Unexpected Client

by Jackelope

First published

When Velvet Touch gets clients, she expects them to be upfront, aggressive, and after only one thing... She expects them to be a little older too. Sometimes expectations are thrown out the window in Canterlot.

Whores are no stranger to taboo. They commit acts that otherwise civilized members of society upturn their nose at or shy away from. However it is guaranteed that with every gathering of citizens, whether it be a city, a town or village, there will exist places with a reputation of carrying out such acts. In Canterlot, right under the Princesses’ noses, that place is called the Red Door Brothel. One of the brothel’s more experienced ‘professional paramours’, Velvet Touch, rarely went to bed alone, telling of her great skill in the art of passion and lovemaking. She had a variety of different customers daily, and no matter what, they left with large smiles on their faces. However, if she had noticed one thing about all of them that appeared different on this particular night, it was that they were all... adult.

The wonderful Lady Q
The titular tommal
The great and powerful PinkieDP
The precise master snipinexpert

Passions are made of nothing...

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Whore. Prostitute. Hooker. Working mare. Mare of the night. Whatever title is given, the job remains the same. Somepony who trades their time and their body for money. The Red Door brothel on Canterlot’s underbelly was an establishment where a whole congregation of mares who wear the title of ‘whore’ proudly gather. Every mare worked hard to earn her bits, both to live their lives in reasonable comfort, and to pay their bribes to the ever perceptive guards, as was tradition of such vulgar trades. The building appeared natural, even after a long hard look; the business appearing nothing more than a home (obviously occupied) by a rarely seen occupier. The only thing out of place compared to the other buildings of the royal city was of course the door, which wore a coat of cracked red paint, the shade almost eerie, not unlike blood in its hue.

Inside was lavish, as expected from a building in Canterlot, everything contained within ‘fine’ or even ‘regal’ quality, with furniture and other assorted knick-knacks generously donated by patrons of the establishment. If customers wandered inside with their intents clear and bits in hoof, they would find many willing and beautiful mares at their beck and call inside the brothel. Appointments could be arranged with a Madame, but it wasn’t necessary. There were many mares, all attractive, all professionals in their fields, and all perfectly capable of catering to anyone who walked through that red coated door.

Velvet Touch was one such caterer. Compared to the other mares, her standards were fairly low: Be clean and pay full in advance. Otherwise anypony was free to do what they wanted with her, barring physical harm and/or introducing bodily fluids other than spit, her own nether juices, or cum, of course. This leniency had made her popular and she could be one of the few to have boasted about fucking every inhabitant species of Equestria at least once, both genders (excluding the once encounter with a unicorn mare who knew many… unique spells.), and having the rare achievement of being paid way above her asking fee by a dragon.

As for looks, she fit the bill for one of Equestria’s finest bed companions. She kept her crimson coat pristine, and her rich amber eyes almost hypnotic. Her mane was also noteworthy, having perfectly attended to locks which were several shades brighter than her coat. She could often be found in the open hall, enticing stallions and mares alike who walked in through the door into buying her services. However this night was different; She had an appointment. She had rarely had appointments, not because she wasn’t lusted after (of this, a great number of stallions felt this toward her.), but because she could always be found. Only the impatient couldn’t stomach waiting for her to finish with another stallion, have to contact the madam to make such an appointment one, pay in advance, and set a time and date. What was also out of the ordinary was the setting of the appointment. Usually set a month, a week, or even the first day into the weekend ahead of time. Yet this was made merely a day ahead on a weeknight and via written message with atrocious hoof-writing, with a bundle of bits sent directly to Velvet herself.

Now with any other pony this might have set off alarms. Maybe this writer was a creep, intending harm or performance of some other malicious motive on the mare. However, Velvet’s curiosity outweighed her instincts. Even as she lay on her bed, eyes aiming at the door, head resting on her hooves, she continued to ponder on the identity and motive of this mysterious client. A kidnapper who fancies his chances? An overly large dragon who could barely hold a quill? An idiot who didn’t know procedure? All ideas possible, none confirmed.
Unbeknownst to her, the client had just entered the brothel, though with tentative steps. The client tried to wear confidence and bravado while walking through the corridors which all too quickly crumpled even from a sideward glance. Some patrons laughed, thinking it a joke. Some of the whores wore sad expressions, the appearance of such a pony in a place as this for the sole purpose of finding a specific mare was all too saddening. Other patrons wore blushes on their cheeks, momentarily halting their entering and exiting of each other as they watched the client pass. The expression worn on the client’s face barely held resemblance to stoicism, eyes locked to the ground, awkwardly navigating their way to Velvet’s room.

Velvet perked up at the sound of her door creaking open, her brows knitting into a thoughtful expression as opposed to her usual sultry look as she readied herself for whatever came through that door. Her expression fell at first, before slowly morphing into a furrow browed stare, mouth slightly ajar as she looked at the figure who came through the door.

“Are you my client?” She asked warily, her head-turning slightly ear flickering toward the door.

“Yes.” The voice replied, barely above a whisper, with cheeks burning as red as the brothel’s door.

Velvet’s client was a colt, a teenage colt, barely in the throes of puberty by the looks of him. The young stallion was obviously the son of somepony wealthy, her payment likely a discreetly borrowed sum of money from daddy’s coffers. The colt was an entire head smaller than herself, and had a coat of clean sandy-coloured fur, his mane a short cut mess of brown, and his eyes were a shade of blue.

“You’re a minor.” Velvet stated simply, arching an eyebrow at the teenager. He twirled his hoof around the floor, his eyes downcast.

“Yes.” He said meekly, continuing to draw patterns into the carpet.

“You paid for me with stolen bits?” She asked to confirm her suspicion, her lips going pursed as she looked at the fidgeting colt.

“Yes.” He repeated the word like a broken record, although not out of fear, but because she hadn’t asked a wrong question yet.

“And despite all this, you still thought you could… rut me?” The words ‘sex’ and ‘fuck’ didn’t sound right on her tongue speaking to the colt, and even the usage of something comparably tame prompted the colt to cringe.

“Y-yes…” The colt stuttered. His cheeks somehow managed to burn even redder, his reluctance and shyness was an endearing sight for the working mare, whose face had become one of pity.

“Come sit beside me.” She shifted a few places to her side, patting the space beside her on the pink bed sheets, looking at the colt with a degree of interest. The colt dragged his hooves over to the bed, slightly trembling. He climbed on to the bed, sitting beside her like she asked, although he put half a foot of space between their bodies. He still was not being able to bring himself to look her in the eyes.


“What?” He was somehow startled by the question, his wide eyed stare at the prostitute prompting her mouth to curl into a lopsided grin.

