Twilight and Moondancer's Time Alone

by Tank Drill

First published

Twilight and Moondancer are now caved-in from the outside world. With help on the way, they discover that their more than just friends.

Twilight and Moondancer go to the Canterlot Crystal caves to only be caved-in by a sudden disturbance. Now that there alone, and with help along the way, they now only have each other. (You know where this is going~)

Shameless Story/Clopfic: Expect some Futa Magic and a lot of orgasms.

Cover art by: TheRealAkiNeko


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-Moondancers Point of View-

It has been awhile since Twilight and I were able to spend time with one another. After the reformation of the Changelings, Twilight sent me a letter about going to the Crystal caves under the Canterlot Castle. I was reluctant at first because I didn't want to get in her way, but when I finished the letter she sent me, Twilight told me that she wanted to catch up with me as well. How can I say no to a fillyhood friend? I levitated my quill, inkwell and a piece of parchment from my drawer to my desk and began to write my reply to my friend.

Dear Twilight,

I'd be happy to go with you to the Canterlot Crystal Cave. I have so much to say and I'm pretty sure you do too. Meet me at the Canterlot Castle gates around noon and knowing you, you're going to be pretty early. Oh, let's not have our dragon friend eat up the crystals, shall we? We don't want anything to happen to the crystal cave structure.

Your fillyhood friend,


I rolled up the parchment and tied it with a lavender ribbon. I nodded, flared up my horn to teleport the letter to Twilight's Castle. I walked to my closet and picked out my hiking saddlebag. My left ear twitched when I heard a knock on the door.

"Coming," I announced as I levitated the saddlebag and set it on the table.

When I opened the door, Minuette was there with Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine.

"Hi, girls, what brings you here?" I asked as I opened the door all the way.

"Actually, we need to makes sure your doing alright after the um......" Minuette drags on.

"He had it coming, but he wanted to know how to reverse the spell." Twinkleshine rubbed her hoof on the ground.

"I'm pretty sure that all three of us were surprised that you replaced his horn with his cock." Lemon Hearts blushed.

I sigh as my glasses slide down and look at the blue mare, "Minuette, I'm fine, but I'll never do a blind date ever again." I adjusted my glasses with my hoof and looked at my ivory friend, "Twinkleshine, he tried to molest me and was talking dirty after talking to him for five minutes. Second, the spell should wear off tonight." Finally, I turned to my goofy friend, "Lemon Hearts, again, he had it coming."

My three friends nodded in agreement as Twinkleshine spoke, "Well, we wanted to make it up to you by going out to dinner?"

I smiled, but looked back to the saddle bag on the table, "Uh, yeah sure. How about we go out now? I have a trip to the Canterlot Crystal Caves with Twilight tomorrow around noon."

Lemon Hearts squeed, "Girls are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Joe's Doughnut shop?" Minuette and Twinkleshine say in unison.

The yellow mare nods her head, "Yep!"

I chuckled, "Yeah I think some donuts would do for dessert. How about we head to The Tasty Treat and then to Joe's?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me, right everypony?" Minuette smiled.

"Yeah!" We all say in unison.

After finishing some exotic food from The Tasty Treat, we walked off the warm dinner and made our way to Joe's. Once we got ourselves settled, Minuette tapped my shoulder while Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts.

"So, about the dating sc-"

"No," I said sternly.

My blue friend flinched and sighed, "Alright... Alright... You know me, I just don't want to leave any friend behind."

Lemon Hearts comes back with our drinks as I levitated it and took a sip, "I'd rather buy a sex doll than to try that again." That made the yellow mare and Minuette to blush deeply.

Twinkleshine frowned as she brought our donuts and cupcakes to the table, "Well, Minuette, Lemon Hearts and I have coltfriends and we've been at this for how long again?"

I rolled my eyes as I adjusted my glasses, "Having twelve dates with twelve different stallions and that last one was the last straw." Levitating my glazed donut and taking a rough bite out of it. Once I swallowed, I frowned and sighed, "I think I only like mares because I only got to grow up with you girls. So I guess I'm just a little confused."

The table was pretty silent as we all continue to finish our dessert. That was until Lemon Hearts spoke up, "Maybe Twilight might have an answer, you've been writing her letters ever since that make-up party."

I lightened up with a light, sincere smile, "Yeah, I think I might give that a chance."

Minuette smirked, "Well you did had a crush with your senpai before. Did that reignite?

I blushed deeply, "W-Wha- What?!"

"Your blush is a dead give away." Twinkleshine smugly takes a drink.

