Slaves To Fashion

by Shadow Warrior

First published

A fashion designer uses magical makeup to make Celestia and Luna her obidiant models/servants. She succeedes.

High Heel is a talented fashion designer who own a chain of struggling clothing stores. To boost sales and save her business, she wants to get celebrity endorsement from somepony famous. And she can think nopony more famous and influential than the royal sisters.
High Heel is determined to put Celestia and Luna to work for her. Even if it means using enchanted make up to turn them into her obedient servants/models.
High Heel puts her plan into action and it works. Celestia and Luna are now hers to command and market as she sees fit. First she will give them full makeovers. Then she will take the fashion world by storm, with the royal sisters as her Fashion Slaves.

Contains: Somewhat suggestive themes, hypnotic makeup, brain draining, public exhibition, and leather and latex.

Phase 1: Sexy Makeover Time

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It was a slow day in Canterlot. Celestia had finished up her duties early and was in her bedchamber, spending time with Luna. The two were glad to spend some quality time together. They had ordered some tea and bisects, and were waiting for the servants to bring them.
There was a knock at the door.

Celestia replied "Please come in. It's open."

A moment later, a mare walked in. She was a tan colored mare with a dark purple mane and tail. She wore a maid's headdress and carried a tray of tea and pasties on her back. This seemed to be the maid.

She said" Sorry for the wait, your Highnesses. Here is your tea."

She walked over to the table the sisters were sitting next to on cushions. She turned her head and grabbed the tray in her mouth. She then set it down on the table. With a bow, she took a few steps back.

Luna said "Thank you. You may leave now."

Before leaving, the maid said "Your Highnesses, before I go, a quick favor. The chef tried a new flavor for the tea today. He was hoping you would be kind enough to try it and give me the feedback to tell. Would you mind?"

Celestia and Luna looked at each other. They nodded with smiles.

Celestia turned to the maid and said "Of course we will."

Luna followed "We're always happy to try new things. What's life without a few surprises."

The maid said "Thank you, your Highnesses. And trust me, it will defiantly be a surprise."

With that, Celestia and Luna lit their horns. They each levitated one of the two cups from the tray. Celestia poured tea from the pot into both cups. Both princesses each took a sip of their tea at the same time.

Celestia said "Interesting flavor. It tastes a little weird."

Luna followed "I agree. I could swear I almost taste a hint of mag...."

Right at that moment, a spark of pink light flashed it the eyes of both princesses. Pink spirals followed and appeared in both mares' eyes. Their faces went blank. Their mouths dropped open, slack jawed. They loosed their magic grips and the tea cups fell to the floor.

Celestia and Luna now had completely blank looks on their faces. Their eyes were no more than abysses of pink swirls and sparkles. Drool dripped from their slack jawed mouths. The two were in some sort of hypnotic trance. As they were now, they were completely helpless. Anyone could do whatever they wanted with them now. And that's just what their "maid" planned to do.

The maid threw down a smoke bomb. Moments later, the smoke vanished. There, now stood, a different pony. The "maid" was now wearing a red leotard, blue tiara with a red horn, and four thigh-high high-heel boots with laces. She wore purple eyeshadow, and her tail was now style in a bow-tie like manner. And by her feet was a large case of some sort.

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The mare said "MWAHAHAHA! I can't believe how easy that was! You nitwits were dumb enough to just out right drink my hypnotic potion. It was easy enough switching the real tea with it, but come on. This is just plain laughable."

The mystery mare composed herself and continued "Anyway, let's get down to business. Your both currently in a trance. Any instructions given to you now must be obeyed. My name is High Heel, fashion designer, former super model, beauty queen, hoofwear guru, and soon enough, your new boss and owner."

High Heel smirked to herself. Celestia and Luna continued drool as they stared off into space. High Heel acted as if she was waiting for applause. But no one else was there.
High Heel then walked toward Celestia. She took the crown from her head and tossed it to the ground. She then took off her golden necklace and threw it next to the crown. Finally, she went around and took all four of Celestia's golden shoes off. Now the royal regalia lay in an obscure pile. And Celestia was now completely bare.
High Heel repeated the process with Luna. Now both princesses were completely bare and entrances. Having numbed their minds and stripped them of their royal symbols, Celestia and Luna were now her to remold however she wanted.

With a look of glee, High Heel said "Here are your instructions. While in a trances, you two will refer to me as "Mistress". You will obey only me as your mistress. And you will obey all my commands. Do you understand?"

Celestia and Luna responded in a monotone voice, "Yes, Mistress! We obey only your commands."

High Heel then said "Weather you are in a trance or not, you both will always be faithful and fiercely loyal to me. You love and adore me as your mistress. And you are completely willing to let me use and condition your bodies and minds as I see fit. Understood?"

Celestia and Luna replied "Yes, Mistress! Our minds and bodies are your to use."

High Heel said "Excellent! Now, both of you hold still, while I look those bodies over. I need to see just what I have to use."

With that, High Heel approached Celestia first. Being obligated to obey her new mistress, the princess offered no resistance. High Heel put her hoof on Celestia's face and examined it. Turning her head both ways, she looked over every inch of the alicorn's face.
She could see why Celestia would always known for her beauty. And to think this was a 1,000 year plus baby face. In any case, this was a face High Heel intended to put to good use. But not before she made some improvements to it. And High Heel knew only her genius could improve upon such legendary beauty.

Next, she examined Celestia's hooves. Despite her age, they were as well polished and maintained as any super model.
Then High Heel went around to Celestia's side. She unfolded one of her wings to examine it. The wing was long, as were the feather. It only made sense that such a large mare would need big wings to fly. All the feathers were beautifully preened and aligned. Celestia kept even her wings in majestic shape.
Next, High Heel examined Celestia's mane. She ran her hoof through the princess' ethereal flowing hair. Even with her shoes on, High Heel could feel the silky smoothness. This was hair of even finer quality than the smoothest silk. High Heel could only imagine what she would be able to do with such a lovely mane. She couldn't wait to see how she could style it to suit her needs.

Finally, High Heel examined Celestia's hind quarters. On her flank, she saw the famous sun cutie mark. It really was more beautiful in person. She ran her hoof through Celestia's tail. It had the same silky quality of as her mane. High Heel started to imagine braiding it or using a tail wrap to make stand up. The ideas gave her chills of excitement. She finished by looking over Celestia's entire rear end. Looking at it now, maybe there was something to the rumors about her love of cake.

High Heel said "Well, Celestia, it looks like your body in every bit as beautiful as everypony believes it to be. For a mare who's double plus sized compare to normal ponies, you have a figure that most professional models would envy. And trust me, I've seen the best."

High Heel took another glance at Celestia's flank. She said "Though it does seem there is some credit to that gossip about your cake eating habit. In which case, I'm going to make you cut back. As for your flank, I can easily fix that with few body modifications and a diet. When I'm done with your lovely body, it's be at the height of it's perfection."

Celestia simply gave a compliant nod to her mistress. Many thoughts race through High Heel's head as to many things she could to Celestia to bring the princess' beauty up to her personal standards. After a few minutes, she settled on a look she though would be perfect for her future spokes model.

Next, she turned her attention to Luna. After all, she was planning on using them both. Luna may by younger than her sister, and slightly less popular, but that was one of her charms. High Heel knew Luna was well liked by the younger demographic of young mares and fillies. She was hoping to use Luna to appeal to both adults and children.
High Heel moved toward Luna. She started be examining her face. It still had a blank look, with eyes spiraling in pink. But this made it easier to see her natural beauty.

