The Human-Equestrian War

by Damaskus Seraph

First published

For years there has been an uneasy peace between the Human Kingdoms and the other nations of Equis, The humans being focoused on themselves due to thier many wars between eachother. But when one day they unite and turn thier might to claim their own.

For as long as anypony can remember, The human kingdoms were always at war with each other. Kingdom after Kingdom, Dynasty after Dynasty, Empire after Empire all fought one another, some falling to others while others falling to themselves. Most simply thought that humans were naturally violent such as the wild dragons. But one day during the Winter of 1021 Celestial Era, The many fractured Human kingdoms, Empires, confederacies and republics, all unite under one flag. The Human Empire. With the manpower of Equestira, The manufacturing capacity of the Griffins, Better Technology than all due to their constant fighting, and most importantly... A lust for revenge. For the other kingdoms and empires of the world of Equis have always played the humans off of each other, benefiting at the cost of the humans. But those days are over. And soon, the Great nations of Equis will fear the might, of the Human Empire...

(Uncancelled Feburary 18th)

News and Memories

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Mornings in Canterlot are always spectacular, due to the sun goddess Celestia Living in the city, with the sun rising in such a way the colors of the sky all come on display all at once before the calm blue takes over. For many mornings are tranquil and beloved, but for others, like Celestia, they are a pain.

"Sister, I simply do not understand how you manage to wake up so easily." A Groggy and slightly grumpy Celestia says while brushing her mane.

"I do not know, it just comes naturally to me." Luna states while munching on some pancakes brought in by a maid.

Celestia grumbles as she finishes brushing her mane, which goes back to its 'ethereal' state of constant 'being blown in the wind even though your inside'-ness. She picks up a newspaper delivered to her before the morning by a servant and begins to skim through the news.

"Lucky you luna, Have you tried this tea? I ordered it from The Human kingdom of Paragon, quite a interesting flavor." Celestia says while taking a sip and offering a cup to her sister.

"Well i guess ill try it-" Luna is cut off when Celestia does a spit take onto her, As she reads the headlines to the newspaper she ignored out of habit. "SISTER! Why have thou spitteth upo- ahem- why did you spit on me!" Luna demands as she casts a spell to dry herself off.

"Read this!" Celestia yells as she shoves the newspaper in Luna's face.

"Tia i don't understand why this is a-" Luna stops her sentence as she gazes upon the 6 letter title..

"Unification of The New Human Empire"

Luna is taken aback as she rereads the title then goes onto read the paragraphs below. "Tia! This cannot be true? The humans are always a warlike race that constantly bicker over themselves! How is it possible they have unified?!" Luna states, flabbergasted.

"I do not know but i feel the next council of nations is going to be interesting, for it comes up at the beginning of next year, only a month away. I guess we will have to remove a few dozen seats from the table.."

Celestia calms herself down as Luna frantically reads the paper for more information, Celestia walks to the balcony and watches over the city, noticing how news stands and shops are quite busy today most likely to the recent news. She sighs and remembers back to the days of the old human empire. More than 1300 years ago, even before discord arrived...

1300 Years ago..

Human Griffin and Equestrian Triple border.

Mid day..

Celestia stands alongside her sister as she watches the equestrian royal guards standing in formation on the hill, with their griffin allies above and beside them. Their king being slain in a recent engagement with the humans and thus the griffins hold a resentment for them. The humans have been on a rampage conquering much of Equestria and the Griffin lands, but have been pushed back by a combined effort by the two sides. With them being pushed back into their borders after 3 years of bloody fighting and slaughter on both sides, the humans are on the ropes, and this battle will determine if the human empire lives, or dies. And On the opposite side of a valley from the Equestrian/Griffin forces is the human army, roughly equal in size to the combined armies of Equestria and the Griffin kingdom, with their standard heavy armored infantry in front with their large rectangular shields and shortswords, while the equestrians rely on their long halberds and small bucklers. Both armies waiting for the other to make the first move. Standing as still as possible to not show any weakness. For 3 days this has been going on, each trying to find some disadvantage they can exploit. Soon a trumpet plays and the humans begin to march forward towards them, giving up their hill advantage in favor of engaging the enemy.

Celestia has been expecting this and when the humans cross halfway into the valley she shoots a magical flare into the sky, causing the humans to stop and raise their shields expecting arrow fire, Yet something else rains from the sky. Pegassi and griffins. They drop down behind the heavy infantry and cut down the Human archers who attempt to shoot them out of the sky, with minimal success due to them being rushed in training. The Human infantry try to rush back to help their auxiliaries until the blare of a horn signals the combined equestrian and griffin forces to charge, pinning the humans on both sides.

As the Equestrian Halberds meet Human shields the slaughter begins, humans fighting bravely and ferociously yet being surrounded they are squished together so compactly they couldn't bring their arms to bear. Celestia herself joins the battle only to narrowly avoid a javelin to the back as the Human Centurion stands alone to fight her in single combat. She accepts and summons her own magical halberd as the human prepares another pilum as a rallying cry from the Humans manage to route the flanking pegassi and griffins and allow the humans to focus on the Equestrian heavy infantry.

Celestia narrows her eyes as she orders her own troops to let her deal with this one human. The Human doing the same, preparing to hurl a javelin before Celestia fires a magical bolt at him, causing him to block with his shield. She charges the human and stabs at him only to be deflected by his large shield, which he uses to make a stab at celestia, only to find his pilum to bounce off her armor and bend.

