
by DrakeyC

First published

Shining Armor pulls Sunset over. She'll do anything to get out of the ticket. Anything.

Nothing calms Sunset Shimmer down like a motorcycle ride, especially late at night on the back roads where she can go as fast as she likes. At least, until a cop pulls her over for speeding and reckless driving.

Faced with losing her license over her repeated infractions, Sunset has to get out of this without getting a ticket. And she's only got one idea to that end.

She's just lucky the cop that happened to pull her over is receptive to her suggestion.

Pre-read by MythrilMoth and RTStephens


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Sunset smiled as the wind whipped her jacket out behind her, the warm night air billowing her tank top out under the garment. The road on the outskirts of town were empty, no light but for the moon and bulb at the front of her motorcycle on the asphalt. She revved the engine and sped up, her speedometer needle wiggling as it edged up over 80, then 90. Should ease it up… fuck it. No one else is out here. She shook her head to get her hair out of her eyes, the wind keeping it swept back.

A week’s worth of classes including two midterm exams, three failed blind dates, one of which was an utter disaster, and helping Rarity move. Monday through Saturday morning had been total hell. Now, in the wee early morning hours of Sunday after midnight, Sunset was free. She’d grabbed her keys and headed out for a long drive, not caring where she was going or when she’d be home.

Riding her motorcycle aimlessly was better than any stress ball; the only thing that eased her more than a good ride was a good screw, and her string of bad dates had promised the second wasn’t likely to soon happen, short of calling up some random guy from one of her classes and inviting him over. But Sunset had higher standards than asking a guy for a one-night stand just because she hadn’t gotten laid in almost a month. Her hands tightened on the handlebars at the thought and she focused on the vibrations of the motor running up her jeans into her hips and torso.

Yes, a good motorcycle trip indeed.

A siren filled Sunset’s ears and she looked down at her side mirror to see red and blue flashing lights behind her. Fuck. Sunset grit her teeth and began to slow down. What the hell was some random squad car doing in the middle of nowhere at this time of night? Of all the rotten luck in the world, why did she have to be caught speeding in what was statistically the best time to get away with it.

When she had slowed to a safe enough speed, Sunset pulled into a strip of dirt road running alongside the highway. She braked, swinging the bike around to kill its momentum and sending stones and dirt flying in the process. The cop car pulled in behind her and stopped and she heard the door open and close. Sunset squinted into the headlights of the car as the driver approached her. When he was close enough to catch the light from her headlight she could make out the features. Broad shoulders, nicely shaped jaw with good cheeks. Blue hair, long enough to style but short enough to be professional. He looked a couple years older than her, maybe late twenties.

Sunset took a breath. She knew what would be coming, and she’d have to play her cards right if she wanted to leave the site under her own power – and with her own vehicle.

“Good evening, miss.”

“Hi, officer.” Sunset feigned innocence and smiled. “Late night?”

“Your license, please.”

“Sure.” Sunset reached into her pocket for her wallet and pulled her license out. She held it out with a smile. “Everything okay?”

“Mind telling me what you’re doing riding that bike without a helmet?”

As the officer spoke and leaned forward slightly to take Sunset’s license, she caught sight of his left hand; specifically, the ring finger, and a band of skin around it that was just a bit lighter than the rest.

“Forgot it at home, sorry.” Sunset shrugged. “I should know better, but I’ve had a rough week and just wanted to go for a drive.”

The office absent-mindedly nodded and looked at her license. “Be right back.” He turned and headed back to his squad car.

Sunset watched him go and took a breath. No wedding ring, but he’s worn one before. Way too young to be a widower and he’d probably still be wearing it if that was it. Separation or divorce, then. Single. She tilted her mirror to check her reflection. Time to turn on the charm and hope he was lonely enough to let the pretty girl go without a ticket.

A minute later he came back. “Says you’ve got three outstanding tickets from the last three months, all speeding and reckless driving.”

Sunset sighed. “I’m trying to pay them off, but I’m strapped for cash in college and this is the only way I have to get around.”

