited the train. ‘Well done us. We were totally normal.’ ‘Just one slip, but we did do good.’ After the train started again, the ponies around her seemed less standoffish, but none engaged her in conversation. ‘Oh, I should text Raid we are okay.’ ‘Thought you didn’t want a keeper.’ ‘Just being nice, she is our sister.’ With no response she pulled out her phone to text how the visit with Requiem went.

The train came to a halt and she looked at the platform sign, ‘Our stop kiddo’. She exited the train and looked around for a map. “Now to find where the fountain is.”

A unicorn stallion near her point a hoof. “Take the north station exit. You’ll be in Royal Square.”

Darkstar turned to face the stallion with a moment of fear that she had spoken out loud. The stallion was just standing there with a smile and pointed hoof. “Tha… Thank you, it’s my first visit.” Darkstar stumbled over her words.

“I hope it is a good one,” said the stallion. He lowered his hoof and headed off in the opposite direction he was pointing in.

‘Wow, there are nice ponies.’ ‘He was cute too.’ ‘No stripes.’ With a smile she headed for the north exit. Along the way she spotted a map and confirmed were the fountain and hotel were. There as a good mix of tribes in the station, but she didn’t spot any zebras. ‘Seems tourists are a thing here.’ ‘We are one.’ She giggled and exited out the turnstile.

When Darkstar exited the station, it was easy to see why this was a big tourist attraction. The fountain was thirty feet across and made of pure white marble. The statue of Celestia was on her hind legs and wings spread wide. There was gold leaf on her hooves, horn, mane, tail, and cutie mark. A lot of ponies were taking pictures of the statue, or selfies of themselves with the statue. She moved up to the fountain and sat at the edge so she could dip a hoof in the water.

A mare moved up to the sitting unicorn, “Excuse me, could you please take our picture?”

Darkstar froze as the sound of the voice. She looked up from the water to see a mare with two foals. She held a camera in her magic. The foals were looking and her and the mare was smiling. ‘Do something.’ Darkstar cleared her thought, “Of course, we’d be happy to.” She took the camera in her magic.

The mare levitated her two foals onto the fountain edge and sat between them. “Please try to get all of Celestia in, if you can.”

Darkstar breathed an inner sigh of relief that her slip of the tongue went unnoticed. She moved back and held the camera in her magic low so she could get the three ponies and the statue in frame. “All done!” she announced.

“Thank you very much,” said the mare. “She levitated the foals off the fountain edge and took that camera back in her magic. Once that was put away, she said, “Who wants ice cream?” Both foals danced around her as she said, “Cream, cream,” over and over.

Darkstar smiled, “You have adorable foals. Do you mind if w…” She swallowed, “I join you?” ‘You are so going to lose it!’ ‘Please, we could make a friend.’ “My name is Darkstar.”

“Sure, it’s right over there,” said the mare as she pointed with her horn. She looked down, “Stay with me.” As she walked to the shop, she looked at Darkstar, “I’m Heartstrong, and these to hyperactive ones are Truesight,” she pointed to the colt, “and Migration,” she pointed to the filly. She lowered her voice, “Not to be to nosey, but the outfit? I mean, I love the dress, but the socks seem excessive.”

Darkstar giggled as she walked along Heartstrong,” They are a gift from me to me.” She giggled, “I’ve been ill, and now I’m getting better, so I wanted to treat myself.” She let the mare and foals enter the Istallion Gelato shop first.

“I’m sorry to hear that, but treating oneself is the best medicine, like ice cream,” Heartstrong said. She looked at the stallion behind the counter, “One foal scoop of mango, and another of raspberry, both in a cup please. A two-scoop waffle cone of coffee for me, please.”

“A two-scoop cone of chocolate for me, please,” said Darkstar. She watched the stallion serve up the treats and Heartstrong paid for hers. Darkstar paid for her own cone. The group moved to a table outside the shop. “Have you lived I Manehatten for a while?”

Heartstrong made sure her foals were set up to lick the ice cream out of their cups while she levitated her cone. “All my life. My husband, Horizon, is from Neighagra Falls. I’m guessing you’re new to town.” She started licking her own cone before it could melt.

“Mmm, this is creamy chocolate,” said Darkstar after a few licks. “I have tourist written all over me.” She giggled, “Just moved from Canterlot with my friend, well more of a sister, yesterday.” ‘Big win on the pronoun.’

Heartstong was amazed to hear that, “Oh, wow, Canterlot. I’ve never been there. Have you seen the Princess?”

As Darkstar licked her ice cream she said in a very nonchalant manner, “Indeed, I have. I was part of Prince Dusk’s group.”

“Wait, what? You were with Princess Luna’s colt?” Heartstong was trying to tell if Darkstar was just playing her. “You talked with Princess Luna?”

Darkstar giggled, “Only in passing. We spent time with Prince Dusk as we were in his class. Princess Celestia was,” she waved a hoof, “sort of aloof, and Princess Luna can be intimidating. Now, Princess Octavia was a lot of fun.”

“Just being able to hang out at the castle had to be something,” said Heartstrong. “I remember Princess Celestia’s last visit. I was at the fountain when she waved from the hotel balcony. I hope my foals will have a chance to see her someday.” She took a bite out of her cone, “To think you gave up all that to move here.”

Darkstar took a bite of her cone and shrugged, “Um, huh, my um, illness. My sister decided we both needed a change of scenery.”

Heartstrong put a hoof to her mouth, “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t bring up a bad memory.” She looked down, “I tend to talk too much when I have an adult to talk to.”

‘We made someone sad.’ Darkstar looked at her new friend and didn’t want that, “Not all, Ms. Heartstrong. Really.” When the mare looked back up, Darkstar continued, “It’s fine. I had a lot of good memories in Canterlot.” She smiled when Heartstrong smiled, “I bet adult conversations are a rarity, huh?”

Heartstong nodded, “These two can be a hoof-full, but I love them dearly. I don’t have a lot of friends to talk to, and Horizon works a lot.” Heartstrong giggled, “Thank you, but I can ramble a lot.” She saw Darkstar’s smile and it was welcoming. “The foals love to play at the fountains edge. We were on our way home from Central Park when we ran into you.”

“It is a gorgeous fountain,” said Darkstar. She waved a hoof, “It is a small city though. I was in Central Park earlier meeting…” ‘Don’t say shrink.’ “A friend of a friend for coffee.”

Heartstrong finished her cone, but the foals were still working on their cups. “It isn’t so bad then when you have friends in an area you’ve just moved to.” She reached out a hoof to Darkstar, “Besides when I saw you, you looked so confident. I don’t know if I have the courage to go out wearing socks.”

“Confident?” Darkstar giggled. ‘We were confident!’ ‘Mapper and Requiem were right.’ “Wearing socks is a mindset where you want to be sexy and noticed. If you look closely, the dress is sheer enough that I have more than just socks.” Darkstar moved a bit so the sunlight hit her exactly right. She saw Heartstrong’s eyes go wide. “A nice-looking mare like you would knock ‘em crazy dressed up in socks.”

Heartstrong looked around, but it seemed no pony had overheard. She lowered her voice, “Just to nervous I guess.” She shook her head, “I wonder what my husband would say if he came home to me wearing socks?”

“He’d think it was his birthday and Hearth’s Warming all wrapped up in one,” stated Darkstar. “If you were to try some on, what colour would you like?”

“Oh, wow, I don’t know.” Heartstrong thought about it a bit, “Maybe a light blue like my mane, or a red like my husband’s mane?” She shrugged her shoulders, “I doubt I’ll find out.”

Darkstar’s horn lit up as she concentrated on the illusion. Heartstrong watched the unicorn, and knew she was casting, but had no idea what. Then her filly, Migration, touched her leg, “Pritty.” She looked and saw blue socks covering all four of her legs. Her colt nodded at what his sister said, and a blush spread across her face. “Oh, my,” exclaimed Heartstrong. “They look beautiful, do they feel as nice as they look?”

“Like a second layer of fur,” replied Darkstar. “Your filly has good taste. You should totally get yourself a set.” The effort of keeping up the illusion wore the unicorn down, so she dropped it. “Sorry, can’t keep that up for very long.”

“I’m terrible at illusions,” said Heartstrong, “and Migration does have good taste.” She lowered her voice, “Where would I get socks?”

Darkstar nodded, but she also lowered her voice, “We do, there is a MiAC store at the sixty first street station. While you’re there you may as well go all the way and get a corset too, and…” She saw the shocked expression on Heartstrong’s face, “Are you okay?”

“M… MiAC. You are confident,” asserted Heartstrong. “I’d never be able to get past the door.”

Darkstar smiled, “I do have my times where I’m not so confident. Still, you feel good when ponies check you out and you can say we did that.” ‘Stop with the we stuff.’ Darkstar swallowed, “Just wearing them gives you confidence.”

Heartstrong giggled, “Maybe I’ll get a foal sitter so I can go downtown and buy some.” She put a hoof to her mouth, “I can’t believe I even said that.”

Darkstar was liking this mare. It would be nice to have a friend that isn’t family or herd. “You should totally do that. If you do, I could meet you there, help get you past the door,” suggested Darkstar.

Heartstrong blinked. She couldn’t believe she was considered taking Darkstar up on her offer. She had just met this mare. “I couldn’t impose on you like that. It’s silly.”

Darkstar waved a hoof, “You aren’t imposing and sexy isn’t silly.” Darkstar had an idea, “We can exchange info and when you have a free day you can give me a call. I’m so new to town, I don’t even have a job lined up yet.”

Heartstrong thought about it. This pony seemed harmless, but she did have a few quirks. Then she is a Canterlot pony so that excused a lot of things. Horizon didn’t forbid her from making friends but did say she should be cautious. “These two are my job, but I should have Saturday afternoon free if I can get Horizon to foal sit.” She pulled out her tablet. “Let’s exchange numbers and I’ll give you a call on Friday if it is a go. You live here in Celestia?”

Darkstar got out her phone, “No, I live in Stallion Island. Right now, we’re staying at a friend’s house while my sister is working out a place for us to live.” She exchanged phone numbers.

Heartstrong looked around to see if anyone was listening. “I’ve taken the foals there for Midwinter’s Night.” She giggled, “Carnival full of pretty lights that the foals love. Good music, and even a foal’s choir. It is a nice show, and not too expensive. Just dedicated to Princess Luna, and well, you know who is on the fountain out front.”

Darkstar put a hoof to her mouth, “Such a dare devil you are. Risked being burnt alive to have a bit of fun.” She giggled, “I like you.”

Heartstrong snorted, “It wasn’t that bad. Well the burnt alive part. Maybe just tar and feathers,” she giggled. “Are you free Saturday afternoon?”

“Sure,” said Darkstar. “I’m free all-day Saturday. Want to go shopping?”

“I’m busy in the morning, but I do have the afternoon free,” said Heartstrong. “I just may need a pony to push me through the door of the MiAC store.” She smiled, “And maybe some advice on something interesting to buy.”

“Hey, we can float you past the door if needed,” responded Darkstar. ‘You just dropped the ‘we’ word.’ She closed her eyes to wait for the reaction.

“Okay then, I’ll text you on Friday if everything is a go,” said Heartstrong as if nothing happened. “I just need to get hubby to foal sit.”

Darkstar breathed a sigh of relief, “That sounds like a plan.”

The little filly took that moment to speak, “Eepy mawma.”

Heartstrong chuckled, “Ice cream does it to them every time.” She levitated the foals to her back.

Darkstar realized that this conversation was coming to an end, “Maybe we can see the airship land too?”

“Maybe we can make it a filly’s night out,” responded Heartstrong. “I just need to check with Horizon to make sure he will take the duty for the day.” Once she was sure both foals were secure, she added, “I need to get the two home. It has been a pleasure talking with you, Darkstar.”

Darkstar leaned in for a nuzzle, “Thank you for taking the time to talk with me.”

Heartstrong retuned the nuzzle. “The feeling is mutual. Take care and enjoy your day.” The mare walked out of the shop with the foals on her back.

‘We made a friend.’ ‘We did, even if we talked crazy.’ ‘We’re not crazy though, the Doctor said so.’ Silence followed before she responded to herself. ‘Do you believe her?’ Darkstar thought about that. “I do.” She realized she said that out loud, but no pony seemed to mind. ‘I think I do to. So now what?’ ‘May as well see if the hotel room is as good as the fountain.’ Darkstar walked out of the shop with the intent to do just that.

Darkstar trotted her way to the subway station. While the fifty-bit tour of the Royal Suite was okay, it was comparable to Dusk’s apartment. She had only seen a little of Luna’s apartment, and never been in Celestia’s apartment. ‘Still, it was posh.’ ‘But we know the real deal.’

The station wasn’t overcrowded, and the first thing she did was check the train map. “Go us!” She entered when the correct train arrived and was quite pleased with how her day was going. The train filled up with shoppers before it left Celestia. “Oh, I know!” Darkstar took out her phone and texted Heartstrong. Did you get home okay?

A minute passed, but Darkstar didn’t let doubt enter her mind. After two minutes she got a text back. Yes, thank you for a fun time. ‘We have a friend.’ She texted back. See you on Saturday! In less than a minute she got a reply text. I hope so, will let you know the details on Friday. ‘We so have a friend.’ Darkstar texted back. Kay and XXX. Before she put her phone away.

When Darkstar exited the train at the Central Park station, she looked at the map. ‘Times Square isn’t far.’ ‘Why walk when we can ride?’ Darkstar smiled as she knew herself so well. She entered the train going south and found an empty spot. She noted a pair of stallions checking her out as they whispered to each other. ‘I want to let them know I know they are watching.’ She glanced around the car and felt safe. ‘Go for it.’ She looked directly at the stallions and grinned.

One of the stallions winked at her while a blush spread across the other stallion’s face. ‘Score.’ Darkstar winked back. The winker nudged his companion and that one’s blushed deepened. Both approached her. Darkstar spoke first, “Hello, gentle colts, I’m Darkstar.”

The one with the blush stuttered, “H… H… Hi.”

The other spoke with confidence, “Hello, pretty filly. I’m Forest, and my talkative friend is Mainline.”

“I’m pleased to meet you both,” said Darkstar. “Are you going to enjoy some of the nightlife?”

Mainline shook his head, but Forest answered, “Sadly no. We’re headed home from the university. There are a lot of fun things to do in Manehatten though.”

Mainline nudged his friend, “Forest.”

Forest looked at him, “What, just going to have some fun.”

Mainline replied with one word, “Stratus.”

Forest sighed, “At least you can have some fun. Are you local?”

“I live on Stallion Island, and W… I’m going to have some fun taking in a show,” answered Darkstar. “You don’t say much, Mainline.”

Forest spoke up as Mainline’s blush deepened, “He is a bit shy around the m…” Forest staggered a step when Mainline nudged him. “He doesn’t talk much,” concluded Forest.

Darkstar smiled, “Nothing wrong with being shy. I take it you’re the confident one, Forest?”

Forest chuckled, “Main would say foolish, but yeah, I’m willing to take a risk.”

Darkstar glanced between the two. ‘It is like looking at us, only separated.’ ‘Bucking hell.’ She coughed, “So, you two live together?”

Mainline shook his head while Forest spoke up, “No, we attend Uni together and he lives two doors down from me.”

Darkstar smiled, “Mainline, I don’t bite, unless you ask me very nicely.” She giggled, “So, what are you studying?”

“Transportation,” said Mainline softly.

Forest snorted, “He’ll keep the trains on time. I’m, though this may surprise you, studying forestry.”

“Yeah,” said Mainline, “turning trees into toothpicks.”

Darkstar giggled, “A name of Forest, colour me so surprised. So, Mainline, you’ll be like Maresolini?”

“No,” Mainline shook his head, “She kept things on time by cutting services instead of improving efficiency.” He ended with a snort.

Darkstar projected her voice next to the stallion’s ear, “Sowwy.” Mainline jumped with eyes wide.

Forest laughed, “Did you goose him? He does get passionate about his major.”

“Passion is good, and I’m sorry.” Darkstar smiled, “I studied pranks and illusions.”

Forest tilled his head, “Plan on being a show mare?”

“That was my plan, rule Las Pegasus.” Darkstar noted they pulled into Times Square station. She gave each stallion a kiss on the cheek, “Give you both a free dance when I do.”

“Maybe we’ll take you up on that one day.” Forest returned the cheek kiss.

Darkstar gave Mainline a second cheek kiss and sauntered off the train with her tail high. Neither of the stallions followed, but she did hear a whistle from some pony on the platform. ‘Well played us!’ ‘Thank you.’ The station was crowed. Darkstar did lower her tail and pushed her way to the exit. Her fear heightened with each pony she touched until she stepped out onto the sidewalk.

It was still crowded, but now the ponies flowed around her. Once a level of calmed returned she headed south. ‘Coffee.’ She was in full agreement as she made her way to Stripes Cup of Java. Along the way she noted all the neon signs. ‘Almost like Las Pegasus.’ ‘Almost, be we’re going to make it here.’ She trotted off with a smile.

Darkstar trotted through the crowd and could smell the street food. ‘Food!’ ‘Caffy has food, so wait.’ ‘Fine.’ She smiled as they agreed on something. ‘That one is looking at us.’ A moment of panic went through Darkstar as she focused on the stallion. The stallion blushed and quickly moved to adjust his rear fetlock. ‘Was he sick?’ ‘No, he has a hard on!’ Darkstar turned away and giggled. “He thinks we’re cute.”

She trotted with a high step. The other stallions that looked at her she returned a wink or blew a kiss. ‘Easy on the flirting.’ ‘Sorry.’ The slight reprimand to herself wasn’t enough to lower her mood. Darkstar entered the Manehatten Times building with a smile. Caffeinated and an earth pony mare were behind the counter. There were others in the shop but Darkstar paid them no mind as she moved up to the counter. “Hi Caffy, can w… Ugh… I get a Celestia Coffee please?”

Caffeinated smiled, “Sure thing, Darkie. Would you like a soup, sandwich or both with that?”

“Ohh, both please!” exclaimed Darkstar. “My stomach thinks our throat’s been cut.”

The stallion at the counter spoke up. Darkstar noted her nametag read ‘Twostep’. “One repair sandwich and healing soup. That will be watercress and cucumber and tomato bisque. “

“That would be great, Twostep,” responded Darkstar.

“I’ll bring it out to you,” said Caffeinated. “Why don’t you have a seat with Lavender.”

Darkstar turned and noticed the tan mare for the first time. “Okie dokie,” she said as she moved to Lavender’s table. “Mind if we join you,” Darkstar asked when she arrived.

Lavender looked at the mare and smiled, “I’ll have to ask my husband if he wants to do a mini-herd thing.”

“What? No.” Darkstar watched Lavender giggle. “Just sitting here at the table is fine.” She sat down, “Is everypony in the herd jokesters?” Lavender didn’t respond, but was just stared at her, like she could see her soul. Darkstar’s smile wavered, “Now you’re just staring at me. Is… Something wrong?”

Lavender blinked, “Quite the opposite. I’d say everypony in the herd is a tease. I like you. You’re not the mare I saw this morning. Your happiness is contagious. Might infect the whole city!”

Darkstar breathed a sigh of relief and her smile returned full force. “I’m in a good mood, Lavender. The meeting with Doctor Requiem went very well, and I’ve made a new friend in Celestia after.”

That peaked Lavender’s interest as she was a lifelong resident of the Celestia Borough. “What is the name of your new friend?”

“A lovely unicorn mare named Heartstrong,” replied Darkstar. “She had two adorable foals, Truesight and Migration.” Darkstar thought for a moment while Lavender was doing the same. “Oh, her husband is named Horizon.”

Lavender shook her head, “I guess I don’t know every pony in Celestia,” she giggled. “Then there are a lot of ponies in that borough. It is a beautiful fountain.”

“It is! said Darkstar. “She asked me to take her picture with the foals. Then we had ice cream and talked for a bit.” Darkstar giggled, “She said it was nice to have some adult conversation.”

Lavender laughed, “Been there done that. I do love both my foals, Sunset and Jasmine, even if they are almost grown up.”

Caffeinated arrived and dropped off the soup and sandwich for Darkstar and coffee for the two mares. “That yellow dress and black socks are quite pretty on you.”

Darkstar giggled, “Thank you Caffy, it was a… happy compromise.”

Lavender could see the black lingerie under the dress as she sipped her coffee. “Did any stallions break their neck when you walked by?”

Darkstar nodded as she swallowed the bite of sandwich. “Some whispered, stared, and blushed. I blew them kisses and carried on.”

Lavender clapped her hooves, “Well done! Are you looking forward to some more fun tomorrow then?”

Caffeinated returned to the table with his own coffee. “Going to be a full house for gaming day.”

“We are,” stated Darkstar. She paused for a moment, but no pony said anything about her slip. “Um, I plan on getting a zebra. Caffy’s aunt is bringing some.” She dug into her soup.

“Well, if Coffee Bean is in on this, I think you’ll find that zebra.” Lavender held her hoof over Darkstar’s, “May I?” With Darkstar’s nod she put her hoof on the unicorn’s and closed her eyes.

“They say zebras do voodoo,” Caffeinated said as he picked up his cup.

Lavender didn’t miss a beat as she stuck her tongue out at the zebra. Darkstar giggled and did the same. Lavender removed her hoof, “Yeah, I like you, and I bet Serenity will too.”

“And Raid?” Caffeinated asked as he sipped his coffee.

Lavender shrugged, “Mixed vibes today, but Serenity vouches for her. I’ll see what tomorrow brings.”

‘Mother hen.’ ‘She said she would let us go.’ ‘Never.’ “Why was Air Raid hear,” asked Darkstar

“She stopped by with Thespian for some coffee,” answered Caffeinated. “She was dressed to serve tomorrow at the party. They left to meet up with Snowfall and Baron, Thespy’s parents.”

‘Maybe not.’ ‘Never!’ Darkstar sighed, “Was she asking about me?

“She did ask to make sure you made it out on your own,” responded Caffeinated.

Lavender laughed, “Enough she had to give Thespy her phone!”

‘Maybe not never.’ Darkstar smiled, “Well she’s my big sis more than my friend, and she’s got baggage.” Darkstar paused to eat some sandwich. “Like me for a start, and a lot of self-imposed guilt for something she refuses to let go.”

“That’s it!” exclaimed Lavender.

Darkstar almost spit out her coffee, “What is?”

Lavender pointed a hoof at Darkstar, “You believe in yourself, and you’ve forgiven yourself, haven’t you Darkie?” With Darkstar’s nod she continued, “That was the problem with Air Raid. Maybe you could teach her to forgive herself too.”

Darkstar did an eye roll. “Ture, I’ve moved on, new start, new friends, new life. I can try with Raid, but you probably know what she blames herself for.” Lavender and Caffeinated nodded. “And she tortures herself for what happened to me. Such a silly mare.”

Caffeinated snorted as he thought all mares were silly. Lavender giggled and spoke up before he could, “Not that you weren’t a silly mare first thing this morning.” Lavender smiled, “Nice dress by the way.”

Darkstar gave her best Canterlot snooty look, “We reserve the right to be silly. And thank you, the not-so-adventurous me wanted the dress, the fun me wanted the socks so we compromised, in the end.”

“Judging by Twostep’s comments it is a good compromise,” Caffeinated said. “Of course, it is rather tame to what Raid was wearing.”

Darkstar did a head tilt. She got the earlier comment that Air Raid and Thespian had gone shopping. “She was wearing a dress? I thought she was shopping for race gear. Sunday is when you’ll have the chance to see the real Raid.”

Lavender laughed, “Let’s just say her dress wasn’t as conservative as yours is. I hope to see the real Raid tomorrow, as she is wearing that dress to serve at the party. Will you be wearing that tomorrow?”

“No,” said Darkstar. “I’ll be wearing a cream dress with flowers and a red corset I picked up today. Along with the red socks I have at Caffy’s house.”

Lavender clapped her hooves, “Now, I’ll have to dress up too.”

“As if you need an excuse to dress up,” said Caffeinated. Lavender stuck her tongue out which made the zebra smile. He turned back to Darkstar, “I’m sure that what you and Raid wear will turn your prospective zebra’s heads.”

Darkstar nodded, “And if the outfit doesn’t leave the zebra panting, there is always plan B. Your pole!”

Caffeinated muttered, “Mimi kupendekeza fimbo.”

Darkstar laughed, “Who needs a stick when you have flanks like mine!” She finished the last of her coffee and sandwich. “One dance and he’ll be in the sole of my hoof.”