“I asked your name. What is it?” she asked again, her tone retaining the happiness presenting in her half smile. The colt appeared to be having difficulty processing the question, or battled with himself whether or not to answer it, his hooves rubbing against each other. “Come on. You were prepared to… use me, when you came in here. Surely you can give me your name?”

“Berry.” The colt replied rather promptly, embarrassment clearly in his voice. Velvet smirked, and cast an eye to his flank, looking at his… protractor, cutie mark?

“Berry?” She asked, her expression going aloof.

“Yep.” He began, chewing the inside his cheek. Velvet wore an incredulous expression now, her eyes glancing from the cutie mark back to Berry’s face, flickering back and forth. “Great-great-great-great-great grandfather made his fortune off berry farming. Named his son Berry. And then he named his son Berry. And even after my family left the vine fields, every Berry named his son Berry. I’m the latest one.”

“Wow.” The word fell from her mouth, smirking through her nostrils. Either he was a liar, or he’s from a genuinely mad family, although she wasn’t in any position to judge. She was after all the creator of her own name, her original left written down somewhere, as well as left somewhere at the back of her mind, forgotten. “That’s… insane.”

“I know.” Berry sighed, although there was a slight chuckle at the back of his throat. The two remained in silence until it became awkward after that. The only break in the silence coming from a faraway moan or distant giggles, and muffled screams of ecstasy through the walls. “I wasn’t.”

“What?” The sudden dialogue catching her by surprise, turning her head to look at, Berry.

“I wasn’t going to… do anything, really.” He started, looking at the crimson whore sideways. Velvet scrunched her brows together, looking at the colt and awaiting a continuation. “I saw your name, a date, an address. All in my father’s logbook. As well as your… price, below it.”

“I don’t get it. Why’d that make you come here?” She probed, her head inching closer as she listened with interest.

“Because I don’t see why he’d come to you, and sleep with you, and then go home to wake up beside mother.” He spoke in a sombre tone. Velvet found herself casting her eyes away from Berry, scrunching her features into an expression of shame bundled with embarrassment. Whilst those two emotions had quite a lot of overlap, Velvet very rarely felt shame. She suspected most of her clients, especially being in Canterlot, were married stallions and mares. Once she serviced a married stallion, then his wife, and then by sheer chance, both at the same time. “Now that I’m here, I don’t know why I came. May be I thought I could ask you to stop it… But if he was considering it, then it's already over between my dad and mom isn’t it.”

Berry’s jaw trembled slightly, sniffing. Velvet Touch cast a remorseful look to the young teen, his face making a knot form in her heart, and she clenched her eyes shut. Berry felt the tears about to leak from the corners of his eyes suddenly stop, his neck turning to the mare who was suddenly pressed up against him. He looked at the mare’s body, and then to her eyes, and suddenly found himself incapable of moving a muscle. Velvet pressed her right hoof beneath his chin, and she looked deeply into his eyes with a soft expression on her face.

“Have you ever been kissed before, Berry?” She asked softly, the softness of her voice causing Berry to release a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding in.

“N-no. Not by non-family.” He tripped over his words, unblinking, still lost in her amber eyes. “Why?”

Velvet may live to regret this, or maybe not. Honestly, she didn’t know. But what she did know, was that at this precise moment in time, she didn’t give a flying fuck. Berry hadn’t realised it until after it happened, but when his mind actually grasped what had just occurred, the result had hit him as hard as a stampede of buffalo. Velvet Touch’s lips had pressed against Berry’s, and they were both inexplicably unsure of what to do next. Velvet opened her lips first, and her tongue slithered from her mouth and pressed against the colt’s lips, lightly prodding against the colt’s puckered lips. Berry lacked in experience in all matters regarding…this, and for her to initiate this, it was surely her job to lead. He opened his lips, and parted his teeth, and the mare’s wriggly muscle passed through his lips and into his mouth.

Velvet wrapped a hoof around the colt’s head, bringing him deeper into the kiss. His amateur tongue simply bathed over hers, the lack of wrestling between the two tongues was telling of the colt’s inexperience, but also foretold of his compassion in the act. The lack of aggression in his mouth movements told Velvet he didn’t see the act as aggressive, and neither did he believe passion was alike a furious duel. Two tongues slid over each other in tandem, alike the tectonics of the planet, the two muscles vibrating awake an earthquake of pleasure in their minds. As it progressed, Berry found his hooves had wrapped around the mare unintentionally, and Velvet reciprocated, both of them laying on their sides as they mined each other’s mouths deeply with their tongues.

Their bodies squeezed together, the size difference between the two was something Velvet found strangely hot, her cheeks blushing at the thought. She was committing a taboo act, more so than usual, and revelling in it. Her hooves left the back of Berry’s head and she began exploring his body, feeling his young body beneath her hooves. She left her hooves resting on his plot on his exposed side, rubbing in circles on the marked spot. Velvet smiled into the kiss when the colt pressed his hips against her, his plump balls and sheathed cock pressed against her stomach. She separated her lips from his, both of them breathless, a string of saliva connecting their mouths.

“Have you ever been… touched down there before, Berry?” Her voice was soft, but sultry, and the words were delivered direct to his ear. “Have you ever had a mare touch your cock?” She stressed every syllable, her words dripping with eroticism.

“No. No I haven’t.” Berry spoke as he did when he first encountered the hooker, shy and quiet, but you didn’t need to be as perceptible as a Canterlot whore to hear the eagerness underlining his words. Velvet grinned as her hoof began to trail down one of his legs, ending at the thigh.

Berry held his breath as he felt Velvet’s hoof get closer to his sheath, his hooves coiled around her body tightly in a secure embrace, unsure of what was to come next. It wasn’t Velvet’s hoof that first felt the younger colt’s cock, but instead she felt the tip of his rod as it emerged from its sheathe and pressed against her stomach. The thought of his lewd organ prompted her to bite her lower lip. She wouldn’t have believed somepony if they told her she’d be excited for a colt’s dick, but now she was as eager to feel the colt’s cock in her hooves. Just as he was eager as he was to have it touched.

Berry’s teeth pressed against his bottom lip as he felt a delicate touch against his balls. The large balls were were contained in an onyx black sack. The lack of physical contact, even with his own hooves, had left the entire region sensitive to even brushes from another’s hooves. The plump orbs were of surprising size to Velvet who lightly massaged the sack with a careful hoof, her face wearing a smile as she watched the cute expressions on Berry’s face. The feeling was like pins and needles, except each ordinarily stinging sensation of the pins pressing against his flesh was replaced with tingles of pleasure from his groin outwards. She lightly ground her body against the colt, whose dick rubbed against her as she did so, the semi-erect stallion meat feeling warm and desperate for a mare’s touch.