High Heel ran her hoof across Luna's face. She could feel how silky soft her skin and fur were. It made her just want to the alicorn like a big teddy bear. She noticed how Luna already wore her own light blue eyeshadow. High Heel though it would be better to make her wear a darker shade. In any case, Luna had the sort of youthful face that young mares and fillies would love. She even thought Luna might be right for modeling costumes.

Next, she looked at Luna's legs. Running her hoof down Luna's front legs, High Heel could tell the princess had some muscle tone. Despite being the smaller alicorn, Luna seemed to be the more fit and athletic one. She would be perfect for modeling active wear as well. Looking at Luna's hooves, High Heel was surprised to see them polished and clean. A stark contrast to how she would've expected Luna to be. She obviously took some pride in her appearance, as Luna clearly took the time to keep her hooves polished.

High Heel then moved to Luna's side. She climbed onto the alicorn's back and sat on her. High Heel looked over every inch of Luna from here. She ran her hooves through Luna's sparkling ethereal mane. She could feel a smooth yet ticklish sensation coming from it.

She unfolded both of Luna's wings and looked over every feather. Not a single one out of place. All perfectly preened.
Next, High Heel turned around to behold the glory of Luna's rump. The moon of the Moon Princess. The cresent moon cutie mark accented her flank perfectly. High Heel felt up Luna's flanks. They were very firm. Obviously a result of her active lifestyle.
Finally. she ran her hooves through Luna's tail. It was as silky smooth and tingly as her mane. High Heel was very pleased.

High Heel got down from Luna's back. She walked round in front of the princess, giving her a final full lookover. Luna's natural dark colors and sparkling mane and tail gave her a natural air of mystique. While she was undoubtedly popular with the kids, High Heel felt it would it would be better to use Luna's dark and mysterious charms when marketing to adults. So for now, She was thinking dark colored makeup and clothes would be perfect for Luna.

High Heel Said "Well, Luna, it looks like you have natural mystique. Your dark colors exquisite. Perfect for marketing anything leather. But that light eyeshadow your already wearing ruins it. It's fine if we were going for anything glitzy. But for now your look needs to be dark and mysterious. So I'll have to change your colors to black for now. It'll be perfect for enhancing your dark charms."

High Heel remembered Luna's tightly toned flank. Then she also remembered her rumored coffee addiction. That wouldn't do for High Heel's purposes. She needed a non-caffeine crazed princess.

High Heel looked at Luna and said "Luna, if it is indeed true that you drink a lot of coffee, then it has to stop here. From now on, you only drink coffee as a last choice of drink, and you will only have it in decaf. Instead, your new regular drink will be the finest blends of tea. From now on, it will be your new favorite. Do you understand?"

Luna replied "Yes, Mistress."

High Heel continued "Excellent! And while I'm at it, I noticed how your obviously the most active of the princesses. That's fine when your duties call for it. But not so for the new image I need to cultivate for you. You need to act more like proper princess from now on, like your sister. In fact, from now on, whenever your in public, emulate your older sister and be more refined. Not that you need to change your personality, just act more like the princess you are. Understand?"

Luna, again, replied "Yes, Mistress."

Hearing this, High Heel was pleased. Now that she was done looking her new assets over, it was time to modify them for marketing. High Heel had made an entire business plan for that revolved around using these two. They were the keys to saving her business and making it prosper.
High Heel turned around. She walked over to the large case like trunk she had brought with her. Sneaking it past the guards hadn't been easy. But it was worth it. She pressed a button on the front of the trunk. The lid flipped open to reveal it's interior held a mirror and various compartments of beauty products. A couple of smaller trays popped out of both sides of the trunks, holding various types of makeup, some of which seemed to glow. And inside the trunk itself, there was a pile of clothing and fabrics. This entire trunk was High Heel's mobile beauty studio. And she intended to make full use of it on Celestia and Luna.

Celestia and Luna continued to sit there drooling, with blank looks on their faces, and pink swirls in their eyes. They were like mindless dolls as they were. And High Heel was going to play extreme dress-up with them.
High Heel walked over to the large trunk she had brought with her. Pressing a button on the side, it's lid flung open, revealing it's contents. In the lid was a large mirror. Three folding trays popped out and stood up, all lined with various types on high-end makeup and beauty products. And the trunk itself was filled with neatly folded stacks of clothes. This was High Heel's portable fashion studio.

With all the tools of her trade right in front of her, High Heel was ready to get to work. She was going to carry out the first phase of her plan. She knew she needed to recondition Celestia and Luna to suit her purposes. And not just temporarily, but permanently. She needed them to be unquestionably loyal to and willing to do whatever she wanted of them. And she needed to do this without changing their overall personalities, let alone who they are on the inside. High Heel just wanted sexy, compliant, super models. So reconditioning their minds a little should be enough. Though she would make it irreversible, and maybe add a few other traits the sisters while she was at it.
High Heel took out a pink compact, lipstick, and tube of eyeshadow. She placed all three items on the floor in front of Celestia. She would be the subject.

High Heel said "Celestia, close your eyes and hold still."

Celestia complied and shut her eyes. She stayed perfectly still as a statue, waiting for her mistress to work on her. High Heel opened the lipstick, She picked it up and ran it across Celestia's lips. It left a smooth pink streak as it went. Next High Heel opened the compact, revealing its pink powder. She took a powder brush from the trunk and dabbed it in the compact. After which, she brushed it against Celestia's cheeks. The powder left a bright pink blush on Celestia's face. Finally, High Heel picked up the eyeshadow. Opening it, she painted across Celestia's eyelids with precision. Her eyelids were now a bright shade of pink, as well.

View on Derpibooru (Original source unknown at time of posting)
This was basic for makeup, but Celestia now had a sense of allure to her. The still pristine of her beauty while entranced had been enhanced by High Heel's makeup. But this wasn't just any makeup. Like the hypnotic potion, it was magic. Whoever wore it for a full hour would automatically become loyal and obedient to the pony who applied it. Meaning, High Heel. And what's more, Its effect were permanent. Meaning that once High Heel was done, the Royal Sisters would forever more be her fully devoted servants, and she was looking forward to it.

She had big plans for exploiting the princesses once they were hers. They would be hers to command and use as she wished for the rest of their immortal lives. And High Heel already had decades worth of plans for them.
High Heel finished looking over Celestia. With the older sister done, She turned her gaze toward Luna. The younger sister sat there drooling, just waiting to be commanded by her mistress. High Heel put the makeup she used on Celestia back into the trunk. She then took out some more in different colors. She took out some black lipstick and dark blue eyeshadow.

She turned to Luna and said "Close your eyes and hold still."

Luna complied and shut her eyes. High Heel then proceeded to open the case of eyeshadow. She painted it over Luna's normal light-blue makeup, turning her eyelids a darker shade, full of mystique. She then used the black lipstick, smoothly tracing around Luna's lips, giving her the right sense of allure.

Luna's makeup was now complete. With both princesses now having their new faces properly done, High Heel put all her makeup back in the Trunk. She then looked Celestia and Luna over.
The two alicorns were simply sitting there. They waited for the magic makeup to take effect and seal their final fates in the hooves of a crazy fashionista.

High Heel smirk to herself and said "HA,HA,HA! This really was too easy! But, I'm not complaining. In less than an hour, you two oversize featherbrains will belong to me in every way. And all because I literally royally screwed your faces over."

High Heel then took a glance at her trunk. She remembered how she had packed not just makeup, but also costumes in it. And looking at the princesses, she got a brilliant idea.