“Could bus it.”

“They don’t run where I live and it’s a thirty-minute trip from the closest stop anyway.”

“Not an excuse for driving in the middle of the night without a helmet. Not to mention going over one-hundred miles an hour.”

“I was barely doing ninety.” Sunset bit her cheek as she realized what just happened.

“Really? I had guessed seventy-five.” The cop smirked. “Speeding and reckless driving. Again.” He pulled out his ticket pad and began to write.

Sunset swallowed a curse. Time to pour it on. “Officer, please, I’m just trying to let off some steam after a bad week. You’ve got one of the most stressful jobs in the world, you know how it is, right?”

“I do. But I don’t go out joyriding like this.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “If I had a boyfriend I’d go home and get laid but I don’t so I can’t. What do you suggest?”

The pen stilled as the officer’s eyes glanced up at her. Sunset held his gaze, a pale blue. After a moment he sighed and went back to writing. “Thanks for sharing.”

He had tried to hide it, but Sunset caught it. He’d looked her over. A fleeting, quick glance, and if she’d blinked she’d have missed it. She bit her lip. There was hope for her yet to flirt her way out of this.

“Please, can we just let this go?” Sunset clasped her hands in front of her, making sure to push her boobs up with her arms and widened her eyes. “You can let me off with a warning.”

“Judging from your history, Miss Shimmer, you’ve had plenty of warnings.” The ticket was written and the cop tore it off and held it out to her. Sunset took it and looked at the name scribbled on it – ‘Shining Armor’.

“Officer Armor, please!” Sunset jumped off the bike as he turned to leave, making him stop. She stuffed the ticket in her jeans pocket. “I have only one point left on my license. If I can’t pay this off with the rest I’ll lose it! I’ll have no way to get to classes, no way to see friends! Without this bike I may as well drop out of school!”

Shining Armor turned to face her and crossed his arms. After a moment he gave a sharp nod. “I understand. My wife was in that same spot five years ago. If there was something I could do at this point, I would. But I ran your name and license so it’ll show up in the records. I can’t tell them I just decided to let you go because of a pretty face.”

Sunset pursed her lips. “You think I’m pretty?”

Shining sputtered. “Y-you know what I meant. They’ll need a proper reason.”

Sunset inwardly giggled. It was working, slowly but surely. But, wife? “Well, let’s think of it this way.” Sunset leaned against the bike, arching her back and crossing her legs at the ankle. “If you had pulled me over and it turned out to be your wife, what would you do?”

“I’d think she was doing it on purpose to give me trouble.”

“Does she? Give you trouble?”

“We’re going through a separation. Some… disagreements on our marriage.”

“Aaaaw…” Sunset shook her head. “An upstanding guy like you can’t find a nice girl?”

Shining shook his head. “Don’t change the subject.”

“Fine. I’m your wife now. You just pulled me over for reckless driving and speeding.” Sunset smiled and stood up. “Where do we go from here?”

Shining looked at her evenly. “I admit, I might let you off with a warning and a kiss.”

Sunset grinned. “Works for me.”

“Hey!” Shining glared at her. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“Oh, come on, I’m just trying to have a little fun.” Sunset decided to go for broke. The mutual attraction should have been obvious to him as well, now. If he was going to fall for this or not, she might as well just say it. “How about you?” Sunset winked. “Been having much ‘fun’ during this separation?”

“Enough.” Shining Armor held up her license. “This is coming with me and you can either step back or climb in the back of my squad car.”

“Exactly what I had in mind.” Sunset tossed her hair. “Let’s help each other out, hm? Stress relief for both of us?”

“I’m not stressed.”

“You’re not out patrolling the backroads at one in the morning while separated from your wife because you like the view.” Sunset snorted. “You’re out here the same reason I am.” She slowly walked up to Shining Armor, noting at the closer distance she barely came up to his chin. “No one has to know. Just tell them you let me off with a warning.” She stopped directly in front of him and put a hand on his chest. “Do me a favor… and I’ll do you a favor…” She let the last teasing comment hang in the air.