Velvet complied with the demands of the colt’s body. One of her legs slid between the colt’s and she raised it up slightly, easing her access to the young stallion’s shaft. It was then she finally glanced down to the space between their bodies, and at the teen’s cock. Her exploring hoof trailed from Berry’s balls to his sheath, the colt’s stiff rod was darker than his sack, appearing almost a matte black. She circled her hoof on his sheath, coaxing more of Berry’s staff from its fleshy home. The dick, once fully emerged, was impressive for an underage colt. The shaft, while not as long as the average stallion, was unusual in girth, the meat almost thicker than her forearm and hoof. She dragged her hoof over his balls in a deliberately slow manner, each second eliciting a moan from the colt’s throat, his legs twitched and his hips thrust as a newfound pleasure influenced his body’s movements. She finally touched the base of his erection, the heat making her pussy tighten in an almost instinctive manner. She bit her tongue lightly when she felt his dick throb against her touch. Velvet’s continued her deliberately slow travel up Berry’s cock, and looked up from the dick to his face, expecting a reaction when she touched his medial ring…

“Thank you!” Berry exclaimed, tightening his grip around Velvet, his hips did a single power thrust against the mare as the sensitive spot was glided over by the crimson coated mare.

“What?” Velvet asked, giggling like a fool at Berry’s outburst. “What was that?”

“I-I don’t know.” Berry sounded flustered, stuttering over his words. “It just came out. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, or say during all of th-“

Velvet interrupted his rambling with a kiss. The connection of lips lacked the intertwining of tongues, and was unusually tame considering the intimacy of the situation. She pressed her body against his, sandwiching his cock between the two of them, and she slowly began to push against his body, trying to shift the colt. She eventually succeeded, the colt rolling onto his back, his body supporting the entirety of her weight. Again she initiated the separation of their lips. Berry, for a moment, followed her mouth with his eyes closed, lips puckered.

“Ah, ah, ah.” She stopped him by placing her hoof on his lips, smiling at his longing expression. “Now that I’ve got you on your back, I had other plans for my mouth, Berry. Can you hazard a guess as to what that is?”

“You’re gonna…” He took a moment to gulp, and Velvet could feel the thought enter his mind, his cock twitched against her stomach. “Use your mouth… down there.”

She nodded with a small smile and Berry’s fore-hooves quivered around her body in what she could only assume was anticipation, almost like a giddy foal. Velvet’s tongue lolled from her mouth and planted it against Berry’s cheek, and she began to climb down the slender colt, never once removing her tongue from the teen’s body. The taste on her tongue wasn’t sweat from physical exhaustion, but rather sexual exertion, the smell and taste of sweat stirring the heat in her chest and loins. By this point she was a master of patience, putting the stallion’s pleasure ahead of herself, and it made her eventual satisfaction all the sweeter.

Berry didn’t even try to prevent the moan that released from his throat when Velvet’s wide tongue pressed against the underside of his flare, the bead of pre that released from the tip tasted sweet to her taste buds, and Berry’s cock throbbed. She kept dragging her tongue down Berry’s shaft, and he began taking quick shallow breaths as he felt a growing tightness in his balls. However it was when the tip of her tongue brushed over the medial ring that Berry released a long arduous moan from his throat, bliss and ecstasy fizzled throughout his body as he took multiple short little thrusts at the air, several spurts of teenage colt cum firing from the shaft in several sticky strands that landed on his chest and stomach. His limbs fell limp after that, his cheeks blushing and his eyes clenched shut, either from embarrassment or basking in the moment. Velvet couldn’t tell.

“Sorry.” The colt apologised, his tone suggesting genuine guilt. “I’ve heard the stallion shouldn’t… go, before the mare. I’m so-“

Velvet found his apology sweet, but unnecessary, the colt finding the words lost in his throat as the mare continued her trail downward, leaving behind a saliva trail in her wake. They stopped at his balls, raising his hind legs over her shoulders, she leaned down to his nuts, the large spheres contained within a tight sack that made them look all the more appealing to Velvet, her tongue dragging over her bottom lip as she looked them over. Berry flexed his hind legs as he felt one of his jewels get enveloped in the mouth of the whore, but the word ‘whore’ hadn’t entered his mind the entire time. As she dragged her tongue to flick it over the sensitive flesh, he whimpered in place, and he tried to lean up some so he could watch her in the act but he found his body paralyzed by the pleasure a single tongue could bring.

Velvet gently suckled on the testicle, before allowing it to pop free from her mouth, and switch to the other. She inhaled his musk deeply, which despite his age, still managed to lull her into an almost hypnotic stupor. She cleaned his balls with her mouth, a description she used to describe that act, which in all honesty was too vulgar, even for her. She wasn’t acting as some whore to a rich stallion who had paid for the night, but instead she was imparting pleasure and a wide variety of new experiences on a colt who so desperately needed it. In her peripheral vision she saw Berry’s cock twitch, the column of meat hard once more. She delivered a final few sloppy licks to Berry’s balls, before shrugging his legs off her shoulders, and again she scaled up the colt, her tongue locked to his body like a magnet to iron.

Berry looked downward at Velvet, locking his eyes with hers, the pure eroticism of the sight of a mare traveling up him, tongue attached, was indescribable in feeling. His flare released a bead of pre, reinvigorated, wanting more of her. She stopped at the base of his cock, where it emerged from his sheath, and she smiled up at him, and he gave a shaky grin back. He nearly released a whimper when the pleasant feeling disappeared from his groin, Velvet trailing up his body, avoiding his shaft with her tongue, but remaining close enough to it as to make him feel teased. Velvet could taste only his fur and sweat as she made up slow way up, and she made sure to keep her eyes locked with Berry’s, to watch every subtle emotion that appeared in his features. Eagerness. Longing. Impatience. Want.

Berry bit his lip when Velvet stopped just next to the head of his dick, her cheek brushed against it as she stopped. Her hooves had coiled around his back, and the penis was largely sandwiched between their two warm bodies. She manoeuvred her head so that Berry could feel her neck push against her throat, the mare’s tongue finally retracted back into her mouth, licking her lips as she did so. Not a word was shared between the two, as there was no need.

Velvet saw a trickle of cum that had matted to the colt’s fur. She gave a half smile when Berry looked at her with a wide eyed expression, his mouth slightly ajar. She licked the sticky spot with a her exerted tongue, the colt’s cum tasting salty and sweet, and she smirked when she felt a slight wetness from beneath her chin, the colt’s cock twitching out a bead of pre at the sight. Velvet saw her lover’s face contort to a face of confusion, disgust, and an the unmistakable look of horniness. She could see his jaw switch back and forth between closing and slightly open, and she arched a brow.

“What?” She asked, momentarily forgetting the situation. Berry looked hesitant, conflicted between his curiosity and desire for the good not to stop.

“Why?” Berry asked, slightly breathless.


“Did you… lick it?” He asked, clenching his eyes in recoil, but they cracked open when he heard a quick chuckle from Velvet.