High Heel said "Just because the makeup's on, doesn't mean the makeover is complete. You girls are going to be crazy sexy by the time I'm done with you."
One hour later...

High Heel stepped back from Celestia and Luna. She smiled wickedly to herself. The makeup on Celestia and Luna's faces was now glowing and sparkling. The magic was now taking it's final affect.

High Heel said with glee "YES! Now it's done! The effects of the makeup have taken hold. Now, even if you are broken out of that trance, you will still be completely loyal to ME. You won't be able to help but happily obey any commands I give you. And the best part is, it's completely permanent and unbreakable. Even if the makeup is wiped off or somepony finds out, it matters not. I made that makeup as potent as possible, so it will last for the rest of your lives".

High Heel started drooling at her mouth. The thought of having two all-powerful alicorns as her personal slaves was starting make her hot. But such fantasies of granger would have to wait. She needed to secure her business first. As High Heel inspected her handywork, she started to think this would work out better she thought. She looked over both princess thoroughly.

Looking at them now, High Heel had to admit, they looked way hotter than she had meant for them too. After thoroughly looking over their bodies, High Heel had purposely picked out the sexiest costumes she could for Celestia and Luna, just to see how much physical allure she could get from them. She had physically changed the princesses into their costumes by hoof, dressing them like life-sized dolls. Now they had been given full body makeovers, from their faces to their clothes. If anypony saw Celestia and Luna now, they would never recognize them.
Now High Heel just had to finalize the trance with a few permanent adjustments, then she could have them model for her.

High Heel cleared her throat and said "Listen up, you two! From now on, you will completely obedient to me. You will do all I tell you to do and follow all of my suggestions as if it were completely normal for you. You will feel no objection to any orders or suggestions I give you, but will instead think I am always right and am a genius. You will always regard me as one of your closest and most trusted friends. And finally, you will submit to me as my personal private servants for the rest of your lives, referring to me as "Mistress" when we are alone."

High Heel smirked thinking of how wonderful this was working out. She continued "When I tap my hoof, these orders will become permanently ingrained into your minds for the rest of your live. You will never be returned to normal. And you will come out of your trace."

And with that, High Heel tapped her hoof to the floor. The sound echoed throughout the room and into the ears of the princesses. The two sisters blinked their makeup covered eyes a few times as they broke from the trace, now in permanent mental bondage.
Celestia and Luna shook their heads in unison. Looking around the rooms, they focused their gazes on High Heel.

High heel asked "Well, my pets, how do you feel?"

The two sisters responded in a most unexpected way. They both knelt on their front legs, bowing.

Together, they said "Greetings, Mistress!"

High Heel was quite surprised by this. That makeup was stronger than she thought.

Celestia then said "I am feeling wonderful, mistress! How could I not in your lovely presence."

Luna followed "I feel simply divine, mistress! You've turned me into living art, after all."

High Heel was very pleases be these results. Not only were they loyal, but they were infatuated with her. This was working better than she thought. And now that she knew her plan had worked, High Heel could play with them to her heart's content. But first, she wanted to double check something.

With a commanding tone, High Heel said "Good! I'm glad my little pets are well. But now I want you both to tell me: Who am I and what do I mean to you?"

Celestia answered first. "You are our most closely trust friend and companion, High Heel. You are a brilliant fashion designer who likes to use us as her favorite models. And we like it so much, that we let you use us as your personal dolls to dress up and makeover anyway you want. We'll let you do whatever you want with us, even if it's private playtime." Celestia said this as she winked at her mistress.

Luna followed "Your so much more brilliant than even us, that we agreed to be your personal and private servants. We obey your will at all times. But when the three of us are alone, we openly address be your proper title of "Mistress". And we will gladly obey any commands you give us, no matter how indecent."
Luna was licking her lips as she spoke.

Now High Heel was pleased. Those responses put all doubt from her mind. Celestia and Luna were officially her slaves. Now she could have fun with them.

High Heel turned her eyes to Celestia. "I am pleased by your answers. Now I wish to enjoy me new toys. Celestia, step forward. Luna, lie on the bed and masturbate."

The sisters followed orders. Celestia stepped forward and stood, presenting herself to her mistress. While Luna walked over to Celestia's bed. She laid down on her side, lifted one of her rear legs into the air, and then started to rub herself between the legs. Luna was enjoying this. More so, she was looking at her sister lustfully. She just couldn't get enough of the way High Heel had dressed her.
Celestia and Luna were still wearing the costumes High Heel had changed them into. And right now, they were hot all over about them.

High Heel walked over to her trunk. She rummaged around in it for a moment before pulling something out. It was a crop. She walked over to Celestia with it and placed it on the floor.

High Heel told her "Celestia, pick up the crop in your mouth then pose with it."

Celestia did as her mistress instructed. She bent her head down and picked up the crop. She then laid down on the floor. Celestia crossed her front legs, holding the crop with them. She lustfully glared at her mistress, playfully sticking her tongue out. She posed in sexy pinup manner, just waiting to be played with.
High Heel could now fully admire her handiwork.

Celestia was wearing dominatrix attire. She wore pink latex evening gloves on her front legs and pink fishnet stockings on her back legs. she had a pick leather collar around her neck with a heart shaped tag on it. Celestia's mane had been styled and pulled back into a pony-tail. and her actual tail had a pink tail wrap around it's base, raising her tail at a 45 degree angle, thus exposing Celestia's private parts. And it was all brought together by a pink leather harness, that firmly hugged Celestia's thighs and buttocks.

Celestia was no longer a regal princess, but now simply looked like a skank. As High Heel looked over her new model, she took in every inch of the alicorn. She liked everything she saw, from the alluringly seductive heavy makeup covered face, to the very tight form-fitting gloves and stockings on her legs. Celestia personified "sexy".

But High Heel felt it needed one more thing to be complete. She had an idea pop into her head and got a sinister smirk. She walked back to her trunk and dug around again. She took out two objects and placed them on the floor. One was a pink cylinder with a round-off end. The other was a cone-shape with a circular base. Celestia saw these and knew what they were, a dildo and butt plug. She eyes went wide with clear excitement. A second later, High Heel could smell pheromones in the air. Somepony was eager.

High Heel first picked up the butt plug. She walked around to Celestia's rear and looked at it. Using one front hoof, she placed the item between the alicorn's cheeks. She then gave an evil smile and used her other hoof too jam it into Celestia's butt as hard as possible.

Celestia broke her pose and let out an "Eep!"

A moment later, she looked back at High Heel, gave a smile and said "Mmmmmm... That's wonderful!"

But she knew there was more where that came from. High Heel then picked up the dildo in her hoof and brought it up to Celestia's pussy. With yet another smile, she lifted her other hoof and pushed the object into the folds as hard as she could. Celestia let out a moan of pleasure as she did. And so the alicorn had both holes filled now.
High Heel knew this had nothing to do with her plans. But she liked the way she felt by displaying her dominance this ways. Using a princess as if she were a common toy. In any case, Celestia's inspection was complete, she was now fully made over in both body and mind. And so she could now turn her attention to her other prize, Luna

High Heel turned her gaze to the dark alicorn. She was still sitting on the bed, masturbating. Watching her already sexy sister got toys shoved up her holes had made the horny mare even hornier. So High Heel knew exactly what to do.

High Heel looked at Celestia and said "Celestia, stick that crop in your pussy and go lie on your bed. Luna, come over here and stand at attention!"

