Let Us Out

by Billy G Gruff

First published

Pinkie Pie wakes up in her room to find that her room has been sealed shut by magic. Twilight and her friends are outside her door, telling her that everything will be fine.

Pinkie Pie felt a bit drowsy and disoriented when she woke up in the morning. She soon found out that her doors and windows were sealed by magic. Twilight and her friends had put her there for some reason, and they wouldn't tell her why. They just wanted her to trust them and know that everything is going to be fine.

Cover art done drawn by yours truly for this fic: http://billyggruff.deviantart.com/art/Spoopy-Pinkie-674879131?ga_submit_new=10%3A1492198688

Let us out

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Boy, it did not feel like I got any sleep at all. It was so hard to even move my hooves, but the sun was shining so that meant everypony was up and about already! I'm sure Mrs. Cake would like me to bake up a few batches of cupcakes for her customers before the morning rush really gets going. I do work for the mare after all, gotta give it my all to help her out. She's given me this nice room to stay in and this comfy bed to sleep in with Gummy, I can't let her down by not getting those cupcakes done. Where is Gummy anyway? He's usually nomming on some part of my body like my head, or my mane, or my ears, or my hooves, or my back, or anywhere else he could get his cute little maw around. I love Gummy so much, I wonder where he got off too?

"Where ya hiding Gummy?"

Woof my voice sounded tired. Did I sleep on the wrong side of the bed or what? It felt like I didn't sleep at all last night. Did I sleep at all last night? I don't remember dreaming, and I usually have super awesome fun dreams! Now that I think about it I don't really remember getting in bed yesterday either. When did I go to bed last night? I don't think I stayed up all night partying cause I would have remembered that! What happened yesterday to make me so sleepy today though?

"Gummy?" Woah, I think I got up a bit too quickly there. My head feels all woosy from going from laying down to sitting up and the room feels like its spinning a bit. I haven't felt this tired before. I'm sure Mrs. Cake will understand if I'm not feeling up to it. My body flopped back down on the bed and I tried to close my eyes, but my mind was all racing with thoughts now. Some of it was about Gummy, and some of it was why I was so tired? Normally I could just poof my mane right up, go get ready for the day and then make everypony smile. Right now I felt like my body was just begging me to get back under the covers, while my mind was telling me to get up and go downstairs. It was like a tug-of-war inside me not letting me go and do either. It was daytime though so I suppose I should listen to my mind.

"Oomph!" Oh gosh I'm a silly goose. I fell right out of bed trying to get up. I must be tired if I can't even get out of bed right. I blinked my eyes a few times to try and get them a bit focused and I peered underneath my bed for Gummy. Sometimes he liked to crawl under there. He didn't this time though. He wasn't in his little bed of his own either. Where was that little rascal? It took a whole lot of effort to stand on my hooves. My legs felt so weak and wobbly, it was weird! How much partying did I do yesterday? Oh wait, I didn't party yesterday, I would have remembered if I partied yesterday. Where's Gummy?

The walls looked like they were running away from me as I tried to walk closer to them. My depth perception was all so wonky and wobbly right now, it was like the whole world was inside a funhouse mirror! It would be funny if it didn't make my stomach feel a little queasy. Okay Pinkie, one hoof in front of the other, lets get to the door and get you into a nice hot shower. That will wake you right up! It took a few tries, but my hoof eventually managed to reach the handle. It wouldn't turn though. That's weird. It didn't even wiggle as I tried to turn it a little harder, it was just stuck in place like it was made of something really super strong! My head leaned against the door for support as I kept fiddling with the handle. It wasn't locked, the lock was on my side and it was in the unlocked position, so why couldn't I open up the door? I stuck my forehooves to the door and tried to pry it open, but the door felt just as hard as the lock. Weird.

"Hello? My doors stuck," Why was my voice so slurred and quiet sounding? It didn't sound like happy cheery Pinkie at all! Come on mare, get your head into the game, you got ponies to make happy!