Shining Armor shuddered as her nails tapped on his uniform. “I’m married.”

“Separated. She’ll never know.”

“This is illegal.”

“A victimless crime.” Sunset grinned wider with each response. The last, surest sign of submission – flimsy justifications.

Shining swallowed heavily. “You pay off those tickets by the end of the month.”

Sunset paused. “What?”

“If I see those tickets still outstanding at the end of the month, I’ll find you. My sister goes to the same college as you. I recognized your name.”

Sunset mentally wondered who his sister was. But if he was telling the truth, he wasn’t bluffing. She growled and pulled out her wallet. “How much was it?”

“One hundred and seventy-two.”

“What?” Sunset looked up and saw him nod. She huffed and riffled through her wallet. “Here, eighty.” She jabbed four twenty dollar bills into his chest. “That’s all I have for all of next week short of the twenty-four in my bank.” She stuck her tongue out. “I’ll be begging and scraping to feed myself for five days but that’s about half. Happy?”

Shining took the money, counted it, and tucked it into a pocket on his uniform. “Yes.”

Before Sunset could react, Shining reached down, firmly grabbed her ass through her jeans, and lifted her into the air. Sunset gasped at the surprise move and instinctively grabbed his neck to hold herself up, her legs rising up on his hips. Shining turned and carried her back to the squad car. He stopped at the hood and let her go, Sunset putting her legs down to stand. Shining stepped to the driver’s door and reached through the open window and Sunset heard a click. The engine died down and the sirens and headlights turned off.

Shining came back to the front of the car and leaned against the hood. “Get on your knees.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow and snickered. “Well, you’re not wasting any time. Could say ‘please’ first.”

“This was your idea. And you were planning on flirting your way out of that ticket all along. Don’t pretend you’re offended.”

Sunset slowly pulled her leather jacket off, leaving her only in a white tank top to protect her from the crisp night air. She set it on the stone and dirt ground in front of Shining and slowly lowered to her knees in front of him. She noted with dry amusement he was the perfect height for this, his belt buckle right at eye level. “Shall you, or I?”

“I want to watch you do it.”

Sunset smiled and reached for his belt. “You’re the boss.” She pulled the leather back until it flipped into the air and poked out the notch. A yank and the belt fell to the ground beside her, the keys and handcuffs hanging from Shining’s pants jingling. Sunset undid the button, slid down the zipper, and let his pants fall to his ankles. His cock was pushing the waistband of his black underwear out, teasing her from behind the cotton. Sunset edged her fingertips over the elastic and looked up to see him watching her. She smiled widely at him before looking forward and pulling down.

Shining’s underwear snapped against his thighs, giving Sunset a full view of what she had to play with. His cock was thick, long, and topped with a massive and bulging head, proudly standing up in front of her eyes. She gasped; it wouldn’t be mere flattery on her part to tell him he had one of the biggest dicks she’d ever seen. “How the hell is your marriage going south when this bad boy is waiting for your wife every night?”

She saw Shining’s hands tighten on the car hood. “Don’t talk about my wife.”

Sunset looked up at him and saw him scowling at her. “I’m just curious. Indulge me.”

Shining’s expression softened. “She wants kids. I don’t. We’re thinking things over.”

“How long?”

“Three months.”

Sunset felt a pang of genuine pity for the man in front of her and not just because he’d been going without sex even longer than her. “Poor guy.” She smoothed her hands up the back of his thighs to pull his underwear down his ankles. “Let me do what I can to help.” She considered starting with her hands, but her own urges wanted to be sated. She stuck her tongue out and ran it up the bottom of his shaft, the vein running along the length throbbing.

Shining Armor sucked in a deep breath and all his muscles tensed. Sunset reached his head and flicked her tongue off. His musky taste and scent filled her head. It had been so long before she had touched or felt the touch of a man. Deciding not to waste any further time, Sunset opened her mouth wide and wrapped her lips around the thick head.