Swearing in his native tongue, He draws his sword as Celestia makes to bring her halberd's ax head down on him only barely missing as the human dodges to the side and charges her with his shield raised, causing her to be hit with it and drop her halberd causing it to disappear. She quickly summons a shield spell to stop a potentially fatal stab at her as she summons her longsword and kicks his shield out of his hands, knocking the human back a few feet leaving him with only his shortsword to use. Quick to gain on her advantage Celestia makes a stab at the human only to be deflected by the short sword and having to narrowly avoid a slash at her head.

With both parties ignoring the ongoing battle and circling around each-other, waiting for the other to make the first move, only for the human to trip on a rock and fall causing Celestia to rush forward and prepare to slice downwards, only to take a handful of dirt and dust to the face, getting in her eyes and having her trip and drop her weapon as she rubs her eyes. Her Humanish isnt very good but she swore she heard him say something along the lines of 'pocket sand'.

Quckly the human gets up and stabs at Celestia, managing to stab her through her armor into her abdomen, causing a shriek to come from her. She quickly blasts the human off her with a knockback spell and digs the sword from her, wincing in the progress. She casts a minor healing spell to help as she gets up and limps over to the human who is disorientated from the spell. Celestia kneels over him and raises his own blade above him, The human makes eye contact with the young Celestia before she ends his life with a stab to the neck.

Slowly Celestia begins to realise how heavily she is breathing and how much her wound hurts. She grasps her wound to see her hand coated in blood. Soon she hears her own men cheer as she notices the battle for the first time since the duel began, The human forces have been routed or slaughtered, though with many casualties on the Equestrian/Griffin side. Before She can celebrate she goes unconsious from her wounds...

1300 Years later...

Celestia puts her hand over her scar that has stuck with her ever since, the blade being made of a rare metal that wounds made by it rarely heal. She looks over to her ancient suit of armor, her signature halberd, longsword and her newer rifle and officers pistol hanging by it, with the exact same sword framed on the wall.. It all seemed so long ago, yet so recent for her.

"Tia.. You are remembering the battle again?" Luna asks her sister.

"Yes.. I simply cannot forget it, was the first time i personally took a life, and the first time i nearly died.." Celestia states. She sighs as she look over the sun that is in the sky, hoping this new empire wont be like the last...

Meeting for Unification Part 1

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1 Week Earlier..

Barfelde Palace, Former Kingdom of Greosa...

The Normally quiet palace in the kingdom's largest city of Barfalde is now bustling with activity. Reporters from various Human kingdoms, repubics, confederacies and empires are present outside talking to palace guards to get any information they can while some are trying to take photos of various windows hoping to catch a shot of the meeting being held by most of the human leaders. Behind the reporters is an even larger crowd of people simply waiting to hear the outcome of this.

Meanwhile inside the palace a large group of various kings, leaders and diplomats are sitting around a large table made up of various smaller tables to accommodate the large gathering. They are all speaking to eachother in the new standard human language agreed to a few decades ago, some obviously still rusty but most fluent in it. Soon the various conversations are hushed as a man at the end of the makeshift table stands up and drives a gavel into the table, silencing all voices as they all look towards the man.

"I suppose now is a good time to start, Unfortunately the Kingdom of Phuxidor and Republic of Stedia refused to join us here." The man grabs a briefcase from a nearby guard and opens it. "Let us skip the formalities for the sake of lost time, as you all know I am Emperor Felix Nomida of the Paragon Empire, and we are here to discuss a long overdue unification of our species. To unite our fractured and disorganized states into one unified empire much like the one lost 1300 years ago. Now we all stand here today to cooperate in peace for our lands and prosperity for all humans. A shame the Phuxidians and Stedians couldn't see things our way, Never the less let us begin." Felix states as he sits down in his chair and grabs a few papers.

"Now I know many of you are here are wondering one thing and we might as well discuss the elephant in the room first, Who will lead this new empire." Felix says as he looks over the men and women in the room each looking at eachother, some mumbling to their neighbors. "Now we must first discuss who will lead us, for if we do not decide now we may never decide at all and our dreams of unification will wither on the vine."

A Woman stands up, holding a few notes of her own. "If i may, How will we decide who? Not to offend any here, but some may be less desireable to lead, I Myself am too old and childless, thus there will be a succession crisis later. I vote we create a ballot of poeple here who wish to become the new 'emperor', so that those who do not wish to lead or see themselves as incapable may be at ease for now. Then we can decide from the names who is best fit."

"A Fine idea indeed Queen Eli, Guards, fetch a box, Now everyone here grab a piece of paper-" Felix gives a stack of papers to a guard to hand out. "-and write your name, then write whether you wish to rule or not. You will not be looked down upon if you choose to not, there is no shame in dropping out when you know you cannot win." Felix states as he writes his own name onto a paper, which cause the rest of the men and women to do the same, some taking a few seconds to think before giving their paper to a guard to put in the box.

Soon when all the papers have been collected the guard holding the box puts the box on the table and begins to read over the papers, discarding those who drop out to the left while putting those who wish to lead on the right. When finished the Guard counts those who participated.