“That is true,” said Caffeinated. “Speaking of time, you may want to move along if you’re going to catch your show.”

“Ahhh!” Darkstar ran out of the coffee shop.

Caffeinated laughed at the mare’s behaviour. He gave Lavender a kiss, “See you tomorrow.” Caffeinated turned to the remaining barista, “You have closing, Twostep.” He left the shop to make is way home.

~ ~ ~

When Darkstar reached the theatre, there was still a line at the box office. ‘We are on time.’ ‘Or they are all late.’ ‘Darkie!’ ‘Teasing.’ Darkstar calmed down and was soon at the window. “Hi, I’m here to see the show. Requiem recommended the show.”

“Herd, huh. Name?” Once Darkstar gave her name, she quickly found the will call tickets. “Enjoy the show. Oh, this stub will get you backstage after the closing curtain.”

“Thank you,” responded Darkstar when she took the tickets. Once inside she found her seat which was front row of the balcony and right of centre. ‘Nice seat.’ ‘I think this herd is a lot more then they seem.’ ‘Is that a good thing?’ “We think it is a very good thing.” A quick glance to her left and right showed that the ponies beside her didn’t notice.

The show did have a lot of dancing. Her program listed Sandalwood as the lead for the show, but she saw Recital’s name as the main cast. She even knew some of the songs and sang along with them. Others around her were doing the same. ‘Operation sneak backstage begins.’ ‘We have a pass.’ ‘What fun is that. Let’s sneak.’ Darkstar giggled and totted off to see if she could.

Fortunately for her, a couple of ponies pointed out the way to get to backstage. A mare guarded the door. “Hi there, I’d like to see Recital?”

“Name,” asked the mare. She checked her list when Darkstar gave it, “You should have a stub.” Darkstar quickly produced the stub. “Tails,” called out the mare. “Please escort this one to Recital.”

“Sure thing,” said Tails. “This way Miss.”

Darkstar followed the stallion to a door, which he knocked. A mare’s voice inside said ‘Enter’, and he held the door for Darkstar to do so. She walked int to see two mares. She recognized Sandalwood from the program and guessed the other would be Recital. “Guest for you, Ms. Recital,” said the stallion before he left closing the door behind him.

“Thank you,” Recital said to the departing stallion. She looked the new mare over, “You are?”

‘On the spot.’ ‘We got this.’ “I’m Darkstar, or Darkie, if you prefer. Doctor Requiem recommended seeing the show.” Darkstar started to relax as the mares before her smiled.

“So much like her to surprise me with a guest. Please sit with us.” Recital pointed to the mare next to her, “This is Sandalwood. Sandalwood, I’d like you to meet a friend of the herd, Darkie.”

Sandalwood knew of the herd, and most of all, Thespian. “My pleasure. Did you enjoy the show?”

“Hi Sandalwood,” responded Darkstar. “I loved it. I was totally singing along.”

Sandalwood laughed, “Good, another pony to buy the soundtrack.”

Recital shared in the laugh, “Come in and have a seat. Tell me about yourself. Not every day Requiem sends somepony to see my show.”

Sandalwood knew Requiem and Recital were part of a herd, and that Thespian was the matriarch of that herd. “She could have sent her to any of the other shows that your herd mates are in.”

Recital nodded, “Very true, so why did Requiem send you to this show?”

Darkstar shrugged her shoulders, “We… I, um had a meeting with her earlier, and she asked me about stuff I like to do. We.. I…” ‘Going crazy again.’

Recital lightly put a hoof on Darkstar’s shoulder, “Just talk dear. Don’t worry about the words.”

Darkstar sighed and nodded. ‘Not everypony thinks we are crazy.’ The inner voice was silent. “We like dancing, and I like shows, so she pointed me here.” She looked at both mares, and only saw smiles.

Sandalwood chuckled, “There is a lot of dancing in this show.”

“Thespian’s production has a lot of dancing too,” amended Recital. “But it is nice of her to send you my way. Have you danced in front of large crowds?”

Darkstar smiled, “I’m staying at Thespian and Caffeinated’s place right now. I have danced in front of crowds. The biggest one was an addition at university for a showmare job in Las Pegasus.

Sandalwood shook her head. Her experience in Las Pegasus was not the best memories in her life, “I’ve been down that route. I don’t think you missed out on much.”

Recital moved her hoof to Sandalwood, “At least you don’t have to deal with jerks like that here.”

Sandalwood smiles, “So, you’ve come to Manehatten to join the theatre?”

Darkstar rubbed the back of her head, “Welllll, not directly. Air Raid, my sort of sis, brought me here to get well. Airmail offered me a reporter’s job with the Times, but if we’re honest the theatre would be more me.”

“It’s a grinding life,” stated Sandalwood.

“It’s a fun life,” stated Recital. Both nodded. “Airy has a job lined up for you at the times? Doing what?”

“Um, reporting on theatre stuff,” said Darkstar.

“Wow, tickets to every show,” said Sandalwood.

“No rehearsals,” said Recital.

“No agents!” exclaimed Sandalwood.

“Hey!” responded Recital.

Sandalwood laughed, “Not every pony has an agent like Longshore, like your herd does.” Recital nodded to that.

‘I think these theatre mares are as crazy as us.’ Darkstar giggled, “Well, back in Canterlot I was doing freelance stuff. I told that to Airy on Monday, and she offered us a job.”

Recital knew that Airmail wasn’t in Manehatten on Monday. “During her vacation with Wily?” Darkstar nodded, “I want to know everything. Airy is a nice pony, but she doesn’t hoof out jobs.”

“It’s a pretty longish story,” said Darkstar. “Could we get a drink?”

“What are you drinking?” asked Sandalwood.

Darkstar responded, “A beer would be nice, thank you.”

Sandalwood reached over to the intercom, “Tails, three beers please.” She let go of the button and saw the look Recital gave her. A non-verbal reminder of her past and where she didn’t want to return. “I most likely won’t finish it.” Recital relaxed, “So, tell us your story.”

“Okay,” said Darkstar, “Well to start at the beginning, I would have to start with Wildfire getting blinded five years ago. Just found out she was put in a home.”

“You know Wily,” interjected Recital.

“Went to school with her and Dusk,” answered Darkstar.

Sandalwood turned to look at Recital. “Yes, that is Prince Dusk, Luna’s son.” Sandalwood’s eyes went wide. “Name dropper.”

Darkstar laughed, “Maybe a little. He was the most normal, dull pegasus in the land.” She passed where there was a knock on the door. Trails let himself in and set the three beers on a table and leaves.” Sandalwood motioned to the beers and Darkstar helped herself to one. “When Wily was blinded her dad told us she moved to Filly, but we knew she had no family there.”

Recital listened without interrupting. She was cross checking what Darkstar said with what she learned at the BDSM meet last Thursday. Sandalwood liked stories so she listened closely.

Darkstar continued, “Our friends set out to find her as best we could. My brother, Brightstar, moved to Fillydelphia and lives there still. Cyclone ended up in Cloudsdale. Me and Air Raid wouldn’t quit. Dusk just drifted apart from us.” She paused to drink some beer. “We got close to the truth, so close. Wily’s dad threatened Raid, but she didn’t listen. He broke her muzzle and she backed off after that. I was too determined to quit.” “Or too stupid.” A blush spread across the unicorn’s face. “I paid for it. Cold Front,” she saw the look on the mares, “Wily’s dad, and his mates foalnapped me. Beat me senseless, cut off my horn, and dumped me in the warehouse district to die.”

That revelation shocked both earth ponies. “But,” sputtered Sandalwood, “That’s a major crime!”

“Yes, but I was in no condition to report the crime,” said Darkstar. “When I woke up from the coma, I had no desire to live. Raid was able to stop me from killing myself, but I didn’t make it easy for her.”

Recital thought it was Air Raid trying to atone for the past, “So there is some good in Air Raid.”

“What?” Darkstar fired back, “I won’t hear a word against her. She put her life on hold for four years to care for me. She’s my sister more than a friend.”

Recital was taken back by the force in Darkstar’s voice. “Has Wily forgiven her?”

Darkstar took a moment to calm down, “Yes, eventually. Everypony has forgiven her apart from herself.”

Sandalwood could feel the tension in the air, “What is this about.”

Recital smiled and sat back. “Air Raid was Wildfire’s marefriend up till she was blinded, and then bailed on her.” She reached a hoof out to Darkstar, “So, I’ll rephrase what I said Darkstar. There is good in Air Raid. That better?”

Darkstar gave Recital a hoof bump. “Yeah, that’s better.” She smiled, “So, fast forward to last week. Raid met Mapper and Serenity in Canterlot. Mapper gave Raid, Wily’s phone number. She called her and got shot down. Then Wily checked in with Cyclone, who told them about me. They followed up with Mapper and decided that Air Raid was telling the truth. We both met with them in Canterlot.”

“Is what happened to you, why you’re talking with Requiem?” enquired Recital.

Darkstar nodded as she briefly relived that Sunday. “Luna healed our horn and she recommend Requiem. So did a lot of others. Raid decided to move here, and I have a psyche that we project onto as a result of the trauma. We’re getting better though.”

Recital took a bottle of beer, “That’s enough interrogation.” She raised the bottle, “Theatre!”

Sandalwood also took a bottle and raised it, “Theatre!”

Darkstar giggled and raised her bottle, “Theatre!”

The three clinked their bottles and drank. Sandalwood only took a small sip, “If you become a playwright, that would be a real tragedy of a story. Requiem, though, keeps most of us on the right side of the sanity line.” Recital’s giggle was infectious. “Since you live there, I will assume you’ll be at gaming night?”

“Oh, yes, but I wasn’t at first. I’m not good with crowds, but it is totally going to be worth it,” said Darkstar. “First Caffy’s aunt is going to bring some zebra prospects for me and Raid. I want a stallion and she wants a mare.” She drank some more beer. “Second, Air Raid will be assisting Thespian in serving.”

Sandalwood had been to some game nights. A lot of ponies to monitor her alcohol intake. “Will she be trussed up like Thespian?” Darkstar nodded, “That I have to see.”

Requiem waved a hoof, “She does have wings, so that should make it easy.”

“I must point out her wings are useless,” said Darkstar, “She has Scootaloo syndrome.” Both mares gave her a blank look. “She can’t fly.”

Sandalwood snickered, “Well that makes sense. Not much point in tying her hooves together if she can fly.”

“I still say the wings will help with balance,” said Requiem, “But I’m coming thirsty tomorrow!”

Darkstar sniggered, “Me too, but that is why Raid races. It’s her way of flying.”

Recital shook her head, “She won’t be doing much racing with her hooves chained together.” She and Sandalwood shared a laugh.

‘She will be muzzle first into the floor.’ ‘Or on her plot.’ Darkstar sniggered, “You have a very good point, Recital.” She drank some more beer. ‘Ask her.’ What if she says no?’ ‘Won’t know till you ask.’ “You think the theatre could use a dancer?”

Sandalwood and Recital shared a look. Sandalwood started it off, “Does the Cider press need another apple?”

Darkstar nodded, and Recital followed up, “The point is what happens to the apple in the press?”

“Um, it gets juiced,” answered Darkstar.

“Yes!” exclaimed Recital with a smile, “Then what happens to the rest of the apple?”

“Compost heap?” Darkstar said softly.

Sandalwood had her bright smile on, “But we got the juice and that is the important part, right?”

“Right!” said Darkstar.

“Yes,” agreed Sandalwood, “And then what happens to the juice?”

“Gets enjoyed by the drinkers,” responded Darkstar.

“Right,” said Recital. The smiles vanished from both mares, “Then what happens to the juice?”

“Well, usually gets pissed down th… Oh,” responded Darkstar.

Sandalwood led off, “The cast of this show is twenty-eight.”

Recital continued, “Twenty of them are dancers.”

“Next week, it won’t be the same twenty,” Sandalwood added.

“Nor will it be the same twenty the week after that,” Recital confirmed.

Sandalwood looked Darkstar over. She did show poise and balance. Stamina would have to be tested. “Are you truly a good dancer? Can you get a role as a main player?”

‘We’ve seen that look before.’ ‘Yeah, looking for a reason to cut us.’ Darkstar wasn’t having any of that, “We’re bucking awesome is what we are!”

“That’s the right attitude!” Sandalwood toned down her stare, “Maybe you can be a dancer, and take my place?” She smiled, “Auditions are on Saturday. Show time is six am.”

Recital nodded, “Plan on a long day.”

‘We’ll show them!’ “We’ll be there!” Darkstar said with determination.

Sandalwood raised her beer, “I wish you all the best.”

“But,” said Recital, “You may need to tell Airy she’ll have to hire a different pony.”

Darkstar shrugged, “I’m sure she’ll be okay with it. I’ll pick a moment when she’s distracted by Wily’s ass to tell her.” All three mares laughed.

After another half hour of general talk about theatre life, Sandalwood pointed looked at Recital as she held up her half bottle full of beer. She then dropped it into the trash can and giggled at Recital’s nod. Sandalwood stood up, “I’ll see both of you tomorrow.” She received hugs from both mares.

“You can ride back with me and Trumpet, Darkstar. We live just a block from Caffy’s place,” offered Recital.

“Sure,” said Darkstar. “That way we won’t get lost.”

Chapter 6 - Herd Training

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Air Raid sat alone in the subway car. She and Thespian went in different directions from the stop near Thespian’s parent’s place. She would rather have been driving but seeing the state of the traffic at this time of night, she was glad to save the time on the subway. She was so looking forward to Sunday. To the point that she almost missed her stop to change trains. Fortunately, some ponies jostled her to get off at the stop. Seemed this was the station to get to Stallion Island.

She settled down to resume her racing fantasy after she boarded the train home. The train came to a stop and a voice interrupted her. “Excuse me,” said a stallion, “Are you a friend of Mapper?”

‘And we cross the line,’ thought Air Raid as she finished her fantasy. She looked at the stallion, and blushed, “Yes, I am. Do you know her?”

The stallion stood to get off at the La Colt Park station along with Air Raid. “My name is Creamsicle. I work at the ice cream shop just north of here. You’re dressed a lot like how she and Serenity like to dress.”

Air Raid only knew from Wildfire just how outlandish Mapper and Serenity were. Chances were this stallion was feeding her a line, but she thought it would be a laugh to play along. “Hey, Mr. Creamsicle, do you like?” She followed the stallion off the train.

Creamsicle laughed, “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. Of course, only Serenity wore panties. I’m working tomorrow, so if you stop by dressed like that, I’ll give you a free cone.”

Air Raid smiled. If everything went right tomorrow, she wouldn’t have time for an ice cream, but if not. “You have a deal, Mr. Creamsicle. Have a chocolate one ready, and I’ll give you a show.”

“I’ll prepare it when you walk in the door.” Creamsicle exited the station and turned to the left. He noticed that Air Raid followed him. ‘I hope I didn’t lead her on,’ he thought. His wife was nothing like Thespian. “You, um, you’re not living with them?”

Air Raid had to think about that as she walked, ‘Them.’ Then she realized it was about their earlier chat. “Oh, no, I’m staying “with Mr. Caffeinated and Ms. Thespian right now.”

“Oh, pardon my assumption,” said Creamsicle. “If I may escort you home then?” Air Raid nodded and he trotted off at the mare’s pace. “Last week was quite the show in the shop with five of them all dressed up.”

Air Raid followed alongside to see if he really did know the way. “Five? Mapper, Serenity, and who else?” She could only guess it would be Wildfire and her marefriends.

“Airmail and Tempest,” said the stallion, “and a new mare to the group named Wildfire. It’s kinda funny, she’s blind, but they had her wearing a blindfold.”

Air Raid realized that he was heading directly for Caffeinated’s place. She looked around at some of the familiar landmarks. It was a beautiful night, “Do you like the stars?” she asked.

Creamsicle snickered, “It’s one of the reasons to live so far out from the city.”

“They are beautiful,” said Air Raid, “Do you know ‘Paint the Sky with Stars?” When the stallion nodded, Air Raid continued, “I could recite it for you.” Again, the stallion nodded, and Air Raid recited the poem she had memorized long ago. It was from a time when she and Wildfire were still together. Her eyes glistened when she finished.

“That was a beautiful telling,” said Creamsicle. “It’s done every Midwinter’s Night in La Colt Park. You should sign up to do the reading. He stopped at the front gate for Caffeinated’s place and produced a key card. With a swipe and the push of a few buttons the gate opened. “Fare thee well, Madam Air Raid.”

Air Raid smiled. The key card showed that he truly did know the herd. “Thank you for the escort. I’ll have to take you up on that free cone tomorrow.”

The stallion returned the smile. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you. I do the ice cream delivery for their gaming night tomorrow.” That said the stallion trotted off.

Air Raid trotted up to the front door. ‘The best thing I’ve ever done was moving here.’ She used her own key card to open the door and the foyer lights came on when she entered. She never noticed that the lights were on motion detectors. From the library she heard music playing, and after wiping her hooves trotted off to that location. Caffeinated was laying on a pad reading a book while smooth jazz came from the speakers.

The zebra let out a whistle when Air Raid entered. “That is the mirror image of Thespy. Turn for me.” He watched Air Raid do a slow three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn. “From Coco’s shop?”

“Yes sir,” responded Air Raid, “The point was to mirror Ms. Thespian. We’re going to be serving sisters tomorrow.”

“Put your forehooves together,” Caffeinated said, while not a command, the mare quickly responded. “Now touch your left rear hoof to your left forehoof.” Again, Air Raid complied, but he could tell she wasn’t very steady. “Okay, now touch your right rear hoof to right forehoof and your left rear hoof.” Air Raid move the hoof in, but quickly moved it back before she fell over. Caffeinated wasn’t expecting her to do that but she did try. He knew Thespian could stand with all hooves touching for hours.

“Sorry sir,” Air Raid said after her failure to follow the command.

Caffeinated set his book down and stood up, “Raid, it’s just us. You don’t need to do the sir bit while in training.” He saw she was keeping three hooves together, but she wobbled while doing so. “Stand normally, and I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.” With that said, Caffeinated left the room.

Air Raid moved all four hooves to a far more comfortable position. Since he left his book on the pad, she looked to see the cover. A stallion and mare were kissing, ‘The Earl’s Convenient Wife. I would never have guessed he was in to romance books.’ She quickly straightened up when she heard the stallion’s return accompanied by the sound of chains.

Caffeinated dropped the chains and cuffs he was carrying in his mouth on the floor next to Air Raid. “Are you comfortable standing like that?”

“Yeah, I am,” responded Air Raid. “Nice book by the way.”

“Finding love in all the wrong places,” commented the stallion. He put a ring in the middle of where she was standing and then attached cuffs to all of her legs. “I’m going to pull your hooves to the center, so please don’t resist me.” He measured the chains to where she stood and them removed a couple of links. Caffeinated then attached the shortened chain to the D ring on the cuffs and to the middle ring. He repeated that with the other three hooves. “That’s one link shorter than you did yesterday. Now walk around me please.” He sat on the floor to watch Air Raid move around him.

Air Raid moved around the zebra. She went slow, and it wasn’t that more difficult than it was in the bedroom. She managed to not stumble as she completed her circuit around Caffeinated. “I bet Darkie can do better than this.”

“I’m sure she will be too thirsty to even try tomorrow,” said Caffeinated with a smile. “The locks will come apart if forced, but a slight tug won’t break them. I left my bookmark on a table near the game room door. Would you get that for me, please?” He opened his romance book to where he had left off.

“Of course, Mr. Caffy.” Air Raid left the library for the stairs in her hobbled gate. ‘You can do this.’ Halfway down the stairs she stumbled and two of the locks opened. “Cock!” She finished the journey with a half hop, half step. She set the bookmark next to the zebra.

“Not bad for a first try.” Caffeinated refastened the locks. “I’ll leave them at this length. I left my coffee cup on my bedroom dresser. Would you get that for me please?”

Air Raid nodded as she didn’t trust her voice. Once again, she hobbled to the stairs and stared up. “Woot!” Once she made it to the top, she fetched the coffee cup in the bedroom the cup had ‘Prisoner to Stripes’ on it and Air Raid giggled. Buoyed by her success she went back down the steps didn’t break any of the locks. With the cup in her mouth, Air Raid set it next to the stallion. “Your cup sir.”

Caffeinated looked at the cup and then at Air Raid, “Too easy?”

Air Raid smiled, “I reckon I could go a bit shorter, Mr. Caffy.”

Caffeinated snickered, “Cocky is good. Lift your wings please.” The mare gave him a questioning look but did as she was told. Caffeinated took a belt from behind him and wrapped it around Air Raid’s barrel. The belt had a wide pad on her back. He then took a tray that was leaned up against a bookshelf and put it on the pad. The sound of Velcro meeting Velcro could be heard. “That’s your serving tray.” He put his cup on the tray. “My cup is empty, and that makes me sad. You’ll find fresh made coffee in the kitchen.”

Air Raid made her way to the kitchen and took the cup from the tray. She filled it to a half inch from the top with coffee and carefully set it back on the tray. Air Raid was proud of herself to make it back to the library without spilling any. “I have your coffee, sir.” Caffeinated didn’t look up from his book but did tap the floor next to him. ‘How am I going to get this to the floor?’ Air Raid was no quitter though. She slowly lowered herself down and used her wings against the floor to steady herself. She took the cup handle in her mouth and set the cup where the zebra tapped. “Ta da!”

Caffeinated laughed, “Challenge accepted.” He shortened the chains by one link. “Maybe you’ll make it to Thespy’s level someday.”

Air Raid wobbled just a bit as she regained her new balance. “I bet you have hers real short.”

“I clip the cuffs together,” said Caffeinated with a wide smile.

“Blimey!” Air Raid couldn’t imagine that. She couldn’t stand with her hooves together unclipped. “I doubt I’ll ever get that good. As long as I impress a stripy mare tomorrow, I’ll be a happy pony.”

“Practice is good,” stated the zebra. “There is an embroidered pillow with a purple rose in the mare’s room. I could use that to lean against.”

“Alrighty, Mr. Caffy.” Air Raid was doing well with the shortened length of chain till she got to the last step. She missed the step and hopped off the stairs to stick the landing. She didn’t break any locks, but she felt a twinge in her left forehoof. “Balls! By Luna’s sainted tits that hurt.” She stood there for a moment flexing her injured hoof. Just seemed to be a minor sprain she could walk off. If she could walk. With renewed determination she entered the mare’s room to retrieve the pillow. Once she reached the top of the steps, she was really winded. ‘This is stupid.’ Once her breath was back, she hobbled into the library and dropped the pillow next to Caffeinated.

“Thank you,” said the zebra. He put the pillow behind himself. “Your walk sounded a bit funny on the hardwood floor.”

“I’m fine,” said Air Raid too quickly, “Just stumbled is all.”

Caffeinated noted all the locks were still intact. “Nice recovery then.” He emptied his coffee cup. “Some water would be nice. My favorite orange cup is in my bedroom’s bathroom. Please fill it there at the tap and bring it to me.”

“Thank you, orange cup, water, got it.” Air Raid made her way to the stairs again favoring her left forehoof. She stopped for a breather at the top, but all the locks were still intact. She used a wing to hold the cup under the tap and placed it on her tray. At the top of the steps she just looked down them. ‘I know busy work when I see it. Still, he must have set all this up before I got here.’ She thought of Wildfire’s favorite saying. ‘Nothing to it but do it.’ She made her way down the steps as carefully as she could, but water still sloshed out of the cup. She used a wing to set it next to the zebra. “Here’s what’s left of your water, sir.”

Caffeinated took the cup and drank it down. “There is a towel in the kitchen. Clean up your tray and return to me.”

“Yes sir.” Air Raid made her way to the kitchen and quickly cleaned up the tray. She returned to the library. ‘I feel like the whole pack has lapped me.’ She felt a lot less confident in herself when she got back. “You now have a clean tray, Mr. Caffy.”

“Good,” said Caffeinated. “Rest here, beside me.” Air Raid was happy to do that. It was a relief to get her weight off her hooves and sighed. “Not ready to quit yet?”

“I don’t quit until the checkered flag drops,” Air Raid said with pride.

Caffeinated shook his head, “Tell me, where the finish line is in this race? Do you need to be better than my wife?”

“I dunno.” Air Raid sighed again, “No, ‘cause I know I won’t, I just hate failing.”

The zebra smiled, “Quitting is failing. Knowing your limits is working with in them. Too easy?”

“As easy as a hairpin in the third turn,” muttered Air Raid.

