Crystal Apple

by Ron Jeremy Pony

First published

Applejack never fully believed Berry Punch's expression of, "Sometimes a Relationship begins where a drunken Mistake Ends". She just figured that was Berry making an excuse to drink herself silly.

Applejack never fully believed Berry Punch's expression of, "Sometimes a Relationship begins where a drunken Mistake Ends". She just figured that was Berry making an excuse to drink herself silly.

As luck would have it Berry was more right than wrong. Join Applejack as she remembers how her life got to where it is now, how she became part of the herd that helps rule the Crystal Empire, and also how she brought some good old fashioned Earth Pony stamina to the Bedroom of Princess Cadence and Prince Consort Shining Armor.

Cover art is by Unicornblue, please check out the artist on Deviantart.

Warning! This story is Erotica! There will be sex. Featured in the story is anal, pregnancy, pet play, some pegging, and lots of exhibitionist sex. Also, more countryisms than you can shake a stick at partner!

Barehooved and Pregnant

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Crystal Apple

A Spin-off of Bumbling through my Education Short Story

Chapter 1: Barehooved and Pregnant

The Barn at Sweet Apple Acres smelled of hay, apples, and rutting. Lots, and lots, of rutting. Applejack touched her stomach, which was currently fat with foal. She honestly never expected to see this. She’d sent the normal hints toward stallions, but very few of them really wanted much to do with her. Not because she wasn’t a good looking mare, she was, but rather because they were afraid that she’d hurt them, or that Big Mac would.

Their fears weren’t exactly unjustified. Big Mac tended to be exceptionally protective of his sisters, his daughter, Granny, and his two wives. Still, somepony had gotten to her, that same somepony was next to her, gently snoring, his blue mane holding bits of hay in it, and on her other side was her other herdmate. This was something she never really expected. There was already one Apple marrying into royalty, but fate had decided that two of them needed to.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s own stomach looked rounded with foal, and Applejack couldn’t help but giggle at it. Somewhere Flurry Heart was hanging around with Calville Rouge Apple. She was fairly sure that Flurry had talked her now cousin Calville to heading toward Sugarcube Corner. She’d heard about the near experience that happened between Flurry and Pound. There was little doubt in her mind that Flurr Heart wanted another try to get to the Cake’s son. To be honest, she couldn’t rightfully blame Flurry Heart.

It was hard to find a stallion, well one that accepted everything about a pony. She leaned over and kissed the stallion she shared. It was funny. She never believed that she would ever herd. It wasn’t that she didn’t think it was natural, or that she thought it was evil. Far from it. She believed that herding was a natural occurrence. It was simply something that truly existed for the protection of Ponies, for the protection of their foals, and it gave the foals a chance to see more than a couple of examples of how to live their lives.

As she lay there, she considered what happened, how she got to where she is now, and the way the world seemed to make the path to where she was one that was full of little tricks and stops. Her mind went to the very beginning, a year ago right before the wedding for the Royal sisters to Bumble Hooves and his entire herd.

The way that Rarity acted when she was asked to make all of the clothes for the wedding was almost as if she she had just been rutted hard by Spike before he finally slipped it to her once more before holding her while she rode out the most massive orgasm ever. Applejack had agreed to help with the main courses for the reception dinner, and of course Pinkie Pie, and the Cakes, had agreed to make the wedding cake.

Which to call what the Cakes, and Pinkie Pie, brought a cake would work only in the sense that it was food, it was obviously sweet, and it had the general shape of a cake, but that was the end of the similarities. No, Pinkie Pie and the Cakes had went above and beyond in creating their cake. It was an artistic masterpiece that looked as amazing as anypony was sure it would taste.

It stood at least three heads taller than Princess Celestia, each tier of the cake was decorated with the cutie marks, and Zebra tribal mark, of the entire herd. As per the request of the entire herd Bumble’s own cutie mark was at the very top, and there, together, was a tiny representation of each herd member. Knowing Pinkie Pie, the way she did, Applejack knew that each and every piece of this cake was edible. She also knew that the Royal Bakers had to be upset that they didn’t get to make the cake for what was most likely one of the most important events of the century.

