Family Business

by Darth Severus

First published

Saddle Arabia is being terrorized by the visious Mafia known as "The Herd" The RED Team is busy with fighting the BLU Team, but a certain mother/daughter team refuses to let such atrocities go unpunished.

During their years as mercenaries working for RED, Rarity and Rainbow Dash have kept a big secret from their team. Rarity is actually Rainbow Dash's mother! When the news was first revealed to Rainbow Dash, she took it as a bad attempt at a prank, but then realized Rarity is not the type to joke around with something as serious as that. The two then started working together much more often, even more than with the others. During a break from beating the crap out of BLU, the two of them saw a news report live from Saddle Arabia. It showed ponies being executed brutally by a Mafia known as "The Herd." The two looked at each other and knew they had to stop this. Despite their teammates' disapproval and refusal to help, they set out anyway.

Meet the Family

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As the battle raged on the field, Rarity and Rainbow Dash stood side by side, looking over the mayhem. They looked at each other and nodded. Rarity cloaked and Rainbow Dash took out flying over the bridge. The two met up again in the sewers of the BLU base, where Rainbow Dash told Rarity, "They got a sentry up there!" to which Rarity smiled and cloaked, sapping the Sentry and backstabbing the Engie Pie with it. Rainbow Dash made her way into the BLU base and met up with their Big Mac. She flew in circles around him, hitting him with her bat as he fired at her, missing every shot because of her speed. As he ran out of ammo, he saw Rarity holding her revolver at his head. As Rarity dealt with the Heavy Mac, Rainbow Dash made her way down to the Intelligence Room. She grabbed the briefcase and put it on her back saying, "Wave goodbye to your secret crap, dumb ass!"

As she made her way back up and towards the RED Base, the BLU's heard Celestia's voice over the speakers, which said, "Alert, the enemy has taken our intelligence."

The BLU ponies rushed back into the base and ran over to a BLU Fluttersniper, who meekly said, "To the left!" The other ponies followed her directions yelling battle cries and swears. Rainbow Dash, who had been hiding behind the wall next to the door leading to her escape heard a gun drop in front of the door, and she peeked her head out, seeing the BLU Fluttersniper.

The two stared at each other with an awkward silence before Rainbow Dash stuttered, "I-I don't even know-"

Suddenly, the Fluttersniper started giggling and Rainbow Dash held back her own laughter as the Fluttersniper turned into Rarity, who looked slightly insulted saying "Did you forget about moi!?"

Rainbow Dash laughed saying "Ah come on Rare, what the hell was-" before being interrupted by BLU's realizing their deception.

Rarity smiled and said "Shall we darling?"

As the two ran back to the RED Base, Rainbow made her way into their own Intelligence Room, Celestia's voice said "Success, we have captured the enemy's intelligence." She met back up with Rarity and the two hoof bumped.

When the day was over, Rarity was brushing Rainbow Dash's mane, much to the mare's dismay. Rainbow Dash whined saying "Ma, I'm not a filly anymore!"

Rarity rolled her eyes and said, "Could have fooled me." Rainbow Dash's aunt, Sweetie Belle, giggled at her niece, who was much older than her, whining like a little filly. Rarity shot a glare at her sister and said, "Don't think you're missing out on this young lady. You may be an aunt, but you're still a filly, and you're not exempt from proper grooming."

Rainbow Dash chuckled and said, "Looks like I'm not the only one being treated like a filly." As her mother finished her mane, she got up and grabbed a soda out of the fridge as Rarity started working on her little sister. While she was getting her soda she heard screams of pain and her mother swearing in French. She looked over and chuckled at her aunt in her mother's lap.

As Rarity had given up on Sweetie Belle for now, she went into her smoking room and lit a cigarette before putting it in a holder. She opened up a book and started reading. Soon enough, the door knocked and she said uncharacteristically brutish, "Go away" until the door opened, revealing her rainbow maned daughter. She sighed, placing a bookmark in her book and saying, "What is it dear? Unless Derpy is with Sweetie and her friends again, you know not to bother me."

