Dreams of Desire

by RarityEQM

First published

Twilight has a dream about everything she's ever wanted.

In a Lucid Dream, Twilight discovers she can get whatever it is that she desires and what she desires surprises even herself.

This is totally a shameless fetish story. I mean, really really fetishy. Possibly one of the more fetishy things I've done on this site. If you want to go in blind, that's fine, and more power to you, if not,

The following Fetishes are to be found:Spanking/Futa/Spanking/ Semi-nonconsensual/Spanking/ Blowjobs/Bukakke/Spanking/Masturbation/Humiliation/ Exhibitionism /Spanking and also Spanking. Did I mention spanking? There is a LOT of spanking in this fic and a little purple behind that's turned totally red by the end of it/ Spit-roasting/Threesome/Twilight Cumdumpster/ Vaginal/Oral/ GOD this is fetishy nonsense/Spanking/Sleep sex/ Rough Sex/ Trixie Cameo/Spanking

A collaboration between RarityEQM and Givingspider

Dream a little scream for me

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The sun was gone from the horizon and the moon claimed dominion over the sky. Most of Equestria slept in preparation for what the next day would bring. Through Canterlot a fair number of ponies remained stalwart through the silent hours; ever vigilant in case they would be needed. Princess Luna shared in this vigil but never set a hoof on cobblestone roads or through pristine hallways. The nocturnal Alicorn did not traverse any piece of the physical realm in her patrol. Her body lay motionless in her bed while her mind roamed the realm between Equestria and the AEther. Her magic took flight through the surreal space between worlds and she stalked the place in betwixt planes.

The aura of the Lunar Matron flowed as seamless as a winter breeze through leafless branches. The world she moved through looked just like the Equestria that everypony else perceived except for a few differences. For one: everything was in shades of grey and all physical objects resembled fog like hazes of their Prime Material counterparts. Sleeping ponies were colored auras with the hues of their cutie marks. Every city and village, cottage and manor, tent and bedroll blended into the world of souls and smoke. Her own aura retained the features of her true body as she wandered the lurid landscape. If anypony else found a way to the place just outside the world of dreams; they would stand out as much as she did. To be a full bodied figure in realm of apparitions was to be as obvious as a wine stain on white satin sheets.

Luna traversed the sea of clouds and colors. The natural magic radiating from the sleeping ponies flowed almost like small tendrils of smoke. She stopped in her traveling to observe a particular aura. The familiar shades of Twilight Sparkle’s aura lay on a bed of grey and more grey. Her aura glowed a little brighter as her horn sparked gently. Her essence reached towards Twilight and the strange world rapidly grew sharper in contrast until it shattered. Shards of various greys and purple fell into nothing. Luna deeply exhaled and the shards reappeared and re-arranged themselves. Different colors painted themselves on the fragments as a new world formed in front of her. The land between the realms was gone from her sight. Luna’s power and perception had been anchored down inside Twilight’s dream. Luna took another breath and let her vision change, slowly growing more and more curious about what she might find.

Colors and shapes stretched and relaxed around her field of vision. Leaving the realm of dreams was a simple matter. Stepping into a specific dream was almost as natural as breathing. Tying her mind to the sleeper so she could perceive the dream was sometimes complex. Lucid dreams sometimes needed to be broken into. Twilight’s nighttime fantasy was one that the young Alicorn was enjoying. Her mind was open enough to allow her to truly make choices instead if going along on a rail. Luna could see the pieces of her dream moving into a large, pale white sphere in the center of a black void. Her wings gently lowered her to the barrier and her hooves touched something solid and warm. Her horn sparked and the sphere pulsed gently as if threatening to eject her. A smile came over her face as she flew around the orb. Her magic faded and relaxed, her body slowly went limp, Luna allowed herself to fall. An unseen force kept her afloat and moved her into the line of bits and pieces of whatever Twilight's mind was brewing. She had peeked in Twilight's dreams so many times that it just assumed that if she stopped moving; Twilight's brain mistook her for another prop for the dream. She closed her eyes and let herself be pulled into the orb.

Luna opened her eyes and took a considerable amount of time to take in what she saw. The Audience Chamber of Canterlot's Palace was the same as it always was except for two glaring differences. The first thing Luna saw was the absence of the banners that symbolized the sun and moon. The emblems of her right to rule were stricken from the grand hall and replaced by a new masterfully woven tapestry. The new banner was a vibrant purple with golden edges. The center was adorned by three very familiar stars. Luna raised an eyebrow as she gazed upon the enlarged depiction of Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark. The second thing that made this room vastly different was the raised portion of the back of the room. One throne stood proudly on the platform and the occupant was none other than the purple pupil of her elder sister. Luna took a step forward as she prepared to make herself visible to the newest Alicorn. Luna had many questions and was willing to listen to Twilight's explanation. The Princess of the Moon leveled her eyes onto Twilight's as her magic channeled through her horn.

The sound of the large doors at the other end of the hall made Luna stop in her tracks. She elected to observe the direction Twilight's dream had taken. As she patiently waited, her jaw dropped at the new development. Luna saw her sister walk past her. Celestia looked a little shorter than Luna remembered. The alabaster monarch approached Twilight with a respectful pace and bowed low upon reaching the last step before the throne's perch. Twilight looked down on Celestia and smiled.

“Rise, my student,” Twilight said with regal confidence as she continued to look down on Celestia.

Celestia lifted her head and regarded her apparent superior with the highest admiration.

“Princess Twilight, I need some advice,”

Luna's horn glowed but not to reveal herself. Twilight’s illusion of grandeur was fascinating but to hear her sister speak that way made her eye twitch. Luna considered giving Twilight a good talking to about her lucid dream. She considered going up to the throne, taking Twilight into her lap and giving her a good spanking. Luna even thought about visiting Twilight in the physical world with a bucket of ice water. A smirk came over her face as her spell finished casting. In her mind she reached out and uttered a simple phrase.

“Doth thou see what I see, dear Sister?”

Celestia stood in a stunned state as Luna spoke. The Princess of the Sun was dreaming about lounging on a volcanic beach before suddenly stepping into what resembled her audience chamber. She saw her doppelganger humbling herself before the recently amended ascended Alicorn. She saw the new decorations where the old ones used to be. Her eyes once more fell on the phantom of herself and watched the submissive behavior. Celestia also watched Twilight practically basking in the situation.

“I'm sure that Twilight has dreams like this often” Celestia uttered after a composed breath. “Why do I need to see this…mostly innocent humiliation?”