“I’m sure that should mean something, and it doesn’t sound easy at all,” said Caffeinated. “How about a hoof massage before you start up your errands again?”

“You’ll see for yourself in Saturday’s race. The third turn is right before the grandstands,” Air Raid responded. “And a hoof massage would be lovely, thank you.”

“Spin around so I can get to them.” Air Raid spun per Caffeinated’s command. “Wiggle the injured one.” He watched her wiggle the left forehoof. He used his mouth and hooves to determine it was just a minor sprain. Once he worked that hoof, he moved on to give attention to the other three. Air Raid was putty in his hooves. Once finished he stated, “You can just rest here until you’re ready for your next task.”

“I’m ready now sir,” Air Raid quickly responded.

Caffeinated did a poor impression of puppy dog eyes, “The sadness of my empty coffee cup weighs upon my soul.”

Air Raid snorted at both the words and face the zebra was making. “One soul restoring coffee coming up!” She took the empty cup in her mouth and stood up. The hoof massage did wonders, and she didn’t even feel a twinge in her forehoof. She filled the cup and put it on her tray, but on the way out of the kitchen she bumped against the door frame. “Bugger me to Tartarus!” She tried to save the cup from falling of the tray with a wing but was too late. The cup hit the floor and spilled its contents on the way down. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” The hot coffee spilled down her sides and over the floor.

She broke all four locks in her temper. Air Raid stood there in the spill with her eyes closed. ‘Why am I doing this again?’ she questioned herself, ‘For the mare, yes for the mare.’ She heard hoof steps and opened her eyes to see Caffeinated enter the kitchen. “I’m sorry, I’ll clean it up.”

“My coffee cup is safe,” said Caffeinated. “Are you?” Air Raid looked at her side where the coffee spilled. He moved to her side and started lapping up the coffee. The outfit had protected her from the worse of the heat. “Can’t let this good coffee go to waste. You know, you could have gotten a cup for yourself.”

Together they cleaned up the spill. “Thank you,” said Air Raid. I’ll get that cup of coffee for you.” Caffeinated nodded and returned to the library. Air Raid refilled the cup and paid more attention to where she was going this time. “One fresh, and un-spilled coffee, sir.”

Caffeinated shortened each chain by a link as he refastened all four locks. He took a sip of his coffee and returned to his book. “Oh! I left the stereo remote in the gaming room, just inside the door. Please fetch that for me.”

Air Raid looked down at her shortened chain, “Downstairs?”

Caffeinated smiled, “Ah, good, so the tour was useful.”

“Okay.” Air Raid turned but she could tell right away that her balance was off. She got to the top of the stairs and looked down. ‘This is dumb. Thespian does it. She’s had practice.’ Air Raid hung her head after arguing with herself and turned around. She shuffled her way back to the library. “I can’t do it.”

Caffeinated nodded and he added a link to each chain. “To know our limit is to know ourselves. Please try again.”

With a grim look on her face, Air Raid shuffled out of the room and to the stairs. On the way she thought how humiliating it was to be treated as a lowly fetcher of things. With her hooves chained, she couldn’t touch herself. ‘Just snap a lock. No, I’m going to do this.’ With renewed determination she safely navigated her way to the bottom of the steps and picked up the remote in the gaming room. Air Raid then slowly made her way up the steps without breaking a lock and entered the library, “Here’s your remote, Mr. Caffy.”

“Thank you.” The zebra pointed the remote at the stereo and changed the music to something tribal. “How are you doing?”

Air Raid smiled, “I think I’ve found my limit with the chains.”

Caffeinated nodded and stood, “Very well, please follow me.” He walked over to the kitchen with Air Raid close behind. The zebra filled eight glasses with water to within a half inch of the top and put them on the tray. “There is a nightstand on each side of each bed upstairs. Please place one cup on each nightstand.”

Air Raid blinked but said nothing as she shuffled off. ‘This is so dumb!’ With a sigh she started climbing the stairs. She could recognize busy work when she saw it. Still, she also recognized that the zebra put a lot of effort into this as he had pre-positioned everything earlier. Air Raid was quite pleased to make it to the top without a spill. In short order, she had a glass on each nightstand and made it down without breaking a lock. She checked the library first and then the kitchen where she found Caffeinated enjoying some coffee.

Caffeinated first looked at the unbroken locks before he turned his attention to the mare. “Any spills?”

“No, sir,” responded Air Raid. “Mission success.”

“Good,” said Caffeinated. “Would you care for some coffee? Inside you this time.”

Air Raid laughed, “Please mate, I believe that is the standard way of doing it.” The zebra nodded towards the machine. She took a cup by the sink and filled it then moved to stand by Caffeinated at the table.

“Tomorrow,” Caffeinated led off, “I expect you to have eight to twelve drinks on your tray, filled or empty, at any given time. All drinks are filled on this floor, and all empties are returned to the kitchen. When you’re on break you can clean the cups.” He sipped his coffee and found Air Raid had nothing to say to that but could tell she was listening intently. “You can work out a cleaning schedule with Thespy so one of you relaxes while the other cleans.”

“Alright, I can do that,” said Air Raid. “I think I’ve found my comfort zone with these chains. Will I have to navigate all three floors?”

“You will,” responded the zebra. “The two computer gaming rooms are upstairs, and the main gaming room is downstairs. This floor has activities and places to relax. You’ll need to check the bedrooms in case somepony is using one for a quiet break from all that’s going on. The Dungeon is not normally used on gaming night, and of course the club rooms can fend for themselves.” He watched Air Raid take all that in and saw the worried look in her eye. “Watch my wife navigate around. She’s a dancer though and knows some tricks I’m sure she will share with you.”

Air Raid calmed down. All the pressure was her doing it to herself, after all. “Alrighty,” she said with a smile. “Just had to remember what you said about limits and remind myself that I’m only competing with me.”

Caffeinated laughed, “You may think that now, but there are two of you serving. I’m guessing that some competition will start between the two of you.”

Air Raid put her nose up in the air, “I may be a stubborn competitive mare, but even I know when I’m beat.” She sipped her coffee with a smile, “That’s not to say I won’t try.”

“It’s the challenge though. Will that be enough to drive you through the night?” asked Caffeinated. Air Raid gave him a sharp nod. “By the end of the night you’ll both be winners.” He gave her a sly look, “Can you share a podium?”

“Yep,” stated Air Raid. “When the other winner is a good friend, I can.”

Caffeinated nodded and continued to drink his coffee. Once Air Raid finished hers, he said, “I fear the water in the cups has grown tepid. Please bring them back to the kitchen, still filled.”

Air Raid rolled her eyes, “Fine.” She put her coffee cup in the sink and shuffled out of the room. She made it to the top of the stairs without breaking a lock. After she collected both cups from the first bedroom, she spilled a bit of the water on the way to the second. ‘This is so dumb.’ Once she reached the bottom of the stairs Air Raid noted there were no more spills after the first one. She shuffled into the kitchen, “Eight glasses collected.”

Caffeinated looked and said, “Thank you. I can tell the importance you place on this task.” He snickered. “Please empty them in the sink and make sure the dishes in there are cleaned. Dry your tray and then you can bring the wine and cake to the TV room.” Caffeinated trotted out of the kitchen without waiting for a reply from Air Raid.

Air Raid followed her instructions to the letter. When the last dish was in the drying rack, she put the wine glasses and small plates of cake on her cleaned tray. She carefully made her way to the TV room where Caffeinated lounged by a small table. “It is a sweet red, but you don’t have to drink it,” Caffeinated led off. “Please put the cake and wine on this table.”

Air Raid bent low and carefully transferred the items from her tray to the table. “That’s impressive, I could use something stronger than coffee, and the carrot cake smells great!”

“I find a sweet red goes well with carrot cake.” Caffeinated smiled, “Thespy does love to bake.”

After sampling both the wine and cake, Air Raid said, “So she told me. At her parents place we had this marvelous dessert called chocolate soup! It was the best thing ever.”

Caffeinated laughed, “One of Lilac’s creations. Thespy will always look up to that mare for making deserts.”

“It was a fun afternoon,” said Air Raid. “Before that we went to a museum and then the park. She did her best to make me blush in the museum.” A blush spread across her face, “She had me posing as some of the statues.”

Caffeinated nodded, “So, it was the Museum of Fine Arts. Sad that they don’t have much of Luna in that museum. Still there are some wonderful things there. Did she point out a painting by Brush Stroke?”

“She did!” answered Air Raid. “I remember when Darkie took me to see an exhibit with his works. Ms. Thespian told me that Dusk was dating him.”

“That is true. Dusky is his colt friend,” said Caffeinated. “You will be serving both of them tomorrow. I believe that Princess Luna and Princess Octavia will also be in attendance.”

“Tomorrow is going to be so awesome! I’ll meet a famous painter. I’m going to find a zebra mare to be with, and you know what will make it even sweeter?” asked Air Raid.

With a straight face Caffeinated answered, “Me dipping my hoof in your coffee?”

Air Raid snorted, “No, silly. I’m going to ask Lady Octavia to race with me!”

The zebra laughed with Air Raid, “You do know her need for speed.”

Air Raid could see herself crossing the finish line with Octavia at her side. That would guarantee her rise to fame. “I do, I do. The real thing is better than any game. With all of you watching and Lady Octavia at my side, there is no way I’m not winning!”

Seeing Air Raid had finished her wine and cake, he stood up, “Well, you should get a reward for all that fine service, so let’s take a walk.”

Her self-induced high faded, “Oh, I was talking to Baron about my pit crew. They are still in Canterlot, and he thought it would be a good idea for them to come here to Manehatten.”

Caffeinated shook his head, “Clever, my little pony, to delay the walk you will not avoid.” Her eye roll made him smile. “I’m sure he pointed you to me to help with that.” Air Raid nodded. “Do you want them near the place you’re moving too?” Again, Air Raid nodded. “How many, and what is their relationship to each other?”

“It’s a family of four. Two brothers, Hoist and Wheeljack, and two sisters, “Ratchet and Sparkplug.” She added, “They get along well with each other.”

“Okay, it would be easiest for them to stay here until I can find them a property. Will a five thousand cubic feet be enough space for everything?” asked Caffeinated.

“Sure, they have a van too,” answered Air Raid.

“Side opening boxcar so won’t be an issue,” stated Caffeinated. “Please do the dishes while I make a few phone calls.” Air Raid duly gathered the dishes to her tray while the zebra trotted upstairs. Once she had everything washed and dried, she looked around the kitchen to put all the dishes away. She waited at the kitchen table for Caffeinated to return.

Caffeinated presently walked into the kitchen. “They can load the freight car stating at eight a.m., and the train will leave at four p.m. I have tickets for four on the eight p.m. train that will arrive at nine am the next day. That will be an hour before the freight train is due in.” Caffeinated noted all the dishes were put away. “Good work on the dishes.” Air Raid had a wide beaming smile at the praise she had earned. “Now the costs. Mapper’s place would sell for four million bits, but she is selling it to you for three and a half. A four bedroom stand alone on the island will run about five and half million bits.”

“My dad said I’d get four and a half for my place in Canterlot. Jackie is renting their place they have now.” Air Raid’s smile faded, “After things started to fall apart with me they decided not to buy.”

Caffeinated knew how a deal could fall apart. His real job was to make sure they didn’t. “I don’t see a problem with floating a five million bit loan to cover moving for you and the crew. You will own both properties, but you can choose to sell or rent the one to the crew.”

“Once we are back up and running, I’m sure Jackie will want to own.” Air Raid giggled, “Of course he’s the one that doesn’t like change. The rest will love it here. Jackie hates it if the wrong breakfast is made on the wrong day.”

“That must be difficult when he made the breakfast,” snickered Caffeinated. “They are a couple hours behind us. Do you want to call them before the walk?”

Air Raid laughed, her as her happy mood returned, “Jackie did that once and blamed Ratchet for distracting him. I got the size, is there a weight limit?”

“Forty thousand tons,” responded Caffeinated.

“I’m pretty sure that’s everything.” Air Raid broke a lock to get to her phone. She made sure the speaker is enabled as she dialed the number.

An excitable young mare answered, “Hi Raid, hi! Ratchet says we’re moving to Manehatten!”

Air Raid saw Caffeinated’s look and covered the mouthpiece. “I talked to them at Baron’s place.” She moved her hoof. “Yeah, that’s right Sparky.”

A stallion’s voice could be heard in the background, but Air Raid couldn’t make out the words. Sparkplug said, “Wheelie wants to know what to bring?”

“Bring the whole workshop if you can. Load up Hoist’s van,” responded Air Raid. “We definitely will need everything for the R8 to be sure.”

“You’re racing your road car?” asked Sparkplug.

“Yup,” was Air Raid’s short response.

Sparkplug was giggling. “Alrighty-o, but it won’t be street legal by the time we’re done. You’re going to need an everyday ride.”

“I know, I know. Just get everything you need here to Manehatten,” said Air Raid.

“Okie, dokie,” said Sparkplug as she hung up the phone.

Air Raid was happy, “That little ball of excitement was Sparkplug.”

Caffeinated had a cat who had all the cream grin plastered on his face, “They plan on driving here?”

“What, no,” said Air Raid. “You got the cargo car and tickets for them on the train.”

“I may be getting old,” said Caffeinated, “But I don’t think you mentioned the train at all just now.”

“Oh, that,” responded Air Raid. “I told Ratchet earlier at Baron’s place they would take a train.”

“Of course you did, and I’m sure you told them the times that I just arranged a few minutes ago, due to your fantastic ability to predict the future,” said Caffeinated with that same smug grin.

Air Raid blushed having been caught out. “Maybe I’ll just call them back with the details.”

“Hey again, Raid,” answered Ratchet.

“I forgot to mention the details to Sparky,” said Air Raid. “You can load the freight train cargo car tomorrow at eight a.m. and it leaves at four p.m.”

Ratchet made sure to write down the details, “Anything else, Chick?”

Air Raid looked to Caffeinated who whispered the details to her. “Yeah, you have tickets for the passenger train that leaves at eight p.m. and gets in at nine a.m. the next day. An hour before the freight train arrives.”

“Got it, Chick, thanks,” said Ratchet.

A few whispered words from Caffeinated had Air Raid continue, “The address you’re setting up at to start is on Stallion Island.” Air Raid made sure they had all the details this time around. “I’m planning on meeting up with you at the freight train. Give me a call if you need any more info.”

“Got it written down, and will do, Chick,” said Ratchet with merriment in her voice.

“Stop calling me Chick,” retorted Air Raid.

“See ya, Chick,” was Ratchet’s last words as she hung up.

Air Raid sighed, “Yeah, I’m excited it is coming together, but the crew can be really annoying at times.”

“Sounds like family,” Caffeinated said from experience. He refastened the lock Air Raid broke to use her phone. “Come along, my pretty young mare, it is time for our walk.” Once they were on the walk, in front of the house he said, “Shall we do a trot, or maybe just a sedate walk?”

“I’m good for a walk,” said Air Raid as she shuffled alongside the orange zebra. After a block he picked up the pace, and she increases her own to match. “Any race is a race.”

Caffeinated took off, but after a few yards he turned around and raced past Air Raid. The zebra turned around again and caught up with her. He could see her wobbling as she tried increase her pace. “Just so you know, if you break a lock you can watch me, but you won’t be able to join in the fun.”

Air Raid realized she was starting to act the fool again and she slowed down to a fast shuffle. “Don’t want to miss out on any fun.”

Caffeinated laughed, “Good to see that wisdom isn’t lost on the young.”

Air Raid was panting a little now. “I’m not all that young, y’know.”

“It appears to me that you’re still in your first century of life,” stated Caffeinated.

“Ha, ha, ha. I’m twenty-nine,” replied Air Raid, “But I guess that makes all of us young.”

Caffeinated nodded, “And now you know the wisdom a married stallion learns.”

Air Raid saw a small commercial area in front of them. “Isn’t this the shop we went to yesterday?”

“It is,” responded Caffeinated, “But I won’t twist your hoof to have any if you’re watching your marish figure.”

“That your job, not mine, to watch my figure,” giggled Air Raid. “There’s always a good time for ice cream.”

“This shop caters to our parties, and I visit often to ensure they stay in business.” Caffeinated led the way through the open door and took the time to greet the others in the shop by name. Several whistled at the sight of his maid and offer him compliments on her pretty attire. “Hello Lemonade, a chocolate and coffee mix for me in a cup please, and my pretty maid may have something too.”

“A caramel and chocolate mix for me, please Lemonade.” Air Raid said to place her order.

“Go get us a table, and I’ll bring over the ice cream.” Caffeinated waited for Lemonade to prepare the two orders and then brought them over to where Air Raid was sitting. When Air Raid reached for the spoon with a wing, he knocked it away. “Look around you and see how we are to eat this ice cream.”

Air Raid’s eyes narrowed when her wing was knocked aside. The urge to explode was dampened by her earlier talk with Baron. She recalled the anger management sessions and started her breathing exercises. Little did she know that Caffeinated was quite familiar with those exercises from watching Tempest. Once she had her anger under control, Air Raid looked around and saw ponies feeding ice cream either by spoon or mouth. She looked down at her cup and said, “May I have some ice cream please?”

Caffeinated took the spoon in his mouth and scooped up some ice cream from the cup. Once it was in her mouth, Air Raid closed on the spoon, but the zebra didn’t let go. She let the spoon slide out of her mouth while she savored the ice cream. Caffeinated placed the spoon in his own cup before he looked up at the pegasus. Air Raid took the spoon with some ice cream from Caffeinated’s cup and put it in the zebra’s mouth. He closed down and she pulled out the spoon to place it back in her own cup. “Not so hard.”

“Eating ice cream isn’t meant to be hard.” Caffeinated smirked and repeated the procedure, only this time his lips brushed against Air Raid’s. Her blush made him smile.

‘He tried to kiss me,’ she thought, and didn’t do a very good job at it. She took up the spoon from his cup a bit closer to the bowl and brought it up to Caffienated’s mouth. She let the full-blown kiss linger before she retrieved the spoon and placed it in her own cup.

“You kiss rather well, lots of practice?” He scooped up some of Air Raid’s ice cream.

“I’ve had some, but not with many stallions,” she replied as she opened her mouth. This time the zebra gave her a real kiss. As she swallowed the ice cream she looked around and saw most were doing it this way. One pegasus and unicorn weren’t bothering with the spoon. Her wings began to rise, and she didn’t care. “This seems to be rather common.”

Caffeinated nodded, “Some more platonic than others. Like that pair just using their mouth.”

“Even that pair of unicorns are using their mouth to hold the spoon instead of magic.” She looked at Caffeinated, “And I wasn’t being platonic.”

Caffeinated smiled, “True, but then I may have started it.” He opened his mouth for another scoop. Air Raid promptly dug up another scoop and placed it in Caffeinated’s mouth. The zebra closed on the spoon, pressing his lips once more against hers.

Air Raid returned the pressure. Her blush was in full heat and her sings flared wide. She pull back with the spoon as she squeezed her thighs together. Air Raid stuck the spoon back in her cup. “Stupid wings,” she said as she wiggled on the seating pad. The mare giggled, “You’re a pretty good kisser.”

“I kissed a mare and I liked it,” sang Caffeinated. He took the spoon and a scoop of ice cream up to Air Raid’s waiting mouth. Once in she moved forward to finish the kiss. She took longer than necessary to suck off the ice cream. When she did pull back, Caffeinated dropped the spoon in his cup. “I think if you keep practicing, you’ll make your mare proud.”

Air Raid squirmed on her seat, “If I keep this up, I’ll make you proud.” She scooped up some more ice cream and fed it to Caffeinated. The zebra flicked his tongue to lick off the spoon but splattered a little on Air Raid’s nose. He made quick work of the spoon and before Air Raid could draw away, he licked the ice cream off her nose. The lime green pegasus dropped the spoon in her cup and shivered as her wings flared. “Damn it. I don’t get it. I like mares and you’re not one.”

“I call it sensuality. It’s not about what is under your tail, but what the other brings to your mind.”

“You’re bringing a lot of things to my mind,” giggled Air Raid.

Caffeinated chuckled, “Are you happier today than this day last week?”

With some difficulty, Air Raid got her wings back under control as a genuine smile crossed her face, “Yes, yes I am, really. I can’t remember the last time I was this hopeful, excited, or optimistic for the future.”

“It’s your future,” said Caffeinated. “And it’s your efforts that will make it. Sometimes good things do happen to good ponies.”

Air Raid tapped her forehoof on the table, “I guess you’re right. Still, it helps when those good ponies have good friends that look out for, and help them.”

“Even if they have no reason to do so?” Caffeinated scooped up some ice cream.

Air Raid kissed the ice cream off the spoon, “You don’t need a reason when you’re friends, helping is the right thing to do.”

Before Air Raid could give him another scoop he leaned across the table and whispered in her ear, “Tempest has taught me how to preen.” Caffeinated was pleased to see Air Raid lose control of her wings once again.

Air Raid scooped up some more of Caffeinated’s ice cream and after he chastely removed the treat, she dropped the spoon in her cup. “R-really?”

The zebra saw there was only one scoop left in each cup. “She actually taught me two ways to preen. The way a brother would preen a sister, and the more intimate method of preening.”

That was too much for Air Raid as her wings sprung back out harder than before. “So, the dull way and fun way, huh?”

Caffeinated shrugged, “That is one way to look at it, but I’d say friendly and intimate are good descriptions.” He looked her in the eye, “Do you need preening, Air Raid?”

She could feel the moisture under herself and squeaked, “So much!”


Air Raid looked around, “Now? As in here?”

“Yes, but this is a family place, and you may be a bit too noisy for it.” He pointed at a wing, “But you do look ready for it. There’s a lake near here. It’s as far as the house, but in the opposite direction. The beach is a couple of miles away.”

“I’d definitely be too noisy,” nodded Air Raid. “The lake sounds like fun though.”

“The lake is near the house that you’ll be buying.” He looked down at his cup. “Just need to finish our dessert and we can go.” Air Raid was quick to scoop up the last of the ice cream in Caffeinated’s cup and present it to him. He slurped it off and she dropped the spoon in her cup. The zebra returned the favor and once her spoon was clean, she stood up. “I hope you’ll be able to make it out the door.” He stacked the cups and took them to the trash.

Air Raid looked at the double wide doors, “I’ll make it.” She followed the zebra out onto the sidewalk.

Caffeinated laughed, “I do hope I’ve not made it harder for any mare my aunt might bring.”

Air Raid rubbed her hind legs together, “No, not at all… I still love mares, but… I’m just really fighting the urge to jump you right now.”

Caffeinated folded his legs underneath himself. “Break the locks and put the ring and chains in my saddlebag. Then climb up on my back.”

“Here?” The zebra nodded so she broke the locks and did as he asked. She climbed up on his back, “Now what?”

Caffeinated stood up, “Hold on tight and try not to slide off my now very wet back.” He could feel Air Raid’s eye roll. “Close your eyes and extend your wings.”

“I’ll try my best,” she laughed. Close her eyes? What was the zebra planning that she’d need to do that? If he wanted to hurt her, that would have happened anytime he had her alone. “Sure.” She closed her eyes and unfurled her wings. Air Raid felt him start to walk. The sound of hooves on cement increased as Caffeinated moved to a trot and then a canter. Soon he was in full gallop

The stallion leaned into the turns and she could feel her wing tips brush the grass. Air Raid felt him jump up onto something wooden and then sail through the air as the wind rushed under her wings. Pavement gave way to grass as he continued to leap off objects. She heard gravel crunch under the hooves and back to grass. As soon as he slowed down, she heard the splashing of water. His chest heaved like a bellows underneath her. She opened her eyes as he slowed to a walk, in water up to his knees.

She hugged Caffeinated tight as he cooled down. “Wow, just wow. It felt like I was really flying.” She blinks back the tears. “You let me fly. Really fly.”

His breathing back under control, Caffeinated moved back to the shore. “Thespy loves it when I do that with her. I may have gotten some leaves and twigs in your wings, so now is a good time for me to prove my preening abilities.” He knelt on the grass.

Air Raid hugged him again before she climbed off his back. “You let me fly.”

“Did you have fun?” He asked as he moved to inspect her right wing.

She wiped away the happy tears, “Oh, yeah. That was amazing.” Air Raid made sure her wings were fully extended. “I can’t tell you how awesome that was.”

“Good,” commented the zebra. “Now let me tend to those wings in a manner not used between siblings.”