“Fuck!” Shining cursed into the air and thrust forward, pushing more of his cock into Sunset’s mouth. She moaned around it and sank down. He was big enough she couldn’t get much more than half of him down without starting to gag. She took hold of his balls and began to fondle them, rubbing them about her fingertips. Her other hand took hold of his shaft near the base and began to stroke. She set about a fast pace, her head bobbing up and down with her hand.

“Oh wow…” Shining Armor moaned above her, his head rolling back. “You’re good at this.”

Sunset pulled her head back, gasping in a breath louder than she actually needed to. “You give me a lot to work with,” she teased. Still stroking him she pulled his dick up out of the way. His balls were large, swollen and shaking in time with her hand. She ducked her head in to lap at them, wiggling her tongue back and forth. A kiss to the base of his cock led to more kisses back to the head and a prolonged kiss had her widen her lips to take him back into her mouth. On the way up she saw his hands moving and watched his hat and jacket get tossed to the ground beside them. Only a button-up blue shirt covered him up now.

Fingers gripped her head, helping to push her down. “Deeper…” The sounds of slurping filled the air along with Shining’s pants and groans. Sunset was fighting her gag reflex every time she came back down, her hair rippling with her bobbing that was less her work and more Shining guiding her, his hips thrusting into her mouth. She felt her pussy heat in her jeans. She’d never gotten turned on giving a blowjob before, but the thought of an impending end to her dry spell – and with a rather handsome and well-endowed male specimen, to boot – was making her itch go crazy.

Sunset was ready to get hers.

She made to pull back to go to the next step, but the hand on her head refused to let up. Sunset’s sucking stopped but Shining kept thrusting, now fucking her defenseless mouth without care how into it she was. She put her hands on the hood of the car aside his thighs to hold herself steady. His thrusts were growing deeper and Sunset was starting to choke when the head of his dick ruthlessly invaded her throat. If Shining noticed her discomfort didn’t show it. He had no intent of stopping until he was satisfied.

Hope he cums soon, she thought, resigning herself to enduring the rough oral he was demanding. Guess this is what three months of blue balls does to a married man. Sunset wondered if Shining was fantasizing his wife in her place, or if she sucked cock as good as Sunset did. She’d never fucked a married man before. For all she knew this could ruin any chance at reconciliation. He’s clearly not worried about it.

“Here it comes…” Shining practically growled the words. He gripped Sunset’s head with both hands and pounded into her mouth harder, faster. She breathed as best she could through her nose and braced herself to swallow the inevitable flood of cum set to blast into her mouth. Sunset didn’t mind swallowing, but she was less used to being helpless on her knees as her partner used her mouth as brutally as Shining was. She relaxed her throat and prepared herself.

Suddenly, Shining pulled her head back. Sunset gasped, surprised at the act. She looked down at his cock inches from her face and realized what was happening just as it erupted. Thick jets of cum rained on her face, the twitching dick sending them flying randomly. Sunset closed her eyes just in case and felt one hit her forehead. She could feel it running down her nose, her cheeks, over her lips and into her mouth. Holy shit, how much cum has he been building up!?

As if in answer to her question, Shining’s hands let go of her head. Sunset blinked cautiously – thankfully none of it had gotten in her eyes or on her eyelids – and looked up. His softening dick hung from his groin and he had his head hung forward. At her attention he made eye contact with her. Sunset reached up to wipe a streak of cum she could feel on her forehead.

“Don’t.” She stopped at the word and saw Shining shake his head.

“Most guys just blow it in a girl’s mouth,” Sunset said. She felt like a filthy mess with his jizz plastered all over her face. Here’s hoping he isn’t one of those guys that wants to fuck in front of a mirror or something.

“Nah. I wanted to see you wear it.” Shining jerked his head up. “Get up.”

Sunset stood. “If you say so. You like painting your wife like that, too?”

“Shut up.”

The retort was a bit fiercer than Sunset had expected. She looked at Shining, the lust in his face overriding his anger. She gave a crooked smile as she had a realization. “She never let you, did she? You’ve wanted to bust your nut on her face and she won’t go for it.”