Both alicorns obeyed their mistress. Celestia stood up straight, with the crop in her magical grasp. She levitated it to her nether region and gracefully slid it into her own pussy, handle first. It stuck out just below the dildo. With Celestia's tail help up by the tailwrap, everyone could see her private parts full exposed. Celestia had three different objects shoved into the most delicate parts of her body. But oddly enough, she was smiling in pleasure.
Celestia started to toward the bed. As she did, the crop in her pussy swayed back and forth, freely. High Heel liked this sight. Not only was Celestia going to a sure-fire money maker, but this meant she was far enough under her control to ignore any and all inhibitions. Celestia, the most majestic pony in the land, would now do anything, no matter how shameless.

As Celestia did this, Luna stood up as well. Her own pussy was currently dripping wet. She had been masturbating while her sister was being checked over. And she was now hoping it was her turn. Luna walked over to her mistress, passing Celestia as she did. She could smell the heavy pheromones coming off her. Luna stopped in front of High Heel and stood at attention.
Celestia lied down on her bed. She turned her sight to her mistress and sister. Her horn lit up, and the crop in her pussy was enveloped in a golden aura. It started to magically move in circular motions, moving the dildo as it did. Celestia licked her lipstick laden lips as she hummed in pleasure. This was indeed relaxing. And she was hoping to see her beloved sister get the same treatment.
Though Celestia and Luna now pledged their lives to their mistress, it didn't who they were on the inside, let alone stop them from loving each other.

High Heel now walked around the younger sister in circles. Looking at her now, it was easy to see why Luna was so popular with so many ponies and had her own fan base. Among all the alicorn princesses, Luna was only the who didn't wear gold accessories. And more importantly, she was the only one with a dark coat and mane, no pink, purple, white, or any other light colors. This made Luna exotic compared to the other princesses, and a very valuable resource.
Dark and exotic were what High Heel had in mind for marketing Luna. That's why she tested Luna's suitability for the style with a black leather costumes to match her new makeup. And Luna's new look was quite alluring.

Luna was wearing full black leather dominatrix gear. She wore a black uniform cap with her cutie mark on it on her head. Around her neck was a black leather collar, and running down from it was a leather harness that wrapped around her entire torso. The harness attached to two black lace-up stockings on her back legs, which were pulled tight, as was the harness. And Luna wore fore black leather shoes on her hooves. All the sleek black material perfectly complimented her black lipstick and dark-blue eyeshadow. The look was brought together by a nose piercing High Heel had given her and a leather flail that Luna held in her magic grasp.

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This was the new Luna. And High Heel had big plans for her and Celestia. But she celebrated just yet, Luna still needed some finishing touches.

High Heel walked over to her trunk and dug into it again. She pulled out yet another plug and dildo. Luna would get the same treatment. The only difference, these ones had power switches.
High Hell walked behind Luna, and plopped the items on the floor. The alicorn stood motionless for her mistress. High Heel picked up the plug and put it between Luna's butt cheeks. She roughly jabbed it in as hard as she could not caring to wait. She then took the dildo and slid it gracefully into the dripping fold of her pussy. Luna maintained a stoic expression as this was done, despite how clearly aroused she was.

High Heel didn't wait to reward her servant. While still behind Luna, she flipped the switches on both devices. They started to vibrate in synch, in both of Luna's holes. Luna couldn't take this stoically. She closed her dark-blue eyelids and started to hum in pleasure with the vibrators. This was the reward for her obedience.

With this, High Heel was officially done here. She had nothing more to do with the sisters here at the palace. To continue with phase 2 of her plan, she needed to take them to her private studio. This meant it was time to take them away.

High Heel looked at the leather laden mares and said "Both of you, stand at attention, side by side!".

Celestia and Luna complied. Celestia stood up from her bed and walked toward Luna. The crop continued to sway in her rear and pussy as she walked. High Heel and Luna could hear it squishing around back there. When Celestia stood by her sister, High Heel looked behind her to see beads of moisture rolling down the length of the crop and dripping onto the floor.... She had done a better job than she thought.

With both sisters together, High Heel closed up her trunk and pushed near her new servants. She then walked up to Celestia.

High Heel commanded "Kneel, winch!"

Celestia obeyed her mistress and knelt down. High Heel climbed onto Celestia's back. She gave a forceful slap of the hoof to Celestia's flank. The skimpy alicorn took the signal and rose. High Heel looked behind herself to see the crop again. How convenient. She placed her hoof on it and pulled the crop out of Celestia's pussy. Celestia moaned as it came out.

High Heel said "I want both of you to face each other. The two of you will kiss on the lips, without hesitation. As you kiss, you will both cast the same teleportation spell to teleport the three of us and my trunk to my secret studio. And neither of you are to stop locking lips until I say otherwise. Now kiss!"

Celestia and Luna obeyed. The two sisters turned to face each other. Celestia got a lustful look in her eyes. And Luna returned it by batting her eyes at her older sister. Without hesitation, they brought their muzzles together and locked lips. Pushing hard into one another, they felt the smooth surfaces of each other's lips, curtesy of High Heel's lipstick. They wrapped their tongues around each other's, each enjoying the taste of their sister.

Both Celestia and Luna felt a rush of pleasure overtake their bodies at the same time. Both their pussies started dripping at that moment. Noticing this, High Heel took the crop, and slapped it onto Celestia's flank as hard as possible. The alicorns took the signal and lit their horns.
Closing their newly painted eyelids, Celestia and Luna synchronized their magic and cast the spell, focusing on spot in their mistress' mind's eye.
In a flash of magic, the lip-locked, leather and latex wearing princesses were gone. As were High Heel and her trunk.

They were off to their new lives whit their mistress. Lives where they would be a fashion designer's dolls to dress as she saw fit. Lives where they would be used as living puppets to boost her business and be displayed to the public when ever she wanted. Lives where they would be used for sexual games and servitude on a frequent basis.

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Lives where they would be Slaves To Fashion!

Phase 2: A Binding Contract

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In High Heel's Studio...
I, __________ and _________, do agree to the following conditions of this contract. I shall be employed, in the services High Heel and her company, High End Fashion, and all its associated entities, as a full/part time fashion model, display model, spokes model, and company associate, to be called upon for work whenever my employer requests. I agree to answer the calls to work by my employer, understanding that my work takes priority over most other matters in my life. I agree to submit myself to all physical changes to my body and behavior for the sake of my work, as decided by High Heel and her company, High End Fashion. I agree to subject myself to all physical exploitation deemed necessary by my employer, be they public or private affairs. I do hereby grant control over my personal assets, including but not limited to, money, clothing, private real estate, businesses, properties, jewelry, collectable items, and all other personal possessions, to High Heel and her company, High End Fashion, with their understanding that I retain all legal titles in my name, and all authorities that come with them. I do agree that my employer shall have full access to all the aforementioned assets and resources, at their disposal.
My employer shall have priority control over all schedules, regarding all my time not dedicated to duties relating to my legal titles. My employer shall, effective immediately, retain all rights and control of my image, face, body, voice and cutie mark, in regards to their public and private use. I hereby give charge over the details of my physical appearance and decisions of my public appearances to my employer, to decide when and where I shall appear and how I should look.
By signing this contract, I hereby absolve High Heel and her company, High End Fashion, from all legal charges that may be brought against me or them in regards to my employment and business with them. They shall have complete immunity of culpability, as granted by the authorities of my legal titles.
I understand that this contract is completely legally binding. There are no exit clauses or means of termination/nulling. I hereby agree to commit myself to a life term of employment and servitude to High Heel and her company, High End Fashion.
Signed: ____________________________



Celestia and Luna sat in the office corner of a well-lit fashion studio that almost resembled Rarity's. They sat on cushions on one side of the desk. Sitting behind the desk was High Heel, with a smug look on her face.
Her plan to make the Royal Sisters her devoted servants had work flawlessly. They now sat before her, with heavy makeup on their faces and wearing leather and latex dominatrix gear she had dressed them in. Both sisters still had the butt plug and dildos she had put in their respective private parts.
But having their loyalty wasn't enough for her. High Heel wanted to make nothing and nopony could interfere with her plans. So she was going to take one more all important step to literally "seal the deal".
High Heel had Celestia and Luna looking over a contract that would put them in her employment. But not just any contract, it would also give her a great deal of legal and personal infuence over their lives.