The blue mare snickered, "Well maybe something will happen to make that cave humid and wet."

"Minuette!" I shouted as I felt my cheeks burning.

Lemon Hearts shook her head, "In all seriousness, you should talk to her and maybe your situation. It will help. Celestia knows what you're going through."

I nodded as I finished my drink. I glanced at the clock and sighed, "I'm going to head back. I need to sleep, get up early, pack for the trip and meet my fillyhood friend."

Minuette rests her hoof on my shoulder, "Now don't be like that, I'm just saying that you might like mares than Stallions. If that's the case, then we'll support you."

I gave a small smile, "Thanks, you guys, I think I'm going to sleep this off and think about who my special somepony is later." I got up and tossed my empty drink into the trashcan.

"Have fun Moondancer and good luck." Yellow Hearts said.

"Yeah, have fun with Twilight." Twinkleshine comments.

We all said our goodbyes to one another as I walked back to my house. While I was walking on the sidewalk, I had the feeling I was being watched from behind. When I looked to the side, nopony was there. I shrugged it off as I quickly trot towards my house door, closed it behind me, and locked it. I sighed as I walked past my kitchen and into my bathroom. I took off my dark blue sweater and tossed it to the laundry hamper. With my magic, I turned on the shower as I tried to get the thoughts of being together with Twilight. Once the shower was steaming, I stepped inside to ponder in my thoughts.

"I don't hate Minuette for saying that..." I clenched my back legs, "I like Twilight." I say aloud.

I levitated the shampoo and started to scrub my mane and tail. I lightly scoff, "I like Twilight as a friend, not a....." Suddenly I felt my marehood quiver, "Lover." I tilted my head down and sighed. 'I'm just being silly.' I thought as I got the soap to wash my coat.

However, when I touched my lips with my magic full of soap, I gasped and cooed in relieve. An image of Twilight came into my mind and I immediately shook my head, "Gah... Now you've done it..." I grumbled.

I washed my body off of the soap and I stepped out and cast a drying spell. In an instant, I was dried and the water that was in my mane and coat teleported to the tub. Once I was all cleaned I teleported to my bed and snuggled up into the blanket.

Closing my eyes flashed another image of Twilight as I sighed, "Maybe I'll talk to her about it...." I yawned.

Next morning came early so I can prepare my hiking saddlebag and once I had everything packed, I headed out. I wore a nice dark blue sweater and with winter coming around the corner, I felt nice and warm. While I was making my way past the Canterlot Castle, I went through the list in my head just to double check the supplies that I was carrying. 'Food and Rations? Check. Map of the Crystal Cave? Check. Iron pickaxe? Check. Five canteens of water? Check. Several pouches for samples? Check. Finally, an emergency cave flare gun with three flares that can go through solid rock and crystal? Double check.' My thinking process was interrupted when I bumped into somepony.

"Oh sorry-"

"Moondancer?" Oh Celestia, why did I have to run into him?

I sighed, "What brings you here Arpeggio? Here to try to swoon me with your dirty talk?"

He grunted, "No, I'm actually here to say that I'm sorry for what I did and hope that you find that special somepony soon."

My eyes widened but then slowly inspected him, "You changed awfully quickly in the past two days."

"Yeah, even my mom said that." He chuckled, but levitated a boutique of flowers, "Forgive me?"

I was hesitant at first, but grabbed the flowers with my magic and placed it in my saddle bag. I glanced at the clock that was next to a light post and it was almost noon.

"S-Sure, but give me time to recuperate. I got to go and meet a friend, so maybe I'll consider it." I smiled through my semi-lie.

He nodded, "Sure I'll look forward to it!"

We parted ways as I galloped towards the open fields of Canterlot Park and made a sharp right towards the Crystal Cave. It was open for everypony to go in and out, but it was just the entrance that they were allowed to go. After the Canterlot wedding, there has been a barrier spell cast by Celestia to prevent civilians from going any further. Now with Twilight, a princess, we will have access to the whole cave if we wanted to.

"Moondancer!" I see Twilight waving to me, "Over here!"

I smiled as I slowed down, but saw another unicorn next to her. I sighed internally, 'I thought this trip was about you and I Twilight.'

The mare in question has a pink coat with a purple and teal mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams. Once I showed up, Twilight gave me a hug.

"It's nice to see you Twilight," I say as I look at the Unicorn

"Yes, it's been awhile Moondancer," She glances to the unicorn, "Moondancer, this is Starlight. She is my student living in the castle and is going to do some errands while we're exploring the cave."