“You’re not my wife, so don’t talk about her. This isn’t roleplay or whatever you think it is.” Shining stepped aside and put a hand on Sunset’s back to push her forward.

“I think this is you using me to take out all the kinky stuff you can’t do with her.”

“No, it’s not.”

Shining pushed Sunset down until she was bent over the hood of the squad car. She felt the cum on her cheeks smear against the cold steel and found herself looking out at the road. Wonder if anyone has driven by yet. That would be a hell of a way to get out of her ticket, Shining Armor literally caught with his pants down and trails of his spooge all over Sunset’s face. Her heart began to race. She hadn’t even considered getting caught. She would have opted to climb in the back seat to lower the risk, or maybe drive down the road to a more secluded place, but obviously Shining had other ideas from the start. This really is one of his fantasies he’s wanted to do with his wife, isn’t it?

Sunset’s thought train was interrupted when she felt the ties on her jeans get undone and the garment pulled down to her boots. Knowing Shining was staring at her ass cupped by her lace black panties, she smirked into the car and wiggled her hips. A sharp, stinging impact on her left cheek made her jump. Shining’s hand stayed in place, kneading her ass through her panties. After a moment he grabbed the edge of them and Sunset’s panties were tugged down to join her jeans. She toed one of her boots off and stepped out of the garments, leaving them hanging around her other leg. Sunset wore nothing but her white tank top now to cover herself from anyone that might glance over as they drove by.

Shining’s hands cupped her ass in a rough massage. Sunset grinned and leaned further into the car, spreading her legs and raising her rear into the air. Shining smacked her again and she squeaked, tensing at the surprise contact. She looked back at him to see him looking her up and down. “You into spanking, officer?”

Shining either didn’t hear her or ignored her. He crouched down and leaned in. Sunset cooed as she felt the first tap of his tongue on her slit. She’d been plenty wet before and now he was lapping it up like honey. She felt her folds part as he slid inside her and she shuddered. Sunset bent over more to give him better access. His tongue swirled inside her, reaching places she’d never felt touched before. She moaned, the sound vibrating the car hood under her face.

Two fingers slid into her and began deep, forceful thrusts. Sunset grunted, her nails clenching on the steel. Shivers ran up and down her spine in waves. For all the harshness she’d been given earlier, Shining was a considerate lover once it was his turn to be on his knees, gentle and rough in just the right ways. Every stroke from his fingers, lap from his tongue, hit the perfect spots to send pleasure shooting through her body. Sunset bit her lip and pushed back into his face, needing more and getting it. His wife’s an idiot if she’s leaving this because she wants rugrats.

She inhaled sharply as he shoved his fingers in all the way to the base and stroked her insides. Fuck, he’s good at this. She wished he had laid her out on her back so she could watch him eating her. As it was now she couldn’t stand or turn without pulling away from that glorious tongue working her over and that just wouldn’t do. Weeks of pent-up stress and frustration, much of it stemming from her inactive sex life, were pouring out of her body and running into Shining’s mouth. If he wasn’t married I’d be taking him home after this.

Shining had his face so deep in her pussy he could practically kiss her lower lips. His tongue reached deep into her and stroked her walls while his fingers continued to thrust into her. Sunset’s nails scratched down the hood of the car, her panting breaths making the steel fog up under her lips. She was close; the knot of pleasure in her stomach was winding tighter and tighter. “Shiny!” She gasped out the garbled version of his name. She didn’t have the mind to say anything more.

Shining Armor must have known what she meant. The fingers in her pussy slid out and she felt his hands pull her ass cheeks apart again. His lips made contact and joined his tongue in pushing her over that final hurdle. Sunset snapped her head back and screamed her orgasm into the night. Her juices gushed onto Shining’s mouth, her body convulsing as if to send the waves down towards him. She felt his tongue licking up all she gave him, slurping noisily.