"Out of 87 total 'candidates' only 12 wish to participate. Those being, in no particular order, Emperor Rufus Ovicula, Emperor Felix Nomida, Queen Eli the Fifth, Empress Cassia Dives, King Aquila Barbula, Chancellor Cato Blaesus, King Maximus Isaricus, King Philo Libo, Tsar Ellar Nikol, Emir Haamid Al-Dia, and finally Prime Minister Sarka Adia."

Silence rains over the table as everybody thinks over the names. Soon enough a minor prince speaks up.

"Shall we have a blind vote, if no majority is reached then the 2 leaders with the biggest votes should make a speech saying why they should be the leader?" The prince states while sitting back down.

"That seems like a fine idea, guard, pass out more papers." Aquila states as he grabs another paper and writing his vote on it.

Soon the leaders around the table are deep in thought, some conversing with neighbors while others stand to talk to those not near them. The 12 who are running do not get to vote and, as to not sway any votes by talking, are standing on the far end of the room, waiting for the results...

Eventually, after an hour, all the votes are counted in. A different guard grabs the box and begins to count the votes along with 2 other guards. Counting each vote and putting them into 12 unmarked piles. Taking a few minutes to count then counting a second time to be sure, the guards gather up the votes and call everyones attention.

"No majority vote reached, top 2 voted are King Aquila and Emperor Felix, out of 75 voters, Aquila with 23 votes, Felix with 26, and the rest were distributed relatively evenly between the rest, with only note of Queen Eli recieving 10 votes.

The room is silent as everybody present takes in the information. Soon Felix speaks up.

"It seems me and Aquila will have to prepare a speech. Though it is late today, we will continue this meeting tomorrow and give me and Aquila time to write." Felix turns to Aquila. "Good luck to you." Felix then bid the meeting farewell as he walks to his guest suite in the palace...

Meeting for Unification Part 2

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Felix strides into his room and locks the door behind him, and quickly walks to the desk in the room. Wanting to start writing knowing he has little time to create a perfect speech for tomorrow. Quickly finding a pen and some blank paper he begins to think about what to say and how to convince at least 51 of the various members to vote for him. Felix's thoughts are interrupted though when a knock on his door breaks his train of thought.

"Hello? Felix are you in there?" Queen Eli asks, causing a smile to form on felix's face. He quickly goes to unlock the door and lets her in.

"Yes I am here Queen Eli, Glad to see you in a room not full of bickering kings nobles." Felix says to his old friend. Closing the door behind her.

"Please just call me Eli, you know how much i dislike it when you call me by my title. Anyways I am here to help you with your speech."

"Really? I thought you would support Aquila, you always told me how great of a commander he was during you combined war against the Sarasians years ago." Felix sits back down at his desk as Eli stand next to him.

"Well yes he is a fantastic commander, I wouldn't put him at the head of the new empire, hes to brash sometimes and can get hot headed. Not one for subtlety. Popular yes but he can easily say the wrong thing and have that popularity turn against him like those riots he caused a decade ago."

Felix thinks for a moment. "I guess your right but I am not sure i will be able to convince everybody else. You have seen first hand how Aquila can rile up a crowd, he was taught by his father well in public speaking as well as warfare." Felix remembers reading about Aquila's father, a great man with ambitions to conquer the human realm, only stopped by a jealous brother when he took away his command after several failures. "Though i wouldn't say i didn't have a chance. I did convince two city states to war over each-other to weaken them before I marched in with my legions. "

"That is exactly why we need you, you have the capacity to keep our new empire afloat in the world of global politics while we are setting everything up. We cannot afford to be at war, it will drain many resources we could use for infrastructure and strengthening our economy, which will help in making us more unified instead of what the holy calradic empire was."

"I know that, but if I am to win i have to start writing. Any ideas?"


The Next Day..

1:00 PM Local Time

The various leaders gather around the table once more to hear and decide who will be the new Emperor. Small talks and whispers going around between each person talking about who they think will win or who they will support. The semi loud conversations all come to a halt as the main door to the room opens and the two candidates for the title of 'Emperor of the Human Empire' Walk in. Felix in his favorite red decorated officers uniform that his father wore and Aquila in his plain grey generals uniform with his signature crown. Both heading to the far side of the room where a podium has been set up and a microphone. While some reporters sit off to the side with notepads and cameras, and a few radio operators are there to broadcast the speeches to the whole empire.

Crowds of poeple are watching from the windows only being held back by an iron gate and many many guards armed with rifles. Some holding signs rooting for one man or the other while some throwing insults or wishing another man was running. either way, it was a big day for the empire, thousands wait outside the palace while millions more listen in on the radio, waiting for this to start. While a strange camera is being set up alongside the radio, presumably to record visual images.

Soon the meeting room runs quiet as the radio operators give the signal that they are on air. And Queen Eli goes up to the podeum to speak.

"Greetings all who are listening, Today you will hear two speeches from two great men. One of which will be the new Emperor of our newly unified empire. This day will be marked in history as the day Humanity once again became a great power in the world. Now without further ado, Emperor Felix wishes to speak first." Queen Eli walks off the mini stage and Felix steps up to the podeum. Looking down at a paper in his hands before clearing his throat.

"Hello to all before me and who are listening, as you all know, I am Emperor Felix...

Thirty MInutes later..