"Sounds good to me." I smiled as I lend my hoof, "Nice to meet you Starlight."

She smiled back and touched her hoof with mine, "Same to you, Moondancer."

Starlight didn't stay for too long, only to say goodbye to me and Twilight. She made her way towards the Canterlot market as we went inside the Crystal Cave. We talked about what we've been doing since we last met and I learned a lot. Other than Twilight teaching her own pupil, she also got captured with her friends from the Changelings, but other than that they've been solving friendship problems on their cutie map table.

"So what have you been doing Moondancer? Anything new at the library?" Twilight asked.

I bumped my flank into hers and scoffed at the second question, "Yeah, I've been working on my research on crystal energy. Turns out the crystals have their color because they're full of magic. I'm just trying to find a way to extract that magic and turn it into energy."

"Sounds like you have your hooves full." My friend said as we stopped at the mine rails and started to follow that down deeper.

"Other than that, my friends have coltfriends but have been egging me on to get myself one. However...."

We both stopped and she looked concerned, "However...?"

"I've had no such luck." I sighed, "I've been with twelve stallions on twelve different dates and the recent one just." I grunted with the horrible memory, "He talked dirty and tried to get close to me and I switched his horn with his sheath." Twilight placed her hoof over her mouth, "Then today, he comes up to me and asked for a second chance with these," I grabbed out the flowers roughly, "But I decided to think about it and... and..." I looked down as I dropped the flowers and noticed a card came out of it, "I'm sorry for lashing out like that... I've been through a lot."

Twilight gave a quick hug and rest her hoof against my shoulder, "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I haven't been up-to-date about what's happening with you because we live in different towns. I'm also sorry that these things happened to you, I know some things when it comes to dating," She blushed a bit, "But that's only in romance novels."

I chuckled a bit as I wiped a tear off of my face. Twilight lifted the card with her levitation and read it. Her eyes widened, "We need to-"




Every single crystal vibrated, cracked and crunch against one another as they started to fall from the entrance towards us. We both galloped away deeper into the cave and landed on a minecart and went down the track in a spiral motion. Twilight deflected incoming crystals that threatened to hit us while I cleaned the railway off. The shaking became more intense as the rotten wooden supports collapsed underneath us.

"Hold on to me!" Twilight shouted as I quickly hugged her barrel tightly.

We were airborne as the minecart fell beneath us. We saw the exit as it was covered by a larger crystal, forcing Twilight to dive down into a hole that we fit through. We saw a flat dead end and tumbled onto the floor. That was the last thing I remembered as the back of my head hit a rock on the floor and knocked me out.

"-dancer?" It was Twilights voice, "Moondancer?"

I felt my head throbbing in pain as I groaned, "Yes Twilight?"

She sighed with relief, "Oh thank Celestia you're alright."

My purple friend hugged me as I held my hoof against the back of my head. I looked over her shoulder and we were inside a crystal air pocket. It's where a crystal used to grow, but was mined out by somepony and left the hole open for somepony to fall in. It was slanted, to be honest, Twilight was sitting where her head was touching the top and I was laying on it. Now were those pony's trapped under tons of crystal, but at least we have the crystals light.

I got up on all fours, but smooshed my face against Twilight, "Um...." I said, "Let's sit down first."

Twilight and I sat down and realized that this pocket can only fit one grown mare and one filly. So, I'm very close to my friend's personal bubble which is fine, because we're both stuck.

"When I woke up first," Twilight spoke, "My horn was cracked, my magical connection is cut off. I can't contact anypony." She moved her mane to the side and revealed that her horn was cracked from the base all the way up to the tip.

I hissed in envy pain and quickly to feel my horn with my hoof to see if mine was alright. It seemed to be alright, but when I tried to use a simple levitation spell, I groaned as a splitting headache pounded the right side of my skull.

"I-I think my magical focus is being thrown off by a concussion..." I say in pants.

Twilight pulled my saddlebag with her wings and went through it hastily, "Please tell me you have a cave flare?"

The throbbing pain subsided as I nodded, "I should have some." I rubbed my temples a bit trying to massage the back of my head.

Twilight dumped all the contents on the small floor that separated us and my eyes widened, "W-What?"

The food and rations, the map of the Crystal Cave, iron pickaxe and my pouches were there. I only lost one water canteen which we have four left, but the magical cave flares were missing. I shook my head and grabbed my saddlebag with my hooves to double check.

I gasp again as I shaken the bag and it dropped one flare. No gun. Just one flare.