Rainbow said, "Uh... this is a little more important than Derpy trying to train Sweetie into a Soldier ma." She led her mother into her room where the TV was paused. When Rainbow Dash resumed it, it was a new report.

A mare speaking in Saddle Arabian said "And our final report for the night, yet another public execution at the hooves of "The Herd," a vicious Mafia family that has been terrorizing Saddle Arabia for the past six weeks. Mares, if your fillies are watching, shield their eyes, as we have video footage of the brutal execution of innocent civilians." The news mare cut away to video footage of innocent stallions, mares, and even fillies and colts being shot down in cold blood by a group of ponies.

Rarity's cigarette holder fell out of her mouth, gaping in shock. Rainbow Dash gripped her soda can angrily saying "That ain't right, they didn't even do anything wrong! Those fucking bastards! Killing fillies and colts like that!" She had been so mad she didn't even notice that she had crushed the soda in her hooves.

Rarity picked up her cigarette holder with her magic and said, "I don't like you using such language, but I can't disagree. Those poor ponies didn't deserve to die like that.... We can't just stand by like this!"

Rainbow Dash threw her crushed can in the trash and said, "Come on ma, let's get the others, we may be good, but we can't do it on our own." The two trotted to their friends and explained the situation, but to their shock, they all refused.

Twilight told them, "We have more important things to deal with than a mafia."

To which Big Mac replied, "Eeyup."

Spike said muffled through his mask, "Normally I'd agree to help, but Twilight's right, we've already got too much on our plate." Much to Rainbow Dash's surprise, Spike refused to help Rarity.

Applejack said to them, "Ah've gotta admit, it ain't right t' kill fillies and colts for no reason, heck, it ain't right t' kill 'em in general, b' we can't just up an' leave the base unprotected."

The two went back to their room fuming, not understanding why their friends refused to help them. Would they really just sit back and allow more ponies to be brutally murdered? Rainbow Dash didn't even touch the soda she had opened, trying to think of a way to convince their friends to help them. She had an idea and said, "Maybe if we show them the news report?"

Rarity stewed her daughter's suggestion over for a moment, "Even if we did, I still don't think they would change their opinion. As much as I hate to say it, there's nothing we can do..." she said exhaling smoke with an exasperated sigh.

Rainbow Dash took her soda and chugged it down quickly, crushing the can afterwards. "We can't just give up, if they won't help us, we'll just do it ourselves!"

Rarity looked at her daughter as if she had lost her mind, "Are you insane!? We'd never be able to take down an entire mob! And if you try to go do it yourself, I will drag your flank back here and give it some much needed discipline!" she said fuming off, even though she knew her daughter was right.

Rainbow's Trick

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It had been three days since Rainbow had shown her mother Rarity the shocking news report from Saddle Arabia. She decided that if her mother won't help those innocent ponies, she would. She walked through the base up until she found Pinkie and asked her, "Hey Pinkie, I need a favor."

Pinkie looked up from her work table and asked, "What's up Dashie?"

She whispered to her, "I need a teleporter to get to Saddle Arabia. This stays between the two of us, don't tell anyone."

Pinkie sighed, "You're still mad about that mafia family, ain't you? Fine, let me get it set up." before going to work getting the teleporter ready, "Just be careful out there. Take this." before handing her a small button. "Press this button if you ever need help, I've got sentry bots everywhere, they'll help."

Rainbow Dash hugged her and said, "Thanks Pinkie." before stepping on the teleporter and heading to Saddle Arabia.

A few hours later...

Rarity was gathered with the other members of the team and asked, "Has anyone seen Dash? She's been gone all day."

None of the others knew where Dash had gone, but Pinkie was getting nervous. When Rarity looked over to her, she cried out, "Ok! I confess! I helped her get to Saddle Arabia!"