“I don’t know. Maybe it tastes good. Maybe I’m a freak… Or maybe because it’s hot?” She shrugged, and wore a disarming smile. Berry could only furrow his brows. “Your friend here seems to agree on that final point.” She punctuated by stroking the underside of his flare with her cheek, the colt tensed up in reply, his eyes momentarily clenching closed before opening again.

“Right.” said Berry breathlessly. His constant moaning and groaning at even the slightest brush against his cock made Velvet feel a huge amount of joy, and maybe just the smallest morsel of pride.

Not one to allow any interruption to ruin the flow of her work, Velvet commenced her next act of pleasuring the colt. She started by exhaling through her mouth onto the colt’s hard staff of meat, her very breath enough to make it twitch longingly for her mouth. Next her tongue lolled from her mouth, the few drops of spittle landing on the dick caused Berry’s hips to twitch upward, his cock pulsating. To contrast with the amount of slow going and teasing she had been enacting on the teen, she wasted no time in enveloping the entirety of his girthy cockhead into her mouth, although despite her experience there was slight difficulty in the task.

“Thank yo-“ Berry began as the flattish tip of his dick disappeared into her mouth, stopping himself as he saw her furrow browed stare from below. His cheeks flushed a shade of pink from embarrassment, his hoof scratching the back of his head. “Sorry.” Velvet rolled her eyes at the apology, which looked surreal considering the dick in her mouth. With a huff she grabbed one of the colt’s forehooves and placed it atop her head. He stared cock-eyed, although once she stroked his chest, he realised the purpose.

Berry now petted her head like a foal pets a new puppy, the act making her feel oddly more appreciated, an appreciation that she herself would gratify from as she continued her work. She licked at the flare as if it were a delicious treat, her tongue every so often tasting a slight saltiness as she lapped up some pre as it leaked from the slit, at this point in a near constant stream as continuous bliss was delivered to Berry’s shaft. The angle was awkward, but she engulfed more hard meat into her mouth, the girth causing her cheeks to bulge outward slightly. She changed tactics, swirling her tongue around Berry’s solid length. Berry’s hoof resigned to a circular stroking pattern as his body relaxed, trying admirably to suppress his moans and failing every time.

Knowing he’d never take the initiative, Velvet stopped licking Berry’s hardness, and she pulled back her head and allowed the cumbersome dick to fall free from her mouth, landing against Berry’s stomach with a wet pat. Her continuous movement up and down Berry was at this point becoming almost a parody of the act of sex, and they hadn’t even gotten to fourth base yet. She pushed herself up on her front hooves, her hind legs limp, looking down at Berry from her new vantage point. With one hoof she hefted the heavy appendage up until it was aiming straight up toward the ceiling, and Berry could feel Velvet’s breaths on the head of his shaft.

She leant down and wrapped her lips around his dick, before her jaw opened wide to take in his flesh snake inside her mouth. She licked his flare whilst her lips formed a vacuum seal around his thick meat, and she revelled in hearing Berry’s moans again. She suckled on his prick, and then she began to move at a snail’s pace down his rod, taking inch after inch of his meat into her mouth. She felt her mouth bulge out as her mouth accommodated more and more of his cock. Her tongue lathered the course meat of his dick, and now that it had found a place firmly in her mouth, both of her hooves began to stroke up and down his stalionhood. She was thankful, and she was sure Berry was too, that he had recently climaxed, so that he could ride out this pleasure for even longer. The assault of licks, the vicious strokes, and general eroticism would have had his virgin cock to explode in a torrent of gushing seed within a near instant.

As she took more and more of his length into her mouth, she felt her throat stretch to accommodate the colt’s girthy love stick. She raised her head up and down, fellating the cock for real this time, and had to suppress a laugh at Berry’s squeal of delight. She licked, sucked, and blew Berry’s dick to the best of her abilities – which was considerably high – and each time she went down his length she took more and more of it inside of her mouth. Berry felt that his hips wanted to thrust up into her mouth, but he kept himself restrained. He whimpered out a wordless half-plea, and Velvet felt his dick twitch in her throat.

She looked down as she continued to fellate him, and her hooves had left his pulsating organ to keep herself steady on the bed. She made eye contact with Berry, and for the third time this evening he was lost in her eyes. He adopted a look of concern as her eyes clenched close, gagging noises coming from her dong stuffed mouth, and yet she continued to take more of his dick behind her lips. She stopped an inch above the medial ring, and within one movement the dick withdrew from her mouth like a sword from its sheath. She took several large breaths, the saliva covered cock throbbing in the open air.

“Are y-you okay?” Berry asked with concern, the sentiment was sweet to Velvet, but she gave a wry smile in return.

“This is something I do almost every day you kn-“ The sentence ended prematurely when she realised he still held the same worried look on his face, and again she found herself rolling her eyes. His naivety and concern for her well-being was extremely endearing. “I’m fine… Think you can hold it a little while longer?”

“I, uh… I think so.” Berry spoke with uncertainty, nodding, lips pursed.

Velvet smirked and gave Berry a sultry look as she went back to the tip of his sex, the organ almost throbbing almost as if in approval, giving her a present of some pre-cum as she took it back into her maw. Having already acclimated to the size of his prick, she took it into her moist gullet with relative ease. Velvet quickly took in a quarter, and then half, and then just slightly above his medial ring. Each time she made a large swallow of Berry’s meat, Berry released a large orgasmic moan, his legs kicked, and he couldn’t stop himself from bucking slightly. Velvet gagged, and her lips were flirting with his medial ring. She huffed out of her nose and continued her descent, and felt a moment of satisfaction when she felt her lips pass over the fleshy bump of the medial ring, and felt the staff of meat twitch in her throat. Velvet could tell he was close. If it wasn’t his gritting teeth, clenched eyes, and many shallow breaths, it was the pulsating slab of meat that kept throbbing in her throat. In an act that she was sure Berry would retain in his memory for the rest of his days, she pulled back until his dick was half buried in her throat, and then in one swift movement she took in the entirety of his member within her. The twitching organ’s owner rendered silent with disbelief and the near complete shutdown of all his mental faculties.

Velvet pulled back halfway up his shaft and fell back to the base of his stiff member, and she did this again, and again, again, as fast as she could possibly could. Her lips were no longer sealed around the prick and the terribly erotic sounds of her gagging and slurping around his cock was the only sound in the room – Besides Berry’s repetitive moans, which left his throat every half second, and Velvet wondered briefly if he was even breathing at all. She could feel every vein, the texture of his skin, the taste of his colthood, and she surprised even herself at her self-restrain, her fur moist with her own juices around her cunt.