There wasn't a response to what I said, but when I put my head to the door I could hear talking outside. It sounded like my friends, but they were all hushed and serious sounding. How silly of them being all secretive like that. I wonder what they were planning? Did they know where gummy was? Are they why I feel so tired? Maybe they can tell me what happened yesterday. I tried to knock on my door, but it took a bit to muster up a loud enough sound to get them to stop talking.

They were even more quiet with their whispering now. What's going on with them? Why do they sound so serious? What are they planning? I wanted to get out of this room but the door wouldn't let me go through even though it was unlocked. I managed to hit the door super hard this time but it didn't even budge. It made a loud thump though, loud enough to stop my friends whispering again. I did it again, hitting my hoof against the door as hard as I could so I could feel the reverberations against my cheek. It felt nice. The door didn't budge though. Of course it didn't, it opened inward. I can't hit the door open from this side, I'd have to pull on it. Silly me.

I could hear walking now, their hooves were clacking against hard floor as they got closer to my door. They were still whispering though. I couldn't hear them properly. It was making me kinda frustrated. I just wanted to go outside and talk to them about making cupcakes and finding where Gummy had gone off too. Where was Gummy anyway?

"Pinkie? Could you please step away from the door?"

"Twilight?" At least that's what I tried to say, it was kinda slurred like I had a bunch of cotton balls in my mouth. I thumped my head against the door in frustration. I was so sleepy, but I didn't want to go to bed again. It was morning. Morning is when I go downstairs and make cupcakes after I had a shower. Why wasn't the door opening?

"Pinkie! Please, stop banging on the door! It's me, Twilight!"

I looked at my hoof. It was pulled back as if to punch into the door at full force. That's weird, I was only trying to knock, why was I putting that much force behind it? I put my hoof back down on the floor and stood there on my wobbly legs, trying to keep myself balanced by putting my head against the door.

"I know this is confusing Pinkie, but I need you to trust me okay? Do you remember yesterday? Do you remember what we talked about?"

I felt Twilight jump back a bit after I thumped my head against the door. Okay maybe thumped wasn't the right word. Slammed? Why did I slam my head against the door so hard? It felt kinda nice though so I did it again, and whatever was making my door so hard started to wriggle and glisten in the sunlight. It was magic! Magic was keeping my door closed. It looked like Twilight's magic. Why was Twilight keeping me in my room? I'm not some foal I can go downstairs and make cupcakes and find gummy just like anypony else. Where is Gummy anyway?

Twilight was saying words again, but it didn't sound quite right this time. Her voice sounded super deep and kinda slow. Maybe she wasn't Twilight? No of course she's Twilight, I'm being silly. I tried to answer her but I was too tired to work up my voice to say anything. It took several deep breaths to center myself long enough to say a few words.

"Let us out."

"We ....all .... okay Pinkie? All your friends are here ... get this fixed." Her voice was warping in and out of being understandable. it hurt to focus on what she was saying. Why was she keeping me in here? Why was she holding the door closed with her magic? I wanted to go downstairs. I wanted to at least get out of this room to where they were. Get outside where the fresh air was. I looked over to my window and I got an idea. If I went out the window I could surprise my friends by sneaking up behind them! That'd be super silly, I bet they'd love that.

I fell down a couple times getting over to the windowsill, but it didn't hurt all that bad. I was so sleepy that pain just didn't seem to get to my noggin. That makes sense right? My hooves reached up and pulled my body up to its hind legs before I tried pushing the windows open. They didn't want to move either! That's just rude! I tapped my hoof against the window panes to see if they'd budge with some prodding. Oh wait that's not tapping, I was bashing my hooves into the window. That's the word I was looking for. Silly goose.