Rarity sighed, "I'm going after her. Take me to the teleporter Pinkie."

Pinkie explained, "It's not that simple Rare, the teleporter broke down right after she left, it was a one way trip."

Rarity's eye twitched in anger, "What!? You sent her all alone with no way back!?"

Pinkie whimpered, "Sh-She was just so angry with that mafia thing... I couldn't bring myself to say no..."

Twilight spoke up and said, "She's stubborn, but we can't just leave her on her own. Let's get ready, we're heading out to help."

As everyone started getting ready to go after Rainbow Dash, Rarity was furious at her daughter for not listening to her. She met up with the others and said, "Before we go, I need to tell all of you something important." when the others sat down to listen, she told them, "Rainbow Dash is my daughter. We've been hiding it from you for months, but it's the truth. I specifically told her not to go to Saddle Arabia on her own, and she didn't listen. I will never be able to sleep at night if she gets hurt, or worse. I'm thanking all of you now, let's go get my daughter back."

The others had questions, but put them aside in order to get on the teleporter. After each of them got on the teleporter, they were suddenly in an alleyway in Saddle Arabia.

When they arrived, Applejack wondered where they could find Dash, "Dashie's been here longer than us. How are we going to find her?"

The sound of gunshots answered that question for them, and they ran towards the sound of gunfire to find Rainbow Dash shooting at stallions in suits that had a logo around the front left sleeve. When Rainbow saw her mother and friends, she gulped but said, "Hey, are you gonna stand there and catch flies or help!?"

Rarity cloaked herself and quickly stabbed the captain of the thugs in the back. Without their captain, the others quickly fled. Rarity walked up to Rainbow Dash, slowly, obviously angry with her disobedient daughter. She stopped in front of her and said calmly, "I told you not to come, and I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me."

Rainbow Dash quickly jumped in the air, trying to fly away, only for Applejack to throw a lasso at her, just barely catching her and pulling her to the ground with her wings constricted. She told Rainbow, "I understand how ya' feel Dash, but you should know what happens when you don't listen to your parents."

Rainbow's eyes widened and asked her mother, "You told them!? What was the point of keeping it a secret if you were going to tell them!?"

Rarity straightened her scarf and said, "I only told them because I needed to set the record straight about why I was so upset you disobeyed me." before looking to Applejack and smiled, "Thank you for the help Applejack." before walking up to her daughter and started spanking her, all while the others were watching and giggling.

As Rarity took the rope off her, Rainbow Dash grumbled, "Thanks for embarrassing me in front of the whole gang mom."

Rarity sighed, "Honey, I know you have a good heart, so I can't be completely angry at you, but you disobeyed your mother. I was worried sick about you."

Rainbow Dash sighed, "I'm sorry ma, I understand how worried you must have been." before looking to Pinkie Pie, "Since we didn't make a Pinkie Pie Promise, I can't get that upset, but why'd you have to tell everyone?"

Pinkie gulped, "I crack under pressure! I'm not good at secrets and you know it!"

Rainbow Dash hated to admit it, but Pinkie had a point, she was never good at keeping secrets, and sighed, "Well, if you're all here, I guess my mom convinced you to help me out here?"

Big Mac nodded, "Eyup."

Twilight adjusted her glasses and said, "In all honesty, we all wanted to help from the beginning, but we believed our work was more important. But we've always fought to protect the innocent. I'm ashamed of myself for thinking our work was more important than the lives of so many innocent ponies. We're here for you Dashie."

And so the family secret is out, the whole team now knows that Rarity is Rainbow Dash's mother. While Rarity was upset with her daughter for disobeying her and making her worried sick, she knows she would have done the same thing. Now, the team is in Saddle Arabia and will work together to destroy the murderous Mafia family known as 'The Herd.' Will they be able to take down the family known for its sheer brutality and secrecy?

Find out in the next chapter!