“This dream is a fully lucid one” Luna replied sternly. “Twilight is very aware of what is going on. This illusion was crafted very meticulously. It seemed to me that this is something you would wish to discuss with her,”

Celestia smirked as she continued to watch the smug and dominant gaze Twilight was giving to the meek duplicate of herself.

“More than a talk, Luna” Celestia replied coyly as her mind burned with several corrective measures. “Lucid you say. So Twilight will remember everything that happens here?”

“You are correct, sister,”

“Dismiss the clone and let Twilight perceive us. I'm going to have some fun with my little rebel,”

* * * * *

Even in the Dream Realm, the magnificent splendor of Canterlot Castle stood stoic and tall; a standing monument to the achievements of ponykind throughout Equestria. The alabaster bricks and sparkling gold that made for Celestia’s home was the same as she remembered it, and yet, somehow different. Things seemed smaller, the colors on the wall much more vivid than usual. It was as if the perspective of the world around her had shrunken to the size of a slightly smaller pony. Was this the way the world looked to Twilight?

Still, Celestia grinned, slowly meandering into the throne room where chittering maids and servants were organizing dozens and dozens of books. Stacking them one on top of the other according to the Dewey Decimal System. They paid no attention to her, rambling on about statistics and this and that. Twilight herself was sitting idly on the throne, while a servant jotted down every word she said.

“-And if the book’s pages are dog-earred, that’s an extra ten cents added to the fine! And twenty cents for a torn page!!” Twilight huffed quietly, waggling a dismissive hoof towards the servant in front of her; who hastily and loyally wrote down every word that was uttered.

“Yes Princess Twilight!” said the servant, a blue pony with a bright silver mane wearing a strange outfit composed of a magician’s cape and hat. She scurried off quickly, eager to put whatever it was that Twilight had ordained into practice. To her left, there were millions of scrolls, all stacked up in neat piles, even if it reached up towards the sky to impossible lengths. Homework, apparently. Miles and miles of homework from what Princess Celestia could tell. Squinting her eyes at one of the scrolls, she recognized them as assignments she’d given to Twilight over the years. Each one had a bright red ‘A+++” vividly circled and re-circled on each sheet of parchment to denote just how ‘brilliant’ Twilight was. Celestia had to bite back a smile. She’d never given Twilight a triple A plus, regardless of how lengthy and detailed her essays were. Did such a grade even exist?

“Is there something else I can help you with, Celestia?” Twilight asked cordially from the throne, snapping the Princess from her thoughts.

‘Celestia?’ she thought. Was Twilight really so far gone in this fantasy of her’s that she’d forgotten her title as ‘princess’? A sinister little grin tugged at her lips and Celestia nodded her head slowly, giving an exaggerated bow towards her ‘student.’ Twilight didn’t seem to notice the actions repeating itself or that Celestia had seemingly walked into the room a second time; taking the place of her dream version. Dream logic, she figured. She’d have to ask Luna about it later.

“Oooooh Twilight, yes. There is something you can help me with,” Celestia purred quietly while raising up to her full height. She suddenly towered over Twilight while beaming down at her with that same wicked little grin.

Twilight shifted uncomfortably on the golden throne underneath her. Suddenly things felt a little strange. It was as if she were somehow not fully in control of her own dream. Celestia was smiling at her like normal, but there was something ‘off’ about the smile. Something foreboding. There was a devious little twinkle in her eye that sent a tremble racing down Twilight’s back. Nervously, she cleared her throat and took up a more refined posture on the throne. As if to convince herself she was still in charge in some way.

“Err...What can I do for you, Celestia?” She asked quietly. Suddenly her voice didn’t quite feel so confident. It was as if she was losing control of her own dream; which was absolutely preposterous. She’d spent the last weekend reading over lucid dreaming, practicing and going over various articles and references to it. Surely if Luna could do it then so could she. She was an Alicorn after all, and studying was her gift. But now it felt like her control were slipping away from her for some reason. She suddenly felt small, very small, in front of Celestia, who looked tall. Very tall. It sent another shudder through her frame.

“I simply need a refresher,” the princess spoke with poise and diction. She seemed suddenly much, much more confident about herself, so much more so than the meek underling Twilight had been giving advice too, earlier. She stood, powerful and imposing, leaning down to address Twilight with a terrifying grin.

“Remind me of your youth, Twilight,” Celestia purred softly, now struggling to contain the brisk rush of power washing over her. She didn’t want to give the game away just yet. Twilight was wildly clever, and it wouldn’t last long, but for now…

“My youth? W-what does it matter? Why do you care?” Twilight asked, now struggling to regain control that was slipping through her hooves, like she were trying to hold smoke. The Princess flashed a diabolical grin.

“Well, I’m simply curious if you remember...oh...how you might have been punished...if you were to overstep your boundaries within the domain of my castle. I’m a few eons old, princess. My memory isn’t what it used to be...help me recall?” Celestia asked sweetly, watching Twilight start to sweat with great amusement. The purple Alicorn swallowed nervously, feeling her ears droop to either side of her skull. Why was Celestia asking this question? She couldn’t figure out why it mattered how she was punished. She didn’t direct her dream to ask her that! What was going on?!

Subconsciously or not, Twilight found herself chuckling dryly. Her brain immediately tried to find the right answer for the question, regardless of what was asked. The first thing out of her mouth was the truth, and she hastily and haughtily nodded her head.

“Well, I’ve never strictly required discipline, but um, the one o-or two times I’ve err, you felt it necessary, it ...it usually resulted...resulted in...um...” she trailed off quietly, suddenly feeling sheepish. Very Sheepish. She wanted Celestia to laugh and tell her she was just curious. She wanted Celestia back into her control. Wasn’t this her dream?!

“Go on,” Celestia almost hissed, drinking in every inch of Twilight’s nervous apprehension. The little alicorn swallowed visibly and rubbed the back of her head with another shudder.

“W-well, um there were one or two incidents where I was grounded and, um...” Twilight sputtered. Celestia watched her try to skirt the subject, but she wouldn’t have it. She pressed for information, glaring at her with piercing glare only centuries of royalty could teach. Her student squirmed beautifully.

“And?” Celestia asked flatly. Twilight shifted her chubby backside on Celestia’s throne nervously. She was suddenly very unsure she liked the direction her dreams were taking her.