The way the contract worked, it would basically give High Heel complete control over Celestia and Luna's lives. They would be at her beck and call when she wanted them. Them would be required to put their work for her ahead of everything else, except their royal duties. High Heel would be given complete control over everything they own, from their personal jewelry to Celestia's school. And she could use their property however she wanted. Likewise, the contract would submit the Royal Sisters to everything High Heel demanded of them. They would be subjected to any kind of physical exploitation or body modifications she deemed necessary for their new jobs. High Heel would decide how they look and act in public. And her company would basically own Celestia and Luna's very faces. Nopony would be able to their images for public use without paying High Heel a fee. But perhaps the contract's best feature were that it completely protected High Heel from any potential legal action if found out, and that in would permanent. The contract would obligate Celestia and Luna to a lifetime of employment that would be more like servitude. And since they're immortal, that would mean forever.

Nopony in their right mind would willingly sign such an outrageous contract. It would basically give High Heel complete control of their personal lives. (And it didn't even list pay or benefits)
But as Celestia and Luna looked over the paper in front of them, they didn't turn away. Instead, they were smiling. They had the tell-tale signs of agreement in their faces. High Heel could tell it was going well, they were likely about to sign it.
Celestia and Luna looked up from the paper and at their mistress. Both continued to smile.

Celestia said "We have reviewed the contract as you commanded, mistress."

High Heel replied "Good! Now, down to business. If I told you and your sister to sign it, what would you say in response?"

Celstia and Luna both took thoughtful looks. It was only a moment later that Celestia said "I would have no objection to anything you want, mistress. If you desire control of our lives, then it is your."

Luna followed "Indeed. We would gladly give you control over everything we own, as well. Whatever you desire shall be yours."

High Heel inquired "And more importantly, would either of you object to me treating you like property? And would you agree to life terms?". High Heel smirked as she asked.

Celestia simply responded "We will gladly comply!"

Followed by Luna "We have already surrendered our wills to you, mistress. To own us for the rest of our lives is only appropriate."

High Heel said "Excellent!"

She then opened a drawer on her desk. Reaching one hoof in, she pulled out what looked like two quilt pens. High Heel placed them on the table.

High Heel looked back at her servants and said "I order both of you to sign this contract, and to become High End Fashion's newest "Life-Time Associates"."

This that, Celestia and Luna lit their horns. They each picked up a pen in their magical grasp. They floated the pens over the little piece of paper. On it were a few plank spaces for them to insert their names. The sisters started signing their names into the blank spaces. With each one they signed, they signed away a piece of their lives to High Heel. Bit by bit, with each stroke of the pens, they willingly lost more and more their freedom. At the bottom of the page, there were two more lines, the dotted lines. Once they were signed, that was it. Celestia and Luna would both be contracted to High Heel for the rest of their immortal lives.
And so Celestia and Luna lowered the pens the paper. At the same time, they scrolled their names on the dotted lines.



And it was done. Celestia and Luna now officially belonged to High Heel... in both permanent mental and legal bondage.

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Phase 3: Dominate the Competition

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It had only been an hour since Celestia and Luna had signed over their lives to High Heel. She had now made copies of the document, which she intended to have the Royal Sisters add to the own personal records, so there would be no doubt about the truth of who they worked for. But she didn't anypony knowing just yet. Her plan was still in the early stages. Even though High Heel now had undisputable control over Celestia and Luna, there was still one major problem that would only become a thorn in her side if not dealt with.
RARITY, her rival!
High Heels had only started loosing business because Rarity's fashions started growing in popularity. First she had lured away her best manager, Sassy Saddles. Then she had attracted customers away from her best stores in Canterlot and Manehattan. High Heel's business finally started to fall when the stress caused her a period of "inspiration block", where she was unable to make any new designs. By the time she managed to get over it, her business was in the red. High Heel had hardly any employees right now. In fact, hiring Celestia and Luna right now just bolstered her workforce by 10%. And she wouldn't even be paying them.
But despite now having the best endorsements possible, with willing slave-labor, High Heel still wasn't satisfied. She needed her primary competition removed. Or better yet, working for her! High Heel had thought this out from the beginning. She was going to use the same methods on Rarity as she did on Celestia and Luna. Once the fashionista unicorn was under her spell, High Heel would make her sign a contract that would not only compel her to work for her, but it sign over ownership of Rarity's entire store chain to High Heel's company. This would allow her to, not eliminate the competition, but assimilate it.
She just needed a way to put Rarity under her power long enough to give her a full makeover too. And she thought she had just the mares to pull it off.
High Heel turned her sight to her new servants, who were curently in a cover of her studio right now.

After signing the contracts, High Heel let the Royal Sisters have some "play-time". Celestia and Luna were still in their dominatrix gear. And they were having the sexy fun that one would expect of them, given the why they were dressed. Celestia laid knelt on the floor, her dildo and butt plug no longer in her holes. Luna sat on her sister's back, in the dominate position. In her magical grasp were both the riding crop and leather flail their mistress had given them to go with their outfits, only Luna now used them as sex toys.
Luna was had the crop in Celestia's pussy, and the handle of the flail in her anus. She rhythmically pumped them in and out of her sister's holes at the same time, smiling as she did so. This gave Celestia intense pleasure. At the same time, Luna sat with her own posterior directly over Celestia's spine. Luna's own dildo and butt-plug were still in there proper holes, and they were still vibrating. This acted as a means to sexually massage Celestia while pleasuring her.
At the very moment, Celestia had mouth hanging wide open, panting from the pleasure. Her younger sister was driving her crazy at this rate. Luna simply had an evil smile on her face. This was something she actually always dreamed of doing.

High Heel couldn't help but be somewhat proud of her little servants She had only given them the sex toys as a form of amusement for herself. But now it was clear that sexual stimulation was a major stimulator for the Royal Sisters. For all their regal personas, even Celestia and Luna had their physical needs. They had simply always been able to control it and separate work from play.
But thanks to her mind-control makeup, Celestia and Luna trusted High Heel completely, and had no inhibitions about such sensual behavior around her. High Heel knew she could use these "hidden skills" to her advantage. Soon enough, her rival, Rarity, would be bowing at her hooves, as just another servant. High Heel simply had to play another round of "sexy makeover".

High Heel walked over to Celestia and, putting her hoof under her chin, said "Oh, Celestia, I have a very important, very sexy task for you. Are you feeling up to the challenge?"

Catching her breath and blushing, Celestia replied, "Of course, mistress! Just tell me what you want, and it shall be done."

High Heel grinned and said "Excellent! I need you to make a call to one of your "friends"."
The Next Day...

Rarity sat alone in the dining room of the royal palace. Celestia had sent her a letter asking her to come by the palace on that very day. Apparently, Celestia wanted Rarity's help on a "fashion related matter". (Technically true!)
Rarity had been asked to wait for Celestia in the dining hall, while the princess finished up an important appointment. And so, Rarity sat as she was, waiting like a polite lady would. She had her saddlebags with her, one containing her sketchbook, should a new design need to drawn up, and the other stuffed with the finest fashions Rarity had at the time, in case a new outfit was demanded now. She thought she was prepared for anything.