Applejack herself had prepared apple dishes of every shape and size. She also had prepared Bumble’s favorite meal, something she asked Derpy about, and had it ready for everypony. She was giggling over the fact that so many hoity-toity ponies were going to get to eat an Oat Burger, Fries, and an Apple soda as the main course. That was something she respected about Derpy’s foals.

Her foals didn’t act like most Unicorns. That wasn’t to say that she had anything against Unicorns. Hell, Rarity, and Twilight back when she was a Unicorn, were down right friendly, but they did tend to have their moments of being a little uppity. It wasn’t anything major, and she knew the two of them didn’t think any less of any Earth Pony, but she knew that they did tend to act a bit entitled.

Bumble, Amethyst, and Dinky did not act entitled. Instead the three of them simply acted like Earth Ponies. Earth Ponies that just happened to have magical abilities. She figured that was because they were raised by Derpy. Pegasi acted a little different from Earth Ponies, but not so much that it was a major separation.

She watched as Bumble’s mares, all of them, were trying to get ready for the wedding. It was a special day for anypony. She heard a grunt behind her, and she turned to see Berry Punch, with a wagon full of her aged wine. Applejack wasn’t foolish enough to believe that their cider could beat Berry’s wine when it came to strength. Even her strongest cider was still pretty weak stuff compared to Berry’s aged wine.

There was rumors that Berry’s clan brought it over from the Shetlands. That the wine itself was the product of ponies who were simply able to make drinks so strong that it could melt the paint off of walls. If Berry was bringing that much wine, then she’d been asked to cover the drinks, and Applejack decided that she needed to inform Applebloom to stick to something else.

It wasn’t like Princess Cadence’s wedding. Oh, granted she, her family from Sweet Apple Acres, and of course her friends, were certainly invited, but with the exception of being given a few of the jobs they previously had that was about the extent of it. Instead those acting as Brides Mares and Mares of Honor were from the various families of the herd, and Blueblood somehow got made the best stallion.

Still, Applejack had to admit the wedding was pretty beautiful, and it was kind of nice to have a wedding that didn’t involve some kind of invasion, magical mishap, or some ancient monster that happened to escape from Tartarus. Instead it was just a nice quiet wedding, or it was until the reception.

She might not have been Queen Chrysalis, before she was redeemed, Tirek, The Ancient Ones, or feral Flutter Ponies, but Berry Punch did know how to get ponies to loosen up. It didn’t take long for anypony that could drink to get to drinking. Honestly Applejack had no intention of drinking very much of Berry’s wine. She was going to have some cider, call it good, and go on, but she ended up enjoying a few glasses, then the room got a little fuzzy.

Applejack believed herself to be a pony that was able to be an honest, hardworking, and forthright member of the Appleclan. She was proud to be an Earth Pony, she was proud of her family, but right now she was rubbing her head, trying to piece together what happened. There was a very pleasant ache between her legs, meaning that at some point she got rutted. There was also a slightly off taste on her muzzle.

Slowly her eyes blinked opened, as she rubbed the throbbing headache that wouldn’t go away, and she looked at the body of pink beside her. At first she thought that she might have hooked up with Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich. Neither she or Pinkie, she believed, was really into herding. So if it was Pinkie and Cheese then it was just a one time thing. There’d be talk, but it wouldn’t get too bad.

At least she hoped it wouldn’t get too bad, but then she noticed the mane, and wings, and horn… Her eyes widened at the last part. She realized that her arms were around Princess Cadence, her hand rested on Cadence’s breast, and she dared a look behind her to see Shining Armor. She swallowed as she realized that he was still inside of her.

Several things went through her mind, none of them good, but her mouth could only really come up with a single answer to this situation.

“Well, Horseapples…”