The window didn't crack though, no matter how many times my hooves hit the window it just bounced off of Twilight's magic. She was starting to irritate me now. Why was she keeping me in my room? Why didn't she want me to go outside? I wanted to go and see the ponies. Nopony was wandering about in the morning sunlight. Maybe they were still sleeping? Did they know where Gummy went off too? I started feeling anxious. my hooves stuck to the wall as I started to walk around my room. It was fun to see my little enclosed area from all different angles as I scurried about the walls and ceiling. I seemed to be able to pick up more momentum like this. I wasn't walking right though, something was weird. My belly was facing outwards towards the floor, and my legs were all twisted and contorted so they were crawling about like a spider or some other crawly thing. My body has always been stretchy though, so I guess its not too weird right? Look? I can even stretch my neck all the way across the room to the other side!

Wait, if they sealed off the doors and the window, did they seal up the walls too? although I was still so sleepy, I lifted my hoof from off of the corner my body was pressed against and stretched my foreleg super long, much faster than I could before! My hoof became kinda pointy for some reason, and it struck into the wall like an arrow instead of a hoof. Magic rippled out from the wall, stopping my new pointy hoof in its tracks, but it did leave a little crack in the wall before it did though. Progress!

voices were getting louder outside, buzzing with activity as several sets of hooves ran off to do who knows what. What were they doing out there? Twilight was trying to say something to me, really loudly, but I didn't quite get what she was trying to say. It sounded kinda backwards and jumbled up. Was she even speaking Equestrian? I stretched my mouth open super wide, as wide as it got when I was going to eat a whole cake whole and I yelled out to her how I didn't understand, how she needed to talk normally. Except I didn't quite say that, no I said the thing I said before instead of that.

"let us out!"

My stomach was feeling so queasy, but I didn't want to throw up yet. I wanted to go outside and get a shower, then I could throw up.

"Pinkie... Please, if ... hear ..., just try to hold...okay?"

I plopped to the floor from the ceiling and made my self really flat. Like not just kinda flat like when you lay down on your bed, I mean like really flat like when your bones aren't all stiff. I thought maybe I could squeeze through that little crack under the door. That didn't have any seal on it right? I moved my flattened hoof forward, letting it slither about like a party streamer as it tried to snake its way through the crack. A sudden burst of pain shot into my foot as a bright light flashed behind the door. Twilight zapped me! There was some movement and the gap was blocked off by some kind of fabric. I tried to do it again, this time sending a bunch of hooves, more than I thought i had, underneath the gap. The towel she had put down was now just as hard and immovable as anything else.

We screamed in frustration. It was so loud in my ears as my mouth stretched super wide again, and our voices were both so high pitched and so deep at the same time. So weird! Pointy hooves cracked that wall a bit though, so maybe if I used something even thinner and pointier I could get through. Then I could give Twilight a piece of my mind for locking me up like this. My mane stretched and separated before each strand turned into a little drill. The sounds of them spinning about sounded so nice to my ears, so nice I screamed out again to get Twilight's attention.

"Let us out!"

I could tell Twilight was straining to hold me back as my myriad strands of hair machine gunned into the wall, leaving little marks and cracks in their wake. She sounded like she was laughing behind the door. Laughing, or sobbing, one of the two. I wasn't exactly sure which, her voice sounded so weird to me. Was it even Twilight? Maybe it was a changeling? Maybe the changelings were trying to capture me? Wait no the changelings are good guys now. What if they were evil though? What if they were just pretending to be good to get us to lower our guard? Oh look a hole!

Twilight was standing in front of it and she fired her horn off at me. I split my head in half and let it pass through to the opposite side of the wall. Silly Twilight, you can't hit someones noggin when they can cut their noggin in two. Now that it was split in half I felt like I should have teeth there, so I did! rows and rows of teeth grew out between the split of my head and wrapped into my original smile. My tongue decided to join the fun, growing many different branching tongues of its own. Baby tongues! Twig Tongues! They erupted from inside of my new head mouth and tried to nab Twilight and stop her from shooting those nasty magic spells at me. It was rude! I nearly gripped Twilight but she managed to shield herself. No, it wasn't her, it was Starlight. She was there too. I didn't notice her there before. I wanted to get a closer look at her, but that meant I needed to get through that hole. Starlight stopped me though. My tongue had a jolt of pain as she used something to chop into it, looked like a knife or something. The meanie! It healed up in my mouth well enough, but you don't use knives on your friends!