When her orgasm subsided Sunset collapsed against the car, a hand on her ass the only thing keeping her from sliding to the ground. Her eyes half-open she panted to catch her breath. Her heart pounded in her chest, sweat matted her hair to her face along with the now-dried streaks of cum from the facial he had given her. Sunset blinked slowly. That may be the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Where had this man been hiding for her adult life and what woman had beaten her to him and then discarded him?

Sunset put a hand on the hood and slowly pushed herself up to twist and look back. Shining was standing up now, his hand palming his erect cock and his eyes locked on her rear end. Sunset swallowed. “Wait.” Shining looked up at her. Sunset licked her lips. There was no way she had the strength to take that beast into her so soon after cumming. “Just… gimme a second…” She turned forward and took in another breath, and then another. She tensed as she felt something poke against her opening.

“Second’s up.”

The words came only a moment before Shining thrust, sheathing himself fully inside her in one stroke. Sunset’s eyes went as wide as they could and she fell back onto the hood, her arm collapsing under her. The car creaked and the steel rattled with her impact and her boots almost lost their footing on the dirt. The surprise intrusion robbed her of her breath anew and once more she found herself bent over the car at his mercy. To his credit, Shining waited once he was inside, letting her feel him before he started moving. And what a feeling. Sunset had never been so filled before; every muscle of her pussy stretched to contain the dick lodged inside it. She took another breath and began to push herself up.

A withdrawal and a hard thrust back in put her back on the hood of the car. Sunset grunted. Another thrust took back the breath she had inhaled. Every time that thick cock entered her it felt like the world broke around her. Shining Armor hitting every sweet spot inside her with his fingers and tongue was clearly just to prepare her for the dick that was pounding up against all of them at once.

Now that she was getting used to his size, Shining picked up the pace and gripped her hips, pulling her back into him. Sunset shuddered. His groin smacked against her ass again and again, going faster and harder each time until he was pumping into her furiously. Still exhausted from her earlier orgasm, not to mention being bent over a smooth steel car hood with nothing to grip, Sunset could do little but lay there and take it. Shining pulled out almost to the head before thrusting back in, making each time almost a repeat of the initial penetration. Yet he maintained his speed, pumping in and out of her faster than she could register.

Every breath was a labor to take. Her hair fell around her head, wavy gold and crimson shaking each time Shining thrust into her. Her eyes were hazed and her mouth hung open. Her throat was dry, her voice haggard, her hair a mess. And she loved every second of it. Sunset moaned against the car, the sound staggered with the fierce pounding she was getting. This was what she’d needed for weeks. There was a time for romance, a mood for when she wanted roses and wine and candlelight dinners. Then there were times like this, where she could just let herself go and enjoy a good, hard fucking on the side of the highway.

What seemed to be jolts of lightning shot into her brain and Sunset spasmed, a strangled cry escaping her lips. She’d cum again. Racked with pleasure already she simply felt her body go limp again. If not for Shining Armor behind her gripping her hips she’d likely have fallen to the ground in her weakened state. The officer not only held her up but was slowing his thrusts, drawing out her pleasure. Sunset’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt every inch of dick inside her slide through her slit.

Suddenly he was gone. Sunset took a moment to register he had pulled out before she felt his hand on her shoulder. She was pulled up, meeting his chest, and spun around. Facing the piercing blue eyes above hers, Sunset was powerless to resist as Shining picked her up and laid her out on the car hood. He hoisted her legs up onto his shoulders and thrust inside her again. There was no hesitation this time, he began pumping his cock into her just as fast as before.

In this new position Sunset could watch his stern, handsome face, twisted with lust, staring down at her, his eyes wild. At some point he’d gotten rid of his shirt, letting her watch the sweat rolling down his figure in the moonlight. Her ankles bounced on his shoulders each time he came into her, matching the rhythm of her breasts shaking beneath her tank top. Hoisted fully on the hood she had even less ability to resist him, she could even feel herself sliding down onto him with only his thrusting hips to keep her up. Sunset let her head fall back, her arms spread to the side. The car groaned and the hood rumbled as Sunset writhed on top of it.