"H-How..." I stuttered as the conversation that Arpeggio and I had. There were passing unicorns using magic with their newspapers, and handling their opening saddlebags, but it made sense.

"Twilight.... What did that card say?" I growled as I grit my teeth.

Her ears splayed back as she frowned, "Hope you love everything crashing on you because if you love crashing my world, I'll crush you." She looked up at the glowing crystal, "Moondancer..."

I slammed my hooves on the had ground, "Dammit! Dammit, all." Tears were falling down my cheek as I turned to the wall and start punching it with my hooves. "Why?! Why?! WHY!!!"

I punched that wall until my energy was drained, I fall on my side and curled up in a ball while my tears streamed down. That's it, I've broken down next to my close friend and I think I hit my new low in my sadness.

I felt Twilight hoof on my shoulder as I sobbed, "Moondancer..."

"Please let me-"

"No." She sternly said, "You need help."

I whimpered as I got up and faced her with my blurry vision, I laid back against the wall as my tears went down my cheeks. Twilight went up to me, our muzzles were almost touching. Both of our cheeks flared up from and intense staring into each other's eyes.

"What are you-" There it was, a kiss landed on my lips. Her warm lavender lips felt so nice that my worries seemed to pass for a moment. Only a moment.

She pulled away as a warm purple blush appeared on her cheeks, "T-There, I calmed you do-"

She never finished that sentence because I jumped mouth first into Twilights. Her tongue and mine intertwined as her hooves hugged my barrel tightly. Our breaths were being shared between us as we pulled away and a single strain of saliva disconnected. Both of our eyes locked between us, we had the intent of bucking one another and see who was dominant in this situation. Our chests were against one another as I felt her heart beating faster than mine. Then it clicked and it made sense.

I smiled, "When were you going to tell me?"

She pecked my cheek, "I wanted to ask you out after the incident with the changelings. While I was inside the cocoon, I felt lonely and for some reason, the magic that was trying to transform me into a changeling focused on my memories of you. Now after I've been through tests about if I was affected, I came clean. I want you to be my special somepony Moondancer."

I teared up at what she said and kissed her on the lips, "Me too Twilight."

I turned to my left and suddenly the throbbing stopped when I levitated the flare in my grasp. I ignited the flare and it went into the air, through the crystal and out into the open and sent a signal.

I looked at my new purple marefriend and smirked, "Now~" I say as I used my levitation to clean up all of my belongings into the saddlebag, "How many orgasms can we have before rescue gets here?"

She gulped at my sultry tone as I took off my sweater and laid it on the slanted cold floor. Twilight got the hint as we went around so her plot can sit on top of it. Our mouths came in contact and pushed her to the covered floor. Her wings were spread across the floor and up the wall as my hooves rubbed her chest and belly.

I moved my mouth to her ear and nipped it. That made her whimper as my kisses made their way down her neck.

"Moondancer~" She cooed.

My other hoof, that was slightly cold, touched her teats and made them erect. This made her squirm in the sudden touch as I made my trail of kisses to her chest to only make my way to the right wing.

I stopped as I breathed on the throbbing wing, "I hear that pegasi are sensitive right," I lick the base of the wing making her gasp, "Here~"

My tongue assaulted her wing as my hoof, that was on her teats, was getting wet. I withdraw and did the same attack to the left wing which did the same effect on her. I started to make circles around her swollen nether lips and felt her winking with her heart beat.

Then suddenly Twilight screamed in pure ecstasy as she came into my hoof. Her body shook and trembled as she handled it in waves. Once Twilight orgasm passed, she suddenly grabbed me and flipped my body around to where she was on top of me. I moved my saddlebag so get my head comfortable as Twilight calmed her panting.

"That was amazing~" She said huskily as she nipped my ear.

I whimpered to the sudden sensation, sending warmth to my own nethers. Her tongue entered my mouth and prench kissed me deeply as her hoof wandered to my teats. They shivered in anticipation, making them erect and hard. Now I was practically dripping with anticipation. All the lust and musk in the air made me aroused and excited for what's to come.

"Your teats are so much bigger than mine~" Twilight kissed and pulled my tongue with her lips. She twirled her tongue with mine and her hoof made circles around my winking clit.

"Haaaa~" I sigh as the purple alicorn went down my body.

She planted a trail of kisses down my belly until she stopped between the gap of my teats. That's when her tongue flicked my nipple to the side, causing me to gasp, "Ah! T-Twilight~" I moaned.

"Sensitive are we?" Twilight hummed as she lick-teased my clit to only suck my teat making me gasp sharply.