Something went into the hole too quickly though, and it was reinforced by magic before I could slam my face through it. Ugh, this is so frustrating. They could at least tell me where Gummy is! My body stopped stretching about and reshaped into my normal form, and I just floated there in the room for a minute staring off into the door, bouncing about the room super slowly like a balloon that didn't quite have enough air to keep flying higher and higher. It was so boring in here but I wanted to stay quiet and still. Maybe Starlight and Twilight will lower their guards if I stay quiet, and I could use that chance to get out. They were being mean! They hurt me with a knife. Maybe I should hurt them? They hurt me after all, it'd only be fair.

My mind remembered that glass shattered if you screamed at a specific frequency. Could that affect the glass on the window if I did that? I tried it, my mouth suddenly stretching wide as I floated there upside down, breaking the silence with a ear piercing screech mixed with a deep rumbling bass. The whole house was shaking with the sound of my voice, which was neat! I could hear a bunch of other glasses, windows and china shattering downstairs, but the window in my room was staying pretty resolute thanks to Twilight's magic. I screamed even louder, expanding my chest far beyond their normal size so I could continue getting even louder. I even saw the windows of other ponies houses shattering now from outside my window. At least until Starlight ruined the fun by adding her magic into it and silencing off my room. I'm not sure how I knew what that spell was. I don't think I read it in a book. I want to bake some cupcakes. Its morning time and I'm supposed to do my job.

Ponyville was empty. I noticed that as I was screaming. The sounds that had come back had told me all the houses were empty except this one. Even my other friends had left. Where did they run off too? Did they leave me behind? Did they not love me anymore? We're friends. Why am I stuck inside this room? I want to get out. We want to get out so badly. We want to see ponies again. Why wont they let us out.

I needed to see how to get out of here. I needed to see but I only had two eyes. What if I had more eyes? I focused on the two I did have and I made them stretch like other parts of my body. My vision became a fun little kaleidoscope as it began to the two jelly like things split and morphed into branching eyes of their own. They made wet squishy noises the more they stretched and moved around, which I thought was pretty funny to listen to. I used my ever expanding field of vision to look around my room and out the window. It was weird that I've never done this before. Could I do that before? I'm not sure? Each of my probing eyes that branched out of my sockets grew little sharp feelers that poked about the room. I'm sure I could find a way out of this room if I could find a weak spot in this shield magic.

The eye things I had at the window (eye tentacles I guess?) spotted something, and the rest of the branching stretched eyes all reacted and looked that way too. The princesses were coming. Three of them, Celestia, Cadence, and Luna. I felt angry all of a sudden. I'm not sure why. I liked the princesses. My branching eye stalks slurped back into my head as my rage, no that's not the right word, our rage broiled to the surface. I attacked out at everything I could in a fit of furry. My body stretched and branched in all directions, forming mouths and eyes and sharp spears, all manner of things as I tore into everything I possessed like a whirlwind. No matter how many things I broke or bit into I couldn't break the walls or anywhere else that Twilight and Starlight kept shielded. I needed to get out! I needed to flee before they get here. Why was I running from the princesses? Everything was so confusing.

"Its going... so sorry...." Starlight's voice drew my attention now. She had let the silencing aspect of the barrier down and was speaking through the door. I could hear Twilight and the sisters talking to each other now. They were preparing too coming inside. I don't have much time left. I need to get away before they get me. We haven't even got to see a lot of ponies yet.