“Oh, please do.” Air Raid closed her eyes again as she felt him move to her side. He started with the tertiary feathers. She could feel his lips and tongue run around her feathers. He heard one of the pin feathers cracked open. As his lips smoothed out the barbs, she fluttered her feathers to give him deeper access. She felt the tug of a feather that no longer had a blood supply. His tail wrapped around hers and a hoof was gently massaging the wing joint to her barrel. “Caffy, ahhhh, that’s… That’s sooooo good!”

Caffeinated moved on to the secondaries and he enjoyed the moans of the mare he was preening. When he moved to the primaries, he had to stop the joint massage, but kept his tail wrapped around Air Raid’s tail. His lips nibbled and tongue smoothed. Just enough teeth to keep the tension in the feathers as he preened. He noted Air Raid’s weight shifted and saw her raise a forehoof to her own marehood. He nipped at a leading bone on the wing, “None of that my dear maid, or I’ll move this back into the lake.”

Air Raid let out a frustrated moan but returned her hoof to the grass. “Please, you’re driving me crazy,” she said with a whimper.

“That is the point of this.” Finished with the right wing, Caffeinated moved behind Air Raid to get to the other wing. Along the way he moved his muzzle under her tail with a nuzzle and a lick. He loved putting Air Raid on the toes of her hooves as she let out an adorable squeak. “I think you might be enjoying this.” He wrapped his tail around hers again as he started on the tertiaries of the left wing.

Air Raid was panting, “I’m… enjoying it a lot!” He again massaged the joint to the barrel. She desperately want to touch herself, but kept all hooves on the grass. When he moved to the secondaries she said, “C-Caffy.” Another moan interrupted her speech. “When you’re done… rut me? Please?”

Caffeinated remained silent until he moved to the Primaries. “At home, after you’ve thought about it on the way back.” He did though put some extra effort into the preen of the primaries.

“Oh, come on!” Air Raid shivered needily, “Really?”

He paused in the preen, “My rules Raid,” he said firmly but not unkindly. He had started it, after all. “You can always safe word your way out if you wish?”

“No!” she said quickly. “No, I’m fine. Oh, you can c-carry on, please.”

Once he was finished, Caffeinated moved around the mare and nuzzled under her tail. He got a lovely ‘eep’ from Air Raid. The stallion moved to the front and kissed her and she kissed back. “Well that was a good cool down.” Caffeinated crouched down. “Climb aboard and spread your wings. I’ll try to get you home without undoing all the good work I just did.”

Air Raid leaned forward and whispered in the zebra’s ear, “I love you so much for this.” Wings spread and eyes closed she felt the stallion quickly move from a walk to a trot and to a full gallop. She held on tight as he made use of a few benches to get some air. The thundering of hooves on the pavement became the thundering of the night sky in her mind. Far too soon it was over as Caffeinated slowed to a walk. Air Raid’s tears of joy wet the zebra’s neck. “That was better than driving with the roof down.”

Caffeinated used the key card on the gate. “You’ll have to take me driving with the roof down for me to be the judge of that.”

“Anytime, anywhere,” responded Air Raid. “Just point me in a direction and we’ll be there.”

“I can play navi-guesser. Maybe Fillydelphia and back. We can pick up some lunch.” Caffeinated opened the front door. “Have you thought about what you asked me earlier?”

Air Raid put a wing on the zebra’s back. “I have, a lot.” She looked at Caffeinated who looked back at her. “And yes, I’d like you to rut me, please.”

Caffeinated moved into the house with Air Raid at his side. “I don’t know if you caught it the first night with Darkie. I won’t have intercourse with any pony unless Thespian is present. It’s ten thirty now, and I don’t expect her back till after midnight. Snuggling though is fine.”

Air Raid sighed, as needy as she was, she was more than happy to abide by the zebra’s house rules. “I remember, and I did catch it. I’m more than happy to wait and snuggle.”

Caffeinated stopped in the central area of the main floor. “Snuggling is always good, and I could treat you like a mare would,” he said with a wink. “Would you care for anything before snuggling? Drinks, food, bath?”

“I guess living in a herd has taught you a thing or two on how mares deal with mares,” Air Raid giggled. “A bath would be nice and something to drink with it.”

“To my room then.” They walked up stairs side by side. “I’ll get the bath ready, and you can investigate the mini-bar there.” He pointed to a cabinet and move off to the bathroom. “I like my scotch neat.”

“On it!” Air Raid opened both doors and found some liquor and wine on one side and a small refrigerator on the other. In that she found a Stable Hopper for herself and poured a double for Caffeinated.” With no tray she used her wings to carry the drinks into the bathroom. The smell of cinnamon came out of the room. It was lit by candles and bubbles filled the tub. “This is rather romantic.”

“No one has ever complained about my hospitality,” said Caffeinated, determined that they never would. He took his drink from her wing with a hoof. “Never had wings to carry things. Earth ponies do have good balance to carry on their back. You did rather well with the tray.”

Air Raid took a sip of her beer. “Without the tray I wasn’t going to try to carry anything on my back. Thank you for… Thank you.” Caffeinated knocked back the scotch and set the glass on the counter. He got into the tub and motioned for Air Raid to take a spot in front of him. “Move forward so I can get behind you,” said Air Raid. “With all you’ve done for me today, I should clean you first.” The zebra slid forward and she got into the back of the tub. She looked over the well defined muscles and placed her nose in his orange and black mane. She could smell the sweat from his run, but also a faint woodsy scent. Air Raid looked over the choice of shampoos and saw Lavender, Forest, Heather, and Lowland. She selected the Forest one.

“Good choice,” said Caffeinated. “Let me know when to move or turn around.” He relaxed as she went to work on his mane. “The foals love to ride my back when I gallop. Did Dusk ever take you flying?”

“No,” responded Air Raid. “Wily took me flying a couple of times.” She moved down to the zebra’s broad back.

“You can ask him tomorrow then. Airy says he’s a strong, fast flyer.” Caffeinated chuckled, “And Requiem found herself a new flying buddy with Luna.”

“I know he’s fast. Scary fast. Lean forward.” After Caffeinated did so she went to work on his flanks and lower back. “I thought you said Requiem was an earth pony.”

“She is, just likes to free fall from twenty thousand feet.” Caffeinated let that sink in as Air Raid paused in her scrubbing. When she started up again he asked, “How did the racing suit fitting go?”

Air Raid couldn’t imagine jumping off at cloud at that height no matter who would catch her. “I’m going to stick to racing on the ground. The fitting went very well and I met a nice mare named Magnolia who kindly helped me out with a wingboner.” She patted Caffeinated on the ass. “Now turn around so I can get your front.” After he turned around she looked down and the zebra was still in his sheath. ‘Time to do something about that.’ She started washing his face.

Once she moved down to his chest he said, “Seems to be a common occurrence for you.” Air Raid’s blush warmed the room. He saw where she was glancing but the zebra was in full control of his libido.

Air Raid started working on each foreleg. “Oh, and what’s that? Me getting wingboners or Magnolia helping out with them?”

“I’ll go with wingboners for you. Does make them easier to preen.” Air Raid was so easy to tease. “I’m sure I’ve met Magnolia, but I tend to zone out when shopping with Thespy. Coco is a good mare in my book, and what I like most about her is none of her staff have to do anything they don’t want to do.”

Air Raid finished with the zebra’s legs and moved to his lower belly, sheath, and testicles. “She wanted to, and I definitely wanted her to.” Her ministrations were not having the desired effect. “You are in control of your body.”

“Ah, you want to wash my penis, I can help with that.” Caffeinated unsheathed himself and she washed him with no fuss. “You took care of my non mare bits well. Now it’s my turn. I may as well start with your front. Please select the shampoo you’d like for me to use.” Air Raid picked out the Heather one. Caffeinated started with her face and them moved down to her chest. “Tell me about your first race.”

“Okay, that takes me back a few years,” said Air Raid. “It was a go-kart rally cross, and I was fifteen. A five-lap race half tarmac and half dirt track. It was so much fun!”

Caffeinated moved to her legs, “Not what I was thinking. How did it go?”

“I was in second place going into the last lap. This jerk in front of me was blocking and third place was catching up. Those two were friends and the one in front was trying to let the other win. I wasn’t going to have it!” Air Raid punched a forehoof in the air. “I faked him out on the last turn and slingshot around him for the win. He wound up in third as his friend passed him too.” She blushed and put her hoof back down. “Sorry, so what were you thinking?”

Caffeinated professionally washed Air Raid’s teats and mare bits. “Turn around.” Once the mare’s back was to him, he started on her mane. “I was thinking foal scouts. Pinewood derby. Any race would have done, even a hoof race, but your story was nice.”

Air Raid laughed, “I thought you meant my first pro race. I did do a few soapbox derbies back in the day. The cobblestone streets in Canterlot made them exciting.”

“Fun times to be sure.” Caffeinated moved to her back. “How did the visit with Thespy’s parents go?”

Air Raid made a happy sigh and with a smile said, “I thought they were nice. Ms. Snowfall, I believe Ms. Thespian calls a snoop, but a well-meaning snoop, was very pleasant to talk with. I like Mr. Baron too; he was straight on point.”

Caffeinated nodded, “I think she’s more of a busybody, but does mean well. She doesn’t gossip, nor hesitate to give advice. As for Baron, it took some time, but we get along well now.”

“I liked them both,” said Air Raid. “Ms. Thespian kept telling her mum to not ask about me, but I didn’t mind.”

Caffeinated finished up with Air Raid’s tail. “My wife can be a mother hen, and just as protective. Time to get dry and then to grooming.” He twisted around and flipped open the drain. “Now stand up and keep your wings spread. I have a fur dryer.”

Air Raid stood up, “We’ve been talking about me. What about you? You have foals, right?”

Caffeinated waited for the tub to drain. “I do, two of them.” His voice lowered to a whisper, “My colt is the oldest and one of those zebras with no stripes.” His voice returned to normal. “He lives in Baltimare My filly is two years younger and hardheaded. She is a sky-blue zebra living in the Crystal Empire of all places. A zebra surrounded by ice and snow!”

“Sounds awesome,” said Air Raid. I’ve always wanted to see the Crystal Empire. How can you bear the shame of a stripeless zebra?”

“Seems a lot of ponies in Equestria bear the shame well.” The tub drained, Caffeinated flipped on the fur dryer. Warm air jets surrounded the two ponies. “My colt, Knight, will be here tomorrow with his wife and two foals. My daughter, Brazilian, is married and has two foals also. She doesn’t visit but thinks I should visit her!”

“You have to see her? How unfair!” Air Raid giggled, “We could drive up and visit her tomorrow.”

Caffeinated rubbed his chin, “Sounds like a plan. We have to be back by five p.m.”

Air Raid waved a hoof, “We will, don’t worry about it.”

He leaned forward and whispered in the mare’s ear, “I believe you.”

“I won’t let you down!” Air Raid closed her eyes, “Wily wanted a foal with me. With my disability, I couldn’t let that happen. I was scared to pass it on.”

Caffeinated lifted Air Raid’s chin and she opened her eyes. “Wily still wants that foal, and now she will be getting it. Tomorrow we vote her into the greater herd.”

“That’s nice,” said Air Raid genuinely, “I heard she was getting married.”

“Believe me when I say I was surprised. Airy has been leading the mini herd of mares for over twenty years. Even when Mapper married Serenity, Airmail and Tempest didn’t think of marriage.” Caffeinated shook his head. “And now after just a couple of weeks she agreed to marry Wildfire.”

“That’s nice. I’m happy for her, I really am. I hope they are very happy together.” Air Raid put on her determined face. “I look forward to impressing my new mare the same way!”

“Time will tell about their happiness, as for you.” Caffeinated cleared his throat. “I tell you true, this is what you do. Yourself you be, and then she’ll see. What is inside you do not hide, but in her you confide. The mare will then know, and with you she will go. For Darkie goes the same, if a stallion she will claim.” He switched off the fur dryer with dramatic flair.

Air Raid snorted with laughter. “I knew you zebras all rhymed! Be myself, I get it Doctor Stripes. And Darkie will be herself, or one of herselves,” She shrugged her shoulders, “Maybe all of them. She does seem to be more stable since we came here to Manehatten.”

“True, and that you’re willing to let her go. Independence does mean a lot to a pony.” Caffeinated smiled, “Are you going to freak out when I send her into the kitchen to make a snack?”

“No… No… I won’t, I promise. If the Doctor says it’s okay, it’s okay, right?” Air Raid said.

“Yes, but we have to trust. It’s good that you won’t freak out.” Caffeinated nuzzled Air Raid. “Even if she accidently cuts herself with a knife like she did earlier?”

“Gah!” Air Raid squeezed her eyes shut. “I… I might have to leave the room, but I’ll try not to freak out. It’s hard, you know?” She opened her eyes. “Just… Seeing Darkie with a knife.” She took a calming breath. “Baby steps for me.”

“Then she may want you to watch for her own confidence.” Caffeinated looked at the clock in the bathroom. “It depends on how long Recital kept Darkie before she is home, but I do expect Thespy will be home soon.”

“I can brush your mane,” Air Raid said, “And I still have questions, like how you and Thespian met.”

“We can do that on the bed,” said Caffeinated as he exited the bathroom. “There is a complete set of grooming supplies in the nightstand.” Air Raid nodded and followed. The zebra glanced at the clock. “It is an interesting story how me and Thespian got together.” He climbed up onto the bed and took out the grooming brushes.

Air Raid climbed onto the bed and laid down next to Caffeinated. “It would be nice to know how her show went. How Darkie enjoyed her show too, for that matter.”

“I’m sure Thespy’s show went well. She’s a perfectionist. If Darkstar likes song and dance, she’ll enjoy Showmares.

Air Raid also chose to start with Caffeinated’s mane. “Darkie does like dancing, and I guess we’re all perfectionists in our own field. Your mane looks different laid down.”

“I use a product to give it that straight up Mohawk look, Caffeinated responded. “I take care of it before work. As for me, I’m rather laid back. Thespy likes to poke about my business with a purpose, and I pretend I’m a simple barista in a downtown coffee shop.” Caffeinated laughed, “I’d go crazy stuck behind a desk pushing a pencil all day.”

“I’m the same, only with internal combustion engines.” Caffeinated move to long slow strokes along her back, so Air Raid did the same on the zebra. “Can you believe Thespian said she’d buy me an electric car?”

Caffeinated tilted his head, “That seems odd, why would she offer you that?”

“We were talking about what we’d do if we were in charge of everything,” said Air Raid. “I told her that she was in charge, she should give me free gas at every service station. Thespian countered with she’d get me an electric car.”

“That’s my wife!” laughed Caffeinated. “Free gas for every electric car.”

“I’ve never driven an electric car.” Air Raid shrugged, “But if somepony could convince me there was a good one, I might give it a try.”

“You’ve seen our speedster in the garage?”

Air Raid snorted, “I think my Audi is passing it parked. What’s that thing’s zero to sixty anyways?”

“You best hold on and have your seat belt fastened,” stated Caffeinated. “About seven seconds, and tops out at eighty-five miles per hour. Can even go two hundred miles on a single charge and only takes four hours to recharge!”

Air Raid stared at him open mouthed, “What? What even is the point of that?” She fell back on the bed laughing, “You even said that with a straight face. Really though that seems so useless.”

“Eh, it’s one hundred and eight five miles to Baltimare. Visit my son for four hours, and then another one hundred and eight five back home,” the zebra said as he stared down at Air Raid.

“Okay, so you do have a point,” said Air Raid. “But seven seconds is an eternity. My unicorn crew can work miracles so maybe they can work one on the colt.”

Caffeinated imitated one of Thespian’s better eye rolls. “Getting to sixty downtown is an eternity plus one. The colt is fine as it is, and you’ll have lots of chances to find out since you’ll need a ride after they work on your Audi.”

“Ouch, rub it in, why don’t you,” muttered Air Raid. “On a different subject. You and Ms. Thespian?

“Ah, that goes back a bit. Before Luna’s return. She was a drama major at Manehatten U. and I was a business major. I loved the arts and went by the student theater one day. It was her singing. I fell in love before I ever saw her by the sound of her voice.” Caffeinated smiled, “We both kept our backgrounds under wraps and started dating each other. The love between us grew.”

“That’s so sweet,” Air Raid said with her forehooves on her cheeks. “But you said you and Mr. Baron didn’t get along at first.”

“I’m a zebra and so he thought I was after his family’s money’” Caffeinated smirked. “My family has money too, not as much as Baron, but we are well off. Still, Baron made Thespy chose family or me. She chose me and I’m grateful for it. Later Baron realized he was an idiot, and now we’re thick as thieves.”

“My mom is a lot like that. Always wanting what is best for me, even if it is something I don’t’ want.” Air Raid sighed, “I guess all parents are like that.”

Thespian’s voice called out from down below, “Caffy, where are you hiding?”

Caffeinated’s voice dropped to a whisper, “Oh no, the wife is home and here we are in bed together!”

“We could jump out the window,” the pegasus played along, “Get in my car and be gone in a flash.”

Hoofsteps could be heard on the stairs, “Too late. Say something and I’ll hide.” Caffeinated pulled Air Raid’s lime green wing over his head and shoulders which was all it covered.

“Hey Ms. Thespian, I totally have no idea where your husband is,” Air Raid called out, proving she was not an actress at all.

Thespian walked into the room and looked at the pair on the bed. It was like a yak trying to hide behind a tiny boulder. Her grandfoals could do a better job of hiding. She decided this warranted eye roll number two. “Silly colt, was he home when you got back?”

“You’re so busted.” Air Raid folder her wing back to her side, revealing a sheepishly smiling zebra. “Yeah, he was waiting to put me through my paces.”

“I did make you smile,” Caffeinated said. “With that mirror outfit, I wanted to see if she would be any good at assisting you in serving.”

“I’m going to be great!” Air Raid blushed, “Well not Ms. Thespian great, but good enough for my mare. So, did your play go well?”

Caffeinated laughed, “Yeah, how was the doghouse?”

For Thespian, that comment only deserved a raised eyebrow. “I’m in the play, Dogs, which is why Caffy calls it that. Play went well and dinner was nice. No leftovers for you stripey. Darkstar isn’t back yet?”

“Not yet,” said Air Raid. “She messaged me she was going to see Showmares.”

“Ah, that must be Requiem’s idea of therapy. Well, if she went backstage then Recital may explain the delay.” Thespian noticed a certain odor about the two. “You both smell nice. I positively reek next to you.”

“Would you like your back scrubbed?” asked Caffeinated.

“I’d love it.” Thespian stripped off her clothes as she headed for the bathroom.

Air Raid followed Caffeinated off the bed, “Would you like me to help?”

Thespian looked over her shoulder, “That would be nice.” In the bathroom she opted for a shower. “Use the lavender for me, please. Don’t want Caffy to have to guess which heather ear to nibble in the night.” That got a laugh from them both. “What did you do to get dirty? Something in the bedroom?”

“Mr. Caffy took me flying!” Air Raid announced happily.

Thespian let the pair do all the work as she stood in the shower. “Oh, to the beach? I love the beach.”

“It was a short jaunt to the lake and back,” responded Caffeinated. “With a stop for ice cream, of course.”

Air Raid’s smile brightened, “The ice cream was nice but riding on his back with my wings extended was amazing!”

Thespian wasn’t surprised by the ice cream. If she went anywhere near that shop a stop for ice cream was required. It was practically the law! “I love to ride my stallion like that. If it wasn’t for the sound of the hooves, you’d think you were flying.”

Air Raid went back to scrubbing Thespian. “I was convinced I was. Moving here has made for the happiest days of my life.”

Once Thespian was clean and dry the three returned to the bed. “You both may brush me and I’ll… Hmmm, it looks like you’ve already been preened, Raid.”

“Twice,” said Caffeinated. “They were a bird’s nest so before and after the flying lesson.”

“Flightless bird’s nest,” muttered Air Raid, not quite under her breath.

“Even an ostrich enjoys a good preen, dear.” Thespian was pleased to see that Air Raid looked suitably abashed by her comment. “You survived my parents quite well. My father does enjoy teasing a pretty mare.” Thespian started preening even if it wasn’t really needed.

“Thanks?” Air Raid giggled, “They were nice, and your mom is a lot nicer than mine.”

Thespian decided to interrupt the downward spiral before it could even start, “My mom can be like that, but Caffy’s mom is an angel.”

Air Raid let thoughts of her mother drift away. “Really, and what part of your coffee empire is she?”

“Production,” stated Caffeinated. “Her and my father moved back to the old country to oversee the fields, and that’s my mom’s real talent.”

“When our daughter moved out of the city may have had something to do with that,” added Thespian. “They have semi-retired, or at least my father-in-law has.”

“Do you see them much?” asked Air Raid.

Thespian added a nip to her preen. “We went over to celebrate New Year’s about a year and a half ago.” She got a laugh out of Air Raid for the nip. “Even then it was so hot I thought I was going to melt into a pile of blue fur.”

“It is perfect coffee weather though,” added Caffeinated. He had finished brushing Thespian’s tail, so he started to braid it.

Thespian’s nibbling had Air Raid giggling. “I don’t mind the hot weather, and I’m such a lucky mare to have three preens in one day.”

Thespian picked her head up from the wing. “Oh goody, I’ve just been teasing, but now.” She shot a hoof up in the air and with her best theatrical voice, “The teasing will be doubled!” She ignored Caffeinated’s poor attempt at an eye roll and went back in passing through sensual to erotic preening. As Air Raid’s wings spread and stiffened, she knew she was doing it right.

He finished braiding Thespian’s tail and moved to brush Air Raid’s tail. “Where have I seen that wing maneuver before?” Before either mare could respond, “Oh, yes, on every pegasus I’ve seen Tempest preen. My wife has learned well.”

The only thing Air Raid could do to respond was playfully swish her tail, but a light tug from Caffeinated stopped that. “I’ll have to get a Tempest preen to compare.”

From deep within the wing, Thespian announced, “Challenge accepted.” The little moans from Air Raid were music to her ears.

Caffeinated moved to braiding Air Raid’s blue tail. “Competition in the herd is frequent and friendly. With pegasi in the herd we all learn to preen, oh I can do horn maintenance too. I wonder if Darkie would like some?”

Thespian had moved to the juncture of the pegasus’s wing and body and she licked along the deep ugly scar she found there. She could feel Air Raid’s body tense up under her, but she didn’t stop licking, only she did flick her ears. Caffeinated noticed and picked up the brush to tap Air Raid’s ass with the non-business side. It was enough to snap Air Raid out of her dark thoughts and relax, though her wings stayed stiff. “Sorry Ms. Thespian, it’s just…” Air Raid took a breath as the mare licked the scar again. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had anypony, even myself, pay attention to that area.”

Thespian licked again, “This?” Air Raid nodded, “In a herd no part of you will be neglected. No part of you will be used to shame. Life is what it is, and our scars remind us of our successes and follies.”

“Wily was the last one to lick them,” said Air Raid in a low voice. “You must have seen them too Mr. Caffeinated.”

“Yes,” the zebra replied, “But I have my own. If you really want to talk scars, talk with Airmail. As for you, you can share what you want with us.”

Another moan came from Air Raid’s throat as Thespian stopped licking and went back to erotic preening. “I was seven, and I found out from this doctor in Canterlot I would never fly. I thought I had disappointed both my mom and dad. A pegasus that would never fly. I decided to cut them off. I didn’t know there would be so much blood, like, I wasn’t trying to end it or anything like that.”

Thespian smiled, “It’s a good thing you’re with us, or I couldn’t do this,” She made a noisy and slobbery nibble on the wing joint and enjoyed Air Raid squirm. Caffeinated had finished with the tail and moved forward to start braiding Air Raid’s mane. “This is turning into a slumber party. I need to move on to the other wing anyway.” She circled the pegasus and went straight to erotic preening.

Air Raid stiffened briefly as an orgasm passed through her. “Oh, you’re really good at this.”

“I should be, I practice a lot on Caffy’s harem,” Thespian said to which Caffeinated snorted. “Before he can, the harem is mixed tribes and sex. Not that either of us seem to mind that.” She giggled, “And he would also say it’s a herd, but that’s just semantics.”

“I don’t remember slumber parties being like this,” said Air Raid. “My first was at Spring’s house, and there was nothing erotic in that one.”

Caffeinated snickered, “Slumber party with benefits.”

“Having cloud pillows might help,” added Thespian. “How old were you then, Raid?”

“I was twelve at the time,” Air Raid said. “We did all the party games and talked about colts. I wasn’t sure which way I leaned then.”