As Rarity sat there, the doors to the chamber slowly swung open. Rarity looked over to see if her hostess had shown up. As she expected, it was indeed Celestia. But what she saw was completely unexpected.

Celestia was dressed in a full maid uniform. She wore black, frilled dress, with puffy sleeves. Around her neck was a black bowtie, similar to that worn by servants. She wore stockings on her back legs. Her mane and tail had both been styled into a bun formation, with a maid's headdress holding her mane in place. The whole outfit was tie together by Celestia's makeup, as she wore black eyeshadow on her face.

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Celestia walked into the dining hall, strutting like a supermodel on a catwalk. Unseen, under the skirt of the dress, she had a transparent butt plug in her ass, and a quietly vibrating dildo I her pussy.
She carried a silver serving tray in her magical grasp. She walked right over to the table, where levitated the tray to Rarity and set it down in front of her.

Rarity's jaw dropped when she saw Celestia in such a dress. Why would the most regal of Equestria's princesses by dressed like a lowly servant. Could this be the "fashion matter" Celestia wanted to talk about? Could it be more of a fashion emergency? No doubt that Celestia could make being a maid look super sexy, but why?

Celestia looked at Rarity and said "Hello Rarity. Thank you for coming on such short notice."

Rarity grinned and replied "Of course, your highness. It was now trouble at all. You know me, I live to help other ponies. Especially when it come to fashion!"

Celestia gave a smile and said "I'm glad to hear, because I have a matter of fashion that requires your particular talents. It's so important, you might find that you can't say "no"."

Rarity gave a confident nod and said "If it has anything to do with clothes or style, I'm your mare. I just need to know what it is. And, um... might it have something to do with your... "current attire"?"

Celestia simply replied "I need you to design some new clothes for and Luna. We recently took on some "new duties". And new attire will be paramount to this work."

Celestia looked at Rarity's face and saw a look of mixed emotions. Both excitement and confusion were apparent. She looked at herself and realized she forgot to answer her other question.

Celestia said "And as for the maid uniform, I decided it'd only be proper to serve you tea as a curtesy, since I was asking you a huge favor. So I decided to dress the part to show you my humility as well. Me and Luna really need your help, please."

Rarity gave warm smile and replied "Oh darling, you didn't need to go to the extra trouble on my behalf. If you need some new wardrobe choices, all you need do is ask. Though I will say, you do make the maid dress look ever so ravishing."

Celestia grinned in response, then said "Excellent! Why don't we discuss it over some tea."

With that, Celestia lit her horn and levitated the lid off the tray. Under it were two tea cups, a tea pot and two differently colored teabags. Celestia levitated the pot and poured it fill both cups with hot water. She then levitated both teabags. She lifted them I n clear view for Rarity.

Celestia asked Rarity "Which would you like, the red-tea or the blue-tea?"

Rarity instantly said "The blue-tea, darling! It matches my mane."

Celestia gave an almost evil smile and said "Of course, excellent choice!"

Celestia levitated the blue bag into Rarity's cup, and the red one into her own. The liquid of both cups took on the color of their respective bags. Celestia levitated the blue tea over to Rarity.

Celestia said to her guest "Please, enjoy."

Being the lady she was, Rarity responded "Gladly, and thank you."

With that Rarity levitated the cup in her onw magic. She brought it up to her lips. Ever so gently, she took a lad-like sip. She then put back down on the table. Rarity swallowed the tea and took a moment to appreciate the fine flavor.

Rarity open her mouth and said "Oo, it has quite a zing to it. What floavor is...."

Rarity stopped mid-sentence. She went slack-jawed, her mouth hanging agape, started drooling. Familiar swirling colors appeared in her eyes, and she became motionless. Rarity was hypnotized and in a trance. The cup dropped onto the table, spilling what was left of it's contents. Rarity simply starred off into space.

Now that had been to easy. Celestia grew a full evil smile across her face. Her mission had been a success, her target was now under her control. Celestia left her cup as it was and did the single. She tapped her hoof on the table three times, which rang out through the dining hall. Moments after that, another set of doors opened up on the opposite end of the room.
The sound of heavy hoof steps could be heard getting closer. And then, the owner came into view. Into the room strode Luna, now looking different from before, just like Celestia.

Luna now wore a pink ensemble. She wore pink shoes, in place of her usual silver ones. Around her neck was a simple crescent-moon necklace. The bangs of her mane had been restyled and held in place by a pink-pearl hairpin. And the whole outfit was tied together by the pink-frilled saddle she wore. Luna also wore pink tone of makeup, including lite eyeshadow, and a light shade of pink blush.

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But more important was the occupant of the saddle. High Heel rode her mount into the room, looking as smug as ever. She had taken the liberty of changing her heeled boots. The new ones were a blued-leather set with a pair of pointed spurs on the rear boots. Luna was visibly enjoying her position, evident by the drops of fluid that dripped from her pleasure hole as she walked. She obviously loved pleasing her mistress. In addition to this, it was clear Luna also had yet another butt-plug in her rear again. But the dildo she had carried before was absent.

High Heel rode Luna over to the table, bringing her to stop next to her sister. She used the spurs on her boots kick into Luna's sides, but not hard enough to harm her. The sharp prick let the dark mare know her mistress wanted down. Luna obeyed the implied command and knelt down on her knees. High Heel dismounted her steed. She then walked behind Luna and brought her front hoof up to the butt-plug under her tail. High Heel pressed in on the plug. Luna gasped has she did, letting out a sigh of pleasure. Her legs went stiff and Luna instantly stood back up, straight.
High Heel then walked over to the hypnotized Rarity. She put her hoof up to the mare's chin, and caressed it. Rarity didn't respond, but simply continued to drool, even on High Heel's shoe. High Heel shook the drool off and walked back over to her royal servants.

She stopped in front of Celestia and said "Excellent work, Celestia! Thanks to your deception I now have my greatest rival under my power."

Celestia replied "Thank you mistress. I gave her the blue hypno potion like you said. She was even dumb enough to choose it."

High Heel said "Good! Now I'll have her drink the red one as well. It has a strong aphrodisiac effect that will drive her libido crazy. Her body will become aroused while her mind stays firmly in a trance."

Celestia said "Indeed, mistress. She will be much easier to train like that."

And so, High Heel commanded "Rarity, I order you to pick up the teacup and drink it's contents!"

Rarity answered "Yes."

Rarity then lit her horn. A blue glow appeared around Celestia's untouched cup. Rarity gentelly levitated it over to herself. It stopped midair in front of her face. After a moment, she puckered her lips and tipped the cup. Rarity started to unceremoniously chug down the entire contents of the cup. In one mouthful, she gulped down all the liquid. After which, she dropped the cup next to the other one, both now empty.
High Heel smiled at this sight. Rarity would now be under the influence of both potions. She watched as the lust potion took effect. Rarity was still in her trance, but she gave a slight shiver. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red as she blushed, And moments later, Rarity started to give off a familiar scent. The scent of arousal. High Heel walked behind Rarity and looked under her tale. There, was her final sign of effect. Rarity was dripping body fluids from her vagina. At the same time, Rarity started to from her mouth a little more
This all meant that the potion had taken full effect. High Heel could now move on.

High Heel walked back over to Luna. She walked to the mare's rear end.