“...The...occasional, uh...spanking…” Twilight murmured quietly. Was she blushing? This was her dream. There wasn’t any reason to be embarrassed about this! She gave an indignant snort, casting her gaze over Celestia and feeling a tingle of nervousness strike at her again. Was it because Celestia wasn’t obeying her subconscious commands anymore? She hadn’t thought of Celestia spanking her for years. Was it that? It had been dreadfully embarrassing when it happened, but she was just a filly back then. Now the memory brought with it a faint tingle that raced through her loins. That wasn’t the kind of dream this was supposed to be, though! She was in control, wasn’t she?!

Luna raised an eyebrow as Celestia spoke. She watched the confident matron step forward. Her horn sparked as her body stepped into the shadow of herself. Celestia rose from the submissive stance and looked directly into Twilight’s eyes. She observed the smug expression of power and security. She took in the almost condescending way her former student was studying her. As she got to her hooves she watched Twilight’s face slowly tilt from an understanding of being in control to having to question it.

“Enough of this charade!” Celestia said coyly before licking her lips and stepping closer to the throne. “We both know that this moment for you exists only because I chose to humor it,”

“Wh-what? No, I...Y-you can’t speak to me that way!!” Twilight squeaked, her voice a weakening to only a hint of its former commanding glory. This was not the way she wanted her dream to go. This was as if someone else had assumed direct control, but that was impossible! That was entirely impossible, unless…

Twilight swallowed nervously, shifting her gaze from Celestia to the rest of the room. If she couldn’t control Celestia then surely she could influence other aspects of her dream, right? She still had some measure of control, didn’t she?!

“Guards!!” Twilight sputtered. It was a desperate hope. A true gambit for control! This was still her dream!! Indeed, the Royal Canterlot guard rushed into the room, decked out in full battle dress and ready to serve. They all lined up along the red carpet in a neat, tidy row with their armor gleaming brightly. Only-

Only they weren’t saluting her. They all had their eyes locked on Celestia. They were supposed to be saluting Twilight!

Twilight gulped as words from an unexpected tone cut into her confidence. Just a moment ago she had Celestia basking at the privilege of being in her presence. For awhile she was experiencing the rush of having somepony being totally obedient to her. With Celestia suddenly stepping out of apparently unlocked mental shackles, she could feel the tables turning on her. The purple Alicorn sunk a little deeper into her throne. Judging by the recent turn of events; it might not be her throne for much longer. Celestia placed a hoof on the elevated dias and Twilight gulped again. She could have sworn she was dreaming. Was she mistaken in her theory about how much she could manipulate the world? Celestia approached the throne and sat proudly in front of it. She reached her foreleg out and placed a hoof on the back of Twilight’s head. She gently forced her into averting her gaze down from Celestia’s face.

“And now, my student” Celestia coyly said as her horn glowed with power. “I believe you require a lesson in humility,” she whispered, licking over her lips at Twilight’s growing concern.

Twilight’s eyes widened as she was forced to gaze upon Celestia’s torso. She took in her strong frame and the growing erection in her musky, white crotch. Not only had Celestia usurp her position the way she might in the real world but she was also now making her stare at a rather impressive looking cock where there shouldn’t be one. It bounced free and surged with the virile strength of an alicorn legend. Nearly as long as Twilight’s foreleg, it was a pure snow white, and brought with it a soft enchanting musk that assaulted Twilight’s nose. It was almost hypnotic in the way it forced its way past Twilight’s senses and wrapped itself around her brain, sending shivers down the poor pony’s spine. Twilight squirmed and squeaked as she tried to find the words she wanted to use. In just a few seconds she had lost everything. The older Alicorn chuckled softly.

“Kindly remove yourself from my throne, princess,” Celestia ordered crispy through grit teeth and mock anger. Her tone was crisp and authoritative, and only the most insane of ponies would dare defy it. Celestia was true power, and she knew it.

Twilight scrambled down from the seat without delay; falling face first into Celestia in her wild haste. She stumbled onto her front and looked up with a whimper when something warm struck her nose. The cock. Celestia’s cock. A cock that was most certainly now bobbing just over her muzzle, thumping with Celestia’s heart beat. It grazed her face as she went down to the floor, and an intense burst of musky flavor briefly danced across her lips. Celestia chuckled again as a hoof slowly caressed over Twilight’s head.

“Oh my, so very eager. Don’t worry, you will have the opportunity to pay proper tribute to your princess, later,” the newly ascended power in the room said with a bright grin as she continued to stroke Twilight’s head. She was petting Twilight like a kitten. Putting her in her place. Making her squirm like a tiny filly in comparison. She froze when that warm hoof glided down to her vunerable bum. “But apologies are best delivered after punishments.”

“N-No! Wait, I can explain!!” Twilight squeaked nervously. Her eyes traced around the room in desperate panic, and widened in absolute horror. For the barest hint of a second, she caught a faint reflection in one of the shoulder plates of shiny armor the guards wore. A faint, bluish hint of magic that vanished almost instantly. The aura of Luna’s magic...that meant….oh….oh no

“Oh, I’m not sure an explanation can save you, my little pony.” Celestia purred, easing herself down, and tugging Twilight into her lap with little more than an errant flick of powerful magic. The guards all turned in unison, peering at the princess and her student. Twilight squirmed in place, feeling her cheeks burn with a radiant glow. She had inadvertently summoned an audience for her dream. A crowd for her own spanking. Her ears perked in alarm when she feel Celestia’s hoof gently cupping her bottom, tugging her tail up and out of the way to fully expose the plump, supple cheeks hidden underneath.

It was the gentle teasing, that was the worst. The slow, ticklish way Celestia drew her hooves over Twilight’s naked cheeks, gliding just along the top of that deep dark crack from the dusky ‘Y’ under her tail to the place where her thighs started. Every touch sent an electric tingle rushing along her spine, and Twilight whimpered. In spite of the guards watching, the humiliation of Celestia rubbing her bare bottom so candidly, and sheer astronomical amount of trouble she was in, Twilight felt the telltale tingles of arousal flickering through her hips.

The first blow was a shock to her system; a tiny portion of true alicorn strength, but it was enough to sent her plump behind into a wild fit of wobbling. A solid smack that struck her left cheek, followed by an echo on her right. She wriggled and kicked and squirmed, but Celestia’s strength had no equal in Twilight. The little purple Alicorn was completely at the mercy of her Princess.

“W-Wait! I didn’t call the guards on you! I would never! T-This is just a misunderstanding! I- I was just trying to-” Twilight squawked, her voice cutting out as the next blow came crashing down across both cheeks. Three in sharp smacks in succession came next, bouncing her rump helplessly in Celestia’s lap.