The reminiscence of Felix's Fiery speech still linger in the air, silence as even the crowd outside is stunned by his statements. Nobody says a word as his speech left them all thinking about the future, How peace and prosperity might come from their nation if he was picked, Yet as the shock of his speech dies down small talk being as Felix nods to Aquila before gathering his papers and walking off the stage and looking back at him. Aquila not having any written form of his speech as far as Felix can tell.

"Hello my fellow humans, My name is King Aquila, Descendant of the great Khan himself. As you may know..

20 Minutes later...

As Aquila finally finishes up his speech the crowd outside begins to Cheer, the men and women inside the palance stand up in applause of the amazing speech made. Aquila grins lightly as he gains back his composure after yelling out and ranting about how the other species are to blame and that he will make humanity great again and get revenge after so many years of manipulation by them. The crowd outside couldnt agree more.

Felix knows he lost even though the votes haven't even begun to become counted he can tell Aquila is the victor. He must admit though even he was inspired by the speech made by him. Perhaps he might not be a bad a choice as he first thought. Still though, Felix still worries about what he might do. Knowing a full war against the other races would only be bad news for humanity as a whole. Still Felix cant help but smile at how things are turning out.

A Chant begins to be heard from outside the palace from the crowd. Getting louder and louder as more people begin to yell the chant. A Yell of 'Long live Emperor Aquila!' Begins to ring out amongst the crowd and the soldiers guarding the palace. The Council doesnt even need to vote as the decision has been made already. As the crowd is hushed and the council quickly vote Aquila the new emperor of the 2nd Human Empire the crowd cheers a deafening cheer. And after what seems like hours they finally calm down as Aquila begins to say promises for the future.

But Soon Aquila turns to felix. "Felix please come up here with me I Have something to say."

Confused Felix steps up next to Aquila as he begins to speak. "As emperor i would like for you to be my personal Adviser as well as my main general. As you said i can become hot headed and blinded by my rage at times, and i would like for your calmness to help me deal with it as well as assist me in avoiding making rash decisions. Do you accept?" Aquila states holding his hand out to Felix.

Felix smiles and shakes Aquila's hand. "I accept, I am grateful for your offer." Felix states as photographers begin to snap photo after photo of the momentous occasion as the broadcasted radio is spread throughout the Empire, with every human listening in, As well as a white Alicorn...

Emperors and Princesses

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Canterlot Castle: Equestira

2 Minutes after Human radio broadcast

Luna and Celestia sit together in the latter's room, still stunned at how quickly the Humans managed to convince each other to unify. And not only that, the Speech, although amazing by human standards, was terrifying by pony ones. Promises of Conquest for those who wronged them and to rebuild the mighty Human Empire of long ago by pen and paper or sword and blood. Celestia thinks heavily on the subject, Reliving memories of the war and how much devastation it caused, hoping to avoid such a conflict with the new unified human states if possible, While luna thinks of how impressive these humans can be at times. Remembering how they usually squabble amongst each-other but unite against a common enemy faster than a unicorn can teleport.

Celestia stands up and lowers the volume on the radio, which by now has simply been broadcasting a general overview of unimportant and specific things not relevant to equestria. She turns to Luna and sighs. "I Was afraid of a day like today." Celestia states as she turns to her balcony and looks out over the equestrian landscape.

"Celestia Thou must be at most a little happy, for there will be less tragic wars waged by humans heard on the news. You always wished they would stop, and here they have." Luna says in an attempt to show her sister the better news of this unification. "Not only that but you wont have to go to a dozen different negotiations for each state, and you and i both know how ragged you look after those."

Celestia grins slightly. "Yes I suppose this is a good thing, though I wish it twas that one named Felix who was elevated to the position of Human Emperor. He seemed much more calm and collected, yet Young and Charismatic. He reminds me of myself when I was younger, Young, eager, wanting to make the world better. While King Aquila is more brash and blunt. More of a commander than a diplomat." Celestia says losing her grin.

"Yes i would prefer it to be Felix as well, Yet we cannot change what has happened and these humans have a right to make their own decisions. I Simply wish it will lead to peace and prosperity." Luna says as she gets up and walks next to her sister.

The two Watch the city below from the balcony not saying a word both wanting to enjoy the moment due to them not having much time to spend together..

Humaria, Capitol of Former Paragon Empire, Future Human Empire Capitol

Sunset, 9:00 PM.

Felix sits at his throne admiring it one last time since he will not be sitting in it anymore. Thinking over how easily most of the human states have united really spoke to him about how everybody wanted change but never had the means. Felix still hears the celebrations in the streets outside his grand palace built long ago during the old Human Empire, Heavily rebuilt but still the same building nonetheless. Felix's mind wanders, Fearing what will happen to those 2 states who refused to join in the unification, and what Aquila will do to them.

"Hmm ill have to convince him to go easy on them.." Felix mutters to nobody, knowing nobody can hear him since his nearest guards are fifty feet away at the grand doors.

Getting up from his throne, Felix starts walking to his personal Room, admiring the centuries of artwork and armor lining the hallways of this grand palace, Felix still feels joy when seeing each painting of human history. Knowing for all their blunders, humanity continues onward. Reaching his Room Felix sits at his desk after taking off his ceremonial cape and crown, and putting it on a manikin. Tuning his radio to the news network for anything interesting while relaxing for what little time he has before something else might come back up.