“That was the age when I first started diddling with myself,” commented Thespian.

“Yeah, if I thought of sex at twelve, I’d still have my grandmare’s hoof print on my ass,” added Caffeinated.

Thespian laughed, “She made us sleep in separate rooms before we got married! I grew up sleeping in one room with my siblings and parents. Zebras are a bunch of prudes.” She got a proper raspberry from her husband.

“I had my own room, then I was an only child,” Air Raid said. “My dad forgot to clear his browser history one time and that taught me all about sex. Spring wasn’t even interested in experimenting though.”

Thespian finished the second wing and leaned against Air Raid, “I see you only tried to cut that one wing.”

“I passed out pretty quick from the pain and red isn’t really my color,” responded Air Raid.

“Wisdom at such a young age.” Thespian nuzzled a wing joint, “Do I need more lessons?”

“Oh nopes, not at all, judging by my wings and my crotch you’ve done a proper job of it.”

“Really?” Thespian moved along Air Raids body till she could nuzzle under the pegasus’s tail. “Caffy, I’m afraid we may have to change the sheets.”

“A small price to pay,” he said as he finished the braid along Air Raid’s mane. “Now you’re the second most pretty mare in the room.”

Thespian laughed. “Don’t let him braid your feathers. It’s a bad idea.”

“I’m not used to all this ‘pretty’,” muttered Air Raid. “I really don’t do anything to make myself pretty.”

“The tomcoltish look works for some mares, but let’s call this look photogenic for when you’re on the victory platform.” Caffeinated settled down along Air Raid’s side.

Thespian continued to nuzzle and lick below Air Raid’s tail and between her legs. “It will keep your mane out of your eyes too, if you drive with the top down.”

Caffeinated nudged Air Raid to look in the mirror and she had a good view of her mane and raised tail. “I… I like it. It’s girly.” She let loose a moan as Thespian’s tongue probed between nether lips. “This could be fun.” She could feel both Thespian and Caffeinated nod. “Um, can we have some fun?”

“Sure, we can,” said a way too chipper Caffeinated. “Would you like to play a board game, or maybe some cards?” He smiled as Thespian giggled under the tail, and it broadened when Air Raid groaned.

‘Is there a tease me sign on my back?’ Air Raid thought with a pout. “No, I mean, can we have sex, here on this bed, the three of us.”

“Oh, that kind of fun!” exclaimed Caffeinated. “That does sound like fun, doesn’t it love?”

Thespian came up for air, “Yes, it does! Would you like a bit more control this time Raid?”

“Oh, no. Just like last time is great. I’m all yours.” She squeaked when the couple gave her a deep kiss at each end. Air Raid felt Caffeinated leave the bed but didn’t bother to track him. Her eyes stayed closed as Thespian added a hoof to the mix under her tail and between her hind legs. She lifted her ass to give the mare freer access when she felt Caffeinated return. Air Raid opened her eyes and saw the zebra had a blindfold in his mouth and hoofcuffs carried against his chest.

Thespian moved to the side opposite her husband. “Please center yourself on the bed, belly down, and move your legs towards the corners as best you can.”

“Alrighty.” Air Raid scooted to the center of the bed and spread her legs. She watched Caffeinated toss a couple of cuffs and leads to Thespian. He fastened the Velcro cuffs around her fetlocks and used the lead to connect to the cuff D-Ring and to what she guessed was another ring under the bed. Once all four cuffs and leads were attached the couple tightened them until she couldn’t move a leg. The last thing Caffeinated did was uses his lips and hooves to put the blindfold on her. She shivered at the loss of her site. It was like Thespian said earlier, ‘This is Wildfire’s life’.

Both got off the bed, and Air Raid heard their voices fade as they left the room. She moved her head and flicked her ears to pick up any noise, but there was only silence. “I’m okay,” she said softly as she worked to keep her panic under control. The silence was broken by laughter downstairs. They must have been loud on purpose. Air Raid still struggled a little, but to no avail. “Guys?” The panic stated to take hold. ‘They wouldn’t abandon you,’ she thought. ‘It will be okay. Calm down and wait. Just mind games.’

Air Raid quickly lost track of time. She imagined running the track in her Audi to take her mind off being tied down to a bed. Finally, the soft hoof steps on the carpet alerted her to their return. She felt one climb onto the bed at her front. To light to be Caffeinated, so it had to be Thespian. She wanted to confirm this but remained silent. ‘I’m safe.’ A heavier pony moved onto the bed behind her.

The one to her front moved towards her and she could feel the hind legs go over her forelegs. Air Raid’s nose told her it was a mare. She stuck out her tongue ready to taste said mare once she was close enough. She could keep silent no longer when something cold was shoved into her tail hole. The other two laughed when she squealed loudly.

“I’ve never seen a hole slam shut so quickly!” said Caffeinated.

The smile could be heard in Thespian’s voice. “Lift your head and keep it up.” Air Raid did so and the sound of squirty cream could be heard. “Oh, my that is cold too.” The smell of chocolate followed that. “You may feast, my pet.”

Air Raid wasted no time as she dived into the creamy chocolaty treat. She felt Caffeinated’s hoof play with her slit but was enjoying herself too much to pay it any attention. Then a large warm tongue shoved a very cold ice cube into that slit and Air Raid squealed again into Thespian’s snatch.

The zebra started to edge the toe of his hoof into Air Raid. She may had played hide the hoof with Wildfire, but he’d never get his into that tunnel. Caffeinated slid his other hoof under the mare to play with her teats. Air Raid found a hidden prize in Thespian. She had preloaded some maraschino cherries and Air Raid found the first one. As a reward, Thespian squirted a bit of chocolate onto the pegasus’s nose.

Air Raid was in heaven. Being played at one end and playing at the other end. She slurped the chocolate and ate her second cherry. She did tense at first when Caffeinated probed her with a hoof, but relaxed quickly. She knew he would never hurt her.

Darkstar walked up to the gate along the sidewalk. ‘Go me! Made it from the theater to here without a panic attack.’ She used the key card to open the gate and the same with the front door of the house. Darkstar wiped her hooves and called out, “Hello? I’m home!”

“I think Darkie has made it back,” said Thespian. She put a hoof on Air Raid’s head to make sure she didn’t go anywhere.

Caffeinated pulled out his hoof and gave it a lick. “I’m on it.” He climbed off the bed and headed out the door. From the top of the stairs, he called out, “We’re up in my bedroom, Darkie.”

“Okay, I’m coming.” She trotted to the bottom of the steps and saw Caffeinated at the top. She climbed the stairs, “Are you having fun?”

“I can’t complain,” Caffeinated led the way back into the bedroom.

Darkstar saw Air Raid tied to the bed, and muzzle deep in Thespian. “I see you’re having a lot of fun.”

Thespian looked over at the unicorn, “How was your evening?”

Darkstar walked around the bed as she looked Air Raid over. The mess of cream and chocolate around her muzzle. “It went very well. We enjoyed the show and Recital was lovely to talk to.” She noticed the bowl of ice cubes and took one in her magic to push it under Air Raid’s tail. The squeal from the pegasus as it entered her back door was what she wanted to hear. “Lots of fun!”

“She is a hot mare,” said Caffeinated. “The ice cubes don’t stand a chance against her.” Darkstar giggled. “Would you like a drink, Darkie?”

“Please, a beer would be nice,” she answered. Caffeinated opened the mini fridge. “Oh, a Stable Hopper please.” The zebra hoofed it to her, and she opened it with her magic and took a long drink. “Seeing her like this does bring back some happier memories.”

“Would you like to join in on the fun?” Thespian asked.

“We’d love to! Just let us get undressed.” Darkstar used her magic to remove the dress and she started to undo the corset.

“You can leave the rest on, if you please,” said Caffeinated.

Darkstar looked herself over, “I think we just might.” She smiled at Caffeinated, “Like socks and a corset, do you?”

“Socks run a close second to tails,” commented Thespian.

Darkstar blinked and took another look at the scene before her. She just now noticed that both Thespian and Air Raid’s tail and mane had been braided. “So, we see. Maybe you can make me all girly like Raid?” Air Raid’s blush burned in her ears, which made Darkstar laugh.

“I’d be honored to do so.” Caffeinated patted a spot on the bed next to Air Raid. “Climb on up and I’ll start on your mane.” Darkstar lounged against Air Raid’s barrel and Caffeinated duly started on her mane.

Darkstar had a good view of Air Raid lapping away at Thespian’s crotch. Thespian still had a hoof on Air Raid’s head to keep her in place. Periodically she would add a bit more chocolate to the mix for Air Raid to lap away. Even though she was into stallions, it was still hot to watch the two mares going at it. Darkstar turned her attention to the wing she was lounging against and saw that it was in pristine condition. She trailed a hoof along the feathers, “Some pony has been getting a lot of attention today.”

Air Raid moved to say something, only to have Thespian push down to keep her in place. “She has been busy today, so she earned the many preens she has received.”

“She has been a fairly good mare,” added Caffeinated. “I think she is just teasing, but we sort of put her in a bind,” the stallion snickered.

Darkstar nodded, “It’s almost enough to make us jealous.”

Caffeinated finished with the mane and move down to start on the tail. “No need to be jealous. The mirror is behind you, but there is a hoof mirror on the dresser.”

The white unicorn looked over her shoulder, but she didn’t have a good view with the wall mirror. Darkstar levitated over the hoof mirror to examine her grey mane. It was a tight braid just like the other two mares were wearing. “You’re really good at this, Caffy.” She set the mirror down on the bed near the headboard and looked back over her shoulder. Air Raid’s tail was flagged high so she took another ice cube from the bowl and pushed it under the tail to see what hole it would wind up in.

Caffeinated paused in his tail braiding to use a hoof and earn an assist as the ice cube entered Air Raid’s slit. The ice had Air Raid suck Thespian’s clitoris hard and a loud ‘Yes’ from Thespian. “Would you like some tribe specific attention like Raid had for her wings?”

Darkstar had a faraway look. ‘Will he break our horn like the last stallion?’ ‘What? No, he isn’t one of them.’ ‘Still a stallion, and we just got our horn back.’ ‘Live for once!’ Darkstar took a deep breath, “Okay.”

Air Raid tried to pull back to say something, but Thespian was having none of it. Caffeinated did see his wife’s ear flicks. “Are you sure, Darkie?” asked Caffeinated, sensing the mare’s inner argument. “Has any pony tended to your horn since it was healed?”

Darkstar took another deep breath, “Well, no, but I used to enjoy it.” She turned to look Caffeinated in the eye. “I trust you. Could you please tend to my horn?” ‘We did it!’

Caffeinated finished braiding Darkstar’s tail. “I’d be happy to. I’ve learned all that Serenity can teach me.” He moved forward and had one forehoof on the far side of Air Raid for support but was still draped over Darkstar. “Let me know if I’m too heavy.” He did a slow lick from base to tip. The mare under him squirmed as he continued to lick her horn. He made sure no part of her horn was left untouched.

Caffeinated noticed his wife had her head back and eyes closed. He could tell she was close. The stallion moved his mouth to Darkstar’s ear and whispered, “Ice cube to Thespian’s nipple.” He moved back and closed his mouth around the base of the horn and slowly dragged his teeth upwards.

She lit her horn and concentrated hard to move an ice cube to the right nipple. She rubbed it against the nipple and Thespian’s reaction was instant. The blue grey mare shouted and bucked her hips upward to drive Air Raid’s muzzle into her snatch. When Caffeinated reached the tip of her horn Darkstar lost all concentration and the ice cube fell from her grip and slid down Air Raid’s nose.

Caffeinated saw his wife’s eyes were now wide open. He stuck out his tongue at her and then deep throated Darkstar’s sparking horn.

At first, Thespian was annoyed at the interruption of her pleasure and mirrored sticking out her tongue at her husband. She watched him deep throat the horn and knew from experience with Mapper and Serenity the inherent danger of such action. She acknowledged him with an ear flick and leaned back enjoying Air Raid’s work. She didn’t close her eyes.

‘He’s doing it!’ ‘He is’ Darkstar lost all track of her surroundings. Caffeinated’s tongue, teeth, and lips were driving her to ever higher plateaus. ‘I’m cumming!’ ‘I’m cumming’ ‘We’re cumming!’ ‘We are!’

Curiously, Thespian watched the light show glowing in her husband’s mouth. His cheeks lit up and sparks leaked downward. When Darkstar’s eyes rolled to the back of her head she flicked her ears, and Caffeinated came off the horn. A fountain of light and sparks splashed harmlessly up and over the ceiling.

Darkstar was completely exhausted and would have fallen over if it weren’t for Caffeinated holding her. Even as she slumped sparks still shot form her horn. She felt Caffeinated’s tongue lick at her spent horn. “Enough. St-stop please.”

Thespian removed her hoof from Air Raid’s head. “Well done my pet.” She watched the pegasus lift her head and she removed the blindfold followed by a blown kiss.

Air Raid blinks as she goes from darkness to the room’s lights. “That was proper awesome!” She looks back at her friend, “Are you doing alright, Darkie?”

“Yes,” Darkstar panted in agreement, “It was proper awesome.”

Thespian backed away and turned around to go nose to nose with Air Raid. “You need a bit of clean up.” Air Raid giggled. “Quite the light show you put on Darkie. You are sure you’re alright?”

“Yes, now my horn has stopped pretending to be a sparkler.” Darkstar smiled, “It has been a long time since I’ve had that feeling.”

“Good,” said Thespian. “There’s an apple pie on the counter in the kitchen.” She shook the can of whipped cream. “I saved enough cream. Could you bring us up four slices, please?”

“I can do that,” said Darkstar. Caffeinated got off the bed and helped Darkstar to stand on the floor. “I’m good, back in a moment.” She trotted out of the room.

“It was good of you to save some cream,” said Caffeinated as he got back on the bed.

Thespian licked Air Raid’s muzzle. “I would have saved some cherries, but his one popped them all.”

Air Raid laughed, “It was my pleasure, too.”

Thespian moved to the side opposite Caffeinated, and they removed the leads, but left the cuffs on. “I hope you don’t mind me turning my attention to Darkie?” asked Caffeinated.

Air Raid shook her head, “I had fun, and she had fun. I know I asked you to rut me earlier, but I think this was the best of all worlds.”

“I’m sure I can find a strap-on if you still need a rutting,” Thespian offered.

“I’m good,” responded Air Raid with a shake of her head, “All the attention Mr. Caffeinated gave me earlier had me worked up. Both of you relieved that nicely.”

Darkstar entered the room. Her magic held a tray holding four desert plates and a slice of pie on each. “I’m back and I have pie!” The tray wobbled a bit, but she put it on the bed without a spill.

“Thank you, Darkie,” Caffeinated said. “Did you enjoy your kitchen privileges?”

“Yes! It’s really cool being allowed back in the kitchen.” Darkstar hugged each of them. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“Who wants whipped cream?” Before her husband could say anything she added, “On their pie, that is.” All three of them said ‘me’ at the same time so she emptied the can over the four slices. “Not that you have to of course, but you’re both welcome to spend the night here.”

“Welllllll,” said Air Raid as she took her plate, “Going to my room means walking.”

Darkstar took her plate and used her best bratty whine, added, “It’s too far, I don’t wanna.”

Caffeinated smiled at their antics. “Well then, I guess we could squeeze you in on this big bed, being the lone stallion and all.”

“Pfft,” snorted Thespian, “Don’t worry if you make a mess with the pie as the ‘lone stallion’ will be changing the sheets.”

“That’s all right then,” said Darkstar as she took a big bite of her pie.

Air Raid giggled, “As if Darkie would miss her mouth with that pie.” Darkstar lightly swatted her ass for the sassy comment.

“That may be so, but I don’t want chocolate syrup in my mane when I wake up,” commented Thespian as she ate her pie.

“I heard all about Raid’s visit to Thespy’s parents,” said Caffeinated between bites. “How was Showmares?”

“It was great! We sung along with the songs, had a wonderful time. Recital was proper nice after when we chatted, and…” ‘Given up on the I word?’ “And…” ‘What, no, we, I…’ “And I told her everything.” Darkstar looked at the other three and saw nothing but support. “Thank you, but Requiem said it may be some time before we.” She giggled, “Before I will say I. Still I got a dance audition Saturday out of the deal.”

Air Raid wasn’t sure what to say. The Darkstar in front of her was a mix of brazen and timid. She really hoped this move to Manehatten would be for the better for both of them, “That’s a good thing, right?”

Thespian wrapped Darkstar in a hug, “Did she tell you what those are like?”

Darkstar returned the hug, “Yeah, apples to the press.” Thespian nodded and let her go. “She did, but it’s dancing and dancing is what I like doing.”

“What about the Times job that Airmail got for you?” asked Air Raid.

“We don’t know,” responded Darkstar. “I didn’t make Las Pegasus, and we really want to go for this. Don’t want Airy to be pissed though.”

“As in stalk you in a dark alley and slit your throat pissed?” Thespian punched the zebra hard in the shoulder to which Caffeinated chuckled. “I doubt Airy’s reputation as lead political editor is dependent on someone working the theater section of the paper.”

Darkstar thought about that but didn’t want anyone to be upset with her. “I mean, she doesn’t go around offering jobs to anypony she meets, does she?”

First, “said Thespian,” not every pony she meets has a reporter background, and more importantly, a friend of the herd. Besides, I don’t think you interviewed for the job yet.” Darkstar shook her head. “Well then, you need to follow your heart, dear.” She hugged her husband, “It got me the walking striped carpet, and a lifelong career in the theater.”

“You’re right. I know getting in as a dancer is hard, but it is performing, and that is what I’m really good at,” stated Darkstar. “Thank you, Ms. Thespy, Raid.” She leaned over and gave the zebra a kiss.

“Totally worth it,” said Caffeinated.

“Go for it, Darkie, I know you’re going to be the best!” added Air Raid.

In true dramatic form Thespian raised a hoof to her forehead, “Oh my, should I be in fear of my job?”

Darkstar giggled, “Nah, we aren’t an actress.”

Thespian wiped the hoof across her forehead, “Oh good, I’m far too young for retirement.” Caffeinated snickered even when Thespian looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Darkstar added, “Even if we were, we don’t think we’d be a threat.”

“Hah!” said Caffeinated. “All of them are threats. Why Thespy makes so many friends. So, they will let her at least lurk just off stage.”

Thespian blew the zebra a loud raspberry. “It has been some time since I played a lead role, but I’m okay with that. I still have my place and will always have my memories.”

“I get what you mean, Ms. Thespian,” said Air Raid. “There is always a younger, braver, racer coming up to challenge you.”

Darkstar yawned, “I’m going to ace that audition on Saturday.”

“Okay, ladies,” announced Caffeinated. “You go clean off the food play so I can change the sheets. Then we can be off to a snuggle fest of sleep.

Chapter 7 - Herd Accountability

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The soft beeping of an alarm woke Air Raid. There was enough light through the curtains for her to make out the room. She was at the edge of the bed next to Darkstar who still snored. Beyond her was Thespian and beyond that she saw Caffeinated turn off the alarm. The zebra kissed his wife and got out of bed. After the kiss Thespian snuggled in closer to Darkstar, and as Caffeinated passed by, Air Raid slide out of bed. “Good morning,” she whispered.

“Good morning,” Caffeinated whispered back. “Just need to get my mane fixed and I’m going down for breakfast.”

Air Raid nodded, “I’ll get the coffee started.” She left the bedroom as Caffeinated entered the bathroom. There was plenty of light in the hall coming through the balcony windows. She trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen. ‘Today’s the day. I just hope I don’t screw it up.’ Air Raid mused and busied herself making coffee.

When she heard the zebra coming down the stairs, she poured two cups. His was left black while she added cream and sugar to hers. Air Raid knew better than try to make any food for breakfast. “Here you go,” she said when he entered the kitchen. His mane was in that perfect mohawk style.

“Ah, the staff of life,” said Caffeinated as he inhaled the scent of coffee. “You have earned your keep.” After a sip he started preparing breakfast. “Haycakes and eggs good for you?” Air Raid nodded. “There is some fresh fruit in the bottom right of the refrigerator you could put on the table.”

Air Raid laughed, “You know my cooking skills well.”

“I’ve been warned, and Wildfire isn’t here to put out any fire.” Air Raid raspberried him for the comment. Caffeinated filled two plates and carried them to the table. “We’re going to have up to fifty ponies here today.”

“Wow.” Air Raid thought for a moment. “I hope Darkie will be okay with that big of a crowd. Do you work today?”

“I’m sure Thespy will make mention of it to her, also. The reason I get up so early.” Caffeinated put his plate in the sink and filled a travel mug with the rest of the pot. “I get off at two this afternoon.”

“I used to be an early riser, and I’m trying to get back in the habit,” commented Air Raid. “I might go for a drive to clear my head before tonight.”

“Then go west, young mare. Otherwise, you’ll just add to the traffic in town.” Caffeinated gave Air Raid a chaste kiss on the cheek. Her blush was priceless. Without another word he left the house.

“So much for clearing my head,” Air Raid muttered. She made herself another pot of coffee and then took her filled cup outside to the pool area. ‘Maybe he’s right and good things do happen to good ponies.’ She slowly sipped her coffee as the world around her slowly brightened. Once finished, she put the cup in the sink and headed out to the garage. Soon she was on the road heading west for New Guernsey.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thespian opened her eyes and looked at the clock. Nine am, not bad. As is the norm, her husband wasn’t there. Silly zebra went to work way to early. What was nice, for a change, was there was a pony for her to snuggle up against. The horn gave it away as Darkstar. Air Raid was missing, so she must be one of those early ponies too. Her tummy rumbled and Darkstar giggled. “I’m for breakfast, want to join me?”

Darkstar stretched. ‘We’re in bed with another pony.’ ‘It’s a mare.’ ‘So? It’s a friend.’ ‘True.’ The rumbling noised caused her to giggle. “Breakfast would be nice. Would you like me to cook?”

“I’ll be happy to let you cook, as long as you let me assist,” replied Thespian.

“Deal!” Darkstar scooted out of the bed feeling refreshed. ‘It is kinda nice to wake up happy.’ ‘It is, I think this is called hope.’ She smiled as she walked out of the room and down the stairs. Thespian close behind her. “I wonder where the other two are?”

When they entered the kitchen, Thespian looked in the sink. “Two plates and two cups. Seems Air Raid is an earlier riser. Maybe she ran off with my husband.”

“What? I don’t think…” ‘Joke…’ ‘Oh, yeah…’ Darkstar looked at Thespian. “That was a joke, right?” Thespian smiled. “Okay, sorry. Can you tell if her car is still here?”

“I’d have to go look for that. I could check the alarm panel to see if the garage door was opened, but first breakfast,” said Thespian. “I believe you’re cooking.”

“We are!” exclaimed Darkstar. “How does eggs benedict sound?”

Thespian was impressed. “Fancy. You’re just going to spoil me, and then move out.”

“All part of our nefarious plan,” giggled Darkstar. With some help from Thespian, she found everything she needed and started cooking. “It’s nice to be in here and the only thought I have is making us breakfast.”

“Thought’s change. I trust you’ll talk to someone if that happens?” Darkstar nodded and Thespian smiled. “You visited a few ponies yesterday. What are your thoughts on them?”

“I talked to Caffy about Requiem, and he said she can have cake tonight.” Thespian laughed which is what Darkstar wanted. “Recital was very nice and so was Sandalwood after the show. Before the show I met up with a nice mare and her foals in Celestia. Her name was Heartstrong. On the way back here, Trumpet was a pleasant stallion.”

“Ah, Sandalwood,” said Thespian. “Another mare with a troubled past.” She made fresh coffee and got some orange juice from the refrigerator.

Darkstar paid close attention to her cooking when she said, “Requiem told me that ponies with troubled pasts tend to draw other ponies with troubled pasts so they can commiserate together for a better future.”

Thespian left a couple of plates near Darkstar before she sat at the table. “Far be it from me to argue with a doctor, but I think if you’re willing to care about some pony other than yourself, you’ll find that all ponies have a troubled past. That is the price of sharing your life with another.”

“What was Sandalwood’s past?” asked Darkstar as she moved the food to the plates.

Thespian waited till the unicorn delivered the plates to the table with her magic. “I first met her four years ago. She was a dancer, and even through they are apples to the press, I’m a lot like my mother. A busy body. She was hungover and I talked to her about limiting her drinking so she could perform.” Thespian ate some of the food. “You are a good cook.” Darkstar blushed.