“Oh, no. I assure you, there’s no misunderstanding here,” Celestia hissed, pausing her rain of blows to glide her hooves along the rounded contours of Twilight’s tingling rump. She casually pried her cheeks open, revealing the damp little maresex that glistened with arousal in the exposed light. “I’m giving you exactly what you want, Twilight,“ Celestia whispered, watching Twilight’s cheeks burn hotter and hotter.

There was no denying the poor alicorn had grown surprisingly slippery in the short amount of time she was over Celestia’s knee. She squirmed and wriggled, gasping when her twin moons were released, and Celestia started her spanking again. Every loud and vibrant ‘pop’ Celestia’s hoof made forced Twilight’s ears to twitch and her legs to kick; but even now the Princess held her firmly.

“You naughty little filly! You’re soaking your princess! Don’t think I can’t feel your wetness leaking onto me, Twilight. Are we getting slick? Such a bad little girl…” The princess teased, watching Twilight struggle with every whispered word. Oh goodness yes, Celestia knew all of her student’s buttons. Which ones to push, which ones to avoid and which ones to hold down and make the poor girl beg. She lifted a hoof, arching it nice and high before she let gravity take over. The blow landed squarely on Twilight’s poor upturned rump, jiggling the globes and forcing a squeal from her young pupil. If Celestia didn’t know any better, she’d swear Twilight was lifting her hips to meet every strike eagerly. A naughty filly indeed.

The blows came down one after another, the princess losing herself in the rounded purple curves that greeted her. Each smack, every whack, crack, and slap, drew a whimpering moan from the young girl squirming helplessly over her lap; and an increasing stiffness to be found between Celestia’s thighs. One after another after another the swats came down. Left, right, left, right, left, right, forcing Twilight’s poor rump to dance in time like some sort of erotic marching step. Celestia had picked up an endless rhythm and every blow granted Celestia (and the guards) just the barest hint of the hot purple pucker nestled between. The poor girl had never been so humiliated in her life and somehow she knew it would get worse before it got better.

Celestia forced back a moan, watching Twilight’s round, bouncing butt in her lap. The sight was as extremely appealing as it was distracting. The dewy glistening nectar between Twilight’s thighs caught the light, and the scent of her burning arousal tickled at Celestia’s nose incessantly. Below her, her thick arousal begged for attention, sandwiched between her thighs and Twilight’s squirming belly. Celestia shivered helplessly. With every firm smack to Twilight’s supple bottom, the girl’s tummy fur brushed and teased over the twitching length of her shaft. Even though she was in charge, she wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this. Perhaps it was time for a change of pace.

Luna felt a smile creep over her face as she watched her sister tenderize the rebellious rump. At first it was about satisfaction and putting Twilight in her place, but as events unfolded a more carnal intent formed in her mind. The sounds of plump cheeks being swatted and the whimpers of the naughty pony inspired Luna’s loins to betray her stern and regal stance. Her eyes stayed fixated on the bouncing bottom as it rippled from each impact from Celestia’s hoof. Twilight’s reflexive protests painted a picture of pleasure and pain. Judging by the older Alicorn’s throbbing cock; it was just a matter of time before she moved onto another means of punishment. Luna took a glance at Twilight’s most dewy little flower as well as her sister’s damp lap. Her smile broadened as Twilight’s bottom turned enough shades to match the cheeks on her face. The evident embarrassment of being disciplined like a common filly was quite amusing.

Luna glanced towards her sister’s face and caught her lust fueled grin. Celestia’s hoof came down on sore flanks with a solid clap. The action forced Twilight slightly forward and with a nudge from a white wing, she was moved back into place. Celestia softly moaned as the action stimulated her new organ. Twilight seemed aware that she was being used to directly stimulate the eldest Alicorn with each slap. More squirming and more whimpering came from the purple pony and Celestia’s eyes telegraphed her new found pleasure. Luna almost jumped when Celestia spoke up after a new round of strokes.

“Somepony is making far too much noise,” Celestia said firmly as she delivered another swift smack. “You don’t want more guards to arrive, do you, Twilight? Would you like for them to think there’s something wrong?” She asked cheekily, watching Twilight desperately shake her head no. Celestia tossed Luna a wicked grin and nodded her head, as if taking Twilight’s silent plea into consideration. “Luna, be a dear and do something about that.”

Luna stepped closer and Celestia continued the spanking. Twilight’s subconsciousness was still hard at work. Her mind would not let Twilight experience any illusion of pain that was outside her desires. Normally a pony would be very openly sobbing and pleading at this point. Twilight, however, was clearly in a mix of sensations. As humiliating as the situation was, and as sore as her bottom had grown; nothing exceeded or reached her hard limits. Luna licked her lips as she got closer to the action. Her horn glowed intently as pale energy enveloped her. As she stepped in front of Twilight, the younger mare’s eyes bulged. If Twilight only suspected her involvement earlier; it was very much known now. After pausing to appreciate the sounds of a few more swats she finished her casting. Twilight watched in shock as Luna grew a member that rivaled the one she was being forced to service under her barrel.

Slowly, it grew in front of her, ebbing out of the musky darkness between her thighs and becoming rigid and firm. A true monument to the power of the night, it wobbled impatiently in front of Twilight, bobbing faintly with Luna’s motion as she slowly took a position in front of Twilight. The poor purple pony could only watch, gasping quietly, as the intense scent of Luna’s arousal pressed up against her nose. It was much more intense than Celestia’s It made sense, there were certain things ponies did more during the evening than they did during the day.

Luna paused in her thoughts as she began channeling her magic again. Several ideas for gags came into her mind. Her sister requested that Twilight be silenced but did not specify on how it ought to be done. The rhythmic striking continued and Twilight’s wailing grew a bit more intense. The matron of the moon licked her lips and dropped the spell. She had a perfectly good gag without sacrificing any more of her mana.

Twilight continued to bounce along in place as her bottom steadily continued to gain heat. She stared wide eyed at Luna as she stepped closer and carefully ran a hoof through her mane. She struggled to find words and Luna’s sharp gaze prevented her from attempting to negotiate with her. Luna slowly drew closer and seated herself in front of the helpless Alicorn. With a hoof still in her mane, she guided Twilight into staring at her new appendage. Her jaw dropped and shortly after that she realized the gravity of her miscalculation.