The radio crackles to life before getting a signal. "-And celebrations continue even at this hour as Humanity is finally united under one banner! Glad we are all alive for this momentous time in history." The Radio host states while shuffling of papers is heard. "And news not related to this unification, The World council has reported in that next meeting of world leaders will occur next year in The griffin Capital of Griffinstone. Unexpected but-" Felix eyes widen as he hears this and stops listening to the radio show, Quickly searching his small pile of unopened letters to see if there was anything about this. For he was never informed of this.

A Knock on felix's door distracts felix after he fails to find a letter on the subject. "Come in, Door is open." Felix says aloud as Aquila, New Emperor of the Humans, Walks in.

"Hello felix, I see you heard about the news as well, i over heard it on my way here when i passed a guards rest area. I am sure it is a surprise to you as it is to me." Aquila says, taking off his jacket and hanging it up on a coat rack along with his crown.

"Yes it was, those griffins, always meddling in human affairs. Their probably pushed the world congress early since they knew of our unification plans months in advance. They must want to prove they are superior or embarrass us in front of the world stage. Griffins always have egos bigger than their brains." Felix states, Not having fond memories of dealing with griffins.

"Yes and while I wish I could simply not show up much like before, I will be representing humanity now. And as much as those birds would love me to make a fuss and get hot headed, I simply cannot afford that. As you know we are at a weak time for us, The griffins know. We are still divided and i bet they would love nothing more than to strike us when were distracted building ourselves up." Aquila walks to the window in Felix's room. Staring out looking over the palace walls. "Such a beautiful city Felix. Dont you think?"

"Yes." Felix walks next to Aquila. "I Still feel in awe every time i look out. But you better get used to it, you'll be living here." Felix pats Aquila on the back before going back to his desk. Sorting out his now messy desk from his panic earlier.

"Yes I Better." Aquila states sighing under his breath, Knowing he will have the burden of making sure this new empire doesn't simply collapse in on itself before they've even started. Looking out the window he cant help but feel ironic, The most powerful Human around, Yet feeling as if hes powerless to assert humanity as a global contender. "We will have many trials ahead Felix, Unfortunately for me many will not be simply solved by a rifle shot."

"That is why you have me Aquila. I wish for this empire to succeed as much as you, but one man cannot carry an empire. We must make this empire strong before we pass on, We do not wish for this empire to repeat what Alexander the great did. An empire following the man, not the empire."

"Wise words Felix. Wise words." Aquila turns around and walks back to the door, taking one last look outside the window before leaving the room to head to his new Emperors room, Putting is Crown back on and correcting his posture like his father had taught him. Walks out the door with a neutral face, hiding the doubts and worries that lie under the mask....

To be Continued..

1 Year Later...

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New Human Empire Capitol City...

Midday, 362 Days after Unification..

Felix sits across from Emperor Aquila in the war room of the Empire. Generals from across the former kingdoms sit around the large table with a map of the human territories displayed upon it, with large amounts of graphs and information sprawled out across the empty portions of the table. Small figurines displaying the different troops sprawled across the country with flags depicting their region of origin. Meanwhile all the various generals and governed talk amongst themselves, Felix is meeting with Emperor Aquila about how the Standardization of the Empire is going.

"-So as you see the railroad system is nearly complete. All existing railroads to major cities are already at the standard railroad type, and only ones missing are in the Northern Isles and the Norse Peninsula." Felix explains as he points to the railroad icons on the map, showing where more railroad tracks are needed. "And due to the cost being lessened by the combining of all the treasures of the former kingdoms of the empire, not much extra debt will be added to our existing amount. Not to mention the fact that the government projects have provided a boost to our economy, With more jobs, poverty is at an all time low. nearly 2%."

"Good very good indeed, with the railroads finally standard we can ship goods and troops across our empire in days rather than have hundreds of delays." Aquila states while smiling. "And as much as I Do love infrastructure, how goes the standardization of the military? Id like to know how well prepared we are in case any of our surrounding empires decide to get testy with our borders." Aquila asks the new Army general.

"Very well so far, about 70% of the combined forces have the standard K98 Rifle. While the majority of our armed forces have just received them and are receiving basic training. Meanwhile the plans for new vehicles are currently in testing phases as you requested and you most likely will hear the results after the World Congress in 2 Days. The machine gun tests were concluded a few weeks ago and the chosen one is the M2 fifty caliber variant, A trusty one Ive heard. And our Artillery is currently designing new plans for field guns. All the other projects have taken precedent so we are lacking in standard artillery for now." The Army General states while showing Aquila and Felix the reports from the various sources.

"Speaking of which, the world congress.. " Aquila states. "Felix have you already planned how we will get there and the guard escort?"

"Yes I Have, And according to this invitation-" Felix puts a large open letter on the table. "-This congress will include the most amount of countries it has ever had. Everyone is showing up, most likely a chance to test our mettle, see if we can be either trustworthy allies, or easy prey, and Lets not forget to discuss the ever present problem of those human city states around. Speaking of which, The Centaurs have sent us another letter asking us to remove the humans from the city and give the land back to them.. Again!" Felix says.

Aquila groans and brings his hands to his temples. "Those centaurs know they haven't joined us so we don't have any jurisdiction over them. This is the third letter this year. At least the Minotaurs had the decency to acknowledge that the first time."

"Indeed, it is likely that the centaurs are going to bring it up at the congress and get other nations to have us remove them. After all we do sit next to all those city state's representatives. Their likely to ask for our protection if things get heated with them and the surrounding empires." Felix states as he rolls out a map of the world and points to each city state.