The feeling of her tongue and her suction caused me to whimper and squirm in her mercy. Finally, her tongue licked and made circles around my winking clit, making my body shudder. Then I felt it, my climax was coming and I couldn't say anything with all the panting and moans. Now I felt my whole world being turned upside down as I wrapped my hind legs around her neck and screamed.

"I'm cumming!!!" I screamed aloud as I felt my warm cum drench the alicorn princess's face.

I let my twitching body ride the orgasm and it took awhile for my legs to ease up around Twilight's neck. Once I let my constricting legs away from her and we had a moment to breathe, I flipped her around and start to kiss her like a mad mare. She was at first surprised, with how she was mumbling through our mouths, but soon lust took over her mind.

My tongue felt satisfied and pulled out to let us take in fresh air while I cast my naughty spell on my clit. When cast, I gasped, not because of the throbbing in my head, but to the sudden vibration. What I felt was a nice pair of stallion balls forming with a stallions flaccid cock. The arousal in the air let my 'cock' go fully erect over Twilights belly. She looked at it hungrily and stared at me with her lustful eyes.

I leaned in and nipped her ear, "No sperm, just my mare cum, I'm not getting you pregnant, but I just want to fill you up~"

She shuddered to my sudden thrust between her teats and slap on her clit with my balls, "G-Go for it." She approves.

I nodded as I lift my plot and 'gift' in the air. With my magic, I point my staff at Twilight's entrance. I looked at her just to make sure and she gave her approval through a nod. I smiled as I plunged my cock into her tight and wet cavernous pussy. The purple unicorn groaned as she was being filled and becoming whole. I was having a blast with this new feeling. I've tried this spell before with toys, but nothing could compare to the real deal. My member twitched within her as her insides tightened around me.

"O-Oh wow." I moaned, "I don't think I'm going to last long."

She giggled, "Well that's to be expected," She cooed as she twitched, "y-you haven't used it on any other mare than myself~"

I smirked and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I pulled out my staff until it was almost the tip and slammed it back in. We both gasped and moaned when we slapped together. I was gasping not because of the new addition, but also my balls smacking into my pussy then to Twilight ass. There was a sense of pleasure and pain for myself, but pleasure for her altogether. I gave it another try, bucked, and repeated over and over. Our harmonious moans echoed throughout the air pocket and we didn't care who or what was listening to us. Angling my plot in another position, we were rubbing our erect teats against one another sending shivers down my spine.

"I-I can't h-hold i-i-t any l-longer!" Twilight gasped as her tight hole started to milk me.

I accelerated my thrusts and covered my mouth with hers as our gasps, and moans were overlapping. Finally, my balls flared up as my mare cum ejaculated inside Twilight's womb. Both of us scream as a new sensation caused Twilight to wrap her legs around my plot and cums hard. Our hot and sticky cum we're sharing made us satisfied.

I wrapped my hooves around Twilight and pecked her on the cheek as my naughty spell dissipates. Twilight sighs as she pushed my glasses up my muzzle.

"I suppose that makes us official?" Twilight wonders.

I giggled, "Yes, yes it does Twilight." I rubbed my hoof against my temple, "My head is giving me Tartarus right now."

"I think we can have a little break between this and no naughty spells. Don't want you to suffer more due to your concussion." She nuzzled the side of my cheek.

I sighed as I buried my muzzle into her chest, "So cuddles?"

She giggled, "Cuddles." We embraced each other.

We were found several hours later by Starlight and the Rescue team. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would because we had around ten orgasms each between breaks. Four shared together and the rest was just getting each other off. Turns out, Starlight saw a stallion being sneaky around one of the entrances to the cave and decided to follow. It was Arpeggio who caused the cave-in and nearly cost our lives. He has been taken to prison for his misconduct and attempt murder on a civilian and a princess no less. With the hospital's help, they were able to repair Twilight's horn, but she couldn't use magic for several weeks. I, on the other hand, just needed to have a check up on my cranium to see if I was alright. I was. However, that didn't stop us in our love making when we went back to Twilight's castle.

We lay on her bed panting from our latest orgasm as we cuddled together in our own juices.

"I think I can get used to this." I panted.

Twilight smiled and pecked my cheek, "Just wait until I get my magic working again and you'll be the one getting filled."

I kissed her back, "I'll look forward to that.." I felt her winking pussy against my thigh and smirked, "Want another round already?"

She lowered her eyelids seductively, "Yes my love."

Me and Twilight both kissed as I cast a sound barrier around the room as we resumed our lovemaking.