Luna uttered a commanding breath as she forced Twilight towards her shaft. The swats continued to rain on her bottom. Twilight struggled against the blows and tried to move her muzzle away from the intruding cock but couldn’t succeed in either area. Her head was softly coerced towards the bobbing length of Luna’s shaft and Celestia deeply growled with carnal intent.

“Mmmm no one will hear you like this, now will they?” She cooed wickedly. Luna simply kept her lazy little grin wrapped around her lips, and a hoof wrapped around Twilight’s head.

“Go on. Give it a kiss,” Luna whispered, her tone royal and succinct as always but now there was a silky tone of lust riding along with her voice that certainly wasn’t there before. She was gentle, but insistent, drawing the little alicorn closer and closer to her cock until the tip gently brushed across Twilight’s wildly blushing nose.

Shyly, helplessly, Twilight pursed her lips and did as she was told, impishly kissing the head of Luna’s cock with a delicate little peck. The burst of flavor was twice that of Celestia’s and it immediately made her dizzy. Her mind was swimming with confused sensations of pleasure and lust, pain and humiliation, and all of it was swirling around her in a hazy fog of arousal. It was driving her crazy, feeling so many things at once, all over at once, the spanking, the smells, the sweat and the heavy cocks she was brushing against. She hardly realized she had gone from gently pecking the flared head of Luna’s erection to bobbing on it like a wanton little filly slut. It was only when the next CLAP across her backside came did she realize she was face first in Luna’s lap- and wedged between two horny alicorns she had inadvertently pissed off with her little dream shenanigans.

Twilight whimpered in response as Luna continued to use her muzzle. A different sort of muffled whine escaped her as the taste of the intruding organ became more familiar to her. She gave another round of squirming as a new flavor became apparent. Luna uttered a heavy moan and the first drop of precum beaded out of the tip, splashing lewdly across Twilight’s tongue and coating the back of her throat. She moved her second forehoof onto the prisoner’s head and pushed a little firmer as she guided the muzzle down a little further. The blows on her rear maintained a steady pace and Twilight grew slightly more embarrassed when the tempo of the two was found to be in sync. Clearly, it was not enough was it for her to be punished like a helpless little filly over Celestia’s lap; she also had to be reduced to a toy for the Royal Sisters to share.

“Are you sure this one is a naughty filly, dear Sister? She certainly seems very good at polishing our royal scepter!” Luna chuckled coldly, delighting in the way Twilight’s cheeks seem to find a way to become even redder. From behind her, she heard Celestia laugh, before delivering another crack across her well punished bottom.

“Oh, this one is VERY naughty, sister. If only you could feel how much she’s squirming on this end, and not from the spanking!” Celestia chimed in. They had slowly and seamlessly switched positions, shifting Twilight from over Celestia’s thighs, to the poor girl being trapped in between the two of them.

Celestia crooned in mounting pleasure at this new position. She still had full access to the plump purple posterior in front of her, but now it was squished up against her hips firmly. It was a delicious sight; the round twin cheeks beautifully squashed up against Celestia’s lower belly, Twilight’s shapely crack hugged Celestia’s cock with the head just brushing up against the dock of her tail. Every pump of her hips hotdogged the poor filly, dragging the hefty girth back and forth along the heated little pucker inside and the pudgy lips of her drenched sex.

Lube. Twilight realized with a terrifying thought. Celestia was using her own personal juices for lube, grinding away at her rump cheeks until- another CRACK across her freshly tenderized bottom drew her from her hazy thoughts. Luna had reached across and slapped a hoof across her behind!

“No slacking!” she barked, but couldn’t wipe the amused look off of her features. Twilight immediately picked up her pace, trying to mumble a hasty apology while her mouth was full of cock. She had mixed results. Luna grabbed her ears roughly, like handlebars, and thrust her hips forward, sinking her length deep into Twilight’s throat!!

“YES!! Oh, YES! Moan around it! We love the way your voice feels! Sister, if you please!” Luna cooed throwing her head back to bask in the sensations swirling around her penis. Behind her, Celestia stopped plunging her erection in and out of Twilight’s crack and returned to a barrage of slaps across Twilight’s already sore bottom. Her very sore bottom.

The blows weren’t very hard, but by now each felt like fire, and she squealed out around Luna’s cock with every spank. This was something that seemed to please the dark princess, for her thrusts became more urgent and forceful, taking long strides where she drew a measurable length of cock free of Twilight’s muzzle, before she pistoned it right back in!

“She is a marvel! Such a good little cock sucker!! One of your lessons, Celestia? Were you trained to be a good little cock sucker by my sister, Twilight? You deserve an A for this!” Luna moaned helplessly. Celestia almost laughed at the silent, but obviously humiliated student.

“Oh, I’m afraid these aren’t my lessons. She must have picked it up on the street somewhere. You know how smart she is. Must have been studying with her friends,” Celestia teased. Twilight’s ears perked with every word, and oh how they burned with the heat of humiliation. The idea that she might receive a grade for such a lewd activity tormented her psyche and did uncomfortable things to her libido. She whimpered and cried out, shifting her hips from side to side helplessly.

At first, Celestia thought perhaps they had gone too far, this dream was pushing past Twilight’s limits and they were harming the poor filly, dream or not, but the glistening wetness between her thighs suggested otherwise. Oh...the poor thing was being tormented and pushed passed her limits alright. She was growing desperate for some form of relief from the aching need boiling between her thighs.

She was still bucking her hips but bucking them desperately towards Celestia. The pony was beside herself with arousal, absolutely drenched in an unquenchable lust. She rocked her hips back and forth, purposefully trying to grind her smarting rump against Celestia’s thick cock. Oh, she needed it badly.

At this point, all Twilight could taste was the heavy spire of thick girl cock pressed passed her lips, and soaking her tongue with pre. All she could smell was the hot forest of Luna’s personal fragrance, her nose buried between the dark princess’ thighs. All she could focus on was the way her rump was bounced and slapped and punished. And all she could feel was the clawing, ravenous need to be fucked.

The first thrust took her by surprise and forced a startled grunt from her lips. The fat crown of Celestia’s throbbing penis jutted rudely against Twilight’s flushed, winking petals. It was soaked in her own personal juices from every thrust Celestia had made, hot dogging her, and now, the Alabaster Princess had all she could stand.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm, Twilight…”Celestia groaned. It was almost impossibly difficult to let go of her restraint and take the freshly spanked behind in front of her- stabbing her aching stallion-hood into Twilight’s depths in one firm thrust! She would never, of course, do that to her precious student.