"Memphis and the Zebras, Sri Lanka and Kuala lampura against the Centuars, Crimea and the Griffins, And Cyprus and Equestria, All of those are probably going to be looking to us as a 'big brother' of sorts. We have the power to protect them and if we do, we would have allies all across the world. If they want us as an ally and we will protect them. They are humans like us and even if they choose to be independent we will be there if they are unrightfully attacked." Aquila declares as he points to each city state when mentioned.

"Sir while i agree with you wholeheartedly, Do you think the the other empires will see this as us getting expansionist. Soon to annex the states and have fortress cities in their own territories. If i were them i would be nervous of such a prospect." The Chief of foreign relations states.

"Your point being?" Aquila asks the man.

"My point is that if we publicly state that we will defend them the other nations will see this as a threat and possibly make their own alliances against us. Which would be terrible given our current situation is unfit for a war."

"Hmm you may be right. We will have to make separate deals with the city states without the other empires knowing. Perhaps slowly one by one. So that by the time the other empires realize it its already too late to do anything about it." Felix says looking back at the two as he pours himself a glass of tea.

"Now shall we discuss the economic aspects of the empire? Now that the military and political matters have been discussed?" The Chancellor of the Treasury states as he attempts to get the men's attention.

"Yes of course, Anything of note?" Aquila states, getting a glass of tea himself.

"Well as stated unemployment is down to 2%, a high number in the world with the current rival being Equestria with an unemployment rate of 5%, Our GDP is rising steadily, Though debt is still being calculated since the combined treasuries of the human territories took priority than the debt. Trade of wine is taking off in the Gallic Regions since unification as more trade routes are now open to be used. The Agriculture of the central empire is on the rise but prices dropping so we might have to subsidies farmers if this gets out of hand. While trade connections with Equestria, and the Zebricans are established The griffins are more reluctant to let our merchants in their country. Only letting a few from the 'Muscovy' Province since they were close allies before unification."

"All seems well then. We will have to talk this out with the griffins at the congress, any bad news then?"

"The Equestrians are currently debating on the trade deals, but we have had some border trouble as many humans living in equestria have been flocking to the our empire Which is apparently causing some minor labor deficiency in some areas to them as well as some of their noble house saying our unification is not legitimate unless approved by the congress, Which is absolutely, pardon my zebrican, Bullspit. Other than that and the Griffins, Not much else is troubling us. ."

"Besides the equestrian troubles, the Griffins will come around eventually, After all we will be one of their biggest trading partners. So Most is well then. Hope it stays that way." Felix states, taking a sip of tea.

"It never does, Which is why we must prepare for the worst. As the wise Diamond dog once said, Prepare for the worst, hope for the best." Aquila states. Walking off, silently dismissing the rest as the meeting is over While Felix follows him.

"Felix, Do you think you could join me at the congress? Id like to have somebody I know be there with me."

"Is it that, Or is it because you know i always have a handgun with me at all times?" Felix retorts.

Aquila chuckles lightly. "Probably both, But you were always more diplomatic than myself, Id trust your judgment at this congress. That and I personally do not know the foreign minister that much." Aquila says as he takes a seat in his relaxation room.

"He is a fine diplomat but I see what you mean. I would be glad to join you. After all, Id like to see what the other Empire's leaders are like. I heard Celestia is the most beautiful Woman in the world, According to themselves." Felix states while taking a seat across from Aquila

"I've only met one other world leader in person. The Queen of the changelings, Rather manipulative woman, yet when she figured out i would not be woo'd by her looks and talk she quickly dropped her facade. I quite like her though. Calculating and always looking for an advantage. Reminds me of myself if I were a shapeshifting woman."

"Ah yes I've heard of her. Says she can take the shape of most species. Rumors say that's how you won the siege of Masia, Used those shapeshifters for a few favors. If you catch my drift." Felix jokes as he smiles at aquila

"Well we did use them but thely did not ask for any 'favors'." Aquila states, chuckling at felix's teasing. "We made a deal so that we could give them some experimental weapons that they could use against the centaurs in their endless border disputes. Turns out poisonous gas was too brutal even for them." Aquila says back, grabbing his cup of tea and refilling it.

"Well considering they love to use precision, a weapon that discriminates against none and is difficult to control might not be so appealing to them."

"Ah well. Enough politics, Hows the family...."

To be continued

World Congress Part 1

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1 Year 3 Days after Unification

Highrock, Capitol of the Griffin Empire

Aquila and Felix finally arrive at Highrock, A city build on, in and around one of the tallest mountains in the world. With most of the buildings only accessible to those with wings, Thus being a majority griffin city, with a Pegasus minority. The city's tall towers with unique architecture all around the train station the men arrived on. The bulbous onion like peaks of the palace atop the mountain reminds Felix of where the 'Muscovy' province got its architecture from.

As the train pulls into the station, Aquila, Felix, and their dozen Guards of his own walk out of the Train carrage Each with a new weapon design by a Germanic engineer, a miniature machine gun that fires pistol rounds. A 'sub' Machine gun as he explained. With the Imperial Guards of the Griffin Emperor waiting at the station for their arrival to escort them, The crowds of griffins on the ground and in the sky are held back as a band plays to introduce the Leaders.