High Heel asked Luna "Luna, did you cast that particular spell I ordered? The one on your pussy"

Luna replied "Yes, mistress! I cast a portal spell on my pussy. It is linked to your trunk of makeup and costume supplies. All you need do is reach into my pussy, and you can access it's full contents."

High Heel said "Excellent! With this arrangement, I can access everything I need without having to carry that huge trunk around. I can get anything I want straight out of your pussy. So YOU ARE my new supply trunk. Now spread those legs, so I can get what I need!"

Luna gladly obeyed. She held her tail straight and spread her rear legs. Her pussy became visible to her mistress. High Heel reached her hoof into Luna's hole. As she did, a magic-glow surrounded the boarders of the vagina, and High Heel's hoof seemed to disappear far into it. Luna let out a small sigh of pleasure. She could feel the magic at work on her body. Her body was the access point between two places, and it felt as if a great energy was passing through her. High Heel wiggled her leg around for a moment, then she smiled. She pulled her hoof out almost instantly. Her legs seemed to phase back into sight out of Luna's pussy, and it had an extra item in hoof. Luna gasped as this happened. The dark-blue alicorn started to breath heavily, now blushing bright red.
High Heel held up the items. They were brown leather harness and bridle. High Heel looked over to Her servants.

She said to Celestia "Celestia, I want you to magically put this on her. After that, dominate her!"

With that, High Heel threw the mass of leather at Celestia. The white alicorn caught it with her magic.

Celestia gave a sinister smile and replied "Of course, mistress!"

Celestia focused her magic. A golden aura appeared around the entranced Rarity. Celestia's eyes glowed. In an instant, there was a flash of magic. A moment later, it faded.
High Heel looked at Rarity. Rarity was now wearing the full-body harness. Her front legs were bound together by two leather cuffs. And she had a brown leather bridle on, complete with reins.
Celestia walked over to her future-fellow-servant. The unicorn was still drooling at the mouth, her face red with arousal. Celestia lit her horn, enveloping Rarity in her golden glow. She levitated Rarity into the are, then plopped her omto her back on the floor.
Celestia stood over Rarity, looking at her with a smirk. Rarity let out a heavy breath, as the movement had aroused her even more. Celestia lit her horn again, this time grabbing the reins in her magical grip. She yanked it over Rarity's head, causing her exhale again in pleasure.

The maid dressed princess lowered her face to meet the fashionista's. With sinister glee, she licked the smaller mare on the horn. This caused her moan in pleasure. As she did, Celestia kissed her firmly on the lips. While lip-locked, Celestia swirled her tongue around in Rarity's mouth. A moment later, they separated, and Rarity let out a moan of intense pleasure. Celestia was, indeed, a good kisser.

Celestia turned to her mistress and said "Oh mistress, I think she's ready for your training."

High Heel replied "Good! Now pick her up and put her on your back. It's time to train her in private. And be ready, your going to doing it, Celestia."

At this, Celestia gave a big grin and said "Of course, mistress!"

Celestia then lit her horn again. She levitated Rarity onto her back, with her leg hanging limp. High Heel walked behind Luna. She pressed in on the butt-plug again, and her mount lowered. She mounted her servant, then pricked Luna with spurs again. Luna rose to her hooves. High Heel steered Luna over to Celestia's side.

High Heel then said "Do it!"

She then reared her legs, and kick into Luna's sides harder. This jolted Luna into response, She turned her head toward her sister and kissed Celestia straight on the lips again. As before, the two sisters took the signal and lit their horns at the same time. Their horns flash and in an instant they were all gone. Back to their mistress's studio to makeover their new sister-in-servitude.
Sneak Peek...

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Phase 4: Partner in Crime

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Later that day, In High Heel's Studio...

In a secret backroom of her private studio, High Heel was now at work, yet again bringing somepony under her sway. She was now in a fairly wide open room, fully lit. Running along the far side of the room from the door, a bar was attached to the wall. On the left side was a clothing rack, full of outfit, and vanity table, fully stock with luxury makeup(likely of the magical variety). And on the right side of the room was another table, this one seeming to have a large assortment of what looked like sexy toys lying on it.

But the main attraction in the room at this time was the piece in the center. Tied to the bar on the far wall was a thick leather strap. And at the other end of this strap was none other than Rarity. The strap led off to a bridle she wore on her, with a bit gag in her mouth. A spreader bar was strapped between her rear legs, keep them spread open, thus exposing her privates. Which is exactly how she was supposed to be.

High Heel had wasted no time in pinning Rarity up when she got ne to her studio. She needed her newest "employee" in the right mental state of arousal before she could apply her special makeup to get the "New Rarity" she wanted. That was also why she had also taken the liberty of stuffing a buttplug in Rarity's ass and a dildo in her pussy. Rarity was already in a state of arousal from the work Celestia gave her back at the palace. Now she was in a state of pure daze. It wouldn't take much to push her to the point High Heel needed her to be at.
Thankfully, she had somepony who could help with that.

High Heel stood next to the bound up Rarity, admiring her soon-to-be-slave.
The door to the room slowly creaked open. The sound of hoof steps could be heard approaching. Into the room walked Celestia, striding with the confidence of a smug hussy. And she was looking even better than ever. She was back in the dominatrix gear that her mistress had first dressed her in. Only now she was sporting the whip to go with it. Her face had once again been smeared with a ton of makeup, as she wore heavy pink lipstick and eyeshadow. This, combined with her outfit, made the once dignified princess look like a total slut. And yet, anyone who looked at her could tell she was proud of it. As she grinned widely, clasping the lassoed in her pearly white teeth.

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The "New Celestia" High Heel had created was all to happy to be exploring this new side of her herself. While all the goodness in her heart was still in tact, Her loyalty to her mistress was the most important thing.
Celestia stopped in front of her mistress. She looked to the side to see the state Rarity was in, and she grinned widely. Celestia was proud to have had pleased her Mistress. But she knew her work was not yet done. After all, High Heel had called her in there for a reason.

Following behind Celestia, Luna walked into the room, but in a slightly different fashion than her older sister. Luna wobbled as she walked. But judging on what she was wearing, it was easy to see why. Luna was now wearing a full-body gimp-suit made of leather and latex. The whole suit covered her body, even encasing her wings in it. Her horn has been covered in a latex sheath, with anti-magic ring placed over it to inhibit the use of her magic. A latex mask had been put over her head, with holes for her eyes and muzzle, and holes on the top and back for her mane. A hole at the rear end let Luna's tail stick out, stuck up at a 45 degree angle. Through the mask, one could see a contorted expression on the younger alicorn's face.

Aside from the obvious, there were several features to the suit one could see upon further inspection. On the suit's back was what looked to be a keyhole. And on each of the hard leather shoes that Luna wore, there was also a keyhole. These keyhole were located where a zipper or laces should have been, meaning this suit was meant to be difficult to get out of without the keyholder's help.
But a more pressing detail was the bulge sticking out of Luna's rear end. Given it's relative location, one could easily assume it was the butt-plug and dildo her mistress had shoved up her ass and pussy earlier. But why was Luna looking so dazed now?

Luna continued to hobble behind her sister. Her face seemed to cringe with every step she took. It was as if every motion she made was stimulating her. Luna stopped next to the older alicorn. The moment she stopped, the contorted expression on her face eased itself. She then changed expressions, as her eyes rolled back and mouth dropped, slack jawed, and Luna began to pant in hot, heavy breathes. Luna was a horny mare.