How much longer can he go? He’d cum once before, how long would a sex aficionado like Shining Armor take to get his second wind? Would he settle for just fucking her to orgasm again and again until he couldn’t keep it up anymore? Sunset wondered if she could take that much at this rate and how far he could push her to see if she could. She’d never been rendered so helpless, the position of her body on the car combined with her orgasms had taken any strength she might have used to fuck him back. And in spite of that, she loved it. If this was the kind of sex she was being offered in exchange for her autonomy in the act, it was more than a worthwhile trade.

Soon Sunset became aware of Shining’s grunts and pants growing more haggard, his pace began to falter. She lifted her head as best she could and saw the desperation on his face. She mustered her last strength and found her voice. “Don’t… inside,” she gasped out. Shining continued thrusting into her but nodded. Sunset fell back and awaited the inevitable with quiet disappointment, her body shaking in agreement.

Not long later, the pleasure racking her body left again. Shining pulled out and slapped his cock along the length of her slit, and rapidly thrust it up and down. Sunset looked down and saw him throw his head back.


The unfamiliar name was shouted into the air as Shining Armor sent his second load of the night shooting into the air to stain Sunset’s tank top. Dry humping her as he was, he kept thrusting, more cum spurting onto her bare stomach. The thrusts grew into shallow twitches and one more glob beaded on the head of his dick but didn’t fall.

With his climax subsided, Shining stepped back and turned to flop back against the hood of the car. Sunset’s legs hit the fender and she weakly slid down, sitting with her back to the car. Her head swam and she recognized she had a stupid grin on her face. At that point though the entire college faculty could drive by and she wouldn’t give a shit. She’d just gotten what was almost certainly the best sex of her life up to that point. Her body felt loose, free. She leaned her head back and finally caught her breath, licking the inside of her mouth.

She heard the crunch of his footsteps before she saw the movement. Shining Armor stepped around her to the side of the car and she heard the car door open and slam. Sunset turned to put a hand on the car hood and pulled herself up. Not trusting her legs to support her yet, she stood with the leverage and saw Shining sitting in the squad car, staring angrily at the wheel. Sunset took slow steps at first, then more confident ones, to reach the window. Shining didn’t look up at her when her shadow fell over him.

Sunset thought back to what just happened and wagered a guess as to why he was so angry. “How long have you and Cadance been married?”

“Two years next month. Dating for three before that.” Shining took hold of the wheel, not looking at her yet.

Sunset looked at the front of the car where their clothes lay in the dirt. “This one of your fantasies with her?”

He hesitated only a moment before answering. “Told her it’d be fine, do it when I’m off-duty, back road late at night, no one will find us.” Shining closed his eyes. “She said it was lewd. What’s wrong with a bed or sofa at home?”

“Hey.” Sunset waited until Shining glanced up at her before smiling at him. “You were great.” Shining looked forward again but Sunset kept talking. “I mean, wow. That’s a hell of a thing you’ve got there. And talent to use it. She’s a lucky woman.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better about cheating on my wife with a girl barely out of high school?” Shining said bitterly.

Sunset glared. “I’m twenty-two, thanks! Graduated three years ago.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Shining shook his head. “Might have just cost myself my job and my marriage for a quick screw on the roadside.”

“I’m not gonna be telling anyone.” Sunset smiled. “Relax. No one will know.”

“I’ll know.” Shining turned his head to the passenger side and leaned over. Sunset heard a click and soon he was holding out a small pocket package of tissues. “Here. Clean yourself up.”

Sunset took the offered tissues and ripped one out. She wiped her face off first, then her midriff and groin, finally her shirt. She could still feel the remnants of cum sticking to her, especially on her face where most of it had dried by now. Gonna have to shower when I get home.

“How much would your friends be able to help you?”

Sunset looked up at him. “Huh?”

“If you asked your friends to help you out, how much money would they be able to lend you?”

Sunset shrugged. “I just helped Rarity move, she’d probably slide me a ten or so. Why?”