“She blew me off. I was a star, and she was a dancer. Two days later she showed up drunk. Told me she didn’t have a hangover. She would have been fired that day, but I intervened with the director. Invited her out for a drink, and she was so desperate she accepted.”

“That doesn’t seem like the thing to do with a drunk,” commented Darkstar.

Thespian smiled. “I ordered us some Sweet Sunrises at a bar a few blocks away. She took one sip and yelled at me, ‘Who in Tartarus do you think you are running my life?’. I stood on my hind hooves with front hooves on the bar and called out, ‘Who am I?’” She laughed, “Got a few Thespians, and one asked me if I lost my nametag. Then I called out, ‘Who is this mare next to me?’ Mostly silence and a few I don’t knows.

“Recital came up and asked what that was about. I motioned to my drink, and she took a sip and understood. I told her this mare could be a star, but she doesn’t care enough about herself to do so.” Thespian refilled both coffee cups. “It took time, but Sandalwood came around, and now she is a star.”

“That makes sense now,” said Darkstar. “When I visited, they asked if I wanted a drink, and I said a beer would be nice. I saw Recital give Sandalwood a look that Raid has given me when she ordered three. At the end of the night, she showed off the half full bottle to Recital before she tossed it in the trash.” She finished her plate and drank some coffee. “Is Scarlet like that?”

Thespian shook her head, “She is full of self-doubt until she sets hoof on the stage. Then it vanishes. Tender does a great job managing her stage fright.”

“She was nice after the show, then all of you were nice.” Darkstar moved to do the dishes, but Thespian stopped her.

“Those that don’t cook get dishes,” said Thespian, “but it is okay to help.”

“Okay, I can do that.” Darkstar moved next to Thespian at that sink. “I noticed you do a lot of washing in the sink instead of using the dishwasher.”

“I think that is habit mostly,” responded Thespian. “You can dry, please. Since it is only two of us, it seems a waste to use the dishwasher. Tomorrow, and other times we hold events it will see plenty of use.”

Darkstar dried what Thespian hoofed to her. “We guess we haven’t made much of an impact yet during our stay. I have no problem with hoof washing either, but we… I was curious as to why.” As they neared the end of the dishes, she asked, “What do we do now?”

“Welcome to independence,” Thespian said with a smile. “But if you want, you can hang out with me and help me cook the items I don’t have catered.” Darkstar nodded. “Good, how do you like your meat cooked?”

“What?” Darkstar was shocked to hear that she had fallen into a bunch of meat eaters. “This is a joke, right?”

Thespian shrugged, “Many ponies eat fish, but I happen to like bugs.”

“Ew, we don’t think we can eat bugs,” Darkstar said with a grimace that came straight from Canterlot. “I tried fish once because of Air Raid. I think that is more a pegasus thing.”

“Hmm, is that so,” said Thespian. “I might just change your mind about a few things.”

That had Darkstar curious. She put Thespian’s joke behind her. “What things?”

“Oh, things.” Thespian kept an innocent look. “Like eating meat.”

“Ew, I’m not going to start eating meat!” said Darkstar stubbornly, ‘Is this mare crazy?’ ‘May be crazier than us.’ Darkstar broke out in giggles. “You done pulling my leg?”

“I’ll leave your leg attached. I doubt it would make for a good meal.” Thespian had to hold back her own laughter when she saw the face Darkstar made. “Enough joking. You’ve heard rumours that zebras eat ponies?”

Everypony had heard those stories, but she never paid them much mind. It was a sick joke, nothing more, and she didn’t think it was even remotely true. “Yes, but you married a zebra, and he hasn’t eaten you.”

Thespian couldn’t stop her laughter. “I know a zebra that ate a mare, and this mare rather enjoyed it.” Her laughter only got louder when Darkstar’s jaw fell to the floor. Thespian waved a hoof. “Give me a moment, that was too good to pass up.”

Darkstar faced hoofed as she walked right into that joke. “You are as crazy as me,” she muttered.

“A good crazy, I hope,” responded Thespian. and Darkstar shrugged. “Now, back to cooking. It is true that pegasi like fish, and that we’ll have a tuna and salmon dish that will be catered. I’ve always thought they tasted… fishy.” Darkstar groaned. “Zebras, though, do like to eat insects, and I’m making four dishes that I really can’t have catered locally.”

“Are you still joking?” asked Darkstar, who wasn’t sure, “I’m not going to eat a bug. Why would zebras even eat bugs?”

“You can ask a zebra about that, but you’d never get the same answer twice.” Thespian led off. “His mom told me it started during the Lunar Rebellion. Food was rather scarce back then, and I wanted to cook something for Caffeinated. Now it is more a matter of pride for zebras to eat insects.”

Darkstar tilted her head, “And you want me to help you cook up some bugs?”

Thespian smiled, “I learned to do it for a zebra.” Darkstar showed her ‘oh’ face of slow understanding. “And I did say it was a matter of pride.” She held back her laughter when Darkstar gave a defeated sigh. “Plus, I think you be surprised just how good the dishes taste. Ready to learn zebra cuisine?”

‘We really going to cook up bugs?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘And eat them?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘How do I get off this crazy train?’ ‘Requiem says we’re still on the platform.’ ‘Oh, yeah.’ “As Wily would say, nothing to it, but to do it. We’ll help you make zebra food for the zebra I’m going to land.”

“That’s the spirit, and I know he’ll be impressed that you did the cooking.” Thespian pulled out some recipe cards from a drawer. “I’m making four zebra dishes, three have insects in them, the other is based on breadfruit.” She spread out the four cards for Darkstar to see. “Locust salad with a honey mustard dressing. Mealybug corn chowder. Grilled breadfruit parmesan. This last one I really like. Bar-b-queued weevil larvae. Crunchy like popcorn.”

“Okay, you’ve changed my mind. I’ll give it a try,” said Darkstar.

Thespian opened a bottom right drawer in the refrigerator and pulled out several items. “Life is change, otherwise we stagnate.”

Darkstar shrugged, “It’s a shame the change we’ve experienced has been so violent though. Slow and gentle would’ve been nice.” She watched Thespian lay out, what was obviously bugs, on the counter.

“Seldom does the universe play nice.” She pointed to each of the bugs in turn. “Locust, Mealybug, and Weevil.”

Darkstar had a rather sad smile. “I think the universe has a weird sense of humour. You should have been there when Wily was blinded.” She pointed at the bugs and looked up at Thespian. “Can I try one?’

“You can try them all, but I think we should prepare them fist,” said Thespian. “The locust needs their legs and head removed. The weevils are chewy raw. Now the mealybugs you can go for now.”

Darkstar took up a mealybug in her magic and popped it in her mouth. She chewed. ‘We just ate a bug.’ ‘We did.’ “And it wasn’t bad, different, but not bad.” The unicorn nodded and said in a low voice, “I wasn’t there when it happened, thank goddess.”

It took a moment, but Thespian realized she wasn’t talking about the bug she just ate. “Oh, the blinding. That had to be a gruesome sight to have seen.” She showed Dark Star how to prep the locust, and the mare wasn’t squeamish as she followed along.

“Dusk told us the story after the fact,” Dark Star said as she cleaned the locust. “Once Professor Twilight had Blitzwing in custody, he flew Wily directly to Canterlot General.” She watched Thespian carefully and was soon doing one for her two. “He stayed with her through the operation, but they kept her sedated. He came back and told us about how much damage was done.”

“What happened to him?” asked Thespian.

“Blitzwing?” Dark Star saw Thespian nod. “Twilight had the Dean call in the police while she restrained him. They took him away, but there was no trial. His family had him committed, and I guess he did go insane since he is still there.”

“It would be a hard thing to live with,” signed Thespian. “Airmail still amazes me how she goes through life.”

Darkstar finished her allotment of locust and Thespian scooped the bits into the rubbish bin. “He and Dusk were rivals if that’s the right term. Mostly it was name calling and homophobic slurs because Dusk was gay. Dusk did or said something in the science class that set Blitz off, and he attacked Dusk.”

Thespian snorted, “Attacked a Prince. He must have been insane.” She put the prepped locust in the freezer. “Keeps them firm for the salad. Wily seems to have to terms with it all, and it seems you might have too. She found love, now to see if it finds you.”

Dark Star giggled, “I know right? How dare she get married before me!”

Thespian laughed, “Well she isn’t getting married until the fifteenth of next month. You could knock out your stallion, drag him to Las Pegasus and beat Wily to the alter.” She opened the mealybug container. “Of course, she might just kill you through Airmail.”

Darkstar broke out her deadliest puppy dog eyes, “You’ll save me, mommy, won’t you?” She froze in place, the words already out of her mouth. ‘Looking for the crazy train?’ ‘No, I feel safe, I think.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah.’

Thespian saw fear cross Darkstar’s face. “Well, that’s a new one from you. Just don’t call me granny, even if I am one. They aren’t as old as you.”

“You’re not upset?” asked Darkstar.

“Not at all,” replied Thespian. “Is this something you’d like to talk about?”

Darkstar sighed, “I should talk about it.” She saw Thespian tilt her head, “No, I want to talk about it. Mom is very much alive, but while I thought I was crazy, she really is. She been committed to the Canterlot Asylum for nine years now. I was sixteen when she was committed.”

Thespian wrapped the mare in a hug, “Maybe you’ll take me to meet her one day.”

Darkstar’s laugh was dark. “Yeah, if you want a trip to the asylum.”

Thespian backed up a bit, “Well, that shouldn’t be a problem. I played the part after all, but my character didn’t end well.”

Darkstar was suddenly intrigued, “When was that?”

“It was early in my career quite some time ago. The play was called ‘Funny Farm’. I was the clinic directors head nurse. Died in the second act.” Thespian put a small hibachi on the counter. “The play got mixed reviews, but I was noticed and got another support part in Annie Oak got your gun. Been uphill since then.”

Darkstar pointed to the hibachi, “Is that for the mealybugs?”

“Nope, the mealybugs will be put in the chowder. That is for the breadfruit that you are going to slice up.” She pointed at the pantry. “They are in a bin on the bottom right. Slice them about a quarter inch thick. Once they are brown on both sides put them on a cookie tray for the last bit.”

‘She is letting us use a knife.’ ‘I know, and it is exciting.’ ‘Better than the doctor in Ponyville.’ Darkstar got twelve breadfruits from the pantry. “All of them?” Thespian nodded. Darkstar opened the knife draw and hesitated for a moment. ‘We need to be careful.’ ‘We can do this.’ Thespian said nothing while she looked at the knives. With a deep breath, she pulled out a large knife. Thespian put a cutting board on the counter and smiled, but she still said nothing. “Do they need to be pealed?” With a shake of the other mare’s head, she took up the knife in her magic and started cutting.

Thespian left Darkstar to it as she turned her attention to getting the corn chowder ready for the mealybugs. As she put the chowder in the oven, Darkstar had finished cutting up the last of the fruit. While she was grilling them, Thespian got out several cookie trays. “I’ll get the parmesan mix ready to pour over the fruit after you fill a tray.

Darkstar looked at the breadfruit on the grill and saw there were no more trays. “What do I do with the rest?”

“Keep grilling. When I pull a finished tray out of the oven, I’ll move the fruit to a serving dish and you can reuse the tray till we are finished.” Thespian set the weevils next to the hibachi. “Next the weevils go on the grill. It only takes a minute and then flip. After another minute flip again and use the brush to put sauce on them. Flip after two minutes and sauce the other side. Two more minutes and they go in the bowl.”

“You make it seem like zebra cooking is easy.” Darkstar was nearing the end of the breadfruit. “I’m going to need to sample all of this when we’re finished.”

Soon, the last of the trays were in the oven. All the weevils were bar-b-qued and ready to serve. A small plate sat on the table for both mares to sample. “These are good, but I really just taste the sauce. And…”

“Bugs are good nutrition, and little flavour,” said Thespian. “And what?”

“And did you really want to visit my mom?” asked Darkstar in a soft voice “She doesn’t recognize me or anypony else for that matter.”

Thespian gave the mare a level stare, “Are you visiting for yourself or her?”

That set Darkstar back. ‘Why do we visit her.’ ‘To see if we are crazy?’ “No!” She covered her mouth when she realized she said that out loud. ‘I want her to know that I still care.’ Silence followed and she looked at Thespian. “For her. I do it for her.”

Thespian smiled, “Then does it matter if she knows you or not? Maybe all that she knows is somepony in Equestria cares.”

Darkstar nodded, “You’re right. I think you’d like Shinning Star, or well most of the time. She does have some personalities that are not very pleasant. Princess Platinum is nice, but the Bloody Baroness… Not so much”

Thespian waved a hoof, “I like most ponies, and I don’t plan to make any exceptions to that. I’ve also learned how to deal with difficult ponies in my career.” She got up to take some more trays out of the oven. “Do you have some happy memories when you were younger?”

“Oh, yes! She always took us to Las Pegasus, every year. Me and Brightstar. We saw the shows and rode the rides. It is where we got our love of dancing. She took us to other shows where she performed. Up until she was committed.” Darkstar deflated. “We had access to her money she had made, that’s how a couple of sixteen-year-olds could survive.”

“What of the one you haven’t mentioned?” Thespian asked carefully.

Darkstar shrugged, “There never has been a dad. It was just the three of us. Mom said he left when he found out she was having twins. Never told us his name or what he looked like.”

“Happens.” Thespian put a couple of the breadfruit parmesan on a plate for the two of them. “That’s Mapper’s story too.”

“I guess everypony has a story.” Darkstar tried the breadfruit. “Oh, this is good. I was afraid it would taste like eggplant, but it is much better.” She ate another bite. “My mom’s special talent was illusions. It was illusions that took her way, as eventually she couldn’t tell what was real from what was illusion anymore.”

“There are times when I’m happy to have simple dirt magic.” Thespian dished out two small bowls of the mealybug corn chowder. “You’ll have to wait for the party to try the locust salad. I like to serve that fresh.”

“I know what you mean,” mumbled Darkstar. She tried the chowder. “I wouldn’t know I was eating bugs.” After a few more spoonful’s she continued. “When I had the inhibitor on, I was glad I couldn’t use magic.”

“But now you’re happier you can. Even if you must go back to magic kindergarten,” she finished with a chuckle.

Darkstar shrugged and played with the spoon in the chowder. “I guess so.”

‘She is still in a bad place,’ thought Thespian as she raised an eyebrow, “Guess so? I’d think it would be like being stuck in a wheelchair and suddenly I can walk again. If only for a few steps at first.”

Darkstar blinked and realized she gave the wrong impression to Thespian. “Oh! Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m happy to be able to use magic again. At any level, really. I don’t care about having to start over. It’s just, well… Thing is, Requiem says we’re not crazy, but what if I end up really crazy?”

“I think you have the ‘crazy’ wrong.” Thespian waved a hoof, “All of us are a little bit crazy, or life would be no fun at all. I think you should be more worried that you’ll forget who you are. Has that ever happened to you?”

Darkstar nodded, “More than once, but it was after I tried to kill myself. I’d wake up in the hospital still alive and sort of lost myself to the dark thoughts in my head.”

Thespian moved the empty dishes to the sink and Darkstar quickly moved to help her. “I’ll wash, and you have drier duty again.” She filled the sink with soapy water. “I’m not a unicorn, and don’t have a clue what manipulative magic does.” She hoofed the first plate to Darkstar. “I do know that if you accept yourself for who you are now and understand that may not be who you are tomorrow, you should be okay. It helps to have friends to tell you when you’re full of horseapples.”

Darkstar laughed, “Thanks mom. I’m pretty comfortable in my fur at the moment.”

“You should be, I just washed it,” responded Thespian.

“And you did a good job,” giggled Darkstar. “Now that I’m calling you mom, are you going to make me clean my room?” Darkstar tried a serious voice. “’Cos that’s mom stuff right there.”

Thespian hoofed Darkstar a bowl and waved a dismissive hoof. “I don’t need to make you clean your room. You haven’t been sleeping in it after all.”

“Well yeah, because you’re all warm and snuggly,” said Darkstar.

Thespian narrowed her eyes, “Are you saying I’m fat, or just fluffy?”

Darkstar snorted, “I’m saying mommy is all fluffy and snuggly.”

Thespian looked around the kitchen, “Well that ends my prep work and you helped me make short order of it. The caterers will be her in about thirty minutes to set up.”

“So, what do we do now?” asked Darkstar.

“We do what I love,” responded Thespian. “Bake cakes, and I’ll even let you help.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, “As long you tell no one what my secret ingredients are.”

“My lips are sealed, but I might use those ingredients in the future for my own baking,” said Darkstar.

“I can live with that.” Thespian moved to get everything she needed from the pantry and refrigerator set up on the table. Soon there were four cakes in the oven. A speaker came to life in the kitchen, ‘Galloping Gourmet.’ Thespian pushed a button under the speaker to open the main gate. “Come on in and do your thing.” She turned to Darkstar. “I’m for a glass of wine in the library while they work. Care to join me?”

“Sure, but I’ll have a beer, please.” Thespian pointed to the fridge while she pulled a bottle from the wine rack. With a glass and bottle on her back Thespian walked out of the kitchen and Darkstar followed with a beer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“It’s coming up on the right.” Air Raid pointed a hoof at Caffeinated’s house.

“What’s with the vehicles out front?” Brightstar asked. “Galloping Gourmet.”

“I’m not sure… Wait, Thespian said the event today is catered, so that must be them.” Air Raid drove past the house and made a right. Then another right into an alley. She pushed a button on the visor and the second door from the end opened for the garage.

“Well, I’m impressed by what I see so far. How did you fall in with a crowd like this?” questioned Brightstar.

Air Raid turned off the engine and allowed her powerful Audi a well-earned rest. “The only answer to that is Wildfire. Come on in and let me introduce you to our newest benefactors.” She led the way out of the garage, past the pool, and into the house.

Thespian looked at the alarm panel. “Air Raid is back.”

Darkstar looked at the panel. It was the same as in the kitchen and she saw one in the bedroom last night. “Do you have those in every room? And, how do you know it is Air Raid?”

“Almost,” replied Thespian. “All of them have a release for the front gate, but only the front one has a monitor. The rest just have codes when something was opened. That code is G2, which is the spot Air Raid parks in the garage.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much security,” said Darkstar. “Odd you only have one monitor.”

“My phone or one of the computers act as another monitor.” Thespian smiled, “So I can watch you pee on my flower bed from the bedroom.”

“We wouldn’t…” ‘Joke, Darkie.’ Darkstar sighed, “You got us again. What do we do now?”

Thespian took another sip of wine, “Nothing. Unless she stops for a swim, we’ll know when the back door opens.”

The panel beeped again and had D2 on the display. “We’re in the library, Air Raid,” called out Thespian.

Air Raid opened the door on the back patio and heard Thespian call out. She saw four ponies setting food in the main area. “That was Thespian. Come on because there is somepony with her to be surprised.”

Brightstar’s head was on a swivel as he took in the spacious house. It was a lot more modern than the Canterlot style and far more opulent than anything he’d seen in Fillydelphia. He had a bookshelf, but Professor Twilight was the only pony he knew that had a library in their house. Brightstar shook his head and followed Air Raid. He had a sister to surprise.

Darkstar was unimpressed with Air Raid’s return and had her nose in a book about the play Thespian was in, ‘Funny Farm’. Thespian did look up to watch Air Raid enter and saw the second pony. She didn’t need the hush signal to know to not say anything about the newcomer. Instead, Thespian said “I’m enjoying some wine, but there are other drinks in the kitchen.”

Brightstar smiled as he watched his sister lost in her own world. “That looks like a nice wine, I’ll have a glass please.”

Darkstar looked up at the sound of his voice and surged to her hooves. She tackle hugged him as soon as he got the word ‘please’ out. “Bright! I’ve missed you so much!”

Air Raid had to sit down she was laughing so hard when the surprise went perfectly. Thespian too laughed as she poured a second glass of wine. Brightstar was also laughing as he hugged his sister tight. “I’ve missed you too, Darkie.” He petted Darkstar’s mane and could feel her crying against his neck. All three of them quieted down to let Darkstar have this moment.

Darkstar regained control after a few minutes, but she didn’t break the hug, “We’re doing better. The doctor says we are.” She let go of her brother and looked around. “Where’s Moonbeak and the kittens?”

“Kittens?” interjected Thespian curiously. “That isn’t a common term for foals.”

Brightstar answered Darkstar, “Moonbeak had a photoshoot this morning and Zephyr and Athena are at her mom’s place.” He turned to Thespian. “She and the kittens are all griffons from her previous marriage. Her husband was in law enforcement and died in the line of duty, so…”

“Discretion is the word,” said Thespian. “Were you afraid to bring griffons to my place?” Brightstar nodded slowly. “I say the more the merrier. There will be several foals here, and I have foal sitters lined up. Do the kittens play well with others?” Brightstar nodded enthusiastically. “I don’t see a problem then.”

“Sorry,” said Brightstar. “Griffons aren’t always welcomed. I was also concerned about her habits like food and such.”

“From the few I’ve meet, they do like fish,” said Thespian. “Would she like insects too?”

Brightstar smiled as her realized there never was a need to worry. “She does love fish, and the kittens both love insects, but Moonbeak will eat those too.” He paused to rub the back of his head. “She fancies bloodwine too, but that might be…”

Thespian’s laugh cut him off. “True, we don’t have that on hoof. I don’t think it keeps for long and not in much demand. I’ll ring up Caffy to find some downtown for today.” She smiled at Brightstar’s wide eyed stare. “While I don’t think I’ll partake of it, Luna might give it a try.”

“I heard you were pretty tight with the royalty,” smirked Brightstar at the mention of Luna’s name.

Thespian’s eyes narrowed dangerously, “I find they are just ponies whom I happen to count on as friends.”

Brightstar saw the look on Thespian’s face. Air Raid and Darkstar also saw that look. Before either of the mares could respond, Brightstar spoke up. “Forgive me, please. My attitude often gets me in trouble, and I’m sure Moonbeak would be most happy to correct it. Please inform her of my error.”

Thespian took a deep breath followed by a light sigh. “They are our friends. The last thing we’d do is treat them as royalty.” She smiled, “And I will let Moonbeak know of your transgression. Of course, it is foal friendly night, so I’ll see if she can let you stew for two weeks. I do want to see what happens.” She turned to Darkstar, “As for cuisine fit for a griffon, do you think we have something, Darkstar?”

“Yup, as it happens, bro. I cooked up a load of insects and grubs for later!” Darkstar answered.

Brightstar saw Air Raid’s sour look on her face, and just had to dig in a bit deeper. “So that is why you kicked her out of the house so she wouldn’t ruin it.”

“Hey! I wasn’t kicked out,” Air Raid said indigently. “I just needed to take Missy for a spin.”

“And here I thought you ran off with my husband.” Air Raid’s surprised look and Darkstar’s giggle made Thespian smile. “He’s another of those early risers.”

“Well, we did talk before I left, and I got a sweet kiss out of the deal,” Thespian nodded to Air Raid’s comment. “He told me to head west to escape traffic, so I did.”

“What made you go to Fillydelphia?” asked Darkstar.

“First I could get up to one hundred and thirty-five on the turnpike, and second, I thought it would be a nice surprise to bring Brightstar back with me,” answered Air Raid.

“You didn’t need to do one hundred and thirty-five on the way back,” muttered Brightstar. He spoke up, “It’s nice to see your fixed horn, but what do you mean the doctor says you’re okay?”

“Oh, that,” said Darkstar. “Her name is Requiem, and she is part of this herd. We had a nice chat and I see here at least once a week. When she determined I wanted to live, she said I wasn’t crazy, but I am troubled. Oh! I got my kitchen privileges back, right mom?”

Thespian saw the troubled looks from the other two and put things straight immediately. “Not a replacement, a substitute. And yes, Requiem told us she can go into the kitchen unsupervised. For us it is trust but verify.”

“And yes, I told Thessy about our mom, bro,” added Darkstar. “She said she would even come with me to visit her.”

Air Raid yawned. “I was up early, so I’m for a shower. Then I can get some coffee in me after. That okay?”

Thespian nodded, “You can expect this time off docked from you pay, young mare.”

Air Raid snorted, “You’d have to pay me first.” Thespian gave her a look. “Okay, okay, hugs and preens are a pretty nice pay check.” She hugged Thespian, “There that is to cover my time off.” With Thespian’s smile she trotted upstairs to use the shower.