Not in the real world anyway.

A dreadful smile crossed Celestia’s lips, and she began to pull her hips back. It was merely a dream, after all, there could be no physical lasting damage. Twilight had made her so insanely aroused with that cute purple bouncing behind. The needy squeaks and begging whimpers. Even a Princess needed to let loose every now and then, and Celestia had a millennia old itch to scratch.

She slammed her hips forward, sending every furiously throbbing inch of dense girlcock into Twilight’s twitching little tunnel, skewering the poor girl on her cock in one wet, slick, slurping pop. Together, both Luna and Celestia crooned in pleasure; Twilight’s incredible tightness lovingly gripping Celestia’s arousal, while the poor girl’s moans stimulated Luna’s equally thick length.

Now taken from both ends, Twilight found herself completely immobile, while both her Princesses enjoyed her like their personal toy for the evening. The moved in impossibly precise rhythm and sync. Luna would thrust in at the very time Celestia was pulling out, and whenever Celestia slammed that fat arousal into Twilight’s begging tunnel, Luna would pull her cock free. She even slipped it out past Twilight’s lips to boop her on the nose with it, leaving a messy splatter of precum and saliva smeared across her muzzle!!

The poor unicorn turned Alicorn had never been so humiliated in her entire life. Rolling her eyes to try and see past Luna’s thick, darkly furred bush, Twilight spotted the guards. The group of them were watching her, intently scrutinizing every movement she made or didn’t make. Every embarrassingly wet squish from her soaked marehood could be heard echoing around the great hall. In fact, now that Twilight realized it, everypony was still in the throne room! From the lawyers to the tax collectors to the guards to the diplomats. Everypony had stopped what they were doing to watch Twilight get turned into a little purple fucktoy.

“I think she’s getting close, Luna. She’s squeezing wildly around me. “Celestia sighed quietly. She had hoped Twilight might last a little while longer for her to enjoy, but if the little filly were about to lose it…

Twilight softly whimpered in defeat as the strength to struggle completely faded. As her climax drew closer, the fevered fucking from both ends grew in pace and force. The only thing she could think of was to take it however they gave it to her. Her only repeating thought that wasn’t about the cocks in her body was about the audience. How long were they going to enjoy the show? What was planned for her after they elder Alicorns had their way with her? Her eyes bulged as Luna forced her length to the hilt. There was the possibility that they would leave her exhausted, spent body for the servants to use as they saw fit. Echoes of how Twilight lorded over them suddenly became much more clear. Every single member of the royal court and everypony remotely connected to the royal court might at any point form a line. Within mere moments she could be turned from a Royal Cocksleeve to something available for everypony to enjoy. Twilight whimpered to herself. The thick member in her throat effectively muffled her protesting. Celestia’s slamming dick and Luna’s equally intrusive member reclaimed the center of her attention. Their moans and grunts pierced the room enough for the murmurs, whispers, and comments from the crowd easy to ignore. Nervously, Twilight let her gaze drift to the watching members of the guard. She wasn’t sure if she was the one who had imagined it- or the dreaming goddess in front of her did, but it really didn’t matter. There were cocks. There were thick, throbbing, bobbing erections on each member of the guard, and each one was pointing directly at her; waiting patiently for their turn at one of her tight little entrances. She shuddered helplessly, feeling a fresh surge of arousal coursing through her.

Celestia leaned over her student and nipped at her ear. Twilight's vice grip on her penis along with the carnal pace she had set just drove her to the boiling point. With a low groan and a final hilted thrust, she erupted into the dethroned dreamer. Twilight found new motivation to squirm and whine from pleasure and shock. Her nerves ignited as she peaked. Her body clamped down at both ends, coercing thicker moans from both of her users. Celestia held her hips firmly in place as her cock twitched and delivered another spurt of thick essence. Luna kept her own grip over the poor mare’s head and to Twilight’s surprise, she permitted Twilight to pry her muzzle away until only the thick blue head remained past her lips. Luna held Twilight’s head in place and her horn sparked faintly. Twilight fought to free her head as a pale aura wrapped around Luna’s now mostly exposed cock. As the captive Alicorn continued to twist and wriggle, Luna only grinned and moaned as she magically stroked herself. With a sudden hiss and a gasp, the Lunar Mistress shot a helping of her own spunk. Twilight felt and tasted the substance as it filled her cheeks. She opened her jaw to reject the fluid but was halted by the magic quickly flowing off of Luna’s twitching organ to her face. Twilight shut her eyes tight as Luna ordered her to swallow it. All of it.

“Thaaaats it, my little pony. Drink up. Good girl…” Luna whispered into a twitching ear, forcing Twilight to blush furiously. It dribbled down her chin, and puddled on the floor in front of her, but still more came! Burst after hot, sticky burst of bittersweet girlcum splattered against the back of Twilight’s throat and filled her belly. She gulped it down without question. Maybe, if she were a good girl, perhaps they would let her off with only this humiliation and nothing more. She glanced at the guards again, eyeing the pooling precum beneath their members nervously.

Twilight’s body went limp under the grip of the two sisters. Celestia remained fully buried in her marehood and Luna simply refused to allow her to escape the magical member and semen. Her eyes opened and with a muffled whine she slowly relaxed her throat and accepted her fate. Luna softly caressed her mane and gave her another, slightly smaller dose of enchanted cum. Twilight soundly gulped down the helping and looked up at the Alicorn in front of her with pleading eyes. Celestia gave her ear another nibbling as she gave the crimson bottom another firm hoof stroke.

“Now, my student,” Celestia said with the intensity of a horny sun. “Since you have a mouthful of cock, I won’t ask if you learned anything. Instead, I will tell you what you should have learned,”

Twilight whimpered and blushed from the words. She was still weak from the pounding and from her own orgasm, but the tone suggested that her body was to endure much more.

“Never, ever think for a moment that you will outrank me or my sister. We are always going to be above you. Every time you dare try to step higher will be met with us being on top of you. What happened tonight thus far was the prelude to what happens to rebels. I gave you the title and power that you hold; I won’t hesitate to put you in your place if I suspect for a moment that you forget who holds the reins and whip.”

Celestia nodded to Luna; who then slowly removed her cock from the sore muzzle. Luna dragged the still weeping cock along her lips and cheeks as Celestia went on.