Aquila looks from the Griffin Imperial guards to his own and seeing the distrust and scorn in the griffins eyes as they take occasional glances at him when they think he is not looking. Felix as well, yet decides to ignore them and focus on the cities sights as they walk towards an elevator to be lifted to a higher level towards the palace. A large crowd gathering around the streets to watch the arriving leaders. With the Centaurs and Zygptians behind the humans. All three groups step onto the elevator which slowly lifts the group up, As another train arrives with more of the world leaders.

"So you are Emperor Aquila? I thought you would be shorter." Remarks the Pharaoh of Zygpt, A Medium sized Female Zebra Adorned in a white robe with plenty of gold decorations, Which is contrasted against Aquila and Felix's Military Uniforms, Only adorned with the Imperial Crown Aquila wears and a few medals on Felix's Aviation Coat he Bought from a pilot knowing the mountain's Temperature.

"Why yes i am, You must be Zerani, Pharaoh of Zygpt. A pleasure to meet your aquaintance." Aquila responds, shaking her outstretched hand.

"A Pleasure indeed. I hope this congress goes well for all parties involved."

"As do I. And you are Tirek of the Centaurs am i correct?" Aquila asks the centuar standing to his left.

"Indeed I am Aquila, Ive heard a great deal of things from you and your new 'empire'. Let us hope you know whom you can trust." Tirek replies cryptically.

The elevator reaches its zenith, the entrance to the imperial palace. With rows of guards lining the path as the three leaders and their guards walk past them into the palace proper. Entering into a large ballroom, Where a few of the leaders who arrived earlier wait. With Chrysalis sitting alone at a far end of the room, Celestia at the opposite ends to the queen of changelings. The King of the . Dragon Lord Balefire, a relatively young dragon only a head taller than most of the leaders present.

With the arrival of the three new leaders, Celestia walks over to them as well as Dragonlord Balefire. "Ah yes you are the one i've heard so much about. Emperor Aquila i presume?" Balefire asks as he saunters over.

Celestia bows to the new arrivals. "It is a pleasure for you all to show up, Considering you two often refuse to show at these meetings." Celestia says to the Pharoh Zerani and King Tirek.

"Well with these new.. Events in the world we would wish to show to a meeting that might make things happen." Tirek replies.

"A pleasure to meet you as well Princess Celestia, I have heard a great deal about you." Aquila says as he nods to her before walking over to the lone queen of the changelings.

"Ah Aquila, a pleasure to see you here. After all it would be much less entertaining without you here." Chrysalis states as she reclines on the couch, Wearing a long green dress.

"Yes well i could not miss the first congress after my empires unification. After all It was purposefully called due to this. I hope your struggles with the centaurs is going well for you." Aquila says as he pulls a chair and sits in front of her and takes a glass of water from a griffin servant giving drinks.

"Ah yes, That weapon of gas you gave to us definitely surprised one of their battalions last year. Though we decided to put things on hold for now. Of course we still disagree on who controls which islands, Those Thick headed Centaurs are more stubborn then mules." Chrysalis spits, taking a drink of her water. "Hm but i admire their tenacity. Especially considering the losses."

"Yes well the centaurs do have quite a large population to throw. But how was your negotiations with the Diamond dogs? They have no love for the centaurs either."

"Ah yes, It went swimmingly. We signed an alliance not too long ago, this will most likely make them think twice before attacking us again. My spies can confirm this."

"Speaking of spies. I notice your surprisingly alone. Or should i say suspiciously alone. Is your couch a changeling?" Aquila states as he leans back in his chair.

Chrysalis grins and chuckles to herself. "Ah Aquila, you know me too well. Of course that chair of yours is as well. Its very difficult to find some lings that can master the art of shapeshifting in order to turn into objects." Chrysalis says while Aquila slowly stands up and pulls a different chair to sit on.

"I see.. I thought all changelings could shapeshift."

"Not all of them, only some can even barely change themselves, While it takes years of training to shapeshift enough to be useful as a spy or infiltrator. Even then most can only disguise as species with similar anatomy, such as ponies and zebras."

"You seem to trust me enough to tell me this Chrysalis. Your not one to simply mouth off things that might be used against you."

"I have known you well enough. And to see your new empire could use some allies in case a few countries decide to get testy with you. Of course having you as a military backer wouldn't hurt myself either."

"Hm we will see then Chrysalis, Until the meeting." Aquila states, bowing lightly to her as he walks off.

"Until then indeed.." Chrysalis grins as she walks him walk off. Seeing Celestia look at her with a knowing glare.

POV Celestia

Celestia looks away from the Grin of Chrysalis towards her ally, Emir Steady Saddle of Saddle Arabia. Equestria's closest ally. She sighs, And walks towards him.

"Ah Celestia, whats seems to be troubling you?" Steady Saddle asks as he sees Celestia walk up to him.

"Its Chrysalis again, She is planning something with the Humans i know it. She has already made an alliance with the Diamond dogs and now she is talking with the humans. I fear she may try to make an faction against us. The Humans are untested and we do not know whom they stand with. So this meeting will be extremely important."

"I see. I recommend you calm down then. All will be fine, Just get him after the meeting and attempt to talk to him. After all we need them as allies, Humans make up a third of the population in the north west territories and if the humans turn hostile against us it could be bad, not to mention the economic impact."

"Yes yes i know. Let us hope we can gain them as an ally." Celestia states as she walks off to get a drink....