“I-I’m!” Berry exclaimed with a wheeze, his limbs locking in place around Velvet’s head, unintentionally holding her in place as his hips did a singular powerful thrust into her throat, stretched to capacity. Velvet felt her eyes bulge from her skull as choked on his dick, feeling the organ pulsate and expand at the base as Berry’s cock erupted in her throat, the warm sticky seed fired in multiple thick stringy ropes. His full balls unloaded into her stomach, and in such quantity as to leak from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes rolled back into her head, almost vicariously feeling Berry’s pleasure as her stomach filled with his cum. If she was coherent of thought she’d question how he was able to cum this much, considering how recently the colt had climaxed. It seemed to last quite a while, but in reality it was only seven or eight twitches of his rod, each followed by a shot of Berry’s seed in Velvet.

Berry went still, bathing in the afterglow of his orgasm, Velvet’s mouth still wrapped around his meat. She was also lost in her own kind of stupor. The surprise coupled with the forceful hooves behind her head forcing her to keep the cock within her mouth sent her into a blank minded state. She didn’t have a preference to be dominated, the frequency her clients had done so with her had rendered it cliché, but the pony behind the domination was also a factor in consideration. A young, inexperienced colt, who was mere moments ago putty in her hooves, had forced her to remain at the base, her nostrils inhaling trickles of air. The thought was strangely intoxicating, although she knew it wasn’t his character. Her light-headedness still didn’t override her need for a mouthful of something else that wasn’t cum or cock, her lungs begging for more than just slight whiffs of oxygen. She pulled back in one swift movement, the appendage and her swinging in opposite directions, the dick smacking against Berry’s stomach and Velvet falling onto her back.

Velvet inhaled heartily, her mouth stained with cum, and her stomach feeling slightly full. She gulped the excess seed in her mouth, feeling the viscous liquid slide down her throat almost sickly, if not for an aftertaste reminiscent of its source’s name. The odd thing she found with the taste of pony cum was it lacked a universal taste, the flavour alternating from stallion to stallion. It made the job a whole lot easier all things considered.

“That was...” Berry began, feeling breathless, confused at his own fatigue. The teen swallowed and look down his chest, his softening prick on his stomach, the flare smeared with his cum. Beyond that he saw Velvet, the rise and fall of her chest assuring him she was fine. “Velvet?”

Her ears pricked up at the mention of her name, the realisation hit her that this was the first time she had heard her name come from the colt’s mouth… and he said her name with a sweetness she could taste on her buds. Velvet rose her head and flashed Berry a small smile brimming with a genuine kindness, and Berry felt the metaphorical butterflies in his stomach. She shifted on her fore-hooves, propping up her back so she could look at the adjacent pony.

“Did you like it?”

“Yes, it was great. Fantastic. Good, amazing, the best ever. It was unbe-“ He gushed, stopping at Velvet’s high browed expression, and her tight lipped smile telling of a barely held laugh. “It was good.”

“Thanks for the commendation.” She retorted with a smug smile, giving him an overly courteous nod, causing the colt to grin bashfully.

Berry grinned and his hell fell back onto the bed, and for a few moments he bathed in the afterglow of it all. His first kiss, his first moment of passion with another pony. The mere thoughts of the pleasure he had just recently experienced almost were enough to harden his cock alone, but then that word kept repeating in his head over and over. Pleasure. Pleasure. Pleasure. It had only been after the third time he repeated it to himself his eyes opened wide in a realisation that caused guilt to well in the spot he once felt flutters.

“What about you?” Berry asked her with a guilt ridden tone, propping himself up to look at her. He looked between her legs, the two limbs were held together, but he could see that some of her fur had been wetted by her horniness. Berry even felt a new and foreign smell enter his nose. He had gotten the faintest scent of it when he had first entered the brothel, but now it was comparatively stronger, and yet not unpleasant in the slightest.

“Me?” Velvet began, propping herself up, the two looking eye level at one another. “What about me?”

“You didn’t get… a turn.” He said, looking away. Velvet found it somewhat humorous he would still find himself blushing despite all that he went through, and yet he did.

“A turn?” She replied with the coyness only imitable by a uptown whore, her expression slightly pouty.

“You know…”


“Now you’re just teasing me.” He snapped playfully, prompting a giggle from Velvet.

“Yeah, yeah.” Velvet replied with a couple of quick nods and a smile, sighing. “Really though, it’s not neces-“

“I want to!” He replied quicker than either of them had expected, a surprisingly confident expression on his face, Velvet arching a brow. However, with blushing and a guilty look he quickly retreating away, looking anywhere else but Velvet. “I want…. I just want to make you feel good too.”

Velvet wore an unreadable smile. It may have been relief, or it might have even been her reactionary curl of the lip from seeing a sight she found incredibly adorable. Perhaps both. However, instead of replying with words, Velvet spread open her legs. There was a momentary string of her mare nectar from thigh to thigh as she opened them, her liquid arousal had leaked out of her at such a great quantity the area around her pussy was near soaking. Berry found himself looking upon something he had never seen before, only holding a vague awareness of such from lessons on the topic at school, but none the less found it captivating. Berry turned onto his stomach, and maneuvered and crawled his way to in-between Velvet’s legs, close enough so that he could feel the warmness from her cunt on his face.

He was looking at her vagina, again finding himself going into such clinical language, even inside of his own head. For some reason it took only the sight of it to make his rod throb, the organ’s softening halted as he looked upon it. It looked like a slit in the flesh, a pink crease in an otherwise crimson body. Despite her day job (or maybe it was a necessity because of it.) Velvet’s cunt looked tight, the pronounced walls of her labia were close to one another, with the pink petals of her vaginal flower contained within. Her clit remained hidden behind its hood, the lack of physical intervention on either party’s part had rendered the nub unstipulated. He swallowed.

“Any tips?” He attempted to deliver in a humoured tone, but end up coming out as a nervous plea. He then felt a hoof delicately land on the back of his head, the strokes help soften the rapid beating of his heart.

“It’s okay.” She cooed, her stroking hoof going beneath his chin, bringing his eyes to look at hers. “Don’t rush anything. Go slow, familiarise yourself with it. Just go ahead. Touch it.”

His eyes begrudgingly left hers, bringing them back down to her cunt. He didn’t know how to first act, so he brought a hoof beside his face, and ever so slowly it inched forward and just… poked it. The flesh of her vulva felt smooth on the brief contact, and surprisingly warm to the touch. Velvet’s inhale through gritted teeth caused him to recoil, but when he glanced up and saw a crooked smile, her head slightly limp as it hung back. Feeling a slight amount of pride in making her feel pleasure for the first time this evening he brought his other hoof to her pussy, his hooves pressing on either side of her cunt. He pulled his hooves apart, as did her lips, the soft pink of her vagina being exposed to the open air of the room, Velvet releasing a gasp.