“I think it would be good for both of you to have a chat with her. She’ll be here in a few hours,” said Thespian. “Now that you know Moonbeak is welcome, when can we expect her?”

“She gets off work at around twelve,” responded Brightstar. “I’ll text her to say she can come with the kittens. I’m guessing by train, she’ll be in Manehatten between One Thirty and Two.”

“I’ll send a text to Caffeinated to be ready to pick her up when you get the arrival time, and to get some bloodwine for her.” Thespian got out her phone to do just that. She put it away when finished. “What sort of pictures does Moonbeak take?”

Brightstar shrugged, “I think she does pretty much anything. Her mainstay is photographing models for magazine covers and advertising. Why?”

“I’m not sure if they have already lined a photographer up yet,” said Thespian, “But there is a wedding coming up and I think it would be sort of keeping it in the family if Moonbeak did the photos.”

Darkstar laughed and in a sing song voice said, “I know who the happy couple is.” Brightstar looked at her. “You know one of them. A tiny yellow pegasus with a black mane and fireball cutie mark.”

It didn’t take Brightstar long at all to figure that one out, “Wily?”

“Bingo! She is marrying Airmail, her soon to be herd mate.” Darkstar looked at Thespian who nodded. She continued. “Airmail is the one that got Luna to heal my horn.”

Brightstar had the look of disbelief. “What, she has the Princess on speed dial and just calls her up. I have a pony I want you to heal.”

“Um, yeah, pretty much,” Darkstar said softly.

Thespian intervened before anything spiralled downward. “Airmail, and for that matter, the rest of the mini mare herd has a number of connections. Airmail and Mapper have a long history with the sisters. Serenity has performed for the sisters, and Tempest is a force to be reckoned with.”

Brightstar held up a hoof, “Okay, okay. I guess saying I hung out with Dusk doesn’t make me much of a name dropper in this house.”

Darkstar giggled, “Well you can ask him about it later when he shows up with his coltfriend.”

Thespian added, “You can ask Luna and Octavia too, when they show up. The source, Airmail, Tempest, Mapper, Serenity, and Wildfire will also be here. I’m sure there are many stories to tell by all ponies.”

Brightstar smiled, “When we pulled up to this place, I asked Raid how she fell into a crowd like this, and her answer was Wildfire.” He chuckled, “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by anything when she is involved.”

Air Raid walked down the stairs, “What did I miss?”

“Nothing,” said Thespian. “You’re just in time to taste some zebran cuisine.”

“That sounds good. I should see what the mares I’m looking for like,” Air Raid said as she followed the other three into the kitchen.

Thespian scooped up one of the dished and set it on the table. “I made the sauce, but Darkstar did all the grilling.”

“Cool.” Air Raid reached out to take some bar-b-que when she saw what was in the bowl. She didn’t recognize what it was. “Um, what are those?”

“Weevil larvae,” Darkstar said brightly.

Air Raid backed up, “Wait, you weren’t joking about bugs. You expect me to eat a bug? Are you crazy?”

Darkstar seemed to shrink, “But… But…”

“Air Raid, Silence!” commanded Thespian. She didn’t raise her voice, but the commanding tone did what she wanted it to. Air Raid froze in place and shut her mouth. “Some filly is really begging for some punishment.” Brightstar stared, open jawed, as Thespian dressed Air Raid down. “What part of zebran cooking didn’t you understand?” When Air Raid opened her mouth, Thespian said softly, “Silence.” Air Raid closed her mouth. Thespian turned to Darkstar. “Are you okay?” The unicorn nodded. “Please tell Raid why you cooked up some bugs.”

“Oh, um, well a long time ago zebras ate bug because they had to, to stay alive during the Lunar Rebellion,” Darkstar said. “Now they eat them as a source of pride. I wanted to let my stallion know I could cook and eat a food they were proud of.”

“Also,” added Thespian, “They really don’t have much flavour at all. It is what you put with them. Do you understand Raid? You may speak.”

“I’m such an idiot,” muttered Air Raid. Brightstar snorted and Darkstar giggled. “I wanted to sample Zebran food, but I just wasn’t smart enough to know what that is. Now I know and couldn’t get out of my head I was going to eat a bug.” Air Raid pulled out a couple of weevils and popped them in her mouth. She chewed, “Wow, that sauce has a nice spice to it. Sorry for being an idiot, Darkie.”

Darkstar giggled, “Some things never change, Raid.” She started laughing when Air Raid gave her, her best eye roll. “The corn chowder has mealybugs in it.”

“A third dish is locust salad, but I put that out at the last minute,” said Thespian. “The last dish doesn’t have bugs; it is breadfruit parmesan.” A stallion poked his head into the kitchen. “Hello Smoky, is everything set up?”

“Yes, Ms. Thespian. All the hot and cold plates are working, and there is room for your unique dishes and cakes. So, is that bar-b-que sauce still a state secret?”

“Thank you, Smoky,” responded Thespian. “I fear I’ll only tell my daughter on my deathbed, and she lives in the Crystal Empire.”

Smoky shrugged, “Worth it to travel that far. See you tomorrow.” He ducked back out of the kitchen and left the house with the rest of his help.

“Okay, time to set up our dishes on the table.” Thespian put a thick pad on her back and took the breadfruit from the oven and put it on the pad. “Brightstar, please get the bar-b-que, and Darkstar the chowder.” She led the way out of the kitchen.

On the buffet table were metal pads. She put the breadfruit serving dish on one and point to another for both dishes the unicorns carried in their magic. “Now get the cakes please. Darkie knows where they are. I’ll get the locust salad to put on this cold plate.”

Air Raid knew better than to interfere with Thespian’s well-oiled machine. She watched Brightstar and Darkstar each take two cakes in their magic while Thespian carried the salad on her back. As she put the salad on the table, Air Raid saw the cakes in Darkstar’s magic wobble. She quickly moved to take one cake in her hooves. “Darkie, I got this one, put the other on the table, please.”

Darkstar let go of the cake in Air Raid’s hooves and stabilized the other one in the air. She set it down on the table next to the two Brightstar placed. She turned back to Air Raid, “I got this.” Her magic lifted that one from Air Raid’s hooves and set it on the table. When her horn turned off, she sat down hard. “I’m sorry.”

Air Raid was the first to react. She rushed over and hugged Darkstar. “You’ve been doing great. You’re really working that horn just like you should. We’re not here to stop you, but to help you if you let us.”

“It’s just… Arggg! We know, we know, it is back to magic kindergarten for us,” said Darkstar. “It’s just so hard to start over again.”

Thespian was pleasantly surprised by the empathy that Air Raid had shown. She was reminded of her earlier conversation with Darkstar. There is a lot of good in that mare. “None of that now, or I’ll have to put you in time out too. Don’t you remember you had a quota? That one just used up the one you had earned.”

Darkstar giggled while Air Raid gave Thespian a questioning look. “Sor… Um, you’re right mom,” Darkstar said coming out of her funk. “It is hard, but I do have all of you.” She tightened her hug on Air Raid. “Mom only allows me so many ‘I’m sorry’ a day.”

Thespian watched Air Raid turn to her. ‘She and the brother are so protective of her,’ she thought. “I’m just her east coast mom while she’s here. Sometimes you find comfort in the little things.” A slight beep from the alarm panel went off. “Someone has carded in through the front gate. A bit early, but Lavender is usually the first to arrive.”

The front door opened to reveal a stallion. “Creamsicle!” Air Raid called out. “I still owe you a dance.” She saw Thespian looking at her. “Creamsicle walked me home from the station yesterday.”

“And an honour it was,” said Creamsicle. “I have your six gallons, Ms. Thespian.

“Come on in, I have space in the freezer for it.” Thespian led the way into the kitchen. “Thank you for taking care of my stray filly.” Air Raid’s blush was worth it all. “Did you get all the favours?”

“Of course, I did.” Creamsicle transferred the tubs from his saddle bags to the freezer. “Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Mint, and Lemon Sorbet. Oh, Coffee too,” he added.

Thespian smiled and said, “Your sweet shop will survive another moon.”

Brightstar looked at his phone. “Moonbeak and the kittens will be at Grand Central Station at one thirty-five.”

Thespian got her phone and texted her husband. She waited for a response, which came just as quickly. “Okay, he knows were to pick up the bloodwine, and he’ll meet her at the station. Let me send you a photo to send her.” Once she transferred the photo of Caffeinated, and after Brightstar passed it on, she added, “You can never be sure just how many orange stallions might be waiting to pick up a griffon.” She led the way back to the buffet, but before she could say anything else, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Looking out the back door she saw two pegasi finish their landing. “Prepare to be hugged.”

The three turned to where Thespian was looking to see the door open and Wildfire plus one other entered the house.

Airmail paused just inside, “Wily, looks like Air Raid and Darkstar took our advice and moved out here.”

Wildfire snorted, “I dunno Pretty. I can’t see anypony either.”

“Good thing I can as they are standing with Thespian,” said Airmail. “Judging by the stars on your flank, you must be Brightstar.”

“What,” exclaimed Wildfire. “All of them are here?” She moved forward. “I demand hugs!”

Brightstar moved forward, and just before they met, he said, “I’m here, Wily.” They wrapped each other up in a hug. Darkstar and Air Raid moved to either side of Brightstar to add to the hug fest.

Thespian moved over to Airmail, “Where’s Stormy?”

“She had a few work-related things to tend to but will be over soon.” Airmail looked around, “Were the first to arrive?”

“Air Raid left early this morning to pick up Brightstar,” answered Thespian, “But you did beat Lavender.”

“Where’s Moonbeak?” asked Wildfire.

“She and the kittens will be here around two,” Brightstar answered.

“Okay, but what about Cyclone? And is anyone talking with Slingshot?” Wildfire wanted to know, her thoughts going to the old gang.

Air Raid answered, “Cyclone took the overnight train, so could be here at any time. As for Slingshot, I’ve lost contact with him since he moved over to Windcharger’s team.” Air Raid shrugged even if Wildfire couldn’t see it. “I’m surprised you didn’t ask about Dusk.”

“Pfft. Dusk is always around. His coltfriend lives in Manehatten.” Wildfire giggled, “They call me a name dropper, but him, his mum and mom, will all be here tonight. Right Ms. Thespian.”

“True,” commented Thespian. “I’m expecting a full house tonight.”

“I’m looking forward to Lady Octavia being here. I have a surprise for her!” Air Raid saw the others start to ask questions, “And I’m not telling what it is, or it won’t be a surprise.”

Thespian giggled knowing what Air Raid was talking about. “We were about to sample some Zebran cuisine before you two barged in.”

“I don’t know,” Airmail said in a clear voice. “That food always tended to bug me.”

Thespian gave Airmail her best eye roll, while Darkstar and Air Raid giggled. “Why’s that?” asked Wildfire.

“Because they have bugs in them!” announced Darkstar. “And I cooked them!”

Air Raid followed up, “It’s been pointed out to me that if I’m going to land a zebra mare, I should be willing to eat zebra food.”

“I’m game to give it a try,” Wildfire said, who had eaten far worse and more unsavoury things in her time.

“More power to you love,” said Airmail. “What are you not telling them, Thespy? You’re terrible at pranks.”

A frown crossed Darkstar’s face, “Mom?”

Thespian warranted that with her second-best eye roll. “What I said is true, Darkie. It is also true that not every zebra likes zebran food. I don’t know if the ones Coffee Bean is bringing do or don’t, but either way, you’re putting in an effort will mean a lot to them.”

“Oh, okay.” The smile returned to Darkstar’s face, “Any chance to show off to my stallion.”

“I want to make a good first impression, too,” added Air Raid.

Thespian stuck her tongue out at Airmail, “See, I wasn’t pranking at all.” She walked over to the large serving dish on the table. “Let’s start with the breadfruit, which Airy will eat. “I want to know if the newbies can identify the zebran spice I put in it.”

Airmail watched Thespian dish out one piece each on a small plate. “Whatever, I’m still not eating a bug.”

Wildfire giggled, “My fair brave maiden. Real pranking is painting up Dusk, or better, muffling your hooves and shoving your nose under my tail”

Airmail, Air Raid, and Darkstar laughed, “Wily,” said Darkstar, “I think you’ll find that’s priorities. I had to test my horn to make sure it worked.”

Airmail, who had burst out laughing, caught her breath, “What she said.”

“Besides,” continued Darkstar, “While I’d like to see Dusk all painted up, a real prank is having sex on Calculus’s desk.” She saw Thespian’s look, “Calculus was our math professor at Canterlot U.”

“Would have been a better prank if she didn’t catch us in the act,” muttered Wildfire.

Thespian nodded to that and gave each of them a piece of breadfruit. “Tell me what you think?”

“I think I should thank Darkie for reminding me to do something about Wily’s math skills.” Airmail said as she took a bite.

“Cinnamony,” Brightstar stated. “Good luck on that, Airmail. She is a bit thick when it comes to math.”

“No, I think it is anise,” Air Raid stated. “Calculus did give Wily no shortage of detention.”

“That mare hated me,” said Wildfire. “I agree with Brightstar it is nice and cinnamony.”

“Having listened to you talk about her, I think the hate went both ways. But that’s not going to stop me for allowing you to learn.” Said Airmail. “Raid as the right of it, a nice liquorish taste.”

Darkstar finished her piece before she commented. “I can taste both. It is like liquorish with a cinnamon twist.”

“A rare pallet, Darke,” said Thespian. “You should become a chef.”

“Not the career path I’ve been looking for.” Darkstar turned to Airmail. “May as well get this out of the way. I talked with Recital yesterday, and she got me a chance to audition as a dancer. I hope you’re not to upset if I don’t take that newspaper job.”

Airmail puts a foreleg to her head, “Oh no, woe is me! Wherever shall I find any pony in all of Equestria that knows how to write?” Darkstar shook her head. Airmail continued her drama, “Wildfire, you seem to have some small clue about writing from the poetry I’ve read. Will you give up your firefighter’s job for a low paid, long hour, job at a dingy newspaper?”

“Love you babe, and as tempting as it is to be under you all day,” replied Wildfire, “I’ll have to pass.”

“Being under Airy sounds a lot safer than putting out fires,” commented Air Raid.

“Like you have room to talk, Miss race car driver!” rebutted Wildfire.

“Follow your dreams, Darkie. If you should need some moonlighting jobs, I can find you freelance work.” Airmail turned to Wildfire and winked. “You can spend time under me at night.”

Wildfire blushed, “All right winky wink.”

“Yup, I missed out on Las Pegasus by this much,” Darkstar’s hooves nearly touched. “But now I have a new chance to make that dream.”

Brightstar had to know and interrupted the flow of conversation, “Wily, how did you know Airy winked?”

“That’s easy,” said Wildfire. “It’s in her speech patterns. Like the shrug Raid did earlier.” Brightstar was amazed as he couldn’t detect anything.

“You really try the rest of the zebran dishes,” said Darkstar.

“I don’t know,” Airmail commented. “Is anything going to craw off my plate?”

“Nope!” said Darkstar happily. “I took all their legs off personally so none of them can escape!”

Airmail and the rest shared a laugh over that statement. Thespian decided it was time she really did try a prank. “Of course, there was a dish I didn’t make to today.”

“Like what, mom?” Darkstar fell into her trap.

Thespian did her best imitation of Coffee Bean, “A zebra stew, truly good for you. Made from the horn of a unicorn. Harvested in the moon’s early morn. Fat tender pegasus wing. So tasty to make you sing. Finally earth pony hooves so sweet. This stew is a delectable treat!”

Tempest made her usual stealthy entrance as Thespian recited her poem. With a large pout, “Really, Thespian? You didn’t make any last month either and I so want to try it.” She walked the rest of the way into the room. “Good to see you again Darkstar, Air Raid. You must be Brightstar. I’m Tempest, but everyone calls me Stormy.”

“Or you could use her codename,” Airmail started but fell silent when Tempest gave her a look.

Darkstar was momentarily frozen, ‘She is going to steal our horn!’ ‘It was a joke.’ ‘Was it?’ ‘Duh, zebras eat the whole pony.’ ‘Oh, yeah.’ ‘I hope there is one zebra that will eat part of me.’ Darkstar broke down in a fit of giggles, “Oh yeah, we’re happy to see you again, Stormy.”

“It’s good to meet you too,” Brightstar came over to give Tempest a hoof bump.

“You, know Ms. Thespian, that stew might give my wings some purpose,” commented Air Raid.

Thespian reached over and touched a wing, “Need to fatten them up first.”

Wildfire, despite all she ‘saw’, completely missed the exchanged look between Tempest and Airmail. “You should call her Mother Hen; she really likes that.”

Tempest gave a sigh and eye roll that even Wildfire could see which left the little mare giggling. “I do feel like I’m surrounded by hatchlings.”

“I’ll stick with Stormy,” said Brightstar. “Sorry you have to hang around my friends, but you must know what they’re like by now.”

Airmail did a little chicken dance, “Peep, peep, peep.”

Tempest nodded, “It is a lesson I’ve learned, but I’m in it for the fringe benefits.” Airmail joined Wildfire in the giggles.

Air Raid’s phone vibrated. “Hey, Cy just got here. She’s in a taxi, and the driver says about an hour.”

The noise from the back of the house alerted the group that there were ponies inbound. The back door opened up and thirteen walked in if you include the foal on the back of one of the mares. Darkstar had a panic attack and quickly moved to put Thespian between her and the crowd. Brightstar and Air Raid noticed and moved to either side of the unicorn.

The crowd quieted down. “Introductions are in order. There will be a quiz later tonight.” That brought smiles and chuckles to the lot of them. “First this one nuzzling my flank.” Thespian moved and put a foreleg over Darkstar to pull her forward front and centre. “This is Darkstar. Until she gets to know you, she is a bit shy, so be sure to talk to her in small doses. To my right is,” Thespian gestured with her other forehoof, “Air Raid. Note, her slate is clean. This is a fresh start for her, Right Wildfire?”

“Yuppers, I’ve forgiven her,” replied Wildfire. “You all can help her forgive herself.”

“On the other side of Darkstar,” continued Thespian, “Is her brother Brightstar. There are more to come, but this will give you a chance to get acquainted. All three of them are friends of the herd. Now for this lot that came in.”

Darkstar now only had eyes for the zebra stallion. “Oh, a sexy zebra!”

The earth pony mare next to the zebra nudged him in the ribs. “You hear that? You’re sexy.”

The zebra spoke up, “Any with eyes can see, a sexy zebra I be. Thank you so much Darkstar… Um…” The mare next to him laughed and he waved a hoof. “For the best compliment by far.” He stuck his tongue out at the mare.

‘You are flirting with somepony else’s stallion?’ ‘What, no, um, maybe…’ ‘Well, I guess that is one way to get kicked out of here.’ ‘No, no, I don’t want that.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Sorry.’ ‘Not me you need to say that to.’ Darkstar sighed, “I’m sorry.”

The mare spoke up kindly with a gentle smile on her face, “What are you sorry for? He is sexy.”

“I didn’t mean to try and take away your stallion,” pleaded Darkstar, “Please don’t be mad at me.”

“I’m still new to this herd thing,” said the zebra stallion, “But I can take a compliment, and I’m not leaving my marefriend, but I’d be happy to give you a nuzzle.”

Darkstar just stood there confused, and Thespian said, “Coffee Bean is bringing some zebra stallions for Darkstar to review. For that matter she is bring some mares for Air Raid to do an under the tail check.”

Everypony laughed as Air Raid and Darkstar both blushed. “Now to continue with the introduction. Sorry, there is no playbill for you to cheat off.” She started with the group of six, “Lavender and Topper. The scarry pony had met two of the three and works with Airmail. Her husband, Topper, likes to lay bricks on top of each other. They are the reason we started a herd. Their filly Sunset and her colt friend Arrow. They are of legal age. Then there is their filly Jasmine and her filly friend Salamander, and they are not of legal age.” That got a fairly good eye roll out of Jasmine.

“The other group,” continued Thespian, “Is Requiem, our resident shrink, song and dance, and babysitter for the house. I think there is some ponies that would like to talk to you, Requiem.” The mare nodded as most of her attention was on Darkstar. “Her husband, Longshore, is the agent for the herd, and a fine agent he is. They were the second couple to join the herd. Then there is their colt Starlight, his wife Selene, and the pointed headed filly on her back is Shadow.” She pointed to the last couple, “Their filly Seabreeze, and her very sexy coltfriend, Swirl, of the coffee tribe. Those two are looking to take a more active role in our herd.”

“That we are,” said Seabreeze. “I just need to get this zebra prude to cross over to the kinky side.” Swirl snorted at her comment.

Selene spoke up, “Are we to early for the sitters?”

“They should be here anytime, Selene,” replied Thespian. “Recital is bringing them with her hoard. The play area is set up in the library.”

“I’m going to have to feel you all if I’m going to have any hope of passing that quiz,” quipped Wildfire.

Airmail nuzzled her, “I’ll be your cheat sheet love.”

The group mingled. A few picked up drinks or snacks at the tables. All of them heeded Thespian’s advice and were going to let Darkstar approach them, except for Requiem. “Hello Darkie. It’s good to meet you at last Brightstar. Air Raid, I’m free to talk if you’d like.” She turned her attention back to Darkstar. “You actually handled that pretty well, Darkie. A minor retreat for protection, but you didn’t run from the room. Still getting along with yourself?”

Brightstar stepped in before his sister could answer the red and blue painted mare, “You told her she isn’t crazy. Why is that?”

Darkstar gasped, “Bright!”

“Let’s take this to the music room,” responded Requiem. “This isn’t for open conversation.” Without waiting for an answer, she moved off to the music room. Darkstar glared at Brightstar, who simply shrugged and followed Requiem.

“Darkie, do you need backup?” asked Air Raid.

‘Do we?’ ‘No, this is all Bright’s fault.’ ‘We got this.’ “Thank you Raid, but I need to deal with my brother.” Air Raid nodded and Darkstar followed Brightstar into the other room.

Lavender came up to Air Raid. “Hello, still letting go of things?”

Air Raid was startled by the pony sneaking up on her. “What? Oh, it’s you, the scary pony as Thespy says.”

“Terrifying,” agreed Lavender. “Still worried about me?”

“A little,” responded Air Raid honestly. “Something Ms. Snowfall said. ‘If you failed her test, you wouldn’t be here.’ I don’t want to fail whatever test you’re doing.”

“Darkie and Wily were right about one thing. You need to forgive yourself.” Lavender looked Air Raid in her grey eyes like she was staring into her soul. “It is a dark cloud that hangs over you. If you want to be the mare you need to be. Let it go. You made a mistake in the past, and I’m sure you’ll make another sometime in the future. But learn from the past and prepare for the future.” Lavender smiled, “Most of all live in the now. Welcome, friend of the herd.” She hugged the pegasus and then walked off to the buffet table, and left Air Raid a bit stunned.

Requiem took a seat on a pad by a low table and gestured at some other pads around the table as the two entered the room. “May as well stomp out the big issues first. Darkie, may I discuss your medical case with your brother?”

“Yeah, you’ll have to if he is going to trust either of us,” answered Darkstar.

“What? I’m not.. I’m..” The two mares just looked at Brightstar. “Fine, I left Darkie in Canterlot with Raid. I need to see if I could find Wily in Fillydelphia, but she wasn’t there. Moonbeak was, and… I stayed.” Requiem said nothing, and Darkstar just looked sad. “I got letters from Raid. They were talking about committing Darkie, so I made sure she had guardianship over her. Then that thing with the nurse and the suicide attempts. I just…” Brightstar sighed. “I didn’t know what to think. Then Raid lets me know she’s seeing a doctor in Ponyville, and different meds, and a knife for her to play with. It was getting to be too much. Then she calls me out of the blue and says they’ve moved to Manehatten, and that there’s nothing wrong with Darkie.” He shrugged, “How can I believe that? She is still talking to herself and uses we all the time.”

Requiem finally spoke up as it seemed Brightstar had run out of steam. “Air Raid told you that there was nothing wrong with Darkstar?”

Brightstar waved a hoof, “She said that Darkie wasn’t crazy, and that’s the same thing.”

“Darkstar, when did I say there was nothing wrong with you? Or did I say there were a few issues to deal with?” asked Requiem.

“Um, well you said we had anger issues and confidence issues, and low self-esteem. But you did say we weren’t crazy.” Requiem motioned for Darkstar to continue. “Um, we weren’t crazy, because we didn’t want to kill ourselves anymore. We wanted to live.”

“What about that?” exclaimed Brightstar. “She still says ‘we’ and I know she talks to herself.”