Celestia lit her horn and levitated the whip out of her mouth. She looked over her younger sister with lustful eyes. But she also seemed to have a look of pride on her face, as if she was admiring the fruits of her labor. Celestia lifted her front hoof and placed it under Luna's chin, tilting her head upward. She looked directly at her little sister's horny face, as she continued to pant, unable to focus on anything else.
Celestia gave a large, sinister grin. She closed her eyes, then shot her face down toward Luna's. Their faces met as Celestia locked lips with Luna's wide open mouth. Their lips wrapped around each others, as Celestia slid her tongue around inside Luna's mouth.

Celestia sounded off "Mmmmhhhh...Oooohhhh...Mmmhhh.." in a very sensual manner.

Looking at her henchmares, High Heel could tell they were enjoying their new lives. And since they never aged, and the makeup's effect was permanent, they would be acting like this for all eternity. Just the thought of such endless pleasure was making her horny herself.
High Heel snapped herself out of that daydream. She knew she still needed secure her new "Partner" before she could celebrate. High Heel walked toward her royal underling, stopping just a few steps away from them.
High Heel lifted her hoof off the ground and slammed it to the floor. A resounding thump echoed through the room.

Celestia opened her eyes and turned them toward High Heel. Her face stood still, no longer passionately pushing into Luna's lips. Celestia withdrew from her kiss, saliva ripping from her mouth as she did so. She composed herself accordingly, and stood at attention in front of her mistress.
Meanwhile, Luna resumed panting heavily, now breathing much faster. She was obviously much hornier now.

High Heel spoke up "Well, Celestia, I see your enjoying yourself!".

Celestia happily replied "Of course I am, Mistress! Why wouldn't I relish the chance to use my little sister as my personal toy. It's only that much sweeter since you ordered me to do so. And thank you again, by the way."

High Heel walked a quick circle around the leather clad Luna. Every inch of the alicorn looked as a shiny, smooth, even mass in the alluring form of a thin, finely-toned mare. She could see two bulges pushing out from under Luna's tail. Sex toys she given Celestia for the very purpose they were being used for now. Luna's majestic main was pulled back into a straight pony-tail, angled in a way to resemble her actual tail, which was now angled to show off the treasures buried in her ass and pussy.
High Heel couldn't help but smile at Celestia's handy-work, yet again. Who would have though Equestria's paragon of virtue, honor, and purity, could make for such an ideal sluty dominatrix. High Heel was indeed pround of her creation.

High Heel looked at Celestia and said "Your quite welcome, my dear. This is what your dear sister gets for complaining when I gave the honor of working on Rarity to you. Always remember, Celestia, I expect nothing less than absolute obedience from you and your precious sister. If you complain, You'll be the one in bondage next time."

Celestia's response was to lick her lips and swallow at the same time. The very thought of all the sexual pleasure was enough to arouse her. But at the sametime, she feared for whether or not she would still be sane afterwards. Looking at Luna right now, Celestia wondered if she was. She had made sure not to push her sister to hard. But she couldn't help but wonder how she would fare as well.

But there would be more time for that later. For Now, see needed High Heel's underlings to do their jobs. And right now, their jobs was arouse the snot out of Rarity.

High Heel walked in front of the two sisters. She starred both of them straight in the face.

High Heel spoke "Listen up, you two! Celestia, it's time for you to "play" with Rarity. She needs to be aroused to a certain degree of intensity for the magic in my makeup to have the most potent effect. You should try to make her feel the same pleasure I made you two feel during your makeovers. And so, I here by order you, Celestia, to play with Rarity like she were your personal sex toy. You are free to use your sister to assist your efforts if you like."

Celestia grinned widely upon hearing that last part. She responded "Does that mean I can sexually play with them both, at the same time, Mistress?"

High Heel responded "Yes, you may. You can do whatever want with them, so long as Rarity is properly stimulated."

Celestia's heavily made-up face lit up with excitement. Her pink eyeshadow and lipstick suddenly seem to start magically glowing. She looked to her sister, still standing at attention and panting in pleasure. She was going to enjoy this.

Celestia wasted no time. She marched over to Rarity and positioned herself at the unicorn's front. She looked down at her horny victim-to-be. Celestia gestured for Luna to walk over to the rear end. Luna did so, shakily. Celestia then lit her horn. She levitated the ball gag ant of Rarity's mouth and the dildo out of her pussy. The moment both came out, Rarity let out an intense moan of pleasure... She was definitely ripe with arousal.

Celestia put her leather clad hoof on Rarity's chin and lifted to make it level with her face. She then lit her horn again, and a magic aura appeared around Luna's latex encased head. Luna let her head go limp, as she knew what her sister was doing. With an evil grin, Celestia drove her face into the lusty unicorn's face, planting her mouth square into Rarity's. She started to swirl her tongue around inside, tasting and savoring every bit of the smaller pony she could. Luna's head started to tilt, her latex covered horn becoming level with Rarity's pussy. Celestia slowly guided Luna's horn into the pleasure hole. Luna could feel as her horn entered the soft, moist region. It gave the alicorn an even greater rush of pleasure.

High Heel watched as her minions worked, and was pleased. Unleashing the princess' hidden sexual drives was definitely one the better effects of her makeup. And she could appreciate the irony of Celestia's method, using the HORN of a horny alicorn to pleasure a horny unicorn. It wouldn't be too long before her future slave was ready.

Celestia pushed her face harder into Rarity. At the same time, she started to slowly move Luna's horn back and forth in the pussy. Between the French Kissing and the horny horning, Rarity felt like she was going to black-out from all the simulation. After several minutes of the mouthing and thrusting, Celestia saw Rarity's eyes start to roll back. She was on the edge of consciousness.
Celestia pulled her mouth from the unicorn's, drooling saliva as she did. She then had Luna slowly pull her horn from the plot, dripping in fluids. Celestia looked at her mistress, giving a knowing smile. She was ready.

High Heel dismissed Celestia and Luna. Celestia levitated Luna onto her back, the younger sister draping over her like a limp doll, then walked out. High Heel was sure Celestia would continue her "playtime" with Luna. In the meantime, she had work to do. The fashionista kick a nearby trunk. The lid flew open exposing a folding table of makeup and other beauty products.
High Heel couldn't help but grow a big evil grin on her face. Her greatest rival, the source of her hardships, was now in her power. And she was going to enjoy bending to her will.

High Heel said, smugly "Well, shall we get started on your new look? I know you'll love it. Because I OWN you now, BITCH!"
2 Hours Later...

In one of High Heels guest rooms, the Royal Sister's were having happy-fun time. Celestia stood over Luna, who laid on a bed with silk sheets. Luna was still in her gimp suit, with look of pure pleasure on her face. Celestia had opened the crotch of the suit to get at the precious treasure inside. She was licking Luna's pussy, savoring every drop of juice as she did. At the same time, the butt plug had been replaced with anal beads, meant to stretch the hole out.
Celestia was enjoying herself, when she heard the door open. In walked High Heel, striding in with a proud mannerism.

She said "Girls, the wait is over. Meet your new "co-worker". I think she's eager to play."

High Heel stepped to the side. With the sound of clopping, a second mare entered the room. It was Rarity, now looking much different. Wearing sky-blue eyeshadow and rose-red lipstick, her face was adorned as was fit for High Heel's new bitch. She wore a black leather studded collar, a black lace corset, black leather stocking on her back legs, and a pair of red high heel as well.

View on Derpibooru (Original source unknown at time of posting)
She stood up on her hind legs, grinning as she did. Rarity looked at the latex/leather bound Luna, and levitated a leather flail.

She said "Darling... You've been a naughty little pony..."