Berry moved a hoof into the pink, the tip of his hoof tracing down the walls of her pussy. Her vulva slick with her own lubricant, her folds sensitive beneath his gently brushing hoof. He didn’t know the right amount of pressure to apply on her walls, but she seemed satisfied with his efforts, if her slow and drawn out moans were anything to go by. He brought a second hoof up to her folds and he continued to explore her lady parts, looking over her pinkness, each curious little poke and prod eliciting a moan from Velvet. She was partly exaggerating however, each time he glided close to her clit he avoided it, the nub continued to remain covered beneath its hood. She knew his inexperience was the contributing factor to this, and didn’t want to make him scamper away in a humiliated state. Her hips moved around with his hooves, attempting to help him stumble onto her love button by himself.

Velvet however released out a gasp of surprise, feeling a wet muscle prod against her cunt, and remain there…. And remain there… and remain there. Arching a brow and opening her eyes she propped herself up, and looked down upon Berry, whose tongue remained outstretched and pressed against her pussy, his eyes clenched shut as if bracing himself on a rollercoaster of some sort.

“What are you doing?”

“I don’t know.” He spoke with outstretched tongue, the bitter yet pleasant taste of Velvet on the tip of his tongue.

“How ‘bout you try moving it around?” She instructed, releasing a single dry chuckle from her throat.

Berry wordlessly complied, his tongue sliding up her folds, his hooves holding apart her honeypot. As his tongue retreated into his mouth, he drank down a large amount of Velvet’s nectar, and he found himself licking his lips for any trace amount that remained. He dove right back in, delivering a series of slow, messy, and meticulous licks to her snatch. He held his eyes closed, not in fear or nervousness, but to deprive himself of one of his senses, so that his other senses would be better attuned to picking up everything about her. Her smell, her body, her taste, her moans, all parts of her he wanted to now savour in a strange moment of eroticism he wasn’t even aware of. He gripped one of her legs and brought himself closer to her, his nose pressed against her mons, sniffing her scent deeply, his tongue circling around the top half of her pussy. He furrowed his brows when she increased the volume of her moans, but only when his tongue glided over a particular point on her flower. He was unfortunate to miss the expression on Velvet’s face when his tongue waggled against her clit, her euphoric smile went unseen, but the blissful moan prompted him to only work harder.

Berry focused on the button that each time he pressed, Velvet released a moan from her mouth, a noise he already found he adored. The colt licked her like an ice cream cone, coming in at different angles, alternating between long drawn out licks and quick slashes of the tongue. He was drunk on her, a Velvetolic, slurping and inhaling from her deeply. Even Velvet was surprised at his passion for her, the colt’s driven insistence on her feeling good was unlike anything she had experienced before. It seemed to make his inexperience negligible, and when she propped herself up, she saw his servicing lips upturned into a half smile.

“Berry.” She cooed with a sultry moan, putting on Bedroom eyes. However his expression dropped when she found she went unheard, but her hips rose into his tongue when she he flicked his tongue against her mound.

“Berry.” Again, unheard. An eye clenched closed when he began to suck on her button, all the while delivering smacks with his wringing muscle.

“Berry!” She called out once more, her tone higher in both pitch and volume, her voice cracking.

“W-what?” He stuttered, pulling back in a daze, his mouth dripping with Velvet’s liquid lust. “Am I not doing it good? I can try better, I promise.”

“No, no, no. You were great.” She gushed, her reddened cheeks and assuring smile alleviating Berry’s fears somewhat. “Just come up here for a minute.”

“Oh. Ok.”

As the colt climbed up her, Velvet saw his fully erect prick at the prime angle, for a second aligned with her cunt before narrowly missing her entrance, the column of flesh glided over her mons as the colt clambered up her. Any thoughts, any kind of reluctance, any part of her warning her the potential consequences of such an act being found out… had dissipated long ago. Now all she could think was how fantastic it would feel to have his long hard cock buried into her love hole, to suck him within her with nothing but her sex, to become a second sheath for his cock, and a variety of other metaphors for getting fucked. However when Berry had come eye to eye with her, and she stared into his brilliant blue eyes, only one thing came to mind. She wrapped her hooves around his head, and brought him into a kiss, their lips locking, her tongue plunging deep into his mouth and his into hers…

“Yuck!” Berry exclaimed, separating the kiss, Velvet all the while laughing wholesomely.

“That’s for choking me.” Her voice conveyed an immense satisfaction, licking the taste of her own juices of her lips whilst Berry spat the taste of his own cum off of his.

“How can you like the taste, it’s so disg-“

“Berry,” She interrupted, her hooves softly pressing against both of his cheeks, directing his eyes to hers. It silenced him, and she pulled his head down into her chest, and for the second time that evening Berry felt her breath against his ear. “I’ve got another question.”

“What?” His muffled voice replied.

“Do you want to fuck me?”

When the question was asked, Berry became acutely aware of where his cock rested. It was pressed against the junction of her thigh at an upward angle, the flare of his erection pressing into his own stomach, the underside pressing against the coat just above her pussy. When the question was asked, Berry swallowed, raising his head from her chest he looked directly into her amber eyes. When the question was asked, Berry had only one clear resolute answer in his mind.


Velvet’s replied not with words, but kisses, all over the bridge of his nose and his cheek. And with each of those little kisses Berry leant into them, feeling them press into his body, each little one sweet for sweet’s sake. He had never done any of what he had done this night, being only vaguely aware of the mechanics of this dance. He kept his head low when his body rose, not being able to part himself from Velvet’s kisses. His hind legs went fully straight, his forehooves bent, his flank in the air. His heavy dick swayed beneath him, occasionally smacking against his stomach when he flexed his dick, pre from the tip landed either on Velvet’s mound or the bed sheets.

He guided his dick forward, trying to recall from memory the exact position but to no avail. He prodded the side of her thigh, dragged it down the bottom of her abdomen, coming close when the flare pressed against her clit. She nuzzled his mane when the head of his cock pressed against her entrance, releasing a sigh when he probed at her hole. He tried to penetrate her, but he found himself backing out at the last second each time, like throwing a half-hearted punch. Velvet, not for the first time that night, decided to take the lead. She brought her hind hooves up to Berry’s flank, and applied pressure, pushing his cock against her. Berry’s forehooves gave out when his cock sank into her tunnel, pleasure overcoming him, her tight cunt choking his prick.

Velvet ‘oofed’ when she felt her slit stretch to accommodate him, a pleasurable pain. Her legs pushed him inside another inch, and he moaned into her chest. Her tight orifice proved to be much more pleasurable than her mouth, when more and more of his pole was shoved into her, this pleasure was amplified. It felt like she was sucking him in, her pussy clenched around his meat, and it twitched and throbbed inside her canal. They both exhaled their pleasure when their hips connected, the entirety of Berry’s stallionhood stretching her to her limit. Berry grit his teeth and looked down the space between their bodies, and he marvelled at the sight.