Darkstar started to shrink, but Requiem quickly intervened. She put a hoof on Darkstar’s shoulder. “You don’t talk to yourself, Bright? When you’re making a decision or planning something. When you’re shopping for groceries?” Brightstar opened his mouth, but Requiem continued. “Not out loud so others can hear you, or at least most of the time. If you didn’t talk to yourself, I’d have cause to be concerned.”

“But. Fine, okay, but what about her.” Brightstar pointed a hoof at his sister.

“She told you. Anger issues. When she talked to herself about an important decision, she didn’t listen to the cautious side, and bad things happened. She didn’t listen to her own advice and bad things happened. She nearly died and was so mad at herself the only way to deal with it was to kill that part of herself that let it happen.” Requiem pulled Darkstar into a hug. “The past can’t be erased but she has moved on to the part where she knows what happened is, in a small way, her fault. Like going down a dark alley at night is in a small way your fault, but it is totally the fault of the mugger that took advantage of that. It was totally Cold Front’s fault that she was so badly injured. That decision to help a friend is that small part that is her fault. Could you abandon a friend, Brightstar?”

“I…” Brightstar squeezed his eyes shut, so tight that tears leaked out, “I abandoned my sister.”

“What? No!” said Darkstar. “We were both doing what we could to find Wily. You found a reason for living and I was lost. I can see now that Air Raid was helping a friend. Not because she failed Wily, but because she wasn’t going to fail me.” Darkstar shook her head, “If you had stayed, then I don’t’ know what may have happened. I don’t think I’d be here now, and now I have hope. I have a tiny filly’s horn on a grown mare’s body, but I have hope. I have a future.”

Requiem whispered in Darkstar’s ear. “I think somepony needs a hug.” The unicorn left her side to hug her brother tight, and Requiem used that excuse to leave them alone in the room. When she walked out, she saw Wildfire facing the room. To her left with a foreleg over the pegasus was Airmail and touching her on the right was Tempest completing the trio.

“Is everything alright, Doctor?” asked Airmail.

“For those two? I’d say they have reached acceptance,” responded Requiem. “Of course, that means I’ll not be adding Brightstar to my list of clients.”

“I heard yelling,” said Wildfire.

Requiem walked up to Wildfire. Close enough she knew the mare could smell her presence. “You are loved by ponies past and present, Wildfire. All of you, the good and the bad. Maybe it is because you are worthy of love?” She walked away to join her husband at the tables before Wildfire could formulate a response.

The front door opened to a crowd of ponies. “There’s a stallion you’re going to want to feel up,” Airmail said.

Next to Wildfire, Tempest added, “I’m sure he’s going to want to feel you up too, Wily.”

Wildfire filed the words Requiem said away, along with Darkstar and Brightstar. Sometimes you can’t make every pony happy. “It must be Tinker and Belle.”

Thespian had walked nearby since she heard the outer gate open. “You are correct with Pathfinder.”

“He’s so cute,” said Wildfire, “But it sounds like more.”

Both Tempest and Airmail remained quiet. Neither were going to take away time from the Alpha Mare of the herd. “You are correct again,” continued Thespian. “Recital and Trumpet are with them.” She called out to the newly arrived. “About time you got here, Recital.” Recital lovingly pulled down her right eyelid and stuck her tongue out at Thespian. “She has her three, Text, Swan, and Limelight with her. And more importantly, Bookmark, Trotter, everything is set up and Selene is minding the store right now.”

“On it!” said Bookmark.

“Before that I need to introduce you to Wildfire,” Thespian said. “She is our newest herd member and should be giving you business next year.”

The two trotted close when Trotter exclaimed, “Oh wow! That’s, wow.” Bookmark also stared but remained silent.

“Hi,” said Wildfire. “I get that a lot, with my stunning beauty and all.”

Trotter was blushing hard. Thespian spoke. “Wildfire likes to say hello by touch. If she may touch you with her hooves.” Bookmark moved forward. “This pair are our sitters for the gaming events. First up is Bookmark, and she is seventeen.”

“Hi,” Bookmark said hesitantly. She didn’t flinch when Wildfire sat down and reached out her hooves to touch her. “So, um, ahh…”

“I lost them in an accident about five years ago.” Wildfire said as she carefully got to know the mare. “I had to develop this tentacle eye to replace them.” That got a snort of laughter from both the young mares. “You’re turning into quite a beauty.” She finished and lowered her hooves. “Thank you, and Trotter is the other?”

Trotter moved forward, “Yeah, sorry for that. I’m sixteen.”

Wildfire lifted her hooves. “I understand, as I said my beauty can be quite stunning.” She felt Trotter nod under her hooves. While she felt that Bookmark was a unicorn, Trotter was an earth pony. “Have you ever sat for some really old foals?”

“Yeah,” said Trotter, “We’ve sat for Serenity. She’s a cute baby.”

Wildfire laughed, “Of course it would be Serenity. My friend Cy is coming tonight, and I think she is a really cute baby too.”

Both sitters looked at Thespian who nodded. “As long as she plays nice,” Bookmark said, “I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful time.” Belle stuck her head out from the library and waved. “I think it’s time for us to get to work. Bookmark lightly touched Wildfire’s cheek, “It was good to meet you.” She and Trotter headed off to the library for a night of babysitting.

Softly Airmail said, “Are you okay?”

Wildfire didn’t see any need for being sombre, “I am, Airy. I know how others react to seeing me the first time, and those two did a pretty good job of getting over the initial shock.” She kissed Airmail, “But they are a bit too young for me.” She could feel the blush on her fiancé’s face.

Belle and Tinkerer saw their opportunity to approach Wildfire. Belle spoke up first. “Let’s take this poolside to have a chat about our future.”

“You looking for a test drive, Tink?” Airmail asked.

“I’ll have you know I already know how to drive a mare,” responded Tinkerer, which got a giggle out of Belle. “Just want to be sure we’re all on the same page.”

“I’m good for that,” Wildfire said as she led the group to the poolside out back. “It’s good to feel you both up again. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing well,” responded Tinkerer, “But your idea has Belle looking to add another to our house.” Belle laughed. “How did your vacation go?”

“You mean my tour of every Equestrian city? It was fun, and I did like meeting all my future in-laws,” answered Wildfire.

“Yeah, I’d say Airy has an interesting family,” Tinkerer said, “Not that Stormy’s family isn’t nice.” Tempest gave that comment the eye roll it deserved. He reached out to put a hoof on Wildfire’s shoulder. “So, you’re sure you want a foal with me?”

“Oh, absolutely!” exclaimed Wildfire. “More than anything in the world.”

“Okay, and what part will I play in the foal’s life?” Tinkerer asked.

“She will be herd, Tink,” said Airmail.

Tinkerer looked at Airmail, “Does Wildfire really understand what that means?”

Wildfire spoke up, “I think it means that you are the dad, and you’ll be a full part of her life. Me and Airy will be her mom, and she’ll have plenty of aunts and uncles, but you will be her dad. I want you and Belle to be a part of Fireflight’s life.”

“Okay, sorry I had to ask,” Tinkerer said, “But I wanted to be sure of things. Bringing a life into the world is no small task, but one of great joy. Do you have a timeline when you want to birth the foal?”

Wildfire nodded, “My heat cycle’s starts the end of next week.”

Belle laughed, “I take it that means as soon as possible.”

“I don’t think it works to do it any sooner, and Tink said he didn’t need practice,” said Wildfire.

“I’ll help him get a practice session in, but be ready for your arrival,” said Belle.

“There is something you need to know about me, Wily,” Tinkerer led off. “My mother’s mother was a unicorn, and I have a unicorn foal, but Belle may have a lot to do with that.”

“While I’d like a pegasus, I won’t be fussed as long as she is healthy,” Wildfire stated. “I’d be okay if an alligator popped out.”

“You may want to check with Discord if you have an alligator,” giggled Belle.

“My place, yours, or here,” asked Tinkerer.

“Yours would be fine,” responded Wildfire.

“Good,” said Belle, “You’ve not been to our place. It will be nice.”

“At least I won’t have to find someplace else to sleep,” commented Tempest.

“Stormy!” exclaimed Wildfire.

“What? I mean, you know I can share a bed with a stallion.” Tempest said.

Belle and Tinkerer laughed, “We’ll let you hash out your sleeping arrangements,” said Belle. “I need to check in on Path. Come along Tink. I don’t want you to feel neglected by the mare fest.” The pair went back into the house.

“Sorry I was late to the party. Remind me to never take vacation again,” said Tempest. “Stupid paperwork.”

“I don’t bother anymore as you always tell me you have too many vacation days saved up,” answered Airmail.

“I’m sure Airy is looking forward to you being round and milky,” commented Tempest, who couldn’t resist teasing her lover now the three of them were alone at the pool side.

“You know I am, Stormy,” responded Airmail.

“You going to eat a bug with me, Stormy.” Wildfire led the pair back into the house.

“I do like the bar-be-que,” Stormy replied.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

An alert tone got Thespian’s attention. “Someone at the front gate. Let me get that.” She trotted off to the front door.

“Even more ponies?” asked Wildfire.

“Let’s go check it out,” said Airmail and she followed Thespian with Wildfire and Tempest.

Thespian looked at the monitor. “It’s a black pegasus.”

“Oh! That must be Cyclone,” exclaimed Wildfire.

Thespian pushed a button, “Come in.” She pushed a second button to release the gate and watched the pegasus enter. The mare moved over an opened the front door. As the pegasus stepped in she said, “Prepare to be hugged.”

“What?” was all Cyclone could get out before she fell to one of Wildfire’s tackle hugs.

“Cy, it has been forever!” Wildfire said as she hugged her friend tight.

Cyclone knew better than to point out it was just earlier in the week when they had met. “I’ve missed you too Wily. She looked at the older mare. “Thespian?” The mare nodded. “I have something for you once I can escape.” Wildfire laughed and released her hold on the pegasus. Cyclone smoothed out her dress and pulled out a plushie from her bag. “I’ve heard that you collect these.”

Thespian took the plush. “Pink unicorn and red Power Pony suit. This must be Masked Matter-Horn.” She saw Cyclones ears droop. “I do have grandfoals, but the seven I have, are all small plushies they play with. This is the first large one.” She nuzzled the pegasus, “Now I can have my husband quest for the other six in this size.” She placed the plush on her back facing forward.

“Glad I could help support your addiction.” That got a giggle from Thespian and Cyclone smiled. “I have these two I play with.” She pulled them out of her saddlebag.

“Oh, now there is a favourite of mine,” said Thespian. “The bondage pony, Mistress Mare-velous. Hum, yellow unicorn, that would have to be Radiance.”

Cyclone nodded, “Rady is my favourite.”

Thespian pointed to a side room, “The foal area is in there, in case you’d like to know.” Cyclone nodded vigorously. “I’ll leave you to catch up with your friends.”

Cyclone chatted with the three mares for a little bit. “So, can they handle an adult foal?”

Wildfire nodded, “They told me they had sat for Serenity, so yes. As long as you play nice.”

“I can do nice,” responded Cyclone. “May as well get myself comfy with a professional sitter.” She walked off towards the library.

Darkstar noticed that ponies didn’t bother her. ‘They don’t like us.’ ‘No! they are giving us space. They all smile when we look at them and none look away.’ ‘Maybe…’ ‘You feel safe?’ ‘Yes, I do, oh Cy. Let’s go.’ Darkstar intercepted the pegasus before she entered the library. “Hi Cy, it is good to see you again.”

“Darkie! It has been a long time.” Cyclone wrapped the unicorn in a hug. “I heard you and Raid have moved out here.”

“We have. Raid is over there at the table.” She pointed out Air Raid who was chatting with Requiem by the buffet table. “I think I’m getting my life back together out here. Fresh start.”

“I could use a fresh start. Cloudsdale is wearing me down.” Cyclone brought her smile back, “Today though, I’m going to be a foal and live life happy.”

“Go wet a nappy for me,” giggled Darkstar as she let Cyclone finish entering the library. ‘There’s Recital, she’s nice.’ Darkstar nodded and watched Recital move to the front door. ‘Let’s investigate to see where she is going.’ As she moved to the front, she saw Recital push a button on the wall and open the front door. Sandalwood walked in. “Hi, I’m happy to see you again,” said Darkstar.

“Ah, the dancer out to take my job!” Sandalwood said with a smile. She nuzzled Recital and then Darkstar. “Since Thespian isn’t dressed yet, I must be on time.”

Darkstar nodded, “Yeah, but the food is ready, and I made some of it!”

Sandalwood nodded, “May as well build up my strength before we start gaming.”

Darkstar walked with the two mares back to the tables where there were a lot of ponies. They were polite and said hello, and if Darkstar responded they would hold a longer conversation with her. Darkstar smiled, ‘They do like us.’ ‘We can agree on that.’

The front door opened again and Caffeinated entered. He quickly found the odd unicorn in the crowd. “Brightstar! I found this griffon panhandling at Grand Central Station.”

Moonbeak gave the zebra a stare she used on clients that went too far in their demands. It was completely ineffective on the stallion. “It’s a good thing you already showed me the bloodwine.” The zebra laughed and moved into the house.

“Moony!” Brightstar galloped up to the trio, “I’m so happy you could all come.” He nuzzled her first then Athena. Last he kissed the top of Zephyr’s head as he rode on Moonbeak’s back. “Trip okay?”

“These two behaved well, and it was nice to have somepony greet us at the station.” She looked around. “There are a lot here, is there a place for these two?”

“Yes, this way,” responded Brightstar. “They have a room just for foal sitting.”

Caffeinated walked up to Thespian and gave her a deep kiss. He looked around. “Darkie, Raid!” once he had the two mares’ attention he said, “Coffee Bean texted me. She is fifteen minutes out.” Air Raid’s eyes went wide, and she left Requiem and dashed up the stairs. Darkstar didn’t know what bit Air Raid in the butt, but she was so ready to see what stallions have come to court her.

Thespian laughed, “I think some mare realized she still needed to get dress. So do I. Care to help?”

“Always.” Caffeinated called out. “Lavender, you have door duty.” Lavender nodded and he followed his wife upstairs.

Cy walked into the library and saw a large foal area set up. Two young mares were watching over the occupants. In the play area was a unicorn colt and filly colouring together, another unicorn colt was playing with blocks. A very young unicorn filly was sleeping. One of the mares walked over to her. “Hi, I’m Cyclone, but call me Cy. You’re the sitters?”

Bookmark nodded, “Myself, Bookmark, and over there is the other, Trotter. How can we help you?”

“I’d like to be a foal for the evening,” Cyclone said.

“You won’t be our first adult foal, so that will work fine,” said Bookmark. “The rate is fifty bits an hour, paid at the end of the evening if you feel we gave good service. Agreed?”

“Deal,” said Cyclone. “Nana Raid made me watch motorsports after.”

“No televisions in here,” said Bookmark. “We keep the music low and just instrumental. How old will you be?”

“I’m three when I get into it. I wear a nappy because I need to,” responded Cyclone, who whispered, “Incontinence. I have bottles and toys in my bag.”

“Potty trained?” asked Bookmark. “You prefer bottles over solid food? Breastmilk?”

“I’m in training, I do wet now and again,” answered Cyclone. “I like my bottles, and breastmilk isn’t easy to get. Does add to the fantasy.”

“I’m sure it does, and we do have a couple of nursing mothers.” Bookmark lowered her voice, “Airy likes to taste.” They both giggled, “I’ve changed plenty of nappies, so that won’t be an issue. Now for the rules. Rule one, my responsibility is to the real foal’s safety. If you endanger them, I’ll have you tossed out onto the street.” Cyclone nodded. “Rule two, you say I’m a foal before you inter the area, and if you need a break for any reason, just say I’m an adult, and we suspend the game. While playing, do you have limited language skills?”

“I’ve done my research and I have a three-year old’s vocabulary,” Cyclone said.

“Okay, last rule. Since you’re three, can’t have too many rules.” Cyclone giggled. “If you break character in the foal area for any reason other than an emergency, or saying, I’m an adult, it is game over for the night. That is to help you stay in character.” Cyclone nodded. “Let me introduce you. Hello everypony,” announced Bookmark. “This is Cyclone, and she is three years old.”

All but the sleeping one nodded. Pathfinder spoke up, “She big.”

“She is,” continued Bookmark, “And I expect all of you to play nice. The oldest two are brother and sister, and they get along well. Swan is seven and she chills in here but will join the gamers later. She just has to let me know where she is in case someone needs to find her. Limelight is four and likes to help us when he can. Pathfinder is two but has a good vocabulary. I think that is from his actress mother, Belle. She is still nursing, but I don’t know if it is because she likes to or indulges Airmail.” That got a snort from Cyclone. “Last is Shadow who is one. Her mother is Selene and our primary nurser. I’m expecting two more when Knight and Wind Chime show up.”

“Thank you Bookmark, and you too Trotter. I’m a foal,” announced Cyclone. She set her bag down and entered the coral. Pulled out the Radiance plushie and relaxed into her own little world.

Brightstar and Moonbeak entered the library, and Trotter moved to intercept them, “Griffon kittens! They’re so cute. Hi, I’m Trotter, and over there is Bookmark. Will you need sitting this evening?”

“Yes,” said Moonbeak. “This is Athena, and she is five. Zephyr is three and he is a little shy.”

“Okay, or rates are fifty bits per hour for each, paid at the end of the evening if you’re satisfied with our service.”

“If I’m not satisfied?” asked Moonbeak.

“No charge, but we would ask why to improve our service,” responded Trotter.

Moonbeak smiled, “Not a problem. I give same guarantee to my clients.”

Trotter looked at Zephyr who kept trying to hide behind his mother’s head. “So, what does Zephyr like to do?”

“He likes pony back rides,” Brightstar said.

“Pony back!” Zephyr held out his claws to Brightstar.

“Would you like to ride with me, Zephyr? We could go outside and look for bugs,” added Trotter.

“Bugs yummy!” Zephyr held her claws out to Trotter and Brightstar used his magic to move the kitten from Moonbeak to Trotter.

“What if you don’t find any bugs?” asked Moonbeak.

Trotter smiled, “If I don’t outside, I’m guaranteed to find some on the dinning table.” She turned to Bookmark, “I’m taking this one out back to play.”

Bookmark nodded and opened the coral, “Would you like to join the others, Athena.”

Athena nodded and hugged Brightstar and Moonbeak before she walked in over to the two colouring. “I am Athena. I like to colour.”

Swan pushed her book and crayons over to Athena. “I’m Swan, and you can use these. My brother Limelight likes to colour too. I’ll get some more for myself.”

“Tank you.” Athena started a new page and found some colours she liked.

“What you?” asked Limelight.

“I a griffon,” she responded. Limelight nodded and went back to colouring. Athena saw he wasn’t doing a good job staying in the lines but said nothing about it. She didn’t want her mother to get mad at her for being bossy.

The front door opened again and in walked Mapper, carrying an air about her like she owned the place. She wore socks, corset, and bitless bridle. She held the leash to Serenity’s collar. Serenity wore socks, corset, bridle with bit, and panties. “I have arrived,” the pink mare declared, “The festivities may now begin.”

Lavender laughed, “Well the stallions haven’t shown up yet, nor has Luna and her bunch.”

Mapper waved a hoof, “The stallions can fend for themselves, but I’ll delay for Luna.” Next to her Serenity started doing a happy dance. Mapper looked in the library where she was looking. Looped the leash over Serenity’s horn and nodded. The unicorn took off for the basement. “Do they ever grow up?”

“I haven’t,” responded Lavender.

Mapper then saw a unicorn and a griffon walk out of the library, both of whom she didn’t know, and Trotter head out to the pool with a kitten on her back. She approached the couple. “Я не вижу много грифонов. Я надеюсь, что Caffienated был гостеприимен к вам.”

Moonbeak looked the fancy unicorn over and found her a dominant kindred spirit. “You speak griffon pretty well.”

“Hi, I’m Brightstar and this is my wife Moonbeak.” As outlandish as the unicorn looked, she had to be the one Wildfire told him about, “You must be Mapper.”

“Caffeinated was kind enough to pick me up at the train station, and he brought bloodwine, so I’m happy with our host,” added Moonbeak.

“Yes, I’m the Mapper of legends.” She giggled, “And I’m glad as zebras take hospitality seriously. I will sample the bloodwine if you’re sharing. I hope you have fun, but for now I must have cake!” Mapper trotted off.

“She’s as outrageous as Wildfire said she was,” said Brightstar. Moonbeak only shrugged since she was the same way.

The door opened again, and Coffee Bean lead the way with a pair of zebra stallions and pair of zebra mares by her sides. Darkstar naturally focused on the two stallions, one was a rusty brown color with a grey rock cutie mark, and the other an off white with three red beans for a cutie mark. “Darkstar,” Coffee Bean called out, “Come, I have two studs to show you.”

The white zebra saw who, and what, Darkstar was as she approached. “Wazimu gani huo! Hakusema kuwa alikuwa mchawi!”

Darkstar stopped and sputtered, “We… We aren’t a witch…”

Mapper, who had altered her course from her quest for cake, moved up protectively alongside Darkstar and stated loudly, “Je, unadhani yeye ni mchawi? Nitakuonyesha kile mchawi anaweza kufanya!”

The rust-coloured stallion put his hoof on the other one’s shoulder. “Jihadharini na maneno yako. Unajua nyumba ya nani?”

The white stallion shrugged off the hoof, “Mimi si kutoa damn ambaye anamiliki nyumba hii kamili ya wachawi!”

Mapper’s horn light up, while Darkstar sank to the floor muttering, “I’m not a witch, I’m not a witch.”

Before she could cast a stern voice came from the top of the stairs. Caffeinated walked down the steps with a purpose. Behind him were Thespian and Air Raid, both in their serving dresses. “Unapaswa kuwa na wasiwasi kuhusu nyumba ya nani.”

The white stallion looked up the stairs and prostrated himself to the floor, “Caffeinated, nisamehe. Sikujua.”

Caffeinated continued down the stairs, “Kama wewe kutoweka, naweza kushindwa kukumbuka wewe walikuwa milele hapa.”

The white zebra surged to his hooves and fled out the front door.

The rust-coloured zebra saw Caffeinated’s eyes fall on him. “Forgive me, sir, please. There is a mare I must attend to.” He walked over to where Mapper was standing and gave her a nod. She let her horn go out. He then got down on the floor with the unicorn. “Hello Darkstar, I’m Slate. It is a pleasure to meet you at last.”

Darkstar sobbed, “You don’t have to pretend. I’m a witch, you can just go away.”

“You’re not a witch, but you are an enchantress. For you have enchanted me with your beauty the moment I saw you.” Slate smiled when she looked up at him. “Forget about Roast. I have, and I’m sorry you had to endure that.”

“Darkstar wiped at her eyes, “No sorry for what’s not your fault. Slate, are you with the sand tribe then?”

“I am, maybe we could talk over some food and drinks?” Slate asked as he stood and held out a hoof to help Darkstar up.

She took the hoof and stood with him, “We’d like that.” She froze in place. ‘Did it now.’ ‘But, I like him.’ ‘Will he like crazy us?’ ‘I don’t know.’

Slate smiled, “Good, then let’s do just that.” He led her over to the tables.

Caffeinated came down the rest of the way. Coffee Bean approached him, “I’m sorry for that, Nephew. I had no idea.”

Caffeinated shrugged, “Some hide it very well.” He looked at the two mares.

“I like mares!” The pink zebra said quickly.

The cream-colored zebra giggled, “We like any type of mares.”

“Good to know,” said Caffeinated. He pointed to the stairs, “Air Raid is the winged one.” He saw Mapper approach, “Thank you for being ready to take action. I’m glad you didn’t have to.”

Mapper shrugged, “He was going out the front door, open or closed. Did you really get some bloodwine?” Caffeinated nodded. “I’ll try anything once.” She trotted off to the buffet table.

“I’ll leave introductions to you, aunt.” Caffeinated returned to Thespian’s side and then to the buffet table to find Moonbeak.

“I’m sorry you saw that poor showing of the stallion to your friend. I hope these two will be far more pleasant.” She pointed to the pink zebra with a red diamond cutie mark. “This is Amethyst of the Sand Tribe.” She pointed to the cream-colored zebra with a Gold squiggly cutie mark. “And this is Cream of the Coffee Tribe.” Last she motioned to the pegasus, “And this is Air Raid, who hopes to come closer with one of you. I’ll leave you three to it then.” Coffee Bean head for the table to get some of Thespian’s zebran cooking.