World Congress Part 2

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Mid Day

Congress Meeting Room

POV: Aquila

I sit at My designated seat at the congress. A Large semi circle with each nation spaced from each other. In front of them in the 'center' if the hall were a full circle stands the podium where speakers would walk up to talk and debate. With two rows one in front and one in back. The four 'founder' Empires in the front and the rest in the back.

The first to take their seats after Myself and Felix, are the representatives from the various human city states, all taking a seat to the right of me seats. Each looking at me with a slight nod and a smile. Soon behind them is the President of the Republic of Sphinxia, A good trading partner with human countries in the Mediterranean sea. Ever since they staged that revolution two centuries ago they are now a democratic republic. A rarity in this current world of massive empires. Next were the minotaurs, The second republic of the world. Minotaurs live on the east coast of the Zebrican continent, A hardy species with a unification by conquest centuries ago. Only to fall to the sway of democracy after the Sphinxians. Both Presidents sit near me, each taking a look at me as i look at them as well. Forgetting how similar sphinxes are to pegassi, until you See their feline traits.

I look across the semi circle to see if i can spot anyone else, only to see Chrysalis lounging at the far side of the Inner semicircle. Winking at me while she points to the next to enter, Celestia. Striding in with grace and beauty. Behind her the Emir of Saddle Arabia, both taking seats next to Chrysalis. The Emir switches his and Celestia's seat so he would be in between the two enemies.

My attention is drawn to the entrance again as the Zygptian Pharaoh enters, wearing slightly more jewelry than when I met her in the lobby. Beside her a representative of the nation under Zygpt, Zubia, a powederkeg waiting to go off. The Zubians have been displeased with the Pharaoh's Lavish lifestyle as she drains the conquered country of its resources. Zubia could be Potential ally as well If Zygpt decided to go against us. They take a seat on the outer circle, At the very edge behind Chrysalis.

The next two Leaders to enter come together. The Empress of the Crystal Empire, And The Griffin Emperor. Both very close in trade and territory. With They Crystal Empire being an isolated Empire deep in the north east of the continent. Mostly frozen wasteland pocketed with Cities protected by some magical shields. With Very densely populated cities and rual farmland in the southernmost regions bordering the Diamond dogs and the Dragon lands.

The Griffins on the other hand are more closely resembling the Tzardoms of the former territory of 'Muscovy' in My empire. Which the territory got its culture from. A large population with massive amounts of land, as well as a very long land border with us. Griffins are always ready for a fight. Whether it be against others or themselves, This Emperor alone only has his throne because he overthrew the last one due to a famine. The Griffin Emperor and Crystal Empire both take seats in the inner circle. Completing it.

Next to come in are the Camel Sultan and the chief of Felinia. The Sultan looks towards the seats and takes a seat close to me, I notice the sphinx president giving him a side glare. And the Chief of Felinia casually sits between the two, blissfully aware of the hatred between the two but choosing to ignore it.

After the Chief, comes Tirek, The Centaur Emperor, Still wearing the ceremonial battle armor he wore before, Taking a seat in the outer semi circle next to the camel Sultan. He looks around the room, making eye contact with myself before looking forward again. And finally the Diamond Dog Shogun arrives. Walking in wearing a large robe and taking the final seat. A Strong and large, albiet quiet and reserved daimond dog.

With all the assembled Leaders finally arrived. The host, The Griffin Emperor, Gets up and stands at the podeum.

"It is good to have you all here today. Especially with recent events, It will be nice to finally meet our newest member, The Emperor of the recently founded Empire of Humanity, Emperor Aquila, and Prime minister Felix." The room claps quietly as I Stand up and make a light bow before sitting down.

"Now as per tradition we will be discussing world events diplomatically. Anyone who wishes to speak shall raise their hand and come up to the podium." I quickly raise my hand, much to the surprise of those around me, Including Felix. "Ah yes Aquila, Please come up." He states as he goes to sit at his seat while i get up and walk to the podeum. Feeling the stares on my back as I stand there and clear my throat.

"It is a wonderful honor to be invited to join this Congress of nations, And many of you are most likely wondering where my nation stands in the current net of politics. As alliances made with the previous territories and kingdoms were made void by our unification." I stop and pull out a list i had prepared beforehand. "The trade treaties between The kingdom of Equestria and the Republic of Sphinxia are to be expanded to the whole empire, not simply those territories who signed treaties. As well as the treaty with the Griffin empire yet they seem hesitant to accept it."

"We have a right to secure our borders, and we only accepted the treaty with the Tsardom of Muscovy." The Griffin Emperor states accusingly.

"Well the Tsardom is no longer existing is it." Aquila retorts as the Griffin Emperor sits back down. "Now the next thing i am about to say was voted on my the council in the Empire. We will fully support our Human City state allies economically, as well as militarily to preserve their independence. They are humans like us and we will protect them such as a brother protects his own."

POV: Felix

I stare at Aquila as he does the one thing i warned him to avoid. Declaring full protection for the city states around the world. The cost alone of sending troops and fleets to nearby places would be a nightmare alone. I look to the leaders around me, All are whispering to their neighbors. Chrysalis just smiles as she leans back in her chair. What did she say to him. Aquila, with one speech, made a powder keg of the world. And somebody soon is going to make a spark, Whether intentionally or not....