“I’m inside of you.” He murmured, fascinated.

“You were before as well, too.” She quipped, releasing her leg wrapped grip on the colt. She grinned at his captivated expression, the colt’s interest in something she had become so used to seeing was endearing. She swayed her hips to the side, his cock moving with her, and he released a groan. “How does it feel?”

“I don’t think I can describe it.” He smirked, his eyes glancing up to look her in the eyes, their heights rendering him at her chest level while deep inside of her. The mare could see her lover’s excitement, but his further inaction caused her to roll her eyes.

“In and out, Berry.”

“I know how it works!” He snapped, ending with a pursed frown. “It’s just… logistics.”


“You know. How fast, how much do I pull out, how long do I spend out before I slam back in?”


“I have a protractor for a cutie mark... Mathematics is kind of my thi-“

Velvet silenced him with an open mouth kiss, although this time he was indifferent to the taste, and leant into it. He seemed to realise the correct method to sex, and he was astounded at how long it took him to come to this epiphany: Just do what feels right, and what feels good. He spread his own legs as he raised his flank, moaning into each other’s mouths as he withdrew from her. When he pulled out all but the flare, not wanting to lose Velvet’s tightness around his cock, then thrust right back to the base, his balls slapping against her ass. Their mouths parted, moaning and filling the silence of the room with their guttural howls of ecstasy.

“There you are.”

Berry, unable to stand on his forehooves, wrapped his limbs around his lover, his head pressed against her chest. He repeated the same movement, raising his ass up and darting back inside, bringing both pleasure. Velvet felt his cock twitch and throb inside of him, and he appeared to be taken by pleasure’s grip. He wasn’t just having sex with her, he was fucking her, and she loved it. He listened to her heart, his thrusts matching the tempo of her beat. It was sort of funny. It all joined together in a subject he didn’t have much interest in: Music. The slaps, the heartbeats, the moans. It was a song of sex. It wasn’t profound or enlightening, but the thought drove him even harder to perfect the crescendo.

He slammed his hips into her, pulled out slowly, and slammed back in. Force was key, her moans meant he had unlocked something. Velvet’s hooves that she had wrapped around him tightened whenever he hilted into her cunt. The colt had known no greater ecstasy. Velvet’s pussy almost had a suction to it, reluctant to let his cock leave her when it pulled out, and when it did, it tried to suck it back in. Berry was close, he had hastened his thrusts into her tunnel, his moans had increased in volume. Their hips connected even more every second, slapping of flesh had overtaken moans in volume and number, and both parties had clenched their eyes shut to relish the feelings.

“I’m close.” They both said in unison, both two absorbed in their lusts to even care at the happy accident. Velvet wrapped her legs around him again, pulling him in before he got even halfway out, the mare trying to bring herself to orgasm quicker. This had the same effect on Berry’s whose unprompted thrusts brought him quicker to the brink than he thought possible. It all seemed to finish in a flash, for both of them. Her legs went limp but Berry thrust into her unassisted, embedding himself to the hilt, his balls emptying themselves of his seed in her moist pot. This is what prompted Velvet’s orgasm, his torrent of warm teenage seed flooding into her pussy and all over her womb, her folds clenching around his hose.

They both rode out their orgasms, panting in silence as the good feelings subsided. Berry lay on her chest, still fully embedded into her, finding the warmness her snatch brought pleasant, not wanting to part with it, not that Velvet would have allowed him anyway. Her arms held him close, her head nuzzling into his mane. Neither of them had anything to say, simply enjoying each others’ company in the surprisingly intimate display. They continued to cuddle for a long time, both of them tired but neither wanting to sleep, the both of them greedy in their consumption of the affections of the other.

“How long was that?” Berry asked out of curiosity, tapering off his body’s desire sleep, although only temporarily.

“About thirty minutes.” Velvet replied, her state not unlike her lover’s.

“It really does fly…”

The two remained in silence, Velvet flicking off the lamp with her magic, both at the edge of falling from their embrace into that of Luna’s, although the moment was delayed by Velvet this time, who spoke in a whisper.

“When you wake up, you’ll find you father’s money on the nightstand.”

“But I… We…” Berry’s voice was drowsy, and tapered off as he finally caught sleep. Velvet quietly chuckled at the colt’s flustered demeanor, even as he was caught by sleep. Although as he lay silent on her chest, and she could feel his breaths against her coat, she brought her lips to his ear.

“You’re not a customer.”

...But the finest parts of pure love.

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A month had passed since Berry’s dalliance with Velvet, and every day he found his thoughts drawn to that moment. The passion, the pleasure, her. She occupied his every thought, was in every dream, a name he founded he wanted to say but the pony who he wanted to say it to. Berry tried to find her again at the brothel, but she apparently had not been seen there for weeks, apparently her reputation soured due to some event none of the mares would share with him. He thought he had seen her wander the city every now again. Getting over excited when he saw a mare with a reddish coat in his peripheries, only to be let down immensely when he saw it was a stranger. Admittedly his knowledge of the mare didn’t go beyond her name, but it did nothing to lessen his infatuation with her. He didn't wish for any other companion than her.

“Berry!” A voice called to him, breaking him out his reverie.

“What?” He exclaimed wide-eyed, remembering where he was. The colt surveyed his surroundings, the grand white marble walls and fear inducing height of the ceiling was all too clear a reminder of his locale. “Oh, I’m just at school.”

“The heck is wrong you, Berry?” The colt adjacent to him asked, his voice a shout compared to the general volume of everyone speaking in the dining hall. His friend wasn’t spectacular in looks, with a off-white coat, and a peach coloured mane. However his posh sounding accent still made him stand out amongst the school crowd, nevermind the fact his father had five Manehatten skyscrapers in his name, and he was wealthy, even by Canterlot standards.

“Nothing.” Berry sounded dismissive, looking down at his already empty plate. It had skipped his mind that he had already ate, or maybe he hadn’t picked up any food at all.

“This is about your parents isn’t it?” He attempted to console, but in all honesty Berry wanted that to remain buried. His parents had filed for a divorce last two weeks ago. It was civil, but it still tore and ravaged his insides. “At least it’s lacking in chaos. My mother caught my father in the ‘act’. In their own wedding bed no less. You’re different, my friend.”

“How?” Berry asked, leaning on the table with his elbows. He stared with an exasperated expression, something he found was common in his presence.

“Your mother and father are acting civilised. They declared their lack of love for each other and have chosen to be cordial in the matter. They aren’t tugging at each side of your body and demanding to keep you for themselves. And from what you told me, the house is quieter.” He explained the situation to Berry, leaning forward when he finished the sentence, delivering the next part in a frank manner. “By Celestia, you’re lucky. My mom and dad held screaming matches from dawn to dusk while they were together.”