Shining’s hands on the steering wheel tightened. “The lowest I could put on the ticket with your past offenses is forty.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “You said you’d tear up the ticket.”

“I know. I just…” Shining let out a breath. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. Could ruin my career and marriage if this gets out. Get you in far more trouble than tickets.”

“Hey now!” Sunset glared and stepped away. “You don’t get to back out of this after shoving your cock down my throat! What, did you just feel like using me for a quickie?”

“No, it’s not like that!” Shining shouted. He slapped a hand to his face. “I’m just having second thoughts about actually doing this. Maybe it isn’t worth it.”

“How convenient.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “You have second thoughts after fucking me. Sure.”

“I know how this seems.”

“Sure you do.”

Shining reached behind the wheel and turned on the engine. He then put his hands back on the wheel and breathed deeply. “I’m just trying to figure out what’s best for both of us, okay? Get your clothes and get dressed. I need to think.”

Sunset waited to see if he did or said anything else. When he didn’t she furiously realized he was serious. She huffed and stepped her free leg back into her panties and jeans and pulled them up, lacing her jeans up the front. She then walked to the front of the car, the clothes on the ground illuminated by the headlights. As she grabbed her jacket she saw Shining’s clothes on the ground, particularly his pants. She grinned and reached for them.

Standing with her arm slightly angled behind her to hide her hand, Sunset stepped back to the driver’s door. Shining Armor was still holding onto the steering wheel. She looked out into the grass beyond the road. “What’s that?”

Shining looked up at her and then turned his head and leaned to see out the passenger window. Sunset smirked and moved swiftly. She threaded the handcuffs in her hand through the bars of the steering wheel and clamped one cuff on Shining’s far hand. The action got his attention but she was already cuffing his other hand.

“Hey!” Shining moved towards her and found he could barely move his hands with the handcuff chain entangled with the wheel.

Sunset giggled and stepped away, dangling the key to the cuffs in the air with a wide grin. “Should have been nice to me.”

“Sunset!” Shining leaned his head out the window. “I’ll tear up the ticket!”

“You do that.” Sunset took said ticket out of her pocket and looked it over. “Not like it’ll be going with me anyway.”

“No…” Shining’s anger had faded to pleading now. “Don’t leave me like this.” She looked at him and saw the desperate look in his eyes.

“Chill, Shiny.” She rolled her eyes. “Just not gonna chance on you backing out of this.” She walked to the front of the car and gathered up his clothes and then came back and dumped them by the door. “Here, lookie, your uniform. A bit dusty, though.” She fished in Shining’s pants for her license and put it in her pocket. I could take the cash back, too...nah, don’t push my luck. Instead she eyed a pen clipped to his belt.

She grabbed the pen and scribbled a phone number on the ticket in her hand, then folded it up. “Here.” She tossed it in his lap through the window. “The next time you feel lonely.” She paused. “Although, good luck with the wife. Really. If she’s having second thoughts just give her a good humpin’. Ought to win her over if it’s anything like what I just got.”

“I can’t believe this.” Shining let his head fall forward to the steering wheel.

Sunset looked at the pile of clothes at her feet. As an afterthought she grinned and grabbed his hat, pulling it down over her hair. “I’ll take a souvenir of my own, if ya don’t mind.” She waited until he looked up to see what she meant, and then blew a kiss at him. His response was to fall forward again.

Fully clothed once her jacket was pulled on, Sunset walked back to her motorcycle and revved the engine. She swung it around and wheeled it up to the squad car. Shining Armor just looked at her at her approach. Sunset reached through the window and patted the dashboard with a small smile. “See? I knew we could work this out.” With her other hand she gave an exaggerated wave. “Have a good night, officer. I sure have.”

She made sure Shining Armor could see the key to the handcuffs she had placed on the dash, before she put her feet up and roared down the road. Putting a hand up to make sure the police cap was still firmly on her head, Sunset licked her lips and relished the purr of the bike between her legs.

In retrospect, this had turned out to be the best motorcycle ride she’d ever taken.