The door burst open, and I tried to get as much of myself as I could through before they got a hold of me. Five different magical energies enveloped my body, in a force field. No matter how I twisted or contorted my body, I couldn't seem to break through, though I did manage to stretch it to its limits. I screamed and raged as I thrashed against their magic as they held me down on the ground. I tried stabbing them, biting them, kicking them, any manner of attacks. I wasn't even sure why I was doing it. They are all my friends. Why are they trying to hurt me?

They were all standing around me now, speaking in sync with each other, even though I couldn't understand what they were saying. It made me feel so nauseous. Nauseous when I wasn't supposed to be. We were supposed to be nauseous and release our black smoke when there were a lot of ponies to breath it in. That is our purpose, and the princesses were ruining it.

As their chanting went on, little shards of memory began to fall into place in my head, memories that made me feel a bit scared all of a sudden.

Starlight had invited me over to the castle to help her out with some magic. I of course agreed because Starlight was my friend. When we had casted the spell however this Smoke that was kinda goopy ended up rising up from the cauldron we were taking turns stirring and it had all pushed its way into my nose and mouth and ears. It was so painful when it happened, but I couldn't scream because it just kept pouring down my throat. Starlight was scared too, she didn't think the potion thing she was working on was going to do what it did.

"What did you do to Pinkie! I told you not to use the potions from this book! Why didn't you listen to me Starlight? I thought you understood!" Twilight was so mad at Starlight. Starlight had told me not to tell Twilight that she was trying the potion recipes in the spell book. They were restricted and it had made Starlight so curious, and she thought I'd be a perfect helper cause I like to keep promises.

"Dear Celestia, You used the Arabus recipe? Do you know the Zebra whom made this spell did it so he could make ponies kill each other? If Pinkie gets a chance to be in a big enough crowd she'll die a horrible death, releasing a smoke that turns every single pony into carriers, and start an epidemic across Equestria! How could you do this Starlight?! What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know this would happen! I'll do anything to help fix this! Please let me fix this!" Starlight sure did sound sorry, but that didn't help ease the terrible pain i felt in my body as the smoke worked itself into my mind and body. I could feel the smokes thoughts mingling with my own until they started to sound like my own thoughts. It was getting harder and harder to tell the difference.

The conversation got a bit fuzzy after that, but I do remember that they needed me in my room so I could stay calm as long as I could, calm enough to give them time to prepare. The princesses were going to find a cure, which was nice, maybe they'd help save me. I told them to get everypony out of the town, and to keep Gummy safe for me. So that's where Gummy went. I'm so glad he isn't here to see this. I wouldn't want him to see me like this. He's a good Gater.

"Release us! Vile wretches! We are Arabus! We will not be contained!" Our voice was so loud, it was shaking the house! Their magic was keeping my body down, forcing me to retain my pony shape as I writhed about on the ground. They all looked terrified as they were staring down at me, banging my head against the floor like a jack hammer and trying to get out of their magical grasp. My stomach was so full, and it was just getting bigger as black smoke collected inside me. It wasn't the crowd we wanted, but maybe we could get the Princesses to spread us around Equestria instead?

Black smoke flooded out of my eyes, nose, mouth, and ears and tried to get at the ponies around me, but they seemed to be ready for this. All my smoke was getting collected into a sphere, and I couldn't stop the flow of it now. We tried to hurt myself in retaliation, We would hurt one pony at least if nothing else. It wasn't fair they let us out only to push us back into the depths of Tartarus without any fun. We couldn't move however, the combined power holding us down was simply too much, and our power was seeping away from Pinkie with each passing second the smoke flooded out of her. At least she'd die without us.

I felt so tired as Arabus left me. My vision was so foggy as I tried to focus on any face that was closest. It was out of my body now, and now that it was I hurt so much. It had made my body do things it was never meant to do, and it made me want to go to sleep so badly. My friends voices were so muffled and distant as sleep called for me. I know it's daytime, but I'm sure they'd understand if I am not feeling up for staying awake.

Hopefully they can find a nice home for Gummy.