For a moment, the heavy burdensome stress on his back seemed to be alleviated… That was until he remembered what he saw those many weeks ago. Velvet’s name, father’s bits, and an appointment date. The three things that lead to both the best night of his life, and the worst day of his life. He didn’t know what was worse, knowing his father lusted after other mares, or that he went through with it, with… her. He sighed sadly at the idea, and was startled by a hoof slamming on the table.

“Hey, Berry!” He demanded his full attention, his hoof shooting back and forth between the two of their eyes. “Are you looking at me?”

“Yeah, yeah.” He swiped the hoof away, looking exasperated, an expression he wore all too often around him.

“Next month: Me, a train, and a crap ton of bits are going to Manehatten for end of term break, and I’m not gonna look back until break is over, because I’m sure as heck not gonna get bored before then. What’dya say. Want to come with?” He proposed, an idea Berry wasn’t too turned off at the prospect of. He was sure his friend would shack the both of them up in his father’s hotel, gorging themselves in expensive food, exploring the prosperous city. Fun was a certainty, but still, he could only scratch the back of his head, an answer not coming forth from his mouth. “Ok, I’m gonna be honest. You’re kind of bumming me out right now. However a tried and true method of alleviating sadness is to bloomin get ouf of here. And I suggest you accompany me, my friend.”

“You want us to flunk?” Berry asked with disbelief, still looking irritated by his friend.

“There’s only an hour left after lunch.” He replied curtly, an explanation that Berry didn’t see the sense of.

“But we’re gonna miss, Mrs.Median’s class.” Berry reasoned, causing his friend to scoff.

“Who cares. You’ve been getting straight As ever since you got that mark on your ass.”

“Because I don’t miss class!” He replied, clear annoyance in his voice.

“Come on, Berry. If not for me, then I’m sure constantly worrying about Mrs.Median riding your flank after the weekend will help keep your mind preoccupied.” His friend argued, and Berry grumbled. He was persistent in getting his own way, but his intentions were pure, at least Berry thought.

“Fine...” Berry mumbled, his friend smacking his hooves together triumphantly.

“Great! Hey, you’ll thank me for this later. I just know it.” The other colt swung off his seat, and Berry followed, albeit with less enthusiasm.

The duo walked side by side, Berry looking shifty and paranoid, and his friend acting like he belonged. The two navigated the school’s many winding and complex hallways, the intricacy of which was barely remembered by either of them, as they had become so accustomed to them they were no more complicated than a maze on the back of a cereal box. When both of them reached the school’s entrance, which would be their exit, it was unattended, the high expectations of the students making the precaution unnecessary - Something which didn’t help ease Berry’s guilt, but at least his friend wasn’t wrong, he was already panicking about this.

“Feel that, Berry?” His friend asked as they left the school building, the cloudless sky casting a warm heat on the both of them.


“That’s the feeling of a great burden being lifted from your haunches,” He ignored Berry, a relieved sigh coming from his mouth. “And soon enough, my friend, you’ll be enjoying that extra hour to its fullest extent. I was thinking first we...”

Berry zoned out, his friend’s words distorting into white noise, looking sideways at the flower gardens that lined the path to the gates. The campus looked nice when bathed in Celestia’s sun, unfiltered by cloud, it made every colourful flower ‘pop’ out. His admiration of the garden faltered as he gave a pursed lip smile towards his friend, continuing his facade of listening. As his eyes swayed back, his neck turning along with them, he did a double take straight ahead at the gate, noticing something that hadn’t been there moments ago.

They weren’t far from the gate, the pony that stood leaning against the brick archway caused both of them to stop in place, although for entirely different reasons. His friend had a crooked smile, released a shrill whistle, and nudged Berry’s side.

“Get a load of her. I wouldn’t even be mad if she grabbed me by the ear and dragged me back inside.” His friend spoke in a hushed tone of voice, although humor was his intent, Berry wasn’t laughing.

It seemed insane. Of all the places, after all this time, it seems crazy that she’d appear here. It must have been some trick of the light. The parts of her coat not obscured by her dress looked that colour from the shade of the arch, her near perfect mane wasn’t unusual for mares of Canterlot, and amber irises weren’t all that uncommon. Despite every inch of his body telling him to doubt what he was seeing, he couldn’t control the smile that appeared on his face.

“Velvet.” He muttered under his breath, a gleeful squeal halted in his throat.

“Wh- Hey, where are you going?”

Berry galloped ahead, a reckless sprint, his friend’s voice reduced to a peep. As he got closer, her features becoming clearer, a small smile on her lips, he became more certain of her identity. His smile grew in size, and his heart threatened to beat out of his chest, and a joy grew in his stomach that threatened to come out as a howling guffaw.

“Hello, Ber -oof!” Velvet was cut off by the smaller pony tackling her in the chest, wrapping his hooves around her neck and nuzzling into her chest. The colt’s giddiness and warmth prompted her to return the embrace, her hooves folding over his neck. “Nice to see you too.”

“I can’t believe it’s you.” Berry spoke into her chest, his eyes clenched shut, fearing if he opened them she’d disappear. He knew it was absurd, but if it were possible she’d be here, then anything was.

“Believe it.” She spoke tenderly, her hoof stroking the back of his mane as he tried to bury himself into her chest. “It took me a while to find you.”

“That doesn’t matter.” He replied, close to a sob, his arms coiling tighter around the older mare. “Just that you’re here.”

“Are you going to cry?” She asked softly, her voice sounding concerned,

“No.” Berry lied with a mutter, his head turning downward, a moisture building at the corners of his eyes.

“Hey, hey,” She cooed, placing a hoof under his chin and directing it up, looking down into his blue eyes. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here now.”

“I know.”

Velvet wiped away his tears with her hoof and brought him back into her chest, planting a tender kiss on his forehead, holding him close. The two remained together for quite some time, Berry’s friend wandering off thinking the mare some member of family. As they left the school proper, Velvet detailed her departure from the brothel. Her verbal assault of one of the clients earned her the boot, although she wouldn’t mention the stallion by name, Berry was suspect... They couldn’t be seen kissing, nor sharing an intimate hug as they walked the streets of Canterlot, settling for pressing their sides against one another and enjoying each other’s warmth just as they had done that night. They conversed, occasionally they would walk in silence, merely finding solace in each other’s presence.

“You know we can’t call ourselves a couple, right.”


“And your parents can’t know about me.”


“And if we get caught, it’s my flank on the line."

Berry didn’t reply to the last one, looking toward the cobbled floor with a sad expression. Velvet rolled her eyes, nudging him in the side.

“I was just kidding, Berry,” Velvet reassured, momentarily bringing a hoof around his neck and bringing him close, “Besides, we won’t get caught.” She smirked, and Berry pressed into her, eyes closed, and a loving smile on his lips.