“But also; consider this: somepony like you would know that actions have consequences. You must have known on some level that behaving like this, even in a dream; would invite our judgment. It did not have to be like this, my student. If you wanted to be used like a little slut then you only had to ask,”

Twilight’s cheeks burned as she was given another slap on the butt. Her face also tinted a shade of darker red.

“That's right little pony. You wear the saddle. We wield the crop. “Luna whispered quietly, tapping her hoof along Twilight’s crimson backside. As if the two princesses could not get enough of abusing her poor rear end, even in a dream.

“You see, Twilight” Celestia mused as she pulled her length free from the exhausted girl. “As observant as you are; I am much more so than you. You enjoyed being taken like a common whore. Oh yes, I can tell. I can see the twinkle of lust in your eyes. That spark of fire in your loins. You need this, and from what I know about dreams, and I’m sure my sister knows this as well; you could have easily stopped us,”

Twilight whimpered from the new rush of embarrassment.

“It is as my elder sister says” Luna coyly said as her cock continued to drag along Twilight’s face. “You could have ejected yourself from the dream at any moment. You could have woken up, could have jolted yourself into reality at your leisure. You could even do it now if you wanted. Instead, you are choosing to remain, be lectured, and feel my mighty meat glide along your face. You are choosing to submit to our wishes because you share them. It would be best, for now on; for you to humble yourself before us and ask to be used,”

Before Twilight could respond, Celestia gave her bottom another slap, even now delighting in the jostling jiggle the impact provided and the warm crimson that colored her purple rump.

“But since you did not do that; maybe this ‘lesson’ will assist you in the future!” Celesta said sharply.

Twilight shivered from the weight of the words and froze when her eyes took in the sight of the guards. The exhausted Alicorn was now very aware that she was being observed by very excited soldiers, with very erect cocks. Celestia’s horn glowed and she stepped down from the dias. Her magic gripped Twilight’s tail and dragged her along the floor, unceremoniously. She was permitted no dignity, no sense of modesty or respect. Simply a horny little filly who had become the plaything to royalty. Luna stepped ahead of them and nodded to the crowd. The lunar matron’s horn glowed and the floor trembled. The rattling of tiles resulted in all members of the audience to forget their idle discussions and focused solely on the purple pony in the center of the room. All eyes were on her soaked marehood, her stained lips and cheeks, and her glowing bottom. The weight of their hungry gazes somehow made the heat in both sets of cheeks burn hotter.

“Take your punishment, little filly,” Celestia whispered quietly, gesturing towards the guards. The guards who were looking at her with erections. Erections pointed at her. Twilight swallowed nervously, stealing a glance behind her at the princess. Celestia nodded, and repeated her gesture, pointing towards the clearing the guards had made. They had pulled themselves into a circle…

Twilight whimpered, but slowly stood up on shaky legs, and nervously hobbled towards the large circle of males who stood at attention for Equestria’s newest princess. She swallowed apprehensively, quite unsure she liked where this was all leading to, but her legs moved anyway. She was a good girl, always willing to do what her princess asked of her. She was a good girl who got hopelessly aroused by being bad and this? This was her punishment. Like Celestia said, it was her place to wear the saddle. It was Celestia’s to wield to crop. It was something she would never ever admit to enjoying, but just the thought of it made her tremble.

“This is punishment for trying to throw a coup, even in a dream. A punishment for thinking you could ever sit your behind on MY throne, a punishment for the false alarm. Calling the guards just to watch you get a paddling. Goodness, Twilight, I do hope you learn a lesson from all of this. Guards, you may begin,” Celestia called, watching in delight at the confusion that spread over Twilight’s features.

At first, she thought they had surrounded her so that she couldn’t escape. Another spanking perhaps? The guards might hold her down and take turns beating her already battered butt? No, the guards didn’t move to strike her (As much as Twilight hated to admit it, her bottom couldn’t stand another spanking quite so soon) Instead they all simply reached down, and wrapped their forelegs across their impressive members. Like a firing squad, Twilight suddenly understood, and squeaked when the first hot shot of precum splashes into her side.

They were aiming at her. She realized to her ultimate humliation. She was the target for their arousal. Fitting, she realized in defeat. She had caused it in the first place, after all. She squirmed and squealed, as more and more hot shots of pre splattered her from all sides and angles. She squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering in further humiliation. Were the guards all that hard just because of her? Really? Each and every throbbing erection just from watching the princesses have their way with her? Was she really so arousing that she’d given erections to the ENTIRE royal guard?

The poor filly blushed furiously, wriggling and squirming as slick shots of warm pre splashed across her lavender frame. Splatter after splatter of warm, musky stallion pre drenched her, and just when she thought all of this was disgusting, debasing, and surprisingly arousing; the first blast of actual cum hit her square on the nose.

The stallion in front of her was pumping his shaft like there was no tomorrow, and now, finally, his efforts bore fruit. He blasted the poor mare in front of him like a water hose. Squirt after squirt of fresh satisfaction coated across Twilight’s muzzle, and she whimpered in confusion. This was disgusting! It was so horribly sickening and awful. Like they were treating her like a common whore- not a prim and proper librarian. Why did she enjoy it so much? She shivered, finding herself opening her mouth, where she ‘accidently’ managed to catch a hot sticky shot of stallion cum. It trickled down her throat in creamy rivets, and she found herself forcing back a moan. She didn’t dare look at any of them. If she did, she might lose the last of her composure and start gyrating under the sticky assault. Instead, she simply looked at the floor, whimpering bashfully as the next blast of stallion cum splashed along her face, right across her blushing cheeks.

But they knew anyway. The stallions knew how much she enjoyed it, as did Celestia and Luna, and everyone in the room. She was Canterlot’s little magic slut and it showed. Each burst of horse cum that landed on her brought with it a low murmur of pleasure from Twilight. Shot after shot, between her wings, her hips, cutie-mark, side's, face. All of it was covered in hot sticky stallion cum, and just when Twilight thought it couldn’t get any worse (or better) She felt the prickling sensation of magic wrapping around her tail, and lifting her up off the ground, openly presenting her bottom to the room.

“You missed a spot,” Celestia cooed in a sing-song voice. The stallions did not miss. The wide target of Twilight’s purple bum was almost instantly covered in hot blasts of sticky seed. She shivered and shuddered, whimpering in growing arousal. With every shot of heated gel landing on her cheeks, Twilight felt the tingles of arousal slowly surging back to the top. The hot stinging slaps to her rump had been replaced by an erotic tingle, that was only enhanced by the hot shots of cum dribbling down her cheeks and caressing her dewy flower. She was soaked. Again

A wet and sticky mess, the little pony was deposited to the floor, soaked and sputtering, and once again quivering with arousal. Her freshly spanked bottom tingled, her coat was drenched in hot cum, and she reeked of arousal, both her own, the princesses, and a dozen or so horny stallions. In short, Twilight was exhausted. She barely had the strength to stand, let alone look up at the diabolical grins that gazed down at her from Celestia and Luna.

“Now Twilight...who wields the crop?” Celestia asked smugly, beaming a smile down at her defeated usurper. Twilight gave a little whimper, feeling that tiny spark of arousal inside of her growing into a flickering flame.

“Y-You do, your highness,” she squeaked nervously. Celestia grinned. Behind her, Luna had opted to busy herself with Twilight’s vulnerable, well punished posterior. She idly massaged her hooves over it, twirling them about in the sticky mess of her fur while she loomed over the newest princess.

“And who wears the saddle?” Luna asked with that same smug tone. The princesses knew who was in charge, a lesson Twilight would not soon forget.

“I wear the saddle, your highness,” The girl squeaked, feeling more and more like a helpless filly in the wake of the teasing words and skillful humiliation. She’d never been knocked down a peg like she had been tonight. Made to be a royal fucktoy, spanked and punished, and forced to orgasm from being violated by two all-powerful Alicorns. It was exhilarating. So much so, that she could barely focus. Her mind was growing hazy with lust, and the world seemed to spin around her. The gleaming grins of Celestia and Luna were all she could remember as fatigue took hold of her, and the last of her energy dissipated into a tired little sigh. She felt like she could sleep forever. Just curl up in the warm puddle of stallion spunk and pass out. She’d never been fucked so hard before and her body rebelled at the idea of remaining awake a moment longer. She simply could not go another round even if she’d wanted to.

The princesses must have noticed this, for Luna trotted around to her front and leaned down to lift her head quietly.

“Let this be a lesson to you, Twilight. My realm. My rules,” Luna purred, which was the last thing Twilight could remember before she found herself being sucked into a spiraling darkness.

* * * * *

Soaked in sweat and gasping for air, Twilight jerked awake in her bed with the sheets twisted around her legs. A dream. It had all been a dream. An arousing, vivid, insanely detailed dream, but a dream nonetheless. Her bottom had not been the target of several horny stallions or the princesses hooves. She’d not been spit-roasted in front of the Canterlot Royal Guard. She had not been covered in hot, sticky semen. She had not had her little maresex ruthlessly penetrated by Celestia. She’d been dreaming the entire thing. Between her legs was a stain of arousal deeply soaked into her sheets. She blushed heavily and shifted her hips, contemplating the previous events of the night.

It had simply been a dream...right? It wasn’t as if Luna had actually crept into her personal, private thoughts and told them to Celestia. She hadn’t had one of her deepest, darkest fantasies come true, had she? She wasn’t taken by her very own princess in the throes of senseless lust. She hadn’t been attempting a coup of Canterlot Castle. It was all just a silly dream.

And still, Twilight found her hooves drifting down under the covers to rest between her thighs. A dream, yes, but a hopelessly arousing dream. She shivered at her touch, closing her eyes with a tiny whimper as the sensation of her hooves gliding against her privates draw a moan from her lips. By Faust above was she sensitive. It wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge. Sadly, her rump didn’t tingle from the overdue spanking she’d been given in her fantasies, but she could manage without it. The poor filly rolled onto her side, crinkling the sheets underneath her with her personal desires. She didn’t have a choice in the matter. The dream had riled her up to a point where this was not an option. If she wanted to get started with her day she simply had to masturbate!! Of course, her orgasm couldn’t come close to the one she had in her dream, but she had to try. Biting at her lower lip, and grinding her hooves between her legs, Twilight crooned helplessly as she pleasured herself.

“Oh...y-you do need a spanking, you naughty filly…” the pony whispered, rocking her hips back and forth with her hooves pressing firmly into her wetness. She’d never been so aroused before, just after waking up. Never had the little junction between her thighs demand her attention as it did now. Normally, Twilight would never succumb to these naughty filly fantasies of hers, but something about this dream, in particular, drove her distinctly to depths of debauchery she’d never before felt the urge to indulge. She didn’t know why, but the pleasure mounted quickly, and a few short strokes of her hooves around her perky purple clit was all it took for Twilight to add to the slick mess already dampening her sheets. She’d never cum so fast before, and never quite so hard under the power of her own hooves. It was mind numbing bliss that cradled her warmly like the blankets of her bed.

Her breath caught in her throat and she squealed in pleasure, rocking helplessly as her orgasm left her squirting her filly fluids all over the sheets between her legs. She absolutely drenched them in her honey, and she threw her head back with a blissful sigh of relief. That felt good. That felt really really good. With her eyes crossed and her tongue lolling out, the little alicorn slumped back in her bed, whimpering quietly.

“Twilight?” A voice barked from downstairs. Twilight opened a bleary eye and glanced at the door. Slowly it opened, and a little purple dragon poked his head in with a confused look on his face.

“Heeeeey Spike.” Twilight cooed, a lazy drunken grin of pleasure drifting over her lips. She felt good. Really, really, really good. It was as if part of her was still somehow asleep, reliving the experience again and again and again. Her early orgasm only served to strengthen that link between the dream and reality. She did her best to lift herself up into a sitting position and smiled impishly.

“Uh, hey. Good morning. The princess sent a letter.” Spike said, holding up a rolled up scroll of parchment. Twilight gave her head a languid little nod and slumped back into her sheets. They were so soft and so warm. Spike slowly unfurled the scroll and began reading whatever it was the Princess wanted from her.

Dear Princess Twilight
I hope this letter finds you well. As a newly crowned princess, I believe it wise for you to brush up on laws in regards to governing the citizens of your kingdom. You must take into consideration taxes, bills, laws, and other various forms of diplomacy to win the hearts of your citizens. Keep in mind Twilight that with this new power comes a host of responsibilities, along with new concerns. If you require any help at all, please let me know how I can be of service. It is my duty, and honor to mentor and instruct you upon this new path in your life. If you ever need anything, advice, comfort or even ‘correction’ I’ am here for you. I will guide you on your journey, and help you become to best Princess you can be. That includes remaining humble. After all, we wouldn’t want a repeat of last night, now would we? ”

PRINCESS Celestia.